Vol. 28 No. 34
sepTember 9, 2011
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Public Works Sigonella, increasing energy effectiveness By MCSN Cameron Bramham NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
In 2007, the Department of the Navy established Executive Order 13423, a set of aggressive goals to increase combat effectiveness. The main objectives of these goals were to increase tactical and s h o r e energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Now, Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella is taking the final steps into assuring a more energy efficient and better tomorrow for Sailors stationed at NAS Sigonella. “We have an energy goal that we
need to accomplish,” NAS Sigonella Energy Manager Antonino Piluso said. “We have to save three percent of all energy consumption each year. At the same time we also have to produce our energy using renewable sources.” NAS Sigonella Public Works Department (PWD), in association with local nat i o na l contractors have been in the process of building rows of solar panels on NAS I behind the library and next to Navy Lodge. In addition to the solar panels, PWD has also implemented five electric vehicles for the bases transportation program. “We have five electric vehicles here
as part of our transportation program,” Piluso said. “The electric vehicles were our first step into seeing how this new technology works and how much energy we could save.” The solar panels, which will become operational this month will help save power on NAS I and cut costs over the next few years. “The solar panels will help us meet our goals of reducing 30 percent of our energy consumption, and by 2025, 50 percent of the energy we use becoming renewable sources,” Piluso said. “Since the base is grid connected, it will reduce electric bills we currently pay to the Italian Utility Company. This will also reduce the internal bill each single customer pays to PWD.” Many who have been working on completing this task hope the new energy efficiency for the base will save large amounts of money over future years. “We have been using a format we call saving, investment ratio which is PWD, continued on page 12
Sigonella Sailors take advancement exam Second Class Petty Officers at Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella take the E6 advancement exam on Sept. 1 at the gym on NAS I. Throughout the month of September, eligible Sailors around the world take advancement exams in hope of making the next rank. U.S. Navy photo by MCSA Brian Glunt/NPASE
toP StorieS
Sept. 9 H: 87 uPdate L: 64
With the 10 year anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks of 9-11 approaching soon, Security cannot over-emphasize the importance of remaining vigilant and being aware of your surroundings at all times.
Direct Line 2
Sept. 10 H: 88 L: 65
Sept. 11 H: 88 L: 65
Navy launched an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) enrollment and tracking application on the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) website Sept. 1.
Navy News 3
Sept. 12 H: 89 L: 64
The annual San Vito Lo Capo Couscous Festival is indeed more that just a food event! It is a premier international food competition featuring world-class chefs, coming from nine Mediterranean countries and top musicians. PAGE 6
Community Calendar 4
Sept. 13 H: 90 L: 65
The Combat Aircrew Crew (CAC) 3 in front of a Russian aircraft at the Moscow airshow. CAC 3 is from the VP-45 Pelicans and made Naval Aviation history as it landed in Moscow for the show. From left: Lt. j.g. Benbow, Lt. Sadler, AWO2 Minahan, AM1 Bonney, AME2 Walker, CWO2 Bonner, AWF2 Cash, Lt. Zdunkiewicz, AWV3 Mandrell, AM1 Bennett, and LT Bistline
Pelicans Participate in 2011 Moscow Airshow By Lt. j.g. John Allen VP-45 Public Affairs Officer
On Aug. 18, Combat Aircrew Crew (CAC) 3 from the VP-45 Pelicans made Naval Aviation history as it landed in Moscow, Russia for the MAKS 2011 Airshow. The MAKS exhibition is held every two years at an airfield near Moscow and includes participants from the Russian Air Force, the French Air Force, the U.S. Navy and Air Force and many other private aviation entities. This year’s Airshow was marked by the inaugural appearance of the P-3C Orion. Pelican Combat Aircrew 3 led by Lt. Michael Zdunkiewicz was in Moscow from Aug. 18-22 where they displayed the P-3C Orion for over 1,300 anxious and excited spectators daily. Acting as ambassadors of VP-45 and the U.S. Navy were Lt. Zdunkiewicz, Lt. Bistline, Lt. Sadler, Lt. j.g. Benbow, CWO2 Bonner, AWV2 Mandrell, AWF1 Ion, AD1 Bonney, AM1 Bennett, AME2 Walker, AWF2 Cash, and AWO2 Minahan. The “Mighty P-3 Orion”, as it was billed for Sept. 14 H: 90 L: 65
Get ready for the Bronte pistacchio festival, held this year from Oct. 6-9. Check out one of the biggest fesivals of the year!
