Working Group Summary Report

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Working Group Summary Report 31 July 2015 Review of Key Provisions of the Human Resource Management Framework UNIDO



Working Group Summary Report United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 31st July 2015 Layout and Design by Nora Aoun

Table of contents (i) Foreword ............................................................................................................................. 4 (ii) Terms of Reference............................................................................................................... 4 (iii) Executive Summary............................................................................................................... 5 Fig.1: Structure of HR Policy Frameworks ................................................................................... 6 I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 7 Fig 2: Maturity of Human Resources............................................................................................ 7 II. AN INTEGRATED APPROACH – UNIDO CAREER WHEEL.......................................................... 8 Fig 3: UNIDO Career Wheel.......................................................................................................... 8 Box 1: Prediction for 2014 – Talent management........................................................................ 8 Box 2: Prediction for 2015 – Talent solution................................................................................. 8 II.A. PLANNING............................................................................................................................ 9 Fig 4: Distribution/Staffing Structure........................................................................................... 10 Fig 5: Maturity of Workforce Planning......................................................................................... 10 II.B. TALENT ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT........................................................................... 13 Fig 6: Maturity of Talent Acquisition............................................................................................ 14 Box 3: Talent acquisition............................................................................................................... 14 II.C. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................ 15 Fig 7: Maturity of Performance Management............................................................................. 16 II.D.

EFFECTIVE LEADERS AND MANAGERS.................................................................................... 16

II.E. CAREER MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT........................................................................ 17 Fig 8: Maturity of Leadership Development................................................................................. 18 II.F. MERIT-BASED REWARD AND RECOGNITION.......................................................................... 18 Fig 9: Recognition Strategy Framework....................................................................................... 19 II.G.

KNOWLEDGE RETENTION AND MANAGEMENT..................................................................... 20


MANAGEMENT OF EXITS....................................................................................................... 20

III. PROPOSAL FOR STRUCTURE – HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................................... 21 Fig 10: Proposal for Structure-HRMF Architecture....................................................................... 21 IV. ANNEXES Annex 1: Members of the Working Group.................................................................................... 23 Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group........................................................................... 24 Annex 3: Current HRMF, Suggestions, Impact and Cost Implications........................................... 30 Annex 4: Proposed Elements for Talent Acquisition..................................................................... 32 Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme................................................................................ 34 Annex 6: Proposed Revision to Staff Performance Management................................................. 42 Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme.................................................. 43 Annex 8: Proposed Reward and Recognition Schemes................................................................. 52 Annex 9: Concept for Proposed Mobility and Rotation................................................................ 54

(i) Foreword

(ii) Terms of Reference

The Working Group (WG) was formed and given its TOR by the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC), on 13 May 2015, with a very stringent deadline of 31 July 2015 to submit its summary report. Given the tight timeframe (11 weeks), the WG found it necessary to adopt a structured and disciplined approach. The WG took advantage of the clause in its TOR to “.. establish its own rules of procedures and agree on its own schedule of meetings”. It established norms for its meetings and a commitment from each member to ensure a quorum of 10 drawn from the total of 18 members including Chair/Co Chair. One of the norms which influenced the spirit of collaboration and team work was “When in the meeting room we contribute in our individual capacities– all team members are equal – We all leave our titles at the door”.

To review key provisions of the Framework together with the human resource policies, practices and processes of UNIDO in terms of their alignment and consistency with the Organization’s renewed mandate, its mission, programme and budget and capacity to promote inclusive and sustained industrial development.

The WG met once a week for 2 hours. It agreed to utilize the services of an intern to assist with research, logistics and to record the summary notes of the plenaries. It also established sub-working groups to research best practices on specific topics, to benchmark, to conduct informal consultations and to make proposals.

To review the harmonization of those provisions, policies, practices and processes with the best human resource policies and practices in the UN common system. To strive for human resource management policies and practices that: a.

b. c. d.

Taking into account the span and range of topics included in the TOR, the WG recognized that in order to cover all topics, it had to structure its work along the Life Cycle of an Employee – the Human Resource of the Organization. The Working Group (Ref. Annex 1) takes this opportunity to thank the JAC for the unique opportunity to contribute to this valuable exercise of reviewing the Human Resource Management Framework and hereby has great pleasure in submitting its Summary Report for its consideration. Okusitina Bulavakarua (Chair) Gerardo Patacconi (Co-Chair) 31 July 2015

e. f. g. h.

i. j.


Safeguard the best interests of the Organization in terms of institutional strengthening, preservation of knowledge, fair and equitable gender balance, as well as geographical diversity; Encourage sound and fair management of performance and professional development; Contribute to attracting and retaining staff of the highest standard and caliber; Foster team-building and career development, including the introduction of incentives and other measures to keep staff both motivated and committed to the mandate and mission of UNIDO; Promote healthy competition, especially in terms of career advancement; Promote fairness and equity; Encourage information-sharing and transparency; Are clearly designed and simply administered, as well as being easily understood by both staff and management; Reward excellence and improve the management of underperformance; Maintain flexibility, thus enabling the Organization to meet specific needs and challenges, particularly with regard to diversity, specialized jobs and scarce skills; and Secure cost neutrality or even savings in terms of both staff costs and administrative costs.

The JAC WG shall review inter alia the following policies and issues: •


• • • • •

Administrative Instruction UNIDO/PSM/HRM/AI.1 Classification of Posts in the General Service and Professional and higher categories, issued on 20 March 2009; Rotation policy; Current merit award/promotion schemes; The staff performance management system; Preservation of institutional and technical knowledge; Recruitment and placement.

Ref. Annex 2: UNIDO/IC/2015/09 dated 13 May 2015 for full TOR.

(iii) Executive Summary A key purpose in the TOR of the WG is to review the HRMF…“in terms of their alignment and consistency with the Organization’s renewed mandate, its mission, programme and budget and capacity to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development.” The WG benchmarked the current situation in UNIDO against organizations at the global level as well as in the United Nations (UN) System. At the global level, the WG drew on the researches by Bersin and Associates1 and Bersin by Deloitte2 which are considered as reputable authority on best practices in human resources management implemented by successful companies. At the level of the UN System, the WG gathered information through the Human Resources Network. Additional independent research on each topics and ensuing deliberations enabled the WG to submit herewith (a) the current situation, (b) the desired situation and (c) specific proposals for the UNIDO. From these bench-markings, the WG notes that the current HRMF contains key principles which remain relevant. However, the two main shortcomings are: (i) the absence of alignment to UNIDO’s purpose and (ii) the stand-alone approach to each of the main human resource functions contained in each Chapter: Competency-Framework, Succession Planning, Contractual Arrangements, Temporary Assignments, Developing Capacity and Recognizing and Rewarding Performance.

a Maturity Model used by Organizations to assess themselves vis-à-vis the maturity of their human resource management functions. UNIDO is perceived to be at lower levels of maturity and the WG recommends proposals to assist the Organization move towards desired levels of maturity. The desired situation in UNIDO is one, where the human resource management framework integrates the main issues which affect an employee during their career life cycle with the primary purpose of engaging and motivating such an employee to continue to add value to the purpose of the Organization. The guiding principles of the recommended proposals are to achieve higher degree of transparency, fairness, effectiveness and efficiency of the UNIDO Human resources management and to lay the grounds for the conditions which shall bring UNIDO to the level of other leading and innovative organizations within the UN System. The proposals recommended by the WG are perceived to be at minimum cost to UNIDO as they represent a different way of working or a reallocation of current resources. Annex 3 shows the current HRMF and where the issues therein shall be addressed in a new Framework.

Over the past ten years, HR professionals have been trying to build integrated HR management solutions through programmes to integrate recruiting, internal mobility, leadership development, performance management, and succession planning.3 Bersin and Associates provides a 1 Bersin and Associate’ Frameworks and Maturity Models are unique to Bersin & Associates and are designed to create an understanding of an organization’s level of maturity and the impact that moving up in maturity level can have on the business. These Maturity Models are used to benchmark an organization’s level of sophistication in given areas and to identify the best practices that are most critical to improving business outcomes: 2 Bersin by Deloitte, is a leading provider of research, tools, professional development, and advisory services in talent management, enterprise learning, leadership development, talent acquisition, and HR software and solutions, services to 71 of the Fortune 100 Companies. Over a million HR and management professionals and 5,000 organizations rely on Bersin research on trends and best-practices. Each year, Bersin by Deloitte provides predictions for the management of human resources. 3 Refer to Bersin by Deloitte: Predictions for 2014. Building a Strong Talent Pipeline for the Global Economic Recovery. – Time for Innovative and Integrated Talent and HR Strategies.


The WG recommends: a. The articulation of a Human Resource Strategy which provides the principles and linkages between 8 human resources functions within a Career Life Cycle of an employee, towards meeting 5 human resource imperatives: (i) to further engage people towards UNIDO’s purpose; (ii) to attract and retain people committed to UNIDO’s purpose; (iii) to recognize and reward performance and results-based culture; (iv) to secure and nurture transparent and effective managers and leaders; and (v) to motivate and engage people to add value through career growth. b. The formulation of individual Implementation Frameworks within each of the 8 human resource functions within the career life cycle. The above recommendations provide an integrated approach to human resources management. Fig 1 below shows the proposed architecture for such an integrated approach. The proposals in the Summary Report provide the main elements of the HR Strategy for the 8 HR functions to achieve the 5 HR imperatives, and ultimately create the conditions for people to contribute towards UNIDO’s mandate of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID). Individual policy frameworks, existing or new, should fit into the architectural design. Fig. 1: Structure of HR Policy Frameworks

Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

5 HR Imperatives

· · · · ·


• Revised Framework on Classification. • Revised Competency Framework.

Further Engage People Towards UNIDO’s Purpose Recruit/Retain People Committed to UNIDO’s Purpose Recognize & Reward Performance & Results Based Culture Secure & Nurture Transparent/Effective Managers & Leaders Motivate and Engage People to Add Value through Career Growth

Talent Acquisition

Performance Management

Effective Career Merit-Based Management & Management & Reward & Leadership Development Recognition

Knowledge Management & Retention

• New Framework on Recruitment, Selection, Onboarding, Orientation and Contracts

Revised Framework on Staff Performance Management.

• New Framework for Career and Staff Development.

• New Framework for Knowledge Management, Separation and Trigger for Succession.

• New Framework for Merit & Performance – based Rewards and Recognitions. • Revised Framework for Mobility and Rotation • New Framework for Work-Life Balance



Management of Exits and Succession

8 HR Functions

Individual Policy Frameworks

I. INTRODUCTION 1. This report is informed by the: i.

Framework and Maturity Models of Bersin and Associates as well as the predictions for 2014 and 2015 by Bersin by Deloitte in terms of HR management at the global level; The experience of selected organizations in the UN common system and; The specific experience in UNIDO.

ii. iii.

2. Where are we at in comparison to the rest of the world? Fig 2: Maturity of Human Resources

3. UNIDO is perceived to be at Level 2 (Ref Fig 2) in terms of Human Resource Management. We have moved from a Distribu(on f Professional Level Staff -­‐ of 31 fundamental Dec 2014 compliance-driven HRoservices to maintenance HR services with matured Rules, Regulations and Instructions governing the core HR processes. 80

4. The 60 WG notes that if a key purpose in its TOR is to review the HRMF…“in terms of their alignment and consistency with the Organization’s renewed mandate, its mission, programme and budget and capacity to promote inclusive and 40 sustainable industrial development.” then the ultimate vision is to achieve the highest level of maturity i.e. Level20 4. The proposals of the WG are intended to move the Organization from the perceived current level, to the next level, i.e. level 3. As a start, the WG envisions an integrated approach to human resource management, pegged to the0 Life Cycle of an Employee. The WG proposes the concept of the UNIDO Career Wheel introduced in Fig. 3 on DG D-­‐2 D-­‐1 P-­‐5 P-­‐4 P-­‐3 P-­‐2 P-­‐1 the next page. Distribu(on of GS Level Staff -­‐ 31 Dec 2014 150 100 50 0









Fig. 3. The UNIDO Career Wheel – Adding Value to the Purpose of UNIDO UNIDO PLANNING: Workforce; Succession; HR Results; HR OM Structure; HR Behaviours HR Targets

Promote a Culture of:



ER IT -­‐ M RE BAS ot C O E D Pe Re iva G R rfo su te NIT EW rm lts , Re IO AR an -­‐ba in N D & ce se for M d & ce in ds et .


CAREER MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT Motivate through Career Growth


PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Reward High Performance; Manage Under Performance


Engaging People Towards UNIDO’s Purpose. Securing People Committed to Achieving UNIDO’s Purpose. Adding Value through Career Growth. Performance and Delivering Results. Effective Managers and Leaders.

EF FE CT Ef Mo & M IVE fe ti A c t v a NA L E i v e te G A M t ER DE St an hrou S RS yle ag g em h en t




T EN ; EM ing . AG uit ing AN ecr nt M ; R rie NT ng ; O LE rci ing TA Sou uct d In

ITS EX n rs E o AG nsi ree AN Pe Ca M To her Ot To

Box 1: “In 2014, we need to think of the elements of talent management as one integrated “system”-each working together, but fitting into a total employee environment.”

Box 2: In 2015, we should focus on “targeted talent solutions” which drive “talent and business outcomes.”

Current Best Practices in the Open Market 5. Leading organizations view all employees as “Talents” with something valuable to contribute towards the Organization’s purpose. With this simple label, the human resource is considered valuable. In the review of current practices, the challenges already identified in 2014 by Bersin by Deloitte, (Ref. Box 1) are for Organizations to apply the concept of “integrated talent management”. The prediction for 2015 by Bersin by Deloitte is for Organizations to use talents to contribute directly to the desired outcomes of the business (Ref Box 2).

