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.And AOMl 'IGTllATlON of the
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and Ceremonies of the Church, ¾
The Prote:flant Epifcopal Church IN
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·D I ST R I CT O F P 6 ' N SY L V A N I A 1 IO
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E it remembered, that on the Seventh D y of Augufl, in the Fifteenth Year of the Inde end en.ce of the United States of America, vV I LLI A 1 HALL, of the faid Diflricr, hath depofited in this Office the Title of a Book, the Right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the Words follo, ing, to wit : " The Book of Common Prayer, and Adminiflra " tion of the Sacraments, and other .Rites and Cere " monies. of the Church, according to the Ufe of the '• Protefiant Epifcopal Churt'h in the .United States of ' '' America : together with the Pfalter, or Pfalms of� " David. "�In Confori;nity :to the Act of the Con grefs of theUnited ::5tates, entitule� "Ari Act for the Encouragement of Learnfog, by fecuring the Copies of Maps, Charts and :Books, to the Au,thors a� Pro l')rietors of _fueh Copies, · during the Times therein mentioned.'·' SAMUEL CALDWELL, Cieri of the DijlriEI
of Pe_m,Jj/,va�ia,
T A B L E of,
c· 0 N T E N T S.
IE Ratification �f the Book'16 The Mini!lr:uioo of Baptifm to fuch as arc or Riper Years, and of amnion Prayer. able to anfwcr for themfelves. !l The Pr face. an at chifm; that is to 3 The rdcr how the PfoJtcr is ap- 17 A In!lruclion, to be learned by eve ointcd t be read. ry Peden be.fore he be brought to rdcr ho,., the Ren of the -¼ T c be confirmed by the Bifhop. Holy cripture is appointed to onfirmation 1 or rdcr of 18 The he re d. 1. yin on of Hands upon t hoft: 6 Tables of LcITon of Holy Scrip that arc baplifed, and come to ture, to be rend at [ornin nnd Years of Difcretion. Evening Prnyer, throughou� the 19 The Form of Solemnization of Year. Iatrimony. 6 The Calendar. 7 T blcs and Ru lea for the Moveable !lo The Order for the Vifitation of the ick. and Immoveable Feafu, together l with the DJy of FaRin and Ab- 21 The Communion of the i k. IHl The Order for the Burial of the flincnr.c throui;hout lhe Year. Dead. 8 Tables for finding th� Holy Da_ s. 1ornmg 113 The Thankfgivin of Women af 9 The Order for Dady ter Child-Birth; commonly call Pray r. ed, The Churching of \,V men. 10 The Order for D:iily Evcnini; 24 Forms of Prayer to be ufc<l at Pra ·er. Sea. 1 • P.-�ye s nnd Than fgivings upon Jcvcral Occaf1ons, to be u� d be- 25 A Form of Prayer for lhe Vifita tion of Prifoncr . fore the two final Prayers of 26 A_ Form of Prayer and Thankf iv ervicc. lorning and Evenin g rng to Almighty God, for the 12 The Collccls, Epi!lle., and Gof . Fruits the of hout the Earth and all the pc:1s, lo Sc ufed throug 0ther Blcfrrngs of his merciful Year. _ Prov1clence. 1 3 The Order' for the Adminifiration of the L_ord 5 Supper, or Holy 2 7 For�s of Prayer to be ufed in F:i l md1es. Communion. The Minillrntion of Public Bap- 28 S�leclions of Nalms, to be ufed 1 4 rnflead of �he Pfalms for the Day, tifm of Infants, to be ufcd in the Church. at the Ddc:ret1on of the Mini[ tcr. 15 The Mini/lration of Private Baptifm of Children in Houf s. 29 The Pfaltcr, or Pfalms of David.
a :z.
Book of Co1nni.on Prayer.
r the BISHOPS,
the CLERCY, a11d the LAITY of the Pro tejlant Epifiopql Church in the United States of .llmerica, in . c-oNVENTION, thi, Sixteenth D ay of O llo6er, ;,, the 1· o Lord On! 'l' h ufa11 d Serven Hun Ired and Ei h -11im:: g ty of our
q'his Co11vemion, having in their jJrcfint Sej/ian fit forth " oIT COMMON PR.AYER, AND ADMINISTRATION or- Boot. 'SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER RITES AND CERE 1ONIEs -rHE oF THE CHURCH," do hereby ejlablifo the /aid Book: .1111 ,1 f clare it to be the Liturgy o this Church ; and require, thlj de thal it !J'e recei'Ved as fuch hy all the 1'vlemhers of the fi me: .And 1hi1 Book foall be in Uje f rcm and afler ibe F "rfl D ay ol' oaober, in the rear of Our Lord O,,e CJ/Jo ifa11d Sc'Vfll Hun� './ .,._,.11uty. �, tired and
a 3
T id a mofi: invaluable part of that bl �<l " liberty cwh t'Wit _ CHRIST both made us free '-that, in hi worfl,ip, different farms and ufages may without offence be allowed, pruvic!, ed the fuhjlnnce of the faith be kt:pt entire; and that, in every
cburcb, wbat cannot be clearly c.lekrmin d to bdopg to doBrine muft be referred to di fcip/ine;. and therefore, by common confent an<l authority, may be alter cf, abritlgetl, enlarged, am nderl, or
otherwife difpofed of, as may feem molt convenient for the e<lifi _cation 1,f. th·e people, " according to tlte various exigencies of tir:ne and occ3fion.s." 'the CttURCH of ENGLAND, to whiclr the Protefiant Epifcopnl Church in thefe States is indebtecl, under GOD, for her fiTfl � un <lation anti a long continuance of nurfing care anti proteclion, bath in the preface of· her book of commo.n prayer laid it down as a .rule, tbat-" Tb.c particular forms of divine worfl1ip, and the rit and ceremonies appointed to be ufed tberein, h in.g things in tlH:ir own nature indifferent and alterabl , and fo acknowltdged, it is but reafonable tbat, 1lpoo weighty and ir.nportant confideration , 'according to the. vai:ious. exigencies of times and occafions, fuch changes an<l a\teratiOJ1S fhould be made therdn, as to thofe who are in places of :1t1thcrity fhould, front time to time, feeJll ciU1cr • nee 'ffary· •or. expedient.' The fame Church h:;!th not only in her priface, but lik'ewife iu l)er articles anrl homilies, declared the neceffity and expediency of cccafional al_terati0ns and amendments in her forms of pu!Jlic wor :fbip; and we find acc.or.c\ingly, th;it, fceking to " keep the happy ,nean between too much jl!ifnifs in rifujing anc.1 too mnch m.Jinefs i11 admitting variations in tl1ings once advifedly dtablill1eJ, fhe hath, in. the. rcig_n of feveral P..rinces, fince the firfl: c.ompiling of her li.t1't8,J.r
The· P R E F A C E. upon jurt .ind weig ht y on• turg in the tirol! of Edward the Si th, l m ke fuch .1lteratio11:.1 fidcrations, ber ther unto movir, , yiddetl tim s were tbought con jn [omc particulars, as in their rcfpecrivc c:ffential p rts of the fame venknt: Yd fo as the main hotly and fr:ime and or er there• the in as (a w II in the chiefel\: mt1tcri11ls, of) ha e llill been co11tinuetl firm n unfbak n." " Her gen r;il aim in lhcfc different rrviews ·and alterations ha h· b en (as fhe further clt-clarea in her foid prc.:fJC ) to do th t \\ hich, accoruing to her b ft un l rnanding, might moO: tend to tbe pre ferviition of pe(lce ,ind unity in the church·; the procuring f re
ee, and the exciting of pict · and devotion in the wur01ip of ver n n d Go ; a d (finally,) the cutting- off occafion, from th m that f<.:ck ili n, f cavil or quarrel again(\: her liturgy. And although, o cc : o o rding to ht'r judgment, there be not " any thing in it con a cc Word of God, or to found dochinc, or which a god trary to tht: oan may. not , ith a good confl:ience ufe aurl iubmit unto, or ly r ich is. not fairly dt:fc:nfihl , if ;i\\owed fuch juft ;ind favo.urnble wl i 11{lruct,0n, as,. in common equity, ought to be: allowec\ t all 00 yet, upon ,the principl s already laid down, it an w itings;·:· r 110rn ot but be fupp fc�. d , that further. alle1atiun w,,uld in time he ci n n d t'xpedient: i\.ccordingly, a comm1ffion for a review was if foun the year 1689 : But this g_rei\t .u1<l good work mifcarried {Ltl·,1 in e; and the civil authority has. not.li111.:e thoug ht proper tim _ ;it t1;at t c:vi ve. i by_ any new commiffiot •. r to r 13ut when, in, the courfe of divine providence, tht'fe Ame ican States became i11depende11t with refptcr to civil government, fh ir eccli-Jiaflicai i11depmdmce was nectlfarily included; and tbe difftrc:nt o religi us tknominations �f chrillians- in thefe States were ltft at fnU. i and equal l berty to modd .,nu nrg:inize their n·fpective churches
and forms of wor01ip and difcipline. in fuch manner as lhey mig ht judge moll: convenient for tlteir future prof11·erity; co:11iftently wirh, the c n!litution and l:\ws of their countrr.. T.h c
· :.,,-:
The P R E F A C E. Tl.Jc at cntion of thi churc 1 , in the Cirft place, dr;n n t t hofe alter tion in the liturgy which became n ceffit ry in lbt: pro;
nr Ci ii Rulers, in confcqu nee: of the rcvo u ion: And tbe principal care herein was to m.tk them omform.tble
us for
what ou6bt to h the pro rend of all fuch prayers, namely, th, " rulers may hav · gr. e, wifdom an un<lcrfi;mding to execut jufiice and t maintain truth; and that the people may lea <1ui and peac :ible live , in all go<llinefs and honefi-y.' Ilnt while th ii alterations were in .re-vie:w before the late Co • v.E�TIO , they could not but, with gratil11J1: to G0d,
mbracc lh
-happy occafion which wa offer cl to them (uoinfluence ancl un. rellrained by any worldly authority whd fot:v r) t la e a 11rtbt: revien' of the pub/it: faMJiu, and to fiablifh f11cb other a teration and amendments th rein as might be cl emecl xpedi nt. Jt feems unneceffary to enumerate all the diffi rent a ter;itions and amendm�nts. They wi I appear, ;in<l, it i to be hep d, the reafons of tllem alfo, upon a comp:irifon c.•f thi,s with the book common pi-ay r of the Churd1 of England. In which it will alfi app ar, that this Chur h i far from intending t d�part from th Church of England in ;,ny cffcntial point of doctrine, difciplin or worfhip; or further than local circurr.!bnce.i require. And now, this important work bfing brought to :i conclufion, it is hope,! the whole will be receiv d ;111d xamined by every tn1e member of ur church, ;ind · very lincer · chrillian, with a meek, candid and ch;irit.1blc frame of mind; without prejud:ee or pre poffi ffions; frriouOy con_lidering what cbrijlianity is, anJ what the truths of.the gofpc:1 are; and earncetly bt:fceching Almighty Gou, to acccmpany with hig bleOing every endeavour for promulgating t'bem to mankincl in the clearefl:, plainelr, moll affecling a1Hl ma.
jeflic manuer, for the fahe of Jefus Cbrifl:, our bleffed Lord ancl Saviour.
� ':he
ORDER hD'W rhe Pfalllr is appointed to /; rtn .
very 'lonth, :,. it ·e II E Pfalter 01:iH be r ;id through nc h for Momin� ;tnd Evc_ning Pray_ r. TI11t th re :ippointeJ, r a only to th Twemy-e1gb b or rw nty• jn Peb r ,ory it Otall _ nth. Mo the of ninth Day Au.,,!fl Oflober, ;1ntl An wh reas 'January, Marcb, May, July nt: and Thirty Da s ap·ece · it is rdercd, Th, t J)ecembe r, have r :id the !aft ay of the faid Mc n hs, which fhall !ms P�· me the fa may hebin again th were read the Day bef. r ; � that the.: Pf.liter Firft Day of the next 1 nth enfuin�. I Pfolm i ivic!e int ' [f Portions And where" the i 0 v r long to be r ad :1t one Tim�; it is ro ordcrc-d, That at :tn time �rn_ll not_ b r , d ::ib ve ur or hve f the ;.iiJ Portions. one he M1n1_ftt:r, 1nncad _f r ndms from the Pfal er as divided for T ;md Eventng Prayer, may tak from the Set �ions J)aily Morn1_ngChur ch. this .. . fc::t out by on J?ays of Fafiin_g a_nd Thankfg!ving. appointed ith r by And, il or hy- the Ecclellafbcal _Authrm_ty, �he Minin r may ;ipt'he· Civ fuch Pfalms as he fhall think fit in Ins ifc,· ion uni Ci t P 0 �n fhall have been appointe<l by tbe Ecclelia!l:ical Auth�rity in �n Service frt' 01ft for the Occafion; which, in that Cafe, frtall' b o other. ufc<l, and n
Proper P S A L M S 011 certain D aJ·s. Morning. Evcnin1,t. CHRISTMAs-DAv, Pfalnrn 19 Pfalms 39
85 6 3 7, 38
40 54 57
3 1, 1oz, 130 1 43 64 88·
113 l f4 ll8 :2.4
:104 48 68 1 45 of any one infrea<l Selections, the of one ufe The :M:inifter may rtions. Po ve abo of the 'If The "\iVH!TSUNDAY'
� 'tbe
how tbe
,fl of th
ed to Ire read.
Holy Slr-ipu,e is oppoiltl-
for th Firt1 Leffi,ns at Mornin E O d Tdl mt:nt is . pp,,int .1nd Evenin Pr y r · f., as LIi mofl: P,1rt thereof will be ea every Year one , as i11 the Calen c1r is apµ iotcd.
The I ew Te ament is appoin ing ;ind Evening Prayer.
d f r the Second Ldfons at
rl!:id ev1:ry .1y, look for the And to know what Leffnns 01. II I D y of the 1 nth in th Cal ndar following, and tht:rt: •c lhilll fin th C_haptc::rs th:it lh:ill be. read for the Lt:ff ns. both at JV[orning n Eveni ng Prarer; e,:ccpt only the 1ovi;:ahle Fearbi, which :ir no· i 1 , the Cal ndar; :i11d th lrnmov ablt', where thc1 e i a Ul nk le ti the Column of Ldf.111s; the propc-r Lelfona for all which Day11 are t b found in the Tabl of Proper Le!Tons. A�d, on_ Da) s of 'p,:ifting :in Thankfgiving, the fame. Rule is to. obta111, a 10 reading the Pfalms. And the fame Difi retion of Choice is ::iilowed; on Occafi'ons o Ecclefla!l.ical Conventions and tbofe of Cbaritabl Coll<: ion11. And note, That whenfoevcr Proper Pfalmi1 or Leffuns are appointed, thrn the Pfa'lms and Leffons of ordinary Courfc:· appointed in the Pft1lter-and C.tleudar (if tht:y be ctiffc:rent) HHl'll bt:· omitted for that Time. , Note alfo, Th:it the Collect, Epirtle, and Gofp�l, appoi !'1 terl _for th Sunday, ilia1l ferv all the Wet:k after, where 1t is not m tb1s Boo otberwife ordered.
� T A B L E S of L s s o cripture, to b
s of Holy
read at Morning and Evening Prayer,
throughout the Yi:ar.
A TABLE of Leffon's for .Sunday . UNDAYS.1
i)ll Ld'wn. c 011d Ldfoo. -----, F,�n Lclroo.' cco11d L Iron. Rom. 10 Luke 1 to v 89 [I: 1 h 2 1 S. in Adu. Ifa,oh 1 1 :i 24 J. v. 3 2 s 14 26 3tou19 28to1123 3 Malt.3tov13 30 32 4 1Cor.1 Luke z v 25 40 35 2 1 S. aJ. Chr. 41 Mark 1 to 11 6 -42 Heb. g 2 · Mm. 2 v 13 or. 3 44 1 S. of. Epi. 45 51 John1vll9 52to1113 13 2 fatt. 4 11 h 2 or. 4 3 54 5,'i 1 57 Lu.41114Lo33 59 5 Matt. 5 61 6 . Gal. :: 5 8 66 6 65 5 . . Jere 7 ere. 22 Eph. 1 Sept. Sun<{ Luke 7 v, 19 36 35 Sexag. Sund. 2 Mark 6 to..v u11d. Lam. 1 30Lam . 3 to 1139 Quinq. 3 Matt. 10 !Jere. 9 in. Le nt. Jere. 7 1 4 Lukc1otov23E:?c,18 Ezc.14 .5 2 2oto1127Mark9tov30 201127 6 3 Luke 19 v 28 Hab. 3 Mic. 6 Philip. 1 4_ 21 Hag. 2tov1 Zech.13 3 5 Matt. 26 Dan. 9 Mal. 3 & 4 Heb. 5 10 o 11 6 6 . Rom 37 V 2 to 1 ,EX? . X?· 12 Day. V 37 r Aas 2 V 22 Ea/it of. Eojl.-Ifai. 43 Alls 1 Ifa1. 48 1 Cor. 15 1 Hof.13 3 Hof. 14 CololT. 1 2 Joel 3 v. 9 3 Mic. 4 5 8 Mic. ,; 6 Nah. 1 1 Thcf. 3 4 ?ceh. 8 8 v5 Zech. 10 4 5 .John 17 Zcph. 3 2Thcf.3tO.l'l? .Afcen, .Joel 2 Whrtjrmday. iDeut. 16 tov 18 A els 4 to v 36 Ifa1. 11 Acl-s 19 to v .21 Gen. 2 1 Johns . Matt. 3 Trin. S1mday Gen. 1 A& 9 to v 32 1 :!m. 6 6 3 1 S. of. Trin,, 10 1stov192.r1m.2 9tov2c, 2 1J 3 & �,te V 9 ;J. 2 J J7
s. ef,'
T A B L E of Lelfons, Su:soAva.
firft Lclfon, 4S.t1_;t;Trin. Gen. 43 6
8 9
9 1.1 .,;um. 16 23
10 l1 12 13
20 21
23 24 25
17 18 19
!l8 Deur. 4 to u 41 Mat- 18 8 33 Jofh. 23 Judges 4 1 Sam. 12 2 am. 12 l Ki. 8 to
'ccond Ldfon. Fit n Lcffon. · cond Ldfon. 1 ilus 2 & 3 lO Gen. 45 Rs I
6 7
Dan. 6 Prov.1. 3
11 13 15
23 115 ,hrk 4 13 Luke 13 15
3 7
8 9 10
24 Oeut. ,'i 7 9 34 Jofh. 24 Judg. 5 1 Sam. 17 11 am. 19 1 Kings 8 18
1122 lO 62
13 Jamca 1 a 3 1 5 1 Pee. 1 2
3 4
e Pct.
1 John 1
Prov. 2
2 'i. 19 Dan. 7 12
Jude I? John.
(\. T
10 12
l J.
50 Exo. 5
A TABLE of Lelfons for Holy-Days.l HOLY-DAY .
Pro,•. 21 Prov. 20 St. A11drtw. 24 23 St. T/uJmuJ. 1 , atiuif)'· lfaiah 7 v. 10 to �7 lfainh !) to v. 8 1 LeCTon 3 v. ,i to 9 "itus Lu c 2 lo ti. I 5 2 L�!Ton St. St,phcn. Pr v. 28 ' Ecclcf. 4 1 LcITon 7 v. 30 to 55 2 Ldfon Ac. 6 v. 8 & ch. 7 tot•. 30 els St. John. 1 LeITon Ecc-lcf. 5 Ecclcf. 6 CV. 2 LcIToo Rev. 22 l Jcr. 31 .to v, 18 l1111ou11ts. l Wifd. iji Cirwmc on. Gen. 17 to v. 15 1 Leffon Deut. 10 • 12 Rom. 2 2 Lefforr Col. 2 Epiphany. lfaiah 60 1 Lcffon Ifaiab 49 John Rom. 11 2 LeITon 2 to v. 12 t. Paul. Convt,:Jion 1 Leffon Wifcl. 5 6 Wifd. 22 to v. 2.2· Afu e Lefron 26 to v. 24 Atls fi Puri . Virgi11 Merry. Wifd. 9 Wifd. 12 19 Ecclus 1 St. Mo11!iit1s. i Annup. Virgin l 'Iary. Ecclus 2 Ajh-Wcd11ifd'1.)'· lfaiah 59 Jonah 1 Leffon 3 6 v. 20 Luke 2 Leffon 2 Pct. 3 Monday /Jifo1·c Eojl-tr. Dan. 10 1 Lcffon tlofea 11 Jolin 14 2 Leffon ojl ifo Tutjilay b rc E cr. 1 Leffon Dao. 11 to v. 30 John 15 2 Leffon Wed11rj. before Eajler. 1 Leffon Dan. 11 11. 30 John 11 t·. 15 2 Leffon • Thurf. before Ef!fler. Dan. 12 l Le!lon John 13 2 Lelfon Good-Friday. Hai ah 52 v. 13 & ch 531 1 Leffon Gen. 22 to t'. 20 Philipp.2 John 18 2 Lt!fon A TABLE b
A_� ABLE of Lelfons for Holy-Da VE
G. c Lc:ff.,n
J on. in £ijhr Wed.
1 Ldfon 2 Lc:!Ton Tuif. in EAjlcr II tel. 1 Lc:IT011 c Lt!Ton
St. , forlt. t.
8 St . .]_.:, es.
1 LeJfon 2 Lelfo11
Zech. 9 Luke 23 v. 50
Exod. 13 Heb. 4
E od. 16 fall. 28
J o, a,
Ifaiah 26 tor. 20 Luke 24 to l'. 13 Ecclus 4
Ifai:ih 12 � or.� 5 Ecclus 5
1 1 II. ,(3
1 Ldfon 2 Kin. 2 2 Lelfon · Luke 24 . 44 fon. in l'hit. IYult. 1 Lclfon Gen. 1 1 to t•. 1Q
2 Lc:ffon or. 12 Tut). in fl 'hit. If/ult. 1 Lclfon 1 am. 19 v. 18 2 Ldfon 1 T-ht". 5
9 10
4 to v. 1 7
or. 14 to v. 26
St. Ear11oba1.
1 Lcffon , Ecclus 10 2 Lc:lfon Ath 1 ,1
St . .John Raptif'_. St. Peter.
1 Lc:lfon 2 Ldfon
1 Lelfon 2 Leffon
St. 1ama.
St. 1Jortltolomcw. St. Mattluw. St. Miclzocl.
1 Lcffon 2 Leffon
3 3 Ecclus 15 as 3· Ecclus 2J
Gen. Alls St. Lulu. Eccl us St. Simon & St. Jud,. Job
4 14 to v. 13 Ecclus 19 Atl.s 4 Ecclus 22
38 312 to v. 20 5t 24 & 25
Dan. 10 11. 5 Jude v. 5 to _16 .Job
1 Leffon Wifd. 3 to v. 10 . \,Vifd. 5 to v. 17 2 LcITon' Hc.1111 .32&c.12tov.7,Rcv. · 19 to v. 17
__ ;;;;;;=�==--;.:::;;=;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;==:=====:J A T ADLE
A Table of Leffons for
1 Leff.
L ff.
Matthew I z 3 4
3 5 7
9 1-z. 14 16 18/ov.17 19 to v. 30 :z.rtov.21 2,'2, '2,4/ov.32 1,5 to v. 19 26 to v. 17
1 Lefl;,
2. L ff.
G nefis z 4 6
Rom. t :lo 3 4
s to v.
21 5 v. 21 Gtov.16 6 v. 16 7 8tov.1g 8v. 18
9tov. 18
9 v. 18
1,8 1,9 v. 15 3ov.i5 3 [ v. 25 32 v. '1.4 34
II 12tov.1,2 12 v. 1.2 13tov.31 13 v. 31 14 15 to v. :z.1 15 v. 21
37 40 4I V, 37 42, v. 25 43 v. 15 44 v. 14
16 17 18tov,21 18 v. 21 19 20 to v. 17
Converjion of St. Pau!.
------ ---1 -------·--·
1·A Cirmm:z. b cijion. Genefis 1
3 C 4 (l 5 I! 6 f 7 g 8A 9 h IO C xrd I 7. C 13 f 14 g 1511\ 16 b 17 C 18 d 1'9 e 20 f 7, I ' 1,2 A 1,3 b '24 C 25 d 1.6 e 1,7 f zF g z9 A 3c b 31 C
b z
Ir 13 15 17 18 '1.0 21 '.LJ 24 25 26 :z.7
v. 17
v. 1,1,
6 7 8 9 10 JI 12.
v. 3:z. 13 v. J9 14 v. 17 15 v. 30 16 z9 to v. 15 1 Cor. 1 30 to v. 25 2, 31tov.25 3 3� t? v. 24 4 33 5 35 6 39 4ttov.37 42tov.1,5 43 to v. 15 44tov. 14 45 to v. 16
7 8 9 JO II ) 2,
r:;::le of Lelfon for -��� 1
Purifi. IT. f.
, I L ff. '2, Ldf. I Lcrr. r. 13 Ge .45v.16Ma .2.ov.17Gcn. ,.6 i;:.rtov.::.3 14 2.1v.::.3 47v.13 15 47/ov.1 21.tov. 2.3 49 16 48 50v. 15 tCor., 5otov.15 2.::.v.:i.3 E O • I ZJ Z '], 4tov.18 24 3 3 4v.18 25fov.31 S 4 z5v. 31 6 v. 14 6tov.14 5 7 26 tov. 36 8/ov. 16 6 9tov.13 :i.6v.�6 8v.16 7 S 1O/0V, l'.l Z.7 9 \T, lJ JO V. :u 2.8 JJ 9 IZ v. 37 12 lo v. 37 Marl- l >O 14 to v. 1 5 13 ::. 11 14 V IJ 3 IJ H 16 4/ov.26 IJ r 4 v. 1,6 19 G:1. 1 18 20 5tov.2.1 zrtov.18 z 5 vt 21 zztov. 16 ZI v. 18 3 4 z3/ov.:20 6tov.30 z2.v,16 5 24 6v,30 :23v.20 6 32v,15 71ov.24 31.tov.15 7 v. 24 Epb. I z 34ln\',:27 8tov.27 33 -40 8 v, 27 34 v. :27 3 9tov.30Lv.19v.19 L.J9tov.19 4 :24 9 V, 30 'lJ 5 26 v. 21 Rom. 12, 10 tov. 31. 2.,6 lo v. 21
13 b r C 15 d 16 e 17 f r8 g 19A ..,c b 2,JC 2::.d 2.3e 7.4 f S. Mat25g tbia1. 2 6A 1.7b 28 C 29 ·,i, Not . �hat, except in evuy_Leap-rMr, VEBRUAR y hath 1,.8 Days only.
A Table of Lelfons for CALBN i d 2 e 3 f
s A 6 b
8 d 9 e f
• r4 15 16 I7 18 19 10 14 11 3 '22,
I g A b C
13 e JI Z4 f
1,5 g 19 1.6 A 8 27 b 2.8 <.:
161',9 cl
5 3C e 31 f
, --
. 1 Leff. 2 Ldf. I Len: N11.utov:24Mar.xov. 31 l II, II V, 24 13 II J2 I2 fov. 28 14 v. 2.6 I4tov.26 16 v. 36 12. v. 28 16tov,36 13 2.0 17 14 tov. 16 2:Z. ZJ 14 v. :z.6 '-+ £3 15 ZS 2.7 16 30 3I/ov.2.5 31 v. :i.s Lu.1/ov.39 31, l V. 39 36 H z tov.40Deu.1 v.Y9 De.I /ov�I9 '.2 v. 26 Z v. 40 zto v. 1,6 4/ov.2.5 3 3 5toV,Z'1, 4 4 v. 25 6 5 v. :n 8 6 tov, 20 1 6 v. '20 IO 9 7tov.36 ''1, lI 7 v. 36 14 13 8 tov. 1,6 16 15 18 8 v. 1.6 17 9tov.37 1,0 19 9 v. 37 Zli :u 1otov.15 'Ann. IO v. ZJ 25 Z4 of V. 11/ov.29 2 7 Mary 26 JI V, 29 28 /ov.15 1,8 v. IS • 12 30 29 13 31 31, 14 34 33 •
h 3'
2 Leff.
Philip I z
Colof. 1
4 1 The. 1 4
2 Tlie.1 z 3 . 1T1t1:1.1
z, 3
1, Tim.1 z 4
Tit.us 1
'2., 3
Philem. H b. l z
A T ble of Leffons for
CALENDAR I g 2 2 3 b
18 ?
II C d J i3 e 1.q f 9 15 g 16 A I7 17 b 618 c; 19 d
lC C
ZI f t:t g i3 A i4 b 25 C iG d l'j e L8 f 1.9 g 3oA
,. L�lf. 1 L IT. 1, L ff. Joni. :z. Heb. 3 Luke15 16 4 6tov. n 17/ov.2. 5 5 7 /ov. 16 6 17v.-io 6 v. 11, 8 tov. 11 l 8 /0 V. 3 I 7 v. 16 9 8 18 V, JI 8 v. 14 19tov.2.8 xov.15/028 1O/0V. JJ 12 /0 v. 11 10 19 v.z8 v.28 13 Ir Z2 V. 'l-1 '20 24 v. 19 J 2, 24tov. 19 :Z.1 13 2:Z. /0 V • 3 I Jud. 1 v. 2:z Ju. 1 tov. 22 1 V. 1 1 ames 1 2.:Z. V. JI � /0 V. 11 3 v. J :z. :z. 3 lo V. J 2 23 24 3 4 6v. uto2.5 6 /O V. I J oh. 1 tov_. 2.9 Iv. 29 v. 25 7 5 8 v. :Z.2. 1 Pet. 1 2 8 to v. 22 3tov. 2.:t 9tov.z2 9 v. 2.2 to46 3v.2-1JO v.46 3 JI v. 29 4 JI to V. 29 4 11. 'J 3 2. Pet. 1 15 6/0V,2.2 14 16v.2.1 2 6v. 22. 16tov.2, 18 I 7 tov. 31 17 3 St. 1 John 1 7 v. 32 Mark 19v. :u 2 8 tov. ZJ 19tov.22 2.ov. 26 8 V. :Z.l 2.otov.26 :11 v. 16 21 tov. 16 4 9 10 to v. 22 Ruth :z. Ru. 1 2,3John 4 10 v. 21 I 3 I
I 3
MAY �-¼
A Table of Leffons for M CALE
MOR •11-,c PRAYER.
2 Ldf. z Leff. I L tr. b·S.P.& 2 c S.Ja. r amucl 1 ohn JI lo v. 30 1 Sa. z lo v. :u Rom. I 1,v.30 z v. z:. 3 d z 3 J 7. to,.. :!.O 4 e 4 3 5 J 2 v. zo 6 4 s f 7 13 6 g 8 s 9 14 7A IO 11 6 b 15 8 12 13 7 9 C 16 14 v. 7.4 8 14tov.24 17 10 d 15 16 9 Il e lit 17 V. 30 IO 17tov.30 f 19 IZ l� JT 18 ZO 0 ZI Jz J3 g 21 J A z 1, 23 13 Acts • 24 zs I'S b 14 2 z6 16 C 27 IJ z8 17 d 29 3 16 4/ov. 23 1.8 e 30 JI I Cor. 1 4v.23 zSa.2, z Samuel 1 19 f 2, s,tov. 17 z.c g 4: _3 3 SV•I1 6 1, J 5 4 6 7._ 2 b 8 7 3 . 7-'tov C 10 Z3 9 II 7 v. 30 12 24 d 7 8tov.26 13tov.z3 13v.23 e 1.5 8 8 v. 26 15 26 f J.I. 9 91qv.23 16 17 JO 1,7 g 1,8 A 9 v. 23 18 19Jov.16 11 Iotov. , 19 v. 16 12 20 1-9 b JO V. 34 21 '1,Z 13 3P C I I to V. 19 24 14 31 d '23 1
A Ta le of Leffons for Ju MORNI
2 f
18 2.otov.22 21 i2. v. 29 1 Kings z 8 JO • J,:.
2.3 f
2.6 h Baprifl
2.7 z& d 29 JC f
J Leff. z Leff. J Leff. to v. z A ts I I V. I 9' l i. r v. 28 1 J'l, zlov.1.6 :!. V. ::.6 1 3 lo v. r 4 i. 4 3 I JV. 14 6 5 14/ov.19 8 7 JO 14 v. 19 9 11 V. 2.6 11 tov.16 15 IZ. 16tov.14 3 16 v. 14 14 IS 17/ov.16 16 J 7
2.4 g Wat.o 25 A S.John
19 17 v. 16 20 v. 22 18 IOV. I 8 2.2. IOV. 29 ,8 v. 18 19/ov.21 zKin·sx 19v.2.r 3 20/ov. 17 20 V, l 7 7 21 9 11 22 13 23 IS 24 17/o'v.::.4 25
26 2.7/ov.:i.1 :i.7v. 21 28/ov.,7
28 v. t 7
17 v. 24 19 to v. :z. 20
18 19 v. 20 21
zL ff. Cur. 15 16
6 7 8 JO II 11 13 :r :t 3 4
A Table C I-& '0
Lelfons fo juL , .
!l Leff. llt. I '2.
4 V, l
• lo
5 J
11 G
13 \', 15 'Z.
Je d
15 g
b 18 C r9 d I
Btov. 18 8 v. 18 9 tov. 18
9 v. 18
V 1. 1 12. v. :i::. 1:3tov.31
l 3 V, 3 i 14/ov.1,1, 14,v.22
Jj V 21
z-;i A 24 b is c St.Yam. 1,(-,. d
7 (: 28 f :1.9 g 30A' 31 b
5 v. :it 6 tov, 16 G v. 16
11 1'2. IO
15 tov. 2.1 16 17
24. .27 1-9 3I
I i.c:ff. fa. 3 5 7
5 tov. 1J
10 I:,
v. 17 4 v. 17 to
9 v. 10
e 2.I f
22. g
Ev£ 1.·c PRAVHR.
18tov.u 18 v. '21 19 to V, I 6 19 v. 16
,. Lct1:
I ::t 3
4 "· 13
1310,.15 £ft. I
1Th f. I
9 lo V, 2
5 ?
1 J ,t. J
2, 3
) I
13 15
2 Tit. a
I 7
21 23
26 28
30 32
Titus 1 £, 3
Philem. Heb.
A Tab!
of L ffons for
·I -----.--ALIWDA
I L rr. 33
9 4.1 Pro. 1 tov. zc 2. 4 6 tov. 2.0 7 9
:rr IJ
15 16 I7 18 19
14v.16 IJV.2.l
C d e f g b C d e f g A b
eel, l
29 C
3'- d 31 e
3 ,5 7. 9 II
____ _
J Leff. ob.3
zi tov. 2.3 36 21 \', 2.3 ;r8 z1. tov. 1.3 40 2. z \', z 3 4 2. 2. tov. zs Pro. Iv. 2.0 23v.23 3 z to v. 1? S 6 v. 20 24 v. 29 z5tov. JI 8 10 z5v.3r 26tov.36 12.
z7 28
J8 2.0 2IV, I7 22 v. 17 2J Y, 2.2 25 "-7
2.,I 22. z3 24 2.5 26 z7 28
2. 3 4/ov.26 4 v. 26
JV, zl 6 tov. 30 6 v. 30
7 tov. 2.4
7 v. 2.4 8 to v. 27 8 v. 27 9 tov. 30 9 v. JO lOIO V, 32
2. L ff. cb. 4
6 7
8 9
15tov.2r .l6
17v,15 19
:u tov. 17
II I:. IJ 1 2. 3 4
t. I 2.
2.2 tov. 17 4 2.3tov,22. 5 2. p t. 1' 2'42.6 2
31 eel. 2. 4
I John I 2. 3 4 5 2.,3Joh11 Jude Rom. r
�'=============S=E;;:;;P;;;;; T=-E= M-B;;;;; E;;;;;;: R;;!Jr
A Table of L ffons or C
l f
r6 18
h. C
I 3 cl
r4 e
15 f 16 g
r1 A 18
.e $. Mat•
f theczu.
zS e 29 t
s. Mich.
3o g_ & ',all A.
48 v. 25 49 v. 23 50 v. 21
15 17
25 17
6 v. '1.0 7tov. 36 7 v. 36
8 v. '2.6 9tov. 37 9 v. 37 l Oto v. 2 5 lO V, z5 11tov.29 JI V. 29 ,12
6 1 10.
30 32
l L ff.
z tov. 4c
44 47
Z7 d
1tov.39 I v. 39
4 '
.Z,.'J b
}3 g
C PR;\ . ER.
z v. 40
E E.·1
1ark xov. p Jcr. 1,/ov.1c 1{om. l l 3 12 to v. 8 4 v. 19 v. 28 6 l l3 1 . 21 14tov.26 9 14 v. 16 1r
22 24
zO <.I
MOR,, er. r
l I
c Cor. r
45 & 46
48 tov. z5 49 tov. 23 5otov.11 srtov.35
13 14 rs
I:i (.'
s or
f 1 Leff. L :r. Leff. 1 Leff. rCor.16 er. sr \", 35'Lu ,eq 1. l 2Cor. 1 JJ 16 'l 3tov 37 l 7 IOY, 2. 4 3 17 v. 10 Eze . .r 18 to v. 31 3 s 7 18 . 31 13 6 14 19tov.18 18nv.17 7 18 V. 17 33 ID V,2.l 19 V, :z.8 8 JJ V, Zl 20 34 9 lo 21 an.1 Da. 2tov.2· Z V, 1.4
11 /0V,Jl
4 I f 12. V, JI 5 14 s 6 23 7 14 8 , rs A Gal, 9 10 II I6jb ob. 1tov.29 1 v. 19 Hof. 1 12 17 c ::. I d St. Luke 3 tov.22 1� 4 9 elE ang. Hof. z, 3 6 s ,, 3 v. 22 f 1 Eph. g 4 7 u g IO 1zA 5 9 lz 6tov. 2:z. 11 . ::. 6 V, ,a I4 l� 14 C 7tov.31Joel2/ov.15 15 d oel 1 7 v. 32 1 v. 15 J :z.6 e 810 v.21 Am. 2 Phil. 211 f Am. 1
28/gS.Simon 29 A &S.Jude .& M. 3dl · 3 I bl.ll C
8v.zI 9
10/ov.-:.2 IO � • 21
4 6 8
II 12,
13 r
3 4 5 6 1 3 4 s 6
4 I
rr-.�-�:.ble �� fi --d.i,fll_ :. e Saint; 3 f Day. g 11
' J ll C
d g
19 A
zc. l> z_J re_
1:z <l
C f
g 1.6 A
z7 b 1.� C 1-9 de s.A11d. 0
15 16
I ah.
17 18
Zeph. 1. ::lag. I • • Zech. I
e J7 f
12 v. :Z.0 13 14
Hal>a. 1
12. to v.1.0
19 '7,0
Hab. Z p.
JI 13 Mal. I
3 Ifaiah I 3
JO V 20
4/ov,'?.3 4 v. 1.3 5/ov,17
5 v. 17
8 v. '26 9tov.1.3
IO V. 34
6 8
9 v. 23
rTim. I
1}1!2.�:.• J5
J 2,
4 (i
7/ov.30 7 v, 30 8tov.i6
Hag. 2
1. Ldf.
Ob;idiah Jon. 1.
Jobnr,tov.3 I IV, 30
I Ldf.
h.,A I !J b
Amos 9 Jonah 1
�:�:�:v��-r ��:
6 zTim.i �
JO I� 14 Mal. 2 4
Philem. Heb. 'l
6 8
1otov1.0 J (
'-, 3
A Table of Le!fons for DECEMBER·. DAR..
f :2,
r Leff.
Hai h l 16 18
4 h
20, :it
6 d
e f
16 g
18 b 19 C :20
21 e St. Thomas. :12 f :i 3 :2,4
:2.5 b Chrijlm. ti. 26 c St. Stt:j1hen.
2.7 d St.'Jol:m, E. 28 e bmocents,
?.9 f 30 g 31A
55 51
61 63
t John 1
58 60
:2 I
J?. J
50 2 Peter 1 2, 52.
:z7, 2.3
:26 :28
3 3 36 4 38 40 1 Peter r 42 7, 44 3 46 4
47 49 51
19/ov.2.1 19 v. 7,1 2otov. 17 :io v. 17
go acnes
16tov.1 .16 v. 14 17 tov. 16 17v.16 18tov.18
33 35
t3 d
13 v. 14 I4foV.J 14 v. 19
8 f 9 g
! :z. Leer:-- r Leff.� Ltff. ltsu tov. 19 lfaiah 15 Hebr. ? 11 v. 19 17 8 19 J :z. 9
7 e
II b 12 C
i7 tov.21
1,7v.2x �8 to v. r 7
,62 :z. John
z 3
64 j John 66 Jude
28 v. 17
• , T A B L E S and R U L E S for the Moveable and Immoveable F E
A ST S ;
Together with the Days of Falling and Abilinence through .the whole Year.
to know when the Moveable Feails and •
Holy-da) s begin.
ASTER-DAY, on which tbe rell: depend, is always the Firfl: Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon, or next after, the Twenty-firfl: Day of March; an<l · if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eafter-day 1s the Sunday .;ftcr. Advent Sunday is always the ncarect Sunday to the Fea.fl: of St. Andrew, whether b fore or after. Septuagefima Sexage!ima Q.ginquage6ma Qi!a<lragefima Rogation Sunday • Afcenfion-day Whitfunday Trinity Sunday
l I
n Ni e Wt'eks before Eight Sun d ar 18 Eail r. Seven Six Five Weeks Forty Days after Eafter. is Seven Weeks � Eight Weeks .
A TABLE of Feafts, to be obferved in this Church, throughout the Year. All Sundays in the year. The Circumc:ifion of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Epiphany. The Converfion of St. Paul. The Purification of the Blelfed Virgin. St. Matthias the Apoftle. The Annunciation of the Blelfed Virgin. St. Mark the Evangelift. St. Philip and St. James, the Apofiles. The Afcenfion of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. St. C z.
·'I' A D L E
t. Barn:i as. The ati ity of St. John the Baptift • . P kr the • ofile • . Jam s the Apoftle. St. artholomcw the poftl • t. al hew the Aponte:. ichael and all ngcls. , l. t. Luke the Evaogelift. t. i1no :ind St. Ju c, t Apofil.::s, All Saints. t. A Ir the Aponte. t. Thomas t c Apoftlc. he a i ·ity of our Lord JESUS CHRIST • . S ephcn the Ma�l)'r. t. John the: Evan�elift. The Uoly Innocents. �londay and Tut:fd;iy in Eafi:er Wee l nda)' and TucfJay in \ 'hitfun · ek. A
A fb. W dncfday.
F /\STs.
Otl er Da s of FASTir-C; on .whi ch' the Church requires fuch a Meafure of Abftinenc , as is more efrecially fuited to extraordinary Acb and Exercifes of Devotion. 1fr. The eafon of Lent. • mb r-days at the Four S('afi ns, being the� � • Th efday, Friday and Saturday after the firfi: Sunday in Lent, the F ;ift of P ntc.:cof1, Septemher r4, and Decemb r 13. 3cl. The three Rogation Days, being the Monday, Tuef day arttl Wednefday before Huly Thurfday, or th Afcen!ion of our Lord. 4th. Ail the Eridays in the Year, except Chriftmas-Day. In Addition· lo the above, the firfl: Thurfday fn November (01·, if any other D:iy be appointed by the Civil Authority, then fu h Day) 01all be obfervl'.cl as a Day of Thankfgiving to Almighty Goel, for the Fruits of the Earth, and all olher Bleffirigo of his merciful Providence. ,r TABLES
BL ES for fi11di11g the" HOLY-DAYS,
TA B L E to find' HIS Table contains fo much of T EASTF.R-DAV, from the the a!cndar i s is ncce!fary for p rcfe!"' t Time till the y ear the deter mining of Ea//er ; to find _ 1899 10cluf1 c. umber which, look for the Go1den Golden Day of the ttnday of the Year_ in th �rl\ olumn of the Lette r . Table, agamll: which fl.ands the Da lonth. umber. k ____ r----- ___ of the Pafchal Full Moon; then loo· LetSunday the for olumn third in C March z 1 J.l. tcr, n xt after the Day of the Full 2. 1 D 3 loon ; and the Day of the Mont_h T I '-3 Randing againll: that unday Letter 1s F 24 ll Eofler-clay. If the Full Moon happens G 25 upon a Sunday, then (according to A 7.6 19 Lhe firfi Rule) the n e xt Sunday after 27 8 B :s Eojltr-day. C z8 To find the Golden Number or D 29 16 Prime, add on t the Year of our E JO Lord, and then divide by 19; the Re. 5 F 31 1naindcr, if any, is the Golden umG I I 3 - Ap r il ber; but if nothing remaincth, th en A :z, 19 is the Golden Number. :z, 3 B To find the Dominic 1 or Sunday C 4 Letter according to the Calcn-_ IO A D dar, until the Y ar 1799 inclu- 0 5 E Gve, add to the Ye r of our 1 6 18 F Lord its Fourth Part, omittin 9 � :F 7 g .1 Fracli ons, and al(o G the Num- 3 8 D bcr 1 : Divide the Sum by A 15 , 9 7 ; CI and if there is no Remainder,1 IO 4 B thrn A is the Sund ay Lette r: ___ It .. C _ But 1f an Numb er y remain eth, then . 12 D the Letter flandi ng again ft that NumE I J.3 ber in th fmall annexed Table, is the F 1'1 Sunday Lett r. G 15 •9 For the next Century, that is, fr'?m I6 A the Year 1800 till the Year 1899 11117 B J7 clufivc, add to the curr nt Y car only ..I 8 C 6,• its fourth.Part, apd then dividti! by 7, 19 · D and proceed as in the lafl Rule. E 7.0 •Note That in all -BiJJextile or LeapF Years, \he Letter found as a ov� will G be the Sunday Letter from the 111terA calattd Day exclulive, to the End of the YtJr, B
1 41 %
C 3
Another TABLE to find EASTER till the Y ar 1899 incl ufi v â&#x20AC;˘
Guldt'.11 umb. l TI. JI[, IV. V.
A B C D E F r, _____.____.____ 1 ___, ____.,. ___ 1 :i.o 14 15 April .r6 17 1819 April 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mar. z6 27 :.8 19 '1.J 14 zs 17 A pri I I 6 II n I3 14 J5 3 April z. 6 Mar. JJ Apr. 1 4 5 April 1.3 :.4 :15 19 zo 2.1 n April 9 xc r, 11, r3 14 8 April ,. 3 Mar. 28 2.9 3c 31 Apr. , April 16 17 18 19 2c zr u April 9 1c II 5 6 8 7 30 31 25 Mar.16 27 :z.8-i9 April 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 April z 3 -4 s 6 7 8 Mar. 26 :,.7 z8 22 2.3 '-4 zs rc 11 xi 13 April 16 14 15 31 Apr. 1 4 s Mar. 30 April 23 1819 20 :u :a Ap,il:.3 2,4 April 9 IO IJ Il 13 7 8 28 19 30 JI Apr. 1 April 1 Mar. 27
O make Ufe of the preceding Table, lind the Sunday J .etter for the Ye:.r in the Uppermofr Line, and the Golden Number, or Prime, in the Co. luma of Golden Numbers, and againfl: the Prime, in the fame Line under the Sunday Letter, you have the Day of the Month on which EASTER falleth that Year. Bur, Note, That the Name of the Month is fet on the Left o Hand, or juft with the Figure, and f lloweth not, as if! other Tables, by Defcent, but collateral. I
AT ABLE of the Days on which'EAsTBR will fall for thirty eight Years, being the time of two Cycles of the Moon. Years of Golden The Epacl: our Lord. Number .
·--1786 7
90 I 2,
.6 7 8 9
...s 6 7
8 ·9
I 1
6 7 8 9
I J :z.
12 14
_15 16 17
l :z. 13
. 19 :i.o 21
15 16 17
I 4-
18 l9
6 17
J 1,
4 IJ;
March April
March April
March April
I6 8 'l, 3 J 2. 414 8 I :1 0 5 :I. 7 J6 8 14 I3
Ma � 4pril
AG F E G 1�· E D
18 19
15 16
4 5 6 7
1 •
3 4
Sunday Letter
March April
March April March April
F �
M;irch April
,. 3
:z. :z. I4
8 0 :z. 6 l4 8 4 3 :z. I
A T BL E of the Moveable Fealls, according to the feveral Days tha Eajler c:in offibly full upon. .,l't1
-·n.. "O ::r"'
-0 :,
.. �
Iar. 22 93
April 1
8 9
c,, n
Q.. ..
.., a,a '< ,.
3 4
.. ,.
n' c.-
0 C
� ::,
5 6
8 9
1c I I
30 1
ov. 27 28
25 25 25
Nov. 27 28
::, ,..
ov.27 28 29
24 1>4 24 13 4 30 9 24 Dec. I 14 4 10 24 2 l J 15 s 24 16 s 12 3 23 Nov. 27 17 13 5 23 27 28 14 5 28 29 7 23 19 s 1.5 23 30 29 16 20 5 30 17 2 21 981 23 De6. l 5 23 10 •l 8 ; 2 22 6 19 _a June 1 23 11 23 6 3 22 2 20 Nov. 27 12 29 241 6 22 1 21 o ;28 3 6 3 � _ 25 __ Nut�. Th t in a B:ffcxtile or L{!ap-year, the Number of d ay s after Epip!Jany will be the fame, as if Eajl4r-d,1y had fallc:n one Day later than it really does. /\11d for the fame Rt:afon one Day mu.fi; in ,:,.•cry Lc,,p-yca1' ,be ad.th d t.o the Dpy o the IVlonth given 1;,y the Table for Sej;tuagif,ma Sundar. 10
l I
1. t.
4 4
.,I ,.
�> :, Q..
.; 'C -
3 4
- .. > . 30
2 !! • !!
r" ::r
,. en
2 2 2 2
-..., -•::..;
A T A B L E to find EAsTtR-DAv, from the year ,goo to the year 2199, inclufive. ___ Golden Day ol thl w1d.1y 01 h. Cltcr.. ---· , ___ •D E F II G A 27 B J9 ,. , C 8 ?.9 D 3c
JO 18
JS 4 J 7, l
9 17 6
11 G A
C D E p G A 9 JO B II C J2 D 13 E F J4 15 G 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 D ?.0 E :1.l F 22 G A :1.3 24 B 2.� C 4
HE Go den
umbers in
t�e for going Calendar • out t h e D ays o f t J 1e oint will p chal full I\IIoons, till the LoRo I oo;
which Time, in order that the Ee 1 fiallical Full Moons rttay f 11 nearly on the fame Days with the real Full 1\,foons, the olden
umbers mufl: be re
moved to di ercnt Days of the alendar,
as is done in the
annexed Table, \ hich cont ins Ci much of the Calcn<lar then to be u fc , as is nee fia ry for 0
Rncling_the P fchal Full Moons, r and the Feall: of Eajier, f om
the Y car 1900,
to the Year
z 199, inclu 1ve. This Table is to be made ufe -of: in all re fp-�s, as the Firft Ta le, be fore inferted, for fi�ding Eajler ill the Y ar 1 899.
GENERAL TABLBS for finding tbe
Domini :ii
umb rs in the
Le ter, and tbe Pl us oJ Iba Gold n
-- --- - ---
6 4 3 s --- ------- --A G F D E C B -----------------1700 1800 ----- ------2,
2000 .2900
--- --32.00
1700 2800
3500 36co
--- - - - --- --- ----- - --- --- ----6500 -- --- --- ------- --- --- - --- --- --8roo --- --- --- - --- --- --3800
4300 4400
5100 5200
5900 6000
6300 6400
67cc 6800
7100 7200
7900 8000
8300 8400
3900 4000
O find the Dominica! or Sunday Letter for any given Year of our Lord, add to the Year its fourth Part, omitting Fratlions 2nd alfo the umber, which• in Table I. fiandeth at the Top of th� Column, wherein the Number of Hundr ds contained in that given Year is found: Divide the Sum �}' 7, and if there is 1;0 Remainder, then A 1s the Sunday Letter; but 1f any ·umber rcma,neth, then the Letter which frandeth under that Number at the Top of the Table, TABLE is the Sunday Letter.
. \l ' I
I3 - --- I
Y ars of our Lord
I6oo 1700
1900 '1000
:Z.-Z.00 :z.300
B 1,400
1.600 1,700 B 1,800 2900 3000 3100 D 31.00 3300 3400 3500
B 3600
'1, :z,
4 5 5 5
6 6 7 7 7
8 9 ·8 9
4300 B 4400 4500 4600 4700
-5000 5100
of our Lord
B 5200 B
I 7.
15 16
B 6000 6roo 6200 6300 B 6400 6500 6600
6700 B 680.0 . 6 900 7000 7100 B 72.00 7300 7400
5300 5400
5800 5900
Y '"
J '2,
B 4000
-:- 0
ro IO IO
---- -
7500 7600
7900 B 8000 8100
16 l7
I9 19
zo '1,1
?.:!. 23 ?.2 23 1.4 1.4 '24 ?.5
1,6 1.6
?.i 28 8200 29 8300. 29 B 8400 1.9 8500 0 &c.
o fine! the Month and T D. ys of tht: onth to ,.
wh;,h the Golden N"mbm
ought to ?e prefi�ed in the.C11le11dar rn ;my given Y ar of our Lord, confifi ing of entire Humlred Years, and in all the interme.diate Yi:ars, betwixt that and the next Hunclreclth Yeu following, look in the Second Column of Table I J. for the given Year, confifiing of entire Hundredb, and note the Number or Cypher which ftands again fl: it in the Third Column; then in Table'HT. look for the fame Number in the c·olumn nnder any given Golden Number, which when you have found� guide yom Eye Sideways to the Left Hand, and in the Firft Column you will find the Month and Day to which that Golden Number ought to be prefixed in the Calendar, during that Period of One Hundred Years. THE Lett�r B prefixed to certain Hundredth Years in Table II. denotes thofe Years \-Vhich are fiill to be accounted Bilfextile or Leap Years in the Ne\'I' Calendar• whereas all the other Hu�dn:th Yellrs ;ire to be ;iccotrnted only common Years.
rr== Pafch:al u I
0 L DE
Iar. pril pril April 1- pril J\pr"l April April April April April April April April April Arrri I April Ap ii April Apri}
=1.1 �=-===;;;=======;==== l
'i 'The MTNIS'TERjha// begin the Moe.NINC PRAY£ , by reading one or �ore of the fo/lo".J.Jing Sentences of Scr..lPTUR.E, HE Lord is in hi holy merciful, flow to anger, and of templ1: • Jet all the 1:arth great kindoefs, and rc:.penteth him keep fil�ncc b,� re him. of the evil. 'Joel ii. 13. To the Lord our God belong Ilab. ii. '.:iO, Prom the rifing of the fun even mer ies and forgiveneffes, though unto the going down of the fartie, we have rebelled again ft him ; my name fhall be great among the neither have we obeyed the voice Gentile · and iA every place: in- of the Lord our God, to walk in cenfc fh�ll be offered unto my hi"S laws which he fct before us. 11ame and a pure oftering: for my D n. ix. 9 1 xo. 11atne'n1all be great among rhe h a0 Lord, correct me, but with then, faitb the Lord of Hons. Mal. judgment; not in thine anger, left thou bring me to nothirrg. 'Yer. • ;. 1r. Let the \VOrds of my mouth .z4. l!.fal. vi. T.. and the meditation of my heart, be Repent ye; for the kingdom of alway acceptable in thy fight, 0 heaven·is at hand. St. 'Ma t. iii.�. I will ari�e, �nd go to my faLord, my rtren$th and my R'ethcr, apd will fay unto him• Fadecmer. Pfal. xix. 14. When the wicked man turneth ther, I have finned againft 'bea. away from his wickednefs that he ven, and before thee, and am no hat_h committed, an-? doeth that tnore worthy to be called thy fon. _ wh1chy, lawfu) and right, b�_fl,�11 St. luke xv. 18, 1 • 9 favc h,s foul alive. Ezek. xv111. 27. noter not into judgment ·with I acknowle�ig� my trantgreffi- thy fervant, o Lord; for in'th 1" ons; a nd my hn 1s ever before me. hght !hall no an living be jufti-_ m F.fa/.. Ii. 3· fied. Pfal: cxliii. z. , Hide thy face f!"om 1'.'Y fi�s; If we fay that ""e h.ive no fin, _ _ nnd hlot out all mme 1mqmt1es . we deceive ourfelves, and the 1>_/al. Ii. 9. . truth is not in us· but if we The facrifioes of Gori are a confefs our fins, G�<l is faithful hroken fpirit; a brol5en and a and juft to forgive tis our_ fins, and contrite· hetlrt', 0 God, thou wilt to cleanfe us from all unrigl�teoufnot defpjfe. Pfal. li,,r7. nefs. I St. John i. 8, 9· Rend your heart, and not your 'Ii Thw ti.Jc Minijlcr jhall fay, g;mnents, and turn unto the Lord tarly bddved brethr�n, the o your G-od ; for he is gracious and frripture moveth us, 10 fun-
dry places, to acknowkdge and unto mankin d in Chrift Jdu OUJ c� n �efs our manifold fins and f:ord. And gr:int mofl: mer• w1cke�nefs;, and that we 010u.ld c,ful Fath r, for hi fake• That we not d1Cfemble nor cloa_k tbem be- may h re:ift r live a odly, righ· fore tbs:: face of Almighty God, teous and fober life• To th glo y our he�veoly Father, but coofefs of thy holy ame. 1 . tl?em with an bumble, lowly, p • The Dularat,011 of Ab/o utio11, or n1tent, and obedient he:irt· to th end that we may obtai n forgive. Remff/ion of Sin.s · to be made b the PRIEST alone,jl nding • tbi . fame by bis infinite nefs of the Pe"Ple.fli/1 kneeling. goodnefs and mercy. And although we ought, at all times, humbly to ALm,ghty God, the Father of our Lord J fus Cb rift, wh acknowledge our fins b fore God; et ought we, chiefly, fo to do, d fireth not the death of a finner, when we alfemble and meet foge- b!,Jt r�ther that be n_rny turn fr om tber, to render thanks for the great hi wickedn fs and live; hatb giv benefits that we have received at en pow�r and commandment t bis hands, to fet forth bi mofi his Minifiers to decl, re and "pro· worthy praife, to hear his moft no unce to his P ople, being p ni boly word, and to afk. thofe things tent, the �bfolut1on and Remif He pardonelh which are requifite and oeceffary, fion of tbeir fin as well for the body as the foul. and abfolveth al! th fe who truly Wherefore, I pray and befeech you, repent, and unfe,gn clly believe hi as many as are here prefent, to ac- holy Gof�el. Wherefore, let m company me, with a pure heart and befeecb him to g�ant us true re• humble voice uRto the throne of penta nce, and !us holy Spirit· tha_t thofe things �ay pl<:afe bi� grace, fa ,y ing-,,. t_be heav�nly · · · . �vbi.ch !.Ve do at this prefent, and 'V .A general Conftj/ion to be faid that tbe reft of our life hereafter hy the whole Consregation after may be pure and holy; fo that at the _Iaft we may come to his eter-· the Minijl-er, all kneeling. nal JOY, through Jefus Cbrifl: our fu r e ci l moft m and ty Lmigh Lord• Father· We have erred and 'The People fa.all anfr.uer here, and ft-rayed fro� thy ways lil~e loft at the end of every Prayer·' Aiheep. We have followed too · me11, much the devke,i; a� defires of our own hearts. We have offend• 'IT Or this. t:d againfl: thy holy laws. We have ALmighty God, our heave n ly left undone thofe things which we father, wqo, of bis gn:at mer ought to have cl0ne; And we have cy, hath promifed Forgivenefs of <lone thofe things which we ought Sins to all tbofe who, with hearty not to have done: And there is no Repentance and true Faith, turn • health in us. But thou, 0 Lorrl, unto him; have Mer_<::y upon you }J;we mercy upon us, miferahle of- pardon and deliver .you from ali fend<::rs. Spare tl.10.u thofe, (5) God, your S!ns, confirll} and ihength who confef.s their fault_s. }\efron: en you Ill all Goodne.fs, an<l bring thou thofe who are penitent) Ac- you to everlafring Life, through £ordio_g to thy promi.fes d.c.clarl!d Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Jlmen
1 Then
M O R N I - G P R A Y E R.
For the Ln�d iA a gr at Go ; Then the nii11ijltr foal/ kneel, and fay the Lord's Prayer; the People and a �rent King above all gods. ln 111 hand are: all the urner jlil/ kneeling, and repu,ting it ith him, both here, and rwhenfoe tr of th� e�rtb _; and the (h nglh of th hills 1s his alfo. elfe it is ufed in Divine Service.
The fea is his and h mnd it; an<l bi baoda prep r the r'! land. O come, let 11s ,-.orn 1 ip anc\ fall own; an<.l kne 1 b fore the Lord, our al er. For be is the Lord ur God • and we ar the p ople of his paf� ture, and the fh cc:p f hi ban • O worfhip the Lord in the beau ty of holinefs · let the whole artb. nand in awe �f him. F <:> r he cometh, for b cometh t? Judge the earth; and with Then /ikerwife he jha/1 Jay, righleoufn ·fs to judKe tbe world, O Lord, open thou our lipA; Anfrw. And on_r mouth fhall ;lllrl th people, ith hi!! tnith. ihew forth thy pr.11fe. Then ]hall fo/101:1. v a PoR TI N' the Pjalms, as they �reapof_ Mithe up, alljlanding Here, tJ
Ur Fath r, who art .10 Hea• ve_n, Hallow d be thy �me; Thy Km�dom co� i �hy will b d�ne on�a!·th, As it 1 s 1 1:' Hea n; Give: us t_b1s llay our dmly br ad; And fur�1ve us ur trefpatfe , As w� forgive thofe ' ho lr fpa�s againlt u_s; And I a� us not into tt:�nptat1on, � t _deliver �l ij from evil: For tbrne 18 the �tni;dom, And the power, And toe Glory, For ever and ever. Amm.
nijl r /hall fay,
Glory be to tht: Fut her, and to the Son, and to the Holy G ho!1: _; Anfw As it was in the heg111ning, is· now, anrl ever il1all be; world without end. 111.inijler. Praife ye the Lord. /J.nfrw. The Lord's Name be prai(c<l. -[ 'Thm Jhall be /aid or ,Jung the follocwing �NTHE�t; except 011 thofe days Jor _which other A11thems arr: t1fP�znted ;_ and except aljo, when it rs ufed m the r.0111/e of the l'jalms on the 11inetemth day ofthe month.
Venite, exultemus Domino.
Come, let us fing unto the Lord; let us heartily rejoice in the firength of our falvation. _Let us co�e _before: his pn;fence ,.v1th thankfg1ving; and il1ew ouriclves glad in him with Pfahns. A
pomted, or 011e of the ELI! T ION s of PJn/ms Jet Jortb h, this Church; and _at tke md of e'IJery PJalm, tmd lrkerwife at the nd 0f the Venit , Ben •tlicit , Ju<:
bt�ate, Bened1ctns, Cr1nt::it� Domrno! Bon um dl: Con�t n, cus mifercatur, 1:3�ned1c Anima. me::t-MAY be fa1d or.Jung the GLORIA PATIU • and, at the end of the <whole Portion, or elecl:ion of Pfalms for the days M ,-. LL be }aid or firng the GtoRIA PATRI, 0,- elfe the QLORlJ.\. IN ExcELsis, as follor:.ueth:
Gloria in Exceljis.
Lory be to God on high, and on earth p-!ace, good will towards men. We praife thee, we bids thee, we worll1ip thee, ·we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great lory, 0 Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. z O Lord,
M O R N I N G P R A Y E R.
0 Lord, the only b gotten Son, The nob! arm of M rtyr Jefu Chrift; OLordGod,Lamb prai(eth e; of God, Son of the Fathc:r, that roughou The holy Ch 1rch, takelt av ay the fins of the world, :111 the w Id, oth acknowledge bave m rcy upon us. Thou that th e, takeft awa} the fins of the world, The Father, of an infinite .have mercy upon ua. Thou that ·cety · takeft a ay the fins of the world., Thin . adorable, trut', and on y rec ive our pray r. Thou tba Soni . fitteft at the right band of God Alfo th Holy G hofi, the Comthe Father, bave mercy upon us. fort r. For thou only art holy, thou Thou art the King of Glory, only art the Lord; thou only, 0 0 Chrift; Chrift, v;ith the Holy Ghoft, :irl Thou art the v rlalling Sor\ moft high in the glory of God the of the Father. Father. ..t1mm. ten thou too eft upon thee to deliver man, thou didll: hum'i 'rhm flail be read the.fir.ft Ldfon, ble th f, If to be born of a i 1·• according to the 'Tal)le or Cairn- gin. Jar; efter c:wbicb /hall he faid Vi h n thou ha ft rcornt! the or fung the folfo,wing HJ'lm,. fllarµnefij of t , th, thou did ,- Note, 'lo a -t before ,very Ldfon, open �he kingdom of Heav n t . the Minifler jba/1 fay, Her<:! be:- all believers. Tho_u fittefl-,at the right h·1nd f gion th fuch aChapter,Qr Verfc:: ry of the Father. n h ef fuch a Chapter, of fuch 2 God, a t _e Glo v\ c believe that thou flialt .Bo O I·'1 /Ind 4•lier e'lltr:? 1.. effon H c::re endeth. .1· · ·ft , or:u·l h'e come, to be our Judge. the p·11 We therl!forc pray thee, h Ip Second Lep-on. thy� r\'ants, whom thou haft re Te Deum laudamus. deemed with thy preciou hlood; E praife thee, 0 God; we Make: th m to he numb r d acknowledge thee to be with thy faints, in glory ev rl fl:t11e Lord. ing. 4\,11 the earth doth worfhip thee, 0 Lor<l, fav thy people, and blefs tbine h ritagr; the Father <:verlaaing. Govern thc:m, and lift them up To thee all Angels cry aloud; the Heavens, and all the Powers for ever. Day by <la}', we m::i�nify thee; therein. To thee Cherubim and SeraAnd we wor01ip thy Name, ever world without encl. pbim, qmtipually-, do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Vouchfafe, 0 Lord, to ket'p m of Sabaotb. this day wit110ut fin. Heaven and Earth c1re full of O Loni, have m rcy upon 11�, h,:we mercy upon ne. tht: Majefty of thy Glory. Q Lord, let t�y mcrcy be upofl The glorious company of the us; as our �rufl; ts _m thee. Apo(t!c:s praife thee; . The goodly frllowfh1p of the O Lord, m thee hav<: I tru fted; let me neYer Q� c.onfotJnc\�d . Prophets nraife thee;
M O R N I N G P R A Y E R ..
Or thiJ Ca11tide. 0 ye Light and Darkn fa, let: Bm1dicite, omnia opera Domini. ye the ord; praiu him, i:ltld All re orks of Lord, magnify him for ever. ye Lightnings and Cloud11, blefs ye the Lord ; praiC him, and magnify him for ever. blefs ye the Lord; praifc him, and 0 ye Angds of th Lord, blefs ma nify him for ever . kt th Earth bids the Lord; . c the Lord ; praife him, and m.tgyea, l tit pr:1ife him, and magninify him for ver. O ye II av ns, bkfr ye the fy him for ever. O ye Mountains and Hills 1 I fi Lord; praife him, an(! magnify him for -cv r. ye the Lord; pr i c him, and a 0 ye W:iters that be above the nify him for ever. Firmam nt, bl fi ye the: LM · all ye green Things upon praife him, and magnify him for Earth, bl fs ye the Lord ; praife him, al:ld m:ttnify him fore r. e\·c:r. 0 all ye Po�•ers of the Lord, 0 ye W �l tr, hlefs ye ttre L d • 'biers· c the Lord; praife him, and praife h i m, and magnify hi'l'n fof magnify him for C\•t:r. ever. O ye S11n and Moon, blefa ye }'e c:as ai,- Floods bl rs ye· the Lord; I raife him, and 01:igni- th 1.ord · l)raifi him, and ma ntt'y hirh for ever. fy him crr e er-. 0 ye Star of l eaven, bltfs )'.e ;,e Wh;.les, and alJ that m Ve the Lord; pr:iife him, and the arera, blcfs }'" the: Lo-rd. · magni- in praife him, an mag'nify him f0-:. fy him for ever. r. 0 ye Showers and Dew, bl rs ye the: Lord; ratft! him, and mag0 llll ye Fowl of the· ir, � h , nif; him fo� ever. . Y� t e Lord; praifi him, and magO ye \Vin<ls_ of �od, blefa ye n1fy him for ever. t�e L ord; pr 1fe •him, and m;.ig0 all ye Beafrs an� Cat_tle, bl-c,; _ ye th,e L ord; pra1(e lum, a d• nify ht'm .t?r ever. . _ O ye Frre anJ Hc;.it, ble!·s y_e mr1gn1fyn 1 m for ever. 0 ye Cbildr n of Men, bl fs ye· the Lord; praife him, and magnitl�e Lord; praife him, and mag. -fy him for ever. O ye'-' inter and �llm�er, blefa n1fy him for ever. ye the Lord; pra,fe him, and 0 let Ifrael blefs the Lor<l P,raife him, and magnify him magnify him for ever. O ye Dtsws and Frofis, blefs ye ever. tht: I.; rd; 'prnife him, and magni0 ye P-ridl:e of tire L.ord, blefa. fy him for ever. ,ye the Lord; pr.:iifi him, anc,l O ye Frofl: and Cold, Qlefs ye 'magnify him for ev. r, he Lord; praife. him,. and mag0 ye Servant·s of the Lord, blefs ye t)1e Lord 1 praife him, and nify him for ever. O ye Jee and Sncnv, blefs yet_hc rna.gnrfy him for eve1·. Lord; praire him) af1d magnify;:. 0 ye Spi'rits :md Sools of the him for ever. 1·nghteo11s, hlt:fs ye tfl'e Lord. Dye.Nights and Days, blefs ye' praife him, and magnify him _tlfc: L?rd; praife him 1 aud mag- \ ever. 11fy h.1m fo · tver, 0 y'e ·huly and humbh: ·Men· of heart, A �
b� art , blefs ye the Lord; pr;ij(i brm, and magnify him for c:v r.
,- 'Thm /boll hi: read j11 like manner
con.Ji cred as r::1·or , of tbe fa me meaning in t : <:.ubicb or Cru .
the Second un;, talt e, o -.u 11 • • God tht: F:ithcr c 1.icve rn ,. ut o I • •t, the e Ten "-'' amm n,igh y • M kcr of h il ·en :in tbe '£a e fir calen acc.,rding to dar; and ofter eartl 1 . that, t�e fo//o ing Pfi Im. nd in J fus Chrifl: hi onlr on our Lord : \ ho w;i Yuh_ilate .J?eo. Pfal. c. n t!i d hy the Vir· Be Joyful in th Lord all ye l�t: I oly h II Dorn lands; fervc t e Lord with gm M:iry, \Jfti-rc.:d under Pontiu ru ifi d dc.-:id :ind gladntf�, and c me b fore his pre- Pil�te �r;i bum.cl; [He de.funded into Hell·] :fence with a fong. Be re_ fure that the Lord he is The Third rl:iy h rofc from the God, it 1i; be tbat hath made us Jc:ad · He afcended into h :1v n, ;and not we ourfelves; we /Ire hi' And fitt th on the: ri 1! ht h, 11d of people and Lhe 01eep of bis pafiure. God the Fa h r Almighty; Fr 1m h fllall ome tojuJg the _O go your_ �ay into his gatea/h<:oce �v1th thankfg1v10g, and int his quid, and the lt":iJ. I b lit e in th lloly Ghort; courts with praife · b thankful u11to him, and fpeak good of his The oly ath Ji Cl ur h; The Communion of • ints · The forName. , For the Lord is gracious bis giveoefs of ins; The /efurr ction .merr.y is everlall:ing; and his truth �fthe body, Anti the life ev rlall cndu�eth· from generation to ge- ing. ./Jmm. J'leratJon. Or thiJ. Bc:lievc in on God, the Falb, Or this Hy m 11• ';l".1ighty, Maker of ,He �e_n BmediEJus. St. Luke i. 68. fau t_h, _and of all tli1ogs vi hand L d f the, d G or . Oie d he 0 0 ble an d 111v1fible: Ifracl, [or he hath v1fited and And in ue Lorri Jefus Chrift redeemed bis PC?ple, the only .b t:gott n Son of God:• . An!1 hath raif<:cl up a mighty l,egotte11 of his •ather b fore a I f�lvat1on for us_, m the houfe of worlds; God of God, Light 'of )lls fervart Da:-,id; Light, very God of -Yery God, . As he fpake by the n:,outh of begotten, not m;ide, being of 011e llis holy. Prop h ettl, winch have fubfiance with the Fathu b y · ' been fiirce the world began;· �vhom al 1 tlimgs were m::ic I e; ;\'f 0 fav 01 be f· I d ild {b t e -Tb a ,� om for us men, and for our falvation, e our enemies, and from the hand cam down from heavt:n, :inrl w:is of all that hate us. incarnate y th Holy Ghofl: of the 1 'Ihenjha/l befaidthe Apojlle.rCreed Virgin Mary, :rnd was made man, by the 1l1infller and the People, and was crucified alfo for us under jlanding: Jlnd any Churche.r may Pontius Pilate. He fo/fere<l and omit the words, [He defcended was 1.rnried, and the-third day he ill to Hdl] or may, inflead oj rofe agai0, according to the Scrip t hem, 1,fr: the rword.r, He went in tu res, ;rnd.afc<:ncled into Hem·e11, to tbe Flac<; of departed Spirits, and fitleth ·cm �he right hand of
the Father: and he 01 ll come it· ain, with ii ry, t judge both_ the;: 11ck ,111d rhc d�ad · whofc in'· dom 01all have no cnd0•1 �· GI 10 O ' 11d I h Ii vc in tht: l- 1 the;: Lord and givt:r f lite '. 1 111 i r procc:e<kth from t)1c! Ft1t� 1 :i:•,r . the 011 ; who with _lll<: ,r 11 . and the on to ethrr 1 ..,,� , · d an I glorified, wh fp,•�� Y the prophets. A 11d belie,� 11 C th lie and Apofiohc. hurc '· , acknowledite one Bapt fin or t 1 le rc:11 iffion of fins; and 1 1 0 1' fo r the r ·furrccti ,11 nf the dc:al 1 • an d the life: f the worl to com • .A m ,:n.
throngh the n1igbt of Jefus Ch rift our Lord. J1m,n.
� J Colle for Grau. ord, our hcav nly F:lther, Alm11-:hty :-111<.l cverl:ifiing God ,,.ho hall: l y hr1111 •ht u t{) the be�·nni11g o thi t1 ay • defrnd II in the fam1.: wi(h ti y 1 mi hty v ·r, ancl l;r, nt tha hi day." e :ill into n fi 11 , 11 ith r 1·11n lllto any kind of anger• t th,1t :ill ur doin •s being or erect l>y thy s vcr a nee may b ri�h lloOU in thy fight 'through Jcfus h ·1t our Lord. ' Amen . 11 Pn,yer for the PRESlDF T of tbe United Stntu, nd all in And nfltr ti.at, thefl Prn t:rifolri-vil llnfborily. lo,wing, all tle-vo11tly lm�elwg; Lord, Olir he,wenly Fath ,·, the il1i11ijler jirjl pronount:tng, the high and mi hty Rul r of th· univcifC', who dolt from The Lord be with ro11 ;_ • A11j<w. Aud with thy fp i nt. thy hrone bel olrl all lhc dwellers 1!P0n earth; inc,fl: h a til we heMi n ijl,:r. L t us pray. ilh thy f;iv t,r t O Lord ' {hew thy I crcy upon I ·e h th e, behold and blc.:fi thy frrv1111t, Tb lli; ,1 ,r. An·' of . the nitcd tat .-., , .QT�'ltlo u grant ns thy falva- PRESIDENT • rs 111 auth . ··•nd a II 01,1 nty· au 10� . ; make clean fo replcnilh their. with the '.,. r,ice o w,m er. · God ' eof th Y h �1 I Y .S pm . ·t , t h at t I 1ey may . our he rts within u�; l A llfw. And take not thy Holy a.lwa.y� in ine to thy will, and walk '" thy way: End11c them Spirit from us. plenteoully with h avenly gif ts; O gra n foal/ follorz.v the Co lleEI nt th m in health and pro )eV 'The , day, exce_pt when t h tt Com- ri·t_y I � 1· <?�S to 1ve; an I c.rnnl I . toe a t r . re ad. and then t h 1 l 1,t, m1tnio11 Ser:v,ce 11 to attain verlaftin� joy ' jh II b e a the Co//,:El for ·the d�y and fdicity, through Jefus Chrift t11;1it1ed here. our Lord. · .A m m. The fol/orwi11g Prayer; are to b e 4[ A Co/le8 for Peace. omitted here, when th,: Lilnny ; Gori, who art the_ author of ! read. . p :ice and lovei' 0t concord in knowkdge of who_m fl:a,�det_h 'Ir .11 Pra;•er for the C/e,-g;• and Piolh j1/e. • . our etern:il life, wl,ole fcrV1ce perfect freedom; defend ns, thy ALm1ghty.a11d everlafbng God, r f om whom_ com th 1:vny liumbk ft: rva ,t:s, i11 all affaults of our enemies. that we, furely tr�1ft- good and perfect gift, fend do"vn ing in thy tiefrnce, may not t�ar upon our Biflrnps and other C_ler .the power cf any adverfanes, gy, and \tpon tbe Congrc:gat,ons COlJl�
i° x
'n .6
. M OR:
G P"" _ . YE
nefi ,and loving indncfa to u , an e blefs t hee for ur to II m n. crca ion, prdervation, an all the tile 1ng11ofthi& life; but, i\bovc: If foi:- thine i11 fiim;1ble lo e io th� r d mpti . n of the world hy our Lord Jcfu hrift; f r the 11ean of grace, .ind or th<! h�µ of. glo ry. net, we bdc:eclt lh e give us thnt nc cnfc: l 1 ;ill hy mer cies, that ou-r hearts mn · b e: un feignedly thanHul and th t , ma fbc.-w forth thy pmif. not only with our lips, but in our !iv 5• b_y i\in� up ourf._lves to thy fcrr lhc: vice.- and r.by , '1dk1ng wa s k nown u Ii, t th•m .. , tby f.d • 111 · h 0 1-ine,s ;in d ri·g I ,tcou fi11 fs all .i\'lore t • 11:itions _ i-n; lf, ht>al h unto all •c fipec,;i • 11 Y �v c p�-i ay •r,or. thy holy our d:iys thr ughJt:fosChrifi:, our Lo · t i· t wh rn with ll i e an d 1t may b _Churc� umverf. _I; tbat h • ly Giwlr be :ti! hot I O Ur nJ fo gmded an gov rned by thy g lory, word ! h out nd. l wit mm. good pirit, that all, who profefs and call tbemfelve!»Cbrill:ians, m;iy 'i A Prayer of St. 'Ch1-y.f, fiom be led into_ tll<: way_ of trutl_i,. a�d ALmighly God, ,�h h. ft gi·vold the f.utb in unity of_ p1�1t 10 en us grace ;it t)us timl·,, ith the bond of peace, nc 111 nghtc:- one accord, t m;ike our common oufnds of !ife. Finally, we com- fu.pplications unto thc:e; and dolt '.mendt tbyFatberlygood11ef:, all promife th:1t wh'n t_wo or three thofe who are ;iny ways affi1cle<i r at-her d togc:ther in thy ame or difrr ffed in mind, body, or thou t,,ilt grant lhcir requells• flll� enate; tbat it I:'ay pleafe th e to fil l'l'Ow, 0 Lord, the dcGres' and . ·comfort aod reh ve them, accord- petition& of thy fervants, as may jog to their feveral neceilities; giv- he molt expedient forth cm· grant ?"� them patience uod�r their fuf- ing us in this wo rld knl'l�•I d i:. g _ fa111gs, and a happy dfue O'llt of of thy truth, a11<1 in the orl-d to all their -;:iffiic�ions: And this we, c me life everlnffi11g. Amen. •·· fake. Amm. peg for . Jef�s Chrifi's z Cor. x1;1. r4. , . . I A GenaalfTnan.kfgzrvmg. 1 HE �race of our Lord Jefns L mighty God. Fathi!r fall T Chnl'I-, ;10d the love f G CJ d mercies, we, thine uuworthy, and the fellowlbip of the Holy fervants, <lo give thee mofl: humble' Ghoft, be with us all e:v.ermore •. ancl hearty thanks for all t_hy-good- Amen •. oml'nittc to t •cir char.,.e U1 h althful fpirit of thy grac ; and that th y may truly pl afe the , pour upon th m the continual dew of thy hi ffing-. Gr.int this, Lord, for the honour of ur A • vacate an<l M diator, J fu Chrilt. Amen.
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T The II I S'T ER jha/1 begin th6 F.
by re ding E I C PRAY one or more o.f tbe fo}/orwing SentmuJ o.f c IPT RE. ,_....,._HE L rd.i in his holy merciful, now to anger and of temple; let ;ii\ the arth gr at kindnc:fs, ao r pentclh him le ep !Hence before him. f the evil. Joel ii. 1 • Hab. ii. 1.0. T th Lord .our o be Ion From the riling of the fun even mercies an forgi'l'cncffes, th ugh u_nto tT1e going down of the fame, 'f e ha rd1elled again ft him • my name !hall be gre<1t among he 11cithcr I ,l\"e we obt:v d the voic� Gentilts; and in vc:-ry place in- t I.he Lord C'lllr Go I, t wall· i11 cenfe 01all be offerecl irnto my hi I w which h fi t before u • name, and a pure offerin : for my D ,,,_ ix. 9. 10. mime fb.ill be grent am n� the . L r<I, C<Jrrccr m<::, but "ith heathen, faith the: Lord o Hafts. JU me[lt; not in th int ang r, 1 1: (t thou nog me too ti in • 'Jr.� Mn/. i. 1 r. ' J., t the: words f my tnouth '-4• PfnJ. vi. ,. be , hear ofmy Repc�,t ye; for th kingdom of ;rndthemeditation_ ! nlway a ceptable tn thy Ii hL, 0 he;ivl'� 1s at hand. St; lt'lat. iii. 2, J w1q Rrire, and- •o to my f, _ Lord, nw fireng�h and my ReHlL'r, . and will fay unto him; Faileemcr. Pfalm x1r. 14. "\ h n the wick,ed man turn�th ther, I· lrn e finned ng,1inll he;1_ away froin his wr�kednefs thnt he v 1�, a11r\ b fore thee, :-111,I �m no hath ommitted, an�! do t'.th that �l re worthy to bt: call' l thy fon, whi<;h is In ful ilnd right, h_�_Oiall ::lt. L1k4 �v. 18, 19. fave his. f. 11l q,live, Ez,:/..•., ·vu 1: 'l-7• Enkr I\Ut into judg_ en_t wit} ) J acknowJe9g� my trllnf?1 /Ti- thy f11rvant, O Qr();_ f r 1q_ thy onr.; and my hn 1s ever b fme me. �ght !hall 110 man h 10g be Ju i. , !� <.l. P/aJ. cxliii .. ,.. 1 l':fl /. Ii. 9. • Hide thy faee, fi:oro. f:1Y _li�s ;. I · we ft1y llr ·t ,,�e h.ave no ftn; nnd b\qt 0µt all mine m1tpJ1L1 "· we c,l cejve omfelv 11, and t:h<t trnth is not icu:ia; �ut i_f we·con llfal. Ii. 9. The fa,cyifice.s of G s-l an: (I �ds om (in�, God 1a1tfo1thful, ·and us ouc fin�, and to brQi.en fpiri� ; a brokei:i nnd. ,1 Jtlfl: o forgAve r �Q11trit. he;irt,, O God, thou wilt cl�;111fe 1.1s f o1u �11 unnghte,ouf. wfs. I.St.. ']Qb.�1. �· 8, \I, not <l c: fpif�. Fj(ll Ii. 17. . "i Tben. the .Mmijle.r JI.all .fa;,, R, nd yqur h <:; art, and not your garme1 ts, ant} lltl.'n unto �bl! Lurcl o·.Ear�)! helovecl bxethre_n, the •· fcnp.ture,U'\.ovcth us, m fuu. your Guel: for ht· is graPQU6 c\11(} dry
G PRAYER. ,,,�
dry plac s, to acknowledg an unto man ind, in Chrift Jcfus nr confi f� our anifold !in and �o ·. And gr;int, rr.orl er· wicln:dn fs, and that we fhoulcl c1ful Fatber, for his fake; That we not diffi mble nor do k th m he- may h reafter Jive a godl}', righ· for.e the face of I mighty G d, teous and foher Ji e • T tbe glory our heay nly Falb r, but cor fi fs vf thy holy ame. 'Amen . them with an It mble, !owl)', pe'T.he f?ec!arntio11 of ./Jbfolutio11, or nitent, aud obedient heart; to the of in.r; to be_made b� Rm,f/jion end that we may obtain forgiv n rs �ST alo,�e, .fl ndmg; tb.: of the fame l,y his infinile go dt;�e l'Rr le /ML lmulmg. nefs and mercy. Arni ltl.toogh mighty d, the F�tbcr f we ought, 3t all times, humbly t ur Lord Jl!fn11 hnlt, who acknowledge our fin fore G <l • not the death of a finner, yet ought we cbietly Ii to d ' defiretb h�t r_ath r that he 1:1ay turn fr<?m when we affe.,;ble and 'meet toge� bis w1cke dnefs and hve; hath grv ther to r•nclcr thanks for the great 0 ;-V � r ;in<l comm..,rH.lmc, t to P � t e receiv d hav we a ben;fits that his M1n1fter� to declare _and pr� his hands, to fet forth his moft nouncc: to hrs PeoJ?le, b 111 K P �1worthy praife , to hear his mofi tent, the Abfolution and Recn1f• • ho 1 Y word , an d . to a (k· tho {ie things of their Gns. He pardon th which are re u1fitt:: a nrl neceO:,ry, lion � ct a blio I ve ti1 a 11 ti 10 Iie WilO °n ,. tru I y i 100 1 • r pe t, and un� ignedly heli as weII t:,or t e b O d Y. as th e r ve hi! Wllcrefore, I pray and befrech you, holy Gofpel. ·wherefore, let os as many as are l�ere prefent, to ac- befeech him to arant us true re• company��, w ,thapurebeartaod pentance, and his holy Spirit; of throne humble voice, unto th� that thofe things may pleafe him the heavenly grace, fay rn gwhich we do at this prcfent, ;ind 'f A general Conft.Oion to be .foid that the reft of our life h rtafter hy the whole Congregation after may be pur and holy; fo _that at the �aft we may come tn ln_s ekrthe Miniflcr, all k1,ueli11g. JOY, through Jefus Chnft ou nal Lmighly and moll: merciful Lofd• Father; We have erred and fl:rayed from thy ways like loll f 'The Peoplejhtdl anfauer here, and at the end of e'Very Prayer; A· fbeep. We have followed too men. much the devices and defires of "i Or thi;. our own hearts. We have offended aga:nft thy holy lavvs. VVe have ALmighty God, our heaverrly Father, who, of his $reat mer left undone thofe things which we ought to have done; And we have cy, hath promife<l Forg1vcnefs of done tbofe thiogs which we o�ght Sins to all thofe who, wit_h hearty not to have done: And there rs no Repentance and true Faith, turn you, health in us. But thou, 0 Lord, unto him; have Mercy upon r havt:: mercy upon us, mifrrnble of. pardo11 and deliver you f om all fenders. Spare thou thofe, 0 God, your Sins, confirm and· ftrengthwho confefs their faults. Rdtore en yoe in all Goodnefo, and bring thou thofe who are penitent; Ac- you to everlafting Life, through �ording, to thy promife, declared Jefus Cllrift our Lor<l, Jlmen. '1f 'Ihm
() EVE
ith his own right hand, nd <fhw tbe Mi11ijlcr jhalt 11ul, and Jay roe Lord'J Prayer; the Pe�le with hit1 holy arm, bath be gottc jlillkncclin�,and rtpcatingit<:.111/b himfelf the victory. The Lord declar d his falvRtion; bim, both �her<!, and <1.vhcrcfoew:r elfc it is t,ftd i11 Divine Service. his righte nfnefs hath be u ,nJy (Jr F:ither, who art in Hea- 01cwe in tbe fight of the hea ven, Hallowed be thy l ;ime; then. Ile hath remembere his mer y_ Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be clone on Earth, As it i in H av n; ;incl tru th toward the h ufe · of Give us this day our daily bread · Ifr ael ; and all the �nds of the: And foq;ive us om tr-efpaffes, As world h ve feen the C lvation of we £ rg1ve thofe who trefpa!i a- our Gou. gain fl: 11s; And. lead us not into Shew yourfelves joyful unto the:· temptation, But deliver us from Lore.I, all ye lands; fin.I?, r joice, evil; F r thine is the Kingdom, and give tbaokR. And tht: power, Anrl the Glory, Praife the Lor upon the h:1rp; For ever and ever. Amen. fing to the barp with a pfalm of than��fgiving. Then likewife be flail fa;•, With trumpets·alfo_aod 01awms, 0 Lord, open thou our 1ips; Anfw.· And our mouth !ball O 01ew yourf�lvts Joyful before the Lord the K111g. fhew forth thy praife. Let the fea_ make a nor. ft: and all Here all jla11di11� up, the Mi- that therein 1s, fhe rou,�rl world ' nifler faa'II Jay, and they to �hat dwell ther ,_n. Glory be to the Father, and L tht: fl<?ods cl�p their bands, the Son, and to the Holy Ghon; nd et let the !11!1s be Joyful together Anjr;,v. As it was in the bt'gin-· ore the Lord ; for he com th e� be; {hall t:vcr and now is ·ng to .J t� d ge_ the earth: ��orld withau'r enc:J. WiH1 nghteo1,1fnefs 01a1111e ju�ge Mini.Jier. Praife ye the Lord. the. world, and the people with be e Nam 's A7e;w· Th.e Lord eqlllty. pra1. e d . 1' Then faa//fallow a Porti�n of the 1 Or this • .Pfalnu aJ -they are appointed; or Bo num eJJ .conjiteri. Pfal,.xcii. one of the !5elections, aJ th9- a re fat forth by thi_1 Church;_ <11; 1th tl�e is a good thing to give,thank& ' Doxology, aJ m tht?Mor.mngSe,. unto the Lord and tofing praife "Vice. 'The_njh�ll be read thefirj} unto tbyName, () Molt Higheft ; Lej[on, accordmg 1? the 'Table � r To. tell of thy loving kindnefa Calendar; afterrwh_1chjhall heja,d early m -the morning, and of thy or fimg th� f�llowmg_P/aln1 • ex_- tru th in the night-feafon ; cept whm ,t tJ read m the ord,- Uponaninftrumentoftenfirings, nary co1,rje of the Pfa/mJ r;n the and upon the lute• upon a loud nineteenth day of the month, inflrument, and upon the harp. For thou, Lord, haft made me xcv1ii. Pfal. mi D o. Cantate o n l d th_r�ugl� .thY: �orks; . and I g � new a Sin·g unto the Lord l for fong; for he hath.dose mar- wi l reJor�e 10 g1vrng pra1fe -the operations ,of thy hands. v.ellous .things,
"i 'Thm
,- 'f'ht a Lyfon oJ the J:..ew %/la• praife th Lore!, a11 i =nt, as it is op-pointed: AnJ af- bolls; ye fcrv-a ts of his that do fer that ./ball /Jt! fu11g or faid thiJ his leafure. Pfalm, except 011 the t ut/fth d 'J O fpeak g od of the oJ the ntontb. ye wor of his, in all .Deus Ciftrealur. Pf: 1.1 vii. hi dotnioion. aift: Od b me iful unto u and Lor ' 0 my foul. bl f: u , aod 01et., u the 'Thmfoall befoid tbt Aj>qflln Cr.- f . l_1ght _of hi count nance, nd b b.J the Mi11ifler nml 11:e P op!:, merciful unto us• fland;ng: J1nd 011.1 Cburchrs I?: 'J That thy way' may be ·no .vn omit the cwords, LHe defc n cJ upon earth, t11y faving he1lth ainto H II] or mn.1, infleo of mong all nations. �htm, ufi the ,words, He: w � Let the people pr:iife thee, O into the Place f departed p1• God; yen, let all the peopl praift: rits, which arc conjidrnd 1 thee� . <words of tLe fame meaning i•1 0 I t the nations rejoice anti he the (;rud. i:pa"d; for tho'u fhalt judge the Believe in God the Father Al• mighty, Maker of hcav n and tol� rightcqufly, and govern tlu: nations upon earth. earth : Let the people praife thee, O And in Jefus Ch rift his only on God; yea, kt all the people praife out· Lord: Who was cone ived by the Holy Gh6ft, llorn of the Virthee. Tben (hall the earth bring forth gin Mart, fllf:fered under P ntius 11er incre:1fe; and God, even om Pilate, Was crucint!d, dead, and own God, !ball give us his bleff- buried; [H, defw1ded into Hell·] : 1'be third day hi! rbfe from th· ing. Goo. fl1all htefs us; and all dead; He afc ncte I into Heavc:n the .en s of the world· !hall frar And fittdh on the riglit hand of God the Fathet· Almighty; From him. th�nce he fl1all come to judge the "J Or this . ... . quick and the dear!. pr Bmed. I helieve in the Holy Gholl: · _ ic, -Amma mea. 1 a 1 • CIII. Ra1fe �he I;?rd, my fo�I; The holy Catholic Church; Th' and al. that1s within me pra1f11 Communion of Saints• The for• his bt>]y Name. givene::fi; of Sins• The r�forreclion Pra1fc the I;ord! 0 rny foul, of the body- An'd t,he-lift: everla!l-and forg(lt not all ht benefits; ing • A>ncn' · Who forgiveth all thy-fin, and 1 Or this. healeth all thine infirmities; Who favetl:i thv life fr om <leBelieve in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heav 11 ll:ruction, and crm�r'teth thee with and Earth, and ·of all things vift• mercy ahd loving·klndnefs. O praife the Lord, ye Angels ble and invifible: of bis, ye that excel ih firength; , Aud in �>ne Lord Jefus Chrill:, ye th_,U fulfil his· commattctment, the only hegotten Son. of God, and hearken unt:o the Yoice of his begotten of his Father before All worlds; God of God, Light of word. Light, l I '
E V E N I N G P R A Y E R.
Light, very God of very God, ,- Then jhn/1 be Jaid t/K Colldf 0; tbe doy, and, ofter thn t, tJx o/be oltc:n, not made, being of one: Jells and l ) ra;'ers follow i ng : fubft,ince , ith the Father, by whom all thin "S were mad ; wh 1' A Col/ell for Pea«. for u men, and for our fdlvation od, from wb m nil holy came down from heavt:n, and was . fir s, all good c unr. ls, and incarnatt by the ,Holy Gh, ft of the Virgin Mary;and was made man, allJu!l:wo,·ksdoproceed; ivc un and was crucified alfo � r us un er t thy frrvanls that pea e, " hie 1 1 ntius Pilate:. He fuffcred a11d the � orld cannot "',. that our was huried, and the third day hearts may b ft:t to obey th com be rofe, according t the arip- mandm_ nts, and air. th t by thee tures, anc\ afcended into Hea en we, b ing deli nd d fr m the fc:nr :rnd �tteth on the right hand o' �f ��Ir en ·mic_s, may pa!i our tim th� l-at!1er: and he Chall comt: a- 111 1 �Ct and q�1etn Ii , through the gr.1, 11, with lory, tojudge bnth the merits of Jt:!us Chrift ur aviour. _ qmck and the d.:11d; who{i king- )Imm. . . <lorn 01all have no end !'{ A C lle8 flor Aid a nmfl Perils. And I beli vc in the ifo l Gh fl. ' ord, our hcav�nly Father, b the Lord and ,giver of 1Jc, wb� v o p roceed tb from �he Father and we hav! b;�� �re����l�hi P�� ·r tbe Son; who with _the .Fat�cr by thy gr at mer d fend is r:Y and the Son together 1s worfh1p- all perils and <langy 1 .8 f th·1 n,g · h t, cd and glorified, who fpakc by for the love f n n n o the prophets. And I believe e Saviuur • Jc!iu � ctby o our .nmt:,z. • i� in· ft u Catholic anu Apofl:olic Church. I 1 Pra er for the PRESt Dt::WT oj the _y_ Acknowledge one: Baptifm for t_;e. U111 �ed StateJ, and oil in ci i; il remiflion of fins; and I look for utbority. the refurrection of the dead, and ·L rd,. Our heavenl y Father, c the life of the world to · ome. t be �1gh and mighty Rut r .,4mm. o f t 1,e univerfe, who dofi: frorn thY th�one behold all th dwellers � I'{ And after that, thefa Prqyers_folupon-e,irth; mofi: heartily we be. la'tui11g all devoutly k1111elmg; ree ch thee , with thy favour, to the Mi,; if}e r firj/ pr(J11ou11ci11g, 1 JC 1 ,o 1 d and bl 1s ""'e • r. ti· 1y fc:• . van t , n-L . u; yo with p R ESJDENT 'Of the U111te The Lord be States, � _ � . rw . And with thy fpirit �11�,.u d :ill others m authority · anrl : •� �pleni{h t�e_m with the 'grace 'J Min ijler. Let us pray. 1 Y h_oly Spmt, that tl�ty may upon _ L ord ,· {hew thy mr.rcy a 1 ways rnchue to thy will, and. ·• walk in thy way: Endue them -us, A r.u. And grant us thy falva- plenteou(ly with be:ivenly gifts; . nj t10n. grant them in health and. profperiMinijler. 0 God, make clean ty_lo�i:; to live; and finally, after this life, to attain everlalling joy our hearts within us; '!'!frw. And take not thy Holy and fdicity, through Jefus Chrilt our Lord. /limn.. Spirit from us. B 'J .4.
& Pray�rfar I
ClergJQJ1J People. ervant& do ivc t iee moft hum Lm1ghty and v rlafling Gnd, .tnd hearty thanks for all thy goo . from whom _cometh very nefa a11cl lovin kindnefs tv us, nd good aod �erfetl- gift, fend down to all_ m n. \ c blcfs thee� r <'Ur upoo our B1rhops and other Cler- creatioo, prri4 rvation and all the gy, a�d upon the. Congresations bleffin�s of. this Ii ; but, abov all, committed. t_o their charge the or thine 111 Oi in able love in the 11 althful fpmt of lhy grace; ;rnd redemption f the world by ur that th y niay truly pl afe thee, Lord Jcfus hrift. for the m a�. pour upon them the ont_ inual dew of grace, and t r the hop of lo• ofthybleffing. Grantth1s, Lord, ry. And, b r, ech th ii. for the honour of our Advocat us that due fonfc of all th)' m r• .and Mediator, Jefus Chrift. /Imm ci�s, that ur h arts may be 110fi 1gn dly th,mkful and that ·c A Prayer for al/ Co11dilio11.r of 111en. may _rh�w fo th thy' praife, not on• � God, the Creator and Pre- ly with our !rps, but in our Ii c ; ng ferver of all mankind, we b_y givi 11p ourr. Ives to thy f, r· humh y �«:fl ech thee for nll forts �•cc, �nd by walking befor th and cond1t1on13 of men, that thou 1n bolrnefs Rnd righteoufn fi II wouldeft be plea fed to m;ike thy our days, through Jcfus hrilt ur ways known nnto tbem, thy fav- L9rd; to whom,\ ith the and the ing health unto all nntions. More Holy Ghoft, be all honour au efpecially we pray for thy holy g lory, world without end. J/111 , Church univerfaJ; that it may h II P:a;•er of St. Chryfi fl:o�fo guiderl and governed by thy hty God, "':'ho_haft Lm1g profi·fs good Spirit, that all, ��o us grace at this time, 1,·11h an9 call themfelves Chnlbans, may be kd into the: way of truth, and one ac_ co:d, to make our comm o hold the faith in unity of Spirit, in fuppl�cat1011s unto th I!; and d fl the bond of peace:, and in righte- promife, that, when two or thr oufnefi of life. Finally, we com- re gat�ered together in thy Nam , rnc:nd to thy Fatherly goodnefs, all thou wilt grant their requefts; fol· thofe wbo are a.ny ways afflicted fil !1?w, 0 Lord, the defires and or diftre.lfed fo mind, body, or pet1t1ons of thy fi rvnnts, as m:i, cfl:ate; that it may pleafe th.ee to �>e moll: �xpe�ient for them; grnnt• comfort and relieve them, accord- mg us m this world know! dg jng to their feveral neceffities; giv- of thy _truth, and i11 the worlc.l t ing tbem patience under their [uf•. come life everlafting. Amm. ferings, and a happy irfue out of ... z -Cor. x111. 14. .all their afHictions; Ar,d this we l,eg for Je[us Chrift's fake. Amen. THE grace of our Lord Jefu Chrift, and thl! love of God, 1 A General 'l"hankjgi'Ving. · and the fellowfhip of the l:loly Lmighty God, Father of all GhoJt, be with us all evermor • . mercies, w.e, thine unworthy t1men.
J:kre ende/h the Order ef
Ev.ENI NG PRA-XiR. .,. 'll.t
The L I T A N Y. LIT NY, or GENERAL SuPPLICATIO , lo he ufld ier Morning Serviu, 011 Sundays, J//t!dnifdoys and Fridays. r God the Father, of henven ; · rify; f om n y h;itred, and all uncharitablenefs; and lice, m ·aon mifi us bav mercy up Good Lord, deliver us. ble (inners. From all inordinate and finful 0 God the Father, of hutvni · ha ve mercy upon w 111ifarable Jin- affections; and from all the deceits of the world, the Aefh, and the ,urs. on, Recleemer of clevil; Q God th Good Lord, deliver u.r. the world; have mercy..._upun us ProQ1 lightning and tempell:; mift:r;ibl linntrs. , pelti-leuce, and a 0 God the Son, Redermt!r of the from pl;igutupon us mift� mine; fr om battle, and murd r, '!.uorld; ha t! mercy and from fu den d ,1th; roble jinnrrs. o God tht: Holy Gho!l-, proGood Lord, de. fir.er us. ceeding fr nm the Father, an'.i lhe From all frclition, privy conr Son. liave mercy upon- us m1frra- fpirat· , ;ind r hellion; f om all d f1lfe fchifm; ,rn fy, s. dtJchine, here ble (inner God the Ho(y Gbojl, prow:d- from hardn fs .of heart, and con i-nr from thi: Father, a'!d tbt! So�1; tempt of thy Word and Command ; ha ve mercy upon UJ miftrable j,n- me11t; Good Lord, deliver w. nus. . ' and glonou� By the myfl:c:ry of thy holy [n. 0 holy, ble!fc:d, rinit , three perfons, an<I ?11t' arnati_on; h_y thy holy ativity T d yhave :1pmercy upon us m1fe- and C:rcumc1fio11 • by thy . G " .• . . t"1 fim, F•a n·mg an d T' cmpt;it1011; vablc (inn rs. bl fui, and glonow 'fn Good Lord, deli•ver us. r 0 holy By thine Agony and hlnody nity, thrte pe,fons, and_ ant! Go1; ha -i e mer 11pon us mifarablt! fin- W<::at; by thy rofs and Paffion • cy by thy preciuu� Death and Burial: nerr. mber not, Lord, our of- by thy glorious Refurrcclion anll R fenceme nor the offences of our Afc nfion; ,rnd hy t!le coming f es, _ holy Ghofl: fore-fathers; neither tal�e thou tbc ; u� e lpar : r fins Good Lord, d,diver us. vengeaocr.: of ou th r Y peop_le , In all time of our tribulation· good Lord, fpa e whom thou h�ft, redeemed with 111 all time of our profperity; i11 th; thy mort precwus blood, and bt hour of death ' and in the day of not angry with 11s for ever; ju<lgment • Good Lord, deliver u.r. Spare us, good f, 0 r�. From all evil and mifcluef; from vVe £inners do befeech thee to fin, from the crafts and affault� hear us, O Lord Gori; and that it 0: the de_v·t;. fr om thy "".rat�, and mi y plea fr thee to n:le and govt:ru fiorn evcrlaftmg rlam_natwn, t\1y holy Church univerfal in the nght way; · Good Lord, deliver us. From all blindnefs of be;irt; l¥e befeech thee to hear us ' from pride, vain glory, and hynogood lord. B z · Th;it
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That it may ple1fe the to I r; f, 11, • n finally to b at d n il· and preferv all brifliao Rut rs tctn und r our f; t; and Ma iftrates; gi in hem r;1ce I-Ye �feech thee to bear ru, t execute ju ice, and t maint oad Lord. t.rulh; That it may plear. th to fuc• I e bifcuh thu to hear us, cour hel , and comfot:t all wh_o good Lord. arc in d �er, nc du y, an t 1• That it may pie fi thee: to illu- bulation· min:t eallBiO,ops,Priefls:tnd lf'e beftuh thee to r r w, ·ons, v ith true knowlerl e and un. good Lord. dcrrtaoding of thy ord; an thal That it m, y pl aft: thee to pr • both by their pre:ichi11g and livin., r, n·e all who travel by Jantl r br th y may fit it forth and fi.1cw it wat r, all women in tb.c pe,·ils f a cordingly; chikl-hirth, all fi k p rfons, and J/?e bifcuh thee to hear us, youn children, ;m I to 01c, thy good l o rd. pity u n all prifoner and ca Th:it it may pleafr: thee to bl fa tiv s · :i_nci ;:ecp all thy p ople · We bef�ch th" to he r UJ, We lxjcec/J thee Jo hrar ru, good Lord. goud Lord, t it m:iy plcafc ,ee to deTha That it m:iy pleaft: thee to g·ve � nd, and provide for, the fa h r· to all ations unily, peace, aod kfi children, an<l wi t,.,,,. , and C\.lncorcl; all who are ddolate an<l opprdC· JVe brfeecb thr!c :o hear Uf. good Lord.
. That it may ple,1fc: thee to give us an heart to love and � ar thee, after thy and diligently to Ii <:omm:mdments; We befuch thu to hear llJ, good L o rd. . . That it may pl_eafe thee to give to all thy peop le 1ocrcafc: of g r ace,_ to hear meekly thy Word, and to receive it with pure affe�ion, ann to bring forth the fruits of the Sp irit ; We befeec h �h t h ear u.s, g ooc. . l �: i rng c tb ee t o b·· That it may pea into the way of truth, al_l f1tch as have erred, and are dtcc1ved; We befeech thee to hear us,
eu ;
fl'"t befach tlu to hear u,, good lord.
That i may pkafc: thee lo have mercy upon all man; /!Ve hefted tb,-e to henr u.s, · good l.ord. That it may pl<::afi thee to ror· give our e11ctmie<1, pcrfe ut rs, and fl.ander rs, and tu turn tbeir . t I ,ear; ; befaccb thee to bear w, , good Lord. ' That it may pleafe thee to give and p�cferve to ou1· ufc the kindly fruits of the earth, fo that in due time we may enjoyi them; We befaech thee to hear us, good lord.
to. g·,e1 That .1t ma�. P.1 ea (ie thPe , -: That it groay pteafe thee to us tru e r_, epentancl_e, to" fo';�dve /gi: fl:rcngthen fuch as <l O ft an d • ;rncl all our ms,n nc: :g igenc, S , us with to comfort and �elp the weak- norances, a• d t endue irit to - ly S Pamend o Ho hearted, and to. ra1fe up thofc who, th.c gr;.ee of thy ood Lord.