MWR Corner 11
Sept. 15 H: 87 L: 66
Get ready to preschool party rock, bop and zinghop with Conductor Jack, Penelope the Possum, Olo the Donkey, DJ Kitty and Coconuts the Kangaroo in a live show next week!
Il Mercato 14
the event, was the only naval aircraft present and instantly became the most popular attraction. “The crowd was keenly aware of the long and storied history of the P-3 Orion and appreciated the important role it served in the history between our two countries” remarked CWO2 Aaron Bonner. The crew even had a former mission commander of a Russian IL38 “May” ASW aircraft recount stories of flying back in the 1970’s. He recalled how professional the P-3 flight crews were and how excited he was to have the opportunity to come and see one in person at MAKS. The members of VP-45 prepared the P-3 static display and allowed spectators to walk around the aircraft, have their pictures taken, and question the crew members of CAC 3. “The lines to see the P-3 were massive, and everyone we talked to expressed how excited they were to actually see the Mighty Orion regardless of the intense rain showers overhead” said Lt. j.g. Troy Benbow. AWV2 Madrell remarked on the AIRSHOW, continued on page 12
Traffic Numbers Jan. 11 Aug 11
Jan. 10 Aug 10
Traffic Deaths
Please, don’t become a statistic!
pAge 2
SeptemBer 9, 2011
Direct Line This week, people around the world will pause to reflect on the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. Simply put, 9-11 changed the course of history and with it, all of our lives. For the past decade, our Nation’s forces have continued to fight against terrorists – and all those who intend our Nation harm. We here in Sigonella are an integral part of that effort and it remains my honor to serve alongside each of you. All of us have made sacrifices and endured hardship over the years, and many of us – too many of us – have lost friends or family along the way. Although our remembrance ceremony will be somewhat subdued this year, it will be no less hearfelt as we honor both those who lost their lives on that terrible day and those who continue to serve to ensure that such events are never, ever repeated. We will never forget. I received so many questions for September’s Feedback Live that I couldn’t cover them all during the show, so I’ll answer them in this Direct Line. I’m thrilled that so many questions are coming in, so please
NAS SigoNellA CommANdiNg offiCer, CApt. SCott Butler
keep sending your questions via email. Remember that Feedback Live is a LIVE call in show – and we try to answer your questions on the spot – but even those that we can’t get to during the show will still get answered.. Q1. Is there a way to hold someone responsible for all the trash, broken bottles, cigarette butts and other garbage left by folks partying on the weekend at the pavilion behind Big Al's? There is one Sailor who is always out there cleaning the mess left by others by building 562. It’s just sad to see sailors act like such slobs. A1. Bldg 562 is maintained by housing/NGIS; however, active duty personnel and residents should ensure cleanliness and enforce the standards so that others aren’t forced to clean up their mess. It’s all about personal accountablity and I need all of us to pitch in to help keep Sigonella looking its best. Q2. It appears Privacy Act compliance is less than adequate in our Security department. When recently stopped, I tendered my ID card. The officer transcribed my SSN onto a
Be vigilant this Sept. 11 From NAS Sigonella Security Department With the 10 year anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks of 9/11 approaching soon, Security cannot overemphasize the importance of remaining vigilant and being aware of your surroundings at all times. Immediately report (dial 911 on base/09586-1911 off base) any/all suspicious activity. This includes people loitering outside of our installations/facilities and suspected surveillance. If you think it’s suspicious, report it to Security so we can challenge the individual(s) and ensure the safety of everyone in Sigonella. Remember, any suspicious activity could be a small piece of a bigger surveillance operation. As an AT/FP safety reminder to all hands: - Exercise solid judgment when traveling.
Commanding Officer Capt. Scott Butler Public Affairs Officer Lt. Tim Page Deputy Public Affairs Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta Editor Tracie Barnthouse Staff Writers/ Photographers MC1 Christopher Delano MC2 Gary Prill GM2 Kris Carmody MCSN Cameron Bramham MCSA Brian Glunt The Signature editorial office is located at: Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily PSC 812 Box 3020, FPO, AE 09627 Telephone: 095-86-5440: DSN 624-5440
- Ensure your command knows where you are and your travel itinerary/locations. - Leave multiple contact means/methods when traveling. - Review the protective measures learned/outlined in AT level 1 (OCONUS) training. - Do not wear uniforms off of the installation or transit to/from work in uniform (exceptions promulgated). - Avoid large off-installation event s / ga therings and be aware of current events for the area. - Remain alert when utilizing public transportation. - Remove any identifiers from POVs and attire that relect affiliation with the US or US military/DoD. - Always remain vigilant and report any/all suspicious activity (911 from on base/095-86-1911 from off base).
