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EDITORIAL BOARD Kenneth J. Thomas, Kathryn E. Hensley, Johann De Castro
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The Association, since July 1970, has been classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt labor organization [not a union]; however, dues and gifts or contributions to the Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
KENNETH J. THOMAS President; KATHRYN E. HENSLEY Secretary/Treasurer natsectreas@narfe.orgINTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
NARFE HEADQUARTERS 606 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314 703-838-7760
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ET
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NARFE Magazine (ISSN 1948-4453) is published monthly except in February and July by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices. Members: Annual dues includes subscription. Nonmember subscription rate $48. Postmaster: Send address change to: NARFE Attn: Member Records, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To ensure prompt delivery, members should also forward changes of address without delay. Because of the volume involved, NARFE cannot acknowledge nor be responsible for unsolicited pictures and manuscripts, although every reasonable precau tion is taken. All submissions become the property of NARFE. Copyright © 2022, NARFE. Advertisements in the magazine are not endorsements of products and/or services by NARFE, unless officially stated in the ad. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in NARFE Magazine, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.
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To support legislation and regulations beneficial to federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants under any federal civilian retirement system and to oppose those detrimental to their interests.
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To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.
Are We There Yet?
Even as gas prices skyrocketed and inflation rose to levels not seen in decades, as President Joseph R. Biden’s approval ratings tanked and the dial for voters grew unimaginably bleak, a combination of factors have started tipping the midterms to Democrats. Damage to Donald Trump’s political fortunes by the revelations from the January 6 hearings, outrage over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, disgust at horrific mass shootings and positive economic indicators like declining gas prices are driving the bus.
People are struggling to afford soaring prices for everyday necessities, including food, gasoline and rent. Many say the country is in recession, no matter what yardstick economists use. Inflation is too high. Reading tea leaves shows the economy, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), declined in the second quarter. Many economists expected it would be the second straight quarter of 2022 with a shrinking GDP. That is one, though not the only, definition of recession. Round up the usual suspects.
This does not look like any kind of recession we have had before. An increase in imports driven by pandemic-related domestic shortages of goods and first-quarter GDP would have been positive. But while the trade deficit reduces GDP, it does not actually indicate a shrinking economy.
The much bigger issue for Democrats is not GDP. The biggest problem is inflation. The issue obliterates all others, from COVID to guns and the Ukraine war in polling of people’s top concerns. The Federal Reserve’s aggressive campaign to bring prices down by slowing demand with the blunt tool of interest rate hikes could very well work. But it could also cause at least a short recession itself, as often happens when the Fed is in tightening mode.
Democrats can take some solace in recent gas price declines. But those are not a lock to remain, given the volatility of the Ukraine war situation and sanctions on Russia set to hit later this year. And prices for most other goods and services remain
stubbornly high, easily wiping away wage gains and making people feel poorer and upset about the economy overall.
By raising borrowing rates, the Fed makes it costlier to take out a mortgage or an auto, or business loan. Consumers and businesses then borrow and spend less, cooling the economy and slowing inflation.
The Fed is tightening credit even while the economy has begun to slow, thereby heightening the risk that its rate hikes will cause a recession later this year or in 2023. The surge in inflation and fear of a recession have eroded consumer confidence and stirred public anxiety about the economy. Consumers are showing signs of cutting spending in the face of soaring prices. And business surveys suggest that sales are slowing.
The Fed is betting that it can slow growth just enough to tame inflation yet not trigger a recession — a risk that analysts fear may end badly.
But economists say that would not necessarily mean a recession had started. When the overall economy contracted, employers added 2.7 million jobs — more than in most entire years before the pandemic. Wages are also rising at a healthy pace, with employers still struggling to attract and retain enough workers.
“How much recession risk are you willing to bear to get (inflation) back to 2%, quickly, versus over the course of several years?” asked Nathan Sheets, a former Fed economist who is global chief economist at CitiBank. “Those are the kinds of issues they’re going to have to wrestle with.”

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— J. Fitzgerald, VA
IF YOU haven’t checked out NARFE’s new online community yet, what are you waiting for? FEDHub supports your federal journey, leveraging the knowledge and value of our entire NARFE community—all that’s missing is you. Join the conversation at quick-start-guide.

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ANARFE chapter is your local connection to NARFE. With more than 800 chapters, there’s a good chance you’ll find one close to home, wherever you are.
Chapters offer a host of benefits and opportunities for their members, especially as in-person meetings return across the country. And when you join a local chapter, you can make your
voice heard as part of grassroots advocacy campaigns engaging with local lawmakers. To find out more and locate a chapter near you, visit www.
READ NARFE MAGAZINE ONLINE NARFE’s website now offers a digital flipbook of this and previous issues at www. magazineissues. You can read the magazine online on your computer, phone or tablet, or download it to peruse later.
CATCH UP on past NARFE Federal Benefits Institute presentations in NARFE’s webinar archive, where you’ll find videos, slides and transcripts of question-and-answer sessions for webinars dating to January 2019. Find them at
TSP UPDATE ONLINE NARFE partners with the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board to give members the most recent monthly and annual Thrift Savings Plan returns (G, F, C, S, I and L Funds) online. Find them online at

Find out how many retirement claims OPM Retirement Services receives and processes each month, with average processing times and total inventory, at

NARFE National President Joins Congressional Leaders to Promote WEP/GPO Repeal
for a vote, so long as it maintains at least 290 cosponsors for 25 legislative days, and is not reported by the committee with primary jurisdiction (here, the Committee on Ways & Means). At press time, H.R. 82 had 299 cosponsors, surpassing the necessary amount.
For decades, public servants have been waiting for a solution to the unfair Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), Spanberger noted. Stressing the importance of the bill, Thomas cited that the “time to act is now,” and that the bill could be voted on in the House as early as September.
But the road ahead is still uncertain, as some may seek to prevent a floor vote. The day prior, the bill faced a “hiccup,” as Davis described it. He was referring to a provision (section 7) included in H. Res 1289, passed by the House, that changed the rules of the game after the fact, by turning off the counting of legislative days for purposes of the Consensus Calendar, thereby preventing H.R. 82 from banking the
necessary days to qualify for a floor vote.
Under House rules adopted at the start of the Congress, any bill receiving 290 or more cosponsors may be placed on the House Consensus Calendar, teeing it up
In response to the impending rule change, NARFE and other allied organizations raised alarm bells with members of Congress. With the help of leaders like Spanberger, Davis and others, House leadership committed to reversing the late rule change.

This year, Federal Employment Retirement System (FERS) retirees are once again on track to receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) reduced by 1 percentage point less than the change in consumer prices (which occurs when consumer prices increase by more than 3 percent). That means their COLA won’t keep pace with increasing inflation. NARFE supports the Equal COLA Act, H.R. 304/S. 4221, a bill that would ensure FERS retirees receive COLAs equal to change in consumer prices, regardless of how much prices have risen. Visit NARFE’s Legislative Action Center at and send a letter to your lawmakers urging them to cosponsor this crucial bill.
MYTH: Federal employees cannot be fired for any reason.
REALITY: Federal employees can be fired for performance issues and for misconduct. Approximately 10,000 federal employees are fired every year.
The next day, they rolled it back in H. Res. 1300, keeping alive the bill’s prospects of a House vote.
Since the WEP and GPO’s implementation more than four decades ago, federal retirees have been subjected to an unfair reduction in their Social Security benefits. Introduced by Rep. Davis, the Social Security Fairness Act would
repeal these provisions that penalize public servants. At the press conference, Rep. Garret Graves, R-LA, noted that future generations of public servants should not be penalized by these ill-advised policies, but rather incentivized to enter these professions.
For years, NARFE has dedicated advocacy and lobbying
efforts to gaining support for this bill. But we need to keep pushing, by adding supporters to ensure we maintain the requisite total, and by pushing for a floor vote. Lend your voice now by using NARFE’s Legislative Action Center to contact your members of Congress.
After passing the Senate earlier in August, the Inflation Reduction Act, H.R. 5376, passed the House on Friday, August 12, by a vote of 220-207, and was signed into law by President Biden on August 16. The bill will produce $300 billion in estimated deficit reduction from about $739 billion in increased revenue and health care savings paired with about $443 billion in energy, climate and health care spending, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
Health care savings derive primarily from reduced Medicare spending on prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate the
price of some of those drugs and requiring pharmaceutical companies to provide rebates
beyond. Some of the health care savings offset caps on Medicare Part D enrollee cost sharing and extend some Affordable Care subsidies.
when they raise the price of their drugs at a rate greater than inflation. Once law, Medicare will be able to negotiate the prices of 10 prescription drugs in 2026, and another 15 drugs in 2027 and 2028, with the number rising further in 2029 and
The bill is estimated to bring in more than $400 billion in additional revenue from a new 15% corporate minimum tax, greater Internal Revenue Service enforcement and a 1% excise tax on corporate buybacks. Those savings and increased revenue are designed to offset the bill’s major energy and climate change spending and tax credits.

LEARN MORE about how you can take action to protect your earned pay and benefits by reviewing NARFE Grassroots materials at
Countdown to Election Day—November 8!
With only days until the November 8 mid-term election, incumbents and new candidates are taking advantage of every second they can to interact with voters. NARFE members, especially those who successfully advocated during Grassroots Advocacy Month in August, have additional opportunities to continue their work educating politicians about NARFE’s legislative priorities while they are wrapping up campaign activities between now and Election Day.
As constituents and voters, it is our responsibility to be informed about and evaluate a politician’s policies before we elect them to work on our behalf to propose, support and create laws that govern the land. Therefore, meeting new candidates on the campaign trail to educate them about NARFE is crucial in building relationships and to our overall advocacy efforts. Additionally, NARFE’s robust and diverse membership, which is spread across the country, has an opportunity to educate every individual competing for a seat in Congress.
Meeting with incumbents while they campaign to discuss their actions on NARFE’s legislative priorities is a great way to thank them for their support (or educate them if they don’t have a history of supporting them). Likewise, don’t wait until the election is over to introduce
yourself and NARFE to new candidates. Meet with them while they are stomping hard to secure your support so that you can secure theirs.
newly elected lawmakers and incumbents as soon as the 118th Congress begins in January 2023.
No citizen should sit on the sidelines on Election Day. NARFE encourages members to get out and vote. NARFE, like many nonprofit organizations, participates in election year activities to encourage its members, employees, families and community members to get involved in the political process. We’ve designed the NARFE GOTV 2022 Resource Center webpage located in the advocacy section of NARFE’s website at The webpage brings together nonpartisan, state-specific voter registration resources, all in one place, so that members can get ready to cast their votes on Election Day.
NARFE’s advocacy team is busy developing an “About NARFE” packet that will be available for download from the website at the end of December. The packet includes a summary of NARFE’s history and legislative priorities and information on the federal community, highlighting the size and influence of federal employees and annuitants in each state and district. Members can deliver this packet in person or mail or email the information to
NARFE federations or chapters can organize nonpartisan get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns. For clarity on what nonprofits can and cannot do during the election, visit the Internal Revenue Service website at www.irs. gov to access The Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations guide for staying compliant.
NARFE thanks you for your continued support of advocacy! Contact the advocacy team at if you have any questions.
First Responder Fair RETIRE Act Advances Through the Senate
On August 3, the First Responder Fair RETIRE Act, H.R. 521, advanced through the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. NARFE expressed its support for the bill in a letter submitted to the committee a day prior, August 2. Introduced January 28, 2021, by Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA, the bill would permit disabled federal first responders who sustained injury or illness on the job to maintain their public safety retirement system benefits should they continue their service in a non-public safety position.
Under current law, federal first responders, including law enforcement officers, Customs and Border Protection officers and firefighters, pay a higher percentage of their salary toward their annuity to retire either after 20 years of service at age 50 or after 25 years of service at any age with a mandatory separation of service by age 57. However, if a federal first responder sustains an on-thejob injury or illness so that they can no longer continue in their current position, they may become ineligible to receive the public safety worker retirement
benefits they were previously entitled to.
The proposed bill would rectify the current law by providing federal first responders with the opportunity to remain in the public safety retirement system should they decide to continue their service outside of their current system. Additionally, should a federal first responder separate from their service prior to receiving their annuity, the bill would provide a refund of their accelerated contributions.
—BY HANNAH MCLAIN, GRASSROOTS AND PROGRAMS ASSISTANTEnter the Silver Circle With a Contribution Today
The Silver Circle donor recognition program supports the direct work of NARFE: providing information and advocacy you rely on.

Your donation to the association’s general fund ensures that NARFE has the resources to continue to fight for the financial security and earned benefits for you and the federal community. Member dues alone cannot support this mission.
Donate now to the Silver Circle at
With NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:
• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on with a donation of $100 or more.

• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.
For details on making a tribute gift in honor of, or in memory of, an outstanding NARFE member, and to learn more about the Silver Circle donor recognition program, please visit or send an email to To donate by check, please see the coupon on Page 47.
NARFE NewsLine – A weekly newsletter that goes out to NARFE members on Tuesdays and includes weekly recaps of legislative news, compiled by NARFE’s advocacy and communications teams.