6. While many companies are still working to build and integrate the HR programmes, the higher performing companies are already moving ahead to seize the new opportunity to shift from “integration” to “optimization”. In 2015, ”employee engagement has become central to everything we do in HR. Today, it has become the center of all major talent, leadership and HR strategies.”4

Current Best Practices in the UN System 7. The UN system Organizations which have prepared Human Resource Strategies to integrate Talent Management into the Life Cycle of an Employee include UNDP (A People-Centered Strategy - 4 Year Plan); UNFPA (Human Resource Strategy 2014-2017-Delivering on the Bulls Eye); WHO (Build One WHO 2010- 2015) and WFP (People Strategy 2014-2017). They have aligned their HR Strategies to the delivery of their strategic priorities. Most other Organizations in the UN system have Human Resource Management Frameworks similar to UNIDO’s.

Proposal for UNIDO 8. When compared to organizations at the global level as well as in the UN system, the WG acknowledges the need to propose an integrated approach to human resource management. Working within the UNIDO Career Wheel, 4 Ibid.


II.A. Planning

tools are proposed to attract the right talent; orient the talent; manage the performance of the talent; reward the talent for high performance; motivate the talent; develop the career of the talent; plan for the exit of the talent and plan for the entry of the new talent. The purpose of investing in talent at every turn of the wheel is to acquire and continue to receive the incremental value of people’s contributions towards the purpose of UNIDO. This approach is especially relevant for UNIDO in view of its function as a UN specialized Agency as well as a knowledge-based organization. 9. Drawing on the best practices of the few UN organizations mentioned above, it is proposed that an integrated Human Resource Strategy for UNIDO be prepared and aligned to the Organization’s Medium Term Programme Framework covering 2016 to 2019 and that it be reviewed periodically every 3 years to ensure that it remains relevant within prevailing contexts and continue to be aligned to the purpose of the Organization. The integrated approach will also assure increased transparency, effectiveness and resource and time efficiency of Human Resource management.

An important prerequisite that shall be key to all parts of the employee life cycle is a clear understanding of the “UNIDO Brand5” to personify the abstract statement of “the UNIDO Purpose”. Transforming “ISID” into a tangible concept that all employees can rally around, is key.

II.A. PLANNING • • • • • •

Workforce Planning vs. Succession Planning OM/Positions Structure HR Desired Behaviors/Culture Delegation from DG Organizational HR Targets Pre-requisite Conditions for implementation to achieve the HR Imperatives

TS XI E E n rs AG nsio ree AN o Pe r Ca M T he Ot To

The Current Situation 10. The principles of succession planning contained in the current HRMF are valid, however, are not linked to the strategic objectives of the Organization. 11. Some provisions of the HRMF have not been fully implemented mainly due to financial imperatives. The provisions in the current HRMF are applicable only to the human resources secured under the approved biennial programme and budget (P&B). It therefore, is not inclusive of the majority of other human capital secured by the Organization to deliver its mandate. 12. These refer to the modalities of recruitment for 200-series (separate PSM AI/3 2008), 300-series nor for other human capital including experts at no direct cost or limited costs to the organization. Succession planning and the P&B cycle are not synchronized (para 12 of HRMF). 13. Release of posts within the P&B cycle is driven by financial situation such as the status of collection of assessed contributions and foreseen budget cuts, rather than by succession requirements. UNIDO still falls short of the 50/50 target for gender balance in the professional and higher categories (Currently 31%). Common complaints by Member States and echoed by the external auditors, are the lack of succession planning as well as the imbalance in gender and geographical distribution. 14. A wide gap exists between a post being vacated and the post being filled. Posts are budgeted at 100% and, in most cases, also released at 100% regardless of actual work requirements at time of recruitment. Temporary assignments or lateral reassignments are hardly utilized by staff. Post classification frequently produced very specific job descriptions which are perceived to have limited differentiation across grades. Alignment of posts to assignments (re-classification of encumbered posts) is perceived to be an avenue for promotion and career development, although perceived by some as not transparent. This also has immediate budgetary consequences which need to be covered in the P&B. 5 For the Executive Board to announce.


II.A. Planning

Distribu(on of Professional Staff -­‐ 31 Dec of 2014 15. The staffing structures for the Professional and GS categories, (Ref. Fig 4) show a heavyLevel concentration staff at the senior levels, reflecting the current practice of recruiting at mid-to-higher levels. An attempt to rejuvenate 80 staff at the entry level was made in 2009 with the recruitment of 10 Young Professionals at the P1 levels. This was discontinued in the successive P&B. The demand for entry60 level human resources are however, reflected in the increasing number of entry level consultants recruited in 40 headquarters to complement core staff in supporting technical cooperation delivery: As of June 2015, 70% of all consultants in headquarters were at Junior Specialist 20 levels (P1/P2) and 81% at G1 to G3 levels. 0

Fig 4: Distribution/Staffing Structure Distribu(on of Professional Level Staff -­‐ 31 Dec 2014









Distribu(on of GS Level Staff -­‐ 31 Dec 2014





40 50

20 0

0 DG







Distribu(on of GS Level Staff -­‐ 31 Dec 2014








16. While the current staff distribution at the Professional level may reflect the Organization’s desire to maintain a 150 higher level of expertise, the resultant consequence is that staff recruited at the mid to higher level may see that 100 they no longer have room to grow, unless a vacancy arises at the higher level. From the recent PSM Survey, the lack of career development opportunities was expressed. The WG therefore recognizes the need to propose solutions 50 which would balance the requirements of the Organization to fulfil its mandate within existing resources, while also motivating and engaging current staff to deliver their full potential. 0

G-­‐7 G-­‐6 G-­‐5 G-­‐4 G-­‐3 G-­‐2 17. In terms of Bersin & Associates Maturity Model for Workforce Planning (Ref Fig 5), UNIDO is perceived to be at level 1. Organizations in the UN System which have progressed to levels 2 and 3 are UNOPS, UNFPA and UNDP.

Fig 5: Maturity of Workforce Planning

The desired situation 18. To have a Workforce Plan that accounts for a diverse workforce (gender/geographic/generation/all types of human capital); with the right skills (paramount consideration); right behaviors (competencies); placed in right roles (generic classified jobs); in a timely manner (succession); motivated to deliver their roles (develop, reward, lead); to meet the purpose of UNIDO (align to meeting business needs). The ultimate vision is to achieve level 4. However, at this stage, WG recognizes that its proposals are intended to move the Organization from the perceived level 1 to the next level, i.e. level 2 of the maturity scale. Proposal for UNIDO 19. The Planning Phase should put in place the structure and pre-requisite conditions for the implementation of the features of the UNIDO Career Wheel. The following principles are proposed: 10

II.A. Planning

• UNIDO Human Capital – Inclusiveness a. The Workforce Planning should be inclusive of the bench strength and cover all human capital required to deliver the business of the Organization. b. Other modalities of human capital should be included in the Planning discussions and policy frameworks should be prepared in due course to govern the various modalities. (Example: Internships, Cost-Free Experts, Partnership Agreements with Universities or Institutions for attachments, fellowships, exchanges or specific technical collaborations). c. The proposals made at each stage of the career wheel and in the individual policy frameworks must take into account staff members at the 100, 200 and 300 series of the Staff Rules and wherever, feasible, the employees under the Individual Service Agreements (ISA). •

UNIDO Positions and Budget

a. Succession Planning would be specific to the handling of the human resources approved in the P&B and would refer to the contractual conditions under the 100, 200, 300 series of the Staff Rules. b. The P&B cycle to include Generic Job Descriptions with clearly defined roles for the different classified levels. c. The classification policy is to be revised to include nomenclatures, generic job descriptions with clear job roles and to update functional titles. d. Posts can be released at less than 100% based on the requirements of the business. e. Introduce G7 and P6 categories as legitimate roles requiring institutional and technical leadership. The P6 can be reserved for award by the Director General for special roles requiring leadership and innovation in a technical area, without managerial functions. •

UNIDO Staff and Management Culture

a. Revise the UNIDO competency framework to redefine desired profiles of a UNIDO employee as well as a UNIDO Manager and the behaviors to be rewarded or sanctioned. (Ref. Section III.b) • Accountability of Managers a. Delegation from the Director General to Managing Directors for management of the Human Resources in their Divisions. Includes approvals for talent acquisition, lateral movements, lateral reassignments, temporary mobility and rotation. b. Managerial Commitment to Gender and Geographical balance through Divisional Targets to improve Diversity of the Workforce. • Modalities for Rejuvenation and Motivation of Staff: 20. The WG assessed the following 2 options, based on two diverging viewpoints. The first option is supported by the majority and the second option is supported by a minority.

Option 1: To introduce a performance-based promotion scheme as the main avenue for career development. 21. In considering this option, the WG took note of the current shortcomings of the status quo. In particular, it took note of the feed-back that the DG is dissatisfied with the current provisions of reclassification of encumbered posts and that he also wanted to see that a Merit promotion exercise should be effective in rewarding those who most deserve it. The WG, therefore, proposes that these two modalities are captured in a more acceptable form, linked to career path planning and development and correct classification level for the meritorious staff member. 22. This option envisions the following: • To motivate internal staff members through a performance based promotion scheme which supports career path planning and career development. • To have competitive selection for designated positions. • To rejuvenate at the entry levels for both GS and P. 23. To implement this option, the following are proposed: •

The provisions for promotion within the Roles at G1 through G5 and P1 through P3 already exist in the current HRMF (Para 71 to 73). The proposal is to extend the series to the Roles at Grades G6 and P4, and to include these two grades in the pooling or broad-banding of budgetary resources. 11

II.A. Planning – Pros / Cons

• •

When a post is vacant at the higher level, the default would be to acquire new talent through competitive selection at entry levels G1 to G3 depending on the job families and P1 for professional level. Exceptions can to be justified on the bases of skills gap. Following the financial certifications, an annual “Merit Promotion” exercise from G1 to G6 and P1 to P4, to be conducted and shall be based on performance ratings; submission by managers; desk audits by HRM to validate performance at higher level and review by an Inter-Divisional Review Group to calibrate performance ratings across Divisions for fairness. Since a vacated higher level post shall allow for a vacancy to be advertised at the entry level, the merit promotion exercise shall normally not result in additional budgetary resources. Competitive internal selection is still open for promotions to G7, to P5 and above and from G to P. Competitive external competition and selection can be justified on the bases of skills gap.

Pros • • • • • •

With posts advertised at entry levels combined with the performance based promotion scheme, staff members can have a career path to grow within their tenure, up to a certain point (to G6 and to P4). Rejuvenation at the entry level shall address a perceived imbalance in the staffing structure observed in Fig. 4. Merit Promotion awardees are promoted to the higher level posts (up to G6 and P4) which are classified at the higher level. i.e. the alignment of promotion level of incumbents with classification level of post. This addresses the recurring complaints of staff that there is no career planning or development. More entry level P posts advertised and providing more opportunities for G to P. The majority of the WG members are confident that several proposals made in the summary report, are in some large measures, attempting to address many of the challenges of the status quo. These include: - the integrated approach to strengthening managers and supervisors, to manage their human resources as recommended. (Ref Section II.D) - the revision to the current Framework on Staff Performance Management to improve it as a management tool as well as a measuring instrument for merit-based promotions and rewards and sanctions (Ref Section II.C). - the career path-planning in job roles, supported by the Staff Development Programme (Ref. Section II.E). - the merit-based promotions based on validations of performances, peer feedback and calibration reviews.

24. Two members of the WG expressed their concerns on their perception of the lack of a competitive process in the broad-banding proposal and limiting the entry level external recruitment at G1-G2 and P1-P2 levels. They perceived the following negative effects: Cons • • • • • • •

Reducing staff mobility across units and branches and therefore limiting carrier paths. Limiting UNIDO to benefit from the recruitment of qualified external talent with industry and developing country experience, as entry level talents would not necessarily have such experiences. May lead to abuses by the management through favoritism. May demotivate staff-members who could view the process as not being transparent. May demotivate staff to keep abreast of their area of knowledge due to the lack of competition. May artificially inflate the grades of staff and resulting on additional burden to the organization’s budget; and May create discrepancies among the units of the organization that could apply the broad-banding and the more technical ones (such as in BMS) that have limited job series.

25. Some members of the WG also expressed the option to strengthen the transparency and fairness in the implementation of Option 1 by considering a competitive process for promotion within the job series – i.e. tools in place to ensure transparency of managerial decisions and ensure that equal opportunities are provided by a manager, to staff within their span of control. In this connection, it was proposed that control and monitoring mechanisms should be implemented by HRM to monitor fairness and transparency of the process. Option 2: To improve on the status quo. 26. The main features of this option are as follows: a. All vacant positions are advertised internally first and (b) if no internal candidate is found suitable, to advertise externally. This allows for career development of staff. Rejuvenation shall therefore, be based on skills gap, at any category and level, inherent in the Organization. 12

II.B. Talent acquisition and management

b. The biennial merit promotion exercise continues, however, with the recommendation that meritorious staff should be selected on the bases of proven performance at the higher level and placed on posts classified at the higher level. This ensures that promotion and classification levels are aligned. c. The provisions of reclassification of encumbered posts are retained.

Pros: for open competition: • • • • •

Principle of open competition while allowing for career development, within one’s specialization as well as across functional groups. Rejuvenation based on skills gap in UNIDO. Principle of “the most suitable internal candidate” selected for a vacant post. Principle of people taking personal responsibility for their career development. Positions and Budgets linked one to one, which may be simpler for PSM/FIN to manage.

Pros: for merit promotion: •

Promotion of a staff member to the classified level of a post – i.e. alignment of promotion and classification.

Pros: for reclassification of encumbered post •

Recognition of personal performance at the higher level, can lead to a promotion if post is approved for upgrade and included in the budget.

Cons • • • • •

Financial certifications are required for each vacancy in current financial climate. Career progression upwards is not as smooth as it is primarily through applying and being selected for a higher level vacant post in your area of specialization or expertize. For Merit Promotion, PSM/FIN has to set aside vacant posts at higher level to accommodate the merit promotion. For Reclassification of encumbered posts, the process is drawn out over a period of 2 years and is dependent on the approval of the next biennium budget. Was perceived not to be transparent and the DG requested that this modality be suspended.


Sourcing Recruiting Inducting Orienting

S XIT E E n rs AG nsio ree AN Pe Ca M To her t O To

The current situation 27. The paramount consideration for employment continues to “be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity.” The UNIDO Results and Performance Framework for 2016 to 2021 envision UNIDO’s performance on Staff Diversity and Gender Parity and Equality as parameters which shall be used to measure UNIDO’s Organizational Effectiveness. Out of 170 UNIDO Member States, 96 are not represented in UNIDO’s staffing structure. There are currently 31% female professional staff members against a target of 50:50. UNIDO’s vacancy announcements for professional level posts have resulted in a range of 20% to 30% of applicants deemed by HRM to have met the minimum requirements and eligible for technical evaluation by the recruiting managers. These include less than 20% female candidates. Announcements for certain technical positions are not attracting the desired volume of qualified technical experts. 28. The filling of positions and posts are ad-hoc and can often be long drawn out. A spot check of a UNIDO Recruitment lead time revealed that a position remained vacant for 14.8 months and was filled 8.3 months after it was approved for recruitment. In the past two years, succession has been mainly from internal resources, limiting rejuvenation from external market. As a stop gap measure, temporary resources have been secured on increasing bases to bridge the gap in recruitment of core resources.


II.B. Talent acquisition and management

29. At the moment, a job is advertised in several channels and media. There is limited proactive use of social media and recruitment networks. The result is often a less than adequate pool of candidates who would make a reasonable contribution to improving geographical and gender balance. 30. The potential delays in filling vacant positions are (i) Director General’s approval to initiate the recruitment for each case; financial certifications for each recruitment case; preparation of a job description, signatures by at least 2 layers of managers and classification for each recruitment case; approval of the shortlist and names of the interview panels by at least 2 layers of management; the submission of the recommendations by at least 2 layers of management; the review of the appointment and promotion bodies and finally the decision of the Director General or Deputy to the Director General. 31. In terms of Bersin & Associates Maturity Model for Talent Acquisition, UNIDO is perceived to be at level 2 (Ref. Fig 6). Most of the Organizations of the UN System are at Level 2. UNFPA informed that they are approaching level 3. Fig 6: Maturity of Talent Acquisition

Box 3: Talent acquisition is the most important thing HR does. In 2015 organizations must embrace network recruiting, and focus on brand, candidate relationship management, referral recruiting, the data science of recruiting and leveraging external networks

The desired situation

UNIDO fills vacant positions, in a timely manner, with talent, who are committed to the purpose of UNIDO; 32. That the skills; have the desired behaviors and who are motivated by the mandate and therefore, can continue to have value to UNIDO. At the same time, a proactive outreach and networking would result in a respectable pool of add qualified candidates from non and under-represented countries as well as women. The ultimate vision is to reach level 4. However, at this stage, the WG recognizes that its proposals, including the measures recommended by Bersin by Deloitte in Box 3, are intended to move the Organization from the perceived level 2 to the next level, i.e. level 3 of the maturity scale. 33. Another statement from the predictions of Bersin by Deloitte to be heeded by UNIDO in a desired state: “Today, the world of recruiting has dramatically changed. Not only must we know how to source and assess candidates throughout our global network – we must also learn how to differentiate ourselves through our brand, candidate experience, and candidate relationship management process.” Proposal for UNIDO 34. A different approach to recruitment and selection in UNIDO is proposed through the following measures:

a. Introduce recruitment drives at quarterly intervals allowing for structured outreach networks (proven best practice in ILO). Posts to become vacant can only be advertised once in a quarter (eg April; July; October and


II.C. Performance management

b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

January). Shall enable managers to plan ahead to meet deadlines. Positions in technical cooperation projects and programmes may be advertised according to demand. Introduce assessment techniques at entry levels to ascertain commitment to the mandate and fit with the desired culture of being motivated by the purpose of the Organization, first and foremost. Introduce assessment centre techniques for senior and managerial levels to ascertain readiness for managerial and leadership roles. Extend advertising duration from 3 weeks to 8 weeks for core positions. Continue structured Assessments. Introduce Video interviews in lieu of Telephone Interviews for Shortlisting. Establish pool of trained internal assessors to take on different roles including due process. Shall make the role of the Appointment and Promotion Bodies redundant. Rostering of pre-cleared candidates including long terms consultants. Re-profile the roles of recruiter competent in modern outreach and networks. Abolish Seniority in Grade and tighten assessments of Minimum Requirements (applied by all organizations in the UN). Establish Divisional targets for gender & geographical balance. Introduce a structured induction and orientation process. Abolish continuous classifications by introducing generic job descriptions based on roles.


S XIT E E n rs AG nsio ree AN Pe Ca M To her Ot To

Reward high performers Manage under performers

The current situation 35. The Framework for Staff Performance Management (UNIDO/AI/2012/01 dated 9 March 2012) has been implemented over 3 performance cycles (2012, 2013 and 2014). It is observed that the policy framework and the online tool contain good practices for goal setting, establishing annual compact results, periodic reviews to trigger feedback and performance discussions, multi-rater feedback, and overall ratings which are linked to human resource administrative actions including rewards and sanctions. While the tool exists, it is, however, not fully utilized by staff members and managers as intended. The management of underperformers was highlighted as a problem in UNIDO. It was perceived that managers would rather provide a minimum rating of “3” rather than face the long process of rebuttals or appeals. 36. The main drawbacks include: ad-hoc process for cascading of goals, certain degrees on inconsistencies in application of ratings including over-inflation in some Branches, lack of proper discussions and feedback, inconsistencies in compact results and KPIs among same job families, non-compliance with the guidelines on selection of feedback sources and some lack of discipline in completing the phases of the cycles within established timeframes. 37. In terms of Bersin & Associates Maturity Model for Staff Performance Management, UNIDO is perceived to be at level 2 (Ref Fig. 7) on the bases of the current policy framework. However, as some of the important provisions of this policy are not working as well as envisioned, then the WG perceives UNIDO to be at level 1 in practice. Most of the Organizations in the UN System are at level 2. UNOPS and UNFPA are at level 3.


II.C. Performance management II. D. Effective managers and leaders

Fig 7: Maturity of Performance Management

The desired situation

38. That UNIDO utilizes the SPM system as Management Tool to establish Branch/Units/Team Goals; Measure Results; Measure Behaviors; Identity High Performers; Reward High Performers and Address Underperformers. That UNIDO moves away from managing compliance to managing performance with the view of getting the highest value out of people. The ultimate vision is to reach level 4. However, at this stage, WG recognizes that its proposals are intended to move the Organization from the perceived level 1 to the next level, i.e. level 2 of the maturity scale. Proposal for UNIDO 39. A revision to the current Framework for Staff Performance Management is proposed as follows: a. Include BMS in the online system. b. Divisional and Branch standard settings of compact results and KPIs among job families and roles. c. Targets for Diversity of the Workforce (Gender and Geographical balance) to be included in the Compact of the MDs. d. Enforce 360 degrees feedback. Subordinates shall be compulsory feedback source for managers. Enforce rules for selection of feedback sources, with compliance spot checks by administrative assistants and HRM. e. Shorten Performance Improvement Plan & Cycle for Underperformers to avoid long drawn-out inertia of dealing with underperformers. f. Assess All Competencies. Consider using the ratings for development of the staff. g. Capture team and units’ performance. h. Consequence for non-completion of SPM within required phases, for both FRO & staff member. i. Management and completion of the SPM for staff, to be included as a Compact Result for FROs. j. The TOR of the Inter-Divisional Review Group to include (i) Calibration Meetings and (i) Merit-based reviews of Rewards, Recognitions and Promotions within the different Job Roles k. Independent spot checks by HRM for quality control to be followed up by training. l. Learning needs in the SPM to form the bases of the needs analyses for Training.


Motivate staff/teams to perform and add value through effective managerial and leadership Build reputation of being effective leaders of people and managers of programmes

The current situation 16

S XIT E E n rs AG nsio ree AN Pe Ca M To her t O To

II.E. Career management and development

40. The perception is that a manager or supervisor, who is technically competent in an area of expertise, would get away with underperformance as a manager of people. It has also been observed that certain Directors remain Project Managers first and foremost and avoid the challenges of managing people. In other situations, the personal management styles of certain managers and supervisors are perceived to be demotivating, divisive and in some cases, disruptive. While there are some good managers and supervisors, there are still some shortcomings in others, in terms of empowerment, delegation, managing conflicts, handling under-performers and recognizing high performers. The desired situation 41. The test is when employees are motivated and happy come to work on a daily bases because the environment created by their manager, is empowering and engaging. Such managers can motivate staff and teams to perform and add value through effective managerial and leadership capacities and styles. Such managers would also build the reputation of being effective leaders of people and programmes. It was recognized that one of the strongest motivator in the workplace is the presence of a good manager and leader. It is envisioned that progression to managerial and leadership positions should be earned through a process of preparation (ref Fig 8). Proposal for UNIDO 42. In order to grow better managers and leaders, the following are proposed: a. All employees vying for senior managerial positions must complete the Leadership Development Programme and Pass the Assessment Centre Techniques. b. The Leadership Development Modules within the Staff Development Programme to be designed to strengthen the desired profiles and the right assessment instruments to measure the desired capacities. c. There should be another validation of “good reputation� as a manager through feedback outside SPM and by mandatory peer-assessment by subordinates. d. Employee Opinion Surveys to be considered to poll employees on the reputations of managers. e. Managers below the level of MDs, who have a proven reputation of being effective managers, can have a personal delegated authority to manage human resources within their Branch. f. Model Managers shall be rewarded. g. Compulsory tools to be imposed such as regular Team Meetings, group processes and workshops. h. The Competency Framework to be revised to include clearer designations of the Standards or Profile of a Good Manager and the required managerial behaviors that shall be rewarded in UNIDO. i. Technical leaders, with high level expertise, may be considered for P6 (no managerial responsibility).


Motivate and engage through career growth

S XIT E E n rs AG nsio ree AN Pe Ca M To her t O To

The current situation 43. Staff members in UNIDO are perceived to have a mind-set of expecting the Organization to provide them with the means to strengthen their capacities and move their careers. Feedback from staff include their perception that little training opportunities are provided, limited professional development for career paths are facilitated, limited training programmes are tailored for different roles, particularly the role of UNIDO Representative, ad-hoc trainings are offered within weeks of the actual training, thus perceived to be unplanned and not focused. Trainings and orientation to newcomers were also seen to be ad-hoc instead of being mandatory. 44. Some also perceived that not enough was done to sensitise staff to understand the business practices and culture of UNIDO. Another shortcoming was the perception that training activities would be pushed through at the end of the biennium in order to utilize the funds. Long terms consultants in headquarters, a growing cadre of human capital, saw the need to have training programmes geared towards their specific needs.


II.F. Merit-based reward and recogniton

45. In terms of preparing employees for senior level managerial and leadership roles, UNIDO is perceived to be at level 1 level 3. (Ref. Fig 8). UN Organizations such as ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, WFP and IFAD are at level 2 while UNFPA is set to reach Fig 8: Maturity of Leadership Development

situation The desired 46. To motivate staff take charge of their career, plan their career path and proactively develop and enhance their technical and managerial capacities through the in-house Staff Development Programme as well as their own personal investment in their learning. The career path progression should culminate in the motivation to be good managers and leaders who would fill senior level positions. The ultimate vision is to reach level 4. However, at this stage, WG recognizes that its proposals are intended to move the Organization from the perceived level 1 to the next level, i.e. level 2 of the maturity scale. Proposal for UNIDO 47. In order to implement a structured process to career development, the following are proposed: a. Preparation for managerial and leadership roles. b. Career path planning for designated senior managerial positions through mobility and rotation to rotational posts. c. To avoid the current impasse of right of return of staff from the field to headquarters, designation of Rotational Posts is a prerequisite condition. d. Matching exercise for succession for senior managerial positions through competition and assessment center. e. Career path planning for Roles at GS 1 to GS 6 and P1 to P4. f. A structured focused modular Staff Development Programme for different Job Roles. g. Incentivize temporary assignments and lateral movements. h. Establish a Learning contract for individuals. i. Personal responsibility for career planning and growth. j. Special measures for work-life balance and a conducive working environment.


Motivate, reinforce results-based & performance mindset

The current situation 48. Staff members in UNIDO are perceived to be strongly motivated by promotion. Promotions are perceived to be seniority-based. The current reward and recognition schemes are perceived not to be transparent.


S XIT E E n rs AG nsio ree AN Pe Ca M To her Ot To

II.F. Merit-based reward and recogniton

The desired situation 49. To reinforce a Performance and Results-based mindset through reward and recognition. 50. The Working Group recognized that the current reward and recognition schemes in UNIDO may not result in a sustainable or continuing state of motivation and engagement, if staff members do not have an emotional attachment or personal commitment to the purpose of the Organization, i.e. to achieve Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID). 51. In Fig. 9, a recognition strategy takes into account the inter-relationships between many factors, all leading to the need for an awardee to understand the purpose of the recognition and the impact on the goals of the business. It for all staff to be motivated merely by association to the UNIDO Brand or Purpose. is desirable

Fig 9: Recognition Strategy Framework.

Proposal for UNIDO 52. Any award, reward or promotion shall be pegged to Merit by virtue of delivering a valuable and recognizable contribution to the purpose of the Organization. There should not be over reliance on verbal testimonies of performance or flowery texts, but on concrete evidences, attested by peers and validated by an oversight body through a calibration review of performance ratings. Special attention to innovation and creativity as well as team work should be given. The following schemes are recommended, some, if not most could be non-monetary: a. Annual merit awards – monetary and non-monetary. b. Annual Performance-Based promotions (proven best practice in WFP). This replaces the current personal merit promotion exercise and is aligned to classified levels of positions. c. Lump sum or SPA for temporary assignments or lateral reassignments. d. Annual distinguished service awards. e. Best innovation award. f. Best manager award – via Employee Survey. g. DG’s special award. h. Award for team, team-building, partnerships and field operations i. Publish achievements as and when observed. j. External training as a reward. k. GS travel (both to Field and to Hqs) as a learning opportunity and reward. 19

II.H. Management of exits


Retain and disseminate valuable institutional memory

S XIT E E ion ers AG ns are AN Pe r C M To the O To

The current situation 53. Although Knowledge Transfer Notes are included in the current HRMF, it is still not complied with fully. There is the perception that it is not consistently done and therefore, non-verbal cues and non-tacit knowledge are not being captured. The SAP Open Text has provided a valuable depository of technical documents. The desired situation 54. To retain and pass on technical as well as non-technical knowledge, ensuring preservation of valuable institutional memory and continuity. Internal interactive platforms similar to the format adopted for the transparency initiatives can be developed. Proposal for UNIDO 55. The following actions are proposed: a. Designation of positions requiring accumulation of cross functional and cross sectoral experience. E.g., G7 b. Knowledge Transfer Notes to be standardized and compulsory. Final payments to be held pending the completion. c. Exit questionnaire. d. Common depository of technical papers and notes. e. Presentation by near retirees f. Video recording of non-tacit knowledge by near retirees g. Use of retirees as resource persons for induction and orientation programmes.

II.H. MANAGEMENT OF EXITS The current situation 56. It is perceived that long service records of those retiring are often not properly acknowledged. Long service award ceremonies and formal retirement receptions are seemingly ad-hoc or missed during some years. Although the provision to advertise posts six months before the retirement of a staff member exists, the trigger for managers to conduct the position review for advertising within the six months period is not followed as envisioned in the policy. The desired situation 57. To smoothen the transition of staff out of the Organization in a respectful and appreciative manner within the last six months of tenure. At the same time, the review of their position role is triggered for succession. Proposal for UNIDO 58. The following actions are proposed: a. As a standard and minimum practice, a service award for outgoing staff comprising of a picture with the DG and a Letter of Appreciation, to be included as a HRM action. b. Plan to advertise the post to be vacated, during the next scheduled quarter. c. Temporary assignments to bridge recruitments and be rewarded. d. Introduce standard procedures for temporary filling of vacant posts during the transition period before recruitment.


III. PROPOSALS FOR STRUCTURE – HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE 59. It is proposed that individual policy frameworks, articulating the details of implementation within a HR function, must fit into the architectural structure shown in Fig 1 copied below. The next steps would be to work on the following specific frameworks, which must take into consideration the staff in the 100, 200 and 300 series of the staff rules and as much as feasible, also the conditions of ISA holders. Fig 10: Proposal for Structure-HRMF Architecture

Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

5 HR Imperatives

· · · · · Planning

Talent Acquisition

• Revised Framework on Classification. • Revised Competency Framework.

• New Framework on Recruitment, Selection, Onboarding, Orientation and Contracts

Further Engage People Towards UNIDO’s Purpose Recruit/Retain People Committed to UNIDO’s Purpose Recognize & Reward Performance & Results Based Culture Secure & Nurture Transparent/Effective Managers & Leaders Motivate and Engage People to Add Value through Career Growth Performance Management

Revised Framework on Staff Performance Management.

Effective Career Merit-Based Management & Management & Reward & Leadership Development Recognition

Knowledge Management & Retention

• New Framework for Career and Staff Development.

• New Framework for Knowledge Management, Separation and Trigger for Succession.

• New Framework for Merit & Performance – based Rewards and Recognitions.

Management of Exits and Succession

8 HR Functions

Individual Policy Frameworks

• Revised Framework for Mobility and Rotation • New Framework for Work-Life Balance

III (a) Framework for Classification of Posts 60. The existing UNIDO/PSM/HRM/AI.1 dated 20 March 2009 shall be superseded by a new Framework for the Maintenance of the Organizational Management Structure and Classification of Generic Job Profiles. There shall be no new requests for reclassification except if a new Programme has been introduced in the Programme and Budget. All other positions in the Organization shall have an equivalent generic job profile with clear expectations of the roles required at the classified level of the position. Almost all parts of the current policy shall be redundant except classification of brand new posts approved in the P&B and Job Roles. 61. The impacts are: • • •

Placing the classification function in the correct domain of Planning and Resource Management. Initial investment of HR time on preparing generic job profiles for each categories and levels of posts – stressing job roles instead of specific tasks. Jobs to be advertised shall be validated for minimum requirements and specific specializations only without the layers of approvals or issuance of notifications.

62. It shall be noted that promotion through reclassification shall be obsolete. Instead, it shall be replaced through an annual and transparent merit based promotion through Job Roles. III (b) Framework on Core Values, Core Competencies and Managerial Competencies 63. The existing UNIDO Competency Framework announced under UNIDO/IC/2011/14 dated 14 December 2011 shall be revised to include additional descriptions of the UNIDO Profile for an employee as well as for Managers and the behaviors desired and which should be rewarded when demonstrated consistently. The linkages to other existing policy documents such as the Code of Conduct and pronouncements on ethical behaviors should be included.


III. Proposals for structure - HRMF architecture

64. The impacts include the amendment to the competencies in the SAP online system for the multi-rater feedback; revisions to the vacancy announcement templates and job profiles. III (c) Frameworks for (a) Recruitment and Selection and (b) Induction and Orientation 65. There is currently no separate policy framework to govern the recruitment and selection of staff secured under the regular budget resources. There is also no policy framework governing the induction and orientation of staff. A new Framework shall be prepared. Please refer to Annex 4 and Annex 5 for additional details. III (d) Framework for Staff Performance Management 66. The existing UNIDO/AI/2012/01 dated 9 March 2012 shall be revised to include the proposals outlined in this report. Further details are also provided in Annex 6. III (e) Framework for Career and Staff Development 67. The existing policy on Training shall be revised to include a new Framework to provide the purpose and process for the new Staff Development Programme. Please refer to Annex 7 for additional details. III (f) Framework for Performance Based Rewards and Recognitions. 68. There is currently no separate policy framework to govern the rewards and recognition schemes. A new Framework is to be formulated to provide the purpose, and process of the Rewards and Recognition Schemes. Please refer to Annex 8. III (g) Framework for Mobility and Rotation 69. The existing DGB(M).97/Amend.1 dated 27 May 2010 is to be superseded and replaced by a new Framework for Mobility and Rotation. Please refer to Annex 9. III (h) Framework for Work-Life Balance 70. A policy framework already submitted to the DG to be revised and resubmitted. The revision to include the alignment to best practices applied by other Organizations including those in the UN System and which show the use of modern technology and modern work practices to motivate and engage staff to deliver on their results. UNIDO, although, headquarter-centric, requires its staff to travel to partners in the capitals as well as in programme countries. The use of modern practices such as virtual offices and team work, have to be considered in the context of delivering their results while maintaining a healthy life. III (i) Framework for Knowledge Management - Succession 71. A policy framework on Knowledge Management exists in PSM/ICM. The purpose and process for a structured Knowledge Management Process and the trigger for succession is to be prepared and a decision to be made whether it should complement the current ICM provisions or whether a separate Framework should be prepared. III (j) Framework for Part-time assignments 72. There is currently no policy framework on part-time work and hence a specific framework should be prepared, either included in mobility framework or recruitment and selection. III. (k) Other Considerations 73. The WG proposes that the new and revised Policy Frameworks shall take into consideration the respective proposals contained in the Annexes to the Report. 74. The WG also proposes that the Specialists, who shall lead the drafting of such Frameworks, shall consult with representatives of the WG for the purpose of clarifying the background and specific details of the proposals. ******* 22

IV. ANNEXES Annex 1: Members of the Working Group

E.F. von Mentzingen (PTC/ENE)

J. New (PTC/ENE)

P. Davila Sanchez (PTC/TCB)

C. Ranthy Tobing (PSM/FIN)

L. Cartini (PTC/BIT)

L. Sydorenko (HRM) (Contributer to WG)

S. La Rosa Monier (ODG/EVA)

N. Aoun (Graphic Designer) (PTC/BIT)


Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group

UNIDO/IC/2015/09 13 May 2015

Programme Support and General Management Division: Distribution: All staff members at Headquarters and established offices

Information Circular WORKING GROUP TO REVIEW THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 1. The purpose of this Information Circular is to announce, on behalf of the Human Resource Management Branch and the Staff Council of UNIDO, the launch of the next phase of the review of the Human Resource Management Framework (HRMF). 2. The review of the HRMF started in 2014 and resulted in several quick-wins, which have been implemented following the endorsement by the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC), the Executive Board and the approval by the Director General. As requested by DG and endorsed by the Expanded Board of Directors at the end of January 2015, the next phase of the review will focus on such priority components of the HRMF as post classification, staff rotation, staff performance management, merit award/promotion schemes as well as recruitment and placement of staff. 3. An expanded JAC Working Group (WG) comprising of staff members jointly nominated by the HRM and the Staff Council is hereby established to undertake this review. The Terms of Reference of the WG, including its composition, are attached herewith. 4. In its review of the HRMF, the WG will be governed by the principles, criteria and considerations outlined in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the Terms of Reference. These are, in essence, the same criteria, which were adopted by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and approved by the General Assembly for the ICSC comprehensive review of the compensation package, but they also include a few UNIDO-specific parameters. 5. The WG is expected to conclude its work by the end of July 2015. Its conclusions and recommendations shall be submitted to the JAC, which shall make its final recommendations to the DG. 6. Staff members at Headquarters, in the liaison offices in Brussels, Geneva and New York as well as in the field offices are encouraged to participate in the review by communicating their thoughts, ideas and proposals directly to any of the members of the WG or through other media to be announced by the WG.


Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group

Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) for staff management consultations Terms of reference for the Working Group on the review of the Human Resource Management Framework Contents 1.

Background ..................................................................................................................................................... 3


Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................ 3


Membership..................................................................................................................................................... 5


Meetings .......................................................................................................................................................... 5


Agendas ........................................................................................................................................................... 6


Summary of conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 6


Rapporteur ....................................................................................................................................................... 6


Findings of the Working Group ...................................................................................................................... 6



Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group

1. Background 1.1. Following the introduction of the Human Resource Management Framework (hereinafter referred to as the Framework or the HRMF) on 25 May 2010 (UNIDO/AI/2010/01), staff and management recognized the need for careful and continuous review of the provisions of the Framework and the related human resource policies and processes so as to ensure their alignment with the evolving strategic goals of the Organization and its programme and budget. Furthermore, changes to the staff rules and their mode of implementation modalities that were introduced in the interim period called for clearer guidance and closer definition within the context of the Framework. 1.2. The Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) initiated the review of the Framework in 2014. It set up a working group that focused on selected issues and recommended “quick-win� solutions to the JAC. The Executive Board approved most of those recommendations in January 2015. The issue of appointing UNIDO staff members at the D-2 level was referred back to the JAC for alternative proposal(s) while that of G to P progression was deferred for consideration under a fuller review of the Framework. That comprehensive review, it was agreed, would be undertaken in 2015. 1.3. The terms of reference below establish the authority and responsibility of the expanded JAC Working Group (WG) and define its scope of work. 2. Purpose 2.1. The purpose of the JAC WG is to review key provisions of the Framework together with the human resource policies, practices and processes of UNIDO in terms of their alignment and consistency with the Organization’s renewed mandate, its mission, programme and budget and capacity to promote inclusive and sustained industrial development. It will also review the harmonisation of those provisions, policies, practices and processes with the best human resource policies and practices in the UN common system. 2.2. When reviewing current policies and proposing changes, the JAC WG shall strive for human resource management policies and practices that: i.

Safeguard the best interests of the Organization in terms of institutional strengthening, preservation of knowledge, fair and equitable gender balance, as well as geographical diversity;


Encourage sound and fair management of performance and professional development;


Contribute to attracting and retaining staff of the highest standard and calibre;



Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group


Foster team-building and career development, including the introduction of incentives and other measures to keep staff both motivated and committed to the mandate and mission of UNIDO;


Promote healthy competition, especially in terms of career advancement;


Promote fairness and equity;


Encourage information-sharing and transparency;


Are clearly designed and simply administered, as well as being easily understood by both staff and management;


Reward excellence and improve the management of underperformance;


Maintain flexibility, thus enabling the Organization to meet specific needs and challenges, particularly with regard to diversity, specialized jobs and scarce skills; and


Secure cost neutrality or even savings, in terms of both common staff costs and administrative costs.

2.3. The JAC WG shall give due consideration to the following: i.

The principles underlying staff rules and related administrative issuances that have been introduced following the promulgation of AI/2010/01 and the subsequent amendments thereto;


Human resources practices of other UN common system organizations that help promote highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity in recruiting staff with due regard to equitable geographical representation and accountability, gender parity and respect for diversity;


The findings and recommendations of the Special Task Force on General Service issues issued in May 2008.