This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Sig-
form that had lacked a PII disclaimer and then failed to read me the required warning about PII when transcribing the information. This same problem exists at HRO, where many forms fail to advise about PII. Sir, PII is important. Please advise what can be done to bring our command and tenants into compliance. A2. You’re right: PII is important and our personnel should be taking the appropriate measures to reduce chances of it being compromised. Protection of PII is an All Hands effort and I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. The documents used by Security Department are labeled "For Official Use Only" and are also "Law Enforcement Sensitive," so information used in their reporting should be protected. Still, to ensure we don’t risk PII, Security personnel no longer transcribe SSNs during vehicle inspections. All posts and units have Privacy Act statements readily available and documentation is labeled as FOUO. Q3. I have seen both Security and FES personnel using GOVs to take
people to the Mini-mart / ATM, etc. which is against the rules (re: 31 USC 1344 and 31 USC 1349 have replaced 31 USC 638.a.(c).(2). § 1344. What can be done to make our people more aware of the issue and ensure their compliance with DoD regulations? The "Don't do as I do, do as I say" is a poor example for our most trusted forces. GOVs should NOT be used for personal use. A3. You are correct that government vehicles (GOVs) are for official use only and any conduct of personal business with them is strictly prohibited. All those using government vehicles are briefed about this policy prior to being allowed to check them out in order to ensure they are aware of the restrictions, and I’m confident that the vast majority of our personnel are following the rules. Although there may have been some specific instances of our incredible security and fire service personnel not doing the right thing, I would guess
that you saw some of our visiting servicemembers, who “rent” GOVs while here in an official, TAD status. In this case, personal stops are, of course, authorized. Regardless, I appreciate your note and assure you that we will continue to stress the regulations concerning the appropriate use of government vehicles.
NASSIG WORSHIP SERVICES Chapel Offices: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049 ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday 0900 Catholic Mass (NAS I Chapel) 1200 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 1130 Catholic Mass (NAS II Chapel) JEWISH LAY SERVICES First Friday Shabbat Service (NAS I Chapel) 1800 sigshalom@yahoo.com
PROTESTANT Sunday Protestant Worship (NAS I) 1045
CHURCH OF CHRIST LAY SERVICE Sunday 1300 Bible Study (NAS I Chapel) 1330 Worship Service Call 624-5128 or 338-736-3061
OTHER SERVICES/ACTIVITIES POINTS OF CONTACT Muslim Prayer Room, open for daily prayers, NAS II Chapel, x9049. Latter-day Saints: Sunday 1300 Catania Chapel, shefchik@hotmail.com; 624-1393 AA Meetings: Monday,Wednesday, Friday – 1900, NAS II Chapel, 346-840-7745
NAS Sigonella Chaplain’s Corner “You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things…” --Mother Teresa
nature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy - Tel. 081568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it. Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via thesig@ eu.navy.mil, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish any anonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
Recently, I witnessed our Chief selects working together as a team. They looked motivated and focused. I’m sure they’re learning a lot of essential lessons about leadership. They were working as a team. However, teamwork isn’t easy. Why is teamwork so difficult? Why is teambuilding so important? These are questions we need to be able to answer, as leaders. In John Maxwell’s book entitled Winning with People he devotes a whole chapter to this essential aspect of leadership. He wrote, “You can hoard what little you have and receive no more. Or you can give what you have, and you will be rewarded with abundance. Your attitude makes the difference. So if you partner with another person and give generously, one
way or another you’re going to get back more than you gave.” A good leader will do things well. A great leader will build a team and do things exceptionally well. As I was thinking about this concept, I remembered a sermon from Chuck Swindoll several years ago. He was talking about working as a team. His illustration was poignant. He spoke, at length, about geese (from a teamwork perspective). Geese can actually teach us all a lot about leadership, from a “team” perspective. Truly, as one studies geese they’re very impressive creatures. Winging their way to a warmer location, they often cover thousands of miles before reaching their destination. Have you ever really thought GEESE, continued on page 13
CNE-CNA-C6F/CNREURAFSEA IG Hotline It’s everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: Office of the Inspector General, Naples, Italy Leave a recorded message 24/7: DSN 626-2983, Comm: 081-568-2983 Speak to the Investigator: DSN 626-2964, Comm: 081-568-2964 Email: ighotline@eu.navy.mil Website: www.cnic.navy.mil/europe/index.htm You can choose to remain anonymous or confidential.