LEGISLATIVE ACTION CENTER – A one-stop site to send a letter to Congress, and more, at
NARFE Advocacy Defends Merit-Based System
Lawmakers and think tanks have elevated the push to revive the previous administration’s “Schedule F” executive order 13957, either via legislation or through plans to bring it back in a future administration. The Schedule F executive order created a new, expansive excepted service category without the traditional merit-based civil service rules and due process protections. Interpreted broadly, the exception could apply to tens or even hundreds of thousands of federal positions. Implementing that order would threaten the existence of the merit-based, nonpartisan federal civil service — the government’s standard since the late 1800s.
Recently, members of Congress have taken several NARFE-supported actions in opposition to “Schedule F.” Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA, joined by several colleagues and with NARFE’s endorsement, introduced on August 2 the Preventing a Patronage System Act, a bill that would prevent future administrations from creating new excepted service schedules to bypass traditional merit-system rules, unless Congress changed laws to allow it. The Senate Financial Services and General Governance also released a draft version of its annual appropriations bill that contains similar provisions to block the return of Schedule F.
NARFE will continue to push for passage of the bill provisions as a standalone or part of a larger package.
The House version of the bill, H.R. 302, was approved by the House Oversight and Reform Committee in May 2021.
bill would allow all federal workers to be considered at-will employees, eliminating the entire framework of merit-based civil service rules, creating a more divisive and unstable government going forward.
Under current federal law, federal employees are hired based on their qualifications for the job – their knowledge and competency. This system was formed in response to the incompetence and corruption of the spoils system of the late 1800s. The current system prevents hiring based on political allegiance to avoid the abuse of power by the executive branch and ensure competent employees. If the government reverts to the old system, millions of federal employees risk being fired based on political allegiance with the changing of each administration.
The provisions of the bill have also passed the full House of Representatives, twice, as part of larger bills: first, as section 2301 of the Protecting Our Democracy Act, H.R. 5314, on December 9, 2021; and second, as section 5705 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023, H.R. 7900, on July 14, 2022.
In addition to the “Schedule F” push, Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX, on on July 28 introduced the Public Service Reform Act, H.R. 8550. If enacted, the
In a letter to Congress, NARFE National President Ken Thomas voiced his concern over the bill, arguing it “undercuts the public’s faith in its government” and that the system in place “preserves expertise with the federal government and safeguards the rule of law.” NARFE will continue to fight for the meritbased civil service system that has served the country well for nearly 150 years.
Senate Bill Would Allow Federal Pay Increase, Focus on OPM Customer Service
The Senate Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee released its draft fiscal year 2023 (FY23) spending bill in late July. This Senate committee oversees budget authority for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), among other agencies.
The draft included report language requested by NARFE that expressed concerns about and asked for reporting on customer service issues. NARFE requested the language in a letter to appropriators expressing concern with delays within the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Retirement Services (RS) division. Previously, the House version of the same bill passed the lower chamber
with the same NARFE-requested language. NARFE continues to work with Congress to press for improved customer service for millions of federal employees and retirees nationwide.
This spending bill also supported the 4.6 percent average pay increase in President Joseph R. Biden’s FY23 budget. As with earlier House appropriations legislation, the draft bill is silent on this issue, allowing the president to authorize the federal pay increase. The president’s alternative pay plan, with its 4.1 percent across-the-board pay increase and 0.5 average locality pay increase, was sent to Congress August 31, 2022; if enacted, it would be the largest increase in
federal pay since 2002. Other representatives are pushing for a larger 5.1 percent pay raise in a NARFE supported standalone bill, H.R. 6398/S.3518, the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act, which was introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI).
The draft also included language to block the return of Schedule F, a new, expansive excepted service schedule that had been created at the end of the Trump Administration but was never fully implemented. (For more on this issue, see “NARFE Advocacy Defends the Merit Based System” on p. 12)
—BY JOHN ROBERT AYERS, POLICY AND PROGRAM ASSISTANTMonthly contributors of $10 or more receive a sustainer lapel pin

– Platinum lapel pin
q Other: _________
Contribute monthly through your annuity. Get started at Contribution totals are cumulative for the 2021-2022 election cycle

NARFE Member #: Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Occupation: Employer:
Signature: Date:
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like 100 percent of my contribution
To comply with federal law, we must use our best efforts to obtain, maintain and submit the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individ uals whose contributions exceed $200 each calendar year. NARFE-PAC is for the benefit of political candidates and activities on a national level. NARFE members have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal, and NARFE will neither favor nor disadvantage anyone based on the amount of a contribution or failure to make a voluntary contribution. The suggested amounts are only suggestions and not enforceable. Only members of NARFE may contribute to the PAC. Contributions from non-members will be returned. NARFE-PAC contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
H.R. 82/S. 1302: The Social Security Fairness Act / Rep. Rodney Davis, R-IL / Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH
Cosponsors: H.R. 82: 208 (D) 91 (R) S. 1302: 36 (D) 4 (R) 2 (I)
H.R. 2337: The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act / Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA
Cosponsors: H.R. 2337: 189 (D) 0 (R)
Repeals both the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means (H.R. 82) 01/04/2021; Motion filed to be placed on the House Consensus Calendar 07/15/2022
Referred to Senate Committee on Finance (S. 1302) 04/22/2021
Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly rebate of $150 to current beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and creating a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEP-affected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023).
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021
H.R. 4788: Well-Being for Every Public Servant Act of 2021 / Rep. Julia Letlow, R-LA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4788: 0
H.R. 5723: Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust / Rep. John Larson, D-CT
Cosponsors: H.R. 5723: 202 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 5834: Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2021/ Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX
Cosponsors: H.R. 5834: 3 (D) 51 (R)
Fully repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision for individuals whose combined monthly income from their non-Social Security covered government annuity and Social Security benefits is $5,500 or lower, with graduated implementation on benefits above that amount.
Expands and strengthens Social Security benefits, improves the solvency of the Social Security trust fund, repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, and provides for numerous other Social Security related improvements.
Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly payment of $100 to current WEPaffected beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and $50 for an affected spouse or child. Creates a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEPaffected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023).
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021
H.R. 7657: Reducing the Effects of the Cyberattack on OPM Victims Emergency Response Act Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC
Cosponsors: H.R. 7657: 1 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 51/S. 51 Washington D.C. Admission Act / Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE
Cosponsors: H.R. 51: 216 (D) 0 (R) S. 51: 44 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
Provides a lifetime’s worth of free identity protection coverage for those whose data was breached during the 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Education and Labor, and Energy and Commerce 10/27/2021
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 11/03/2021
Provides for the admission of the State of Washington, DC, into the Union.
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 05/03/2022
Passed the House 4/22/2021, by a vote of 216-208
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 06/22/2021
NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position

H.R. 302/S. 4702: Preventing a Patronage System Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 302: 13 (D) 3 (R) S. 4702: 9 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 6066: Strengthening the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 6066: 2 (D) 1 (R)
H.R. 6104: Building the Next Generation of Federal Employees Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 6104: 3 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 7376/S. 3487: Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act / Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA /Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-AZ
Cosponsors: H.R. 7376: 6 (D) 1 (R) S. 3487: 2 (D) 3 (R)
H.R. 6967/S. 3423: Chance to Compete Act of 2021 / Rep. Jody Hice, R-GA / Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-AZ
Cosponsors: H.R. 6967: 3 (D) 2 (R) S. 3423: 1 (D) 2 (R)
H.R. 3076: The Postal Service Reform Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY
Requires presidential administrations to obtain the agreement of Congress to reclassify competitive service positions outside of merit system principles.
Codifies several recommendations for OPM by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), such as clarifying that OPM stands at the center of federal civilian human resource management and ensuring the director of OPM possesses human capital and leadership expertise.
Establishes a comprehensive Federal Internship and Fellowship Center within the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to administer, manage and promote all federal internship and fellowship programs. The bill also credits fellows and interns who meet all qualifications with an additional five points in the competitive service examination.
Increases death benefits and funeral allowances for federal employees ($90,000 increase in death benefit for survivors and $8,000 increase to funds granted for funeral allowances).
Passed the House by a vote of 225-204 09/15/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 08/02/2022
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 25-14 12/02/2021
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 20-15 05/11/2022
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, 24-14 05/10/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 02/22/2022
Implements merit-based reforms to the civil service hiring system that replace degree-based hiring with skills- and competency-based hiring.
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform unanimously 04/06/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 02/02/2022
Cosponsors: H.R. 3076: 58 (D) 44 (R)
An amended version of the bill addresses previous NARFE concerns and includes provisions that would prevent unintended increases to Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plan premiums for all federal employees and retirees, preserve choice for current postal retirees regarding whether to enroll in Medicare Part B, repeal the mandate to prefund future postal retiree health benefits, and codify the standard six-day mail delivery schedule.
Amended version of H.R. 3076 passed the House by a vote of 342-92 and the Senate by 79-19; signed into law 4/6/2022
H.R. 2954: Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021 Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA
Cosponsors: H.R. 2954: 55 (D) 48 (R)
Increases the age at which required minimum distributions (RMDs) start and increases the limit on catch-up contributions to qualified employersponsored retirement plans, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
Passed the House by a vote of 414-5 03/29/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 03/30/2022

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H.R. 304/S. 4221: The Equal COLA Act
Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA
Cosponsors: H.R. 304: 29 (D) 4 (R) S. 4221: 4 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 4315: The Fair COLA for Seniors Act / Rep. John Garamendi, D-CA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4315: 52 (D) 1 (R)
Provides Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees with the same annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) as Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) retirees.
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 01/13/2021
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 05/16/2022
Requires Social Security and federal retirement programs to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirement benefits.
Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Armed Services 09/07/2021
H.R. 4268: Federal Retirement Fairness Act / Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-WA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4268: 67 (D) 18 (R)
H.R. 521/S. 129: First Responder Fair RETIRE Act Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Jon Tester, D-MT
Cosponsors: H.R. 521: 20 (D) 6 (R) S. 129: 2 (D) 3 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 6398/S. 3518: The Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI
Cosponsors: H.R. 6398: 58 (D) 0 (R) S. 3518: 15 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 564/S. 1158: Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI
Cosponsors: H.R. 564: 37 (D) 0 (R) S. 1158: 9 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 2499/S. 1116: Federal Fire Fighters Fairness Act of 2022 Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-CA / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE
Cosponsors: H.R. 2499: 176 (D) 27 (R) S. 1116: 22 (D) 2 (R) 1 (I)
Allows federal employees who started their careers in temporary positions before transitioning into permanent roles to retroactively contribute toward their retirement for the years they held a temporary position.
Allows disabled federal first responders (e.g., law enforcement officers, customs and border protection officers, and firefighters) to continue receiving federal retirement benefits in the same manner as though they had not been disabled.
Provides federal employees with a 5.1 percent average pay raise in 2023.
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 06/30/2021
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 08/3/2022
Passed the House by a vote of 417-0 07/12/2022
Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 07/13/2022
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 1/13/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 01/19/2022
Extends paid leave to federal and postal employees for all conditions covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Advanced by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 07/20/2021
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 04/15/2021
Creates a presumption of occupational illness for federal firefighters, covering ailments such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and certain infectious diseases that 49 states already presume to be work-related for their state and local firefighters.
Passed the House by a vote of 288-131 05/12/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 05/12/2022
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Aetna Medicare is a HMO, PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. © 2021 Tivity Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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More Than Just Hearing Aids
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan members get a full hearing care package when they use their allowance through TruHearing®
The TruHearing Program Includes:
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1 The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Options up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. The Blue365® Discount Program offers access to savings on items that you may purchase directly from independent vendors, which may be different from items covered under the Service Benefit Plan or any other applicable federal healthcare program. For hearing aids, acupuncture, chiropractic and vision services, you must exhaust your Service Benefit Plan benefit first before accessing the savings of the Blue365®
Discount Program. To find out what is covered under your policy, contact the customer service number on the back of your member ID card. The products and services described herein are neither offered nor guaranteed under any local Blue company’s contract with the Medicare program. These items are not subject to the Medicare appeal process. Any disputes regarding these products and services are not subject to the Disputed Claims process. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) may receive payments from Blue365 vendors. Neither the Service Benefit Plan, nor any local Blue company recommends, endorses, warrants or guarantees any specific Blue365 vendor or item. The Service Benefit Plan reserves the right to change, modify, or terminate any item and vendors made available through Blue365, at any time.
$2,500 –$2,500
$2,500 –$2,500
2 Price shown does not include cost of comprehensive hearing exam. Examination and testing for prescribing of hearing aids is covered under the Service Benefit Plan. The member should confirm that the provider rendering the hearing exam is a Preferred provider. If the provider is Non-preferred, the member may be charged a maximum fee of $45 for the exam, and the member may need to submit a claim for reimbursement. Must be a Service Benefit Plan member to access TruHearing discounted pricing. TruHearing is offered through Blue365, which provides exclusive health and wellness deals and is a program of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program®, FEP® and Blue365® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

3 Smartphone compatible hearing aids connect directly to iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod® Touch devices. Connectivity also available to many Android® phones with use of an accessory.

4 Rechargeable features may not be available in all models and styles.
All content ©2021 TruHearing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TruHearing® is a registered trademark of TruHearing, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, and company names are the property of their respective owners. Listed benefit amount may differ from customer's actual benefit. Actual customer payment will vary. Follow-up provider visits included for one year following hearing aid purchase. Hearing aid repairs, and replacements subject to provider and manufacturer fees. For questions regarding fees, contact TruHearing customer service.
QI’ve worked longer than 41 years, 11 months and I have exceeded the CSRS maximum annuity. How are the “extra” contributions being made to CSRS returned upon retirement?
AOPM will determine the amount of any excess contributions and return them to you with interest when your retirement has been fully adjudicated. They will apply the excess amount first to any deposit owed for non-deduction service (potentially creditable federal service that was not covered by CSRS or FERS retirement deductions) and refunded retirement contributions that were refunded on or after March 1, 1991. OPM will then provide you an opportunity to purchase an additional annuity benefit before refunding your contributions. FERS does not have a maximum retirement benefit computation, therefore “excess contributions” do not apply.
QIf I have BCBS dental insurance, do I need to select the YES or NO on Section D, #4, of the CSRS SF 2801
retirement application that asks, “Are you enrolled in the Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)?”
AYou need to answer “Yes” to the question on the retirement application form (FERS SF 3107 in Section E or CSRS SF 2801 in Section D). Your Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Plan (FEDVIP) will automatically continue when you retire if you are enrolled as an employee. Your payroll provider will inform BENEFEDS you are no longer a current employee. There is a phone number (1-877-8883337, TTY: 1-877-889-5680, or International: +1-571-730-5942) on your retirement application form to call BENEFEDS to arrange to pay the premiums while you are in interim status with OPM during the processing of your retirement. OPM will begin to withhold premiums once
THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS & ANSWERS were compiled by NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute experts. NARFE does not provide legal, financial planning or tax advice or assistance.

