Swordfish: Dive into New Season
Best of Eastern Europe
Pizzarotti Hosts Party
PAGEs 8-9
June 3, 2016
Vol. 33 No. 22
Petty Officer Spring Advancement Quotas Released
from chief of Naval Personnel
The Navy released the names May 27 of more than 20,000 active duty, Reserve and Full Time Support (FTS) Sailors selected for advancement during the 2016 spring advancement cycle to E-4, E-5, and E-6. High retention for active duty Sailors is reflected in limited vacancies resulting in advancement opportunity slightly below the 10-year average for active E-4 through E-6 pay grades. FTS saw increased opportunity for all pay grades, while Reserve Sailors saw increase to advance to E-6 and E-4 and a slight opportunity drop for the E-5 pay grade. Advancements are based on vacancies in the Fleet and are aligned with current and planned job openings. This alignment is key to the Navy's continued success in balancing the force. Across the fiscal year, advancement remains strong with three opportunities for active duty and FTS E-4-E-6 advancement - spring exam, Meritorious Advancement Program season and fall exam. Community managers included all three advancement opportunities in developing advancement plans
to ensure continuous advancement opportunity and community health. This cycle, all rates in all active duty paygrades have advancement opportunity. Active duty advancement opportunity and quotas by pay grade: E-4 advancement opportunity decreased from 31.57 percent 29.63 percent (-1.94 percentage points). Total of 7,558 quotas. E-5 advancement opportunity decreased from 19.62 percent to 16.69 percent (-2.93 percentage points). Total of 6,092 quotas. E-6 advancement opportunity decreased from 11.98 percent to 11.32 percent (-.66 percentage points). Total of E-6 2,900 quotas. For FTS Sailors the advancement opportunity increased and is well above the 10-year average for all paygrades. FTS advancement opportunity is in response to the Navy's needs in support of active duty requirements. Full-Time Support (FTS) advancement opportunity by pay grade: E-4 advancement opportunity decreased from 54.29 percent to 52.90 percent (-1.39 percentage
points). Total of 164 quotas. E-5 advancement opportunity increased from 31 percent to 37.15 percent (-6.15 percentage points). Total of 250 quotas. E-6 advancement opportunity increased from 11.78 percent to 17.27 percent (6.34 percentage points). Total of 204 quotas. Selected Reserve (SELRES) advancement opportunities continue to improve overall for the fifth straight cycle. The Reserve Force end strength has stabilized as many of reserve communities are experiencing growth at all paygrades and we are starting to address the ratings that have been stagnant for several cycles, according to Reserve personnel officials. SELRES advancement opportunity by pay grade: E-4 advancement opportunity increased from 56.26 percent to 67.99 percent (an increase of 11.73 percentage points). Total of 1081 quotas. E-5 advancement opportunity decreased from 26.08 percent to 25.60 percent (a decrease of .48 percentage points). Total of 921 quotas. E-6 advancement opportunity increased from 12.74 percent to 14.88 percent (an increase of 2.14 percentage points). Total of 640 quotas.
Sailors Participate in Quarterly Barracks Cleanup and Barbecue
Sailors clean barracks buildings 170 and 623 on NAS 1 and NAS 2 as part of a quarterly beautification effort to maintain healthy and clean living conditions in the barracks. The First Class Petty Officer Association also sponsored a free barbecue after the clean up to reward the Sailors' hard work. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Luke Askew/Released)
June 3, 2016
Direct Line
Operations Officer Cmdr. Bryant Medeiros June 4 marks the 74th anniversary of the Battle of Midway which the Navy commemorates each year. There are many naval battles in our history that demonstrate a U.S. Navy victory and underscore the necessity for a strong navy. So why is the Battle of Midway so significant? In the early phases of World War II Japan wanted to expand its Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere. Japan estimated that attacking and controlling Midway would establish Japanese dominance in the Pacific and force the U.S. to yield to Japan’s growth. To this end, in June of 1942 the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) planned and executed an attack on the strategically located Pacific island of Midway. After a fierce, threeday battle, the U.S. Navy repelled the attack and inflicted unrecoverable losses on the Japanese Fleet. In the end, the IJN lost four aircraft carriers and a heavy cruiser. The U.S. Navy lost only one aircraft carrier and a destroyer. Historians credit the battle as the turning point of the war in the Pacific. It shifted Japan from being offensive to defensive. Winston Churchill stated, “This memorable American victory was of cardinal importance, not only to the United States but to the whole Allied
cause…At one stroke, the dominant position of Japan in the Pacific was reversed.” So, is this the reason we hold the Battle of Midway special? Partly, there are many contributing factors which heightened the battle on the mast of naval history. In early 1942, the U.S. had its back up against the wall. We were fighting wars on two hemispheres. The outcome in the Pacific looked bleak. Just six months earlier, we had lost 19 capitol ships at Pearl Harbor. The IJN had numerical superiority, more powerful ships and more capable aircraft. However, the U.S. Navy, outnumbered and outgunned, was able to attain victory in the face of imminent defeat. Reasons for the victory are numerous. We won because the Intelligence community cryptologist cracked the Japanese code giving fore warning of the attack. We won because Hull Technicians and Boatswain’s Mates completed more than two months of repairs on the USS Yorktown, in only 72 hours. We won because carrier airmen made bold, all-or-nothing decisions to search for and attack the enemy. So why is the Battle of Midway a big deal? We commemorate the battle every year because it turned the tide in the Pacific, but we also
commemorate it because at a time when the U.S. was bloodied, crippled and out of breath against an undefeated enemy, the Sailors of the U.S. Navy deepened their resolve, caught their second wind and fought selflessly for our way of life. It reminds us to be ready; we may be called upon in the future to do what our predecessors have done in the past.