.\mend our lives according to lby holy Word; lffe bifuch thu tn hear u1, good Lord. Son of God, Ws! befc:ech to hear us. Son of God, we be.faech thee to hear us. 0 Lamb f God, who t,1lt n aw1ty the: fins of the world; Grant us tb;· peau. LalT,b of God, who t;.k fl :i,v;iy the fios of tht: world; Ha-iu mercy upon us.
fuch as ar forrownil i M rcifnll affifr our pr:iyers which we ma, b fore th e in aJI our troubl II au adverliti 9, whcnfo ver they pprefs us· :tncl graciouny bear u11, that thofe vils, which the raft and fubtilty of the !evil or man work th a�ai11fl: us, may, by th , ood prov, lcncc be brought nought· th t we, thy fi rvaots h , ing hurt by no p fecutiona, m;\y v rm re give thanks uotci tho in thy holy Church, tbr ugb J fu Chrifr our Lord. 0 Lord, arije, hdf u.1, and de/i, The Mi n iflcr may nt hiJ difcreV tion omit of/ that follow,, to the ' er UJ for thy Name. J fake. prayer, " We humbly b ii ech God, we have h 11rd , ilh th e, O Pathc:r," rs,. · our c:;i , ::in(l our f. the . 0 Ch , hear us. 1n [ ha,·c declare<} unto us, the nob) i: 0 Chrijl hear 111. works that thou d,idll in th irdays Lord. have mercy up on us. and in the !cl time befort: th m. ,_ Lor1, ha'Ve nu:rcy upon t/J, j O Lord, arift, h.:lp ru, an J diver 111, for thine h onour . Chnfb, bave mercy upon us. . Glory be to the Fath r, and to Chr:/1, have mercy upon uJ . Son, • ht: Lord, h, v mer Y upon us. and to the H ly hon,. w. . Anf<lf)• As it wa in the b gin� Lord, haoe mercy up on � 'T'bm Jhafl the Minijler, and the in , t • now, :ind ever fhall b , d'J wor�d without eod. .Amen. P eqple with him, fay tbe l'or _ I Fi o':1 our enenHes defend u� . Prayer. . • . Clan 0 Bea rn � art ur Father, who . . rijfl1ffi our upon look Grr_zuoz!lly ons . ven, Hallowed be thy N�1me; With pity behold the forrows, Thy Kingdom co�c; 1:'hy' ill be <lone on Earth, As ,t 1s 11_1. Heaven; of our. �earts. �ive us this day our daily bread; Mercifully forgi'Ve the .fin.1 of th •· .J. And forgive us, our trefpalJ'es, As People. a. paf tref who Favourably with mercy bear tbofe � our, ive we forg g inft us; Ami lead _us not into prayers. O Son of David, ha'Ve mire.., up. temptation ; Bot deliver us from on 111, . evil. Amen. Both nQw .,tn� ever, Youchfafe t ., Minifler. O I;ord, c�eal not with hear us, Q Chnft. �s accord in� to our fins. G�acio11Jfy he.ar 11s-, 0 Ch r-ijl • Anfw. Neither reward us acraC1 oujly hear 1u, 0 lµJrd Ch r¥,l,J Co�d1ng to our iniquities,• _ .ltlfmijler. Q I:ord, let thy. me �'i Let tu pray; _ l11ewed. up,on us.; be: GocJ, mercifu.l Fath�r,. who cy dtfpifcft not the !ightng of a . Anfrzv. A�. we do.pt�t (,)Ill', tru R: · contrite heart, nor the. defire of in thee.
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'fa l:.e,:-
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u1 wpm.,. fi ech lhee E humbly F11th r, mercifull · to look upon our infirm = ti s · and, for the: glory of thy ame turn from us ;ill tbofc: evils that we mon junty ba\·e deli r d; and rant that, in all our troubks, w may p•1t our whol tr11ft an confi ence in thy m rcy · and v<:rmorc: ferve the in holin fs and puren fs o Ii ing to thy bonour and glory :hrough our only Mediator and Advocate Jefus Chrifr our Lord . .dmm.
o..-· .A Gn_urol 'I"hankr './h ; i ng. Lmighty God, Fath r of :ill m r ii:s we, tbine 11nworthy ferv;ints, do give th e mon bumble and hearty thanks for all thy goodnt:fs and loving kinc1nef: to UR, and to all mi:n. ' e bld:11 thee for our er ation, prefcrvafon and all the bleliings of this lifi· · but, above all, for thine indlim;ible love in the redemption of the world by our Le.rd Jefus Chrirt; for the means of grace ,. and for the hop of glory. And, we hefeech thee, give us that due f.:nfr of all thy m rci s, that our hearts
m:iy be unf"i�n di th:mkfot an that w met_)' rhcw <?rlh lh ,,raifcnot onl)' \ 1th our hps, but in our liv ; by givini; up urfelves thy fer •ice:, and y wall:ing l>t'.forc th c in holinc:fs and righteoufilt rs hrilt all 011r days, through Jt:fu our Lord· to whom, with thee and the Ilul)' Ghofi! l>e nil hon ur and gl ry, world w1 hou 11 • .d m,.n� A PraJrr of St. Cbq•fonom ALmighty od, wh !tart gi,·. n u.., grace at this time with one accord, to make our common fupp l iL"atio11s unto the ; and do i,run,ifc, that whc:n lwo or three ;ire athc:r cl togeth r in thy nan, l hm1 wilt grant l heir re(1ue(l � fulfil now, Lord, the dcfires and pc:tit1ons of thy fi rv:ints a m1y be moft expedi nt fi r th 'm. grantinl! u in this world know: ledge of thy truth and in the worJd to come life everlafiing. Amm. z Cor. xiii. 14. THE grace of our Lord Jefus hrift, and th love of Guel ,. and the fdhwfbip of the Holy GhoCt, he •ith us all evermore. ./Jmm.
Here e11deth the LITANY.
R S and 'l' HANKS G I YING S upon faveral Oc cojions, to be 11.fad 6efare the trwo final PrOj·ers of MORNING and EvENIN_G SERVICE.
1 ...1 Prayer far CONGRESS, to be ufed during their fejfion. Oft gracious God, we humbly befeech thee, ad for the P<.:o ple of thefe United States in ge neral, fo t:fpecially for their Senate a,1d Repreii ntatives in Congrcfs af-
fem bled; That thou woulddt be pleafed to direct and profper all their confu ltations, to the ,id vance ment of thy Glory, the good fthy Church, the fafety, honoui-, and welfare of thy people ; th,1t ;ill things may be fo ordered and fet-
ti d by th ir ndc, vour!J, up n he bdt 3nd furdl f.iundatione, l1.1t ac 3nrl happ111di. rutli anti Jufii <', r ligion and pi ty, may be cit hlilltcd amonf( us for all j!cn ·rati,,na. Tl fe and .1iluthcr m·ccffiri s for them, for u . , nd thy who! Church, w hum ly b·i:: in the r me ,1ncl medi tio11 of ]l fus bri!t, our molt hlelfed onl ar.d Saviour. .Amm.
thy he, v nly benc k ion ; :m gr.wt that the fcarcity :u, <l ":'\rth, julll fuJTi r which , • now m for 0t1r Ii e, may, lhr II h thy be crcifully t11rn •d � odncfo in u. plc11ty, for he love uf Jcfu Cbrt1t our Loni; n, ·t.iom with ht.:c , n<l tht ·foly Choft, he all honour an<l glory, now , n<l for .llmm. ' Tn tu11e of Wnro11d 'I11mults.
For Rai11. lmi Pity <I th· fupremc God, he.iv 11ly F:ith r, who guv rnor of all thin •11, vh, re hy n Jefus S t hri!t by hafl P wer 11 r ·atun: is ab! t r hft promifed to al thofe "·h· re k thy tc.' wh_ m it bt:longcth juflly t< p11: kingd m, and the riJ?hteoufnc:n, n1fh ltnn ·rs and to b merciful t thcrenf,;rll lhing,;nt dl:irytuthcir lr o_fc who truly r "Ill; .1vc an<l bodily fuften�nce·. frnd u,, we h t: dchv•ru�., trn blyhdi·l·t:hthcc fecc thee, in th1_s our ncccffity, from the: hands of our en mic fuch moderate rain and lhowt:rt1 that w • b i11g --trmecl with th}' d _ that we may rect:iv the frui t 0' f.:nce may h pr ·fl rvcd cvcrrn r the arth t our comfort a11 to rom all perils, o glorify th· wh thy honour, thr ugh Jt:fus hrift art th only ivt'r of :ill i <,r y thr n•h th r •rits of thy our Lord. Amen. n J C-, For fttir Wwth1r. fo f 1 In n. u.r Lord. An1,:11. Lrnighty :lntl moll: merciful _For tha_fe <iuho arr to be adm iltttd Father, we humbly befc ch -.., Ordt!rs , mto holv to b•• l!Jt! ,r.d 111 . the ee, of thy g_reat g-oudnefs, to h t e e k � rec�ding th,: j]ated tinu:.r �� � t 1mrnodc e rains, ra reftrain thofc 0J 0idmat,011. wherewith, for our I-ins, thou h:ill: \�ni gh:y Go<l, onr heaven 'I affiich:11 us; And we pray thee to :ithe,' who h:if pur ·hafc:l fend u fuch fe:ifooahle weatht:r to th l Y cl'. an univcrfal hurch, by that the earth may, in due time'. t h.e prec,on blood of thy dear yield her increa_fe, for our ufe and f; on; mercifully lo I up n the n\t t , grac l benefit· ;rnd give u:i ame, anl� at thi. time fo e;uich: and we may learn,. by_thy punifhments, govern the m nd of thy fervant i to am nd 9u� lives, and for thy the Bifhops and Pa l:ors of thy !lock• ! and s t thank hee give clemen!:'.y to hat they m:iy lay hands fucklen: praifc;, through Jefos Chri!l: our �Y. on no man, but faithfully .,nu Lord . .Amm. wi{i ly m�J c choice of fit perfons In Time of Dearth and Famine. to ferve in the facred miniftry of God, heavenly Father, whofe thy Church. And, to thofe who gift it is, that the rain rloth �all be o:-dained to any holv func fall, and the earth bringeth forth tion, _gi c thy grace an<l heavenly , :' her increafe; behold, we befeech bened1cho11; that, both by their life �hee, tbe afflicl:i_ons of thy people; and doctrine, they may !hew forth r lllcreafe the f mts of th.e earth b i thy glory, and fct forward the falv.ation:
P R A Y E R S.
va i n nf all men, throu b Jefus thy fi (erv.in , fi r whom our Ch rift our Lord. Anun. pr y rs .tr dc:fir d: Loo up n him with he c es of thy mer ·; Or this. Lmighty God, the gi,·er of all comfort him \'t'llh the cnfc f l lf . goo gift , who <?f thy ciivine go dne�s; prc::fervc him from �b prov1dc::nce ball appoin ted di ers temptations of th en m •; g, order in th}- Church; give th him (?.:l icncc und�r his ;i iction; gra e ,. c humhly bt:fi ch thc::e and, in hy guoci t,me. r ftoreh:. t all t>hofc: who re to Ix: •all c:: tl lo health, .:tnd en bl him lo lea to any office :ind adminiftration in h r fidue of his life in thy Ii ar, the fame· and fi r pleni(h th 01 and to th ' glory: Or c::lfe gi c with tbe truth f thy doclrin him grace fo to Lake thy viii tat ion, nc;, that :ificr this pa_inful life: . n _ I anrl endue:: th rn with innoc _ of life, that they m y fanhfully hr: m:iy_ dw 11 with thee ,n life brift f.•rve b feo rc: th , to the lory f everl:ifhni,; through Jt:fu thy gr at amc:, and the benefit our Lord. Amen. gb J fus of thy holy Church, throu For o Jick Child. . Chrift our Lord, Amm m,. h ty· God , an, I m re,'f11 I . Fa her, t whc1m :ilnn b . 'T Jn time of grea� S:cknr:ft and .Mor witty. long the ilTues of Iii and d th· h..]migbty Goel, the Lord of Loc.,k down from heaven we hum� life and clcath, of· ficknc:fs bly befi ech thee, with the eyes f and health; regard our fuppliea- merer, upon the r, kr child f r tionG we humbly befeeeh thee; whom our prayers :i e defu-ed. and, 'as thou hair thou&ht fir to Ddi�a him ? O L0rd, in _thy good for our fins. with_ great appmnted time, from bu b dily vifit us fie O rs and mortality,. 111 the pAin, and vifit him with thy falv:i• y judgment,. 0 Lord, tion; that if it lhouJd lie thy good midCt oft mercy. Have pity 11p, pleafure to prolon� hi, d:tys hero remember on us miferablc finner�, and with- on earth. he may live to thee, an draw from 11� the gnevo11 . ficlc- be a_n inrtruine�t of thy glory by. nefs with which we rare affl,ct_ed. fervm� th _c fa1tbfully, !ind doing' is hy fathe ly correction good 1n bu· generation : Or JR Ma th t inAuc:nce- upon u , rec ive_ him i11,to thofc heaven) � � }" bav� its due u.s to con_li,d�r how frail hab i tations, where the, fouls 0 h Y leading ain our 1 tba life s; t we 1tbofe wbo neep in tbe Lorrl J fus d uncert -:::a apply our hearts. unt�1 that enjoy perpetual refl a.nu felicity. ch , b �enly wifdorn whie in the Grant this, 0 Lord, for theJlo Saviour,, efuo· e�d will hring 1is to. verlafl:ing 'of, thy, Son, our Amen. r ft. o Chri rd. L ou Chnft Jefus gh throu life, 1 For lJ Pr:rfan, or Perfan,, .going , Amen. to Sea. 'I For ll jick.P_r:rfan,. Father of mercies, and Godo Eternal God, wbo alon fpreadefr out tho heavens, of aJI comfort, our only - time of need; Look down and ruie(t the raging of tbe fea. he 1 P •ri aven, we.humbly hef ech we co�mend, to thy almighty <: frborn ebehold, v1fiJ,.. <\Dd rev.eve urot�ct.ion, th? frrvant, for whofc t �e,. �r � -
prefervation on tb gr at d pour uar him prayers ar derir d. we l>efi ch thi:e, fr om the :10• gers the fea, from licknefs, from th viol nee of enemies, and from ev ry 1;Yil t hich he may be e>tp fed. Conduct him in fafi ly to the haven where he would b , with a rat ful Ci nfe of thy m rcie , thr ugh J fus bnfl: C\Ur Lord. �mm. For a Per/on under AflliElion. Merciruf God, and heaYenly afb r, who haft tai1gbt us in thy holy wore.I, tbat thou d n JlOt willini,:ly affii or ri ve the childr n of men; Look witb pity, we bc:fc:c:cb thee:, upon the forrows of thy fcrvanl, for whom our pray rs are defix d. In t'hy w_ifdon:i thou haft: {i en fit lo vifit hm, with trouble. and to bring dinrefsup n him: Remembi:r him, 0 Lon.I, 111 m�rcy; fand:if�• thy fatb.c:rly correction to him• endue bi;. fo_ul with pa_ticnc u;der hi s affl181on, and w1tb r Ggnation t thy bleffed will; comfort him with a fenfe of thy goodnefs; lift up thy countenance upon him, and give him peace, through Jcfus Chrill: our Lord. Amen.
1 For MokfafJorJ, ofter ond1 nntion. Or dj"c l'he Prnyer in f Vijit tion of Prifoncrs · h ;,,. 'Father f ?-1 rci e, ' ning, •· C/c. may be 1fftd. Mort gracious :1nd merciful od , e earncOly beft: c: ch the to hav pit-y :tnd ompnffioo u Cln thofa prrj"om r ommt!nd d t our pr:ip:re, wh now Ii und r e of the l;\w, and it e tb fent ilil tbrm, appointed t die. Lorri, with thy mercy ond fal n tion; on\'in e them f the mife• rable onditi1,n tb,yarc: in, by thrir !ins and wick ncfi ; and let thy pm erful p;race produce in tbem fu h 1;1 i;o lly r.. rrow, :ind fine re r pentance, :ts thou wilt b pleafi t a ccpt. Giv them a firo11g and lively faith in hy o_o our bl Oi d a'"iour, aucl make 1t ffo ual t he falv.,tion of lbt:ir fouls. Lor , ·11 j11dirment rem ·mber mer y; and , h:it er fuffi rings thry ;ire to ndur in th:11 world, )' t . cli ver them, 0 od, f r om th 1ltet pa.iu.s of eternal dc:ath. I ard n their finR, and fave their fouls, for t!'ie fake: a.ad ·merits of thy dear Son, our bleffed Saviour and I c::rleemer. Amw,
T H A N K S. G I V. I N G S.
,- 'lht: 'lihankfgiving of W61men af,�,.. Child-birth; to ht: Jaid "JJhen being prefent in 4 ny Woman, • Church, /hall have dif,rcd to reu,,.n 'Thanh to Almighty, God for her Jaft: Doliverancc. Almightv G0d, we give thee. humble thanks, for that thou haft bc:en graciouny pleafei:1 to preft'.rve, thro\,\gh the great pain and peril of Child-bi-rth, this woman, thy fel'-vant, wh0 ddires now
to offer her praifes and thanlt'fi iv ings unto thee: Grant, we befreeh th('(!, moft merciful Father, thatfhe through thy hc::lp- may. both faith�' fulJ y- liv.e, and w;i.Jk according to thy w:11 in this life prefent, a11d· y ,be partaker of cv.c:rlalting alfo ma,. glory in. the• life bo come, through' Jc:fus Chrifl: our. .I!.mid. Anun. 1 For Rain. QGod,.om heaveulyFather,wb o,. . b Y:· thy· � l'!',racious, pr-.ov.idcnc� 4oft
ufe the former anJ he lat• dang, rs whcr wi h we: ,-vere com oft t r rain to ddcc.nJ upon lhc ear h, p.trfc:d · \ c: acknowlc:Jge i h th;1t i may bring f •rlh fruit for g n fs that we: wc:rc: not d li\'er the ufc f m1n · \ c iiv thee: c cw r as a prey unto h m · h · h ble th,rnk th'lt it h th plc:af.·d fc: ·hin thc:c: llill to continue fu ·11 h c: in our n:a nc:c 1h)', o thy mercic:s t,,w rds II' that II fend u at the I rt a j ·fut r in 11 - th , ,,.rJJ ay ·no, thnt 1h 1,1 • , 11 thin inhcri ancc,and tor frt lb nur Sa io11r :111d mi •hly l'li,· r r, it when it wM dry t th· great through Jcfus hrifi ur or , omfort of u · h)' unworthy fer• llm,m. ants, and to l he glury f thy h�For refloring Public Peauat Hai �. ly am hrou� h thy 01 ·rc.·icli in Etr:rnal ,I, our heaven! .t J fus Cbnll: uur Lord. Am� · F,Hh c: r, whu alone m, k For fair II<' thu. men t, be of one mine! i11 a houfe, Lord d who haft jufl:lr :ind fiillc:ft the outrag of vi I nt humnkd us h)' thy late ift an ur.ruly people; \J c bl Ii h talion ofu.s \\ith_i111morlc:raler in holy ame, th t it hath plc:ali and .1tc:rs, an in thy mercy haft thee to appear. the frditiou tu· relieved an comfort d our fouls mults which hav been lat ly r,,if, t by this feafonable and bl O"c:tl up nmongn us; m fl: humbly c praife and fc:c:ching th e tr> grant to alt of 11 clrnngc of w�athc:r; lorify thy holy ame, for this grac:c, that we m:iy h ncefort thy mercy and will :ii ways declare obediently walk in thy holy com• thy I ving kin<l_nc-fs fr m gcnt:ra. m:111cl01 nts; an�I, �ea<lin� a quiet lion to fc:n rat1O11, through Jcfus an<.I p aceable life rn al_l godltr,ef a11d honefly, may ont111u.1llr f Chrill: oor Lord. Amm. fcr unto t hec our f,1 ·rific of prai(.: For Ple11t; 1 ,tnd thanl·fgi ing for th fr: thy who r Path iful mer Mort mercicii towards us, tbro gli Jc· of thy gracious goorlnefi haft f11s Chrirt our Lord. Amen. h ard the d<C"\'OUt pray r,; of thy h 1 rch, and turned our dearth V For Ddi-i1eranafrom great Sick· neft nnd 1.11ortality. :1ml fcarcity into pl nty; We give Lord God, who hall: wo11nn tll e .bumble than Is for this tb, ed u for our fins, nnd c n• fpecial bounty;� fce<;\Jing th ctn continue thy loving kin�nefs unto fnmed us 'for our tr,1nfgrcflions, by us that our land may yield us h r tlty l,1te hea y and ·dreadfuJ vi fr�its of incrertfi , to thy i:rlory a�d fitation; and now, in the midrt our comfort, through Jefus Chnll of judgment remembering mercy, our Lord. Amen. hart redeemed our fouls from the -,r For Peau and Deliverance from jaws of dedth; We olfer unto thy our Enemies. fatherly goodnefs curfelves, our Almighty God, who art a fouls and bodies, which thou hart rtr ng towe: of defen�e unto deli9ered, to he a livin� f;1crifice thy fervants agam!l: the t ce of unto thee, always -pra1fi1'.g and theirenemie�;_Weyieldtheep_ra\fe m�gnifying thy mercie� 111 the and thankfg1vmg, for our deliver- m1dlt of thy Church, th, ough }e a.nee from t:bofe grea; and app:ucnt fas Ch rift our Lord. Amen.
'IT. For
The firfi: Sunday-in ADvE '"Q" For a RecfYUery from Siclmifs. art lh giver of God , h ty· life 'or hcaltll, a nJ of We bl f: thy name, �hat thou bc � been pleafed to d liver from h1J bodily ficku f: this thy ferv nt, who n w d fires t r turn thanks unl tht-e, in the-pr fence of all thy people. raciou11 art thou, f comp;iffion t Lord and full the chilt.lr n of men. May his heart be duly impr f'fed with a fenfc f thy merciful gondnc:fs and may be devote the rc:fidue of his da)'S t a11 humble, holy, and -0bedient walkiog before tllee,
hrough J fus Chrift our Lord. ilm · For
/aft Return from
rt: gracious Lord, whofi mercy ia over ;ill thy worki;; \IVe pra1fe thy holy _ ame, that thou b:tfi been pleafed t conduct in f. foty, through the perils of the gn:at de p this thy ferv nt, who n w ddir th tor turn bis th nks u to thee, in thy holy Ch rch : ay he be duly fenfible of thy merciful providence towards him, and ever xprefs his thankfuln fs, by a holy trurt: in the.:, and obe d1c:nce to thy laws, through Jefus Chrirt: our Lord. Amen.
To be ufed throughout the YEAR.
'1:he fir:Jl Sunday ill Adveht. " 'I'he Colleff. that lovetb anoth r, hath . fulfill d
Lmighty God, gi,e ·us grace t�at we may caft away the worl�t1 of darknefs, and put upon � the armour of li t, ht, Dow in the time of this mortal life, i11 which thy Son JefusChrift came to vi fit us in grec1t humility; that in tbe lart: day, wh II he {hall coml! again in his glorious Mnjdl:y to judge both the quick and dead,. we may rife to t�t: life immortaJ, through him who liv th and reignc:th with thee and the Holy·Ghofl, now and ever. Amen.
tlll 'This Col/elf i.r to be repeated e-very . Day with the other Col/ecf.r in /Jd'Vent, until Chrfftmas-Day. The Epijl!e. lfom.. xiii. 8.
We no man any thing, but to love one .,nother : for he
tbe h1w. for this, Thou fl1alt not commit adultery, Thou fl1alt not Jill, Thou fbalr not fteal, Thou fhalt not bear falfe witnefs, Thou n1alt not covet; and if there be any otber commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this fay ing, namely, Thou {halt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. Love work- eth no ill to'bis oeighbour; there fore love is the fulfilling of the law; And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of Deep; for now is our fal vation, nearer than when we be lieved. The night is far fpent, the day is at hand; Id us· therefore cart oif the works of darkne::fs, and let us :put on the armour of light. Ld us walk . honeftly, as i.R the
v co
'Ihe Gofpd. ,. fattb. ,. I. "t-XTHen b y dr w nigh 11n o VV Jc:ruf. km, an wen: c ni 'The ficond Surul r_1 in Ad"c t. to Beth phage unt the mount of Oliv , then fent Jefus tw difci'Ihc Co/leEJ. them, G into pl s, faying un ffecl Lord, who han c uft the vill;ige over againft you, and all holy crip ur s to be wri • ftraightway ye 01:1_11 find an afs ten for our learning; rant th ticd, .1n a colt with h r: loofc w mny in fuch wife:: her1r t them anc_l bring them nnto me. r�ad mark, learn, :ind inw;irdl An if any man fay aught unto d1gelt them, that by patience, n you, ye-fh ll·fay, The:Lori.l· th- com� rt of thy holy ord \ e need oft ,em; and !1:r�1ght ay be may embrace, and ever h Id t • ill fend hem. All tt11s as done the: hlcm:d hope of C\'Crlafiing hfr th t 'it might be ful6II d w�ich ,yhi_ch thou h:-tfi �iven us in O 1, was fpokl!n by the prophet, f, ying, av1our Jefu& Clmfi. J/Jmi:n, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, .De7"he EP!J• :nlc. R · om. :i.:v. 4. hold, thy Kin� cometh unto thee, w re writ. t!1ing11 ver Hatfo n a11d afs, an meek, and Cittwg upo w tt:n .afore::t1�11c, were, rit a colt the foal.of an af�- And the difciplea -went, .arrd did a Je(us ten for ou� learn111g; that , command d them; and brought tbroug� patience,_ and comfort f o the aTs ,and the c lt, ,md put on the Scriptures, mrght have 1 1 1Jlk,' them th ir doaths, and they fet Now the God of patience and c:-0n: him thereon. And a very great folation gr.ant you to be like: mind multituJc: fprc:ad their garments in erl one towards another, accordin"' tbe way; others cut down branch- to Chr�ft Jefus: That ye may with e from the trees, :ind Ch-awt:d tbem one m111d and one mouth I iify in the way. And the multit.u1tes God, ve� thc.F'lther of our L rd that went before, and,that follow- Jefus Chnft. Wherefore receire d cried, faying, Hofarma to·tbe ye one another, as Cbrifl: alfo r • so'n of David: hleift'.d is he.that ccivc:d ns, to the glory of God. coml:!th in the N_ame of•the Lon]; No� _I fay, th;it Jtfus Chri(l: " s Hofanna in tl!e,h1gbeft. And when a m101lter of the c1rcumcifion, fnr ·he was come mtoJerufalem, all the the trnth of God, to confirm the cit,y was moved, f�ying, _w-ho is pro.mifes made un_to the f, th C'rs: this? •And the mutt ttude fa1tl, This �nrl that the G_entiles might lo• _ is Jefu-s the•Propbet of·Nazareth riff God for b�s mercy; as igt i$ of Galilee. :And Jefus went•i11to wntteo, JJor this caufe I ill con the temple ,of G-ocl,-and ca'1: ,out fefs to :thee ,arrtong the Geutil s, x an I
The third unday in
a��I !in 11�to thy !"l�me: An<! a- ·meff n er to prepar thy way be attn h<: f. tl_h J H.eJ01ce, yt: G n- fore the · Grant t bat the Minif til�� with t11s pe pk: And ag, in, t rs and fiew:irds of thy myfleri s :Pra,f.: the _L rd, ;ill ye ntiles, may like\ ife fo prepan: and make nd_ taud _ham.,. all yc people. Anti r atty thy way, by turning tile aga11l Ef.iia� I 1th, Ther� (hall he a h arts f the difobedi nt to the root �f J ne, and he that 01all rife! wife.lorn of the juft, that at thy fr � re•,n ov r the- Gentites, in him ond coming to judge ti1e world, tall tie Gentiles trurt •. row the we may be found ao acceptable � r j y pe pie in t�y light, who livell: :11,d f a �rl o ho e fill ou_ with all n peace 11:1 bdiev11P, that ye n:ig11 ft with the Fathtr and the rnay abofunrl in hope, through th bolr pirit ever, one God ' world po,\·er O the II ly Ghofi. with ut nd. 11mm. . 'The o.fprl.. St. Luke xxi :u,e E•p,iflle. r C or.tv.r. -_�.)Ndtl i ere0 1 i1111cr" igns in t�e LEt a man fo account of us, ai: fuo, and in the\1 nd _in t of the Minifi:ers of_Chrifl:, aod the ftars � and ul?o.n th ��1;.;\ � hf - t wards of the myft nes of G (ii. t-refs o,f nation; with e' 1 m q i the fea ;incl th�· wavef 1�p ei: y, Moreo er,• it is r u red in newbe·fo man a lhat ards mg; <>ar , . undfaitbful. ,, 1nens he:irts failing tfi,;m f � ,ur t'ar , ut wit 1 1 me 't '. g, 1 .1s a very fima II tilin all{J � r l11okin� •tfcc::r th Ii ti . imgs lhat l fi1ould' be judged of yon, or which are co min' ,. OP, tlo1ec earth ,, �m nt: yea, 1· J• U d ge I• o f man , 1:1 J· ll11 tor the pow rs of heav 11 ll felf. For I know ne own mi not he:: fhak c:: 11. Anrltllen.01.ii'I lb: th y y I not y :,,n of m n C<'rtaing in Y c::e e nothing b m felf, et am j g j with power and grc::;i.t glo·a cloud hc::reuy ufiified; but b.e that ud n e is_ the Lord. T_herefore when tbefe. things begin\�· cA cl �th m JUd{;e nothin g before the time, un me t;o pafo, th..:11 look up ;ind l"f 1 / me,. who bo�h will your beads; fur you redem l_up til_t.hc:: Lo.rd co ght the_ bidden thlll�-S of_ � li to bnn 11m /t ' g ! draweth ni h. A.nd he ke to darkn<:fs, and will make mamfdl: th <: m a p�rable net1 Ic-l ie fig the cnunfels of tl1e· heartB: a�1d tree, and �II the' trees �- � they th.:n fl1all every man have pra1fe now 0 10 ot fQrth , yc:: r' iee w ilJ1 de•:,·n w uf God· . y �_,f our ?wn f. Iv d, that rummer • St. Matth. x1. z. 'The G<ifi!el. JS 1101<1 nigh ;it hand. so like.wifi· ye, when ye. when: John had hc::arg g th thin s come � to pafs, know ye:, that th t: king- . _ m the pnfon tht'. w?r s of �om of God is ni h ;it haud. Ve- Chn/1:,_ he-fent t\,�r o of 111s d1fc1ples, r;,, thou he .r_rly l fay unto y</U, This genera- and fa1d unto furn, Art � twn / h all not paf.� away tiU all be tbat fhould come, or o we look anfwered and ? fulfilkd. Heav,en and.•t:arth, fi1all fo ··ano�her? Jefus pa fs ;iw.-y; bui my words fi1all not fa1d_ unto them,_Go, and _n1ew John agarn thofe t.hrngs _which ye do· pafs away. he;i r- and fee: The blind receive their right, and t·he·lam� walk, the 'Ihe third Sunday in. Jld'l.lmt. ltpers art: ole•al1fl:id, ancl the deaf 'The Col/eel. Lord·Jef11\Chri!J:, who at thr hear, We dead·are rnifed np, and firft conung d1<lit· frncl thy the poor !Jave the gofpel' preached
1 -
The fourth Sunda in Anv.
to them: A n b fft:d i he , hofoev r fhall not c offi n<l di n me • An as th yd art J fusb ,. to fay unto be multi ude co�� c mi n g John, ltat , nt . 0 t ioto the wild rnefs for to r�} > � r ed lhaken •itb he wind> · But ·what w nt ye out fu to f�e? man cloth · in foft imeut > be hold, they tbat wc.lr foft lothin are io kings houfcs. But wha� ' ·ent ye out for to fc ? A rophd? yea, r fay unto cm, P;i nd more than a proph t p 1. th" s e of ,vhom i is vrit e n ° �b�ld ' I frod my me£rcngc:r b fore th y face which {hall pr p re th ). ,vay befo're thee •
'Tb� GtJ,jp�I. St. John i. 19• . 1stherc ord fJohn.wh· th Jc: ·s fent ricfi and �c. vit om Jcrufalcm to .iflt hun, ho ar. thou ? A 11CI he cCln� fli .', an denied not· but con fTi d, I am n�t the Cbrift. And th y nl • ed_ him, rt th bat then? Ehae? and he faith, l , m 11ot. \ t tho tha� pr�� het? :And h , � f,:,, r d o. 1 hen f,11 tht:)' 1111, h!� \ bo :irt th u? that we m. gl\e an anfw r to them hat fi ri • hat fayeft thou o thyi Ir: 11 He:. fa1d! I am t� voice of on: crr n g 111 the wild rnefr, M.i fr�;11ght the way of the Lord, fa1rl the prophc:t Efai • And th . which w re fent were of the Phi· 'Th,:__fourtb unday in /Jdvmt. ri� es. And th y afk d him ,1 r.. fa1d unto him, hy b:1ptizeCt th 'The Co le8. i_f tho 11. be not that h1ill ·Q Lord, raife 11p (we pr;iy thee) then, thy po er, and come among n r Elias, n 1th r that Prophet. in , I u ; and with great might fuc.our John anfwerc::rl them, f,iy th hut h water; tize wit bap lins ur through s, wherea us, that lrand th one among you, whom and wickednefs, we arc fore let Ht: it is, who com· and hindered in running the race ye know not: is preferred be� r me, g after m iful bount th}' us, e that is fot befor latchet I am_ no 01oes wbofe me, hel ily fpeed p grace and mercy may Thefe thin� t o0fe. U!1l thy o wor fatis.lnd deliver us, throuih the ara, bey on fatlion of thy Son our Lord • to were rlone in Beth:tb , where John was baµti, whom, with thee an<l the 1-foly Jordan g. Ghofi, be honour :ind glory,.,.. orlJ in -------------without nd. Amw. 'The ]•{ativity ef our Lord, or tt Birth-day ef CH RIST, commo,;' '(�e Ejiflle. Phil. iv. 4. calle d Chriftmas-day. EJotce 111 tl)e L<?r� alway; and 'The ColleB. again l f�y, RcJorce. Lt:tyour roodc::ration be k_nown unto all A·Lmighty Corl, who haft gi • en 11ti thy only begotten · men. The Loni_ 1� at ha�d- Be. car�t'ul for nothrng; but rn every to take our nature upon him an tb}ng by pra�er and fupplication, as_-'t_this time to be born of a' pur· with thankfg1ving, ltt your re• Virgin; Grant that we being r • qudts be made known unto God.f gen1:rate, an,l made thy childre, Anq the peaGt: of G_od, which paf - by adoption and grace, may dail} eth all underftandin�, fball keep be renewed by thy holy Spirit yc.n1r hearts and minds through through the fame our Lord Jefu Chrill:, who liveth and �•eignct Chrifl: Jdus._ with
it flure O,;ilt thou fol th m up, � b the;>e and the (ame · pirit ever, 111: God, world w1tho11t end. iJ • .111d tht:y 01:ill b. 1 1 :in,.cd; but ' " n1e11. ,ame, and thy ye re l h u art t h e r. fball not fail. 'l7,11Epijlle. Heb. i. r. 'The Gofpel. St. John i. 1• Od, ,,1, at fundry tim P the bt- •inning was th \ 't>r< , . . and in divers maoucrs, fpake anJ lhe V ord, as wi h ml, 111 tune pafl: unto the fathers by the od. The f?n>phcts, hath in thcfe I ft days nd the \Vord was fpoken unto us by his Son whom far.:ie was in the h gi1111i11g with he hath appoint d heirofali things Go • All thi11gs w re made by by whom_alfo be made the worlus; him; and without im was not any Wbo, b 1ni the brightuefs of his thing m,Je, that was m11 e. ln story, and the exprefs image of bis him w�s life, and the life, ·a the ligbt f men. Anrl the light lhin perfo11, and upholding all tbin<T 0s by the word of his p wer wb 11 1:th in darko fe, and th d.11 lrn f11 he bad by liimfelf purged o'ur fins c mprcheoJe it not. Th re was fat down on the right hand of th: a marl ft:nt from God, whoft: nam M:1jefly on high; being made ii was John: Tb fame came for a much better tha11 the angel as witnefs, to bear witn fs of the he bath by inheritance l')bt':lin�d a light, that all men through him more el(c !lent Name than the . might bc::lieve. He w;1s riot that y For unto which of the angels fa i d li�bt, but was fe11t to bea1· ·witn fs he at any time, Thou art my Son, �f that li�ht .. That WJS the true thii; day Ii ave I begotten tbee? light, which Ii htenetb c::v ry man tb. t �omt:th into the world. fk And ag, in, I will he to him a Father and he lhall b to me a Son? was in th wo!·ld, and the world was ma_ck by him, and the wor u Anti' a ain, when he. bringtth in kn w bim n�t. He came n his the firft begotten into the world, and l 11 s own r ceivccl him he faith, Arni let all the angels of own, uot. But as many as r ct:ivcci hi , Goel worll1ip him. And of the to t11em gave he po\�er t become an·gelR he faith, Who m,1k th his angel fpirits, and his minifters a the_ fons of qod, even to them Lha flame of fire. But unto the Son he bel,tve on his name:. Which w re faith, Thy throne, 0 God, is for b�rn, not of bloocl, nor of the ever and ever; a fceptre of righ- will of th Aefh, nor of the will of teoufnefs is the fceptre of thy king- man, but of Gud. And the Word dom: Tbou hils loved righteouf was ma. e fldh, and dwelt among nel's, ai1d hated iniqui t y; therefore us, (aod we beheld his glory,· the. Gnd, even thy God, hath anoint- glory ilS of the only begotten of ed thee with the oil of gladnefs the Father) full of grace and truth. above thy ft:llows. And, Thou, Lord, in the begi11ning halt laid 'The Sunday after Cbrijlm,u-day. the foundation of the earth; and 'The Collefl. the he?vens are the W?rks of thine ALmighty Go(\, who haft given and�• They iliaII pen01, but thou us thy only hegntten. Son to r ame!l:; and they all O,all wax take our nature upon him and ai ld o as doth a garment; and aa a at this time to be;: born of a pure Viq;in; C 2
The third SuLlday after EASTER.
'Ih1 Epijlle. I St. P t. ii. r9. His is thank-worthy, if a man for crmfcience toward GoJ endure grief, fu�e:in� wrongfully, For what glory is it, if ,..,hen }'C be bulfe!ecl f?r your faults, ye <hall ut if wheu ye take 1t p,1tiently? �lo w�ll, and f�lfer for it, yet· ke it patiently; this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye calkd; becaure Chrift alfo fuffered for,us, leaving us'a� t'xarnple, that ;y� fhould fol.low his fi c: ps: Who �1d 1;10 fi111, neither was g uile fou n d . . he was Who when Jn his mouth: reviled reviled not again ; when .he fuffered, he threatened not· but committed himfelf to him 'that judgeth righteouOy: Who hill own .felf bare our fins in his own boc.l .on the tree that we, h c: ing dac.l t� fin, fhould iive unto righteoufoefs: by whofe ftripes ye were healed. going a. For ye were as fheep ftray · but are now returned u n to the tbepherd and bifhop of your ,fouls •
'The Gofpel.. St. John x; rr. Efus (aid, I am the good fhepherd: the good fh t pherd giv,eth his life for th$! fh eep,. But he that is an ·hireling, and not the 1hepherd, whofe own the fh eep'are not, f�eth the wolf coming, an leavt'th the.Cheep, and fleeth, and the wolf catch et It them, a n ct' featJ.t'reth the ·Cheep. Thc::· hirding� .{)cetb bt'caufe he is an hireling and careth, not for. the fh-eep .. I _am the good 01epherd, and know my /heep, and am known o f mine. As the Father knoweth me, ev_en fo_ know I the Fathe:-.� And I lay down roy life for the '!beep. And othe� /heep I have, which are _not ,,f th1.s fojd ;_tl1em alfo \ m�(t lmni;, .ind t�c:y thi?,ll bear roy \!OlCe; and
• ·:'
there fhall be one fold, and one 01epherd. ------------
'The tbird Sunday after Eajler.
. 'The Co!leB. m1ghty God, who 01eweft L A , to them that are i,n error the . light of thy truth, to the intent that.they \l1ay return into the way_ of nghtt'oufnefs; Grant unto all t110fe w_bo are arlmitted into �he fc:llow011p of ChrifPi; religion, that thqr may avoid tho�c:: things that are contrary t their· profrlftoo, and follow all fucn. th111gs as are agrec::ahle lo the: �me, th.rou$h our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen, .. 'The Ep,iflle. 1 St. Pet. 11• II • Early beloved, I befcech y oll! D firanger s and pilg ri !11 s , ab· ftain. om flelhly .l ufl:. s , which war ag a�n ft. the foul; hav1 n g your con. " h c:: . e n• vtr1at1on honeft a.mono G t ti.1 � s• that __ whereas· thc::y fpeak a; g;un yo1:1 as v1l•doers, they may hy your good workt! which the>; fliall beh?)d, _glorify God in the day of-vihtat1o n . _Submit your� felves to v�ry ordinance of man, for th� I:ord s fake; whether it be t the kmg, as fopreme; or unto, ?. � overn ors? as unto them �hat.are fent _by lum, for the punin1me n .t of evil-rloeni, ,ilnd for the praife of th-em that do well. For fo is the ,nil of God, that with well-doing Y� Tay_p ut to filence tbe ignora n ce O ·ooh_A.1 m�n: as Free, a n d 11�� ufin_g . your· libc::rty for a c)oak of.· m/�ioufntfs; bnt as the ltrfants men: Love \ h� d . · �ononr t e 1 rhe� hood: Fear God: Ho .. -oou� ,t 1e kmg. <J;'he Go/pd. St. John xvi..' 16. ,: ltfns faid to his difciples, A litJ tie w{1ile iUlcl y.� (hall not . me�
The fourth S.unday after EAsTi.R.
'The .Epijlle. St,. James i. t.7, me; and agJin, a little while and ye fl1;tll fee me; becaufe r o to cry g��d _gift, and ev ,·y per the Father. Then faid fom of • fc:cl gift ,a from above, a11d his difciples nmong liH:mf<!lves, cometh down from the f,1tl_1er of ,vhat is this that he faith unto us, lights, with vvhom is nn van:t�lc A little while and ye 01:ill not fee nd, , neither fh ow f t11n11�g. me; �cl again, a little while and Of. his own will begat he us w1lli ye !hall fee m ; and, Bc:caufe.J go the word of truth, that we_ fuould to t.he Father? They faid there- be .a kind of 6rrt fruits f his er a• fore:, W.hat is this that he faith tures. Whcm,:fore, my b lo\·�cl A little whik? we can.not tell brethren, let every m:tu be fw�ft what he fdith, Now Jefus ltnew to hear, iluw to fpeak, Oow t that they wae <lefirous to afk wrath) for the wrath of m.10 him, and faid unto them, Do ye: work th not the righteoufnc:fs of enq1._1ire am_ong yu1�rfelves of that God. Wherefore l�y apart all fi!• I fa1d, A little while a_nd ye f!1a11 thiuefs and fupc:rflu:ty nf naught!· not fee me; arid again, .a little ndi , and r"'ceive with mcdmefs wh)le and ye fhall � e nie ?·Verily, the ngrafted word, whi. b is ahl� verily I fay unto you, that ye Oiall to fave your fonls. · ' . wc:ep and lament, but the world 'The Gojpel. St. John xvi. S· f11all rejoice: and ye fr!all be forrowfol,_ but. yo1:1r forrow 01all be JEfus faid unto his dircipl s, :Now I go my way to him that fent turned into Joy. A woman when --fhe is in travail hath farrow., be- 1ne, and none of you a{J:;;eth me, caufe her t.o_ur is _come� but as W hither goefl: thou? But be<.;aufe Jo n as fhe 1s delivered of th r have faid thefe things unto you, child, fhe i:ememhereth no more forrow·hath fill cl yom heart. Nt: the a�gui!11, for joy that a man is verthe_lefs I tell you the truth; it i� born mto the world. A n<l ye now c::x,pc:d1ent for you that I go a , ay 1 therefore have forrow: but I will for if I go not a,vay, the Com fee you again, and ·your he;irt fhall fortc:r will not come unto yoH; bnt rej o ice, anrl your joy no mau ta• if l depart, I will frnd him unto keth from you. · · you. And when he is come, lie will reprove the world of Iin, and _ . • :(he fourth $und11y after EnjleF, of righteoufnefs, and of jiidg . - · ·. The Collea. ment: Of fin· becaufe they be• Almighty God, wh� al�ne lieve not on m;: Of rig:htc:cttfnefo; can� , order the-unru,y wills l ecau.fe I o to ID)' Fath t �·, an�\ ye g "'rrt<l affecl1onsoffinfulmtn•; Grant ft:e me 110 more: Of judgment_; unto thy p�ople, t_hat tlfey may �ecaufe the prince of this �orld rn _ love the tb111g wh\ch thou co!n- Judged. I have -y et many th111g$ t? mande!l:, af)d defire that,.wh1ch fay unto you, but ye canaot bear thou dolt pro·rnife; that fo, among. them now. Howbeit, ,when·he;the the fundry and manifold cha11ges Spirit of tnllh, is come, he-will 0 f the world, our hearts may fure- guide.� you into all" tru th: for lre 1 Y t-here he fixed, where true juys lhall not f eak of hirnfrlf; but p a re _t o be found, through Jtlils whatfoever he fl1all hear, tlrnt l11;,ll , CJm n our tord. .11,mp. . , he :f1le;;k : and he· wi)I !bi::.w you .r tlungs-
. A S C :E .N S I· 0 N - D A y.
thin s. to come. l e 'fhall gl.orify notbiJJg in !TIY ame: Afk, and me: for h fl�I! rec ivc: of .roinc', ye £hall rcoe,,..e, ti�· t y�ur joy m/Jy an_d n1all lhew 1t 'l.lnto you. AJI e full: Th_e �e things .have I fpo• things that the F ther I alb, •ar · nu OlO you •n proverbs :the tin e , mine: tltt!rcfore faid I, bat he 01all cometh wh.eo I 01al1 no -more take of mioe, and (ba�I fhew it un- fpeak unto y.ou irr proverbs; but r .!ball lhew you Plai.oly of the to y,ou. Fa: • tJ1 r. At t.hat dny ye: O l all ;iJk jn . n my .im_e; Md L fay not ,un�o T/Je fifth Simday after &jiu. y • 1, that I will .pray t�e �'lather for you; The Co ll i'l. e L d, f m ·L1 m :ill good for': th Father htrnklf lov th yo11, be aufe ye have loved me,a,od 1111,·e tl�rng's d� c�� • Gra11t to . heheve:d that I came out f b Goel rom .us tby h!rn•�le _fc-rvants, that. } f came for .th from ti 1e F a.the.r, an d. thy holy 1n1pirat1on we: may th1n.k ◄ n �i ��f ; t�i:'� � � wo l<l :. A g \fl1 y a11rl good, e � thofe thii:igo tba_t r h . o .< ,_. a.n cl go to � H' thy merciful gu1d1og·may perfo1 m f . His dift.:.1pks fai.d u�to ? tbt:rLo. the fame thro11gh our Lord 1efus him, now fp�'k. (l thou pl;un• me • ,n ,r -Ct ·tt . . , ly, ;and· fptrakdl: no prov 1;b, No)V 'The Epijlle. St. J;imes 1. n. are we fure that• tbou .koowtrft all ,E ye doers df t.he.worcl,_�nd, tbings, and oee4,ll: ;not tbat ,any . not h arers nol)',. dece,vmg, man ibould .alk thee: ,by this we your 0, w o fdves. _ For if <JPY be a belie,;e thut tho.u camefr for�h.fr0m bearer.of the word, ancJ not a do-_ God. Jefus anfa ered them, Do• er, he is like nnto a man behold· ye .now· belieye? Br.tio!d, the .hour ing ,his 11at:Jral face in a gl,1fs. For cometh, yea, is.o.ow c0rne, :that ye '.he bd1eldet.h hi,nfelf, ,1o<l g.oeth lhall be fcattererl eYtrry roan to his )lis way, and fl:raight\yay forget•,own, and 1hall leave,;roe· alolJ : 1et�1 ,what•maoner of mao. he .w as and yet I am -net..alone, bee,1,ufe '.But·whofo lqoketl,i into, the per•' the 17ather ·is with· me, Th de .f�& law of-liberty ,.;rnd,cont inudb' <things I J1av:e · (pok�n .1,1oto yeu., therein : he being not a forgetful: that in 01e ye Ol.ight have peace r ,bearer, bat a doer of the wor�,. fn the w.,rld ye !hall have tr:ibular this r(lan fhall be bldfc:d in hts1 lion ;·but he e.f-go0d-ch�r, I have· .deed. If. a riy l)'lapa -? �OlJg you feorv\ overcµme the wot:ld. • . .. to· be religi-011,�, and l.,r,rdlt:th not, .o".Vn �is h but clc:cei_v�I J1is tongne, · jion-JJay. o .Afte. The 1 1 ..hea.rt, t:..is m,111-s r-ehgi-oo is.varn., ·er.he Co l/e ll. P.ure n:ligion,,arid unde_filed _before. GR;rnt, we befrech ,thee, AIL .God and the Father, 1s �bi�, 1:'01 : mighty-God, that tike as w� the. fa�?e:rle fs ,;rnd ¥11do_ws 1i:., do believe thy only-begotten ,Son• ,vi �heir affi1cbon, and to kt-ep hi_mfrl!; ,1ur Lord Jefus Ch 1,i-ft ,to ,J i aNe a · -unfpotted fo om ti-re worl.d . fcended into the heavens; fo ,we· -·The G()Jpef. St. }flbn xvi. :23. · may alfo in he�rt: an_d,mjnd �hither· ::vf'rily, ve1'ily, -:1 :fay nn,f..'J yon, afcend, and. with l111n· ?�mt111ua!IY. ·'\IVhatfoevc�r ye llrnll afk the dwell,•whohvethand rergneth with, , F•al'her in ,my:Name, he will-giv: thee. and _theHo!yGh0ft,0F1\'.God, Eor, •it you. , Hi-lhl:i'to h?.rn ye ii"!ket;• fCrld without- end. /Imm. I
Sur)'tlay.afte( °AS-CE
n r as ye have Seen .biro go into . For•the Epiflle• .Act i. r. en. f-nHc: f. rroertreatifc h�ve Im de, b . 0 Tbeoµhih , of :ill that Jdu_s <J"he Go.fpel. 'St. Mark xvi. 14. began both to do aud teach, un ii the day in which he was taken up, Efus rippear d unto the eleven, after that he! throngh the Holy J as they fat at rneat, and u_p· Gllo!l, h�d g iv en commandments braidt!d them with their unbeh f � apoftl whom l 1e had aml hardnefs of heart, hecaufe t hc:y unto. the cJ pf, n wh_om ul_fo ht! lh wc:d believed uot them which· had e f,, n hi. m felf ali�e atter. hts pal_l:on, by him after he ,vas rifen. A nc\ he being proofs, f�en fd id unto them, Go ye into all the many i11falltble of them f(_}�ty days, _a1�d fpeakrng w rld, and pr acrh the Gofpel lo o of. the thmgs pertaining _to th. very creature. He that helic::vc-th kin r<lom of God: _And being a{- ,md is baptized, fhall be f.tvecl; f◄ rnbled togdhc:r with them, com- hut he tha be ieve.t .not, fball h i:: l t mauded tl1em that.they fhou\d n�t damned. Aud the(e figns 01::11! clep:irt froin Jerutale1,n, bbt w;11t follow them that bcliev : In my for the.• �romiTi: of the l? Lhtr, N� e m 1:iJ1 they can out devils; . he e ,y have_ i1e, ar fa1!JJ d. of they 0 1 all.(p_t:ak ,. itb new.ton •u ; which, me. For John truly bapt1z�<l ��1tl1 they f h all take up frrpents ;_ am! !f . wat<?r; but: e fhall b� bap!lZt:<l they -drink any deadly thing, ,t with the Hor 1y Ghoft, not many fhall not hurt them; tliey 01all lay days hence. When they then::for� hands on the fi d t, and they 01all were come toge ther, th_ey ar.c.ed of rccover. So then, after the Lol'd him, faying, Lord, �vil t. tho':! at had fpoken unto them, he was re,. this time rdt,ore again th� king. ceived up into heaven, and fat on dom to l�r,ad? , And 11!! �tcl unto the rigbt l1and cif God. And they them, It 1s not for ;y.ou· to_ know went forth, ;iml preached -every the times or the {eaf�ns,,"wh1ch the where, the Lord working wit ti Father b th�put 11�. lus.own power. them, and confirming .the word l3ut ye {hall receive _power, afLe1· with figns following. that the Huly Gtioll: 1s come upon you: aiirl .ye r�all be witneffes 111:1• to me both in Jerufale_m, and 111 Sunday after'Ajcmjion•D oy. all Ju1e;i, aud in Samaria, and 11nh. eart the of 'The Coflefl. part l\: rmo utte to the And ·when he had fpc,Ju:n ,tbefe G·ocl tbe King of glory, w110 hile they, behdd, he _:was · haft t:talted thine nly 'S011 thin iake�\t an<l a .. clo4d r�tl"(�d Jefus Ch'tift with great tr111mph hi1n ou/;f, their figh't. And .wh11t unto thy kingdom in heaven ; V, t they looked fl,cdfaitly �ow.ard hea- befeech thee l'eavem, not ttimfort yen, as he went, up! ·heh9ld, two lefs;, bot fen'd ✓ to us thine Holy men fl:ood V thc::m tn white appa- Gho!l: to comfort us, :rnd ei.alt us Y rt:1 ;_ whicl'I alfo .£.1id, Ye �en ,of unt� 't11e Ta_me place v.rhit11er mH' �ahlce, wliy fiand ye gazmg ,up �av1onr Chr1fi is gene �,c:fore; who JOt? heaven? 'I1his f{lme,Je_fu\l, liveth and ft'i.gn·e,th � 1th thee and ��Heh is taken �P- f(-'!Jll ,YGU into th_e·HoJy,Ghoft, Goe G0d ,- ·,t.orld l1caven, 1a1i come m 1(\<:e ,man-, witi,1<,>Ut end •. .lip1en,. ...,.,
: l.
• \., :
WI-ITT S u'N.D .
fuJ peop e, by fending to them _the: Hc t:nd of all things is ;rt hand: light of thy Holy Spirit; Graul us be ye th rd re fobcr, an by the fame fprrit to have a right atcb unto pray r. And ab vt ju, gmeut in all things, and tv r· ore to rt:joice in his holy com. all thing Ir, ve frn·ent charity a_mong rourfi Ives: for charity l11all fort, through the merits of Chri11 cov r the multitude f Gus. Ufe J fus our Sa .. iour, who liv th and ·bofpitality one t anolh r without reignt.'lb wilb thet', in the unity of gru dging. As �\"cry man hath r - the fame fpirit, one God worlJ ceiv d the gift, even fi minifi I without c:nd. ,fo11m. the f.1me one t ano_ h r, as go d Fnr Jbt Epij}lr. Aets ii. r, ilc.-wards of the m:mrfo!ci gracc_of "ITI!t:n thcd.iyofP .itt:cofl:wn� \ God. lf any man fpeak, I t lrrm fully come, ,tht-y wae all �ut·ak as_tl_ie oracl s �fGod:_ If an. ':vith one accord in one place: And "1J1an �!nrfl:t:r,. lt:t l11m _cl 1t as of fuddenly there came a fouud fronl the al_)Jlity, �rcb God giveth: _th t h�av n, .\S of a rulhir)g mighty God in all thrn�s i:nar be glonfi <l wmd, and it filled all the h,Hrfc thr�ugh Jefos C!1�11t; to whom be wh re tbt·y were fitt'ing. Au<l _pra,fe an domm10:1 for ev r aod there appeared unto i:hem clov o c:ver. Amen. tong.u s, 1i e as of fire, and it f, � pon ach et them: 'And they u and 26. xv. John s,. Gofp1l. 'The · were all filled with the Holy Gholt, pnrt of the "16th chaptrr. "t:XTHen the Corr.forte1· is come :rnd began to fpeak with otbl.'r VV whom I will fi nd unto yo1; tongues, as the fpirit gave thcrn fr0m tht: Father, even the Spirit of �llt ranee. And there wt:re dwell· truth, which proceedeth from th<: rng at Jernfalem, Jew_ , devout .Father, he fhall teflify of me. Anc1 men, out of every 11�llon und_er ye alfo fball bear willlefs, bt:cau� heaven. Now wher'l th:s was ho1f• ye have been with me from the ed abroad, the mnlt,tude cam<! beginning •. Th.ete things 1 ave J together, and w re c,rnfoundecl, fpoken unto you that ye •fhould becaufe that every man heard theni not be offende�t.' They fhall put fpealc in his own language. And you out of the fynagogues : yea, they w�re all amazed, and marvel• the time cometh, that whofoever ed, faying oue to an9ther, Bt:!wld, killeth yo11,-will think that he do- �re not all \hefe which fpeak, Ga· th God fervice. And thel"t:1 thin"s l1leans? Anet how hear we every will they do unto you, becaufe th�y ·�an in our own tcrmguev.!herein w� have Eot known the Father ,, nor ,;,;•ere born? ParUliat1a, and Mec!es, ,ne: hut tht:fe things h;ive I t.old Jnd Elarnites, and _the 9wt1llt:r� in you, tbat when the time Oiall Mefopotamia, and ill Judea, nod come, ye may remember that J Cappa�ocia, in Pontus, a 11d Alia; Pbry�1a and Pamphylia, in Egypt, told you of them. _______________ 1 and in the parti of Lybia about Cyrene,' aod 0-rangers of Rome, Wh1·1,1r.un day. Jews .lod Prof�lytes .,, £rett"� ancl ,, The Collrfi'. ,Arabians, we do·heartheni fpeak in God, who.as at this tim.e d idfl , our tongues the \Yon<le.rful w'orka'. _ teach the hearts of thy faith- of God, . • . · . , , , �h� (·
Tiu Epijllr. 1 St. Peter iv. 7.
Mond;ay in WH1Tsut1 -VvEE-K:
neither let it be afrnirl. Ye bav • The-Gofp e/. St. Juhn xiv. rs. Efu faid 4nto his difciple&, if ye heard how J faid u�to you, I g _ u. love m · keep my c001m,ind- away, and come agarn ui;ito_yo roents. And I -.viii pray the Fa- If ye loved me, ye would rc:Jurce, tber, and he fliall gi.ve you another becaufe I faid, I go unto the Fa Comforter, that he may abiue with ther: for my Father i:i greater than you for eve1·; even the Spirit of I. And now I have told you, be _ world _cannot fore it come top fs, _that wh_ nit t,:·uth, whom thc receiv.;, becaufe •� fe th lum not, is come to pafo, ye might belie� • 'fl it her knoweth him: but ye know Hereafter J will not talk much with bim · for he dwelletb with ·you, you: for the prince of this world and' Chall be (n · you. 1 will not cometh, and hath nothing in me. ),<:aveyou corofortlefs; J will come But that the world may know that to you. Yet a little while and the I love the Father.; and as the Fa worlrl {i eth me no more.; bnt ye t:her gave me commaodment, even fee ine: bc:caufc: live, ye Chall liv fo I ilo. j3\fo. At �hat day ye il1all kno".", that I am 111 my Father, and ye 111 /t'fondqy in �hitjun-lVeek. me� and I .in .you. Ht! that hath my com�a!•dmeots.,. and ke.epeth . 'Th e Colle a. them� he it 19 t-ha� lovetb me · and God ., who as at this time did fl: he that \oveth me, Ot�ll be i 0':'ed teach the hearts of thy faith of my�atber;_and 1-w,ll love h(m, ful pe p e, b fending to them the· y o l and w,1� man,fr!t_ myfelf to h_tm. light of thy Holy Spir it; Grant us, µdas faith ? 11.to (r,otl�canot) by the fame fpirit to haYe a right J �ord, how 18 it t at thou wilt ma- judgment in all thin�s, and ever-. · mfel\: thy felf �mto ':9 , and ot un- m re to rej ice in b i s holy com.' � o o _ to the wor.1} · J efu� �t�fwet ed and fort ., through the mer its of Chrift _ fa1d u!1to him, If a man l�1ve me, Jefus uur S�viour,' who liveth and· he w1H�eep �v ords; aod �� reigneth with thee, in the unity f Father w1ll love. tum, and we wil. the fame lj)irit one God world · come unto him, and make·our a• without end. Amen ; ' .bode, with him. He that·loveth • For th11 Epij}fe. �th ,c. 34. me ·not keepeth uot: n,y fayings,: and, the' w.ord wl�ich•Y; hea�, is not THen Peter opened his mt111th; . and faid,' Of a truth I per Jllfoe, 'but the gather s wh•�h -ft::nt me. Thefe thmgs have l fp9�en ce1ve that God ,i8 ,no refptcter of • n�t> ou. qeing yet prde-nt w_1th perfons; b1,1t in ev ry nat.ion, he , ou� yBut tl:Je .,�9mforter,. "_Vh i ch t�at fra-reth him, .an.d work.etri 7 1s tge.Holy�Gho!}:, whom. the Fa- r,_glfteou(nefs, fo accepted .with 1 !her wi11 .fend 16 .qiy _name, he him•• T.he M'Ord which God fen't .fhall teach you all thrngs, and �nfo th!'.! children of lfrael, preach. . bri ng all things to your re_mem- 111g peace ·by Jefus. Cb.rill (lie is lwance, whatfoever 1 have·(a1d un- Lord of. all;) That �ord, I fay, �o you, Peace.I Jeaye with you, ye know, .v-hiah was puhlifbed my pe-ace l,gi� ll-0.�0 you;: not aR tlm.hrgho�t ,i\11 Judea, and he�ary , th e world givc:tli, mvc I . u nto you. from Galilee, after the bapt1fm �et noi y"our heart ht: trc:ii1bl.fd, which John p1;cache.d: How.God · anomkd
Tuefday in WHr-Ps·u ·-WEEK;
inoi�te d JHus of azareth with thro·ugh him migh be faved.. �e the H ly Gholt, and with pow r; that bdievc:lh on hil'!), is -not o n who ent ab�H1t doing good, aocl dem11ed: but he tbat b · ieveth not; liealing all that wc::re ppreffed of ·s condemn d already, bec;111fi be tne devil: tor God w:is with him. ath nq( believed in the Name of And we.an: witneffes of :ill th·ngi; he 011iy htgotten· Son of God. w-hich ht: did, both in thct land f And this i tlie condemnation,�½1at the Jews,,a.nd fo Jerufalem; whom light i come into the wqrld, and t)a:y nc:1Y, and han�ecl on a tree: men 1ov�d dar�11 {s rath l' than Him God r, ifc:d up the third �ay light, btcanfi:: their deeds we1re and Chewed him op·nly; not to evil .. For every ohe t�1at·c1 erh e• all the people, but unto witnefn:s vii, hateth the-light; neither com• chofc::n before of God; evt!ll to us_, eth to the light, left his deeds ho did eat and drink witb him fhould be reproved. I3ut he that after he rofe f rom tbe dead. And doc:th tiuth, cometh to the light, be commanded us to pr ach unto that his deeds may be made ma· rhe p-eople� and to te!tify that it is nifrft, that tliey_ an: ,: rou ht in he which w.as 9rdained of God to Gou: be tl;e judgt of quick an<l dead. -------------.-----1 TP .•him .g,i".e a-II t•he proP.be.t:, wit• '(uifdaJJ. ih 1:'7!!it.fw1-l 'uk. Jlcfs, tnat throHgh·bis Name, w.hoThe.c_::ollefl.._ • • fuev r beli veth in him, fhall re, a t ih1s timeu!d� who.as God Pe ccive remiffion·of fins. While t h fa1tb, thy h:��rts.of t each ter yet fpake thefc words; the Ho- f· ul p.e0pl_e, b,1 fenruo g to them th� _ : J-y Ghofi>fell on'a-11 them who-henr.d lt_ ht.a£·thy Ho�Y:'Sp11:1t; Gr,o t us rhe word. �nd t·ht;y_ofl the cir, �_ _ t <;umcif\on who beli·eve.d; were _a- ?� . bi: ;f;"lmf! fpn1t·�0 liave a nght d..e.ve.r• a s, t aJl•�hJn •• n l!-1 � {-tonifhed',. as many as came1 wit!} JU�nwn · J> ter, bec:ml that on tli� Ge.n- !11 Gr� to reJ ot ce m 1u,'1_ .h?l'Y COIJ:H fymt, . .thr ugh ? tiles alfo was poureil .out the gift _ the meri� ..of1 0h0lt of tire Holy Ghofr. For, tlfry he;:inl Je[1.is out �.iyiour,. ,yho lwet•h and them fpeak with tongues, and mag� rei�nolli\\ill:!1 _th;ee, m Ure unit.y,of nify .God •. '};hen -anfwt:recl P.eter, th.0 faro.a fpinll, one God, world Can any m;in fcirbjd water, that .witti.o:11t <md •. · .�mm. thc:fe Ibou_lfi'not �e 'bapti;zed; "iho :for the Epijl_le. A�s vii�. J.f. · have r.ecetv�si lht: Hol,y Gbqft a.s ·w.· ,l-lt'n' �_h!! !\-1>.oi}ks, w.ho were ' ,veil as.��'�? A�d. he _commanded · at 1.erufafem hfard that Sa them tQ he baptized H\ the N".inie maria: '·hacF i:ec11iyed the· worci of i1�- the L.ord. T�e� -pra,y,e!l tj1e);1 G.od','. �l\� ,ftnt ,µ_ritp: tJ1em Pete� 7 a b)m t,o ty.rry_ certai,n rtays_.__ 1 9d :f?"lm,; -y1J10 _.w,hen t',hey were f6i:ne d5> w11; Ilr�.�d for.thei:n ,:that � 'Tlie_ Go.ff!el. tt, John 111 •. Jo. Od fo.1.ove� the world, th�t lhe-ymightrece1vetheijol.rGh oft: · he gave. h1s,· onlY, _begptt:�rn !f:oi- as yet' hP?.,yas fall,eri.u;?ori non� . Son, t.ha� wppf9ever bel1eveth 1.i:i· ?.f them_; only .tpt:y we.re· baptized 1Jim fh�nld. net penfh, �µt,h�ye ;in the �tine pf .tt1�·�prd Jefu_s :) r�er)a(\.1_n$ lifr. For God f4;!nt no.ll fht'�, l_a!d t�;t;Y �he1r. pan9s on J,tCI Son mto the worlp to col)t)emi;i thein, and th�}',' received \he f. bly • : th� ·WP,d'd, but that the world :G•tt.oft. - · · � 1 • • ·." : ' : X 'Ih e
more ciefi nd u from all adver!itiea, who livcfl: and rt:igndt, one God, world without ent1. .Arneh. For the l!.'pifllt', R v. iv. r • nold, Arter this I look ,d, ,ind b av,·n: donr w,,s opt'11ed i11 ht ll.nd the firfl: voice which 1 htar<l, was as it were of a trumpet, talk ing with mt; which faid. Com� up hither, ar,c! I wrll lh \\ thee th11115s which muft be ltere:,(ter. And im m·diately I was in the Sp11it; ancl behold,a thront: was kt 111 ht:ave::n, • and one fat on the thr n : and_ he that fat was to look upon Ida: aytfper and a fanline Cl:on : and LlJ.:re was a rain-b w roi::11cl about the throne, in fight like unto an cme raid. And round about the throne ,vere four and twenty fratA; itnGl upon the feats I faw four and twcn ty elders fitting, clothe<l in ·hi�e raiment; and they h11d on tht1r heacis crowhs of gold: An<l ciut ofth throne proceeded lightning�, and thunderings, and voices. And there-were fov n lamps offire bur n ing hefore the throne, which are the feven Spirits of Goel. And be fore the throne, there was a fra of gl�fs, iike unto cryltal. And in the m1dfl: of the throne, an<l round a bout the thronc:, were four b afls full of eye,s before and behind: And the firft beafi was like a lion, and the fecond beaft like a calf,11nd the thir<l beafi h-ad a face as a man, 'J'rinif)' Sunday� �n<l the fourth bealt was like a fly'II.IJC , r .., a II([f • mg eagle. And the four healls had . • Lm1gbty ant� t:verlafr-mg God, each of them fix wings abo1,1t him; � who haft gt\!l'.11 unto ustliy_ and they were full of eyes within: fervants grace, by.the confdfion ot and they reft- not day and night a true faith, to aokoo,�l�dge the Jayin_g ) Holy, holy, holy, L11rd God �Jor y of the eternal �m_nrty, a!)d Aln1tghty, who wa-s, and is, and is the power of the d1vme Ma_ie, tu-come. Ahd whtn thofr beafts Y to Woi:fhiP'the,Unitf; We be- give glory,and honour.and thanks feech thee that thou wouldeft keep to him tha't fat 00 the throne 1 who ,·ua ftedfaft iu this faith, and ever- •liveth-for ever and ever the four ' G ,.,, and
T'be Go[Pel. St. John x. 11.
Erily, verily, I fay unto you, He that enteretb not by the door jnto the (heepfold, but climbeth up fome other way, the fame is a tbief ,and a rcibb r. But be that euterelh in by the tloor ,, is the fltepherd of the lhee.r, To hirn the por_ter �peneth; and tbe {beep hear his votcc:; al\d he calleth his own fueep by name, and Jeadeth them out. And when !1e puttetb forth hie own f'heep, he goeth hefore them, and the fheep follow l1im; for they know hie voice: and 1\ llr:mger wiH they not fonow, but will nc:e fr�m him· fr th y know not the voice of f'tran-gers. Th�s p· ·able fpakeJe::fus unto them; but · they under(tood not what -things they were which he fpake unto them! Then fai\l JeCus unto them i\gain, Verily, verily, I fay unto you, I :lm the door of the fheep: All that ever came before me are. thieves and robbers; hut the f11eep Bid not hear them. I am the door.• by me if any man enter irr, he fba!L be favcd, anfi fball go in and out, and find pafl:ure. The thief cometh not but for to fleal, and to kill, and to deftroy: I am come that they might liave life, anc;I that lh�y might have it more abundantly. _____________ •
_ J�_ _
The firft Sunday after a
ai:1d tw nty lders fll do, hefore him tbat fat on Lhe throne, and worfl1ip him" that lfveth for rer and ev r, and �act their crowns before the throne, f. ying, Thou ilrt worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and pow r; for thou haft created all things, .:md for thy p afore th y are and w re c t d.
know, and tefiify that we ba,e (i en; and ye rec ive not our wit• nefs. lf I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not; how· fhall ye b lieve, if I tell you of hea venly things? And no man hath afcend d up to heav n, but he that came down from h aven, even the Son of man, who is in heaven. And as Mofrs lifted up the ferpent in th wild roefs, ev n fo mu!t the The Gofpel. St. :John iii. 1. Son of .man be lifted up; that who Here was.a man of the Phari foever believeth in him, U1ould not ii·es, name<l Nicodemus, a ru peri01, bnt have eternal life. l r of the Jews: The �ame cam� to • • Jefus by night, and fa,d unto him, 1 ,n Sunaay after Tnmty. -.,'he fiv• l abhi, we know that thou art a The Collefl. teacher come from God: For no God, the frre!)gth of �11 thofe man can do tbefc: miracles .l� t _who put their trufl: rn th e, thou doefl: except God be with ace pt our pr;iyers; ;in d him. J fu� anfw red and f. id un- merc,fully ntfs of to l i im, Verily, verily, I fay unto becaufe, tbro 1gh the weak do no an we n�ture, l o c mo�ta ur again, bor.n be man a th e, Exce t ran n thee t i , withou g th good God. of m � t us he cannot tee the kingdo h Nicodemus faith unto him, How � e help of thy grace, that rn keep can a man b born .when he is ?Id? mg thy comn1an�me�1ts wed may , can he enter the fecond time rnto pleafe thee, bot'h 1!1 will andrd ed Je(us Chnft our Lo . A· bis mother's womb, and be born? through mm. J..:fus anfwered,Verily, verily, I fay The Epijlle. I $t. John iv. 7• unto the.:, Ex·cept_ a �a.n be born Eloved, let us love one anoof water, and of the Spmt, he canther: for lovi:: is of God, ;ind not enter into the kingdom of Go�. That which is born of the flefh, is eTery one that lovelh is born uf. flefh; and that �vhi.ch is bo-; n of Gqd, and knO\�eth G rl. He tliat the Spirit, is fpmt. Marvel no lnveth not, kno rth not God• for that I faid unto thee, ye mufl: be God •is love. Jn this was mani'fdt: ]Jorn again. The wind blow�th ed the love of ·God towards us, hen: it lifieth, and thou.heaiefr hecaufc that. God fent his only be the f o und then:of, bnt can ft n?t g�tten Son into th wnrld, that we tell whence it cometh, and whi- might live throui;h him. Herein is th r it goeth; fo is every_ one lbal love, not that we luv d God, bnt is born of the Spirit. Ni_codemus that he loved us, and fent his Son anfwered ,md faid unto him, How to be thl: propitiation for our fins. c;111 theft: things be? Jefus anfwer- Beloved, if God fo loved us, w·e ed :rnd f: id unto him, A1:t thou a ought alfo to lo,, one another. No m' (tt-r of Ifrael, and kn<?wcft not man hath fren God at any time. thefe things? Verily, v� ily, I fay If w� love one another, God dwell unto thee We fpeak t)Jat .w <lo eth in UB,. and his love. is p rfcckd •· , ,.., .iu
The fecond Sunday aftef
in u • Hereby know we that we ham afar off, and Laz:irus_ in �i · dwell in bim, and he in us; be- bofom. And he cri�d, and fa1d, eaufe he hath given 11s of his Spi- Father A.br.1ham, have mercy on rit. And we have feen and dote- me, ::1ncl fend Lazarus, that he may frify, th t the Fath r ft:nt the Son dip the tip of hi finger in wat r, to be the Saviour of the world. and cool my tnngue; for I am �Vbofoever fhall c;onfefs t•hat J · fus tormented in this fl me. Bu� A16 the Son of God, God dwell th braham faid, Son, remember that in him, and he in Cod. A11d we thou in thy life-ti�e received(!: have I nown and believe-d the love thy good things, and likewife L� that God hath to us. God is love; zarus e ii things; but now h 1s and he tbatdwc:IJ th in lov ,dw II- comforted, and thou are torment eth in God, and God in him. Herc:- ed. Ami befides all thi�, between in is our love mac\e per£: ct, that we us and you th re is a great gnlf m y have boldncfs in the day o fixed: {i that they who wonlcl jud$men_t; becaufe as he _is, fo ;ire pafs from hence to you, cannot ; we 111 this world. There 1s no fear neither can they pafs to us, that in love; but perf ct love cafteth would come from th .nee. Thc:a out far; bec;rnfe fear: hath tor- h� faid; I pr:iy thee th refore, �a qient: He that frareth, 1s not made tber that thou wouldefl: fend him perfect in love. We love him, be- to � y fathtr'A houfe: For J have caufe he firfl: loved us. If a man five brethr n: that he rnay trfl:ify fay, I love _God,_ aod hateth his uuto them, lefi: tbey alfo come in brother, he 1_s a liar: fox: he that to this pl/ICC of torment. Abraham loveth not bis brother, whom he faith unto him, They have Mofi• hilth feen, how can he love God, an·d thG prophets;_ let them he:ir whom heh th not feen? And this them. And he fa1d, ay, f ther · commandment have we from him, Abraham; but if one went_ nnto that he who loveth God, love his them from the.! dead, they will re4rother alfo. pent. And he faid unto him, If they hean,ot Mo_fes·and th� pro• : 111 they ·be pcrThe Gojpel. St. Luke xvi. 19. J>hets neither Here was a certain rich man, fuacled though one rofe f r om the who was clothed in purple dead. and fine linen, and fared fump- ______________ tuouny every day. And there was a certair. beggar, n�med Lazarus, The fecond Sunday after <fri11it;:. . . ho was-laid at,J11s gate, foll of The Co!leff. fores. and defiring to be fed with Lord, who never failefl: lo he11 the c;·umbs which fell from the and govern thofe whom t-hou rich man's table : moreo;,er, · the dogs C<IJlle ;111d licked his fores. dofl: bring up in thy fl:edfafl: fear And it came to pafs that the beg- anrl love; Keep us, we befeech thee gar died, and was carried by the und.er the protea:ion of thy good a! l gels into-Abraham's bofom: the provi(lence, and make us 'to bave rich man alfo died,.and was buri- a perpetual ar and love of 'h v e-.d_: And.in hell be lift up bis eyes, holy Name, through Jefus Chriil:: hf1ng in torments, and feeth A bra- our Lo1·d. .Amm. z G 'Tb�.:
The third Sun ay after
The Epifl/e. 1 St. John iii. 13. Ar vc:l not, my hr tbren, if the world h te you. \V know th,1t we h,we palfed from e.itb un olife,becaur. we love the brethren. H that loveth not his ·brother, abideth in death. Vvho• f◄ ever h:itetb his brother, is a mur. er r: ;rnd ye know th t no mur. <lerer hath et rn:il Jife abiding in him. Her by perceive we the low: of God, be ·aufe he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whC'fo h�tb this world's good, and feelh hrs brother have need, . an<l Orntteth up his bowels of compaflion from birn; how dwclleth the love of God in him? My little childr n, let us not lov<: in word, either in tongue; but in_ <leed, and jn truth. And hereby we know th:it we are of the tru th, and fh;il) affure our hearts before him. F-0r if our heart condemn us, God is greatcr than our heart, an� koowelh all things. Beloved, if our heart c, ndemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. ,And whatfoever we afk, ·we r�f Pt�'fe ef Li-m, beeae e we "keep h:s do tbofc an<l ents, mandm �om i tbing6 tl�at �re �leafing in h s fight. j\.nd tli1s; 1s his coll?mandm nt, "fh::it we fhould believe �n the Name of bis Son Jefus Chnfl:, and Jove one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keep• ts, dwelleth eth his comma!1dD?en in bim, and hem h11;1: an� hereby we· kno�v tha� he ab1deth 1!1 us, by the Spint.wh-1ch he hath given us. . ']'he Gojpel. St. Luke xiv. 16. Certain maii made a great fopper and bacle many; and fent bis ferv,!�Jt at fupper time, to fay io them that were bidden, -Come,
for all things are now ready. Anu they 311 with one con font b gan to make xcuf, : The 6rft faid un• to bim, I have bought a piece of ground, and I mufl: needs go and fee' it; I pTay thee hn e me ex• en fed : n another faj , I have bought ,ve yoke of x , and I go to prove them, l pray thee have me ei cufed: And another faid, I have married a wife •an<l there• fore I cannot come. 'So that fer• vant came, and rhewed his Lord. th fe things. Then the mafl:er of the �oufe, being angry, fa!d to his fervn t ,. Go out quickly into the flre ts anti lal'les of the city, iiml bring in hither, the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, anu the blind. And the fervant faii.l, Lore, it is done as thou haft comman<l• ed, and yet there is room. And the Lord faid unto the ferv.tnt, Go out into the highways and hedg s, and compel them to come in, that m·y houfe may be filled : for I fay unto you, that none of thofe men which were bi·dden iliall tafie of my fupper. • • .. 'Tirmlly ,I'> 'The Ihird Sun day ap_tr
The Collea. Lord, \.V"e befeech thee mer� cifuny to hear us; and grant that we, to whom thou haft•given an hearty delire to pray, may by thy mighty aid be defended and comforted in all dangers and ad• ver6tiea, ibrough Jcfus Chrift our Lord. .A m en. The Epij]le. 1 St. Peter v. 5. ALL of y01,1 be fubject one to another, and be clothed with · humility: for God refiCteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yonrfelvesthereforc:,
The fourth Sunday after TRnHTY;
fore un<ler ti1e mighty han<l of {he hath found it, fhe calleth her· God, that be may exalt you in friends and her n ishbours toge due time; cafiing�ll your,care up- ther, faying, Rcjoict: with me, for· on him, tor he careth for you. Be I have found the piece which I had fober, be vigilant; becaufe your loft. Llkewjfe, I fay unto you, .:id verfary the devi I, as a roaring There ia joy in tbe pr.efence of th , lion, walketh about, fec:king whom ang ls of G0d over one finner that· he may r;ievour: ·whom relifl: fied- repent th. faft in the.faith; l;nowing that the fame afflictions arc accomplifhed 1-----.--.......__,.-�--.-----fo your brethren that are in th The fourth Sunday after Trinity. \'TOrld But the µ:0d of all grace:, ·V:he Ctf)!leB. who hath called us unto his eterGod_, �he .prote�or of all that· nal glory by Cb rift Jefus, after that , . tru _ft JO J:hee, w1t�o11� whom ye have fuffei:.c<l awhile, make yon perfect, fta�h01, ftrengtihen, fettle 11<.,torn� 1s ftrpng,_notl.11ng 1�boly; you. To him be glory_ and domi- lncre11k and multiply upon ue thy :::nercy; that tbon being our rul c nion for ever and e:ver. Amen. and guidi:, we may fo pafs through 'l'he Gofpeil. St. Luke xv. 1: .tbing� telJlporal, that we fiually Hen drew near unto him all lo(e npt the things eternal: Grant the Publicans ;md finners for this,O heavenly father, for Jefu:i to bear him. And the Pharifees and Chrift� f1t�e .oar Lord. .&mm. . . fcribes murmured, fa.ying, Thiir ... 'Tm Epijl1e. Rom. vu,. 18. -man 1-e.ceiveth finn.ers, and eateth ]le_ckon •thitt �lie fufferings of -�ith them. A nd ilt. fPake this _ thl.S prefont time are not war. parable unto then'!, faying, What man of you hav1og .an hundred thy to be compared with the gtory fh.eep,if he lo:fe �11e .of H1em! doth which fhall be r we�led in 11s. FQr · not te11ve the moe.ty .and nine in the�arneft expe&at1on of the crea,. •the wilder:iefs, and go after that ture WJ\iteth for llh.e wanifeltation , which i,s:lo.ft, __untilJJe nod it? A.n<l of the fens of-Gpd. E r the crea wheo he hatb found it, he !aye-th ture was made fuujecl to vanity,, it.on hisifhouldero,,rc:joiciiig. And not '!Villingly, bi1t by reafon of him. w.hen be com6th:Jrnme, :be q.l_leth wh.o ha h Jupj�e�I ihe fame in, -together his friends Fn<I n�1�h- hop·e: heca,u1$: the .c.reature itfelf boms, (ayi(l.g unto tb-erni Rt'.JOlce al[o Oiall he d�lh·e.r e.d f(·om �lie with me for I h?-velfaund my n,eep oon�ag,e of corruptioJJ, _11Jto the , _ :ivhiob was Jo.it. I ·f,�y u_u.w iyo11, glonoua liberty of the children of that likewife joy Oia:11 ·b.e in b.C;)Yt'n Goij. For �e know-that the w�10Je over one frnner t:hat rep'entQ�'h, �reati.on groaneth, and travailetp , �ore tban ovtr ·111.Q ety .and ,nu:i_e m -pain t.q;;c:the,r u.ntrl npw : A1;H:l · JUJ\: p_ert ns, whichne.ed no repent- no't_ on-ly'they, ·but -0ur(e_lves al fo, �nee. .Either •what, woo:i�n, hav- which have the firfl: frl11ts of the Jn:3 .ten pie.ces ,of fily_e.r, .1f !he lof<: Spi.rjt, ,e.ven w.e onrfely,es �re.in ,Clo-e;piec_e, doth not ligb-t:a. c1m<ll�1 wHhi� .,')uri feh:e&, ;,., aiti.ng fort e · 12.nd f.weep. ie J10ufo, m1d,fe.e k d1- ... 1-C10,p.t1011, .to wit, ,the ,r.ct<lemptio.n , J1gl-\ntJy�ill Jh.e (inti it? ,�nd �v.he.l} 9J f'�I' bs;ch',. .. .
S ,G,
The fifth Sunday after T
• · Thi! Go/pt!I. St. Lu�e vi. 36. E ye therefore merciful, as your Father alfo ism rciful. Judg 11ot, and ye fhall not be judgr.d: . condemn not, and ye {hall not be con emned: forgive, and ye fi1all h� .for iv n: give, and it fball b gtven unto you; good m afurt', reOed down, and fhaken tog · "th r, and running over, fhall m o give into your bofom. For with the fam meafure that ye mete withal, it fuall b meafored to you again. And he fpa!fe a parable unto them, Can the blind I ad the blind? fl1all they not both fall into th ditch? The difciplt: is not ahove hi. mafrer; bnt every one that is perfect 01all be as his mailer. And why beboldeft thou the mote that is. in thy broth-'!r's eye, but ...perccivefl: not the beam that is in thine own eye? Either how canft thou fay to thy hrother, Brot�e_r, Jet me pull out the mote that 1s rn . thine eye, when thou thyfel� b�holdeft not the beam that 1s_ rn thine own eye? Thou hypccr1_te, cafl: ont firft: the b am out of thtne own eye, and then fhalt thou f�e clearly to pull out the mote that 1s in thy brother's eye.
The fifth Sunday after 'Trinity. The Co/leB. Rant,OLoi;d,w.ehefeecbthee, that th i: courfe of this wot'ld maybe• fo peaceably o.rdered hy thy overnance, that thy Church may ; . fully ferve thee in all godly qui.J�Y rs through Jefus Chrift our Le or ned • ' .11me n • . 'Ihe Epfflle. ! St. P�t- iii. 8.. B ye all of one mmd, liavrng compaffion on� �fanothe1·, love . as brethren, be p1t1fo), be c0urte·
1 N.I T
ous; not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing; but contra riwife, bltfung; knowing that ye ar tllereunto called, that ye fhould inherit a bleffi11g. For be that ,vill love life, and fee good days, l_et him r frain his tongue Fr om vii, nd his lips that th y fpe:ik no guil : Let him efchew evil, and do good; 1 t bim f k peace, and enfu it. For the eyes of the Lor_d are over the ,;gbteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is again ft them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if) c be fol lowers of that which is guo<I? But and if ye futfer for righteoufn fake, h:ippy are ye: and be not a fraid of their terror, neither ue troubled; but fJncl:ify the Lord God in your ll�arts.
. Tbe Gofpel, St. Luke v. r. the peor IT came to pafr, that pie pr ffed upon him to bear the won! of God, be ftood by the la�e of Genncfar th, and faw two n11p,i ft:1nding by the laki:; but the filhermen ,were gone ?Ut pf them, and were wafhing their ne-ts. And he �ntered into one of the fhips, �h1ch was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrufl: out a littre from the land: ';md he fat down, and taught the people out of the �ip. Now. when h� ha.ti left fpeakmg, he fa1d unto S1moo,. Launch out into tbe deep, and let down your nets f?r a d_raught. �nd Simon arofwenng,_ fa1d unto h! m , Malter, we have toile? all the rnght, and have taken 11otl11ng; neverthelefs, at thy wore\ I will let d�wn the net. And when they had tl11s done, they enclofed a great multitude of fifhes, and their net bra.ke. Ard they b_e£kon�d u�t.o · their
The fi�th Sun�ay after fhcir partners which were in the other lhip, that tbey fhould come and hdp them. And they came, and filled both tlae fl1ips, fo that they began to link. Wb n Simon Peter ww it, b� frll down at Jefus' kn es, fa io g, Depart from me, for I am a linful man, 0 Lorq. Fur he was aftooifhc:c!, and all that were with him, at the draught of the: fifi1es which they had taken ; and fi wa alfo James and John, t e funs of Z bedee, which were partnera with Simon. And Jcfus faid unto Simon, Fe;ir not, from henceforth thou 0,alt catch men. /\nd when they had ,brought their Jllips to land, they forfook. a!J; and followerl bim. ______________ 'Ihe .fi:.:th Sunday ofter Trinity. 'The ColleB. God, who hafi: prepared for thofe ho love tl�ec, fuch good thing11 as pafs man's und rIb i ding; Pour into our hearts fuch love· toward thee,_ that we, loving thee above_ all th1rJ$,S, may 0htain thy prom1fes, which e�ceed all th·tt we can de fire, through ·Jefus Chrift our Lord •. .A.men. : 'The Epijlk. Rom. vi. 3· N ow ye not, th�t fo 1_11any of us as were bapti_zed 1_nto J�fus Chrift, were baptize� into _his death? Therefor� :we_ 31 e buried With him'by ha�tifm mt� _de�th; that like as Ch rift wns I aifed up from the dead by the g l ory of the • Father, even fo w� alfo �onld . _walk in newnefs of life •. For_ 1f we have been planted togethei;. m the likenels of his clc::ifh, :ve {hall be , alfo in the like11efo of his refurrec. tion: Know(ng this_, tha� our _old • man is.crucified W.Jth,h1JI1, that
the body of lin might be defiroy ed, that henceforth \•e fhould not frrve lin. For he that is dead, is freed fr om fin. N.ow if we be dead with C.hrift, we b lieve that we: ili;ill alfo_li '!' e �ith h�m? knowing tha� Chr,fr beJng ra1fi ct fr om tb1? dead, diet.h no more; d atlY hath oo more dominfon over him. For io that be died, he died nnto Gn once; but in that he liv th, he liv th unto God. Likewife reckon ye alfo your fc:l ves to be dead in deed unto fin· but ;i]ive unto God, through Jefu; Cbrift onr - Lord · •. 'The Gefp_el. St. Maltb. v. 10. Efus fa 1 d unto bis difciples, Exc�pt your righteoufn f� fhall exce ti the righteoufnefs of the Scribes and Pharifees, ye !hall in no cafe enter into the kingdom of heaven. Ye have heard that it was faid by th�m of old time, Thou 0�altnot kill_: and "·vbofoeve1: fh;ill kill, fhall be m danger of-the.Jth g_. ment. :Bu� I fay unt!) y01_1, that whofoe_ver ts angry with bis hr?· th r without. a caufe, fl all be in danger ofth_eJudg�1ent: and bo foever fhall fay to bis broth tr, Rae a, n,all be in danger of the council: but whofoever {hall fay, Thou fool, Lhall he in danger of hell fire. Th rdore, i thou b1,ing thy gift to the altar, and there remt·mher efl:_ that thy brother• hath'aught .1· gain It thee, leave tl1<:re thy gift before the..altar, anJ !?O thy way, _fir fl: be ·r conciled to thy hrother, and tben come and offi r thy gift. 4gree with tbine adverfary quick'- 1 -y: , whileu thon,art in the way with him; left ·a.t any time' the ;idverfa ry cieliver thee to the judge, and the judge deli ;v er :tbee to the fli- cer,_ and tho1i be caft into prifon. V-enly I .fay unto. t�ee, thou .jhalt
The 7th and 8th Sundays after TRINITT.
by no means come out thence, till vers of thon came from far. And thou ua paiu lhe u t rmoft far. his difciples anfwered him, From wheoc can a man fatisfy tbefe men thing. with bread here in the wjldernefa? -c;['he ft'l.lmth Sunda.J aft er 'Trinity. And 11e .!1fk.ed. l!1ern, How ma_ny loa"e. hav.c ye. An.cl they faid, 'The Co lleB. feven. .t\nd b"t! commanded the t mi h .antl O d f all po,ver $ o the ground : ,;h/art the author and grve; peo�Je t fit down on ao<l be took the fi.::v n loaveA, and 01 a II -good things· Graft in Oll.r . 0 f 'th. J e in- g,1vc th:rnks, and brake, ar,J ga\'e hearts _the loH: . Y a.m ' • •to bis clifcip .les to fet hefore U1em ; . creafe m us true religion, nounfh 1:1cre l h e t us W it · I J a JI O dnefs and of thy and hey did frt them b...c fm:ill ... eoe P u.s ';n the fame people. A:11d they had a few g,-ea t mercy. �e om • d I bl h d · fb fi ' · ' n a • et e e � an es; Lord. our Jcfus Chrift · · through " mand d to :et them a l fi o b e,ore · Amen. th m. So they did at, and w re . �he .BpJflle. Rom. v1. r9.. filled: and they tuok up of the Speak.after th� mann_er o.t men, broken meat th.at was I ft, frven hecau.fe of the 1nfir�ty of your bafk.cts. A n<l th y that had eaten fl.efu: for as ye Jl:ave y1 lde<l rour were :ibout four thoufand. And members fervants t<? �nc!e.anoefs, he fent th t: m away. and lo iniquity unto m1qu1ty; even fo now ,yield youx rot:mben, fe�·vaots to cighteoufoefs, WJto hoh'Ibe eig hth Sunday nfler Tr.ini�� • nef�. For when y.e we1 e the _fer'The Co lltXJ. vant6 of fin, re ,�t:r.ef� ee from ng.hGod, wl;ofe oe\>;er-fi;1i)ing pro--· .! eoufncfs. :yvhat fr t;u t had ye.tlle_n vr f ] nee orclt:retJ1 all thin . LO -tbofe tb.inp,. �J her.eof � e a1.e l;>oth ·n h 11ven imd arth; We no_w �- i:r;ed. for the end 01 tlt? fe h\lml:>ly bcfrecb thei: to p11t ilWaf tbmgs_ is ceatb. :But now betng· fr§)rQ us all .h u.rtfol thi l l\.!ll, ttnd tP madf :free· from .fino anc� �,S!com-e !'!:ve u thofe things wbicl) ar.e pro•� f.e.rvaotF to ,G_od, -ye na,e •Y O \lr fitabl� for us thro1v,h Je.fus �hriJb 0 r nd f uit .11�t0 �ol11;iek,. aod the ow.-Lord. An/en. · c:verlall:t;ng life. .F,or the �:age.s of ,f�n is.dC,1th :,hut tbe jl;il't Qf G d:is Tin Epijlle . ,Rom. viii. }2-. eteroal lift-,. thro4-gb Jf!I"u.s Cbnft Re.thr.en, we aJJ : .debtors, not B . our ll.ord. • f to the Arll:l, to Jiv,c .after the !iii. ill Jl/I.?.J,J< flee / •. h: For if rte liv,e•Jfter the flefb, St. 'I'/:xnGofp, 1 :W.N "ti.1.ofo clays ·tb'e mutt1t�e be- ye_�1all die; b_1�t if ye !bnmgh th-e ing iveny great_, and ihav1".g .n?- .6p1.rit tl0 mort1Jy tfu.e dce.C: 6 of tht! thing. •to s.-at, Jefoll-c.a'.l,Jed rus .dlf- bo<l.y, y.e f:hali hve. For as mauy ..c,iples •,ll'O:to .him, an.d · faith "1nto as . .ar.e Jed hy the Spirit Q-f Go<l, -them, ,I ha.v.e .c<rro:p.afiion :on .t-he they are the fo.ns of G:0d. For muJtituck, be.ca JJfe th:e;y:h;ive ,now ye rb<\_ve n.o.t1i:eceiv.ed 1the fpi 1;i.t f • ·peen •wit,b rue thr.ee <fa.ys�,andiha,v,e •bQD.clage•agisin t n.f�ar; ,but •yefrayc ...Dothing to J:.at·: ,�n�I if l;fencil�tlJem li uecived the f11i.ri,t orf. ad,1ptinn,. aw.av·faft:ing to tht'lr,owh hop{es, w: •�b,y 1 e •Qr!f, Abba, F .a tber, ;-t,bcw :lr';,iU f?<,iot l>y ., th.e �__ay; ,fo_r 1�- - 11.bc .&;il�it ·tc,felf :b.u.:ir.e.H1 .,wit nefs with.
The ninth Sunday after.TRINITY.
and l.\i<l all e;it the fame fpirit11at meat, and did all drink the fame Fpiritual drink: (for they dr;iok of that fpiritual Rock that followe l them; and that Rock was Chrift.) But with many of them God was not well pleafcd; for they w�re overthrown in the wildernc:fs. N,;, thefe things were our examp es, to the intent we l11oultl not ln(t after evil thinµ11, as they alfo lufl: cd: Neither be ye idolaters, as were fome of them : as it is writ ten, The people fat down to eat and drink, and rofe up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as fame of them committed, and fell in one day thr e and twenty thouf. ncl. Ne,ithcr let us tempt Chrifl:, ns fome of them alfo tempt ed, and wc:re defl:royed of ferpents. Neither murmur ye, a fome of them nlfo murmnreJ, and were de!hoyed of the dc(tr ye·. Now all thefe tflings hap ened 11nto them for enfamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whm11 the enus of the world are, comt". Wherriote let him thaf thinketh he ftandeth, take heed . . . 'lhe n111tb Sunday after Tnn,ty. Jelle hefal-J . There h::ith no-t mptation taken you, but fuch as. is The Col/ell. �nt to us, Lord, we befeech cominon to man: but God is faith thee, the Spirit to toink a11cl ful, who wrll not fuifer you to he do always fuch things as are right; tempted above t]·.at ye ;ire i1bl�; that we, who cannot do any thing but will with tht: temptation. alfo that is good without_thee, may_by make a way to efcapt:, that ye.may: U1ec: be en.-1bled to live according be able to bear it. to thy will, through Jefos Chi-ilt • The Gofi,u/. St. L 1ke xvi. t. our Lord • .Amen. Efus faid uiito his<liltipks,There · was a certain rich man who had 'The Epiflle. t C01•. ». r. Rcthrcn, I would not that ye a freward; and the fame was ac fhotJld be ignorant, how that cufect,into him, that he had wafted all our fathers were under the his goods. And he called him, and cloud, and all paffed th�ough the faid nnto him, How is it that I fea; and were all baptized unto hea1· this of thee?' Give an account l\'lofeo in the cloud, and iu the fca; _of thy ftewardfhip; for thou may-
wilh our fpirit, that we are the children of G d: And i£ children, then hc:irs; h its of God, andjofot heirs, ith Ch rill: if fo be th�t we fu[er with him, that we may be alfo glorified together. 'Tiu Go/pt!. St. Matth. vii. 15. Eware of falfe prophetF, which come to you in !beeps slothing, hut inwardly they are ravenmg wolves. Ye fhall know them by their fruits; Do men gatber grapes of thorns, or figs of thift es? Even G every good tree bringeth' forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree hringeth forth evil fr nit. A good tree cannot bring forth corrupt evil fr�it; nci I hel' can trcclmng forth guod fruit. E.very tree that bringeth not forth goot1 fruit., is h wn down, and en(\: into the 6re. Wherefore by their fr uit,. ye fball know tl1em. Not every one that faith un�o tne, L?rd, Lord, !ha.II enter into the longdom of heaven; but he that cloetb the will of my Father who is in ' heaven.
The tentn··sun aY. after
man, fp aking ·by c[t be no longer f\:eward. · Then {hind, that tbe fteward faid ,vithin himfi If, the Spirit f God, c;illcth Jefus ·What fhall 1 do? for my lord tak- accurfed; and tb11t no man e;in th away from me the ft ward- fay that Jefus is the: Lord, but by lbip: I caunot dig, to ht:g I am the Holy Ghort. Now there are aniamed. I am refolved what t diverfitics of gifts, but the fame do, that when I am put out of the Spirit. And there .ire diffi rences fiewar,dlhip, they may r ceive me of adroinifiration·s, hut the fa1nc: into their houfi s. So he call de e- Lord. And the.re are diverfiti s ry one of his lor<l's debt rs unto of p rations, l>ut it is the f; me 1,im, and faid unto th firll:, How God, wbo work th all in all. But much owefr thou unto my lor.d? t�e manifeftation 'Of the Spirit is Andhefaid,An hundred m afures given to ery man to profit with• of oil. And he• faid unto hirn, al. For to one is given by tbe Take thyl>ill, and fit dowo quick- Spirit the word of wiftlom · to ly, and writ fifty. Then faid he another, the word of knowl�dge to another, And how much owefi by the fame Spirit; to another, thou? Anrl he faid, An hundred faith hy the fame Spirit· to ano• meafures of wheat. ·And be faid ther, the gifts of heali:,� hy the irnto him, take thy bill, and write f�me Spirit; to anoth r, the work· four-fcore. An� tht:: Lord com- ioJ$ o_f miracles; to ;rn other, pro· _ -mended the. unJufl:. !lewan;l, 'bt::- p�e�y; to a_nother, <ltfcerning of c:wfe be had lone wifely: for tbe fpmts; tQ another, div rs kinds children of .thiG world are in their of tongues; to another, the inter• genc;ration wifer than the children pretation of tongues. But all thefe of light. And I fay unto you, Make worketb that one and the felf. fame to yourfclves friends of the mam- Spirit,. dividing to every man fevemon of unrightt::oufnefs; that w_hen rally as he will. The Goj),e/. St. Luke xix. 4-I: ye fail, they may receivt:: you mto everla!ling babitations. A�cl when he w_as,come nt:ar, be ---------,------. _. be�td- the city, and wept 0ver 1:• fdyrng, If tho�• ha�ft: kno . 'The tenth Sunday after Trinity. wn, · even t�ou, at leafl: 1n tl11s thy day, . _ The G_olleB. t the hing s which bt:long unto thy . Et thy mercJful ears, 0 Lord, pe�ct:: ! but now they are hid from be open to the prayers of thy thme eyes. For the days {hall th humble f�rvant�; an�. that ey co_me UP.on thee, that thine ene• may obtam their pet�t,ons, make ri\tes fhall caft a trench about thee, them to afk fuch thmgs as n,�IJ and c_ompafs thee round, and k ep i leafe the e, thr�rng�- Jefus Chi_ fi thee-10 on every fide, �me) fhall J;1y p ·' thee �ven with the ground, and �Ur" Lord. Amen. •. 1 thy cii�Jdren w itkin thee: antlthey The Epijll�. � �ot;. X(l• 1• _ . oncerning fpmtual :gifts, b1 e- fhall not leave m thee 0J1e /lone up: tbren, I would not bav� you on another; l>ecaufe tnou kn-ewe� - ignorant. Ye. know that ye were not tJ,e ti_lJ'le of thy vifitiltion. And Gentiles, earned away µoto there he went in to the te�le, and l>e dnr:nb ido)s'.ev_e,n as ,ye were led. gan .�o caft out them that fold yq1;1 t� under, then:m, qnd them tJ-iat bought, fayWhen:fore I give . i� 1 .,
th and
2th Sundays· after TR IN ITY.
I am ,vhat I am: and his grace, which was bdl:owed upon me, was not in vain; but l laboured mor abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of Go� which was with me. Tb ref: re, whether it preach, The t!e'IJmth Sunday after Trinity. werd r I, rbt h_ey,dfi w an . 1• ye e1 1 ·v . The ColfeB: · The Gojjul. St. Lnke xviii .. 9. Go�.• who declare(\: _thy A_l• Efus fpakcthi parablt unto cer J m1 ltty po,ver chu:'fiy 10 tain hich tru(tt:din tl em!i Iv s, fl1 wing mercy and pity; Mer- tint th y were righteou i;, and de cifully gr nt unto us fuch a m�a- fpifed others: Two m n went up' fureofthy grace, that we, running int th temple to pray; the one the way_. f thy co�maudme_nts, a Pharifee, and the other a Pub;,.y obtarn thy gracious prom,fes, The Pharifte �oocl and an,! be made partak\!rs of thy ht�- licao. ay d thus with bi rn !i If; God, I ve11ly tn:afure, th roughJefusChnft tpran!c thee, that I c1m 11 t as other our Lord, 11mm. ' men a-r , , extortioners,. unjufl:,. a'The Epifl!e. I Cor. xv. 1. dultercrs,, or v n a tl)i PuhliRetbreo, I dc:c(are unto you can: I aft twice in the we k, I the Gofpel wh1cb I prea,che<l give titheS' of :ill th11t I poffofs. unto you, w h ich alfo•yc have re- And th Public:in ftanding afar ceiveu, and wherein ye ftand; by off would not lift np fo ttlu h as which alfo ye are ( v d, if ye keep bis' 5 unto heaven, hut fmote in memory_ what I preac�ed nnto u on y·Ill reall:, faying, God be p you, unlcfs ye �ave beheved in merciful to me a finner. I te_lf _ vain. For I <lehve,_-ed· unto you ou, this •man went down to h,s. firft of all, that whtcl� I ;i_l� re- y bonfe jufrified rather than tbe o ceived, how that Chnft dted for tu r: for every one that exalteth our fins, according to the Scrip- hin felf, {hall be ahafed; ;ind he tu res· am! that he was buried ;·aucl that hurnbleth himfelf, fuall be that he rofe again the third day, exalted. according to• the fcriptures; and ------------that he was feen of Cephaa; then r of the twelve; After that, he was The twelfth Sunday after T inity. huncln: five ve tl bre. 'lhe C:o llefl. feen of abo thren at once; of wh�m the greater Lmigbty and ev1::rlafl:ingGod, A part rernaiA unto tins pre[e11t.; but who art .always mQr < :: rt>ady fome are fallen afleep. After that to hear, than we to pray,_ at\cl ar t lie wag feen of James,; then of all wont to give more I h n tl Iler we the Apoftles: and I aft ,of all ht deli.re, or deferve; P,mr down up was fren of me alfo, a6 of.on<.: onu-,theabundanceofthymercy, born out of due time.. For J,an, forgiving us thofe thiugs where the leaft: of the Apoftles., that am ot our <;:onfcieuce is a_frni<l, a_nd not med to be called' a11 Apoftle, givrng' us thofe good tb11,gs which . becaufe I perfecnted the Church we are ,not worthy to a!k! �rnt· of God. Bu� by the grace of Gou through the m rit and med1at10n ·. · ,of • ·
i 1g unto them, It il3 " ritten, My houfe is the houfe of prayer: hut ye have made it a den of thi vt-s. · A!ld he taught daily in the. ternpie.
The thirteenth Sunday after TR IN I TY.
of Jefus Cbrill: tlly Son our Lortl. nill1e , faying, He math <lone :ill Lhings welJ; he m�keth both tbe - Amm. 'The Epi.ft/e. -� Cor. iii. 4 deaf to hfar, and toe dumb to Uch trult have we through fpeak. Chrilt to God-warrl: Not that ------------..... . . we are fufficient of our[clv s ro Th. ( th1rl�nth Sundn.J after TrtmlJ, think any thing a of ourfrlves; The Co!leB, hut our fufficien y is ofG.od. Who alfo hath made us abJe mwi(h:rs ALmisht�, a11d macifol God, of whofe only gift it cometh, of the Nc:w Te(tam ot; not of the 1,ettt:r, but of tbe Spirjt; for the .that thy fuithful people lo unto ltctter kiJleth, but the pirit giveth thee true and laudable fervice; But if the minifiration of Grant, we hefecch thee, that we lift!. death, ,vritten and engraven in may fo faithfull r. ferve thee in this ftone$, waB glorious, fo that the life, that we fail not finally to at· children of Jfrac:I could not fted- tain thy heavenly promifes, thro' faftJ y bef1old the face of Mofos the merits of J cfus ChriO: onr Lord, for the glory of his countenaoce, Amen. The Epijlle. Gal. iii, )6, which glory was to be done away; How fllall not the minilhation of A-braham:and his fe xi were 'the promifc::s made. He faith the Spirit be rnther glorious? .For if the miniflration of condemn a. not, And to feeds, as of many; ti<?n be gl_ory, mu�b more doth the hut. as. of on_e, And to thy feed, . m1111flrat1on of nghteoufnefo ex- which 1s Chnft. And this I fay, that the covenant that was con• c:.ee<l in glnry. firmerl before of God in Chni/t, 'The GoJpel. St. Mark vii. 3r. Efus, departing from the coa(l·s the:: law, which was four huni;lred of Tyre a11d Sidon, came .un- and thirty years nft r, canoot.dif• to tbefca of Galile_e, tbrougb the annul, th;it it Jhould make the midfl 0f the coaCts of Decapol�s. promifc: of none effdL For if.the And they bring unto him one that inheritance be of tbe law, it is no was .deaf; and had an jmpec;liment more of promife; but God gavt it in his fpeech; and they befoech to Ahraliam by promife. Where· him -to put his hand upon him,· fore tben fervetb the law ? Jt was And he took him a(ide .from 'the addc:d bec;iufe of tuanfgreffions, multitude, and pu� �is fingc:rs in- till �he feed fhould come, to wbom to bis ears, and he:: lp1t,.ar:9 touch- the promife was made• an<l it was ed his tongue; and l ooki�g up to ordained by angels in tlle :hand of heaven, he fighed, an_d faith unto a mediator. Now a mediator is him, Ephpha�ha, that 1�, Be open- �ot •a mediator .of one; bnt God ed. And ll:ra1ghtv,'.ay his �ar8 were. 1s one. •Is the law tb,en agaitift the opened, and thdlnng of his tongue promifes of God? God forbid: was loafed, and he fpake plain. for if the,e had been a Jaw given, And ;ie charged them that they whi_cb <;ould have given life, veri· f]lould.tell no man.: but t!1e more ly r1ghteoufnefs fhould have been . be charged tbem, fo much_ the by the.law But tqe Scripture hath ore,a great <leaI they publ101ed concluded all under fin, ·that the m it_; and \\:embeyond.�eafur�aflo• pr-omife, ,by faith 9f Jefus,Cla:ifi, mi.sht • J..