your CSRS or FERS retirement benefit is finalized. During Open Season or if there is a qualifying life event, you may enroll, cancel or change your FEDVIP coverage at
QDecember 31, 2022, is my retirement date, and last day on the rolls of my agency. When will I receive my lump-sum annual leave payment and how is it calculated? Also, will I receive anything if there are leftover credit hours or travel comp time?
AEmployees who leave federal service will receive a lump-sum payment for all their unused annual leave on record as of the date of separation. December 31, 2022, will be a popular date for retirement, as it is the end of the leave year for most federal employees as well as the last day of the month, which will allow your FERS (and CSRS) retirement benefit to commence on January 1, 2023. Employees who carried over 240 hours of annual leave from 2021, and earned 208 hours in 2022 (and didn’t take
these hours), could have a final balance of 448 hours of unused annual leave available to cash out. Typically, the lump-sum payment is sent two to three pay periods or four to six weeks after one is off the agency’s rolls. Ask someone in your HR or payroll office when you might expect this payment, as it can take longer in some cases. According to OPM leave policy, the lump-sum leave period is the employee’s annual leave projected forward for all workdays the employee would have worked if he or she had remained in federal service, including holidays (even though they are typically non-workdays).
The lump-sum payments for accumulated and accrued annual leave must reflect any general pay adjustment and locality pay adjustment that becomes effective during the employee’s lumpsum leave period. Typically, the payments will be subject to a 25% federal tax withholding, a fixed percentage as determined by the state if tax is necessary, 6.2% for Social Security tax, and 1.45% for Medicare Part A tax.
QI never had dental or vision insurance (FEDVIP) as an employee. Can I sign up now that I am a retired federal employee?
AYes, Open Season is a very good time to review your options. This year’s Open Season will begin November 14 and run through December 12, 2022. Your coverage will take effect on January 1, 2023. FEDVIP is available to federal employees and retirees. In addition, eligibility is available for uniformed services members:
• Including retirees, reservists, family members and survivors
• Most retirees are eligible for dental coverage
• Most retirees and active-duty family members are eligible for vision coverage (if enrolled in a TRICARE health plan)
• Dependent children are covered until age 21 (nonstudents) or 23 (full-time students)
Details on how to contact BENEFEDS are above.
QI have been waiting over seven months for OPM to finalize my annuity payments. OPM “Services Online” indicates a specialist has been assigned. I have tried to have a conversation to fully understand what is causing such a long delay. I heard that OPM may be waiting on responses from other parties. I am assuming this might relate to deposits made for military and civilian prior service but not sure in the absence of details. Deposits were made years ago, and I submitted this evidence. What is going on?
AIt can be frustrating waiting for your annuity to be finalized. There are many reasons for a delay, such as:
• Retirements that are processed under one of the “special provisions” (law enforcement officer, firefighter, etc.) may take longer to adjudicate
• You are eligible for the FERS Annuity Supplement
• OPM is waiting for verification from the Payroll Office for a completed military deposit or other missing documentation
• Conflicting information was provided from HR and Payroll regarding service history, date of birth and other pertinent information
• A divorce decree was submitted and must be reviewed to determine benefits payable to a former spouse
• OPM is waiting for information from Social Security to compute the Offset for a CSRS Offset retirement
• OPM may be waiting for a response from the retiree regarding missing signatures,
Monthly % Change % Change from 253.412
OCTOBER 2021 271.552 0.92 1.17
NOVEMBER 273.042 0.55 1.72
DECEMBER 273.925 0.32 2.05
JANUARY 2022 276.296 0.87 2.93
FEBRUARY 278.943 0.96 3.92
MARCH 283.176 1.52 5.50
APRIL 284.575 0.49 6.02
MAY 288.022 1.21 7.30
JUNE 292.542 1.57 8.99
JULY 292.219 -0.11 8.87
AUGUST 291.629 -0.20 8.65
The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) decreased 0.20 percent in August 2022. To calculate the 2023 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), the 2022 thirdquarter indices will be averaged and compared with the 2021 third-quarter average of 268.421. The percentage increase determines the COLA. August’s index, 291.629, is up 8.65 percent from the base. The CPI represents purchases of food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services.
For FECA COLA updates, visit and search for FECA.
decisions regarding unpaid deposits, etc.
• The application may have been delayed in arriving at OPM from your former agency
It is important to include your address where you will be living shortly after you retire on your retirement application and keep OPM informed of any changes. It is also a good idea to keep contact information for your HR specialist and payroll office supervisor in the event you have questions about your retirement during processing. It is advisable to have at least six months of living expenses available during this transition. Eventually, OPM will finalize your retirement and make catch-up payments on any back pay it owes you. As a reminder, the FERS Annuity Supplement, if you are entitled to this benefit, is not paid until your retirement is finalized.
QMy wife is qualified for Social Security retirement, but she is subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) due to her government pension under CSRS. My Social Security benefit will not be affected by the WEP. If my wife files for Social Security at age 62, but I delay until 67, is she still eligible for the spousal Social Security benefit based on my earnings history? Her total benefit before WEP is higher than half of my FRA benefit but with the WEP it is lower.
ASince your wife retired under CSRS which is a retirement that was based on earnings that were not covered by Social Security during her federal employment, she may be affected by the WEP that can impact her own earned Social Security benefit and by the Government Pension Offset (GPO) that will impact the spousal
benefit she is entitled to that is based on your Social Security earnings. Social Security will offset the spousal benefit by 2/3 of her CSRS retirement benefit, which will often eliminate any spousal or widow’s benefit payments based on your work record.
For more details on the GPO and WEP and government employees or retirees, visit retirement/planner/gpo-wep.html
QMy wife and I are federal annuitants. At retirement we elected a reduced spousal survivor benefit of 25% for each other. We are now divorcing and seeking to rescind this election to continue maximum annuities for ourselves with no reduction. There are no other beneficiaries for the benefits. Is there a form available? Are we required to submit a judge’s order/ divorce decree? How may we proceed with this mutually agreedupon request?
AYour election to provide a survivor annuity for a current spouse terminates upon the death of that spouse or if the marriage ends due to divorce or annulment. Once you are divorced, be sure to provide OPM with a copy of your divorce decree. You can do this by mailing a certified copy of the entire court order and all supporting documentation to OPM at:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Retirement Operations Center Post Office Box 45 Boyers, PA 16017-0045
Along with this information, you should request that your reduced annuity be restored to the unreduced amount (i.e., the amount without the reduction for survivor benefit election),
retroactive to the date of the divorce. Be sure to include your CSA number, full name and signature with your request.
Here is a link to more information on this at the OPM website: https://www. my-annuity-and-benefits/ life-events/#url=MarriageDivorce
QWhy is the FERS Annuity Supplement different from what the agency said? I was counting on that amount in my retirement.
AThe FERS Annuity Supplement cannot be accurately determined until you’ve retired, and, like your retirement benefit, the final authority over this calculation lies with OPM. The supplement computation is determined by several factors, including constructed earnings history based on actual pay subject to retirement deductions. The service used to determine the FERS supplement is only your civilian employment under FERS. If you have paid your military service credit deposit, that time will be used to compute your FERS basic retirement benefit but cannot be included in the computation of the FERS supplement. Agencies use different software in preparing their retirement estimates, and it may be possible that the military service was included in the agency estimate of the supplement.
OPM’s pamphlet Information for FERS Annuitants provides general overview on how the supplement is calculated: https:// pamphlets/ri90-8.pdf
The CSRS and FERS Handbook Chapter 51 provides
the details of how the supplement is calculated. To learn more, visit csrsfers-handbook/c051.pdf
QI am a CSRS annuitant (retired almost 20 years) with an election of the maximum survivor benefit to my wife. A portion of my annuity is tax-free from my retirement contributions. We have been doing some estate planning recently, which has raised a couple of questions. First, in the event of my death and my spouse survives me, if I have not claimed the full amount of my retirement contributions as tax-free income, can my surviving spouse continue to claim the taxfree income amount until all the retirement contributions are used?
Second, in the event both of us should pass away without using all the retirement contributions as tax-free income, what happens to the remaining contributions if there is no qualified survivor?
AOnce you retire, you will continue to have a portion of your annuity tax-free until you fully recover your retirement contributions. In the event you pass away and there are contributions yet to be recovered, your surviving spouse will continue to recover them in her survivor annuity. Assuming you or your spouse fully recover these contributions during your lifetime, your annuity (or the survivor annuity) will become fully taxable at that point. If your annuity starting date is after July 1, 1986, and the cost of your annuity
your (or the survivor annuitant’s) death, a deduction is allowed for the unrecovered cost. The deduction is claimed on your (or your survivor’s) final tax return as an “Other Itemized Deduction.”

If your annuity starting date is before July 2, 1986, no tax benefit is allowed for any unrecovered cost at death. Details are found in IRS Publication 721 https://www.irs. gov/pub/irs-pdf/p721.pdf
You will need to review your state’s or perhaps other states’ tax policies. Visit https://taxfoundation. org/center/state-tax-policy/.

To obtain an answer to a federal benefits question, NARFE members should call 800-456-8410 and select option 2 for the Federal Benefits Institute; send the question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or submit it by email

TRICARE or TRICARE for Life and FEHB Advantages

Military retirees and their eligible family members are covered by a health care program known as TRICARE or TRICARE for Life (TFL). Civilian federal employees are eligible to choose from many health care plans though the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program. Military retirees who work in federal civilian jobs may choose to enroll in an FEHB plan for themselves and their eligible family members in addition to having coverage under TRICARE. Generally, TRICARE covers children until age 21 or 23 if in college, whereas FEHB will cover children to age 26.
For more details on family eligibility under TRICARE, visit For more details on family eligibility under FEHB, visit https://www. healthcare/reference-materials/ reference/family-members/.
TRICARE or TFL provides excellent health care. Federal civilian employees who are eligible for TRICARE may choose to enroll in an FEHB plan that may provide additional benefits or added flexibility. When combined with TRICARE, FEHB will become the primary payer. Coverage under TRICARE counts toward the five years necessary to continue FEHB into retirement if you are enrolled in an FEHB plan on the date of retirement. As a retiree, you may suspend your FEHB coverage in retirement under certain circumstances such as when you are covered by TRICARE, TRICARE for Life or CHAMPVA (health benefits for the spouse or surviving spouse of—or child of—a veteran with disabilities or a veteran who has died). While
suspended, you will not be covered and will not pay premiums for your suspended FEHB plan. Retirees may use Retirement and Insurance Form RI 79-9 to suspend their FEHB coverage. ( pdf_fill/ri79-9.pdf ) To cancel the suspension, use OPM Form 2809 and Qualifying Life Event 2C (involuntary loss of coverage) or 2D (Open Season) to reenroll.
Federal employees who are turning 65 may choose to use FEHB coverage instead of TFL, as FEHB plans do not require enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B to maintain coverage. If you delay enrollment in Medicare Part B and rely solely on your FEHB coverage through your or your spouse’s current employment, you may sign up for Medicare Part B during the Special Enrollment Period (SEP) without penalty before you retire or within eight months following your retirement. Your TFL coverage begins on the first day you have both Medicare Parts A and B coverage. To use the SEP to enroll in Medicare Part B, you will need to contact Social
Security to set up an appointment to provide proof that you were covered by “current employment” health coverage. You will need forms CMS 40-B (Application to enroll in Medicare Part B) and CMS L-564 (Request for Employment Information).

Section 9 of all FEHB brochures provide details on how FEHB coordinates with TRICARE. Find the brochure at healthcare-insurance/healthcare/ plan-information/compare-plans/ Now is an excellent time to review your current health coverage and compare the benefits of your FEHB plan options. Open Season will begin on November 14 and continue through December 12. Open Season elections will be effective January 1, 2023, for retirees and most active employees this year. For Postal Service employees, the 2022 leave year ends January 13, 2023, with Open Season changes taking effect on January 14, 2023.
OPM has a number of Q&As specific for FEHB and TRICARE, CHAMPVA, TRICARE for Life on their website: https://www. Scroll down to the bottom of the “refine by subtopic” column to find them.

On September 30, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced the premium rates for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program’s 2023 plan year.
The enrollee share of premiums for employees and annuitants will increase an average of 8.7% in 2023. The average increase in the government share of premiums will be 6.6%.
The overall average total premium will be 7.2% more in 2023, which is higher than the average FEHB increases experienced in the past 12 years but in line with premium increases projected for or reported by other large private- and public-sector employers.
FEHB carriers may offer up to three plan options of any plan type: Self Only, Self Plus One or Self and Family. Overall, the FEHB program will offer 271 health plan choices in 2023. The actual number of choices available to any given enrollee will be lower and will vary by geographic location.
Changes in FEHB coverage may be made during Federal
Benefits Open Season, November 14 to December 12. Also included in Open Season are the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) (see p. 42) and the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS).