Commanding Officer's Suggestion Box The ICE/CO Suggestion Box is for our community and Commanding Officer to discuss, with an eye toward constant improvement, how we are excelling* and how we can improve**. The Signature and NASSIG Facebook Page typically publish comments and responses for the benefit of the Sigonella community. Comments/suggestions are useful when objective, constructive, and specific. ICE/CO Suggestion Box is NOT a forum for mean-spirited attacks. * If you submit a "BZ" about a specific person or department, PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR NAME in order to ensure comment authenticity and therefore publically recognize employees or organizations. ** The Commanding Officer will ensure a response to all signed comments/suggestions and the vast majority of anonymous ones but reserves the right to disregard those comments/ suggestions disinterested in the spirit of the program! There are two ways to submit; go to: 1) Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) home page on a One-Net computer at: http://ice.disa.mil, All Sigonella services are found under the Navy Europe Listing in the scroll-down menu. – or – 2) NAS Sigonella's website www.cnic.navy.mil/Sigonella, go to the "About" drop down menu and click on "CO Suggestion Box".
Interactive Customer Evaluation Comment regarding “Galley Getting Propane from the NEX”:
Why do we have to compete with the Galley for propane at the 7-Day store? I was recently unable to purchase propane because the Galley took all 10 propane tanks as soon as they were delivered.
Response: Thank you for your comment and I apologize for the inconvenience you experienced. The Galley often prepares special meals for the community in which everyone is invited to take part in such as Cinco de Mayo, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and various other menu items for use in the Galley to support the daily menu. During such events, there may be an increased demand for propane in order to prepare the meals for the community. As such, the NEX has offered to pre-order propane for the Galley in order to ensure availability for the rest of the community. In addition to the 7-Day store, propane is also available at the NEX main store for your convenience. With the summer (and grilling season) upon us, the NEX will be checking inventory of the propane cage daily and will replenish the stock as needed. For future NEXrelated questions, you may contact Edie Smith, Store Divisional Manager, Acting GM at 624-4059 or edith.smith@nexweb.org.
Comment regarding “7-Day High Prices”: The 7-Day is great, especially for those who work on NAS 2 and the junior sailors that live there, but I do not understand why the prices are so much higher than the NEX on NAS 1. Many junior sailors don't have cars and the bus hours are not accommodating, so why is it fair to charge those who live on NAS 2 and do the majority of their shopping at the 7-Day double the price than what you would pay at the NEX? Response: Thank you for taking the time to raise your concern and I
agree that the 7-Day is a valuable resource for those living and working on
NAS 2. The prices on items such as laundry detergent, shaving products, sports nutrition etc. are the same across all Navy Exchanges, to include the 7-Day. I believe the variation in price you are referring to concerns food items purchased at the Commissary (DeCA) on NAS 1. Please remember that DeCA is an appropriated-fund organization which means that all of their items are purchased at cost and the customer then pays a surcharge on their total which you will notice on your receipt. The NEX is a nonappropriated fund organization, which means the NEX must turn a profit in order to cover its overhead expenses. For future NEX-related questions, you may contact Edie Smith, Store Divisional Manager, Acting GM at 6244059 or edith.smith@nexweb.org.
Comment regarding “Security not Picking up Mail Daily”:
Mail call has not been done in nearly a week. Packages sent from the States arrived May 10 and they are still sitting in the post office as of May 14. It's UNSAT to have mail sitting in the post office not being delivered to Sailors in a reasonable amount of time. Morale in overseas locations depends on support from family and friends both here at Sigonella and from the states. It would be nice if the Security mail pickup was regular and consistent as many Sailors are awaiting packages from the States.
Response: I apologize for your frustration and that you did not receive your mail in a timely manner. In speaking with Security, the week you reference was an unusual period during which – as you correctly stated – the mail was not picked up as scheduled. I have been assured that going forward, mail pick up for Security will be performed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday which will ensure that you receive your mail three times a week. Thank you for taking the time to submit your comment. For future comments or suggestions, you may contact the Security Officer, Chuck Cranston at 624-6392 or Charles.cranston@eu.navy.mil.
