Feb. 11 issue of The Signature

Page 1

Vol. 28 No. 6

february 11, 2011

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Proud Manta 2011 comes to Sigonella

Photo by MCSA Cameron Bramham, The Signature Staff

Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Commanding Officer, Capt. Scott Butler signs the ‘Military Saves’ Proclamation to kick off the 2011 Military Saves Events. Joining Capt. Butler for the signing were (from left to right) Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Personal Financial Manager Wayne Cantrell, FFSC member Elinor Cantrell, FFSC Director Dr. Marlene Casel, Navy Federal Bank Local Manager Bruce Stryker, and Community Bank Manager Michael Boyle.

Military Saves Week kicks off at NAS Sigonella Photo by MC2 Gary Prill, NPASE East

Deputy Commander, United States Sixth Fleet, Rear Adm. James G. Foggo prepares to depart, following a tour aboard the S524 Primo Longobardo, an Italian submarine participating in Exercise Proud Manta 2011. Exercise Proud Manta is designed to provide operational training in the air, surface, and subsurface cooperation and coordination antisurface warfare operations in potential NATO response force task/roles and missions.

College in 2013 - what programs do you want? Provided by Navy College Office, Naples The current European college contracts expire in 2013 and efforts are now being made to determine what college programs Civilian and Military members want to see at each European location in the future. Take advantage of this opportunity NOW to let others know what on-site programs you would like to


top StorieS

Feb. 11 H: 67 update L: 41 It’s the next installment in how to avoid the pitfalls of the sun, and especially, what the dangers signs are for the deadliest skin cancer - melanoma.



Direct Line 2

see offered in Sigonella. It takes about five minutes to take the survey when you visit the following website: http://www.usafservue.com/se.ashx? s=3D671A350D3E77A The most important part of this survey is to find out what on-site college programs are really needed at each location. Only members of the local community know the answer.

Feb. 12 H: 65 L: 42

Feb. 13 H: 63 L: 45

The world we live in is filled with danger: hurricanes, blizzards, floods, terrorist attacks and civil strife occur every year. Would you know what to do if one of these happened at your installation?

PAGE 3 Navy News 3

While you may have moved on to another worldwide location by 2013, the results of your participation will help shape the future of all Voluntary Education programs offered in Europe/Sigonella for many years into the future. Questions – Sigonella Base Education and Training Division, DSN: 624-4516.

Feb. 14 H: 65 L: 44

As it happens every year in February, the community of Noto will host the first of the two religious festivals honoring San Corrado or St. Conrad, its beloved patron saint.

PAGE 6 Community Calendar 4

Feb. 15 H: 64 L: 46

By MCSA Cameron Bramham The Signature Staff Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella Commanding Officer, Capt. Scott Butler joined members of the NAS Sigonella community on Feb. 4 in his conference room to sign a proclamation to officially kick off Military Saves Week. According to militarysaves.org, Military Saves is a social marketing campaign to persuade, motivate, and encourage military families to save money every month, and to convince leaders and organizations to be aggressive in promoting automatic savings. The campaign is a growing network of organizations and individuals committed to helping and supporting military members and their loved ones

build personal savings accounts to provide for their immediate and longterm financial needs. “The whole idea behind Military Saves is to encourage military members and their families to look at their savings plan or their financial planning worksheet to determine if they can save more money in order to reduce debt,” said Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) Personal Financial Manager Wayne Cantrell. “By reducing their debt ratio and increasing their savings, then their credit scores go up and when it comes time to retire, not only will the military individuals have their service retirement but also another program and more money set aside for their future.” MONEY, continued on page 12

Check out page 13 for pictures from the Super Bowl at NAS Sigonella Feb. 16 H: 63 L: 44

Monday is Valentine’s Day, and some lucky people from the Sigonella community got a shout out in this week’s edition of the newspaper. Did you get a love note?

PAGE 8 MWR Corner 11

Traffic Numbers

Feb. 17 H: 66 L: 51 Are the Alps too far from South Italy? No problem! Join ITT on a five day trip to Gamberie, a beautiful area in Calabria, Southern Italy.

PAGE 11 Il Mercato 14

Jan. 11 Feb. 11

Jan. 10 Feb. 10










Traffic Deaths



please, don’t become a statistic!

page 2

feBruary 11, 2011

DirecT LiNe

We received so many questions for February’s Feedback Live that we couldn’t cover them all during the show, so we are devoting the next two Direct Line columns to answer them. Please keep sending your questions via email, but remember that Feedback Live is a LIVE call in show -- you can get your question answered on the spot. The show is held on the first Thursday of each month, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. To call in live on the show, please dial 6244265 or 095-56-4265. Q1. I'm a frequent patron of the Take 5 center on NAS 2. It kills me to see the energy that is being wasted at the facility. In December the AC was running and the staff wore coats, hats and gloves. Now the staff opens all the doors and windows to try to get the temp out of the 80's. As a patron it's not a pleasant place to go. The staff told me Public Works can't do anything because the system is old. If we're serious about wanting to save utility dollars, Take 5 is a place to show it. What can be done? A1. Unfortunately, everything that can

NaS SigoNella CommaNdiNg offiCer, Capt. Butler

be done with that system is being done. The HVAC system in Bldg 568 (Take 5) is antiquated and clearly needs to be replaced. No news here, but lack of funding is the reason the unit has not been replaced. Complicating the situation is the fact that the system was not designed and installed to handle the present configuration of the building, as this area was originally set up for another operation prior to converting it to Take 5. PWD mechanics have checked the system many times, including all temperature sensors as well as balancing the system as well as can possibly be done. PWD continues to monitor and maintain the system to limit energy consumption and do the best job possible with occupant comfort. Q2. The Mail... There is a huge delay in postage getting to and from Sigonella. I posted a UP Priority Express envelope from Sigonella to the States and it took over 4 weeks to be delivered. I sent two envelopes MPS to Germany and Naples this October, 2010, and the envelopes have still not ar-

Health Watch Skin Cancer prevention for Sigonella By John Paul Trafeli, MD Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology Last article I discussed the most common skin cancers: Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. These are the cancers most closely related to sunburns, and chronic unprotected sun exposure. Today’s article will focus on Melanoma…a less common, but far more deadly skin cancer. MELANOMA: Melanoma makes up less than 5% of skin cancer, but causes the greatest number of skin cancer deaths. Early detection of melanoma is the best way to reduce risk of death from it. The average age of first occurrence is age 53, but it is the most common cancer in women aged 25-29 years (this may be strongly influenced by use of tanning beds among young women). These cancers appear as odd looking freckles or moles, often with irregular borders, and multiple colors. They can sometimes itch, or bleed. Commanding Officer Capt. Scott Butler Public Affairs Officer Lt. Matt Knight Deputy Public Affairs Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta Editor Tracie Barnthouse Staff Writers/ Photographers MC1 Christopher Delano MC2 Gary Prill MCSA Cameron Bramham The Signature editorial office is located at: Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily PSC 812 Box 3020, FPO, AE 09627 Telephone: 095-86-5440: DSN 624-5440