There is no need for enrollees to re-enroll in FEHB and
the four restricted FFS plans and the largest participating HMOs; the 2023 cost of each plan for both employees and retirees; and the increase or decrease from 2022.
Employees pay premiums on a biweekly basis; retirees pay premiums on a monthly basis. Changes in FEHB enrollee premiums vary from plan to plan. For a listing of all premiums, go to www.opm. gov/healthcare-insurance/ open-season/
FEDVIP unless they want to change plans or their current plan ceases participation. However, employees must re-enroll in FSAFEDS every year to continue to participate.
The tables on pages 29, 30 and 32 list the 14 open-to-all fee-for-service (FFS) plans,
New Reimbursement for Medicare Part B Premiums. In addition to existing plan options that offer some form of Medicare Part B reimbursement depending on the FEHB enrollees’ enrollment in Medicare Part B or Medicare Advantage, the following seven plan options will now offer some reimbursement for an enrollee’s Medicare Part B premiums for those who also
Plan Option Code Total Premium Govt Pays Enrollee Pays
Enrollee Increase/Decrease biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly APWU HEALTH PLAN
High Self 471 380.72 824.89 259.72 562.73 121.00 262.16 14.61 31.65
High Self & Family 472 913.68 1979.64 611.42 1324.74 302.26 654.90 33.43 72.44
High Self Plus One 473 799.47 1732.19 560.52 1214.46 238.95 517.73 25.99 56.32
CDHP Self 474 295.32 639.86 221.49 479.90 73.83 159.96 4.18 9.05
CDHP Self & Family 475 700.21 1517.12 525.16 1137.84 175.05 379.28 9.91 21.47
CDHP Self Plus One 476 641.86 1390.70 481.40 1043.03 160.46 347.67 9.08 19.68
Standard Self 104 402.12 871.26 259.72 562.73 142.40 308.53 14.93 32.34
Standard Self & Family 105 959.31 2078.51 611.42 1324.74 347.89 753.77 33.78 73.20
Standard Self Plus One 106 879.37 1905.30 560.52 1214.46 318.85 690.84 29.24 63.35
Basic Self 111 346.39 750.51 259.72 562.73 86.67 187.78 6.49 14.05
Basic Self & Family 112 849.33 1840.22 611.42 1324.74 237.91 515.48 25.62 55.52
Basic Self Plus One 113 778.42 1686.58 560.52 1214.46 217.90 472.12 21.77 47.17
FEP Blue Focus Self 131 216.86 469.86 162.65 352.40 54.21 117.46 1.07 2.31
FEP Blue Focus Self & Family 132 512.78 1111.02 384.59 833.27 128.19 277.75 2.52 5.46
FEP Blue Focus Self Plus One 133 466.18 1010.06 349.64 757.55 116.54 252.51 2.29 4.96
High Self 311 365.46 791.83 259.72 562.73 105.74 229.10 0.88 1.90
High Self & Family 312 915.81 1984.26 611.42 1324.74 304.39 659.52 2.14 4.65
High Self Plus one 313 804.01 1742.02 560.52 1214.46 243.49 527.56 -1.27 -2.75
Standard Self 314 275.10 596.05 206.33 447.04 68.77 149.01 6.11 13.24
Standard Self & Family 315 723.69 1568.00 542.77 1176.00 180.92 392.00 16.07 34.83
Standard Self Plus One 316 591.49 1281.56 443.62 961.17 147.87 320.39 13.14 28.47
HDHP Self 341 277.48 601.21 208.11 450.91 69.37 150.30 6.16 13.35
HDHP Self & Family 342 733.12 1588.43 549.84 1191.32 183.28 397.11 16.28 35.28
HDHP Self Plus One 343 596.59 1292.61 447.44 969.46 149.15 323.15 13.25 28.71
Elevate Plus Self 251 343.10 743.38 257.33 557.54 85.77 185.84 6.64 14.40 Elevate Plus Self & Family 252 821.25 1779.38 611.42 1324.74 209.83 454.64 19.20 41.60
Elevate Plus Self Plus One 253 748.16 1621.01 560.52 1214.46 187.64 406.55 5.13 11.11
Elevate Self 254 202.77 439.34 152.08 329.51 50.69 109.83 1.95 4.22
Elevate Self & Family 255 578.69 1253.83 434.02 940.37 144.67 313.46 8.19 17.75 Elevate Self Plus One 256 475.34 1029.90 356.51 772.43 118.83 257.47 6.72 14.57
Value Self 414 232.82 504.44 174.62 378.33 58.20 126.11 2.23 4.85 Value Self & Family 415 562.66 1219.10 422.00 914.33 140.66 304.77 5.41 11.72 Value Self Plus One 416 551.65 1195.24 413.74 896.43 137.91 298.81 5.30 11.49
Standard Self 454 322.43 698.60 241.82 523.95 80.61 174.65 2.35 5.09 Standard Self & Family 455 749.31 1623.51 561.98 1217.63 187.33 405.88 5.46 11.83
Standard Self Plus One 456 742.18 1608.06 556.64 1206.05 185.54 402.01 -10.38 -22.48
HDHP Self 481 314.77 682.00 236.08 511.50 78.69 170.50 2.29 4.97
HDHP Self & Family 482 731.39 1584.68 548.54 1188.51 182.85 396.17 5.33 11.54
HDHP Self Plus One 483 696.57 1509.24 522.43 1131.93 174.14 377.31 5.07 10.99
High Self 321 362.70 785.85 259.72 562.73 102.98 223.12 4.70 10.18
High Self & Family 322 822.72 1782.56 611.42 1324.74 211.30 457.82 9.28 20.11
High Self Plus One 323 802.25 1738.21 560.52 1214.46 241.73 523.75 7.38 15.99
CDHP Self 324 222.91 482.97 167.18 362.23 55.73 120.74 1.09 2.36
CDHP Self & Family 325 528.11 1144.24 396.08 858.18 132.03 286.06 3.85 8.33
CDHP Self Plus One 326 491.81 1065.59 368.86 799.19 122.95 266.40 2.41 5.23
Value Self KM1 182.96 396.41 137.22 297.31 45.74 99.10 0.90 1.94
Value Self & Family KM2 433.62 939.51 325.22 704.63 108.40 234.88 3.15 6.84
Value Self Plus One KM3 403.61 874.49 302.71 655.87 100.90 218.62 1.98 4.28
High Self 441 415.81 900.92 259.72 562.73 156.09 338.19 -2.75 -5.96
High Self & Family 442 997.94 2162.20 611.42 1324.74 386.52 837.46 -8.22 -17.81
High Self Plus One 443 914.78 1982.02 560.52 1214.46 354.26 767.56 -9.25 -20.04
Standard Self 444 336.54 729.17 252.41 546.88 84.13 182.29 2.25 4.88
Standard Self & Family 445 767.80 1663.57 575.85 1247.68 191.95 415.89 5.59 12.11
Standard Self Plus One 446 724.34 1569.40 543.26 1177.05 181.08 392.35 2.46 5.34
For restricted
2023, annuity payments. If verified
be reflected in February
is required, the change notice from OPM should suffice for annuitants; the notification from their agency
Total Premium
Govt Pays
Enrollee Pays
Enrollee Increase/Decrease
High Self JN1 613.31 1328.84 259.72 562.73 353.59 766.11 20.81 45.09
High Self & Family JN2 1378.80 2987.40 611.42 1324.74 767.38 1662.66 42.89 92.93
High Self Plus One JN3 1365.14 2957.80 560.52 1214.46 804.62 1743.34 43.50 94.25
Basic Self JN4 355.72 770.73 259.72 562.73 96.00 208.00 -0.43 -0.93
Basic Self & Family JN5 814.07 1763.82 610.55 1322.87 203.52 440.95 -3.38 -7.33
Basic Self Plus One JN6 747.54 1619.67 560.52 1214.46 187.02 405.21 -5.55 -12.02 DC, MD, VA AETNA DIRECT - CAPITOL REGION
CDHP Self N61 296.04 641.42 222.03 481.07 74.01 160.35 1.52 3.28
CDHP Self & Family N62 746.57 1617.57 559.93 1213.18 186.64 404.39 3.82 8.27
CDHP Self Plus One N63 649.23 1406.67 486.92 1055.00 162.31 351.67 3.33 7.20
Standard Self 2G4 472.28 1023.27 259.72 562.73 212.56 460.54 39.46 85.49
Standard Self & Family 2G5 1122.14 2431.30 611.42 1324.74 510.72 1106.56 91.81 198.92
Standard Self Plus One 2G6 944.57 2046.57 560.52 1214.46 384.05 832.11 72.78 157.69
HDHP Self B61 319.34 691.90 239.51 518.93 79.83 172.97 10.10 21.89
HDHP Self & Family B62 758.75 1643.96 569.06 1232.97 189.69 410.99 24.02 52.04
HDHP Self Plus One B63 638.70 1383.85 479.03 1037.89 159.67 345.96 20.22 43.82
High Self 541 416.67 902.79 259.72 562.73 156.95 340.06 0.49 1.06
High Self & Family 542 916.67 1986.12 611.42 1324.74 305.25 661.38 -3.51 -7.60
High Self Plus One 543 916.67 1986.12 560.52 1214.46 356.15 771.66 -2.11 -4.57
Standard Self 544 295.78 640.86 221.84 480.65 73.94 160.21 1.80 3.91
Standard Self & Family 545 680.28 1473.94 510.21 1105.46 170.07 368.48 4.15 8.98
Standard Self Plus One 546 680.28 1473.94 510.21 1105.46 170.07 368.48 4.15 8.98 DC, MD, VA M.D. INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (MDIPA)
High Self JP1 491.90 1065.78 259.72 562.73 232.18 503.05 9.97 21.59
High Self & Family JP2 1379.28 2988.44 611.42 1324.74 767.86 1663.70 32.30 69.99 High Self Plus One JP3 960.67 2081.45 560.52 1214.46 400.15 866.99 12.58 27.26
High Self 591 458.22 992.81 259.72 562.73 198.50 430.08 -19.24 -41.69 High Self & Family 592 1093.82 2369.94 611.42 1324.74 482.40 1045.20 -47.74 -103.44 High Self Plus One 593 1093.82 2369.94 560.52 1214.46 533.30 1155.48 -46.34 -100.41
Standard Self 594 372.07 806.15 259.72 562.73 112.35 243.42 -18.89 -40.93 Standard Self & Family 595 870.66 1886.43 611.42 1324.74 259.24 561.69 -46.69 -101.16 Standard Self Plus One 596 870.66 1886.43 560.52 1214.46 310.14 671.97 -45.29 -98.13
Prosper Self KC1 300.14 650.30 225.11 487.73 75.03 162.57 -0.96 -2.07 Prosper Self & Family KC2 702.31 1521.67 526.73 1141.25 175.58 380.42 -2.23 -4.83
Prosper Self Plus One KC3 702.31 1521.67 526.73 1141.25 175.58 380.42 -11.03 -23.90
High Self 621 359.65 779.24 259.72 562.73 99.93 216.51 -6.27 -13.59
High Self & Family 622 831.22 1800.98 611.42 1324.74 219.80 476.24 -17.44 -37.78
High Self Plus One 623 831.22 1800.98 560.52 1214.46 270.70 586.52 -16.04 -34.75
Standard Self 624 243.70 528.02 182.78 396.02 60.92 132.00 4.57 9.91
Standard Self & Family 625 563.23 1220.33 422.42 915.25 140.81 305.08 10.59 22.93
Standard Self Plus One 626 563.23 1220.33 422.42 915.25 140.81 305.08 10.59 22.93 DC, MD, VA KAISER PERMANENTE—MID-ATLANTIC STATES
High Self E31 365.03 790.90 259.72 562.73 105.31 228.17 0.97 2.10
High Self & Family E32 839.55 1819.03 611.42 1324.74 228.13 494.29 -0.91 -1.96
High Self Plus One E33 839.55 1819.03 560.52 1214.46 279.03 604.57 0.49 1.07
Standard Self E34 293.20 635.27 219.90 476.45 73.30 158.82 3.23 7.01
Standard Self & Family E35 674.35 1461.09 505.76 1095.82 168.59 365.27 7.44 16.11
Standard Self Plus One E36 674.35 1461.09 505.76 1095.82 168.59 365.27 7.44 16.11
Prosper Self T71 175.26 379.73 131.45 284.80 43.81 94.93 1.25 2.71
Prosper Self & Family T72 493.08 1068.34 369.81 801.26 123.27 267.08 1.96 4.25
Prosper Self Plus One T73 418.70 907.18 314.03 680.39 104.67 226.79 4.64 10.06

High Self 651 362.95 786.39 259.72 562.73 103.23 223.66 -8.63 -18.70
High Self & Family 652 820.28 1777.27 611.42 1324.74 208.86 452.53 -23.20 -50.27
High Self Plus One 653 820.28 1777.27 560.52 1214.46 259.76 562.81 -21.80 -47.24
Standard Self 654 310.93 673.68 233.20 505.26 77.73 168.42 1.67 3.63
Standard Self & Family 655 702.69 1522.50 527.02 1141.88 175.67 380.62 3.78 8.19
Standard Self Plus One 656 702.69 1522.50 527.02 1141.88 175.67 380.62 3.78 8.19
Prosper Self N41 193.26 418.73 144.95 314.05 48.31 104.68 3.29 7.14
Prosper Self & Family N42 475.45 1030.14 356.59 772.61 118.86 257.53 8.12 17.59
Prosper Self Plus One N43 436.79 946.38 327.59 709.79 109.20 236.59 7.46 16.16
*Based on information provided by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). If your plan is not listed, it simply means that your plan is not one of the largest. For additional plan information, visit
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) has been supporting federal employees for more than 100 years. As a proud NARFE sponsor, that makes us smile because we’re committed to federal employees, too. BCBS FEP Dental offers benefits to help ensure healthy smiles, including a large nationwide network, no deductible for in-network services and up to three dental cleanings a year. All for as low as $20 a month. Learn more at .
This is a summary of the many features and benefits of BCBS FEP DentalSM. For a complete description,
view the benefit brochure. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross ®
Shield® words and symbols and BCBS FEP DentalSM are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

enroll in the carrier’s Medicare Advantage Plan:
• Kaiser Permanente - Georgia (Standard)
• Kaiser Permanente - MidAtlantic States (Standard)

• UPMC Health Plan (Standard)
• Foreign Service Benefit Plan (High)
• NALC Health Benefit Plan (High)
• SAMBA Health Benefit Plan (High and Standard)
New Plan Options. There are several new plan options for 2023:
• New carrier: Indiana University Health Plan (High)
• Health Net of California (Standard)
• Humana HDHP—Lexington (HDHP)
• Humana HDHP—Louisville (HDHP)
• Medical Mutual of Ohio (WellFlex)
Plan Terminations. OPM has not yet indicated that any plans will drop out of the FEHB program for the 2023 plan year. However, all HMO enrollees should review their plan’s 2023
brochure to see if they still live or work in their plan’s service area. Typically, two sources let enrollees know if a plan is terminating:
• Pre-Open Season letter from OPM to all agency benefit officers.
• Mailed notice to members from terminating plans.
Employees will receive Open Season information from their agencies, and most
eligible annuitants, survivor annuitants and former spouse annuitants will receive information from OPM. Additional information will be added to OPM’s website as it becomes available before Open Season begins on November 14. Plan carriers will not automatically send enrollees their 2023 brochures. You must request a plan brochure or download it from insure.
Plan Option Code

High Self 421 358.04 775.75
High Self & Family 422
High Self Plus One 423 787.71 1706.71
Enrollee Increase/ Decrease
monthly biweekly monthly
community, employees of the Departments of Defense and State
562.73 98.32 213.02 -7.84 -16.99
1324.74 247.90 537.12 -20.44 -44.28
1214.46 227.19 492.25 -20.44 -44.28
FOREIGN SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN (American Foreign Service personnel, Departments of State and Defense, USAID, Foreign Agriculturaland Commercial services,
High Self 401 313.25 678.71
assigned overseas; Foreign Service retirees)
509.03 78.31 169.68 5.12 11.10
High Self & Family 402 774.91 1678.97 581.18 1259.23 193.73 419.74 12.68 27.46
High Self Plus One 403 759.81 1646.26
1214.46 199.29 431.80 13.81 29.93
High Self 431 351.99 762.65 259.72 562.73 92.27 199.92 10.79 23.38
High Self & Family 432 741.61 1606.82 556.21 1205.12 185.40 401.70 13.73 29.75 High Self Plus One 433 709.10 1536.38 531.83 1152.29 177.27 384.09 13.13 28.45
RURAL CARRIER BENEFIT PLAN (active and retired rural letter carriers)
High Self 381 390.70 846.52 259.72 562.73 130.98 283.79 0.17 0.37 High Self & Family 382 854.65 1851.74 611.42 1324.74 243.23 527.00 6.34 13.74 High Self Plus One 383 813.66 1762.93 560.52 1214.46 253.14 548.47 5.65 12.24

What are the parameters used to determine the dates for the annual Open Seasons for health, dental and vision insurances as well as for flexible spending accounts?
Each year, Open Season runs from the Monday of the second full workweek in November through the Monday of the second full workweek in December. This year’s Open Season begins Monday, November 14, and ends Monday, December 12.
This is the time of year to ensure that you have the right health, dental and vision insurance coverage for you and your family.
It is also the time for current employees to consider how much money to put aside in flexible spending accounts for out-of-pocket medical and dependent care expenses for the upcoming year.
Ihave had the same health insurance plan since the day I first joined the federal government years ago. Why is it important to have a federal Open Season every year?