2.4. The JAC WG shall review inter alia the following policies and issues:


Administrative Instruction UNIDO/PSM/HRM/AI.1 Classification of Posts in the General Service and Professional and higher categories, issued on 20 March 2009, particularly the reclassification of encumbered posts; Rotation policy;


Current merit award/promotion schemes;


The staff performance management system;


Preservation of institutional and technical knowledge; and


Recruitment and placement.




Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group

3. Membership 3.1. The JAC WG shall comprise: a chairperson and co-chairperson; four members and four alternates representing staff; and four members and four alternates representing management. Due consideration shall be given to gender balance, geographical diversity, age and category of staff. Chairperson (nominated by Management):

Ms. Okusitina Bulavakarua (PSM/HRM)

Co-Chair (nominated by Staff):

Mr. Gerardo Patacconi (PTC/BIT)

Representatives from Management: Members:


Mr. Diego Masera (PSM/OSS)

Mr. Michele Clara (PRF/RSI)

Ms. Draga Paskova (PSM/HRM)

Ms. Dana Vavrikova (PSM/HRM)

Ms. Margit Seidi (PSM/OMD)

Ms. Christyana Ranthy Tobing (PSM/FIN)

Ms. Ganna Onysko (PTC/PRM)

Mr. Ahmed Zaabar (PTC/BIT)

Representatives from Staff: Members:


Mr. Juan-Pablo Davila Sanchez (PTC/TCB)

Mr. James New (PTC/ENE)

Ms. Simone La Rosa Monier (ODG/EVA)

Mr. Egbert Freiherr von Mentzingen (PTC/ENE)

Ms. Solomiya Omelyan (PRF/EUR)

Ms. Lucia Cartini (PTC/BIT)

Mr. Hayford Boateng (PSM/OSS)

Mr. Thomas Radakovits (PSM/OSS)

3.2. While the members and alternates are chosen by staff and management respectively, each member and alternate member serves on the WG in his/her own capacity, thus enjoying the right therefore to express not only his/her own views and opinions on topics under discussion, but also the views and opinions of staff at large. 3.3. Outside WG meetings, members and alternates have the right to consult staff at large, as and when necessary, on any of the topics under discussion, with due regard, however, to the confidential and sensitive nature of the deliberations in the WG. 4. Meetings 4.1. The WG shall establish its own rules of procedure and agree on its own schedule of meetings. 4.2. At the invitation of the WG, other persons may participate in its discussion of particular issues. 5|Page


Annex 2: Full text of TOR of the Working Group

4.3. Prior to the first meeting of the WG, all members shall familiarise themselves with the following documents: i.

The WG’s terms of reference;


The current version of the Framework; and


Staff Regulations and Rules including administrative issuances, particularly those introduced after the promulgation of AI/2010/01 and its subsequent amendments.

5. Agendas 5.1. For each meeting, the WG shall draw up an agenda. The relevant working papers on issues for discussion under the various agenda items shall be distributed to members in advance. 6. Summary of conclusions 6.1. No minutes shall be required for the meetings of the WG. However, a summary of the conclusions under the main points discussed shall be prepared after each meeting. 6.2. Members and alternate members of the WG are permitted and encouraged to keep their own working notes for future reference, if needed. 7. Rapporteur 7.1. The WG shall appoint a rapporteur and an alternate rapporteur. 7.2. The Rapporteur shall be responsible for preparing and circulating the meeting agenda (and supporting papers), as well as drafting the summaries of the conclusions (see paragraph 6.1 above). 7.3. The Rapporteur shall ensure that electronic copies of all relevant documents submitted to the Working Group (including agendas and position papers) are recorded and distributed accordingly. 8. Findings of the Working Group 8.1. The WG shall complete its work by 31 July 2015. It shall submit its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the JAC in the form of a summary. In the event of there being dissenting views and opinions, they shall be duly reflected in the summary together with an appropriate brief justification.




Annex 3: Suggestions for Addressing Issues in Current HRMF and Cost Implications Current HRMF HRMF Current

Introduction I.I. Introduction

Current Issue Issue Current

There is is no no linkage linkage or or There alignment to to the the Purpose Purpose alignment of UNIDO UNIDO i.e. i.e. Why Why aa HR HR of Strategy is required. Strategy is required.

II. Competency Competency Framework Framework II.

The texts texts are are still still relevant, relevant, The however, not not meaningful meaningful however, (a) Vacancy Vacancy management, management, (a) when not not linked linked to to the the when recruitment and reassignment: reassignment: broader goals of change in recruitment and broader goals of change in culture. culture. (b) Performance Management: (b) Performance Management: (c) Learning: Learning: (c) III. Succession Planning Planning III. Succession Principles are are good, good, but but a) Recruitment Recruitment and and Placement Placement Principles a) mostly not implemented b) Internal Placement mostly not implemented b) Internal Placement due to to budget budget imperatives. imperatives. due The purpose of succession The purpose of succession planning and linkage to planning and linkage to UNIDO's purpose purpose are are not not UNIDO's there. there. c) Recruitment Recruitment c) Perceived not not to to be be Perceived transparent or or objective. objective. transparent

IV. Contractual Contractual Arrangements Arrangements IV.

Still Relevant Relevant Still

a) Fixed-term Fixed-term Appointments Appointments a) b) Short-term Short-term Appointments Appointments b) V. Temporary Temporary Assignments Assignments V.

Suggestion Suggestion

Expected Action/Impact Action/Impact Expected

Resources Resources

Keep Principles Principles of of Article Article 11 11 of of Keep Constitution. Rewrite to link HR Constitution. Rewrite to link HR Imperatives in Employee Life Cycle Imperatives in Employee Life Cycle and to to the the Purpose Purpose of of UNIDO. UNIDO. 22 and Documents: (a)HR (a)HR Strategy Strategy to to contain contain Documents: main principles & (b) Individual main principles & (b) Individual Frameworks to to contain contain Frameworks Implementation. Implementation.

An integrated integrated approach approach to to An the Employee Life Cycle and the Employee Life Cycle and Linkage to to UNIDO's UNIDO's Purpose. Purpose. Linkage

Cost Neutral Neutral Cost

Revise the the Competency Competency Framework Framework to to Revise Reinforcing the Integrated include behaviors behaviors mentioned mentioned by by DG DG Reinforcing the Integrated include Approach to to the the Employee Employee Approach as essential essential for for staff staff in in UNIDO. UNIDO. as Life Cycle Cycle and and Linkage Linkage to to Life Linkages to to all all parts parts of of Employee Employee Life Life Linkages UNIDO's desired desired Culture. Culture. UNIDO's Cycle. Cycle.

Cost Neutral Neutral Cost

A Streamlining Streamlining of of Principles Principles A Planning, inclusive of all Human vs Implementation. Planning, inclusive of all Human vs Implementation. capital. Succession Succession PlanningPlanning- aa subset. subset. Individual Individual Frameworks Frameworks to to be be capital. OM and and classification classification to to be be included. included. written written for for (a) (a) Talent Talent OM Generic Roles Roles in in JDs. JDs. Separate Separate Management; (b) (b) Generic Management; Principles& Implementation. A change Classification; (c) Mobility Principles& Implementation. A change Classification; (c) Mobility from Process Process to to Quality Quality of of Contents. Contents. and and Rotation. Rotation. A A Better Better Cross Cross from Stress Merit-based Merit-based actions. actions. Referencing to to ensure ensure an an Stress Referencing integrated approach. approach. integrated

Cost Neutral Neutral Cost

Include other other contractual contractual modalities modalities Include More coordination and for 200 and 300 Series and to mention mention More coordination and for 200 and 300 Series and to forecasting forecasting modes for for "Cost "Cost Free" Free" modes

Cost Neutral Neutral Cost

Was not not implemented. implemented. Not Not Was Incentivize temporary temporary mobility mobility Incentivize motivational. motivational.

To be be expanded expanded in in new new Cost Neutral Neutral -- ifif To Cost Framework for for Mobility Mobility and and charged to to Framework charged Rotation vacant posts. posts. Rotation vacant

VI. Developing Developing Capacity Capacity VI. Not integrated integrated in in HRMF. HRMF. Not a) Performance Performance Management Management Tool Tool okok- people people handlinghandlinga) not not b) Learning Learning b)

Not integrated integrated in in HRMF. HRMF. Not Not transparent. Ad-hoc Not transparent. Ad-hoc

c) Lateral Lateral Transfers Transfers c)

Not linked linked to to Mobility Mobility –– Not Not motivational. Not motivational.


Include Principles Principles in in the the HR HR Strategy Strategy -Include linked to to Purpose Purpose of of UNIDO UNIDO -- Link Link to to linked Merit based Awards and Promotions. Merit based Awards and Promotions.

A Revised Revised Framework Framework for for A Cost of changes SPM-amend Competencies Competencies Cost of changes SPM-amend in SAP. SAP. in and tighten tighten feedback feedback and

Structured, Focused and New Staff Staff Development Development Programme Programme -- Structured, Focused and New Strategic use use of of Training Training Strategic linked to to Purpose Purpose of of UNIDO UNIDO linked Budget Budget To be be included included in in new new To Incentivize Mobility Mobility Framework for for Mobility Mobility and and Incentivize Framework Rotation Rotation

Cost Neutral Neutral Cost Cost Neutral Neutral ifif Cost charged to to charged vacant post post vacant

Annex 3: Suggestions for Addressing Issues in Current HRMF and Cost Implications

Current HRMF VII. Recognizing and Rewarding Performance a) Promotion through Placement b) Promotion from G to P c) Promotion through Reclassification

Current Issue


Confusing when mixing with Align to principle of Competitive Selection Compettive Selection

Expected Action/Impact

To be expanded in new Framework for Talent Management.


Cost Neutral

Align to principle of Promotion in Job Rebranding of concept Not Transparent. Perceived Series- Merit-based. To replace within Classification not to be objective. reclassification of encumbered posts. Principles of Job Series. To be included in new Framework for Classification. Cost Neutral

d) Job Series

Not transparent or aligned to classification

Align to principle of Promotion in Job To be included in new Series. Merit based. To replace Framework for reclassification of encumbered post Classification.

e) Merit Promotion

Not transparent or aligned to Classified Positions.

Align to principle of Promotion in Job To be included in new Series. Merit based. Replace current Framework for “merit promotion” linked to seniority. Classification.

Seniority-in-Grade (SIG) a f) Effective Date of Promotion contentious issue – tied to seniority and not merit.

Abolish SIG. Tighten Assessment of Minimum Requirements.

To be included and cross referenced in new Frameworks for Talent Management new Framework for Mobility and Rotation.

Cost Neutral-as linked to budgeted posts

Cost Neutral

g) Special Post Allowance A New Framework for Staff Stand-alone and weak links An integrated approach to Motivation Motivation and Career to Motivation and Purpose through Career Path Planning and Development - cross (1) Individual and Teams of UNIDO. Reward and Recognition. referenced with the Framework for SPM. (2) Director General’s Award for Exemplary Excellence

h) Recognition of Merit

Cost Neutral


Annex 4: Proposed Elements for Talent Acquisition HR Imperatives for Talent Acquisition HR Imperatives for Talent Acquisition • We need to secure People * with the Commitment to the Purpose of UNIDO and therefore, * are motivated by the business of UNIDO; the Commitment technical skillstoand have theofbehaviors desired by UNIDO. • We need to secure People ** have with the the*Purpose UNIDO and therefore, * are motivated by the business of UNIDO; * have technical skillswomen and * have behaviors desired not by UNIDO. In addition, we need to source andthe attract qualified and the those from countries represented in UNIDO. In addition, we need to source and attract qualified women and those from countries not represented in

• •


BIG PICTURE: UNIDO Results and Performance Framework: 2016-2021 BIG PICTURE: UNIDO Results and Performance Framework: 2016-2021 Capacity Development and Knowledge Management through the 3 Parameters below, shall be used as KPIs to measure UNIDO’s Organizational Effectiveness Capacity Development and Knowledge Management through the 3 Parameters below, shall be used as KPIs to measure UNIDO’s Organizational Effectiveness 1.Staff diversity (by geography; P / G; field; seniority) 1.Staff diversity (by geography; P / G; field; seniority) 2.Gender parity and equality (at different grades) 2.Gender parity and development, equality (at different 3. Staff professional learninggrades) and performance 3. Staff professional development, learning and performance Interventions in TALENT ACQUISITION shall directly affect 1 and 2 Interventions in TALENT ACQUISITION shall directly affect 1 and 2 Principles and Philosophies Principles and Philosophies • Ensure the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity •• Provide UNIDO, in astandards timely manner, with appropriately and motivated staff for the fulfilment of its Ensure the highest of efficiency, competencequalified and integrity mandate • Provide UNIDO, in a timely manner, with appropriately qualified and motivated staff for the fulfilment of its • Recruitment of staff on a wide and equitable geographical basis mandate •• Promotion of gender balance Recruitment of staff on a wide and equitable geographical basis •• Enhanced accountability of managers at all levels Promotion of gender balance •• Enhanced transparency, fairness and effectiveness Enhanced accountability of managers at all levels •• Proactive Outreach, Assessment Instruments and Tools to secure the right people. Enhanced transparency, fairness and effectiveness

• Proactive Outreach, Assessment Instruments and Tools to secure the right people. Shift in a paradigm from HRM being seen as the owner of the P&B objective of “gender and geographical balance” to Shared with Senior Management achieve theP&B indicators/targets. Shift in aResponsibility paradigm from HRM being seen as the to owner of the objective of “gender and geographical balance” to Shared Responsibility with Senior Management to achieve the indicators/targets.