However, they are cancers…so they grow more rapidly than any surrounding normal moles. They can be found anywhere on the body, though they are more likely to be in areas that receive sun. In light skinned individuals the most common locations are the back and the thighs. However, in darker individuals (African American, Asian, Hispanic) they are also very likely to occur on hands, feet, and under toenails or fingernails. Bob Marley died of melanoma that occurred on his toe. Although people of color are at lower risk for having melanoma, they are more likely to be diagnosed in the advanced stages of the disease when it is potentially more fatal. The survival rate for melanoma in America is 91% for Caucasians and 77 % for African Americans. Thus, everyone should be vigilant and do self skin exams. Why the difference… because people of color don’t typically believe that they can get skin cancer. That is somewhat true for

rived to their destinations. I sent a check to pay for our school yearbooks in September, 2010, and the publishing company has never received the check. Something is wrong that needs to be addressed.....no pun intended. A2. The Postal professionals at the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Sigonella are dedicated to continued quality control of our mail. They consistently monitor mail shipments once in the government system and engage if it becomes necessary to do so. Rest assured that if our mail is going to be delayed outside of what is reasonable, the community will be informed via All Hands messages. In a recent study of postmarks on our incoming mail, all are averaging 9 days for letter class, with 64% taking between 48 days. Our Priority parcels are on a 5-day average with 28% only taking 2 days from the postmark. One thing to remember about mail transit times is that they are averaged. We have seen standard mail take upwards of 90 days to arrive depending on the time of year. Additionally, the primary

cause of mail getting lost is due to improper addressing or poor address hygiene. In other words use the correct address and make sure that it is legible, a zip code with even one number off can send your mail to places unknown. The community is asked to provide any of the Postal facilities with information on individual mail delays that they may be experiencing. Q3. I was training for the base to base run, and was participating in the series event that MWR came up with. The first two runs were held on a Saturday morning. Every run following has been on a Friday morning, which means that teachers and civilian employees now can no longer participate in the series without taking off from work. I’m wondering why the change in day? A3. When the Base to Base Run Series calendar was developed, it was set up to try to meet the needs of as many of our varied customer’s preferences as possible. We appreciate the feedback and apologize for your inconvenience. Unfortunately we can't

change the calendar of event for this Series, but we appreciate this very helpful feedback. We will utilize it in the planning of next year’s Base to Base Run series. The questions, comments and concerns stated in this column do not constitute the official position of the U.S. Navy and are submitted by members of the community.

NASSIG WORSHIP SERVICES Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049 ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday 0900 Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) 1200 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Monday-Thursday 1200 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) JEWISH LAY SERVICES First Friday 1800 Shabbat Service (NAS I Chapel) sigshalom@yahoo.com

PROTESTANT Sunday 1045 Protestant Worship (NAS I) Wednesday 1700 Fellowship Meal 1800 Adult Bible Study Youth Group Children’s Class CHURCH OF CHRIST LAY SERVICE Sunday 1530 NAS I Chapel Call 624-5128 or 338-736-3061

OTHER SERVICES/ACTIVITIES POINTS OF CONTACT Latter-day Saints: Sunday 1300 Catania Chapel, shefchik@hotmail.com; 624-1393 AA Meetings: Monday,Wednesday, Friday – 1900, NAS II Chapel, 346-840-7745

Rear Adm. James G. Foggo, commander submarines, Allied Naval Forces South, prepares to go below the decks of a S524 ITS Primo Longobardo Italian submarine during Exercise Proud Manta 2011. Proud Manta is designed to provide operational training in air, surface, and subsurface cooperation and coordination anti-surface warfare operations in potential NATO response force task/roles and missions. (Photo by MC2 Gary Prill/Released)

SKIN, continued on page 12 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Signature is published weekly

by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy - Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it. Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via thesig@eu.navy.mil, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish any anonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.

CNE-CNA-C6F/CNREURAFSEA IG Hotline It’s everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: Office of the Inspector General, Naples, Italy Leave a recorded message 24/7: DSN 626-2983, Comm: 081-5682983 Speak to the Investigator: DSN 626-2964, Comm: 081-568-2964 Email: ighotline@eu.navy.mil Website: www.cnic.navy.mil/europe/index.htm You can choose to remain anonymous or confidential.

feBruary 11, 2011

page 3

Registration mandatory for Wide Area Alert Network By Commander Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia Public Affairs NAPLES, Italy - The world we live in is filled with danger: hurricanes, blizzards, floods, terrorist attacks and civil strife occur every year. Would you know what to do if one of these happened at your installation? Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC) has developed a way for you to be prepared during these situations. It’s called the Wide Area Alert Network (WAAN) and CNIC wants you to be a part of it. “The WAAN’s primary purpose is to provide real time emergency alerts and protective guidance to personnel in buildings, surrounding areas on board installations, and family members via three systems,” said Steven Layne, the emergency operations center manager at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples, Italy. In order to quickly and effectively communicate to installations, the WAAN employs the Computer Desktop Notification System (CDNS), the Automatic Telephone Notification System (ATNS) and the Giant Voice/Indoor Voice (GV/IV). The GV/IV is an interior and exterior voice loudspeaker notification system while the CDNS will notify personnel through pop-ups on their desktop. Sailors and civilian contractors are automatically connected to CDNS whenever they are logged into the ONE-NET network. Originally developed and deployed to installations in 2008, recent crises such as severe winter weather in the continental U.S., evacuations of U.S. personnel from parts of North Africa and the Middle East, and flooding in Millington, Tenn., have reinforced the necessity for rapid communications.

“WAAN registration is therefore imperative and mandated,” said Layne, “to ensure personnel are quickly notified of emergencies, including urgent or significant events such as gate closures and re-openings, severe weather warnings, school closures, etc.” GV/IV and CDNS are effective while on base or at work, but what if there is an emergency while personnel are off base, at home or on travel? ATNS is the answer. ATNS is what makes the WAAN truly effective. During a crisis ATNS will send notifications to you via email, voice recording and even text message. The success and effectiveness of ATNS is reliant on personnel registering for the service inside of CDNS. The link is already on your desktop

and ONE-NET users can register in two easy steps. First, right-click on the purple globe in the taskbar located in the lower right side of the monitor and click on “access self service.” Next, click on the “my info” tab and fill in all the appropriate information. Finally, click on devices and complete the sections. At a minimum, according to Layne, should be work email, work phone and a cell number required to receive alerts via text message.

If personnel would like to register their family’s devices, ATNS allows for both home email and phone to be added during the registration process. Currently only 20 percent of personnel attached to CNIC installations are registered for ATNS. CNIC urges Sailors and contracted civilians to register immediately. “The purpose of mass notification is to protect life by indicating the existence of an emergency situations and instructing people of the neces-

A few words from our winner, Capt. Beadles: First off I'd like to thank God who makes all things possible in my life........ I'd also like to thank all of the other prognosticators that participated in this contest. It truly is an honor to be mentioned in the same breath with such noted luminaries. Professionals all, ............even Glasser. I'd like to thank the Skipper for allowing me to participate in this contest, knowing full and well the enormous amount of time and effort that was required to research and make my predictions. Truly it was three minutes out of my weekly sked that I will NEVER get back. To my lovely wife for her love and support and her constant guidance to focus on the most important football details when making my picks - the colors of the uniforms, the coolness of the team names - and who looks best in those tight football pants.

sary and appropriate response and action,” said Layne, adding, the lack of registration “affects the effectiveness of it [the WAAN] to a significant extent.” For more information contact the Regional & Installation CDNS Administrator at DSN 314-626-3585.