Most Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans will see benefit and rate changes for the upcoming year. Some plans might drop out of the program, and others may change their service areas or coverage options. There are many different types of plans available in just about any ZIP code. It is wise to review your coverage during this period each year to decide what coverage and premium best suits your needs for the upcoming year.
Another program to consider during Open Season is the Federal Employees Dental and
Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). Through this program, you have the option to supplement your health insurance plan with separate dental and/ or vision insurance coverage that could potentially reduce your outof-pocket costs for these types of care. You may also cancel your participation in these programs during this period.
A flexible spending account through FSAFEDS can save employees money through lower tax withholding. You can fund your account through pretax contributions from your salary and use the account to pay for health care out-of-pocket or dependent care costs.
Typically, you cannot enroll, change your enrollment or cancel your coverage in these programs outside of an Open Season unless you experience a qualifying life event.
Why are the enrollee shares for some Self Plus One enrollments the same or higher than Self and Family enrollee shares for the same plan?
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provided the following answer to that question:
“For most enrollees, the enrollee share for Self Plus One will be lower than the enrollee share for Self and Family. However, it is possible that some plans will have higher enrollee shares for self-plus-one enrollments than for self-andfamily enrollments.
The statutory formula that is used to calculate the government contribution is based on the average of all plan premiums and requires that OPM calculate a
maximum contribution for each enrollment type.
In other words, there is a limit to how much the government will contribute toward the cost of a Self Only, Self Plus One or Self and Family enrollment. The government contributes the lesser of the maximum contribution or 75 percent of the total premium. The remaining amount is the enrollee share (how much the enrollee must pay).
In some cases, such as plans with a premium cost that is above the program average, this calculation may result in a higher enrollee share for a Self Plus One enrollment than a Self and Family enrollment.”
Which benefit is the most important to consider?
The answer to that question can vary depending upon your medical needs in the upcoming year.
For those not enrolled in Medicare Part B, the catastrophic protection benefit is very important. It puts a dollar limit on what you must pay out of pocket in terms of co-payments and coinsurance for the expenses that the plan covers.
If a federal employee is married to another federal employee and they don’t have any eligible children under their FEHB plan, then it’s usually less expensive to maintain a separate Self Only FEHB plan versus a shared Self Plus One plan.
However, you should consider using OPM’s online plan comparison tools and/ or the Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Federal Health Plans to carefully compare your options, including physician
We’re proud to stand with The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in supporting federal employees. Through our quality coverage, nationwide network and helpful tools and resources, we’re dedicated to empowering active and retired federal employees to stay healthy.

networks and prescription drug coverage (NARFE members receive a 20 percent discount).

If I make an Open Season enrollment change and I have to go to the doctor after January 1, which plan do I contact to provide the insurance coverage based on my visit?
If you are an annuitant, you should contact your new plan. Your Open Season enrollment is effective January 1. However, if you are an active employee, your new plan is not responsible for providing coverage until the effective date of your enrollment change, which for most active employees is the first day of the first full
pay period in January.
As an active employee, if you need medical services before the effective date of your Open Season enrollment or change, you should contact your old plan.
Your old plan will provide coverage according to its new 2023 contract for care received in January before the effective date of your new plan. These expenses will count toward your prior year’s deductible.
Can I enroll online in the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) without contacting the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)?
BENEFEDS is an enrollment and premium processing system sponsored by OPM that you
must use to enroll in the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program.
BENEFEDS includes a secure website and a call center. BENEFEDS also handles billing and premium administration. It’s the only place to enroll in a FEDVIP plan. You can enroll securely online at www.benefeds. com or by telephone at 1-877888-3337, TTY 1-877-889-5680.
Is it possible to make a serious mistake in choosing an FEHB plan?
There really aren’t any bad plans in the FEHB. It’s just that there may be a plan that is better suited for you based on how and where you want to obtain your health care in the upcoming year.
Federal employees, retirees
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and their survivors enjoy the widest selection of health plans in the country. You can choose from among consumer-driven and high-deductible plans that offer catastrophic risk protection with higher deductibles, health savings/reimbursable accounts and lower premiums; fee-forservice (FFS) plans and their Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO); or Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), if you live (or sometimes if you work) within the area serviced by the plan.
Common mistakes include: enrolling in a costly plan or option when you don’t need one; a plan that doesn’t cover a specific benefit that you need; Self Only coverage when you need additional coverage or vice versa; or you enroll in a plan that requires you to use preferred providers and there are none in
your area. You might also make a mistake if you live outside the United States and Puerto Rico, and neglect to enroll in a plan that offers “overseas” benefits.
Are there any useful tools online that can help me make decisions during this Open Season?
Several resources can help you understand the relationship between the three annual Open Season programs and aid you in choosing an FEHB plan and/or a FEDVIP plan. If actively employed, you also have resources to assist you with setting up a health care or dependent care Flexible Spending Account.
To find all the information you need to make informed decisions during Open Season in one place, start with NARFE’s Federal
Benefits Open Season portal at Of particular interest are the five NARFE Federal Benefits Institute webinars dedicated to Open Season topics, including one on which FEHB Plans work best with Medicare Parts A & B, which will be streamed live on November 17.
You can use the following link to access the Office of Personnel Management’s FEHB plan comparison tools once 2023 rates are made public: You should also review the brochure for each plan that you consider.

Most of the FEHB plans offer tools on their individual websites that you might find useful. If you have questions about a specific plan, call the
Fee-for-service (FFS) plans use preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and doctors to help contain program costs and keep premiums at a reasonable rate. Usually, you will save a lot on out-of-pocket costs if you use your plan’s preferred hospitals or doctors. However, PPO arrangements are business contracts that are not always renewed. PPO arrangements can be made and also can be discontinued from one year to the next. In addition, there may not be PPO arrangements in all parts of the country. If you are enrolled in a FFS plan or thinking of enrolling in one, you should check with the hospitals and doctors you use and ask them if they are PPO providers in your plan. You also can review your plan’s PPO directory to see if your doctor or hospital is a PPO provider for your plan.
• ASK QUESTIONS. Make sure to confirm information in your plan’s brochure by speaking
with a plan representative. Do not assume anything. For example, plans may describe benefits in terms of “annual” or “annually.” This would seem to mean “each year,” when, in fact, it may mean that a year must have elapsed before it will cover you again.
• ID CARDS New plan identification cards showing your enrollment are issued by the health plan. If you do not change to another plan or option during Open Season, you don’t necessarily get a new ID card from the plan.
• NO MORE SURPRISE BILLING. Under the No Surprises Act, which took effect January 1, 2022, FEHB enrollees and their covered family members are protected from surprise medical bills when they receive emergency services, non-emergency services from non-participating providers at participating facilities, and air ambulance services from non-participating providers of air ambulance services, under circumstances defined in the NSA.
For over 100 years, NARFE has been supporting federal employees. As a proud NARFE sponsor, BCBS FEP Vision offers the quality benefits you need for as low as $12 a month. With the average cost for Progressive bifocal lenses around $500, your expenses can add up. Choose our High Option and you’ll only pay up to $90 out-of-pocket. That’s savings you can really see.

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This is a summary of the many features and benefits of BCBS FEP VisionSM. For a complete description, please view the benefit brochure. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross ® and Blue Shield® words and symbols and BCBS FEP VisionSM are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
customer service phone number provided for the plan.
For a more sophisticated set of online tools, consider using the Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees. Some agencies have purchased access to this program for their employees, so if you are actively employed, refer to the following web link to see if your agency has secured access for you: newhig2/year22/more.cfm. If you don’t currently work for an agency that provides such access, you can use the discount code 20NARFE to receive 20 percent off the regular cost of using the website.
The site also offers some “Open Season Tips” at www. advice/11-fehb-open-season-tips.
FSAFEDS has tools and calculators on its website to assist employees with determining the appropriate amount they might want to set up in a flexible spending account during the Open Season for any qualified expenses they anticipate incurring in the upcoming year. These tools are available at the following link: https://fsafeds. com/support/savingscalculators.
In my agency, who can I go to for assistance or answers to my Open Season questions?
For help with or questions about your Open Season options, contact your human resources office or your agency’s shared service center. Your agency should have provided you with its contact information.
If you still need assistance after speaking with those sources, try contacting your agency’s headquarters’ level agency Benefit Officer using the following link for contact details: abo/index.cfm#list.
If you have remaining questions that your agency can’t address, contact NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute at
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© 2021 Aetna, Inc. Plans offered by First Health Life & Health Insur ance Company. Plans contain exclusions and limitations. This is a brief description of the features of the plans. Before making a final decision, please read the Plan's Federal brochure. All Benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure.
© 2021 Aetna, Inc. 19.22.320.1-OCT (8/21)

Open Season

Average premiums for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) will increase 0.21% for dental and fall 0.41% for vision in 2023, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced September 30. FEDVIP is separate from and different from the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program. Visit www. for the most up-todate information.
Once you’re enrolled in a FEDVIP plan, contact your dental or vision carrier directly or review their plan brochure if you have questions about claims, coordination of benefits, covered services or ID cards.
There are 12 total dental coverage providers. Seven are nationwide:
• Aetna Dental
• Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental
• Delta Dental’s Federal Employees Dental Program

• GEHA Connection Dental Federal
• The MetLife Federal Dental Plan
• United Concordia Dental
• UnitedHealthcare Dental Plan
Five are regional:
• Dominion National
• EmblemHealth Dental
• HealthPartners Dental Plan
• Humana Dental
• Triple-S Salud
Dental plans provide comprehensive dental coverage, including preventive services covered at 100 percent when you use an in-network provider. There are no deductibles when using in-network dentists. Rates are based on ratings regions; you can find these regions by visiting and scrolling to “FEDVIP Dental and Vision Coverage.”
For 2023, waiting periods for orthodontic services have been removed. Additionally, the majority of FEDVIP carriers will provide teledentistry services.
Please review the dental plans’ benefits material for detailed information on the benefits covered, cost-sharing requirements and provider directories.
There are five vision plan providers providing 10 plan options nationwide:
• Aetna Vision Preferred
• Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision
• The MetLife Federal Vision Plan
• UnitedHealthcare Vision Plan
• VSP Vision Care
Vision plans provide comprehensive vision coverage, including routine eye exams and vision correction without a referral. Plans also include low-vision exams and eyeglass frames and lenses, or contact lenses instead of glasses, at many eye doctor offices or optical retail stores. In addition, there are lens options such as shatter-resistant polycarbonate, scratch-resistant, anti-reflective, UV coatings, and tinted and progressive lenses, as well as discounts on laser eye surgery.

Review the vision plans’ benefits material for detailed information on the benefits covered, cost-sharing requirements and provider directories.
Premiums will vary by plan and by enrollment type. Premiums for the dental plans are based on home ZIP codes. See the
specific plan brochure or call the plan’s customer service number to determine your region and premium. There is no government contribution to FEDVIP premiums.
If you are a federal employee, your premiums will be taken from your salary on a pretax basis when your salary is sufficient to make the premium withholding.
If you are an annuitant, premiums will be withheld from your monthly annuity check when your annuity is sufficient. Based on the Internal Revenue Code, pretax premiums are not available for annuitants.
For information on each plan’s premiums, visit www. dental-vision/.
Federal employees eligible for the FEHB, unless excluded by law or regulation, are eligible to enroll in FEDVIP. Annuitants are eligible regardless of FEHB eligibility.
Eligible family members include your spouse, unmarried dependent children under age 22, and unmarried dependent adult children incapable of selfsupport because of a mental or physical disability that existed before age 22.
The Affordable Care Act does not provide coverage under dental and vision plans for dependents up to age 26, as it does for health insurance.

• OPEN SEASON NOTIFICATION. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will send you notification by mail or by email if you have provided OPM with your email address. Both notices will provide details on Open Season and guidance on how to obtain information and materials.

• PLAN PARTICIPATION. Make sure your current plan will participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program for 2023. This is especially important if you are currently enrolled in a health maintenance organization (HMO) plan.

• STAYING PUT. If, after reading your current plan’s brochure—particularly about changes and premiums for 2023—you decide to continue your current coverage, you do not have to do anything. Your enrollment in your current plan will continue into next year, and the new premiums will be deducted from your February 1, 2023, monthly annuity payment.
• MAKING A CHANGE. For Open Season changes, call the Open Season Express number provided in your FEHB Open Season notice, log on to Open Season Online at the internet address provided in

your Open Season notice, or contact the Open Season Processing Center provided in your Open Season notice.

• LOW ANNUITY. If your monthly annuity is not enough to cover your plan’s 2023 premiums, you have the option to change to a plan that you can afford. You also may pay your monthly premiums directly to OPM if you want to stay with your current plan but your monthly annuity is not sufficient to cover the premium amount.
• MEDICARE ENROLLEES Make sure you read your plan brochure’s sections titled “When You Have Medicare” and “Coordinating Benefits With Other Coverage.” Section 9 of every FEHB brochure should provide these details. Call a service representative from the plan to address any questions you might have about the coordination of your FEHB benefits with Medicare.
• AGE 65 AND NOT ENROLLED IN MEDICARE. Fee-for-service (FFS) plans include a section in their brochures titled “When You Are Age 65 or Over and Do Not Have Medicare.” This section details how, by law, the plan must use Medicare’s approved amounts on which to base its payments.