The fourteenth Sunday after
might be given to them that b - gave th m t the hofl:, and faitl Ji ve, unto him, Take care of him; and 'The Go/pd. St. Luke x. 23. \ hatfoever thou fp ndefi: more, Ldfed are the eyes which Ii e when I come again, I will r pay the things that ye ft:e: For J the . Which now of thefe three, tell you, that many prophets and thin ,efl thou, wa11 neighbour unto kings have defin:d to fee thofe him thc1t fell among thr;: thieves? things which ye fe(:, and have not And he fail.I, He that fh wed mer ft!en them; and to hear thofe things cy on him. Then faid Jefus t nto which ye bear, and have not h ard him, Go, and do thou likewife. them. And bebold a certain lawyer froqd up, and tempted him, -�aying, Marter, �vhat fball 1-do to Thefourleenth 'SundaJ• after<rrinity. inherit eternal hfe? He faid unto . Tl.�I! C0�,1�El • • bim, Vlbat is written in the law? ng God, Howreadd'tthou? And he anfwer- AL�1ghty and everla_fh give unto us t\1e 111creafr of . ing faid, Thou n1alt love the L<ird -thy God with all t_hy heart, and with faith, hope, an_d cha!·1ty ; _and that all thy foul,and w1thall thy ftrength we may �bta1n tb,,t wl11ch thou and with all thy mind. and ti ' daft prom1!e, make us to love tbat neighbour as thyfc:lf. And he ra}� which tho�! don: commaud, througil unto him, Thou haft anfwered Jefus Chn!t our Lord. limm. right: this_d<?, and �hou fhalt live. The Epifl/e. Gal. v. 1G. :But he, w1llmg·to ,1ufiify himfelf Say then Walk in the Spirit, faitl unto JefuR, And-who ism; and ye diall not fulfil the lull; neighbour? �nd if efus anfwering of the flefli. For the fiefh luft faid, A eertam man w_ent down eth againft the Spirit, and the Spi from Jenifal�m to J�ncho,_ and rit again!t the flefb ; and theft: fell among thieves, which ftnpped are contrary the one to the other; h\m of his raiment, and �ound_ecl r9 that ye c;innot �lo the things lum, and departed,- leavrng, him that ye would. But 1f_ye be led by l1alf dead. And by chance there the Spirit, ye are not under the came down a certain Priefi that law. Now the works of the Ae01 way; {Ind when he faw him, he are manifeft, which are thefe, A -palfed by on th� other fide. And dultery, fornication, uncleanoefs, ·likewife a Lev1te, when he was· lafcivioufocfs, idolatry, witchcraft, at-the place, came and-looked on hatred variance emnlations,wrath, him, and palfed �y ·on th_e other ftrife,feditions, '1ierelies, envy)ngs, fide •. B·ut a certain Samanta11, as murders, drunkennc:fs, revellings, 'he journeyed, cam:! where he was: and fuch like:. of the which I tell and w·hen he'faw him, he had com- you _before, as I have alfo told yo_u. Faffion on him, and wont to him, in time paft, th;it they who do fuel.I and bound up his wounds, pouring things, fhall not inherit the king in oi-l and wine; and .fot him on dom of God. But the [i-uit of th·e . his ow!1 beaft, and brought l:im Spi_rit is love, joy, peace, long- �uf to an 11111, and 'took care of bun. f�rmg, .gentlenefs, goodnc:!'s, faith, Ancl 011 the mor-row,·when he d<:;_- mec:knc-fs,temperance: aga • .ftfuch p,1rted, he took out tw0pence, an<l there is no law •. And they that are Chri!t's ., H
The fifteenth Sunday aft r
Chrifl: s have crucified the Aen1, only I· fl: they fhoul foffi r perft· wit the affi ct.ions and Jun , cution i r the crof: f hrin. Fer . . 'The Go (p!I. St. Lu ·e xvii. xr. neitb r tht:y themfdves ho ar Nd it cJme to pafs, as Jefus circumcifed ket-p the law; but e· w nt to Jerflfale , that he fire to h ve you circumcifed, that paffed through the micln of Sama- they may glory in your flefh. But ria and Galilee. And as he t:nter- God forbid that I fhould glory, ed into a certain village, thrre m t fave in the cro fs four Lord Jefus him ten men that er<:: lepers, whol Chrin, by whom tbe world is cru• flood afar off.· And they liftt:d up cified unto me, and I unto th their voices, and fai<l, Jefus, Mar- worl I·. For in Chrin Jefu nt·ith r ter, have mercy on us. And when circumcifion availeth any thiu , he fawthem, he faicl unto them, Go nor uncircumcifion, but a n w fhew yourfelves unto !,he priefis. creature. And a.'I many as walk And it came to pafs, tbat, as they according to this rule, peace be went, they were cleanft:d. And on them; and mercy, ar.<l upon one of them, when. he faw that the Jfr ael of God. From hi:nce· he was healed, turoed back, and forth let no man trouble me, for with a loud oice glorified God, 1 bear in my body the marks f ;1nd fell down on his face at his the Lord J fus.· Brethren th fe t, gi�·ing him thanks: and he l grac:e of our ord Jdus Chrifl bt: w;ts a Samaritan. And Jefus an- with your Spirit. Ame11. The Go.fpel. St. Matth. vi ..24• fo,,ering faid, Were there not_ ten dean Ii d? but where are the nine? man can frrve two mailers: Tbere are not found that returned for either he will hate the to give glory to G�d, fave t_his one, and love the other; or elft: flranger. Anrl he fatd u1!to him, he will hold to the one, and de· Arife, go thy way: thy faith hath fpife the othc-r: Ye c;innot ferve . God and mammon. Therefore I made thee whole. fay unto you, Take no thought fur your life , what ye fhall e:it, . . 'The jifteonth Sunday after 'Trmrty. or what ye {hall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye Hiall put 'The Col/di. Eep, we hefeecb th e, 0 Lord, on: Is not the life more than meat, tliy Church with thy perpetual and the body than raiment? Be· r •mercy: And becauft: the f ailty of hole\ the fowls of the air: for th y man without thee c;innot but fall, fow not, neither do they reap, nor keep us ever by thy help from all gat-htT ii'lto barns; yet yot1r J,ea• �biogs hurtful, and lead _us tc:> all venly Fath r feedeth them •. Ar� ,things profitable to our falvat1on, ye not much belttr than they, thro ugh Jefus Ch rift our Lord. VVhich of you, by t;iking thought, can add or,e cubit unto his fiatur1:? . ·Amen . · 'The Epijllr. Gal. '1(1, II, And why take ye thou��t for ra1.E fee how large a lt:tttr I have ment? Confider tl1e lilies of the h written unto you with mine field ?w they gro\N_: they toil · <l As rr,;{ny as defire to not, neither do they fp1n; and y t l 13 fai�· fhtw in the Aefh, they I fay nnto yon, that even Solomon pwn m ak·e '. vou to be circnmcifrd; in all his glory war. not arrayed lik� .(;.,OJ,l ft rain , one
The 16th and 17th Sunda s after TRI
one of tbefe. V here for , if G d all faint11, wha is the brearlth, ant fo cloth the grafs f the field, length, and dt'ptb, and h ight; ;rnc.l which to-day is, anrl to-m rrow t know tht:: love of Chrift, wbich is caft into th oven; niall be not paffeth lrnowl d!!e, that ye might much more clothe ou, 0 ye f be filled with all the fol11 fs of little f ith? Thcr fore take no God. Now unto him that is ahle .-c eding abundantly abo e thought, faying, "bat n1all we to d eat? or, Wb t niall we clrin k? or, all that a{k or think, a1.:cording Wherewithal n1all we bt: clothed? to the power th.it work th in 11,i, (for after all th Ci things do tlit: unto him b r:Iory i11 th Church, Gentiles frek) fur your heavenly by Chrifl: Jefus, ti 1'ougb ut all Father know lh tbat ye have: need ag s, world without end. Amen. •• of all thefe things. But frek ye c- Luke v11. 'Thi! G_ofpel. vt. Jr. firft the kingdom of God, and his ay af the pafs 1t to � came Nd s . i t thefc a b and ll ght n ufnefs, e ri g o _;t went 111t Jefus r, a� t te . Take ou t u dee.I a � n be . fhall y therefore n thought for them r- c1_ty_callcd ,1111; an�\ n any of h s row; f r the morrow fl rn l\ take d1fc1p\es went with 111m, and m�ch tho11iht f(!r- the things of itft:\f: p op\e. No, wht:11 h_e c.1me 111gh fuffic1ent unto the day is the evil to tlte gate f the city, _hehotd, th re \\'as a tl ad man carr1td out, there f• the only f,m of his mother, and ., a� a widow: and mu h peo• . . The jixt l!nth Su, dny aft r Trm,ty. fhe pie oft ie city w;i11 with her. And The Col!t!Et. wb n the Lord f.iw her, be bad Lord, we befecch lite , let compaflion on her, and faid unto thy co11tinual pity lea11fe her,�• ep not. And he came·nnd and d<.fend thy Church; and be- touched the bier (.:ind they that caufe it cannot continue in fafety ban: him flond ftill) an<I ht faid, without thy fuccour, preferve it Young man, I fc1yu11to thcc,Arife. evermore by thy help and go d- And be that w. o dead, 'fat up, ancl nefs, through Jefus Chrift our began to fpeak: and ltc delivered hinitohismother. And there came· Lord. 11mm. a fe;1r n11 _all: �nd they gl rifled , The Epijlle. Ephef. iii. 13• , D fire that ye faint not al my Cod,_ fa)'.111g, I'hat a gn:at Pro• pht:t :s nfen up a1:n_or,i; o?; aod, ns for you, latio vvbich is tribu Your glory. Por th,s d11fe I how That God _bath vil1ted l:1s peo my knees unto the Father of our ple. Antl this rumour fh1m went Lord Jefus Chrift, of whom th forth throughout all J�d a, and whole family in heav n and earth throughout all the r g1on round is named, 'that he would grant about. ------�---,you, according to the riches of · Thi! fa"1:entu11th Sunday .after hia glory, to be fl:rengtbened :with Trillity. rnight by his Spirit in the tinner man; that Chrift rr:ay. dwell in Thi! Co l/di. y o ur heart· by faith; that ye, beOr<l, we pray thee, that thy n i g rooted and grounded in love, L · grace may alw.1ys prevent ancl may be able to compre;:hend, with follow us· and make us conlinual' • . - . H :z If
0 I
The eighteenth Sunday after
Jy to be iven to a oou vorlts, to take the Jowell: room. But wit n tbrough J fu Cbri our Lord. thou art hidden, l?O and fit down m n. in the low"ft room�- that when ht: Tl:e E,f_iflle • .Eph��- iv. r. that bade th e co�1eth, h may There. ·e, the pn oner of th fay unto th e, Friend, go up high· Lorri, _befeec y _u t at re \ al · er: then n,alt thou hav wodhip , 01 1 hy or the vocat1"n vhc:rt\ ith in Lht: prefen of th m that fit at ye arcca1led, ;vith all lo linefs an m :1t with thee. For whGfm:v •r IU ·c:kn ls, w;1h long-fofft-rin , forxalteth bimfi If, n,all be ahafod • ing one :rnotht:r in lov ; en- and he th, t bum bl th bi111fdf' 01ati de.-1vourin" to l· t:p the unit r of the be ex.;ilted. Spirit in the ond of it::ice. Thert:1------------- ·e one body, an_d o 1e 'pirit, even 'The eighteenth Sunday after Trin ifj. :is ye arc c I d in one hope of your 'Ih.e C oII,:ff • ailing; one Lord, one fa'th, one we be {iel.'cl.1 tlie�, grant .E!!ptifrn, one God and I?., her of , Ord, thy pt<;ipk grace to wJthlland JI who is above all and ti rough the: tt::mptatJons o_f Lilt: wu)·ld, U1c all' aoJ in ou all. ' fl 01, and the devil; a11d with pure ,. e • St • Luke xiv. · 1• er1-'t! 11.Jr hearts anu minus to follow thcr, came a to p f:, as Jefus went the on! God throu 'I_' h Jefus Cl111-·rt . into ti�� houfe of one of the our Lo�d. A�nm . <"h1ef Phanfees, tq eat bread on th · . . , 'The Bpijl,r:. 1 Cor. ,. 4. .. 1bb,,tb-d,1y, th�t th y watched Thant� my God always on your him. Aud behold, there was a bch�lt,_ for tbe grace of Cod rtain man before him, v ho h,,d the Jropfy. And Jdns anfwning wh1c� 1s g1ve11 y_ou by Jefus C!1rirt; fpa ·e unto the lawyers anti Phari- tbat (n ev_ery thing ye are enriched fres, faying, Js it lawful to heal 011 by l11m, 111 all utterance, and in the Sabbath-day? And they held all know_leclg�: ven as the ldli• ed in their peace. And- he took him, mony of Chnft was CG>nfirn� :rnd heal d him, anµ let him go; you .. So t�a_t y e come bt:h1_nd in ;md anfwered them, faying, Which no g,f.t; wa1t111g for �he coming of of y,ou fuall have an afs or an ox om Lord Jefu5 Chn/l:, who fhall fallen into a pit, and will not alfu c;onfirm you· unto t_h� end, ftraightway pull hini out on the that ye maY. be blamclel�. tn trhe Sabbath-day? And they could not clay of our LordJefus Chn!r. anfwer him ;igain to thefe things. 'The Gojpel. St. Matth •. xxii. 34• And he put forth a parable to thofe wHen the Ph�rifees harl htard that Jefus had put tbe Sad• who were bidden, when he marked how tht:y chofe out the chief cluces to {ilence, they, were gather rooms; faying unto them, When eJ together. Theo one of them tbou art bidden of any man to a who was a lawyer, afk.eq him : wedding, fit not clown 111 the high- que(tion, tempting him, an.d faying ell: room, Jell: a more honourable Mafl:er, which ifl the gn,:at com� man than thou be bi-cict'en of him; mandment in the law? Jefus- faid and be that bade thee ·arid him unto him, Thou f11alt love the· come and faytothee,_Giv�this man Lord.�hy God with all thy heart, place; and.- thou. be.gm w1th.ib.ame and with all thy foul, and with all lliy
' : o rJ /
The nineteenth Sunday after TRINITY.·
thy m·o . This is the firfr ancl converfation, the old man, which great cumman<lment. Auel the fe- is corrupt according to the deceit cond i lik unto it, Thon O,alt ful lufis; and be r newed in the love thy ne"ghbour as thyli If. On fpirit of your min<l; and that ye: thc:fe two comm ndments hang all put on the new man, which after the l:iw and the prophets. While God is created in righteouf11efs and tbc Pharifecs were gathered toge- true bolinefs. \Vh refore putting titer, Jefus afked them, faying, away lying, fpe;ik every man truth Wh;it think ye of Chrifl:? whofe with hi neigh hour: for we are fvn is he? They f.Jy unto him, Tl1e members one of another. Be ye an. li n of D:l\·icl. lie faith u11to them, gry, and fin not: let not the fun go, How then doth David in fpirit call down upon your v n1th: neithei: him Lord, faying, The Lord faid give place to the devil. Let hirn UJ1to my Lord, Sit tho.u on my that ltole, fteal no more; but ra right han I, till I make thine ene- ther let him lahour, working with mies thy foot !loo!? 1f David then his hands the thing which is good, call hiin Lord', how is he his fon? that he may have to give to him. Ao<l no e1an was abk to anfwer that needeth. Let no corrupt com him a word, neither durft any m-unication proceed out of your man (from that day forth) a{k. mouth, but that which is goodl him any more quefl:ions. to the ufe of eclifying, that it may minicter g1,ace unto the he_a�ers. , . . . <£/Je 111neteenth S11.ndn;• after 'Tnmty. And grieve not.th<: Holy Spmt of' God, whereLy ye are fealed unto. . The Go/11:8. God, forafmuch �s without tl!e day of n:,kmption. Let all thee ,._,-� are not ab,e to plcnfr l>:ttern1::fs, and w1·atlt, and anger,, thee; �e.rc1fully. g r�nt t_hat th_y ,and clamour, and c..vil-f;JeakLng, be I-1 ly Spmt may in ,ill thrn� di- r.ut away. fnom y.ou, with. all ma ri:cl: :ind 1:ule our hearts, th, ough lice And be ye kind one to anoth r, ttuder-hearted, forgiving onelc.:fus Chnft our Lord. _Amen. another, even as God for Chrict' Q, • 'The Epijlle. Ephef. 1v. 17. . H isl fay therefore, and tt:fbfy :ake hath forgiven you� in the Lord, that, ye heo�(:'The Gofp e i. St. Mattb. ix.. r-. forlh walk, not ?s otht:r 9en�Jles JEfus entered into a 01ip, _and! walk, in, the v1101ty of !heir mmd; . pafTed over, and came rnto, having the �nderflaodu:,g darke!1.- h1� owa city. Jind hehold, they. eel, heini; alien .ted fro� the hte bt:ought to him a man lick of the. of G�,d! throug h tJ1e 1�norance palfy, lying ,on a bed. And Je t.hat is 111 the11_1 •. becaute of the f1s, feeing their faith, faid unto the: blindnefs of_ thttr heart_: who, be- lick of the pal!), Son, be of good iag pall feeling, hav� i::pven them. cheer, thy fins b e forgiven tl_iee. fel\1\!� over unto laft;1v1<?ufntfs, t_o And heh l'l ld, certain of the (en bes work a!l unclea1111efs with greed,. faid, within thcmfelves This man1�ef : l3ut yt: have not fo learned blafphem th. And Jefus, kno,v� t.:_hnft; if fo be that ye have heard ing their thoughts, f id, Where him, an 1 have been t<1u3ht �y him, fore think ye evil in yorn: hearts?_ _ as lb �ruth 1s in Jdu:i: 1 hat ye for whether is ea!ier to lay, Thy I?Ut dl, Cun ·•:111iu3 tht: former !ins be forgiv<::u th<:e? or to f:\Y, Anfr,, l:I 3
0 T
Arife, and w,ilk? But that yew dding: and ·they woulrl n'ot may know that the on of man come. Agai-n, he ft:nt forth other hath pow r n e;irtb to forgive, fervants, faying, Tell them who fins, (then faith he to the fie of are bidd n, Bebo Id, J hav prep·1r l the palfy) Arife, t,1ke up thy bed, ed rny dinner: my oxen and my and go un-to thine:: houfe. Anrl he'! fat lings are killed, and all things :lroft, and departed to his houfe. are n:ady: come unto the mar• But when the multitude faw it, l fi e. But th�y made light of i�, they marv l_led and glorifi d Go?,! nd ,vent their w�ys, one:: to _111� who bad given fuch power un,o farm, another to his mer hand1ft:. · anrl the:: n:mnant took his fervants men. and entre:ittcl them fpit folly, and 'The f::.uentieth Sunday after 'Trinity _ . flew thtm. But when the king h ard ther of, he was wroth: and 'The Col/ell. be frnt forth his armies and de· Almighty and moll: merciful ftrored thofc:: murd rers 'and burnt God, of thy bountiful good- up their city. Then(. ith he to bis nefs, keep_ us, we befetch th r, f, rvants, The wedding is ready, from all th!ngs that may h_urt us; hut they who were bidden were that we, be111g ready both.in body not worthy. Go ye tben:fore into a�c\ foul, m�y cl1ea�fully accom- the highwa_ys, and as many as ye phih thofe th111gg which tbo1! com- /hall find, bid to the marriage. Su mandeft, through Jefus Chnft our thofe fervants went out into th Lord. Amen. highways, and gathered together all, as many as they found, both The Epif}le. Ephef. v. I 5. Ee then that ye walk circum- bad and good : and the wedding fpecl:ly, not as fools, hut as was furnifhed with gu fts. And wife, redeeming the time, becaufe when t eking came in to fee the: the days are evil. Wherefore,_ he gudts, he faw there. a man, who ye not unwife, but underi:iand1ng harl not oi:i a wedd1n_g g;irn:,ent .• what the will of the: Lord 1s. And And be faith unto b1rn, Fn nd,. be not drunk with wine, wherein how camefl: thou in hither, not is excefs; hut be: filled with trye having a wedding garment? And Spirit: fpeaking to yourfely�s in h� wa:1 fpeechlefs. Then faid t_he pfalms an<l hymns an� fpmtual king to the fervants, Bind l111n fongs, ringing and makrng mel_o· lrnnd and foot, and take him a d y in yonr heart to the Lord; _giv- way, and ca{t him into outer dark• ing thanks a!w;iys for all �hrngs nds: there fhall be w eping an unto God and the Father, Ill �he gnaihing of teeth. For many a,e Name:: of ur Lon.l Jefus Chnfi:; called, but few are chofrn. fubmitti11g yourfelves one: to ano- -------------<The trwenty-fi,jl Sunday aftc:P ther in the: fear of God. Trinity . r. � xxii. atth. St. _ The Gofpel. g The Go/Ice!. hcaof Efus faid, The lm1 dom ven is like 11Ato a certain king. GR�nt, web feech thee, mer c1ful Lord, to thy faithfnl who rr,,1de a marriage for his lo11; and .fent forth his fcrvants to call tJeopit', par<lon and pc.ice; that r them that were biJdcn to tht they may ue cleanfed f om all
!h� t er1ty-D cond Sunday aft ,TRINITY.'
th�1r fin , and·fc!rve tliee \Vith a fouglit him, tbat he would come· _ qmt:!t m _111rl, lhrou •h J ·fus Chrifl: do vn a11d lle:il hie fon ; for he was our.Lo, _ I, l1111en. r\l the point of death. Th ll (did J f11s unto him, J.+:>:cl"pt ye Ii e figns The Ep/flle. Ephef. vi. 10. Y hrethren, be Chong in lhe �nd W(luder3, yt ill not b licvc. L rd, and in the p wer of fhe no le man faith unto him, Sir, his might. Put on the whole ar- � rne �own ere my child c ie. Je mour of Go , th�t ye may be a le lus f. 1th_ unto hirn, G thy way, to fl:and ag-ainl\: the \ ii ,s of the t_hy fon livt'th. And th man be. uevil. Fur we wrertle not ag.1inlt heved the word th 1t Jcfus had fl 01 and bloo , bnt a infl: prin- fpok ·n u 1to hii:n, and he wc.nt his cip-1l'lics, a�.iiufl: p >wers, a •ainrt way. A_nd a ht: was now g oin g the ·ult:r o · the ciarlrne!i of thi down, 111s fervants rnd him, :l.nd �vorld, againfl: fpiritual wickcdnef� �old him, f�y in g, Th}'. f n liveth. m high places. Wherefore t, ke Then enq 1r d he ot them the unto you the \Vhole armour of b ur ,· h n he b g n lo amend : God, tbat y m y be ablt: to with- and they faid unM him, Yd1er ftanrl in the evil day, and having day, at the� ve11th hour, the f<::v r done all, to Il:and. Stand th(re- !eft him. So the fath r kn w that fore; having yom-loins girt al.H>Ut ,t ':''as at the fame h 11r in the with truth; and having on the wh1c(1 Jt:fus faitl unto him, Thy l:ire:ifl:-p!ate of righteouf11 fs • and fon ltveth; and hinifrlf I Ii vecl, and his whole houft:. This is again· vour feet f1 1 od with tht: preiJaradid, tion of tht: g fp I of peace; a- tht: feco11d mir11cle that J fus ove all, ta.king the fhielJ of faith, �vhen ht: was comt: out of Jud a' to rnto Galilee. herewith ye fh:111 be ablt: of ti t tlarts Ra the y all uench ri of wicln�d. And take the h !met falvatioll, . all� the fworcl of the The twent;·-facond Sunday after · Trinity. Spirit, which 1s t�e word of•Gou: praying alway_s with all P(·a_yt:r and 'II:' COle /' fl • fupplicati<1n 10 the Spll'lt, and r I ' we {)ekech thee to ke�p. er, ail ,.,ith p watching thereunto · . th\} hon(hold the Church m fieveianc,..,, ancl fll .,.."I)lic'·1tio11 for ;ill contmu·1! ' <-<"Odl'n L es; f' th a t , ti iroug I 1 · faints· and for ,ne, tL1;1t utteranc th Y prote� .10n, _1t may be fn::e f Olll : _ me, that en'nnto I m giv be ay may al 1 a dvtr1It1e�, anJ dev utly g iv en b(ildly th , to mou mal tt· open my to f _rve th e q1 good works, to the known the myfl:ery of the gofpt:I; 101�.Y of thy name, through Jefus for which f am an amhaffd d o r in � hnft om Lord. /lme11. bonds: that therein I m;iy fpe,tk 'The Epylle. Phil. i. 3. _haldly, a� I ought to fpeak. Thank mv God upon tvery re· · The Cofpel. SI. J oI_in 1'': 46, membran'ce of you (always in Here w;is a Cl'rta,n not1leman cvci·y pr·t) tr f · f r _y. ou ll . wh q � ftrn w:is lick at Capt.:r� m kin,, i'. 1 ·q11•·oft· i1_1t1ln� O Yo) t or y o aur J 1 w1 -:: ,. .. · . . . . . . . , naum. 1 lt,;11 h h ,nd th,tt Je fus r ellowfh1p in the gofpel front the _ _ was comc. nut of� Jud�a _into G,1h \1rft until now· being confi-· lee 1 I ie we•1t unto 111111, anJ t,c- ,I 'ut day of this very ti1ing, that he who
'Fhe twe-nty-third Sunday after �RINI TY.·
ho lialh hegun a good work in an hundred per.c ; and he laid y( u, will perform it until the day han<I ,on him, and took him by the of Jt:fus Chritt; t:ven :ts it i meet thr at, f.1ying, Pay me that t}1011 ntl hi·� llow-frrv:int fell for rne to thin· this of you all, be- ow ft. caufc I have you in my-heart, in• down at his fe t, an I b fou.&ht. ;1fmu h as both in my bonds, and him, faying, H ve p tience with in the defence and conurm1tion mt', and I will pay thee all. And o.f the go!'pcl, ye all ;tr e p, rtakers he would not; but wt:nt ;111d calt of my grace. fClr God is my - him int prifon, till he fl1ould p y cord, how gr atly I Ion aft-er you the debt, S wl.Jen his fellow a.H in the b vcls of J fus hrilr. fcrvant faw what was <l ne, they Aod this I pra., th· t your lov w re: vr:.ry forr y, and came and roay :ihouod yet more and mor told unto tht:ir lord all that was in know! dge,, and in all judg- done. Then his lord, after that m nt: Th;tt ye may appro t: thiog� ht: had called him, faid unto him, that are ex ellen,t, that ye may O thon wicked fervant, I forgave be. lincer , and without offence till thee all that debt, becau fe tllou t 1e.cby ofChrift; being filled with defircd!t me: fhoul<left not thou the fruits of righteoufnefs, whid1 alto ha\'e had compaffion on thy are hy Jefus Chrift, unto the go- fellow-ftrvant, even as I had pity on lht!e? And his lord was wroth, 1,y and praife of God. 1"he Gojpel. St. Mattb. xviii. 21. and ddiveretl him to the torment-· Eter faid uuto Jcf os,. Lord, ors, till he Oi ould pay all that was . how oft fl1all my brother fin due unto him. o likewife /hall ag;iinft me., an<l I fmgive bim? till my heavenly Father do alfo unto feven times? Jefus faith unto him, you, if ye, from your hearts, for I fay not unto thee, Until feve11 give not every one his brother trr-nes; l:itit un(il"leventy times fe- thei_r lrefpa(ft:s. ven. Therefore is the kin)!<lom of ______________ heaven likened.unto a•cntain king, '1.ne twenty-third. Sunday aftc:r who would take account t,f his Trin ity. fcrvants.. And when he had be· The Collec!. one was �rought reckon, gun to _ Goe, our refuge and firength,, unto b1rn, who owed b1m ten thonfand ta!ents. But forafmncb .. who art the author of all as he had no_t to pay, his lord goctl111efs: Re ready; we befecch command d h1!n to be fold, and thee, to hear the devout· prayer:. }lis wife and children, and al'l that of tliy Church; and grant that, }le had, and payment to be matle. thofe things whi·ch we .ifk faith· The fernint ther(:fore ftll down fully, we may obtain effettu.1lly, :ind wodhipped.him, fayi:ig, Lord, through Jt:fus CI.Jrifl: om· ·Lord •. haVe'p�tience with me, and J will hneu. hc·e al.I. Then the_ lord of that 'The Epijl/e. Phil: iii. 17• pay t f.: rvant was move? with compaf- BRethren, be followers togc:_tber of me, and mark tbem who fion, ar,d loofi <l h-1m, and forgave birn {lie debt. But the fanie fer- ':'.";ilk ti, as ye have us for an 1:11· ,.,,nt went out, and tound one of !ample. (For many walk, of wh m his fellow D rvaa�s,who ow. d.hiru I have tcltl you often, and 110,' tell
The t
�enty-fourth Sunday afte'r
tell you even we ping, that they_ �ffi:nces; that through thy l1ou1! are the enemies of the:: crofs ot t1ful goodnefs we may all be deh r Chrift • whofe encl is dcfl-n1ctio11, vc.-rt:d f om the rbands of thofe fins, hicb \ te our f aily we have t:om wh by ancl - who[e' od is their helly, gfory is in their Hiame,. who mincl mi ted. Grant this, 0 heavenly our convcrf:t- father, for J {us Chr_ift's fake, our. earthlythingt;.) For r tio11 id in heaven; f om whence: alfo hi ffi d L rct and Saviour. .Amen. The Epijlle. Colof. i. 3. we lool for Lhe aviour, tbe Lord t t E give th:inks o Go.:l, and J.e(us Ch rift; who fhall ch:i11ge our \ X1 7 t�e Fath � of our L .rd vile body, that it m.ay be fall1ioned V ' like unto his glorious body, ac- Jcfus Chrdl:, pr.1nng alw1ys tor cording to the working whereby you, fince we heard of your faith in t he is able even to fub<lue al) hings C .riftJ fus, and of the: love wl ich ye have to all the faints; for the unt him� If. . 'Tl.Jr Gofr,e/. St. M:itth xxij. 15· hope: \ hid1 is l.tid up for you in Hen w.:nt tile Ph,irili es, and h ,w.eu, wh reof ye heard before in took counfd how th y might thew rJ of the truth c,f the Gof entangle him in �is talk,- A_n_d:rhey pe); _which is c:ome unto.yo,:, as frnt out 1Jnto h_1m their_ d1fc1ples, 1� 1s 111_:11( thew rid, an<l llring tb. with the Herod1ans, fayrng .Maf- 1-orth tru,t, as it doth alfo in you, ter, we know that thou art tru_e, fin c: the day ye heard of it, and. mid teachdt the way of God JJI k11 w the grace of God in tr,11t,l 1 _ truth, nc'th r carell: thou for any A ye al[0 learned of Epa1 hras, n: fir thou regarddl: not th 0111· dt'ar tdlow-fervant, who is for _rell us, 1 na n of m"t!n. thert>fore, yon a f:uthful minifl-er of Chrifl: • � W h at thinkeH thou? la it lawful who _alfo dec;lar:ed unto us youl� . tribute unto C$far, or 11ot? love 111 tl.1e ' '' • ,._1:�or this c;aurc ,.. • -S"irit · .. 1 thu� lo g1v e ftt perce1veu · I·,e d · we a· J fo, l111cc the day we heard it · w1c G B "/ Jc �ncl faid, Why tempt . ye me, do not ce;1Ce to pr,1y for you and .I . ne,s, " .·1 t 0. d dire · · • be 'nlled· that ye ri11ght h pocrites? $hew me t 10 ti • b�te�mooey. A,n<l they; brou�ht :v1th �l_1e knowledge. �f his will in . he f.nth �I "\:1tdom a11d. fgmtual under unto uim a penny . !',-n ,1 . . u-nto. them, _W:b0 (je, is th 1s, image an c1 mg; that ye might walk and fuper(cr1pt1on? They fi!Y 1111- �r orthy ?f the Lord unto all plea to him, Crefar's. 'l;h.t:n faith he hng, be111g fruitful in every good unto tbem, Re.nderJb�refore unto work, and increafing in tlie kuow far, the th111gs which a.re ��- ledge. of God; ll:rengthen�d with Cre's and u�to God, the things a!l might, accClrding to his glo far ; a are God ,8• \1/hen tliey had nous power, unto all patience and t th ard thefe W<?r<ls, they marve\• l <? ng-fuffering, with joyfolnefs; he led, and left !um, a-nd went their giving thanks ur.to the Father, · way. who. hath, mn:<le us meet to be partakers of:the i1.1heritance of the 'Ibe t-wenty-Jo11rth- Sunday,. after faints in light. '1:rinity. The Gojpel. St. Mattn. ix. r8. The Co!Jdl, W· Hile Jefus fpake _th�ft things Lord, we b feech ·thee, -�unto John's d1fc1ples, befolve tlty pe.ople f(om t.hc: 1r hold, th�rt: came. a. q_ertain r1,1ler, and
The twenty-fifth S nday after TR I
:md worfhipped him faying, y Ju ah Chall he favc<l, and Jfrael daughter is ven now dead; but n,all d\ ell faf: ly: anti this is bis come and lay thy hand up n her, r;ime when:by he fhall be called, andfhefhalJl:ve. AndJefusarofi, THE LOKD OUR RIGH· ;ind followe<l him, and fo did his TEO USN ES S. Therefore be· difcipi s. (And hehold, a woman hold, the days come, faith the which was dift-, fi d with an iffut: Lord, th t they fball no more fay, of hlood tw Iv ye;irs, came bt.'- The Lcircl liveth, who brought up hind him, and I oucht>d the: hem I he children of lfrael out f the of hi garment; F r fhe f.iitl wi h- land c.f Ei;ypt; ut, The Lord in her!° If, if I may but touch his liveth, who brought up, and who, garment, I fhal\ be whole But led the fr d of the houfe of Ifr a Jcfu turned him about,and I hen cl out of the north-country, and he faw her, he faid, Daugh er, ut f rom all countries whither I had of good comfort, thy f.tith hath driven them, and they fhall wdl made the whole. And the wo- in their own land. man w,1s made whole from that hour.) And" hen efus came inThe Go.fpel. St. John vi. 5. to the I uh:r's houfe, and f.tw the w.Hen J fus then lift up his eye1,, and faw a great coin· minfirels and the people making a noif<:, he faid unto thens, Giv<' pany come unto him, he faith un plac:e: for the maid is 11ot dead, to Philip, \Vhence fhall we buy hut Oeep th. And they l:iughed bread, that th ft: may eat? (And him to frorn. But when the p o- this he fai<l to prove him - for he pie w re put forth, he went in, himft:lf knew what he wo�ld do.) and took her hy the ha�d, and the Philip anfwere:d him, Two bun maid arofi • And the fame hereof dred penny-worth of bread is not fufficient for them, that every one went abroad into all that land. of them may take a little. Qoe of his difciples, Andrtw, Simon ;Peter's brother, faith. unto hirn :Ilu: twenty fifth Sunday after Thtre is a lad here, who bath fiv� T rinity. barley-loaves, and two.fmall fifh· 'The Co/lefl. they among (o Tir up, we hefeecb thee, O s; but what are Lord the ,\1ills of thy faith• many? And J ·rus faid, Make the fol peopl;: that th y J?l nteouOy men lit dow11. Now t,hcre was e brillging forth the fruit of go..;:i mucb grafs in the place. So th about number in down, fat m1.:11 u!.. plente be thee ,vorks, may by five thoufand. And Jefus tor,lt Jy rew rded through Jefus Chrifi: the loaves, a1HI ,._vh �n he had giv· our Lord. Amen. en tha11ks, he-d1fl:nbutt:t1. to the... ]er. xxii!. -�-ciifciples, ;md the difciples to them For the Epiflle. Ehold, the day� c?me� 1aith that were fet down, and likewife · the Lord, t�at I will r;nfe u.n- of the fiflies, a� much as they to David' a i·ighteous Bra11cb, and would. vVhen they were filled, a King /hall reign_ and profper, he_[aid 11nto his difciples, Gather a-n<l Q1all execute Juiigme�.t and 11[) the fragments that reri1;1in that jufrice in the earth. Ju his days nothing 'be loft. Therefor 'they gathered
Saint A
gathered them together, and fill d e�ce between th Jew ·an<l the: twelve b;ifkels with the fragments Gre • : for the fame Lord on:r of the five barley-loav s, which re. all i rich unto ;tll that call upon mained ova and above unto them hi�1. For whofoever fir II call up that hart eaten. Th n thofe men, n the Nam of the Lord, 01all be when they had re 11 the miracle faved llow then 1all they call that Jefus die!, faid, This is fa on hi'm, in whom they have not truth _that prophet that fhould believed? An how l1 1 all they be, come into the world. Jieve in him, of whom they have not he�rd? And how (hall th('y be• SundnyJ more be lf there fore Advent-Sunday, the ftrvice hear without a preacher? .And ofJome of thoJeSundays that <were how flrnll they preach, except they omitted after the Epiphany foal/ be fe�t? As it is written, How he takm m, t� fuppry Jo many as beautiful are the: fr t of j:,hem that are here <zua11tmg. And if there pr ach the: Gofpel of peace, and be /e<tucr, the. overplus mny be bring glad tidings of go,,d things! omitted: P,:ov,ded, that this /aj} But th y h.,�e not all obeyed the ColleB, Epij}le, and GoJpel,foall G0fpel. For Efai :i s faith, Lor I, al:wap be 11/ed upon th11 Sunday who hath believ cl our r port? next before .Advent. So th n, faith com th hy he/Iring, and hearing bv the ,vord of -------------- God. But I fay, have they not heard? Y s verily, their found St. Andrer.u's Da;•. went into al.) the earth, and their The ColleB. rds unto t!?e nds of the world. wo giv diclfl: who e Lmighty God, r t A� y ho l t I fay,_ Did_ not If _acl know? fuch grace unto thy h provoke will I , 1t fa oflle Saint Andre,\'., that he rea- ,�uft:• �oles _ �o Jealoufy by-the� that �re l of � c;i ltt1g the Son thy yed �ily obe o o n_at1on a a _ J�r11s Chrift, :ind followed him r ,Jr\1 ple, nd hy foohlli anger you. But Ef;uas 1s without delay· Grant unto us all v y,l olc.l, was found nd faith, I a that we, being called by thy holy 0rth � m that fought me not; I Word may forthwith give np our. 3 made manife!l: unto them that wi fnlfil : thy to holy felves �becliently ed no_t after me. But to Ifra_commandments, through the fame el�he fa1.t.h, All day long have I· Je(us Chrift our Lord. Amen. · flretcbec! forth my hands unto a , .�e E•ijll rr1. ,,, e. R om. x. 9· difob e d"1ent and gainpeo. f.ay111g . f thou fb;ilt confefs with thy I . . , mouth the Lord Jefus, ancl fhalt p e. · The Gojpe_l. Mattn. 1v. i8. . h e liev/ . in thine heart that G O cl Ga of fea Efi1s walking by the . : hath raifec1 -IJJm lrorn t h e_ dead, J lee, faw two brethren, Simon, fl1alt be fa_ved. For wtth_ the called Peter, and Andrew his bro�:���\ man helieveth unto ngh- titer cafring a net into the fea · teo1r ts,. and with the mouth (for 'they ,.-vere fifhers) And h� · n errion 1s made unto falvation. faith unto tJiem p 0 Jt;w me and io h .or t � Scripture faith·, V/hofoe- I will ma!-� 0; 1 fi£hers of 'men. y ver h e 1 itveth o n h'm,, fl 1a II n'.' t 1 ,e .nn " d they ' firaightway ltft theu· �lh ame<l. For th111:e .1.s no differ• nets, anti followed him. Ant1 going
Saint TnoMAS and Saint STEPHEN.
ing on from th nee, he faw othe1: two bn:lliren, Jamt:s t�,e fon ot Zehedee, and John his brother, in a fi1ip with Ze dee their fa. tbtt, mending tb ir 11 ts: and he called them. �11d they _im_medi�tely left the fi11p and th tr father, and followed him. ______________
�,id_unto them, Except I flrnll _frc 111 h1 hands the print 11f the nail , and put my fing r into the print of the nails, and thruft my hand into his fide, I will not believe. A:nr! after eight days, again his d1fc1ples were within and Thomns witb them: Then c;me Jefus, the door s being 0 111 t, :rnd •ftood in the mid ft, and faid, Peace be unto you, Then fai<l be to Thomas, R<'.acb Saint 'Thomas the llpefl/,:. bither tby finger, and behold my Ti C U �· h · and reach hithc r ·tby hand, d G .· r e, L·.n •ag 1 �t Y ea n ever i, 1 ng O ' a11ands; d ruft th it into my fide, be: l ,or tb e gre,1 t rcon fi rm· aoJAnd . w 10, no t f:;u·thl t: Iis, b Ht 1)e1-1ev111g: .itioo of the faith, didll: fuffer thy ThomaR anfwt:red, and fa1d unto h oI y A po111\.1 e Th orn:is t o l 1t: d ou ht - him M L d llld my G Od • Jc• , o � r Y '. fulin thySon'srefurrcctio. n·' Grant fus faith unto him, Thomai;, be• r per£eel_), 1 a_nd willloul all caufe thou haft us 10 feen me, thou ball: dou�t, to believe 1� thy Son Jcfu, believed; blefli dare they that have Ch ·ift, that our faith JO thY ftght not feen and ,et have belitved. ) may never be reproved. I-kar 11s, And m ' ti r,1 11 t 1 did 0 Lord, through the fame Jefus Jefus ·na�y s '? . 15• �ifci· 1 • ie -0p r e c:nct Chrift, to whom, with thee and p,es, 1 wluch are not written 1n t h'1s .ti ie H O I Y Gh O ft • b e 3 II h· on our book. But thefe are written, that and glory, now and for evermore. ye mig ht believe that Jefus is the ./Imm. Chrift, the Son of 'Cod; ;ind that b�lievinl;, ye might have life thru' 'The Epijl/e. Ephef. ii. r9. ow therefore ·ye are no more tus Name. fuangers and foreigners, but1 ______________ fellow-citizen8 with the: faints, and Saint Stephen's bay. of the houlliold of.God; and arc huilt upon the foundation of the The Collea. . .Apoftles and Prophets, J efus"Chrift that in all our Lord, � himfelf being the chief corner- GRant, f fu fenngs here ·upon Earth, ftone • in whom all the building t r · teflimony of thy Truth, e h , fo � u growet1 ogether, 1 n fitly &a med t to an holy temple in the LorJ: in we may ftedfaftly •IC?ok u-p to Bea• whom ye alfo arc builded together ven, and by thy faith ·behold_ th_e •for an habitation of God, through -gl<?ry that ll1a)I be reve�!t:d; and being filled with the 1-loly Gholr, the Spirit. m;iy learn to love and ·hlefs our perft:cutors, bythe.examp,Je of thy 'The Gofpe/. St. John xx. 0.4. Homa.s ., one of t'he<twelve, call- firft Martyr Saint Stephen who ·ed Didymus, was not with prayed for his murderers td thee, them when Jefns c,1me. The other O hleffe<l Jefus, who ftan<lefi at difciples therefore faid unto him, the right hand of God to fuccour We ba,ve,feen the Lm d. But he all tbofe who foffllr for. thee, om· 1 only
9r h!'
-the Evangelift's Day.
only Mtdiator and Advocate. Ii- ven as a bcn gather I her chickcn mm. undc:-r her wini;s, and ye � oul<l ot ! Behold, your oure i� le� ll 'IT ·Thenjhnll follow the Co e O n you defolate. For I fay ununto I. 'h '1 11 ,b e a t1 'J N 1ivr;•, · ·1 •w h'rc'JJ _' • ou, Ye 0 1 all not fc:: e me henct:co11tm11rtlly � nto Ne-w-Ye�� s ve. t f h, till ye Oiall fay, Blelfed i 11 he For the Ep�fl_le. Acts v11. 55. that com lh in th t: Name of lh t: Teph 11, b 111 full of the 1-1 ly L re:!. o Gholl. looked 11p llec\fafily in- _____________ to heav n, anc\ faw t\1e glury of , <;.<0h n /';Je l E·van,,.e .:> lijl' s Day. Sm. �•.J God, and J fu' ftandmg on the . 'Ihe:Co/l t fl right lumd of �od; a11d faid, Be:hold, I fee tht: hc::ave�s op n d, and MErciful Lord, w� befcech thee • to cafi: thy bngllt bea�s of theSonofmanfta11dmgontheright hand of God. Then they cried Light upof! thy Church, that:1t be out with a loud voic�, ;ind ftopp d ing ·nnruded by tqe doclnne '.;f ·tht:ir ear5, and ran upon him with thy bl ffc!u Apofilt: and Eva!1gd1!l: one accord, and cart him out of Saint John, may fo walk m the -the city, anrl ftoned him: and the •light of thy Truth, that j� ma}'. at witneifes laid down their clothes Iengtb attain to c::verlalhng lift-, at a young man's feet, whofe name through Jefus Chrift our Lord. A was Saul. And they fto11ed Ste- men. 'The Ej,ijlle. 1 St. John i. r. p hen , calling upon �od-, and faymg, Lord 1t::fus, rec 1ve my i'pirit. Hat which was from the be T A_nd he:: kneele9 down, aad cried · ginning, wliich we have heard, \\11th a loud y mce , Lord, Jay not ich we have fren with our eyes, h w this fm t� the1: charge. And when w i h we have looked upon, and hc be had f:11d this, he fell afiecp. our hands. have handled of the The Gefpt:.l. St. Matth. xxiii. 34. word oflifo; (for the lift: w_as maEhold, I frnd u_nto you pro- nife fted, and we hav:e ft:en 1t, and phets, and w1ft: m"n, and bear. witnefa, and iliew unto y_ou fcribes and_fome of them ye !hall that ett:rnal life, \.vhich wa_s with kill ana1 crucify; and fume of them the Father, and was man1fdh:d fli� l l ye- fcourge · ;n your fyna- unto us;) that which wt: have feert .g o gues, � H cl pe1·rt:cute them from anrl heard, declare we �nto yo'.1, dty to city; � hat upuu you may that ye alfo may havt: kllow/h!P come:: all the righteous blood fhed with us. and trulv our fellowfh1p, o up on the earth, fr m.the blood of is with 'the Fathei·, and with_ his rig h t<::o� s Abel, unto th_e �lood of SonJefus Clu-ift. And thefe th 1 1_1gs Z:.ichanas, fo1 of Baracl11a8, wh0m write we unto you, that your Joy ye new bet�een the tern p i e a11d the may be full. This then is the n�el altar. Verily I fay unto yol'l., All fage which we have heard of h i m, thete t�ing6 fhall come upon this and decla.re unto you, that God is generat1•Jn. 0 Jerufalcm, Jerufa- light, and in him is oo dJrknefs at lem , thou that killdl: the prophc:ts, all. If we fay that we have fel i\O( 1 lto11ert them which an: fe11t 110- low01ip with him, and walk in to tht:(; how often would J have darlrnc:fs, we lie, and do not the gathert:d thy ,cbilctren together, e- truth: But if wnvalk in the light, a8 I
.• 1 rr
The I
o c ENT s Day.
a� he is in the light, we bJve felJ.owll>ip one with another, aocl the Llood ofJefusChrifr his Son clean feth us from a ll fin. If we fay that we have no fin, we decei,, ourfelves, and the truth is not in us. If we-confefs our fins, he is faith• fol and juct to forgive us our fins, . and to cleanfe us from all unrighteoufnefs. If we fay that we have not finned wemakchimaliar' and · his Word is not in us.
madert infants to glorify thee h11 their.deaths; mortify and kill all vices in us, ancl fo ftrengt h n us by th.y grace, that by the innocen-. cy of our lives, and con!l-ancy of our faith even unto death, we may glorify thy holy Name, through Jefus Cbrift our Lord. Amm . Fo r the Epijlle. Rev. xiv. r. I cl , an d I.0, a L-am b fl_oo d .on Loo{e tht: mount S1on, and with l11m .1n hundred forty and four thoufa n_cl, b�ving _his Father·s N;irTil! The Go'Jit:.rpel. St. John xxi. 1.• 9 written rn tl>e1r foreheads. Ancl I Efi.1s faid untoPe�er, Foll ow me. heard a voice from heave n , as the . T�e1! Petet" turoin� about, ft:eth voice of many waters, and as the the �1fc1ple �horn Jelus l o ved, voice of a great thunder: an� I lowing, (which alfo lean_ed on .his heard the voice o( harpers harping bre�ft �t fupp r, and f; 1d, Lord, witJ:t their harps•: and they fur,g wb1ch 1s he that betraydh, thee?) as 1t were a n w foog before tht: Peter freing him, fait� to Jdus, t'hron e, mid hefore the four beat! , Lord, and what 01all this man do? and the Idera: and no man could Jefus faith_ unto him, If I wi_lI that learn that fong, but the Jnindred he tarry till I come, what 1s that and forty and four thoufanrl, which to thee? Follow thou mt. l'hen were redeemed from the earth, went this faying abro�d _among the , T hefe are they which were not brethr_en, that that d1f�1ple !hould defiled with women, for they are ,n?t. clie: yet Jefu� fa1d not un10 virgi11:i: thefe are t�ey which fol· b1m, He !hall not die; but, If 1, 111 low the Lamb wh1therfoever he that he tarry tiH I_ C<?me, w�a� is goeth � lhefe we:e redtemect fro!TI that to thee? Tb1s 1s the d1fc1ple among men, betng the firft-fruits which tdtifieth oftbefe things, and unto Goe.I, and to the Larnb. j\nd w ote. hefe �bings, _and wt know in their mouth ,�as found no guile; tl.Jat his teftimony 1s true. And for tliey are without fault before there are alfo many other things the throne of God. which Jefus did, the which, if they The G0,r:. ·· I3-• .11'Pe l• St·• Matth ' • 11· fuould be written every one, I fu.p. l of th_e Lord appea1· ange He tfelf ,vorld the i even that pofe T .could not ·contain- th!! books that. . . et_� to J ofepht _10 a dream, fay in �, Anfe, _and ,1ke the yuu_ng. _fhould be written. cb1ld,•and bis mother, :ind flee Jll• to Egypt, and be thou t l Jere un�il l hring thee word; for Herod will The Jnnocen tJ Da;•. feek the, young child to defiroY The Collell. him. ·when ht: arofe, he took the Almighty God, who out oft he young chiJd and his mother by '·· · mouths of babes and fu�k- nigl!_t, ar.id_ depa1'te9 into Egypt ; a11-<!, an.,d was t)rnre unt1l ti)� death of Jiu•YS · . _0 haft ordaineq ftref)gth, Herod.: ·
The Converfioo of Saint PA UL.
Ikrod: that it might' be fulfilled from he;iven. And be _fell to !he which was fpoken of th Loni by carLh, . and hear<l a voice faying the prophet, faying, Out of Egypt into l11m, Saul, Saul, wh_y pedi have I call cl my Son Then H r d, cuten thou me? And he fa1d, Who when be faw that be was mocked art thou, Lord? And the L r of the \.'Vifr men, was exceeding faid, I am Jefus whom tbou p i:to w fecut ft: It is hard for th rotb, and fent forth, an<l all tbe children that were in Beth- kic - a,:tainft the pricks. And !! �·. lebcm, and in all the coalls th�re- tremblint and afionilhed, fa1d, , of, from two years olcl and 110- Lord, what wilt thou have me to der, according to the time which do? And the Lord,fai4 unto him, be had diligently enquired of the. Arife, and go into the city, and it wife men. Then was fulfilled lhall be told thee what thou mull: that which was fpoken hy Jere- do. And_ the men which jour my the prophet, faying, In Rama Rey d with him flood fpeechleft;, was there a voice heard, famen- hearing a voice, but feeing no man. tation,_ and weeping, �nd great nd S«ul arofe from tile earth; mournrng, Rachel weeprng for her ,and when his eyes ;vere opened, children, and would not be com- he fn :v no man: bul they led him b canfe they are not. by the hand, aud brought ·him in forted, ------'----�-- to Dam afcus. 1And -he was thte days without fight, and neitherdi t l · The Co11verjion of Saint P.tul. t:at f!br �r\nk. A'nd tl�ere was a The ColleEl. t:un d!fciple ?t Dam?fcus� nam God, who, through the preach- cer eel An_amas,_ and to b�1-r:i fa1d th<!· Apoftle Saint lfed bl the ing-of a vifion, -Ananias. And p \ h (t cauft:d the light of the e aid, Bel old! 1 am he_re, Lo_rcl. � Ga(i' I to fhine throughout the nd th d fa1El unto h_1m,_Anfe, _ ��1 A thee,, efeech b · ,�•e Grant re. o < World, .' . won d'er fu I an d go tl'l'l' ' • . >the fireet wh i ch 1s call 111s ti ! ia t '-':r:e' havmg . d. S tra,ght) and enquire in the e ' ' may · · mbr-irnce convcr,1on m r,."me houfe o'f :ru-'• uas fOt• ·0lie ca ll ed· s au 1 , fhew forth our thankfulnefs unto O f Tarfu�J.• for behold, he pray et h, ing the follow by ror ti 1e. fame ' . th ee c •and hath ft:en in a vifion a man 1 it, . . . holy doarrne which l ie ta11g nam"'d · ,. A nan�as, com111g in, an d 1 ou.i-1, 0 d • Iimm., t thro , Je Iius Ch·"ll; � P1! ling his hand on him, that he � For th.!: Epy1le . A�s 1�· 1•• . tt111g�1t receive his fight. Then ANd Saul,_ yet b1eath10g out nan,as anfwered, L0rd, I have· threater� 1 11ps and fiaughter heard by many of this man, how. agai nrt the d1fci_p l es � f �h e _Lord, l �1_u�h evil he hath done to thy wen_t onto the •hrgh p rt eft, and <le- faints at Jertrfalem: a'1d here h t: fir d of him letters to Damafcus, ha_th authority ·rrom the chief . to the fynagogues, that,1f he found 1 pr1ects to bind all that call on thy anyofthisway_,whether_theyw�t•e: Name. But the Lerd faid u to n �,en- or women, he might brmg, him, Go thy 'way: for he .is a t4; e m b<� u ncl unto Jet'Ufalem. And, tho.fen ve=tfel unto me, to bear tny , a_, h e Journeyed, be came near Name before tihe Gi;:ntiles, an d D� ma'fcus: and fuddenly there kings 1 .and the cli ildren of If1·ael: fi11ned. tbundJ ab·0ut- him a light For, I ·'\ViH -lhew him how •great ' things' I-z•
�Ort ll'l
Th<? P r'fication of Saint MARY.
things he muft fu er for my Name's many that are fir It 01all be I ft, :rnt! ,1ke. And .8.na 1ias went his way, the !aft al e firfr. a11d entered into the Jn•ufe · and put in his hands on him·. 'faid, in tl·t 1,r,ither Sa I, the Lord (even e- 'The P,e.fmtation· o Chrijl 'Temple, rommo11/y cnlled, The Pll· fos, tlut appeared unto thee in the rijication of Sain./ Mary /he Vir• way a. thou c;im ft) I alh ft:nt me gin . that thou ,ig eft receive thy 'The Co/left. iiRht, and be fillc with the Holy . .. ,,. . Gholl. And irsmedi .i el there ALm1,;hty anA e"erl1ving God, we humbly befeech th)' M,1fdl from his eyes as it had b t en . fly, tlint .39 �hy only bef:<1tlt-n fcales; :rnd her ceivcd light forthSon was _this ci,1! prefented_in th: ith, and arofe, and\ as bapti Zt:d. Temple 1n fubfi,ince of ou1 nen1, And when he had received mt'at, r o hee he v. as fhength ued. Then wa•; ro_ we m�y be p tft:nted _unt t S iul certain days with the difciples with p111 e and clean h_:a1 ts, by the which were at D.:imafcus. Ancl fame thy fon Jelus Chi 1ft our Lord. JI raightway he preached Chril1 in .Ame11. For tiu Epijlle. Mal. iii. ,.. ilie fynagogues, that he is the Son of God. Bt t ,.11 tlwit hearrl him BEhold, I will fend my me{ftn• w r amazed, and faicl, Is not this g1:r, and he !hc11l prepare the he that dcftr yed them which call- way before me: and the Lord, cd on this Name in Jerufitlem, and whom ye feek, !hall fuddeulycome came hither for that inti:nt, that to bis tc:rople; even the mefTenger be ·might bdng them bound unto of the c.ovenant, whoru ye' delight. the chief pridl:s? But Sa:ul i_ncreaf- in: behold, he fhall come, faith ed tl.ie more in fl:rength, and con- the Lord of hofis. But wbo may founded the Jews whi:ch dwelt at abide the day-of' hi"s coming? ;rnd Damaf�us, proving that this is ve- who fl1�ll �and ""'.hen he,a_ppe�reth? for he 1s like a I efiner s fire, and . ry Ch rift. . 'The Gofpd. St. Matth. xlx. 1r7. like ful!t:r's foap. A_nd he fhall lit Eter anfwered ,. and faid unto as a refiner and .eunfier of filver: Jefus, Behold, we hav:e for- and he {hal.l punfy tbe fons of Le· faken all, and followed thee; what vi, and purge them as gold and :O,nll we have therefore? Aud Je- Ii Iver, that they may offer unto the fus faid unto them, Verily I fay Lord an offering in· righteoufnefs. llnto·you, tbat ye which have fol- Then fhaJI the oflerings of Judah ]owed me in the regeneration, '�nd Jeruf11lem be: pleafalit unto the when the Son of man l11all fit in Lord, as in the days of old and the· throne of. bis gl ory, ye alfo as. in former years. And ·1' will fuall·lit upon_tw,elv� thro1.1es,judg- come n�ar to yo_u t� judgment; j·og the twelve tnbr.s- of Ifrael, and I will be a lw1ft w1triefs againll: nd every one that bath forfaken the forcerers, and agaiaft the a· houfes, or brethren, o� lifters, ?r dultei:-ers,._ a�d again(l: falfe fwear· o father, or ll}Other, r wife, 01· chi!- ers, a_11d _a_ga�nft !l10fe tbaf opprefs rlren, or land�, for my Name'sfake, the h1rel111g m bis wages, the wi• :fball receive an hundred-�old, and do\y, il!19 �ht: father!efa._,; and that iball inherit everlaftir,g life. But turn ahde thev ftranger' from lHs iii;ht 1
fyiATTHIAs's· D2.y.
right, and fear not me, faith the Anna, a prophetefs, the daughtet" of Phanuel, of the tribe of Afe1· ;Lord of hofts. {he was of a great age, and bad' Thr Gofj,rl. St. Luke ii. n. Nd when the days of he::r pu- lived with an hu!band feven years rification, according to the from her virginity: and fl1e was a law of Mo� s, were accompli!he::d, widow of about four-fcore and they brought him t Jerufale::m, to four years, which departed not prefent him to the Lord (a·s it is from th-e temple, bot ferved God '!.vr itten in the law of the Lord, with faftings and prayer� night a_nd Every male that op neth tfie womb day. And fl1e coming in that 111, !hall he callt:d holy to the Lord) !taut, gave thanks likcwife unto and to offer a facrifice, according the Lord, and fpake of him to all to that which is faid in the law of them tbat looked for redemption· the Lord, A pair of turtle-doves, in Jeruralem. And when they had or two young pigeons. And be- performe::d. all things according to· hold,there was a man in Jerufalem, the law of the Lord, they return whofe name was Simeon; and the ed into Galilee, to their o-wn city fame man was juft and devo11t, Na�areth. Aud the child grew,. waiting far the confolation of If. and waxed fl:rong in fpirit, fillerl rael: and the Holy Gho!l: was upon with wifdom; and the grace o( him. And it was revealed unto him God was upon him. by.the Holy Gh ft, that he il1oulcl ------------Saint llfotthia.r's Day. not ft:e- t1·eath, before be had f1:;en · The Collea. the Lord's Chrifi". And he came· tc:mplt;; and tbe into .klmighty Spirit God, who into the the _ by place of the traitor Judas,. wben the parents brougl�t m the for him after diclft �hoofe thy faithful frrvant child J fus, to do the cuflom of the bw, then took Matthias to be of the number of ·he him np in his arms, and bleffed the twelve A'.pollles; Grant that God, and faid, Lord, TI?w lette!l: thy Church b1::ing alway prefervcd thou thy fervant dep�rt 111 pea�e, from falfe Apofiles, may be or according to thy word:_ For m!ne dered and guided· by faithful and eyes have feen thyfalvat1on; which true Paftors, through Jefus Chri£l thou baft prepan::d .bef01:e t�e face our Lord. .IJmw •. of all pe?ple; a hght to hg11ten fo,. the Epifl/e. Acts i. rs. · the Gentiles, and the glory of th.Y thofe clays Peter fl:oo<l up i�, the midfi: of the difciples, and: people Jfrael. And Jofepb 39� his mo�her marvell:<l at thfe things faid (�he umbe of the came-s t r n "''.h1ch were fpoken of h m: . And gether were about an hundred no a d, Simeon bl ffed them,.an� laid u�- twenty;} Men anrl brethren, thjs. 7 to Ma�y, his mother, �enold, t�1s Scripture muft neecls have been . �h,ld 1s fc:t for the. fall and nf- fulfilled which the Hnly Ghoft by mg again of many rn Ifr ael; and the mo;.th of David fpal.:e before: _fu� a lign which.fhall· be ipoken a- concerning Judas who was guide gamft (yea, a fword fhall pierct· to them that tooi- Jefus. for he t:iro�gh thy own ·foul alfo} that was numhtred wich u�, and had t :et i�mghts of many hearts may ohtainedparcol;thisrninifhy. Now bt n:veaki.l. And then: wa» one this man purchafcd a j;j.::Jd witb the I 3. : · roward..
�·�e Annunciation of tbe Virgin MARY.
rewar of iniquity; and falling veal him. Come unto me, all ye he_a long, b burfi afund r in the that labour aud .ar heavy laden, Talte my mr<lft, aoJ _all his bowels gun, d, and I will give yoo r ut. And 1t was known unto all yo! e upon you, and learn of me; t e dwellers at Jerufalem; i r. - for I m me k and lowly in he:irt: mu�u as lhat fieirl is called in th ir and ye _fhaU find rdl: unto y•iur proper tongue, Ac le.lama, that \-s fouls. For �Y. yoh: is eafy, and to fay, The field of blood. For 1t my burthen rs light. -is written in tbe hook of Pfalms, Let his habitation be defol_ate,· and -Tbe Annunciation of the bl,jft•d "/Tir· l�t n'? ma� dwell thc::re111 : and gin Mary. his B11hopnck let anotb r take. 'I'he CO 11e-.8 • Wherefore of th fe m n, whicl,' :E befo h th e, Lord, ha e companied with us all the pouT tby grace 111lo our time t!lat ti.le Lord Jefus wentr in I iearts; t_bat a� we have known the ;ind out among us, beginning f om Incarnation of tb}:' son Jefus Chri!l; the baptifm o John, unto tbnt , by tbemelfage ot an angel; Sob' fame day tha.t be was taken up his crofs aotl paffion �ve may be from us muft one pe ordained t ,ongh_t unto the glory of his Re· t of us with his Refurwit�efs be a 1 1 0 ' lbrou-gb the fameJefus _recljon. Ann "they a_ppointcd tw • �::� � 0�. Lo .d. Am en. ' Jofeph called BarfabaR, who was• For the Epf/lle. lfai, vii. 1o. furn,mecl Juftns, and Matthias.• And they prayed, and faid,-Thou MOr�over, tbe Lor-cl fpake again unto Aha�, fayi"ng, A{k . Lord, which Jen weft the hearts of · �f the Lord thy God; all men, ilicw wheth r of thefe the� a _ligo t two thou haft chofeo; .that he a� it e, ber 111 the depth, or in tht: h ight above. �ut Ah_az faid, I may take part of this mi11ifiry and � , ;ipofil.e01ip, from which Judas by will not aik oe1tber �•II I tempet the Lord• And he fai�, Hear y tranfgrdfion fc::11, that he might go now, O_ houfe of David; Is it a to bis O\Vn place. And they gave fmall t_brng for you to weary men, fell their lots; and the lot forth 111 ye weary my. God alfo? t '� hu upon Matthiaa._ An<l he was num�h-crcfore the Lord h1mfelf {hall bered wilh the el veo Apoftles. give you a. fign ; Behold, a virgin 'Ihe Go.Jpel. St. Matth. �i. 1. 5. !hall conc�ive, and bear a fon, and red, aofr., Jefus time that T Fa- flrnll call his name Imma·nud. B1.1t� and faid, I thank thee, he tber, Lore! of heaven an<l earth, ter and honey Ora ti he eat, thn_t bccaufe thou haft bid tbefe things may know to refu(e the evil, and . from the wife and prudent, and choofe the good 'Ihe Gojpel. St. Luke i. 2.6. . h::dl: revealed them unto babeii. Even fo, Father, for fo it feemed ANd in the fixth month the angel G_abriel was fent'frorn good in tfiy light. All things are '. delivered unto me of my Father: Go(I unto a city of Galike nam· an·<l no n;ian kno,veth the Sqn but ed .Nazareth., to a virgin eipoufed .the Father; neither knoweth any to a man, w�ofe name was Jofrph, ' -man the Father, fave the Son, anrt of the lloule of David• and t)1e pe to ;i.vhomfoever the Son will re- virsJn�s name was Mary.' And the angel
Saint M ��
R K's
Day .
.ang l c.1me in onto her, and faicl, a�ay with every blafl: <?fvai� doc· Hail, thou that art highly favot r• trme, we may be -eftabhfhed m the 'ed, the Lord is with tbee: blelT- truth of thy holy Gofp I, thr_ough crl art thou among women. Aod Jefus-Chrifl: our Lord. llmm. 'The Epijlk. Eph f. iv. 7. 'when fi1e faw him, llie was trouNto every one of us is given bled at hi faying, and call: in h u grnce, according to the meamind ,vhat manner of falutati<m the gift of Chri!t. Wherethis fhonld be. A.nd tbe angel fure 'faid unto her, Fear not, Mary : fore he faith, When lie afceod cl for thou halt found favonr with up on higlt, he led captivity cap G,od. Anti behold, thou fl1alt tiv , and gave gifts unto �er)• ·concejve in thy ,v_o mb, and bring (Now that he afi ended, what 'Is rt forth a Son, and /halt call his N';llme hut tbat he alfo defcended firft into J fus. He fhall be great, and flnll the lower p,1rts of the earth? He 'be calku tht." Son of the Highdl: ; that delcencled, is the fame alto and tho:: Lord God 111 11 give nnto that afc ded up far ahovc aJJ hea birn the throne ?f hi8 farher Davi I. vens, that J1e mi_g'ht fill ;ill things.) And he 01all reign over the honfe And he gave fome apofHes, and ·of Jacob for ever; and of his king- fome prophets, ancl fome evan.ge dom there fhall bt: no tnd. Then lifts } and fomt: pallors and reach faid ).Vlary unto the angel, How ers; fortheperfeclingo'fthefaints,. Thall this be, feeing I know not a for the work of the mini{lry, for man? And the ang�I anfwen:t\ and t�e edifying of the body of Chrift; ·raid unto her, The Holy. 'Gboet td_l we all come in the unity of th;e {hall come upon thee, anti the fa1tb, and of the knowledge of th -ewer of the Higbdt flittll over- Son of God, unto a ,perfrft man, :, re a\fo, tbt1t unto the meafure of the ftatnre •h rn <low thee: therefo hol thi11g which !hall be born of of the fulnefs of Chrift: that , e y thee, {hall be calltd the Son_ofGod. henceforth be no �nore cjlildren, • And behold, thy coufin El1zabet�,- toffed to llnd fro, 'and car.ried a· 111e bath a1fo conceived a fen in about with every wind of doclrine,. her olu age; and this is the Cixth by tl�e il�ight o'f me.n, and c�rnning month with be�, who wns cal!ed craftm�fs, whereby they lie 1-11 wait barren. For with- Gotl nothing �:cntec-e1ve; but fpeaking-the truth fh�ll he impoffible. A1�rl Mary 111 lov_e, may grow U:P -intoJiilTl in fa1J, beh?!d th handmaid <_>f the a l t!11ngs, which, is.t.be hr:ad, even , Lor<l; be it nnto me;; accordmg to Chnfl:: Ftom �vhom ,the. whole thy _wor�J. And the �ageJ depart• body fitJy joi ned 'tog t_he_r, and e<l from her.. th;it wh1cb e ry by 1ed �o_mpac ------------- Joint foppli th, according to the 'eflec:tual working in the meafu.rJ;! amt·- 11-tar k' s ay., • Qf every pt1rt, maket.h '111creaje _of . The_ Colle8. the body, unto the edifying of 1t., • Almighty God, wbo J14ft Lo- �If in love. . · fiq.1cledtbyholyCbur�h�itJ1 'ThrGefptil. St.Johnxv .. x. Am �he true vine, ·am! my F>1 the_ bea_v.enly <loctri_ne <ilf thy Eva·nther 1s the huf'oandman. Every gel1fi S'.11?t Mark; ,Give us grace, ' that berng not like chiltlr.en'carrie.tl branch in m� U1at b\!areth no't'fru ir, h1:
s ·
and Saint
he taketh-away; and every branch The Epijl/e. St. J Jmc:s i. J, that b ardh fruit, he purgcth it, JAmes, a ft'rvant of God; and ()f that it may bring forth more fruit. the Lord Jefus Chrifl:, to the Now ye are clean through tbe twelve trib s , hich are fcattued worcl which I have fpokt:n unto abroad, gre ting. My brdhren, you. Abide in me, nod I- in you. count it all joy when ye fall into As the branch cannot bear fr uit ot' divers temptations; lrnuwing this, itfelf, exc�pt it abide in the vine; that the Lrying of your faith work no more -can ye.::, except ye abide etb patience. But kt pntience h;nc: io me. I am the vine, ye are the bcr pcrfelt worl·, that ye mny be brancbe . He that ahideth in me, perfelt ·;ind entire, w.:inting no· and I in him, the f; me bringeth thing. If any of y u lack wifdoin, forth much fruit : for without mt: kt him afk of God, that giv th to ye can do nothing. Jfa man abiJe all men liberally, and upbraicltth not in me, he is ca 0: for.th as a not; and it fhall be given hii'n, 'branch, and is withered; and men But kt him afk in faith, nothing ,gather them, and cafl: them into waveri11g : for he that waver th is the fire, and they are burned. If like a wave of the fea, driven with ye abide in me, and my \.'l'Ord1, a- tbc wind, and tolft:d. For let not bide in you, ye O,all afk \.\'hat ye that man think that he fhal� n: will, and it O,all be done unto you. ceive any thing of the Lore!. A Herein is my Father glorifi d, that double-minded man is unlbble in ye bear much fruit; fo 01all ye be all his ways. Let the brother of my clifciples. As the Father hath low degree rejoice in that he is ex� loved me, fo ha.ve ·i; lov d you :. alted; but the rich in that he is continue ye, in my love. -Ifye keep made low; becaufe as the flower my commandments, ye O,all abide of the grafs he �h�ll pafs away. in, my love; even as I have ktpt For the fon is no fooner rifen with m� Father's comm;1ndments, and a burning heat, but it withereth abide in his love. Thefe things the grafs, and the flow r th<::reof ·have I fpoken unto yon, that my 1 falleth, a_nd tl!e grace of the fa· joy might remain in you, and that Oiion of it p rdheth: fo alfo ni:itl the rich man fade away in his w:iys. your joy might be foll. Blelfed is the man that endureth tempt:ition; for when he is triecl, . . , St. Ph,bp and St. Yamns Day. he 0,all receive the crow11 of life, which the Lord hath promifrd to . · 'The Col/dl. Al'mighty God, whom trul y. them that love him; · to know is everlafting· life,; The Gojpel. St. Jol:rn xiv. 1, Grant us pert'eltly to koow· thy ANd Jefus faid_ uhto his c:Jifci• Son Jt:fus ChriO: to be th_e way, pies, Let not your heart be the truth,. and the life; that fol- troubled: ye·believo. in God be· lowing the fieps of thy holy Apof- lieve alfo in, me. · In my Father's tles, Saint Philip and Saint James, houfe. arc many manfions; if. it we m;,iy: ftedfa{\l-f walk in the way were not fo, J would have totd that leadeth to eternal lifi; through you .. I go t_o, prepare a place f(!r the wme thy Son,Jt:fus Chrift our you. A'nd 1f I go_ an� prepare a place. for yon 1 I, ,v1!Lcomc ngaio, Lord.· /lmen •. • and.
Saint BARN AB.As the Apofrle.
nd receive you unto myfelf that fold gifts, uor yet of grace to ufe w ere 1 am, there ye may he alfo. them alway to thy l1onoi1r and glo And whilher I go, ye know, and ry, through J fus Chrift our Lord·. the way �•e kno� • Thomas { ith limm. For the 12pijlle. Acts xi. 22. un o hirn, Lord, we I now 11ot I<lings of thefe things came whither thou goelt, and how can T we kno� tbe way? Jefus fail !1 un11nto the ears of the Church t him, I am the way, the truth, \ bich w;is in Jerufalem: and they and the:: life: n man com th un- fcnt forth B.1rnahas, that he:: firnuld to the Father, but by me. If ye go as far as Antioch: who, when had known me, y fhould have he came, and had ft:en the grace known my Father alfo: and fr nm of God, was glad; anti xhorted henceforth ye know him, and h�ve them all, that with purpofe of feen him. Philip faith unto him, ht"art they-would cleave W1to the: Lord, !hew us the Father, and it Lord. For he was a good man, fuffict:'th us. Jefus faith unto him and full of the Holy Gholt, and Have I been fo long time with of failh: and much pe<'>ple w;:,s you, and yet halt thou not ltnown added unto the L rd. Then de me, Philip? He that hath fr:en me, parted B;1rnab;is to Tarfu for to hath feen the Father; and how fay- I� k Saul: An<l when he had found eftthou then, Shew us the F�tber? 1nm, he brought hirr, unto Anti Believeft th0u not that I am 111 the 'Och. And it came to pals, that a Fathtr, and the Father in me? whole )'.Car they alfc:mbled them Tbt! words tlaat I fpeak unto you, fc:lvcs wttb the Chnrch, ;ind taught I fpeak not of myfelf; but the Fa- nmch people: and the difciples ther that dw lleth in roe, he dneth �ere called Chri/1:ians firft in An the works. Believe me, that I a!11 tioch. And in t-hefe days came iu the Father, and the Father 111 P_rophetsfrom Jerufakm untoAo me • or elfe believe �e for th_e ve- tioch. And thtre ftood up one cf ry �vorks fake. Verily, _vet:tly, 1 tbem, 11amed A,gabus, and !igni fay unto you, I-fr that belteveth on fied by the Spirit, t:hat there fhould me, the works that I do n,all he he great dearth throughout all the do alfo; and greater works tl.�an world: which came to pars in the thefe !hall he do; becaufe I go un- d�y� of Claudius C�far. Then the: tn my Fat_her. And whatfoev_e� ye d)fC1pl_e�, every man a,ccording to fuall alk in my Name, that will _I l'.1s ability, determinf.µ to fend re do, �hat the Father may be glon- )iefunto the hrethren w,hich dwelt fled in the Son. If ye fh_all a� any lll Judea. Which alfo they did, thing in my Naµie, I will do it. and fent it to the dder:. by the • hi\nds of Barn;ibas arid S3ul. u. xv. The John St. Gnjpel. · Barna bas the Arpojlle• · sa,nt THis is my commandment, That · The Co/letl. ye love one anothtr, as I h,we L?rd Goe\ Almighty, ·who loved; you. Gre;iter love hath no td11: 1:ndue thy holy Apoille man than this tha a man lay down B ar na 1as with lingu!ar ifts.of,the hi s life for his' fri t t' nds. Ye are my _g _ Ho 1 Y Ghoft; Leave us not,.we b�- friends ;if ye d� whatfoever I com feech thte, de�itute of .th:Y. mam- man<� you. ;I;I�ncefurtti I .call yo1,1t '· · no
Baptift's Day.
'not ervants; for the: fcrvnnt know• th not what his LorJ do th: but � ,have c;illed you fr iend ; (or all things that I have It ard of my Fatber, I have: mad ·no .vn unto you. Ye ha,e not holi n me, but I have chofen y u, and or ained you,th, t ye fuould go :ind hr·ng fo1 th fruit, and that your fruit fhould rem;1in: that wha foever ye fball afk of the 'Father io my Name, be •may give it you. Sain t John Bnptfjl' s D ay. 'The Co/le[/. Lmighty God, by whofe providcnce thy ferv ntJohn llaptift wai, \YOOd(:rfully born, aod f. nt to prep re the w;iy of th Y Son our S.<l'vioor, by preacbing of TC· pent-a nee; Make u-s r�1 to follow his doctrine: anct holy lift:, that we may truly r peut according to hi. preaching; and after his example con(bntly fpeak the truth, b dly r bukc vice, and patiently .fuffi r for tlH.:truth"s fake., throu h Jcfus Cbrill: our'Lord . .Amen. For the Epifll<'. Ifaiah xi. 1. · O'mfortye,comfottyemypeo, c · pie, faith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerufal m, and cry unto her, -that her warfare is accomplifbed, that her iniquity is p;rtdoned: for fl1e nath receive6 of rhe Lord's band double for all lier fina. The voice of •him tha-t crietb in l�ie wildernefs, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, ·make ftraight in the de'fert a highway for 011r God. ·E¥ery valley fhall be exal�ed, -and e-very mountain and hill {hall be made 1ow: and the crooked !hal1 bt: made firaight, and the -ro.ugh places piain. And the gl0r-y--0f 'the L�<l '!hall ,be re-flefb ..J-ha}l rfee.:i-tito� .1'ealed> -a-ml ,aU
gethc:r: for ti� mo 1th f �he L�rd h th fpoken 1t. Th v 1cc fa1cl, Ccy. And h-·. faid, What firnll r cry? _All Aen1 1s gr:1fs, ;ind all the goodltnefs thereof 1s as th Ao"·er fthe fiel I. The grafs wither ll), t�e llowa ad th becaufc th· Spt· nt of the L r<l low tit up n 1I 1 fur ly the ople is grafs. The 1,?r.:ifs wither th, 'the-flow r fa<letl 1, but the ,vurd of our Go I flin1 I fl:antl for e9 r. 0 Zion, that bring· efl: good tidings, get th e up into the high mountain: O Je-rufal 01, that bring fl: good tidings, lift 11p thy voice with •firength ; lift it np, be not afraid: fay unto th'e cili s of]udal i , Bd 1 old your God. Be· hold, t::e Lord God will come with nron� hood, and his arm fha·Il rule for him: behold, his rew:-ird is with him, 1111d bis work before him. He fhall feed his flock )ike ,1 fhepherd; l t e !hall g;ither the la01bs with his ·arn,, and c, rry them in hi•s bofom, and fhall gen· tly leall thofe that are w�th young, 'Tbe Go/pet. St. Luke i. 57. Lifnb•th's full time came that E !be fl1Mul<l •be delivered; an I fhe brought C:: rth a fo·n. And her 11eighbours and h'er coufins heard how the L?rd had iliewed great mercy up0n her; ·;rnd they rejoiced wifh 11er. And it c.-atne to pafs, that on -the eighth day they cnmt: to circuincife fhe cb'ild; and they called IJ.im Zacharias, aFter t11e name of his father. A1ld his mo the.r anf.wered -, -an-d faid, Not fo; but he il1all be called John. And they faiu ·unto her, There is none of ·thy kindred that is .called by this'naine. And they,�aae· fign9-• to· his father, how1he wou1d have him called. A'ncl 1he aiked for a writing table, aad ·wrote, faying, Hi•s name is J o'hn, !And .f-he-y mar velled.
ai n f
R's D a)'.
v lied a I. And his mo•1tb w,1s o- the day of his fb \..-:iog unto Ifr2pened immediatdy,and his tongue 1. loofed, and he fpake, and praifc:cl God. And frar came on all that Saint .Pet r's D ay . dwelt round about them : and all . Tbe Colle8. th fe fayings were noifed abroad hty- God,_ wh�, by t hy Almig of try ill-coun the h all hout _ tliroug c_hnft, d1dfr give Son Jefu bad beard that Judea. And all they , thy Ap1�Crle ,unt P t r many tbem, l.iid them up in their hearts, to c II n_t gifts, an� comrnandedL�. faying, ·what manner of child fhaJI e� . thisb t: ? AndthehancloftheLord him eaioell:ly to ft:cd thy �ock,s , , all Bifhop thee h c_ r� web ke M. � Zar fath his was with him. And Partors dtltgently to preach ch�riaa \',:is fill d with the Holy and r nd the people o GJ-ioft, and proph lied, ffaying, thy _holy Wo d, a y to fol!ow the fame, that Bleffed be the Lord God o Iu·.-iel; bed1entl for bt: hath vifitet.l and redeemed th Y m_;iy receive the crown nf e his people, and ha.t:h raifed trp an ev i:lathng glory, tbrotrgh Jcfu3 horo of falvation for us .., �n the Cbnfr our Lord. Amen. houli.: of hi,;, ii rvant David; as he For the Epijlle. Atl:s xii. 1• fpake by tbe_mouth of bis holy ABoutthattime,Herodtheking, ftretched forth his hands to prophets, which have been fince the world hegan; tha� w� 11.iould vex _certain of the Church. And ht: faved from our enemies, and, h� }tilled James the brpt·her of John· 1 from the baod of a.I that hR�e _11s: with_tQe fword. And becaufe he the mercy promifecl faw 1t plea(ed the Je,.ve, be proform To per to our fathers, a111l tp remem�c-r ceeded further to take Peter alfo. hi t1 holy covenant: the _oath_wl:1ch �Then were the <lay,s of unleaven he fw,:1re tp our fat)1e1 Abiaj11,1m, td bread.) �nd when he hacl ap unto us, that prehended Im�, he pu� him in pri that he wou'.d grant fthehari_ds fon, and dehven:cl him to four d hvered uto � _ we b ing of �ur e.neru.i�s, m1_g•bt ii rve __h1m q�ar�ern1o�s of foldiers, to keep i h i l m, mt an< nd fs h ! � � 111g_ aftt:r Eafter to hring without fe.ir, m hC?line teoufnefs before him, all _the days him fo1 th to the people. Peter -of our life. And thou, child, �1alt therefo,n: was kept in prifon; but b� called the Prophet of the H:gh- prayer was made without ceafing .eft: for thon {halt go before t�e of the Church unto .God fqr him. ·face of th<: Loru, to pr_epn-re his And when Herod would have ways; to gtye;lmowl clgs! of_falv_a- brought him forth, the fame nigbt tion 11�to �1s people by ,the temif. Pct�r was O:!epirig between two fion ot their fins, throug,h the ten- foldrnrs, hound with two chains· <ler. mercy of our G,od ; �v hereby and the keepers before the doo; ti_ e Day-fpring from_o n higb hath .kept the prrfu□• And behold, Lhe v1fite4:111s, to give hgh� to them angel of the Lord ca roe upon him, tbat ht rn darknefs, an_d m the ilia- and a Jig.ht fhined in the prifon: 9pw of death, to g1.11de our fret ano •. l1e fmote Peter on the., fide, m�o the w�y o,f peac,. And U_1e ,;1nd raifed him up, faying, Ari/e C.h_il� grew, and_ wa.xed. ftr1:mg !11 up quickly. And his chains fell 1p,mt; .\.Bel was m the defrt;ts. t�l-l off from his hands. . .. . And -the angel
Saint JAMES theApo!He. fi �d uoto him, Gird thyfdf, and whatfoever thou fl1alt loofe on bind on thy fandals: and fo he uid. c:arth, !hall be loofed in hea en. And he faith uoto him, C:ict thy garn,ent about thee, and follow S ain i 'JomeJ the .Ap'!filr. me. Aud he ent out, ancl folThe ColleB. lowed hirn; and win not that it was true which was done bv tbc an GRant, 0 merciful Go , that as thi�c ho�y Ap Ille Saint gel; but thought be fan; a vifiun. \• hen th· y were part the firrt and Jam s, I av111g his f: lher and all the fecopd ward, d1ey came u11to th;it _he had, witho11t delay was t�1e iron i;ate that I addb unto t� obedient unto �h callin� of thy city, wh1cl1 opened to them of his S�n Jefns Chnft, . and foll w d own accord: an<l they went out, bun; fo we, forfak111g all ,. orldly and p:iCfecl on through one fireet, an<l carnal affc:clion , may be e· and forthwith the angel departed \·errnorc: ready to follow thy ho· from bim. And w 1cn Pete;· was ly C?mmandments, through ]di.is c;ome·to h"mfelf, he faid, N w I Chnfl: our Lord. Amm. know of a furety that lac Lord For the Epijlle. Acts xi. 27. and -part of Chap. xii. hath fent bis angel, and hath ddithofe days came proph ts from :v red me out of the hand of Herotl, and from all the expectation of the Jerufal m unto Antioch. And there fiood up one ot' them nam· -people of the Jews. '• ·The Go_fpel. St. Matth. xvi._13. ed. ".\gabus, and fignified_ by the H n Jefus came into the Spmt, that there lhould be great coalls of C::efarea Philippi, dearth throughout all the world: h . afked his difciples, faying, whicl_1_ came to pafs dO the days of Whom do men fay that I, the Claua1us Ca!far. The.rr the difci· Son f man, am? And they faid, pl�s_, very mai:i according to his Some fay that thou .art Juhn the ability, determined to fend relief Haptifl:, fome Elias, and others, unto th br�thren which dw It in Jer mi.as, or one of the prophets. Jude�. Which alfo they did, and He faith unto them, But whom fent it to the eld{'rs by the ha11cls fay ye that I am? And Simon Pc- of Bai:nabas ;;ind Saul. Now about ter .anfwere<l and faitl, Thou art th�t time, !:Jtrod the king ftretch· Chrifl:, the Son of the living God. ed forth bis hands to ve'x certain And Jefus anfwered and faid unto o_f the Church. And he killed him, Bleffed art thou, Simon Bar- James the brother of John with jona: for flefh and blood hath not the f·word. And heca-ufc., he faw r vealed_it u�t<? thee, but my Fa- it pleafed the Jewi, he -proceeded ther which 1s 111 beaven. And I further to take Peter alfo. 'The Gojpe/. St. 'Matth. xx. fay al(o unlo thee, _that thou a_rt 20• P�ter, and upon this rock I will THen came to him the mother of Zebe<l�e's children, wit builci my Church: an.d tht. g:it_es h of hell l11a)l no_t prevail agarnfl: 1t. her.fens, wo�fh1pp1ng him, and de• And I will grve unto thee the firrng a-certa111 thing of him AnJ kt:ys of the Kin�dom of h�aven: ,he faid_ unto her, What wilt thou? and whatfuever t11ot� !halt bmd on She_ faith unto him, Grant tb,it cRrth, 01all l.Je bound HI hca-n:n;and th.elerny two.fons may fit, the one
and St.
on thy right hand, and the other wrought among the people (arid on the left, in thy kingdom. But they were all with one accord in Jefus anfwered and faid, Ye know Sol rr.on'ti porch. And of the rdt not what ye afk. Are ye able to Jurfl: 110 man join himfclfto them;,· drink of the cup that I n1all drink but the people magnified them. of, and to be baptized with the And hdievers wer the more:: add baptifm that I am baptized with? eel to the Lord, multitU<..ks both They fay -unto him, We are able. ofm n and women) infomuch that And he faith unto them, Ye fh II they brought forth the fick. into drink indeed of my cup, and be the fireets, and laid thc:-m on beds baptized with the h -ptifm that I and couch s, that at the lt:afi: the am baptized with; but to fit on fhaclow of Peter p.1ffing by might my right hand, and on my lt:ft, is overfhadow fome of them. There 110t mine to give; but it fbaH be came .;.lfo a multitude out of the given to them for whom it is pre• cities round about unt<) Jerufalem> pared of my �at her. And whe11 bringing fick folks, au<l them which .the ten h ard 1t, they were moved were vexed with unclean fpirits; with indignation againfi the two and they were healed every one. brethren. But Jefus called them 'The Gojpel. St. Luke xxii. :z4. unto him, and faid, Ye know that ANd there was alfo a fl:rife a the princes of the Ge11tiles exermong them, which of them cife dominion over them, and they fhould be account eel the greatefr. that are great exercifc anthority And he faid unto them, The kings upon them. But it fball not b� !'o of the Gentile:J exercife lordfhip among you: but whofuever will over them; and they that exercife be,greilt among you, let him 1?e authority upon .them, are called your minift:er; an,\ whofoev�r will benefactors. Bu� ye !l1all not be be chief among you, let 111m he fo-: but be that 1s greatefi: among your fervant: E-ven a� �he Son of yon, let him. be a_s .the younger; man came not to be m1111ftered un- and be that 1s ch1et, as he that to, but to mini!ter, and to give his doth fer-ve. Fqr whether is great-· er, he that fitteth at meat, or he lift: a r.1nfom for many. that ferveth? is not ht'. l-t1at fittetb at meat? but I am among you_ as Saint Bartholomew the Apq/l/e. he that fer�eth. Ye _are they _wh,�h <Th e Co lleB. have -c�ntmued with m� m my' Almighty and ev.erlafiing God, who didll: ·give to thine Apof. tempta�1011s. And I appomt unto, tle Bartholomew grace truly to you� krngrlom, as my Father hath, appoin ted �1nto me; that y� may b.c:lieve and to preach thy �Tore\;. e t and drink at my table '!1 my Grant, we be(eech thee, unto thy � u dg• om, and fit _on thrones,J �mg<l h whic Word Church, to love that tw�lve tnbes of Ifr ael. the mg . he believed and both to preach c��f�ve th e fame, through JeSaint Mntthe,...u the J{pqjl/e. • our Lord. .Amell. :.i.1Je Co 1,.e ff • n-1 F,or t,e h Epiji!e. Atl:s v. 12. Almighty God, who by thy the y hands of the Apoftles hlelfed Son didft call Matwere many figns and wonders thew from the receipt of cufiom, K to
0 fui
lICHAEL and all Angels.
oftle and Evangclill: • to be an Grant 11s grace to forfJke all cov tou defir s, and inordinatt: love of riches; and t f?llow the famt' thy Son Jefus Chrill:, who liveth an<l n::·goeth with thee and th Holy Ghoft, one God, world withut end. Amm. 'The Epijl/e. z Cor. iv. l. Her fore:, feeing we have ti.is minilhy, as we have received mercy, we faint not; hut have renounc d the hidden things of <lifhonefl:y, not walkin in cr;iftin fs, nor h;indli11g the on.I t God <lt:c itfully,but,bymanif fiationol the truth, commending ourfdve to every man's conf�ience in th light of God. _ Bnt 1f our Gofpel he:: hid, it is hid to them that11re loft: In vhom the god of thi ,·:orld h,1th blinded the minds of them whi h bdie".e not, left the_ light of th� glon?us Gofpel ot Chrirt, who 1s the image of God, fhould fhine unto them. For ,v preach 11ot ourfrlv s, but Chril1 Jefus the:: Lorcl; ;ind ourfelves your frrv, nts for J fus' fake. _Por Goe\ who commanded the light to n;ine out of darkncfa, hath fhined in our hearts, to give the light of th..e knowledge of tl!e gl _o ry of God, in the race of Jdus (.;hrift. 'The Gojpe!. St. Matti�. ix. 9. Nd as Jcft1r, r;iffecl f-orth !rom thence, he faw a m;rn 11amcd 1\1:itth t: w, fitting at the receipt of cufl:om: anr.l tie faith unto him Follow me. And he _arofe, ,111<1 fullowcd him. And 1t came t<· p:ifsr as Jdus fat at me,1t in the honfe, behold, many puhlic;ins a_11 1111ners c,irne ,rnd 1at down with him and his difr:ipks. And when tl:t: Pharift:t::i f,1v �t, they faid nntn his difr:;ples, ', hy eateth yunr
L aner wilh publicans :ind Ii iners? But when Jefu he;ird that, he: f.tid •t111Lo t I m, They Lhat be wi1ole nee not a Phyfician, but they that ,1n: fick. But go ye and learn wh;it that meaneth, will have m rcy, and not facrifice; for I am n(lt come to call the righteous, but finn rs to re ntance. -------------Saint lt1icbael and nil l111ge/J. 'The Col/di. oEver!afl:ing God, who h:ifi OT• dained and conltitutcd the fcrvices of Ang Is and men in a wonderfulordcr;Mercifollygrant, lhat as thy holy Angels always du thee fervice in he,1v n; fo, by thy appointme1 t, they may fuccour and d fen<l us on earth, throu h Jcfus Ch rift our Lord. Amen. For the Epijlle. Rev. xii. 7. THere waswa_r in h aven; Mi . chael and his A11gels fought agmnft the dragon; and the dril• gon fought and his angels, pn:vaikd not; neither wai: th�ir place f,,und any more in heav 11• And the gre:it dr;igo11 was cafl: ut, that old fnpent, called ·the <. evil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was call out in• to the ,1rt_h, a�d his angels w re cal1 out_ with �1rn .. And I heard a loud voice fay!llg in heaven Now is con:ie falvat1011 and ltrengt'h, and the kin gdom four God, ;ind tlle . power of his Chrifl:': for the ac· cuftr of our brethren is caft down, which accufed them before oor Gou day ;i_nd ·night. And• they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their t_cltimony; and they loverl not their 1tv:e� unto the d ath. Therefore rrJDIC�, ye heavt:ns, and ye that d�vell 1n them. \Voe to the inha b1tants of the earth and of the f�a 1 ,or
·Saint LuKE the Ev ngelifl:.
-for the devil is come down unto you, having great w..ath, hecanfe he knowcth that he hath but a ihort time.
Saint Luke tbe EvangeJiJI. The Collr:EI.
Lmighty God, who calledft Lu!ce the Phylician, whoft! praife is in the Gofpd, to he an 'J'be Gojpel. St. Matth. xviii. r. Eva11g lifl: anc.l Phy[ician of th.: T the f,ime time came lhe foul; May it pleafe thet', that by Jili ipl s unto Jefus, faying, the' wholcfome mt:dicin s of th1.: \Vho is the gre teft in the king- do�rint: d livered hy him, all the dom of he., en? And Jefus c.1lled c.lifeafi s of ur fouls may be h al a little chilc.l unto him, and fet him eel. thrnugh the 1nt:rits of thy Son -in tue midfl: of them, anufaicl, 'Ve- Jt:fus Chrifl: our Lor<l. 11mm. The Epiflle. z Tim. iv. 5· rily I fay unto you, Except ye be converletl, and become as little \TT Alch thou in all things, en children, ye n1all nut enttr into /V dure affiiaions, do the wo1 I· the kingdorn of heaven. \Vhofo- of an Eva11gelilt, make full proof ever ther fc>re !hall humble him- of thy minffl: r y. For I am now felf as this little child, the fame is rc:ady to be oftered, and the time greateO: in the kingdom of heaven. of my dtparture is at hand. I have And whofo {hall receive one fuch fought a go0d fight, I have finifl1little chilcl in my Name, rec.:eiveth ed mycourft:, I have l·ept the faith. me. But whofo {hall offend one Henceforth there i,:; laid up for me of thefe little ones which _believe a crown of ri ,hteo11fnefs, which in me, it w •re better-for·b11n th�t t�e Lore! the righte::ous Judge {hall ·a millltone were h.inged abotrt his give me at ,t,hat day: and not to ck and th,1t be wt:i·e drowned me only, but unto all them aJ le ! th� depth of the fra. Wot: un- fu tuat lovt: his appearing. D o �� ,the worlcl bec.1ufe of offences: thy diligence to c 1me fhortly unto for it mu(l: needs be that offences me:_ fllr Demas hath forfr lkt:11 m�·. come: but woe to that m,in by h:iv,�g lr:v.ec.l this preft:nt world, whom the offence cometh. vVhcre- an,d 1s dcp�r�er.1 unto Theffalonica; fore, if thy hand or thy fiot of- Crtfcen_s to Galati:i, Titus unto fend thee, cut the� _off, and cafl: palmat,a. Only Luke is with m�. them from thee: ,t 1s better _for Take M:irk and l11·ing him with thee to enter intu life_halt or matm• thee: _f'?r he is profit;ible to me foi ed, r;ilher than havmg�wohands the m111iftry. And rychiq1s have or two Feet, to be_ can_ rnto ever- I fent to Ephtfus. The cloak that Jal.ling fire. An�! if thme eye o�- I left at T ro as with Carpus, whtn fend thee, pl_u�k tt oat, and caft it thou comefl:, bring with thee, and fr om tlree: 1t 1s better for th.ee to the books, but efpeciallythe parch enter int� life with oBe eye, rather �ents. Alexander the copperfmith �han hav111g two eyes, to be call did me much evil: the LorJ re rnto _bell-fire •• Take heed that ye ward him ar.cording to his works. defpife uot one of theft: little ones; Of whom be thon ware alfo, for hi: for _I fay unto you, That in heaven hath greatly withfiood our ·worcls. their angels do always beho'ld the 'The Gojpel. St. Luke x.•1. face of my Father which is in heaI-le Lord appointed otlrer fe.T vt:n • vent-v alfo and fent them t wt> K z • ' and:
and Saint JunE; ApofHes.
for the faith which was once deli· vere<l un to tht: faints. For there .ire certain mt:n crept in unawar s, , h , r b fore of Qld rdained this condtmr,atiun ; ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into latcivio11fnds, ;ind denying I he nly Lord God, an<l Olff Lord Jefus Chrift. I will tl1erefore put }OU in n:membranc , though ye or,ce kne"' this, how th.it the L rd h;1ving r:we<l the people Nit of the land of Egypt, aftt:rward cldl-r y· d them that believed not. And the angels which kept not their nrft fiat<!, but kft their ow n habita• tion, he hath refi rv d i n ev rlaft· i11g chains under darku fa, unto the judgme n t of the gre,1t ,fay. Ev 11 as Sodom and Gomorrhn, and the ci�i 7 s about them, in like mann r g1v111g themfclves over to foruication, an d g ingafterfirange Jude, Saint Saint Simon and Odh, are rt forth for an example, .ilpojlln . fuffrring the vengeance of t:ternal . The Collefl. . fire. Likewi[e alfo th fe filtby Almighty God, who hall: hn'.lt dreamers defile the fldh, d fpitc: thy Church upon the found a- dominion, and fpeak evil of digni• tion of the Apoflles and Prophet:i, tics. Jdus Chrift hirnfelf being the head 'The c o r.rpe !. SI. John xv • 17 • · . fe '.IJthings I cornmaud you, �o_rn r fl one; G_ra11 t ?" fio t O. he that ye love one another, 3ome<l _ togelb�,· 1n umty of fp rri t by their dofuine, th. t we may be If tbe world hate you, ye know made an holy temple r1cceptd�le that it hated me before it hated unto thee, through Jefus Chn!l: you. If ye were of the wor ld, the our Lord. Amen. world would love his own: Lut becaufe ye are not of the world, Tbe Epijlle. St. Jucle r. U<le, the [avant of Jefos Chrift, but I have chofen_ you out of tbe aud brother of Jamrs, to them world, therefore the world batc:th that are far,cl:ified by God the Fa- you. Rt:member the word that [ ther, and prefaved inJdui; Chrift, faid unto you, The fe_rvant is not and cal led : Mercy unto you, a nct greater than the I ord : if they ha\le per• peace and love be multip!i.ed. Be- l?erfecuted m_e, thc:y will alfo loved, when I gave a11 <lrl,gence to tec�te you; ,f _they have kept my write uuto you of the common fal- fay mg, they w1�� keep your'ti alfo. vation, it was nee_dfol for me to But all thtfe things wp1 they do write unto you, and exhort you, unto you for my Names fake, be .tlut ye fuould earndtly c<;>ntend caufe they know not him that fent
:incl two b fore his fac into every city and place, whither I . himfdf e. Tb r fore fai<l he would c u n to them, The h.irvdl: truly is gr at, but the I; bflmcrs :ire few: pray ye tht:refor the Lord of the hctrveet, th:lt be woul<I end fort! Go fabour rs into his harvt'Ct. your w::tyi;; behold l frn,J you forth as 1:i.mbs among wolv s. Cai-ry nc:itlier purfe, nor fcri1 , Ror fhoes; an<l f.du e no m::tn l y th •ay. And i11to whatfot:v r houfi ye enter, firfr fay, Peace be to thi houfe. And if the fon of peac be there, your peace fball rdt upon it: if not, it ll1all turn to yc,n again. And in the fame houfe remain, ating and drinking fuch thing as they give : for the lahourer is worthy of his I in:.
ALL SAINTS Day. me. If.I had not come and fpok- number of them which were fealed·;: en unto them, they had not had and there were fealed an hundred fin: hut now they have no cloak and forty and four thoufanci, of c1ll for their fin. He that hateth me, the tribes of the children of lfrad. Of the tribe of Judah were feal bateth my father alfo. If I had not done among them the works ed twelve th0ufand. which none other man did, they Of the tribe of �l:lben were had not Liarl fiu; hut now bavC:'. fealerl t welve thoufand. th y both feen, and hated both Of the tribe of Gad were fealed me and my Father. But thit com- twelve thoufand. eth to pafs, that tl\e word might Of the tribe of Afer were fealed: be fulfilkd that is written in their twelve thoufand. law, They hated me without a Of the tribe ofNephthalim were caufe. But when the Comforter fealed twelve thoufand. is come , whom I will fend unto Of the tribe:: of Manaffes were· you from the Father, even the fealed twelve thoufand. Spirit of truth, which proceedeth Of the tribe of Simeon were from the Father, he 01all tefrify of fealed twelve thoufand. me. And ye alfo 01all hear witOf the tribe of Levi were fealed? nds, becaufe ye have been with 'twelve tlioufand. me from the beginning. Of th� n-ibe of lfacbar were· ______________ fealed twelve tboufand . Of the tribe of Zabulon were. .All Saints JJay. fealecl twel�e thoufand. • The Co lleB-. h feat-e were O f Jofeph o tnb e t f it k fr h who God a n ty Almigh ed twelve th?ufallcl. . . together• thin� elect in one Of the tnbe of BenJamm were· . · an·d fie 11 ow 011· P, ·10 t 1_ie comi:nunwn fealed thoufand,. myfbcal body of thy Son Chnfr After-twelve this. I beheld.' and 1 0, a our Lord· Grant us grace fo to great multitude,. whwh. no man• · fo11 ow th Y 'bletr.ed S � 1•nts in all vir- could number, of.allnat1ons,and. tuou 3 and godly. hvmg, th a t we ki11dreds, and pe0 ,.and tongues •. � a y co�e to thofe unfp. e aka�1e ft0od before. the ple throne,. and be Joy s , which tho� hact prepar�d for fore the 1.a 1nb • clothed • th white· • wi thofe who unfr1gnedly love thee, .. •. .�nd !?alms m the•� hands,. through Jefus Chrut our. Lord •. ru-ues, �nd cried �•1th a loud voice, f�y. . . ,dmeh. .. . rng, Salvation to our God, wh1cl1 1 For the Epijlle. Rev; vu, :z-. . fitteth upon the throne, and unto· Nd I faw another angel af- the Lamh. And all the angels cending from the eafr, hav- frood round ;ibout the thro!le, and' ing the feal of the living God; and about the elders -and the four· he cried with a loud voice to the beafrs and fell b�fore the throne· four angels, to whom it was given 011 ui'eir faces, and worll1ippecl �o hurt the t>arth and the fea,_fay- God, fayi11g, J\men: Blcffing, a,:1�1 mg, Hurt not the earth, neither glory, and wifclom, and thank! the fea, nor the trees, till we have giving, and honour, and powtr,.• feal_ed the fervants of our Goel i11 and might, be ·unto our God furr· thell· foreheads. And I heard th<: ever and ever. Amen •. T heK J.,
---.. .
The C O 1\-1 M U N I O N.
The GoJpel. St. Matth. v. 1.
Efusfreingthemultitu<les,went up into a mountain; anrl when ll'e was fet, his difciples came unto him. And he opened his mouth, and taught them, faring, Bkffnl are the poor :n fpirit : for th ir's is t he kingdom of heaven. Bleff. ed are they that mourn: for they ihall be comforted. Bldled are the meek: for th y {hall inherit the earth. Bleffed are they which do Jrnngcr and tbirft after righteoufnefs: fort hey lhall be filled. Bleffed are the merciful: for they fball
obtain mercy. Blcffe<l are the pure in heart: for they H1all fee God, Bleffed are the peace-makers: for ther fball be called the cl,ildren of God. Bltffed are they which are perfecuted for righteoufn fa fakt': for their's is the kingdom of bea ven. Ill !fed are ye, when men lhall revile you, ·:incl perfecute you, and fball fay all manner of evil agai11ft you falny for rr.y fake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is yonr reward in hea ven : for fo perfecute(l they the prophets which were b fore you.
The O R D E R for the ADMINISTRATION or, 1
the LORD 's
JFtheamong Miniflt!r flail knorw
thofe r.uho come to be partakers of the ·holy Comm1111io11, -any to be an open and 11otorio1ts e'Ui/ liver, or to ha'Ue done any ,wrong to hiJ neigbboun hy r-.J.Jord or dud, fo that the Congregation be thereby efended; he Jhall ad'Uertife him, that le prefume not to con;e to the Lord's 'Table, until �e hn'Ue o-pen_Jy �eclared f.Jimfelf to ha'Ue truly repented and amended hu former e'1.n/ life, that the Congregation may thereb;• be Jntis.fted; and that he hath ruom penfad the pa_rtio to whom he hath done <'.JJrong; or at �eajl declare mn;•. 'himfalf to be w full purpofa Jo to do, aJ faon as hr: cowz:emently
1 The Jame ord . foal/ the Minifler ufe ,with thofe, betr:uixl rwhom h� percei'Udh malice and hatred to reign ;-not fujjering 1qem f(} be par takers of the Lord's Table, until he /mo-;u them to be reconciled. And one of the parties, Jo nt •variance, be content to forgi'lJe fr.Dm the bottom of hi, heart all·that the other hath treJpajJed againjl him, mu/ to make amends for that wherein he himftlf hath o.fTended; and rhe other J;arty r-.vi/1 11ot be pe_rfuaded to n. godly unity, _but 1'emain ./Jill in £,is frowardne_/J and malice; the Minijler in that cafe ought to admit the penitent pufon to the h:oly Communion, nnd not him I bat is objlinate: Pro'Uided, t_hat e'Ver1, J\tfmijler Jo repelling any, as is herein Jj,ecifiul, .fhal/ be obl1grd to g,'Vl? an account of the Jnme to the Ordinar;•, as /0011 a, con'l•enim:I; may be.