To my New England brother Dana Weiner, who taught me importance of valuing beauty over substance which was my rationale for picking Tom Brady and the Patriots at every opportunity. That worked out pretty well for me. I still stick by my claim that he is the most handsome man in the NFL. Maybe even all sports. Special thanks to Tracie B for making this whole thing possible. Buono Lavoro amica mia. And finally thanks to the Sigonella community for putting up weekly with what I try to pass off as funny and my non existent knowledge of American football throughout the year. I am proof positive that, as is often times the case in life, it is always better to be lucky than good. I can hear them cueing the music in the background so it is time for me to go.... PEACE OUT!

Congratulations to this year’s winner!!

Capt. Joe Beadles, NASSIG Record: W-L Overall Record: 73-45 Final week: 8-3

Jeremy Glasser, MWR

ABH1 Ezekial Clifton, Emergency Management

Record: W-L Overall Record:70-48 Last week: 2-9

Record: W-L Overall Record: 70-48 Last week: 8-3

AC3 Michael Vazana, NASSIG Record: W-L Overall Record: 67-51 Last week: 8-3

LSSA Ashley Diem/Rivera, FISC Record: W-L Overall Record: 62-56 Last week: 1-10

Calvary Picciolo

Spaghetti House

page 4

feBruary 11, 2011

CPR Certification 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Million Dollar Sailor 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Military Saves Week Begins

Home Buying Strategies 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Million Dollar Sailor 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Play Group 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Ricotta Cheese Workshop 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Play Group 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Great American Spit-Out x4710

FFSC can be reached at x4291 American Red Cross at x4900 Does your command or organization have an event you’d like to see on the Community Calendar? Email us at thesig@eu.navy.mil and let us know!




Ristorante Angela

feBruary 11, 2011

page 5

Fleet and Family Support Center Administration Building Bldg. 319 (NAS I) Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. DSN 624-4291 Commercial 095-56-4291


Empower. Enrich. EDUCATE. Participate in the Development of a Family Readiness Group (FRG) By FFSC Sigonella


Dr, Riccardo Milici

What is an FRG? The purpose of the FRG is to serve the needs of service members and their families particularly during times of deployment. The concept of an FRG is based on the realization that mission readiness includes both sailor and family readiness. The FRG provides mutual support and assistance supported by a network of communications among family members, the chain of command, and community resources. FRG support includes education and training, IA awareness, outreach, and information and referral. An FRG assists families preparing for military separation. These groups promote and create a friendly, social atmosphere for all participants. Why do we need an FRG? An FRG is able to conduct fund raising activities in support of social


events, return and reunion celebrations, and command sponsored programs including welcoming new families and facilitating family members’ attendance at orientation sessions. In doing so, the FRG increases resiliency among deployed family members and a community connectedness among all military members and their families. FRG’s coordinate with other organizations and installation activities including the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS), the Chapel, and military affiliated private organizations (i.e. the Wives Club, and the Chief Petty Officers Association). An FRG avoids duplicating services and programs offered the FFSC, MWR or NMCR. The FRG is a commandsponsored organization operating under the provisions of OPNAVINST 1754.5, and is

a part of the Family Readiness Alliance (FRA). A local FRG plans, coordinates, and conducts activities that provide information, builds morale, and promotes social interaction in order to enhance family readiness and enable Navy families to meet the challenges of military lifestyle. FRG memberships include service members, spouses, children, and other interested parties (i.e. parents, extended family members, and friends) with the approval of the sponsoring service member. Leadership roles and functions include: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Program Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you are interested in participating as a leader or a participant please contact Mary Barton at 624-4291. Ms. Barton is collecting the names of all interested individuals to invite to the FRG initial planning meeting.

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feBruary 11, 2011 Alberto Lunetta The Signature Staff

Noto celebrates San Corrado As it happens every year in February, the community of Noto will host the first of the two religious festivals honoring San Corrado or St. Conrad, its beloved patron saint. The other festival is traditionally held on the last week of August to allow Netini (Noto inhabitants living abroad), who come back for the summer holidays, to participate in the celebrations. Noto is one of most beautiful Baroque towns in Sicily. It is part of UNESCO’s List of World Heritage. Tradition Saint Conrad has been venerated in Noto since 16th century. In 1515, Pope Leo X permitted the town of Noto to annually celebrate a San Corrado festival on the anniversary of his death. Hundred and fifteen years later, Pope Urban VIII proclaimed him a saint. The strong devotion and gratitude shown to San Corrado by the Noto community is due to the intercessions that he granted them on several occasions throughout the centuries. One of them concerns the miracle that San Corrado worked in 1855 when Noto residents summoned him to protect the town against a deadly cholera epidemic. According to tradition, San Corrado interceded and the city was spared by the illness. Yet tradition holds that, in 1943, World War II bombings spared Noto as granted through the intercession of San Corrado. The mayor of the time also promised he would offer a candle every year to thank him. Life of San Corrado According to legend, Corrado Confalonieri, a wealthy aristocrat, was born in Piacenza in 1290. Corrado loved hunting. One day in 1313, an episode changed his life. During his usual pastime, Corrado ordered his attendants to set fire to some bushes to flush out game. But a prevailing wind caused the flames to spread rapidly devastating nearby fields, forests, towns and villages. Corrado fled panicking. An innocent peasant was accused of being the author. Thus, he was tortured to confess a crime he did not commit, and eventually sentenced to death. As the poor man was ready

to be executed, Conrad was stricken with remorse and confessed his guilt saving the poor man’s life. Because of his noble origins, Corrado spared death penalty. But he had to sell all his possessions pay off the damaged property. Thus, Corrado became poor and retired as a Franciscan monk to a lonely hermitage near Piacenza, while his wife entered the Order of Poor Clares. Later, he went to Rome to meet with Pope and eventually to Sicily. There, he settled in the Noto Valley where he led a penitential life for thirty years using a cave for meditation. According to tradition, Corrado worked several miracles during his long hermitage. A legend tells that the most famous miracle occurred when the Siracusa Bishop visited Corrado in his humble home. When the Bishop asked Corrado if he had anything to offer to his guests, the hermit replied he would check in his cell. Right after, he came back bringing some fresh bread out of the oven. Therefore the bishop became convinced that Corrado was a saint. Festival Schedule On Feb. 13, the Arca, a silver urn containing the saint’s relics, is placed (Discesa di San Corrado) on the main altar of the Cathedral for veneration. Holy mass is celebrated at 6 p.m. On Feb. 19, holy masses are celebrated by the Noto Bishop at 7, 8 and 9 a.m. at the cathedral. A solemn mass, celebrated by the Bishop of Palermo, follows at 10:30 p.m. Later in the afternoon, the Arca is carried shoulder high along the streets of Noto historic center. The procession begins at 5 p.m. from the Cathedral and proceeds throughout the historic heart of the city. Eight days later (Feb. 28) a smallerscale procession is held in the lower part of the town. The magnificent Arc is a priceless piece of art Giovanni Manuella, a Sicilian architect, designed the Arca in 1525. Throughout the centuries, several generations of Sicilian goldsmiths and silversmiths added fine decorations to the original model. The urn was eventually completed in 1848. The Arca is 6,2 feet tall and 24 inches wide. It weighs 880 pounds. It con-

Photo by www.criluge.it

The traditional February religious festival honoring San Corrado returns to Noto featuring touching processions and holy masses, as well as arts and crafts. The festival is a true display of religious fervor that involves the entire town’s community. tains the saint’s body and it is usually kept inside the Noto cathedral. After the 1990 earthquake, the Arca was moved to the nearby Church of San Carlo al Corso as the cathedral was damaged by the tremors. It will be preserved there until the cathedral will be restored. Members from the local Confraternite (Confraternities) bring the traditional Cili and banners in procession while they are dressed in traditional costumes. A continuous stream of more than 4000 people follows the procession. Cili are decorated iron bowls supported by a tall wooden stick, which contains a candle. They have been symbolizing the devotion shown to the saint after the fulfillment of a vow or pledge since the 1500s. During the August celebration, some fervent devotees still perform the traditional Viaggiu Scausu or “Barefoot Itinerary.” A proof of devotion and physical resistance, it consists of following the procession barefoot. Some residents of the surrounding cities walk up to 15 miles to reach Noto and take part in the procession. For more info contact the Noto Tourist Office at 0931-573779.