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 of 3 RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 of 3 1. Introduce recruitment drives at quarterly intervals allowing for structured outreach networks (proven best practice inrecruitment ILO). Posts to become vacant can only be advertised once in a quarter (egnetworks April; July; October 1. Introduce drives at quarterly intervals allowing for structured outreach (proven best and January). Shall enable managers to plan ahead to meet deadlines. Exceptions for positions in technical practice in ILO). Posts to become vacant can only be advertised once in a quarter (eg April; July; October cooperation and programmes advertised toExceptions demand. for positions in technical and January).projects Shall enable managers tomay planbe ahead to meetaccording deadlines. and programmes be advertised according to demand. 2. cooperation Apply UNIDOprojects recruitment standards tomay all categories of staff members (GS, P, N, L, D) at HQs and in the Field to be appointed under 100, 200 and simplified process for 300-series the in steps). 2. Apply UNIDO recruitment standards to all categories of staff members (GS,(may P, N,omit L, D) some at HQsofand the to be appointed under 200 and simplified process for 300-series omit somelevel of the 3. Field Without prejudice to the DG100, authority to appoint staff at a level lower than(may the advertised of steps). the position, abolish seniority-in-grade and tighten assessments of Minimum Requirements. 3. Without prejudice to the DG authority to appoint staff at a level lower than the advertised level of the

position, abolish seniority-in-grade tighten Minimum Requirements. 4. Introduce assessment techniques atand entry levelsassessments to ascertainof commitment to the mandate and fit with the desired culture of being motivated by the purpose of the Organization, first 4. Introduce assessment techniques at entry levels to ascertain commitment toand theforemost. mandate and fit with the desired culture of being motivated by thefor purpose themanagerial Organization, first foremost. 5. Introduce assessment center techniques senior of and levels to and ascertain readiness for managerial and leadership roles. 5. Introduce assessment center techniques for senior and managerial levels to ascertain readiness for managerial and leadership roles.


RECOMMENDATIONS: 2 of 3 6. Extend advertising duration from 3 weeks to 8 weeks for core positions. Annex 4: Proposed Elements 7. Continue structured Assessments. Introduce Video interviews in lieu of Telephone Interviews for for Talent Acquisition Shortlisting. RECOMMENDATIONS: 2 of 3 8. Establish pool of trained internal assessors to take on different roles including due process. Shall make the 6. role Extend advertising duration 3 weeks to 8 weeks for core positions. of the Appointment andfrom Promotion Bodies redundant.

7. Rostering Continue structured Assessments. interviews in lieu of Telephone Interviews for 9. of pre-cleared candidatesIntroduce includingVideo long terms consultants. Shortlisting. 10.Proactive outreach – re-profiling of a Recruiter job to include intensive outreach/headhunting/networking 8. and Establish poolofofdatabase trained internal assessors take on different roles including process. Shall agencies, make the building of partners outsidetoour traditional circulation list and due include recruiting role of the Appointment and Promotion Bodies redundant. institutions, etc .

9. Rosteringtargeted of pre-cleared candidates includingdrive long in terms consultants. 11.Approve advertising or recruitment countries not/under represented in UNIDO. 10.ProactiveDivisional outreach targets – re-profiling of a Recruiter job to include outreach/headhunting/networking 12.Establish for gender & geographical balanceintensive and include in the compact of the MD. Report and buildingand of database of partners outside our traditional circulation list and include recruiting agencies, to MD/PSM EB. institutions, etc . 13.Amend templates and formats to include proactive justifications at different stages, from technical 11.Approve targeted advertising orrecommendations. recruitment drive in countries not/under represented in UNIDO. assessments to shortlisting and 12.Establish Divisional targets for gender & geographical balance and include in the compact of the MD. Report to MD/PSM and EB. 13.Amend templates and formats to include proactive justifications at different stages, from technical RECOMMENDATIONS: 3 of 3 and recommendations. assessments to shortlisting

14.Abolish continuous classifications by introducing generic job descriptions. 15.Enhance accountability of line managers by the delegation of appointing authority for all positions up to P5/L5/NE to the Managing Directors for their respective divisions and regardless of the source of RECOMMENDATIONS: of 3 funding. The Branch3Directors are empowered to launch recruitment and oversee the selection process in their respective Branch. 14.Abolish continuous classifications by introducing generic job descriptions. 16.The selection process shall be streamlined to enhance the accountability of line managers by cancelling 15.Enhance ofby line managers the delegation appointingofauthority for all panel, positions to clearanceaccountability of the short list the MD and by standardizing the of composition the interview thusupnot P5/L5/NE to the Managing Directors for their respective divisions and regardless of the source of requiring extra approvals. funding. The Branch Directors are empowered to launch recruitment and oversee the selection process in their respective Branch. 17.Enhance transparency of the selection process by creating a recruitment monitoring report showing number of days for each sub-process and indicating at which stage of selection a vacancy is at a given 16.The selection process shall be streamlined to enhance the accountability of line managers by cancelling moment . clearance of the short list by the MD and standardizing the composition of the interview panel, thus not requiring extra approvals. 18.Outsource reference checking. 17.Enhance transparency the selection process byprocess. creating a recruitment monitoring report showing 19.Introduce a structured of induction and orientation number of days for each sub-process and indicating at which stage of selection a vacancy is at a given moment . 18.Outsource reference checking.

19.Introduce a structured induction and orientation process.


Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme HR Imperative for Orientation •

We need to secure People * with the Commitment to the Purpose of UNIDO and therefore, * are motivated by the business of UNIDO; * have the technical skills and * have the behaviors desired by UNIDO.

From Day One, we need to Transition them into UNIDO, Engage them, Inculcate the Business Culture and Secure that continuing Commitment.

Orientation to be a process, and not a one time event … and has a direct impact on future motivation, productivity and performance

Programme Goals • •

Welcome the new employees Integrate and acculturate them in and across the organization and their branch Prepare them for their new role Provide the information needed, so newcomers could function comfortably and effectively Help them settle down quickly in the new environment Meet interaction needs of new-joiners

• • • •

Programme Benefits • • • • •

Alignment with the organizational goals and values Helps speed up the learning process Employee can become productive faster Motivation & confidence Positive 1st impression

• • •

Costs, connected with time spent on start up Employee turnover Anxiety – employees know what is expected from them and what they can expect from others

Employees… • •


Are eager to join Want to know • Who will be my boss? • With whom will I work? • What is the culture like at my new workplace? • What are the rules and regulations? • What will be expected by me?

Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

Employer… • • • • • • • •

Sincere and warm welcome Productive workplace Introduction to key people Organizational & team goals Job description and expectations Short and mid-term goals & priorities Information on rules, regulations, procedures, priorities HR processes - performance appraisal, training, etc…

Two forms of induction

Informal building relationships Formal providing information

The four C’s

Connection Culture Clarification



Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

… that’s why •

Wanted to be judicious in what we make mandatory, not overburden newcomers with data

Decided on three components:  Live Orientation  Mandatory online courses o UNIDO’s Code of Ethical Conduct o Introduction to Fraud Awareness o Basic Security in the Field II (BSITF) o Advanced Security in the Field (ASITF) – if job requires it o UNIDO procurement procedures – if job requires it  New Employee Toolkit

Good Orientation

Bad Orientation

HR welcomes new employee

Has to search for HR department

Orientation kit ready

Takes and hour or more to get in place

Colleagues know

Colleagues don’t know

Meeting with Senior manager

No introduction

Orientation over a week

One day orientation

Formal and informal

Formal, with no interaction

Keys to Success • • • • •

Senior Leadership commitment FRO’s engagement and support in the process Presenters nominated by every Branch and Unit for the Live Orientation HR department’s involvement Constant communication with new employees

Target group • • •


Newly hired staff members under staff Rules 100 On a second stage, extension for Staff Rules 200 & 300 could be considered The programme will have two modifications: • For employees with experience in UN organisation • For people hired for the first time in a UN structure

Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

The tools • • • • • •

Structured agenda Live Orientation Online presentations & training materials Hand-outs One-to-one meetings Mentoring & coaching

At the end, employee will be acquainted with •

UN and UNIDO’s • institutional bodies • principles, policies, programmes and frameworks • organisational structure • Intranet resources

UNIDO’s • goals and priorities • values and competencies • Code of Ethical Conduct • job related processes and procedures • HR processes

At the end, employee will know • • • • •

the responsibilities of UNIDO’s units and their role within the organisation their own responsibilities and how do they contribute to UNIDO’s mandate the expectations towards their performance for the probationary period whom to ask in different cases and occasions how to act in case of misconduct or unethical behaviour

At the end, employee will be • • • •

motivated and inspired to contribute to the success of UNIDO in a position to apply some useful “operational” tips able to settle on the smoothest way to live in Vienna able to use the VIC facilities (Medical Service, Pharmacy Service, Garage, Commissary, BMS, insurance companies, newspapers facility, travel agencies, banks, post office, laundry services, UN Women Guild, hobby clubs)


insurance companies, newspapers facility, travel agencies, banks, post office, laundry services, UN Women Guild, hobby clubs)

Annex 5:The Proposed roles Orientation Programme

The roles

•Organization overview •Structure, history, culture, services provided •Safety requirements •Organization overview •Facilitatehistory, the learning process •Structure, culture, services provided


•Safety requirements •Facilitate the learning process


•Departmental functions •Goals & expectation •Care of employee’s work progress •Departmental functions

Line Manager

•Goals & expectation •Care of employee’s work progress

Line Manager •Coach them through the first few weeks on the job •Answer questions arising •Support the creation informal network •Coach them through theoffirst few weeks on the job

Mentor or “buddy”

•Answer questions arising •Support the creation of informal network

Mentor or “buddy”

Stages 1 Stagesininproess: the process

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Stages 2 :1 Stagesininproess: the process

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Pre-employment handbook • Initial materials that the newly recruited staff can read prior to joining UNIDO


Six months and ongoing

Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

Stages 3 :2 Stages in in proess: the process

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Introductory welcome letter • Time and place of expected arrival • Transport arrangements to the site • Name of welcoming person • Specific security arrangements • List of documents they to bring on the first day • Outline of the agenda of the first day

in proess: the process: 3 Stages in Stages 4

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Initial induction • Employment conditions discussion, signing on-boarding documents • Department introduction - department tour & introduction to immediate supervisor, SRO and colleagues • Basic rules - dress code, time & attendance, essential safety & emergency procedures, computer access and permissions granted, mail, server directories • Some logistics - work site, staff contact details, printers and photocopier machines, parking rules


Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

process: Stages in in the proess: 5 4

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Online training • UNIDO’s mandate, values, competencies, history & background overview • Integrity and ethics • Branch, unit and team structure, functions, targets and aims • Local structure (for field staff members) • Team members and management of the organization • Key job related policies and procedures • Employee related procedures and principles (performance management, pay and benefits, health insurance, absenteeism, holidays and sickness leave) • Priorities, expectations and performance standards for the probationary period • Who-is-who information (names, roles, responsibilities) • VIC services

Stages in the proess: 6 5 Stages in process:

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Online presentations and Live Orientation • Organizational structure, responsibilities of UNIDO’s branches and units • Sites and locations • Terminology, jargon, glossary, definitions of organizational terms • How the unit works and relates to other branches and functions • How the job role fits into the service delivery process • UNIDO ERP (SAP system) • Key points of Code of ethical conduct, reasons and procedure for whistleblowing • Grievance & Discipline procedures • Accident reporting • Staff Unions


Annex 5: Proposed Orientation Programme

4 Stagesininproess: proess:57 Stages 6 Stages in the process:

Preliminary materials

Preparation for first day

First day

First week

Within first month

Six months and ongoing

Online Onlinepresentations presentations&&trainings trainings • The Work Programme of UNIDO  Strategic Planning  Technical Cooperation, Thematic Priorities  Bureau for Regional Programmes  Development policy, Statistics and Strategic Research  Donor Partnerships/Fund Mobilization  Quality Assurance & Evaluation • Basics of Project Management • Mandatory online courses • Training and development principles and options

Evaluation of the orientation • • • •

Employee’s success in passing the final tests Employee’s feedback questionnaire at periodic intervals throughout first six months Group discussion sessions with new employees who have settled into their jobs Verbal feedback from employees and managers

Staff Performance Management – Challenges

Cascaded goals not done on time or not linked to Levels of Jobs or Person. (Lower/Higher grade)

Lack of objectivity in the choice of feedback resources.

Misperceptions of the ratings (3 negative Vs 3 positive). Inconsistencies in application of ratings across different offices – some over inflated, some strict.

SPM – non transparent linkages to training planning, promotion schemes, reclassification exercise, recruitment selection, etc.

Perceived lack of impact or consequences of low ratings.

Feedback discussions not followed.

Absence of neutral/objective monitoring or calibrations.

Policy provisions not followed – no consequences.

Perceived lack of honesty in giving ratings – or not following definitions.

Inconsistent measure of Compact Results in same job families or categories – i.e uneven workload.


Annex 6: Proposed Revision to Staff Performance Management StaffPerformance PerformanceManagement Management––Challenges Challenges Staff

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Cascadedgoals goalsnot notdone doneon ontime timeor ornot notlinked linkedto toLevels Levelsof ofJobs Jobsor orPerson. Person.(Lower/Higher (Lower/Highergrade) grade) Cascaded Lackof ofobjectivity objectivityininthe thechoice choiceof offeedback feedbackresources. resources. Lack

Misperceptionsof ofthe theratings ratings(3(3negative negativeVs Vs33positive). positive).Inconsistencies Inconsistenciesininapplication applicationof ofratings ratingsacross across Misperceptions different offices – some over inflated, some strict. different offices – some over inflated, some strict. SPM––non nontransparent transparentlinkages linkagesto totraining trainingplanning, planning,promotion promotionschemes, schemes,reclassification reclassificationexercise, exercise, SPM recruitment selection, etc. recruitment selection, etc. Perceivedlack lackof ofimpact impactor orconsequences consequencesof oflow lowratings. ratings. Perceived Feedbackdiscussions discussionsnot notfollowed. followed. Feedback Absenceof ofneutral/objective neutral/objectivemonitoring monitoringor orcalibrations. calibrations. Absence Policy provisions not followed – no consequences. Policy provisions not followed – no consequences.

