Sanlam Reality - Summer 2021/2022

Page 8

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mandatory vaccinations

Should vaccines be MANDATORY? As vaccination rates against the coronavirus increase around the world, so do the discussions about whether governments and/or employers should make vaccination a requirement.


accination is a public health priority; one that has been carried out by governments around the world for decades. In 2020, the world desperately needed a new vaccine to fight the biggest health crisis we’ve ever experienced – and we made it happen. Investment and motivation came together in a global push, and the development, approval and deployment of safe, effective vaccines within a year is a feat of human perseverance, dedication and ingenuity like we’ve never seen before. A number of countries have made it mandatory for people working with high-risk groups or large crowds to be vaccinated, and some are also introducing regulations to ensure crowds are all fully



vaccinated before they can enter a venue. But what is the situation in South Africa? Dhevarsha Ramjettan, partner and employment law specialist at Webber Wentzel in Jo’burg, answers the questions everyone wants to know.

What does South African law currently say about employers mandating vaccines? “In June 2021, the Minister of Employment and Labour issued a revised COVID-19 Direction on Health and Safety in the

Mandatory vs compulsory

Compulsory vaccination means not getting vaccinated is illegal. Mandatory vaccination means not being vaccinated precludes the unvaccinated person from certain services or goods, like travel or schooling. Mandatory vaccination is nothing new around the world; for instance, if you want to travel to some countries, especially in Africa, you need a yellow fever vaccination. Similarly, most countries require proof of vaccination – especially against tuberculosis, mumps, measles, rubella, hepatitis and polio – if you want to live there.

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