Aricola Gambino


feBruary 11, 2011

US mom sues Nutella alleging hyped nutrition claims Palermo Mobili

Hohenberg also wants the court to make Ferrero launch a new ad camLOS ANGELES (AFP) – A California paign, correcting the allegedly misleamother is taking Nutella to court, alleding claims. ging that the popular sandwich spread Nutella was created in purports to be a nutritious the 1940s by Pietro Fertreat, but actually is loaded rero, a pastry maker and with unhealthy sugar and satufounder of the Italian Ferrated fat. rero company. A copy of the suit by Its nutrition label shows Athena Hohenberg which was that there are about 200 caobtained by AFP on Thursday, lories in each two tablesaid she was "shocked to learn spoon (37 gram) serving, that Nutella was in fact, not about half of which come 'healthy, nutritious' food, but from fat. instead was the next best thing The suit notes that conto a candy bar, and that Nusumption of saturated fat tella contains dangerous level has been shown to cause of saturated fat." heart disease, and that Hohenberg is seeking reA California mother is taking Nutella to court, alleging that consumption of processed funds to be paid by parent the popular sandwich spread purports to be a nutritious sugar has been shown to company Ferrero to its legions treat, but actually is loaded with unhealthy sugar and satura- cause type-2 diabetes. of US customers. ted fat. Elise Titan, a spokesperIn its marketing, including in son for Ferrero USA, said claims made on its website, Nutella four-year old child, said in her lawsuit, the company stands by the wholesometouts its cocoa and hazelnut spread as which she hopes to turn into a "class ac- ness of its product. ideal for busy moms trying to "nourish tion." "What we can say right now is that their children with whole grains" and we stand behind the quality of ingreUnder the terms of such a class acsays that "Nutella can form a part of a dients in Nutella hazelnut spread and tion suit, she asks that any monetary balanced meal." judgment against the company be diviadvertising for our product," she told The suit, filed in federal court in San ded among "all persons who purchased AFP. Diego, alleges that many consumers of on or after January 2000 one or more "It's really early in the case and we are the product would not have purchased Nutella products in the United States really not in position to discuss the case it had they been aware that the health for their own or household use." any further," she said.

Story by AFP

claims surrounding it were overblown. "Nutella was worth less than what plaintiff and members of the class paid for them," Hohenberg, the mother of a


Italian gelato scoops Chinese interest


By www.dw-world.de Business has never been sweeter for those in the artisan gelato sector, which has continued to flourish, in spite of the recent credit crunch. And one country, in particular, has benefited from the boom - Italy, the world's leading supplier of equipment and ingredients, with annual sales of 3.5 billion Euros ($4.8 billion). Artisanal gelato has always enjoyed success in its home market. Every year, Italians consume some 360,000 tons – almost six kilos per person - thanks largely to affordable prices. Healthier, tastier, more natural While in its native country "gelato" is simply the Italian word for ice cream, outside the country it denotes a product that is freshly made every day and has a creamier texture and much lower fat content than its industrially produced counterpart. Its popularity is now soaring around the world as many consumers view it as a healthier, tastier, more natural alternative. Sigep, the annual international artisan gelato expo held in the northern Italian seaside town of Rimini, reported a record attendance of more than 100,000 visitors this year. Not only that, almost a fifth of the visitors attending the five-day event were not Italian. Artisan gelaterias are springing up all over the world, according to Sergio Dondoli, an award-winning ice cream maker and vicepresident of the Comitato Gelatieri gelato makers' association. Dondoli, who also has a consulting business, is in big demand. While foreign interest used to come mainly from Germany, today requests for his services come from all over the world. "Africa, South America, China… everywhere," Dondoli told Deutsche Welle. "It's incredible. It's good for the gelato business." And while gelaterias outside Italy used to be run by Italian immigrants, the trend is clearly toward more non-Italians opening their own gelato businesses. Sweet palate The change is also reflected in the number of foreigners interested in learning the tricks of the trade directly from Italian professionals. The Carpigiani Group, a leading manufacturer of gelato-making machinery that runs the 'Gelato University' at its headquarters in Bologna, has experienced a surge in applications due mostly to foreign students whose numbers are up 50 percent. "There is a direct relationship between the economic crisis of a couple of years ago and this huge increase in people subscribing to courses," said CEO Andrea Cocchi. "When you ask them why they are here, they say 'I lost my job so I want a job that

Italy's artisan gelato tradition is enjoying a worldwide boom and China is the latest country to taste its success. no-one can fire me from.'" Many aspiring professionals come from China, where interest in gelato is growing. Although Italians have a much sweeter palate, they show how to make the basic product, which the Chinese can then adapt to their own recipes – from leeches and green tea to adzuki red bean flavor. "We want to expand in foreign markets, especially in Asia, because Asia is the future," said Gian Maria Emendatori, director of Mec3, a leading Italian supplier of gelato ingredients and an operator of franchise gelaterias worldwide."They run faster. They want more things. We have become the old continent here." Asia is a particularly important market for the Italian gelato industry, Emendatori told Deutsche Welle, because the region "is hungry for foods, for new products, especially desserts" and because it has "a huge culture for savory food but not dessert." Chinese origins As well as supplying restaurants and hotels, more than 60 Mec3 franchise gelaterias will open in China this year, following the opening of an office in Shanghai. "China's not the fastest growing market for gelato," Emendatori said, "but the fastest growing in terms of increase because five years ago there was nothing." Carpigiani also sees huge potential in China. Like Mec3, the company has opened a Shanghai office where today it offers courses to Chinese entrepreneurs who want to open their own gelaterias. "We try to let them understand what gelato is, what type of business they can have, and slowly – step by step – we are seeing some customers," Cocchi said. "It is still a small market but with a huge potential." Ironically, ice cream is believed to have originated in ancient China, where it was served its emperors, and was later introduced to Italy by Marco Polo on return from a visit to China.