June 3, 2016
Safety Spotlight: Decoding Heat Stress Flag Colors As summer approaches and heat indicators are on the rise, flag colors will be posted out front of the Safety office and in front of the SPMAGTF (Marines) building on NAS 2. Remember to plan accordingly when exercising. Heat stress factors include ambient air temperature, relative humidity, heat radiation (from sun, earth, machinery and from your body), air movement and surface temperatures.
The “Heat Index” was implemented in 1984 to combine the ambient air temperature with relative humidity to determine an apparent temperature of what the air actually feels like. Don’t judge conditions by temperature alone: relative humidity plays a big part in heat stress. In conditions of high humidity, evaporation of sweat, a cooling process, is inhibited.
THE SIGNATURE U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA Commanding Officer Capt. Brent Trickel Executive Officer Cmdr. Charles G. McKinney II Command Master Chief CMDCM Mike Kaszubowski EDITORIAL Public Affairs Officer Lt. Andriana Genualdi andriana.genualdi@eu.navy.mil Assistant Public Affairs Officer Lt. Jake Barreiro jake.barreiro@eu.navy.mil Editor Nicole Ybarra nicole.ybarra@eu.navy.mil Community Relations Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta alberto.lunetta.it@eu.navy.mil PAO Staff Writers \ Photographers MC1 Tony D. Curtis anthony.curtis@eu.navy.mil MC2 Ramon Go ramon.go@eu.navy.mil MC3 Luke Askew lucas.askew@eu.navy.mil CONTACT US Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily thesig@eu.navy.mil DSN 624-5440; 095-86-5440 PSC 812 Box 7, FPO, AE 09627-0001
Name: MA3 Nicholas Costello Dept: NASSIG Security Hometown: West Milford, New Jersey “If you have not tasted a Taylor ham, egg and cheese you are missing out. It’s a Jersey thing,” said Costello. The New Jersey native reminisced of his love for deli diners and pizzerias, but was extremely impressed with pistachio pizza at Sette Più located in Nicolosi, CT. His love for food and beaches has brought him to sunny Sigonella where he works with the NAS Sigonella Security Department. Costello performs force protection as a patrolman, armorer and armed sentry. After one year at Souda Bay, Greece, Costello transferred to Sigonella as an E4. His dedication and go-getter mentality, instilled by his grandfather, a retired Army veteran, has been the driving force behind his success. Both MAC Watson and MA2
PUBLISHER Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity Capodichino (Naples), Italy stampagenerale@tin.it Tel. 081-568-7884 Fax 081-568-7887
Gatto have influenced Costello as personal role models and mentors. Costello aspires to be a Small Arms Marksmanship Instructor (SAMI) and make E5 in the near future. Costello appreciates the opportunity to work overseas
and travel the world with his loving wife. He has traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark and the Island of Crete in Greece. The family-oriented Island of Crete reminds Costello of home, where it is easy to navigate and talk to people. Softball season has just be-
gun and Costello plays for the NAS Sigonella Security team. Determination to win the softball intramurals has Costello swinging for the fences. Costello is commended for his ambitious attitude on and off the field and in and out of uniform.
This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factorof the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy. Tel. 081-568-7884. Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it. Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via thesig@ eu.navy.mil, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish any anonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
June 3, 2016
Sigonella Swordfish Dive into New Swim Season By kristina young Sigonella Swordfish
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – If you hear the sound of splashing and the chattering of voices while in the vicinity of NAS 1 Splasher’s Pool, it is not your imagination playing tricks on you. It is the sound of the proud Sigonella Swordfish swim team, which have kicked off the 2016-2017 developmental season with Spring clinics this past week. The team, under the guidance of interim coach Jessyl Lange, is nearing the end of an intensive five-week, skillsbased learning clinic from May 9 – June 9 based on the four core strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breast stroke and butterfly), as well as individual medley, starts and turns. The clinic is divided into two sessions: one for new and younger swimmers, and another for older and more experienced swimmers to regain strength and work on technique after the off-season. The Swordfish, a non-profit unaffiliated group, compete in the European Forces Swim League (EFSL) against the top swimmers ages 7-19 from across Europe, including England, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Their competitive season comprises an intensive schedule with four home and 13 away meets from September to February. The team is comprised of both multi-sport athletes who swim three days per week and dedicated swimmers who swim four to five days a
week with the goal of making championships. Last season, the Swordfish took 25 swimmers to the EFSL Championships in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. They competed in a two-day competition at the Tongelreep National Swim Center, a training and competition center for the Dutch National Swim Team. Nine of the Swordfish swimmers, including Ezra Andres, Gabrielle Andres, Ellie Brassart, Shannon Buckley, CJ Davis, Camila Cardona, Brendan Fahey, Alyah Perkins and Malia Puerto qualified and swam in all eight events. Six Swordfish earned medals for top three finishes, including Ezra Andres, who medaled bronze in breaststroke, Henry Boller who took bronze in butterfly, and Brendan Fahey who received bronze for his performance in the 200 individual medley. It was the top three medalists for the Swordfish, however, who really cleaned house. Shannon Buckley received six silver medals in Girls 8 and under. Ellie Brassart walked away with one gold, two silver, and two bronze medals, and was the top EFSL Pentathlete in the Girls 9-yearold division. Finally, CJ Davis continued his streak of excellence with seven gold medals, top EFSL Pentathlete for Boys 10-year-old division and top overall point earner at EFSL Championships. All of the swimmers and parents had a wonderful experience, competing against
Sigonella Swordfish swimmer Megan Fahey takes her place on the start block as she prepares for her event at the NAS 1 Splasher's Pool. The Swordfish, a non-profit unaffiliated group, compete in the European Forces Swim League (EFSL) against the top swimmers ages 7-19 from across Europe, including England, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Italy. (Photo courtesy of Kristina Young)
Europe’s best, participating in the parades and award ceremonies, and of course getting to go to the attached indoor waterpark in the middle of winter. After a well-deserved two months of rest, most of the Swordfish are glad to be back
where they belong: in the water! As always, the Sigonella Swordfish are recruiting new members and coaches. While it requires tremendous commitment, the team and its coaches are devoted to helping both the top swimmers get to the highest level as well as the
newest swimmers learn and develop fitness and a passion for a great individual and team sport. Tryouts for new swimmers will be held again in June and August. Please contact Team Secretary Kristina Young at ckca1997@ gmail.com or email sigonella. swordfish@gmail.com for more information, or stop by the pool deck the next time you hear a Swordfish splashing!
Need an appointment at the hospital? Call DSN 624-CARE (2273) or commercial: 095-56-2273, M - F: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For non-emergent medical questions that arise over the Weekend, Holidays, or after office hours, please call the Nurse Advice Line at 800-877-660 (local/Italy only) Need a medication refill or results from your Provider? Create an account with Relay Health using your PCM... www.relayhealth.com (click: register, patient, then add PCM)
June 3, 2016
Marines Bring Smiles to Local Students By cpl alexander mitchell SPMAGTF Public Affairs
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – Marines and Sailors with Special Purpose Marine AirGround Task Force Crisis Response-Africa (SPMAGTF-CR-AF), volunteered their time to teach English, and play games with elementary students from 3rd Circolo Didattico ‘’Giovanni Paolo II’’ Gravina Di Catania, Italy, May 18. Community events such as these allow the Marines and Sailors to connect with the local community, helping to build strong relationships with the Sicilian people and their government. “The teachers were incredibly grateful for our help teaching and interacting with the students,” said Lt. Arthur Briggs, chaplain with SPMAGTF-CR-AF. “They thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent with them and couldn’t thank us enough.” Marines and Sailors with SPMAGTF-CR-
AF have participated in a wide variety of community service events taking place and Briggs plans to continue them as often as possible. The mayor of Gravina Di Catania, Mayor Domenico Rapisarda, greeted and thanked the Marines as they arrived at the elementary school. “By being there to greet the Marines, the mayor showed how much this event meant to the people of Catania," said Briggs. “He expressed his gratitude by shaking each Marine’s hand, personally thanking everyone for participating in the event.” By reaching out to serve the children of Sicily, Marines and Sailors hope to give back to their host country as well as establish a legacy of positive community involvement. “We hope to continue to forge and foster our relationship,” said Briggs. “Showing how much we care for the next generation of children by teaching them and interacting with them builds long lasting memories and friendships.”
Marines and Sailors with Special Purpose Marine-Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa, pose for a photo with children and staff at 3rd Circolo Didattico "Giovanni Paolo II’" Gravina Di Catania, Italy, May 18, 2016. During the event, Marines and Sailors interacted with the children, going over some English for an upcoming test, as well as creating and participating in games during the children’s recess period. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Alexander Mitchell/Released)
June 3, 2016
Granita Festival this Weekend in Acireale by dr. alberto lunetta
The fourth edition of the “Nivarata” Granita Siciliana festival is ready to tempt your taste buds this weekend (June 3-5) in the historic center of Acireale, a beautiful historic town on the east coast of Sicily, easily reachable from Catania-Fontanarossa airport. With more than 40,000 recorded visitors in 2013 as well as 3,000 kg of granita produced and distributed over the festival days, Nivarata has established itself nationwide as one of the best festivals. As also shown by its participation in the international expo Sigep 2014, it has become the official event devoted to Sicilian Artisan Granita, a delicious frozen ice dessert made from water, sugar and various flavorings (almond, lemon, pistachio, and strawberry, to name just a few). The top quality artisan granitas created by the most talented master gelato makers over the three festival days have become popular and now give tourists one more reason to visit Sicily, along with its blue sea and wonderful sunny days during the summer season. First and only one of its kind in Italy, the festival has become an annual event also much anticipated by industry professionals on account of the variety of opportunities for economic growth resulting from Nivarata. The festival days offer a special showcase for all food professionals to display artisan confectionary products. Food tastings, meetings and live food shows in the presence of celebrated guests
and industry professionals all contribute to highlighting the genuineness of Sicilian raw ingredients and ice cream preparation techniques. Launched in 2012, the culinary event owes its name to nivaroli, people from the past who, long before modern technology, used to collect and store snow from the mountains (Etna, Monti Peloritani, Iblei and Nebrodi) in order to refrigerate food and make delicious granitas. Attracting more and more visitors and quickly gaining professional acknowledgments from one year to another, the festival has been enriched with collateral events and has hosted national and international guests and jury members. For more information and detailed schedules visit, https://www.facebook. com/aNivarata/ Another upcoming event, check out Christo’s Floating Piers art project in Italy’s Iseo Lake. From June 18 to July 3, 2016, weather permitting, Italy’s Lake Iseo, the fourth largest lake in Lombardy, Italy, will be reimagined. Be amazed as 70,000 square meters of shimmering yellow fabric, carried by a modular floating dock system of 200,000 high-density polyethylene cubes, will undulate with the movement of the waves as The Floating Piers rise just above the surface of the water. A 3-kilometer-long walkway will be created as The Floating Piers extend across the water of Lake Iseo. The piers will