The C O M M U N 1 0 N. The Table, nt the Communion-time, having a fair white linm cloth upon · it./halljland i11 the body of the Church, or in the Chancel; and the Mi nijler, jlanding at the north .fide of the table, or ri.uh re Mor11i11g an l Evming Prayer are appointed IIJ he Jaid,Jhall Jay the Lord'; Prn;•er and the Col/eEJ follo::.uing, the P.:ople kneeli ng ; hut the lord'; Prayer m,1.J Morning Prayer hath bun /aid immediately before. he omitted,
Ur Father, who art in 11.:a• ven, Hallowe I be thy Namt:; Tby Kingdom come; Thy will be: done on Earth, as it is in Ikaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trc::fpaffcs, As we forgive thofe who trefpafs ;.i. gain� us; And lead us 11ot into temptation, :13ut. deliv r _u from evil: For th111e 1s the Kingdom, And the Power, and the Glory, Por ever and ever. Amen. .
lhe likencfs of any thing that in hcavc"n above, or in the earth he neath, r in· the water und r th earth. Thou /halt not bow down to them, nor wor01ip them: For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God; and vifit the fins of the fathtrs upon the chilJn:n, unto the thircl :111d fourth gen ration of them that hate me; and 01ew mt:rcy unto thoufdnds in them that lo\'e me, nd kt:ep my commandments. People. Lord, have mercy npon ·The ColleB. Lmrghty God, unto whom all us! ,rncl incline our hearts to kt:cp hearts arc open, nil dc::fires this l_a�. r J,!J.inijler. Thon ili,dt not t_ake�he · known, and f om whom no ft:crets are hid; Cleanfe _the_ thoughts of Name of the Lor� thy Cod 1n va1_n: our heart� by the mfpm,tion of thy Fo!· lhe Lord will not_ hold h1�1 gu_iltl fs, that taketh his Nar-nt: m holy Spirit; that we m�y p r� ly love thee, ancl worthily magni- v:im. P11op/,,._ L�r<l, hav,e mercy upon fy thy holy Name, thro11gh Chrin 11s! and 111chne our hearts to k-:ep . our Lord, A mm . . . . tlus law. 1 <Then Jhall the Mmijler, f!11?11 ng Minijler. Remember that thou • to the Peof1l11, rehearfe dijlwEt- k:eep holy the falJbath-day. Six {y the Tm Con?mandm_enti; an I dayR ilialt thou labour, and do all the People, .flt/I knee/mg, foal!, that thou hart t0 do: but the fe nf1er ·e'Very Com�wndment, aft venth day is the Sabbath of the Uod rnr:J·c;:for tlmr tran.fgr�fferm; Lord thy God. In it thou fl1alt: • for the tune J:a.fl, ar!d g race to clo no manner of work; thou, and keep th,: la<iu Jor the time to c.pme, tbyfon, anci thy daughter, thy man. aJ fo/lo:iueth. rerv.mt, and thy maill-frrvant, thy cattle, and the frranger that is J.'1.inijlcr. O<l fpake thde words, and within thy gates. For in fix days faid, I am the Lord thy God: the Lord made heaven and _ea1'th, Thou fualt have none otb r Gods �h<:: fra, and all that in thtrn 1s, llnrt relleci the frventl, day: vVher fore hut me. I'eople .. L�rcl, have mci;cy upon the Lo.rd \.Jlefi�d th.t: feventh day, lla, ;1nc\ incline our hearts tu keep -llld lnliowed 1t. I'eop/,-. Lord, )rnve mercy 11pon this law, ]11inijler, Th<?n foa_l� not !11_::lk ilS? a11d incline c.,ur hearts to ke�p to lhyfrlf any graven image, nv1 ll11� law.
lv!iniJl,:r •
The C O M lv1 UN I O N.
11'li11ijler. Honour thy father and thy �other; that thy days may be long 111 the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Pt1oplt1. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keup this law. .Minijler. Thou ffialt do no murder.. . People . Lord, have mercv upon us, anrl incline our hearts to keep this law. Minijler. Thou ihalt not com• • mit ad t 1ltery. Pe ople. Loni, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Min iflu. Thou f h alt not ll:eal. P eopie. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hear.ts to keep this law. Min ij/e r. Thou fhalt not bear falfe witnefs againft thy neighbour. People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this Jaw. Minijler. Thon fhalt not covet thy neighbour'? houfe,, th�u !halt n?t covet thy ne1g�bour_ s wife, nC?r his fervant, nor his mard, nor his ox, nor his afs, nor any thing that is his. People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and write all theft: thy laws in our hearts, we befeech thee. ·1 'Then th e Min ijler may .fay, Hear ;ilfo what our Lord Jefus Cb ·fl: f; "th Fio�' !halt love the L0rd tl God with all thy heart, a�� with all thy foul and with all thy . • 1s • t'i 1e fi1rll: and great 1,his m111d: comman d m ent • And ti1e fecon d is lil,e unto it; Thou {halt love thy neighbour-as lhyfelf. On thefe two commandments hang ill the ophets. law and the p. . r
Cj Let w pray. Almighty Lord, an1I everlalting God, vouchfafe, we hefcech thee, to direct, fanctify, and govern, botl:i our hearts and bodies, in the way.s of thy laws, and in• the works oftby commandments; that, through thy moft: mighty:protecHun,.both here and ever, we may be preferved in body and foul,, through our Lord and Saviour Je• fus Chrill:. 1 .11mm.
'Ihenjhall be /aid t'he ColleB o.f the Day. And immediately ajter the Collet!, the 1'rlinijler jhall read the Epijlle,.fnying, The Epi•· ftle [or, The: Portion of Scripture appointed for the EpiltleJ: is written in the:: - Chapter of - beginning at the - Verfe. .And tht! Epijlle ended, he ./hall .fay, Here endeth the Epillle •. Thmjha/1 be read the Gofpel (the People all Jlanding up) Jayi11$., The Holy Gofpel is writ�en_ 111, the - Chapter of - begmomg· at the - Verfe.
,r Here the People /hall .fay, Glory be to Thee ' L ore• . I
Thenjhall be read the .llpo.flleJ' or Nicene Creed; imle.f.s one of them• hath been read immediately before ' . , in the Morning Service. :n. · ..r .,. u 'Tr1m I h e 1,/J'm11,erfl7a II declare zme People rtuha� Hol;•-dap, or to tk , Faflmg• dayJ, are m-the Weekfollo'Lving to be ohfarwd; nnd (if. ocrajion be) jhal� Notice be given of the Commun_icn , and rif the BannJ o'J• J,IJatnmo. n� ._,.' and other i'hed. • .l\llatter.r to be publ'J' 11 'Ihm Jhall .fQ//orzv the Serm'<m • t1fter r..vhich, the Minifler cwhe� there i; a Commu11io11,jhali return to th� Lord'; '"foble, and begin the Ojfertor;.,
Offertory, faying one or more o altar? Even fo bath the Lord alfo theft Sentencn fo/lo".J.Jing, a.s hr: ordained, that they who preach thi11/uth mojl cowvmimt. theGofpel, Oiould live:: f the Goft your light fo Oiine before pel. 1 Cor. ix. 13, 14•
E mc::n, that they m y Ii e your good works, and glorify your Father which is in ht:aven. St. 11'Intthe,w v. 16. Lay not up for yourfelves treafores upon earth, where moth and r11[\: doth corrupt, and where thieves hre;ik through and {h:al: But lay up for yourfdves treafur s in heaver-i wht::re neither moth nor rurt d�th corrupt, :rnd where thieves do not break thrnngh nor fieal. St. ll'lntth. vi. 19, zo. Whatfoever ye would that men f b ould do to you, even fo do to them: F0r this is th.: law and the prophet,;. St. Jfatth. vii. 1 z. Not every one that faith unto me, Lord, Lord, fhall nter into the ki11gclom of �1eaven; but he that d<?c:t_b tbe will of my Father which 1s Ill heaven. St. Matthe,w vii. 1,1. Zaccheus fl:ood forth, and faid unto the Lord, Uehold, Lor<l, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have done any wrong to any man, I reftore fourfold. St. L11ke xix. 8. . vVho i;otth a warfare at any time at 111s own coll:? Who plant· eth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? Or who feedt:th a nock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? 1 Cor. ix. 7• If we have fown unto you fpiri• tual things, is it a great matter if we fball reap your worldly things? I Cor. ix. 11. Do ye: not know, that they who minifier about holy thfogs, live of the facrifice; and they who wait at the altar, are partakers with the
He that foweth little, Oiall reap little; and he that fowc::th pkn e ouny, fhall rt::1p pknt ouny. L t evay man d according as be is difp fed in his heart, not grutlg io tr• ly, orofnt:c_tffity; forG_od loveth a cheerful giver. z Cor. 1x. 6, 7. Let him that is taught in the wc1rd,mini!l:eruntohim that teach elh in all good thit,gs. Be not de ceived, God is not mocked: For wh;.itfoever a ni;in foweth, that f.hall he: re;ip. Gal. vi. 6, 7. While we have time, let us do good unto all men; and efpccially unto them that are of the hourhold f. faith. Gal. vi. 10. Godlinefs is great riche , if a man be content with that he hath: For we brought nothing into the w?rld, neither ma)'. we carry any th111g out. 1 Tim. v1. 6, 7• Charge them ·whoarerich in this world, tl1at they be ready to give, and glad to d"tfl:ribute; laying up in Hore for themfelvr.::s a good foundation ag::iinlt the time to come, that they m;iy attain eternal life. 1 Tim. vi. 17,. 18, 19 . _G�cl is not-unrighteous, that· he will forg t your wod.:s, and labour that proceedeth of love; which love yt have lht:wed for his name's fake, who have mini!l:ered unto the faints, and y�t do minifier.- Heb. vi. 10. To do good, and to <lifl:ribute forget not; for with fuch facri� fices God is well pleafed. Heb. xiii. 16. • Wbofo hath this world's good and feeth his brot!1er have neeci' and fbutteth up his compaffio1� from
The C O M 1\.1 U N I G N.
fr om hi!f!, �ow dweUeth th_�. love of God 111 him? 1 St. John 111. 17. Give alms of thy goods, and never turn thy face fr om any poor man; and then the fact: of the ·Lord fball not be turned away from tb e. Tob. iv. 7. Be merciful aft r thy power. If thou haft much, give plent 011f1}'· If thou hall little, do thy diJigence gladly to give of that little: Por fo gatherdl: th u thyfelf a good rewanl,intbedayofneccffity.Tob. iv. 8, 9 . He that hath pity upon the poor, 1enJt.:th uuto the Lurd: And look, what he layeth 011t, it {ball bt: paid him ;igain. Prov. xix. 17. fildft: d be tb t! man that provirlclh for the fick and needy : The Lord Ov,11 ddiver-him in tbe time.: of trouble. Pfal. xli . .1. " T-Vhi!fl theft Smtmces are in readi ng, the Deac,ons, Church-<'..uar·
dms, or other fit PerJons op-pointed
for that p111yoft, jha/1 receive the
Alms for the Poor, atJd.otl:er .De-votions of the People, i n a decent Bafon to h e pro-zJided by th e l'arijh for that purpafe; and reve· rently bring it to the f>.riejl who jba/L humbly prefent and piau it upun the holy Tab/i:.
1 And the Priejl foal/ then place upon the Table Jo much Bread and
/!Vine, as he foal/ think fi1ficient. After '1.-vhich ,Jone, he flail
. Let us pray for the whole ft.ate of Chrill's Cllur,h militant. , . . Lm1ghty and everliving God, who, by thy holy Apofik, hafi t�ug�1t us to make �ayers and foppltcat1ons, and to gnr c thanks
for all men; W humh!y. befeech thee morl: mercifully [� f;) accept our alms * If tJurt bt and oblations, and] ro alms or oh to r cc:ive thefe ou� lulions then pr:iyers, which "'e )ha// th, wJrds offer unto thy divine (to acceptour Majdly; l>deeching alms and o • t!1ee to infpire con- lation5, and) tinually the univ rfal 6, lift unjaiJ. �burch with the fpi nt of tru th, unity, and concord; and !?rant that all th v who do �on� f:1 thy bnly Name �nay agrt't! 1� t�e tru�I) of thy holy word, ancl live m u01ty and godly love. W.: b�fr ch thee alfo, fo to di reel: an<l d•Cpofe the hearts of all Chrifiian �lulers! thnt the_y. may truly and . imp a rtJ� ll y admunfl:�r Juftice , to tl_ie Pllndhment of w1ckednefo ancl •ice, and �0. the m,1i!1te:oanct: of � d1y ti_ 11e religion, ;ind virtue. Gi,,e _g,?ce, 0 heavenly J'.a�her, to all Bi/hops ;ind 0U1cr M1111�c:rs; that they _may, both hy thttr life and . �oanne, ftt fo1 t� thy true a�cl lively :word, an.cl nghtly ;ind clu1Y admrnifter thy holy �-�crament::, Aod to all thy p t·ople give thy hea· venly �rac� i and efpecially to tl.iS Ct;ngngatiun here prdent• thllt v1th meek heart, a nd due' reve• : _ nnd ceive 1 �nee, they m;iy heat, re ny t ho!y \yord; �uly ferving thee � 111 hohnds an_d _nghteoufnefs all the day s of their life. And we molt humbly befeech thee of thy good· nt:fs, 0 Lord, to comfort and fuc· cour �II tbufe,_who, in this tranli• tory li�e, are rn trouble, forroW', need, l1ckntfs, or any other adver· fity. And we alfo blefs thy bol1 Name, for all thy fervants de arted this life in thy faith and fear; befeeching thee to give us race [o to follow their good exam t1 t with them we may be pait::; 1\ �f l.hf
The COMMUN IO· N. tHyh avenlykingdom: Grant this, garment required by God in hoy 0 Father, f r Jefus Chrifl:' fake, Scripture; and be received as wor- · our 0nly lVlediator anc.J Advocate. thy partakers of that holy Table. Tbe way and mt'ans ther to is; I/men. firl::, to., t'Xamine your lives and Y 11ihm the Mi11ijler giveth warn C<Jnverfations by the rule of God's ing for the Celebration of the holy commandments; and wherein fo Communion ('1.uhich he }hall ai ever ye flnll perct:ive y011rfi Ives rways do 11po11 the Sunday, orfr,me to have offended, either by will, Holy-day immediately preceding) word, or deed; there to bewail he jhaJI read this Exbortntio11fol your own liofulnefs, and to con lowi11g; or J-, much thereof, as, in � fs yourfrlves to Almighty God, his difcn:tion, he may think co11wjth full purpofe of amendment 'Venient. of Ii� . And if ye {hall perceive Early be::loved, on -day next. your offences to be fuch, as art: not l purpofe, through God's ;if. only againfr God, but alfo ag;iiolt lilhmce, to adminifrer to all fuch a your neighhnurs; then ye fhall re lh11ll be religiouOy and devoutly cuncilc yourftlves unto them; be difpofed, rhi:: mofl: comfortable Sa- ing ready to maker llitution and crament of the Body and Dlooc..l of f: tisfaction, according to· the ut Chrill: · to be by them received, in termo{l: of your p -.vers, for all rtmell';hr'�ince of his meritorious iujuri s and wrongs dont' by you Crofs and Paffion; whe�ehy alone to any other; and bfing likewife weobt-1in remiffion of our lins,;rnd' ready to forgive others who have are ma<le partake-rs o.f the l�intc!om offended you, as ye would have 9f Heaven. Wherefore 1t 1s our forgivenefs of your offences at c uty to' render mofl h_umble and G >e('s han�: For otherwife the _re <; hearty thanks to Almighty God, ce1ving ot- tbe holy Commu111on our heavenly Father, fur tllat he doth nothingelfe butencreafe your hath given his Son our Sa_vionr ]e- condemn�tion. Thcrefi re, if any . fus Chrift, not only to die f, r n�, of you he a bla[phemer of God, an but alfo to be _oor fpiritnal fuocl• hinderer or O;inderer of his Wo1-d, l and ful :enance in that holy Sacra- an adulter r, or be in malice or en rnent. Whicth being fo divine and vy, or in any other grievous crime; comfortable a thi-ng to them who Repentyeofyourfins,orelfec me r •ceive it worthily, and fo danger- not to that holy Table. ous to thofe who will prefume to And bcc,1ufe it is n::quilite, that receive it unw�rlhily; my <lut-y is no man fhoulJ come to the holy to exborf you, 111 tJ1e mean feaii n, communion,. but with a full tni{t tocnnlide1 the dignity of that holy 10 Gcd·s mercy, and with a quiet l'vly[tery; anc! the great p ril of the conkience; therefore, if there .be unwc:-rthy rcceilli11g therrnf; and any of you, who by this means can fc, to ft' arch and examine your own not quiet his own confcience here confciences, (and tha_t not liµhtly, in, but nquireth fu ·ther comfort a)1rl after the manner of clifli:-m- or co11nfel; let him come to me, hl�rs with God; l-ut fo) that ye or to fome other Minifltr of'God's may come;: holy anr\ clean to fuch word; .incl open his r.ri f; that he a heavenly fea!l:, in the.: marri;ige- mayreceivefoch godlycounfrl :111d, advice,
�dvic�, �s may �end to the quietmg?{- l11s conference, and tbe removrng of all fcrupk and doubtfulnefs.
not ready? Confider earnell-ly with yourfdvt'.s, bow little filch feign· eci excufes will avail before God, They who refofecl the fcafi in the a p l Gufpel, becaufe they had bought 'If · r, _m UI,r. J� hefaa llfiee t he eop e farm, or would try their yokes of neglltent _to co me to the holy Com- oxen, or beca ufe they were mar· mrm1011, mjlead of thefornur, he ried, were n · o t Iio excuIie d , but Jun 111 Ex·h ortat,on. tJ. /I u,r. Je tI.· counted unworthy of th heavenly Early belove,! brethren, on feart. Wherefore, according to . - I intend, by God's grace, mine Office, I bid you in the Name to celebrate the L rd'i; Supper; of God, I call you in Chri/l's be· unto which, in God's behalf, I bid half, 1 exh?rt you, as ye love your you all who are here prefe11t; and own falvatro�, that ye will be P.ar•. befeech you for the: Lord Jefus takers of tins Holy Commurnon, Cbrifl:'s fake, that ye will not re- And as the fon of God did vouch.. (nfe to come theret';), being fo lov- fafe to yi.:ld up his foul by death rngly callerl and brd<l n by God up?n �he crofs, for your falvation; himfelf. Ye know how grrevous fo it 1s your duty to receive the and unkinl a th ing it is, when a Communion, in rem.embrance of man hath prepared_ a rich. feafr,_ t�e facrifice of his death, as he decked his table wrth all krnd ot �rmfelf hath commanded : Which provifion, fo that there lacketb rf_ye 0-rall neglecl: to do, confider nothing but the guelts to fit do�n; �1th rourfelves, how great is your and yet they who are called (wrth- mgratrtude to God, and how (ore out any caufc:: ) mofl: unthankfully punifh:nent hang{th over your refufe to come. Which of you in heads for the fame, when ye wil r fuch a cafe would not he moved ? fully abrtain f om the Lor e .J's Ta Who woul<l not think a great in- ble, and feparate from your bre· jary and wrong done unto hilJ:? thren, who come to feed on the Wherefore , mo!l: dearly beloved in banq!-let o_fthat_mo!l: heavenly food, e e 1f ye ea;I.J!fily con Chrift, take:: ye good heed, lefi y�, Tb l thm�s er d s grace re e y , withdrawing yourfelves fr,o'f!l t�JS fid , y wrll, � c::;o r holy Supper, provoke G?d s rndrg• tu_ f! to a be�te1 mmd: for the ob t ,s a'? eafy ta1111ng whe1 eof we fhal_I _not ceafe natton a.gair.ft you. o m _ake our humble petitions unto ma�ter for a man to fay, I will not t Almighty God, OUl' heavenly Fa communicate, becaufe I am otherther. wife hindered with worldly bufinefs. But foch .excufes are nut fo the trme 0/ the Celeilr_ation of eafily accepted, and allowed before 1 /Jt C� mmumon, !h� Prrejl .fha/J the a am I fay, an m God. If any Exho rtat:on. thts fay am erefore th grievous finner, a'1d e do r th afraid to come; wbert'fore en DEa lyh�lovedm the Lord; y , ye not -repen_t and amend? When_ . . who m,_nd to come to the ho· Godcallethyo_u,areyenotalham- ly Commumon ?f the Body and ed to fay, ye will not come? vy1ien Blood of om· Saviour Ghrift, mu!t urn to God, will �e �onfider how �:tint Paul exhortetb ye fhould ret _ excufe yourfelves, and fay, ye a, e .tll ·perfons d1hgently to try and examine I
o ·
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The C O M M U N I O N.
examine themfelves, before they 1 'Ihu1 foal/ the Priejl fay to thofe ttuho_come to receive thi: boly Comprefume to eat of that Bread, ;ind drink of that Cup. For as the be• mu111on; n�lit is gn:at, if with a true pewho do t-ruly and earnefi:ly n1�ent heart and lively faitn we re. repent you of your tins, and cc1ve that holy Sacrament; fo is are 111 love and charity with your the danger great, if wr: receive the neighbours, and intend to lead a fame unworthil;-. Judge therefore new life, following the command yourfelves, brethren, that ye b- ments of God, and wt1lldng from Bot judged of th� Lord; repent hencef rtb in his holy ways; Draw y_c truly for your hos paft; have a nt:ar with faith, and take this ho)�, lively and ftedfaft faith in Chrill: our Sacrament to your comfort; and �aviour; ame.nd your lives, and he m;ike your humble confeffion to In perfect charity with all men; fo Almighty God, devoutly kneel il1all ye be meet partakers of thofe ing. . holy Myll:eries. An<l above all ,r 'l"/;en /ha// th,s 1;enera_l Confa!Jion things, ye mu!l: give moft, humble .he made, hy the_ Prrt;J] and, _c,/1 and hearty thanks to God ·the Fafbofe rwho are n� mded to receive ther, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, �he holy Communion, humbly lme_elfor the rede111ption of the world mg. · , , on Saour of . by the death and paffi o Father of our h viour Cbrifi: both Go<l and man. ALm1g tye Gs d, rill:, Maker of J fu Ch who did 1iu'rn ble himfelf, evee t� all th_Lord wgs, Judge of all _men; We the death upon the crofs, for us, e our ma miferah\e {inners, who lay in dark- a�lrnoV:'le<lg an? bewail W ch nefs and the- fbadow of death; tlrnt nifoldr fms �nd w1ckednefs, hi Wt! f om time to time mofi griev he might make u.s tht! children ouily havecomm�tte�, By thought, of God, and exalt us to everlaft. t y divine e ing life. And to the end that we w01:d, ,ind dev d, agarnll: � _kmg,!IloftJ11fllythy o Pr? ; MaJell:y exth ber remem e always fl i onld 111d1g_nat1on againit us. ceeding great love of our Malter wrath t1nd Wt! <:,lo �arnell:ly rc:-pent, And are and only Saviour Jdus Chrift, thus �iearti y torry for thefe our mifdo l dying for 'us, and the innumera!ngsi The remembrance of them ble benefits which by his precious is gnev�u� unto us; The burthen hlood-fb ec\ding he bath obtained of them 1s tntolera)Jle. Have mercy in fl:ituted hath and orl i e for m, lt dained holy Myfl:eries, lls p:edges upon_us, have mercy upon us, mo of bis love, and f<;> r a continual rt- merciful Father; For thy Son our membrance of his det1th, to our L�rd Jefu� Chnft's fake, forgive us llll that 1s paft; a�d grant, that great and en�lefs comfort. To him e may �ver hereafter fervt: and w e t and Father, the h with therefore, pleafe thee in newnefs of life, To e a \VC (as r Huly Ghoft, let us giye moft bounden) continual thanks; tbehonourandg l ory_ofthyName, Through Jefus Chnll: our Lord. fubmitting ourft:lves wholly to his ll_nten . n (hid n l?leafure,a nd � yi g holy will ;i_ t?ftrveh1m 10 true holthefs and -J,'Ihmjhall thePridJ(theBijbop r_,ghteoufnt:f�, all the days of our if he_ be pre.fan!) jland up, and turmng to lhe People,•fay, life. Amen. · L Almighty
The G O M M U N I O N.
Lm1gbty God, oar h av nlr at all times, and in all place', Father, w _ of his great m r- ive thanks unto thee, 0 Lorri, •cy hath pro1;11fi d forgivenefs of[• Holy Fatbc:r,] Almighty Ev r· fins, to, II _fl1ofe who ,ith hea1ty lafiing God: n·pei�tan e and true faith turn un• Theft wo1·ds [Holy F3chcr] mujl it tu lum, Have m rcy opon vou · omitftd 011 Tri11ity Sando)', pardon :incl delivtr you fro1n aii you,: fins i coon m and firengthen Hue .fha/1 fol/aw the proprr Pr�you 111 alf gooc!n fs · and bring you face, accrJrding to the time, if to eve'rlaftin3 life,' through Jefus t/Jtre be a ny /J,'e'cinlly appointrd; 'Ch'r: ourL rd. )1men, ·orelfaimrmdiattl;•foal/b11Jaidor ft111g by fhe Prie_/1 and People, Then .fho/11h11 'Priefl fay, Hear ,vhat comfo i ·table words THe,·efore with A�g Is antl Archangels, and with all the our Saviour Chr;ft fattb, unto all company of heaven, we laud and who truly turn to him. s ome unto me, all ye that tra- magnify thy gloriou Name; ever· 've-1 an are he;wy laden, and more praifing thee, and faying,_ fr fh vo1• St. Ma t. xi. 2.8. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of l' IV'ltl are full So God foq · d the world, that he Hofte, heaven and earth l ory: Glory be to th e, g thy of t t SoJJ en , begot ly o t iave his o h e: h . .Amen. .c:iid f,l1at afl Lb�,t eli c: ve in him O Lord Moft Hig lhoufd , t eri./h·, btlt have everRO PER P'R E FACES, 1-a!Yin'g lifr. St. 'John iii. 16. Upon Chrijlmas Day, and jt:'1Je11 Bc:ar affo ,flat;St. Paul faith. Da;•s after. Tl,is is a true fayinq, and ·wor. .-:n to'b·e r' ceiv 'd· that BEcaufe thou <lidft give Jtfus tiiy of a-II Cbri!l: , thine 0uly Son, to be Ch�-·A: Jefus came ·nto tl1e w ·IJ born as at this time fur us; who, to !'ave'finners. 1 'Tim.i. 15. by the operation of the Ho l y Ghoft, · F ( ar a.tfo' ��hat St: John faith. If ;iny m'an fin, wd1ave an Ad- was made verr ll'_IRll, of the fub· vocatewithtbe atber,JefusChrifl: ftance of the V1rg 1 1� Mary bis 010· fpnt of tile" r1gf1teoi:rs; and Lte -is the: pro· tha; and that wit h out r pitiation for our fins. x St. 'john fin, tu make us clean f om all fin: TherC!fore wilh Angels, &c. ii. 1, 2..
·f After cwhich the P.riejl jhall pro· ceed, faymg, . • . Lift up y o-i r h�:rts. •. . � .1!11/cwer. � e hf, them up unto the f:ord. . _ Pnejl. Let us gtve thanks unto our Lord God_. . ./Jn.fwer. It 1s meet a-nd right fo do. to • . 'i Thm Jholl the Priefl· turn to the 'Lord's Table, and fay, T is very meet, right, and onr bounden doty, tiiat we: fhould
'i Upon Eafler-Day, and fevm DnJS after. Ut chi fly are we bound to _ B I praife thee for the glorious re· furrecrion of thy Son Jc:fus Chcilt our Lord: For he is tbe very Paf· cha! Lamb, which was offered for us, and bath t;iken away the !in of the world; who b:y his death bath ddtroyed death, and, by his riling to life again, hath rdl-ored to 11s evtrlafting life: Therefore with AFJge)s, &c.
4f upon
C O M M U N I 0
f Upon A co.jion-Day, al?d fe-vm J D :J'S nfter. roogh thy moCl: de,\rly be loved Son J fu$ Cllrilt our Lor l; who, after his moll: glorious - R furrecl:ion, ma11if;�(t1y app�ar <l to all h•s Apo/lie: , and, iIJ th ir libht, afc n<lt:J up into b1eaven, to Prt:�are a plac for u · thnt wher h 1s thither wt: iniiht a!fo a fcc:nd, and n:i�:1 witJJ hi,n jn glo ry: The ·efon: wilh tt._J1gellf, &c.
Or th pr�cio11s d ath ao m • rits of thy Son Jefus Ch rift our Lord, and for the i nding to t t: Corr., f the Holy u forter; .who are one with thee i t,hy eternal Godhead: Therefore wiLh Angels, &c.
� Then foal/ the Prie.fl fme�li•1 do'!cm at th,: Lord's 'Table fny in tbe 114me of all, thofe •who flail recei-ve the Communion, this Pr.Cly• er follo<Lr,;ing : 1 Upon Whitfund(l,y , and fi.v: Dap ""\ X TE clo not prefume to come VV to this th; Tablt:, 0 meraft r. "T""Hrough Jc:fu.s Cbri(t our-Lord; c!ful Lord, trujti�g in our _own .!, a ccording t whofe mon true nghteoufn fs J bl!t 111 thy ma111f,,I . tht: H0ly Ohofi: cawe and great; n;iei:c1e.i. \Ve are not promife, dowa as at this time from heaven, worthy fo much as to gathc:r up ut Wi h a fu<lden gre;it fpund, as it the crumbs u111kr thy Table, l!ad been a mighty winq, in the thou art the fame Lor<l, who(e hkencfs of• fiHy tongues, lighting p1·01 erty is -always to have rnen::y: Upon the A,pofl:les, to teach tht:m, Grant us tJierefore., gracious LonJ, and to 1 ad tbcm. tp all trnth; giv- fo to eat th.e n (b pf thy dear Son in;; them both tbe gift of divei-s JefusChi:ifr,an<lioch·i11kliisb:ood, langn;tges, anll a\f9 boldnefs witb U1at our. finful bodies m y be m;idt: ft:rvent ,zeal, c nll:imtly to preach• clean lw lii.s body, ::i.n.<l our routs the gofpel u,nto <ill nation_s; where- lllilfhed t.hr0ugh his moll pr l:i11us hy we have been brought out Qf hlood, an<l· tl).g,t we n,ay ev rmqre <larknefs and .error, into tbe clear dwd� iJl him, aud ht: in us . .Amm. ligbt ;111d true• kno�vlcdge of thee, andofthyS011Jt>.f-1j; Chri{t: There- 'i fVbentb,:Pritjl,Jlandingbefor IN Table, bnth, /o ort/ered the Bread fore with An�els, &c. and Wine, that be. may <with the morr: readinefs an"d drcmcy brrak 'l Upon tbe Feajl of 'Tri,�jty onl,y, moy be faid,. the Bre.ad before t hr: Peop_lf', and take tbe Ci,p into hi-. 1-Ia11ds-; he "t-X T 1:-Io :i.rt one GorJ, one Lord; VV not one only. perJ oa, but jh,al/ .fay t.he E'rap!r of Confacration, as fo,l.o,....veth: three perfons in ooe fl.l bJ1aoce. PQr that which we believe of the glory Ll gk>ry· 't;>e to tJiee, Almighty of the ]father, the fame we believe Go{!, our ht;avcnly �a.ther, of the Son, anc\ 0f the Roly G hull:, for, that thou, o.f thy tenc:Jtr rner without any <liffer�nce or inequa- cy, didl! g�v!! thipe only· �on Jefus• lity: Tbc:refore with Angels, &c. Chrifl: to fQffe-r death UP.Oil the .crol"s for our rc4emplion; who. -, Or elfe. this may be .faid, the <words made there (oy 1,i� one oblatio·n of· [Holy Father} being retained in himfelf once offered) a full, per· fecl,,and fuffic;:i nt.fac;rijice, obla· the introdu8ory Addrefs. L -.. tion,-
The C OM M U N I O N.
tion, and fatisfaction, for the fins furrection and glorious afcenfion; of the whole world; and did infti- rendering unto thee moll: hearty tute, and in his holy gofpel com• thanks, for the innumerable beae n,and us to continue a perpetual fits procured unto us memery of that his preci us death by the fame. And The ocatio • and facdfice until bis coming a- we moll: humbly begain. For in the feech thee, 0 merciful Father, to th ( a) R ie i/;: ta1: night in which he hear us;and, of thy almighty goo� /1 Pr th, "J>aten in to "w,1s betrayed (a) he ,nefa, vouchfafe to blefs ar.d fan 1took bread ; and fy, with thy word and Holy Spirit, hi.1 Ha ,,ds · · when he had given tltefe thy gifts and creatureo of (b) And hae thanks, (b) be hrilke bread and wine; that i e, receiving it, and gave it to them according to thy Son our Sa• to break 1/1e Bread. his difciples, faying, viour J fus Chrill:'s holy Inflitu• {c) And h,r, Take,. eat, (c) Thi· tion, in remembrance of his Death to lay his Hands is my Body, which ;ind Paffion, may be partakers of upon all the is given for you; his moll: hie/fed Body and Blood. ' Brrad. Do this in remem- And we earnefily d fire thy fa brance ofme. Like- therly goodnofs, mercifully to ac (d) H,r, h, is wife after fupper(d) cept this our facrifice of praife to ta!t, the c-up he took the cup ; and thankfgiving; moll: humbly and when he had befeeching thee to grant, that hy i11ro his Hand. glven thanks, he the merits and death of thy Son gave it to them, Jefos Chrift ,' and through faith in faying, Drink ye all his blood, we, and all thy whole (e) And htre of this; for (e) This church, may obtain remifTion of h, is to lay his is my Blood, of the our fins, and all other benefits of Hand upon ev, New • Tell:ament, his paffion. And here we offer and ry Vef[el, in which is fhed for prelent unto thee, 0 d, ur· wlzic!i'tlur, is a you, and for many, felves, our fouls,and Lor o bodies, to be 11 Win, to b, y . for the remiffion of a reafonable, holy, and living facri• conficrat,d. . fins: Do this a$ oft fice unto tbei:; humbly btfeeching as ye fhall drink it, in remem- thee, that we , and all olh rs who !hall be _partakers of this Holy brance of me. Communion, may worthily rt• . �-X THEREFORE, ceive the moft precious Body and Th e Oblatzon. V V O Lord and Blood of thy Son Jefus Chrift · be heavenly Father, according to tht: filled with thy g,ace and heav�nly inftitution of thy dearly beloved benediction, and made one body Son 01Jr Saviour Jefus ChriO-,. we, with him, that he may dwell in thy humble fervants, do celebrate them, and thi:y in him. And al· and make here before thy divine though we are unworthy, through Majefty, with tbefe thy holy gifts, our ma11ifol� fins, to offer 11 nto WHICH WE NOW OFFER UNTO th.ee any facnfice; yt:t Wt befeech THEE, the memorial thy Son hath thee to accept this our bounden commanded us t<? make; having duty an_d fervice, not weighing in reme�brance his b!effe� paffion our ments, but pardoning our of and precious death, his mighty re- fences; throuih Jefus Ch rift our Lord;
The ·Co· MM UN ION. �on!; by whom, and wiJh whom, '![ When all ha't•e communicated, the lrJ.inijler jha/l return to th,1 lord's m the unity of the Holy Gholt, all 'Table, ani reverently place uphonour and glory be unto thee, 0 on it what remaineth of the conFather Almighty, world without · .fecrated Elements, covering the end . .Amen.
.fame with a fair Linm Cloth, r. r.ymn, or a H Here Jhall he Jung 'Then }ball the Minijler fa.J fb, 'i Part of a Hymn, from the Sdec�ord'; Pra1er, th11 Pe�/7 rTeattion for the Feaj/J and Fafl;, &c. mg ofter hun e-i;ery pet1t1011. ,- Then foall the Prief} jir:J} receive . . art in Hea Father, who theCommunioninbothkindshim· N�me; thy be Hallowed , v�n felf, and proceed to deliver the be Jame to the Bijhop1, Priejls and Thy kingdom com�;_ 1:'hy will 1t·1s Heaven· t in on As h, Bar e n tlo' an (if manner y like Deacons in y he preft;t;) and, after that, to Give us t_his day our dail bread; As the People a/Jo in Order, into their An d for�1ve us our trefpaffos, a Hands, all devoutly kneeling. And w� forgive thofe who trefpaf� into· not us s fear] And ; u gamlt he e Bread, the reth deliv he <i.uhen kmptation,. But deliver us from foal/ Jay '
He l?ody of our Lor_d Jefns Chr1!l:, which was given for thee, preferv� thr body and fonl Unto everlaltmg hfe. Take and t t this in remembrance that <;hr\ft � d1e<l for thee, �nd f�ed on him m thy heart by,fa1th with thankfgiving. . . .. 1.1111d the Mmijler rwho delt-vereth
the Cup, /hnll Jay,
He blood of our Lord Jefus Chrilt, which was !heel for thee, prefer"'.e t�y bod }'. and fo)1l Unto eve::rlafhng l1fr. Drink this 10 remembrance that Cbrifl:'s Blood was {bed for thee, and be thaokful. _ 1 , If the con/ec,_ated Bread <'md Wi,�e be Jpent, befo�� all �ave comm,micated, the Pr.1 ef}, 11 to confacrate more, acco�dmg ·to t�e J:orm hefare prefcnbed;. begmnmg .aJ-
All Glory be to Thee, Alm1ghty God -: tmd ending ".U�tb the.fa words-Partakers of his moit }?letfed Body.and Blood. L 3_·
evil: For thine is the Kingdom,. and thePower,andtheG�-0ry, fr ever and ever. IJ'mm. . . tJ· After faa!I ht! Ja·d a; fa/lorweth •. Lmighty and everliving God, . we moft heartily thank. thee,. for that thou doft vouchfafe to feed. us, who have duly received tbefe holy Myfreries, with, the fpiritual food.oft he moft precious body and blood of'thy·Son our Saviour Jefus, Chrifl:; and doll: affure us thereby of thy favour and goodnefs to wards us.; and that _we are ve1:y members rncorporate m the myfh c.al body of thy Son, which is tl e· blefted company of all faithful peopie; and are alfo heirs through hope of tl�y everlalting king<lo n, by the men ts of the moll: precious c.k :-i th and paffion of thy dear Son. And• we mofl: humbly. heft:ech thee, Q heavenly Father, fo to affil1 us \vith thy grace, that ?IC may continue in that holy., fellowfh1p, ancl do all fuch good works as thou haft pre pared for u2 to walk in, thro11gh Jefus Chri.ft our Lord; .to whom, w:itli.-.
The C O 1\,1 M U N I O N.
""ith.thee and the Holy Ghoft,_ lie n I h our and glory, world, 1tho t t'.O • .-lmm. 'Then _Jh di b e /aid or fun�, all jlanding, Glor1,1 in Excd(is, or fome proper Hymn from the Se leBio11. L?ry be to God on high, and m earth peace, good ,viii towards mt'.n, V✓e praife thee, w blef:� thee, e wor:l11ip th.::e, w� glorify thee, we give thanks to Lord thee for thy great gfory, God, heavenly King, God the Fath r Almighty. 0 Lord, the only· begotten Son Jefus Chrict · O Lord God Lamb of Goel, So� of the Fath�r, that t-tke!'t away the fins of the world have mercy upon 11s. Thou that takefi: away the: fins uf the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that taKtft away the fins of the- world, receive our prayer. Thou that fittdl: at the right hand f Goel the l�ather,• have mercy up 11 us. For tbou only art hoLv, thou 0 only art the Lo1·J. thou on! >ly Gh,,n:' art Chrifl', with the m0ft High i 1 1 tbe glot') of GvJ tbe . :Father. Amm .
'l 'Thm the Priefl (the Bijho/1, if ht be prefmt} fan.'/ let th m.; depnrt 1r..uith thi; Blejf.ng. He p"ace of Go�, which patfeth all und ':vlhn_dmg, ketp yom heatts and minds rn the knowleJgt: �nd love of Goel, ;rnd of his Son Jefru, Chrifl: our Lurc1: An,1 the uleillng vf God Almighty, the F,1• ther, the Son, and the Holy Ghnft, be amonglt you, :111d rl:.'main witb you always. Amen. Colle8J that may 6e /aid aftrr the Cvllel/J of Nlorn'ng_ o,· E en.ins Prn1er, orC011rr'.u�uo11; atthedij� cretlOn of the M111fll.:r.
Sfift us mercifully, 0Lon1,in thefc our fupplicatious and ,._ pr:iyers; and ciifpo{e the w y of Lhy � rvil ts to�vards th� at din ment of everh1fbng falvat1on; tliat ""mo11g all the changes and chances of this m rtal lifr, the} may ever be- de�c?ded by thy moft i;raciuns and_ 1eitdy h Ip, through J fus Clin our Lo • 11.mm. we hefi:ech thee, A]· h Y God, that_ the wo�cis which we h,n·t: bLilrd this day ,-..·1th our utward ears, m;1y, through �hy gr;-.ce, he fo grafted inwardly 111 our: hearts, that they may I J'ing forth rn us the fruit of go d livin,.:; to tbe honour and_ prai{� of thy N'anie, thrnu_g_h J ctu..s Chri rt our Lord. Amen. � GR . m1
it ,
. t� us, '? Lon1, in all o� r d_tm:gs -with thy moil: g 1·,1� 1 . ous _fav� nr, and furthtr_ us with tr?_�ontinual h lp; tllat in all our ,;,;o! .:cs begun, cont1J1ued, anrl end· ed in thee, we may g l orify thy bo• 1r T .ru�; aod fina_lly, ?Y thy rnt.:r· Y. ob am_ t'verlafbng hfr, thnmgh Jefu3 hnft our LoTel, Amen.
ALmig ht y God, the fountain of all_ wift!?m, wh_o knowefi our aec: 11.1:sbdoreweafk,and ourign ranee ill alkrng; We befcech diee to_�- ve .:onipaffion �pon our infir· m1t1c:s; and t ofe tliings which for ou · u1n o ·thi11efs we dare not anJ for our blindndi we cannot :ifk, vo:1.hfafe to give us, for the wor· thrnefs f thy Son J. fus Chrift our Lord. .Amm. mig I ry G Ol, 1 w 1 10 hafl: . pr-o· of mi(ed. to hear the' ft· thofe \\'ho ;;fk in thy s·ln ,; r'��� e; "".e b<ee"h thee mercifully to in• cline thme earn to us who have now made:
AL ·�,
Public Baptifm of Infants. ma a our prayers an<l fupplications unto th ; and grant, that thofi things which we have fait folly afked according- to thy will_ may
effoctually be obtained; to the re li f of our neceffity, and to the fotting forth of thy glory; through J fus Chrifi: our Lord. Amen.
Tfpon the Sundays and other Holy-day.s ( there be � Sermon or Com munion) faall be fuid all Jhat is appointed at the Com,nu,rion, unto the t:ndofthe Gofpel, concluding cwith the Blef}tng • .And any of the con ftcrated B-ri:ad and /Vim: remain after the Comrnunifu1', it fan/I noi he cnrrit:d out of the Church; hut the 11-finifter and other Commnnicants foal/, immediately after the Blej/ing, rev rently ent and drink tlu Jame.
T11E P U B L I C
B A P T_ I S M oF I N ·F A N T S, To be ufed in the Church.
'The People are to bt: admonifaed, t_hat it is mojl convmimt that Bnp tifm faould not be adminijlered but 11po11 Sundays and other Iio/y ·Days, f or Prayer Days. Neverthelt"fs, (i 11ecejfity Jo require} Baptifm may be adminijlered upon any other day. <[here faa/1 be for every Male child t� be bapti.fad, wbm they can � bad, two Godfathers and one Godmothe,; tmd for every Frmale, one Godfather and tc-..uo Godmothers; and Parents faa!l be admitted a.s it be dejired, SponjorJ,
CJ When there are Children to be baptifad, the PaYent.s or SpoJ?fors /hall
y · give k110:wlt•dge thereof, before the begtn:-zing of Morni11g Pra rr, to
llnd then the Godfatben and Godmothers, and the the Jlllinijler. People ,zuith the Children, mt!Jl be ready at the Font, either immedinte!y , after the lafl L&i:m at Morning Pra;•t:r, or elji: immediately after tl,:e lajl ltdfim at E-vening Prayer, tH the Mini.fter, by his Difcre/1011, .fhaU af1point._ And the Minijler coming to tl:>e Font (cwhich i.s then to be filled rw,th ptll'e /IVater) and J}anding then, foal/ Jay,
Hath this Child b�en al!·ead)" baptifed, or no?-
Tf they•anfwer, No; thenfou!I the Minijl r proceed, aJ followeth ••
E.arly beloved, fora�muel! a& throughourLordJefusChrift, th�t
all men are conceived and born in !ln; and our Saviour Cbrift fi 1 ith None can enter into the kinl!tlorn of God, except he be r�gen�ratc:: and bol'n anew, of W,tt r anll of the Holy Ghol1; l, befeech y.ou. to. call 02011, G.od the. F ather,
f his bounteous me::rcy, he will. · rant t:o this Child that wbich hy. i.i�ture he cannot have; that he may :Je baptife'd with Water arid the "!oly Ghoft; and received into, hi-ift's holrChutch', and b� made a living m:mber of the fame. 'f 'Ihm-
Public B'aptifm of Infants.
'II 'Thm /h<lll the Minijler .fa.1, tion of thy heave n ly walbing; and come to the eter.nal ki11gdo!11 may . �et u s pray . ,._ . which tj1ou hafr promtfed by Chrift L m,g h 'fan d d t:ver ) G , a,crng ? _ ur ·who, of thy great mercy, chdll: o Lord. Amen. fave Noah ,ind his family in the Ark f 'Th en the Minijier jha/1.fay a1 fal• fi:om perifhing hy water; and alfo fow1: or elfa foal/ pa.fa on to the d1dft fafel y lead the childrt:n o quej1io111 addriffed to the Spon.fori; Ifrael thr: people through tl1e Red and from thmce to the Prayer im�ea, figurmg thereby thy holy Bap'mediately bifor, the Imnwjio11, or t1fm; and by, t)le Baptifm of thy the pouring of Water on the In· well-b_eloved Son Je�1s Chrifi:. in fimt. But note; that, iu MJUJ the= nver Jordan, d1dfl: fanchfy Church, thcintr:rmediatepnrt1 of water, to the myftical wafhi n g athe Service jha/1 be ujed, once at w�y o� fin? We be�eech thee, for /eofl in every month ( if there be a th_rne mfin_1te mercies, that tho�1 Boptifm) for the �etter injlru8· w1l_t merc1ful)y look upo_n t�is ing of the People m the Grou11d1• Child; wafh h,m,, an d faocbfy him of Infant Baptifm •. wi b the Holy Gboft; that he, beIJear the words of _the Gofpel, ing delivered from thy wrath, may be received into the Ark of Chrill:'s written by St. Mark, in the t nth Church; and being ftedfa!l'in faith, chapter, at the thirtt:enth verfe. joyful through hope, and rooted t{ey hrought young children in charity, may fo pafs the waves of T to Cbrifl:, that he fho11ld touch this troublefome world, that final� them; and his difciples rebuked ly he may come to the land of ever- thofe who brought them. But lafling hfe; there to rt:ign with when Jefus faw it, he was much thee, wo,i:ld with out end, through dilpleafed, and faid unto th m. Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for th· f �ucb is the kingdom of God, o d rta]. Go f:;;m d . Y arA O · ht L m,g the. a.'d of all who need, the' Verily I fay unto you, Whofoevtr• not. receive �he kingdom of htlp r of all :-,v ho Hee to thee f�r fhall God as a little child, he !hall r.ot �uccour, the lift: of thof� who be therein. And he took them l1eve, and the refurr&l:,on of th_t: enter in his arms, put hisliands upon dead. vVe call upon thee for th11 up h an d bldfed them Infant, that he, i;:ort,in_g to thy ho- t em,. •· . Jy Baptifm;: may receive rem1ffion f 1 e th e M',ni· 1 , 1_ .. ir. h d • re'� (}_Jy of fin, by fpiritua1 regeneration . " A1ter I e Exbortt1• hruf thu make foa/J fle_r aft thou as h l,,ord O him e ,. Receiv i lion upo11 the rwords o! the ?ojj,e/. ·promiferl by thy well- beloved Son, Eioved,. y_e hear in tins Gof• have; faying, A!k, and ye !hall B pel the w.ords of om, Saviour feek and ye !hall find; knock, and · it lball ·be opened unto you: So Chrift, that l�e ,commanded the •"'ive now unto us who a!k; let us children to be.brought unto'hini; ·;.,ho ft:ek, find; open the gate nn- how he blamed thof(; who woiild to us who knock-· that this Infant have kept them fr om him• how be . mav enjoy the evlrlafting benedic- i:xhorteth all men.to follow' thei-r in. · noc1::ncy-.
Public Baptifm of Infants. nocency. Ye perceive, how, by bis and everlafting life. Ye have heard outward gefture ;rnd deed, he de- alfo, that_ 011r Lord Jefus Chrilt dared his good will toward them: hath promifed, in hiii Gofpel, to For he embraced them in his arms, grant all thefe things that ye h;l\·e he laid hi;1 hands upon them, and prayed for: which promife, he for bl�ffed them. Doubt r.e not there- his part ,will mofl: furely keep and fore, hut earndtly believe, that be perform. Wherefore, after this will likewife favourably receive this promife made by Chrifr, this Infant , prefent Infant; that he will em- muft alfo faithfully, for bis part, brace him with the arms of his mer- promife by you that are his Sure cy; that he will give unto hi-m the ties (until he come of age to take hl,s:ffing of eternal life, and make it upon himfelf) that he ,vill re bimpartaker ofhis everlaO:ing king- nnunce the d!:v1l and all his works, dom. Wherefore, we being thus and conO:antly believe God's holy perfuaded of the good will of our Word, and ob dit:ntly keep hjs heavenly Father towards this In· Commandments. .. Jant, declared by his Son Jefus V 'The lllfmijler foal! then demand Chrifl:; and nothing doubting, but fl(" th Spon � f_ors as follo-w.s; the tliat he favol.)rably alloweth this fi!.!u/l.,ons being conjidered as adcharitable work of ours, in bringdr�!Jed to them faverally, a_nd the ing this Infant to his•holy Baptifm; A,if,wers to be made accordingl y : let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him, and fay, I demand therefore, thou, in tbe Name �f this Lmighty and everlafting God, . Child. renounce _the devil aud heavenly Father, we:: give . ;ill his works, the va!n pomp and thee humble thanks, that thou haft glory of the world, with all covtt voucbfafrd to call u.s'to the know- ous defires of he fame, and.the ledge ofthy grace, and faith�n thee: finf1:1l d�fires ott_ the flelh; fo that ledge con and know this , Jncreafe th0u wilt not follow, nor be kd Givt: evermore. .tirmthisfaithinus by the�1? thy holy Spirit to t�is Infant; that . Ar.f-7.t , • I �enounce t_btm all,• he may be born aga11'!, and be "'.ade aucl, by Gods ht:lp, will endea an heir of everlaftmg falvat1on, vuur not to follow nor be led by through our Lo�d Jefus Chrift; them. and re1gneth with thee who liveth Mini.ft. Daft thoM believe all the and the Holy Spirit, now and for en. c::ver. A,m Articles of the Ct.iriftian Faith, ai; ned in the Apo!l:les Creed? ,r 'Then jhall the Minijler .fpeak unto contai Anfw. I do. . the Godfather.r andGodmother.s in · Mini.JI. Wilt thou be baptifed thiJ wife: Early beloved, ye have brought in this Faith? .A,ifw. That 1s my Defire. this Child here to be baptifed; ye have prayed that our Lord Jefus .Nlinifl. Wilt thou then obediC.hrift would vouc_hfafe to receive ently ke·ep God's holy will and him, to relea�e him fr0m frn, to comrnandment.s, and walk in the fancl:i"fy ki>n w1tl� the Holy GhoO:, fame all the days of thy life? t0 give him the k.mgdom of he.aven IJ.nj"w. I will, by G.od's hc::lp. ,r TbctJ.
Public Baptifm of J,nfants.
And thm naming it eftt'r them, ht Merciful God, grar-it tha:t the foa/1 dip it in the 1'Vnter i/crr ti_,, or jballpour f,f"'a t e r 11pon it,.fayiug, old Adarn in thiJ Child may be fo buried, that the nt:w man I b�1 tife thee in the Na, e may be raifed up in him. Amen. • of the Fathtr, :mt! uf the Grant t hat all finful affi ions n, and of the llolr Gbolt. ilm n. may die in him, and t �� t all thii�gs thf".J artify tl:'!t the Child B ut belong i ng lo the Spmt may ltv ,r iJ w nk it foal/ fi,Jj,u to and grqw in him. Amen: /Vnter upon it, .fflJi11;s th e cJore• Grant that he mar b,we pow r .faid r.vords. :ind firt:ngth to have -victory, and f 'Ihm tl t! 111inijlu /hall .fay, to t riumph againft the devil, thtr world and the Adh. Amen. E . eceive this Cti/d i_nt,o Gr,;nt that whofoever is here the Congregation of Chnll 5 dedica{ed to thee by our Office flock, anrl do "' fign /Im ti� M'• and Minifiry, m�y alfo he endued him with th fign l.o/lmoAe , itb b v nly v1rtu s, and ever• of the Crofs; �111 tu- anijluj Crof; ufon tlit .Jafting l y rt-warded, through thy k n that hereafter Cbit,f!.[m /uod. mercy O bleffeJ L01·d God, who h e {hall not be :igovern 1/ve all and thing doll: s, Chamed to cooflfs the faith of world without eod. .A.men. Cbrift crucified, and manfully to figh t uuder bis banner, againft fio, L 1IG.HTY, everliving God, the world, and the devil; and _to whofe moCl: dearly beloved continne Chrill'ti f<1ithful f.oldr r Son Jefus Chrift, f?r the forgive- and fervant w1to hi.r Iift.:'s en • nefs of our fins, did fhed out of Anmi. 'his molt p r ecious fide- both water tbofe wh o pn.fent the In/an/ and blood; and gave commandfoal/ deftre thc: fign o.( the Cr oj.r to tbat difciples, tht:-y his to ment b e omit1ed, althoug1:J tb e Church fhould g ll teJch all N�itions, ilnd k, o w.r no rwo,·thy (;au.fe of S c ruple bap tife them in the Name of the concerni ng the /nme, yet, in that Father, :tnd of the Son, and of the Cali:, the Minijler may omit thnt 1-Ioly Gholl; �eg� rd , we bdeech pJ,-1 of the ab ove whic h follow.r thee the fopp l1 cabons of-thy Conth e Immerjion, or th e pouring of greg '.1 1ion; fancti�y this �v_ater to Wa ter on the .fofant. the myfrical wa!hmg away of ri11; and grant that th�s Child, now tu f Then ./hall the Minijler fay, _ he ba.ptif<!cl tbcre111, may rece1vl' Ee ing now, dearly bduvc-d bre· the fulnefa of thy grace, aod ever . thn:o, tliat lhiJ Child iJ rt-ge• 1·cmai1: i11 tt1e number of thy faith, naatc, ar:cl grafted ioto the llod)' ful children, thro11g/1 Jefus Chrjll of Chrifi's Cl,urcb; let us give our Lord. Amon. th;rnks unto Almigh.ty Gc,tl for ·,- <Then the A_1inf/ler flail take the thefe benefits, and with one ;ic· C<lrd make our prayers uotu him� Child into h,; Hands, and /ball .fa_y that thi s Child may lead the rd� ot totheGod.fathersam!Godmother.r, hi s li.fe, accordj11g to� �his b g111· Name this. Child, ning. 'f <rhen 'Tbm flail the Mit:ijltr .fay,
Public Baptifm of Infants.
1 Tl:m jhall be jaid, all kneeling, to i:enouuce tl1e devil an<l all his Ur father who art in Heaven works, to believe in God, :ind to 1-fallowed'be thy Na�e; Thy �crye him; ye muft rernen:iber,that Ki11gdorn come; Thy \,Viii be don e l 1t 1s your parts and d11t1es to fee on Earth, As it is in Heaven; Give' that thi.r lnji:Jnt be taught, fo foon us this clay our daily bread ; And as he: 01all be able t? learn, what a forgive us our trefpalTes, As we folemn vow, prom1fe, and p.rofef forgive thofe who trefp:rfs againfr fion he hath here made by }!OIT, 11 ; And lead us not into tempta- And that he may know the_Ce Ll11npo tion But deliver us fromevil: Eor the bettt:r, ye {hall call upon h,m thin� is the Kingdom, and the to hear.�ermons; a11d chiefly ye Power, and the Glory, For ever 01all proviJe, tha_the'may learn the • eret!cl, the Lor<l s Prarer, an<Hhe and ever. ./Jnreh. . . Ten Commandments, a11d alf o'fhm _f;all the uforijler Jay, the things whicli a ChriCEian ou.,ght X 7E yield thee hearty thanks, to kr now an l believe to his foul's moll: merciful father, that health; and that thi.r Child may be It �lath pleafc:�\ th c t'o regene�a.tc: virtuou!ly brought u,p to �ea l ;i, th1J Infant _with th;i: 'Holy Sp ir !t� goc1ly and II cbrrltian life; n:mem to recti e /Jun for th-111� own Chilt, bering always, that Daplifm doth by a?opti'on, and to mcoYporate reprefent .unto us our 15rofdlio n ; bun mto thy holy hnrcb. Aud ;vhich is,, to folio,� the example of humbly we_ bcfrech thee to 11f, our Saviour Chritr, and t:"o Ire made t_h�t he, be11�g dea<l nut? fin, and like unto •him; that as he die-cl, �1v111g u_nto r!ght�o�fi�� fs,. an<l be- an<l rofe again for 11s; fo !hould mg 11um:� with C�t llt 111 fus c!eath, we, who are haptiti::<l, die from may cruc1'.y the o,d man, and ut- fin, and rife a gain u11to ri g- ht·ouf� _ t_erly abollfh th_e w�ole l:lody of ncfc; contintrolly mortifying all h'n; anrl that a� ,he IJ ma�<:: �ar- our eV'il and corrupt aftetl:ions, taker of the J;)eath of thy S-�111 he and daily proceeding,iu all virtue may alfo he Partaker_ ot his �e- and godlinds of living. forrecl:ion ; fo that finally, with the rdidu · of thy holy Church, he ,r Then jhalt h e add, and JaJ', may be an Inheritor of thine ever. . a_re to take care that th!.r lafting Kingdom, Jhrough Ch1·itr t�e brought to B1Child /Imm. be our Lord. . . . fhop to be c<lnfirmed by him, fo 'IT -Tht:n all Jlandwg �,p, the. 1Wm!fler foon as h e can fa the Crc:c:d, y the al! fa;• 10 th� O,odfcith::,:s ,a.ntf Lord"s Pra er, and the fo Ten Com y Godmotbi:r.r !Im K-rhortat,onfol- manJments, and is fuffici i: ntf'y inlowing: fi:rucl:ed in the other parts of the . . OFafmuch .as this Child hath Church Catechifm, fet forth for promifed by you hii Sureties, that purpufe.
. 'V
in Honfes.
'! n,•.Mi�ifler ef every Parifa faa/l oJtm admonfllz the P,t>pk, that they dt
fir not the Baptifm ef th.eir Children, longer than th, fir.fl or flcond Sunday next afi,r their Birth, or otlur Holy-day falling between, unlefs up n a great and reafonable Calffi.
,I And a!fo th�y JiaLL warn them, that, without like great car!fa and necg/il)•, thry procure not their Children to be baptifid at IUlme in thm Hulffi.s. B t w/un nud }hail compel the,n fa to do, llun Baptijin )hall be ad111i11ijlered a.s falloweth.
ef the Parijh (or, in his a!?ftnu, any otha lawful Mznifler that can be procured) with theft who are prifent, ca/L up n God, and fay the Lord's Prayer, and Jo many ef the Col/ells appointed lo be Ja�d ifore in t/ze Fonn ef Public B?Lptifnz, as the time and p,efmt exigence will fa/fa. A nd then, the Child being named �y Jome one wko il prifmt, the . Minijler jhall pour water upon it,Jaying thife words:
� Jiir.fl, let the Mirijlo
I baptife thee in the Name ay be an Inheritor of thine eve_r• ., of the Father, and, of the lafling Kingdom, through Chnn: son, and of the Holy Ghof t". Amm. our Lord. Amen.
,r Tlzm the Mi11ijler faall give tha11hs ,r And let them not doubt, but that the un:o God, ancl Jay, Child .fa baptffed is lawfully and E yield thee he11rty thanks, .fz.ifficiently baptifid, and tr1Jght 11ot moft merciful Father, that to be baptifid again. Yet 11roertheit b1th pleafe_d thee to regrne�te lefs, if the -Child whicli is after this this In/an� �v1th _thy_ Holy Sp1r!;• jort bap�jfid, do afterward live, it _ to receive_ h11n fat thrn: own Chi.d is expedient that zt he brought fmto mcor to and 10n, porate lopt by a! the Church; to the intent,·that i the b1m 111to tby holy Church. And Minijler of the .fame Parijlz did humbly we. befeecli thee to grant, 'baptif"e that Child, the him'eif . :1 • that he, berng dead unto fin, ancl 1 ud l!J :l'be u ';tifi "rt',,e tru, g regatzo n 111 ¾ Jiving u,;to righteoufnefa, and be, v t e 9t ' b b t n by 1 �'): o � ing buried with Chrift in his death, fif rm �e da� I.11c i CO:J e ,ie jl.1a 1 w n . • o , re utan man, d old may crucify the terly abolifh the whole body of fa}' tlius, Certify you, that ac cording to fin; and that as he is made Par• _ the clue a11d prefcnbed Order taker of the death of thy S011, he Church, Partaker the at of bis lfo,be eof uch l he a f may � � time a�1d , furrecl"ion; fo that finally, with at /uco a plac1;, hefo:e d1�ers w1t tbe relidue of thy holy Church, hr u · ffeg, l bapt1fcd thIJ Ch,/tJ. � But
r , -'t
Private Baptifm of Infants.
But if the Child were baptifal difpleafed, ;ind fairl unto them. Minijler, then Suffer the little children t0 come hy atljl other /awful f the Mi11ijler o the Parijb, where unto me, ·and forbid them not: for thu Child was horn or chrijlmerl, of fuch is the kingdom of God. :foall e;,::amine •whether the Jame Ver:ly I fay unto you, Whofuever halh been /awfi1/ly do11e. 11.nd if flrnll not r.eceive _the .kingdom of •the Minijler jhall ji�1d, by the an- God ag a _lt�tle chtl.d, he fball not /q uers ofJuch as brmg the Child, ent�r t�erem. And �1e took them ,that all things ,u;ere done as thry up in hr� arms, put his hands upon ought to be; 1be11 fba// not be chri- them, and bleffed them. Jim the Child again, but Jhall re- f After the Go/pel iI read, the Mi <eive him as one of the. Flock of nijlil' Jhall make this brief Exbor.ration i1po11 the Words of the Coftrue Chrijlia11 People,faytng th11s; pel: C�rtify you, that in this cafe
;ill is well done, and according BEioved, ye hear in this Gof ·llnto due order, concerning the pel the words of our Saviour baptiung of �his Child; wh? is now C�ritr, that he commanded the by Baptifm 11rcorporated into the ch_ildren to be brought unto him ; Chri(han Church: For our Lorr 1 how be blamed thofe that would :Tefus Ch rift doth not deny his have kept them from him; how he. grace and mercy unto fuch In-, ex11orttth all men to follow their fauts • but moll: lovingly doth calf innocency. Y-e perceive how by them �rnto him, as the holy Gofpel his outward gefi:u re anci' deec!' he <loth witnefs to our comfort on declared his good will tO\;ard them: For he embraced them in this wife. - his arms, be laid bis hands upon a l fay e l fo Jhal r 1 ijl Min e th 'Ihen ''r them, an<l bleffed them. Doubt laws: or clfe jha/J pafs on to the e � s; to Spo11jor y.e no;,ther fore, b1;1t ea�·nell:ly be •quejlions arldrdfed the 1ev e., ,1a·� he hat_h l1kew1fe favour . Mid from tbmce to the Prayer im- :ably 1_�ceived th11 prefrnt mediatef:y before the Immerfion, or. t at he ha_th embraced him lnfl'mt; with the � Inrhe ater 011 the pouring of w ? f ,hi� me!·cy; and, as he ha�h fanr. But note; cthar, i11 everyf aP.:_ms om,fe<l 1� his holy word, wrll Church, the i1Jter111edinte parts o ve to _un lmn the bl_dftng of eter gi a nc ufed, e be o t jha/1 r-vice -the fe n� l hfr, rnak:e h11n Partaker of be there (if leajl ;11 e,ucry 1110111b _ �18 evetl,1fi.�g �Therea Baptifm} for the heller injlrufl. fore, we be wgKingdom. thus perfuaded _ of . i in the People the Grounds the ng of gocd will of uur heavenly Faif Jnrant Baptif,n. 'J' ther_, declared by his Son Jefus , , . I Iear the words f �he Gofpel., <;�nfi:, towards this bifcmt, let us � : •Written by St. Ma_,.k,. 10 the tenth ta1thfn_lly and clevoutly give th;1nks chapter, at the t,Jmteenth verfe. unto him, and fay the Praye,:whicl1 Her b:ou.gl t young children t.he Lon�bimfrlf taught u�; '. . .i:•ather who art 111 He� toChnCt, that he fhould touch lhem, ;ind his difciples rebuked ven, Hall�wed be thv Nam�• Jhofe 'who �rmi_gf.it them. But Thy King"dom come; Thy Will b� When Jefus faw it, he ·vvas m•ich dollc:: on Earth, As it is in }Ie,iven ;_ .M ·GiYt:
Private Baptifm of Infants.
Give us tbis day our daily bread; And forgive us our trefpalfes, As ·we forgive thofe who tn:fpafs a· .g;1inft us; And lead us n0t into 1:emptatio11 · But del.iver us from
fight under his banner, againlrfin, the world, and the devil• and to continue Chrifi's faithfu( foldfrr and frrvant unto his life's end. Amen.
'l he fame Rule is to DP obfe, '!Jed here, as to the omij/ion qf the SiP, n � 'Then /hall the Minijler demar.d of the Crofl, as in the Public Bap• th e Name ef the Child; 'Which tifm of Infants. l-eing by the Godfathers and GodThen foal/ the lYli11ijler 7110tb::rs pro11ou11ccd, the Minijler Eeing nuw, dearly beloved bre· jbal/ fay as follows; thren, that this Child is rege• Oil: thou in the name of this Child re�ounce the devil and nerate, ;md grafted into the Body
all bis works, the vajn porrip anrl _glory of the world, with all covetous defires of the fame, and the 1inful de!ires of the fle!h • fo that -thou wilt not follow, n�r be Jed by them ? . .Anfw. I renounce them all; .and, hy God's help, will endeavour not to folh;w, nor be led by ;them. Minijl. Pole thou believe all the .Articles of the Chriflian Faith, as ,contained in the Apol.l:ks Creed? ~ .A11fw. I do. · Mi11 ijl. Wilt thou be baptifed :in this Faith? .Anf-�u. That . is my Defire.
Mi11ijl. \,Vilt thou then _obedi.ently keep God's holy w1�l and �omrn;ind nents, and wal:k 111 the ;1ame all tile days ot thy life? . help. Anfw. I will, by Gods
� 'Th.en the JJ!Ji,1 ijle,· jha!l :fay, . • ' . 1t1 111,0 receive t1;1s , • C,ot
Vl ·E·•
· th e C on e� : t"ion o fCh; · 6 �1 1 ,� } n nd d ,!g � 1 '. ��,w1 ·:+ Hadh c M·. /.�,m tl t 1 1e. ,,_1gn c h� !nijlcr /blI make Ill !: C t os; t ''i'- ro a Cr /J_J;- upon f/, e o, ket) that hereafter ,Chiirt"s•� 'J" .rchu,d, be fl1all not be aifh�me..d to. confefs the f�ith of ';Jll"jft ,;r,uc1µed, and man(ully to
Jay, .
of Chrift's Churcl); let us give thanks unto Alm1ght_y Goel for thefe b nefits, and wllh ne accord make our prayers unto him, tl�at�his Child !'flay lead the rell: of h�s life accor.dlilg to this begin· nmg • Then foal/ the Minijler fay,
yield thee hearty thauks, molt ·merciful Father, th,1t . 1t bath pleafecl thee to regener.�te this Infant \yith thy Holy Spirit, to Iiect:i-ve him for thi-11e own Child by adoption, and to incorporate him into thY holy Church. And humbly we_ befeech thee to grant, t_h�t he, bem_g de.id unto fin, and Jt,vrng unto nghteoufnc:fs and being buried with Chrifl: in l;is.ckath may crucify the old m.;iu, and ut: terly abohfh the whol.e botly of !in; and tha.t as he iJ made Par• taker of the Death of thy Son, he ma'. al_fo he Partaker of his I�efunect1on; Ii.> that finally, with t 11e re lid 1 ue o f thy holy Church, he may be .,.m Inheritor of thine ever lafl:ing Kingdom, through Chrift • L o;r d , ,- A men. our . . , 'i 'Then t;z!I jlandmg up, the Mmijlu
faall fay to the Gar/fathers and God1:1othcrs this E.�bor11:uia11 foliorw1n_g:
Private Baptifm of Infants.
Orafmuch as this Child hath fuon as he can fay the Creed, the prornifeu by you his Sureties, Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Com to renounce the devil and all his mandme�ts, and is fufficientl in works, to believe in God, and to lhutte,I 10 the other parts o r the ferye him; ye mull: reme'!'ber,that Church C.¼techifm, fct forlh for it ,a your parts and duties to fee, that purpofr. that this Infant be taught, fo foon as he: Chall be able to learn, what a 'i But if they who b,-i11g the fn. folcmn vow, promife, and profef- fa/II to the Church do ma/,:e fuc!r fion he hath here made by you. u11certai11 Anfwers to the Mi,ii And that he may know thefe things jler's �ejlio11s, as that it cannot the better, ye iliaII call upon him appea,- rhat the Child was bap to hear Samons; and chitfly ye. 1ifed wirh Water, i11 the Name o.f n1all provide r that he may learn the the Fm her, and <if the Son, and of Crete! the Lord's Prayer, and the tl·e Holy Ghofl, ( which are e/[t:11Ten Commandments, and all orial parts of Bap1ifm) then let ihe ther things which a Chrill:ian ought Mi11ijle1· baptife ir in the Form b e to know and believe to his funl's fore appointed Jo,· Public Baprif,1z, f health; and that this Child may be o Infants; ja'lling, rhar ar the virtuouny brought up to lead a dippin1; of the Child in the Fout godly and a chri!lian life:. rememl-e jhall rife rhis Form of /Yords: ' bering always, that Bapt1fm doth thou art _not alre�dy baptifed·,. reprefent unto us our profrffion; N. I hapt1fe thee in the Name which is, to follow the example of our Saviour Chri!l:, and to be made of the Father, and of the Son, and like unto him; that as he died, of tht Holy Ghoft. Amen. an<l rofe again for us. fo {hould we who are baptiferl, die from 'If If Infant Baptifm and the recei 'U fin: and rife again unto �igl!teonfi11g ef lufants baptifed i ii pri'llateall ortifying nefs • continually m are ro.be at the Jame time, tbe JIiliour 'evil and corrupt affections, nijler may make th l' !zue_Jlions toand daily proceeding in all virlut the Sponfors and the Jucceeding and godlinefs of living. Prayer ftr'Ue for both. And a.
f Then jha/1 he a·dd, and fa:Y, .E are to take care that thi, Child be brought to the Bi. fhop to be confirmed by him, fo
gain, af1e,- the lmme,Jion or the pouring <if lfrater, and the 1·ecei'll ing into the Church, the Minijle,• may rife the Remainder <if the Ser 'Vice for /Jr,th.
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:B A PT IS M to fuch a$ nrc of RIPE R
A R S,
'And able to anfwer for tllemfi Ives. �hen any .fuch Per/om as nre ef Riper rears are to he boptiful, trmely notice foal/ he given to the J,,finijler; that .fo due care ma, be taken for their examination, ,whether they be fi1Jiciently i1!/lr11Bed i11 the Principia of the Cbrijlian 1<.eligion; and that they may he exhorted to prepare them.felves, r-,JJith j,raJers and fajling, for the receiving of this Holy Sacrnmen/,
'Y .And they jhal/ he found fit, then the God.fathe1:.s nnd Godmothers, (the people being aj]emblt!d upon the Sunday, I-Joly-Day or Pray:-r-DaJ nppninted) foal/ he ready to pre.feut them at the Font, humediatelJ n_fter the Second Lq[r,11, eitht:r at J.forning or .Evening Prayer, as tb4 :Aiinijler, in his difcreli(m, jha/1 think fit. afl, 1Vhelhe, an;• qf the Per.fo11s And }landing there, the Min�J1er /hall f /Jere f•reftnted he bapti.fed or no? I they jhal/ anfu1er, No; thenfaa/1 t be Mi-nijler Jay thu1 :
Ear)y beloved, forafmuch as di.dftfafell' le,id the children offfra all men are concei,.·ed ;md el, thy .peoJ?le, tbrnugh thtReu Sea, horn in fin (anrl that wh kb is born figuring thereby thy holy Baptifm; of the Jle{h, is flefi1) and they who and, by the Baptifm of thy well ;ire in the fldh cannot pleafe God, beloved Son Je(us- Chrifr, in the but live in fin, committing many river Jordan, did(l: fanclify the e :iclual tranfgreffions ; and onr Sa- lement of water to the myfl:ical viour Cbrift _faith, Noo.e can e.n- wafhing away of li11; We be ter into the kingdom. of Go4, e.x- feach thea, for thine infinite mer cept he b.e regenerate and born cies, that thou wilt mercifully look: ;rnew of Water aod of the Holy up:>n tbife thy .fervants; wa/h them, Gholl • I be(eecb you to c�ll upon ,and fanclify them with the Hol ys G0d the Fatfier, through our Lord Ghofl:; that they, being delivered Jefus Chrifr, that of t-iis pounteous from thy wrath, mar 6e received goorlods he will grant to thife per· into the Ark of C!mfl'� Ch_urch -; Jjm,r that which by nature theJ• can- and being fiedfaft in faith, Joyful not have; that they may be bap- through hope, and rooted in cha tifed with Water anrl tlie Ho!y 'rity, may-fo fs the waves of this Ghoft, and received into Chrifl:'s troublefome vorld, tbat finally J1oly Church, and be made Ii ve/_J they may come to the land of e,erlafiing life; t_here to reign with members of tht fame. thee, wor)d without e1_1d, through "'j Then faall the Mi11ijla Jay , Jefus Chnft our Lord. Amen. Let us pray. Or this. L mighty andeverlafting God, who of thy great mercy didfl: ALmighty and immortal God, the aid of ,ill who need, the fave No3h and his family in the Ark from perifhing by water; and alfo helper of all who flee to thee for fuccour,
Baptifm of thofe of Riper Years.
�ccour, tJ1c life of thofe who believe, and the refurreclion of the dear!; vVe c;rll upon tLee for theft Plr_/011J, that they, com;ng to thy holy Baptifm, may receive remiffion of their fins by fpiritual regeneration. Receive them, 0 Lord, as thou hall: promifed by th"y weilbeloved Son, faying, A{k., and ye i!1.ll! receive; feck, and ye {hall find; knock, and it {hall be opened unto you: So give now unto lls who afk • Jet us who feek, find; op n the g�te unto us who knock; that thife perforu may enj9y the everlall:ing beneditl:ion or thy heavenly wa(hing, and may _come to the ctt:rnal kingdom wlHch thou hart promifed hy Chri!l: our Lord. ./form.
is born oftbe Spirit, is fpirit. Mar·• vel not that I faid unto thee, Ye::· mull: be horn again. The wind bloweth where it lill:eth, and thou· hearell: the found thereof; but canft not tell whence it• cometh, and whither it goeth _: fo is every one that is born of the Spirit. . 'if .llf1er =hu� be _/hall fay thu Ex-· hor1a1101rfollo;w111g_. • ye hear in tl11s Gofpel. Eioved, B the exprefs words of our Savi our Cbrifi, that, except a man be· horn of· water a_nd of the_ Spirit, he cannot enter mto the kingdom of_ God. vVhereby ye may_ per ce1ve · the great neccffity of this Sa. crament, where it may he had: Likewife immt:diately before his' afcenlion into heaven, (as we read• "l Then the Mi11ijler foal/ fay,· in the !all: Chapter-of Saint Mark's Hear th"e words of the Gofptl, Gofpel,) he gave command to his. 'Written by Sdint John, in the third difciples, faying, Go ye into all Chapter, beginning at the fii:fi the world, and-preach the Gofpel ·· V,erfi::: to every creature. He that believ. I-Jere ,-v as a man of the Plia- eth, .and is baptifed, {hall be fav. rifees, named Nicodemus, a ed; but he that believetb not, {hall niler of the Jews. The fame came be damned: Which alfo fhe-w cth t<:' Jefus b)' night, and faid unto unto us the .great benefit we reap-· him, Rabbi, we know· that· thou thereby.• for which caufe Saint art a teacher come from God; for Pett:r the Ap·Jfl:le, when upon his no man car, do tht:fe miracles that firll: preaching of the Gofpt:I many· t�ou doefl:,. except God b� with wer� pricked at the heart, and faid, lum. Jefus anrwered ancl fd1d un- to him and the rell: of the Apoll:les, to him, Vc-rily; verilt, I .fay unto Men and. brethrt-n,• what lhall we thee, Except a man be born again, do? replied an<l faid unto them, h� cannot fee the kingdom of God. Repent, and be baptifrd evt:ry on�· .,.. Nicodemus faith unto him, How of'you, for the remiffion of !ins,. can a ·man be born when he is old? and ye {hall receive the .gift of the c�n he enter the fecond time into Holy Ghoft: l•or the promife,i� to his mother's womb, anti be born? you and your children, and to ;ill jefus anfwered, Veril-y, verily; .J that are afar off, even as many as· 1Y unto thee Exce t a man be the Lord our GJtl Oiall call. And p 1 01_ n of Water, and of the_ Spirit, with many o�her words exhorted' � 1 e cannot ente the k111gdom he them, faying, Save yourfrlves-· of Gort. Thatr into h is born of fr om this llntoward generatio11.-· whic the fl fh, is fldb. and that which For 1 ;:s the fame Apofl:k tdtifieth · ' ju;, / lVI 3.
Baptifm of thofe of Riper Years.
in another place, even Baptifm doth alfo now f,1ve u , (not the putting away of the filth of. the flefh, but the anfwer of a good confcience towards Gorl,) b y the refurrt>cl:ion of Jefus Chrifl:. Doubt ye not therefore, but earnef\ly believc:, that he will favourably receive theft: prcfent. perfom, truly repenting, and coming unto him by faith·; that he will grant them remiOion of their fins, and befl:ow ·1,1pon them the Holy Ghofl:; that be will give them the bl ffing of eternal lift, and make them Partak ers of his everlafting kingdom. Wherdore, we being thus perfuaded of the good will of our heavenly F.ither towards thefe perfans, declared b y his Son Jefus us f ithfully _and deChrifl:; voutly give thanks to 111m, and fay, Lmighty and everlafl:ing God, heavenly Father, we give thee humble thanks, for that thou haft vouchfafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace, and faith in thee. Increafe this knowledge, and confirm this faith in us evermore. Give thy holy Spirit tn lhefe perfans, that they may be born again, and be marlt: hein of ever• lafl:ing falvation, through our Lord Jefus Chrifl:, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit ' now and for ever. Ami:n. ·,o 1' Th en th e Mini(ler foal/ fpeak the Pe·,fons to. be baptifed on this . wife: El!-beloved , who are co�e _ _ p1_ther d ehnng to receive , boly Ilapt1fm,_y, have heat _ d how the c;:nngrt>fp1t1011 hath prayed, that our Loni J ::fils Cb rift wouid vouchfafe tor ceive you and blefs you, to re kale you of your fins., to give
yo u the kingdom of heaven, and evt>rhdl:ing lifr. re have heard al fo that our Lord Jt:fus Chrifl: hath promifed in his holy Word, to grant all thofc: thingij that we have prayed for; which promife he, for bis part, will moll: furely ket!p and pt:rform. Wherefore, after thid promife made by Chrin, ye mufl: alfo faith· fully for your part, in the prefrnce of thefe your Witudfes, and this • whole Congregation, promife and anfwer to the following �efl:ions; .. The 111/mijler flail then demand of th� �po11f:,rs as follO'Ws; rbe §2J.tej11ons he111g conjidered as ad· drdfed to them fe'Verall;,, and tbe .llnfwers to be made accordingly. �tejlioTI. Ofl: thou renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous defires of the. fame, and the fi11ful d-tl1res of the· flefl1; fo that thou wilt not follow, nor be led by them . An.fw. I renounce t�1em all; and, by God's help, will endc:a vour not to follow, nor be led by, them. �,ejl. DoA: tho1.1. h!'=ht.'ve all the Artic�cs o� the Chnfi1an Faith, as contarnt.'d 111 the. Apoftles Creed? Anfw. I do. �ejl. Wilt thou be baptifed in this Faith? a m r . TWl�I ltt •tsh OUy Dtht:en fi eO l1e< 1·I• -<.!.'e.J•. ent'ly keep God's holy will and commandments; and walk in the fame all the �lays of thy life? · Anfw. I will, by God's hdp.
,r The11 Jba// the Millijler fay, Merciful God, i::rant that the old Adam ib theje pe,Jom m11Y
Baptifm of thofe of ·Riper Years.
be fo bur\ed, th�t the new man· ter, or pour Waier upon him, faym· y be ra1fed up in lbem • ..llm�n. ing, Gra nt that all finful affecl:!ons In ptife thee in the Name of _ _ y d1� 10 them, and �h- t all th11!gs • the Father, and of the So. u, r� � e ongmg. to the Sp ll'I, may hve and of the 1-:Iol y Ghoft. Amen. and grow in them. .Am,:11. Then foal/ the Minijler fay, power have Grant that they may and lh-ength to have victory, a11<l "{ X TE receive this Perfan into to triumph ;igain1t the devil, the V V the Congregation ofCbrift's world, and the fle!h. 11mm. Aock, and ;c, do fign * Hae the Grant that the;-, bei11g here tle- him with tl1e lign of <licated to thee by our Offi e and the Crofs; in token Minijl,1· /hall Minillry, may alfo be endu d with th�t hereafter be 01all malu a 't rof.r upon the pc r heavenly virtues, and tverlallingly not be a01amed to fan 's fore rewarded, through thy mercy, 0 confers the Faith of head. blelfe L cd God, who <loft live Cbrilt crucified, and and govern all things, world with- manfully to fight under his banner, again fl: fin, the world, and the deout end. /1»1r:11. vil; and to continue Chrift's faith. LMIGHTY, everlivi"ng Goel, ful fol di er and fervant unto hi.difc's whofe •moft dearly beluved end. Amen. • Son Jefus Chrift, for the forgive- er <rL the o'.n!Jlion f //m_e Rule, aJ to nefs of our fins, di<l {hc:d out of " ;ae i t e Srgn ef lhe Crofs, 1s lo be water both fide precious fl: .b · s obferved /Jae, as in the Baptifm a� d �food; and g::ivc commandof Infants. · ment to bis difciples, that they 'IT 'J!,m the }),,fi11ijler jhall fay, fhould go teach all Nations, and baptife ·them in the Name of the sEemg now, dearly beloved brethren, that theft perfon.s are 17atber, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft; Regard, wt be- regenerate, a_nd grafted into the feech tbet, the fupplic,1tions • of b?dy of Chnll's Churcb; let 11s ethis Congregatio11; fanctify this i;iv thanks unto Almighty God r thefe benefits, and with one fo awater to the myf\ical wafhing way of fin;. a11d gran! that the ac�ordmakcourprayc:rs11ntohi�, ferJom, now to be bapt1fed there- t)iat they n:ay lead t_he re� of therr in, may recdve the fulnt:fs of thy life according to this begmnrng •. grace, and ever remain \n th f Then jha!l h e faid th e L or d's _ hful numb r: of �hy fa1t ch!ldn:n, �rayer, all_k nee/i ng. : _ throu!5h Je!us Chnft our Lord. Father, who art in Hea• Am�n. v,m, Hallowed be thy Name; Thy Kinj!'dom come; Thy. will be . . 'l Thm J!Jall the M_mifler lake e_ach. done on Earth, As rt is io.Heaven; Perjon 10 be bap�ifed �y the Rrgkt Give us this <lay our daily bread; Hand; and placmg him c,owvew · And forgive us our trc:fpaffes, As ent!y by the Font, according to we forgive thofe who trefpafs a bir Difcrelion, jba/J ajk the God· gainf\: us; And lead us not into far hers and Godmorhers the Name; temptation, But ddiver us fi-001 fll1</ 10· n foul/ dip hi11J in the !Va- evil, 11.m n,:
Baptifin of thofo of Riper Yearn. "t X TR yield thee humble thanks, VV O heavenly Father, that thou hafl voucbfafed to call us to the knowledge of tby grace, and faith in tbt:e: In.:reafe this knowkclge, and confirm this faith in us vermore. Give thy Holy Spirit to thife Pdfom; that bt:ing uow born again, ancl made Heirs of vtTlafl:ing falv,1ti11n, through our LorJ J 1::fos C,hrift, tbe, may continue thy Ser'Ua,;t.r, and attain thy promifra through the fame Lord Jc:fns Chi ifl: thy Son·; who liveth and r igntth with thee, in tb t: unity of the fame Holy Spirit, evt:rlaftingly. Amen. <Then all }landing up, the Mini/ler faall tift! this E.;i;·hor1a1io11 follo-wi ng ; fpeaking I'> the Godfa1h;r; and Godmothers .firfl: Orafrr.uch as thefe Perfo,r.r ha'Vr prornifed, in your prt:fence, to renounce the devil and all his ,ivorks, to htlieve in God, and to ferve him; ye mull: remembt:r, t-hat it is your part and duty to put them in mind, what a folemn vow, promifc, and profeffiou th ey have now made before this Congregation, and efpecially befort you their chofen Witneifcs. And
ye are :ilfo to c;ill upon them to• uft: :ill dili f: ence to be rightly in ftn1�ed in God'� holy Word; that they may grow in gr;ice, ;in<l in tht: knowl�d i; e of our Lnrd Jefus Chrift; 3orl live godly, righteouf ly, ;-.ud foberly, in this prc:fent· world.
And then Jpraki11g to the baptijed Perfa11.r, be 'fl.;nll proceed, and' fay, _ Nd as for: you, who hav� no:v . b! Baptifm put on Chnfl! it is you1 p rt _and duty alfo, bemg. mad� the Child:cn _'Jf God and.of tht: light, by faith 111 Jefus Chn�, to wnlk ;.1nfwerably to your Chn rti.�n cal,u1g, and as hecometh the children of light; remembering al w;;ys, that H<1ptifm i:tprefentt:tb unto us our profdlion; which is, to follow the 1:xample of our Saviour Chrilt; and to be made like unto• bim; that as he died and' roft a (?airi for us, fo {hould we, who are bapti�·d, rlie from fin, and rife �gain unto righteonfnefr; conti nu ally mortil\iog all our �vii and corrupt afft'c\J{�us, and daily pro ceecling in all virtue and god'iinefs, of Jiving.
� ft is erpedient that roay Per.fan tl,us lnptifad /11011/d be co�firmed-by the Bffaop, Jo Joori ojter his BuJ-lifm as convmirntly may le; that Jo he may be admitted to the Holy Communion. � 1'fi7iereai nm!fity may require tlu bapti(mg '![ Adults in jffivate houfas, in confide-· • ration of extrrme jichllifs; the ja11le is h,reby allowed in that cafi. And a con1 1 , f ni,111 number o P•rfons fhall he aJJcmbhd in th, lwufa where tlaJ Jacrament isf to be• performed. And_ 1n the ,xlzo"l{tation " V\ T e\l be.loved, &c." i11//ead o t!irft Words " come h1ther defiring," jlzall h, h,fartul t/,iJ word, " ctcfirous." � lJ there-be occafion for the njfice of infant Baptifm and that bf Adults at the fame time,. tlu M111ijltr }hall ufa tlu exl,ortatio" a11d on, of th, prayers nut Jo/lowing in th, efjice for .tltlultJ; only , in the rx/1orl,llion afld prayer, tifter th, wards " thefc:: P,!_rfons" and " th f., thy Servants," odd,ng « at1d thefelofon $." Tl,cn t:, M1r.ijlcr J11all proceed to tl,e Q,,:Jiion.r to be d.?111.111tded in 1,ie- rnfis nJtec�
(,WI)' •.
C A T E C H I S M.
,· •tly. After the lm,11.oji.on, or the pouring qf wa_L�r tl, Prayer {hall b, as in th�s Srn,ia; only, a.ftcr tlu word.s " lhefe P : Cons, _/hall b: adatd, " a11d lhcle each Service foal/ ht ufid; " infant�." 4Jur whid1, 1h, r,mai11ing part that }or Adults, a11d lifll>• that for J,,ja, ts.
!: If any Perfons, not haj>_tifld in t-h,ir Infancy, fha/l h� brought to b, bapt j iftd before t�,r co� to )'tars of dijcret{e11 to anfwer for themfalves, it may fuj ice IP 11.fa !ht exlrtmr: ·nangu, th, O.ffia 0/fu, for Pul1lic Raptij,n Oj Infants; or, in caft for Private Bapt!ji,i; only changing th, wor_d "Infant" j r" hild or Pcrfon," a,r occafion requirtth.
Tliat is to fa.v, . .An INSTR u c·rios, to be learne� by ev ry Pcrfon b fore he be hrought to be c011fir�ed by the Bifi10p� our heavenly Father, that be b;:itb. �,;flion. called me to this (bne of falv.1t"on, 'TT Hal is yuur name? through Jdus Chrift: our Saviou1·. lV Ai1f':1Jcr. N. or 111. !z!Jdl· VVho gave yot� this n3:me:' A;nd ·r prily unto God to give me JJnfiu. l\-'Iy SHonfors IO Bapt1fm; h1 grace, tlrnt I may continue in wherein I was_ made a memhn of ,the !: mt' Ullto my Jjfc::'s end. CatecM/f. Rehearfc: the: Articles ehritl:, the child of Goel, aRd an iuheritor uf the Kingdom of Hea- of thy B'eiief. Anfwer. vcn. Believe in Goel tbf! Father Al�e_fl. "What did your Sponfors mighty, l\laji.er of- heaven nod then for you? A"tzjr;,v. They did prom-ife and earth.: . And in Jefus Chrift his onlr Son, vew three tliings in my name: Firft, that I lhould renounce the our Lord; Who was concei.ved by devil and all his works, the poml)S the P.:oly Ghofl:, Dorn of the Vir and vanity of this wi-:ked world, gin 1\'Iary, Suffered under l?ontius and all the linful luA:s of the fleth; Pilate, \.Vas crucified, dc::_a<l, an<l Second!y, that I lhoul? �eliev� all b!1ried ; [ He de_fcmded into Ju,/f;] the Art1cle8 of the Chnll1an Faith; 'I he Third day he ro(c from the And thirdly, that I fi10t1ld hep dead; He afc oded -into btaven, God's holy will and command• An,l fittcth on the right h:rnd of m-;:nts and walk in the fame all God the Fathc:r Almi •!tty; From. thence he !hall come to.judge the the 1fays of my life. �,d}. Doll thou n<?t think ttrat- qnick-a?d ti)� dead. I believe 10 the Holy,. Gholr; thou art bound to believe, and to d6,as they have p_r-omilhl for thee,? The holi'. Catholic_ Church; T�e A 11fw. Yes vertly; and by Gods C_omm(llltOtJ. of Sarnts; -The f�1hel [o,f wi-11. A:nLI I heartily. th3nk g1venels of Sins; Th.e r furret 1�f
C A T E C H I S M.
of the ho<ly, And the life everl:ift- him guiltlefs, that takt:th his Name • in vain.• in!!", Amm. What dolt thou chiefly IV. Remember that thou keep learn in tbefe Articl s of thy Be- holy the Sabhath-day. Six <lays lief? n1alt thou labour, and do ;;.II thut A11f�u. Fir-Ir, I learn to believe in thou haft to do• but the frventh God the Father, who bath made:: day is th Sabbati1 of the Lor cl thy me and all the world. God : In it thou lhalt do no man Si:condly, in Gori 'the Son, who ner of work, thou, and thy fon, hath redet:me� me and all man- and thy daughter, thy man-fervant, and thy maid- fervant, thy cattle, hind. Thirdly, in God the Holy Ghoft, and the:: fir:ingcr that is within thy who fanclili th me, and all the peo- gates. For in fix days the Lon.I pie of God. made heaven and earth, rhc fea, fi?.!.,1!11- You faid that yonr Sron- and all th::it in them is, anrl refied fors <licl promile for you, that the fever,th day: \�herefore the yc,111honl�l keep God's command- Lord ble!fed the frventh day, and m�nts. Tell me how ma11y there hallowed it. V. Honour thy father and thy are? mother, that thy days may he long Anfw. Ten. in the_ land which the Lord thy �efl- Which are they? God g1vt:th thee • .An.fwer. Thou lhalt do no murder. He fame which God fp,,ke in Vlf. Thou !halt not commit tbe twentieth Chapter of Ex- adultery. odus, faying, I am the Lord thy VIII. Thou lhalt not fieal. G0d, who brought thee out of the IX. Thou lhalt not bear folfe land of Egypt, out of the houfe of witnefs again fl: thy neighbour. X. Thou nrnlt not covet thy bondap:e. I. Thou fl1alt have none other neighbonr·s h_oufe, tl!ou f!ialt not covet thy ne1ghb?ur s. wife, nor gods hut m<;, II. Thon !halt not make to thy- his fervan_t, nor h1_s maid,. nor.his frlf an}' graven image� nor the like• ox, nor his afs, nor any tbrng that nefs of any thing. that is in heaven i� his. �,ejl. What doll: thou chitfl.y above, or in the earth beneath, or . in the water uni;!er tht:earth. Thou learn by thefe command�ents? 1 A-nf'». I learn two things; my {halt not bow down to them, nor wodbip them: For I the Lord thy duty towards God, and my duty Goel :tm a jealous Goel, and vi[it towardR my nc:cighbour. the fins of the fathers upon the �ell. What is thy duty towards children, unto tbe third ancHourth Goel generation of them that hate me; Anfw. My _duty towards God ,. and {hew mercy. •Jnto tboufands in is to believe 111 l11m, to feiir him, _ "them that Jove me, and keep my ;u�d to love hi_m wit� all my heart, with all my mind, with all n1y foul, cornn_,an,_clmcnts. III. '.Jlpu ihalt not take thi: and with all my ltrength I to worName 'of the Lord thy Gorl iu fhip him, to give him thanks, to ·v.aiu: For the Lord will no.t hol:l rnu my whole tru.ft in him, to.. · ·
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di 'upon him, to hnno11r :1is holy t mptation, But deliver us from Nami:: :ind hi� Word, ancl to fi rv evil. Amen. him truly all the dayA of mr life. f0!ejl. "What uefirdl: thou of God �r/1. What is thy dut} towarrls i tllis Prayer? n thy Neighbour?' Anfrw. I cidire my Lord God, 1nf<tu. My duty to,�'ards my our heavenly Father, who is the Nt1ghbour, is to love him as mr- giver of all goodn fs, to fend his felf, and to do to all men, as I grace unto me and to all people; d would they fhoul do unto me; that we may worfhip him, fern: · To love, honour, and fucconr my him, and obey him, as we ought father and mother; To honour to do. And I pray unto God, that 2nd obt:y the Civil Authority; To he will fend us all things that be fubmit myfelf to all my governors, ni:cdful both for our fouls arid bo teachers, fpiritual paftors and maf- dies; and that he will be erciful · m le�$; To order myfelf lowly and unto us, and forgive us our lin&; reverently to all my betters; To and that it will pleafe him to f.tve hurt no body by word nor deed; and defend us in all dang rs both '.I'o he true andjull: in a!I my deal- of foul and body; and that he will rngs; To bear no malice uor ha- keep us from all fin and wick £c d tred in my hear!; To keep_ my nefs, and from our fpiritual enemy, hands from picking ai:d 11eal!ng, and from eve1'1aftini; death. And and my tongue frof!l e\•11 fpeaking, this I trufl: he will do of his mercy lying, ;111_d Oandenng; To keep and goodnefo, through our Lord my body !n tem,Perance, fob rnt!fs, Jefus Chrifl:; and therefore I fay, and chafl1ty; Not to covet nor de• Amen. So be rt . .fire other mens goods, but to learn !J!!!tf/1on and labour truly to get min_e own � Ow many Sac1 :iments hath ·ng and to rlo my duty 111 that r Ch ifl: ordained in his church? ;:� �/ fife, unto which it lhall /J.rj�u. Two only, a s gene:all;• pie.lfc God to call me. . _ Catec/;ijl. My good child, know nee ffary - to falvatlOn' that is to m Supper of the and , Baptif this, Lhat thou art not abh: to do fay, thefe things ofthyfelf, nor to walk the Lord. in the Commandments of God, �efl. What meanefi: thou by and to ferve him, without his fpe- this word Sacrament? Anfw. I mean an outward and cial Grace, which thou muft learn at all times to call for hy diligent vi,fibfe fign of an inward and fpiJ"i 'Prayer. Let me hear therefore if tual grace given unto us; orclai 1 1• thou canrt fay the Lord's Prayer. c:d hy Clirilt hiinfdf; as a means .Anfwer. wh;::reby wc receive tbe fame, and Ur father, who art in Hea- ;i ple�lgc: to a!fure us thereof.' �ejl. Hmv ma11y parts; re there ve-n Hallowed be thy Ndme; Thy Kin�<l9m come; Thy will be in a Sacrament? /111/w. Two; the outward v16done o11 E;irth, As it is in Heaven; 'Giv;:: us this d;.y our d;iily bread; hlc tign, aud the inward fpirittJal And forgive us our tre(pafTeR, As grace._ . we forg-1ve thofe: who trefpafs a�,,fl. What 15 the n11tward-v 1fi .gainfi: .u ; And kntl us not into ble l1�n, or lon:n i·n Bapti.�n? Anfau• _
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. .Ao-fa:1. ater; wherein the per/ln.f'!u. For the continmil r�• fon is b;iptifrd, In the NnTTh! of the mem bra nee of the facrifice of the Father, and of the Son, and of the death of Chrift, and of the l>c::neHo/y Ghoj}. fits which we receive therc::by. �,ef/. ,vhat is the outward part, �ejl. \Vhat is the inward and or tign of the Lord's �pper? . fpiritual grace? An.few. Bread and �ine, which Jlnfw •. A death unto fin, and _ a new birth unto ri c: hteoufnefs: the _Lm·d hath commanded to be . received. . . . 1�or being' h}' nature �born in fin, !J?.JJej/ • Wb_nt is t-he inward part, and the children of wrath w 'tl? figntfit thing or e ' of . are h ere b y ma·d e th e -children ,, f'".v. 'l'IJc:: Body �nd Blood of .nll grace • which are fpirit1.1ally taken Chrift, . • r �ejl. \� hat_1s r qmred of per� by the faithful in the received and fons to be hapt1fetl. Lord's Supper. A,ifwer Rep entance_, whereby ;_ 9cJ_,ejl. What are I h'e benefits they forfaKe fin,_ and _faith, where- whereof we are partakers therc::hy? b,: they fiedfaftly believe th� pro- A w. The fi e gtheni n.fr r r. g and re m1fes of God m,1de_to them in that frefbi g o om· n fouls by the Body f n Sacrament. and Blood of Chrfft, as our bodic::s �ej}. V/by then are Infan�s are by the bread a-nil wine. bapt1fed, when by reafon of their �,ejl. What is required of thofe tender age they cannot perform , 'ho come to the Lord'.s Supper? them ? A,iftz.v. To examine themfelves, Anfw. Becaufe they pr0mife whether they repent them truly of them both by their Sureties; their formerfi11s, fte<lfaflly pnrpof wbich promife, when they come ing to lead a new life; ha've a live•· to age, themft:lves are bound to ly faith in God's mercy, through Cbrill:, ,with a thankful rememperform. �efl. Why was the Sacrament bran�e of his de:ith; and he ill charity with all men. of the Lord's Suppe"r ordaint:d? wery Parijh }hall tliligtntly upon Su!1days anti Holy-days, or 011 '!I The Minijlrr Jome other convenirnt occqfions, openly in the Church, ni/lruEl or examine fo nw,1y his parifa, Jent unto him, a.s ht Jluill thmh. convenient, zn Jome part <J1ildrtn this Catcd1ifm. 'll And all Fathers, Mothers, Majlers, and Mijlrcjfas /lza./1 caufi their Children, Sc r; ,,ants, and Apprentices, who have not learned their Cattchijm, to come to the Church at the tnnc appointrd, ·and obrdirntly to /,car, a,!d to br orderrd b)' �he Mi• nijler, until fuch t1111c as tluy hat•c lrarncd all that IS hen appointed Jor them to learn. '!I So foo11 as Children arc come to a competent agr, and can fa)' thr Crud, tlic Lord's Pra_1rr, and the Tm C=mandmwts, all{{ can anjwrr to the other quejlions �/ this jl1ort Catec/1ifnz, they jho.11 be brought to the Bif!top'!I And whmjocvtr the Bijl1op /hall git:c. hnowltdgr for Ch!ldrcn lo be brought imt0 /Jim for their Conjrma1;011, the Mmijlcr curry Parif11 jliall Cl/her bring, or find in wn'ting, with hi1 hand. fubfcdhcd thcrrnnto, the Names�/ all fuch Pet• fans within Ms Parijh, as hr Jhall t!.inh fit to be Jmfantetl to the llijhoj1 to be eun
T H � ORDER oP CONFIRMATION, Or Laying on of Hands upon thofe tha are bapti(ed, and come to Yt:ars f Difcr tion. ._- Upon the Day appointed, all tkat all lholi things which ye then un are to be then confirmed, bttng dertook, or yi,ur Sponfors then placed, and Jla11ding in Order be undertook for you ? fore the Bfhqp, he, or /�me c,ther <I[ And every onr: foal( audibly a11Mi11i/lt'r appointed /Jy IJJ�n, Jhal! .fwer, !do. read this l'reface followmg: . Bijhop.
O the enc\ that Confirmation m:iy be minificn::d to the more edifying of fuch as !hall re ceive it, the Church bath thought good to order, :That not,e !halt ht confirmed, but fuch as'. can fay the Creed, the Lord's Prayci!r, and the Ten Commandments; and can al fo anfwer to fuch other Q!!dHon�, a11 in the fhort Catechifm are con tained : which Order is very con venit:nt to he ohferve<l; to tht: c:nd that children, being now come to the years of d:fcretion, an<l havin$ Jearned what their God fatl1ers and Godmothers promifed_ for them in Baptifm, may them; ftlves, with their own mouth an<l <;onfent, openly before the Church ratify and confirm the fame ; and alfo promife th,it, by the grace of God, they will evermore endeavour, themfelves, faithfully to ob-ferve foch things, as they, by their own confdlion, have alfentcd unto. • . . .
ur help is in the Name of the Lord; .1J11Jrr.v. Who bath made heaven and earth. .Bijhop. Die/fed be the Name of the Lord, An.fw. Henct':forth world with out end. Bijhop. Loni, hear onr prayer; Anjr.JJ. And let our cry come unto thee. · Bijbop. Let us pray.
ALmighty and everliving God, who haft vouchfafed to r ge ne1;ate thefe thy fervants by water anp the I-IQly Ghoft, and halt given unto them forgivenefs of all their fins; Strengthen them, we befecch thee, 0 Lord, with the Holy Ghofi- 1 the Comforter: and daily incrc:al't: in them I hy m·anifoltl gifts of grace; the .fpirit of .wifdorn and under ll:anding; the fpirit of counfd and gholl:ly ll:rength; the fpirit ofknowledge and true Godlint:fs ; and fill •{ 'Thm'/hat/ th� Bijhop Jay, them, 0Lorc.1, with thefpiritofthy r holy fear, now and for ever. I/men,. O -ye b ere,-111 th e pre1tnce o f God, and of this congrega- 'if Then all of them in order kruc:ing tion, renew the folemn promife be.fore the Bijhop, he.Jh_a/1 /,;y ,�s.; and vow that ye m· de, or that was Hand upen the Head of every one made in your name at. your Bap.feverally, .faJ'i11g, tifm; ratjfying and1corifii:ming th� �frnd, 0 Lord, thi.r thy Child fame ; an<_l ackpow_l�dging your- o [or, ·thjJ thy Savant] with !'tlves bound · to·· beh!!ve' and to do thy heavenly, grap.::;, that he ��y cont111ui: � · 'N - ., .
e thjne for ever, and daily· wards them. Let thy Fathe:rly _ ;1ncrea ie in thy Holy Spirit more hand w·c befecch thee ev r be . a d more, u�til he come unto thy over 'them ; kt thy H�ly Spirit � e crlatling Kingdom. ever he with them · .ind (o lead 'If Then foal/ the B!Jhop fay, them in the knowledge a nd obedi_ cn<:e �f thy W�r<l, that m_ the �n d .. The Lord be with rou. , they may obtam· ng l;fc, cvt<rlal11 .Jlnfw. Aud with .th}' (p:rit. , • I hrough our Lord Jtfus Chri/t; > , 1" And a/l /mulr1�f d0<1;:n, tht Bi• who, ,,,ith thee· irn<l Lhc Ii ly , . .fhap /ball add, -Gl1otr, livt�h :rn:1 n·i 1tth ev r, ' one Gou; .world•witlrouL end. ALet us pray: Ur "Fath�r, who art in Hea- men. Almighty Lord; and everla/t v�n, Hallowed be thy.Nan,e; . 'Thy K'.rnf!dom corhe; Th ;, will be ing God, vouchfafe, we be clone on Earth, as it is in Heaven· feech thee, to direct, fanclify,•�•Hl• ,Giv ns t_his day onr daily bread; govern both om he11rts anti \)od1e , And fo1:gn·e us 0ur tn·f('l.1lfes, As in the ways of tlry fa·ws, and in w� forgive thofe wh6 trefpafs a- the\ orks of.H1-y c·ommani.lmc.mts; gainft us; And lc.:ad us not int o that throHgh thy moft n,ightipn>· -temptation, 1 Ilut delivc1· us fr om tecHon, b,,th hc.!re- ;inc.J ever, "f e evil. Amm.' may be pre·fr1·ved in body-;i_n.d foul, through our Lord and Saviour Je'ii A n d tbi; Co l/ell. .Amm. L mighty and evcdivipg God, 'fus Chrift, who ma�,efl: us both to wi11 anrl Ttun tb,i Bijhop ft.all ble.fa them, to do ll10fr t£1ings which ,ire good , fli)j ng thu1: . �nd ace pt;ible unto! thy Divine THe hletring <if God Alr�1-gl1ty,. lhe and i\lfajcfiy; We -make Nil" humble the Fath r,-·t-he Son, fuppiicati011s unto·t'hee for theft: l·Iely Gh6rb, be �1pon you; ..rnd n: thy � rvants, llpo'n �410m, aftex tlie n:iai11 with you fur ever. 'llme_n. example of thy hclly Apbflles, we 'iJ ,Anrl there '.fonll none he vdmttt�tl hi\ve now I.ii cl our hands; to Cl'r• ' to the Holy Comrmmion, imtil fuch Time a� he 'bqdflJirmed, 'or be rf'a-· .tify them, by �his fign, of thy fa. dy and ,!tjiroUJ 1TJ he confirmed. ·,;our· and .gracious: .goodnefs to. � ontin
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S O·L E,M. N I Z AT ION of.MA.TR L.�. 0 NY-. _
tins ill The· La<'J.JJ _refpe8i;g Matrimony. <'J.Jliether hf puVJijhinfi. ·d�i Churdies 1 or by licence, ·being dijfermt in the'.fe'Ver'al Sta_tes_: f'llf!ry 1Vlinijler iJ lift to the dire8ion of thofo £a1}us, in evJ:-y <rh:n'g 'tbqt n:rra·rdj the ci7Jil contr11[l bet.ween the: parties.·., And <When tBe Ba.nn.r J.Lbli/hfd, :it foal/ he in �hf! folto�uin,(far'nz: ...:_}�P[rb)iffi 'the Hanns , ,.;c jJ of Marha"e betwe n· /Ill. ot- -- ;-1nd N. of-.-.'l'l'�my of yrlu knO\ilr caufe or ju11:·-ih,pe<.li,ment, ,why thefe. two perf,or\' ·•flipufd· rrot be' jorriec\ tog'efh« ia fi.nly•l\-fatri,mony, ·ye re to·dec'lare it: [·Thfr'i.r f At ··-th: fi,fl, faco1J1l, or third time of ofling.J
110 imped[., 'V Al the Dpy a,fd Time appofnt� d·tm1ification; but Jt>r SP!J!rmrj..-::.Rtiou of .111atrjm1my, 11-z:nt/hall.be al/edged, or fiifpeBed, lhe- l�erff>ns. Jo b� 'ma.r,:i.:d flail the Min filer foal/ fay to the Man, c�me into the Botfy. of the,Cburch, M.""{ X TIit thou have this Woman /ht,// be 1eai!y iJ1 fame proper VV to thy wedded Wife, to hotife, "»ith their l•i·iends and live togetl,er after Goc'l's ordinance, N,.ig /Jbours; nnrk ther� jlnnd_ing in the holy :E( ate of Matrimony� to6ethtr, the .Man on the Right "\,Vilt thou love ht:r, comfort ht'r, liand andthtWownu onJh.e Ltj?., honour, ,Hid keep her ih fickne[s the inijler.fb. II fay, , • and in h alth; and f-,rfaking all Early b luvec.l:.wi: are gather- others, keep thet only _unto her,. cd Log<.'ther here -int the fight fo long as ye l,oth {hall live? u f GuJ, an I i1� _the face of lti(s ,r Tl. e J,fan .fhall anfquer, , Compa11y, to J01n together this I will. il.an ;ind this V/oman in holy l\•'la· .. unto lrirr.ony. which is cortlmeuded of 'If Thm Jhall the Mmijler Jay the l'Vom�n,, · S; ir,t Pa�l tu be honourable among . I�t thou h,1ve this Man l mi:n; ;rntl tbrr fore is not by I tothywei.:<ledH anytobecote.re<J int ur,advifed�fba_1,�, ly or Ii htly; but rc.:vc:ren�ly, j[. lo live �ogcthcr after Go<l s_o1d1cr etly, 11dvili::dl,y, foherly, and in 11�nce, 11; th_c holy E!l:atc ?f Ma dt tl,ou o ,ey him, and the fc::ar nf God. J 11 to this boly t, 1mu11y. l::flat<:, tht'fe two p.J!Ons pr frnt fc:_rve !�1,1,, h,,·e, honour_, and ke p come 110w Lo be j11ined. lf any lum, ,n_ �<:kn fs :ind 111 health; 111311 can the," julrc;mfe, why they and fortn 111_g- all oth rs, k ep thee 11 a5, not lawfully be joi11ecl t ge- uul� �11tu lrnn, fo lung as ye butlb ther, 1 •t him n,,w fp ;it,, or ·dfc n1, l, hve? J,crca:�cr for �-er hold hi p ace. 'ii 'The Tf'oman-.Jha/1 anfwer, I will. "i //nrlt1lfu/penki.ng'rmfPlhePer.fons .uh() are ta be maN:ed, hi: jhull ,r Thm foal/th� J}[inijler fa;·, · \:\'bo gi th this Woman Lo Befay,• Requi,re an i charge you both marrkd tu this, Man? ( s ye will :i�!\,er at the dre,aclful day oE iuclgment, when the fe- 'if 'Then Jhall tfn-.y give their 'I'rotb-to each other in this Manner: crcts of a:U.he:irts fhall be tli[clofc<l) that if either of you know any im,- '1f The Minfj}"r recei v ing the TVo• .pediment\ wl1y ye nrny qot be lawman at her Fa th er ' s or Friend's folly joined together in Mafrimo- . Hantls, )pall cau.fe the 111 an <u.•itb _Hy; ye-do no\:<- 1 co11fet;, i-t. For be bi1 )ught Han d to take the f,Voy we�l alfui·ed; that if any perfnns man by her Rig ht I-land, a-11d tf>· 'are joined, together ot herwite than fay aft e r him, as fo l/o -wet4 : as G_o<l's word �oth ;illow, th ir Jvl. take thee N. to rny wed<le.cl _ tnarnage 1s 11ot l,iwful. \Vife, to have ;:1nd to bold, from The.MiniJl'r., if,hi:jha/N;ave rea- this day fo1'ward, for better for • Jon to do1w.t of tth-e lawfi-�ln.ifs af worfe, for richt'r for -poorer, in , the P.ropo.f.al Marriage, may de-, ficknc::fs and in_ health, to love and maod fiVficie'!,t ifr.wety;for his in.> to chtrifh, till death m do part, acN :r. cording-
M A T R I M O N Y.
cording to Go�'s holy ordinance; Etnnal God, creator and pre• andtheretolpl1gbttheemyTi:oth Q ii rver of all mankind, giver r 'l 'Th en /hall th l ,r. tl .. R d of all fpiritual grace, the autho of ey vo.,� �w n'? s, everlafl:ing life; Send thy ble/Ting and the IY.o man r:uifb he� R ght upon th fe thy fervants this Man . ,._,. '. ' · nand takmg the lvlnn by his R,ght fi • this \,Vuman, whom we bl es Hand ' jh a II I ew,ifie flay ar.fite r I he iand n th Name y ; that as Jfaac and i'rli 11ijl er.. / Rebecca lived f ithfolly togdher, Ji. t;ike thee kl. to my wedded fo tliefe P.:r funs may fu rely per .ii. Hufi?and, to have and to hold, form and keep the vow and cove• from this d;iy fo:ward, for bettc:r nant betwixt them made, (\•;h r • (or worfe, for �1cher for ponrer, of this _Ring given and receirt'.d 111 fi�knds and Ill he;1l�h, to love, is a toke11 and pl dge ;) and rnay chenfh, anrl to ?bey, till d�ath 11s ever remai n in ptrfdt love �nd clo part, accorchng to Go1_I s hc>I>• peace together, and live accord1�g ordinanc�; and th r to I give thee to thy laws, through Jefus Cbnft my Trotu. our Lord. Amm. <T_hen jhall the l\'lini.fter join their i th 1 'Then jh a ll they again loo.fa e r nght Hands together, a11d fa1, Ilan ds ; and the M an .//m il ,,.; 'V<' Thofe whom Got\ h th J Olll � uuto the lfTo man a Ri ng. A n d th e 1 l'Y_l:nifl:r taking the Ri ng jba/J tie • tbgether, let no man put afu11de • 11• 11 117.'er 1/ unto the Man, to put it k .fpea tbe Minijle r Thm foal/ upr,n thefourthFingerofthe !Vo to the Compan�v : Orafmuch as M. and N. have man's ,left Hand. And th,- Ma11 F C<)llfenteJ to;ether in holy b alding the Ring there. and taught by the Minijlcr, faall fay, Wedlock, anrl have witnefftd the llh this Ring I thee \,·eil fame btfore God and this Com and with all my wor:<lly pany, and thneto have g iven an::l each tot h_e o goods I thee endow: In the Name pledged their ti•oth, r d � .t,he l� mc: of tl:ie F;ither, and oft he Son, and tt,er, an<l have ckcl� by giving a11d rece1v111g a l 111Y, of the Holy Gho!r. .llrnen. and by joining Hands; I pro� "Then the lt'Tan leaving the ]?..ing nounce, that they are Man and upon the fourth Finger of the \Vife· in the Name o f the Fa T¥o man's left Hand, the Minijler ther, 'and of the Son, anJ of the Holy Ghofl:., Amen. foal/ /aJ', Let us pray. ,r And the' Mini)Jer foal/ add this · B/dfing: Ur Father, who art in I-lea• ven, Hallowed be thy Name; GOd the F;itber, Gnd the So'n, Gun the 1-lu�y Gholl:, bids, Thy Kingchi m come; Thy \Nill be th o <lone on Earth, As it is in Heaven; prefe1·ve, and_ keep _y u; nu1� Lord tus fa". loo k _ Give us this day our daily bread; mercifully with . _fill you with all fp 1 • a�d , you upon As us s, our forgive trefp.,flc And nd g_race_; t)1a we forgive t11ofe who trefpafs a- ritual bene91cl:1on a gainft us; And lead us not into ye m_ay fo hve toget�tcrrn tb1s lifr, may temptation, Bnt deliver us from that 1� the worl� to come ye have life 1:verla(hng. Amen. T. tvil, /Jmen. H &.
v r s r
r o
s r c
111inijl. Let the enemy have no � Whcn any P� rfon i; ./irk, Notici! adv;intagt'. of him; . foal/ be gi 'V l'll theri!of to tbt1 Anfrz.v. �or the w1cl,ecl :ipproacb '!'fl r of the Parifo ;, who, co111111� 11110 th e )irk fe,fo J lioufe, fa di to hurt hnn. IVIinijl. Be unto him, 0 Lord, a· fay. Eace he to this Houfe, and to lhong t wer, Anf v. From the face of his eall that dwell in it. nemy. • I he uk .-• 1,Yhm he cometri, mto Minijl. O Lord, hear our prayMn11'.s Prefence, he /hall Jay, er. .. kneeling down, A nfrw . And Jet our cry come· . . r E member not, Lo_ �, o_n_r im- unto thee •. quiti s, nor the 1n1qu1t1cs of .. Mmijl:r. our Fordathtrs: Spare us, gc.o<l L:wd, fpare thy p�ople wh m thou Lord,. look dow_n_ from hea.- h,1ft rt•deemcd with thy moll: preven, behold, v1!1t, and re cious blo,;<l • and be not angry iieve this thy fcrvant. Look np-· with us for c'ver. on him with the eyes of thy mercy;· give hil:1 comfort and fu1:e confi.ll 11fw. s 1,are us, good Lord. dence 111 thee; defend bun from . � 'Then the Minijler foal/ fa;•.. the danger of the enemy;. 11nd ke p· Let ua pray. him in perpetu;il peace:: and fafety ,, through Jefus Chrift ouF Loi:dJ,o,·d, hwe mercy upon us.. Amm. Cbrijl, ha'Ve mcrC)' upon 11;, f L r<l, have mercy upon us .. Ear us, Almighty an<l mo{ Ur FaLher, who art in Hea merciful God and Saviour: ven Hallowed be thy Nat'ne; Extrnd thy /\Ccufl:omed' good,nefs Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be to this thy fervant, who is grie'ved d'one 011 Earth, As it is in Heaven; with ficknefs. S1n(lify, we be Give us this day our daily bread; feech thee, this thy Fatherly cor-' Anrl forgive. us our trefp df.:s, As rccfioo to himj that.the frtd'e'ofi' we f•,rgive tiTofe \\'ho trefpaf� a bis weaknefs may add ftrenglh g,ainlt \Vi; And lead us not into to,hi; .faith, and [crio11fnefs to hi.s teT?ptation, llut deliver us from repentance: That if it 01all be thy evil. Amm. good pleafure to refrore him to hi.f" Miniji. O Lard, fave thy fer former.health, he may lt:ad the re fidue of hi/life in tb-y f\!:;ir, and to; v.int A,;f:v. Who p,1tteth hi; truft in thy glory; or elfe give him grace, fo to take thy viii ation, that af-· th�e. Mini}}. Send him help from th.y ter this p,1i11ful life ended, ht! may dwell with th�e in life everlalting,, holy place· A,,jLU And everm0re m;ghtily through Jefus Chri!l pur LQrd., II.mm. defend .him. 'IJ_'I'/m� N 3-,
Vifitation of the SICK.
'Tl:en .(bnll the Minijla exhort the Father cbant:n ti not? But if the .fren Pe 1Jo11 ofter this Form, ! )'Che willluutchanifem 1,t, wbt:rt"• or c,tber fil:.e: · juf all arc panakt:rs, tht:11 ;ire re n1�.1riy.bdu\· cl, know ti 1 = 5 , that1ba!t.ird, an,! not fons. Furt_ha· . . r\l1111gh1y God i i the Lord f mnn·, we lial'c had fathers uf our life a11tl ueath, and of a:1 things 11 ·th, which <.:orrc·cled us, anrl we to thtm pertainin,; as youth. i;; ,·c th n1 rt"vc1·c�ce :·S!1all_ \\'t' n t flreng_th, heal h. age, W<:,lkn fa, much ratha bt' 111 ful�e 1011 un· ;111(1 hckndR, Wbcn f >re, wb .t- �o the:: F:itt,er of Spirits, a1 d Ji, ? focve:_,. your lidrn efs is, k11 ow you for the)' veriiy for_a frw d.iys h1• Ct'rt.i111ly that it is Go 's vil)latiun. 1tenetl U6 a r their own plt:afurc; An fur what caure r.. f:ver tbis hut hef,rou1 prolit,that"·t'mi·h.t � kners i. fi nt unt 11 rou; wli'etl.er be put J; rs of his holin r�. ·1:ht' it be• to try' your p«tienct: for tl,e �,,,,rds, good hrotber, :,ire written e�an�plt: of otlier -, 1111,1 th t Y"ur n hoiy Scnp_ture, for our comfort fa1(h may b found in th' day of an� rnllnrctiun;. th:it we _J��ultl tht: Lord, laudal>le, glorious, and p· tJc1,lly, and with I haukfg1vrng, honourable:, to th t i 1 , n:afe f nlo• be r our hc;i"enly f,;1thc:r's cur rec· ·ry and ei',<llt'fo felicity• or dfe it tion, whentiit er, by a11y mann.:r be ii nt _unto y u to c�rrtet ,rndio.f adv<rfity, it !hall plc:arc his gr:i· amend rn you what!'c,evcr dc,th , c1ou goodnefs to fit 11s. And �ffend the eyes of your he,ivenly therc fhoul� _he no g.reatcr Com· �father; know you cert,1" 11Jy, that , fort to �ri(ban pcrlo_ns, than to Jf you truly repent you of your be .made l1_ke unto Chr!fl:• by fuf fi_ns, aod ·bea_r your fickncfs pa- j fenng p,,t1_cnt1y ;i(!verf!lte., tr?u· \1ent!y, trultirig in God's mer• 1l!!es, and hck11 /Tes. _l•ur be lnm· cy, lor hiR,dc:ir S.0n Jef:o1s Chrift's kif went not up to JOY, Lut fide Like; a!ld render unto him humble' he fuffered pain: He enter d not thanl�s _for his Fatherly vilitatiou,'into his glory, before he was crll· f•bm1tt1r1g y,n1rf.:lf wholly unto �1fi<:'.�l. So truly our wa>'. lo dcrnal his \".'lll� it 01all turn to your pro JOY 1s to fulfcr hert: '':'llh Chrifl; !it, a(1d help yuu forw�rd 111 the a_nd _ur door to c:nter 1'. to et.:rna.l right' way that lead th unto evu·- life, 15 gl11dly_ to die_ with Cl11·ift; th3twemay�1fea!l,";11�fromdt:alh, Jallinglifr. •· • · a11<l <lwell with h1 ! !1 rn v_erl,11li1 g • '{ J.f1the fnfon rJijitd be '7.lcry Jick, l i fe. Now therefore, t?.lm1g vnur , the.1J·tb_e M�n!fler_ ma_;, end his Ex- ficknefs, which is thus prolitabJe bortat,o� m th,, Place, or tlje for you patiently; I exhort you , · propud · in the Name uf God, to rem m• i\ke t_h_c-refore i_n good part the bc:r the prc'.fdlion which you 111 :ide LJI•�· .f\.nd , cha fl 1lelnt'11t ul· t_he Lunl: For, unto God in your n.,p_ a·s :,_1i'nt P.llll faith i11 tbe twdfth forafmuch as ;ifte1· this l.fe ti; re i Chaptt_l' to the Iit:hh:'w�, wh0m is an account to he g: ,·en llllto the the Lbrd hSvtth he c\nrle11etl1, and righteo11sjudge, hy whom all muft: fi:our_geth c:verr r,in whom lie re- b..: judged, vn_thout rtfpt l of p r• ceiv-etll. If ye tnduri! chaflening, foni;; l r(qmre you to ex .mine G.i<l •clealeth• with }''011 as with yourfi.:lf, and you_1· eltate, l>oth to• fons: For what fon is he whom ward God aJ1d man; fo that, :iccufi115
ViiGt ,tion of the· S1CK.
tuling ;\lld con<lemni11g yourf. If for your own faults, you may find ur heavenly F,HI a' mtn:y at hand for Chrin•s fake, and not lee at('llfl'<l ant.I com! ·mnt:J in tha1 �·arfu! _jud g ment. T!ier furl.' J fl1all r bc11r le to you tht: Articltuf our Faith, that ynn may h Q\\ Wbetlle\· yon do bdicv as a Cbri llian mall il10uld, or 110.
thetf ermeflc,.f hiJ Po.uer • .t.'11:l i.fheh111h1,o/ 1,,:/oredijpoftdofhi.r Goods, let him thm be atlmomjhed to mn/u hiJ !Yi/I, and to d,.-c.7are his JJ,bt.r , cu.:hat he o�i; ti:, and <"-L·hc,t is r,rwi11g 11nto him, fort/.,: bdt,:r t![!b 11; i11g o.f /:is Go11Ji'in;e and 1h.· • •1iet,1ef; ofbiJ Bxt'c,1tor.1. ll.1tJ.Jenjbouldnjien bep111 i,'li't11tfmb1·1111ce to tit/,<' ordtr for th,: nf their <Te-,,poral Ejl uei, fitt c:.d1 i/J} thq are in Health.
f:lae the frlinifl,:r foa'l rehMrfr lh,: Artic/eJ oJ tlu Faith, /n;i112 'if <Jb� fixhortation bifor,: rehearftd • tl . be. Ji,jd be.fore I he 111n,ifl er b�may I l J G . . 1e:o JuOs ·fl: t I 1011 1 Jt: 1 1eve 111 g nf h/J Pray er , 1s h,: JI. . II f-'e Fath ·r J\.lmi<Yhty ' 1\1:ik cr of <> Cau:I1'e ·1 · 1 h avcn and e11rth: A n d in J efu Chrifl: hi 0�1l y Son •J 'The Minf�er/hf!II 11ftomit ram(/1/y lo mov" juch j,c// 1 erfons as a, e of our L rel• Vi'ho 'l>VilS concc1ved hv Ability,· to be libt! ral to the l'oor. the H oly 'ctwfl, Burn of tht> \Tir·gi n M ry, Suffere�l un<ler Pontius llnd thm tf.e Minijlrr fon/ljay thr: . . Pilate, VIi as cruc11iecl, dt>acJ, and Col/el'/ following. burie,1 · [ He defc mded into I-lei/;] L c: t us . G · ' pny r: from t I 1c: Ll y t 1e ro.e ' T he Third 0 (l_mcrci ful od, ,_vho, ac_ d ea d; He llfce nd e d i11to h e aven; . c 1 � lin g to tJ1e multitude o A n d (ittelh on the right hand of ll,y mei _cies, dofl: fo put aw;iy the t; I the Futhe1· Almi g hty• F r om fin s of th ofe who truly n·prnt, Omli come he to jud e the . _ 1 � ce th� g tl,at th0tt r(.'m !nbc.:r !1: \hem no · I· and tl1t' dead. q111c' more· 0 1 ) 1 1 ti Hne eye o f mercy . AnJ<lollthoubrlieveintheHol y 11 P011 •th15 ll�y fervant, who m,,ft Gh o n · The holy Catholi c Church·e' e� rndl:l y delin:th pardon and for_ Tl1•e: c'n111rnunio11 of Saii1ts· T1 , 'g1ve11cis Re new 111 1.· �,m, mo Ill uv. fo•·givc::nd's of Sins· The refurret· 111!;•;it b.er, whatfvevc:r hath bt t:n ti� n of the bod y ' An d th e lift tvt:r- tltcayt:d by the fr:iud and m;i11: ce 1 a fl:'ing. .A 111 en. of the devil, or b y Ji:s own carnal will and frail11d'.�; prefervc: · nd 'lf 'The .fick Perfan .foal/ arif:uer, _ All thiti I fl:cdfafil y belit:vt·. continue this fick member in the unity of the Church; confider his "I <[/;en /hall tl:e Minifler examine, co11lri1ion, accept b:s te;irs, af rzuhitber hr: rrpent him trufr of his fw:ige his pain, as I hall fci:m to Si11s. and be in Charity <:uith rd, t_het> mull· cxpc:di-ent fo1• him. A n d t/Je T,Vorld; exborling him to for f r,,fmul'11 as he pntteth h·s full gi-:_•e.frcmlheBollomn/h1s/-/;:nrl. truft onl y i11 thy mtrcy, impite c:/1 Per/ons /bat bwveef!r:nd,d h,m ,· 11111 unto him his forrrwr !i11�, hit rwd i/ he h,1tb q(jandal fin)' olhc,, flru,gtht:11 him \\ itl1 th y b1dltr! toaflihemForgi·1·ene/s;a11d,uherc S p irit; and when ll:tU ;,rt plcal"<:d he bt1th dc11: J,ijury �r tVro1,g to to take him hi:ncc, t�ke him tmto <111J11'1Cll1; that he mal.-e llme:.ds to thy favour, throug.h tl;e Jnl:'rits of
Vifitation of the 81 ex.
hy mart clearly beloved Son J fus Chrift our Lord. �men. 'II <[hen Jba.l the J.Iinij}er Jay thi1
Pfal. cxxx. Dt! profimdi1. Ut of the dc:c:p h,1n, l called unto thee, 0 Lo1·d ;. Lord. J.iear my voice. O kt thine ears confider well the voice of my complaint. If thou. Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is df ne amits; O Lm·d, who may. ahide. it? r Fur there is mc: cy ·with thee; then-fore !halt thou be feared. I look for the Lord, my foul doth w.1it for him; i11 bis word is my tnifl:. My foul fleet� unto .the Lord; the morn.mg watch, I fay, before 1:,eforc :: the mornmg watch. O Ifr;iel, trufl: in the Lorri, for wiih tl,e Lord there is mercy; an<l with him is plenteous redtmpt ion. r Ami he {hall red<::c:m Ifrad f om all his fins. . Adding thi1 :· Saviour of the world, who hy thy Crofs and precious Blood haft rec.kerned us; f,1ve us, and help u:i, we humbly utfrech,thee, O L,-1d. "J. :rhen Jha!J the Minij}er fa_y, He Almighty Lord, who is a , molt fl:ronic 1owt'1· to ;ill thofe who put their trull: in him, to wh"m all things in he;ivc:n, i11 earth, an<l under the eilrth, do 1 1 nw an<l obey, be now and evermore thy dc:fc:ncc:; and m:ike l11<::e know ::1r,d frel, th::1t th(:'r<.' is none other Name undc::r l-le,1ven given 1,1 m?.n, in .whom, a11d thr.,11gh ""lwrr., thou 1payc:tt receive he,iltlr and f:ilvatiou. h11t only the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrifl: . .Ame:1,
Here the Minij}er may ufa anJ
part of the. ft!rviu of thiJ Booh, <which, in hi., difcret ion, he jbrill
think cowuenimt to the Occnjir,11; and after that jha/J .fny, Nt� Gu�•s gracious m�rcy and 11 oteclron we commit thet: The Lord blc:f:i thee, and k p thee: The LorJ mal;e his face to lhine upon thee, and he gracious u11to thee: The Lord lift up his en11 ntenance upon thee,. and give th e pt'ace both now an<l cv r· more. Amen.
Prayer1 rz�hich mny be Jnid witb or any part" tht'r,of, at the diftretion of the ' JJ1i11tf/,•r. t be foregomg fer•1.'ice,
.11 Prapr for n Jick Chil,J. Almighty God and merciful Father, to wh6m alone be• long the iffues of life and death •1 Lo k dow11 from Heaven, we hum� bly b,:� ech the_e, wi_th tl,e yes of rr,ercy upon this Child, 110\V lying, upon the be<l of ficknefs. Vilit. him, 0 Lord, with thy falvation · dc:iiver him in_ thy g?u<i appointed umi: fro1�1 h11 bodily pain, and f;ive h1J. foul fur.thy mercies fake. That if it_ fltall he thy pleafure t� prolnng htJ days here on earth he may live to thee and be an i111lru� me11t of thy glory, by frrving thee faithfully, and doing good in his generation; or e-lfe rective him into thnfe ht:avenly habit,1tions • wh11·<.' the fouls flf thofe who Ot'.ep in the Lord Jef•JS enj•>Y Pt:'1 Ptlua[ 9ra!1t this, 0 I eft and frhcity. Lord, for thy n,erc1es Jake, in the fame t ily Son our Lore! Jcfus Chrift who livt:'lh ,ind r(igncth with tlw; and tl,c l!oly Ghoft ever, one God ' world withuut eud. Amen. '1 A Pra;·er
,Vi ltation ·0f -the
1 1� [',.�·er fo� n }ick
Pe,jori. "..ui1en'ciful Saviour;- mofl: humbly be- t;:re appta_ret,h but fmtt}/ Hope·of ft'cching thee,,thdt it may bt: pr &Or.er)'. · • • · [ ciuus. in thy light. Wail1 it, v,;e Father of mercieR, and God pray 1hee, in thc blood of tha� im . . of all comfort, our only help! ma_ ilate Lamb! t�at was Oarn to Jl1 t1111e of need; We fly unto thee.- take away the nns of the �orld; fir fucconr in behalf of this thv thi\t whatfoe;:verdefilements 1t may fervant, here lyirrg un,de!· thy h;intJ ba_ve <:�ntrncl d in -the mid fl: of in gi:e,:: weaknefs of !,lndy. Lool<, this m1krable and nau hty world, Srdc1ouny upon him, O l..ord; and throu�h the l:1frs of t�e fldh, CH· the rnore the outward m:.n d c1y the wiles uf Sat_an, crng purged 1:th, fl:rengthen 1-)im, ·we befeecli and done ::iway,_1t may be prefen thee, fo •mLch the mo;e con'tinu- d pure .and without fpot btfore a!!y �vith thy grace and Holy Spi- !bee .. And teach 11� who_furvive, nt, Ill the inner man. Give him 111 this, arod other like daily fpec r unfeigned repentance for all the.- tacks ofmo1:t-ality, to fee how f .iii cr_rors of his life pafl:, and fl:edfofl: �ncl uncertam, our own condition f,11th in thySo11 J�ftis, that hiJ fins 1s ;, and fq to nt�mber onr days, IT1 Y b_e .do.rk a:v>1 9y �hy me1:,£y, that we may fenot!Oy apply our an<l h,s p:trdon ..fr.k� 11� Fl.ea,· n, h�arts to th: t holy and heavc!1ly before h.. gcrhcnce·;�nd·be no more w1frtc:m, whilfl:, we live here, wh1cl1 ften. Weknow;O-'.Lord,th11t th re may ,n the encl , bri 11g us to life e is no w::ira impotTible with thee; verlafli11g, through the mt:rits of an<l that. if thou. wilt, thou can/l Jefus Chrifl: thine only Son our c�en yet raife hi,:z up, anti grant Lord. A_men. hrm ., longer cont111uance ;IJ-nongl1 11s. Yet, for<_1fmuch, -as ,j ,n all ap- 'Y' A. Pra-{•er for _P; 1fo11s _troublc:d in · .---11J111d, or ''f Confctmce. riea1a.oce the'time /JiJ diiTolu1illefl'e.� , 1:,ord , tJ1� Father of tion cl ·a.w tfi n�_;fr,;·,fo',fit a11d·pren,erc1es, an? the God of all p,ue him , we befeech thce ( ,againft the hour' pl'1'dealh ,' that aft r !;is t:ortlfo:rs, _we bde,cch thee, look clepartme hence, i'1\ peace, ancl ,in cl�wn 111 pit)' and compafTion upon th ,'.: favour, his foul may be recciv- thi� thy �ffl1ctc.-� fervant,- Thou eel mto thine e·verL\!ling Kingdom; wntefr lntter. th111gs ;1gainft him., thrcug-h fbe 01erits and mediation and 1!1�ke� _h,m t_o po!fers his for of•J fus Chrifr thide cirilr Son our n,1er m1q111t1es :_ Thy �rath lietli hard u'pon him,·::in_d his, foul is fu.11 Lord and'Saviot.fr:' .AJ,mi. :' l · · of trouble: ·Bnt, 0 merciful God' 1 • ,d ommenqa,to_ry Prayer for a.fick who hafl: written; thy holy-W_ o1'd p' _ er.fon.at the,. P9,n_tof.�ep.arture. for our learning; that.we, thrqttgb Alm_·ghty G�C"\-� witl! whom patience and .c<>mfurt of thy h11ly do live lite Cpmts of JUfl: men Scnf>tures, might h;ive hope· give • made perfrfr, ;ifter they are.deli• him .a right undt:rfl:anding or' him �ered fr om their earthly prifons; Je{f, and of thy t:hreats a·nd pro ;w:c:,humbly commend tile foul of mires; that he. ,may neither call: �his thy ft'.rvaf1t, 6.t!r dear brother, away ·his confidepce, in thee, nor into.thy hand�, as 111to ·the hinds place it any where -qut in• the·e·. of a faithfu!Creator 1 .and moft mer- Give hi_m tlreni;tl.i agaip(l: _all hi.s tempta•
, ·-
.Vifit.;ition of ,tht .S.tql .
tempta_l➔ m;, .. nd heal ;1l) f is dif- tQ: rn ife ;,.ppfJinted; let thy mer• .temp rs. , Brea· not tbe b1uifc<l cy fopply ,t,\ him t;he want of the reed,: i10r qu nch the, fmo king (1fu:1l opportunity fu, the .t tim· .fl�x • Shl:lt. not up thy tend�r mer- 1niHg- of hi.s lamp. Stir up in Lmr . Cit:· in difpleafure; but ma! e him fuch fo1-row f r fin and foch fer• -to hear of joy and gl�d11 fs, tl1<1t vc:nt love .to thee, as may, in a the bon es wbjch t4�o\J ha� bro!� n 01ort time 1 do the work of m�ny _ _ may reJOtce. D lwer h nJ from days : Th t .among tbe pra1fes .f: ar of the enemy, and lift up the which th.y Saints arid holy Angels -light of thy countenan.:e upon fhall fiog to-the bonour.of,thy mer him; a11cl give him µc,;ice, tli1:uugh cy thro,ugj eternal �gcs, it ma} be .l h.: merits and t11t"dialio11 of Jefu.; U>_thy nn]'p.;:�k.able,glory, that thou _ our _ -Chnlt Lord. .dmm. _hall: redeemed tho foul of ttus thy ; from ett't'naf death and ,er1 A P ra rer, <'.U b'1a;• mny • be fam.1 b� f<:rVa11t · · p;i ta k- r o f t l ie everI a (t· d e Jmn � � _ the Mi•ti/ler, in b h if of all pre- mg !Yla life, winch 1s through Jefus _ .fmt at the rijitation. � our � td, .Ame�1 • • God, ,, h,1t d:iys :\re -with. Clln mg, for �be ,Begwn111s -vtml,.fg1 A ont end and ,,c,hofe m ,·ci <: 1 · '· of,� R:.r1r1 <'1'J'·' cannot be numb rc.:d • M 1ke u and mighty God, ,·:ho ·we befeccb thee, d .;ply rt'1'llibl: ·GRertt, dl: do"·n �o the grave, :9(:mg c,f the lhor�� :: f an hncerlai 1 ,·v dl up ag ai n; \\ e blefa :of·'hurriaa 'liti:; A llt l let· thy lwl·· �•p�I bringlc:: rful g m.:iJ e '.s tor h v • llt W � !b! dr vale this gh � th,:ou us ad I s _iril _ _ 1eav �111efa: 111to J':Y rnrfcry, in holinefs and ri ;, htt: u(- in tu1 nt:d ou, ( _ 10 l 1cl11ds, 10 �/ ,<1. ?ur __mourn_111g _ b,o.be nef;, ail the days of our liv 8; That, ..tp r. tO tills o-U1 whc i w..:-01aH ha:vc frrv·d thee rn U) rid"to11ng _ cr, J;e,1 lt\ P�,h fpr!11 .r: :ce 1 d!'g Co _ 1 onr g�neratiot1, ,�:e m,1y l ier g:,thc:r. .D ,r <:·�-ct. be- th Jl; 1 1e,• th;:i tnn ! l � 1. . : cfl _• -ed unto 0Ji1· fath. ,:11 , havi 11 g the p_idjt 111. _f. u s (i uot f? r1a k�. fam �rtimony 6f :i"g\i .,ci co11fcie11ce; nt:ts; , Jrnt ,c\1 dfl: vilit-f:>1_i 1 w1 th coni· � i ◄a the coiriri, i u1,ion ·ufJh'c t,Hholic ( i ·ts f r <;m , ab ,Yf! ? ; d,!'�n nl!PP-Ort � _ _ ·church; i i i ·tile coriliclenc;,:' of� ca- /;�1m d 111 patience· an lh.> mt fl 1011 to · fatl t am · I 1 1• mt b e com f1J1'l . o f a rca ti 1y.w1·11 ; an d ,r a t l a 11: , c,t "dn. " r,en d r• oribl e,•_rc: I'-· !f�o � 6 , an db I Y n up e him (eafonable relief. Perfect, \vi; t 0 d _• au nee >Ur · 11 -vom wi ! ? � b frei:h thee - this thy mercy •o· . w1Lh the world. 111 n rfrcl: yha�·1t,y -. . • '. .'· .0Fpe1. them11'10 ,, w;i.1ds<¢m1,,M1t),p1 1.'r ' I · l n fk roug ve ) . us h _,.e · )!C ! -�1{.. /;is for of ufe b'e'mad.:: /bal �vhich , nw;, th n,; our � or . curt:: 'I'bat being're1h,ied to health � .A IPrnJ•er 'l.ubit;h ma_y be faid i,) rif b&d1', v i gol· of mrnc!, and che-<:r h� may be able to and itn· fulnt'fs. u'f 'fpil•ir, cafe �of fuddm Surprife ' J a_n mediate Danger. go to•thi1iC Hoofe, ,tb offer th Mo!l: gracious Father; '\Ve fly oblation w.ith grc;i.t g l :Jnef�; and 1rnto thee for mercy, in be· to blefs thy holy Name-for .!11.tb.y · half of this thy fervant, here I y ing goodnefs towan.ls_h1m, through Je itation of 1hine fus Ch rift our,Sav101u·: To." horn unJer the fudden-vil l ba1�rl. If it be- thy will, preferve with the� ;rnd the Holy.Spirit, \j� hi.s life, tliat the1,e1 may be plac:e ::1-H hon0-111.r flnd gl:ory, rworlcl with� for repentance:· B.ut, if thou haft ou,t end,- . A'tJ1(1J, , •
TH l! .
I C .K.
Forafmucli as all mortal mtn art fuhjc8 to many fuddtn perils, difaafir and this lij�; thtre• .ficAnt.ffes, and wer 1mu1tain whet time they }hall depu.rl out fore, t<> the i11tcnt they may be always in q readintjs to die, whenjiw•h it Jl1a// plrafi Almi&l:ty G�d lo call thrm, tle \Ii ijlm jhall diligmll.)' from tinu to f lime (but cfluciully in the time o t"J7ilcncc, or other in.feElious _ficl:nrjs) rxl,ort t/.eir l'arijl1ioners to tl:c often ,,,,it ing of the, l.oly Com111ui.i _n _ oj t/.e _ �ody and JJ/ood �/ o,ur Sauiour Cl. rijl, t,.•hm it jhafl be pu�lit:ly r.d11m1ijl1.rcd ,n the · Church; t/zat fa doi11g, theJ may, in cofa ef fudd,11 -djitation, Ii ,·e the left f c ab t n e Perfon � � jch the 11111 Jin11e. difquieud for loch c � tl: e be caufi to
to come to the Churc/1, and -_HI is d,jiraUJ to uait•e the Commun1on III h1.s lioafa; tl1t11 lie mu_fl git'e timely no/let lo the Minijler, _figni_f>'ing alja how be lu!O ot the leajl) and many 1/icre ore lo commu1:icc1, "'-lith him•(r,,_·liich all things ncctj[ary being prepared, the /inijlcr }hall there ulrbrat, th, l:oly Communion, b4Jinuf11g .IJ.'it h. rt,,· Coile[/, l!.pij1-lt c,:J Gajpd, hcr-c1follou:i11g:
I M· Y
• , The Colle8. T/.e .Ji.pi.JIle •. J-Iep. xii. 5. . Son, d fpife. n·qt th oil the Lmighty everli_ving God, macli:if\ening of..the Lord, nor J;er of mankind, ,,vho clofl correct thofe whom thou <loft fair,t when thou art rebuked of low· and chafti�c cvay oue whom him. For whom the-Lord Joveth, , thou. dolt receive; We_ bc_frech he chafleneth ;· and fconrgeth eve · tlu e to 11�,:e merc_y upo;1 this thy ry fun whom he•r ceiveth; · · · ferv:int, v1llted with tl11ne hand; • 1il,e Gifptl. St, John v. 2(4. · anU to gran:t that ht rhay·t:11ke--his licknefa patient{y,i �nd,feuover hi; vEril y , veril Y' , I fay u'nto you. H that heareth my Word, bodily health, if it be thy gra_cious will; anti ,vhenfoever hrs and belicveth on, him that fent foul n1all ·d�part from tl'l<c! body, me, hath ,everla!l:ing life, and 1t mar be withont' fpot ,)rdt'11ted fl1all ·nut ·come into condemna unto thee, thro'ugh Je'fus··chri!l: tion; but is, palled, from, death ''. ·' } ,� nto life .. · our Lord. Amen.
,i 1/f'a· whitIi tl1t' Alinijler Jka(! ptoc!ed according to tht F-orm before·pref,cribd for /11e Holy Com11111111011, begrnn111g al the.ft wo1ds (:Y c who do truly,, Be.') , .1
!I ·Jlt the tin;t_ of 1iu -diflr_i'bt tion of' llil 'flol>; S�ra11�ent, tht,)Iinijlt°:;�foall:j;._;; _ rrwvt tbt Co,nmunion htmfe(f, a1td. ajtcr m1nijler unto thofa who arc appointed lo _ _ communicate with the Ji-ck; atrd lryl '!/ allto the jiti, Ferfa11. 1
11 But if a-man; ei(htr by rrofon '!f. utremity eff.cAncfi,,10r for wiznt'o.f wdrning in
v due /ime to t�t 1W111ifl.t1', or .fa,· lac�•'!f rompm,y.ttt,nai- r -witfr !timror b; 1rny o t her ju.fl ;·mpcdiment ,. do 'not 7:rcti11t /ht,-S C1'(17n'1tt•qf Cltrifl.,'� Body. and ·)Noad, tire AYin£fltr, jlu;ll '¥!/lrull 1nm, . Tl1 q_ t if h, do i t,"!ly T!N'f1Cf1im ef: Iii; J11s 0111/ JJc'fJ•,Jlly brHeve that Jcji,s Clirijl hath. fu.ffercd death upon t!te Crefr for him, • nnri
Burial of the DE AD. �nd .fatd his Blood for his rtdempiion earn!flly 1·ernembering ihe benefi!s le l:cil there/,)' a11d giving- him hw,;ty thanlu therejo, he dotA ,at bnd1dm.lr Jl.e I' dJ and Blood <lj our Sa iour hrifl pr'!Jitabl)' to I.is faul's l1tal1h, although /,r di 11ot rcuiue the Sacrament with /iiJ mou//1.
When the jick perfon is i-ijitrd, and rtuivttli zl:e Holy Co,r.mzmion all at OM ti r, then the· Mt11;_jler, for �nore t:rprdition, jl,all cut iff the form ef the J."ifit.�tion qi the Pj Im., 011d go jlraight -lo Int lomn;u11ion. In !'1: .tima <lj contag;·ous jich�efi or di.feaft.r , ,:den none ,of the Pa,ijk er Neiglzbours can be goJ1t11 lo commb11icate with the jiclt in their hc111fis, for Jrar ef il1t i11fe8ion, ufo11 .:fpuial .requrjl if the di.fen.fed, the Mi11;_jle1· 07011, tMJ communicate with
R I A L .
D E A D.
Here is to he 'noted, t-hat the Office en.fuing ir11ot to be ufed_for anf 11nbaptifed lidu/tJ, any •rv.;ho die excommunicate, or rwbo ha'IJe /aid 'IJiolen.t hands upon themfah.1es.
the Church-;•ard, 1" The JJ,Jinijler, meeting the Corp.fe at the entrance • .Ll17-d going before it either into the Church, or towards the Gra'IJr, .Jha!L .fay, orjh1g, ,
Am the re.fu-rreclion and the life, faith the Loni; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet fhall be live.: And who foever, liveth and believeth in me, !hall never die. �t. John xi. z5. :1.6. Know that my redeemer liveth, and that he !hall ftand at the fatter clay upon the earth. And th011gh after my· fkin, wo1,ms de il:roy thfa b0dy, yet in my flefh :(hall_ r fee God_: whom I !hall fee for myfelf, and mine,eyes fhall-be1,old, and not another. 'Job xix. 1r Ji.
2.5, z6, 1.7.
E brought nothing into.this world, and it is certain we W can ,carry nothing 0(1t.• The'Lord gave, and the Lord h,1th taken a; I
way; hleffed be the Name of the Lord. 1 'Tim. vi. 7. job i. 2.1. 1 Afte.rthey nre come into the Church, /hall be /aid or .fung the fo//ocz.v ing Anthem, taken from the 39th , . and 40th P.falm,.
Ord, Jet me know my end, and the number of my <lays· that I may be q:rtified how long 1' have to live. Behold, thou 'hall: made my days as it were a fp"an ·l?ng _; and mine age is even as nothing i.n rt'.fptL't of thee; and verily_ every man living is altogethcrvamt_y •. ·For man walketh m a vain Orn dow, and dilquieteth, himfelf i n vain; he heapeth up rich�s; and cannot tell who !hall gather them. · ' 1 Ancl
Burial of' the DEAD.
bring our Ancl now, Lord, what is my our d. 1 ys are gone; "!1e li ope? Truly my hope is even iu ye:ir� Lo an end, as it were J. tale thee. \ thnt 1s told. '1 he days of our age are threeDdiver me from all mine offences; and make me not a n:bukc:: fc re yeilrs and ten ; and thoug h men bt: fu {hong, that th<'_Y con: e unto the fooli!h. . VVhen thou with rebukes doO: to four(cort: years; yet 1s t�e1r chafl:en man fo 1· !in, thou· makc:-11: rtr ngth then but lab?ur and tor his beauty to confume a:,vay, like row; fu foun,paffeth 1t away, aml as it. were a moth fnitting a ga1·- we 3rc gene. ment: Every man thdefore is bu . o te c.b us to number our day�; th_a� we m,1y apply oµr hearts unto · . vauity. l-Ie,1r my pi•ayet', 0 Lord; and \Y1fr!orn. Glury he to the Father, and lo with thine ears confider my ca:!ing; Hold not thy pt::acc at my the Son, and to the Holy. G�oll; . As it was in tht• bc::g1nn111g, 1s tears. For I am a flsanger· with tbce, now, and ever fhall be, \-VOrlcl and a fojourneq as all my fatb rs \ ilhout encl. .Amen. · Wefe, , . · .' dj Then foal/ .follow tl e: Lejfan, takm 0 fparc me a little, that L may out of the Fi.ftr:enth Cha.tJUr o.f the recover my flrength; before I go firjl · Epiflle of Saint Paul lo 1hr: en. f. more 00 be and hence, Corintl-iians, Lord, thou hall: beeu our refuge, 1 Cor. xv. :zo. from one generation to another. Br:fore the mountaius were NO\V is Chrifl: rifen fr om the dead, and become the firft:. brou"'ht forth, or ever the e;irth and tb. e world wr:re mack, thou fruits of them that nept. For lince art Go,1.l from 1evrrlaf:ting; ·and by man came death, by man came , allo the refu-rreclion of the dead. warld vjthout.e:nd. TboU, tunlell:'·man ,lo c.l,e(truc- �-Or as. in. Adam all die, tV n fo tion • again -thou fayeft, Come a- 111 Chrirt {hall all be made alive. Ilut every man in his own order: gain' ye ,cbil,lrcn of men. F�r a tboufand years in thy light Chrifl: the firfl:-frnits; afterwarc.l •arc bu as yefterday; feeing that is they that are Chrilt's, at his com ing. Then cometh the er:d, when ,part as a atch in the night. As foon as,t.bou {i·attereft them he !11all have ueliverecl up the:: King� ,they are even,ns aOeep; a'nd fade dom to. God, even the Fatlicr; ·away fuddenly like the grafs. when he {hall have purdown. all · In. the r;norning it is green, and rnle; and all authority, and power • . g.ro�v�tb. up; bnt-in tqeeveni9gitis For he mu!t'i·eign till he hath put ·cut down, dried up, and withc:red. all enemies unde1·'bis feet. The For we coafume. away in thy la (l enc::my that fhall be de!lroyed difpleafure; and are afraid at tby is death: for he bath pnt all things un<ler his foet. But when he faith \vrathful indignation. Thou ball: fet .our mifdeeds be- all things are put under him; it fa ·fore thee; ·and.om frc1·ettlins in manifeft that he is exctpted which ,th.e light of :!liy cur:h.temmce. ditl put :ill things under I im� And For,1when t!t.0t1 ai:t angry, .all whe:1 nil things i11all 'be· fubdue,l 0 unto
.Burial a£' .the DEAD.
•ll�to ·him, then {hall the Son alfo It is fown in we;ili:neli 'it is raifi d J11r:'felf he _fuhjecr unto him tJ1at i11 power: It is (own ;/natur;il bo· P110 all thmgs )lnder him, that c!y, it is raifrd a fpiritual l;ody. God may be all in all. El�· what There is a naH1ral body, and there: illaU they do ;which are baptifed is a fpiri.tual body. And fo it is , for the dead, 1f the de;id rift: not written Tl e firll man Adam was ;it all? ,vhy :ire they then baptifed made ii '1iving foul the Jafl; Adam for_ the dead? And why franc! we was made a qui�kening Spiiit. rn Jeopar,d y �v:ery hour? I proter. Howbei , that w;is not firll: whi h by -y:our reJ01c1 ng, which I lrave iu is fpiritual, but that which is na Chnfl: Jefus onr Lord, I die dai- tural; and after'l<vard that which ]y. If after t11e manner of rr.cn I is fpiritual. The firfl: man is of have fought ,vit h be alts at Ephe the earth, earthy: The fecond ma_n fus, w�;it advantageth it me, if the is the Lon.I from Heaven. As 1s dead nfe not? Let us eat and drink, th e earthy, fpch are they that :ire for �o-morro,':' we d"e. Be not earthy: and as is the he;ivenly, .deceived: Ei.>il - commu11ic;iti0ns fuch are they alfo that are heaten corr_upt good t\1flnn.er�. Awake ly. A ncl �s we have horr,e the 'to nghteoufnefs, anc\ fin not: for imai;e of the earthy, we {h11II al fome have not ·t_iie knowleuge of fo hc;ir the im;ige· of the l1eav n God. I fpeak thi� to your fhame. ly. Now this I fay, brethren? th:it But fome ma n will fay, How are fle{h ;ind blood cannot inhent the the dead raifed up? and with what Kingdom c,f God; neither �oth body <l_o they- come? Thou fiiol, corruption inhnit incorruption . .that which thou fowefi: is not quick- Beholu, J fhew you a myfiery: ened, except it die. And that which We !ball not all Oeep, but we 01� 1l -thou foweft, thou fowefl: not that all be changed, in ,,a moment, rn body that {hall be, but bare grain; the twinlding of :m eye, at tire -it may chance of wheat; or of fome J;i{l: trump; for the:: trumpet rJ1:tll othe r grain. But God giv�th it a fonnd, and the dea�! Chall be r;uf• an'd we 01,ill lie body, as it hath pleafed him· and ed incorrnptible, f to every feed bis own body.' All change�. " orthi�corruptib!e mufl: ,flerJ1 is not the fame Ae01; but put on 111corruptr_on, and t�rs mor _mortal1ty. So there is one kind of Oe01 of men, ta! rr,nll: _put on 1m llble fha)l hav_e ,another Aefh of beafls, another of when thrs corn!p on, � nd tlus m_or. fifhes, and another of birds. Tgere put on iocorrupt1 t·on�1mi:nort,thty, are alfo celdl:jal bodies, and bodies tal fhall h:ive pu_ to pafs t�t:: terr;-;ftri,al: But th!:! glol'y of the then. Orn!! b� hro1!ght Death 13 vn:1tten, 1s. that. f,1ying Df glory is l the one, and ·.celenia deatl!, clory_ --v �n up wed fwallp is There another. � - 0 1;he terrdl:rial i£ 1 0 where ave, y � mg, th is where another � .one gl_orv cf, the fun, and The fl:rng_ of �eatb glory of the moon, and another is thy vicl:ory • the �reng th ot fin 1s !he glory of the ftars: For one_ ftar dif- is !in, and than�s be to Goel, which fe,·eth from another fl:ar 111 glory. J.�w- Ilu� the vi�tory through our us ; �o alfo is the refurrecl:ion of tht 1;1veth s Chn!l:.1 � herefort', Jef.u Lord it , ion Y in corrupt fown is It •tlead. bre.threa,. oe y.e :fie?_fa/ , 18 raifed illa incon;uption: It is fown helo.ved ,n ,diJ,ho.npur,, it is. .raifeJi in _glory:.. unmoveable, ab.\!ays abound111gtlm le
BariaI oL the
· · . ' 'the Earth • . · the, 'Ork of the Ir.ord · fora[much' £1:y to J uclge the World as ye know that yo1�r labour is and the Sea !hall g iv\ up t 1 1r not in ain i'n the Lord� D ad ; and the con: u p t! 1 efhB�l 1�; of tbofe who 0 eep m h un 'l Whm they come to the grave, changed, and made like un_t his r:.vbile th,: Gorp/e i; made ready to own glorious Bod_y; accord mg to be laid into the Earth, /ball be the mighty worlung, wl!erehy he flmf or [aid. , is_ abk to fubdue all tbrngs unto • An, t,hab is born of a woman, Lum� If• me to li�•e, · 'If Tinn jhal! be Jaid, or Jung. . hath but ;� !hort tiHe :ind 1s comet l� ful_l of m1fery .. a voice from heaven, fay • • up, and 1s cut down 11kt: a flow 1_ , IHeard . ini;· unto me Write from he lketh as it were a 01adow, and tlearl tl�e ·are h t , bHft:d ·tll 01 ence . �)11e n. . nev r contmuet ll:I)• • h in faith In the midf1: of life we ;11"e •111 who die in the Lord: even fo their froru rd\: they for Jirit. 5 he • 1 ' . · for feek we d�ath: Of whom may .· · 1.,. ' •. · fucc1 ur, but o f t l 1ee,. . 0 L or d , w. h o 1 abo u 1 •. R-ev. xiv. . for ourI !in� ar� j\.1fl:ly dit'pleafecl? Therz -the Mi11ijler /hall fay the Ye O Lore\ God m'ol\: holy, ' Lord'; Prayer. 0 Lo;d moll mighty, 0 holy :rn<.l- our Father who art in Hea• n,on: merciful Saviour, rl.-livt:r 11s vcn Hallo\ ed be thy Narne 11 t ittto th-e bitter pains of eternal Thy Kingdom come; Thy \Vill be;, death. on Earth, as it is in Heav n; . Thou knowefl, Lord, the fecrets done Gin: us this <lay our daily bread;. of our lu:,11·ts: Shut not thy mer- Antl fo,give us our trefpaff c: s, A:1 ciful ears to uur prayers; but fpare we forgive thofe who trefpafs a ll�, Lord mofl: l,oly, 0 G�d m?f1: g,tinfl us; An d lead us not into, mi hty, 0 holy an men:ifol Sa- temptatio g n•, but dwivt:r- .is- from, viour, thou m-of\:'worthy Ju::lg ·evil. A men •. . eternal, fuffer us not at our lafl • • r.hour for any pains of rleath, to fall 'ii 1 hen· the Mmijler foa?l .fay O'ne or· b�th <?( the.fol!o.-.1:ing PraJ•er.r, at' fro m' thee. h:; Difcret10n. 'i 'Then ,while the Ear:hjha!l be c_njl mighty Go<l, with whom dO' upon tbe Bo�y by Jome JlandiRg liv the· fpirits of thole:: who . Ly, the M111ijl,c:r foaU Jay, · depart hence in the Lord; and with O\-afmuch: as..Jit hath pleafetl whom the fouls of the faithful, af Almighty God, in his wife tcr lhey, ;ti-e d livered from the Providence, to take out of this burthen of the fle01, are in joy: World the foul• crf :our flt:ceafed and feficity; vVe gin: thee he.1rty brother, we thertfurc commit hiJ thanks, for the good examples of Body tp t_hc, gr9und ; earth to all. theft th fevants, ,�ho, _having ,r: earth, afhes to allies, dull: to dull:: fi111fhed their courfe 1n faith, <lo l?oking for the gen�r:}I Refurr�c- now rel\: from lhdr labours. A!1d tl.On 1 in ,th�. lafl: D,J-y, and. th_e h(e we be! 'ech thee, that we,. with of the vVorlrl•to,comc, tbrougl1 all thofr who are departed- n the our Lord Jcfos Chrift; at whofe true faith of thy holy Name,i may l'r.:cond coming, �nuglo_rious '!ylaje- have our per fret. confurnmation 0 :.. au.d.·
�n d
The Churching.of WOMEN.
blifs, both in body a!,d foul, m thy etern;il and ev�rlafi1ng glory, through Jefus C!mft our Lorri. Amen. Merciful God, the Father f m:rLordJefus Chrift, who L 1he refurrecrion and the life; in "Imm whofoever belitveth, (hall lin•, though he die; and wholoever liveth and helievcth io him. fhall not clie etern,illy; ,�ho alf. hath ta11gbt us, by his holy Apoflle Sai11t Paul, not to be forry, :ts men witho11t hope for thofe wh0 Deep in him; ,vc hurn�lr befeech thee, 0 F_ather, to r::i,ft· us from the death of fin ,unto the life of righteoi.tfne!: ; I h�it \,·h 11 we fhall <l part this lift• \",t;__ m:iy
r ft in him; and tbat! :i t the gene• ral r furre&ion in tl'H: ];ill day we may be found accept:,ble in thy fight; pnd receive that bleffing, which thy well-beloved Son {hall then pronounce to all who love ind ft:ar !hee, faying, Come, re bl�ffed children of myFather, re I ingdom prepared for ct,ve· tl,e r you f om the hcginnih& of the world: Gr:rn_t this, we Ii fr ch thee, 0 merciful Father, throug h Jefus Chrill:, (,Ur Mediator and Rt'deemer. .llmm. THe �r:ice of onr Lord Jl.'.fus Chnft, and tbe._lovc of Goel, and tie f 1ld\vlhjp bf ·the tJoly Gl\oll:, bel witll 'til all 'c ·,•rrnore. "' • ' 11.men:
. The THANKSGIVING of Wo iEN after Child-birth: Common/)' called,
•I I
Thi1 Ser-vice, or the concluding Prayer a/me, a1 it jla11ds among tbe occajiMal Prayers and <J"hnnk/givings in this Service, may be uftd, at the dijcretion of the Minj/ler.
'The Woman, at the ufr1al 'Time after her De/ive,:r, Jba!I come into the Church decently apparelled, and there flail kneel down ,� .fame cowv�1iient Place, as hath been acc1iflomed, or aJ the prdmar;, fa.all d, '• reEJ: .llnd then the Pritfl }hail Jay unto her,
Dil :-ri, quoniam. , Orafmuch as it hath pleafed · F f-;lmightyGocl,o�hisgootlnefs, Am well pleafecl; that the Lord to give you fafe dcll\_rerance, and ! ath heard the voice of my e
hath preferve? yo�1 in the great , danger of �htld-b1rth ; you fliall therefore give hearty thanks unto God, and fay, (f Then foal/ the Minijler .fay 1h11 fol/owing Hymn, taken from the JI 6th Pfalm.)
h prayer; That he hath inclined his ear unto me: Theref6re will t call up• on him as long as I live. • ' I fotincl· troul:lle and hea·vinefs, and I �alle:tl upon the Name of'the Lord;
The Churching of \;\ToMEN,
Anfw. Who putteth her tru!t Lord; 0 Lord, I befl:cch thee, l!ciin::r my foul. in thee:-. 11'1i n ijl. De thou to her a fl:rong Gracious io tht.: Lore), and teous; yta, our Go,\ 1s mtrc1fu I. tower \V t rew:ird fhall I g i "e unto A nf�. From the face of her ethe Lord, fJr all the b ·nefits that nemy. f he ha� h done::_ lint,, me? .Min i. l. LorcJ ' hear our prayer; l will receive the cup of falv.1tion ; and call upon tie Nam of Aufw. And let our cry cdme un-· · 1 · to the . the Lord. l will p;iy my \'OWS now in the Mini)/, Let us pray. prdc::nce of ;ill his people; in the Almi !! hty God , we give thee: courts of the Lord's l,oufr, even _ for that thou in the mid[t of thee, 0 Jerufalcm. humble thanks , Praifc:: the Lord. -pleafo I to pregraciouny hare been Glory be to the Father, and to ferve, through the great pain and the Son, and to the Holy Ghol\:; peril of Child-birth, this wo!11an As it• was in the lieginnini;, thy ferv:int/ who defires how to is now, and ever fhall b ,. wudd offer her praifrs and thankfsivings without end. Amen,. unto thee. Grant,. ,l\le hefeechtlite, moll: merciful Father, that . 1 'Tbm Jha/1 the Minijler fay the fhe, through thy help, may both Lord's Prayer, with what fol- faithfully live. and walk accord /or.JJJ .- But �ht: l_ord'.s PraJ•e_r may iog to th will in this life prefent, -y he omit !ed, if thu �t: 11.fed with the anti alfo may be partaker of ever11forni11g or Evemng Prayer. larting glor . in the life to come,. ;,' Ur F<1ther, who art in Hea. through Jc::fus Chrill: our Loni •. ven, Hallowed be thy N:ime-; Amm. Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done on Earth, As it is in Heaven; CJ' 'The 1/Toman that cometh· to gh,e her thanks, m11jl eff�r accujlomed Gfve us this clay our d;iily hrcad; oJfaing;; which Jha/1 be applied" And forgive ns our trefpalfes, As b_v the Minijler and the Church we forgive thofe who trefpafs a7¥ardens to tbe Reli,:f of dijlreffed 1:ainfl: us; And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from ' Women in Chrldbed: llnf hf t,'here e:vil. Amen. be a Communion, it- i; ronvenunf lliinf/1. 0 Lord, fav� this wo that jht! recei'l.•e the /;o{y Comrrw· man thy ftrvant. niou.
.. 3'
R l
0 F
To be ufcd at Sea.
The '.Morning mu/ E'Ve11i11g Sc'r'Uice to he 1&d daily at Sea, .foal/be the f fnmc <which is appoi11t<!d in th,: Book o Common Prnyer. ,
� 'I}•f'fe two follow;, g Prnyers ma;• Pra5ers to he 11.fad in Storms a: be a/fa ufed in Ships of· f,frar. Sea. EternalLorJ God, who alone Molt powerful and glorious Lord God, at whole com fpread fl: out the heavens, and· rulefl: the raging nf the Sea; rr.and the winds blow, anrl lift up w)10 haft compaffed the waterh the waves of the Sea, and who ,nth hvunrls, until d;ii• ;ind night fiillert the r;1ge thaeof; \\ e, thy co_me _to an end; Be pleafed tor�: l:re,1ture , but mi{i rablc:: !inners, ce1v� mco thy Al�nighty and moll: ldo in this our great cliftrtfs cry grac10111; Pro�ecl1011-, the perfons unto thee for help·: Save, L€>rd, or of us �l,y _rervants, :ind the Fleet elfc we pcrifh. \;<,Tc co�ifrfo,, hen ior Sb11,J _in which we frrvc, Pre- we have been fafr, and fcen ;ill· krve u tr >m the dangers of the things quiet about us we have S a, and from the vioknce of the forgot tbe<: ou1� Goel, ,i'nd r fufecl. Enemy; that we may be a f.ifc- j to hearken to the fiill voice of thy guard_ un_tr, the United States of'Word, and to uheythyComm;ind· America, and a fecurity fur fucb m Hts: Ilut now �· e fee how ter· ;is pafo on the Seas upon their law- rible thou art in all thy works of fllloccafions; thattheluhabitants wonder; thegreatGodtobcfear• of 011r land may in peace ,i11d quid- ed above all; and therefore we a· nefs ferve thee ·our God; and that ttore thy Divine Mnjell-y,_ ad:n�w we may return in·fafrty to enjoy lc:: dging thy p.,wer, ano 1mp l onng the hldiings of the land ► with the thy goodnefs. Help, L, rd! and fruits of our labour; ,incl, with. a (ave u�,. for thy mercies fak� in Je thapkful remembr<;1nce of1.hy mer- fus Chrifl:, thy Son ou.r Lmd. Ii:· c:ies,,,�o praife and glorifr thy ho- mtn. 1 Or thiJ. ly Name, through Jdus Chrift our L.or-d. Amen. Moft glorious and gracio1;1s Loni God, who clwelldl: 111 'The ColleE!. hea.ven, lrnt beboldeft all things ct•cnt us, 0 Lord, in aJ-1 our below ;. L0t,k down, we befeech d"ings, with thy mofl: gra- thee, and hear �1s, calling out of cious favour, and further u� with the depth of m1fery, anc.1 out of thy continu:il help; that iii ;ill our the �aws of this dt'illh, whid1 is works begun, continucci, and end- now n:-idy to fwallow us up: S:n·e� · efl in the<:, we m�y glorify thy ho• �-ord, or e�f� ·we peri(n. :nie liv ly Name; ;ind finally by tby mercy 111g? the l1v111g fhall pr.11fe thee. obt;iin ev<:'.rla!ling life, thrnugh Je- 0 lend thy word of c;ommancl to rebuke the raging Winds, ;ind the {us Chrifi our Lord. 1/,nm.
Forms of Prayer to be ufed at SEA. roaring Sea; that we, being deli\en:d from thi::i di!l:rc::fs, ·m;iy !iv<: to ferve thee, and to glorify thy Name all the days of cur life. liear, Lord, and fave us, for th· i�fini.•e.merits of o•lr. bie!fed S, v1our, thy Son our Lord Jefus Chritl. Amm. 'Ibe Pra;•er to be Jairf before a Fi:J hl
at Sea,. again.fl a11y E,wuy. Mort powerful and glorious LordGod,.theL01·d of holes, that rnleft ;in<l- commaude!l: all �hings;. Thon !ittefl in the Thron Judging right: And th refore we n-,akc om· 1\ddrers to thy Divin Majdl:y, jn this our ne.ctflity, th:it thou wouldc:fl take-the c;iufr int,· thine own hand, and judge bet we II us and our E11emies. Stir up thy fl:rength, 0 Lord, and come and help us; for thou givefr not alway the battle to the fl: r on)!, but c;inll fave by many or by frw. 0 let not our fins now cry againft us for Yi:-ngeance; �ut hear us thy poor fi rvan ts begg, ng mercy, and i m. ploripg thy help, and that tho11 wouldefl: be a clefcnce unto us againtl the face of the enemy.: �,1ke it appear that thou art our Sav10ur and mighty Deliverer, through Je• fus Chri!l: our Lord. Amen. Shor/ Prnyen forji11gle Pcr.Jo,.-;. that
Special l'ra;•erJ rwitb rifpcEl to t/31!'
Enemy. Hou, O Lord, art jufl: and powerful ; O. d fl'11d our caufe agai11ft tht: face of the c.ne my. O God, thou art a llrong tower· of defence to all who lly unto thee; 0 fave us from the ,ioknce of tht: enc::my. O Lord of Ho{_l:s, fight for us; that we may glonfy tht:e. <;) fi1ffer us 11.ot to fink 11n�ler the .. weight �four hns, or the vwle1 cc of the Enemy: . 0 Lord, ;mfr, help, 11s, and de ltvt:r Uti for thy Nan c !> fake. Short Prayen in rejj:eB of a Storm.
THou O Lord, who flilleft the raging of the fea, hear, he;ir· us, anti fave us, that we perifh• nnt. . 0 hlefli·d S,lYiour, who did(t !ave thy difciples ready to pcrifh rn a fto1·m ; h ar us, and fd,Ve us.,. we bcfrech thee. Lor�!, have mercy upon us. Chnfl:, have mercy upon us •. Lord, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, hear us. 0 Ch, ill:, he,1r us. G,,c1 lhe Father, Gotl the Son,. God the Holy Ghofl, have. rn rcy cannot meet tojoi11 in Prn_;er <with 1po11 u�, f.1ve us nuw and cverothrr J, hy reajon of the Figbt or 11,ore. .il.mnL . Storm.
General·Prayer;. Ord·,.be merciful tl, 11sfi11ners. a11d fav;e us for thy mercie fake. Thou art the grc1t God, who h,l!l m;ide anc! rulefl all th;11vs: 0 deliver U3 for thy Nan,e's l'c!ke. Tlio1.1 ;irt the great God to bt frared above alL: 0 fal'e us, that we may praifc thre.
Father, wlio art in Heaven, Hallu\Yt:d be: thy N:1n,e;. fhy Ki11�<lom comt'; Thy Will be rlon1:: 011 Earth, As it is in L·kavrn; Give us l his cJ,,y our daily l,re,1d; And f,1rgive us 0L1r tnfp; � s, As Wf forgive thofc: wh11 tn:·ip:ifo ;i g�intl us; And lead us 11ut into lemptalion, But deliver us from l.'.Vil, Amen.
Forms of Prayer to be u(ed at SEA.
TVhm tbae /hall be imminem to everlalring life:, through Jefus Danger, as many ns ca,, b:: .fpnr· Chrilr our Lord. .Iimen. .. ed from necef!ary Ser'l.,:c in the 'Thank.fg iv _mg afl_er a Storm. Ship jhn/1 be cntled toge/ha, nnd Pf,1lt11 lxv1. Juhdate Deo. make 011 humbleC'1ifef/z'on ofth�ir Be joyful in God, all ve lando; Si11J to God: in r»hich e'ver;· on,. oug/Jt fario11jly lo rijlea t1f' n lho.fe _ . fiug prnifes unto the hon,Hlr p_a_rtirn/nr Sim, of r:ub�ch hiJ Con ot- 111s �amc:; m.1ke his praife to Jc1e11ce flail accufa hun; .fnying be glorious. Say unto Goel, 0 ho\l\ wonderaJ follor:utth : fol art thnu in thy works; through . th� greatnds of thy power Drnll 'The Co1ife_lJ1on. . Lm,ghty God, Falber of c>ur thrne enemies be fou11d liars unto Lord Jef11 Chrilt, Maker of thee. For all the world {hall worfl1ip all thin{!s, Judg of all m 11; "\Ve aeknowl dge and bewail our ma. ,h ·e; ling of tht: , aud· praife thy ame. nifuld fins anrl ,,·ickednefa, which 0 come hithf'r, and behold the we from time to time mon grievuuOy have comn1ilte<l, l. ,ythought, works of God; how wonderful be· word and deed, againft thy divint · is iu bis doings towarus the chi!·· Majelly,Provoking moftjtrfllythy dren of men! fk rulcth with his power fore wrath and indign,1tio11 againft us. ,ve � o earne/1:ly repent,. An� are ,·er;- his c:yes _ueholcl the people· . lieartt1y forry for thefe our m1fdo- a11d fuch as will nqt believe, !half iags: The remembrance of them not be able to exalt themfelves. is grievous unto 1is ;. The burden O praife our God, people; of them is intolerable. Have mer- anrl make the voice o his praife · cy upon 11s, have mercy upon us, to be heard;. in foul our holdelh life;. ho thy For Father; Son moft merciful our Lord Jefus Chrifl:'s fake, For- and foffen:th not our feet to Oip. For tbon, 0 God ! hart P:Ov d give us all th'lt is pair; And grant, that ""e may- ever he1·eafter frrve us; tl:ou ?lfo hafl: tned us, like as and pleafe thee. in r,ewnefs of life filve1· 1s tnecl. Thou bro_ughtefl: us into the 1'0 the hun0ur and !!lory of thy our Name, Through Jefus Cbrift our fn;ire.; and laidlt trouble upon loins. Lord. Amen. I will go into thy houfe ·with •. , • •• 'if er1"hen /hall the 1W:111if1er, if there burnt-offtTings; and will pay thee _ be '.'my 112 the Sh,p, .faJ: my vows which I promifed with Lm1ghty God, ou: b_eavenly my lips, and [pake with my mouth, _,.._ Father, who, of his great when J was in trouble. mercy, hath promifed forgivenefa . O comt.' hither an� hearl<{'.n, all of fins to all thofe who with hear• ye that fear God; and I will tell ty 1·epentar,ce <1nd true f:-iith turn yon what he: hath done for my unto him; have mercy upon you; foul. I called unto him with my p1r<lon and deliver you from all )'_-Our fins; confirm an<.l.flrengthrn mouth; and gave him praifes witll you in all goodnef;, and bring you JTJY. tongue. If.
Fornis· of Praye•r to be ufod at SE A.
Jf I incline unto wi k'eduefs I -0 tH?.t •men woulu thcroforei with mine heai;t, the Lord ,, ill I pr;:1ift: the •Lord his- go< dnds ;, uot hear me. and declare tht: •wonc\Ns that he But Cod hath hearcl mt; and doeth for fhe chilaren of n.cn ! · CCln!id red the voice of my pray r. Th:>.t thcr, wonk! ex;ilt him aJfo, Praifrd bf!. God; who hath not in the congr g'1tiE'n oft be I eople; c�[l: out my prayer, nor turned and praif<; him in the feat uf the hts mercy from me.· etc! rs t Glory Be to the F;:1ther, ;ind- to GI q, be .to tl'e F,1lher, and to the Son; anll to the Holy Gh fl-; the Sui1; and to the Holy Glio/l; As it was in the bt"gini1ir1g1-i' As it was in the bei;inning, ib now, an I vcr f11llll lie, w0rld now, and ·ver flt':-!ll be, wcrld' ·• • Without end. /Jmen. with but encl. llmm.
CollefiJ of Thtw/ifgi,ving. Pfalm cvii. Confitm1ini Domino. Mort bldfe<l and 1,1;lori?11s Lord 'Th:it men would t�t:refore ·-God, who nrt f infimtegood-. prai{i the-L qrd for htR goodncfs • ,and dl!efa're Lhc·wonders that1 1'lt:fs lllld m rcy; W't'rt'liy-poor ere a-, he d�eth for th� children Clf·mq ! tur ; '(vhinn, 11hc11 haJl: nfade and 1 1 Th;it tl{cy ,•ould o!f:t"� :rn fo him 1 , ef; 1 ve<.l, holdi_n_g c.nr fou\S'in !if : -;iml a <l now rt:fctnng us out of tile• thanklg1v1n�; ot� the facriftce. tell out his ,1:c,rll:s with gladn!'.fs !· 1jaws of death-, liumb ly pi· frnfour _ Di1 ne Ma� They that go dnwn IC? the f� in !"elves againl,eforethy fhips • an,! occupy thell" buhnefs .1efty, to olfer'a. fa'crifice of praife l and thankfgi11ing, for that .tho• in gr;at waters; Tbcfe men� e the works_ofthelhearclef'.l: us \;,.'l-�eri we called in our Lord, and l,11�· w_on,d�rs 10 tlie �•·ouble; .in_d Jrd/1: not can 0ut our prayer, which . e ma<le·b�for� thee deep. ·. . • , , r, 1r at Im wo'r<l, the ftormy 1vind 111 our great drflrcfs ;: even when arift:th; w:1•ich lifteth ,up thewav�s we gavt' all for,loft, obr Ship., our ' · Goods, our Liv�s, tl.en dil:!fl: lho.u-, thereot. They are carried np to the hea- mercifully look upon us, and w n \'en, and down again to the deep; derfully command a deliverance;. their foul mclteth away becanfe of for which we now, being in fafety,.' do give all praife and glory to thy the trouble. Tbey reel to ;i.ricl fro, ;:ind flag- holy Name, through Jefus' Chrift man; and are our Lord.. ./Jmm •. ger like a �run'ken ' , • at their wits end: So when they cry unto the Lorci'' Or this:·. in their troubl<i,, l�e 1 delivereth Mon miihty and •gracious , good God, thy mercy is o them •but of th 1r dtll:refo. For he maketh the /1:orm to ver all thy works, but in fpecial ceafe, fo ·that•the waves thereof m:mner hath .betn extended to ' wards us, whom thou hall: fo poware fl:ill. Then ar.e they glad,'.becaufe �hey e1f�lly and wonderfully defend-. are at• refi; ·and f0 he ,bnngeth ed. 'Thou haft -f11ewed us terrible th-em unto the· haven where they things,. apd wonders ip the dc:ep, • that we might·fee how powerful would be,
For.nJs_ 9( P.r.aye:r to be ufech at:-$EA. and gracious a G d thou art,; how ncfs ; we were even at death�!, • , .l able, ;inti ready to help them that clpo<;. The waters of the f-ea had well trun: ini thee. Thou hart fhewe<l us how both Winds and Seas obey nigh covered ns·; the proud wa· lhy command; that we may learn ters had wdl nigh gone over 0111· even from them hereafter tu obey foul. The fea roarP.d; and the fiormy thy Voice, and to do thy Will. We therefore blefs and glorify thy wind lifted up the. waves thereof. Name, for this thy mercy, in favWe were carried up- as it were ing ns, when w..: were ready to to heaven, and then down again And \VS bereech thee, into the deep; our foLtl melted perjfh. m.tk,e -us a.!l truly f,;n!ible now of within us, becaufe of trouble. thy mercy, as �ve were then of Then cried we unto thee, 0 the danger; and give us hearts al- Lord; and thou did fl: deliver us ways ready to exprcfs our thank- out of our difl:refs� fulnefs, not only by words, hut · Bl <fed be thy Name, ,vho didlt alfo by our lives, in l">eing more not defpife the pra-yer1of thy frr• obedient to thy holy c11n,m no, van ts; but didfl: hear our Cl'), ant..1-. m"nts. Continue. we h fec:c.:h lht'e, haft fa,ve,I us. , T.hqu di<lftrf�nf.1! for,th thy cqm· this,Lh.y goudnds Lo us; th.it w1:.�, whom thou l1.1fl: favccl, may ren•e man<lment; and the windr norm·• th:e.c in holrr1cfs andl rrghte-oufnef;- ceafc:d, ancl w,1s turned i11to a calm. O let us therefor.t' praife the all the days of our life, thro11gh Jt'fu-s Chrifr our Lord·ancl Saviour. Lord for his i;ooclnc,fs ; and de• · ' clare the wonders that he hath• Amell. done; aocl fl:,IJ <locth, for the dlil A11 I-l.J•1Jl'I qf Praifa nnd _<17.nmk('siv- dn::n of men ! i11g afre! a da_n_g.!r_9uJ "{fniP,tfJ� . P :•afred be"the Lord daily; �vcn, � G:ome; fetus p:tve Lha-nks. 1111- the L 1rd th;i beipc-th us, aud pour� lo tbe Lo1·d, for he is ,,.raci, ,cth hi benefits upon us,. 1-f is our God, eve!' the Goel of c.us; •and his. mercy ·endureth for whom c.1 n1etb- falv{ltton : Goel is c.:_ver. Great is the Lord, and gre:itly the Lor_d,. by_ w:h9m ,we have efca-. , to bt: praifed: L"et the redeemed of ped death. ThulJ, Lord, _hall' mq.Je us gla..t the Lord fay ru, whom he ha.th deli.vered fr om th.e, mercilefs rage of thro' th ?pe1: '.1t1pn Of. thy hand�; the re.a. . . • . •.l ,and ''Y � \•nl\,trn19:1.p"1 1p1 thy _praifr. B1efled be the ,½Or(\ Pud; even,, The Lord 1s gracious, and' full of compafiion; ti-ow to angn, and �be bard ,God, ,wh0 ,only dot It • .• , wogdr-u1,1s thi!"]gs_;; , of )'!reat mercy.. L He bath. qot. deilA with us acArid bleffed be the Name of !tis cording to our fins ; neither re. Maje fly, for ever: and let every cne warded ilil according ,to ou.r ini,- of us fay, Amen-, Amen. 1 •, Glory be to the Father, and to� q.uities. ,. . a G ofi Hol the �1d·�o Sp!111 h _; . But a� the heaven,is high abqve the r. As. it. wa-S: lll-1 the -bt'ginning, _is., tbe e.1r,thc; Jo ,gr:�at hatli,._�ee_!) his JJ,l.Crcy towards, u.s. 1 , n9w, an,q: e ier_ ;fi4a]l be, world·, . ,, l � , fo�ioc}. tr�u!.-ile, and heavi- without enc'!. .llmm. 1· .11 Pfnlm. ·, ;r
Forms of Pr'a') c'r ·to l5e t:1fetl
APJalm orP!J "'m'of Pr:.zift ami •Glory b\!t theF;ither:and to lht Son, anLI to'tl{e Holy Gl{oll:; 'rha11!tjgivi11g flftrr f'i0or5. J\s it was 'i11 the b1:ginni11g, is F ,the Lord h,td not been on 0t1r fide, now may we ray: if the now, ;rnd ev r fhall be, wL•rlu Lord hirnfelf had not been on our without enJ. Amm. liJe, when mt.:n rofe up againrt us; They had fwallO\ ed 11,1; 111 'u Aft�r this lf.ymn may be Jung the Te D1:um. quick, wben they wen:: fo wrath'fully clil'pl afed at ll', Thm this ColleEl. · Yea, the waters hacl drowne,l Al m,g 1 1•1 Y G �, I , t h e ove re�gn r \·er gm:c I had cam fl the _ �,s, and Comman_tle1 of all the \l·?t kl, . our Ii ul. the deep wakrs of the rn 1:,hofc h;rn�l 1s p ow er an_d might, proud hl<l one ov r onr foul. ' 111ch non.e ts :i.t>I� to withft:rnd; g But prai{ed be the Lord; who lt:fsandmngn i fythygre;i�and .. We� e hath not g iven us over as a pr y g ur1e;usNarneforth1shap pyV1c'tou n t o •1 • tern. 1· Y, th I lu --( g I ury . w I H,reo f· we <l o w e · hmi a ht wrous hath Loni _g • The . afc.i on1y . 1be to th�c, who art the ty ,a r I Vo 1•1011 fot· U",. • - fieec h g er 0 f:v 11-• .n �ry. A· ncl. we 'u,e our t own hy _ thi We gat not � g i � us_g_rate to impr9ve tl11s f1V orcl, neither was 1t 011r own arm tg i/e, eat met cy to thy gl ory, the ad that f.wccl us; but thy 1 if?ht hand, vancement of thy Gofpel, the ho an I th:ne arm an·cl the light uf thy · 11 r of Ou)· ountry, and, as mnch � C -co�nt�na�ce, 'becaufe;: thou hadn a:,? 111 S heth, to the good of all ? a·rnvour unto us. �anktntl. And we befee�h thee, The Lord hath appt:are.d for u�; give us fuch a fonfe of this great ti Lord hath covered our heads mercy, as may engage us to a true clay ui .a,��\ rnaue \IS \o ftand-in .t!ie , . �han¥u.lnefa, fuch as may appear b::ittle. 1'.1 Otlr hv:s, hy an _ hurnhk, holy, forus; appean:d hath _ Lonl 'The a11c\ obecm:nL.. walking hefor<! th�e:: our e 1rown the Lcir<l .hath overH all ur days, through Je�us Chnft nemies, and Jan1ed in pieces lhofe 0111� Lord; to h om, with thee, � _ 4.bat rofe up again fl: us. and l)le Holy Spmt, as for all thy Lord, O _ us, unto' . not fore There merc i es, fo m r rt,cular for this not unto us• hut unto thy Name v,�'lory and Dd�1verance, .be all _ 'be iven t�e' g.l'orQ. glory and hon om, w01•l<l ,v,thout • fhe Lord hath done greatthino-s for us; the Lord ·hath done gre�t eoct. Amen. ' . · ,things;:or us, fq1' which we rejoice. ' ,: Cor. xiii. r4• ' Our help '!Yande.th in tb.e Nattl� H,eig.:ace of 0IJr 'Lore! 1efus of. th-e Lot'�, \vho hath made hea• Clmft, and the Im•e of Got!, • and the fellowfr1ip of the Holy �en -and ea.rth. · Bleffed be.the Name of the Lord, Gho!l:, be with us all .evermore. . · ;from .this ,tim.e forth for evermore. Ame,i.
'1 At the Buri.al of their Dead at Sra, the O)jice in the Commo11 Prapr l Boolt may be tifed; only i_njlelid of theft Words," We; �herefore com: J}11t his J30r_ly t� the Ground, Earth to Ear.tt.,�1 &.c • .fay, \Ve'there• fore c0n1!m1,tt hi. Body .to- the Deep, to be turned into corr1Jption ¾ looking 1
Vi4rat-ion of
looking for the rerurrccliqn of the Body (when the Sea lh;iH give up h r Dead) and the life: of the world to come, Ithrough our Lord Jerus Chrift: who at hi, cnming /hail cl ange:: our vile Body, th.tit mar be like his glorio11 B,,dy, accordin)? to \he mighty workin!::, wher by he is ablt: to fohdu<: all things to himfi:lf. ,I
FoRri of PRAY.ER. for the
V J S I T A T. I O N o F
P R I S O N E R S.
'Ii TfThm lviorning r1r E'IJmi11g Pra;,er fan/I be read in any Prifon, injleal. ef the Pfalm " 0 come let us fing,'' &c. or the PJalm " Mr foul doth m gnify ," &c. foal/ b,e read th,: I 30th Pfalm; and the Minijler faali•inftrt, 'dfter'tb� C?!leEI for the Day, -the C,;t/�[I :,f the Jollo:win? SeMJire, " 0 Got!, who fpardt," &c. and at fuch Timo a.r tie L1t:iny i:r not read,'hejhal/ adi tht:Prap:r, " O·_God, m:trciful:J.• tiler, who c:kf;,lfdt not," &,. 'If And•wh,m N1Jtice is given to tln 11'Iinifler, that a Prifoner i.s co,,ji,ud, far Jome great or capital Crim<!, he Jhali '!Ji.fit him; and <when he com eth into the: Plare ,where the Prifoner iJ, he }hall fay, kneeling do�.vn, Emernher not, Lord, our iniMinijl. Send us help from thy quin<c:s, nor the iniquities of holy pl-ace; our Forefathers; n.eithert.1ke Lhou Anf-w. For tbine indis:;nation liven�eance of,om· S111s: Spare us, eth h?rd upon us .. 11'1/.inijl. 0 LorJ, hear ◊l!r prayer; gooilI,;ord, fp;ir,-e thy p�ople, whom An.f,;.u. And kt the fig h111 g ot the thou haft re<leemed, with thy moft precious ploocl, anrf be not· angry Prifoners come before thee • .with us for ever. _ <rbe Colletl • .Anf-w. Spare us, good Lord. Rant, we befeech thee, Al ,. G migl�_ty God, that we , who Let us pray. _ for.our ev11 d.ee_dd do worthily de: Loni, ha.ve mercy upon us. ferve to be punifhe<), by,the �omCh r ijl, ha'IJe mercy up,m w. . fort �f thy g1:fc.::: , may 01erc1fully Lor<l, haye mercy .upon us. Lord an<l Fathe;, who art in •Hea- be relieved; ,throui:;h,our , ll17zen. ,,_ , Chr)fi, Saviour Jdus V�JJ, QC. ' J ' ' ' ) God, who fpare/1: when -w e : . MinijJ. ·O Lord, ./hew thy merhment, an pun1f e d in cy upon us. deferv . · Anf-w. And grant us thy falva- tby wrath retn. eJTi b.ere tt mercy; we e of , th y good humbly befeech the tion. - 1.Uinijl • .Turn thy face from our nefs, to comfort ;ind fuccour all thoft: whQ a1;e,u,nder reproach ;:ind Sins• . A,;frµ,. And bJot,oqt·all our ini- (Tlikry i. 1-1 the· ho if:, <> ·. bondage; cprrecl: th�m ,p(!t'. 1p .thine an_ger, .quities� • I neither
O ur-
Vifitation of PR1soNERs'.
ntitber chafl:en them in thy fore his grace, this. prefe11t Vifitatioa difpleafure. Give them a right un- may lead you to a fincere and Learderltanding of themfdves, and of ty Repentance. thy threats and prom ifes; that they The way and means thereto 1s, may neither call away t)leir con- to examine your Hfe 'q�d conver fidence in thee,' nor place it any fation by tht: rule of Gb<l's com· where .but in �hee. Relieve the mandments ; 1 and wbae11 foever billrelfetl, protect the innocent, you illall perceive'y011rfo-/f lo· baYe and awaken the Guilty: And for- offended· eitb-e jiy wW 1 word, or afmucb as thou alone bringtfl: light deed, there 't6 hewail your own out of•darlmefa ) and gooc:l out of finfulnefs,and to confefsyourftifto evil, grant that the pains and pu. Almighty God, with full purpof.e niChmentti which thefe thy 1i rvants of amendment of life. And 1f yoze e11d11re, through their bodily con- fhall perd:ive your oft't-nces to be fincment, may tend to the fetting fuch as hre nq't 1 ohly :ig,rinlt God, free their fouls from the chains of but alfo ag-ainft ¥,9ur Neizi1bdu!'s • fin, through J efos Chri{l our Lord. th ell' to rc:concile'yomftif o th�m: bei.ng ready to make'· h:ftitntiou Amen. , to the , He re the Minijler, aJ he foal/ fte and fati��diotJ :tccording our ,po-:.ver, for all t o y of' 'll ln �er, � r Pray the ad e r e mal nt, e conveni y you for All Condition s of Men the InJttr'les and wrongs done b to any otllet ;_ "I'!� being likew\fe Co l/eB (/Jr Aili- Wednefday: and the Colle8 after the Offertory ready to forgave othe1·s who have offo1�decl y,tn,,- as· ,you wc�ul.d Have h eginninc, "Almighty God, thi fountain of all wifclom," fsfc. or forg,ye{lt-fs, of· yotlr oftc:nce's at , . ar.,Y other Praye� of the piurgy, G,oc\'.s ,paf\cl. And ,to this �ue re'j)ent;i0€e ·an�� change? ot' rmn<l which he /halt 1udge proper. . . • • ou !>\ult add .J. lively and ftedfaP.: . , ll the Ji!!znijler exhort Jha ·t The:t tke faith, and· dependence upon the . Prijouer or Pr�nerJ after tbu �erits of tl�e death of Ch i- il1, ,vith For!n, or other like. an enti're refignatfon of yoiiifelfto . Early �doved, know this, that the will bf God.' E�cept jou re ... AlmJg�ty God, whore never pe,nt, and believe, ,ve ,can give fa1h.ng prov11ence governeth all you tlo' lio'{)e af falvation: 'Btit if things bot.h m ·heaven a?d tarth, you do fi.ncerely reP,ent and bdieve, hath fo wifely and mer<;tfully or- God· hath cleclar��. th9�glt your dered .the. co.urfe of this world, fins he as ved as fcarlet, they,lhall that his Judgmen�� are often fent be ma e white as fn,ow; tho:ugh. d s fa�herly cor.rect� ons t us; and yolir wickedneffes have �0rid ? i ver � nd 1 1f with due_ .fubm fii?n ,r re�g- your head, yet {hall they not be ·nation to his holy will we receive your i!-eA:ruction. _ . •�. , the fame, they _w1U work together We exhort you therefore-in the . N arr1e of �op, �nd_ 9,f •hi� �kar;.Sq11 ·for o�r good. . It 1s your part and du�y,. there- Jefus Chrih: Our &l\¥iour •and as ,?o�e, to humble jourfeifu:n�er the OU tender ybur r'a,vit.ig�-�- to ll'l1ghty ha�d of God, to a<:k!1.ow- t�ke goqd h,�eii- of. t.he.fe tb1ng;s-in . !edge tl)e nghteoufi;ief� of hrsjudg- t11l}t, wh1k y1e day of '. t1lv,1ti ·n ·mc:nts, and to endeavou'I', that, hy lafteth · fott'lie nightcdmeth ,v!i en P ' ' no
:Vifitation of PR 1s0N . Rs.
,.no mnn can work. WhileJ•o11 have 1he light, believe in the light, and walk as children of the light, that J 1 oube notcafl: into outer daTknefs; that you may not knock, wh�n the door fhall be lh.ut , and �ry for m,er.cy, when it ;s tqe time of jufii_ce. ,Now yo11 are the object of God's . ro�rcf, if by rep<::nt�nce a.ncl_ true fa1_th.you turn unto him: but 1f you ..negle'cl tbefe things,you will bt: the object of his jufiic<: and venge�nce: ;Now yoie may claim the mtnts of Chri!l:; but if you <li,e in your fins, 'his fuffe::,rings ,:w,ill _ ten p. to your • greater conclepoat1011. 9, belov<:d, copfi<lEr iri tbis your day; .how •fc;irful .t thing it �vi'll be to _fall i_oto, the bands· of tbe living God, wh_en you ,can 'n"either lly to bis ,mercy :to prot�ct y,ou, nor to t�e _mi;dts o! Chn!l: tq,Fo:ver YOJ-1 1B thit terrible da.7, '.. , • • " • :-11 • ,. �m;.t::•fho /t,1 ex1mme ."J H_ere.1the h1m concermng�hu fi'arth,-a�1d r_e• �earfe thl! .1lr.ticJes �f the•C(.eed, ,Doll_tl:.!ou be_heve m Go8, &c: . ,. 1 ./Ind. the Prifon,er jh' fl'11'anjwer · All this- l .fledfattly beli'eve.
cording to the multitude of ·th7 mercies <lo away mine llffcnces. }¥afh me thoroughly from my wickednefs; ar.d clean!� me from my fin. For I acknowledge my faults; and my fin is.ever Qeforj ! me. Again fl: thee only ,bave I tinned, and don_e this evil in thy figh!; that thou m1ghte!l: be :iufi 1.fied in thy faying, an_d .cl.ear when thou ar-t judged. . . Bel1olcl, I was 01;ipen in wick• edntfs; and in fin hath my mo· tber conceiv_ed me.• J3ut lo, thou r.eqnirell: truth JO the inward parts; and Jbalt make me t·o· unclerflanci wifdo·m fecretly. ThDu Jbalt purge me with J1yf• fop, �nd ' !ball be clean; tho_ll (halt wafh me, and I {J1all be wh1• te_r than fnow. Thou Jbal,t make me hear o f joy and 'glaclnefs; · that tbt: bones which: thou baft br.oken .i:nay re• •oice. Turn thy face from my fins; and .put out all my mifde<::dij • . o _•; · M;ike me a d<;an hea�t1 OGd and .renew a right fpmt w1th11J
/J- <J(heii "}ball the lliin_ijler exami,�� m� ;ift me not away from thy re "»hetber he reprnt h1m truly of hu · nd tal·e , Hol Y � P1· � ' ..not thv Jinf� and be in charity with all the f��-cfe; a me. rom -· , '!f..qr,'id ' , • .rit 0 i ' urt her _ad. momij,'o_mm _ ' q, p, dfi . l Ye me the comfort of thy . .,pa_rt1cgiq:/Y :onc�rnp1g the .cr1-117cs in.'! ·and £1:ablifh me with • rwherer;,uztb he 1.f charged; a17d h e I P agg-\ f 1 • . '�i--hort" hi,;1, if hc'ha'Ve any J1ru· t h y · · ree Jbpa lrl1.,I. ,t. eac. h thy way�· un J I1 _ h en T · t ' 1,arc ,t hI! ! · /J � • dec . . k. ' . .1·• ,P'",le,s,..;- ' h·pt he ·'WOii d r the to _t b e WJO e d , a n !inners !ball be h,mfielffo ramc and pre'•are ,·J• r · nion, ngai,yl the time convel� t ed .u nto thee• blood-gu . holy' Co�nmu ·1 1t·1· De ,ver me from · ;n t hat u, _may be Proper to_a dmm;,cr r. 0 · G o d • thou that art the ne1s, , , 1 · 1 to..h m .J • J � 1. God of my health; and my tongue __ • J#j•SJ'h'e1!/ all 1k11,ee-ling�·thc 1't'Iilzijier 1a11 Jing o� thy nghteoufnefs. Thou · fhalt open my 1:ps, Q hli }ha ll Ja_:r''as'filloc:.uJ, frorrz the 5 rjl Lord; �nd my mouth il1all lliew ; I'falrr1:·: 1 :· • ·' • Av� mercy upon. me, 0 God, thy pra1fe. �or, t�g)l delire!l: �o facnfice, _acr. · after 'th-v 1?rec1t goodnds; ' I '1, • • ,., t · , · "l : •• dfs:
' ·
'S' HI
rr ,
Vifitation of
fed DEarly beloved',, i( hat? ple� Almighty God, tn his Jullice, to bring yot'I' ,'inder tht! fentence an'd condemn'atiorr oftlie law; you ar fhortly to fuffer death in fuch a ma'nner, that others, warned by yo1rr example, may be the more afraid to offend; and we pray God, ,- 'Then the Minijler foal/ fay, that vou may make fuch ufe of Let 11s pray. . your 'punilhments in' this world, Lord, we befeech thee, mer• that your so·u1 may be faved in the cifully hear our prayers, and worlcl to come. Wherefore we come to you in fpare all thofe ho conft!ls :their fins unto thee; that they, whoft: the bowels of compaffion; and, h� confciences by fin are accufe<I, by ing clefirou� that you fi10uld avoid thy merciful pardon ma}' bt: al,. µrefumplion on the one hand, ancl folved, through Chrin our Lord. defpair on the other, fhall plainly lay l>efore you the wretchednefs Amen. of your conditi n; and declare God whofe mercy is ever- how far you ought to depend on lail:i�g, and powa infiait , the:: m rcies of God, and the me look down with pity anJ compaf- rits of our Saviour. Confic.ler tlierr. fion upon the fulferings of th{.s_ tlJy fcrioufly with yourft'lf, in all ap .fe,-,1.wnt; and wh _tht:r thou v1ll_telt pea ranee the time' of your di!lu for trial of hi.s patience, or punifh- lution di-aweth near; your fins rnent of hi.s off.:nces, en,�ble him have h,id fall hold upon you; you by thy gr.ice cheerfully to fubmit are foon to be removed from a himftif to thy holy Vvill and Plea- mong·men by'a violent deatli; an-d fure · Go not far from lhofe, 0 you ll1all fac.lt: away fuddenly like• lor�I, whom thou ha_n: l:!id in. a the grafs, which i11 the morning is \'llace of d�rknefs, and 10 the deep; green and groweth np, but in the anct f,irafrr.uch as thou haR not c_ut evening is cut cl-own, dried up and him off fuddenly, but cha!leneft witherc::d. After you have thus bim as a Father; grant that he, duly finin1ecl the courfe of a finful ;md confide1:ing thy great mercit:s, may miferable life, you n,all appear bt! be unfog11eclly thankful, and turn fore the judge of all flefi1; wh� ,., lluto thc:f: with true repent;;ncc:: as ht: pronounces hleffings on the and linc_enty of heart, through Je- righteouti, n,all likewife fay, with fus Chnft our Lord. llmen. a terribl t: voice of mofl: j•Jlt jud�mt:nt, to_the wick<:'.(�; "Go., ye_ acund S er rfons e m 'd praye ,J.. fior P curfrJ, 111to the:: lire everlafbng-, twee Oif Dea il1' prep;1red for the devil and bis' an,r When a Criminal is under Sm- gels." tmce of Death, the Minijler /hall Your !ins have brought you too proceed, immediately after the Col- near this dreadful frntence: It is le8," 0 G_od,_who fpan:fl:," &'c. therefore your part and duty, Ill}' •to exho_rt hzm after thi.s Form, _or brother, humbly to confefo and other like;. bewail your great and m�nifold. · ·· ) P z · offences ,.
clfe would I give it thee; hut !hou delighteft not in burnt-offer10gs. The facrifice of God is a trouhied fpirit; a broken ·and contrite heart O God, fhalt thou not dt:· fpife.'
Vifitation of
cffences, and to repent you truly of your fins? as you tender th e�ernal falvat10n o.f .you_r foul. . _ Bt: not deceived with a vam and prefumptuous -expt:cl:ation of God's favour, nor fay within yourfelf, Pe,1ce, Peace, w�ere there is no P ace; � r there 1� no Peace, [a}'S my God, to th_e wicked: God 1s not ipocked ;_ h_e 1s_ of purtr �yes tban to behold rnrqmty, and wrlhout holinefs no man Iha.II fee t�e Lord. On the otht:r hand, defparr not of God's mercy, though trou_ hie rs on evi:ry fide; �or God fhu�t�th not up 111s m ercreR for ever rn _ <lifpleafure; but rf we confcfs our fins, be is faithful and ju(l: to forgive us onr fir:s, and to cleanfe u. fr�m all unnghteoufnefs. DiJ not either way abufe the goo�nefs of God, who c;allech us 11:1:rcrfully to arnendmeut, and of his endlefs pity prumifrth us forgivenefs of that which is pair; if with a perfeet anJ true ?kart we return unto him. Since therefore you are foon to p;ifs into an endlefs and unchange ;ible ftate, an.<l your future happi nefs or mifery depends upon the few moments which are left you ; I require you firicl:ly to examine yourfelf, and your eltate both to wards God and towards man ; and Jet no ,v.orldly con fideration hinder you from making a true anrl foll confeffion of your fins, and giving all the fatisfaction which is in your power to every one whom you have wronged or injured, that you may fipd mercy at your heavenly Fa ther's band for Chrifl's fak�, and not be condemned in the dreadful day of judgment. Laftly, beloved; fubmit your felf with Cbriltian rcli�nation. to the juftjuclg111,ent of God,_ which
PRISONERS. your 0wn i::rimes have ·1iro111?ht upon you, and l;>e in charity with all men; being rearly fincerely to forgive aJI fuel) as -hiive offi nde<l you, not excepting thofe who ba\"e profecntt:d yon even nnto Eleath: And, though this may feem a bard faying, yet know affure<lly, that without it your charity is not yet perfect •. And fail not earne� ly to endeavour and pray for this bleffed temper and compofnre of mind: So may you ca(\: yourfelf with an entire dependence upon the mercies of God, through the merits of your Saviour and Re• deemer Jefus Chrill:, Ifere the Minijler foal/ examine him concerni ng hi.r· Failh, and rehearfa the llrticlu of the Creed, "Doll: thou belit:\'<! i11 GoJ,'' f:i'c. . . And-the Crrmmal .foal/ an.fwer, All this I fiedfafl:ly believe.
Then foal/ the 'fl!Iinffler exnmiH�, whether he repent bim truly of hr.r .Jin.r exhorti11r; him to a particular Co ,iftrlfion of t'hejinfor r..c.•hich be is co11d;11med; nnd '!pon Conflflfion, he /half in.flruEl htm <what fa.ti.f· faElion ought to be made to tbofa whom he haJ effmded thereby; and he knorrueth any combina tio111 in wickednefs, or nny evil praBice.r defigned ngain.J} oth�rJ, /et him be admonijbetf. to the. ut· mq/l o/ hi.r power to difco'Ver and pre-pmt them •. After hi.r Conf<!IJ!on, the M!nij/er fan/I declare to fmn the pardoning Me rcy of God, m the Form ".uhich i.r uftd in. the Commu11iim St:r· vice.
,r ,r
4jter .rwhich·/hall be faid the Col /eel fol/orwing, O Holy ,: i
Vifitat:iom of. B"R r&oN E k's:-
Holy,,Jefus-, , J,10 ()b thine in-�6f[ from.the earth, may at the hon, 1 Ii nice goodncfa di<lfl: accept of hi.· death depart in peact', and t\ic converlion of a tinner on the be received into thine everlafl:ing crofa; open thine t:.yc:t. of.m rcy up kingdom ; through Jefus �bri!t on this thy fervant, who delircth our Lord. Amm.· p1rclo11 a11c\ forgive11ef;1, though-in his l;1t.:fl: hour he turneth unto , Adding this. lhte. Ren.tw in him whatfoever Saviour of the world . who r h th be� n. decayed by th� f an� by thy crofs and pr;cious and rpal\ e q� tht.• dcv1!, or by his bloocl hall: rc::deemc::J us, fave us r wn c rnal w,l_ l �nd f a1lnefs. �on- and heljJ us, we humbly befeech � � hder l11s contntLOn; accept his re· thee·• Lord. ' pentance ; anrl foraf,nuch as he putteth _his full tru(t only _iu th_y 'If Then the Min ifler jla ndi ng ' flail tllen.:y, impute ,T!Ot unto him his ra�,,. ✓' former fins, I hot ltren •then him 1 the mid fl: of life we are tn With thy ble!fed·5pint; and whcni death; of whom may we frek th11u art pleMi cl,to t�ke him hcnc�, take hiin unt'o thy fitvonr: This we or fuecou.r, but of thee _, 0 Lo)·? .. beg Lhr11ugh th y- i'lterits, 0 L(lrd, who for our fins art JU!l:ly ct1f our Saviour· and our Redec:mer. leafe<l. Yc:t, 0 Lord God mo!l: holy, A men . 0 Lord moft m i ghty, O holy and' 4J Then th� Minifler foal/ fay, moft merciful Saviour, deliver us F;ithc:r of mercies and God not into the hitter pains of e�ernal, d of al I comfort;· we Oy unto eath,. Thou- knowell:, Lorcf, the fecrets. thee for ·ruccour in behalf of this thy fervant, who is now t�nder the of our he<1rts; !hut not thy mcr j ciful t:ars to our prayers: but fpare fente·n�e of. condemnation. The us _ holy, 0 G�d m.?(t and h,rn<l, at is y clay df'bis calamit j 11 , Lord moCl l Sa he is accounted as one of thofe1 :•ghty, 0 holy. and mercifu , worthy Judge who �o down into the pit. Bldf- �iour Thou m,oll our lafb e<l Lord, remember thy mercies; eternal�. fuffer us_ not at to· death, of r gams any ,o hour,_ r ities; hea infirm his upon l?ok fall fi or-. . .i thee •. nt; give cmnp!ai his of' the voice him, we bdeec)1 thej:, p�tience in .• . . ii. 'Ihm the Mmij1i:r faallf.ry,. this his time bf adv�rllty, and fuµ o t u .. dcr_ �hf terrors whi�h i:-n,A mighty God, who is a,· p r curnA�fs ? 1 m; fet befor� his e_Yes mo!l: ftrong to1Ver to all thofe the tilings he hath jnne 10 the o. · who put th't:ir truft in him.; .to, dy, which have Juftly provoked whum all things in heaven, in thee to anger; anci forafmnch as earth and under the earth do hi-s t:011tinuan.ce app�·�reth t_o �e bow !ind obey;. be now and �ver fhort amoogfl: us, qun:ken r-.1rn lo more thy defence: and make thee mu<.:h tl:e. more by thy grace and know and frel that thc::re is none holy Spint; that he, being con- other name umler heaven given to, verted anc!' reconciled unto thee, man, in whom a11d through whom. bc::fore thy JtL<lgmcnts-have cut hirn thou m,1ydt · n:ceive falvation, but onl� :P 3
Vifitation of PR 1 so NE Rs.
only the name of our Lord Jt:fu• '.'rieyous: nt>vertlklefs·, afterwards Chriit. Amm. •� y1eldeth the peactahle fr uit f nghtt·oufnefs, untb them which � And after that jhalf are exercife<l tbert'by. Nto Gocf s gracious mercy and prvtet11:rn we commit th e: The Gojpe/. St John v. 24• :he Lord b,efs thee and J,e.:p thee: Erily, vail�,, I f�y unto yon, v rhe Lord make his f.tce t,, Chine he_ that heilft:th my word, 11po;1 thee, and be: gracious unto an<l believ ·th un hrO', that fent me thee: The Lord lift up hi, coun• hath t"":7t::rlall(nt i"ft: a'nd fuafl not tenance upon thee, an<l give thee come into to11clemnatio11, but ia peace b th now and evermore. pa!fed fr om death unto iife. "J At the f ime of E.v:uution, bejida 11 PraJ·er for Imprijoned Debtors. 11/1 _or jt,ch part.s of the foregoing Ojfice a.s the Mi11ifler foal/ judge �.racious God, look !()WO proper, jhal/ be _/aid tht: Com rn_ pity a�d comp11ffio11 upon mer:datury Prayer for a P rfo11 t�eft: th111e ,1ffi,cte9 frrvants, who at the point of departure a.s [i are- fallen, _under the, mift-ry of a is in Th� Vifitation of the' Sick. clofe rdlra,mt. Give them always 'Iht: ColleB for the Communio11 a d.:ep fenfe of their ll11s, and of thy fatherly love and corr ctiun · Service. God, who declarefl: thy Al and the more their confinemen� mighty power chieAy in p.reffeth"h;ird up:;n them, the more let the comf,irts of thy Grace and fuewing mercy and pitr; we be mercy ab1111nd towar s them. feech thee to have mercy upon this Give to their c'reditors tendernefs. f. his for tranfgr wh vant, fer thy and compaffion, an<l to them a ie. to Grant ointed d fions is app meek and forgiving fpirit t ,w,,rds , that he m:,y take thy Judgments all thofe who have c_:onfined them, patiently, and repent h·m trulv of and a full purpc,fe to n:pair al the l his fins; that he recovering "thy injuries a,)d loffes which o hers t favour, the fearful reward of his have fofl-a ned by them. Raif� '. _ actions may end with this life, and them up friends to pity and relieve his foul Chall depart uever nf wbe ; g:ve them the continued from the body, it m;ry be withnut them omfort of thy countenance here. c fpot preft:nted unto thee, through andfu r�nclifytheiraffiicb,ms, that Jdus Cllri1t our L"rd. Amen. they may work for them an eter 'I'he Epif/le. Heb: xii. II. nal weight of glory; through the· O chafl:ening for the prefent merits and mediation of J fus fc:emeth to be joyous; but Cl.mft thy Son dur Lord. Amen.
' A
To Almighty God, for the F,·uits of the Earth and all the other Bkffinp;s of hi_ merciful Provid1:11c;:�; to be ufrd yedrly un the Firtt 'Tl;mr/efay HI Novemher 1 or on ,fu h other Day s 11tall heap, · pour ttd by th-e Civil Authopty. '
The Sc:rvice jhq/1, he as ufunl, except ,uhere it ,s hereby otherwifa appointed. A mo ng the Sc:ntmces at the Beginning of l',forning Prayc:r foal/ be the_folfowing : lTOnourtheLordwiththyfub I-:)R;rife ye the Lord; for it is r {lance, and ,9ith the firft f uit, · good to ·ling praifes unto our of all thin· increafe. 1 S fhall tby Ol1; for it is pleafaur, and pra.ife barns he filled with plenty, and th·y is omely. Pre(Tcs th all btrrft out with new The Lord doth huild up Jerufa- ·. lem; he gathereth together the \\rine. Prov. iii 9, 10. out-calls of Jfrael. The Le>rd by wife.lorn hath foui:irl- . He healeth thofc:: that ;ire brok ed the e;irth; by undedl:and1ng en in heart, and binddh up th ir hath be eft 1b\iO,e,I the Heavt:ns: ,vo110ds. B his knowledge �bt: <lupths are He cover th the Heayen with y b ro kc:n up, an<l �he c)�ud · drop cloucls, and p1·epardh rmn for the dew. 1 ro'V. 111. 19, 7.0. earth• ht: maketh the gra!'s to grow down the · • 1 . npon 'the mountains. The e ernal Go(\ is thy refitge, He giveth to the brnft his food ; .incl underneath are the everlafting and to the young ravens which. cry. a.rrns. .Deur. xx.xiii. -z.7. Prai"fe the Lord, 0 Jerufalem i Ifrael then !ha\1 dwell in f�fety Praife thy God, O Sion. alo·ne; the fountain of Jacob 01all Fur he h:ith !lrengthened the be upon the_ iand of corn anci of b;irs of thy gate$; he hath bldfc::d wine, alfu bis heavens_,0iall drop thy children within thee., down dew. Deur. xxxiu. ::i.8. He maketh peact in thy borders; and filleth Lhee with the finHappy art thou, 0 Ifrael; who e{t of the wheat. i is like unt" thl·e, 0 peopk favec ' "if ·Then jhall be faid or fun.I[, nne if of th) hy tile Lord, the 011eld tbc:Seleflio11s; or fomc: qth�rp,,r help, ;rnd who is the fw_:>.rd o tion of the Pfalms; at the difcre 2.9. 1. xxx11 . Da1j/ ! lency excd thy tion of the Minijl,:r.
'if Tnfl.;ad ()f " 0 come let us ftni-r, 1 'The Firjl Leffan Jhall be Dent. :'iii; and the Second Ltjfonjball be &c." th.: Jo!/o,wing jb.71/ be /aid fhdf. v. I:Z to z4. �r Jung. ,I' .After
4 Stand in awe, and fin not; right W<}f: if his wrath be kindled (yea, hut a little) bldfrd arc: all commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be-fHII. they that put their trun in him. 5 Offer the facrifice of rigb· Domine, quid multi• teoufnefs, and put your tru!l: in Pfalm iii. plicati? • the Lord. · Or,1, how are they increafed 6 There be many that fay, ,vho that trouble me? many are will fhew us any good ? 7 Lord, lift thou up the Jig! t of they that rife again fl: me. z Many one there be that fay of thy countenance upoR us. my foul, Thfrt: is no help for him 8 Th,:,u hafl: put gladnefs in my heart, fince the time that their in his God. 3 Ilnt thou, 0 Lord, art my de• corn, and wine, and oil incrc:afi d. 9 I will lay me down in peace, frn er; thou art my worChip, and and t,,kc my refl:; for it is ttiou, the lifter up of my head. ll 4 I 'did call upon the Lord with Lorn, only, that makefl: me dwe rny voice, and he heard me out of in fafety. his holy hill. Pfalm v. Verba mea a11rih111. 5 I laid l!le down and 0ept, a_nd rote up agam; for the Lord fuftam- ponder my words, O Lord; con• fider my meditation. "d me. · · z O hearken thou unto the voice 6 I will not he afraid ·for ten thoufands of the people, that have of my calling, my King, and my frt themfe!ves againft me round God; for unto thee will 1 make: my prayer. about. 7 Up, Lord, ;ind hdp me, 0 3 My voice fhalt thou hear he• rny God; for thou fmiteft all n1ine times, O Lord; early in the morn enemies upon the cbeek bone: thouing wi�I I direct my prayer unto teeth of the un- thee, and will look up: nafl: broken the · 4 For tho_u ar; the God th:i� haft odly. g g Salv::ition, belongeth unto the no pkafure _in w1cked�efs; neither, Lord, and thy bldfing is upon tby Omli any evil dwell w�h thee. 5 Such as be fooh(h Chall not p eop!-e.. !land in thy fight; for thou hateft' all them that work van:t-y. Pfalm iv:. Cum invo,arem. 6, Thou lhall defrroy them that Ear me, when I c;.ll, O God· of my Fighieoufn€fs � thou fpeak lies: the Lord will abbot: :bafl: fet me at liberty, when I was 00th tile. blood-tliirfiy and deceit· in trouble; have mercy upon mr, ful man. , But, as for me, I will come and bearkcm unto my pr-ayer. 2, O ye fons of men, how long into. thine houfe, even upon the. will ye blafpheme mine honour, multitude of. thy m_ercy, .llld in r ;ind have fuch pleafun: in vanity, thy .fear will I worCh1.B, towa- .d thy, . er fal010od? holy temple aft k fre d .in that the Lord . ll Lead me, 0 Lord, i� thy 3 Know this alf�, hath cbofrn to h1mfrlf the man ngb�eot1fnefs, bc·caufe of r-i:rne e tbat is godly: when I call upon nem1es; make thy way plam be· . _fore m:r, face> t.l,le l,..oi::d, be. w.ill h.far me..
9 For there is no faithfulnefs in his mouth ; their inward parts are very wickednefs. · 10 Their throat is an open fc. pulchre; they flatter with their tongue. • 1 I Dell:roy thel'u them, 0 God• ltt them peri01 through their ow� imaginations; cart them out in the multitude of their ungodlincfs: for they have rebelled again fl thee. · u An,! let all them that put th ir trull in thee rejoice: they th II ever he giving of thanks, becaufe thou defendefl: them: they that love thy Name fliall be joyful . in thee : . 13 For than, Lord, wilt give thy bleffing unto the rig�teous, and wi h thy favourable km�nt:fs wilt tbou defend him, · as with a fhicld.
work vanity: for the Lor<l hath heard the voice of my weeping, 9 The Lord hath heard !ny pe• tition; the Lord will receive my prayer. 10 All mine enemies fl1all be confounded; and fore vexed; they !hall be turntd back, and put to fl1ame fuddeuly.
Pfalm vii. Domine, Deus mew. Lord, my Goel, in thee have I put my tru(l: fave me trorn all them that perfecute me, and dtliv,::r me; tt Ltft he: devour my foul like a lion, and tear it in pieces, while there is none to htlp. 3 O Lord, my God, if I have done an-y fuch thing; or if there: be any wickednefs in my hands; 4 lf I have rewarded evil unto him that dealt fr ienrlly with me;· ER, PRAY EvENJNC yea, J have delivered him that without any caufe is mine enemv; • t, · Domm · flur p[alm VI, ne ,n . or_e. 5 Then let mine enemy perfc: Lord, rebuke me not m thine cute my foul. and take me; yea ,_ indignation, ne:ther chaften let him tread my life down upon the earth, and Jay mine honour in• me in thy difpleafure. z Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord, the duft. 6 Stand ll\h O Lord, in thy. for I am weak: 0 Lord, heal me, .wrath, and lift up,tbyfelf, becaufefor my b<lnes are vexed. 3 My foul alfo is fore tr!mbled: of_ the indignation o� tnine. ene but, Lord, how long wilt thou mies; a rife l!lp for me in the Judg n1ent- that thou.. hall: command,. punilh me? 4 Turn thee, 0 Lord·, and' de- ed : liver my foul; 0-fave me, for t<hy 7 And fb iliall the congregation, of the peopla come about. thee:, mercies �ake: 5 Form death no man r_eme!ll- for their fakes- therefore hft up, hereth thee; and "."ho will gwe thyfelf a�ain. , .. 8 The �ord {ball Jild_ge the peo-. thee thanks m the pit? 6 J am weary of my groan mg; ple·: give fenhmce w1l� me, O. every night wafl1 I my bed,. and Lord, accnrding to-my nght�ouf lVater my couch with· my tears. nefo, and- aGcording to, the mno7 MY. beauty is gone for very cc:ncy that is in-me. t-ronbk,_ and· worn• away becaufe 9 0· Jet lhe wickednefs of the �f all mine enemies. ungodly come to an c:nd; but• j. J)..wa•y_ from me, all ye that- g_\lidc: tho\!• th·e jun, 1.0 For,.
i. D ay .
11. PsALTER. 5 Thou madelt him lower than 10 For the righteous God trieth the very be ns and reins. the angels, to crown him with II My help cometh of God, who glory and worn1ip. preferveth them that are true of 6 Thou maken him to have do• heart. minion of the works of thy hands;_ u. Goel is a righteous Judge, a11d thou hall: put all things in fub fir,Jng, and patient; and God is ·1:aion und1:r his feet; provoked every day. 7 All flleep and oxen, yea, and 13 If a man will not turn, he tl?e beafis of the field; will whet his fword; be hath bent g The fowls of the ai-r, and the fillies of the fea; and wbatfo ver his bow, and made it ready. 14 He bath prepared for him walketh through the paths of tl11: the inftruments of death ; he or- feas. daineth bis arrows againft the per9 0 Lord, our Governor, how fecutors. excellent is thy Name in all tho 15 Beho d, he travaileth with world! mifchief · he hath conceived for row, an d brought forth uogodli Befs. The Second Day. 16 He hath graven and diggcJ. MORNING PRAYER. up a pit, and is f lien himfelf into Pfalm ix. Co,ifiteb1Jr 1ibi. the defti-uaion that he made for other. T 'Will give thank:; unto thee, 0 17 For his travail fhall come up .l Lord, with my whole heart; on his own head, and his wicked l will fpeak of all thy man· llou� nefs fr1all fall on hi� own pate. works. 18 I will give thanks unto the z I will be• glad and rejoice in Lord, accordi!ig to bis 1igbte:ouf th e; yta, my fongs will 1 mak� ner ; and I will praife the Name of thy Name, 0 thou moO: lligh· of the Lord moft High. t:ft. 3 While mine enemies are dri\"• Pfalm viii. Domine, Dominl/1 nojler. en b ck, they fhall fall and peri{h . Lord, our Governor, how at thy prefence: _ excellent is thy Name in all _ 4 .For thou hafl: marntarned my the world;. thotr that harl fet thy :ight, and my cau�e; thou_ art f::t m the throne that JUdgell 11ght. g'.ory above the heavens ! 5 Thou haft rebuked the he:i· of the mouth ·of very 1, Out I-,abes and fucklings hall: thou or- then, and ddtroyed th_e ungodly; ,fained firength, I ecaufe of thine thou hafi put out their name tor enemies, that thou mightell frill ever and ever.· 6 O thou enemy, de!l:ruclions the enemy and the avenger. 3 For I will confider thy hea- are come to a pe:petu;il end: ev n ,•ens, even the work of thy fin- as the citie� ..vhtch t!iou_ ha(l: de• 1s perifb!Jers the moon and the !tars which Ctroyed, their memonal ed with tb�m . tho� Ju{t ordained. • 4- vVhat is man, th11t thou art 7 But the Lord ilia)) endure for mindful of him ? and the fon of ever; he hat/1 alfo prepared his, inan, tbat thou vifite,ft him?. frat for Judgment,.
. 8 For he f11all ju<lge the world in rightt:oufnefo, an<l minicter true jn<lgment unto the people. 9 The Lord al(o will be a deft:uce for the oppre!fe<l, even a refoge in due tim� of trouble. !o Ancl they that know thy Name will p11L their truft in thee; for thou, Lord, h:1£t never failed them that feek thee. 11 0 praifi the Lord which dw lleth in Sion; fuew the pc.:ople of his doings: 11, For when he m>1l:eth inquifitio11 for hlood, he remcmbereth them, and forg ttctb not the com. plaint of the poor. 13 Have mt'rcy upon me, 0 Lord• confidt:'.r tht: trouble which I fuff;r nf them Lh3t hate me, thou that lifteft me up from the gates of death; 14 That I may {hew all thy th<: praifos withig the. por!s of daughter o� Sion: I will rejoice in thY f.1lvat1on. 15 The he;ithen are funk _clown in the pit that they m�de;. 11_1 th_e fame net which they l11cl pnv1ly 1s their foot taken. 16 The Lord is known to execute judgment. the:: ungodly is tr;ippcd in the �•ork of his own bands. I 7 The wicked 01all he turned into hell, and all tbe p eo ple that forg et God. 18 For the poor {hall not alway be forgotten; the pntient � hi ding of the meek £ball not p enfii for ever, 19 Up, Lord, and let not man have th(: upper hand; let the heathen be judged in thy fight. zo Put tht'm in fear, 0 Lord, that the heathen m;iy know themfelves to be but men.
Pfalm x. Ut quid, Domine? WHy ftandc:n: tbon fo far off, 0 Lord, and hicleft thy£- ce in the needful time of trouble? 2. The upgodlr, fl,r hi� own lufi:, <lotb perfrcute the poor: ld them be taken in the crafty wilioefs that Lh y have im,1gined. 3 For the ungodly bath ma<le uoaft of his own heart's ddire, and fpeaketh good of the covet ous, whom God abhorreth. 4 Tht.-: ungodly is fo prond, that. c he car ::Lb not for God, ne:r!i r is God in all his thou n hts. 5 _Hi 1vays are·alway grievous; th:r JUdi;ments are far above out of his fight, :md therefore ddi ·th he all Ids enemies. 6 For he haL!1 faid in his heart,· T11rh, l {hall never be caft t!own, there {hall no harm h::ppen unto me. 7 His month is full of curling, ?t'Ct'it, and fraud; under his tongue Ill ungo<llint:fs and vanity. : 8 He fitteth lurking in the thiev 1�1 cc_i111e1:s of the ftreets, and pri vlly m hrn lurl.ing-dens doth be mur<ler the inn�cent; his eyes are fet againft the poor. 9 For he lieth waiting recretly, even as a lion lurketh he in his den, that he may ravi1li the poor. Io He doth ravi lh the poor, wh t n he p:etteth him in Lo his net. II He falleth down and humblcth himfclf. that the c0ngre�ation of the p;or may fall into the hands 11f his captains. 1-2 He lwth faid in his heart, Tufh, God hath forgotten; �e hidrt.h aw,1y his face, and he will never fre it. 13 Arife, 0 Lord God, and lift up thine hand; forget not the poor·. 14 Wherefore lhould the wick ed
ii'. Day.
PSALTER. 11. ay ed blafiJheme God? while he duth that clelighteth in wickcdncfs doth ' fa}' in his he,irt, Tufh, thou Gvcl his foul abhor. carell: ?ot for it. . Upon the ungodly he fhall rain 15 :,un:I}' thou hall fc�n it; for fnares, fire a11d hrim!h,ne, fion thou b ho ddr ungodhnefs and a1,d tempeft: this 01 II be tbt"ir rong, portion to <lrir.k. · 16 T9at thou mayeft t ke the ! . 8 For the righteous Lord Joveth matter into thy hand: the poor nghteoufnefs: I is counknancc will committeth himf◄ lf�ntuthc:-e_; for beuold the thing that isjuft. thou art the helper of the frten<l.,, �VRNING PRAYER. 1 Iefs. xii. Salvum me fac. Pfalm 17 Break tkou the power of the Elp me, Lord, for th re is ungoclly and malicit ns; take away nnt one godly man left• for his ungodlinefs, and thou .fhalt I find none. Jthe faithful are minin1ed fro:ri ll• z8 The Lord is King for ever mon/! the children of men. ancl ever, and the heathen are pe- l _-i Tl_1ey talk of vanity everyone . with his ne:l?hbour; Lhtv du hut rifbed out of the land. 1 9 Lord, thou haft he;ird the: flat�er wit_h their lips, and dil'fem• deCire of the poor; thou prepar<cft ble m their ciouble heart. their he;irt, and thine car heark n- l 3 The Lord fh,111 root out all decei_tful lips, and the tongue tha� eth the:reto, zo _To h t: lp the fatherlefs and fpeaketh prnud things: poor 1111to their rigbt, that the 4 ,vhich have faicl, With our man of the e;irth be no more ex- to11gue will we prevail ; we are they th;it ought to {p ak: who is alted againft them. Lord over us ? 5 Now, for the cnmfortlef� trou• Pfalm xi. In Domino con,�do. N the Lord put I my trurl:; how bles fake oflhe needy, and hccaufe fay ye then to· my foul, that of the deep fighing of the poor 6 I will up, faith the L<·rd a�d flie 1hould flee as a bird unto the will htlp 1::very 0n_e from him' that hill? 1 z For lo, the ungodly b'end their f\� elleth af(ain!t lHm, aud will frt bow, and make ready their a1-rows him at reft. 7 The words of the Lord sre within the quiver, that th y may even a_s the Cilver privily ll10ot at them which are pu�e words, which fr om the earth 1s tried and true of heart. 3 For the foundations will Le purified feven times in the ·fir�. 8 Thou 01alt keep thtm O <,aft clown ; and what hath the Lord ; . tlwu fh,1_lt p r eferve 'him righteous dorie? . . 4 The Lord 1s m his holy from this generation for ever 9 The ungodly walk on every temple; the Lord's feat is in hea!ide :· when they arc l::>calted the vcn. 5 His eyes con Cider the poor, children of men are put to rebuke. Pf,ilm xiii. Ufque quo, Domine ? and his eye-lids tr}' the: children long wilt thou forget me, of men. 6 The Lord alloweth the righ0 Lord; for ever? how long teous; but the ungodly, and him wilt thou hide thy face fr om me? :z flow
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z How long 01all T fetk counfel in my foul, and be fo vexed in my heart ? how long {b,11\ mine ene. mies triumph over me? 3 Crmfi<ler, a ncl h�ar me, 0 Lord my G(•d; lighten mine eyes, that I Oc"p not in death; + Ldt mine t:nemy fay, l h;ive -prevailed again ft him: for if I be call down, they that trouble me will rtjoice at it. 5 But my trult L in thy mt:rcy, and my he;.rt.is joyful in thy falva.tion. 6 I will ling oftbeLor<l, becaufe be hath dt'alt fo lovingly with me; ,yea, I will praifc:: the Name of the [..on.I molt Higheft.
chief, eating up my people as it were bread, and call not upon the Lord? 9 There were they brought in gn:at fear, even where no ft:ar was; for Goel is in the generation of the righteous. 10 As for you, ye have made a mock at the counft:I of the: poor; becaufe he putteth his rruft in the Lord. 11 Who !hall gi�•e falvation unto I frael out of S1on? .,YVhen the Lord turneth the captivity of hi& people, then (hall Jacob rejoice, and lfrad !hall be glad.
'Pfalrn xiv. Dixil i11jipien1. The Third Day. He fool hath faid fo liis h.ear.t, There is no·G<>d. MORNING PRAYER. . 7, They are corrupt, and becG>rne . . •. . . Pfalm • X V. Damme, quu hah11ab,t? · abomi 11 able in -tht:ir doings; there . is none that dot:lh guod, no not L0 1:d, who fuall dwell in thy · tabernacle? or who {hall relt 0ne. n 3 The Lord looked .dow froin upon.thy J1oly hill? 2 Even be that leadeth 1m 11n. ):Jeaven upon the children of men, to ft:e if there were any that would cor!·upt_ Jife, and doeih the thing ,µnderftand, ,and feek ;tftcr God : which 1.s right, and ft1eaketh the r 4 llllt they ar-t: all gone 1>\lt of truth f om his heart: t�er healt(•ge w.1y, 3 He-tha are they the t h;1th ufed no deceit in . corne abon1inable; ,there 1s none 111s tongue, nor done evil to his ont'. neig'hbour, and hath not fla11dered that dodh g,,od, 110 not 5 Thtir 1hro:it is an 11 pen fcpu\. his neighbour: chre; with their t.0ngut·s hav� they 4 He that .fetteth not by himfelf; deceive_d:. the po1fon of afps is un- hur is lmvly in his own eye�, ;rnd der thc•r .lips. . makcth much .of them that fear the 6 Their n1outh ,s foll of curfinp- Lord: nd bitternefs; their feet are fwift a 5 He tl at fwearet h unto his . neighh,,ur, and difappointe-th him to (hed blood. 7 Dc:flrucl:ion and -unh�ppmefs. not, th ugh it were to his own is in their ways, and the way of hindrance: n 6 · He that hath not given his mo. peace have I hey 110t k11ow. ; the�e is no fear of God ,before· their ney upon ufury, nor taken reward eyes. againlt the innoce11t. 8 Have they no knowledge, th:i.t 7 Whofo doeth thcfe things they an: all fu.ch .v'.'orker.s of mif. fbaJI never fall. Pfalm
Pfalm xvi. "Conj'er'IJa me, Domine. Reli rve me, 0 God; for in thee have I put my trufl:. . z O my foHI, thou hall: faid unto tht: Lord, Thou art my God; my goods are nothing unto thee. 3 All my dc\ight is upon the faint:; that are in the earth, and upon fuch as xcel in virtue. But they that run after an4 other god {h�ll have g)·eat trouhle. 5 Theirdnnk-offenngi; ofbluod :viii I not otfe1·, neither make mention of their nam_es witb_in my lips. 6 The Lord h1mfelf 1s the portion of mine inheritance, anci of my cup; thou fualt maintain my lot. t 7 The lo is fallen unto me in a fair ground; yea, l have a goodly herirage: . s I will thank the Lord for g1ving me warning; my reins alfo cha/ten me in the night-feafon. 9 I have fet God alw_ays before me; for he 1s on my nght hand, therefore I {hall not fall. , 10 V✓herefore my heart was glad, ;incl my izlo�y rejoiced; my Oe{h alfo !ball re!\: 10 hope. 11 For why? tho11 ilia It not leave my foul in hell; 11eitber Oialt thou fuffer thy Holy One to fee corruption. 12 Thou {halt fl1ew me the path of life: in tlry prefence is tl,e fnlnefo of joy, and at thy right hand there is plcafur-e for evermore.
Pfalm xvii. Exa11di, Domine. Ear the right, 0 Lord, confider my complaint, and bearkeu unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. 2 Let my fentence come forth from thv prefence, and let thine eyc:s loo'k upon the thing that is equal.
3 Thou hi!ll: prO\· d and vilitcd mine hellrt in the n·ght fe:ifon, thou haft tried me, and {halt find no wick dnefs in me; for Jam ut· terlypurpofed that my mouth £hall not offend. 4 Bt'caufe of mens· worl;s th�t are done again fl thew r s of tbY lips, I ha,·e kept me from the ways uf the deflroyer. 5 0 bold thr>u up my goings in thy paths, that my footJ½eps nip not. 6 I have called upon thee, 0 God, for thou {halt he:ir roe:: in· dine ti ine ear to n ' and hearken unto my words. 7 Shew thy m;irvellnns lovinS kindnef6, thou that art the a11io\!r of them, which pot their truftiil r fuch as refifl: thy , ight thee, f om h,rnd. 8 Keep me :is the app!e fan eye; hick me 11:der the 01a Jowof ttiy wings, 9 From.the ung c.lly, tha troll" ble me: mrne ent:mi�s compaf: rne round about, tu take away 1nY foul. _ . 10 They are. mclofed in their own fat, �nd th ell" mouth fpeak:1:tl1 proud thrngs. 11 They lie waiti_ng in our waY on every fide, turnrng their evc:s down to the ground, 12 Like as a lion_that is greedy _ of his prey, and as 1t were a lion's whelp, lurking in fecret places. 13 Up, Lord, difappl•int him, and cart him down; deliver my foul fr om the U1Jgodly, which is a fword of thine. 14 From the men of thy hand, 0 Lord, fr om the men, I fay and from the evil ,vorld; whicli 'hnve theit· portion in this J"fi whole bellies thou fille!l: w:�h �hy bid treafurc. ,5 They
15 They have cfiildren at tbe(r 'p�ace, _his pavillion round ab <:_l ull delirtt, and lcav.e the reft of their lum with dark water, and th1c� clouds to cover him. fubrtance for their babes. a At the brightnefs of "his pr716 But as fo1· me, I will behold thy pre fence in rigbteoufnefs; and fence his clouds removed; hail .. wht:n I awake up ilfter thy likt:nefs, {1:ones, and coals of fi.re. 13 The Lord alfo thundered out I fball be fatisfied with it. • 1 of. beav.en, and the Higheft gave, . EvB�rn.a PR AYER. his thunder·' hail-fto.oes, and coals· Pfalm xviii. Diligam te, Domine.. of fire. T Will love thee, 0 Lerd, my 14 He fent out his, arrows, and; !! '!tr ngth, The Lordi� my fio- f<;attered them; he ca{l:,forth light ny rode, and my de�nce, my,Sa- mngs, and deftroyed them. 15 The fprings"of waters were vi.o.ur my God, and my might, in who� I will tru!l:; my buckler, Tee::n, and the foundations of the the }lflrn alfo of my falvation, and round world were difcovered at thy chiding, 0 Lord, at the blaftmy refnge. :r. I will, caH upon th<;- Lord� ing of the breath of thy difpleawhich is wor_t!1y t9 b_e pra1fed_; fo fore. . 16 He fhal! fend down from on fba l l I l5e fafe from mme enemies. eath_, com. high to fetch me, anct !ball take 3 The farrows of ,d palfcd me, antd the overflo�vtngs of me out of many waters. 17 He lhall deliver me from myungodlinefs macje me afraid. The pains ofi hell came about flr�ngdl: enem1, and from them 4 me the fnare - .s of death overtook w�1ch hate me; for they are too ; mighty for me. me. . 18 They prevented me in the . 5 In my trouble I .w,_11 call upon o n the Lord, and complain u t my day of my trouble; but the Lord was my upholder • God; • 19 He brought me forth alfo in. 6 So !ball 'he- hear my voice out of hi!l 4oly tem1�le, and m-,: co�- to a place of liberty; he brough plaint 01all come bt:f?re him; it me forth, even becaufe he had a , favour unto me. {hall•enter even into 1110 ears. 7 The earth· trembl�d and qua. 2.0 The Lord fhall reward me fted, the very foundations alfo of after my righteous dealing, ac-. the bills {hook, and were re::moved, cording to the cleannefo of my . hands.l h all be recompenfe me. becanfe he v.:as_wroth. :;. g There went a fmoke. out 1n 2..1 Becaufe I have kept the ways his prefe � ce, and a confuoitng fire of th t: Lord, and have not forfaken out of. his mouth, fq that coals my God, as the wicked cloth. were kindled at it-. 2.2, For I have an eye unto all his 9 He how<::d the h$!_avens. alf?, laws, and wi'll not caft out his com .and carne down,•and 1t was daik mandments,from me. . uo<ler his feet. 2.3 I was ;'!;(fo ulicorrupt before1 o l� e rode upon the Cb�rub1ms, him, and ef::: hewed mine own and d! d fly; .ht: came flying upon -wickednefs. the wings of the wind. 2.4 Therefore fuall the Lorcl u He made darknefi his fecret reward me after my righte_ous S dealing,
iii. Day.
PsALTER. d aling, and according unto the 38 I will fmitc them, that they cleannc:fs of my hands in his c::ye- £hall not he able to ftand; but f:111 .fight. under my feet. • 25 With the holy thou £halt be ' 39 Thou halt girded me with 1-oly, and witb a perfect man .thou (hength unto the bJttle; thou fbalt be perfect. n1aH throw down mine enemi s 26 With tbe clean thou (bait.he under me. clean, and with the froward tbou 40 Thou hall: made mine cneJhalt learn fr owardnefo. mies alfo to turn thc::ir backs upon 27 P.or thou £halt fave the peo- me, and I fhall deftroy them th at pl� that a:-e in a·dverfity, and (halt bate me. bring down the high looks of the 41 They lliall �ry. hut there proud. (h II, be none to hel i:i them; yea, 28 Tliou alfo fl1alt Jigbt my ev�n µnto the Lord Chall they cry, candle : the Lord my God {hall but h� !hall not hear them • .make my darknefs to be light. 42 I will heat them as fm:ill as 29 For in thee I fhall difi:om6t the duft before the wind: I will an hoft of men, and with ,the help caft them ·oµt as the clay in the of my God I fball leap over th_e ftre.ets. 43 Thou !halt deliver me frolll wall. 30 The way of God is an uncle- the frrivings of the people, a11d filed way; the word of the Lord thou 0rnlt make me the head of alfo is tried in the fire: he is the tbe heathen. (lcfender of all them that put tbc::i.r 44 A people whom I have pot knoyvn {ball .(erve m_e. trutl: in him. 31 For who is Go<l, but the 45 As foon as they hear of me, Lord? or who hatl1 any ftrength, th�y JIJall obey·�e; but the firan_ge children fh/111 d1ffcmbl,<; with me. xcept our God? _46 The ftr?ng� chtldre11 fha_ll 3z It is God thilt .gircletb me with ftrength of war, and ma!,eth fo1_l, and be. afraid o,,Jt of their . · pnfopR. :P.'IY w;iy perfect. 47 The Lord liveth, and- bletred · 3 3 He maketh my fret like harts-' ?e my firong helper; a1�d praiJe4 fret, ancl retteth me up on high. God of my falvat1on: 34 He teacheth mine:: hands to oe the_ n th e God that feetb that 48 Eve fight, ;ind min.e arms Uiall break I he ;ivenged, and (ubduetb th,e even a bow of fiet:1. unto me. 35 Tho� hart giverr me the de- people 49 ,It is he ,that .d �li_vereth me fence of thy falvatio.n; thy right 3ncl alfo !hall hold me up, and fronJ my cruel en1:m1es, and fet• adverf;,iries; thY loving co.rrecliqn fh.illl !Ililke teth me up �qove mine r thou fbalt nd m�- f om ,the wickeQ pie great. ou fha-lt make ro0Jll e- man. . 36 Th 50 Fo_r tlJ1p caufe will I gh·e · ough under me for to go, that p thanks u�to thee, 0 Lord, among footfteps !hall not flide. piy I will follow upon mine ene- the Gentiles, and fing praifrs un· 37 , . . mies, and ove!·tal�e them; neither to ,t � 1y N_ame. . 51 G.1 e�;.' p1 ofpednty giveth hf will I turn aga111,t11l I )lave deftroy.,•"' ,.. 1 u_nto 11� 1 _:n.mg, an 11 1_eweth Jov' c1 them. r ' , .n g ,(; • • ' i-·
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iv. Day·
11 Moreover; by them is thy ing kindnefd unto David, his A nointed, and unto his feed for fervant taught; and in keeping of evermore. them there is great reward. u Who can tell bow oft be of.: fenc.leth ? 0 cleanfe thou me from my fecret faults. The Fourth Day. I I x 3 Keep thy fervant aJfo. from . prefumptuous fins, lefl: they get MORNING PRAYER.· the dominion over me; fo {ball I Pfalm xix. Cceli enarrant, be undefilecl, and innocent frorn He heavens declare the glory the great C'llft:nce. of God, and the firmament 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, fbeweth bis bandy-work. z One day telleth another, and be .alway acceptable in thy fight, 15 0 Lord, my firength, and ene night certifietb another. 3 There is neither fpeech nor my Redeemer, language, but thc::ir voices are beard among them. Pf.1lrn xx. E.«audia t te, .bomim1i. · 4 Their found is gone out into s o into the all lanrls,.and their w rd THe Lord hear thee in the d117 of trouble; tl1t Name of th<: ends of the world. 5 In tAt'm bath be feta taberna- God of Jacob defend thee, ,. Send thee help from the Sane de of the fun, which com�th forth as a bridegroom out of his cham- tuary, and 11:rengthen thee out of ber, and rejoiceth as a giant to run Sion: 3 Remember all thy offerings, }lis cour!e. ·6 It goeth forth from the ut er. ana accept thy burnt facrifice: 4 Grant thee thy heart•s defire, moft part of the heaven, and �unneth ahout unto·tlJe end of 1t a- and fulfil all thy mind. gain, and there is nothiug hid from 5 We will rejoice in thy falvation, and triumph in the Name or the heat thereof. 7 The law of the Lord is an un- the Lord our God: the Lord per defiled faw, converting the foul: form all thy petitions. 6 Now know I that the Lord the tefl:imony of the Lord is fure, and giveth wifdom unto the lim- helpeth his· Anointed, and will pie; bear him fr om his holy heaven• . 8 The ftatut�s of the Lord are even with the wholefome ftrenglh right, and, rejoice the h�a�t: the of his right band. commandmentoftheLoid is pure, 7 Some put their truO: m chariots, and fome in horfes; but we and giv th light unto the �yes. 9 The fear of the Lord 1s �lean, will remember the Name of the and endureth for.ever: the Juclg. Lord our Gcid. ments of the Lord are true, and 8 They are brought down and rightenus altogether. · fallen; but we an: rifen, and fiand 1 o More to be de fired are they upright .. than gold, yea, than much fine · 9 Save, Lord• and hear us, 0 gold; fweeter alfo th:i� honey, ancl King of heaven/when we call upon the • the honey-comb. . �� Pfaim _I's :& ' ·,
iv. Daj,:
Pfalm xxi. Do:mine, in -v-:rtutetua. EVENtNG PRAYER, He King fhall rejoice in thy pr,am l x.xn. •· Deus, Deu.s meus, ft!'.ength, O Lord; exceedi�g glad lhall he: be of thy falvaGod, my God, look upon tion. me! wby ha-fl: thou forTaken 1, Thou haft given him his heart's me? and ;irt fo far from my health, de(i.re, and haft not·denied him the and from the woras of my com· requdt of his lips. , . plaint? .3 For tho-u f11alt prevent l11m ,z. 0 my God, I cry in the dilY• wjth the bleffinr:s of gooclnefs, and time, but tho-u 'hear h not. and D1alt fet a crow":t .of pure gold up- in the nigh:t-feafon alfo I take no refi:. on his head. 4 He aiJted life of t�ee, and thou 3 And th_ou continueft holy, 0 gavefi: him a long life, even for thou worfh1p of Hrael. !!Ver and ever. 4 Our fathers hoped in ·thee; 5 His honour ia great in thy they trufted in thee, and tl:coU • fatvation; glory and �reat worlhip didfl: deliv.er them. s They called u'.pon thee and fbal-t· thou lay upon him. · 6 ·For thou fbalt give him e- wei- holpen · tht:y put th j; truft ve-rlafl:ing felicity, and make him in bee, and 'w . ere not confound• glad :with the joy of thy countc:- ed. 6 But a-s for me, I am a wnrm, nam:e. 7 And why? hecaufe the King and no m,m; a ,;ery fcopn of men, puttc:th his trufi: in the Lord_; ;ind and the out-cai:t of the peopli. in the mercy of the moft H1ghefl: 7 All they �that fee mt:, laugh pe fliall not. mifcarry._ f!le to fcorn; �h('.Y q1oot out thdr 8 All thme enemies fl1all feel !rps, and fl1ake tlrt:1r beads, fay thy hand; thy right band fball ing, 8 He trufred in God, thilt he fin<l out them that hate thee. 9 Thou �131� make them like a \1:oul�delivf:� him: let_him,deliver fiery oven rn it1me of thy w_rath_: him, 1f he will have him. 9 But th·ou art h,e that too1c me tbe Lord fl1al1 deftroy them m his difpleafure, and the -fire fi1all con- out of my mother s womb; thon waft my hope, when I bangt'.d y 't fume: them . 2:o Their fruit firalt thou root upon :my mother's hreafl:s. 10 I have been left unto thee out of the earth, and their fred from among the children of men, ever fince I wag ·born; thou 11rt 11 For they in.tended mifchief my God even from· my mother's againft thee, and irnagin.ed fuch a womb. 11 O go not foom me; for trou· device as they are not able to perble is har<l at hand, and there is foI:Jll : , 1 2, Therefore fhalt thou put tht'.m none to help me. 11. Many oxen are come about tofli,,ht,andtheftringsofthybow :fualt"'thou make ready .agai-nft the me; fat bnl_ls of Bafan clofe me in . on every 'fide. face of them. 13 They gape ·Upon me with :r3 Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own ftr<!ngth; fo will we their mouths, as it wen: a ramping and a roaring lion. fing, and praife ihy power. 14 I
1v. Day.
iv. Day.
'l7 All the ehd's rof the world :. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint;. !hall remember themfelves, and he my heart a\fo in tbe midct of my turned 'Unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations !hall worbody is even like melting ,vax. 15 My fl:rength is dried up lilre a !hip before him. potfherd, and m tongue cleaveth 2.8 Forthe kingdom is the Lord's, to my gums, an J thou fhall bring and he is the Governor among the· people • me into the dnft of death. 2.9 All' fuch as be fat upon eartlt • • 16 For many dogs are come about me, and the council of the have eaten, .and _woril1ipped •. 30 All they that go down 1�tQ wicked layeth liege againll: me. 17 They pierced my hands, and the dull: lliall kneel be.fore him. tny feet: I may tell all my_bones: agd no man hath quickened hi& they fl:and fi:aring and looking up- own foul. on me. 31 My feed lhall f<.rve hrm; tbey __ 18 They part my garrne.nts a- fhall he counted unto the Lord foi: ots upon a generation. mong them, and · caft l· my vellure. 31 They Jhall come; and the r • 19 But .be not th ou far f om heaven8 fhall declare his .rigtJ. me, O Lord; thou art my fuccour, teoufriefo unto ·a people that iliall be born, whom the Lord bat!\ l1acte thee to help me. 2.0 Deliver my foul from the made. fword, my darling from the power . of the dog. Pf:l ··· . D ommus ; regz't me► •1 m xx_m 2.x Save me from the lion'd mouth, t,bou halt heard me alfo THe. Lord is tnY fhepberd. ' therefore c.an I lack no: from among ,the horns of tbe uhing. . i t n corns. • 2.1, 1 will declare thy �ame unto z He ihall feed me in a green, tny brethren; in the �tdfr of th e pafl:ure,� ancl lead me forth hefide congregation will I praife thee. the waters of comfort. 2.3 <;:> praife' t�e L�nd, ye that � He lball convert my foul, andfear hun; magnify bun, all Y� of bring me fotth in the paths ofrigh the feed of Jacob; and fear 1nm, teoufnefs for his .Thfome'$ fake. all ye feed of Ifrael� 4 Yea, though I walk through• . • '24 For he bath no.t defp i fed nor the vall�y of the fhadow of death,, abhorred the low eft-�te ?f the I will fear" no evil ; for th.on art poor; he bath not hid his face with me . th-y ved and thy fiaff from �im; but whe!1 he called comfort �e. · · . unto him, he_ he�rd him,. .. 5. Thou {halt prepare a table be. 2.5 _My pratfe_ 1s of thee 111 t�e fore me ag · ainit them that trou great congr.eg.at10n; my �ows will hie me • thou halt anointecl my1· perf�rm in the light of them_ that head wit'h-oil . and my, cuP, fball be: fear him.. i full. '· �6 The poor {hall eat, and he 6 nut thy loving !iindnefs aodl fot1sfied ; they �ha� feek after the mercy fhall follow 111e all th� days. _ Lord,_ !ball pra1le hrm; your heart of ·my life, -and I will dwell m the e fuall lrne for. ever,. . houfe of the· L.ord· for ev. r. The :.. St J
v. Day.:
PsALTER. v. The Fffth Day.. tranfgrefs without a caufe 01all be: put to confulion. MoR, ING p RAYER. Shew me thy ways O Lord, • Pfalm xxiv._ pomini ef! terra. a,,� teach me th y path/ He earth 1s tile Lord s, anJ all Lead me forth in thy truth, tllat: therein is; "the compafs an4d learn me; for thou art the of the worl-cl, and they that dw II God of my falvation: in thee bath therein. • been my hope all the day long. . z For he liatli fouhd_ed it upon Call to remembrance, O Lore!, the feas, and prepan:d 1t upon the thy5 tender mercits, and thy loving floo·ds. kin dneffes, which havt; been crer 3 Who iliall afct?nd into t1!-e hill of old. of the Lord? or who ihall nfe up 6 Oh remember not the fins and in his holy place? offences of my youth ; but ac· 4· Even be that hath clean bands, cording to thy mercy, think thol> nd a pure -�eart_i and that h:ith upon me, O Lord, for thy good· not lift up his mm�l unt_o va�1ty, nefs. , . , nor fworo: to deceive lus n eigh7 Gracious and righteous is the Lord; therefore will he teach (in• boar. . · • He {ball receive the bleffing ners in the way. 5 from the Lord, an� righte�ufods 8 Them that are meek ! h all be from the God of his f�lvat1on. guide in judgment; and fuch �s 6 This is_ the generation of them are gentle, them ihall he learn b1S tb:it feek bun ; ev.en of them that way. 1eek tby face, 0 Jacob. 9 All tlle patfis of the Lor<l are s, 0 ye mer cy and truth, unto fuch �s 7 Lift up your_ head gates ,. and be.ye lift up, Y� ever- keep bis covenant, and hie te[h• J;rfting doors, a�d the Kmg of monies. Jory frlalt �ome m •. · · . Io For thy Name's fake, 0 L?r�, g g Who 1s the Krng of glory? be merciful unto my- fin; for 1t 1s it is the Lord fir_ ong a!1d mighty, great. even the Lord mighty 111 hattle. 11 What 11:an 1s he that feare�� _ 9 Lift up you'. heads, 0 ye the Lord? him [hall he teach 10 crates, and be ye lift up, ye_ ever- the way that he !hall choofe. L'lfring doors, a�d the Kmg of 11, His fo11l .01a!l dw_ell at eafe, ,.,lory {ball come 111. • and his'feea iliall 111hent the Ian�• "' 10 '\iVho is the King of gl_ ory? 13 The fecret of th_e Lord 1s ·even the Lo:rd of hofis, he is tile among them that fear him, and be ·King of glory. will fhe.w them his covenant. . • · · 14 Mine tyes an: ever l ook111g . . e, Pfalm xxv. Ad le, Domm !e'Va'l._•z-. unto fhe Lord_; for he fhall pluck N to thee, 0 Lord, will I ltft my· feet out of the net. u my fonl; my God, I have is Turn thee unto me, and have · fu-uft iA thee: 0 Jet me. not mercy upon me;_ for I am defolate, -· · tu� 'neither_ let mine and in mifery. n��founded, · • e c over me. h 16 The farrows of my heart arc mp triu •es m eni For all they that hope in thee enlarged : 0 hring thou me out troubks •. LI 11 no.t be afb<1med i, but fuch as of iny .k!la . J7 Look:
· _17 Look upon �y adverlity and "innocently: O deliver me, aml be m1fery, and forgive me all my merciful unto me. • fin. 12 My foot ftanclelh right: I I 8 Confider mine enemies, how will praife the Lord in the congre.: many they are; and they bear a gations. , . tyrannous hate againlt me. 19 0 keep my foul, and deliver EVENING PRAYER.. • . ine : let me not he confounded, p·� . .. 1?om11u" . : 1'//ummat,o. 1 .,a m xxvn. for I have put my truft in thee. 20 Let perfectnefs and righ- THe Lord 1s my lrght and my falvation, whom then fhall I teous dealing wait upon me; for fear? the Lord is the !l:rength of my hope hath been in thee. 21 Deliver lfrael, 0 God, out my life, of whom then !hall I 'oe afraid? of all his troubles. z When the wicked, even mine Pfalm xxvi. 'Judica me, Domine. enemies and my foes, cam1e upon E thou my Judge,. 0 Loi·d, me to eat up my fl !h, they fium..: for I .have walk.ed innocent- bled and fell. • Jy; my tru!l: hath been alfo in the _3 Though an hoft of men were Lord, the�efor_e !hall I_not f�I!, la1d againft me, yet fhall not my 2. E.xamme me, 0 Lo:d, and heart be afraid ; and though t�ere . prove me; fry out my rems, and rofe up war again It me-, yet will I · , . put my tru!t in thee. my heart. . · 3 For tby _ Iov1n�-kmdnefs _1s 4 One thing have � delire� of ever before m111e eyed, and I will the Lore.I which I will require• . ev.:n that i may dwell in the houf� . walk in the truth. h varn of the Lord all the days of �y life, 4 I have. not _d�•clt wit have ft:!. to behold the fair �eauty of the l perfons; �either wt l_I . Lord, and to vili.t bis tempJe. Jowfhip with the deceitful. s For in the time of trouble he 5 I have bated the con_gregatton of the wicked; and will not fit fl1al\ hide me i,n his tabernacle; among the ungodly• . . yea, in the fecret fl lace of his 6 I will wafh my hands m rnno. dwt>lling fball he hide me, and ftt cenc�, 0 Lord; and fo will I �o me up upon a rock of �one. . to thrnu altar, 6 And now fi1all he hft up mrne • · 7 That I may fhew the voice of head above mine enemies round tbankfgiving, .and tdl of all thy about me. . wondrous works. 7 Therefore will I offer m his g Lord, I have l·oved the habi. dwelling an oblation, with �reat talion of_ thy houfe, and the place gladnefs: J will fing, and !peak where thme honour dwelleth. . praifes unto the Lord. . 8 Hearken unto my v01ce, 0 · 9 9 {hut not up, my fo1)l with the hnne_rs, nor my life with the Lord, when I cry unto thee; have bJood-th1rfl:y ; mercy upon me and hear me. . 10 In who!_e h_ands is wi_cked9 My heart h�th talked of thee, Jlefs!. and theu· nght hand 1s full Seek ye my face; t-by face, Lon.I, of gifts. will l feel· p But as for me,. I will walk I lO o l;ide not tholil thy face from
v; DLJj.
v. Day.
from me, nor caO: thy fervant a• mind the works of the Lord, nor way in clifpleafure. , the operation of his bands; there• · n Thou haft been my fuccour; fore !hall he break them down, and I-eave me oot, neither forfake me, nnt build them up. 7 Praifecl be the Lord ; for he O God of my falvation. 12 Wh,en my fathe1· and my mo- hath heard the voice of my hum· ther foi:fake me, the Lord taketh ble petitions. 8 The Lord is my fi.rength, ;rnrl me up. 13 Teach me thy way, 0 Lord, _my 01ield; my hC3rt bath trult d and le d me in the right way, be• in 'him, and I am belped ; tben:fore my heart �anceth for joy, and in . . �aure of r:nine enemies. _ 14 Deliver me not over into the my fong will I pra1fe him. 9 The Lord is my ftreogtb, aml will of mine adverfaries; fur there are falfe witr.effe� rifen up again fl: he is the wholefome defence of bis Anointed. and fuch a:i fpeak wrong. 1.0 0 fave thy people, and give is I lhol1ld utterly h,l\"e fuinted, but 'that I believe verily to fee the thy bl ffing unto thine inheritance f · them up for gootlnefs o.f the Lord in the land feed them, and fet • ever., 6f the living. 16 O tarry thou the Lord's leifore; he (hong, anii he !hall com- · Pfalm xxix.. .Affirte Domino, fort th-iAe lleart; and pot thou thy BRrng unto tbe Lord, 0 ye mighty, bring young rams �ru� in the J,ord. 1mto the Lord; aTcribe unto the Lord worfbip and 1ln:ngtb. Pfalm xxviii. Ad te, Domine. z Give the Lord.the honour due Nt o thee, will I cry, 0 Lord, m. y fl:rengtb: think no from unto bis Name; worfbip the Lord of me. left, if H10u make as tho' with holy wodbip. 3 It is the Lord that command· thou hcareft not, I become like eth. the waters; it is the glorious them that go down into the pit. , 21 Hear tbe voice 0£ my h-umble God that maketh the thunder. 4 It is the Lord that ruleth the petiUons, when I cry unto thee; whe-n I bold up my-hands toward3 fea; · the voice of the Lord is the mercy-feat -0f thy holy tem-· mighty in operation; the voice of ' · the Lord is a glorious voice. pie, O pluck me-not-away, neither, 5 The voice 0f the-Lord break• 3 dellroy me with �he ungodl :y a,nd etb the cedar trees; yea, the Lord• :wicked doers,, which fpeak fnei1d- breaketh the cedars of Libanus. 6 He maketfi them alfo to fkip ly to their_ ne!ghbo�1rs, but ima1-Lke a calf· Libanus alfo and Sirio[l) ,gine mifcl11ef JO their hearts. them acc_urding to like a you'ng unicorn. 4 Reward 7, The voice of the Lord divi<l th eir r.ft:e·ds, and ilC�ording _to the wickednef.s of lheu- own IJl'.!en- eth the flame!> of fire; the vcicc tions. \ of the Lord {haketh the wilder, 5 Recompenfe them after 'the nefs ;,· yea·, the f.ord ihaketh the !\Tork of their hamls; pay them wjldc:.rn.efs of Cades. eferv�d. 8 The voice oft he Lord maketb that they hav_e d . � .I:or they regard not rn their .the hinds to bring forth young,.
T,he Ps.AL'J\ER.
and difcovereth.,the thick bufhes · JO Shall the dull: �ive thank� 1111in his telJ'lple doth every man fpeall to thee? or fha\1 it declare th y: gf his honour. truth? 9 The Lord fitteth above the JI Hear, 0 Lord, and have merwater·Hood. and the Lord ren1ain- cy upon me; Lord, b� thou my 'helper. eth a King for ever. 10 The Lord fhall give firengt-h , u Thou ball: turned my heavi unto his ,people::: the Lord fhall nefR into joy; thou hafl:,pnt off my give his people tt.e bleffing! of faokclot•h, and girded me w,ith · gladuefs : peace. , J 3 Therefore fhall every good i ------------- man fing of thy praife witho'ut . cealing: 0 my God, I will give T�e. Sixth bay. thanks unto thee for ever. • • Ji •, MORNING PRAYER, pr,a 1 m xxx1. In te, Dom111e, ptrav,. _ Pfolm xxx. Exaltah9Je, .f!o1?1ine. , thee, O Lord, have I put my Will magnify thee, 0 Lorri, for. tru{l;; let me r.ever be put to tl,ou h:i-ll: fet ·me 1Up, abd ot c0nfufio11; deliver me in thy righ over teoufoefs. made my _foes to' tr.iomph · · . . z Bow down th'ine ear to me ;, • , _ me. . 2. O Lord, my God, I cried un- tmakc hafie to deliver me. 3 And be thou my Ctrong rock, to thee, and thou h:ifl heal d me. 3 Thou, Lord, haft broug.ht my .and houfe of defence, .tha.t thou foul ont of bell; thou hafl kept mayefl: fave me• my �ife from. them thnt go down - 4 For thou ·a�t my firong rock, and my. caUlt': be thou alfo my· t.:o the pit. 4 Sing pr:iifes unto th� Lord, 0 guiqe, and lead me'for .thy Name's ye farnts' of. his; and give than:ks fake. . unto him, for a remembrance of s Draw me out of tbe·net that 1 they have laid privily for me; for bis holinefs. s For his wrath entlureth but thou art my ftrength. tihe twinkling of an ey�, and in 6 Into thy hands I commend his pleafnre is life; heavinefs may my fpirit; for thou hact redeemed endure for a night, but joy com- me, 0 Lord, thou God of truth. eth in the morning. i7 .I have hated .them that hold • 6 And Ln my profperity I faid, of fuperfiitious· vanities, and my J 0iall never be removed; tl.!,Otl, tru{t hath been in the Lor<il. Lo't'd, bf thy goodnds, ·bad{t made 8 J. will be glad� and -rejoice in' thy mercy; for. thou haft conw.der• rny .i1ill fu (ft1:ong. 7 Thou d1dlt turn tbyiface from eJ my trouble, and bait known my. foul in advet'fities. me, and I wa·s troubled. . · 8 Then cried I unto thee, CD 9 Thou halt not fhut me up 1nLoid; and gat me to • my Lord to the hand of the enemy, but h fl: fet my fee.t in a large room. right humbly. ' 9 What profit is there in my Jo Have,mercy upon me, 0 blood, when I go d0wn to the Lord, for I am ,io trouble, ancl 1ilit min� eye .is con fumed fo� vcr)(: ' ·! heavinefs >-
vi: Day.
'J'.he. PsAL�E·R.
� vi,_.
heavinefs; yea, my �cmi �aad-.my hy t11ine own prefence fr'om t htt body. · provoking of all •men; tbo1\f 01alt �· . ' . _II Fo� my life 1s waxen old keep them fecretly in• thy t.iberna w1th h�avmt:fs, and my years with cle from the ftrife pf tongues. mourn mg. 23 Thanks be to th,; Lord; for . . u My firength fa1leth me, be- he hath 01ewed me ,marvellous eaufe of mine iniqui.ty; and my great kindnefs in ·ftTong city. bones a,·e .con fumed.· . . • • 24 And wlien I made hafle, I 13 I bec�me a reproo famong all fare!, I am call:-out 'of• the light of _ _ mine e!1em1es,,hut efpc:_c1ally among thine eyes. my neighbours; and they of mine 2.5 Nevertht:lefs, thou hearclefl acquaintan<.:e �ere afr aid ?f n\e; the voice of my·pray er, wben I a n d they that did fee me l 1thout, cried nnto thee. conveyed themfelv�s fr om me. '26 O love the Lorci, aft ye his 14 I am clean n:irgottcn, as a Saints; for the Lord preferv.:th dead 1'.1an out of mrnd ; I am be- them that are. fait h�ul, and pJen· come like a hrok n ;veCfel. teoully rewardeth· the prond do• 15 For I have h ard the blafphe.• er. , • . , my of, the multittJde, and foar is '27 Be ftrong, and he 111 11 eftn• on every fide, y.•hile they confpire bli{h your heart,1 all y.e that put .together againft me, and take llleir your tni'ft in the Lord. · counfel to take aw.1y my life� ,• • 16 But my hope hath been in EvENJNO PRAYER: thee, 0 Lord; I have faicl, Thou . .. Pfalm ,cx;x11. Bea/1, quorum. art mv Gorl. '17 My time is in thy luind; deLeifed is· he, whofe unrigh: liver me from the hand of mine , B teonfnefa is forgiveq, and enemies, and from them that pei;. whofe fin is cove.red: • fecute me: . ' BkCfed is the man, unto whom 18 Shew thy frrvant.the light of t'hc Lonl imputetl� no �n,_-and in thy countenance, at\d fave rr\e for whofe fpirit _there 1s no guile. 3' For whilft I held my tongue, . thy mcrcies fake. ,9 Let me not be confounded, my hones confu�e� away through• O Lord, for I have called npon my daily compla1011�g. 4 For thy hand 1s heavr upon thee• Jet the ungodly he put to conf�fion, and be put to filence-in me day and night,, and my moif ture is like ,the c!rot1gl)t in fum· . the grave. . _ . put-to mer. • . · , · 20 Let the lyrng lips filence which cruelly, difdainfol5 I will acknowlet.l g:e tny fin un• Jy, an�! defpitefully fpeak againfi: to thee, and mine unnght1':0t1fntf1r have T riot hid •. the righteou • 6 J faid, I w1JI confefs my !ins ho�v. plentiful i3 thy good21 nefs, which thou haft laid up for unto- the Lo.rd; and fo thou for• them that fear thee, and that thou gavefl: the �1ckednefs of my fin. • haft prepared for them that put , For this fhall_ every one that their trult in thee, even before .,s godly make: his prayer unto · t11ee, in a time when lho),I mayeft the fans of men ! them prjvily be found; but in the great wa hide ilialt Thou �,, .,,., tcr
Ps.,AL '11E
vi. Day.
ter-flp-9ds th{!y {hall-not comt: nigh I , 9,For he fpake, and it was done; , , be -commaodet!, and it ftood him. 8 T�,ou art a ,place to hide m.: 10 The Lor¢ bringFth tht: co11�i11 ; thou f11al� prefave me fr om fel of the heatlien to nqught, and trouble; thou fhalt compafs me maketh the devices of the peo.ple about with fongs pf deliverance. to be 9f none efft:cl:, and cafr th· 9 I will info�m ttiee, and tt:ach out the counfds of princes.., r r The counfel qf the Lord !hall tJ1ee in,the,,�a;y herein th 11..fhalt go; and I will guide thee wit!1 endure for 1,v.er, and the thoughts, •• . - • � • of his heart from generation to mine eye , • · IR)}e • Yie nob Ff� to �orfe and generatiorr. u BleJled are thi:: geople, wbofe mole, wb1ch have IJ{>. undei:fbrndipg; whofe· mouths muft be held Goel is the Lord Jehovah ; and witll bit an<;i ,bridle, left t!iey fall blelfed are the folk that ht: hath upon thee. . • • ch9fen tp him, to be his 'inherit . 11 Great plag_ues rem;iip for tl�e ance. ungo�ly_; but whofo putteth his 13 The Lord looked down fr9m tn.1fr- 1�; ,the Lord, mercy ep1br<\- he,1y��1, a,nd ,he held all tb� c�il ever.y fi�e. 1 , • dren of·men; from the hab1tat1on ceth; h1_JO,Qn p �e:glptl,.p Yl: �1ghtepus1 and of his dwdling, he confidereth all r.:Joice in the Lord; amL_bejoy. them that dwell qn the earth., , fol, all ye that an: true o heart. 1 14 I-1�-fafhioneth all·the hearts, - -- -- - - - - - - of them, and underftandeth all thejr works. Pfalm· xxxiii. Exultate, jiJli. . • Ejoicein the �o-rd, 0 yt: righ15 There is no king that can be becometh 1t Wt:11 faved by the multitude ofan hoft· teous; for • neither is any mighty man- deliver! tfie juft to be than�ful. ·.. Lq1:� w1_th_ harp; ed by much fl:rength. • . . ,;i, Praife .,th� ·16 A p<;>rfe is counted but a ;v in ting · praifes u_n.tq· h11n with: the Jute and \n(hument of ten ftnngs. thing to f<1ve a R1an · neither iljall· . 3 'sing unto 1:,ord a n�w ht; <Jeli,ver a_ny man' hy his great_ i • {011g-; lirrg ,pr:.tifes lufbly unto lum ftrength. • . : 17 8 hold; the eye of t1,e Lprd with a good c0un1ge: 4 F9r the word o.f the Lord. 1a 1s uppn them that fear, him, and· true, and"all hi\, �vo.rks are faith fol. upon them that put th$!ir trull: in 5 J-k lqveth yighteou(n"efo an<!_ Ins mercy; -• · . }8 TQ deliver their foul_ from, judgment; the earth_is full of th� death, and to feed them m t);i goodnefs of the Lord. •j 6 .By t,he;w_ord_ _of,tJ1e Lord }'Ve.re tjpie 0f dearth.-� . , t;he heavens m¥l,e, an,d all the bolls . 19 Our fovl _hath patientl_y tar•. of them by the breath,ofhis mouth. netl for tHe Lord; fo1· be 1s -ouc . 7 He gatherel�• tli'e wat_en; of help an� om-fi:i�eld. . . . the fea together,... as it '.'17ere up.on . ,.� For our heart fhall reJOl'?C an beap, and layeth u.p the de_ p, m him; becaufe we havt: hoped m his holy Name. as in a treafure-houfr. 21 l.,et thy merciful kindnefs, 0 g Let all the earth fear the Lord: :fil;an� \n awe. of hirn, ?,II y_e that Lord, be upon 11s, like as we do owe II rn the world _; put our truft in thee. - Pfolm
vi: Day.
vu. Day. PsALTER: · Pt:; Im xxxiv. Benedicam, Domino. ro.o t out fhe remembrance oftbem Will a1way give thanks unto from the earth. 17 The righteous cry, a_nd t-he th!:: Lord ; his praife fhall ever Lord he;ireth t,hem, and dd1vereth be in my mout-h. · z. My foul {hall make her boan them out of all their trouhles. io the Lord; the humble fhall ' 18 The Lord is nigh unto them hear thereof, and be glad. �hat are of a contrite heart, and 3 O praife the Lord with me, 'will lave fuch as be.of an humble and Jet us magnify his Name to fpirit. . •· · · get her. ' 19 Great are the trouhles of the 1 4 I fought the Lord,· and he righteous, bt.it'tbe Lord delivercth ' • hear<l me; yea, he delivered m.!; qim out:-of all. . out of all my fear. z.o He keepeth all his bones, fo 5 They ha l an eye unto him, that oot Of.le of t·hem is broken. z.1 Bu� misfortune. {hall fl,iy the and were lightened ; and their ungodly, and they that bate the faces were n_ot �lhamed. 6 Lo, the po_or crieth, and the righteous fball be defolate. 2.2 T-he Lord deli'ver�th the fouls �ord hea-reth him: yea, and faveth him out of all his troubles.' qf his fervant�; and all they that I 7 The Angd of the !Lord ta1Ti- pul:- their truft in him f11all not be elh ro und' about them that fear- ddlitute. v him, and•-delivereth them. --..,,.-, . 8 O ta{l:e, and fee, how gr.1- 1-------- -qlelfe _is; r,J is d Lo the the , . cious The Seventh._ D,ay. man th.at trufleth in him. PRA)'ER,. Mo&Nl;'IG d 9 O fear the Lor , ye that are Pfa!m x_xxv. ':fudica, Domine. his Saints; for they that fear qim · thou my cau�e, � Lord, lack nothing. pLe_ad with them that �rive. with me, 10 The lions do lack, and fuffer hunger; but they who frek the and figb,t thou agamfi: them that· :Lord {hall want no manner of fight againl\; me. z.- Lay _ban� upon the fhield and t.hing th,at�ia good •. , •. . · 11 Come, · ye children, and buc;kler ..., ai;id. ftand up to help me, 3 Bring forth the fpear, ;md ftop }1earken unto me ; I will teach the way againft them that perfeyou the fear of the Lord. u What l)'la.n !s he �hat luftdh- cute me: fay unto my foul, I am, a fo Jive, and would fam fee good thy f lvation. · · 4 L,et tbell'} be ,:;onfounded, and: aays? ' 13 Kee� thy tongue from evil, put to 1hame, thijt foek: after my and thy lips, �hat they fpeak no foul; Jet them be t_urned b�ck, and ' brought to confufion, that 1magin� guile. .: 14 Efchew ev1l, an� do good; nTifchief for tne• 5 Let them be as the duft before feek peace, and enfue 1t. 15 The �yes of the Lo'.·u are the wind, �nd the Angel of the over the .righteous, and his ears Lord fcattenng them. 6 Let their way be dark .ind flipare open unto their pcayers. x6 The cnuntenance of the_Lord pery, and let the Angel of the Lord is againft them tbat do evil, to perfecute them, 7 For 1
The . ..
vii. PsALTER. 7 For they h,wc privily laid,tb,cit· in �hi: great congregation; I "�i�l net to defl-roy me without a c:1u.f1:; pra1fe thee· among mtJCh people:_ 19 _O le; not t 1em that are 11:me yea, even with.out a caufe. havt: enemies triumpli over rpe uogodlr; they made a pit for my foul. • 8 Let a fud<).en 9enruttinn �ome neither. let them wink with tht:1L· Upon him unawares, and' his net eyes, that hate me \Vithont .a that he hath laid privily catch him- caure. frlf• that he may fall in�o .hi� ciym 20 And wh,y? their communin!! · .. :- is pot for peace; but they imagine mif�hief, . 9 Anci my foul be joy'ful �11 the dect:itful words agaioft them that . Lord; it lhall rejoice in his ' falya- are quiet in t_he land. u They gaped upon me wJtll . ·· tion, · 10 All my bones (hall fay,Lord, their mouths. an<;! Jaid, Fit: on who is like unto thee, who deli- 'thee, fie on thee, we faw it v;itll vereft the poor from him 'that is our eyes. , . .. too ftrong for him; yea, the poor� ,.,. This lhou haft feen, O Lord; and him t��t ia ii� m)fery, [rom hold. not thy tongue thep; go not far from me, O Lord'. , him that fpo1leth him? i('F_alfe_Vl'itn� ffes dic\_rife up; z3 Awake,andfiamluptojuc;lf$� , they 'laid �� my ��arge thlllljS that my quarrel; aveng� �ho� mycaule; . • my Qod and ivy Lord. · I knew not1, , . . · 1:1. 'They. rewarded me evil .for , 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, goo·d, to the great difcomfo ' rt of according to thy righteoufnefs, and let them not triumph over me. my foul. 13 Neverthelefs,when they were :z3 Let . them not fay iu their fick I put on fackcloth, amt hum- hearts, Th ere, there, fo would we bled my foul with fa(ling,_ and. my have it; neither let them fay, We prayer !hall turn into mrne own have·devoured him. .1 26 Let them be put to -confufioa bofum. 14 I behaved myfelf as though and fhame together, that rejoice it had been my friend or my bro• at my1trouble; let them be cloth ther; I went heavily, as one U1at ed with rebuke and rlifhonour, that boafr themfelves againft me. mourneth for his mother. 15 But in mine adverfity �hey :.7 I:et them be glad and 1:ejoice, rejoiced, and gathered themf�lves that favour my righteous dealing; .together; yea, the very ahJetts yea, let them fay alway, llldfed came toget,her again It me una- be the Lord, who bath pleafurein wart:s, makmg mouths at me, and the profperity of his fervant. z8 Auel as for my ton,gue, it ceafed not, 16 With the flatterers wert: bu- fhall ·he talking of thy righteou( [y mockers, who gnafi1ed upon nefo, and of th¥ praife, all the day long .. hie with their teeth. · . · 17 Lord, how lor,g wilt thou . Pfalm xxxvi. Di:�it injtylu-s. look u_pon this? 0 deliver my foul from the calamities which they heart fheweth me ,the brio� on me, and my darling from wi-ckednefs of the ungod• ' ly, that there is no fear of God the hons. . J8 So will I .gi,v,e thee tlianks before his eye.s. T � For vii. DpJ!.
vii. Day.
The Ps1\.LTER.
vii. Day.
z For they iliall · foon be �ut 1,' For h e 'Rilttereth Mmfelf in his- 0\Vn fi i:; i\t, ,mtil Tfrs abornin:i- down Jil{l:"1be grafs; and ·be wi1 out. : thered even as the gr<:en herb. ole fin be found t 3 Put tl'lon thy truft in the L0rd, • 3 The ·w >rd5 of his: mouth an-unrighteous-, and foll of dect:it; and oe doing ;ood; dwell in th� be hath htft-uff to behave himfelt lancl, ancJ, veply thou fhalt b fed. wifel Y. , and to do good., , upon 4 D�light thou 1n· t e Lord, • 4 He in:iagineth mifchief r bis bed, and Jrnth fc:: himfelf 1.11 �o af\C, he iball give thee tht heatl'S �.dhe. ·• t• .. , good ,yay; nei!her _rlo'th he abhor < • s Cotnrrl1t thy', .·i�ay Onto the any thing th<!t 1s evil. . L_o, r d, 'reAcl1Lu.rd, ancl,. put 0 thy ,trufl mercy, in him, 5 Thy eth unto· the heavens, and thy and he fh;'J.tl bring \t to pafs. · ,6 }{e fhall make thy righteouf. falthfulnefs unto tbt: clouds. . . 6 Thy righteoufnefs ftandeth n fs as clea'r as the light· and thy Jikl! 'the ffrong mount ins; thy juft clealihg as the noorl•day. 'great 7 Hold thet; fiill in the Lord, judirnerits �r.e like 1 ., the' • •11 • :.Ind abide p;ttientlytlpon hi"1; but Jeep. Thou, ];()rd, fh_alt fa\'.e both grieve not thyfelf at him wb11fe 7 man at1d !1eaft: ll?w �>;<;_ell nt_ Is way <.lot!\ profper; ;_igain!l: tlfc: m·an tby 111erc_y, 0 God� -��d th cl11!1 that doeth i3(ter, evil connfels • .of men !hall put their tr-ult under. • 8 Leave off froni wra(l'r,, \id · let go difpleafure; fret no thyfelf, ·the fhadow of thy ings � g Tbe·y fb;,.11 be fatisfi d witbthe. elfe thalt thou he moved to' do Jenteoufpefs .of ihy h_qufe, and evil., . fbo fhatt ·ve them dnn)r of thy . 9 Wicked doers fhall be ro6ted 1 Arures; "ont of ��e river. . out; and they that pati�ntl y, abide p _ for witl! ·th�(: 1s the '1"ell of the 'Lord, thofe ihall inherit the 9 . . . in thy ltght lliall we fee l�nd. life, and t . JO Yet a little wh1.J,e, and the fi.;ht.· o 0 o o continue frth tb'y'loviog ungodly iball be c!ean gone; thou kindnefs unto them that know (bait look after his place, and be he away. thee and thy righteoufnef� Ul}tO £ball JI But the meek fpirite<l lliall t� of hear true are that . n; the o le not tlie foot of prnle polfefs the_ earth, and fh ,all be t JIe againft me, and let not the refre!h.e.d JO the multitude of ro of the un_godly'caft rr,e do.:wn. peace. ��t1d 1, There ;ire they fallen, all 11, The nngodly feeketh counfcl and gnaibetb upon th�t work wickednefs; they art againft the jult, cafl: · down, a,o.d iball. n�.t b.t able him with his t_eeth. • 13 The Lo1d fi1all laugh him to to .{land, · fcorn ; for. he hath fern that hili day is comwg. Ev·ENING PRA-YER. 14 The ungodly have drawn out the fword, and have he�t their . Pfalm xx-xvii. Noli temulari. t down the poor and Ret not thyfelf becaufe of the bow, o call: u 1godly; neither be thou en- needy, and to flay fuch as are of . a right converfation. a ain ft the evil-doers : . YIJ us · g 15 Their 0
'!he P.sALTER.
y1 . D_q.y,
15 Their fwor<l !hall go through 29 The unrighteous !hall be putheir own h�art, and their bow nin1ed; ;isrfo.r t;tie•fce<i of' the un' (hall be broken. godly, it fb:111 be rooted out. 16 A fma.11 thing that th.e ri •ho The rlgh e6ns (hall inherit teous hath, is better than gr,eat the3 land, and dwell tht'rein for riches Qf the un:;odly; ever. , 17 Por the arms vf the un ° od31 The mou.th of the righteou,; ly !hall be bro�en, and the L«?rd is 'exercifed in wifdom, a11d b-is uphuldeth the rt.ghteoua. tongue ,viii be talking of ju1\g18 The Lorn knoweth the day$ ment. of the·godly, and their inherkance. 3 1,, The law of his Goe;! iG in his fh.aH endure fur ever. ; he<!,rt, l!,nc;l 'hi& goings fl\aH not 19 They 01alt not ��•conf(!t!n4• Oide. ed irr the perilous t1_rm;; anU rn :n Tl1e 1tngodly feeth the ri r; b the d.ays of de�rth the}! fh<11\ h�ve teuus, aud fd:ketll oc.c;afion to· nly enougli. · him. . . 7. As for th� uug,orlly_, they 34 Tbe Lord\ ill n�t. lea',!C him• ? per fli,. a114 the enemies of_ the_ in his ban�, nor condc':\fi hi lil Loi�d (hall ::u nfume �s th_e fat of wh,en he; is Jt1.dged. lamb's! y-ea, · , even as '1.be- fm�ke 1-10µ.e tho.u i.1,1 the Lord, and 35 ih.all they c.oqfu,me '1"�Y· J,eep hi� "(a}'·, an.d· be lliall pro. _ g9�ybor_roweth� and ' 7.1 Tn.t:u mute th.ee,.t\lat tbou {haltpoffi fs � payet� not ,i�ain; bu_t the rrg.h.- the lan d: when tb,e N11.go-dly lh;iH teous_JS {IJ,.Crqfutand liberal. . peri.fl\, thon.1);\.alf. fec:: it , r -, z� Such as are bleffed of C,oc}, rhe nnfetn 1ve, t1., rri.yfdf, ·• . 6 3. that. anci_they d; lan th� il,)ali offefs g_od}y 1� great pow r, ,tnu flou,, o f . him p {i ..., arc-cur_e •' fhall ., be, n,oled .· nn111fg,'\.1ke., green bay-tvee ' •· . · ·• . out . · • · w�11 b¥;:ana1 lo;•!re was, ; :ftl(; J:,<ird order:eth a gqod · 3.7 I maJ•s gping; iio� m·akc:tp his w.ay gone;_ I fough� h.t'm;' 1:ntt �1 SJ lace could no wh'.�i!e he foll�i�c. � accepta,bh: to qirri(df. 3 S Keep rnn0cs-qcy, 'ancd'' take ::.4 Thmigh· Hc' falf, he !MIT not be call: q.way; for the Lord uphold• heed unto the t�ing that is right; fortha,l• 01aU. br.mgc a man• pf ace ai: cth him with ilis Hand. . z5 I have beeg young, and now the laft. am old, anµ yet i:'aw I, neyer �he .. 39 _As_ f�r the tr_lf1f�grdf9r�, they righteous forfaken ,_ uor _ his feed fhal l penfl.1 t9ge��cr; ,111d, t be nd Qf _the trngo�ly 1s, They ihall be: beggi"ng their bre,ld. :i.6 · Tl'1<t 'rrgbteou� is eYer mer- rootetl ou� 'at ·@h'e tall:.' 40 B11t tl_1e Calvati,Qn of t))c riihcifol and lendeth; at1d his feed is bleff�d. teous cometfi' of th'� I:o'rd, ,,v-llo •. • : • , 'li7 Flee 'fro� evil, ;).nd do. th� is alfo their ftre·ngfli in the time of · thing that is good', and dwell for trouble. : • ; . , evermore. 4r .A:nd the l',ord fba1ifla.nd by, 2.8 For the Lord lovetb' t-he th�m, and' fiive them· he fhall de� thing that is right; . he forfak'eth liver them fro\n the 1:ngodly, Jnd not his that be godly', but they ate Iha\\ fave them ,' peciufe lhey put prefcrved for ever. their truft irVliinr. ,
viii. Day.
viii. Day.
14 I became even as a man that heareth not� and in whofe mouth are no rep_roofs. • · • MoRNJNG PRAYER, 15 For in thee, 0 Lord, have I ... Pfia 1 m xitxvm. Domine, ne in furore- ut my truft; thou (hal t anfwer p l!t m� not to rebuke, O Lord, for me, 0 Lord,_ my" God. 1_n _thme anger; neither cbaft16 I_ have req_u1red that they,�· en me in thy heavy difpleafnre: ven mme_ enemies, fhould not tn� For th i ne arrows ftick faft in umph over me; for when my foot me, and thy hand pre!feth me fore. Oipt, th"ey rejoiced greatly ag ain!t • 3 There is no he.tlth in' my fl e lh, me. h tai:ife of thy difpleafore; nei17 And I truly am fet in the ther is there any relt in my bones, plague, .and my heavinefs is ever \>y reafon of my fin: . in my light: •4 For my wickednelfes ·a·re · I 8 For I will confefs my wick· gone over my head, and are like ednefs, and be forry for my fin. 19 _But mine enemies live, and a fore burden, t oo heavy for me to bear:' are mighty,; and they that Qate 5 My wo'?nds fiink, and are cor• me yvrongfu.lly are m any in num· rnpt, through my foolifhnefs. .· ber. :io Thc;y__alfo �hat rew:lrd evil · 6 I am br?ught rnto fo great trou, ble and m1fery ,that I go mourning for good are a_gamft me; becaufc • all the day 1ong: I follow the thing that ·good is. • :ZI Forfake me not, 0 Lord, my 7 For my loins are filled with a fore difeafe, and there i� n o whole God; be not thou far from me: u tJafte .'the� t_o help me, 0 _ part in my body. 8 I am' feeble and fore [mitten. Lord, God of my falvatiou: I have roared for the v-ery difquiet} • ' · · · • Pfalrn xxxnt_- D,x,, Cujlodiam. nefs _of:,my heart. , 1 take ll heed t_o my , wi Said I 9 Loccl, thou knoweft all my \vays, that 11 offend not, m my defire·, and my groaning is not hid from thee. . · • tongue. : I �,ill kee_p my. m_outh as it 10.M;: heart panteth, my ft;ength ha_th fa i led me, and the fight of w.ere ,�1t.h a bndle, while the unmme eyes ,is -gone from me godly 1s m _m:y light . b�ld 'PY tong4e, and fpake JI �y lovers and my neigh• . _3 hours d 1 rl {\and looking, upon my notlung . I li:ep t lilence? y ea, ev� n trouble, and. my kinfmen ftood a- from good words; but 1t was J? a in • far off. , and grief to me.• · , e; 4 My lieart'was hot within m n �hey �lfo that fought after thus mufing, the nw life, laid· fnares · for me. and and whileedI , was and at the la!t I fp ake t.bey that· went about to d� me fire kindl ev.il, talked of wickednefs and with my tong ue. le me imagined deceit all the day l�ng. 5 Lord, �. r fknow my end, e o my days, that num. the and d m a ike w<\s I l eaf 13 As for e, man,_ and heard, not; 'and as one I in�Y be c:rlilied how long I have that 1s dumb, who doth not open to hve. " ·_ 6 )3ehoJd , t h ou halt made my bi,.mouth. days The Eig�th Day.
v111. Day; PsALTER. 41Many if.ball fc.e it, and fear, d.l:ys as it were a fpan long, and their tnt Cl: in the 1!1 1ne age is even as not bing in re- an� fhall put. · r · · . ! tpec}: of thee• and verily every Lord. lllan living is a'itogether vanity: 5 Ble!Ted is .the man that b:itn • 7 For man walketh in a vain fet his hope in the L0rd, and.turo ��dow, and difquieteth himfelf in ed not unto'th� pr?ttd, and to.fuch ,1 vain; he· beapetb up riches, and as go about ,,·1lh l,1es. 6 0 Lord, my �d, great are cannot tell who !hall gather them. 8. And now, :J_,ord, what is my the ,wondrou�·-works wbichrthou hope? truly my hope is even in haft .done, like as 1,e. alfo thy thee. thoughts, which are to us-ward, 9 Deli\•er me from all mine of- and yet there is no. man ti.lat orfences, and make me not a rebuke deretb them unto.thee. , , 7 lf I fi10nld declare them,,11nd Unto the foolifh. 10 J became <lumb, and opened fpeak ·or them;• they• fho11ld be �ot my mouth; for it was thy do- more than I am. able. to xprefs: 'Ing. 8. Sacrifice and meat-offering 11 Take thy plague away fr om thou.wouldcft not, but mine eari me: I. am even confumerl by the hall thou opened. means of thy heavy hand. 9 Burnt-offerings and facrific'e 1-z. When thou with rebukes don: for" fin haft thou not required: chaften man for fin, thou makcll: then faid I, Lo, I come. his _beauty to con fumr e '!-way, like . Io _In the volume of �he book it as 1t were a moth f etting a gar- 1s wntten of. me; that I fbould ment. every man therefore is but fulfil thy wjlJ, O my Gou: I am• c�nt�nt to do it? y�a, Jhy law is, vanity. . r3 Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, w1thm my heart. . and with thine ears confider my u I !rave de.clarei:l' thy ri li cal!ing ; hold not thy peace at my t�ou fnefs in t�e great congre.ga , tears: l!ou; lo,,.J w1Jl not refraiLi ·my . 14 Foi: I am a ftranger with thee, lips, 0·1:,ord, �and t�at thou k ri ow-· • . anc\ a foJourn(;r, as al� my fathers e1l:: were. 17. I have,not hid thy righteou:f15 0 fpare me a little, that I nefs within my heart•, rny d!k ·may recover my ftrcngth before I hath heen, nf thy .ttutb; and. of· . , _ go hence, and be no more feen.. thy fa\vati0n. · 13 J f1ave iioMrept maf:k th'.y lov'Vi. · expefla ing.mercyland truth from the gre t ' Pfalm xl. ExpeElam · I , · .. Waited patiently for_ the Lord, congre-gatiorr;. and he inclined unto me, and 14 Withtlrnw not tliou'tby mer-• cy from�. 0 Lord; let thy J ex •heard my calling., � H hrought me alfo out of.the ing-kindnefs and.thy.truth aL,v_iff 'llorrible pit, ont of- the mire-and preferve-me.. clay, '.' n fet my feet Hpon the J§. For innumenibl trou,bles"are com�.aboutme; myfin.:.,h�vet · .k �n i:ock, and ordered my g.oings. 3 A·,,n he hath put a n w fang fi.1dLhola upon m , hat I•arrr not in my mouth, even a tha11kfgivfog able t'\l louk· u,r; ye-a, t 1 ey iti-e · u.nto -our God,. more'. 111 uumher Lha:n the hairs of, m y, T. 3:::. viii. Day.
JX •
·s Bi.it it is thou that faveft' us knoweth th very 'fecrets of the from our enemies, and putte heart. l them to confurion that bate us. u Forthy fake alfo ;ire we kill• 9 We make our boalt of, God ed all the day l0ng, -and-;ire connt• all ({ay ,long,:an� will p,raife thy ed 1 as fh.eep:appointed to be Oain. 23 Up, Lord, why Oeepelt thou! Name for ever/•� >, . • 10 ButQow·th� art far.off, and ;iwake, and be not abfont f' r om us pntt ft us to confufion ; ';ind goell: for, ever., . · 24 Wherefore liidefl: thou thy not forth with our armies.. · h Thou makeft us to turn bur face, and forgetteft our niifery and backs upon .our ent"!ies, fo that trouble? they which bate us fp01I our goods. 25 For our foul is brought low, · xi Tlion lette!l: tLS be eaten up even unto the dull: • ·our bc:Jly like lheep, and ha!l: fcattered ' us' cleaveth unto tbe gro{ind. 26 Aril'e, and help· us, and de• among the heathen. · • 1.3 Thou fellefl thy people for liver us for thr mercies fake. nought-, and takeft no money for_ · .· • Pfalm xiv. En,Elavit cor meum. them. makefl: us to be reheart is inditing of a gocxl 14 Th.on matter; I fpeak of the buked of our neighbours, to be c:l Janghe to fcorn, and had in de- things which I have made unto ri!ion of them that- are round a- the King. z My tongue is the 'pen of a boun1.s. · x 5 Thou makell us _to be a by- ready writer.· word among the heathen', a11dlthat -·�·'I'hou art fairer than the chil· the pw·ple. fbake their •heads at �_ren of men; full of grace arc thy ·IJps, b cau!e God hatth bleffed thc:e ·us. 16 My confu!ion is �aily before for ever. 4 Gird .thee with thy fword up• me, and the fhame· of my ·face on thy th1�h, 0 thou moll: mi h· • bath covered m_e; 17 Por the voice of t,he. flanderer ty, accord111g to thf worlhip and ·and blafphemer, for.the enemy aTid renown • ,: Good luck_ have tBou with . avenger. �. • 1g And though all tli.1s h� come thine honour: ride on, becaufe of upon us, yet do. we not forget the "-:ord of truth, of meeknefs tbee, nor b'ehave ourfelves fro .! and nghteoufnefo, and thy, right , . hand fhall teach thee t,errible wardly in thy covenant. . 19 Our bc:art is not turned back, tltings. 6 Thy arrows are very ! h arp, neither our fteps gone out of thy -· ... aud the people fball be fubdued way; :io N?, not when thou·hall: fmit- unto thee, �ve!1 in t�e mid!l: a• -ten us rnto the. pl�ce of dragons, mong the King s enemies. and covered us with the fl:1adow 7 Tb}' feat, 0 , Go d, endureth for ever; �be fceptrc of thy Kin,. • of death. 1, 21 If we have forgotten the dom is a right fceptre. g;.· Thou h�ft- !oyect r;ghteour.�apie 'of our· God, a1Jf! holden • up our hands to any_ ftrange· god, nefs, and hated rn1quity; wherc jQalLJ1ot God frarch 1t out? for he fore God>. evt:n thy God, hath• anoi11ti:d
ix. Day;
ix. D ayl. �
;rnointed thee the oil of glaa. though the 'eartli be rilov�d, and though the hills be carried into nefs above thy felhnvs. 9 All thy garments [mell of the midll: of the [ea. myrrh, aloes, and caffia; out of 3 Though. the waters thereof the 'ivory palaces, whereby they rage and [well, and though th� mountains lhake at the kmpeft of have made thee glad. . 10 Kings daughters were among the,fame. , thy honourable women; upon thy 4 The rivers of the flood there right hand clid -ftand the' Q!.!een in of !hall make glad the dty of Gpd; a vell:ure of gold, wrought about thf holy place of the tabernacle of · the moll: Higheft. · � · , with d1vers colours. s God js in the niidft of her, II Hearken, 0 "daughter, and confider; incline thine ear; forget thert:fore fhall fbe not b.� rernov alfo thine own people, and thy fa. ed; God {hall help her, and that . right early. ther's houre. u So n1all the King have plea• 6 The heathen make much ado, fure in thy beauty; for he is thy and the kingdoms are moved; but Lord God, and wor01ip thou him. God hath fhewed his voice, and r3 And the �augh_t�r of.Tyre the earth fliall melt away. ., 7 The Lord of bolts is with us; jliall be there with a gift; like as the rich al(o .among the people the God of Jacob is our refuge. 8 0 come hither, an<l be)lold fuall make their fupplication bethe works of the Lord, what de.fore thee. 14 The �i1�g•s daugllter _is a_ll ftrutlion he hath brought upon glorious w1th111; her clothrng 1s the earth.. 9 �e maketh wars to ceafe in of wrought gold. • · I �he· �,1ll'be brought unt<;> the, �11 'the, wor11d_; - he bre, kt:_t� th\! _ _ 5 King in raiment of needle-work; bow,, and. �n,!pp�th the fpear in r e the virgins that be her (ellO'iVS upd r., and hn neth toe chariots - ' .. _ niall bear her company" �nd_ fball in th!: fire._10 Be fbll then, and know· that be brought unto thee. 16 With joy-and gladne[s (hall I am God: I will be_ exalted a they be brought, and n1all enter mong t�e heathen, and 1 will be exalted 111 the earth.. into the King's palace. 11 The Lord of hafts is with us; 17 lnftead of thy fathers thou fualt have children, whom thou the God of Jacob is our refuge. mayell: make pr_inces in all lands. I EvENtNG PRAYER. 1g ·r will remember thy Name from one generation to 'another; Pfalm xi vii. Omnu gentn,plaudite. Clap your hands together, all therefore fuall the people .give ye people: 0 ling unto .God thanks unto ·thee, ·world without · with· the voice of_ melody. end. z For the Lord is high, and to Pfalm x\vi. Deus nofler refugium, be feared; he is the great King Od is onr hope and ftreogth, upon all the earth. a very prefent help in trou• 3 He fl1all fubdue the people ble. under us, and the nations under · 2, Therefore will ive n�t fear, our feet·.
4 He
The _PsA,LTER. "
. 4 He Oiap choo(e out,t1n h.�ritage fl:>r u , even the worfuip of J!icob: wliom he lov�cl: 5. Gotl 1s gont! up with a merry noi-fe, and the Lord with the fuuod of the trump. 6 0 ling praifes, firig praife ur!t9, i:r Gpd ;_ Q ling praifes, fing µnufh unto our Kin�; . � • 7 Fot d i1i the :King of· al.J fhe'e'arlh. 'Rng ye,praife wifb tin: J · derfh1nding. • 8 Cod re gneth o'er the hea'then; God fttteth 1,1pon. his, hol} • ' -fe;it. ' 9. The p1·it.1ces of �he people are -. "oine<J unto-the f?eoj)lE of the God of Ab ah-am·; for"God,.whi�h is errhigh ·e:.:alted, doth defend the earth as it \'Vere wfth_ a l,hiel ? , · ! .. . � , Pfolm xf<>iii. 1¥(agn11s I):Jt1/imu. I eat is the L_or1, ,\r1q h\g11ly �o be prai,f�d m the city of 0ur God, even upon bi's l;Jo!_y htH. z. TJ;ie Jiill_ of �i911 is a fair place, aQd' the. joy of- the whole e;i,rth; upon ttie n rtb fiqe lietJi· t_he c;ity �f Hte. g�at �ing; God 'i,I?' \v�Ll knocvn in' her pa:t.tt:e's as' a fur�,re, .... '' fuge. '.3 For lo, the kings- of U1e �ai:tb are gathe�ed, and gone hy lQge· ther. fuch fee, t(! marv.elled ;I:hey. 4 things; th.ey 'o/ere aftondb.eti,. an<l • fudderr!y call down. " Fe�r- came there UpQ):'.I them, 5 a id forr;ow, as upon a woman in • bc:r travail. 6 ·Thoa {halt br�s.1k the: fl;i.i'pa of the fea tbrough the eaft wind. 7. Lilie as Y:e lpve ..heard, fo have we feen· 1_u the c�ty of the Lord of hofts, m the city of. our Go,:!,; Go.d upholdeth )he fame for ever. · g We wait for t11y loving-kind· 4 • •
ix. Day,.
nefs, .0 God, in the micHl: of thy temple. 9 0 G�rl, accor�ing to thy Name, fo 1s thy pra,fe unto the world's end; thy tight hand is full of righteonfnefs. 10 Let the mount Sion rejoice, an� the daughter of Juda he glad; beeaufe of thy jud.gmeqts • .' iI Walk 1abo1;1t Sron, and go rou11d • about ·her;. and :.tetl th -!_o�ers thereof. u,. Mark well her bulwarks, fd up her houfes, that ye may tell bem that orr,e aft r ;' :r.3 For this God i our God fot <';W;;r and ever. He l11a)l be out guide noto death.'. ' · · · Pfal!n xlrx: Audite'htec, 0111111:1. I-lea,· ye' ll1i3' ;itt ye pt:oplt:; ponder ft wllh yo111; eai's, ._ill ye�that dwe)l in• the" worlc); z Higl1 al)d low, ric,h an,;!.. poor, one with another. ; My mouth /hall· fp.eak of wif• do.m,. and.my he11rt {hall mufe of · • ui;id�rflanding'. ' 4 ,J �v'ilt in�llne.·TT)'ine �ar to the p,rcab,le, anrl r1(,W my da_r-k fpeecb upon the tta J?. I , ; . s· Wl\eretbr� ft:t'o1Jld I feqr i�1 the O<\.ys ot wickeqnefa; and when the «>tckednefs of my heels compalf• eth vi� r�nmd ,aQout � . 6, -:C:here �e f�111e that put their trufl: in ,th.e)r' g Q�s� anrl boalt th�mfelves H\ ·t11!; 1n.ultitucl..e- of their .-ic.hes ; 7 But n0 lnan tn,1y deliver his bfother, nqr ipak,e agrtt;roent un• to God for bi•m : g For it coft more to redeem their. fouls; fo that he mufi; Jet that aloi:ie for ever; 9 Yea, _thqugh .h e live long, and fee not the grave. JO for· .,he feelh · • that wife m n alfo
x. 'Bay;
Thie Ps�:1,TE'R.
x·.. Daj:
"\ • '1 • f JI .: I a1fo die and penfl;i together, �s ed tbe ,vorlt, \ f(O� lUe riling up. $., o it g, clown wen· as the i_gn1?ran� apq fociJiqi, of the fuq unto, ;hr.1 thereof. and leave tht:1,r riches for otb«r. 1 1 . 11 And yet they think that \heir z Out of, Sion 'hatll God .aphoufes {hall co,\_tin ue foi; ever, a9cl peared in· pe_rfea: 15e�uw, 1 that thdr dwell�ng. places Uiitll en3 Our God fha1l come, and � all du rel fro,ip he ge'nerar Oil to an-! �ot ·eee• filen,ce; th_ere fhttl g() othe ; and aall, the lapds after, liefore b1� a confum111� fin,, \1.1,d, ' · ' .1 their own n,imes.' �• mi�hty, tern.pelt' £hall be• Il:irred. 1.2. Ncverthelefs, inan1 will not up 'round about 'him.' . . abide in honour, feeing Fie m::i-y'b� ,'fl, t{e (4all c�ll thf! heaveri S?mpar�d,_u1�'to the be"ft� t}i 1 [pe;. ��d·t.he ea1:t_h,· �a), Jie:ma• • r1fh ; this ·1s the way of tl1em. · Judge his people. J 1 1 s Gather my faints tog:etl�er,un 13 This is thti.r fooliihn�fs� ·and t11tir rofl:e• ily p1:aife th�ir fa,ying. to me; thofe thal ba"e mack a co14 '.l hey lie 111 th·e hell like fhe,::p, venant with me with i'acrifice. deatn 1rnawet11 upon them, ;iod t11e . 6 And the heavens lliall dee are righte 911's h1all ha�e cr'omi�icit! o,vc\· �!S fighteoufnefs; or.Gu�! i{judge. r _ them, n .the n;iqrnmg?. their he<\ ty ij1mftjf. . · . 1 , fl1aH confuti;i e l the epulcbre out r 7• Hear,' 0 my�;people, an,d of th�ir d\ie l ltng. · ' ' 1 : wi)! (p ak: I {\1yfelf wiLI te!lify 15 But Qod hath cle,Hvt:red 'T•Y 1aga1n!t thee, b lt.rael; fqr 'i am , r foul f om the place of_ hell; for 1Gocl, even thy God. . ? I will n?t reprove th�e becaufe he !hall receive me. . 16 Be not thou afraid, thou,gh of thy facnfices, Oli for thy burnt ,one be made rich, or• if the glory, offerings; becaufe they were not m . of his houfe be lncrt;afed; l ai'way before e l 'wil take no bullock 0ijt of i7 for he, !h, 11 cap-y;r'n t�ing 9 . away with him, . when �e die h, t_hurn boufe, nqr h -�oat out of .• neither mall bis ,P,oinp fol ov/ him. thy folds j ; • � • I 18 ·For while f1e lived;he count10 For all the beafts of lhe fo. •ed himfolf a� l1�ppy man; a'nd fo reft: are mine, and fo are fl1e· cattle long as thou doeft well unto thy• upon a thoufand hills. {cdf, men will fpeak good,of thee. • 11 I know all the fowfa upon19 He !hall follow the genera- the mountains, and the wild beafts tion of his fathers, and ll;iall never of the field are io my fight. , , u If I be hungry, I will not te11 fe!! light. . 2.0 Man being in hoqour hath thee; for the wholt: worldjs mine, no under!l:a,udipg_, but is corrlpa- and all that is therein-." J 3 Thinkeft t11ou that I will ea� 1;ed UiltO the bea�� that p�rifi1. bulls fldh, and driuk the blood.of --------::-------'-''--- go;:its? , , · 14 Offer unto God thankfgiv The Tenth Day. ing, and pay thy vows unto the 1\1.0II.NING PRAYER, moft Higheft, Pfalm I. DeuJ deorum. 15 And call upon me in the time He Lord, even the molt migh of trouble; fo" will I l!Cilr thee, ty God, hath f11ok.cn, and c.111- and thou fhalt praife me. 16 Dut I
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16 But upto the ungodly faiu Behold, I \Vas fhapen in wick God, Why daft thou preach my ednefs, and in, fin' hath my mother laws, and' takeft my covenant in conceived me. . . 6 But lo, thou requirefl: truth in thy mouth; 17 Whereas thou- hate(t to be the inward parts, and lhalt make reformed, and hafl: caft my words me to underftand wifdom fecretly. behind thee? 7 Thou lhalt purge me with 1 8 When thou fa weft a thief, hyffop, and I lhall be clean • thou thou confentecill: unto him; and fhalt wafh me, and· I fuall b� whi haft been partaker with the adul- ter than fnow. · · · 11 • 8 Thou fhalt make me bear of terers. thy mouth joy and gladnefs, ·tt:iat the bones 19· Tliou haft let fpeak wickednefs, and with thy which thou haft ·broken niay retongue. thou haft fet forth deceit. j9ice. ' 'f' O -:fhou fateft, and fpakeft a9 Turn thy face from my fins, garnft thy brother; yea, and haft and put out all my mifdeeus. ilandered thine own n1other's fon. 10 Make me a clean heart, 0 u Thefe things haft thou done, God, and renew a right fpiritwilhand I held my tongue, and thou in me. II Caft me not away from thy 'am thqughteft wickedly ., that ooe as tbyfdf; but prefence, and take not thy Holy even fuch I will reprove thee,· abd fet be- Spirit from me •. ·· I z Ogive me the comfort of thy fore thee the thing's ,that thou haft help again, and ftabli{h me wit.II' done. ·. :u. 0 confider this, ye that for- thy frc;e Spirit. I 3 Then lhall I teach thy ways get God, left I pluck you away, and there be 11-one to deliver you. unto the wicked, and !inners lhall _ z3 Whofo offereth me thanks be converted unto thee. and·praife, he honouret� me; and . 14 Deliver me from blood-guil to him that ordereth his conver- tinefs, 0 God, thou that art the fation.right, will I lhe_w the fa:lva- God of my belllth_; and my t9ngue · Chall fing of thy rrghteoufn fs. . tion of God. • 15 Thou lhalt open my lips, Lord, �nd my mouth lhall fl1ew Pfalm Ii. Mi.ferere mei, Deu1. Ave mercy upon me, 0 God, thy pra1fe. 16 For th0� de�reft no facrifice, after thy great g?odnefs; according to �he m�lt1tude· of thy elf� would I g1_ve 1t thee; hut thou delighteft not m burnt-offerings. mercies do away mine offences. r 17 The facrifice of God is a · ,. Wafh me throughly f om my o fpirit ; a broken and con troubled m fr. me clean(e wickeduefs ' -and ' trite_ heart, 0 God, lhalt thou not Ii n : y 3 For f ac1rnowledge my-faults, defp1fe. . 18 0 be �a:vourab_le and graand:.my fin ·sever before me. . 4 Agarnll thee only have I frn- c1ous unto Sion i build thou the ned and done thiij evil in thy fight, walls of Jernfalem,. that' thou mighteft be juftified in _19 Then 0alt thou be pleafed, thy faying, and clear when thou w!th the facrifice of righteoufnefs. with the burnt-offerrngs and _ohlai:.rt judged. . t!Ons •
x. Day.
x. Day:
lions; thrn {hall they offer young 3 God looked down from heabullocks upon thine altar. ven upon he childrtt11 <>f mt:n, to t fee if there were any that would Pfalm Iii. �id g/oriaris? d, and fe.:k after God. ta11 u11clerf u thyfelf tho , Hy boafteft 4 But they are_ all gone out of thou tyrant, that thou the ,vay, they are altogether becan ft <lo mifchief? 2. Whereas the goodnefs of God come abominable; !here is alfo none that .dotth gooJ, no not endureth yet daily. .. _ • 3 Thy tongue imagineth wic- one. 5 Are not they without underKetluefs, and with lies thou cutn wic�edntfs, wbrk t,hab g, ft �di a te(t like a fbarp rafor. 4 Thou haft loved uorighteouf- eating up my people as 1f they nefs more than gooduefs, and to would· eat bread ? Lhey have not talk of lies more than righteouf- calleci upon God. 6 Thq vere �fraid, where no nefs. 5 Thou haft loved' to fpeak all fear was; for God hath, broken words that may do hurt, O thou the bones of him that· bcficged thee; tliou hall put them to ennfalfe tongue. 6 Therefore fhall G9d de!l:roy fulion, becaufe God hath d<:'fpifcd' i , thee for evet; he fhall take thee, them. . and pluck theeoutofthydwelling, _'7 Oh that the falvation were and root thee out of the land of giv e n unto ffrael ont of Sion ! Oh that the Lord would ddiver his the living. people out of captivity J 7 The righteous alfo fball fee 8 Then fhould Jacob rejoice, this, and fear, and !hall laugh him and Ifrael fi10uld be right glad. to tcorn. .. . 8 Lo, this is the man that took m Nomine. in Deus,, liv. Pfal ngth; trufibut not Gou for his fl:re ed unto the multitud�ofhis 1:iches, sAve me, 0 God, for: thy N;tme's fake, and avenge me in trhy and ftrengthened h1mfelf m his tb. 11:reng Wickednefs. 9 As for me, I am like a green 2. Hear my prayer, O God, and rken unto the words of •my olive-tree in the ho1.1fe of God; heau mo th : rny truft is in the tender mercy of � For ftrangers are rifen up aGod for ever and ever. 10 I will always give thanks un- gam{t me, and tyrants, which have to thee for that thou haft done; not God hefore their e}!es fc�k · .' and I will hope in thy Name, for after my foul. 4 Beheld, God is my helper• thy faihts like it well. the Lord is with them that uphold my foul. EVENING PRAYER. 5 He fhall r e w;ird evil unto mine' Pfalm li'i · ,r:rpims. ,xi 1 "!A · e nemies : deftroy th;u them in '. . H� fooltfh body hath faid in thy truth. his heart, There is no God. 6 An offcri of. a frc� heart :i, Corrupt are they, and become will I ive th�g e fe ab'ominable in their wickednefs. Name go Lo ·d : band fo e it is I , ecaura! _ thy that none doet is re good. h , c·omfo'rtable the 7 For
n· ·
-x. D ay ..
x. Day.
7 Por he hath delivered me out ry that did magnil'y himfelfag ainQ
of all my trouble, and mine eye me; for tben peradventure I would l1atb fren his defire upon mine have hid myfelf from him : enemies. 14 But it was even thou, my companion, my guide, and mine Pfalm Iv. Exaudi, Dms. own familiar f r iend. Ear my prayer, 0 God, ancl 15 We took fweet counfel to• ,bide not thyfelf from my gether, and walked in the houfc of God as friends. petition. z Take heed unt� me, and hear . 16 Let death come haftily up roe, how I mourn 111 my prayer, on them, and let them go down quick into hell; for wickednefs is and am vexed. • 3 The enemy crieth fo, and the in their dwellings, and among ungodly cometh on fo faft; for them. they are minded_ t_o do me fome 17 As for me, I will call upon mifcbief, fo mahc1ouny are they God, and the Lord fhall fave . . . .. me. . f t again!l: m�.. . 18 In the evening and morning, 4 M}' Jieart 1s d1fqmeted �1thin m_!!, and the fear of death fs fall- and at noon day, will ·1 pray, aud . that inftantly; and he ihall hear en upon me. 5 Fearfuloefs and trembling are my·voice. com� upon me, anri an horrible 19 It is he that hath ddivercd my foul in 'peace, from the battle dread hath overwhelmed me. 6 And I faid, Oh that I had that was again ft me; for there virrgs like a dove; for then would were many with me. 20 Yea, even God, that enduri flc:e away, and be at re{t. 7 Lo, then would I �et _me a- etl_1 for ever, fhall hear lne, and way far off, and remarn 10 the bring them down; for they will not turn, nor f�ar God . wildernefs. 21 He laid his �ands upon fuch . 8 I would make halle to efcape, becaufe of the fl:ormy wjnu and as b at peace with him, and he hrake ):iis covenant • tempeft. • Dellroy their tongues, 0 Lord, u The words of his mouth , 9 and divide them; for I �av� fpied were_ fof(er than b�tter, having unrighteon.fncf� and ftnfe rn the war 10 111s hear�; his �ords were �[!'lOQther than 011, and yet be they . dty. t ;·10 Day and mgbt they go_abo_u very fwords. within the walls the_reof ;_ m1_fcluef 23 0 caft thy burtben upon the al.Co.irn4 forrow are m the m1dft of Lord, and he fhall nom(fl.1 thee, and !hall not fuffer the righteous . it. _ . · • 11 Wickednefs 1s therein ; de- totfall for ever. :i.4 And as . for them_, thou J 0 c.eit and guile go not out of their God, {halt _bi _111g them mto the pit ftreets. · 1; Fo·r it is not an open ene- of dc::ftrutt1on. zs The blood• thirll:y and dethat hath done me this difho• myur. for then I could ha�-e borne ceitful men !hall not live out half 110 , . d ays: neverth elel�, t h e1r . my trulb . ·t . · i. • Neither 'was it m,iJle adverfa• !hall be in. thee, 0 Lord,
Th g
The Eleventh Day.
xi. Day.
falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living.
MORNING PRAYER. Pfalm lvii, Miferere mei, De111. . . . Pfalrn Iv,. Mifererl! me,, Deu.s. merci�ul unto m�, 0 God, E merciful unto me, 0 God, be merciful unto me; for my for man goeth about to de- foul trufl:eth in thee i and under vour me; he is daily fighting and the fhadow of thy wrngs {ball l>c troubling me. my refuge, until this tyranny lie 2 Mine enemies are daily in over-pafr. hand to fwallow me up; for they .,, I will call unto the molt high be many that fight againft me, 0 God, even unto the G_od tbat ili�ll thou molt 1-ligheft. perform the caufe wh1ch I ,have Ill 3 Neverthelt:fs, though I am hand. 3 He !hall fond from heaven. fumetime afraid, yet put I my truft in thee. :md fave me rrom the reproof of 4 I will praife God becaufe of him that would eat me up. his word I I have pnt,my trufl: in 4 God !hall fc:nd forth his mer God, and will not fear what fldb cy and truth; my foul is among lions. can do unto me. s And I lie even among the chil 5 They daily mi�ak� my words; all that they imagme 1s, to do me ,Jren of men, that are frt on fire, whofe tet:th an: fpears and arrows, evil. 6 They hold all together, and and their tongue a fh i lrp fword. keep tbernfelves clofe, and !1,ark 6 Set up thylelf, O God, abov11 m fteps, when they lay wait fur the heavens, and thy glory above y all the earth. my foul. 7 They have laid a net for my 7 Shall they efcape f�r. their wickecinefs? thou, 0 God, 10 thy feet, and prdfed down my foul; difpleafure, !halt caft them d_own. they have d�gired a pit btfore me, g Thou tellefl: my wanderings; and are fallen into the mid ft of it put my tears into thy hottle; are themftlve;, not thefe things noted in thy book? 8 My heart is fixed, O God, my • 9 Whenfoever I ca'.1 upon thee, hea_rt is fixed; I will ling, and ·give then fhall mine enemies be put to pra1fe. 9 Awake up, my glory; awake, flight: this I know; for God is on lute and harp: I myfdf will awake my fide. 10 Jn God's word wil! I rejoice; right early. in the Lord's word, \1'111 I com10 I will give thanl,:s unto thee, 0 Lord, among the people, and fort me. II Yea, in God have J_put my I will fing unto thee among the truft � I will not be afra1d what• nations. 11 For the grcatntfs of thy merman can do unto me. u Unto thee, 0 Goel, will J cy reacheth unto the heavens, and pay my vows; unto thee will I thy trtitb unto the clouds. u Set up thyft:lf, O God, above give thanks. 13 For thou haft delivered my the heavens, and thy glory above foul from death, and my feet fr om all the earth. U::. Pfalm-
xi. Day.
Pfalm !viii. Si vere utique. Re your minds frt upon rigbteoufnefs, 0 ye congregation? an<l do ye judge the thing that is right, 0 ye fons of nien? :i. 'Y a, ye imagine mifchief in your heart upon the earth, and with wickedyour bands deal · nef: . 3 The ungodly are froward, even omb; as from their mother's foon as they are born, they go aftray, and !peak lies. 4 They are as venomnus as the poifon of a frrpent, even like the deaf adrler, that fioppeth her ears• 5 Which refufrt h to hear th� voice of the charmer, charm he never fo wifely. 6 Brea!· their teeth, 0 Go<l, in their mouths; fmit<:: the jaw-bones of the lions, 0 Lore!: Id them fali away like wattr that runneth apace, and when they fhoot their ai·rows, let them he rooted ont. 7 Le-t them co_nfnme away like ;i fnail, and be like the untimely f:--uit of a woman; and .I t them not fee tht: fun. • g Or ever your pots be matle },ot with thorns, fo I t indignation vex him, even as .a thing that is raw. The righteous fhall rejoic , 9 ftt:th th<:: vengeance; he when he i fhall v fh his footftcps in the of the un�odly. ·blood So th::it a man 01all fay, Ve10 rily there is a reward for the righteous; doubtlefs there is a God -that judgeth the earth.
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,_ O deliver me from the wick· ed doers, and fave me' fr om the blo d-thirfty men. 3 For lo, th'ey lie waiting for my foul; the mighty men are ga• th end again fl: me without any offence or fault of me, 0 Lord. 4 They run and prepare them• felvea without my fault; a rife th 11 therefore to help me, and be• hold. Stand up, 0 Lord Goel f hons, thou God of Jfrael, to vifit all the heathen, and he not mer i ful unto them that offend of mali• cious wickedn<"fs. 6 They go to and fro in the evening, they grin like a dog, and run abnut through the city. 7 Behold, they·fpeak with th61· ' mouth, and fwon.Is a1·e in thdr lips; for who doth hear? 8 Ilut thou, 0 Lord, flrnlt have them in derilion, an<l th<,u fl alt laugh all the heathen to fcorn. 9 My flrength will I afcrihe un· to thee; for thou art the GoJ o my refoge. 10 G<lJ fl,eweth me hi· !?OOLI· nefq plentenully; and Goe! fh�II let m_e fe e my defire upou mine enerr,ie5. 11 Slay tl)em_ not, left my people forget it; but fcatter th m ahroad among the people, and put them down, 0 Lord, 'our de• fe11ce. , 11. For the fin of their month, and for the w9rd� of t�eir lips, they fl1;ill be ta�en 111 their pride; ancj why? t�en· preaching is of curring and lies. 13 Confnme them in tbv wrath• EvENING PRAYER. c�mfume them, that they may pe: Eripe me . de inimiciJ. nib, an<l know that it is Goel tbnt · pfalm Jix Eiiver me from niineenemies, ruleth i11 Jacob, and unto the ends O God; <lrfrnd me from of the world. rife up againft me, 14 And in the evening they will thcrn that return,
xi. Day.
�a. PsALTER. return, grin like a dog, and will · II O be thou our help in trou hle; for vain is the he.I p of.man. go ahout the city. 15 Thc:y will run here and there u. Throu"h God will we do for meat, and grudge if they be great acls; for it is _he that !hall tread down our enemies. not fatisfied. 16 As for me. I will ling of thy Pfalm !xi. Exautli, Deus, power, and will praife thy mercy betimes in the morning; for thou Ear my crying, 0 God, give ha!l: been my· defence and refuge H ear unto my prayer. in the day of my trouble. z. From the ends of the earth · 17 Unto thee, 0 my ftrength, will I call upon hee, when my will I ling; for thou, 0 _God, art heart is in heavine s. my refuge, and my merciful God. 3 O fet me up upon the rock that is higher than I; for thou ha� Plalm Ix. Deus, re-pu!ijli nos. been my hope, and a !l:rong tower God, thou haft caft u out, form>.:: agai11fl: tht enemy.. and fcattered us abroad; th0u I will .dwell in thy tabernacle haft alfo been difpleafed: 0 turn foi·4 ever and my trufl: !hall be unus again. unto t:hee der the <iovering of thy wings. 1-Thouhafl:movedtheland,and 5 Foi"thou, OLord, baftheard divided it; heal the fores thereof, my <lei.ires, and hall: given an he for it !baketh. rilage unto thofe that fear thy 3 Thou haft /hewed thy_people Nam�. heavy things; thou. haft given us 6 Thou fhalt grai:it the King a long-lif", that bis years m::iyendure a dri11k of·deadly_wrne. Thou ball: given a token for throughout all generations. fuc4b as fear thee, tl�at they may 7 He /hall dwell before God for triumph becaufe of tlie.trnth. eve1;: O prepare thy loving mrrcy 5 Therefore were _thy bel�ved and faitbfulnefs, that they may . · . deliv reel: help me with thy ngbt preferve him. hand, and hear me. 8 So will I always fing praife . . 6 God hath fp_o�en rn bis_ �o- unto thy Name, that r may daily ]inefs, I will reJo,ce and d1v1de perform my vows. · Sichem, and mete out the valley ---�--------. ,.., of Succoth. , 7 Gilead is_mine, a_ncl Manaffes is rfhe Twclftli Day: mine; Ephraim alfo i-s the ftrength. of my hea<l ;, Judah is my lawMORNING PRA'.YER. · ' · giver; Pfalm !xii. No1111e Deo. g Moab is my wa!h-pot; over foul truly waiteth ftill npnn· · Ednm will I· cafl: out my fhoe: God; for of him cometh my Philiflia, be thou glad of _me. , 9 Who will lead me into the falvation. l J rnni city ? who will bring me 2 He verily is my flrength and . my falvation; he is my defence, fo into Edom? • ;o Ha!l: not thou can- us out, 0 that- I /hall not greatly fall. God? wilt not thou, 0 Goel, go 3 How long will ye imagine mifchief again!l: every man� ye out wi'th ou1' hofis? �
xii. Day.
xu. Day.
lhall be Dain all the fort of you; ter than the life itfelf: my lips yea, as a tottering wall !hall ye be, fJ1all praife thee. and like a broken h_c:dge. 5 As long as I live will I :n.:tgni• 4 Their device 1s only how to fy thee in tbis manner, anJ lil'l up pin him out, whom God will ex- my han<ls in thy Name. a�t; their delight _is in l(es; they 6 My foul fhall be fatis6ed, give good words with then· mout11, even as it were with marrow and but curfe with their heart. fatnefs, when my mouth·praifrtll 5 Neverthelefs, my foul, wait thee with joyful lips. 7 Have I not remembered thee· thou fti.11 upon God; for my hope in my hed, and thpught upon thee is in him. 6 He truly is my firength, and when I was waking? g Beqmfe thou haft been my my falvation; h e is my dtfcnce, fo helper· therefore under the fhathat I Oiall not fall. 7 In God is my he:llth ,rnd my dow of thy wings will I rejoice. 9 My foul baogeth upon thee, �lury, the rock of my might; aud thy T'ight hand hath upholden me. in God is my trufi:. g o pnt your trsfl: in him al10 Thefe alfo that feek the hurt fhall go under way ye people; pour out you'l· of my foul, they · hearts before him ; for God is the earth. . 11 Let them fall upon the edge . �ur hope. As for the �h1ldren of_ men, of t�e fword, that they may be a 9 ; the children portion for foxe�. th c: y are but va111tr . . • 1:. But the Kmg fhall reJ01ce in of men are deceitful upon the re altogetherlighth qo _a i t�ey s all they: that alfo d ; fwc:ar by we g t ; l him Olall be commended; for the er than va·ntty 1tfe f. r truft not in w ong and mouth of theip. that fpeak Ii s 10 TObbery ;_ gi�e not_ yonrfelves unto Chall be flopped •. _ mcreafe, fet not vanity• 1f ncLes n them. Pfalm !xiv. Exaudi, Decu, our h�art upo Y 1 God fpake once, and twice HEar my voice, 0 God, in my heard the fame, That prayer; preferve my life 1 fiave alfo dh unto God; r of the enemy. ong fear f om el •b l\7er o p ; '], And that thou, Lord, art 7. Hide me f rom the gathering ·ciful. for thou rewarde{t every together of the fr oward, and from mei acl:�rding to bis work.. the infurrecl:ion of wicked doers; man • · 3 ·who hav.e whet tht:ir to_ngue pfalm !xiii. D�u.1, ./)eui meUJ •. like a fword, •a_nd !hoot out lht:ir G.od, thou a1t my God; early arrows; even b1tt..er "'. ,o�d�, will I fee� thee. 4 That they mat privily !hoot MY foul th1rfteth for thee, my at ·him that is perfect: fuddenly -z.h alfr> J.ongeth after thee, in a do tber hit him, and fear not. !]el and dry land, where no 5 They encourage themfelv\'!s · barreni'l in mifchicf, and commune among -wateTh�S have I loo�ed for thee themfdves, how they may lay • \ linefs, that I might behold fnares; an� fay, that no man !liall Jn r and glory_; fee them. 0w e tbY thY !oving l'.rndn�fl! is bet• 6 They imagine wickednefs, a!1<1 ;or pracl1f\: 1
�-ii. D ay .
D ay .
af aid at thy tokens, thbu -U1a makcli: the out-goings of the morn. i11g and evening to praife thee. 9 Thon v_ifiteft the earth, and blt!feft it; thou roakdl: it very lenteous. , ., JO The �ive-r cf Go\! is full of �;v�Jer; �hou prepareft their. corn, for 1v thou prnvideft for the earth. • , TJiou, )Vrll�re� ht}r furro.ws; t 1ou fendeft rain mto the little valFes thereof; thou makeft. it (oft with the drops of rain, and blelfeft the increafe of it. n Thou crownefl: the year with thy goodncfs, and tby cioude drop fatnefs. 13 They !hall drop upon the - . , 'EVENI;G PRAYER. dwellings of the wtlderoers, ;:ind Pfalm lxv. '.fe decet bymnus. the little: bills H1all rejoice on evtry Hou, 0 God, art pr;iifed in fide. 3ion, :ind unto thee fhall the 14 The folds Otall be full of vow he.performed in Jerufalem. ilieep; the v.;llies alfo lh;ill fl:and 2, Thou that he.ireft the prayer; fo thick with corn, that they fhall laugh a11d fing. untv thee fhall all f!eCh come. 3 My roifdeeds p�t'vail againfl: · me· O be thou merciful unto oUJPfalm lxvi. '.Jubilate .Deo. . fin;. Q-!3t:joyfitl in God, all ye lands• thou ling praifes unto the h<inou; 4 Ble!fed is the mar;i w,horrf choofeft and rcceiveft unto thee; of his Name; make his praife to he fball' dwell in thy court, and be glorious. !hall he fatisfied with the plea fores 'l tiay unto Gori, O how won of thy houle, even of tby holy derful art thou in tby works; through the greatnefs of thy powtt:mple. 5 Thou fhalt {hew us wonrlerful er 01all thine enemies be found tbings in thyriglrteoufnefs, 0 G0d liars unto thee. 3 For all the world fb:i)J worf11ip of our falvation; thou that art the hope of all the ends-of t_he _earth, tbee, fing of thee, and praife th y and· of .them that n:mam m tht Name. 4 0 come hither, and behold broad fea. , 6 Who in his firength fetteth fafl: the works of Goe.I, how wonder the mountains, and is girded a- fol he is in bis doing toward the . chil<lren of men ! · bout with power. s He turned the fca 'into dry 7 Who flille:th the raging of the fea, and the ni>ife of his waves, land, fQ that they went through and \he madnefs of the people. the water on foot• th re <lid we S They alfo (hat'tlwell in the ut- rejoice.thereof. ' 6 t-le ruleth with his power for termoit p,u:ts. o,f th� earth i11all be ever;
prnclife it, that they l.:eep ftcret among thernfelves, every man in the deep of his heart. 7• But God 01all f11d<le11ly fhnot at them ,vith a fwift arrow, that they fhall be wounded. . 8 ¥ e-a; their ;own topgnesihall make them fall; infom•¥=h that �hofo feeth them, ,{hall l:1ugh them to fcorn. . I • , 9 And all men that foe 1t 01 11 fay, This hath God done; fort bey fhall perceive that it is his work. • 10 '_The righteous U1all rejoice111 the Lord ,. and put jlis trull: in him; aod all they that are true- of h!tart fh,1ll be glad 0
xii. Day.
ever; his eye:; behold the people, :z That thy way rn�y be known and fuch as will not believe, fhall upon earth, thy faving health a· not be :1ble to exalt themfrlves. mong all nations. · 7 0 praife our God, ye people, 3 Let the people prai(e thee, 0 and make the voice of .bis prdift'. God; yea, let all the people praife to be heard; thee. 8 V.Tho holdeth our foul in life, 4 0 let the nations rejoice and ancl fufferdh not our feet to nip. he glad ; for thou fhalt judge the · 9 For thou, 0 Gou, hall: prov folk righteouOy. and• govern the ed us; tliou itlfo haft tried us, like nations upon earth. as filver is t riecl. 5 Let the people praife thee, O 10 Thou broughttfl: us into the God; let all the ptople praife thee. fnare, and laidrt trouble upon our 6 Then /hall the earth brin{; loins. forth her increafe, and God, eYen 11 Thou fuffrretlft men to ride our own God, /hall give 1:1s bis over our heads; we went throug1i b!effing. fire an1l w:iter, and thou brought 7 God /hall blefs us, and all the ft us out into a wealthy place: ends of the world ftiall fear him. will go into thine houfe 12 ,vilh burnt· offerings, and will p,1y --'--------�--- thee mv vows which l promifrd The Thirteenth Day. with my Hps, and fpake with my MoR. INC PRAYER, mouth; when I wasi11 trouble. , 13 I will offer. unto t�ee f,1t Pfalm !xviii. Exurgat Deus. hurnt-facnficc::s, with the rncenfe Et God arife, and let his ene_J mies be fcattered; 'let th m of rams· I wi I offer bullockll and alfo th at lrnte hi111 lite befor_e him. goats. , . _ :is the �moke.vamfheth, 2 Like 14 O.come hither, and hea_rken, 01:ilt tl•ou �lrl\'C them away; all }'I:'. th:it fear God, :111L[ I w,11 tel, you wh,1t he hatl1 coue t ,r my and J ke ::is w;,x melteth _:it the fire, f, lei the ung idly ptn01 at the foul. 15 I called unto him with my prefence of God. mouth a, cl gave liim praites witli 3 Bur let the ri1?11teom be glad ar,o rejoice ,before_ God; let thm1 my to1:gue. . . 16 If I incl me unto w1ckednef, alfo be merry and JC•yful. 4 0 fing unto God, and ling with miue heart, tho:: Lord w'ill pralfrs unto his Name; magnify not hear ml". 17 Bu{ Goel h;i�h hearrl me, and him th.at rideth upon the heavens, conlidaerl the vwce of my prayer. as it were upon an horfe; praife , s Pn1ifed be God, wbo bath him in bis Name J AH, and rejoice not ca!l: out my pr_ayc::r, nor turn- before him. 5 He is a father of the rathercd hill mercy from me. lefs, and defendeth the caufe of . · Pfalm Jxv:i. ·n�uJ, mifer,eatur. the .''·i<l_ows; i:ven God in his holy Od be men:1ful un10 na; anrl hab1tatron. G bl;fs us, and 01ew us' toe 6 H't: is the_ Gbd that maketh rg' i t of bis countenance, and . b e men to be of dne · mind in an us; hou:e, and bringeth the prifoners k;rciful unto
xiii. Daj.
xiii. D ay .
out of c;iptivity; but letteth the receive<l gift.; for men; yea, even runagaf"es continue in fcarcenefs. 'for thine enemies, that the Lord 7 0 God, wL1en thou wentell: God might dwell among them. forth before the people ; when x9 Praifed be the Lor<l daily, thon wenteft through the wildc::r- eve11 the God who helpeth us, and nefs, poureth 'his benefits upon us. 8 Tbe earth fhook, and the 'lo He is our. God, even the heavens dropped at the prefence God, of who mcometh falvation: of Goel; evt:n as Sinai alfo was God is the Lord, by whom we mov d at the prefence 0f God, efcape death. who i8 the Goel of Ifrael. ,., God 01al1 wound the head of 9 Thou, 0 Go<l, fenteCc a gra his enemies, and the hairy fc;ilp cious rain upon thine inheritance; of fuch a one as goeth on flill in and refrefi1edO: it when it was hi6 wirkerln�fa. we,\i·y. u The Lor<l hath faid', I will Io Thy congregatinn fhall dwell bring my people ;igain, ;is I did thc::r in; for thou, 0 Go<i, l}aft of from Bafan; mine own will I bring thy goodnefs prepared for the again, as I did fometime from the poor. deep of the fc:a. x I The Lord gave t 1e wor<l; z3 That t lty foot m;iy be dipped great was the curnpany of the in the blood of thine enemies, and that the.: tongue f thy <logs may preachers. • 12 Kings with their armies did be reel through the fame. flee a1 d were difcomfit d, and z4 It is wdl fren, O God, how they of the honfhol<l divided lht: thou $oef1:; ho": thou, my Gu<l and King, goe(l: 111 the fam.'h1ary • fpoil. . ,"5 The fingers go �t:f- r e, �he . 13 crhongh ye have lam ai:nong ie a. the rr.11,ft:rels ye follnw afteri 111 tl1e m1df1: 01all ) yet the pot�, wings of a dove, that 1s covered a) e the <lamfels, play111g with the with filver wings, and her feather� ttmhrc:ls. 26 Give th;mks, 0 Tfrael. unto like gold. · 14 When the Almighty fc:alter- Qnd the Lord, in the congrega ed kinp for their f.. ke, then were t1011s, from the gro�m<l of the they as white as fnow in Salmon. heart, 27 There is little Benjamin thei1· 15 As the hill of Ba fan. fo is God•s hill· <=ven an high hill, as ruler, and the princes of JtHhl their council; the princes o'f Zabulon, the:: hill of Ba fan. 16 Why hop ye fo. ye high and the princ s of N pthali. ,,g Thy Go<! hath fent forth hills? this is God's hill, in tht \vhich it pkafet� hi ": to_ tl�'V e!I'; lhength for thee; !1:abli01 the thi,�g yea, the Lord will abide m 1t tor O Go,!, that thou haft wrvught m us, ever. 29 For thy temple's fake at·Je17 The chariots of God are twenty thoufand, even thonfands 'rufalc::m : fo ihall kings bring pre of A11gels; a11d the Lord is amony: fen ts unto thee. 30 Wb"en tlie company of the thern as in the holy place of Sinai. 1S Thou art gone up on high, fpear·men, and multitude of the thou haft led captivity captive, and mighty, ·are fcatlcreJ abroad a mong
xiii . .D ay ;
\ . . Day.
mong the beans af the people, fo thofe that feek thee be confounc! th:i.t they humbly bring pieces of ed through me, 0 Lord God of filver; and wben he hath fcattered Ifrael. 7 And why? for thy fake, have the people that delight in war; 3 x Then fball the princes come I fuffered reproof; fhame hath co• out of Egypt; the Morians land vered my face. '8 I am become a fi:ran�er unto fuall foon ftrHch out hc:r hands my brethren, even an ahen unto unto God. az Sing unto God, 0 ye king- my mother's children. doms of the earth; 0 ling praifes 9 For the· zeal of thine houfe hath even eaten me, and the re• unto the Lord, 3 3 Who litteth in the heavens bukes of them that rebuked thee, ov r all, from the beginning: Lo, are fallen upon me. he doth fend out his voict:; yea, ro I wept, and chafl:ened myfelf with fafl:ing, and that was turned and that a mighty voice. ",i Afcribc: ye the power to to my reproof. Giu 0v r lfrael; hi woril1ip and u I put on fackcloth alfo, and they jelled uprrn me. ftrengtb i� in the cl<n1<l • u They that lit in the gate, 35 O God, wonderful art thon in thy holy places: even the God fpeak :igainfl: me, and the drunk• ofJfrael, be will give Rrength and ards make fongs upon me. ower unto his people. Blc.!fc:d be 13 But, Lord, I make my pray• p er unto thee in an acceptable time. God. 14 Hear me, 0 God, in the EVENINC PRAYER. multitude of thy mercy, even iu . Pfal,n lx1x. Sul'Vt1m •ne fac. the tru th of thy falvation. Ave me, 0 God; for the wa15 Take me out of the mire, ters are come in, even unto that I fink not; 0 let me he deli vc:red fr om them that hate me, . my foul., . z 1 {lick fafl: Ill the deep mire, and out of the det:p waters. here no'ground is; I am come 16 Let not the water.flood ��to de:'.p waters, fo that the floods drown me, neither let tbe deep !'wallow me up; and let not the �-un over me. I am.- we:iry. of crying, my pit fbut her mouth upon me.' 3 ry; my fight faileth me Lord, for thy 1.7 He�r me, throat is d for waiting fo long upon nl)' God. lovrng· kmdnefs 1s comfortable• They that bate me without a turn thee unto me, according t� ife are more than the hairs of the multitude of thy mercies, a c bead· they H1at :ire mine ene18 And hide not tby face from y :ies, an<l �ould defiroy me guilt, thy ferva11t; for I am in trouble 1 e mighty. thee, and hear me. 1 e fs ar aid them the things tha I O bafte t 19 Draw nig!1 unto my foul, and 1r ptook: ·God, thou knowefl: fave 1t; O _deliver me, becaufe of neve(im lenefs, an d my faults are mine enemies. p rr;!t hid from thee. 20 Thou ha£!: known my re_ n e not them th�t trufl: in proof, my iliame, and my difh o 6 L t Lord God ot halts, be nour; mine adverfaries are all in thee, O i11arned for. my caufe ; let not thy fight.
:ZI Thy
xm. D ay .
xiv. Day.
:u Thy rebuke bath broken my him; the fea, and all that movetll heart; I am full of heavinefs: I therein. loo!tecl for fome to have pity on 36 For Goe! wiJ.I fave Sion, and me, but there was no man, nei- build the citi s of Juda, that men may dwell there, and have it in tber found I any to comfort me. z:z Tht:y gave me gall to eat; poffdiion. and when I was thirfty, they gave 37 The pofterity alfo of his fer-_ me vinegar to drink. vants fhall inherit it; and they that 2.3 Let their table he made a love his Name !hall dwell therein. fnare to take themrelves withal; and let the things that fhould have Pfalm lxx. I)e1u in adj11torium. been for their wealth be unto them 0 God, to deliver HAile thee, an occa!ion of falling. me; make hafte to help me, 1,4 Let their eyes be blinded, O Lord. that they fee not; and ever bow :z. Let them be afhamed andconthou down their backs. founded, that fed, aft r my foul; 1,5 Pour out thine indignation let them be turned backward and upon them, and let thy wrathfu\ put to confu!ion, th;;it wiib me, difpleafure take _hold o� t�em. evil. 2.6 Let their hab1tat1011 be 3 Let them for tbeir reward be \·oid, and no man to dwell in foon brought to fhame, that cry their tents. over me, There, there. 4 But Jet all thofe that feek thee 2,17 For they perfecute him whom thou haft fmitten, and they talk be joyful and glad in thee; and how they may vex them whom let all fuah as delight in thy falva . tion fay alway, The Lord be: praifthou haft wounded. . , 1,8 Let them fall from one w1c- ed. come 5 As for me, I am poor and in kednefs to another, and not ·. mifery ; hafte thee unto me, O into thy righteoufnefs. 2-9 Lt:t them be wiped out of God. 6 Thon art my helper, and my the. book of the Ii Ying, and not be written among the righteous. Redeemer: 0 Lord, make no long 30 As for me, whe11 I am poor tarrying. and in heavinefo, thy help, 0 God, -------------ihall lift me up. The Fourteenth Day. • 31 I will praife the Nan:ie <?f MORNING PRAYER. God \.\dlh a fong, and magnify It Pfalm lxxi. l11 te, Domine, fpera'Ui. with tbankfgiving. , 32 This alfo firnll pleafe the thee, O Lord, have I put my Lord, bttter than a hullock that truft, let me never be put to confu!ion, but rid me, and delivn hath horns and hoofs. - 33 The humble tball conlider me in thy righteoufnefs ;. incline this, and be glad: feek ye after thine ear unto me, and fave me. 2 Be thou my !hong hold, God, and your foul flrnll live. 34 For the Lord heartth the when·unto .I may alway refort: poor, and defpifeth not his pri- thou haft promifed to help me, for thou art my houfe of defence, an<l foners. 35 Let heaven and earth praife rriy caftk. 3 Diliver-
xiv. Day.
xiv. Day.
3 D liver me, 0 my God, out mine old age, when I am grty of the hand of tbe ungodly, out of headed, until I have 01ewed thy the hand of the unrighttous and fl:n::ngth unto this generation, anJ thy power to all them tllat are yet cruel man : 4 For thou, 0 Lord God, art for to come. the: thing that I long for; thou art· 17 Thy righteoufnefs, 0 God, r is very high, and great things are my hope, even f om my youth. thee have 1 been hold· they that thou hall: done: 0 God, T 1rough 5 eo up ever lince I was b rn; thou who is like'unto thee! x 8 0 what great troubles am! art he that took me out of my mo· ther' d womh; my praifr fhall be adverfitits halt thou !hewed me! • and yet didft thou turn and ref r dh ;;i ways of thee. become as it were " me; yi:a, and broughteft me from am I 6 monfter unto many, but my fur the deep of the earth ag,in. 19 Thou haft brought me to trn!1: is in thee. O let my mouth be filled with great honour, and comfort d me 1 thy praife, that I may fing of thy on every fide: 20 Therefore will I praife thee, .,.Lury and honour all the day Ions, ., g Call: me not away in the time and thy faithfulnefs, 0 God, play· of age; forfake me not when my ing upon an infl:rument of mulic: me: unto thee will I ling upon the ftrength faileth For mine enemies fpeakagainll: harp, 0 thou Holy One of Ifrael. 9 2. t My lips will he fain when I rne; and th!!Y _that lay wait for my y foul take their counfel together, ling unto thee; and fo will m faying, Go� h,th forfake:1 him ; foul, whom thou haft deHvered. 2.2. M}'. tongue alfo !'hall tall;; erfecute him, and.take (11m; for of thy rrghteoufnefs all the day ih ere is none to deliver him. 10 Go not far from me, 0 God; long • for they are confounded and brought unto fuame, that my Goel, hafte thee to help me. 11 Let them be co:1founded an<l feek to ao me evil. g i!b � that are a amft my foul; f er Pfalm lxxii. Deus, judicium. h with fhame covered be m t t e the King thy judg ments, d difhonour, that feek to do me Qlvc n . 0 God, and thy righteou � , fvil ; As patiently for me, I �viii o the King' s fon. unt nefs _ 1 _ he J g n {ball will praife ud e thy peo• and thee 2 The bide alway,ore. • :n pie according unto right, and deore and m � :r My mouth 01all daily fpeak fend the poor •. fthY righteoufnefs and falvation; 3 The mountains alfo fl1all bring peace, and the little hills righr 1 know no end thereof. o 14 j will go forth in the fl:rength teoufnefs unto the people. Lord G<?d, and wi!l make 4 He �1all keep the fimple folk of the ention of thy r1ghteoufnefs only. by their right, defend the children 'fbou, 0 God, haft taught of the poor, and punifb the wrong J1l 15 e from my youth up until now; doer. �erefore will I tell of thy won5 The,y fhall fear thee as long as drous works. . the fun and .�oon endui_-eth, from 6 forfake me n-ot, 0 God, m one generation to another. 1 I 6 fie
xw. Day.
xi\'. Day.
'6 He fball come clown like the even the God of Ifrael, which on• rain into a fleece of wool, even as ly clotth.\yon<lrous things; 19 And bleffed be the Name of the drops that water the e;rrth. 7 In his time Chall the righteous his Majefty for ever: and all the flourifl1; yea, and abundance c,f earth fhall be filled with his Ma• peace, fo long as the moon endur- jelly. Amen, Amen. Hb. 8 His dominion £hall be a\fo EVl!NING PR:AYEk. fron1 1 :be one fea to the other, at1d Pf. I ... -<.3am ho1ru, zr. 0, 'J rae I'• a 1 xxm. m iorom the flood unto the world' E '"T'Rul y God is loving unto If. end. . 9 Tbey that dwe.Jl in the Wil. .I rael; even -unto fuch as arc his of a clean heart. dtrnc:fs £hall kneel before him, f z Nevtrthelefa my fret were alenemies fhall lick'the duf . 'Io The kings of Tharfis and· of moft: �one, my t-readingS''had wc:11 the ifles Chall give prtfents; the nigh n-i !} t, kings of Aral>ia and Saba Chall . 3 And why? I was grieved at . the wickc:-d: l do alfo fee the unbring gifts. JI All kings 0.1all fall down be- godly'ir, fuch profperity. fore· him ; all natioRs !hall do him 4 For i.hey are in no peril of death; but are luft:y and ltrong. fervice. u. For he Thall deli-..,er the poor, . s They come in 110 misfon une when he crieth; the needy alfo, 1,ke other folk; neith�r are they and him that hath-na helper. plagued like other men.. 6 And this is the caufe th,1t 13 He 01all be fa.vourahle to the fimple and needy, and lhall pre- they are fo holden with pride, and overwhelmed with cruelty. fcrve the fouls of the poor. 7 Their c::yes fwdl with fatnefs, 14 He {hall deliver their fouls from fal01ood and wrong! an_d and they du even what they luft. 8 They corrupt other, and fpeak clear Chall their bl.ood be m his . ?f wic_ked blafphemy; their talking •fight. 15 He lliall live, and unto h1m 1s aga111ft the moft High. 9 For they ftrttch forth their ll1.:1ll be given of the gold of Arabia; prayer iliall be made ever mouth unlo the heaven, and their 1rnto him, and datly Chall he be toRgue goeth through the world. praifed. JO Therefore fall the people un16 There fhaH � an heap -of to them, and thereout fuck they eorn in the earth, high u�on t�e no fmall"advantage. hills; his fr uit Chall 01ake li�e L1u Tulll, fa y they, how fuould hanus, and {hall be greer, rn the God perceive it? is there know•city like gr:-ifs upon the earth. ledge in the mofl: High? u Lo, thefe are the ungodly; 17 His Name fhall endure for :ever; his Name fball remain un- thefe proCper in the world; and ,der the fu11, among the poft:erities tbefe have riches in poifdfion: and which fhall be bleffed through I faid, Then have I cleanfed my ·Joim ; a!l<l. all the heathen Ihall heart in vain, 'and waihe<l mine • hands in innocency. praife him. J8 Blcifcd be the Lord G.od, 13 All the day long have I heen X punifhed;
x1v. Day.
xiv. Day.
punilJ:,e,I ; and· chafiened e,·ery all thy worb in the gates of the: daughter of Sion. murnmg. . . 14 Yea, and I had almolt faid Pfalm lxxtv. Ut quid, De11J? even as they; but lo, then I tbould God, wherefore art thou ab. J 1 ave condemned tbe generation of fent from us fo long? wby i. thy children. . 15 Then thought I to under- thy wrath fo bot agaiult the !hcq� ftand this; but it was too hard for of thy pafture? · · r. 0 tbiuk upon thy congregame, 16 Until 1 went into the fancl:u- tion, whom thou haft purchafrJ, ary of God: then uuderllood I the and redeemed of old . 3 Think upon the tribe of . end of thefe men; - 17 Namely, bow thou doll: fet thine 1nheritance, and mount Si• .them in flip15ery places, and cafteft on, wherein thou ha!l: dwelt, them down, and deflroyell: them. 4 Lift up tby feet, that thou J.8 Ob how fuddenly do they maye!l: utterly deflroy every enc• confume, peri{h, and come to- a my, wbii;_h ,hath done evil in thy fanctuary. f.earful end! Thine adverfaries roar in the 19 Yea, even like as a dream -.vbeu one:: awaketh; fo 01alt thou midft of thy congregations, and make their image to vani!h out of fet ttp their banners for tokens. 6 He that hewed timber afore the ci,y. 20 Thus my heart was griev- out of the thick trees, was kno,-.-n eel, and it.weot·even through my to bring it to an excellent , ork; 7 But now they break down all reins. 21 So foolifh was I, and jgno: the carved work thereof with axes ,:ant, even as it were a bean: befor.e and hammers. 8 They have fet lire upon thy thee. 1,1, Neverthelefs, I am alway by holy place$, and have defiled the thee; for thou hail holden me by dwelling place of thy Name, e,, 11 _unto the gr.ound._ . . my right hand. . 9 Yea, they fa1d m their hearts, z3 Thou !bait guide me with thy counfel, and after that receive Let us make havock of them alto• g-ether: Thus h?ve they burnt up n:,t: with glory. . -:1,4 Whom ha;1e I n heaven but .ill the houfes ot God in the land. 10 We fee not our tokens; there thee? and th_erc ts non� upon earth 111 comparifon of one prophet more; no, not thee. fir is not de I at tb 25 My Adh -�nd my heart fail- one is there among us, that under the ll:engtb of !l:andeth any more. eth ; but God 1s II O God, l�ow_long fhall the my beart, and my po· rl!on fore· aclverfary do this chlhonour? bow; vt:r• -:1,6 For lo, they that forfake thee long {hall the entmy hlafpbeme thy {hall perilh ; thou h�lt de�ro );e<l Name? For e�er? hem that commit forn1catmn 11, Why w1thdrawe{l: thou thy all t hand? why pluckeft thou not thy aua infl thee. 0 '27 But it is goodt for me to hold rjgbt hand out of thy bofom, to me faft by God, o put my tru-fl: con fume the enemy? ,in tb.e Lord Go.cl, and to fpeal_;::of 13 for God is my King of ols-1;
xv. Day,.
xv. Day.
the heip that is done upon earth,! 2. Thy Name ::ilfo is fo'nigh; ;md d he doeth it hin:ifelf. . 1t•hat o tby wondrous works d�· 14 Thou d1dlt <l1vide the fea clare. through thy power; thou l�rakel1: . 3 Wh n I r_ective the co�grega the heads of the dragons rn th t: tt0n, I {hall JII ge according un--· · to right. waters. 4 The earth is weak, and all the· r 5 Thou fmotelt the heads of L_eviathan in pi<::ce3, and gaveft i�habiters_ thereuf; 1 bear up the. him to be meat for tht: people in pillars of 1t. 5 I f.ud unto the fools, Deal-not tl,e wildernefs. 16 Thou broughtelt out foun- fo madly; an_d to the ung<;>dly,. tains, a,nd waters_ out of the hard Set not up yot:r horn. . i 6 Set not up your horn on high,. )-ocks • thou dnetlft up mighty . and'fJ>eak not with a fi:ifl' r,e k; Wat<:r�. 17 The day is thine, and the 7 For promotion cometh neither • night is tbiAe; thou halt prepared from the ealt, nor from the weft, nor yet fr om the fouth. the light and the fun. 18 Thou haft fet all the borders 8 And why? G d is the Judi;e-;. "Qf th<:: •earth; thou ball: made:: fum- be puttetl <lown one, and fr td h• up anothtr. mer and winter. ' 19 Reme111ber this, 0 Lord, how 9 For in -the hantl of the Lord the e1,emy hath rebuked; and how therC: is a cup, and the wine ia the foolilh people hath -blafpheined reel ; it is• foll mil<t, and he p�ureth out of lhe fan,e. thy Name. 10 As fir the dregs thereof, all• delive1: not the foul o� thy 2.o turtle-dove unto the multituLk of tbeungndlyofthe earth JhaH drink. the enemies; anq forget not the them, anrl fuck them out. 11 But I wiiJ•talk of the God of congregai:i,m of the poor for (Ver. • 2.1 Look. upon the covenant; for J,1cob, and praife him for eve1·. n All the bor\ls uf tlie ungodly all the t';1rth is full of darknefs and alfo will I break, and the horns of. · t:n1el habitations. 21, 0 let n6E th@ !imple go away the righteous lhall be.: exalted. • · an1amed ; but let the poor and ,am pr 1 1 xxv1, Notusin'Jud,ea;.11ee d y give praife unto thy Name . J111'Y: is Go�\ know_n; his• • 23 Arife, 0 God, maintain thine · . Name 1s great 10 Ifrael. owncaufe;n::memberhowtbefool'2- At Salem is his -tabernad�,. ilh man blafphemeth thee daily. 24 Forget not the voice of thine and his d�e)ling in Sion. 3 There bt'ilke he "tl1e arrow(; of enemies; the pr�fumption of them that hate thee increafeth ever more the bow, ·the fhieltf, the fword, and the battle. · ' and mon:. . 4 Thou art of mor'e honour and· The Fifteenth Day. might than the hills of the robhei·s� ,' MORNING PRAYER. 5 Tht: pr�ud are robbed; they ·pr�lm lxxv. Conjitebimur tibi. have Oept their Oeep; and all tlie Nto thee, 0 God, do we give men whofe -hands were mighty,, thanks;• ye:1, �nto thee do have fo1rnd nothing. _ we give thauks. 6 At tliy-rebukc, O God of Ja-· � cob,, X �
xv� Day.
�ob, both the chariot and horfe are fallen. 7 Thuu, even thou art to be !eared; and whom y ll:and in thy fight, when thou art angry? 8 Thou didll: canfe thy juclgment to e heard from beaven; the earth • trembler!, and was flill, 9 v\7 hen G1,d arofe to judgment, and tu help all the meek upon t>arth. 1 o The lrercenefs of man {hall turn·to thy praife, and the fiercenefs of thei:n n·�lt thou refrain_. I J Prom1fe unto the Lord your God, and keep it, all ye that are rcund about him; bring prefcnts wnto him that ought to be feared. u He lhall refrain the fpirit of prine;s, and is \Tonderful among the kmgs of the earth. .. . Vou mea ad Do· pfalm Jxxvn.
xv. Day.
ever? antl is bis promife come utterly to An end for evermore? 9 Hath God forgetten to �e gracious? and will he fhtit up his loving-kindnefs in <lifpleafure? 10 And I faid, It is mine own infirmity; but I will remember the years .. f the 1,ight hand of the moll Highcll:. 1 I· I will rememher the works of the Lord, ar,d call to mind thy wonders of old time. u I wjll think alfo of all thy works, and my talking 01all be of thy doings. 13 Thy way, 0 Goel, is holy: who is fo great a God a,s our God? 14 Thou art the God that doeth wonders, and haft declar�d thy power among the _people. . 15. Thou haft mightily delivered thy people; even the fons of Jacob and Jofeph. 16 The waters faw thee, O God, the waters faw thee, and were a• frairl; the depths alfo were trou• bled. 17 The clouds pol'lred out water, the air thundert:d, and thine arrows went abroad. 18 The voice. of thy thunder was heard round aboHl; the lig-ht• nings n1one upon the ground; the earth was moved, and fhook with• al. . . 1 9 Thy_way 1s 10 the fea, and paths in the great waters, mid thy thy footrteps are n0t known. 20 Thou ledder.t thy people like fheep, by the hand of Mofes and Aaron.
,viii cry unto God with my voice; even unto Gorl will I cry with my voice, and be !hall )Jearken unto me. 2 In the time of my trouble I fought the Lord; my fore ran, and t ceafrd no in the night-feafon; my foul refufe<l comfo�-t. . W�en I am 111 heavrnefs, I 3 -will thrnk upon G_od; when my }leart is vexed, I w,I_I complain. holddt mme eyes wak4 Thou ing; I am fo feeble, that l cannot fpeak, I bave confidered the days of 5 the years that are pall:. old, and 6 I eall to rememhrance my fong, i\1:d in the night I eoi'nmune .EvBNING PRAYER, with mll 1t'-; �wn heart, and fearch out my fpmts. .Attendite, popuk. the Lor<l :thfent hirnfelf Pfa\m·?xxviii. 7 Will will Ear my law, 0 my peoJ')le-; he be I)o more for ever? and incline your ears unto the ? ed at tre in _ 8 Js his m,ercy clean_ gone for wordi of my m'ou�b. � I wt!l
xv. Day.
xv. Day-.
2. I will open m·y mouth in a 15 In the clay-tJ:rl'ie alfo he led par<.1ule; I will d..:clare hard fen- them with a cloud, and• all the tences of old; night through with a light of fire. 3 Which we have heard and 16 He clave the hard rocks i� known, and fuch as our fathers the wildt:rnefs, and gave them li:ivc told us• drink thereof, as it had ht!en out 4 That we' n10uld not hide them of tl,e,�reat" deplh. from the children of tlie genera17 He brought waters out of , tions to come, but to fhew the:: the ftony rock, fo t'hat it gun1ed· hononr of the Lord, his mighty out like th·e "rivers. and wouderful works that he bath 18 Yet for all.this, they finned more againft him, and provoked done. . 5 He made a covenant with Ja- the. moft Highdl: in the wilder cob, and gave Jfrael a law, which nt:fs. he commanded our fon::fathers to 19 They te�pted God in thei1· teach their children. hearts, and required m1-:at for theil'I 1 6 That their· pofterity might lufr. !mow it, and the children which 2.0 They fpake againll: God alfo, fa) ing, Shall God prepare a.table were yet unh0rn; 7 To the intentthat when they in the ,, ildernefs? '2.I• H fmate the 11:ony rock incame, up, they might fi1ew their deed, that the water gulhed out,. chil lreu the fame; 8 That they might put their and the 11:reams flowed withal; but tru/l: in God; and not to forget c11n be give bread alfo, or providt:. the works of God., but to kc:=cp flelh for his people.? zz · \i1;1:hen the Lord heard this 1 • hiH commandments; . , 9 And not to be :ts tht1r forefa- he w?s wroth,;.fo-the, fire was kin thas, a faithlefs an_d. tlnhhorn ge- dkd m Jacob, and tl_1ere came u�• neration; a generation that ftt ��t heavy d1fpleafure agam{t ffrael ;. 23 l3ecaufe they b lieveJ not iii their heart aright, and whofe fpmt eleaveth not ftedfatlly: unto God; God, and.-put not their trull: in10 Like ;is the children of E- his help. 2.-4 So he commanded the clou<l , phraim; who being harnelfed, and carry\ng bows, turned themfrlve:i ahove, and, open.eel the door.; of. heaven. back m the <lay of battle. 2.5 He rained down Minna al!'iJ· : 11 They kept not the covenant of God, an l would not w<1lk in upon them for. to eat, •aoc1·g:1voi· ·' them food from heavt!n. his law;, 11, Uut forgat 1�lrn� he had done, zG So man did e;it• angels food';; and the wonc\erfol works that he fur he frnt them meat t:nough-: 1,7 He cauft:d the ea{t wine! to· had fhe •ed for th11m. · r3. Marvellous. things dicl_he in blow under heaven; and thrnng!i, the fight of our forefathers, 10 the his power he brought in tlte "fouth-}nnd of Egy t, eveu in the tield of weft wi11d. Zoan. · 1.8 Ht: ralner\ 1kfh uµon them-ao ' 14- He djvidecl the fe.1, anrl let. thick as dult, and fo;itlkrtd .fowls-· tbem go through; he made the likt a lhe fand of the lea •. • waters ,to itan1t 1in an he:-tp·. ·. •, 1.9, He kt. it. fall amoag' th'ei: tenis,. � 3.
xv. Day.
43 They thought not of his tents, even round about their habitation. hand, anrl of the day when he de· 30 S they <lid eat and were well iivcn:d them from the hand of the fi!.l�d; for .he g •. ve thtm h ir own entmy. 44 How he had wrought his mideli re: they were not difappuinted uf their lufl:. racks in Egypt, an,l his wo11derJ 31 But while the meat v(as yet in the fi Id of Zo.in. 45 He turnt:d their waters in· · iA their months, the heavy wrat_l:! of Go<l came upon them, and new to l>lond, fo that they might not the wealthidl: of th m ; yea, and drink of the rivers. 46 Ht: fcnt lice among them, fmote down the chofrn men· that r were in Jfrael. nd ckv11urecl them up, and f ogi. 3 2 But for all this, they finned to defl:roy them. r yet more, and believed not his 47 He gave their _f ui� untn the laoour unto their wondrous works. caterpill,ir, and 33 Ther fore their days did he the gralhopper. con fume in vanity, and their yc;ars 43 He-dcfrroyed th6r vines with in troubk. hail-ll:ories, and their mulberry• · 34 When he Oew them, they trees with the frolt. fought him, �nd turntd them ear49 He fmote thtir cattle alfo ly, and enqum:d after God. with hail-ftones, and their flocks 35 And they remembe1·ed th.1t with hot thunder-bolts. 5::, He caft upon tl1t:m the fu. Goll was their tl:ren�th, and that the high God was the11· Redeemer. rioufnefs of hi� wrath, anger, rlif . 36 N�vert�1elefo, _they did b 1 1t pl�afure, and trouble; and fent fi:itter him with their mouth, and evil angels among them. diffembled with him in their 51 He·made a way to his indignation, and. fpared not their foul tongue. 37 For their heart was not whole from deatb ; but gave their life o with him, n.:ither continued they ver to the peflilence. 52. And finote all th� fi_rll:-born fiedfafl: in his covenant. . 3g But he w;is fo merc1fol, that in Egypt\ the moft •�nnc1pal and he forgave their mifdeeds, and de- rnightiell: in the dwellings of Ham. firo)-ed them 11ot. 53 But as for his own people, · 39 Yea, many a time turned he he l�<l them �orth Iik_e lheep, ;�n<l his wrath aw_ay, and would not earned them m the w1lclerntfs Ilk fuffer his whole difpkafure to a Oock. 54 He brought them out fafdy, • arife. 40 For he confidere<l that they that they_ Ornuld not fear, an�l o· were but fldh, and that they were verwbelmed their enemies witlt . . tven a wind that palfeth away, and the fea. · 5 5 And bi:ougltt them .within cometh not again. ' 41 Man� a time ?id they pro- th.e bo.rders of �1is fon�uary, even vokc hi� rn_ tl.ie wildernefs, and to his 11;oun�am_, which he purchafed with his right hand. grievecl him 10 the defert. T 56 He call: out the heat hen alfo temptand back, turned ey h 2 4 �d God; anq 1?,lOVtd the Holy One hefu:e_ them, cauftd their land to be dmded among th.em for an he iu Ifrad, rit�g..-,
xv. Day.
xvi. Day.
ritage, and made the tribes of If7z As he was following !ht: e'w o rael to dm:11 in their tents. great with young ones, he took 57 So theytemptc:d and difpleaf- him, that be might feed Jacob his eel tbe mo!\: high God, and kept people, and Jfr at:I his inheritance. 7 3 So he feel them with a faithnot his tell:imonies; 58 But turned their hacks, and ful and true heart, and ruled them fell away like th�ir forefathers; prudently with all his power. ft:lrline: afide like a br,,ken how. 59 Fl r they grieved him with ----- -------- their hill-altars, anrl provoked him The Sixteenth Day. to difpleafure with their im3ges. 60 \IVhen G d he;ir<l this, he MORNING PRAYER. was wroth, and touk fore difple;i. Pfalm lxxix. Deus, "Uenerunt. fure at Hrael; God, the heathen ai"e come 61 So that he forfook the tabernade in Silo, even the tent that he into thine inht:ritance; thy holy temple have they defiled, and had pitched among men. 6z He delivered their power in- made Jerufalem an heap of fio.nes. to captivity, and their bt:at,ty into z The Jead bodies of tliy ferthe enemies hand. van ts have t hev given to he mc:-at 63 He gave his people over alfo unto the fo.wls "o( the arr, and the unto tht: fword, and was wroth Hefh of thy faints u·nto the beafts with his inheritance. of the land. 64 The fire conf11;med _their . 3 Their blood have they 01c:-d young men, and tht:1_r m;udens like: water on every fide of Jerufa . lem, and the.re was no man to buwere not given to marnag�. 6 5 Their prielts were ilarn w1t_h ry them. the fword, and there w�re po w14 '1/e are become an open fi1ame to our enemies, a very fcorn and dows to make lamentation. 66 So the Lord a waked as one derifion unto them that are ro.und �ut of Oeep, and like a giant re- about us. 5 Lord, how lo.ng wilt thou be . · . fre01ed with wine. 67 He fmote his enemies in the angry? 01all thy jealoµfy burn like hinder pa1ts, and put them to a �re for ever? 6. Puur out thine indignation p�rpetnal 01ame. . 68 He refufed the tabernack of upon the hei!then tha.t have not Joftpb, and chofe not the tribi; of known thee; and upon the king . Joms that have 11ot called upon Ephraim; 69 But choCe the �ribe of Judah, thy Name: 7 F,Jr they have dev0urcd Jaeven the h_ill of Ston, which he . . cnh, and fatd wall:e his dwelhngloved. · 7-0 .And there he _built his tern- place. ·, o � ple n high, and laid the f un a8 0 remember not our old fins, tion 11f it like tht: ground which but have mercy upon us, and that ht bath made continually. foon; for )\'C are come to great . 71 He choft: David alfo his frr- mifery. vant, and took hlm a.way from the 9 Help us, O God of ot�r (1lvaj},eep fold�. tiou, for the glory of thy N;ime: 0 de•
xvi. Day.
The,. PsALTRR.
O deliver us, and'be merciful unto our !ins for thy Name·:; fake.· . 10 Wherefore do the heathen fay, Where is now their God? . u O Jet the vengeance of thy - ferv;mts blood that is fhed be openly ,fhew_c::<l upon the _heathen, in our fight. -n O let th-e forrowful fighing • of the prifoners come before thee• according to the greatnefs of thy power ,pre(erve t_h�u thofe that are appointed to die. 13 And f: r the blafphemy wheret;\·ith our n ighhours have hla(p cmed thee, rewar� thou them, Lord, fcven-fold 111to their bofom. 14 So we that ;ire thy people, and01�cpofthypafture,fh;dlgive thee thanks for ever, an·d will alwav be. fhewing forth thy praife fro�l generation to generation. · ' · fi!.!!i regi.I I:frnel. lxxx. Pf.tlm . Ear, 0 thou Shepl.Jerd of IfH · rael, thou that leacleft Joli ph like a l11eep; ·!hew thyfelf alto, thou that fittejl: upon the Chernbims, . . ,., Before Ep½ra1m,, Bt:npmin, and M;uiafft:s: fbr up thy ftrengtJi, and come and ht:lp_us. 3 Turn us again, 0 Goel; l11ew the light' of thy c untenaace, Jnd we !hall be whole. 4 O Lord God of .hoft�, how· long wilt thou be angry w 1th thy peopk that prayeth? • 5 Tho_u feedefl: the� with the 0 1:ead ot tears, and g1veft them plenteoufnefs of tears to drink. � 6 Thou h�ll m;ide us a very llrife ttnto our ne1ghhours, and our enemies laugh us to- �corn. . 7 Turn" us ag,�m, th_ou_ God <Jf hofrs; f}rew the hght ot ti)y connu:naucc,. a,nd.w� �hall.be whoJc::. ., ..
. ... ..
• 8 Thou hall:"brought a vine out of Egypt; thou haft c ft out the lteatben, and planted it. 9 Thou maclefl: room for it; and when it had taken root, it filled the Janel. 10 The hills _were covered with the /hadow of ,t, and the ouglis thereof were like the goodly c dar tre s. 11 She firetched out her branch• es unto t!1e fea, and her bough& unto the nver. 1 :r. Why halt thou then broken duwn ber liedge, that all they that her grapes? go by_pluck 13 fbe wild boar out of the wood dot!1 root it up, anJ the wild hea!l:s o( the fie!tl devour it. 14 Turn th eagatn, thou God of hofi.s, look down from h av n; behold, and vifit this vine, 15 And the place of the vine• yard, that thy right hand h<lth planted; and the branch, that thou madell: fo ftrong for tbyfelf. "16 It is burnt with fire, and cut down; and th1.::y !hall perilh at the rebuke of thy couute.cance. 1 7 Let thy hand be upon the ru:m of thy r:ight h,rnd, and upc•n the fon of man, whom thou rr.addt fo fh-ong for thine own felf· 18 And fo will not we g� back fro?J1 thee: 0 let us live, and wd !hall call upon tby Name. 19- Turn us again, 0 Lord God of holl:s; !hew the light of-thy countenance,. and we ihall f:Je whole •
Pfalm lx-xxi. Exultnte Deo. !ng'we me'rrily UlltO God, our s Irr r.glh; make a.ch earful noif r unto the God of Jacob. , z: Take the pfalrn, bring hither the tabret; th merry harp, "1\1:ith, th·e lute. • 3. Elow up the trump t-iit tb.e
:xvi. Day.
.The 1'sALTER:
,xvi. D ay .
new mnon, even in the time ap EV!NING PRAYER, pointed, and upon our folemn feart-day. . Pfalm lxxxii� Deus jletit. 4 For th1s was made a ll:atute ftande�h in the <;ong r ega. fur Jfrael, �nd a law of the God of t1on of pnnces;. he 1s a JmlgeJacoh. , . 5 This he ordained in Jofeph among gods. z How long will Y':- give wrong for a tell:imony, wben ht: carr.e . ont of the land of Egypt and bad Judgment, and accept the perfoos of the ungodly? heard a ftrange languag/ 3 Defrnd the poor and father• e t from h er fhou.ld his d c: eaf 6 [ burden, and his hands were deli- ltfs; fre that fuch :is are in need and nec�ffity have nght. vere<l from making the pots. 4 Deliver the out c;ilt and poor; 7 Thou calledlt upon me in favc:: them from the hand of th:: troubles, and I delivered thee, and hc.1rd thee what time as the ll:orm ungodly. 5 Thty will not be learnecd, nor fell upon thee. 8 I proved thc:e alfo at the wa- underltand, bnt walk 011 ftill in darknefs; all the f undations of ters of 11:rife. the earth a rf _out of courfe. e I an(\ ople, p will my O He:ir, 9 Ye are gods, ancl affure thee O Ifrael: if thou wilt ye_6 I have fa1d, are all the children of the mo(\; hearken 1,�to. me, Highefl:; to There 01all no firange god be !3_ut ye !hall d,e like men, and in thee:, neither 01alt thou worfhip f;all7 hkc::_ one of. the princes. any other god. 8 Anfe, 0 God, and judge thou JI I am the Lord thy God, who the t:arth; for thou Omit take all b ro ught thee out of the land of en to thine inheritance. hc:ath and de, wi th mou thy open t: Egyp ... I !hall fill it. pf;alm l xxx111. Deus, quis jimilis ! 12 But my people woulrl not bear my voice, and Ifrael would HOlcl not th }'. tongue, O God; keep not ft11l filtnce•' refrain not obey me; . 13 So I gave them up unto their not thyfelf, O God: z For lo, thine enemits make a own hearts lnfts, and let them folmurmurin�; and they that hate low their own imaginations. 14 0 that my people wo4ld have thee have lift up their head. hearkened �nto me; for 1£ lfr ael 3 T_hey have imagined crafti• ly agamll: thy pcaple, anc\ taken ,had walked m my ways, . ,� I 010ul� foon have put dow� counfel again Cl: thy frcret ones. thrn· enemies, and tnrn�tl my 4 They have fai<l Come anlil let us root them out,' that th�y he hand ;igain!l their adverfanes. 16 Thehatersoft!3eLord010ul_d no mor� a pc::ople, and that the h ave been found hars; but their name of Jfrael may be no more ln _ t1rne fuould have endured for ever. rememhrance • ' 7 He fhould have fed them alfo 5 For they have c;ift their heacls . :w�tl1 the fineft wheat-flour; and together with one confent, and are with honey out of the !tony rock confederate again ft thee, 6 The tabernacles fhould I have or' the Ee.lo· - fatisfied thee. mit<:3,
xvi. _Day.
xv1. Day.
mites and the Uhmaelites; the s Yea, the fparrow lrntli found Moahit'es, and Hagarens; her an bonfe, and the fwallow a 7 Gcbal, and .Amm·on, and A- nell:, where Hie may lay her young; malecb; the Phili!l:ines, with them even thy altars, 0 Lord of"hofis, my King and my God. that dwell at Tyre. 4 Bleffed are they that dwell in 8 AITur alfo i joined with them, and ba,,e bolp n the children of thy houfe ; they will be alway • praifing thee. Lot. 9 But do th u to them as nnto s Blelfc:d is the man, wh!tfe the Maciianites; unto Sifcra; and rtrengtb is in thee; in wholi heart untoJabin at the brook of Kifon; are thy ways. · 6 \"i'ho, �oing through the vale 10 Who p erifhed at Endor, and became as the dung of the earth. of mifery, ufr it for_ a well; anti II Make them and their princes the pools are �lied with w;1tcr. 7 They will go fr om fhu1glh like Orc:b and Zeb; vea, make all their princes like ;;.s 21:ba· and Sal- to fhcngth, and unto the God of rr,ana, gods a'ppeareth every one of thern 12. vVho fay, Let us t;ike to in Sion. 8 O Lord God ofhofrs, hear n y ourfelves the boufri; of Gou in . prayer; be;irken·, 0 G"od of Jacob: poffdiion 9 Bc:ltolli, 0 Gud, our tfrfcnd· 1� O my Goel, make them like unt� a wheel, ;ind ;is the ftubble er, and lo >k upon the face of thi11t wind; Anoint"ed � before tile i 14 L ke as the fire that burneth · 10 For one day in thy court& is · up the wood, and as the flame that better th?.O a thoufand. , 11 I bad rather be a door-keept'r confumeth the m untains. in the houfe of my God, tha11 to 15 Perfccutt: them even fo with r thv tempeft, and make thc:m af ai'll dwell in the tents of ungodlinefs, · • _ u For the Lo1·d God is a light with t-hY ftorm. 10 Ivhke their faces a{hamed, and cl fence; 111e·Lord, 'ill give G l,ord, that they may fo:k tuy' grace-a d worniip; and no good l thing !hall he withh<1ld fr om theul N!Hne. Let them be confounded and that live a godly life. 17 yexed ever more and more; let 13 0 Lord Gc,d of ho!l:s, bleffr<l them be put to Cham<::, and pe- \s the man that putteth his trult tn thee. ri{l1. . . . . 1g And they fhall know that Pfalm lxxxv. B,med,.vfjh, Domme, thou, whofe N-ar:,e is Jehovah, art only the mofl: Highdl over all the rd,. tbou art become graLOcious unto thy land; thou e;trth. • . haft •turned aw;iy the captivity of . fal lxxx1v. �am ddefla ! Jacob. : p m How amiable arc thy dwell2 Thou haft forgiven the offence ings, thou Lord of ho!l:s ! of thy people, and covered all their 2 My foul hath a <le lire and long- !ins. •ng to enler into the courts of the 3 Thon haft taken away all thy I,orcl; my h_e�rt and my flefl1 re· dii'pleaf!1re, and �ur!1ecl _thyf::lf J•oice in the livtog God. • , !from thy wrathfuhnd1g11at1nn. · 4 Turn ,
p ay .
xvii.- D ay :
4 Turn us then, 0 God our vant � for unto thee, 0 Lord, do · • Saviour, and let thine anger ceafe I lift up my foul. r 5 For thou, Lord, art good anct f um u�. 5 Wilt thou be difpleafed at ns gracious, and.of great mtrcy unto for ever? and wilt thou !\:retch all them that call upon thee. 6 Give ear, Lord, unto my uur thy wrath from one generaprayer, .and ponder the voice �f, tion to another? . : ·6 Vlilt thou not turn again, and my humhle.delires. 1·1n·the time of my trouol� I quicken us, that thy people may will call upon thee; for t�ou hear-! rejoice in thee? 7 Shew ug tby mercy, 0 Lord, ell: tne. . 8 Among the gods 'tber,c is n_on e" a-nd grant us thy falvation. _ 8 I wi!,l hearken what the Lord hkt unto thee, 0 Lordi thert 1a. God will f.ay concerning me; for not one that can do as thou d'oefi. 9 All nations whom th_uu haft• he fhall fpeak peace u, to his-people, ,and to his faints, that th<::y made, {hall come and worfhip thee, 0 Lord; and fhall glorrfy turn not a-gain. his [alv,1tion is nigh th m thy Name. , 9 For that fear htm; that glory may 10 For thou art gre;it, and doefi:: wondrous things: thou -art God dwell in onr.lantl. JO Mercy anrl trnth are met alone. 1 J Teach me thy way, O Lord,: tog�ther; righteoufnefs and peace and I will walk in thy truth: -0 have kilfed each other. Bourifh out of knit n)y heart ur;ito thee, that I· JI Tru th lha!l the e:1rtb, and nghteuufnefs hath may fear thy Narne. vt:n. JZ I_ will _thank thee, O Lord, looked cluwn from hea n Yea, the Lord lhall Oiew my-God, with all my heart; an"d lo · 11 g kindnefs, and our land fhall will praife thy Name for evermore. give her iricreaf�. . • 13 Righteo:ilnefs_(ha11 g_o bef?re J 3 FoJr great 1s thy mercy tohicn, ant! he fhall d1 e.fr his going ward me; and thou haft delivered my foul from the nethermoft hell in the way. 14 0 God, the proud·are riftn againll.me; and the corigreg.1tions of naughty men have fougl1t afler The Seventeenth Day. my f11 ul, and have not frt thee beM ORN IN'0 •PRAYER • fore their eyes. 15 But thou O Lord God art Pfalm lxxxvi. lnclir.a, Domine. ow down thin: _ear, 0 Lord, full of c01;1pafli�n and_mercy, iong and htar m<::; for I am poor, foffermg, plentcoua in goo<lnefs . and tnith. · \ aml in mifery. 2 ·Prdi:fve thop my foul; for I 16 0 tnrn th�e 'then unto me, am holy: my God, fave thy fer- and h,ive mercy upon me; give v-;int, that putLeth his trufl: in thy·!l:n:ngth unto thy frrv;rnt, and heir the fun of thine ba11dmaid. . thee. 3 Be merciful nnto me, 0 Lord; x7 Shew fome token upon me1 for I wi:J call daily upQn tliee. for good, Lhat they who hate me 4 Co:nfort the (oul of tby fer- may fee ,Lt, -and b!!= afhamc:tl; be c:rnfc
:xvn. Day.
xv11� Day.
caufe tuou, Lord, haft: holpen me, upon me, and thou haft vexed me and comforted me. with all thy fl:orms. 7 Tbou haft put away mine ac• .Pfalm lxxxvii. Fu,zdammta ejus. quaintancc far from me, and made 'Er foundations are upon the me 'to be abhorred of them. holy hills: the Lord luveth S I am fo faft in prifon, that I the gates of Sion more than all cannot get forth. the dwellings of Jacob. 9 · My fight faileth for-very trou• 2, Very excellent things are fpo- ble; Lord, I have called rtaily up• ken of thee, thou city of -God. on thee, I have firetchc:d forth my 3 I will think upon Rahab and hancla 'Uuto thee. :1.0 Boft -thou {hew wonders a• Babylon ; with them that know mong t-he dead? or lh_all the dead me. . 4 He hold ye the Phililtines alfo, rifc up again, and praifc thee? 11 Shall th¥ loving- kindnefa he and they of Tyre, with the Mo{hewed in the grave? or thy faith· rians; lo, there was he lorn. And of Sion.it 01111 be: report- fulnefs•in deftruclion? 1� Shall thy wondrous works he ed, that he was born in her; and known in the daok? and thy rigb· the moft High fhall ftabl1fh her. 6 The Lord fhall rehearfe it, teoufnefs in the !anti ·where all when he writeth up the people, things are fo1·gotten ? · · 13 Unto thee ,have 1 cried, 0 that he was born there. 7 The fingers alfo and trumpet- Lor�L; and early ,{hall my prayer r crs fl1all !Je rehearfe: All my f eff1 come befoTe thee. Ill- Lord, why ,abhorreft thou .fprings fhall be in thee. my foul? and hiddt thou thy face Pfalm lxxxviii. Domine, Dius. rom me? Lord, -Ood of,my ,. falvation, '15 I am in mifery, ;i,nd like un· I have cried day and night to him that ts at the point to die; �fore thee: 0 let my prayer en- even from my youth up, thy t:er· rer into thy prefence.; incline thine rors have ·I folft:red w:th a trou· bled mind. c:ar unto my calling; <16 Thy wrathful difpleafure go• 1, Y.-or my foul is full of trouble, and my Hfe draweth nigh unto eth over me, and the fear of tbte bath undone me. hell. 17 They came round about rne ¼ I am counted as one of them that go down into the pit, and I daily like water, and compa{fcd have been even as a man that hath me together on ew:ry fide. 18 My lovers and friends h;ilt RO (trcngth. r 4 Free among the dead, like un- thou put a.way f om me, and bid to them that are wounded, and mine acquaintance out of my fight. lie in the grave, who are out of iBVENIN·G P-RAYER. memhrance, and are out away· Pfalm lxxxix. · .Mij�ricordias Dof�om thy hai;icl. �hou haft laid me in the lowmini. fong fhall be alway of the ell: pit, in a place of d3rknefo, and loving-kindnt:fo of thi.:: Lor<l; . j,n the deep. (i T·11ine indig,nation lic:tb hard with my month will I ever. be fbcwrng
y M
xvu. Day.
�vii. Day,.
16 Bldfedisthepeople,OLotd, jhewing .thy truth, from one gethat can rejoice in thee; they !hall neration to aaother. :i, For I have faid, Mercy (hall walk in the light .of thy coontehe fet up for ever; .thy truth fl1alt nance. 17 Their delight flrnll be daily thou fl:abliili in the heavens. 3 I have made a coven,u1t with in thy Name; and in thy righteo1af my chofen; I have fworn unto nefs {hall they make their boafi. · . 1_8 F�r thou art _the glory. of David my ferv.ant, 4Thyft:edwilllft:ablt01forever, their fl:rength, and m thy lov10g and fet up thy throne from one kindnefs tpou. Chait lift up o�r ge n eration to another. horns: s O Lord, the very heavens r9 For the Lord is our defence; fi1all praife thy wondrous wor�s, the Holy One of lfrael is ou� Kini;. and thy truth, in the congregati 2.0 Thou fpakcll: fomet1me m on · vilions unto thy faints, and· faidlt, of the faints. 6 For who is he among the clouds, I have laid help upon one that is that 01a.ll be comp.ared ·unto the mighty, I have exalted one cl'iofen ou t of the people. Lord? , 7 And what is b� among the :u I have found David my fa. gods, .that.Jhall he like unto the vant; with my holy oil. have [ .anointed him. Lord? 2.1, My hand lliall hold him fafr, 8 God ,is �ery greatly to be feared in the council of the faints, and and my arm flrnll ftrengthen him. 2..3 T(.i.e enemy £hall not be able to be had in reverei;ice ?f all them . to_ <lo him violence; the fon of that are round about him. h , s h o Lord God of afts w ,o 1 w1ckednefs flrnll not hurt him. 9 2.4 I will finite down bis fo es like unto thee? thy truth, moft before bis face, and plague them mighty Lord, is on .everr.fide. · 10 Thou ruleft the ragmg of the that hate him. fea; t hou ftilleft the waves thtreof 25 My truth alfo and my mercy £ball be with him ; and in my �vhen they arife. • u Thou haft fubdued Egypt, Name iliall his horn be exalted. 2,6 I will frt. his dominion alfo and deftroyed it; thou haft fc�ttered thine enemies abroad with in the fea, and his right hand in the floods. thy mighty arm. . l'2 Ibe h.eaven� are thine, t�e Z7 He lliall call me, Thou art my earth alfo is thine; tpou haft laid Father, my God, and my ftrong the foundation of the round world, falvation. · and all that therein is. 2,8 And I will make him my firftnorth the e -mad born, higher than the kings of the 13 Thou haft and the fouth; Tabor and Her- earth. man fhall r.cjoice in thy Name. 29 lVIy mercy will I keep for bi ni 14 �hou haft a migl�ty _arm ; for evermore, and my covenant ftrong 1s thy hand, and high 1s thy Chall fta-nd fart with him. ' 30 His feed alfo will I make. to · rig ht h� nd . I 5 R�gh�eoufnefs and equity are endnre for ever, a!ld his throne as _the bab1tat1on of thy feat; mercy, the clays of heaven. and truth £ball go before thy face.'l 31 Hut if his children forfake y . my
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;x-vii.- ay xviii. ay The.PSALTER. .my law, aou walk not in my jut.lg- time is; wherefore haft thou made men ts; all men for nought? · p 1f they brea·k my fl:atutes, 47 Wbat ma11 is he that liveth • .anc_ keep not �y commandments; and fliaH not fee death ? and (hall I will v1fit then· offences with the he deliver his foul from the hand -i-od, and their fin with fcourges. of hell ? 3 3 N��ertbj:!lefs, µ,y lovirig-ki d4� Lord, where are thy old lo,,• .nefs will I not utlerly take .from ing- k.indneffes, which thou fwar• �im, no� fyft_:er my �ruth to fail. ell: U!)tO David in thy, truth? 34 My covenant will fnot·break, 49 Remember, Lord; the re• .nor alter tbe thing- th.it is gon·e buk.e that thy fervants have, and out of my lips: I h;Jve fworn oi,c;c how I do bear in my hofom the py my huli1iefs� that I will not fail rebukes of many people; David. 50 '\/\ T herewith thine em:mies . 35 His feecl iliall endure f.or e- have -blafphemed the�, .ind Oan ·�e1·, and his feat is li:ke as t1;ie fun dered t�1e footfl:eps of thine A· before me. nointed': "Praife'd o'e 1he· Lo\-d for Amen, �1,1d Amen. 6 He .fball Qan'd fafl for ever- evermore. J • ' more as the moon, ;rnd i\S the ,·· faithful witnefs in·hea\·en. 1 7 llut• thou haft'abho,rred (Ind · The Eighteenth D ay. 3 . forfaken thine Anointed, 'aud art , • MORNl�G PRAYER, s.Jifpleafed at him. • .• 3,8 Thot: bafl: broker;i the,cov,�- · Pfalm_ xc. Domine, '.rifugium • . :nant of thy fervant,, and, cafr lils J. Ord, thou bafl: been our r.efnge, '. � frorn one generation to" ano• fl"O\rn to tile ,ground. , . 39 Thou haft overthro,vn all ther •.. , . .'. l 1 is bedges",1 and brokeo dO\xn his ,7, .' Before'.;the 'mountains were broµght .,for�h,' OF ever the ei;lrth .!Jroog bolds. . 40 All they that go by fpoil im, and the world w�re ma?e, thou and he is hecome a rtproa�h to his ,1.rt, God_ from everlalhng, ·and worl:.l w1t.hoi1t !;'nd. . • 1,ei"$hbours 3 T�0� turnefl man to <lefiruc• right the up fet hafl Thou 1 4 1 i :ind of his enemie&, and made all tion; agarn_ thou _fayefl:, Come again? ye -Ch)ldr�n _of �en. .his advpfaries to·rej0ic·e. thy 41, Thou haft taken .away the 4 For , a t�onf;md y,ear � ii) .edge of·bis [word, and giveft him figh�.?�-� bµ.t aSJ ·Y\!�e�day, fe_eing • tnat 1s paft as a watch rn the 1J1ght. not-v.i.ctoyy rn the battle. ·"4; 'f)Jou hafl put Qut his glory, 5 ,As fo6n as_ thou fcatts:rdt "lino ca!l his thru11e down tu the them, they are even �s aOeep, and , ,.. • . fade away fuddenl_y hk_e t_he .grafs, rounfl. 6 Tn tlle 01ornmg 1t 1s green, P 44 The .d<}ys of hrs youth hafl: eth up; but �n the even a.ad and him ·co:vered lll:tened, fh ou :th _gr_ow mg 1t 1s·cut down, dned up, and }vith-djfhonour. 45 Lo1·d, how long wilt thou wit)lered. , �y in thy J i ide tbyfelf? for_ eye_r? a[!d j1Jall . 7 For we con(ume aw r difpleaftire, and are af aid at thy fire? like burn wrat,h · h ;t• y indignation. -6 O ·remember how fhort ·my wrathful ,. � Thou
�vii•i'; Day-::
The PsAL.TER..
xviii. D_ay'.
3 F0r he fliall deliver t�ec from g· :J'hou haft fet our mifdeeds before thee, and our fecret fins in the fnare of the hunter, and fr om the noifome pefiilence. the light of thy countenance. 4 He {hall <.lefe:nd thee under 9 For'when thou art angry, all onr days are gone; we bring 'our his wings, :md thou illalt be fafe years to an end, as it were a tale under his feathers; his faitbfulm:fo· and truth !ball' be thy ibidd and that is told. 10 The days of our age are buckler. threefcore yeara and ten; and _.s Tnou fbalt not be af ra1rl for though men be fo £1:r ong, t\:lat any terror hy night, nor for the they come to fourfcore years, yet arrnw that flieth by day; is their ftrength then but labour 6 For the pefiilence that walk.:.. and farrow; fo foon paffettr it eth in darknefs, nor..for the .lick-· . !way, and we are gone. nefo that <lelhoyeth in.. the noonII But who regardeth the po1v- day. er of thy wrath? for even then:af. 1 A thoufand 01all fall belide· ter as a man feareth, fo is thy <lif- thee, ancl ten tllouf,rnd at lhy right · pleafure. hand ; b t it fl'talf not come nigh ·• · n So teach us to number our thee: days, that w� may apply our . 8 Yea, with thin_c e.yes fl1alt thou· hearts· unto w1fdom. oebol<l, and fee th reward of the . 13 Turn t.hee again,. 0 Lord, ungodly. at the 1.ifi:, a11d be graciou$ ·unto 9 For thnu, L,,rd, art my hoper thou hall: fet thi11e houfe of <.lcthy fervants. 14 O fatisfy us with thy m�r�y, frnce very high .. and that foon ; fo fl1al1 we reJmce 10 There !ball no evil happen and be: glad all the d.iys of our nnto thee. m:ither {hall any plague come nigh thy c;lwelliog; _ 1.ife. . 1s. Comfort us again now after 11 For \1e. fba-!J give his angelsthe time that tbqu ha!\: plagued us; charge over thee, to keep thee in. ana for the years wherein we have all thy ways. fuffered advt:rfity. n They 01all bear thee in their 16 S�ew thy f..::rvants thy work, han_ds, that thou hurt not thy foo and tbeu· children thy glory. again ft a fi:one. 17 And the glorious Majeity of 13 Thou ilialt go upon the lion the Lord our God be upon us ; and adder; the young lion a'.nd the� profper thou the wo.rk of our dragon !halt thou tre'ad under thy hands upon u�; 0 profper thou feet. our 14 Becaufe be hath fet his love · handy-work. "' upon me, therefore will I deliver . . . Pfalm xci. QJ,1i.hasitat. him; I willfet him up, becaufe he Hofo dwelletlr under the_de- hath knowr. my _Name. f�nce of the mofl: .High, 15 He fhall call upon me, and I {hall ab,_de under ,the fl1adow of will hear him; yea, I"am.with him t11e·Aln:i1shty. in trouble; I will deliver him, and z I �ill fay unto the Lord, Thou bring him to lionom. a_rt 111Y hope, �nd �y firong hold, 16 With long life will I fatisfy Jn'f God, m him v,:,ill I tru[l;. him, and iliew him my falvation. Pfalm· Y z
xviii; Day.
Pfalm xcii. Bo11111n e.fl conjiteri. T is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to fing praife., unto thy 1\-i:' ame, O molt Highefr; . . :i. To te1 I of tl,y loving kmdnefs +:>arly in the morning, and of thy t.rnth in the nig?t feafon; 3 Up:m ;in rnftrument of ten ff rings, and upon the lute; upon a loud inil:rumeDt, and upon the .barp, 4 For thou, Lord, hall: made me glad through thy works; and .): will rejoice in giving praife for the operatior.s of thy hands. 5 0 Lord, how glorious are tl1y workr,; thy thoughto are very · deep. 6 An unwife man doth not well confider this, and a fool doth not ind<ldtand it. 7 Vvhen the ungodly are green as the grafs, and when all the workers of wickedoefs do Aourilh, i ben fhall they be deflroyed for ever; but thou, Lord, art the moll: ttig.hefl: for evermore. 8 Foi:- lo, thine enemies, 0 Lord, Jo thiF1e enemies fhall perifb • and au' the workers of wickednefs' fhall be deflroyed. 9 But mine horn fhall be exalted }ikt:: the horn of an unicorn; for I r am anointed with f effi oir. ;zo Mine eye alfo fi1all foe his lufl: of mine en�mies, and mine ear {hall, bear h1s,defire-of the wicked that arife up againfl: me. 11 The righteous n�all ITourifh like a palm-tree, and mall fpread abroad like a cedar in Libanus. • x:- Such as are planted in the 110ufe of the Lord, fl1all flour ifb in the conrts of the houfenf our God. alfo !hall bring forth 13 They r more f uit in their age, and fha\1 be fat a!ld wen liking;
xv111. Day.
I4 That they may fbew how true the Lord my fln::ngth is, and that tbere is no unrighteoufoefs in him. • EvENJNG PRAYER. · Pfalm xciii . .()omim1.s regnavit. THe Lord is King, and hath put on glorious a-pparet; the Lord hath put on his apparel, and girded himfelf with fin:ngth• z He hath made the round world fo fore, that it cannot be moved . 3 Ever !ince the world bega11, hath thy feat heen prepa1·ed; thou art from everlafl:ing. 4 The floods are rifen, 0 Lor..-!, the floods have lift up their voice; the floods lift np their Wa\·es. 5 The waves of the fra are migh· ty, and rage horribly; but yet t�e Lord, who dwelleth on high, 1s mightier. 6 Thy tell:imonies, 0 Lord, are very fure; holinefs becometh thine · houfe for ever. Pfalm xciv. D;u.r "It ion um. Lord God, to whom ven• ge:mce belongeth; thou Goel, to whom vengeance belongeth, {hew thyfelf. � Arife, thouJudgeoftbeworld, and reward the proud after their deferving. 3 Lord, bow longfl1al1 the un• godly, hcrw Jong fuaJJ the ungodly • triumph ? 4 How• lot1g, fhall all wicked doers fpeak fo difdainfnll'y, and make fuch proud hoafting? 5 They fmite down thy people, O Lord, and trouble thine heri• tage. 6 Theymurderthcwidow,and the firanger, and put the father· Jefo. to death. 7 And
xvm. D ay .
xix. Day.
7 And yet thty fay, i'un1, the againll: the foul of the rightecn1s, Lor<l fh�ll not ft:e, neither filall the and condemn the innocent blood. God of Jacob regard it. . 21. But the Lord is my refuge, 8 Take heed, ye unwife among and my God is the ftrength of my the people; 0 ye fools, when will confidence. z3 He {hall recompence them ye undcrl hnd? 9 [fr that pl.rnted the ear, fhall their wick-1:clnefs, and deftroy them. he not he;ir? or he that made the in their own malice; yea, the Lord tyc, 111a11 he not fee? our God {hall deftroy them. Io Or he that nurtureth th heathen, it is he tlu.t · teacheth man knowledge; fhall not he puThe Nineteenth Day. nifh? MoRNJNG PRAYER. II The Lord knoweth the Pfalm xcv. JTenite, exz,ltemus. thoughls of man, that they art Come, ld us fing unto th� but v,,in,. Lord ; let us heartily rejoice 1 z Blelfed is the man whom thou. cha[teneft, 0 Lord, and teacbell in the ftrength of our falvation. -z Let us come before his prehim in thy law; 13 That thou mayerl: give him fence with thankfgivihg; and 01t\V' patience in time of adverlity, unW onrfr.lves glatl in him with pfalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God; the pit be digged up for the unand a great King above all gods. godly. 4 In his hand are all the coniers 14 For the Lord will not fail his people; neither will he forf,1ke his of th� e�rlh _; and the ftrength of the hills 1s h,1s alfo. • rnherit:lnce. 5 The fea is his, and be' made 15 Until righteollfnefd tum a gain unto jndgmeot, all fuc_h as it; and hi� hands prepared the: dr1 Janel: are true in he.1rt fhall follow 1t. 6 0 come, let. us worfhip, and 16 Who will rife up with me againll: the wii:keJ? or who will f, 11 down, and kneel before the take my part againft the evil- Lord om Maker: 7 For he i·s the Lerd our God; doers? . 17 If the Lord had not helped and we are the people of his paf me, it had not failed but my foul ture, and tha 01eep- of his hand. ? To-day if ye will hear his had b_een put to fi.len�e. 18 But when I fa,d, My foot vou;:e, harden not your hearts, as. hath flipped, thy mercy, G Lotd, in the? provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderheld me up. 19 In the mu1ti!ude of the nefs; 9 Wheol your fathers tempted furrows that I haEl rn my-heart, thy comforts have rt:fre!hed my me, provc::d me, and f& w my foul. works. �o \.V_ilt thou have any thing IO. Fortr years long was I gri�v. to do w,_th �he ftool of wicked- �d with tl11s generation and fa1d, nef�, whifh 1m:.1ginet)) mifchi<!f' as [t is a people that do t'.�r in their • a•law? hearts, fo1• thcv• have not known :;.1 Thry g:ither them to)!elher ,ny ways: u Unto Y 3
D ay .
xix ..D11y.
II- Unto whom' I fware in my righteo_ufnefs to judge th·e world, �rath, that they {hould not e11ter and the people with his truth. mto my rc::ft. Pfalm xcvii. Dom�nus regna'Vif, . . Pfaln:i xcv1. Cantat, Domino. He Lord is King, the earth T Sing unto the Lord a new may be glad tl�ereof; yea, fong; fing unto the Lord,_all the multitu<le·of the 1iles may be the w_hole earth. ,. glad thereof. , . z S1og nnto the Lord, an,d pr,i1fe :z. Clouds and clarknefs are round lHs Name; be telling of his falva- about him· rig\iteuufnefs and jurlq· tJOn from day to day. - ment ar-e 'the habitation of Ins 3 Declare his honour U:nto the feat. heJthen, and bis ,vonders unto 3 There Chall go a lire before all people. him, and burn up bis enemies on 4 For the Lord is great, and every fide. cannot worthily be praifed;, he is 4 His lightnings gave Chine unto more to be feared than aH gods. the world• the earth faw it, and s As for all the gods of the hea- �as afraid.' then, they are but idols ; but it iti s The bilis melted like wax at the Lord that made the heavens. the· prefence of the Lord • at the . 6 Glory and worfbip are ,befor� pr fen<.e of the Lord of th� whole him; power and honour are ia bis earth. fancluary. 6 Tbe heavens h::ive de�Jared 7 Afcribe unto the Lord, O-ye his rig·hr.-eoufnefs, and a\l the peo• kindreds of the people, afcribe un- pie have feen his glory. to the Lord worlhip and power. 7 Confounded be al_! they that S Afcribe unto.the Lord the ho- worfhip carved images, and that nour due unto his Nam�;· bring delight in vai11 g9ds; worihip him,. prefrnts, aAd,come into h,s courts. all ye goda. 8 Sion heard of it-, ancl rejoiced; <J" 0 worfhip. the Lord in the beauty o-fi holinefs; Jet the whole and the daughters of Juda wen.' earth !land in awe of him. glad, becaufe of, thy judgments, ·10 Tell it out among the bea- 0 Lord. 9- For thon·, Lord, a nt higher than then, that the Lord is King ; and that it is he whQ hath, made the all that are in the earth; thou ar round world,fo faft that it cjlnnot exalted far.above all gods. i:-0 O· ye that love t_he Lord, be ::noved; and how that be lhall fee that ye hate th_t: thmg wh1cb judge the people righteou(],y. 1.1 Let the heavens rejoice, and is evil; the Lord pref _ erveth th� kt the earth be glad;· let the fea fouls·of his faints.;- he 01all deliver ·make a 110ife, and• alL t-h-at there- them from the hanu of. the un,. in is. godly. 11 There is fprung up a light fo� 1z Let the field be jovflil, and all that'is i-n i-t; then fh all all.the the righteous, andj<.ryful gladnefs trees of the wood rejoice l:>efore for fuch. as.are tr.ue- hearted. r:z. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righ-�he Lo1·d. , 3 For be cometh, for he com- teous, and give thanks for a re �tlt to judse the earth;. and · with • membranGe of, bis •holint:fs.
x1.x. ·Day.
mcnt; thou baCI: prepared equity; EVENING PRAYER. Pfalm x.cviii: Cantate Domino. tl1ou hafl: executed judgment and Sing unto the Lord a new righteoufnefs in Jacob. 5 0 magnify the Lord, our God ., fang; for he hath done marand fall down before his footfl:ool; vellous things. '7. With his· own right hanrl, and for he is holy. 6 Mofes apd Aaron among his with his holy. arm, hath' he gotten prierls, and Samud among fuch · himfelf the victory. · 3 The Lord declared .his fa Iva- as ·call upon his Name; theft cal! tion; his righteoufnefo hath he ell upon, the Lord, and he heard openlv £hewed in ,the fight of the them. hea tb'en. 7 He fpake unto them out of , 4 He hath remembered his mer- the cloudy pillar; for t):iey kept cy and truth t,oward the. houfe of his tellimonies, and the law that Ifrael, and all the ends oftbe world he gave them. 8 Thou heardeft them, 0 Lord have feen the falvation of our Gori. · s. Shew yourfelves joyful nqto our God ; thou forgaveft them, 0 the Lora, all ye lands; ling, re- God, and punilbedft their own inventiori�: joice, �od give thaf!kS 9 0 magnify the Lord our God, , 6 Pra1fe the Lord upon the harp; pfalm of and worfhip him upon his holy hill; fiJ1g to the harp. with for the Lord 'our God is holy. thaokfgiving. 7 With trumpets alfo · and Pfalm c. Jubila#e Deo. fuawms, 0 Chew yourfelves �oy Be joyful in the Lore!, all ye fu I before the Lord the King. lands; ferve the Lord with g Let th.e fea make a nuifr, and all that therein is; the round gladoefs,.and oome before his pre worlJ, anq they that d\Yell ther.e fence with a fong •. z Be ye fure that t11e I.:ord he is. ui. . 9 Let the Hoods clap.their. hands, Goel; it is he that- hath made us> and let the hills he joyful toge and not we ourfrlves; we are his th�r before the Lord; for he is people, and the £beep of his paf;. ture. �ome to judge the earth. 3 0. go,your way into his gates. 10. With righteoufnefs 0iall he judge the world, and the. people with thankfg;ving, and into his. courts ·with praife; he thankful witt1 equity. untp him, and fpeak good ofi his Pfalm xcix. Dominus reg11avit. Name:, Hc Lord is.King, be the peo4. For the Lord is gracious; his pie never fo. impatie�t; he mercy is everlalling; and bi's truth fitteth between the Cherubims, he en<lureth from-generation to genethe earth never fo unquiet. ·ration. 2, The Lord is. great in. Sion, and high above all people. ci. Mifaricordiam et· Pfal(n · 3 They lh�ll give. thanks unto judiciwn. thy Name, which is .great, won· Y fong Chall be of mercy and derful, and holy. _jnrlgment · unto thee ' 0 4 The King's eower fovtth jurlg_- Land, will I fi11g; Z! 0 let.
xx. Day.
xx. Day.
z O let me have ianderftanding 4 My hearf is frnitten down, and \Vithercd like grafs; fo that hi rhe way of godlinefs. 3 When wilt tho□ come unto I fJrget to eat my bread. 5 For the voice of my groan• me? J will walk in my houfr with a perfect be;irt. •ng, mv bones will fcarce cleave' 4 I will take no wicked thing in to my flerl,. hand: I hate the: fin:; of unfaith6 1 am become like a pelican in fulnefs; then: {hall no fuch cleave the wilderntfa, and like an owl that is in the defert. unto me. 7 I have watched, and ·am even A fr oward heaTt {hall depart from me; I ·will nut know a }Vic- as it ·were a fparruw, that fittelh ked ptrfon. alone upon the houfe-top. 6 Whofo privily fl;indereth his 8 Mine enemies revile me all the neighbour, him will J defiroy. day long; and they that are mad 7 _vVhofu hath alfo a proud look upon me. are fworn together a• and high ll-omach, I will not fufft: r _gain!l me. , · 9 For I have r.aten a01es ;is 1t 'him. 8 Mine eyes look upon fuch as w·e:-r.: bread, and mingled my drink are faith fa! in the land, that they with weeping ; tnay dwell with me. 10 .t\ nd that, becau(e of thine 9 Whofo kadeth a godly life, indignation and wrath; for thou hall: taken me up, and can: roe he fhall be my fervant. 10 There O,;ill no deceitful per- down. fon dwell in my houfe; he that JI f-1y days are gone 1ike a {h;t• telleth lies fhall not tarry in my claw, and I am withered like grafs, n But th'ou, 0 Lord, !halt en• fight. · ;rr I {hall foon de!lroy all the dol'e for ever, and tby remern· 1rngodly that are•in the land, that hrance througllout.a-11 generations. } may root out all wicked �oers J 3 Thou O,�lt arife, and have mercy up,111 S1on ; for it is time fr om the· city of tlie Ldrd. that thou. hav 7 mercy upon her� yea, the time 1s come. 14 And why? thy fervants think The Twentieth Day. upon her ftone_s, and it pitieth them to fee her 111 the dun. MORNING PRAYl!R, , 5 The heathen O,alJ fear thy . •. . Pfalm c11. Do1mM, exa_ud,. Name, 0 I:ord; an� a)I t�e kings Ear.my prayer, 0 Lord; and of the earth thy MaJefl:y. kt my crying coo-le unto 1 G Vlheil '�he Lord lhtrll b11ild up S"ion, and Vl'.lren his glory {hall thee. z Hide not thy f;ice from me in appear; the time of my trouble; incline 1 7 ,vhen he tnrn<:th him nnto thine ear unto me when I c;i.11; 0 the prayer of the poor def\itule,. and defpifeth not their de-11re • , hea1· me, ;1nd that right foon: 18 This fhall be written' for 3 For my days are c.onfumed away like fmoke, and my hones thofe that. c�me after, a11d the ,,re b1.1rC1t np as it were a flre- people which fhall be born {hall praife the Lord .. brand,
l!J For
xx. Day.
xx. Day.
19 For he hath looked down good things, making thee young from his fanth1ary; out of the and lufty .rs an agle. heaven did the Lord behold the 6 The Lord cxecuteth righteoufnef5 :md judgment, for all them earth, 20 That he might hear the that are oppre1Ted with wrong. 7 He fhc::wed his ways unto Mo mournings of fuch as are in captivity, and deliver the children ap- fe , his works unto the children of lfrael. pointed unto death; 8 The Lord is fnll of compafu That they may declare tl,e Name of the Lord in Sion,· a-nd fion and mercy, long-fuffering, and of great goodnefs. his worrhip at Jerufalem; 9 He will not alway be chiding; :1,1, When the people are gathc::ren together, and the kingdoms al- neither keepeth he his anger for . ever. fo, to ferve the Lord. ., ::.3Hc::broughtdownmy{h-ength 10 He hath not dealt with 11s in my journey, and lhortened my after our fins; nor rewarded us ac- • cording to our wickedneffes. days. . :;i.4 But I fa!d, 0 my God, tah t For look how high the heamc:: not away :n the m1d{t of tnine ve n la in comparifon of the earth; age; as for thy years, �hey endure ro grbt is his 1:1ercy alfo toward them that fear him ! throughout alf gener;it1ons. :i.5 Thou, Lord, in the begin- ·nr Look how wide alfo the eaft ning hafi laid th<: foundation of is f om the wen-; fo far bath he fct the earth, and the heavens are our fins from us! • . 1 3 Ye:i, !ike as a father pitieth the work of thy han�s. , 2.G They {hall penfh., but thou his own ch_ildren; even fo is the fl i alt endure; they all fhall wa>;. Lord merciful unto them that fear him . old as doth a garment, , 4 For he knoweth whereof we . ,,.7 And as a vefiure fbaH thou d i ange them,. and they !hall ht: are made; he remembereth that changed; hut thou art t�e fa.me, we.are hut durt. 15 The _days o� man are bnt as and thy ye;irs, fhall not fail. 2.8 The children of thy _fervants grafs; for Ile flounlheth as a flow fhall continue, and their feed fhall er of the field. 16 For as foon as the-wi-nd goeth fiand fafl: in thy fight. over it� it is gone; and the place . . • Pfal01 ciii. Bmedic, amma ,ma. thereof {hall know it no more. 17 Birt th·e merciful goe1d11efs oP R.aife the Lord, 0 my foul; and all that is within me praife 'the Lord endnretJ:i for ever and e�er 1;1pon t·hem thilt fear hi'!'; and his holy Name. 2 Praife the Lord, 0 my foul; his nghteoufnefs upon childrcns children; and forget not all bis- benefits; 18 Even upon fuch as keep his . 3 Who for�iveth all thy fin, and coven�nt, and think upon his.comhealeth all thme infirmities;. 4 Who faveth thy life from de- mandments, to do them. 19 Th<: Lord }qath prepare d his firutl:ion, and crowneth thee with feat in heaven, and his kingttom mer<:.y am\ loving.kindnefs; S Who fatisfieth thy mouth with ruleth over all. :i.o O praife
xx. Day ..
the rivers, which run among the hills. II All beafl:s of the field di-ink thereof, and the wild affes quench . their thirfl:. u. Befide them 01all the fowls of the air have their habitation, and fing among the branches • 13 He. watereth the hills from above; tht:: earth is filled with th fr uit of tpy work�. 14 He bringt:th forth grafs for the cattle, and green.herb for the E'VENING PRAYER. fervice of men. Pfdlm civ. Benedic, anima mea. I 5 That he may bring food out Raife the Lord, 0 my fo•il; O of the earth, and wi11e that maketl L.orrl, my God, thou art be- gfarl the heart of man ; and oil to come exceeding glorious, thou art make him a cbearful counten,1nce, cloathed with majefly and honour. and bread to ftreugthen man's 2 Thon deckefl: tbyfelf with light hea,r t. i6 The trees of the Lord alfo as it were with a garment, and ipreadeft out tbe heavens like a are foll of fap; ev n the cedars of curtain. Lib:inus, which_ he hath planted_; 3 Who layeth the beams of his 17 Wherein the birds make their chambers in the waters, and mak- nefts.; and the fir-trees arc a dwell:. eth the clouds his chariot, and ing for the Oork. walketh upon the wings of the r8 The high hills- are a refuge for the wild goats; <!nd fo ai:e the wind. 4 He maketh his Angels fpirita, !cony rocks for the conics. a.nd nis mioi/l:ers a flaming tire. 19- He appointed the moon for j He laid the fountlations of the certain frafuns, and the fun know· earth, that it never fhou!J -mo.ve eth his going do1vn. 20 Thou f!lakeft clarknefs, that . at any time. 6 Thou coveredfl: it wi'th the it may be night; wherein all tbe deep like as with a garment; the hea(ts of th_e fvreft �o move. 1.1 The lions roa�mg aft r their waters !ran cl in the hills. meat from 7 At thy rebuke they flee; at prey, go. feek • then· the voice of thy- to under they are Go<l. 22 The fun anfeth, and they get . afraid'. 8 They go up as liigh as the them away together, and lay them. hills, and down to the vallies be- down _in tbeir dens. neath"; even unto the place which 23 M,tn goeth forth to his work, thou haft appointed for them. and to his labour, until the even• 9 Thou _hall fet them their ing. . 24 0 Lord, how ma111fold are 6011nds, which they 01all not pafs, oeither turn again to cover the thy works; in wifdom hafl: thou made them all.; the earth is full of earth. · . ,. I·k frnilet0· the ,fprings intc, thy riches. • ' • · '' 'ZS So • :io O prnife the Lord, ye .Angels of l,is� ye that excel in frrenf?lh; ye that fulfil his commandment, and hearken uuto the voice of his words. 21 0 praife the Lord, all ye his bofls; ye fervaots of his, that do his pleafure. • 21, 0 fpeak good of the Lord, all ye \ 'Qrks of his, in all places 6f hi dominion : Praife thou the Lord r O my foul.
xxi. Day.
xxi. Day:
'2 0 _l�t �our fongs be of him, ?.5 So· is the g_reat and wide _fea alfo; wherein are things creeprng and prade htm; and let your talk jnnumerable, both fmall and great ing be f all his wondrous works. ; Rejoice in his holy Name; let bea!ts. 26 There go the (hipB, and there the beart of them rejoice, that feek is that Leviathan, whom thou haft the Lord. 4 Sc-�k �he Lord and his'fl:rength; made to take his paftime therein. . ?.7 Thefe wait all llpon thee, feek his face evermore. that thou mayeft give them meat 5 Remember the marvellous works that he hath done; bis • in.due feafon. • 28 \-\'hen thou givell: it them, wonders, and th� judgments of they gather it; and when thou his mouth, ppenelt thy band, .they are filled 6 0 ye fred of Abraham, his fervaot; ye children of Jacob, his with good. 29 When thou hide[!: thy face, chofeo;. .• 7 He 1s the Lord our God; his lhey are troubled; when·tbou takbreath, their the all world. they die, and jurlgments are in ,cit away 8 He hath been alway mindful "are turned again to their dull:. , 30 When l,hou:letteft thy hreatb of his co.venant and promife, that \;o forth, they filall be made; and he made to a thoufand genera lhou fbalt renew. 'the face of the tions; 9 Even the covenant that he ,ea1'th. • 3 c The glorious Majctl:y of the made with Abraham ; and the Lord 01all em.lure for ever; the oath that he fw;ire unto Jfaac; ro And appointed the-fame un-· ,Lord !lpll rejoice.if! bis' works. a,. The eart_h _!11a_ll tremb'le at to Jacoo for � law, arid, to Ifrael the 1ook·of t11m ;' 1f he do but for an everlal1111g tell:ament, t t Saying, Unto thee will I give .touch. the,.hills, t��y ,fha)l fm_oke. . 33 I wj\l ling �nt<:> the Lord·as !he la;11d of Canai\n, the lot of your Joni; as I live; i wil}_praife my God mhentance. I'2 When there were yet put a while I have my being; . ' 34 And fo !hall my words pleafe few: of ,them, and they flrangers him : my joy (hall be in the Lord. in the land; 3 � A� f9y !inner�, _the::y,!ball be . 13 \.Vi_1at time as they went f rom .con!umecl out of the earth, and one nation to another, from one the _ungodly fhall co1r,t;:it,o, an end: kingdom to another people; 14 He fuffered no man to do _Pra1ff'! th u the Lore.I,. 0 my fu.u.J, thein wrong,· but;reproved even , ' yraife the J'.,ord', ·' , _- ___ 1 kings for their fakes. ________• __ ; . 1 5 Topch not mine Anointed, The Twenty-Firfl: Day.· , and do my prophets no harm: 16 M·oreover he ·called for a !Vl':) RNI NG PRAYER. dearth upon the l;rnd and de• 'Pfal� cv. Conji'femini Domino. fi.1·oyed all the provifion' of bread. Give thanks unto t-he Lord, 17 But he had fent·a man before and cap upol! his.Name; tell tbe01, even Jofeph; who was fold • :the people wha.t thirap he hat.I� to be a bond-fervant, · 18.Whofe feat they hurl in th.e • ',don�. flocks ;
WHOLE BOOK . · A ·· · · L p··· S · �M 0 l
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OF" TH.E. ASTS AND FASTS THj E F'E • I (1 I • ""
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O C. C A S I C5 N' $'. OF •
Pi-.u-&- L l·G W O ·R S H. i- P,. �,
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PA l
p 1I /. 1. & D- E L P H J. A: NT-ED 11 '/ H .A L L A N D S E L L E .R, MD,CCXC.
the Bybops, the Clergy and the Latty of the ProB- rtejlant Epifco,pal Cburch in the United�State.r of Amerfra, i Con'lJentio1
this thirte.entb day of OBoher:
in the year of our Lord one thoufand fa'Ven hundred and aghty-nine; I
'Ihis· tra,ylation of the-mholtr Book of Pfalms into Metre, cwifh Hym11J, is fat forth, and allowed to he Jung in all Congrtffations o
the Ja·ia Church� before
,md after Morning and Eveni ng Prayer; and alfo he1fore and after Sermot .1.,. at J.he. dif:rJ!tion of the Minifler. /Ind it.jhali he t"/.te-;Duty.,o[e'fl_er:;_ :J'ffnf.{ler of any., Church, either 'by Jlai1ding dire8ions, ;;r• from tim� d1 time, to appoint the Poi:tions. oft Pfa!ms cw.hi.&h are to he fang • .A.nd furth,r, it foal/ be the d1ity of e-very lYiinijler •. ,with fucb'ajf,jlance as ht can obtain fr'Om perfons:fliilltd-·
in mujic, to gi'Ve order. co11_ferning the tunes to be fimg, at any time, in hi.s Church: .And, ejf,tciallj, it }hall'
_ h,_e hi/ Duty, t9 fiipprefa a(J,light. an� unjjemu mu.fl L ncy a11d irre'Verence in the Perfor in.de.e man and all ce;
by which, ,vain ,md tmgod!J pe,jons prefane the Jrr'l.,jce-· of the SarrBuary ••
'Ihe l ti 3 4 5
P s:AJ'i.M S)
• I •
o.fi !)�'Vfd, i1tvll:{et-re•.
' _,., r•,,� lit:.·,�! .. PS A L,Mi J.·J1'' ·r'J If• . �W•blef l:'is11i�;'whdrr�!ercohfe'n,s , • • b.y,ill Advi'ce\o 1 wallt; 1'. H Nor fran-¢s !o•Sin,nehrl\yirs •• or[lts,. . I · where Men profanely tallt ! But makes the porfect·Lawlof. God1 � his Bus·nefs and Deli�bt� Devoutly•reatls ither;cin by,Day,!, �- _ And meditates by Night ,1 ,. Like fome fai Tl-e�., wh�' n', .fetl ,bfSljtc:ariis�, • •• :.. 1 with timely F,rui does bend, . • 1 ' II ·I , . It He fiill {hall flourrfh; an SIJc;cefs·' 1 J ' .,., • " ' all his Delig_ns attend. l Ungodly- M n,. and tlicir Attempts; . no Jall:ing Root flrnlllfind-; ... Untimely blall:ed, and•.difp¢1"s' like Chaff before the·Wrrrd� Their Guilt Cl'lall'fl:tik'e tlic''W'icked.'dum · ' bcfore their Ju4ge'.� 1 F\!'ce; .. • ,.< 1 1 _ fl! 1, No formal Hyp� rite •fh';i�I 'tl�epi-: · 1 • • , Saint_ s ha e < :1 'C Pffice. among the For God a_pprov:�s1 tn 30ft Man·s•Ways ;, , • • • to Happmefd they terrd·;. ·• But Sim1ers, and th'.e Baths th�ead,, fl.iall both in Ruin end; · 1
• I
l P s:Ar L M m • '1 , ',n n Jr ith refi1efs anc ungovern"d R'n¢f · W why do the He:ith' n 'fi'orm ?; Why in fuch rafhl�tte,mpts engag�. as they can nc�e1'perform? • reat}n �oiinfel an? in-Might" � The- G bring; their vaF10us Forces '. Again!l: the L�nd they all u-aite, and his.ano10te�_K1 g,, .,. " Mu!l: we fucymit"to th.eir <;;emm;ands.r"·. 3 1 .. 1 ' 1 ,J 1-: prefumptuoulJy. t-hey,fqy :. " No Jet usbr'eak their'Cr'avilli Bfods�•. ,, ·,r - J)., !f, I. " a'nd call: thei-r Chaih'a'away." t s iotbi'o who-6, n'd•oD'hl t God, gl1 ► · , · f• ,· r. :Bu 4 • r r• ;1nd fees how: they cornbine-, • Does.
Docs their. confpiring StTengtb defr, and mocks their vain Delign. J. Thick. Clouds Q Wrath divine illall break. on his rebellious Foes; And thus will he in Thunder lpeak to all that dare.oppoli :- •• q 6 " Though m¥clly yo)l .di1jm c IDf. °\¥ill, " tbeKrng thi\tJ orda10, , ; ., .. Wr.ofe l tbron' IS fix?d on,Sion's Hill " £hall t��re f�ciirely reign;'' 7 Attend, 0 Ear.th whilft I declare 1 , _ •. ·i God's uncontroul'tl Decree 1 ,. " Thou art my Sqn ;' this Day, my Heil'�-... " have I begotten th.ec. . • � . ;, � . ·• , 8 Afk, andrcceiye thy fuU D mands· " thine fbalI-tbeHeathen he; 1 ·1 ·. : , fl ... " The utmoft Limits o; fhe Lan�s · . " " fuall he polfefs'd o'y tb�e.. • . • .', ·', • • •••
9 " Thy threat'ning Sceptre thou £halt ihake,
., , " and ct:ulh them ev'ry ,where;� ... " As malfy B·ars of Iron bre.ak. . , " the Potter's brittle. Ware.':•· • , :. �o Learn then,• ye Prini;es ;•.and•�·v.e Ei!r,11•• . .,. yeJudgesOfth�Earthi,J"� ., .. \ �-,_t.·1? • 1 'u- Worfbip the Lord. \'fith holy Feat'; , ··. :,:_ ,,·1 1,1 J ,., • II •• , . ·\ 'M' Ui' • l'CJOJ . . Ce Wit . b aw fl�. ;, If , .'1; . ,1,,: , ,,;) "'W•:r1.1 • 1� Appeafe the"Sbn':wito clue R fpe&,. •:i: IJl'J-> �•J your timely Homage pay; · Left he rev�nge th� bold.N.egtea,. incens'd b r. your Dt:lay, •. , ... i, • , ..•• , .... _, 1,3 If but in Part his Anger rife, who can endui:q.,th fl?zne ??, 'I Then blcft are.. they, ·wSofc1 Ro1e. r elie11. · ' ., 1 n I' .'. on his m'oft 'hol Y, .°fe aine' •u�,J-. 1/':-t � ... , •....• II. ,t T-SJ�,.L M III� !•�I• r. ' •J · (I -,'.> �'.,ift .J; many, L0rd, 0f, late . a i;e �row�;," ' ., . • :!I' ' tbtt 'froul>lers; of, my P.e�c� . v . - � ,.J , And as their Numbe�.s.hourly rife,,, · ., lJ /In L _ fo �oes their-Rage mcreafe. _. 1 , .. ;:;J !.i.,,. �" Infult111g},,.t�Y, -�Y: S o 1J .upbra1cl,, a ..1 � 1 , r '. u.f. • and him whom !'adore• , The God in. wpGm -ne;trufr , fay- tllef ' rnl:nq J · 1 ..,J , C )t' • · ihall refcu·e him ncf more:'• , . J/ •• ( 1 I J. ,•J [.,,.t >, .. ... l· But thou, O '.Lotd, art.-my,D.efe:JJpe.; . , 0� 1., , :; ;·1 <>n. thee my Hopes rely ; "tho
•!·'.. . •
Thou art my Glory, and fhall y�t lift up my Head on high. 4 Since whenfoe'er, in like Diftrefs,. to God I made my P1:ay'r, He heard me from 1,js holy Hill·' why fhould I now defpair?
... s
.5 Guarded by him, I laid me d(,wn my fw eet Repofe to take; For I through him fecurely neep, through him in Safety wake.· 6 No Force nor Ful'y of my Foes my Courage n1all confound, Wne they as many Holl:s as Men•, that have beft:t me round.
' '
7 Arife, :ind fave me, 0 my God, who oft haft• own'd my Caufe, And fcatter ll ?ft tl,c:fe Foe::s to me, and to thy righteous Laws. · · � Salvation to tbe Lord'bclongs; he only can defepd: ·; t • 1 His bleffing he extends to all that on bis Pow'r depend • . , . P S A, L � lV:. Lorct, tliat art �y r]ghteo,us Judge, to my Complamt give EaF =� , .. Thou fiilt rc:deem'ft me from 'Diftr�fs .' "· •1 have Mercy, Lord, and hear. � How long will ye,' 0 Sons of Men', to blot my Fame devife? How long your·vain Dellgns purfue,. and fpread malicious Lies? 3 Confider tliat the righteous Man is God's peculiar Choice; And, when to him I· make my Pray'r ·' ·.,:�:;.·; • healwayshearsmyVoicc;, 4 Then ftand in •Awe of hfs Command; ,. fke ev 'ry: Th!ng . t l)ars ill; · Commune in private with your Hearts • and bend them to �is Will. 5- The Place of other S:icrifice let Righteoufnefs fupply; And let your Hope, fec�rcly fi 'd,. on God alone rely: 6 While worldly Minds impatient grow more profp'rous Times to fee;. Still' 1,
P-s-1u. M, V.
Still let the Glo1ies,of thy Face fhioe brightly, Lord, on me. 7 So fhall mv Heart o'erflow with.Joy, roon: lafting and more true Than theirs, who Stores of. Corn·and·Wine fucceffively renew. 8 Then rlown in Peace I'll lay nn· H ad, and take my need ul Rell; No other Guard,. 0 Lorri, I crave, of. thy Defence pplfd1 'd PSALM V. � LOrd, hear th.e Voice of mr Complaint, accept my fc::cret :Pray•r • God, :z To thee alone, my Kiug, will I for Help repair. ' 3 Thou in the Mom my- oite.fbalt be:ir., and witb the dawning DaY. To thee devoutly l'll lbok·up, to thee devoutly ]>r.ty. thou the WUHTgslhat I furtaio' For 4 can ft never, Lord, .apnrove,. '\Vho from thy facred Dwelling-place all Evil doft remove. 5 Not long fhall ftubho1;n E�ols rcm;iin, unpuniili 1 d•in- thy View-;. AU fucb as act unrigJrte::ios Things thy Vengeaoel!' fhall purf"ue'. , . 6 The fland'ring,Tuqgµe, 0 God.of 'L'ruth, by thee !hall be deftroy'd,;, Who hat'ft alilunbe M,-.1n.in1Blood ancl in Ueceit employ'd. 7 But when thy boundlefs Grace.fuall, �e, to thy lov'd Courts'rcfture·, r On thee I'll fbc mY, lor gingj:yes,; and hum1'1y there'ador�, g Conduct me hy�thy, 1;ig_hte0Hs Laws, for watchful is my.Buu;1 • •. Therefore, -0 L0rcl" make plai�-thc War,,, wherein I ought to.so, b.ut Deceit; 9 Their Mouth vents nothing their Heart is fet or r Wron:g •·. Their Throat is a devouring· Grave; - ·• ' they flatter with tbeirTong�e� 10 By their owo..Counfela let t�em-flill; opprefs'd with Loads. of,Sw ;_ , _-
For they again!l: thy rigl1teous Laws have har<len'd Rebels been. 11 But Id all thofc lbat .tru(t in thee, with Shouts their Joy- proclaim; Let them rejoice whom·thou prefcrv lfr, and all that love thy Name. n To righteous Men the righteous LorU • ; bis Bleffing will extend; And with his Favour all his.Saints, ' ais with a Shield; defend. ,
' I
PS A ·L M VI. 1 THy dreadful Apger, Lord, refrrail'I, and fpare a Wretch forlorn• Corrett me not in thy fierce Wrath, ' • r too heavy to be borne. � Have mercy, Lord; for I.grow ra:nt, I 'J unable to-end.u re The Angui/h of my acliing Bones ' which thou alone canlt cure. • ... ' . . 1 . tortur'd Flefu d11l:ratts my Mind ' My 3 and fills my Soul with Grief• But, Lord, bow long wilt tho� delay' to grant me thy .Relief? Lord repeat 4 Thy wonted Goodnt!fs, and eafe my troqble<l Soul;' . ' Loni. for thy wond'rous Mercy's fake .' :vuuchfafe .to mak.e me 'whole. -no more can I 5 For after Deat11 thy glorious Acts proclaim; No Pris'ncr of the nlent Gra:ve can magnify thy Name. 6 �ite tir'd with Pain, with groaning faint ' no Hope: of Eafe l fee; The Ni!;ht, that <fuiets corr,mon Griefs ' . is fpent in Tears by me. Beauty fa�es, mr Sight gro,vs dim 7 My f 111y Eyes with Weaknefs �loft:; me, k,es wh1l{t I think. Old-Age _o'ert� on rn-y in folt_1111g Fue�� Depart, ye'W1c1u'.<l ;_ 1� my Vlrongs ye f11all no mo1,e re101ee; For Gou, I find, accepts my Tears� and liflens to my Voice. 10 He he�rs, and_grants my humble Pray'r. 9, ' and they that wiih my Fall,
Shall hlufh and rage to fee that God prott:cts me from them all.
'PSALM VII. Lord; my .God, fince I have plac'd i my Truft alone io•thee, From all my Perfecutors' Rage do thou dc:-liver me. ::t- To f,tve me from·my threal'ning Foe., 1 Lord, interp'ofr thy Po,v r;• Left, like a favage-Lion, he · · my belp!efs Soul de.vom. 3, 4 If I am guilty, or did e'er againft'his Peace combine; Nay, if I have.not fpar'd,hiti Life; who fought unjufily mine; -"3 Let then to perfecuting Foes my Soul become a Prey; Let them to Earth trearl <;!own my Life, in Duft my'Hon.our lay. � Arife, and let tr,y Anger, L n!, in my Defence engage; Exalt tbyfelf -above my Foes, and their·infulting Rage: Awake, awake, in -my Behalf, the Judgment to clifpeAfe, Which thou haft righteoully orclain'd for injm·�d Innocence. ·7 So to thy Thro-n� fldoring Crowds fball fiill for juftice fly: 0 ! therefore, for'their fake, refume · thy Judgment-Seat OQ high. I Impartial :Judge of all the World, • I truft my Caufe·to thee; According to my jufl: Deferts, fo let lby Sentence be. •9 Let wicked Arts and wicked Men together be o.'ertbrown; But gua1 d the Jult, thou God, to whom the Hearts of both' are known. •Io, 11 God me proteas; uot only me, but all of opright Heart.·; And daily lays 11p Wrath for thofe who from his Laws depart. ,u If they perfilt, he wbets his Sword, · .bis Bow {l:ands read_y bent;
13 Ev'n noy/, with f\:11ift Deftrucl:ion \,,tng';i,' his pointed Shafts a,re fi:nt. J4 ,._ The Plots are fruitlefs, which my Poe unjuftly did conceive ; "' xs The Pit he digg'd for me; has 1)rov'd· his own uutimely Grave,
16 On his own Head his Spite rch1rns,. whilft I from Harm am free; On him the Violence is fall'n, which he .delign'd for·me. 17 Ther fore will I the' righ_teous Ways of Providence proclaim ; I'll ling the Praif� of GQd moft High, and celebrate pis Name,
i.> S A.L 1\-f, VIII. Thon, to whom all Cr�atures bo\v within thi earthly Frame, . > • Through an the World how great art �hou • · i: r bow glo ious is thy Name! In Heav'n thy wond'rous Acts are f11ng, nor fully reckon'd there; " · :z And yet thou mak'il: the infant Tongue thy bouodlefs Pr�ife de,�are. Through tnee the.Weak confound the Strohg and crufh th,eir haught)t Foes; , , :. '.; 1 And fo thou quell _fu the wicked' Throng,: · . , · ; . 0 that thee and thme appofe. ' 3 When Heav'n, thy �e�.tJte�us Work on !,ig!J, employs my wp�� -rrng Sight; The Moon, that nightly rules the Sk rc , with Stars of feebler Light; :ir
4 What's maf!, f�y I; th.i!, Lord, ·_tlu;m · lov.'frr . . to keep him rn tht �md? , · · ,; ' Or what his Offspring, that thou p·rov'ft � to them fo wond'rous kind ? w'r thou dic;ict create 5 Him next in Po to thy· celefttal Train, 6 Ordain'd, ivjth Dignity a�q State, o' c: r all thy Works to r��gn. jointly own his pow'rful Sway, They ,the Beafts that prey or graze ; .8 The Bird tnit wings its airy Way •' the Fifh that cuts the St>as. 9 O thou, to whom all Creatures bo,v -: within this earthly Frame, Cc Through
',fbrough al_! tbe World how great art thou ! · · , bow glonous is tli.y Name !
O celebrate thy praife, O Lord, I will my Heart prepare · •· • • To all the Jift.'ning World thy Works ,, thy wond'i-ous WQrks declare-. • · · ·2. The Thought of tbem {ha to my'Soul • exalted _Pleafure tiring ; 1 Whilft to thy Name,' 0 thou molt' High ., triumphant Praife I fing. .. 3 Thou mad'ft my haughty Foes to -turn their Backs in lbameful Flight; Struck wit� thy_Prc_feni:�• do_w� they fell, they penfh'd-at thy Sight. � Againft infulting Foe,s; advai:ic'd, thou didft my_Caufe maintain,;· My R,ight airer-ting fr om thy Thrope,, where Truth and Juftice reign_. s The Infolence of Heathen Priqe taou haft r_ednc'd to Shame;. Their wicked Offspring q_uite· det1:roy'd,'· and blotted out tbc:ir Name.· (, Mift<].ken Foell, ,yQur ha_µgtit,y Tjir�a,t_ah , · are to a Period come;, : ;, Our City, {hods, which-you dcfign'd to make our cotp!l}9n T9,111b,
7, 8 'Jlhe,Lo'rd for ever-lives,.wh6 liae· · bis righteo4s Throne prep;ir'd,. Impartial Jciftice to difpenfe, It t<;> punifu or rewatcl. .9 Goel is a cooftaQt fore Defence· againlt cppreffing Rage; · , ; , 1 , :, :f·; •i f) As Troubleo rife, his need{l!l Aid�, , in �ur Bd1alf engag�. , . · � . .. ·: · :. 0; -,o All thofe who ba�e·his'Goodn�fs pro.v 'd: -�er. f ;, 0, will in bis Truth confide; , ,> u Whofe Mercy ne'er forfook the Man_, • • > that on his Help rely'd, ' ·.u Sing Praifcs therefore to the Lord_. .. ,. ,._. from Sion, his l • ,IJ ,Proclaim his D,eeds, till all the Wot!? . : . . ,con(efs no o_thcr Go�. . . , .J I l · · •
Ps.ALM X'.. PART 11.
u When l,e Inquiry makes for I31ood, he ca11s the Poor to Mind ;· The injur'd humhle Man's Complaint:, Relief from him •!hall find. 13 Take Pity on' my Troubles, Lord·, which fpiteful Foes cr�ate; Thou·that haft rdcu'd me fo oft from Dea�b-'s devouring Gate.
J4 In Sion then I'll ·ling thy Praife· to a11 that love tfiy Name; And with loud Shouts of grateful Joyi thy faving Pow'r proclaim.· 15 Deep in the Pit they digg'd for me tl1e Heathen Pride is laid; Their guilty Feet to their o� n Snare are heedlefsly bt:tray'd.,
, ,_
i6 Thus, by tlie jull: Retutns he makes,· the mighty Lol'd is known; While wicked Men, h? their own Plot�. are {barncfully o'erthrown. 1,7 No fingle Sinner (hall <!fcape, by Ptivacy qbfcur'd; Nor Nation, from hisjull: Revenge, hy Numbers be feour'd.
r-8 His fu!f'ri!!g Saints;. ��en. moll difl:refs'd9, he ne er torgets to ;ud ;. Their Expectations tl\all be cr0w·n·a, though for a Tin,e delay'd. 119 Arife, 0 Lord,, afie t thy Pow'r, and let not Man u'ercome; Defcend to Judgment, and pronounce· the guilty Ii<!athens Doqm'. 20 Strike Terror througn the Nations round:. till, by confc::ntipg Fear, They to each other, antl themfelves, but roorrat Men _appea1:. PSALM
X •.
·I THy Prefenc·e why withdraw•n thou Lord t - t why hid'� thon now thy Face, ' When difmal Times of ,deep Diltrefs call for thy wonted Grace? :.r. The Wicked, fwell'd with lawlefs Pride ' • r ' have made th'e Pqor· their Prey; · · ·cc:i n
O Jet them fall by thofe Defigns, which they for others J,1y. For flraight they tri 1mph, if Strc' efs ' their t�riving Crimes au.end; And ford,d Wretches, w6om God llates t perverfrly they commend.• To own a Pow'r above themfelves, • l their haughty Pride difdains • I J.. .And therefore in their !tu bbo� MinuJ no Thought of God remains. , 1 l • r r • Oppreffive Methods they purfue, and all their Foes they Oight; I • Btcaufe thy Judgments, unobferv•d, are far above tht:ir Sight. They fondly think their profp'rous State Chall unmolefl:ed be; They think their vain Deligns lball thrive from all Misfortune free.
. ..
7 Vajn and deceitful is tht"ir Speech, with Curfes fill'd, and Lies; By wliich the Mifchief of their Heart they fiuJy to difguife. i Near public Roads they lie conceal'd• and all their Art employ, The Innocent and Poor at once to rifle and delhoy. 9 Not Lions, couching in their Dt"ns, furprife their het:dlefs Prt:y With greater Cnnning, or cxprcfs < more favage Rage, than they. 10 Sometimt-s they act the harmkfs Man :,, and mode ft Looks they wear; That, fo deceiv'd, the Poor may lefs their Cuddt:n 011fet fear.
I . .;_ I
PART If. -u For God, they ll�ink, :no Notice takca.' ·· eds; of their nnrighteous '.De f He never minds the fuf 'ring Poor. nor their Oppreffioii heeds. u But thou, O,Lord, at length arifc, "firetch forth thy might Arm; And, by the Greatnefs o [ thy Pow•r► defend the Poor fx:om Harm. '.IJ No longer Jet the Wicked vaunt,. � " .�nil, proudly boafting, fay,
" Tnlh, God regards not wha·t we do; " he never will repay." I4 But fure thou feert, and all their Deeds i napartiall y dolt try; The Orphan therefore, and the Poor, on thee for Aid rely. 15 Defencelefs let t4e Wicked fall, of all their St ength berdt; Confound, 0, God, ttJcir dark Defigns, till no Remains are left. 16 Affert thy jurt J;)ominion, Lor,:!, which !hall for ever ftand; Thou, who the Heathen didft expel from this thy cho(en Land. 17 Thou hear-:I\:,thc bumble Supplicants, that to thy Throne repair ; Thou fir/\: prel?:;ir'(I: their H_earts to pray, and then accept'ft their Pray'r. JS Thou, in thy righteous Judgment, weigh'ft, the Fatherlefs and Poor; That fo the Tyr,111ts of the Earth may perfrcute no more.
P·.S A\' M x;I.
l% 51nce I bav� pli!-<;'d my Trurt in God� a Refuge alwpys nigl:i, Why fhould I 1 \i�t: a tim'rQ4s Uird, to diftant Mountain& fl)'.? 2 De hold, the Wicked hend their B0,v, and ready fix theit Dart, Lurking in Amhl\lh to ddlroy the Men of upright Heart. n once tl�e 6r_m,�ffurance failo,. Whe 3 which public F3!th 1mp�rt�, 'Tis Time for ln1!oce. nce to Qy frorn fuch deceitful Artij. 4 The Lord hath both a Temple here,. , and righteous Throne above; Where he fnrveys the Sons of Men ' and how their Gouncils move. 5 If Goel thl! Rigl}teous, whom he loves .,. for Trial does cor·rect, What muft the Sons of Violence, whom he abhors, expeel:? 6 Snare�, _I?ire; ar)d"Brim!l:one, on their Heatl's' iliall m one 1 em pell: fhow'r; : C c l 'Ibis
This dreadful Mixture his Revenge iuto their Cup lhall pour.
. .r'
7 The righteous Lord.will righteous Deeds witb fignal Favour grace, And to the·upright Mc1n difclofe tht: Brigbtnefs of his Face.
p ALM r slnce godly Men decay, OLord', do thou my Caufe defend; For fcarce thefe wretched Timc:s afford one juft a11d faithful Friend. � One Nei bbour now can fcarce believe what t other does impart, Vvith flatt'rjng Lips tl1ey all deceive; and witL a double -Heart. 1 -,, J J ; j 3 But Lips that with Deceit abou nd '1 • • _i.: -rl ; can never profper long ; · · � · '! . U God's righteous Vengeance will confound the:: proud blafpbeniing Tongue-.. 4 In vain tbofe foolifh Boaflers fay,' " Our Tongues are fure our own; " With doubtful Words we'll flill bt:tray,, " an<l be con roul;& by none:. "l 5 For God, who he:irs the fuff'ring Poor; and their O_ppreffiorf knows, Will foon ariic:: ancl give them Rell:, • : in Spite of all their: Foes. 6 The Word of God fhall fiill abide, and void of Falfhood be, As i-s the Silver, frv'n Times try'd, from droffy Mixture fr.ee. 7 The Promife 0£ bis ;iiding Gf·a·ce. ihall reach its purpos (I End; His Serv;ints fr om "this fait-hlefs 'Race �, he ever iliall defend. H , ,- � .:- ·f: • · �·· s Then fhall thf': \1/icked be perp)ex'd, nor know which Way to fly; When thofe, ·whom they dt:fpis'd and v.ex'd,, iliall be advanc'd on high.,
,: H
P S A L M XJ.JI. • Ow long wilt tliou forgtt me, 'Lard? murt l for ever mourn? Bo,�·Jong �filt thou withdra,.\1 f r om me;, , , oh,, never to return?. · •
::t_ How
p·s A L.M XIV·. , --:
1, 5
z, How long !haH anxious Tl!oughts m'y'Soul,· and Grief my Heart opprefo ?. How Ion� niy enemiei; infnlt, and I have no Redrefs ? Oh! hear, and io my )onging Ey,es 3 re!l:ore thy w�nt�d' Light 1 ,: �. And ful:ldenly' or I fhall neee I - .. r in everlafiing �ig,�t: '. 4 Refrore me, lefl: they prnucHy, l,·oaft 'twas their ovyn Strength'o'ercame ;: Permit net t:bem that vex my Soul to triumph in my: Shame. Since I have alw.iys plac'd my Trult beneath thy Mercy's Wing, Thy faving H�altl\ will come; 'and then, • .' my Heart with Joy U1r11l fpnng.' • •. (i Theo 0iall my Song, with Praifc:: infpir'tl, · ' to tbt:e my Grod 'dfd:nd; Who to thy Servant i11 Difirefs. ,. fuch Bounty qidit extend.
5 G
5urc wick'ed
Fools mull need& fuppofe that Goe\ ,is nothing )?ut a Name · ,._ l Corrupt and k\.v.<l their Practice grmv;: ' warm'd wit� \wly is aft Flame: Bre no The Lord look'd down from,Hea�•n:s high To:w:r,· · " and all the S,ons,of Mc:n,9i9 view, . To fee if any own'cl his Pow'r, if any Tru�h or Jt1�ice knew. But all, he faw, \.vei•e gone a fide, all were,clt:gen'rate gr.own and bafe; None took ·1�'eligio11 �or' their ruide, . ' nut one ut all the hnful R;ice. · But can thefe Workers of Deceit. be all fo d1_1II and fe 6tekfs'grov�11, That they, hke -�read, my People eat,. and God's almighty Puw'r difown? Haw will_th�y tre��le-then for Fear, when h1s,Jult W1 ath fflall t11em o'ert · ake •·� For to the·H 1 ghtec 1 u. God is neat:, , • and never wiP t/1�1r/Caufe furf�ke. Ill Men, in vain, w1tn Scnrn expofe' thofe Methods which the Goud pnr fue'·' , · ·•· Since God a Refllge,is for ·thofe, w.hom hisju(t.E.ycs with Favot1r view. 7. Would!
xv. XVI..
7 Would he his faving Pnw'r employ to break his Peoplc':i fervile Band, Then Shouts of univerfal Joy fuoulJ loudly echo through the Land. 1
:I z 3 4
. '
; .• · 1! I )
P S AL M XV., . ., c • LOrd, who's the ]lappy M�I) tqi:\t masi to thy hlefi: C 11r1s repair _,• i , , ot, Stranger-like, to vifit thei;n, but to inhabit thert: � 'Tis be, wbofe ev ry thought and Deed . by Rules of Virtue moves.; • Whofe gen·rous Tongue difdains to fpeak. , , the Thing his Heart difproves. Who never <;I.id a Sl;md r forg�, •1 his Neighbour's Fame to wound;, ..,, N r hearken t9 a l lfe Report, :by Malice whifper'd rOUIJd. , • · J Who Vice, in all jts Pomp and Pow'r., ,,1 can treat with jufi: Neglect; .:, And Piety. though cloath'd in Rags ,. religiouOy refpect. • •
11 •" i 1:I
1 •
5 Who to ,his,.. p-li�btecl Vows and Tru.fb. , r; 1u· 1:-: r has cv r_ rir, , y fiooc\; . · ,. And thou�h ht' prorni'!'e to his Lofs, 1• ,,, , .._:, 1 :) be mak'.!=!S his Prom if<; good. · 1 1 ·., . 6 .Whof� Sbul' in Ufury tliftY;iins' • ' 1 • r • · is Tr ali.Jre to c;lmploy; •1 :.orr. Wh6m no Rewards c.:in t:V<:r bribe the Guiltlefs to dellroy.
J ·,/ r .
7 The Man ,. who by his fieady Courfo , . . has Happinefs infur'�, r. When E.;ir_th•s Founda�ron fhakes, ili\il! f\a,nd'.� by Prov1de'nce r"'cur d. ,,, , , . .
,'!, '· . _�;i ·
11 pRotect me from my cruel _Foes, · , _ :1 j 'l' and fhidcl me, Lord, from Harm; > ;,. Decanfe my 'rnft I jli)l r�pofe_ ..• on thy al ighty Arm. . . 1 · z My Soni all Help but thine does !light _. ,,n ' •. ' , :, ,,,· > 1,?wn; al I Gods but· t h ee cl·r , .. , >, 1 b r, Yet can no Dreds _of mm.<.; req_�1t� 1 1 the Goodnefs tho1.,1 haft fbow,n� ;, .,- •'. J,i [I' rl' , t '1 , •) 1 3 Ilut Lho'fe t hafllricl:ly virtuous .1re,. ao<l lov� the.TJ1i,ng thilt'� riglit, • i 1 , • .' , • T •
'I'o favour always, and prefer, II fhall be my chief Delight. 4 How fhall their Sorrows be incre'as'J, ·1 who other Gods -adore ! • Th-eir bloody Off'rings I detcft; their very Names abhor. 5 My Lot is fall'n in th:it hleft Land , • where God is truly known • He !ills my Cup with lib'ral H�ntl 1 • 'tis he fupport'l my•!J'hrone. G In Nature's moft delii?htful Scene my happy Portion lies; The Place of; my appointed Reign all other Lands outvies. 7 Therefvre my Soul fball blefs tbc Lord ' whofe Precepts give me Light • )) And private Counfel !l:ill afford ' ' in Sorrow's difmal Night. 8 I firive each Aclion ,to approve to his all-feeing �ye;No Danger fhall my Hopes remove ' , becaufe be flill is nigh. I� 9 Therefore my Heart all Grief defies, my Glory does rejoice ; My Flefh Chall reft; in Hopes to rife ' . wak'd by his pow'rful Voice. 10 Thou, Lord, -wfien I re!ign my Breath.> rny Soul from Hell fbdlt free; • : Nor let thy holy One in Death the leaft Corruption fee. u Thou O,alt the P-<1·tl1s of Life difplay, which to thy Prefence lead; Where Pleafures dwell without'Allay ,. and Joys that never fade.
.'. ...
, L
o myend, juft Plea and fad Complaint q right��us Lorci; att T And to my Pray r, as tis unfeign'd• ' P S A L M XVII.
a gracious Ear afford. 2, As in thy Sight I am ·approv'<l, fo let my Sentence be; And with imp,artia\ Eyes, 0 Lord, my upright Dealing f�e. For thou haft fearch'd my Heart by Day' 3 and vifited by Night;
. ..
· 'f Tri-al, found Aod, on the fuict its fecret Motions right. Nor filall thy Jufiice, Lord, alone my Heart's Defigns acquit; For J have purpc;s'd that my Tongue fhall no Offence c.:immit. 4 I know what wicked Men would do ,. their Safety to maintain; But me tloy jult and mild Commands, from bloody Path refirain. That I may llill, in Spite of Wrongs ,, · my Innocence fecnre, 0 guide me in thv. righteous. \Var,s, anu make my Footficps furc. 6 Since, heretofore, I ne•· r in vain to thee my Pray'r addrefo'J; O ! now, my God, incline th.iue .Ear to this my juft Requefl. 7 The Wonder f thy Truth and Love io my Defrnce enr,:age; .. , Thou, who� right Hand prc:ferves thr Saint,· from their OpprelTors Rags�
8', 9 0 l�eep me. in thy tend'r ft Care;.. thy fhdtering Wing. ftretch nut� To guacd· me fJe f r o10 1; vage Foes, that comp.,fs rY)C ahout : 'JO o·ergrown with Luxury, inclos'd in their own Fat the}" lie; And, with a pronci bl.ifpheming Mouth, both God:a,ntl· Man defy. u Well ma� they boafl:, for they have now my Paths encompafsvd round; Their Eyes at watch, their Bodies how'd,. and couching on the Gc0uild';. :i:z, In Poflur« of a Lian fet,. when greedy of his Prey; Or a young Lion ,. whell he lurks within a covert Way. i;3 Arifo, O Lord, defeat their Plots ., their fwelling Rage controul; From wicked Men, who are thy Sword, deliver thou my Soul: :114 From worldly Men, ,thy fharpeet·Scourge, · whofe Portion's here below;
�Vho, fill'd tvith earthly Storc::s, afpire no other Blifs to kn0\'1, ill5 Their Race is ncm'raus, that p;irtake their Subll:ance while they live; Their Heirs furvive, to whom tbc::y mar · . the va(t Remainder give. · · .: !t ,16 But[, in Uprjghttiefs, thy Face fhall vie.w with011t Controul; Anc!, ::,waking, fhall itd Image find refl_e�ed in, my Soul.
1, :z,
A. L M
O Change of Time fhall ever iliock Affecl:ion, Lord, to thee; N .my firm al
}'or thou ball: ways b ... en a Rock, . : I a Fortrefs ana .Qefence 'to' me.i ,l1 • i Thou my Deliv'rer art, my:God • ,i my Trull:. is- in_-thy mighty PO\.;'r-; _ 'J Thou ar-t my Shield from Foes abroacI, · at hom� my-Safeguard and Jny Tow'r.• 3 To thee I will a<ldrefs my Pray'r, ju/Uy owe;) (to iv.horn all Praife watchful Care, So {ball I, by,thy r .be guard�<! f .om_my treach'roµs Foe. r , • By Flooc:!s of w1okecj Men di-11:refs'd, • I ,• •. , 5 4 · of1Sor, r ow �o mpali;'d roqnd • with Seaa ,. , �r With dire infev!lai fangs o.pprefs'd, . · in Deat�•s µnwjcldly F ttt:rs bound, �l. made my mournful Pray'r,. ,I 'n ea; H To 6 I to God addrefs'd my humble Moan·.• ,Who graciouOy inclin'd his E11r, :.'· and j1eard IT!� from his lofty Tlu:Qne. t 1
• ,. R T 'U,1i ,,;: . ·::: :P., · r 7 When God arofe my Pait to tali:e,i the copf�ous.E�rtli w.1s 11:ruck, with Fear�. , "·' • 1The Hill�.d1d at his P.reft:.nce 01ake; . . •. , ,.,; nor could hiJi, dr eadfnl_F_ury bear. , Smoke of d1fper ds s'd ah�qa<l., & Thick Clou · Enlign,s qf_Wrath, h!lf?r,e him came,i ��. . _ Devonring:F:r-e arq�ncl him g,lQw'<l, �ere k111dled at ·ts I:lame. that Coa1s . . . ) teom Realms,of Light , thl,':•bea1,1 left He •· • 9 whilil: Heav·n bow'd 9own its.awful i-I.ead,•i� ' l'kneath his Feet fobltantial Night• : . _.w?,-s, lik� f;ible Ca�pet,_ fpread.: •. J.,,
10 T.he
10 The Charfot of the King of Kings, ' which active Troops of Au els dn:w, On a {hon� Tempefi•s rapid \1/ings, with mofr amJlzing Swiftners flew, II, 17, Black 'l,irat'.ry Mills and Clouds confpir-'cl, with thickeft ShadeA, his F9ce to veil; But at his Brightnef� foon. etir"d, of Fir� and Hail., Aud fdl in Show'rs .' l'.J Through Heav n's wi<le Arch a tbund'ring Pe-al, God's angry Voice did louclly rQar; "While Earth's fad Face with Heaps of Hail, and Flakes of Fire, was cover'd o'er. r4 His fharpen'<l Arrows round he threw, which made ITis fcat,ter'd Foes retre<\t; Like Darts his nimble Ligbt'ningQ flew,, and quickly finilh'd thei,r Defeat, 1 'i, -,,_;' Tb<! Deep its fes;ret StQres �if(:los'd, the °"'orld's Foundation� naked Jay; By his avei,ging vVrath. c ·pos'd, which fie�ccl)' l'<!S'Q that dFcadful Day.
-· s:6 The Loni did on my Side engage; from·Heav'n, bis Throne, my Caufe upheld; And fnatsh'd me trof!_l the furi61Jli Rage,, of tbreat'hing �'aves, -tbat,proudly_fwe,ll'<l. 17 God his refifilefs Pow'r cmploy'd My firongell: Foes At-tempts to break;· Who elfe with Eare had foon defirov•<l, The wea.� Def�nce that I could make. a S Their fubtle Rage bad near prevaWd, when I dillre-fs'd and frieodlefs Jay; But fiill, when other Succours fail'd, God was my fir-ni Support and Stay. il9 From Dangers that ioclos�d me round, he ,hrougot me forth, and fet in6,free ;• For fome juft .Ca'ufo his Gocidoefs fourid, that mov'd bim·to. delight in rile. r �o. Becaufe in men� Guilt remain�, God does his gracious Hdp ext�nd:. from, bloody �tains; My Hands are therefore the Lord i!l fiill my Fri �n�.' ' ' 2-1, 2.2. For I his Judgments kept in Sight,' ' I in his juft P11ths I always trod; J never did bis Statutes flight, "'nor loofrly wandei;'d,frqm my God. r :i3, 24 But 1
;3, 2.4 But ililf my Sour, 6ncere ,ma pure; 'I · l t. did ev'n from darling Silis refrain; '• His Favours therefo1·e1yct endure, I I becaufe my I�eart and Hands are clean. 0 p A R. T IV� 25, 2.6 Thou fuit'ft, 0 iord 1 ,thy right�ous �rays '· to various 1i'���s of'Human�Kind • They who for"]YJercj'nierit Praife, ! . ' with tfiee-l11all wond'rous Mercy finJ. , ' "') ,., •. Thou to the Ju!t''fh;lll Jufiice fl1ow '·•" the Pure thy ·Purity lb all fee: Suell as perverfely cbot>fe to go, lhall meet wit11 due Returns from thee 27, z8 That°he•t11e humble Soul will fave," and crufh the Haughty's boafred Might, In me the Lord'an Infiance gave, who;fe Darknefs he has turn'd to Light. �9 On his. fir� _Succo�r I rely'd, • and d11 o �r �Um rous Foes pr<:vail; J Nor fear d, wh1Ht he was on Thy Sidt!, •· the L>etl:-defended Walls to fcale. 30 For God's D�figns lhall ftill fucceed; his Word will beAr the utmoft Teft,; He's a firong Shidd to all that need, and on his fure P1:ote&ion r.eft. tp be ador'd, 31 Who then deferves but Goc!.,"on whom n1y Hopes depend.? br who, exce,pt the mighty Lord,· can with refifilefs Po\.v'r defend ? · P A R T V. '3'-, 33 'Tis God that girds my Armour on., and all my jult De!igns fulfills; Through him my Feet_ can fwiftly run, 1 and nimbly climb tl1� �eepeft Hills. ·34 Leffons of War from 111m I take, and manly "\IVeapons learn to wield. -, Strong Bows of Steel with Eafe I breik c>nger Ar ltr ms to my yiel by d d. ' forc' favin� Health 35 The Buckler of his protects me !rom affa_ultmg Foes; His Hand fullams me fhll; my Wealth and Greatnefs from his Bounty flows. 36 My Going-s he 'enlarg'd abroad, till then to narrow Patns confin'd; And, when iri.flipp'ry Ways I trod,. the Methqd of IIJY Steps defign'd, D .d ,, Thi·ough.
PSALM s 7 Through hi m I nu�rous Holts defraf, and flying Squadrons captive take; Nor from my fierce Purfuit retreat, till I a final Conqt:eft make. 38 Cover'd with Wounds, in vain they try their vanquilh'd Heads aga.in to rear; Spile of their buafied Strength, they lie beneath my Feet, and grovel there. 59 God, when frclb Armies take the Fidd, recruits my Strength, my Courage: warms ; He makes my firong Oppofers yield, fubdu'd hy my prevailing Arms. 40 Through him tbe Necks of profi:rate Foes my conqu'ring Feet in Triumph prefs; Aided by him, I root out thofe, who bate and envy my Succefs. ,p With l_oud Complaints all Friends they tty'd; but none was able to defend; At length t-0 Goci for Hdp they cry'd; but God would no Affiftance lend. 41, Like flying Dull¡, which Winds p11rfue, their broken Troops I fcatter'd round ; Their flaughter'd Bodies forth I threw, like loathfome Dirt, that clogs the Ground. PART VI. 43 Our facl::ious Tribe, at Strife till now, by God's Appointment me obey; The Heathen to my Sceptre bow, . and foreign Nations own my Sway. 44 Remoteft Realm11 their Hm:nage fend, when my fuccefsful Name they hear; Strangers for my Commands attend, charm'd with Refpeel:, or aw'd by Fear. 45 All to my Summons tamely yield, or foon in Battle are difinay'd; . For ftronger Holds they quit the Field, and ftill in ftrorigeJl: Holds afraid. ,1-6 Let the eternal Lord be prais'd, the Rock on whofe Defence I reft ! To higheft Heav'ns his Name be rais'd, who me ,vith his Salvation blefs'd ! 47 'Tis God that fiill (upports my Right; his juft Revenge my Foes purfues; 'Tis be, that, with rc:frftlefs Mi i; ht, fierce Nations to my Yoke fubdues.
48 My univerfal Safeguard he ! from whom my lafting Honours flow i He made me great, and fet me free from my remorfelefs bloody Foe. 4-9 Therefore, to celebrate his Fame, my grateful Voice to Heav•u fll raife; And Natio.ns, StrJngers to his Name, fuall thus be taught to fing his• Praife: 50 " God to his King Deliv'rance fends; " {hew,; his Anointecl lignal Grace; " His ?l.1ercy evermore extei:ids " to David, .incl his promis'd Race."
p' S A. L M XI;K.
1 THe Heav'ns rleclare thy Glory, Lord, which that ;1,lone can fill ; TIie Firmament and Stars exprefs ' their great Creator's Skill. � The Dawn of each.returning D_a.y frelh Beams of Knowledg;: bri11gs; And from the dark Returns of Ni'ght divine Inlhutl:ion fprings. pow•rful-Languas-e to no Realm heir T 3 or Region is confio'cl; •Tis Nature's Voice, and underftood alike by all Mankind. 4 Their Doctrine does its facred Senfc through Earth's Extent difplay; Whofr bright Contents the circling S'un does round the World convey. Bridegroom, on his nuptial Day, No 5 has fuch a chearful Face; No Giant does like him rejoice to run biR glorious Race. 6 From Eaft to Weft, from Weft to Eaft, his reftlefs Courfe he goes; .And, through his Progrefs, che.rrful Light and vital Warmth be£lows. P .ART II. Law converts t.be Soul; perfect 7 God's reclaims from falfe Defires; With facred Wifdorn his furc Wo.�· the Ignorant infpires. 8 The Statutes of the Lord are juft 1 and bring fincere Delight ; ' D d?.
His pure Commands in Search of Truth affift the e bleft Sight. . r 9 His p rf; ct Orfhip her is fix'd, 1 On fure F undations laid; His equal Laws are in th Scales; of Truth and Ju(hce wcil?b'd; 10 Of more Efl:eem than Golden Mines, 11 or Gold r fin'd with S ill; More fw et that f. ney,,or the.Drops_ ., , ·, tlrnt from the Comb diflill. ! • :11 My trulty Counh liars they are, and fri ndly \Varnings give; Divine Reward� attend on thofe, who by thy Pre epts live.· i::: But what frail Man obferves how oft be do s from Virtue C II? 0 cleanfe me from my fi cret Faults, Thon God that kn.ow'ft them all ! _·: 1 :i 3 Let no prefump(uous Sin, 0 Lord, Dominion h ve o'er me; That, by thy Grace pr ferv'd, I may the great Tranfgreffioo Ace. :14 So !hall l\1Y Pray'r and l?raiJes be with thy Acceptance blefl:; And I fecure on tby Defence,. my Strength and Saviour, refr.
z 3 4 s
.'.' THe Lord to thy Requefi attend, and hear thee in Diftrefs ;. The Name of Jacob's God- defend, and grant thy Arms Succefs. To aid thee from on high repair, and Strength from Sion give; Remember. all thy Off'rings there, thy Sacrifice recei,ve. · To cornpafs"thy own.Heart's Delir e I .. thy Counfels ft ill .djretl:; Make kindly all Events confpire to briF1g them to Effect. • To thy Salvation, Lord, for Aid we chearfully reP.air, With Banners in thy Name �ifplay'd; 1 f " The Lot'd accept th� Pray'1;i'�. ·> i ., . J" Our Hopes are. fix'd, tl:rat now the Lord I :· ·, our Sov'reign will f!efeod-;From
From Heav'o refilllefs Aid afford, ' and to his Pray'r attend. . , al, • 7 Some tru[t in Steeds for VVar dclign'd; I , •1 ;'.T !. V ' -,•1 ,j u ·u on Chariots fom.e rely• ) Againft them.all we'll cafl to mind - .,, 11 11 ,,.,. · the Pow'r of God, �Q.ft high. · . 11 ·' their Steeds and Chariots thrown; t from 8 Bu behold them through the Plain, Diforder'd, broke, and trampled 'down, whilft firm our Troops remain. 9 Still fave us, Lord, and ftill proceed our rightful Canfe to blefs; . , · Hear, King of. He!!v�n, in Times of.-I1eed, the Pray'rs tha� we addrefs. u , , • · u a
3 4 S 6
! iJ P A txi.li . ' r . ·. King, He 0 Lord, with Songs of Praife,�� , T !ball in th Stn:ngtb rejoice; y. With thy Salvation·crown'd; fhall raife , ,· to Heav'n his chearful Voice.. For thou, whate'er bis Lipd requefr, .:1,T ·• not only doll impart; . • " l thy Acc;eptance, bleil: wilb But haft .-t ,, , , the Wifhes of his He�rt. . • •. • 'J (J Thy Goodnefs and thy tender Care bave all his Hopes outgone; A Crown of Gold thou mad'ft him wear,. and fett'ft it firmly on. He pray'd for Life; and·thou, 0 Lord, didft to his Pray'r attend, And gracioufly,to him afforcl a Life that. ne'er il1�ll: end. Thy fure DHen�e tlir�1:1gh r{ations r,ound' ,:·i has fpread his glorious Name; .And bis fuccefsful Ac\-ions crciwn'd with Majdl:y and Fame. Eternal Bleffings thou beftow'fr, and mak'ft bis Joys increafe; Whilft thou to him unclouded ibqw'Il:; ,< the Brightnefs of lhyFace. C •
·PART- II •. 7 Bec;1ufe the King on God alone for timely Aid relies; His Mercy fiill fupports his Throne, asd all his Wants fnpplies, . .. D d 3
PsA.t-Ml XXII. 8 But righteous Lord, thy ftubborn Foe O,all feel thy heavy Hand; Thy vengef1d Arm lhitU find outth0� t that hate tby mild COO)oHu.d.. 9 When thou aga,irill th l'l'r dofr engage, thy jufl: but dre!tdful Doem · Sball, like a glowing .Ovci,•s B. ge ., their Hopes ;;ind them confom 10 Nor lbalJ thy furious A_nger eafe, or with their R1Jio e;:1d; But root out all their guilty Ra-re, and to their Seed ex.rend. •·' n For all their Thought ,vere fet on-Ill, their Hearts sm Ma-li<:e- fient ;But thou with w:1tchful Care di.dft frill tbe ill Effe&s- preavent. u While they their fwift Rem1at lh�U r:na.ke to •fcape th,y dreadful Might,. Thy fwifter Arrows Chall ofertak.e, and gall them in their Flight. 13 Thus, Lord, thy-·wond'rouS'Str,ength difclbfe;• and thuR ex,1lt thy Fame; . ' . 'Wbilft we glad Songs of Prai{e 'C.ompo.fc:: ;l · • • i to thy almighty Name. J
y when Goel, my Go.d, why ka.v�n thon me I with Angttilh faimt? M O ! why fo far from me iemc,v,'cl,
and from my loud Complaint?: ,- All Day, but all the Day unh<!artl,. to thee do I comp.lain:; � , With Cries implore Rdief .all Niqht, , but cry all Night in vain., • , Yet thou art ftill the righteous Judge· of Innocence oppref) 'd; And therefore lfr;.el'., Prai(es are of Right to thee addrefs'd. +• s On thee ow· Ancell:oi:s rely'd, ancl thy Deliv'ral)<.e f, nrn.d ;. , With pious Confidence tliey pray'd, and with Succ�fs wtre"crc'l"''fl'd. 6 But I am treatt:cl like- a Worm; like none of human Birth; Not only by the Great reviJ'<I, but made tbe Rabbh:'t �rth ..
7 With
1 With Laughter all the. gazing Crowd my" Agonies furvey; They fhvo; tl,u:, �ip, they lbake:ihe H�a!:11 · , and thus der1dl!lg fay._i. t . I ell bnafting 8 " rn God he tr-uihi<l, " that he was Hea?'n's'Dd,g-nt' ;, ·" " Let God come> 0own to fave- liir;n now l " and own his FavourFte:"· ·
9 Thou !'"ad'!t my_ teem in& Motlier''S Worut,' , a living Offsprmg be111•; When hut a Sncliling:ilt t;pe Bi:eaff, · '.·, , 1 •! I was thy early Oare. . . 10 Thou, Gua1·di1in�like, !<lidltJhidd from Wtong� my helplefs Infant-'pays; . ; And liuce hall bee-n my'God� and Guid, c: through Life's bewilcler'd Wa-ys. u Withdrav, not rhen. fo fav from nie, when Trouble is fo nigh ;" o, fend me Help ! · thr Help, on whieh• J. •' I only can re!Y• 'd'lluHs, a foowning mpe Merd h-pa , ,ru, Hig � .. from Bafan s Fore ft ,met, , With Strength pry,porti-On'd to their Rage, ... :' " ,1, " have�me around-befet. 13 They gape on me, and ev•ry Mouth a yawmng Grave appears; ''T' . The Defert f.ion's favage Roar theirs., iihhan l dreadfu Iefs ' f j PAR' T I1I. , _,,
I4 My Blood'like Wate/ fpill'o, my. Joint&, are r:ick'd and,out of Frame; My Heart diffi>lves within my Brc'aft, like Wax hefore the Flame. 15 My Strength, lik<: Potter's Earth, is parch'd.' my Tongue cleaves-to my Jaws; And to the fiknt: Shade� of Death my fainting Soul withdraws.· t6 Like Blood-hounos, to ·rµrrouncl me, the! ' in pack'd Alfernblies meet : Tbc:y pierc'd' my'ii:10,ffenliveiHancl;·; · .t they pierc"d my harm I�� Feet. 17 My Body's rack'd: till ;i)I my 1301ies• d1ftincUy may be told;
.PsAiM ·X,XII.
Yet fuch a Spe&acle of Woe as Paltime they behold.· 'l Spdil, my•Garments U1ey di ide,: ·I As !18 Lots for my V fture daft; � 1 , ,h ..:l!l, h ,,; 19 Therefore apprqach: 0,Lord; 1JP.Y,S!1;�tJr, ·• S and to my �uccou11 ha(l:� •• Ji • 7 �r1 3, 1i1 ·• :io From th�11 (\iarp s� ords protect t110.u ,11le_i,,l _ • i , 1 ; 1 •, • • of alf but Life ber.eft ! Nor let my Darling in the Pow•r of cruel Dogs pe left. u To fa.ve me from the Lion's J;nvs, · 1 ,1 ,, • T . · >. ui1il ,, thy prefent ·succ our fef!9; _ _ As once, fror;n gor; rg Unr$=OrDSJ , • 1; lll<' , .•. 11 thou didft my Life defend. -.,1 1 , J , I , ,, I · :-, 1 •:iT r 2,2, Then· to my; Bre�bren I'll declA!j!! -, tbe'Triumpho of thy .r-{�me.,1c I:· ,'a'· :I ·,m 1n Prefen� o/Jjlffel)lbl�p Saiqt_§l ,f f ••f ,:,.,ii·,, ,t thy Glory tJ1us proclaim: ,, , ,_ , :z3 " Ye Worn1ippers of Jacob's God) · •,., / 1 " an yon of lfrac:1:s Lioe,. , . 1 •. " 0 prai(-e th,<, I,.ord, s1.nd 1 tp Y.O\lr :Pr,Jife , . �, " lincere Obedience join. .·, I ·, 11 ·, y111C1 l :z4 '' He ne�er;cl),fda.i11'9 op low Di,Ui;efs, 1-i!,;i ! 1 " to can: a graciou� Eye j - '! 11, 1,- L. rr:,,·.t " Nor }qr:n'<;l f!·orr;1PP crrty »,is.Fa,<;:,!!, J 1JC: iii:·.r " l:>ut hears its humble
· PART IV. JZ,J Thus, in thy facred Courts, will 1, , A :, U my chearful Than'li& exr, efs,; h, >•!, In prefence of thy Saints 'perform t the Vows of 01y Di(re;fi. q �6 The m<:ek Co�panions of"my Grj, � ,,:� , I· 1 .• {hall find my I ahl . fpr 3d; , . 1 And all that reek th'e Lord fhag·bi!\·£ 11 witb Joys immor'tal fed: ,. · 'c • .. �," '· JI~ 1 .• M Then (hall the glad cpnvt;r,ted· W:o);{d, , -: . to God their. Homage IJ,aY,; , -. · , 1 AnJ. fcatt�r•�· Nations of ,\he E�rtJl,1 !J 01 La o�e f;> v reign L?r� 9bey .. , ,u ,, • .. .,,.,, '(Cit ,. -1-,J vt 28 ,,T,a hJs fupreme Prerogattv.e,, 1, ' , ' , cil'( ' ,. . ..n. K' o• r rs ,u b�eu m�s f" o n:1go ; ·•· ti , >r ni 'Tis juft tbat h_e fh uld role t e'WotI\:lf ·'1 �ril' who does tHe W•.irld 1 fnftai'n: ! , "J _wl '! ,. , .,,. :,,>''I ·1·,.,, · ; ,. :z9 The Rich, who are wltb Plenty fecl;v', ;i ·',i . his Buurity_ muil: confefs j' : ; b Ill, •
•.J ••
PSALMS XXIII. XXIV. The Sons of ·want; by,him.r'eliev'cf, · · their gen'rous Pati:on bids. . ,.: With humble Worlhip to hia Throne they all for Aid re fort; That Pow'_r, which firft their '.Beings gave, can only them fupport. 30, 31 Then Oiall a chofen fpotlefs · ·' Race, •! devoted to his Name, To their admiring Heirs his Trutlr i and glorious Acts, proclaim. 1
3 4 5 6
P s ALM xxm. himfelf, the mighty Lord,. ord L THevouchfafes to be my Guide; The Shepherd, by whofe conftant· ·Care,. my Wants are all fupply'd. In tender Grafa lie malies me feea,. , ·r , , r . , and gently there repofe; Thenr leads 'me to coul Shades, and'where· flows. ·1• ref efhing tWater , r · He does my wa11cl'ring- Soul reclaim, and, to his en,llefs Praifr, fo ftruct with humble Zeal to walk in his moll: righteou� Waya. J pafs the glo·omy Va·le of· Deatli, r ., from Fear and Danger f ee; his aiding Rod · a nd Staff l , • 'I' For there , ti .. 1 ., defend and comfort me. '.. � ( , In Prefence of my fpiteful Foes' he does my Table fpread; He Crow�s my_ Cup with ch earful Wine, ii with Oil anoints my Head. Since God doth thus his wond'rous Love through all my Lire ex.tend, '• That Life to him I \viii devote, and in bis Temple fpend.
His fpacious Earth is all the·Lord's T the Lord's her Fulnefs is; .• The World, and they that dwell therein, by fov'reign Right are his. :· . ::. He fr am'd and fix;d it on the S as; and his almighty. �--land,· , Upon incqnfiant Floods, bas made : 11 • the !table Fabric fiand. . . ·, . .,, 1
. '!
3 But
! But for himfelf, this Lord of all one chofen Seat defigo'd; 0 ! who fball to that facredHill deferv'd Admittance find? ,4 The l\1;10, whofc: Hands and Heart are pure, wbofe Thoughts from Pridt: an:: free; ¥; ho honefi Poverty prefers to gainful Perjury. 5 This, this is j,e., on " horri'.the Lord fhall 010w·r his Bldlings <Jown ; Whom God, his Saviour, {hall vo11cbfafe with Righ e ufnefo to crown. 6 Such is the Race of S ints, hr whom the fae1·ed C urts ar trod; And fuch the Profelytes that f◄ c:k the Face of Jacobs God. 1 En:ct your Heads, _eternal Gates; unfold, to enterta·n The King of' Glory: See, I e comee with his celcfl:ial Train. 8 Who is the King of Glory? 1.Vho ! the Lord, for Strength reoown'd; In Battle mighty; o'er his Foes eternal Victor crown'd. 9 Erect your Heads, ye Gal£s; uofolu,. in State to entertain The Kin� of Glory: See, lie cornea with all bis n,ini11g Train. 10 Who is the Ki1Jg of Glory ? Who ! the Lord of Hofts renown'd; Of Glory be alone is King, who is with Glory crowu"cl, PSALM XXV. God, in whom I truft, I lift my Heart and Voice; 0 ! ltt me not be put to Shame, nor let my .Foes r!'.jok.e� · 3 Thofe who on thee rely, let no Difgrace attend; Be that the {hameful Lot of fucb, as wilfully offend. 4, 3. To me thy Ti:u.th. impart, and lead me in thy Way; For thou art h.e that brings me Help; on thee I wait all Day. l,
6 Thy
6 Thy Mercies, and thy Love, 0 Lord, recall to Mind ; And graciou!Jy continue frill, as thou wert ever, kind. 7 Let all my youthful Crimes be blotted out by thee; And, for thy wond'rous Goodnefs' Sake, Jn Mercy think on me. 8 His Mercy, and his Truth, the_ ri�hteous I;o_rd difplays, Io bnngmg wand ring Stnners Home, and teaching them his Ways. 9 He thofe in Juftice guides, who his Direction feek; And in his facted Paths {hall lead the Humble and the Mee'k. 10 Through all the W;iys of God both Truth and Mercy ihine, I , ·, • ,. To 'fuch as, ,vith' religious Hearts, to his bleft Will incline. .:
PART II. is the Grace, Mercy Since II d1at molt exalts thy Fame, Forgive my heinous Srn, 0 Lo(d, and fo advance thy Name. u Whoe•er, with humble Fear,. to God his Duty pays, • Shall fin<l the Lord a faithful G_uide, in all his righteous Ways. 13 His quiet Soul with Peace• {hall be for ever blefs'd; An<l by his num'rous Race the Land focceffively poffefs'd. 14 For God to all his Saints bis fecret Will imparts, And does his g�acious Cov'nant write in their obedient Hearts.• . iJ To him I lif'.t IT:Y Eyes,. and wait his timely Aid, Who break6 the flrong and treaeh'rous Snare • which for my Feet was laid. z6 O ! turn, and all my Griefs, in Mercy, Lord, red refs; For I am compa�·d round with \-Voes' acd plung'c.l in det:p Difrrefs.
17 Tlle
17 The Sorrows of m.y Heart to mighty Sums increafe ; 0 ! from th·s dark ,atid difmal Slate my troubled Soul reh:afe ! 18 Do thou, with tender Eyes, my fad Affliction ii e; Acquit me, Lord, and from my Guilt entirely fr me free. · . . 19 Confider, Lord, my, Foes, ,, · bow vaft their NumbFrs grow·! What lawlefs Force and Rage they ·ufr,· what houndlefs Hate they fhow,.! .:zo Protect, and fet iny Soul from their fierce .Malice free; Nor let me be afham'<l, ·who place • my fiedfaft Trult. in th"ee. -:11 Let all my rightt:ops Acl:s to full P rfecl:ioo rift: ; . Becaufe my firm and confiaot Hope on thee alone r lies. :z� To lfrael's cbofen Race continue ever kind ; And, in the Midfi: of all their Wants, let them thy Succour find.
'r. .
I ,
. '; 1
'J: JUdge me, 0 Loi:d, for I the Paths of Righteou!i ell;" l.tave trod; I cannot fail, wbo all my Truct repofe on thee, my God. ., �, 3 Search thou my Heart, whofe Innocence will fhine the more 'tis try'd; For I have kegt thy Grace in View, and made thy Truth my Guide.
4 I never for Companions took the ldle or Profane; Nci Hypocrite, with all his Arts, con Id e'er my Friendfbip g in. 5 1 hate the bufy plotting"Crew,. who make diftracl:e<l Times; And lhnn their wicked Company, as I avoid their Crimes •
.(i l'il walh Fny Hands in Innocence, and hring a Heart fo pure, That, when thy -Altar I approach, my Welcome fhall [ecure.
' l
. l
7, 8 My
7, 8 My Thanks I'll publif i1 there, and tell how thy Renow,n excels; That Seat affords me moft Delight, in which thy Honour dwells. 9 Pafs not on me the Sinners• Doom; who Murder make their Trade; 1o Who others Rights, hy fecrd Bribes, or open Force, invade. It But I will walk in.Paths of Truth, and Innocence pu_rfue; Protetl:, nie, therefore, and to me thy Merci�s, Lord; renew. u In Spite of_ all affalllting Foes, I ftill maintain my Ground; And !ball (ur�ive among thy Saints, thy Pra1fes to refound •
. P S A L M XXVII. Hom fhould I fear, fince God to me J w is fav,ing I.;Ie�lth and Light? Since ftrongly be my Life lilpports, what can my Soni affright? :,. With fierce Intent my Flefb to tear, when Foes befet me round, They ftumbie'd, and their haughty Crefis were made to !trike the Ground. my Hea-rt, undaunted, dares . 3 Through _him with m1ghty,Hofi� to cop�; 'Through ·him, in doubtful Straits pf War, for goorl Succefs I hope. 4- Henceforth, within his Houfo to dwell I earneftly defire; His wond'rous Beauty there to view, and of his Yfill inquire. s For there I may with Comfort reft ' in Times of deep Diftrefs; And fafe, as on a Rock, abide in that fecure Recefs: 6 Wbilft GiJd·o•er all my hauglity Foes my lofty head fhall raife; And I my joyful Tribute hring, with grateful Songs of Praife.
P-A RT IT. Lord, to hear my Voice, tinue, 7 Con wbene'er to thee I �ry;
' •
.E e
In Mer y my Comp! �nts receive nor my Requefl: deny. , :·l ,,, I 8 When u� to fe k thy_ glorious Face thou kind y <loll:.advife; " Thy glorious Face l'll ahvays feek;'' my grateful Heart replies. . !> Then hide not thou thy Fae , 0 · Lord,. nor me in Wrath reject ; (I , My Goel, an Sa:,,i ui• l ave no.t him I .- • 11 r thou did fl: fo oft protep. . r• J JI r, 10 Tho ugh all mt ]:'rientls, and Ki,ndre t..oq11 'I _ their helplefs-Chatge forfake; . J • • Yet thou, whofe Love e1-cels them, all, wilt Care and Pity take. u Inll:rucl: me iQ thy Paths, 0 Lord;,, my Ways directly guide; Lell: envious Men, who w;itch my Steps� ' � lhould fee me tread afide. u. Lord, difappoint my cruql �aes.:;1 ,ft ,'I defe.1t their iH Defire, . Whofe lying Lips, and bloody HaQ<fl!,,,., againft my Peace confpire. . · ) .. 13 I trulred that my future 11.ife. fhould with thy Love be erown'd; Or elfe my fainting Squl had funk,, with Sorrow-compMS'd round. :t4 • God's Tirt)e•with p,'ltic:nt Faith e,xpe� · · who will ir'i!jjire thy B,e�fl: , '\Vith inward·Str(}ng,tb : Do:thou tqy;J?rp t,11,,-· and leave to him the r,e(\. . , ;
P ALM .I Lord, m¥ R·ock, to tht!e I cry. in Sighs confume.m-y Breath:; O ! anfwer, or If.hall become like thofe that flee P. .i!l,Death. 2. Regard my Suppliq1fioq., igrd, the Cries that I reneat, With weeping E o/ e-s, a11d,lifte\i 1 HandsJ before thy Mercy'-Se.at. 3 Let me efcape the Sfoners'·Doom_, who make a Tmde of. Ill; And ever fpeak the .Pei:fon,fair, whofe Blood they mc:an to fpill. 4 According to tlreir. Crimes:' Exten4: ·· !et _Juflice have its Cour(e; :. :Relentlefs
Relentlefo :be 'to'tlietn, as they have finn'd without 'Remorfe • .5 Since t-hey the \:Vorks of Coil defpife, nor win his Grace. adore ; J,Iis ,i'Vrath •ruall utterly defiroy; and build"them up no more • • , B,ut I, .wit1i o-ue Acknowledgment,., bis �ai'ies ll.vill•tefound,· From whoni �1,e Cri<!s 0f my !Difirefs a graci<;ms Ar:.fwer found;. . 7 My 1 't'onfidence repds•d in God ;' trjy .St'rengtb afld Shield; In him I trufied, and ret'urn'd triumpl\ant frbm the ·Held.· ' As be hath made my Joys complete, 'tis ju!l: thatifliould 'raiTe.Tbe chc::irful Tp; ilmte of. my Tha11ks, and thus ref6:u, n d l!is Frai.fe :. 3 " His aid ng IPow'r fupports the Troop;• " that my jufl: Cau-fe m.: intain; " 'Twas he advanc'i:lme to the Throne;; " 'tis be fecures my Reign." 9 Prcferve th'.}' Chofen, and proceed thine Heritage to blefs; '\Vitb Plenty p1:of1?,er t!Jem, in Peace; in Dallk ,' ',lnth S'uccefs ••
He £'
A t' IVi:'
Pi:i'nccs, that in Might excel, yn your grateful Sacrifice prepare;
God's glorious Actions loudly tell, bis wond'rous Pow'r to all decbre. Altnrs mrk ; :z To bis great,N?,me devoutly due 1'ldpecl: afford;Him in his holy-Temple ,pq1i!e, where h 's with fa!errn State ador'd. that, with amazing Noife 3 •Tis he u the wat'ry Clouds rn f nder b1·;aks '• m.ples at his Voice an·fre The Oce when he from He�ll'J1_ in T�rnn<lcr fpeak $. How full of i:;-c��,: r his. Voice appears ! 4, 5 with what maJelhc Terror crbwn'u·, Which from their Roots-tall Cedars te;rs and thews eil" fcatter'�.Branu:hes rot11'1 6 They, and the l'Iills on which thev grow•
are fomet-ime's hurry'd far away"•
:> "
E e �
· '
PSALM. And Je;ip, like Hinds th;it_ boupding go, ' , • f or Unicorns in youthful Play., 7, 8 When God in Thunder loudly fpeaks, and fratter'd Flames of Light'ning fends, The For ft noels, the Defert quakes, and fiubborn Kadell1 lowly bends. 9 He m;ikes the Hinds to ,caft,tb�ir Youpg.' and lays the Beans· darlc. C_Qv�rts \)are,' ir While thofe that to hi Courts b\!lpng, •,, - • fecurely ling his Praifi s 1here. _ i: j,r,1, 1• 1 o, II God rules the angry ,floods on pigh ;his boundlefs Sway fhall nev'er, ceafe;' , u His Saints with Strength he will fupply, and blefs his own with conftant P�1aae •• 1 •
P S A L M XXX. ,: ';::· �·1
1 J'LI celebrate thy· Praifes, Loid } · , 'Jt ·.) c,;( : � .. : . who didrt thy Pow'r emp!o y .," HI! To raife my drooping H ad, lind,checli: i.; 1iI " f; my Foes' in[ulting Joy., , ,. lf 111 •• • ' " !2, 3 In my Dinrefo I cry'<l to·thee, who kindly di<l!l: relieve, , .' "' And from the Grave':; expecting Jaw& my bopelef:; Life retrieve. • . . · . .. I" 11 "'! 4 Thu_s to l11s Courts, .Y<; Sarn!s ,of h1J1,.. , ,L with Soni;s of Pra1fe r pa1r ; With me commemorali! his Trutl), and provide11tial Can:. has but a Moment's Reign, 5 HishisWrath Favour no Decay; Your Night of -Grief is reeompens'd with Joy's returning Day. (j But I, in pr0fp'rous Days, prefum'd; no fudd.:n Change I frar'd; Whilft in my Sunfhine of Succefs � · - · � J' no louring Cloud appear'd. But foon I found thy Favour, Lord,· · · •.,· 7 e my Empire's only Truft; ' 1 For, when thou hid'ft thy Face, I faw my Honour la.id in Duft. 8 Then, as I vainly had prefu_m'd, my Error I confe'fs'd; And thus, with fupplicating ,Voice, thy Mercy's Throne addrefs'd :· T 9 " What Profit is tliere in my Blood, i. " congeal'� by Death's c?ld Night� • � ,: Can 1
. . ...
L __
" Can filent Afl)es fpeak thy Praife, " thy wond'rous Truth recite? 10 " Hear me, 0 Lord; in Mercy hear; " thy wonted Aid extend; " Do thou fen<l ·Help, on whom alone " I can for Hdp depend." 11 'Tis done ! Thou haft my mournful Scene· to Songs and Dances turn'd; ,,, Invefted me with Robes of State, who late in Sackcloth mourn'd. thus, I'll gladly fing Exalted u thy Praife in grateful Verfe.; . And, as thy Favours endlefs are, thy t:ndlefs Praife rebearfe. PS A.L M
J DEf<;!nd me, Lord, from Shame, for fl:ill I tr"ufl: in thee ; Asjuft and righteous is thy Name, from Danger fet me free. � Bow down th;y gracious Ear, and fpeedy Succour fend ; Do thou my ftedfaft Rock appear, to {helter and defend. e thou, when Foes opprefs, nc Si 3 my Rock and Fortrefs art, To guide me forth from this Diftrefs, thy wonted Help impart. 4 Releafe me from.the Snare, which they have clofdy laid; Since J, 0 God, my Strength, repair , to thee alone for Aid.
; t
5 To thee, the God of Truth,
my Life, and all that's mine, (For t!1'!u preferv'dft me from my You.th 1 )' I w1lhngly refign. , All vain Defigns I hate, of thofe th;tt tru!t in Lies; And ftill my Soul, m ev'ry State' to God, for St)Cco ur, flies. PART II.
7 Thofe Mercies thou. haft iliown, I'll chearfully exprefs; For thou haft feen my Straits, and known wy Soul in deep Difirefa. E e- l
s Whe.11
8 When Keilah's treach'rous Race did all my Strength inclofe, Thou gav'ft my Feet a l.1rger Spa<;e. to !hun my watchful Foes. 9 Thy Mercy, Lord, difplay, and hear my juft Complaint; For botb my Soul and Fl 01 dc::cay, with Grief and Hunger faint. 10 Sad Thoughts rr.y Lif: opprc::fs; my Years are fpent in Groans; My Sins ha"e made my Strength decreafe, and ev'n confurp'd my Ilones. JI My Foes my Suff'rings mock'tl; my Neighbours did uphraid; My Friends, at Sight of me, were lliock'u� and Oed, as 'Men difmay'd, u Furf,1ok by a.II am �. as dead, and out of Mind; And like a {hattc::r'd Veffd lie, whoft: Parts can nt:'c:r be join'd. 13 Yet lland'rous Words they fpeak, _ and feem my Pow'r to dread; Whilft thc::y together Counfd take, my guiltlefs Blood to fhed. i4 But ftill my ftcdfaft Truft I on thy Help repofe; That thou, ·my God, art good and jufc, my Squl with Comfort knows.
PART ,5 Vlhate'er Events betide, thy vVifdom times them all ; The11, Lurd, thy Servant fafr\y hide fn,m thofe that feek hiR Fall. 16 The Biightnt:fs of thy Face to me, 0 Lord, difclofe; And, as thy Mercies fl:ill increafe, preferve �e from my Foes. 17 Me from Difhonnur favc::, who frill have call'd on thee ; Let that, and Silence in the Grave, the Sinner's Portiorf be. 18 Do thou their Tongues reftrain, whofe Breath in Lies is fpent; \Vho falfe Repnrts, with proud Difdain, againll the Righteous vent.
19 How
19 How great thy Mercies ;ire to ruch as frar thy Name, Which tbou, for thofr that trufi: thy Care, daft to lhe World proclaim! :io Tbou kecp'fl: them in tby Sight, r from proud Oppreffors f ee ; From Tongues that do in Strift: delight, tbey arc preferv'rl by thee. 2.1 With Glory and Renown God's Name be ever blel!:; Wbofe Love, in Keilah's well-fenc'd Town-,, was wond'rouny exprefs'd ! 2:z. I fairl, in hafl:y Flight, " I'm banifh'll from thine Eyes;'' Yd fiill thou kept'ft me in thy Sight,. and beard'ft my eatneft Cries, ='.3 O ! all ye Saints, the Lord with eager Love purfue ; Who to the Ju!l will Help :iffotd, and give the Proud their Due •. 24 Ye that on God rely, courageoufly Rroceed ;: For he will frill your Hearts fupply with Strength, in �ime of, Need� p s A L M
E's bleft, whofe Sins have Pardon gaiq .,,�.: H no more in Judgment to a1jpear ;. .
:i, Whofe Guilt Remiffion has obtai·n'<l, and whofe Repentance is lincere. 3 While I conceal'd the t'retling Sore, my Bones confum'd without Relief;. All· Day did I with Anguifh roar; but no Comp�aints a!fwag'd my Grief. eav on me thy Hand ren,ain'd, 4 H b yDa an_d _Night altke difirefs'd, y y Till quite of v!tal Moiftur� drain'd, like Land with Summe1: s D1;ought opprefb'll'•. fooner J my \iVound d1fdos d, No S the Guilt that tortnr'd me wilhin, Bnt t by Forgiver.ds interpo$'d, and Mc::rcy•s healing Balm pour'd in. 6 True Penitents !hall thus fucceed, who feek thee wbilfl: thou may'fl: be found.' And, from tne common Delu�e fre1:d, ihall fee rernorfelefs Sinners drown'd.
7, Thy.·
7 Thy Favour, Lorri, in all Dillrefs,
my TO\\ 'r of Refuge I mu!l: own ; Thou fbalt my haughty Foes fupprefs, And me with Songs of Triumph crown. 8 In my Infl:rucl:ion then confide, you that would Truth's fafe Path defcry; Your Prog-refs I'll 1" cu rely guide, and keep you in my \Vatchful Eye. 9 Submit yourfelves to Wifdom's Rule, like Men that Reafon have attain'rl; Not like th' ungovern'd Horfe and Mule, wbofe Fury mull be curb'd and rein'd. 10 Sorrows on Sorrows multiply'd, the harden'd Sinner fhall confound; But them w·bo in bis Truth confide, Blellngs of Mercy fhall furround. JI His Saints, that have perform'd his Laws, ' their Life in Triumph ihall employ; Let them' (as they alone have Caufe) in -grateful Raptu1·es lliout for Joy.
LEt all the Ju!l: to God,. with Joy, their che-arful Voices raife; For well the Righte9us it becomes to ling glad Songs of Praife. �, 3 Let Ha1·ps, and Pfalteries, and Luted,· · in joyful Concert meet ; And new-made Songe of loud Applaufe the Harmony complete. 4, 5 For faithful is the Word of God; his Works with Truth abound;. He Juftice loves; and all the Earth, is with bis Goodnefs crown'd. 6 By his almighty Word, at firft, the heav'n'1y Arch was rear'd ; And all the beauteous Ho{ls of Light at his Command appcar'd·.
7 The fwelling Floods, together roll'd, he makes in Heaps to lie; And lays, as in a Store-houfe fafe, the wal'ry Treafnres by. 8, 9- Let Earth, and all that dwell therein, before him trembling !1:and; For, when he fpake the vVord, 'tw.ts made; �twas fix'c;I at llis Command.
He ,,
10 He, when the.Heathen clofely plot, their Counfels undermines; His Wifilom im:ffecl:ua-1 makes the Peoples' rafb Ddigns. i1 Whate'er the- mighty Lord decrees {hall /land for ever fore; The fettle<,) �urpofe of hi& Heart to Ages fha11 endure.. J • •, ' -
I:z How happy !hen are they, to whom the Lord for God is l�nown ! Whom he, from all tbe World beudes ' bas ch fen for his own, 13, 14, 15 He �11th� nations of the Earth, from He�v n, h1� Thront:, furv1.cy' I; He faw tberr Woi:ks, and vrew'd their Thou bts • • - g by him their r-r a1·ts were made. 16, 17 No King·is fafe. by n.u fl>'rous.Hofis ;.. . ., t�.eir Strc:ngth the Slrqitg dl!ceives :, 1 i No manag'_d ,H P!-fe, by Fo ·c� or Sp�ed, his warlike Rider faves. 1g, 19 •Tis G';>d, wh� thofe tltal tru/t in him beholds with gr.1cio11s Eyes• He frees their Soul from Death; their \Vant ' � in Time of Dearth, fupplics. :zo, :zx Onr Soul on· �orl ��ithi l\ltienc� �aits; • our Help and Sl-Velci I Jlt ; ·'. Then, Lord, let ltijl 1111r Hearts i;ejoice, becaufe we tru!l: m �hte. :22 The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord, do thou to 11s extend; Since we, fo!·· all-we want or wifh, on thee alone di.::pend. , I' C. . :_ : �,. PS A,L M XXXIV. I-Irough· all Hie changing Scenes of Life 1 • in Trouble and in Joy, {hall God my of. fiill Tbe Praifes my Heart and Tong�tt employ. his I5eli.v'rance _I will boaft, Of i till all that are dr!hefl:, From my-Example Comfort take, and charm their Griefs" to reft. O ! m;ignify the Lo'rcl with mi.::, 3 • with rr.e exi.lt hill name: 4 When
� When in DJfi:refa·to h'im I caH'd, · be to my Rdi ue came. 5 Their drooping H�artsw re foon T fre{h'd ,. who look'd to him for Aid• Defir'd Succefo i-n_ v•ry Face ' a chearful Air difplay'd.
6 " Behold, (fay they) behold the M�n,. " whom Pr vider,ce relii:v 'd • " The Man fu J,11;1g'roufly befi ' " fo wonc\'roufly rtt'Tiev'd �" _7 The Hofts•of God· eucam'p arouna the Dwellings of the Ju.fl:; Deliv'rance he:: affords to all,. who on his Succour t£ull. 8 O ! m.11;: but Trial f his Love, .Experience:: wil1 decide . . . .., How ul 1 he_y are, ;,ind only th.:y, _ _ 1 , ,. i '1 who 111 !11 · rruth co115de .' 9 Fe::ir hii:n, ye S, ints; and roi.1 will t en, .,. 1;: ,, .. t 1 haven thing elli tEl'feaT • light, Make you his ·::ic::·r,·ice -yoirr your 1.iVauts lb;ill be his Car·, 10 "While hungry Lion• lack thc::i� PiGy,. the Lord will F.ootl pro,·idc: ) For futh as put tbt:ir Truft in'him, and fee thc::ir.Nc::eds fup",ly d • .'
'· 1
PA 'RT 1f., :rr Appro:ich; -ye pioufly difpof�, to • ,.., and my, Infirutlion ·hear; 1• I'll teach you the true Difcipiine · • of his rt:ligious Fear. 1z.• Let him whu Length 'of Li"fe·dcfires,. 'v and profp'rous Days would 'fee, 13 From fl nd'ring L:u1guage kl'.C:iJ his Tc:1guc, his Lips from faHhooct fre ./ C: <f 14 The c-rooke�l P.aths-of Vice, tJed�n:l',i'• 111 t 1 i and Virtm:'s Ways purfue ;r . ,:, Eftablifh Pc::ace, where 'tis bi:g-u-a;. · r ·'I;.,·'.' and where 'tis lol:t, renew.· 15 Tbe Lord from H av'n beholds the Juft" J with favourable Eyes; j And, when <liftrefii'cl, his gracious Ear ,: is open to their Cries ; It. ;16 But turns his w,r-athful Look on, thofe whom Mercy can't-reclain, 1 r
1?s iM XX.XV�
41 . "
To cnt them ofE, hnd fr0rn the E11rtb1 'l , blot ont their Lrared Name.. .I , ,17 Dcliv'rancc to.his S,riots he giv.es, when his ·Relief tbe.7 crave_; i8 He's nigh to he.-�l.the brol�eu H art, and contrite Spicit fave. _19 T! t e."\i\iicked ofit;•but fti I in vain; againfr the Jufr confpire,•' zo For under their, ffiicti6n s,Weighf he keeps their Bones entire. zr The Wick;d, .f rom their wicked Arts, their Ruin !hall derive; vVhilft rigliteous•Men, whom they deteic, {ball them antl.tibeirs,(urvive� !:l:t For God prefe!iVeS the Souls of thofe, who on bis Tru.tllt depepd.;. ;To the""!, ;mcl their Pofterity.. _ • ,r Ii",• ,·, •. pis B[effi'ngs•Jhall defcenq:.
• : .1?' S1 AL, M XX.XV.
1 Gainft all tbofe· that ftrive -witb m ' O Lord, aCfert my Right • '\,Vith fuch as War unjullly wagt!, do thoH my Battles fight. ,ll Thy Buckler tak�, and bind thy Sbie_ld upon ·thy warlike Arnr • Stand up, 0 Goe;!� in mrbefence, and keep ll)e fafefrom Harn1� g forth thy Spear; and-fiop· t_hei1'..courfe�. Brin 3 . that hall:e my Blood to fpill; --Say to my Soul,-" I am thy He;rlth, , , and will •preferve thee ftill." 4 Let them -with lharr!�·be cover'd o'er, who m}rDe�rm!bon-fought; And fuch as chd my Harm devifc:, be to- Confufioni-brought. · Then {J1all tper.. �¥, difpers'd like Chaff S before the drm�� W1nd; -God's.venge61l Mm1ller qf Wrath 01all fo\lO\V clofe behind • .-.6 And when, thi:ough dark and nipp'ry Way.CJ, they {l:rive h1� ��ge to Chun, His vengeful Mm1fl:ers of ·wrath !hall goad them as they run • ·1 .7 Since, unprnvok'd by any·\Vrong, tha)' )1.id tlleir treach'r@us Sna.-t; And, -l:
And, for my harm! fs Soul, a Pit did, without Caufe, pr pare ; g Surpris'd by Mifcl.iiefs unfort:feen, by th ir own Arts betray'd, Their Feet fhall fall into the Net, which they for me had laid; Omli God's'g.reat Name 9 w·hil!t my gl d Soul , for this Ddiv'rance bleli , And, by his faving He�lth fecur'd ., its grateful Joy expr f:. 10 My very Bones Chall ii y, " 0 Lord,, " who can compare with thee� " Who fett'fr the poor and helplefs Man " from !trong Opprdfors free.'.' PART
II Falfe Witneffes, with forg'd Compta'int's, again!t my Truth combin'd; And to my Charg-e filch Things they laid, as I had ne'er ddign:d. u The Good, which I to them bad done, with Evil they repaid; · And did, by Malice undeferv'd, my barm!efs Life invade.
13 But as for me; when they were lick, I ftill in Sackcloth mourn'd; I pray'd and fafl:ed, and my Pray'r to my own Brea!l: return'd. "4 Had t-hey my Friends or Br�thre.n oeen, I could have done no more ; Nor with more decent Signs of Grid a Mother's Lofs deplore. 15 How diff'rent did their Caniage prove, i11 Times of my Dif\:refs ! When they, in Crowds together met, did favage Joy exprefs. . .. The R;ibble too, in num'rous Throngs, by their Example came; , . And ceas'd not, with reviling Words, • ' to wound my fpotkfs Fame. 16 Scoffers, that nohle Tables haunt, and earn their Bread with Lies, Did gna!b tht:ir Teeth, and Iland'ring Jefts -� malicioun y d�vife. •
11 But,'
J?§�_!..M �XXV.
•r, But, Lord_, 1 ho\.� long wilt thou look. on ?r on m y Behalf appear; I And fave my gui[tlefs Soul, which they;, like rav'ning Bea!ts,. would . .tear. • , ,
-p AR: T �.m .. r 18 So I, hefor e the Jift'oi�g;vyorkl, 1, !hall-gratetnl Thanks exprefs; And where the gre t.Aifemhly meets, thy Name with Praife.s-blefs. 19 Lord, fuffer not my caufdefs Foes, who.me unjull:Jy ha(e; With open J0y, or fecret Signs, to m_ock my fad Eftate. -20 For they, with· Hearts averfe to Peace, indt1'1:rioufly devife, . ' , J Againft the Men of 9.uiut Minds )I to forge ·malicious Lies. 'ZI Nor with tl1efe,priv;.i�e Arts content, ( ' aloud they vent their Spite·; And fay, " At lafi: we found him out, " he did it in our Sight." thou, .who dofi both them and me But •%2 with ,·ighteous Eyea furvey, Affert myJnnocence, 0 Lord,· and keep ·not far a)vay. i3 Stir up thy'feif if!- �y 1khalf ;� ·, ·, toJudginent, Lord, awake; nf Ser'va s. s Caufe, () ot rignte God., � Thy ' .. to thy Decrfion take. --i4 Lord, as my Heart has upright been, let me tthy Juftice find; Nor Jet.m,y cTuel Foes ohtain the Triumph Jtbey-�efign'd. • zs o ! let them not, amongfl: themfrlves.' - I in beaffing Language, fa.y, " At Jen�th our Wifl1es are complete.' " at !all: he':i made our Prey. • · .26 Let fuel} as• in my Harm rejoic'd, for Shame"their Face� hide; And foul Di010nour wait on thofe, I •• that proui:lly me defy'd: a7 Whilfi they with chearful Voices fiwut ) I wh"u my ju{t Caufeibtfriend; ' . · And blef� the.:Lmd,. who loves to make Succefs l'iis Saint's ;ittend. ' ·•r ,; . t. 1 Ff -,·.s So
28 S? �1 al l Tonsue tny Judgfuenta ling, _ . tn!prr d with grateful Joy; i And chearf ul Hymns, in Praife bf thee, iliall all my Days employ. P S A. L
y crafty <foe, with ·flatt'ring A:tt, M his w1ck�d Purpore -vou d <lrtguife; i
But Reafon whitpers to my H'el\1-t, he ne'er fets God before his Eyes. 2 He fcothes himfelf, retii·'d rrdm Sight; fecun: he thinks his treach'rous Garile; Till his dark Plats, expos'd to Ligbt, their falfe Contriver brand with S11a1t1e. 3 In Deed�·h'e is my Foe 'coni'c:fs'd, f-dii"; whilll: with his. Tongue t re ipt!flk$ True Wifdom's ba'n'ifb 'd �' m ) bts 1Bt·eaft, and Vice has fole DomiYtiot\ ¥Fi 're� -4 l is wakeful M:tlice feend-s tl,l\:' Night b , in forging hill ac'curs d D'di'g s; His obfiina e uhg n'ro s �fite no execrable:: Means dcchn'es.
5 But Lord, th Merer,, rny fore)1of>ei above the heav'nty Orb afce'nc!'-s; Thy facred Truth' Uhrr\ afm::J Sc pe beyond the fpre�ding Sk 'eitt rl'as. ' -6 Thy Jullice like �he Hills •�!!maini; • _ unfath0m'd De:<pth t:'hy Ju'd_gmenl's are, Thy Provic\tn c: t l! '\Vorrd•'fol afos; the whole Creation is thy'Ca e.
7 Since of thy Go"ocfotfs aJI parti'ke, ·' with what AffiJranc� fbd\ltd tbe Juft Thy fht'll'ring Wings their �eft � ma,ke, a11d SaiJ1.ts tp thy '.E'rote-ction t'r ft·! 1 8 Such Gnefis fli'all to ·jr y ,<;:6A1� ��Br, 1 (¢/, ' i.i to banquet o n _thy,'L_ vt: � Repa'ft · f , , And drink, 'a's 1-from a Fod ain'i t, 1 of Joys that fha)l 't: r'' •ei-_Ia!t. � With thee the•Sp·)Wgs 'f�l,!· e·_r'edihih; thy Prefencl!-js eti!t'tt�!.Day: JO O ! let thy S:11'1)ls t1riy$a</our g�in,; to upright.Hearts .tl1y Tr ith ·d1fP,lay., .. II Whilll: Priu 's·in:fl'.iltih� '1! �:<,;t '\ / llftpurn, : 1 1 and. wic),: d_ :-Ia�j� \1W.�1fe ru- nf; , , , u Then· M.1h:b'1t s on tp, rnt'elves I' ta 1n; I � clown, down they're f:!lfl'n; "6. ttio1•e ·ro irt:. , . I PSALM
Wi ,
1 THough "yicked l\�elJ grO\v. rich or gre<1t, Yet let not their fuccefsful State thy Auger or thy E1wy raife; -t For the y, �u1 down ,li\-_e:: te.ncler Gr�fs, Or like young,Flow rs, away Iha!! pafs, I. Be�uty foon{ decays: whofe blooming ' .. 1 ' 3 Depend on Gpd, and him obey i So thon \V�tl h-1 �hf! Land {h�lt H:i1r}', frcure 'from Danger, m;1d from \Vant: -4 Make bis Comll):1.nds tay cl)ic.f Deligj1t; And he, thy Duty to req.\!He, (hall ,ill thy ea�neft Wi{l\es gr:rnt. 5 In all thy ·ways truO: tho� the Lor�, And he w-ill needful Help' llfford, to perfec}: ev'ry jqll Defigp ; 6 I-fr'll make, lilcr J/ght frrelie ·1114 .. le;u: l , Thy clouded I mocence a.l,lp,.ear, m!<l:iafS1;n _to 01in�:, and as � :i 7 With quiet Mjnd on God d,epeno, I him -!lien for �•"� And Fatieqtl.y J\ nger fondly Jire, nor Jet thy Though wicke9 Men wi_th. We�Jth ap9iu,n.cl ,. .And with Succefa_tl..1e Plots are crown'd, which they mat: 19nfly dcvl\e. s From Ange· q:,af,e1 an,q Wr· )1 f.orfa,k<;; Let no nngcivern'q J_\1ifio.n ll)al,e thy w1v'rJt1gJ�art o::fpol..\fi t\�e·r .Cri(l\C; God fhall ltnful M;en- 1ldl:ro,;<; For 9 Whilfr only they the !,.anti enjoy, who trult on him, and w;J.it b,i� 'fi(l1�. 10 How fooJl !hall w.icked M�n dec�y-! Their Place fba)1 vani{h gtJite a� Ti, .. nor by the Jl1:i�e!l: Search I.Jr; "9qn�t • et t�H: Eartl: 11 \,Vbillt l1i_in,;i�l� �ouls poff ' Rej�icing (hll w�tt, f�dly r,1,i yt_j-i 1 ' with Peilce �rya P,tQty alway;s crowq'd� PART I!I. 1ls, with fa]fe r>e!i n �row ul !inf e:: Whil 1 :z, g . Againll: the righ!eons Few ,col}"lqine, ' · ' Teeth a11d thell" tlirtci!l'nino- fl:and •. and gn.101 ° ' · '' 13 God {hall th\!,ir e.ir,pty Plot" deridi: 1 Anti l,1ugh at their de.feated Pride. ,he,(ees their Ruin near_ at Hilnd:, .I: f".,., u Tl. 1ey.
4 ·
LM· -
14 They dr;iw tlic Sword, an<! bend tit Bo\v, The Poor and Needy too' rth,-ow, and Ien of uprigl�t Lives to flay; 15 But tbeir {hong B ws !hall foon he broke, Their fbarpen'd We;ipon's mortal Stroke through their own Hearts fbafl for� its Way-.
16 A little, '\ ith God's Favour bkfs'd, Tlrnt's by one ri hteou J.\ll;m poffeli 'd, the We Ith of many Bau• excel 17 For Gori fupports the jufl: Man's c;ufe; '' But ;is for thofe tlrnt break his Laws, their unfuccef1 fol -fow•r he quells. i8 His conit,.nt Care the Upri ht guides, And over all their Life pr !ides• their Portion fl)all for vcr lafi; 19 They, when Dinri:li o' rw�elms the Earth ', Shall be unmov'u, ·aod ev'n in Deartli • '· t the happy Fniits of Plenty tafie. ,. :io Not fo the wick("d M:in, and thofe, Who prou<;lly <:1are �oci's Will oppofe; · Deftrucl:1on fs their h;\plefs Share• Like Fat of Lambs, their Hopes, a�d they, Shall i,n an Jnfiant melt away, an& vanifi1 into Smoke and' Air,
P· A·R T 11r: 1
�I While Sinnccrs, brought to f�d Decay, · •. Still borrow on, and n ver pay, the J11ft Have Will and Pow'r to givt:; • 2-:i.· For fuch as God vouclifafes to blefs, Shall peaceably the E�rth po!fe,fs; and thofe he curfes Chall not live. �3 The good Man's vVay is (?oq'a Delight; . . " He orders all the Step� an.ght of him that moves by his C6mm�nd; , ' 2,,4 Though he fometimes may be difitefs'd,. · ' Yet fhall he ne'er be quite opprefs'd ;_ for God upholds him with l1is Hand.
:lS From my firfi: Youth, tiU-Age prevail'd, 1 never faw the Righteous fuil'J, · • t or Want o'ertake his num'rous Race; :z6 Becaufe Compaffion fil�'d his Heart,_ and he did cbearfully 1_mpar�. , . ,. . t1 God made his Offspr�ng·� Wealtb; �ncre�fe. .;: \.., �. , 27 Witb
-i.7 With Caution 01Un each wicked Deed; In Virtue's Ways with Zeal proceed, and fo prolong your happy Days ; 28 ·For God, who Judgment loves, does ftill Prcfervc his Saints fc::cure from 111, while foon the wicked Race decays. 29 30, 31 The Upright !ball polfefs the Land•' His Portion fhall for Ages fian<l; bis Mouth with Wifdo·m is fupply'd; His Tongue by Rules of Judgment moves;. His Heart the Law of God approves; therefore his Footfteps never flide.
3:-. In Wait the watchful Sinner lies, In vain the Righteous to furprifo; in vain his Ruin docs decree· not him defencelefs le;ve, 33 God will To his Revenge expos'd, but fave; and, when he's fentenc'd, fet him free.
34 Wait fiill on God; keep his Command•· ' And thou, exalte<l in the Land, thy ble!l: PotfdEon ne"er fhalt quit· The Wicked foon deftroy'cl ihall be;' And at his difhial Tragedythou fhalt a fafc Spectator lit. cked I in Pow'r. have feen, 35 The Wi r And, like a Bay-Tree, f elh and green, that fpreads its ple.1fant Branches round;; was gone as fwift as Thought; 3 G But he And, though in ev'ry Place I fought, no Sign or Track of him I fomid. e the perfrct Man· 'with Care,· 37 Ooferv And mark all fuch as- upriglit �re; • : D'. . their roughe!l: Days 111 Peace fhall ef1d·· , .. I! 1 , ·1 hile on the latter :Errd of thofe W s 3 Who :dare God's l&cre<l Will opp'ore ' ::r a common Ruin {hall attend, the·Jnft"will A:i<l afford;• 3. 9 God to Their only S,ifrg�ard _1s the Lord; ., t1 their Strength in T11ne'of Need is he:. , 40 .Becaufe on him they fiill.depend, • · 'J '. ·The Lord will timely _Succour fe'rld; and from the, Wicked fet them frc ; · • • ..· ' ·F. f3
P S· A L M XLXVUI. I THy chall'uing Wrath, O Lor', reCtrain, thouS'h 1 <deferve it all ; Nor let at once on me the Storm ' of thy Difpleafurt fall. z In ev·r, wretched Part of me thy Arrows <ltep rema�n; Thy heavy Hand,;; affiicting ,veight 1 can no more fofuiin. 3 My Flefl1 is one continu'<l Wonnd, thy rath fo fiercely glows; Betwixt my Punilhment and Guilt, my Bones have -no Repofe. 4 My Sins, which to a Dduge fwell, my finking Hend o'-er.ilow, And, for my feebk Strengto to beal', too vaft a Burden g-row. 5 Stench at1d Con·nption fill my \,Vounds; my J?olty'sjufl: Retorn; 6 With Trouble I am warp'd an<l bow'd, and all Day long I mourn. 7 A loath'<l Difrafe affiids my Lo�ns,. infecting ev'ry Part; 8 With Si..:knefs worn, I groan and ro.111 through AnguJlh of my Heart.
p .A R -,... II. 9 But t Lord, before thy ti arching Eyes all my Dclires appear; And, fure, my Groans have been to0 J0ud, not to have reach 'd thi•ne Ear. JO My Hearl's opprefs'd, my Strt:ngth dc�ay'd, my Eyes clepriv'd of Light; 11 l�rkf\dS, Lovera, Kinfmen, gaze alodf on ru·ch a di'fmal Sight, H Mean wh.i-J'e, the Foes that feek my Life their Snares to takt: me fet; Vent Sland.era, and contrive all Day tq forgt: fo.mt: new Deceit : 13 But I, as if both deaf and dum·b, nor heard, nor once reply�d; I,J, �itt: deaf and dumh, like one whofa To'ngue with con'fcions Guilt is ty'd. -IS F r ., ,L�rd, to thee 1 uo appeal,.. l , · y funocen<::e t.o clear;, ,Mfur'd
Aifur'd that thou, the righteous God, my injur'd Caufe wilt hear. 16 " Hear me, faid I, left my proud Foes " a fpiteful Joy difplay; " Infulting, if they lee my Foot " but once to go afiray.'' 17 And, with conti:rrn:il Grief ·opprefs'.d, ,1 to link I now begin; • 18 To thee, 0 Imrfl, hvill oonfrfs, to thee bewail my Sin. 19 But whilll I fang.uifh, my proud Foes their Strength and Vigour boaft; And they that hate me without Caufr, are grown a dreadful Hofi:. , :io Ev'o thef \vh0m I oblig'J, return my Kindncfs with Defp�te ,. And are my Enemies, betaute I choofe the Path .tlfat's right. :il Forfake me not, 0 Lord, my Gad, nor far from me depart; ;1.2. Make hafte to my Relief, 0 thou, who my Salvation art. P S AL iM XX�IX. to watch o'er alf my Ways, Efolv'd 1 R I kept my Tongue in Awe; I cnrb'd my batty Words, when I the Wicked·profp'rous faw. :i Like one that's dumb, I lilent fl:ood, and did my Tongue refrafo From good Difcourfe; hut that Re!lraint increas'd,my inward Pain. H art did,glow with working Though'ts 3 My e , > ,. and no Repofe coult.l take· Till {hong l(i:fld\ion fann'<l the Fire., and thus at length I fpakc : rd, let tne ,know my Term 0f Davs • • 4 LohQW foon my Lif� will end 1 Tram of Ills ous difcl ofem'r > The nu whic� this frail State attend. tbou know'ft, is but a Span;· 5 ¾y Life, a Cypher fum.s.my Years; An<l ev'ry Man, tn bell: 1::ttate, but Vanity appears. 6. Man, like a ·Shadow, vainl:(walks, with. firnjtlefs ·Cares op pre Cs '\'I;
', I
PSALM 5� He heaps up Wealth, but cannot tell by whom 'twill be poffefs'd,
7 Why then fhould I on wortblefs Toys,
with anxious Careti attencl? On thee alone my ftedfall: Hope fhall ever, Lord, depend. 3, 9 Forgive.my Sins; nor let me fcorn'd· by foolilh Sinners be; For I was dumb, and murmur'd not, becaufe 'twas done by thee.
10 The dreadful Burden of thy Wrath in Mercy foon n:move; Left my fro.ii Flefl1 too weak to heai the heavy Load fuould prove. t-1 For when thou ch'lft'nefl: Man for Sin;, ,, thou mak'ft bis Beauty fade:., (So vain a Tbing is he!) like Cloth r by f etting Moths decaj"<l. 11, Lorcl, hear my Cry, accept my Tears,. and lillen to my Pr;1y'r, Who fojourn,lik.!! a Stranger h re, , as all my Fathers were. 1-3 0 ! fpare me y_et a little Tini'c ;_ , my wafted S rength rellr.1re, • .L Before l vani!b ctuite from hence,. , and fha•n ·be /e.en,no �ore. 1 •• '!
PS A}.. M
Waited meekly for the Lord, till he vouchfaf' I a kind Reply; Who did his gracious Ear afford, and heard frum Heav'tl my humble Cry� ,. He took,mt! from·the difmal Pit, when founder'<l deep rn miry Clay; , , , On'folicl Ground he plac_'d my Feet, II and foffer'rl not my Steps.to' fi r.ry. � _ _ 3' The Wondera he for me ha� wrought, fhall fill my Mouth ·with Songs of Praife ;, And others y • to his Worfhip brought, to Hopes of like Deliv'rance raifr. 4 For Bleffi;1gs !hall that Man re.ward,. who orl th',alrnighty Lord relie,s; • Who treats the Proud with Difrt:gar.ct·, and hates the Ryp, crit�•s J:?ifguift:. 5 Who can the,1.vond'r6us Works re·count,. which thou, O God, .for us haft wrought.?
The Treafures of thy Lo\'e fu1·fnounf 11, �:, . lht: Pow"r o'f Nu-mbe-1:s,. Speech and Tbaught. 6. I've learnt, that thou h!lft not 'ddir'd1 ·• Off'rin�s and Sacrific-e alo"ne; Nor Bloorl <>f guiltlefo Bealts requir'<l, for Man'.t Tranfgreffion to attont:. 7 I therefore come--come to fulfil ,r the Oracles thy Boo.ks impart;',, 1.,, 8 'Tis my Delight_to do thy Will ;_ thy Law is written in my II art. !PAR'T TJ ml:ilies have told A!fc: full In 9 thy Truth and Righteouli-lefs at large. 1 Nor did•;_thou-know·rt, my Lips withhdid · fr om utt"ri_ng_ what th0u gav'fl: in Chargr. II Io Nor kept w1th1rt_ my Breaft confin'd I 1 thy Faithfulnels and faving Gr;ice·· But preach'� thy Love, far a)l de(ig�·c,1, , . , that all might that, and Truth,t embrace, II Then let thofe Macies I declar'd ., . ! to others, Lon.I, extend to me • Thy Loving-kind_nefs my Rew;,rd', thy Truth my fafe Protection he. u For I with'. Troubles am dirtrefs'J, , J too nnmocl>lefs for me to hear•Nor lc:fs w_i_t_l},l,.9:1ds qf•rGnilt.�pprefs'cJ ,. , 111• that plunge and,fink l!JC tprD�Jpair. . n, .,: .rl ,. As foonf'alas'! may-I recount· the Hairs on this am;cted Head·; My vanquilb'd Cour,1ge they furmciunt, and fill my drooping Soul with. Dread.
r ,,
PAR 1' ,lII. '.•
,.'Jt , 13 But, Lord, to my Rdief draw near;·, for 0eve� ';"as more �rcllin� N:e.ed; , 11 :t Deliv r11PCt:, L , appeai:,. r :i ? In my :i • ., and add to that pt:11v_ ranee Spee,d.'J ·t •·,II rn. retu ds Hea their . ,. , 14 Confufion on who to de!l:roy my So(1l coml'>ine •: Let them, de(ea�ed, 'blu� and mou'rn, infnar'd in their own vile Defign. ' ,1 . > , J 15 Their Doom let Defolatiori be, with Shame their �falice be repaid,,'('... 11 1 · Who mock'd illy Confidence in thee-,, ·, and Sport of my Affliction m}de. 16 While 1
16 While tbo(e wh_Q h11mhlf fee� thy Face ,. tQ joyful Triumphs Jh,all ge tais'4; And all, ho priif thy f;tving Grice, with me refound, The Lorri be praii,'d • . 17 Thus, ,vrctched though I am and poor, of me th' almig.hty Lord takes Care; Thou God, ,vho only cann i:eftore, to my R lief with Speed repair. I?. S _ � J\{ �I. 1 HAppy the Man, wbofe tender Care relieves the Poor dHlreJ"s'd ! Wben Troubles compafs.bim aroun<l, the Lord (hall give him Rdt. a The I.on.I his Life, with Bleffing!l e;uown:4 ,, in S,tftty (h II prolong; And difappoint tJ;ie Will ft iqfq� _ that fc ek. to do h1m Wrp11�:. , ·, 3 If he in lans'ui'fhrng EO,'lte, opp1·efs,'d with Sickrief<S 11 .c.; The Lord will �srfy m k� h' :ikrl, and inw:ird St1•t1ngtti f4pply. 4 Secure of this, Jo thee, nw O ,!, · • I thus my Pray'r a.<Jdrefi/il; " Lord, for thy-1\ller�y, heal my, S,011 1 , • " though I ha,;i IJ111J,Jb Jran{g:n:f��d/' , , , s My cruel Foes, with riand'rpus W0rcJs, attempt to wound my Fame·; " ,vben llrnll he die;· fay they, and M.el'\. " forget his ,very Na!Jl� ?" 6 Suppofe they f-0rmal Vilits mak,e, 'tis all but emptv Show; They gather Mifd1ic:f in their Hearts, and vent it where they go. 7, 8 With pdvate. Whifpei·s, fuchrns th Ce, , ' ' � , . to hurt me tJ1.ey d;i::vi.fe; " A fore Difeafe affltcts 'bim n,o,w; " he's f,tll'Jl; no ruure ta cifr.''. 9 My own familiair Bofom-li".ricmd, on whom I· mofl: 11cly'..d, • Has me, wbofe daily Gueft'b� was, with open Scorn defy'd, ro B_u t thou my facl',rnd w:r.etchc.u £i.ta1e, 111 M�rcy, 'Lord, i:cganl ; . , . , ; And ra1fe m� up, .that all thell· .en:mes .llllay meet tbeir-j11ll. l twar� .... · • u By
PsALM XLIL. · ,iq
11 By this I �-now tbygra<;io'\Js Ear, ' fJ r l , , is opc:o, when I call-; I •,� Becaufe thou fnffer'lt not tny Foes r •• to triumph in my Fal1. 1.:i Thy tender Care fecnres fny Life •• ;o ·,t. I . from Danger apa Difgrac�; I 1 And thou vouch!af'ft to fr't hi il1 1t ' 1• • 10 ' " , ·r before thy glorious Fa'ce. 13 Let therefore 40-ael's Lord •a'oa it3o·d, from Age to A"ge he olefs•<l•: And all ·tile eople's glad Ap'plau"fe with loud Am\:11s exprefs'd. 'I
. H�rJ fol'.:cgol\ng Streams, s ·pants the heated 111 the Chace; PS AL 'M .)
A when So longs my Suul, 0 God, for-thee, J
and thy r.efp�01ip9,Grace.. 1l ' Goa, ) :i For thee, t1)Y1,., God, the living I 'l my thirf\v,::)OUI doth pfoe • 1 I .> O ! when i1ia11 I beholr\ tn., Face, thou M,ijdty divine? ars are m¥ t:onftant Food, while t'hus 3 Teinfulting Foes upbrcafol; , 1 " Deluded W�t-?h ! mhere's now thy-God?.' " and where hts P.romis'd Aid?" rre'er 'rn'flli\flirig''I'houglit's •· 4 I figh, wHe .., • , I thofo «l;np,{y flays '.�refent, I. - ' When I, with Troops of {1ibus Eri�nds ' thy Temple d'i'd freqtlent. • When I aovanc'd with Songs of P1;ai"fe; ' ro 1� mn Vows to pay:, ; a rny .. � r . And led th� JOY,(\1,l fa�t � Tl�ron�, 'feft�1l ]1e pay.. that l�ept Why r (lleG, why-ca1l: ifown, my:Smrl? 5 ,1 truft Got!; -who will_en1pl0y Hts Aid for thee, :ind change l'hefe Sighs, � r. () to thankful Hymns-of Joy. , M soul's c.ift.d�wn, �God! but thinka y on thee and S,on fl-ill; f ro m Jord11n's Bank, from Hermon's l'Ieiglits • : and Miffar's humbier Hill. �,-,r, 7 OneTr0ubtecall�mrof\iier.:o.n, and ! ga}h'r_i�g ci l dr �1-yritI.ead,i , � 1 :i. Fall fpout111g ,clown, till roU:ntl n'r·v S:ou! • c .: a roaring Sea is 41rcad.
$ But
8 But when thy Pt frnc�, Lord,of Li£:, ,_ has once d1fpell'd this S,rorm, To thee I'll mid-night Anthems fing, and all my Vows perform. , 9 God of my Sti:ength, how long fhall'J, like one forgott�n, mourn; . Forlorn,· forfaken, and e, ·pos'd 1 ':, 1 , to my Oppreffor's Scorn? · ' ' 10 My Heart is pjerc'd, flS with a S\JOf , J' while tbus my :F.0es 4pyraid: • r ,. 1 l " Vain Boafl:gr where•is•no\".,,tfiy (:;od? · · -f• " and where his promis'd Aid?'' , u Why reftlefs, why caft down, my Soul? hope ftill; an<l thou flrnlt fing The Praife of,J,im, who iR thy God, thy Healt-h . c-{er_n�I Sprin_g. . . . I ( ,/ P S 'A:. L M XLIII� · Judge of Heav''n, againft my :foes , I :;. do thou alfert my injur'd Right; O ! fet me free, my God, fr om_thofe, that in Dece1t and 'Wrong dc:l!ght •. � Since thou art ftill nw only Stay, why l'ea.J•ft. thou me in deep Diftrefs? , , 1 Why go I mourning all tlie D2y, I ' whilft me infulting Foes dpprefs? f •' ., I, • • 3 Let me w,th Light an<l Truth be hie!\:; be thefe my Guides, to lead the Way, 1' 11 1 Till on tbv holy Hill I ref\:, ·1 and in thy facred Ttmple pray. 4 Then will 1 there frefh Altars raife to God, who is my only Joy; , ' • . An<l well-tnn'd Harps, with SongR of Pra1fc, employ. fhall all my grateful 1-l�urs 5 Why then caft down, my Soul? ;:ind why;, 1 ' c fo much opprefs'd with anxious Car;t' ? 1 On God, th.y .Opd, for .Aid rely,' '' 1 ' , : •• who will thy rui1l'd State repais;, I, , . 1
• JUft
Lord, our Fathers oft Mve told, in our attentive Ears, Thy Wonders, in.their D:-1ys perform'd, • 1 and el<ler Times than theirs: , ! • • -� Flow thou, fo plant them b:ere, did!t drive·; the Heathen from this Land ;i J� .., 11 ' Difpeopl�d J
6 7 B
Difpeopled by repeated Strokes of thy avenging Hand. For not their Courage, nor their Sword, to them PotTc:ffion gave; Nor Strength, that from unequal Force their f.1int1ng Troops coultl fave: But thy Right-h,rntl, and pow'rful Arm, whofc Succou� they implor'd; Thy Prerence with the chofcn Race, who thy gre::at Name ador'd. As thee their Goel ou1· Fat hers own'd, thou art our fov'reign King; O ! therefore, as thou didlt to them, to us Del�v•rance bring. Through thy victorious Name, our Arms the proudelt Fo�s fhall q,;ell; Anti crufh them with r peated Strokes ' as oft as they rebel. I'll neither trult my Bow nor Sword ' when I in Fight engage; But t'het:, who hall: our Foci; fnbdu'd ' f and fham'd t�eir piteful Rage. To thee the Tnum�h we afcribe, from whom the Conquell: came• j Jn God we will re oice all Day ' ' his efs Name. bl ever and
9 But thou ball: calt us off; and now moft fhamefully we yield ; For thou no more vouchfaf•tt to leacl our Armies to the P'itld. Jo Since when to ev'ry upltart Foe we turn our Ba�ks in Fight; And with our Spoil their Malice t: afr, who bear us antient Spite. we fall, like Sheep, ,u To Slaug_hter doh��·c1, into their butc nng Hands; ) Or (what's more wretched yet furvive • difpers'd through Heathen Lanus. lz Thy People _thou_ halt fold for Slaves, and fet their Pnce fo low, That not thy Treafure by the Sale, but thei'r Dil'grace, may grow. 13, 14 Reproach'd by all the Nations round ' the .Heathens' By-word grown i Gg l;1/huft:.
Whofe Scorn of us is both in Speecl1, and mockinl?; Geft:ur s, 01own. I 5 Confufion fink es me blind ; my Face in confcious Shame l hide · x./, 'Whil · we are fcoff'<l. and Gou blafphem'd, by theil' lie utious Pride.
�7 On us thi I eap of Woes is fall'n; :ill this we have cndur'd ; Yet have not, Lorri, ·renounc?d thy Name, or Faith to thee abjur'<l; 18 But in thy righteous Paths have kept our Hearts and Steps with Care; 19 Though thou haft broken all our Strength, • and we :ilmoft dtfpajr, �o Coul<l \\'e, forgetting thy great Nll'me,' on other Gods rely, 2-r And not the Searcher of all He:irt the treach'rous Cri{ne de(cry? 22, Thou fee'ft what Suff'rings, for thy Sal-e, we ev'ry Day fuftain; All flaughter'd, or r ferv'cl like Sheep appointed to be flain. z3 Awake, a rife; let feeming Sleep no longer thee detain ; Nor let ns, Lord, ,.,,ho fue to thee, for ever fne in vain. 2:4 0 ! wherefore hideil: thou thy Face from our aillicl:ed State, 25 Whofe Souls and Bodies fink to Earth with Grief's oppre!Tive Weight? 26 A rife, 0 Lord, and timely 1-:Iafl:e to our Dcliv'1·ance make; Redeem us, Lord ;-if not for ours, • yet for thy Mercy's Sake.
P S A L l\'1
ii , X 7Hile I the King's loud Praife rehearfe, VV indited by my Heart, My Tongue is like the Pen of him, that writes with ready Art. :z.. How matchlefs is thy Form, 0 King! thy Month viith Grace o•erAows; Becaufe -frefh :8Ie!Tiogs God on thee eternally be!l:ows.
► -g
3 Girrl
3 Ginl on thy S:word, mofl: mighty Prince ..' and clad in rich An-ay, With glorious Ornaments of Pow'r, majefl:ic Pomp difplay. 4 Ride on in State, and fiill protect the Meek, the Jn!l:, and True; Whilft thy Right-hand, with [wjft Revenge, does all thy Foes purfue.
5 How !harp thy Weapons are to them,
that dare thy Pow'r ckfpife ! Down, down tbey fall, while through their Heart the feather'd Arrow fi:es. 6 Bnt thy firm Throne, 0 Gud, is fix'd, for ever to endure; Tby Sceptre's Sway !hall alwayg Jafl: , by righteous Laws fecurc.
7 Bccau!i thy H nrt, hy Juflice led, did upright ,vays ai>prove, And hated' frill th crou!1ec\ Paths, where wand'rin� Sinners rove; Therefore c\id Gud, thy God, on thee the O:l of Gl:1dnefs fh cl; And has, abnvt: thy F.-llows round, advanc'd thy lofty Head. 8 ,Vith Caffia, Aloes, and Myrrh, thy royaL Robes abound; Which from the !lately r,mlrobe brought ' fpre;d gralcful O.don�s r _und. 9 Among the hon�u(�ble r�·am did princely Virgins wait; The �cen was plac\l at thy Right-lrnnd, in golden. Robi:s of State.
10 Bnt t!tou, 0 royal l3ride, give Ear, au<l to myV?"01·ds :1ttend; Forget tb,y n_'.1t1ve C�u.ntry now, ancl ev'ry tormer I· ne.nd. II So fhall thy_Be�uty charm the King, ay; nor fhall hts,Love cit: For he is now become thy Lortl '• to him due Rev'rence pay.
u The Tyrian Matrons, \·ich and proud ' £hall humble Preft:nts make; And all the wealthy Nations fue thy Favour to partake. G g 7t
rs The
13 The King's fair Dauf(hter's fair r Soul all inward Graces fill· H r I aiment is of pureh: Gold, adorn'd with coftly Skill. 1"4 She_, in her nupti I Garments <lrefs'd, w1tb eedles richly wrought, Attended by h rVirgin Train, fl1all to 1 he 1Cing b brought. 15 � ith ;ill the State of folemn Joy the Triumph nwves along, lJ'ill, with wide Gat s, the royal Court receives the pompous Throng.· iI6 Thou, in thy royal Father's Room, muft princely Sons expect; V\T bom thou to diff'r nt Realms may'ft fend, to govern and protect; 17 vV hilfl: this my Song to future Times tranfmits lhy glorious �ame; