FSL IN THE MEDIA/SOCIAL MEDIA La presentadora Brenda Pérez habla con Karley Rojas, asistente de investigación del Programa de Soberanía Alimentaria de Cal Poly Humboldt. https://www.yout ube.com/watch? v=D089fFLyrlE
https://now.humboldt.edu/new s/harvesting-cal-polyhumboldts-seaweed-farm-video
Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Institute harvested, processed, and distributed bull kelp out to local community members and to the Wiyot Food Boxes Project The Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative held their ninth annual Native Youth in Food and Agriculture Leadership Summit. Connecting Indigenous youth interested in food and agriculture, as well as presentations from inspirational and educational speakers from the National FFA, federal officials, and industry experts. https://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=zqczvDJikvk&t=6s
42- Progress Report Summer 2023