Women in the City: An investigation into the city as a man-made environment

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REFERENCES This document includes some information previously submitted by the author as part of the ARC596 Preliminary Submission in March 2020. Hopley, N “Women in the city: An investigation of gendered spaces in cities.” (ARC596 Preliminary Submission, University of Sheffield, 2020) Ayers, P. (2004). Work, culture and gender: The making of masculinities in post-war Liverpool. Labour History Review. 69 (2), 153-167. BDP (2009). Liverpool: regeneration of a city centre. Manchester: BDP. Betsky, A. (2018). Women in a man-made world. Architectural Review. 1449, 30-32. Carter, H. (2008). Policing the retail republic. Available: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2008/may/28/ regeneration.communities. Last accessed 11.10.2020. Crawley, Foley, Shehan (2007). Gendering Bodies. London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Elkin, L (2017). Flaneuse: Women Walk the City in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Venice and London. New York: Vintage Publishing. Franck, K (1981), A Feminist Approach to Architect: Acknowledging Women’s Ways of Knowing, in Rendell, Penner and Borden. (2000) Gender Space Architecture: an interdisciplinary introduction. London: Routledge, 295-305 Frichot, H (2020). Writing Architectures: Ficto-Critical Approaches. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Gehl, J (2010). Cities for people. Washington D.C.: Island Press. Handler, S (2014). An Alternative Age Friendly Handbook. Manchester: The University of Manchester Library. Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. in Feminist Studies. 14 (3), 575-599. Hayden D. What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work. 1980, in Rendell, Penner and Borden. (2000) Gender Space Architecture: an interdisciplinary introduction. London: Routledge, 266 Jacobs, J (1961). The death and life of great American cities. New York: Random House. Kern, L (2020). Feminist City. London: Verso Books. Lefebvre, H (1991). The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwells. Matrix (1984). Making space: women and the man-made environment. London: Pluto. 60

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