The mouthwatering “Nivarata” Granita Festival returns to Acireale this weekend (June 3-5) featuring artisanal granita-themed events such as tasting, workshops, confectionary exhibitions, guided walking tours to visit the city, arts and crafts and entertainment. (Photo By Davide La Piana)
be 16 meters wide and approximately 50 centimeters high with sloping sides. The fabric will continue along 1.5 kilometers of pedestrian streets in Sulzano and Peschiera Maraglio. The Floating Piers will be Christo’s first large–scale project since Christo and Jeanne-Claude realized The Gates in 2005. As with all of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s projects, The Floating Piers will be funded entirely through the sale of Christo’s original works of art. After the 16-day exhibition, all components will be removed and industrially recycled. Christo and Jeanne-Claude have a long history of creating projects in Italy: Wrapped Fountain and Wrapped Medieval Tower in Spoleto, 1968; Wrapped Monuments in Milan, 1970; and The Wall – Wrapped Roman Wall in Rome, 1973–74. Rich in history, culture, beauty and an eternal bridge to Europe and the rest of the world, the Lombardy region boasts the most UNESCO sites in Italy. The multifaceted Milan, capital of fashion, design and Italy’s economic powerhouse, the art cities which enchant with their beauty, the Alpine towns in Valcamonica and Valtellina for completely relaxing holidays: all of this is Lombardy. A region of mountains and great lakes, it is also the capital of the palate with its typical products and traditional dishes that are revived in the recipes
of great starred chefs. Lake Iseo, also known as Sebino, is a small jewel of the Italian territory surrounded by the magnificent setting of the mountains and valleys of the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo. Formed by the River Oglio, with a surface area of over 65 square km, it is home to the islets of San Paolo and Loreto and in its centre, Monte Isola, Europe’s largest inhabited lake island. Lake Iseo is the place that the artist Christo chose to create The Floating Piers project from June 18 to July 3, 2016. There are several medieval towns around the lake, the largest being Iseo and Sarnico. These are filled with bars, shops, cafes, hotels, B&B's and several campsites running alongside the lakeshore. The Franciacorta wine region, just minutes away from the lake produces some of the world's finest sparkling wines. The road north to Switzerland used to run along the side of the lake, and stories about entire families being swallowed up by the murky waters abound. A much safer road, carved into the side of the mountains, now exists. In the middle of the lake is Monte Isola (or Montisola). There is easy access via the regular running lake ferries. For more information visit, http:// www.iseolake.info/en/events/the-floatingpiers#artista
June 3, 2016
Great Green Fleet to Visit Philippines By Ensign Emily Wilkin John C. Stennis Strike Group Public Affairs DoD News, Defense Media Activity
SOUTH CHINA SEA (NNS) -- The USS John C. Stennis Strike Group (JCSSG) made a scheduled port visit to the Philippines May 20 in Subic Bay and 21 May in Manila. JCSSG consists of USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 21 embarked, guided-missile destroyers USS Stockdale (DDG 106), USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93), and USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110), and guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay (CG 53). "We are excited to visit Manila and Subic Bay," said Rear Adm. Marcus Hitchcock, commander, JCSSG. "This is a great opportunity
for our Sailors to see the sights and experience the warm hospitality of the Filipino people. Many of our Sailors look forward to reconnecting with family and friends in the local area." The strike group is the centerpiece of the Great Green Fleet (GGF) and uses energy conservation measures and operational procedures in the course of its normal tasking to increase energy efficiency. JCSSG has been underway as part of the GGF since January 2016 and participated in Exercise Balikatan 2016 in April. While in the Philippines, strike group personnel conducted cultural exchanges with the people of the Philippines by participating in community relations projects (COMRELS). Sailors visited local elementary schools, cemeteries,
memorials, and a medical center. In addition to COMRELS, Sailors took part in Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) tours to experience the island and the practices of the Filipino people. Sailors from Chung-Hoon and William P. Lawrence also participated in friendly sporting matches with locals. Approximately 8,500 Sailors make up the strike group, of which at least 238 are of Filipino heritage. The Commanding Officer of USS Stockdale (DDG 106), Cmdr. Raphael Castillejo, is among those Sailors. Castillejo was born at Makati Medical Center and moved to the United States as a boy. He has served in the Navy for 23 years and is looking forward to returning to his hometown for this port visit, he
said. He plans to lead a wreath-laying ceremony at a local cemetery to remember those lost liberating the Philippines during World War II. Logistics Specialist 1st Class Don Salamero, a John C. Stennis crew member, was born and raised in Daet Camarines Norte, in the Bicol region of the Philippines. Salamero enlisted in the Navy 17 years ago to explore and learn about different cultures, and he is excited to return to the Philippines for this port visit. JCSSG is on patrol in 7th Fleet providing a ready force supporting security and stability in the IndoAsia-Pacific. For more news on USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) visit http:// navy.mil/local/cvn74/ or www.facebook.com/stennis74.
