Sailors Give Back: Seabees aid in restoration
Holiday Party:
Sig's Next Star:
The photos are here!!
Could it be you?
PAGEs 8-9
December 16, 2016
Vol. 33 No. 47
NAS Sigonella Kicks Off the Holidays James Bond Style By PO2 Michelle sabangan NAS Sigonella Public Affairs
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – NAS Sigonella kicked off the holidays with a James Bond themed party Dec. 9, complete with giant dice on the dance floor and larger-than-life playing cards hanging from the ceiling. Guests snacked on Sicilian appetizers and socialized while waiting for the main meal of ham, roast beef, risotto, creamy pasta and a cake decorated with the many faces of Bond. Games followed the meal, including a scavenger hunt where guests searched for hidden Bond silhouettes, a best dressed villain contest, a limbo contest and a running raffle. There was also an intense game of musical chairs that ended with a race to catch Sigonella’s Command Master Chief, Mike Kaszubowski. “The limbo was my favorite,” said Seaman Norma Chilapa. “It was hilarious. If it weren’t for my heels, I would have participated.” After a freestyle dance-off that included appearances of both “the worm” and some breakdancing, Kaszubowski convinced both NAS Sigonella Commanding Officer Capt. Brent Trickel, and Executive Officer Cmdr. Charles McKinney, to bust NAS Sigonella kicked off the holidays with a James Bond themed party Dec. 9, complete with giant dice on the dance floor some moves on the dance floor. Be- and larger-than-life playing cards hanging from the ceiling. Games followed the meal, including a scavenger hunt where fore opening up the dance floor, Mc- guests searched for hidden Bond silhouettes, a best dressed villain contest, a limbo contest and a running raffle. (U.S. Navy photo by Kinney wowed the crowd with his Petty Officer 2nd Class Michelle Sabangan/ Released) dance to Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” and Trickel followed with a few moves of his own. Petty Officer First Class Michael Patacsil, who Grant expressed his appreciation to the entire Holiday Party Committee Chairman Chief Petty helped with planning said, “It turned out well with NASSIG community noting, “I want to thank everyOfficer Nathan Grant remarked, “When you see the the help of a lot of volunteers. The different commit- one who contributed. If it was just me and my leads smiles on everyone’s faces and the bosses enjoying tees involved and people in charge of the event did and the committee trying to figure it out, it wouldn’t themselves and dancing, I consider that a success.” a good job.” have happened.”
"Give 'Em Mail!" A Day at the Fleet Mail Center Sigonella
By sn berenise morales Fleet Mail Center Sigonella
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – The typical morning of a Postal Clerk at the Fleet Mail Center (FMC) begins at 7:30 a.m. by prepping the outgoing mail to be distributed to the 54 commands disbursed throughout the base and deployed units within the 5th and 6th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR). By 8:00 a.m. the FMC is in full swing. The mail truck arrives for the morning mail pick-up, and command mail orderlies line up to collect the command mail that
The holidays are a busy time at the Fleet Mail Center Sigonella with Sailors working hard to ensure you receive your holiday packages on time. (Photo courtesy of FMC)
arrived the day before. The mail truck run to the Catania Airport is completed six days per week. The truck is dispatched from Sigonella with the outgoing mail and returns to Sigonella with mail addressed to Sigonella customers and mobile units in the 6th Fleet. Delivery times can vary widely as the mail truck is dependent upon the airline carrier arrival time, Italian customs and/or the volume of mail being received. Once the truck arrives at the FMC, it is an all hands evolution as the volume of mail can vary between 50lbs to 50,000lbs of mail per delivery. Each piece of mail is scanned, consolidated and uploaded electronically into a website called Automated Military Postal System (AMPS). Deployed units and base and tenant command mail is separated to its specified receptacle. Deployed units’ mail is then processed further by forwarding it, via memo, through the Sigonella Air Terminal, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) truck or commercial flight. For base and tenant command mail, each individual piece is scanned and recorded on a DD Form 3883 to display the quantity of mail each command has received that day. Once these tasks have been completed, all efforts are placed on Directory and Dispatch. When the FMC receives returned mail, it is sent to the Directory section. Directory is a room dedicated to misrouted mail. Postal Clerks research whether or not an individual still resides in Sigonella or if they have transferred to another location. If the customer has transferred and left a forwarding address, it will be redirected to the new address. If there is not a forwarding address, then the mail will be labeled “Return to Sender.” Once the mail has been processed through Directory, it is directed to dispatch. Dispatch is an area where all mail in the FMC is processed for delivery. It is here that all mail is scanned through the X-ray machine for any dangerous or forbidden material as declared by either USPS, MPS or Italian customs, such as: explosives, tobacco or alcohol. Finally, once the mail has cleared dispatch, the mail is consolidated into bags (called “nesting”) and is equipped with an Enhanced Distribution Label (EDL) for tracking purposes and set aside to be sent out the next day. The holidays are a busy time at the FMC with Sailors working hard to ensure you receive your holiday packages on time.