Finding Your Path
in Retirement
BY HERB CASEYUse Your Skills, Personality Traits and Values to Create a Rewarding Next Chapter
Creating a meaningful and rewarding retirement requires planning and soul-searching. You must identify your purpose, values and strengths. You’ll also need to understand your personality and identify your needs as you prepare for this next chapter of your life. This article will provide a framework to help you find, develop and rehearse your future path.
The Retirement Transition Process
In the same way that you developed your career with intention, you must think about what steps you can take to prepare for a purposeful and rewarding retirement.
There may be something you put on the back burner during your career that you want to focus on, or you may want to continue doing something similar to what you do at work. You also may want to have a care-free life after a demanding career.
Transitioning to retirement can be difficult because your daily routine will change, such as by not going into an office. To those for whom profession is integral to their identity, in a sense you no longer will be who you were.
We all experience transitions throughout life, according to William Bridges in his book Transitions. He describes how we go through three phases of any transition: the ending, the neutral zone and the new beginning. Retirement is the end of our work, and for many a loss of identity. When this happens, we feel unsure of what is next and must recalibrate to reinvent ourselves. The neutral zone is a time to create new processes, which can lead to confusion or distress, but this is the
seedbed for new beginnings. These new beginnings provide energy as we move in a new direction, helping us feel reoriented and renewed.
Many have a difficult time determining what this new beginning will be. The State Department has the Job Search Transition Program, a month-long course to help individuals with this transition. The program exposes participants to new ideas over four weeks of plenary sessions and panel discussions. Catherine McCormick, the program’s director, says that the biggest benefits the program offers retiring employees are the ability to share the transition experience with peers and providing time to formulate plans for the next phase of life.
In her book Retire Smart, Retire Happy, Nancy Schlossberg discusses six paths in retirement:
• The continuer continues the same path as their previous career.
• The adventurer wants to fulfill an unrealized dream.
• The easy glider wants to relax and take it easy.
• The involved spectator cares about his/her previous work but is no longer involved.
• The retreater disengages, often becoming depressed.
• Finally, at any point, the retiree becomes a searcher, figuring out what’s next.
Regardless which path you want to follow, the first step is determining who you are. You must look inward to discern your purpose, prioritize your values and strengths and understand your personality.
Define Your Purpose
“Ikigai” is a Japanese word referring to something that gives a person a reason for living. Having a purpose in life has been associated with having positive health outcomes. To find your purpose, you should ask yourself:
• If money did not matter, what would you be doing?
• What makes you feel happy and alive?
• How do you spend your free time?
• What is something that you enjoyed when you were younger?
• What are you passionate about?
To those for whom profession is integral to their identity, in a sense you no longer will be who you were.
Prioritize Values
Once you have an idea of your purpose, you must determine and prioritize your values. Values guide us through life much as a compass guides a traveler.
During your career, you may have experienced stress when your values and responsibilities clashed. For instance, you might say a core value is “family,” but you work 60 hours a week with little time at home. That’s why it’s important to think critically about what values you hold dear. Friendship, generosity, honesty, integrity, loyalty, independence, security, service and spirituality are just some ideas of values that may guide you.
Make a list of five to 10 core values that you want to use to guide you as you live your life. You can use those values to help you decide how to live your life once you retire. For example, if you value independence, you may be interested in starting your own business. Someone who values service will want to find a way to volunteer to help others in your community.
Identify Assets
Your third step in finding your path is discovering what you naturally do best. Your strengths may be knowledge, skills and abilities you’ve gained through experience and education. Think about transferable skills such as communication, adaptability, leadership, teamwork and time management. Ask yourself:
• What are your unique characteristics/skills?
• What are your achievements?
• What are your hobbies or special interests?
• What have others complimented you about?
Reflect on jobs you have held and your achievements. You may also want to download copies of recent performance appraisals before retiring to help you identify skills and even help with updating your resume. Ask your colleagues, family, and friends for input on your strengths. Online tools such as the Clifton Strength Assessment can help you discover what you naturally do best and teach you how to develop your greatest talents into strengths.
Once you have identified your strengths, modify the list to determine which ones you want to include in your retirement transition. For example, someone may have excellent human resources, accounting or information technology skills but may not want to focus on them after retiring.
Your Personality Type
Are you the outgoing person among your group of friends? Do you prefer to listen and observe while others are talking? Do parties and group activities energize you or sap your strength. These and other behavioral and emotional characteristics make up your personality.
There are various tools available to measure personality traits such as introversion and extraversion. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most popular assessments and many federal agencies use it. It provides a four-letter personality type based on your styles of interacting with people and situations. It’s important to think about your personality as you transition. For example, if you are shy, you would probably want to steer away from situations that have you constantly socializing in larger groups of people.
Make a list of five to 10 core values that you want to use to guide you as you live your life. You can use those values to help you decide how to live your life once you retire.

Clarify Your Focus
Once you have identified your purpose, values, strengths and personality, you are able to determine what you will focus on. It could be a hobby, volunteering, going back to school, starting a business, traveling, writing or anything else.
A good way to help create your focus is to develop your retirement “vision statement,” a document that describes what your life will be like after you retire. You might decide to create a vision board, a collage of images and words, to detail your transition.
Be positive. Although you may have limitations or don’t have all the skills needed for your desired focus, don’t let that stop you. This is the time to step out of your comfort zone.
Develop Necessary Skills
Once you have identified your focus, you will need to develop and maintain skills to achieve it. In the same way that you developed your skills during your career, you must do the same as you transition into retirement.
Continuing education: You can tap into a variety of possibilities to continue learning. Many traditional colleges and universities offer seniors reduced or free tuition. Senior centers and county recreation centers may offer training on a variety of topics. In addition, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) provides lifelong learning programs at many colleges and universities. Courses are taught by experts in their fields. You will also want to keep up to date with technology and maintain any relevant professional certifications once you retire.
Networking: Seek out mentors and network with like-minded individuals to develop your skills. If your focus is in an area where you are not an expert, you will need to find individuals to help you, such as conducting informational interviews. Take advantage of social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook, to find affinity groups and like-minded individuals willing to share information. If your
In the same way that you developed your skills during your career, you must do the same as you transition into retirement.

goal is to work for compensation after you retire, you will need to know your worth by researching salaries on sites such as and
Rehearsing Your Next Act
Once you have developed your focus, now is the time to practice it. You don’t have to wait until you retire to do this; you can begin to rehearse it in your spare time.
• If you choose to reinvent yourself, you will need to be able to tell your story to help people understand your new endeavor. According to the Harvard Business Review article “What’s Your Story,” found at whats-your-story, a good story is essential to a successful transition. You must be able to connect the dots between your past, present and future aspirations to inspire others’ belief in your capacity to reinvent yourself. As an example, I coached a retiring information technology specialist who wanted to become a museum docent. In discussing the individual’s education and experience, I learned the individual had studied art history in college and was an artist in her spare time. By connecting the dots of her experience and education in art, it was easier to understand her future aspiration.
• Aspiring volunteers should seek out organizations in need of their talents. Schools, religious organizations and community groups always need individuals to pitch in. One place to research the right volunteer position is AmeriCorps Seniors, a clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities, at
• Those planning to seek compensation will need to focus on building a new identity beyond their federal government persona. Before you retire, create a master resume with your accomplishments and transferable skills that you can use to build a resume in your chosen area. Websites such as and taskrabbit. com can provide leads for self-employment. Hobbyists can sell items online using platforms like
As you can see, finding your path in retirement will involve introspection and preparation, but there’s no better time to get started on your transition.
Finding Your Path How are you developing a purposeful retirement? Visit and search for “New Beginnings: The Retirement Transition Process” to share your thoughts with fellow NARFE members.
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THE BEST Diversity and Inclusion Programs IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

Leaders of 2 Top Agencies Share Their Secrets to Success
BY EVERETT A. CHASENIn 2021, all federal agencies marked the 10th anniversary of Executive Order 13583: “Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.”
The order noted that “a commitment to equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion is critical for the federal government as an employer. … The federal government has a special obligation to lead by example. Attaining a diverse, qualified workforce is one of the cornerstones of the merit-based civil service.”
As a webpage from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) notes, “We strongly believe that a diverse workforce in an inclusive environment will improve individual and organizational performance and result in better value to customers, clients, taxpayers, and other stakeholders.”
Many civil servants support these beliefs. A survey from the Government Executive Media Group’s Government Business Council conducted in 2021 found that 72% of respondents “felt that it was important or extremely important for agencies to be diverse and inclusive,” while 69% said “training on the topic was ‘vital’ to an organization’s success, both in the public and private sectors.” In this article, we’ll look at two of the federal agencies with the best diversity and inclusion programs and learn what sets them apart.
Executive Order 14035
On June 25, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14035 to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) in the federal government. The order reaffirmed that the United States is at its strongest when our nation’s public servants reflect the full diversity of the American people.
The executive order’s goal is to help develop a federal workforce that “looks like America,” in which qualified people from every background and walk of life have an equal opportunity to serve our nation. The order:
• Establishes a governmentwide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in all parts of the federal workforce, led by the Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget.
• Charges all agencies with assessing the current state of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within their workforces and developing strategic plans to eliminate any barriers to success faced by underserved employees.
• Directs agencies to seek opportunities to establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers within their organizations.
• Expands diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility training throughout the federal workforce.
• Addresses workplace harassment, including sexual harassment.
• Reduces the federal government’s reliance on unpaid internships, which can create barriers for low-income students and first-generation professionals.
• Advances pay equity to ensure that all public servants are fairly compensated for their work and their talents.
• Advances equity in the workplace for individuals with disabilities.
• Advances equity in the workplace for LGBTQ+ public servants.
• Builds a more diverse pipeline into public service through new recruitment partnerships.
• Expands federal employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals.
• Advances equity in professional development.
• Improves the collection of demographic data about the federal workforce.
The executive order was followed by a November 2021 governmentwide strategic plan offering a roadmap for implementing the executive order and laying out key steps agencies can take to strengthen DEIA in their workforce policies, practices and culture. It requires all agencies to develop a strategic plan to advance DEIA within their workforces and to address any barriers to equal employment opportunities at their facilities.
It also lays out a path to elevate the role of chief diversity officers within each agency, who in turn will lead dedicated implementation teams and conduct quarterly updates to track every agencies’ progress toward meeting governmentwide goals. Finally, it offers a roadmap for agency action to improve policies and practices that advance DEIA across the employee experience including hiring, promotion, requests for accommodations and longterm retention.
Partnership for Public Service Survey
Every year, the Partnership for Public Service (PPS) ranks the best places to work in the federal government. Their rankings are based on the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, an annual measurement of federal employees’ perceptions of whether and to what extent conditions characteristic of successful agencies exist at their workplace. Results of the 2021 survey were announced July 13, 2022.
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The survey includes three questions on support for diversity. Employees are asked the extent to which their supervisors are committed to a workforce representative of all segments of society, whether their agency’s policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace, and whether supervisors at their agency work well with employees of different backgrounds.
Based on employees’ responses, the Partnership ranks participating agencies on how much the actions and policies of leadership and management promote and respect diversity. NARFE spoke to diversity officers at the highest-rated agencies in the Partnership’s two largest categories: large agencies (organizations with 15,000 or more employees), and midsize agencies (those with 1,000 to 14,999 employees). Here’s what we learned.
For the past 10 years, NASA has been rated as the best place to work in the federal government among large agencies, including the top ranking for inclusiveness every year in which this issue has been assessed.
“We have had a lot of success here because we have an agency with extraordinary leaders and extraordinary people who care about people in an extraordinary manner,” explains Stephen T. Shih, NASA’s associate administrator for diversity and equal opportunity.
A survey from the Government Executive Media Group’s Government Business Council conducted in 2021 found that 72% of respondents “felt that it was important or extremely important for agencies to be diverse and inclusive.

“Our vision is to discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity,” Shih continues. “The work we do is all about learning and being able to share that learning to benefit all human beings, so our missions are truly inclusive. Our focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility is critical to empowering NASA’s workforce and mission accomplishment, and also contributes to the diversity and inclusiveness of our STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] workforce for the entire nation.’
“We have really strong partnerships with a diverse number of affinity groups, professional associations and minority-serving institutions, including historically Black colleges and universities. Many of these associations, affinity groups and partners support and represent underserved communities.”
NASA shares a great deal of information with its partners and stakeholders, including on-thejob opportunities. The agency recruits STEM and other workers through internship programs. Agency ambassadors, including astronauts, visit communities and schools at all levels in underserved communities and elsewhere to inform listeners about job opportunities and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM. Additionally, NASA provides grants to research institutions to help create a diverse national pipeline of future STEM workers, many of whom choose to later work for NASA or other federal agencies.
The agency also provides regular training on DEIA, and is strengthening its analytics capability to provide more robust data to leaders. NASA recently established a new DEIA governance structure to ensure senior leadership commitment and inclusive engagement across the agency at all levels.