SOUTH CHINA SEA (May 17, 2016) Aircraft assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9 fly in formation above USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and the guided-missile destroyer USS Stockdale (DDG 106) during an air-and-sea-power demonstration. Providing a ready force supporting security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, John C. Stennis is operating as part of the Great Green Fleet on a regularly scheduled 7th Fleet deployment. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Tomas Compian/Released)
Budapest is the buda-best By mc3 Lucas askew
Budapest is a must see location for any European traveler. Travel to and from the city is simple and easy on the pocketbook. From impressive upscale hotels to the laidback youth hostels it is easy to find a place to stay that compliments any travel style and budget. Originally three separate cities, Buda, Pest and Obuda, now unified Budapest sits on both banks of the Danube River and serves as the capital city of Hungary. It has so much to offer a traveler from the sights, museums, monuments and delicious food that I had to visit three times to really feel like I got my fill. The long and colorful history is on display throughout the city. You can see the wide variety of influence in the architecture and art from the Vajdahunyad Castle set in a lush park behind Hero’s Square, to Fisherman’s Bastion which looks like it was pulled straight out of a fairytale,. Even walking down the city streets you would be hard pressed to find a building in the same style as the one next to it. This quilt like design makes simply walking around an adventure of its own. You shouldn’t leave Budapest without trying the goulash. It is a hearty beef stew loaded with veggies and spices. After a long day of walking and sightseeing it will definitely help refuel you to keep on going. If the cheap cost of comfortable housing and delicious food brought you to Budapest then the warm and friendly people will make you never want to leave. Voted as one of the most “livable” cities in Europe many people do just that. I met people working at hotels and restaurants who fell in love with the city so fast that a four-day trip turned into a new home.
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016
SPLASHER'S POOL NAS 1 Splasher's Pool will have unforeseen maintenance beginning May 31 and not to exceed past June 15, 2016 to repair function to the underwater lights. These repairs are essential to keep within safety compliance and will also offer expanded programming options throughout the summer recreation swim season. This temporary closure will occur after the Memorial Weekend opening and BBQ event, May 28-30. Following our opening weekend, all lap and recreation swim services/times will move to the NAS 2 Flightline Pool while repairs are being made. • Lap Swim: Offered 0530-0800, 1100-1300, and 1430-1730 Monday through Friday beginning May 31 and until further notice at the NAS 2 Flightline Pool.
June 3, 2016
• Recreation Swim: Offered 1100-1730 on June 4-5 and June 11-12 at the NAS 2 Flightline Pool. • Swimmers ages 16 and under who pass the Navy Youth Swim Test will be able to access the 25 meter pool, the 3.9 meter deep dive well, and accompanying spring boards without active adult supervision. • Swimmers under 16 who do not pass the Navy Youth Swim Test will need to be accompanied by an adult in the water and will have access to the 25 meter pool only. • Additionally, the elective swim lesson assessment on 10 June from 1500-1700 will occur at the NAS 2 Flightline Pool. MWR appreciates your patience during this time as these repairs are essential to our operation and safety compliance. If you have any further questions, please contact the Aquatics Director, Beth Sweely, at 624-4932 or +39-095-56-4932.