December 16, 2016
Direct Line
CREDO Facilitator Richard Graves Greetings Sigonella, I am the new CREDO facilitator for the Sigonella region and come to you via Colorado Springs, Colo. CREDO (Chaplains’ Religious Enrichment Development Operation) is the Flagship Navy program for building relationship and communications skills through retreats and programs for single service members, couples and families. In addition, CREDO offers the military’s premier suicide prevention program with classes in Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), safeTalk, and Suicide Talk. I retired from active duty military service as a Chaplain with the US Army in 2016 with a total of 31 years of service (11 Guard and Reserve and 20 Active Duty). I served the last 17 years in leadership positions on the brigade and group-level and served as deputy garrison chaplain in Mannheim, Germany and actively participated in the planning and closure of the garrisons in Mannheim and Heidelberg. I have two deployments to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Over the last 15 years I have been trained in over 15 single soldier, couple, and family retreat programs and planned, coordinated, led and facilitated over 50 retreats in six states, on three continents, and in three nations. I am also certified in four units of Clinical Pas-
toral Education (and a member of the Association of Clinical Pastoral Educators), The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, ASIST, Critical Incident Stress Management, safeTalk, and the Army Ask, Care, Escort Suicide Prevention Program. I am an ordained minister in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod receiving my Masters of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo., and served eight years as a parish pastor in Kansas and Arkansas prior to coming on active duty. Before entering the Ministry I was a professional musician and played bass guitar in bands in Arkansas and across the South. I attended the University of Arkansas at Monticello where I graduated with a BA in History and a Minor in Music. My wife Renita, and I have been married for 38 years and have two children and two grandchildren. Renita is currently teaching English at Pike’s Peak Community College in Colorado Springs, and has applied for a position with Central Texas College here at the Sigonella campus and will be joining me after the first of the year. We will be with the community at Sigonella for the next three years and are looking forward to
meeting, networking, and working with the leaders, residents, and Sailors, Marines, and Airmen stationed here and providing quality products that will enhance and enrich the lives of those taking part in the programs.
Commanding Officer's Suggestion Box The ICE/CO Suggestion Box is for our community and Commanding Officer to discuss, with an eye toward constant improvement, how we are excelling* and how we can improve**. The Signature and NASSIG Facebook Page typically publish comments and responses for the benefit of the Sigonella community. Comments/suggestions are useful when objective, constructive, and specific. ICE/CO Suggestion Box is NOT a forum for mean-spirited attacks. * If you submit a "BZ" about a specific person or department, PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR NAME in order to ensure comment authenticity and therefore publically recognize employees or organizations. ** The Commanding Officer will ensure a response to all signed comments/suggestions and the vast majority of anonymous ones but reserves the right to disregard those comments/suggestions disinterested in the spirit of the program! There are two ways to submit; go to: 1) Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) home page on a One-Net computer at:, All Sigonella services are found under the Navy Europe Listing in the scroll-down menu. – or – 2) NAS Sigonella's website, go to the "About" drop down menu and click on "CO Suggestion Box".
Interactive Customer Evaluation Comment regarding “Galley Box Lunches”:
I've requested that I do not receive pork in my boxed meals due to religious beliefs. Over the past two months, the meals that have been provided in lieu of BAS, I have received six meals(breakfast, lunch and dinner) that included pork, totaling $99 in meals I was unable to eat. I've discussed with my chain of command, the circumstances with what I require in my boxed meals. On the box it is clearly and boldly stated "NO PORK PRODUCTS" should be included in my meals. Being that this is my only option for meals throughout the day due to shift work in security, I was then left no meal. I have paid out of pocket for a number of meals that I should not have had to pay for – $368.29 is the exact amount automatically deducted from my pay. It is unacceptable that I am paying for food that I do not and cannot eat. I am requesting a more focused and diet friendly meal plan for each of my shipmates.
I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. The Galley has a variety of meat options available for breakfast such as turkey sausage links, turkey bacon, cream beef and chicken Tocino that can easily be mistaken as pork products. In your case, you’re right that your breakfast box stated “No Pork Products” on it, and as a result, the Galley staff substituted your pork bacon option with turkey bacon on that day in question. Unfortunately, in this instance, the Galley was never contacted to clarify the matter. That said, to avoid any more confusion, I have tasked the Galley staff to label the food items that are being served (or substituted) in the respective box meals. In the future, if you have a question or concern regarding your box meal, please contact the Galley immediately at the following phone numbers: 624-5738 (+39-095-56-5738) or 624-2061 (+39-09556-2061). If you have any additional inquiries regarding the Galley, then please contact the Food Service Officer, CWO3 Francisco Marigundon, at francisco. or 624-5739 (+39-095-56-5739).
Comment regarding “LNs Shopping at the NEX”:
What is the policy regarding local nationals shopping at the NEX? During a recent visit, I was waiting in line and an Italian Local National wanted to purchase some Apple products. The NEX store clerk asked for her ID, probably
thinking she was a dependent. The lady said she was not a dependent and showed her Italian driver's license. The store clerk apologized and advised she could not shop at the NEX but did not escort her out of the store. About 10 minutes later as I was leaving, I saw her at the customer service cashiers making her purchase, and leaving with the products. Obviously, someone hooked her up. Can something be published in The Signature or AHM clarifying who is allowed to shop where because this base has some different rules compared to other bases?
The Navy Exchange has a strict ID purchase policy. No unauthorized shoppers are permitted to make purchases. Only authorized shoppers with proper NEX privileges are permitted to shop, and ID is requested prior to the sale being tendered. Cashier and Sales Associate training on this matter is consistent and frequent. I will once again visit this topic with my associates. Any information as to the date and time this purchase occurred would aid in identifying the circumstances and root cause in addition to pinpointing the associate who may or may not have done an incorrect procedure. As always, we appreciate your service and patronage. For future inquiries, please contact the NEX General Manager, John Sisson at 624-4379 or
Comment regarding “NEX 7-day Products”:
Why is there such a difference, negatively speaking, between the 7-day in Naples and the 7-day in Sigonella? I've been to Naples 7-day, and it is brimming with a broad selection of products. The shelves are always fully stocked, including specialty products, and prices are always labeled. Now look at the Sigonella 7-day: a large percentage of products do not have price tags, most of the time the shelves are bare, and they restock during the peak hours and the range of selection is nothing even close to what Naples has. It is really frustrating to leave my barracks room to stock up, and there is nothing at the 7-day. My other confusion is why everyone (foreign military, contractors, retirees, local national employees, etc.) is allowed to shop at the NEX, but it is not stocked to support this level of patronage.
"ICE" continued on Page 3
December 16, 2016
"ICE" continued from Page 2
Thank you for your feedback regarding the NEX Mini Mart on NAS 2. In the past three months we have increased selection to support the barracks on NAS 2 within our Mini Mart - increasing food options, both dry and frozen - as well as adding over 400 household good and small electric appliance items to better serve the community on NAS 2 as well as Marinai Housing. We are always striving to improve our organizations, and would gladly accept any feedback on specific items we do not have available at the NAS 2 Mini Mart. Goods are restocked as they become available in order to provide a comprehensive product offering; I apologize that at times this may occur during busy peak hours. In addition to the Mini Mart we have our full line NEX Main store located on NAS 1 with a wide selection of health and beauty, home goods, cleaning supplies, electronic items and clothing. As always, we appreciate your service and patronage and look forward to hearing back as to how we can better meet your needs going forward. For future inquiries, please contact the NEX General Manager, John Sisson at 624-4379 or john.
Comment regarding “Internet in Marinai”:
I am very dissatisfied with the internet service offered by the NEX as are many others at Marinai. I understand that the service provided is expected to be “up to 20 or 40 megabits
per second (Mbps,” and that technically anything from 0.1 to 20 or 40 would satisfy this requirement). However, I believe it is false advertisement when very seldom we obtain speeds higher than 10 Mbps. Due to these speeds the quality of our TV is very poor, with terrible definition and constant freezing. An excuse could be made that we are not in the United States, and that we should not expect that level of quality. My point is that I do not believe that we are getting the service that we are paying for. Quality is measured as the Voice of the Customer (VoC), and this is me as a customer making a statement that our service is not acceptable. Thank you for addressing my concern.
Dr. Jimenez, thank you for bringing this concern to our attention. The Navy Exchange has been, and will continue to be, working with our Telecom Italia service providers to streamline and improve service to our Marinai residents. I would like to have a technician come to your residence to assess the level of internet you are currently receiving and ensure that if there are any issues, we can address and rectify them. Please call our QOL office at 624-4974 (095-56-4974) and speak to Salvo or Rose and they will work with the tech assigned to Marinai to set up an appointment that works for you and your family. Again, I apologize for any decrease in service and please know we are constantly working to improve internet in any way we can. For future inquiries, please contact the NEX General Manager, John Sisson at 6244379 or
Petty Officer 3rd Class Shawn Hill Dept: Public Works Hometown: Kenwood, Wash. As a Seabee stationed at NAS Sigonella, Petty Officer Hill can be found most days in the HVAC Shop handling routine maintenance assignments on boilers and chillers and enjoying the diversity of his work. In between responding to emergency calls, he also repairs air conditioning units, from basic repairs to technical issues. During a recent emergency call involving a severe leak, Hill had to break open a concrete wall and utilize his patching skills on the copper piping in addition to prepping it for later repairs. “It’s about taking what seems to be an immediate problem and turning it into an opportunity,” he explains. Hill enjoys his life outside of the Navy as well. He has ventured out of his comfort zone and is learning Italian. He hopes one day to become fluent. “I have taken an interest in straying away from being a home-body and formed a deeper affection for learning about and respecting cultural differences.” Hill got married in late 2016 and loves spending his free time with his new Italian family as well as playing video games when he is not traveling with them. Hill also has become a heavy competitor in the European “Tough Mudder” elite fitness challenges, which are more extreme versions of the widely known Spartan Race. He plans on crossing rates into the medical community and getting serious about Special Warfare opportunities offered by the Navy with hopes of one day becoming a doctor.
Hill has made the most of his time here by traveling to Amsterdam and Glasgow and is planning on venturing out on a large holiday with his family this year while planning for the end of his Sigonella tour. While he is sad to leave Sicily, one thing he is looking forward to is driving in America again.
THE SIGNATURE U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA Commanding Officer Capt. Brent Trickel Executive Officer Cmdr. Charles G. McKinney II Command Master Chief CMDCM Mike Kaszubowski EDITORIAL Public Affairs Officer Lt. Andriana Genualdi Assistant Public Affairs Officer Nicole Ybarra Community Relations Officer Dott. Alberto Lunetta PAO Staff Writers \ Photographers MC2 Ramon Go YN2 Gabrielle Milly CONTACT US Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily DSN 624-5440; 095-86-5440 PSC 812 Box 7, FPO, AE 09627-0001 PUBLISHER Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884 Fax 081-568-7887 This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of The Signature are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense (DoD), or the U.S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD or Stampa Generale S.r.l., of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factorof the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Signature is published weekly by Stampa Generale S.r.l., Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy. Tel. 081-568-7884. Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: Editorial submissions are welcomed from all Naval Air Station Sigonella departments, divisions and tenant commands. Editorial submissions should be sent to the Public Affairs Office via mil, guard mail stop #68 or hand-delivered to our office no later than the close of business on the Friday proceeding the expected publication date. All articles submitted by non-staff members will be considered contributing writers. The Signature will not publish any anonymous articles. All advertisements in this publication are the property of Stampa Generale S.r.l. Any reproduction of advertisements in The Signature is unauthorized without the written consent of the publisher.
December 16, 2016
Public Works Sailors Give Back to Sicilian Community By po2 david mortenson Public Works Department
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – In San Giovanni La Punta there is a place that was once known as Isi Village. A restaurant/hotel that has seen better days, the property sits abandoned by its previous owners. Now under new management it is being renovated for a good cause. As part of a PWD FCPO 365 initiative led by Petty Officer First Class Malcom Marcewicz, PWD Sailors participated in a COMREL to restore the buildings. Eventually, the goal is to have enough of the property restored in order for it to be used as a summer camp for an orphanage. In the early morning of Nov. 19, a group of 25 Seabees trekked out under the threat of inclement weather. Rainstorms coming and going all day weren’t enough to deter them. Much of the work involved clearing out the debris from the long neglected estate. Piles of trash were carted away, ditches filled in, and old supplies were relocated. Inside one of the buildings a small group spent a considerable amount of time sanding down plaster. The next group after them painted over the freshly prepared walls. Much cleaning and preparation was accomplished at the work site, but a lot more still needs to be done. Marcewicz is planning more outings in December and January as part of continuing efforts of the Public Works Department to reach out to the community and make a positive, lasting impact.