Perceivedlack lackof ofhonesty honestyiningiving givingratings ratings––or ornot notfollowing followingdefinitions. definitions. Perceived Inconsistentmeasure measureof ofCompact CompactResults Resultsininsame samejob jobfamilies familiesor orcategories categories––i.e i.euneven unevenworkload. workload. Inconsistent

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Include BMS in the online system. 2. Divisional and Branch standard settings of compact results and KPIs among job families and roles. Recommendations: 1 of 2 3. Enforce 360 degrees feedback. Subordinates shall be compulsory feedback source for managers. 1. Include BMS in the online system. 4. Shorten Performance Improvement Plan & Cycle for Underperformers to avoid long drawn-out inertia of dealing 2. with Divisional and Branch standard settings of compact results and KPIs among job families and roles. underperformers.

Enforce degrees feedback. Subordinates shall be compulsory feedback source for managers. 5.3. Assess All360 Competencies. Shorten Performance Improvement Plan & Cycle for Underperformers to avoid long drawn-out inertia of dealing 6.4. Capturing team and units’ performance with underperformers. 7. Consequence for non-completion of SPM within required phases, for both FRO & staff member. 5. Assess All Competencies. 8. Management and completion of the SPM for staff, to be included as a Compact Result for FROs. 6. Capturing team and units’ performance 9. The TOR of the Inter-Divisional Review Group to include (i) Calibration Meetings and (i) Merit-based reviews of 7. Rewards, Consequence for non-completion of SPM within phases, for both FRO & staff member. Recognitions and Promotions within therequired Job Series. 8. Management completion of the forofstaff, to be included Compact Result for FROs. 10.Learning needsand in the SPM to form theSPM bases the needs analysesas fora Training.

9. Reinforce The TOR ofcascading the Inter-Divisional Review Group include (i) Calibration 11. goals organizational wide to – as envisioned in policy.Meetings and (i) Merit-based reviews of Rewards, Recognitions and Promotions within the Job Series. 12. SPM to be the main measuring tool for: Training, Promotion, Award and Reward Schemes and Recruitment and 10.Learning needs in the SPM to form the bases of the needs analyses for Training. Internal Selections

11.Reinforce cascading goals organizational wide – as envisioned in policy. 13. Training and Sensitizations on the Application of the Policy 12.SPM to be the main measuring tool for: Training, Promotion, Award and Reward Schemes and Recruitment and 14. Internal Reinforce guidelines on feedback resources Selections 15. Organize meetings with staff members with emphasis on the understanding & values of the SPM process 16. Organize meetings with FRO/SRO on SPM

→ Clear understanding on different ratings (3 - 4 – 5) Recommendations: 2 of 2 of the goal and values → Better understanding → Create a common approach on measuring performance 13. →Training Sensitizations on the Application of the Policy Review and the connection of SPM with other HR processes (Training, Reward, Promotion, Career development) 14. Independent Reinforce guidelines on feedback resources 17. spot checks by HRM for quality control to be followed up by training. HR to cross check procedure: 15. Organize meetings with staff members with emphasis on the understanding & values of the SPM process → Random sample of 2-3 staff members per unit 16. Organize meetings with FRO/SRO on SPM → Compact aligned with the Job description Goalsunderstanding set are SMARTon different ratings (3 - 4 – 5) →→Clear → Process within the setoftimeframe → Better understanding the goal and values

→ Feedback resources are meeting the requirements set


HR Imperatives Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme We have to ensure that People Continue to Be Engaged, Motivated and Adding Value to the Purpose of the HR Imperativesthrough a Process of Continued Growth in the Career. Organization, We have to ensure that People Continue to Be Engaged, Motivated and Adding Value to the Purpose of the Organization, through a Process of Continued Growth in the Career.

The Big Picture • Medium-term Programme Framework 2016-2019 The Big Picture • Results and Performance Framework • Medium-term Programme Framework 2016-2019 • Strategic Guidance Document, IDB.41/24 • Results and Performance Framework • Part of the needs on enhanced HR services, identified through the PSM staff opinion survey • Strategic Guidance Document, IDB.41/24 • Capacity Part of the needs on enhanced HR services, identified through the PSM staff opinion survey development and knowledge management Staff diversity (by geography; P / G; field; seniority) Capacity development and knowledge management Gender parity and equality (at different grades) Staff diversity (by geography; P / G; field; seniority) Staff professional development, learning and performance Gender parity and equality (at different grades) Staff professional development, learning and performance

Issues to be Addressed: What do our people say? • Little training opportunities visible Issues to be Addressed: What do our people say? • Create professional development paths • Little training opportunities visible • Developmental trainings to be conducted, not just on SAP • Create professional development paths • Training for staff going to the field - especially for URs. Currently URs use trial-and-error approaches • Developmental trainings to be conducted, not just on SAP • Mandatory trainings and orientation to newcomers. This would help them understand our business • Training staff going to the field - especially for URs. Currently URs use trial-and-error approaches practicesfor and culture •• Mandatory orientation to newcomers. This would help them understand our business A spread of trainings activitiesand during the biennium vs using the funds at the last moment practices and culture • Training is almost non-existent for consultants • A spread of activities during the biennium vs using the funds at the last moment •

Training is almost non-existent for consultants

Programme Purpose •Programme Provide ideas on approaching UNIDO’s training needs Purpose • Set structured approach towards learning & development •• Provide on approaching UNIDO’s training needs Provide ideas consistency and transparency •• Set structured approach towards learning & development Facilitate the switch from technical to managerial roles •• Provide and transparency Supportconsistency individual development • Facilitate the switch from technical to managerial roles • Leaders • Support individual development • Talents •• Leaders Staff members • Talents • Nurture pool of candidates, ready to undertake future managerial roles • Staff members • Nurture pool of candidates, ready to undertake future managerial roles


Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Staff development building blocks

HR process


• Preliminary materials • First day • First week • First month • First 6 months

HR Tooling

Building blocks

Preemployment handbook Welcome letter FRO guidelines Online trainings Live orientation

UNIDO Training Academy

• AMDP (P5) • BMDP (P4) • Talent DP • General training • Field staff train. • Project related staff trainings • Consultants • Job related (techn)

Learning framework SD Committee Charter Staff Developm. framework

Performance management

Organizational planning

• Classification • Talent identification • Relation with recognition & compensation

Staff Perform. Management framework UNIDO Competency framework

• Classification • Succession planning • Staff development model • Individual development plan

Administrative instruction on classification Talent mgmnt Succession plan framework

The training process


Define needs

Design & plan

Deliver training Evaluate outcome


Define needs

Competence – application of knowledge, skills and behaviors in performance ISO 10015



Evaluate outcome

Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Define needs Define needs

Define needs The training process

Define needs

Design & plan

Evaluate outcome

Define needsDefine Define needs needs


Design & plan Design &Design plan

Deliver & plan Deliver training training Deliver



Deliver training

outcome Evaluate outcome

Evaluate outcome Providing for the training Providing for the training Define needs Define needs The training process

Define needsDefine

Design & plan


Design & plan


Deliver Design Define needs & plan Delivertraining training



Deliver training

outcomeDesign & plan



Deliver training

outcome Evaluate outcome

– The challenges UNIDO faces and the changes we go through Competence – application of – The–challenges UNIDO faces with and Feedback talks leadership knowledge, skills and behaviors in The challenges UNIDO faces and the changes we – performance team go through – the changes we go through ISOFeedback 10015 talks with leadership – Independent feedback – IOS and team – Feedback talks with leadership – Independent feedback – IOS and Evaluation team Evaluation – Observations – Observations – Independent feedback – IOS and – Feedback from – Feedback from the PSM staffthe PSM staff Evaluation survey survey – Observations – Appraisal of UNIDO – Appraisalcompetencies of UNIDO competencies – Questionnaire with – staff Feedback from the PSM staff – Questionnaire with staff members and team leaders survey members and team leaders – Appraisal of UNIDO competencies – Questionnaire with staff members and team leaders – Pre-training support • To trainer – brief & logistics • To trainee – explain the purpose of training support – Pre-training • To Facilitate establishment trainercontact – brief & logistics • To trainee – explain the purpose – The challenges UNIDO faces and Training the changes–we of go training throughsupport • Facilitate contact establishment – Feedback talks leadership • with Tools, equipment, team documentation, etc. Competence – application – Independent feedback –ofIOS and knowledge, skills and behaviors in Opportunities to apply the support Evaluation •– Training performance targeted competency – • Tools, equipment, ISOObservations 10015 – Feedback from PSM • the Test & staff certify theetc. knowledge documentation, survey acquired • Opportunities to apply the – Appraisal of UNIDO competencies • Receive & provide feedback targeted competency – Questionnaire with staff • team Testleaders & certify the knowledge members and – acquired End-of-training support provide •• Receive Feedback& from thefeedback trainee • Feedback from the trainer – support • End-of-training Feedback to leaders • Feedback from the trainee • Feedback from the trainer • Feedback to leaders

Evaluate outcome Define needs

Evaluate outcome

– Follow up if the expected

Define needs Define


Design & plan

Design & plan Evaluate outcome

Evaluate outcome Evaluate outcome

Design & plan

Define needs Deliver training

Deliver training Deliver training

– The challenges UNIDO faces and behavioral change is observed the changes we go through – Feedback talks with leadership team – Evaluation Follow up ifreport the expected – Independent feedback – IOS and behavioral change is observed • Training needs Evaluation – Observations • Evaluation criteria – Feedback from PSM staff report – Evaluation • the Data analysis & interpretation of survey results • the Training needs – Appraisal of UNIDO competencies Review • with Evaluation criteria costs & – Questionnaire staff of training benefits expected members and team leaders • Data analysis & interpretation of

• •

Conclusions the results and recommendations Review of training costs & benefits expected recommended corrective •– Discuss Conclusions and actions recommendations – Discuss recommended corrective actions


Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

UNIDO Training Academy target groups

All staff members

Unit Chiefs

Team leaders

General Services staff & P1 - P3

UNIDO Representatives & NO Heads

Field General Services staff

Project-related staff

Long-term consultants

All staff members - Hard skills target group – 660 FTEs • • • • • •

UNIDO’s mandate, role, field of expertise and services provided UNIDO processes, policies & procedures (Procurement, Finance & other job related) Project management SAP trainings in the area of responsibility with opportunity for to do it from home Advanced MS Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

All staff members – Soft skills target group – 660 FTEs • • • • • • • • •

Client orientation Multicultural environment Ethics & integrity Communication skills How to communicate UNIDO’s success Teamwork – how to absorb criticism & grow into it Giving & receiving feedback Remaining effective under stress Health prevention (training from VIC Medical Services)

Basic Management Development Program for Team leaders (P4) – 1-week course; target group – 64 FTEs • • • • • • • • • •


Managing people Innovation Change Management HRM as a sustainable competitive advantage Handling conflicts Project Management Motivating staff - incentivizing good work; involving people & creating sense of ownership and working for a purpose; recognition Teamwork Communication with peers and subordinates Staff performance management

Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Advanced Management Development Program

Leadership style reviewAssessment center & 360° feedback

Module 1

Six months, 2 coaching sessions

year 1

Module 2

Six months, 2 coaching sessions

AMDP follow up 360° feedback

year 2

Advanced Management Development Program for Unit chiefs (P5) - 2 years program; target group – 64 FTEs Module 1 (equal to Basic MDP) • Managing people • Innovation • Change Management • HRM as a sustainable competitive advantage • Handling conflicts • Project Management • Motivating staff – recognition & incentivizing good work; involving people; creating sense of ownership and working for a purpose • Teamwork • Communication with peers and subordinates • Staff performance management

Advanced Management Development Program for Unit chiefs (P5) - 2 years program; target group – 64 FTEs Module 2 • Strategic Management • Implementing a Customer Centred Strategy • Leadership Development • Manager as a coach • Finance for Executives • Knowledge Management • Organizational Culture

General trainings – for General Services staff & P1 - P3 target group – 450 FTEs • • • • • • • • •

Understanding individual career development Effective meetings UNIDO Competency framework Drafting Protocol Prioritization Communication Teambuilding Internal trainings from UNIDO subject experts 47

Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Field trainings – UNIDO Representatives & NO Heads Hard skills - target group – 41 FTEs • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Basics of TCB, energy, environment etc. (substantive sectors) How to measure the results of UNIDO’s activities What is developing cooperation Program formulation, development & management Project management logic & concepts Fundraising strategies & resources mobilization Updates on Industrial policies How to develop activities in special industrial zones Annual industrial policies update Recruitment Financial settlement Procurement Writing skills

Field trainings – UNIDO Representatives & NO Heads Soft skills - target group – 41 FTEs • • • • • • • • • • • •

UN system coherence Promoting UNIDO services & added value The role of the Representative on the ground Cultural awareness Relationship management Negotiation skills Communication, presentation skills & speech giving People management Time management Risk management Effectiveness & efficiency Change management

Field trainings – UNIDO Representatives & NO Heads target group – FTE number TBA For newcomers after restructuring – live training in Vienna • Introductory training on technical cooperation • Industrial development • UNIDO’s mandate, role and services provided • UNIDO processes, policies & procedures • How to prepare project documentation according the UNIDO standards • What are the UR’s responsibilities and what is expected • Basics of Project management • Communication with state representatives • Establishing rapport and creating trust