SepteMber 9, 2011
paGe 11
e Zinghoppers The Zinghoppers are coming to Knight’s Hall, Tuesday, September 13th at 1:30pm. Get ready to preschool party rock, bop and zinghop with Conductor Jack, Penelope the Possum, Olo the Donkey, DJ Kitty and Coconuts the Kangaroo in a live show next week! The Zinghoppers present an entertaining and educational show, and have been called “Barney meets the Black Eyed Peas.” The event is for children ages 2-7, and is open to everyone. Come out and enjoy some preschool pop for folks that love to hop, with the Zinghoppers!
Midtown Movie theaterS Schedule & deScriptionS
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS - Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Patricia Clarkson, Jenna Elfman, Bryan Greenburg
Dylan and Hamie think it’s going to be easy to add the simple act of sex to their relationship, despite what Hollywood romantic comedies would have them believe. They soon discover however, that getting physical really does lead to complications (110 min.) MONTE CARLO - Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Katie Cassidy, Andie MacDowell, Luke Bracey
Friday, Sept. 9 5:00pm Captain America PG-13 8:00pm Friends with Benefits R
While on a trip to Paris with her best friends and soon-to-be step-sister, Grace is mistaken for a British socialite, resulting in all three young women flying to Monte Carlo for a charity ball, auction, and chance at international romance. However, when a million-dollar necklace ends up missing, Grace and her friends must scramble to find it before the auction is ruined and their identities exposed. (109 min.)
WINNIE THE POOH - John Cleese, James Cummings, Craig Ferguson, Saturday, Sept. 10 Travis Oates, Bud Luckey 2:00pm Winnie the Pooh G 4:30pm Friends with Benefits R Walt Disney Animated Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with Winnie the Pooh. Owl sends the whole gang on a wild request to save Christopher Robin 7:30pm Bridesmaids R
from an imaginary culprit. It turns out to be a very busy day for a bear who simply set out to find some hunny. (70 min.)
Sunday, Sept. 11 2:00pm Monte Carlo PG 4:30pm Transformers 3 PG-13 7:30pm Horrible Bosses R Tuesday, Sept. 13 5:00pm Monte Carlo PG 8:00pm Harry Potter 7 pt. 2 PG-13
CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE - Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Kevin Bacon
Cal Weaver is living the dream - good job, nice house, great kids and married to his high school sweetheart. But when Cal finds out that his wife, Emily, has cheated on him and wants a divorce, his perfect life quickly unravels. In today’s single world, Cal is the epitome of unsmooth. In an effort to help Cal get over his wife and start living his life again, Cal’s friend Jacob opens his eyes to the many options before him; flirty women, manly drinks and a sense of style that can’t be found at Supercuts and the Gap. Despite Cal’s makeover and his many new conquests, the one thing that can’t be made over is his heart, which seems to keep leading him back to where he started(103 min.)
Wednesday, Sept. 14 HORRIBLE BOSSES – Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, 5:00pm Captain America Jason Sudekis, Colin Farrell PG-13 For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tol8:00pm Friends with Benefits R erable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an opThursday, Sept. 15 5:00pm Monte Carlo PG 8:00pm Bridesmaids R Friday, Sept. 16 5:00pm Captain America PG-13 8:00pm Crazy, Stupid Love PG-13
tion, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con, the three friends devise a convoluted and seemingly fool-proof plan to rid themselves of their respective employers… permanently (93 min.)
Movie schedule is subject to change. Please call to confirm. Movie Hotline: 624-4248
Command Olympics Have you brushed up on your javelin-throwing skills lately? How’s your tire flipping? Have you even tried curling? Strap on your sweatbands and start training now, because the Command Olympics is right around the corner! It’s happening at 9am September 16th at the baseball field on NAS II. We’re putting a wacky twist on some of your favorite Olympic events. Trophies and paintball or bowling parties will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Plus Captain’s Cup points and bragging rights are at stake! The deadline to sign up is September 14th and packets are available at the Fit Districts on NAS I and NAS II. Pre-registration is a must, so get a team together and sign up today!