Sailors help restore a building for a community relations project in the town of San Giovanni La Punta Nov. 19. (Photo courtesy of Petty Officer David Mortenson)
Need an appointment at the hospital? Call DSN 624-CARE (2273) or commercial: 095-56-2273, M - F: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For non-emergent medical questions that arise over the Weekend, Holidays, or after office hours, please call the Nurse Advice Line at 800-877-660 (local/Italy only) Need a medication refill or results from your Provider? Create an account with Relay Health using your PCM... (click: register, patient, then add PCM)
December 16, 2016
NAS Sigonella to Collect Radon Detectors From NAS Sigonella Environmental office
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – NAS Sigonella will begin collecting radon detectors to complete a one-year test of radon gas concentrations indoors as part of an ongoing Navy-wide program. Personnel from the U.S. Department of Energy will retrieve radon detectors from Navy facilities at NAS I, NAS II, Marinai, and Niscemi. The detectors were placed in basements and ground-level indoor spaces inhabited at least four hours daily. The radon detectors, called alpha-track detectors, were placed in buildings in January 2016. “In order to account for seasonal changes, radon detectors will be collected in January one year from the time they were installed,” said Kristen Bass, the base environmental director. Radon is a gas that is naturally occurring from rocks and soils. It is present in outdoor air but may collect in basements or ground-level
spaces. Indoor environments are commonly studied to determine whether radon is present at high concentrations. Long-term exposure to radon gas at high concentrations can potentially impact health over time. Testing is the only way to verify indoor radon concentration. Navy facilities in Sigonella were last tested in 1990, but the base infrastructure has since changed necessitating the completion of the new study. “Should elevated radon levels be detected, we will work to correct it as soon as possible,” said Bass. “Elevated indoor radon levels may easily be mitigated by properly ventilating spaces and upgrading building foundations.” Results from the study, which will be published by NAS Sigonella, are not expected to be available until the fall of 2017. For U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency information on radon, go to www.epa. gov/radon. Call the Environmental Office at DSN: 6242725 if you have questions.
December 16, 2016
Sicilian Rural Traditions Come Alive at Custonaci Nativity Scene Story by alberto lunetta
Travel back in time 2,000 years ago to Bethlehem and discover a beautiful corner of Sicily where the island’s rural experience is brought to life! Scurati is a little village where time seems to have stopped. It is located a mile from Custonaci, a town near Trapani nestled on the slopes of Monte Còfano. Every year, this picturesque spot houses one of the most beautiful living nativity scenes in Italy. One hundred thirty-six active quarries from which the valuable Perlato di Sicilia marble is extracted, surround this enchanting “villaggio.” The “Mangiapane Cave,” a majestic rocky quarry from the Paleolithic period is the actual backdrop for the Presepe Vivente (living nativity scene) itself. The cave is named after the household that lived in it from the 19th century to the end of World War II. Through the years, small houses, stables and an oven to bake bread were built around the cave making it similar to the Bethlehem scenery. The surrounding quarries host the other nativity scenes’ characters featuring about 160 local re-enactors performing 65 different craftsman and vendor activities. Most of them actually demonstrate their working skills, since they are professional craftsmen. The living nativity scene tradition, which dates back to 1983, derives from the celebrations in honor of the Virgin Mary of Custonaci. During these celebrations, religious dramas were staged at a sanctuary located nearby, a tradition which has been going on since 1971. Traditionally, on the night of Dec. 24, a torch light procession from the sanctuary to the cave and a brief religious drama is staged. The Virgin Mary riding a donkey will knock at the door of an inn asking for hospitality. But she will be told that there is no room available, therefore she will have to stay at the cave. Custonaci is fairly easy to reach from the Castellammare del Golfo exit on the Palermo-Trapani highway (A29). Follow directions toward San Vito Lo Capo and drive for about ten miles along the Trapani coast until you get to the Custonaci exit.