Field trainings – General Services staff target group – 90 FTEs • • • 48

SAP administration Written communication (press releases) Language skills – depending on the local needs

Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Project-related staff members trainings target group – FTE number TBA • • • • • • • • • • • •

Formulation Documentation structure Design & preparation Project KPIs Project implementation Execution Focus on milestones follow up Logframe & indicators Results-based management Monitoring Reporting to member states Fundraising & SWOT analysis on how to raise funds

Long-term consultants trainings (to be project funded) target group – FTE number TBA • • • •

SAP UNIDO field of expertise Technical knowledge – basics of TCB, energy, environment Project management – what are the UNIDO specific requirements Formulation Documentation structure Design & preparation Project KPIs Project implementation & execution Focus on milestones follow up Logframe & indicators Results-based management Monitoring Reporting to member states

• • • • • • • • • •

Skills upgraded and job-related trainings •

As identified in the Annual Performance Management process


Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

UNIDO Training Academy principles •

Standard for training days set o 3 days per year sponsored by UNIDO

o 2 days per year self - sponsored by the staff member

E-learning with checkpoints & certificate

Basic & Advanced Leadership programs - obligatory for all P4 & P5

Cancellation fee for non show up on any training

Learning contracts for external trainings

For each internal training

o Quotas per Division / Branch

o Invitations will be sent to Directors & they will decide who will participate o Reminder to Directors 2-3 days before the training •

• • • •

Having in mind budget restrictions, staff members with retirement in the forthcoming 3 years will not be included in the Training activities UNIDO training calendar Annual training report to PSM MD Shared library of internal trainings in all branches - increase benefit Webinars • Interactive • No longer than 1.5 hours • Recorded for different time zones

UNIDO Training Academy

• • • •

AMDP (P5) BMDP (P4) Talent DP General training • Field staff train. • Project related staff trainings • Consultants • Job related

Performance management

Organizational planning

• Classification • Talent identification • Relation with recognition & compensatio n

• Classification • Succession planning • Staff development model • Individual development plan


Learning framework SD Committee Charter Staff Developm. framework


Staff Perform. Management framework UNIDO Competency framework

Administrative instruction on classification Talent mgmnt Succession plan framework

Annex 7: Concept for Proposed Staff Development Programme

Proposals of some new initiatives • Meetings for discussion on Staff Performance Management process Proposals of some new initiatives • Field coaches / trainers per region • Meetings for discussion on Staff Performance Management process • Identify internal trainers & provide Train-the-trainer sessions • Field coaches / trainers per region • Competencies questionnaire to leaders for future needs • Identify internal trainers & provide Train-the-trainer sessions • Q / monthly branch meetings with focus on development – talking about critical issues & areas of improvement • Competencies questionnaire to leaders for future needs • Q / monthly Division meeting of D2 with Directors & Unit leaders • Q / monthly branch meetings with focus on development – talking about critical issues & areas of improvement • Rotation assignments & lateral moves between branches / divisions • Q / monthly Division meeting of D2 with Directors & Unit leaders • Best practice sharing (MDs, Bernardo Calzadilla, Laila Gerold…) • Rotation assignments & lateral moves between branches / divisions • Retreats and meetings on Branch and Unit level for brainstorming on particular topics & teambuilding purposes • Best practice sharing (MDs, Bernardo Calzadilla, Laila Gerold…) • Field exposure • Retreats and meetings on Branch and Unit level for brainstorming on particular topics & teambuilding purposes • Play sport together  • Field exposure •

Play sport together 

Designing and planning training - constraints Designing and planning training - constraints – Budget restrictions – Time availability Budget restrictions – Motivation of staff members – Time availability – Motivation of staff –members ...and most important leaders’ dedication

Define needs Define needs Design & plan Design & plan Evaluate outcome Evaluate

Deliver training Deliver training

...and most important – leaders’ dedication • pre-training • during the training pre-training • on follow up • during the training • on follow up



Annex 8: Proposed Reward and Recognition Schemes HR Imperatives We have to ensure that People Continue to Be Engaged, Motivated and Adding Value to the Purpose of the Organization, through a Process of Continued High Level of Performance which are Recognized and Rewarded.

Definitions •

INCENTIVES: Measures designed to influence motivation and behavior of individuals, groups or organizations.

MOTIVATION: Refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior.

RECOGNITION: Refers to a non-monetary way of saying ‘Thank you’ and caters to the psychological need of being appreciated.

AWARD: Acknowledges an achievement . “It is the official decision that someone should get something” through a nomination or selection process .

REWARD: A tangible item of monetary value (but not necessarily money), provided in appreciation of recognized performance, e.g. gift “To give something to someone for something good that has been done”.


Immediate Recognition: Director/Unit Chief to award staff directly for a justified special achievement/task

→Tickets for the Ball / Invitation for dinner

→Subscription for a professional magazine / Books 2.

Merit Award: as per process

→ Fixed amounts → Increase the number of staff awarded → Annual Exercise 3.

Superior Achievement / Distinguished Service Award: (In line with the themes pre-defined by the DG)

→ Fixed amount → Limited number of awarded staff (up to 5 staff) 4. Annual Merit-based promotions in job series (proven best practice in WFP). This replaces the current personal merit promotion exercise and is aligned to classified levels of positions. 5. Lump sum or SPA for temporary assignments. 6. Annual distinguished service awards. 7. Best Bestinnovation innovation award. award. 8. Best Bestmanager manageraward. award. 9. DG’s DG’sspecial specialaward. award. 10. Award partnerships and field operations 10. Awardfor forteam, team,team-building, team-building, partnerships and field operations 11. Publish achievements as and when observed. 11. Publish achievements as and when observed. 12. External 12. Externaltraining trainingasasa areward. reward. 13. GS travel (both toto HQs) asas a learning opportunity and reward. 13. GS travel (bothtotoField Fieldand and HQs) a learning opportunity and reward.


Annex 8: Proposed Reward and Recognition Schemes

14. Peer-to-Peer recognition (UNIDO internal social network) 15. Immediate verbal/written acknowledgement as soon as good work is observed. 16. HRM:

Introduce regular one-to-one meetings with staff → follow-up on career development needs → employee feedback at the end of the probation period → feedback at the event of the extension of the contract

17. Annual open day for each branch/unit 18. Birthday e-card to be sent to staff (on behalf of the DG) 19. Allow MSTs, consultants and L-staff to apply for internal vacancies (3+ years within UNIDO) 20. Regular inventory and analysis of staff skills and knowledge 21. Enhance communication with staff through quarterly meetings to discuss the future of the Organization, the on-going discussions with MS, the on-going and future events as well as the pending matters (including the personnel matters in general) 22. Establish UNIDO Management Regular Meetings (Monthly?) → DG, MDs and Directors → Summary and decisions to be published in intranet 23. Dialogue with staff: DG/MD to visit each unit once per year to hear their concerns → Motivation of staff → Improve efficiency and effectiveness 24. Brainstorming sessions → Setup teams composed by Staff from different branches/units and different grades to work on specific subject to be presented to the EB 25. Include Consultants in the motivation tools 26. Special Merit Award for Consultants 27. Elect the best consultant of the year (per branch)


Annex 9: Concept for Proposed Mobility and Rotation HR Imperatives We have to ensure that People Continue to Be Engaged, Motivated and Adding Value to the Purpose of the Organization, through the benefits of Rotation and Mobility – which are Rewarded.

Business Case for Mobility in UNIDO Align three HR management practices: 1. Career planning and development - provide staff with a clear path towards strategic rotational positions. 2. Succession planning - for strategic rotational positions. 3. Rotation and Mobility - constant renewal of staff skills, competencies and motivation.

Mobility – A Tool for: • • • •

Challenging staff out of lethargy and complacency - common symptoms of staff that remain too long in one job environment. Rejuvenating inflow of skills and expertise of staff to key positions. Regular matching of positions against the skills and competencies of staff. Timely filling of important posts.

Proposed Types of Mobility • •

Mobility in UNIDO has to make sense in the context of its Mandate, Structure and Resources. Proposal : A new approach to filling strategic managerial positions through a structured Staff Management Development Programme and a new Assessment Methodology Proposal : Tools for staff members to be mobile by choice, either temporarily or on a longer term, for career development purposes.

Proposals for Mobility Proposal 1. : (New Approach) Fill strategic managerial positions through a structured Staff Management Development Programme and a new Assessment Methodology Proposal II:

Tools for staff member to be mobile by choice, either temporarily or on a longer term, for career development purposes.

Rotation amongst Professional level staff sitting on designated “Rotational Positions”

    

Long Term Re-assignment – Open to All Staff. Short Term Reassignment – Open to All Staff Job Swap – Open to Interested Staff Movement within the UN System Temporary Movement outside the UN System

Proposal I Critical Mass – Justified through UNIDO mandate and structure •

A headquarters-based specialized agency with a ratio of 80% or more staff based at Hqs & Liaison Offices and less than 20% in the Field Offices.

Need a critical (technical and administrative) centralized mass at HQs to serve at the GLOBAL LEVEL

Require a large pool of experts and consultants, up to five times the strength of core staff, to complement field staff to serve at FIELD LEVEL


Annex 9: Concept for Proposed Mobility and Rotation





A s s e s s m e n t / d e c i s i o n



Internal candidates holding a RP (P-5, D1)

Internal Candidate Holding a SP (P5, D1)

Internal Candidate Holding a SP (P3-P5)

? External Candidate

Critical: frequency of SMDP/Assessment/decision process NEW MOBILITY POLICY as 2016 P-5/D-1 already in a MP a) Move to another P-5 MP (lateral move) b) Move to another D1 MP (lateral move/promotion) c) Move to another P-5 SP (lateral move) d) Move to another D-1 SP (lateral move/promotion) P-5/D-1 already in a SP a) Move to a P-5 MP (lateral move)/ needs SMPD b) Move to another D1 MP (lateral move/promotion) needs SMDP c) Move to another P-5 SP (lateral move) d) Move to another D-1 SP (lateral move/promotion) P3-P5 already in a SP (not holding a management function) a) Move to a P-5 MP (lateral move/promotion)/ needs SMPD b) Move to a D1 MP (promotion) needs SMDP c) Move to a P-5 SP (lateral move/promotion) d) Move to another D-1 SP (promotion) 55

Annex 9: Concept for Proposed Mobility and Rotation

Holders of a MP post need to go through the SMDP? Holders of a SP need to go through SMDP only for MP posts? What about Specialized Mobile posts? P1-P5 and NPOs? What incentives for lateral moves from SP to MP? Promotions in MP are permanent or temporary? How many years/terms can a staff hold a MP? After how long can a staff apply to another post after assignment? In the field only managerial posts (P-5/D-1)?

Strategic Rotational Professional Posts Strategic Positions could be at P5 and D1 levels and shall be filled with those who have: •

Accumulated substantive technical expertise and managerial experience including in a Field Setting.

Proven performance and good reputation.

Successfully completed the proposed UNIDO Staff Management Development Programme.

Successfully passed a structured assessment process, similar to the Assessment Centre Techniques for RC.

POSSIBLE Strategic Rotational Posts •

UNIDO Representatives (URs) - Country Offices, P5

URs and Director – Regional Offices, D1

URs and Director - Liaison offices, D1 and P5

Chiefs of Regional Programmes, P5

Branch Directors managing the technical critical mass (PTC), D1.

P&B for 2016/17 shall determine the exact number of positions.

Approximately 15-20% of such professional RB/OB positions would allow for a reasonable pool to create fluidity of rotation.

Allows for Predictability and Career Planning •

A structured path of preparation towards rotational positions at P5 and D1 levels.

Promotion to rotational D1 positions shall require that an incumbent possess the following:  proven demonstration of programmatic leadership and technical competence;  proven reputation of being an effective leader and manager;  proven successful rotations including in a field office;  proven personal and professional investment in their knowledge and skills upgrading.

Staff Management Development Programme •

A UNIDO Staff Management Development Programme (SMDP) – to provide a structured approach to preparing staff for managerial and leadership positions.

Provide a clear path towards strategic rotational positions in the organization –From entry level to Senior positions.

Provide clear expectations of the demand for technical experts to make the switch to managerial and ledership roles if they want to progress to strategic positions


Annex 9: Concept for Proposed Mobility and Rotation

Proposal II: Mobility for Career Development Long Term Reassignment – Open to All Staff.

Reassignment to assume the duties of a vacant post, at the same grade level or a higher grade level for a minimum period of one year, following a competitive selection.

Reassignment for a limited duration, to another post at the same level or higher level, following an announcement and matching exercise. Can be used to fill:

Short Term Reassignment (STR)– Open to All Staff – A lump sum for lateral move or SPA for filling higher level.

a position which is not vacant but not filled due to, inter alia, secondment, maternity leave, extended sick leave and special leave without pay. a short-term position which was requested to meet specific programmatic requirements. • •

SPA or lump sum to be applicable if reassigned to a higher level post. Return to his/her original position at the original grade after the STR

Proposal II: Mobility for Career Development Job Swap (JS) – Open to Interested Staff

• • •

To explore other areas of work outside their Branch/Division Apply to the Job-Swap roster . Return to previous position after period of JS.

Movement in the UN System

Within the UN system under the inter-agency loan, secondment or transfer agreement currently in place. Within the Vienna Based Organizations (VBOs) Eg for BMS staff

• Temporary Movement • outside the UN System •

To work for an employer outside the UN system – under SLWOP To work with a the Private Sector partner – under Special Partnership Arrangements either on Transfer, Secondment or Loan for Short Term (13 months), or Long Term (4-12 months). A right to return to his/her former grade level, not necessarily to his/her previous position.


Vienna International Centre P.O. BOX 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (+43-1) 26026-0 Fax: (+43-1) 26926-69 E-mail:

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