“Our missions support the well-being of everyone on the planet, and because of that and our vision, we can help inspire inclusion for everyone on the Earth.”
Stephen T. Shih, associate administrator for diversity and equal opportunity at NASA
This structure starts with the NASA administrator and deputy administrator making DEIA a priority, with support from NASA’s senior leaders and with primary leadership responsibility given to the Shih. Their work is informed by a committee of leaders representing organizations across NASA, supported by DEIA Leadership Councils at each NASA center, and in partnership with NASA’s Employee Resource Groups and the rest of the workforce.
This agencywide prioritization of DEIA has resulted in improved coordination and sharing of best practices across the agency, and the recent development of a new NASA DEIA Strategic Plan. NASA’s current efforts build upon a Unity Campaign launched in 2019 to connect its workforce to the agency’s mission and to each other and a 2018 Anti-Harassment Campaign that enabled NASA to proactively prevent and promptly correct harassment and misconduct.
In 2020, NASA added inclusion to its core values of safety, integrity, teamwork and excellence, which were established decades ago. “That’s really powerful,” Shih explains, “because it signifies to the entire workforce and our stakeholders how much we prioritize and are committed to inclusiveness.” The agency believes DEIA drives innovation and performance, and provides a welcoming, safe and constructive workplace, including for special emphasis programs, special observance programs, and employee resource groups.
Shih noted other recent initiatives, including naming NASA’s headquarters building in Washington, DC, after Mary W. Jackson, the agency’s first African American female engineer. The street in front of the building was renamed Hidden Figures Way, after the work of NASA’s historic West Area Computing Unit, featured in the book “Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race,” which also was an award-winning movie. Additionally, NASA is focused on its Artemis
mission, which aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon.
NASA recently issued a new workforce policy statement on DEIA, including equal employment opportunity (EEO), antiharassment and anti-retaliation. The agency has implemented DEIA performance requirements for all NASA leaders, and has finalized reasonable accommodation procedures, a gender identity and transition guidance, and new anti-harassment procedures to reinforce the agency’s model anti-harassment program.
Finally, following recent political and social unrest in the United States, NASA deployed trained professional facilitators to conduct more than 500 listening sessions, in which more than 10,000 employees have participated. Because of this, Shih believes, “we are able to maintain the unity of our workforce and their effectiveness during a very difficult and potentially divisive period.”
“The reason we’re successful is less about the things we’re doing, and more about the alignment of our values, norms and behaviors to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility,” he concludes. “Our missions support the well-being of everyone on the planet, and because of that and our vision, we can help inspire inclusion for everyone on the Earth.”
Government Accountability Office
“Acknowledging and addressing issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility isn’t new to us,” explains Zina D. Merritt of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), ranked the No. 1 best place to work in 2020 and 2021 among mid-sized government agencies. “Our efforts date back to the 1960s, when we became one of the first federal agencies to establish an equal opportunity program.”
Merritt, special assistant to the comptroller general for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, notes that while GAO’s work in this area has gone on for more than half a century, the agency adapts and changes with the times. “We’ve always had our core values of accountability, integrity and reliability. But in 2017 we added three additional ‘people’ values, where we stated that every employee is to be respected, valued and treated fairly, and all are provided opportunities to develop to their full potential.
“We have expectations that our senior executives will effectively ensure the fair and
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equitable treatment of all employees, because this commitment has to start at the top. They work collaboratively with our management team and employees to make sure there is constructive and ongoing engagement on our diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility efforts. When we look at potential candidates for our senior executive development program, we typically ask about their prospective leadership contributions to GAOs efforts in these areas.”
The Comptroller General of the United States issues an annual statement reaffirming GAO’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, and his personal commitment to those principles. The agency has long developed strategic implementation plans in this area, but Merritt cites 2019 as a turning point.
“We made a concerted effort to transform our plan and make it more relevant and comprehensive. While we’ve had the concept of diversity and inclusion for a very long time, we recently added the tenets of equity and accessibility because we firmly believe you can have all the diversity in terms of talent you want. You can create a good environment, but if people don’t feel they are being treated fairly, or don’t have access to opportunities for advancement, you’ve failed in the mission.’
“Our approach involves everyone from the head of the agency to our executive committee to employee organizations, which represent almost every demographic category. We even partner with the union on these issues.” GAO also believes diversity and individual differences, and the ability to leverage those differences, are key to achieving the agency’s mission.
Merritt cites training courses offered by GAO’s Learning Center such as inclusive leadership and unconscious bias, as well as the agency’s longstanding mentoring program. “It’s very important to our employees to have mentors, in some cases, who look like them or can help underrepresented groups ascend the ladder, so we’ve incorporated mentoring and coaching into our approach.”
GAO assesses its workforce trends by demographic areas including race, ethnicity, gender, age, veterans preference status and disability status over five years to determine whether gains have been made in those areas. The agency also compares those trends to other federal agencies and to relevant civilian workforces. Performance measures lead to specific action items for improvement. The offices responsible for those actions are identified and timetables for achieving results are established.
“We establish accountability for our efforts by tracking them, and annually reporting to our employees how well we’re doing,” Merritt explains.
GAO not only attends to its own diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility efforts, but it also examines diversity in other agencies as part of its mission to provide Congress, heads of agencies and the American people with information that can be used to improve government. This creates a special responsibility, Merritt acknowledges. “If we’re going to be demonstrating leading practices and examining others’ work, we definitely have to practice the same types of things. We’ve got to be the gold standard; we’ve got to practice what we preach.”
“Gender and racial issues were present when I started my federal career over 30 years ago. Recruiting and retaining racial and ethnic diversity still remains an issue today. And our new employees expect a different work environment, a very supportive work environment,” Merritt said. GAO trains facilitators to guide employees through informed and educated conversations about societal issues affecting the nation and the places where they live and work, and the agency manages a counseling center to support employees during difficult times.
“We’re all in this journey together,” she concludes. “Our challenges continue, and we need to acknowledge and address them.”
What is dues withholding?
NARFE’s Dues Withholding Program
It is a dues-payment method available to retired NARFE members, their spouses and annuitant survivors giving them the option to have their annual NARFE membership dues deducted from their annuities each month.
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How does it work?
One-twelfth of your total dues is automatically deducted from your monthly annuity. Your monthly deduction is determined by the following formula: ($42 NARFE dues ÷ 12) + (Chapter dues - if applicable ÷ 12) = total monthly deduction
How do I sign up?
Complete the Dues Withholding Application below. Send no payment. It may take 60 to 90 days before auto-deduction starts. Your membership starts as soon as your application is received. To learn more about dues withholding, call 800-456-8410
NARFE Dues Withholding Application for NARFE Members who are Retirees, Spouses of Retirees or Annuitant Survivors
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I authorize the United States Office of Personnel Management to make appropriate deductions from my annuity payments, not to exceed the amount certified by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association as the amount of dues for which I am annually obligated, in accordance with elections I made above, and to pay the deducted sum to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE). This authorization shall also apply to any and all dues changes certified by NARFE membership in accordance with elections I made. Please allow 60-90 days for processing.
I understand that this authorization shall be valid until NARFE receives and processes my written notice of cancellation in accordance with its agreement with the Office of Personnel Management and that any disputes regarding this authorization shall be a matter between NARFE and myself. I hold the Office of Personnel Management harmless for any erroneous allotment deduction made pursuant to this authorization.
Signature of Annuitant or Survivor-Annuitant Date
Dues payments and gifts or contributions to NARFE are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
MAIL THIS FORM TO: NARFE, ATTN: Member Services, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314-1914 800-456-8410
not send money with this form
FEDcon22 Speakers Inspire, Motivate Hundreds of Attendees in AZ

More than 400 participants arrived in Scottsdale, AZ, in August for FEDcon22. There was laughter, excitement, education and so much more.

After a four-year hiatus necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic, FEDcon22 saw a return to in-person events for NARFE. The gorgeous Westin Kierland Resort & Spa in Scottsdale was the host facility for the conference. While things were surely a bit different, there was an air of nostalgia for a return to something so many took for granted: the ability to meet and learn with each other and from each other.
Washington Federation President Steven Roy said, “This was my first FEDcon event, and I found it to be a wonderful forum for learning and offered great networking opportunities.”
Elizabeth Bornman from Chapter 1162 in Kansas added FEDcon22 provided “great opportunities to learn relevant topics that benefit all NARFE members, not just from workshop
speakers but those in attendance that share what and how they operate as a chapter and federation. The vendors provided information that you may not know that may benefit you such as hearing aids (free batteries), to FEHB health plans to FEEA.”
The NARFE Annual Meeting took place immediately preceding the official kickoff of FEDcon22. NARFE National President Ken Thomas gave an update on all aspects of NARFE. National Secretary/ Treasurer Kathryn Hensley provided a report on NARFE’s financial position. The regional vice presidents participated in a memorial remembrance of all the members who have passed away since FEDcon18. Thomas also presented gifts to the members
of the National Executive Board whose terms will be ending this year.
FEDcon22 officially began with the Welcome Reception. Thomas welcomed everyone to Scottsdale. The crowd was entertained by the Native American Hoop Dancers, a performance sponsored by the Arizona Federation. The centennial was finally recognized in person with cake and a toast to NARFE’s first 100 years.
Engaging Sessions
FEDcon22 opened with an amazing keynote speaker. Bestselling author Kevin Brown had the entire audience captivated with his tale of how everyday people can become extraordinary heroes. There was laughter and even a few tears as he regaled the audience with the story of his autistic son, Josh Brown, and how a trip to Disney World when Josh was 9 years old changed their lives forever because of the caring and kindness of one person.
Kevin spoke of looking in the mirror and seeing the faces of the exceptional individuals that influenced his life and challenged the audience to think about how many peoples’ lives they had touched through their service to this great nation, and how many more could still benefit from their giving back to organizations like NARFE. One NARFE member was overheard saying, “Seeing Kevin Brown was well worth the price of admission!”
At a general session, John Hatton, NARFE’s Staff Vice President for Policy and Programs, presented an update on NARFE’s advocacy efforts. He detailed a roadmap of recent advocacy activity and highlighted the work of the Advocacy Committee in determining the priorities for the 118th Congress. Those priorities include repeal or reform of the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, more accurate costof-living allowances, OPM customer service, relief from Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) premium increases and protecting a merit-based civil service. Hatton also gave a preview of how the landscape could change, depending on the outcome of the midterm elections.
‘Useful Information’
The breakout sessions organized by track were very well-received. Session tracks included an Advocacy Track, a Federal Benefits Track, a Leadership Track and a Lifestyle Track. Rooms overflowed with energy and curiosity. Session conversations spilled out from the meeting rooms to the hallways, continuing through the refreshment
breaks in the exhibit area. A few of the sessions were standing room only.
The results are in, and they are amazing. Out of 591 session surveys, 91% gave an overall session rating of excellent or above average. NARFE members really enjoyed the Lifestyle Track sessions. Highlights included Matt Paxton’s session on decluttering. Attendees said, “Matt kept it interesting and fun.” and “Great suggestions on getting rid of stuff.”
Equally entertaining was Peggy Lauritzen and her session on Discovering Your Family History. One member said, “So appreciated this breakout. Very important, helpful, useful information. Thank you! Great presenter, too.”

As always, NARFE’s advocacy team knocked their presentations out of the park. Sessions focused on NARFEPAC, grassroots advocacy and making the most of meetings with legislators. Session participants

is available at NARFE National President Ken Thomas provided attendees and overview of the association’s operations. Audience members applaud motivational speaker Kevin Brown. Members were able to learn more about NARFE-PAC. Genealogist Peggy Lauritzen shared strategies and resources for discovering you family’s history.

enjoyed the creative approach used to demonstrate the concepts presented. From the skits performed to show the do’s and don’ts of an in-person meeting to tips for more successful grassroots campaigns, our subject matter experts offered their advice and best practices.
Informative and ‘Awesome’
Members can’t get enough of the dynamic duo of Tammy Flanagan and Mark Keen, CFP. NARFE’s federal benefits experts shared their expertise to the delight of participants. Whether debunking retirement myths or discussing ways to use systematic Roth conversions to maximize the after-tax value of a Thrift Savings Plan account, attendees had ample opportunity to ask their questions and get individual answers. One respondent said, “I can’t get enough of Tammy’s presentation! Awesome and very informative.” Another said, “Another great and informative breakout session. Mark Keen is awesome!” NARFE members always benefit from the immense knowledge Flanagan and Keen have from their years of experience working with feds.
The Leadership Track sessions, designed for federation and chapter leaders, were jam-packed

with those wishing to learn about recruiting new members, communicating in a digital age and succession planning. NARFE brought in Jon Bassford, CAE, MBA, JD, to lead the strategic discussion while Dave Bowman, NARFE’s Senior Director of Membership, demonstrated the tools NARFE has available for chapter and federation leaders.
The final keynote of the event featured Beth Z, Your Nerdy Best Friend. Beth showed the audience some very cool websites and tools designed to help make life easier. There could not have been a better demonstration of the advances of technology than when her session was interrupted with a local weather alert.
Planning a conference with many obstacles and unknowns is difficult at best. To receive such high marks from attendees means NARFE hit the mark. Idaho Federation President Keri Gibbs said, “Attending a national conference is enlightening and informative. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet and interact with your national officers, headquarters staff, your counterparts from other states, and just get energized about NARFE.”
You won’t want to miss FEDcon24. Mark your calendars and join NARFE August 18-20, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch in St. Louis, MO. See you under the Arch!
—BY ERIN CARTER, DIRECTOR, NARFE FEDERAL BENEFITS INSTITUTEWhy You Shouldn’t Name Your Estate as Beneficiary to a Retirement Plan
Acommon question is whether an estate can be named as beneficiary to a retirement plan, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) or an IRA. While the simple answer is yes, it’s almost never a good idea to do so.

Prior to the SECURE Act, beneficiaries of IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans such as the TSP fell into two categories: designated beneficiaries (living human beings) and non-designated beneficiaries (non-living, such as estates and trusts). Designated beneficiaries were permitted to stretch out required minimum distributions from an inherited retirement plan over his or her own life expectancy, potentially extending the tax benefits of the retirement plan for decades.
The rules for designated beneficiaries changed when the SECURE Act divided designated beneficiaries into two distinct groups, referred to as eligible designated beneficiaries and non-eligible designated beneficiaries. Eligible designated beneficiaries fall into one of the following five categories: surviving spouses; individuals who are disabled; people who are chronically ill; people not more than 10 years younger than the deceased individual; and minor children of the decedent. All other designated beneficiaries fall into the non-eligible designated beneficiaries’ group.
Eligible designated beneficiaries may still take required minimum distributions over their life expectancy, but the SECURE Act requires non-
eligible designated beneficiaries to fully distribute an inherited retirement plan within 10 years following the year of the decedent’s death.
owner died after the RBD, the inherited retirement plan may be distributed under the fiveyear rule or over the decedent’s remaining life expectancy (had he or she lived) according to the IRS’s Single Life table.
In general, the shortened timeframe non-designated beneficiaries have to distribute an inherited retirement plan will lead to larger distributions and, possibly, higher taxes. The tax consequences can be especially dire when leaving a TSP account to an estate. While the tax code permits non-designated beneficiaries to use the fiveyear rule or the remaining life expectancy of the retirement plan owner (if the retirement plan owner’s death occurred after the RBD), an IRA custodian or retirement plan is not required to offer all options.
The SECURE Act didn’t affect the distribution rules for non-designated beneficiaries (such as estates and trusts), which depend on whether the decedent died prior to his or her required beginning date (RBD). The RBD is the date a retirement plan owner must start required minimum distributions (RMDs), which is typically April 1 of the year after the retirement plan owner turns 72.
If the retirement plan owner died prior to the RBD, non-designated beneficiaries must liquidate the inherited retirement plan by the end of the fifth year following the year of death. If the retirement plan
In fact, when an estate is the beneficiary of a TSP account, the only option is a lump-sum distribution payable to the estate. The problem is, unlike when the TSP beneficiary is a designated beneficiary, the lump-sum distribution may not be transferred to an inherited IRA. As a result, any money distributed to an estate from the Traditional TSP is fully taxable in the year of distribution. At best, the TSP distribution is distributed to the estate’s heirs and taxed at the heirs’ personal income tax rate. At worst, the estate must report and pay the taxes on the TSP distribution. Not good considering an estate reaches
the top 37% tax rate when taxable income reaches just over $13,000.
Besides the potential for negative tax consequences when naming the estate as beneficiary of a retirement plan, there are other drawbacks as well.

For starters, a retirement plan with a designated beneficiary passes directly to the named beneficiary outside of probate. When the beneficiary is an estate, the retirement plan must go through probate to be distributed to the heirs. Not only does this delay the distribution of the retirement plan, but it can lead to higher probate and legal fees.
Furthermore, probate is public record. This means, anyone can find out who received an

inheritance, which opens the door for a disgruntled heir to mount a legal challenge to the distribution. If you’re considering naming your estate as a retirement plan beneficiary, be sure you understand all the potential consequences.
NARFE Stands Ready to Protect Your Earned Pay and Benefits
You know NARFE works tirelessly to protect the benefits you’ve earned through your dedicated federal service, and our efforts have borne fruit. In 2022, federal employees saw an average salary increase of 2.7%, and federal retirees received a nearly 5% bump in the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). And with more increases likely on the way in 2023, the outlook for federal employee and retiree pay and benefits is pretty positive—at least for now.
Unfortunately, we all know the only constant is change. As much as we would like to believe that the benefits federal workers have earned and have been promised cannot be touched, the truth of the matter is your benefits have been threatened before and, if
history is any indication, they will be again. Your health and retirement benefits can easily become bargaining chips that legislators target for cuts, which is why NARFE is always vigilant, watching for any signs of threats to your livelihood. And when those threats emerge, we act
2022 NARFE Election Results
William “Bill”
Shackelford of Centreville, VA, has been elected the National President of NARFE, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. His two-year term begins January 1, 2023. In this role, he is responsible for providing general oversight of and strategic direction to the association.
Before running for national president, Shackelford was
Got a photo that conveys the “Colors of America”? Submit it to the 2023 NARFE Photo Contest. Submissions will be accepted from now through February 10, 2023, and winnners will be featured in the 2024 NARFE Calendar. Visit photocontest for details.
quickly and decisively, fighting for your benefits and winning the big battles. Here are just a few examples:
• NARFE has successfully defeated any proposed cuts to the earned retirement and health benefits of current federal retirees, despite substantial threats in recent years.

• NARFE worked with congressional allies to prevent a pay freeze in 2019 and secure a larger, market-based pay increase in 2020—the largest in a decade!
• Thanks to NARFE’s lobbying efforts, postal reform legislation was signed into law that prevents increases
regional vice president for Region X, which includes Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. He has served as president and first and second vice president of the Virginia Federation and as the service officer, newsletter editor, vice president and president of Fairfax Chapter 0737.
Kathryn Hensley was re-elected as NARFE National Secretary/Treasurer. She was
unopposed in seeking a third term. She previously served as president of the South Carolina Federation.
These regional vice presidents were elected to the NARFE National Executive Board for 2023-24:
• Larry Walton, Region II, representing Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
to NARFE programsDonate
Join the Silver Circle
MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE (write Silver Circle on memo line)
PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: NARFE / 606 N. Washington St. / Alexandria, VA 22314 or donate online at silvercircle
With NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:
• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on with a donation of $100 or more.
• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.
Silver Circle contributions are NOT tax-deductible.
Enclosed is my NARFE Silver Circle Contribution: $ ________ All donations go to the NARFE General Fund to support NARFE Programs and operations.
Name: Address: City: State: ZIP:
Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card Number:
Expiration Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code: Signature: Date: / / Name: (please print)
Support Alzheimer’s Research
NARFE members contributed for Alzheimer’s research: $16 Million Fund $15,085,557.50*
*Total as of August 31. All contributed funds go directly to Alzheimer’s research, with the exception of funds given to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s or The Longest Day.
If you have any questions, write to: National Committee Chair Olivia Williams 22 Garden Springs Road Columbia, SC 29209
MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research (write your chapter number on memo line)
PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: Alzheimer’s Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601-7633
Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Give to the NARFE-FEEA Fund
PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: FEEA 1641 Prince St. Alexandria, VA 22314
Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Enclosed is my NARFE-Alzheimer’s contribution: $ Every cent that is contributed is used for research. Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Chapter number:
Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card Number:
Expiration Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code: Signature: Date: / / Name: (please print)
The NARFE-FEEA Fund supports NARFE members during disasters; provides scholarships to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and funds other programs to support NARFE members at the direction of NARFE and FEEA.
Enclosed is my NARFE-FEEA Fund Contribution: $ ________
Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Email:
credit card
to FEHB plan premiums for current and retired Feds and preserves choice for USPS retirees to enroll in Medicare Part B or not.
• NARFE championed the much needed and long overdue TSP Modernization Act, which gives you more flexible withdrawal options and more control over your retirement savings.
• NARFE strongly opposed and helped block an OPM-GSA merger, a big win for the federal community; it could have resulted in serious dysfunction and disruption of services to federal employees and retirees if the administration had gotten its way.
• NARFE has fought tirelessly to get Congress to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) that unfairly reduce Social Security benefits for many federal retirees. This year, thanks to vigorous
lobbying and grassroots efforts, NARFE helped secure enough co-sponsors to force action on the Social Security Fairness Act, a bill to repeal these two penalties. We also work directly with the administration and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to represent your best interests:
• NARFE supported the current administration when it rescinded the Schedule F executive order implemented by the previous administration, which created a new federal employment category and threatened to politicize federal jobs and the delivery of services that the American people rely on.
• In the fall of 2021, NARFE met with the new OPM Director to maintain lines of communication with the agency that administers your benefits and discuss service issues reported by members.
• In January of this year, NARFE met with the Associate Director of Retirement
Services at OPM to discuss delays processing transactions and providing retirement benefits to annuitants and survivors.
And with NARFE always on guard, you won’t be caught off guard, either, when things do change. NARFE Magazine, our weekly e-newsletter, NewsLine, and NARFE Daily News Clips are your best sources for the latest news and information on legislation, regulations, and issues that affect federal employees and retirees.
Your federal benefits are your lifeline to a secure retirement, and your membership in NARFE helps ensure that you will continue to receive those benefits. We thank you for your continued support of NARFE, and we urge you to spread the word and help us to grow NARFE membership so that we can continue protecting the earned benefits of federal employees and retirees well into the future.
—BY DAVE BOWMAN, SENIOR DIRECTOR, MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT• Huelyn “Lynn” Harper, Region III, representing Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
• Bob Helfrich, Region IV, representing Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin (ran unopposed).
• Cindy Reneé Blythe, Region V, representing Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota (ran unopposed).
• Marshall Richards, Region VI, representing Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and the Republic of Panama (ran unopposed)
• Sharon Reese, Region VII, representing Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
• Steven R. Roy, Region IX, representing Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington (ran unopposed).
• Robert Allen, Region X, representing Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.
• B-22-01, Electronic Meetings: Adopted
• B-22-02, RVP Vacancies: Adopted
• B-22-10, Compensation Committee: Adopted
• B-22-13, Require Two Federations for Bylaws Proposals: Rejected
• B-22-15, Dues Discount: Rejected
• B-22-24, Ballot After National Conference: Adopted
• BC-22-01, Electronic Voting: Adopted
• BC-22-02, Amendments to Bylaws: Adopted
• BC-22-04, Remove Executive Director Position From NARFE Bylaws: Adopted
• BC-22-07, Discussion of Bylaws at National Conference: Adopted
Retired Federal Employees ...
• Access the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute for powerful resources to help you fully understand and manage your benefits.
• Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your representatives about bills affecting federal benefits.
• Get NARFE Magazine with news and insights for the federal community.
• Save time, hassle and money with NARFE Perks.
• The opportunity to get involved at the local level by joining a chapter in your area.
on Card Signature Date
LOOKING TO MEET OTHERS in the federal community and participate in NARFE at a local level? Call 800-456-8410 to learn about a NARFE chapter in your area.
Would you like to receive a FREE one-year chapter membership? Choose one:
Chapter closest to home OR
NARFE respects the privacy of our members. Personal information
(Previously Office Depot/Office Max)
ADT Home Security | 844-892-3513 | Get your ADT-monitored home security system today for $28.99 a month with AND $100 Visa reward card from Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider. *New customers only. Visit website for full details of offer.

GE Appliances Store | Use the link below to start shopping! Save with NARFE members-only access to the GE Appliances Store! You will enjoy up to 25% off MSRP every day on the latest in high-quality appliances. *Orders can not be shipped to P.O. boxes, APOS, Canada, Puerto Rico, HI, AK or U.S. Territories. Registration?AuthCode=MONARFE21

LegalShield | 410-419-7130 |

Whether it’s big, small or somewhere in between, you have affordable legal help when you need it. Members receive the discounted rate of $18.95 for families of 10 (two adults and up to 8 children) when you sign up through the website above.
ODP Business Solutions | 1-800-650-1222 |

Because you’re a member of NARFE, you now have access to exclusive members only discounts at ODP Business Solutions (previously Office Depot/Office Max). Members save up to 75% off on ODP Business Solutions Best Value list of preferred products and can take advantage of products discounted off the regular prices. Restrictions may apply so visit for details. Product and service discounts may no longer be available for in-store purchases.

Purchasing Power | While not a discount program, Purchasing Power is an exclusive purchase program helps members buy brand-name computers, electronics, appliances and furniture via annuity allotment when cash is not an option. No credit check or down payments.

INSURANCE .........................................................................................................................................
NARFE Insurance Services | 800-233-5764 | Designed exclusively for NARFE members, (plans administered by Mercer) Senior Age Whole Life Insurance, Senior Term Life Insurance, Hospital Income and Short Term Recovery Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, AssistPlus, Discount Prescription Plan and Pet Insurance.
Member Options | 833-378-8224 |
Member Options Auto and Home Insurance Program - Save Money with Multiple Quotes! Get quotes from top-rated insurance carriers on Auto, Home, Renters, Pet insurance and more in a matter of minutes. Answer a few simple questions online or over the phone with our licensed insurance experts to compare multiple options that meet your specific needs. To review and choose what’s best for you, go to the link above or call 833-378-8224.
Neptune Society | 800-NEPTUNE (637-8863) |
Our prearranged plans cover all necessary expenses for one guaranteed price even if the services are not needed for 40 or 50 years. The Neptune Society offers a $100 discount to all NARFE members. *Discounted offer is not valid for residents of Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky. Void Where Prohibited.

Coleman Allied | 850-375-0917 |

With over 300 agency partners and an entire team dedicated to a quality move experience, Coleman Allied provides customized discount levels for all NARFE members for Interstate moves. *The NARFE pricing only applies to moves that leave the state you currently reside in.
Wheaton World Wide Moving | 800-248-7960 |

At Wheaton, we know interstate relocation is much more than trucks and boxes. With a network of top-quality agents throughout the United States, Wheaton provides peace of mind with every relocation.

Choice Hotels International | 800-258-2847 |

With 6,400 hotels throughout the world, Choice Hotels offers something for everyone. As a member, receive 20% off your next stay at participating hotels when you use Special Rate ID 00801967.
Collette Travel | 844-311-6563 |
With over 160 tours to all 7 continents and travel styles varying from small group to river cruising, Collette offers something for everyone. As a NARFE member, you receive an additional $50-$100 off all tours including sales and offers! Just use your member benefit code NARFESAVE or let our reservation agent know you are a NARFE Member when booking.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car® | Book Now! |

When you’re ready to go, Enterprise Rent-A-Car makes it easy. We offer everyday low rates on a great selection of cars, trucks and vans and customers are picked up at no extra cost*. See website for exclusions.
Hotel Engine | Hotel Engine, a private booking platform, connects organizations and their members to deeply discounted hotel rates.
Member Deals | ttps://

MemberDeals is your one stop for great discounts on nationwide travel and entertainment! Find exclusive discounts, special offers, preferred seating, and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, hotels, and much more. Visit MemberDeals and find savings such as up to 40% on top theme parks nationwide and preferred access tickets to your favorite concerts, sports & more!

National Car Rental® | 800-CAR-RENT |

NARFE members receive great rates with National Car Rental! At National, we pride ourselves on always providing you with unsurpassed convenience and choice.
Brookdale Senior Living Communities | 877-713-2762 |

As the largest operator of senior living communities in the US, Brookdale has over 1,000 locations all across the country. Members are eligible for 7.5% discount at Brookdale Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care communities and 10% discounts on Brookdale Private Duty Home Care. Discounts are for new move-ins/customers only.
Life Line Screening | 800-324-9906 |
Life Line Screening, America’s leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will conduct health screenings using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology in your neighborhood. Operator code BKHN075.

Shrimp Boats to Satellites
Earl Ward, left, a controller with the Civil Aeronautics Administration (predecessor to the Federal Aviation Administration) organized the Newark en route control center in 1936.
In the photo, he tracks a flight with the aid of a caliper as R.A. Eccles watches. The pointed markers, which came to be known as “shrimp boats,” represented aircraft; they were moved across the map as flights progressed.

Today the FAA uses high-tech satellites for its flight tracking.
PHOTO from the Federal Aviation Administration, courtesy of of Theresa L. Kraus, FAA Historian, in collaboration with the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), bringing together government professionals, academics, consultants, students and citizens interested in understanding federal history work and the historical development of the federal government. To join, visit
The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 transferred the Civil Aeronautics Authority’s functions to a new independent FAA responsible for civil aviation safety.
Learn more at about/history/brief_history

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan members may be eligible for two fully covered hearing aids with zero out-of-pocket cost on many models when applying your hearing aid benefit*. HearUSA offers all these features and follows all safety protocols for our customers and employees. Call 1-855-252-0025 to discover more or visit
EXPERIENCE - HearUSA has been changing lives through better hearing since 1987 and a proud NARFE Circle Sponsor since 2016.
CHOICE - All major hearing aid brands and styles available, including completely-in-the-canal, the smallest custom hearing aids on the market.
TECHNOLOGY - Smart technology helps you hear more clearly and eliminates annoying feedback “whistling”.
RECHARGABLE - Most models have rechargeable options; no need to ever replace batteries! Plus, many models connect with your cell phone!
TELEHEALTH - Take advantage of HearUSA Telehealth Services where you obtain quality care at home. Telehealth appointments are available.

*The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Option up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. Blue365

offers access to savings on health and wellness products and services that members may purchase from independent
Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental and/or Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision. These products and services will be offered to you through
During the year, the independent vendors may offer additional discounts on these products and services. To find out what is
regarding your health insurance products and services may be subject to your plan’s grievance process. BCBSA may receive
nor any Blue Company recommends, endorses, warrants, or guarantees any specific vendor, product or service