Sigonella Religious Ministries Department Worship Services Phone Numbers: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049, Chaplain Duty: 335-831-4493, RP Duty: 335-786-1950. Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Naval Air Station Sigonella Chapel ROMAN CATHOLIC • Sunday - 9 a.m. Catholic Mass at NAS 1 Chapel • Tuesday - Friday - 11:30 a.m. at NAS 1 or NAS 2 Chapel PROTESTANT WORSHIP SERVICE • Sunday - 11 a.m. Traditional Worship at NAS 1 Chapel; 6 p.m. Non-Denominational Sunday at NAS 2 Chapel • Wednesday - 7 p.m. Bible Study at NAS 2 PROTESTANT MEN OF THE CHAPEL • Wednesdays 6 a.m. @ NAS 1 Fellowship Hall PROTESTANT WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL • Tuesdays - 9 a.m. at NAS 1 Fellowship Hall; Thursdays 5 p.m. @ NAS 1 Fellowship Hall LATTER-DAY SAINTS • Sunday - 1:30 p.m. at NAS 1 Chapel Contact: sigonellalds@gmail.com or 624-9049
CLUB BEYOND • Middle School Club & Small Group - Tuesday - 2:45 - 4:45 p.m. at NAS 1 Chapel • High School Club and Small Group - Wednesdays - 6 - 8 p.m. at Marinai Home Catholic Religious Education • September - June - 10:30 a.m. at DoDDS Knights of Columbus • First Wednesday of the month - 5 p.m. at NAS 2 Chapel NIGHT STUDY • AA Meetings - Monday - 5:30 p.m., 2nd Floor at NAS 1 Chapel; Thursday - 7 p.m. at NAS 2 Chapel • AA Family Group - Tuesday - 7 p.m. at NAS 2 Chapel • Tuesday - Italian Class - 7 p.m. at NAS 1 Chapel Classroom • Tuesday - Awana Club - 4:45 p.m at NAS 1 Chapel
Weekly Traffic Reports: May 23-30, 2016
Ristorante Bella Etna
Breakfast: $3.45 Mon - Fri: 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. Weekend / Holiday: 7-9 a.m.
Lunch: $5.55 Mon - Fri: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Weekend / Holiday: 11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Dinner: $4.85 Mon - Fri: 4 - 6 p.m. Weekend / Holiday: 4-6 p.m.
As a reminder to everyone: There are no PTUs allowed at the Galley. Appropriate athletic gear is authorized at the discretion of the Galley staff. Please remember that for sanitation purposes and for the consideration of other customers, if you have been out for PT, been working out at the gym, or have just been engaged in any physical activity where you and or your clothing has become soiled or sweaty you will be asked to turn around.
June 3, 2016
June 3, 2016
Pizzarotti Hosts Recycling Day Party on Marinai
Marinai neighbors and children were treated to a “Recycling Day” party hosted by Pizzarotti at their Maintenance Office parking area May 20, complete with a magic show, balloon sculptors, face painting, colossal bubble blowing, hot dogs, drinks and a chocolate dessert fountain.(Photo courtesy of Joe O'Brien) by joe o'brien
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – Marinai neighbors and children were treated to a “Recycling Day” party hosted by Pizzarotti at their Maintenance Office parking area May 20, complete with a magic show, balloon sculptors, face painting, colossal bubble blowing, hot dogs, drinks and a chocolate dessert fountain. The very successful turnout may ensure this becomes an annual event. Residents entered the celebration through a festive archway with a white carpet to an entrance booth where Pizzarotti staff handed out a recycling survey and distributed tickets for the free barbecue. The survey asked how well residents were participating in the program, if they separate recyclables in their previous locale and solicited suggestions for improvement. Recycling is not just about responsible environmental stewardship. Italian law prescribes each community to must attain a 65% recycling rate or be subject to a fine. Marinai currently is at 21% and Housing, Pizzarotti and Public Works together are asking residents to take greater care in separating their refuse and en-
courage greater participation. Ecolandia is paid under contract to regularly empty the color-coded recycling bins throughout Marinai. Pizzarotti pays Sicula Transporti to haul the remaining garbage/trash and unsorted recyclables to a local land fill where they must pay an additional fee. Environmental Manager Clemente is in charge of recycling monitoring and improvements. Recycling is the way to go; not recycling adds additional unnecessary costs. The purpose of the “Recycling Day” neighborhood party was to thank residents for their recycling efforts and raise awareness. Entertainment was provided by magician Giuseppe LoBasso, balloon artist Sorrenti Elisea and face painter Jessica Savatteri. With microphone in hand, emcee Teresa Internullo provided a running description and commentary of events. “We want to celebrate our relationship with the Marinai community through events and parties like this,” said Pizzarotti site manager Fabrizio Rubino. “We appreciate the Americans because together we are family. We are here eight hours a day and 24 hours on
call; it’s a mission for us. We want them to understand how much we treasure them,” stated Rubino. There was quite a festive atmosphere with children eager to have their face painted, get in line for a balloon sword or chase after the colossal soap bubbles. “The kids loved it; they were totally enthralled from start to finish,” said Dana Voelkel who enjoyed the party with her three children, Nora, Nesto and Mac. “They especially loved the food, fruit kebabs, potting the tomato plants and the magician.” Manning the grill, distributing hot dogs and providing drinks (soda and beer) were chief chef Antonio assisted by Pizzarotti co-workers: Salvatore, Guido, Carmelo, Gaetano, Fabio and Roberto. A six-foot-tall Homer Simpson, the mascot of recycling in Marinai, made an appearance to the delight of the younger children. As a sign of appreciation, Pizzarotti gifted each family with a Fuchsia plant. There was also a creative lab with recycled materials where children could re-purpose plastic bottles by adding gravel and garden soil to pot a young tomato plant to bring home.