Wild West

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feBruary 11, 2011

MACS (SW/AW) Delano, You are a loving friend, husband and father. Thank you for being my personel hero when I needed you to be. I am proud to say I am your wife. I love you dearly. Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day Tuck and Nicole - We love and miss you very much! Love, Courtney, Matt, Trevor and Dylan Cheryl, You mean the world to me. Without you in my life, I wouldn’t be the man I am today. I just want to say that I love everything about you. XOXO James, I have loved you for 7 years and I am excited to be here in Italy to celebrate 3 more years! XO Always, Stacey Nati, Thank you for the best life; 11 years, 6 moves, 4 kids and a load of fun. I’m yours forever. Kubko RoseAnne, Sabrina, Jonathan and Antonio... you guys are the love of my life - I count my blessings everyday, thanking God for having you. I love you guys will all of my heart. Teresa/Mommy, Thank you for being a wonderful wife and mother. Love you Mike, Stefan and Salvi To Mo, my Valentine of 36 years, You are so special to me, thank you for the wonderful 4 year vacation in Italy! Love you always, Erlene Mike Kennedy, You make my heart dance & sing! I’m so grateful to you for so many things! 20 years and looking forward to many more! You’ll always be MY Valentine! Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you! Always - Michelle To my beautiful wife Priscila, I’m the luckiest man in the world to have such an amazing mother for my son, not to mention a caring, giving, loving wife. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey Bunny! Your husband and BFF, Mark Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend, Mike Littlefield, and to my wonderful kiddos, Hailie-Bug & Mikey. You are my world. 143! Terry, You continue to hold the key to my heart which is filled with the treasure of your love. Ti amo, mi amore! Bryce Ellie Butler: Happy Valentine’s Day. Will you be mine? Love, Daddy Jose - I love you with all of my heart! Everyday is Valentine’s Day with you! Happy Valentine’s Day baby. Love, Karla Giankys, I love u so much! Together forever! Happy Valentine’s Day! By Giorgina 89 Across fears, tears; often cheers, We’ve persevered throughout the years. That hand-in-hand, happiness springs eternal. From land-to-land, as our travels unfurl. With pups in tow, we all know. Our love lasts forever! Happy Seventh Annivesrary, Paula. It may not show that I appreciate things you do around the house and for our kids. But truthfully without you, this family would fall apart. Rossella, I love you and thank you for being a great wife and mom. To my BB and #1 Pappy, Love you MTE and per sempre. - YG (+76) To James and Amanda Jimmerson, We are sending love across the ocean to you on Valentine’s Day. We love and miss you so much. Love, Kelly, Mama, Kayti Beth, Nate, Candi, Buck, Gabe, Preston, Reese, and Grannie.

Alphio’s Garden

Liz, Roses are Red, Violets are Gold, I loved you in High School, And even now that we are old. Love you then, now, and forever. -Josh

To my sweet Alan! You are my best friend, my soul mate a you do for our beautiful family. I love you more than you’

Rachel, Thank you for everything you do and always help always show my appreciation, but please know I couldn’t want to. Love always, Ron

Flora, This past year has been so amazing! I am soo blessed to have someone as amazing as you are. It has been really rough but coming home and seeing you everday just makes it all worthwhile. With love, Adam To Dad, Happy Valentine’s Day! We love you so much! Love, Chance & Cayti To the one who has made my life the best adventure yet... Happy Val Day! xoxo - me

To: Katja Alexis From: Your loving husband You are my rock through all of the bad times, The most beautiful waterfall in all the good times, I love you, with every beat of my heart and every breath I My Friend, My Love, My All. Love, Ostar Alexis

To: Roberto Raya From: Your loving wife Thanks for your patience, your loving words, your kindne the world you are one person, but to me you are the worl

Happy Valentine’s Day to my Boo! From Fred to Yvonne... I love you!

Katie Butler: Happy Valentine’s Day. Will you be mine? L Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband, CE2 Stewart & our beautiful daughter, Fiona Pearl! I love you both with all my heart! XOXO Sharon, Katrina, and Kailey, You make my world brighter & richer. You are a joy and a delight. You’re God’s gift to me. I thank you for being my Valentines! Dad Woman, I am so glad to be married to you. I’m thinking about you on Valentine’s Day. You mean more to me than anything else. I can’t wait to be back in Poway with you and the boys. Angelia, This Valentine’s Day is for you, it is no special day for me, but I only wanted you to know as long as I have you in my life and in my heart, everyday is a special day for me. Love James To: Espie B. Years passed by, but one thing that will never change And that’s my love for you Lots of things that matter, some I can’t recall But having you beside me Is what matters most of all. I love you, Luvey!! Happy V-Day to Tiffany Booker. Love you. Roses are red and violets are blue Dear best man, I love you more today than the day I met you! Roses are red and violets are blue I am so glad that I am in love with you. Roses are red and violets are blue Thank you for helping to make my dreams come true. Today and always, Lynn Michelle Sheyla, Thank you for being a wonderful wife and mother. And and I love you very much. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you Alisha! You are a wonderful wife and a great mother to our son! Always and forever, your husband Chase.


Mariluz Casal, We have shared the suns and the storms of life. Its mountains and its valleys... And always you have been my inspiration, my helping han Happy Valentine’s sweetheart! Luis Casal

Alexandra, thank you for all the fun moments you spend because of you; I am more complete because of you. Rece love from your husband, Happy Valentine’s Day.

Janice, Your courage and support defines me. I am lucky to be yo life with me. Thank you for blessing me with two great ch Valentine’s Day! Shaun

Grace, Happy Valentine’s Day to the best little girl in the you for everything you do. Please always stay our beautifu and Dad.

Babe, Another year down, let’s make this our best year yet. I lov continue to be the best part of my life. Always and Forever Yours, Me

Rylee, Your smile and playfulness brings me warmth to my hear proud to be your Dad. Love, Daddy

Hayden, I cherish each moment we have together. You are a joy to be your Dad. Love, Daddy

To Charlie, Thank you for always being there for me when I need you will share, I will be there for you, too. I love you. Happy V

Marti, it took the collapse of an entire political system to for that every day. You are the greatest valentine of all tim

40 words are not enough for me to tell you how much I lo


and my rock! Thank you for everything u’ll ever know. You’re still the one.

ping out when you can. I know I don’t t do this without you and would never

I take.

ess, your friendship and your love. To ld. Happy Valentines!

feBruary 11, 2011

To my two girls in my life, my beautiful wife Kimberly and my awesome daughter Julietta. I love you girls. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love your husband and Daddy Rob To my honey B, You’re my soul mate, I’d so glad I found you! I will always love you from this moment on! Happy Valentines! Lovey To RAB, I love you so much. Thank you for our two wonderful boys. I am so happy for the past 15+ years and joyfully look ahead to what the future has in store. Live. Love. Laugh. AKB To Daddy B, Thanks for loving me and helping Mommy all the time. I love you very much and I show you by smiling and laughing. Keep up the diaper changes, walks, and teaching because I love them and you! Love, Ian

you to be in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day Ebony Felicia Lacey. I Love You. Shaun Stanley

Krystian Urquilla: I am a lucky mom. You are the best daughter anyone could ask for. You make me proud. You are smart, beautiful, and a good example to Colin. Thank you for working so hard in school and at home. We love you. Happy Valentine’s Day! Mom and Colin

To my three spoiled princesses, Happy Valentine’s Day! -D

To the Students: Whether I have you in class, Student Council, or you are one of “my” freshmen... I love you all. You guys make it worth coming to work every day. You remind me why I became a teacher. You make me proud! Keep up the good work. Ms. Urquilla

Konrad, 40 words is not enough to express my feelings, but then I remembered that actions speak louder than words. So, I promise to show you everyday just how much you mean to me. I love you. Always, Anna

Alice, Bedda! Only one thing to say to the most patient, understanding, caring, and loving woman in the world. Thanks! “You didn’t just save my life brown eyes, you made my life worth saving.” Randy