Paolo Gentiloni Named New Prime Minister of Italy Story by neonline
Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella asked Italy’s foreign minister to form a government last Sunday. The 63-year old Gentiloni will be Italy’s fifth prime minister in five years. His government must win a vote of the confidence this coming Wednesday. That is a test he is expected to pass as the Democratic Party still commands a majority in parliament. However, the Five-Star movement that currently leads the polls is demanding immediate elections. They are likely to abstain to delegitimize the process. The current electoral mandate will formally end in 2018. Elections are likely to take place much earlier, but Gentiloni will first have to deliver on two short-term objectives. The first is to manage an unfolding banking crisis, which may lead to some bail-ins for as many as eight banks. That is considered central to the stability of the Eurozone. The second is to
"PRIME MINISTER" continued on Page 14
Custonaci hosts living Nativity scene. Make sure to mark this event on your Christmas events’ calendar. There is a spot in Sicily where you can actually walk through the characters of a Nativity scene. This amazing corner in Sicily is named Scurati, a little village where time seems to have stopped. It is located a mile from Custonaci, a town near Trapani nestled on the slopes of Monte Còfano. (photo by
The 35th edition of this amazing Nativity Scene will be on display on Dec. 25 and 26 through Dec 29 and from Jan. 5 through Jan. 8. There is also a shuttle bus service that will take you from the Custonaci historic center (via Monsignor Rizzo, near the sanctuary) to the caves in a few minutes. For more information visit,
December 16, 2016
From Libya to Syria, Iraq, US Navy Fights ISIL from the Med From U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs
NAPLES, Italy (NNS) – The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (Ike CSG) resumed support of Operation Inherent Resolve, Dec. 6, launching sorties from the Eastern Mediterranean. Simultaneously, elements of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) continued conducting precision air strikes against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) targets in Sirte, Libya, from amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) as part of Operation Odyssey Lightning to support Libyan Government of National Accord-aligned forces fighting there. Quote: "U.S. 6th Fleet is fighting 'Daesh' on multiple fronts, simultaneously supporting three combatant commanders. As a flexible, adaptive force, we are committed to defeating Daesh, we are committed to our NATO allies and partners, and we are 'where it matters, when it matters.'" Vice Adm. Christopher W. Grady, Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet Quick Facts: U.S. 6th Fleet is concurrently supporting three geographic combatant commanders:
U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, and U.S. European Command. The Ike CSG returned to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations Dec. 4. It had previously operated in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations, conducting strikes from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea from June 28 to July 7, completing 116 sorties in support of OIR. Ike CSG consists of aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 3, guided-missile cruisers USS San Jacinto (CG 56) and USS Monterey (CG 61), and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 with associated guided-missile destroyers USS Roosevelt (DDG 80), USS Mason (DDG 87), and USS Nitze (DDG 94). Operation Inherent Resolve demonstrates the deep commitment of the U.S. and regional partner nations to eliminating the terrorist group ISIL and the threat it poses to the international community. Wasp is deployed as part of the Wasp Amphibious Ready Group to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations to support maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. Commander, Amphibious Squadron 6 commands the Wasp ARG, which consists of amphibious dock
landing ship USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41), amphibious transport dock USS San Antonio (LPD 17), and Wasp. The 22nd MEU is currently embarked on the Wasp ARG. Since Aug. 1, the 22nd MEU had been conducting precision air strikes against ISIL targets in Sirte, Libya, from the Wasp ARG as part of Operation Odyssey Lightning to support Libyan Government of National Accord-aligned forces fighting there. Both Wasp and San Antonio conducted sorties in support of OOL during their time in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations. U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied, joint, and interagency partners in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. For more information, visit http://www.,, or For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet, visit
MEDITERRANEAN SEA (Dec. 6, 2016) An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the Gunslingers of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 105 prepares to launch from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) in support of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR). The ship is deployed as part of the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to conduct naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Nathan T. Beard/Released)
December 16, 2016
Sigonella Ho
December 16, 2016
oliday Party
December 16, 2016
Sigonella Religious Ministries Department Worship Services Phone Numbers: NAS I 095-56-3975, NAS II 095-86-9049, Chaplain Duty: 335-831-4493, RP Duty: 335-786-1950. Facebook page: Air Station Sigonella Chapel
NAS 1 Mondays AA Meeting: 1800-1900 Tuesdays Protestant Women of the Chapel......0900-1100 Daily Mass: ..........................................1130-1230 AWANA: ..............................................1645-1900 Youth for Christ (YFC) Youth Meeting: .....................................................1200-1430 Wednesdays Protestant Men of the Chapel: ..........0600-0700 Daily Mass: ..........................................1130-1230 Catholic Ladies' Guild (3rd Wednesday): .....................................................1600-1800
Thursdays Daily Mass: ..........................................1130-1230 Youth for Christ (YFC) Youth Meeting: .....................................................1200-1530 Choir Practice: 1630-1800 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): .........................1800-2030
Catholic Religious Education (DoDDS): .....................................................1045-1200 Protestant Service: ..............................1100-1200 Latter-Day Saints Service: .................1330-1600
Fridays Daily Mass: ..........................................1130-1230 First Friday Mass and Holy Hour: ....1700-1830
Wednesdays Knights of Columbus (1st Wednesdays): .....................................................1700-1800 Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC): ....................................................1800-2100
Saturdays First Saturday Rosary and Mass:.......1100-1200
Thursdays AA Meeting: ........................................1800-1900
Sundays Catholic Mass: .....................................0900-1000
Sundays Protestant Service and Fellowship:....1800-2000
Weekly Traffic Report: Dec. 5 -12, 2016
Ristorante Bella Etna
Breakfast: $3.45 Mon - Fri: 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. Weekend / Holiday: 7-9 a.m.
Lunch: $5.55 Mon - Fri: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Weekend / Holiday: 11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Dinner: $4.85 Mon - Fri: 4 - 6 p.m. Weekend / Holiday: 4-6 p.m.
As a reminder to everyone: There are no PTUs allowed at the Galley. Appropriate athletic gear is authorized at the discretion of the Galley staff. Please remember that for sanitation purposes and for the consideration of other customers, if you have been out for PT, been working out at the gym, or have just been engaged in any physical activity where you and or your clothing has become soiled or sweaty you will be asked to turn around.
December 16, 2016
Environmental Management System: What You Need to Know! From NAS Sigonella Environmental Office
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – An Environmental Management System (EMS) serves as the framework for managing the installation’s activities in order to minimize impact to the environment. It provides for the establishment of processes and procedures to: • Identify requirements • Define how we are going to manage • Implement the process and check how we’re doing • Seek ways to continually improve!!! A key element in developing an EMS is to establish an environmental policy. Naval Air Station Sigonella’s (NASSIG) Environmental Policy Statement is the foundation of the EMS and reflects our commitment to integrate mission accomplishment with environmental stewardship. This policy statement is communicated through the acronym, “CARE”, which summarizes the key concepts: C - Comply with rules A - Always improve R - Reduce waste E - Eliminate The second step of developing an EMS is identifying environmental aspects and determining which ones can cause the most significant impacts to the environment. An aspect could be energy usage or a specific waste stream generated from one operation. The most significant aspects require procedures to define how their impact to the environment can be controlled or minimized. At NASSIG, our significant environmental aspects are: spill/release prevention, storage tank management, and drinking water compliance. What is your role? All personnel working for or on behalf of NASSIG have roles and responsibilities regarding the EMS. Each employee must know what NASSIG’s environmental policy is and how it relates to their job. All personnel should know what significant environmental aspects are related to their job duties, what environmental requirements apply to their job and which procedures to follow, and what to do in the event of a spill (Contact NASSIG Emergency Dispatch @ 911). For more information, please contact your environmental office at 624-2725/9601.
December 16, 2016
December 16, 2016
GAMEZONE Christmas Tree
Find and circle all of the Christmas Tree words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional word.
"PRIME MINISTER" continued from Page 6 reform Italian electoral law so that the same electoral system elects both the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate. While the Chamber of Representatives envisages granting the first party bonus seats, Senators are elected on the basis of proportional representation. Following the defeat of Renzi in last week’s referendum, Gentiloni will have to
December 16, 2016
return to a single proportional representation system. Gentiloni began his career as a journalist, before entering mainstream politics as a campaign advisor to the former Mayor of Rome Francesco Rutelli. He became an MP in 2001 and has served in two cabinets: first, as communications minister (2006) and then as foreign minister (2014-2016). Gentiloni will remain true to a pro-EU tradition, and he is considered one of the chief advocates of a European Defense Union.
Your Guide to Christmas Shopping in Sicily By alberto lunetta
If you are planning some Christmas shopping, you should know that you have a lot of opportunities to strike a bargain in the local area. Shopping out in town is not difficult if you follow some basic tips and avoid being a worrywart about traffic, parking or driving on the economy. First of all, remember to check opening hours. Keep in mind that all clothing shops and department stores are generally closed on Monday mornings. Despite this new trend, “riposo” (the Italian version of “siesta”) is still generally observed. Therefore, don’t go shopping from 1:30 to 4 p.m. You might find your favorite store closed! Department stores are an exception to this rule, as they usually remain open throughout the afternoon until late night. You should also remember that it is difficult to find a shop open after 8:45 p.m. As for parking, it is always suggested, wherever you are in Sicily, that you find a parking spot before you enter the historic center of a town, where usually all the shops are located,
since the streets are narrow, traffic is chaotic and some areas are restricted to vehicles. Once you decide to go you should remember that, generally speaking, if you want to buy a high-quality craft item, such as ceramics, for instance, you should purchase it where it is manufactured. Souvenir shops usually located in the most touristic areas on the island display nice handicrafts but don’t offer the variety and quality of items available from specialty shops. Caltagirone is a great place to buy good-quality ceramics. The city lies atop a 600-meter hill and is pretty close to NAS II. As you arrive in piazza Municipio, the main square, you can start your shopping tour by checking the “botteghe” (workshops) located in the neighboring streets. Craftsmen in Caltagirone still follow ancient techniques handed down by their ancestors dating to the medieval times. Moresquestyled, polychromatic, and renaissance floral patterns painted with vivid colors (deep blue, gold yellow, manganese) decorate tiles, vases, stoups, washbasins, candlesticks, plates, bowls
and oil-lamps. As for Christmas goods, you may also find unique crèches and other holiday ornaments that would make a perfect Christmas present for you beloved ones. If you decide for a “classic” present you may consider checking Catania. The city offers two main shopping areas: Via Etnea, via Umberto and Corso Italia. After having parked near the port area to avoid getting caught in a traffic jam, you can start walking toward via Etnea through the Uzeda gate located in Piazza Duomo next to the Fish Market. As you stroll through elegant Baroque buildings you will find the two Macy’s-like department stores such as La Rinascente and Coin. There you can buy high-fashioned clothes for men and women (dresses, shoes, gloves, ties, shirts); lacework, jewelry, leather goods (handbags, cases, boxes and luggage), ceramics, gold and silver items, straw, embroidery, glass, tableware and crystal ware. Shoppers looking for Sicilian Christmas pastries will have a lot of opportunities to find their favorite delicacies in the via Etnea cafes. All bars and baker-
ies (but you may also check the nearest to your house) display on their bright and enticing windows Christmas cakes such as the Buccellato (crust ring shaped cake filled with dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, rum, and spices), Mustazzoli (cookies made from majorca flour and filled with cooked wine mixed with pine-seeds and nuts), the raviole (fritters filled with sweetened ricotta), the crispelle (rice fritters covered with honey) or the classic torrone (almond nougat flavored with either lemon, orange, chocolate and more). Almond pastries and marzipan fruits are also considered as Christmas sweets although they are also available throughout the year. J.C. Penny-like department stores are also located throughout Misterbianco, near Belpasso and the Catania airport and they are usually open all day long and sometimes even on Sundays. Via Etnea is also dotted with classic clothing and footwear stores for men, women, and children. As you get near the public gardens in via Etnea, you
may check a neighboring street named via Umberto where you will also find some interesting shoe stores as well as ethnic shops which sell fair trade products including crafts, fashions, foods, beverages, paper and cards. If you are looking for a sharp Armani suit or a fine Gucci purse, you are in the right country since these fashion items are a bit cheaper here than they would be in the U.S. But remember that if you want to find a good quality item you should walk a lot because there are no big shopping centers in Corso Italia, mostly small boutiques offering all brands and styles. Your shopping trip through Corso Italia’s high-fashioned boutiques could start by parking somewhere in Piazza Europa and then walking through this elegant shopping area lined with Condotti, Armani, Calvin Klein and more shops. Jewelers, sportswear and Oriental rug stores are also located in the area. And don’t forget to check leather shoe and handbag stores. They are among the best buys in Italy.
December 16, 2016
Could You be Sig's Next Big Star? By Serena vigo
NAS SIGONELLA, Sicily – One of the many benefits of bringing children to overseas duty stations is the opportunity to expose them to a new culture. Naval Air Station Sigonella is certainly no exception and parents can look forward to showing their children the many things Sicily has to offer, from food to music to the many unique festivals. But wouldn’t it be nice if parents could offer something back to the culture that will, undoubtedly, have a lasting impression on their children? The good news is that one lucky child will have the opportunity to leave a lasting impression by starring in a short film directed by Giovanna Sonnino Brogna. Mrs. Brogna tells the story of Agata, a
cleaning woman who cannot read or write and must survive in a hostile world. Due to a series of events, she meets a young boy named Orlando. Orlando lives in his own world with animals as his only friends. During a vacation in Catania, Orlando becomes fed up with his family and decides to get lost to enjoy a day of freedom. He meets Agata and in spite of their great differences, the two share a little adventure among the narrow streets of a city that has always coexisted with an active volcano. Their adventure will expose them to new worlds and open them up to change. If you are interested in becoming more than an observer of the Sicilian culture and know of an 8 to 10-year-old boy to play the role of Orlando, please contact Ms. Serena Vigo at 328-301-1340 or
December 16, 2016