June 3, 2016
GAMEZONE Scuba Diving
Find and circle all of the SCUBA Diving words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell the meaning of the letters of SCUBA.
June 3, 2016
NAVSUP FLC Sigonella Reaches Djibouti First Initiative Victories By shannon haney Naval Supply Systems Command Office of Corporate Communications
CAMP LEMONNIER, Djibouti – Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Sigonella is determined to put qualified Djiboutian companies first when Camp Lemonnier needs goods and services to further expand economic opportunity for the Djiboutian people. NAVSUP FLC Sigonella met with the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti, Africa to discuss the Djibouti First Initiative. U.S. Congress passed legislation in 2014 to give contractual preference to qualified Djiboutian businesses that provide goods and services to Camp Lemonnier. By passing legislation and creating a law that directly benefits businesses, the United States is showing its commitment to be a longterm partner with the people of Djibouti. Coubeche Distribution was approved for a Djibouti First Initiative for fresh fruits and vegetables in March and for pastries and baked goods in May. These two victories will provide Camp Lemonnier with items such as fresh strawberries, lettuce, raspberry strudels, apple turnovers, and fresh baguette whole-wheat bread. Including Coubeche Distribution allows Camp Lemonnier to diversify food sources and to have a continuous supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, and pastries from a local source. "Coubeche Distribution has an established logistics line to the base and we do not have to worry about how their prod-
Looking for aupair or babysitter for two children respectively 8 and 4 years in San Giovanni la Punta area. Cell. 393.801.9279
ucts will be delivered," said Cmdr. James Hormozi, NAVSUP FLC Sigonella, Site Djibouti site director. "I have always worried about sending service members on predictable paths and schedules out in town to pick up supplies, so this initiative is a huge advantage for everyone involved." NAVSUP FLC Sigonella continuously seeks to demonstrate its long-term commitment to Djibouti's economic development, growth and stability. NAVSUP FLC Sigonella, one of eight fleet logistics centers under NAVSUP Global Logistics Support, provides global logistics, business and support services to fleet, shore and industrial commands of the Navy, Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army and allied forces. Services include contracting, regional transportation, fuel, material management, household goods movement support, postal and consolidated mail, warehousing, global logistics and husbanding, hazardous material management, and integrated logistics support. NAVSUP GLS provides
NAVSUP FLC Sigonella met with the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti, Africa to discuss the Djibouti First Initiative. U.S. Congress passed legislation in 2014 to give contractual preference to qualified Djiboutian businesses that provide goods and services to Camp Lemonnier. (Photo courtesy of NAVSUP FLC Sigonella)
global logistics for a global Navy. The organization is made up of approximately 6,300 military and civilian logistics professionals operating
from 105 locations worldwide, providing an extensive array of integrated global logistics and contracting services to Navy, Marine Corps, joint opera-
tional units, and allied forces across all warfare enterprises. For more information, visit http://www.navy.mil/ or http:// www.facebook.com/usnavy/.
June 3, 2016
Dan Crow Entertains and Educates Sigonella Youth By MA3 Shane Sullivan NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily - The singer. The educator. The motivator. Dan Crow stopped by Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) of Sigonella, May 16 to perform one of his latest song "You're an Engineer" for the kindergarten through fifth grade classes. Crow, a man of many talents, brought joy to children as he sang songs, encouraged participation and educated children of phonetic sounds. Crow's clever lyrics and word-play put a smile on the faces of both children and faculty. Crow coordinated with Mar-
tha Palm (DoDDS music teacher) to orchestrate a collaboration with the students of Sigonella for his song "You're an Engineer." The song is now on Crow's newest CD Concoctions. After a delightful performance Colfax McKown, a first grader at Sigonella Elementary School was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and he had this to say, "I want to be a scientist. A chemical scientist." Awesome choice for the young lad and very in sync with Crow's song "You're an Engineer." Crow received a bachelors degree in education and masters in speech communication. He was also a teacher before becoming a
children's songwriter and singer. The songwriter has worked with Disney producing songs for Winnie the Pooh, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo and much more. Crow is very enthusiastic about education and spoke of science, math and its effects on today's society. He also spoke of language and its impression on his music. The witty writer combines numerous phonetic sounds in his music hoping to expand children's vernacular. His combined love for education and music makes him a remarkable educator for our children. Crow's songs are available on iTunes and Amazon or visit DanCrow.com for more information.
Children's singer Dan Crow stopped by Knight's Hall on May 16 to perform one of his latest songs, "You're an Engineer" for the kindergarten through fifth grade classes. Crow coordinated with Martha Palm (DoDDS music teacher) to orchestrate a collaboration with the students of Sigonella for his song "You're an Engineer." The song is now on Crow's newest CD Concoctions. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Lucas Askew/Released)
June 3, 2016