Mark, Happy Valentine’s Day from Annabella and I. You are an amazing father and husband. “I’m my beloveds” p.s. I love you! Alexandria lindert JER 29:11-13 Em, Will you be my Valentine? You mean the world to me and I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have a gal like you. All of my love. Your Shmoopy To: MM2 (SW) Tiqui, Nolan Thank you for being the best dad and the best husband. We love you with all of our hearts. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Mommy, Keileana, and MJ

Love, Daddy To: John Scott From: Esther Scott Thank you for 8 years of marital joy. I love you more with each passing day. Feliz Dia de San Valentin!!

nd, my happiness, my love.

with me. My life is more meaningful eive this Valentine wish that is sent with

page 9

How did you know, I needed someone like you in my life, that there was an empty space in my heart, you came at the right time in my life. June 14, 2006

To the love of my life. Kisses, Mario Christine, Here is my Valentine’s day gift for you. In print for the entire world to see: You are always right, and I am wrong... sometimes. Love with great passion and many kisses, Your Penguin Matt Hope this makes it to my favorite person in the Navy! I love you and miss you and I am SOOO proud of your commitment and your dedication to your job and your country. I could not be more proud. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom Joel, La nostra amore vola sopra la cima della montagna, nuota piu profondo del mare, mi ha portato ai vertici di ecstasy, mi ha salvo dalla disperazione piu profonda, vita ha cambiato. Ogni giorno e un’avventura. Ti amo, Lorice To the most wonderful wife and excellent mother in the world. I couldn’t ask for a better woman to be my wife and the mother of our two wonderful children. Love, Trent, Rozalynn and Robert. Papa’ we love you! Andrea & Asia

Justin, Thank you for making all my dreams come true! I look forward to making more great memories as a new family of three, and for the years to come! I love you and Athan very much, Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Leslie

Sid, Sid Jr. & Shakira, you are precious gifts from God and the brightests of sun in my life. I love you guys so very much. Happy Valentine’s Day! Hugs & kisses from you know who!

our husband. Thanks for sharing your hildren. I love you so very much! Happy

Sweetie, Thank you for being the rock that keeps me grounded. Thank you for telling me I need to throw away the clothes I love, to save me embarrassment. If not for you, I would not be the person I am today. Love, Wayne

Colene, These last three years in Sigonella have allowed us to build the foundation for our family. Now that we look to this deployment and Afghanistan, I could not pick a more perfect partner to want to go through this with than you. I love always and forever. Love, Jason

world. We love you. We are so proud of ul, sweet princess. Love always, Mom

Michelle, Rose are red, violets are blue Nothing is as sweet as being with you. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Ricky

ve you very much. You have been and

rt. You are a fantastic daughter. I am so

Papa , you’re hilarious and WAY hotter than when we first met. You can thank me later. You’re the best friend a girl could ever have. Thanks for accepting my eccentric nature. You truly are one in a million. <3 Mama

Buon San Valentino Fatina mia. Sei la mia vita e migloire amico. Quest’anno questa e’ buona per una serata dei tuoi desideri. Ti ami tantissimo. To my beautiful wife Heather and our children Gabe, Lala, and Belle. God has blessed me beyond what I could ask for or deserve. On this special day, I want to tell you “I love you dearly,” and I am so thankful that you are in my life. It is a great honor and privilege to be called your husband and Dad. I love you... Diego aka Daddy

To my beautiful bald bronze goddess. I know you’re not crazy about the military lifestyle, but you always make the best of it. You’re one of the most talented, crazy, and loving women I ever met. I love you Lauren! To: Paulina Ross Le quiero dejar saber que la amo con todo mi corazon. Gracias por los 7 anos que me ha soportado, han sido los mas fantasticos de mi vida. Espero que vengan muchos mas y sigue siendo lo mejor que me ha pasado en mi vida. Happy Valentine’s Day to my Boys: Mike, Stefan and Salvi. Love you guys lots, Mommy

o watch grow and play. I am so proud to

My dearest Heather, Thank you for bringing such happiness into my life. You inspire me to be the best at everything I do. I To My Wonderful Husband Marlon Brown look forward to many more Valentine’s Days together. Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you babe. Love, Greg I love you more than the ocean is deep. You have been with me through thick and thin. We have a beautiful family and our LOVE is everlasting. Happy Valentine’s Day. All my love, Cathy Brown To the lovely Jill - You are the best! You truly complete me. Joe

u. For all the future endeavors that we Valentine’s Day.

To my Jan, Wishing you the very best for Valentine’s Day (your first in Italy). Hope you have a great day and many adventures to come. Love always, Jay Brianna and Madeline Dooney: Happy Valentine’s Day to my two lovely, adorable little ladies. Thinking of you always. Love you..... Daddy xoxoxoxo

bring you into my life, but I thank God me and the love of my life. Love, Scott

ove you. I just thank God for allowing


Sean: Thank you for your support and sacrifice! Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you!

Richele, God couldn’t have blessed me with a more perfect woman for such an imperfect man like me. I love you always and forever! Chris To the man who loves me for me, Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day. Though this may not be the life I envisioned for myself, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. With love, T

Happy Valentine’s Day to Alivia Green. From your husband!

Days Inn

Gelso Bianco

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feBruary 11, 2011

Go Green Sigonella! By: Brian Scott

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Work: We spend a lot of time at work so it’s important to bring greener habits from home into the workplace. There are a surprisi n g number o f things that can be done to help reduce our nine to five carbon footprints. And don’t forget to spread the word with your colleagues, so they’re reducing theirs too. We shouldn’t just leave the energy efficient habits we adopt at home when we go to work. Being sensible with the energy we use in the workplace can help to

reduce carbon emissions created needlessly there every day. It’s usually everyone’s favorite time of the day – logging off and going home time. But before we finish for the d a y , there are things we can do to minimize ene r g y wasted overnight. If we turn our machines off at night, it can save 10 per cent of our total energy consumption. And it’s not just computers that need switching off – lights and other gadgets should also be turned off at the end of each working day.


*Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Sausage Patties, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles, Asstd Doughnuts, Cinnamon Rolls. *Lunch: Chicken Corn Chowder, Baked Fish, Meat Loaf, Paprika Buttered Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Fried Okra, Spiced Cake w/ Frosting, Crisp Drop Cookies. Speed line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Baked Fish W. Cherry Tomato Sauce, Tossed Green Rice, Corn O’Brien, Lima Beans, Spiced Cake w/ Frosting, Crisp Drop Cookies. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.


*Breakfast: Farina, Grilled Ham Slices, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Buttermilk Pancakes, Asstd Doughnuts, Crumb Cake. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Creole Soup, Teriyaki Chicken, Fried Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Calico Corn, Cherry Pie, Abracadabra Bars. *Dinner: Vegetable Soup, Baked Lasagna, Steamed Rice, Seasoned Asparagus, Steamed Cauliflower, Garlic Bread, Cherry Pie, and Abracadabra Bars. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.


*Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Grilled Minute Steak, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast Puff, Asstd Doughnuts, Italian Croissant. *Brunch: Breakfast Items, Puree Mongole Soup, Cheddar Chicken Broccoli, Onion Rings, Eggplant Ratatouille, Southwestern Rice, Club Spinach, Almond Cake, Crisp Toffee Bars. *Dinner: Chicken Vegetable Soup, Sauerbraten, Spring Garden Rice, Mashed Potatoes, Natural Pan Gravy, Steamed Cut Green Beans, Seasoned Carrots, Almond Cake, Crisp Toffee Bars. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.





*Breakfast: Hot Hominy Grits, Minced Beef on Toast, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast, Asstd Doughnuts, Streusel Coffee Cake. *Lunch: Creamed of Broccoli Soup, Roast Beef, Lemon Baked Fish, Steamed Rice, Mixed Vegetables, Squash, Brownies,Yellow Cake w/ Icing, Fruit Ambrosia. *Speed line: Pizza. *Dinner: Vegetable Supreme Soup, Cajun Meatloaf, Rice Pilaf, Brown Gravy, Peas & Onions, Corn on the Cob, Brownies,Yellow Cake w/ Icing, Fruit Ambrosia. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order. *Breakfast: Hot Farina, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Grilled Sausage Patties, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Waffles, Biscuits and Gravy, Asstd Doughnuts, Blueberry Muffins. * Lunch: Chicken Vegetable Soup, Roast Turkey, Pasta al Forno, Steamed Rice, Mashed Potatoes, Turkey Gravy, Carrots and Orange Amandine, Club Spinach, Fruit Cocktail Upside Down Cake, Oatmeal Cookies. *Speed Line: Hot Dogs, Fried Onion Rings, Macaroni & Cheese. Dinner: Zesty Bean Soup, Chicken Quartered, Orange Rice, Southern Greens, Seasoned Mixed Vegetables, Fruit Cocktail Upside Down Cake, Oatmeal Cookies. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.

*Breakfast: Rolled Oats, Creamed Ground Beef, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, Blueberry Pancakes, Asstd Doughnuts, Bear Claws. *Lunch: Beef Rice Soup, Baked Fish w/ Cherry Tomato Sauce, Honey Ginger Chicken, Garlic Cheese Potatoes, Rice Pilaf, Eggplant Parmesan, Brussels Sprouts Polonaise, Cheese Cake, Chocolate Pudding. *Speed Line: Grilled Cheese/Hamburger, Baked Beans, French Fried Potatoes. *Dinner: Cream of Chicken Soup, St. Louis BBQ Pork Ribs, Steamed Rice, Greens Beans Nicoise, Steamed Peas, Cheese Cake, Chocolate Pudding. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.

*Breakfast: Hominy Grits, Corned Beef Hash, Oven Fried Bacon, Asstd Omelets, Eggs to Order, Roasted Potatoes, French Toast, Asstd Doughnuts, Raisin Muffins. *Lunch: Corn Chowder Soup, Roast Pork, Chinese Five Spice Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Steamed Rice, Seasoned Carrots, Asparagus, Peanut Butter Cookies, Cherry Pie. *Speed Line: Hot dogs,Chili Macaroni. *Dinner: Minestrone Soup, Salisbury Steak, Ginger Rice, Mexican Corn, Steamed Broccoli, Cherry Pie, Peanut Butter Cookies. Choice hamburger or hotdog by order.


feBruary 11, 2011



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With mWr Smashing good time with Gallagher Need a little laugh? If so, MWR Sigonella and Navy Entertainment has just the show for you “Gallagher”! Gallagher, who has sold out shows across America, is a legendary comedian infamous for his sledge hammer and watermelon smashing antics. He will be performing Wednesday, February 16 at the NAS I Gymnasium. Doors will open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 7 pm. Come early as seating is limited and tickets are not needed. Fear not as the first 12 rows will receive free trash bags.

Bring your special someone to SpareTime on Valentine’s Day, at 7 pm for Amore Bowl. Pizza will be provided, and there will be a drawing for a gift basket. There is room for 30 couple spots, call 624-4302 to reserve your spot today.

Gambarie Calabria Ski/Snowboard Trip midtoWN moVie theaterS SChedule & deSCriptioNS

GULLIVER’S TRAVELS- Jack Black, Jason Segel, Emily Blunt, Amanda Peet, Chris O’Dowd

Friday, February 11 5:00pm Little Fockers PG-13 7:30pm Gulliver’s Travles PG PREMIERE Saturday, February 12 2:00pm Tangled PG 5:00pm Gulliver’s Travels PG 7:30pm Little Fockers PG-13 Sunday, February 13 2:00pm Tron Legacy PG 4:30pm Gulliver’s Travels PG 6:30pm How Do You Know PG-13 Tuesday, February 15 5:00pm Gulliver’s Travels PG 7:30pm Little Fockers PG Wednesday, February 16 5:00pm Tron Legacy PG 7:30pm Burlesque PG-13 LAST SHOWING Thursday, February 17 5:00pm The Green Hornet PG-13 7:30pm Love & Other Drugs R LAST SHOWING Friday, February 18 5:00pm Gulliver’s Travels PG 7:30pm The Fighter R PREMIERE

Lemuel Gulliver is a mailroom clerk at a New York newspaper. After Gulliver bluffs his way into an assignment writing about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, he is hurtled to an undiscovered land, Lilliput. In this fantastical new world, Gulliver is a bigger-than-life figure -- in size and ego -- especially after he starts telling tall tales, taking credit for his world's greatest inventions, and placing himself at the center of its most historic events. Gulliver's position is enhanced even further when he leads his new friends in a daring battle against their longtime enemies. But when Gulliver loses it all and puts the Lilliputians in peril, he must find a way to undo the damage. Gulliver only becomes a true giant among men when he learns that it’s how big you are on the inside that counts. (87 min.)

Are the Alps too far from South Italy? No problem! Join us on a five day trip to Gamberie, a beautiful area in Calabria, Southern Italy. This region is blessed with beautiful crystal blue water and snow white mountains in the winter. It’s one of the best winter and summer resort areas, nestled in the national park of Aspromonte. The trip leaves Sigonella on February 17 and returns on February 21. It includes five nights hotel, 5 breakfasts and dinners, roundtrip transportation by charter coach, and an ITT escort. Payment is due no later than February 15. For more information stop by ITT or call 624-4777.

HOW DO YOU KNOW- Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd, Jack Nicholson, Kathryn Hahn

Lisa is a woman whose athletic ability is the defining passion of her life, having been her focus since early childhood. When she is cut from her team, everything she has ever known is suddenly taken from her. Not knowing what to do, she stumbles toward regular life. In this mode, she begins a fling with Matty, a major league baseball pitcher, a self-centered ladies man -- a narcissist with a code of honor. George is a straightarrow businessman whose complicated relationship with his father, Charles, takes a turn when George is accused of a financial crime, even though he's done nothing wrong. Though he may be headed to jail, George's honesty, integrity, and unceasing optimism may be his only path to keeping his sanity. Before Lisa's relationship with Matty takes root, she meets George or a first date on the worst evening of each of their lives: she has just been cut, and he has just been served. When everything else seems to be falling apart, they will discover what it means to have something wonderful. (121 min.) LOVE & OTHER DRUGS- Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Josh Gad, Judy Greer, Hank Azaria Maggie is an alluring free spirit who won't let anything, including a formidable personal challenge, tie her down. But she meets her match in Jamie Randall, whose relentless and nearly infallible charm serve him well with the ladies and in the cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and Jamie's evolving relationship takes them both by surprise, as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: love. (113 min.) LITTLE FOCKERS- Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Teri Polo, Blythe Danner

The test of wills between Jack Byrnes and Greg Focker escalates to new heights. It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get "in" with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, however, Jack's suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam's entire clan -- including Pam's lovelorn ex, Kevin -- descends for the twins' birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he's fully capable as the man of the house. But with all the misunderstandings, spying and covert missions, will Greg pass Jack's final test and become the family's next patriarch -- or will the circle of trust be broken for good? (98 min.) Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm. Movie Hotline: 624-4248

Auto Skills Looking for a way to save a little cash? Auto Skills has you covered! The Auto Skills Center is your one stop do-it-yourself auto shop, located next to the Autoport on NAS II. We have a well trained staff, 3 bay lifts, motorcycle lift, tire mounting machine, and a 24 hour car wash unit. We offer advance services like, tire repair, MIG welding, AC service, and rotor turning service which can sometimes get quite pricey. Our dedicated staff offers monthly "How To" classes ranging from how to check fluids to balancing and rotating tires. The great folks at MWR Auto Skills Center are here to help you get your car on the road and save a little money along the way! Hours of operation are Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Stop by or call 624-5244. Looking for a way to fill your spare time? Auto skills is currently looking for someone to work the front counter. For more information come by the MWR administration office.

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feBruary 11, 2011

SKIN, continued from page 2 basal cell and squamous cell cancer, but not for melanoma. Risk factors for melanoma include a history of sunburns, having many moles or freckles, a strong family history of irregular moles or melanoma. If you have over 50 moles, your risk of melanoma may be up to 15 times greater than the average person. Melanoma likes to spread…that is why it is so deadly. It particularly likes to spread to surrounding skin and to the brain. So, early detection is the key to reducing the fatality rate from melanoma or any skin cancer. Think of melanoma as a submarine in port…once it gets out to sea, it dives, and then it might be too late. How do you detect melanoma? The ABCDE’s of self skin exam. Look for any dark lesion which is Asymmetrical (one half doesn’t match the other half), has Border irregularity (the edges are ragged, notched, or blurred), has Color variation (pigment is not uniform, and may display shades of brown, black, white, red, or even bluish tone), has a large Diameter (moles over 6 mm diameter, though melanoma can occur as a tiny black dot), is Evolving (cancers grow…so melanoma changes in size over time, this is critical, especially for the rare melanomas that are not brown). Who is the best to discover melanoma? I believe it is the patient. You are the one most likely to discover an odd mole or freckle on your body. You should check your entire body monthly. You can also get melanoma in the most private of places, and people who do are more likely to die from them, due to late recognition…so check everywhere! The key to survival is early detection. If you find something concerning, you should seek medical attention to have the lesion reviewed as well as a full body, head to toe, skin examination. If the medical provider is concerned, then you will be referred to a dermatologist (me) for a more thorough examination. SUN PROTECTION: One of best ways to prevent skin cancer is by protecting yourself from over-exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Ultraviolet light (UV) is divided into UV-A and UV-B. UV-B causes burning, while UV-A is most associated with aging, and possibly with melanoma. The best way to block UV light is with clothing. Darker clothing protects better. Also, wide brimmed hats can help protect the scalp and face. Sunscreens should be used to protect those areas not covered by clothing, particularly the face, arms/hands, and chest/shoulders. Sunscreen is given an SPF rating, based on its ability to block UV-B. Sunscreens currently do not have ratings for protection from UV-A. However, UV-A is now becoming something that we are realizing can also cause skin cancer, melanoma, and aging (wrinkles). So remember, when you choose a sunscreen that says, for instance, “SPF 30 UVB/UVA”, the SPF rating refers to only the UVB portion. You may be actually getting very little UVA protection, even though it is advertised. We will likely see a change in this rating for UV-A by the end of 2011. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. An SPF of over 30 is relatively unimportant in the scheme of things. Apply it in a thick layer….the SPF is directly related to the thickness of application. Most people do not get anywhere near the SPF number advertised when applied in a typical thin fashion. To help prevent wrinkles, and skin cancer, also choose a sunscreen with good UV-A blocking ability. How do you tell if you are blocking UV-A?

Look for the following UV-A blocking chemicals: Zinc, Avobenzone (Parsol 1789), Titanium, or Mexoryl. These are the best UV-A blocking chemicals, and the only way you’ll know if you’re getting any UV-A photo-protection. Lastly, limit your time outdoors, particularly between the hours of 10:30 am and 4 pm, when the overhead rays are strongest and the UV-B the most intense. I don’t recommend anyone live the life of a Vampire and stay indoors… but you have to be wise about your exposure to the sun, so you can look good, and stay healthy for a long life.

MONEY, continued from page 1 Before signing the proclamation, Capt. Butler read off a brief section of the document. “I hereby call upon all members of our military family to set a personal savings or debt reduction goal, make a simple savings plan, and take action on that plan or take another positive wealth building action during this military saves week,” Butler said. “I ask that you pledge to sustain that action during the entire following year.” Cantrell said FFSC is planning on hosting a series of events at the end of the month during the official Military Saves Week. “We have several events going on for the ‘savings week’ coming up, including information tables, FFSC classes specially designed for credit management and home buying strategies,” Cantrell said. “We also have community sponsored events and command financial budgeting sessions by request for any assistance.” “We have a money management and home buying class coming up.” “One of our larger events later this month is called ‘Million Dollar Sailor’ and that is a two-day class where we give Sailors information on how to become potential millionaires by the time they retire after their 20-year service is complete.” Capt. Butler expressed his appreciation for the members of NAS Sigonella for their help and support for the Sailors. “These folks truly and genuinely care about you all achieving your goals,” Butler said. “The opportunities available to everyone now in the military family are exponentially greater than when I first came in 22 years ago. The Navy wants you to succeed, we want you to succeed and we’re here to provide that background for you.”

News Briefs Health Promotions Great American Spit Out, February 24 Crews into Shape 2010 challenge, 1-28 March For more information, call 624-4710. Healthy & Fit Program started Feb. 2 Healthy & Fit is Health Promotion’s 4week course to assist you with Nutrition and Weight Management. is program focuses on nutrition combined with exercise and behavior modification as a means to meeting weight management or nutritional goals. For more information, call 624-4710.

Annual housing allowance survey coming to Italy By Commander Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia Public Affairs

NAPLES, Italy— The annual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance survey for personnel stationed in throughout Italy is set to begin Feb. 15 and run through Mar. 14. The survey is for all military personnel who have been residing in privately leased quarters for at least six months and are receiving an overseas housing allowance. The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) has set a goal for at least 70 percent of the affect personnel to participate, stressing the importance of this survey because of the direct effect it will have on servicemembers’ paychecks in Italy. The DTMO will use the data to set OHA allowances in Italy and assist in the formulation of OHA rates for service members worldwide. In a change to this year’s survey, the DTMO will email the survey Web link directly to eligible members via the member's individual email address as shown in the pay sy-


stem. Participants will have to compute a monthly average for utility and maintenance expenses for the last 12 months. Items that are reported in the survey include: electricity, heating fuels, water for residence, trash pick-up, sewer charges, maintenance and minor repairs, insurance coverage required by customs or law, condo fees, police protection, guards, and taxes for which the tenant is responsible and must make a separately identifiable payment. Cable TV, telephone bills, automotive expenses, including fuel, are not included in this survey. The regional commander, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia (EURAFSWA), will be coordinating survey participation for all installation throughout Italy. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the regional coordinators at DSN 314-6262551.

feBruary 11, 2011

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Sigonella came out to celebrate the Super Bowl on Feb. 7 at the Midtown Complex. Participants showed o their football skills in throwing, field goal kicking, and other drills. Photos by MCSA Cameron Bramham, The Signature Sta



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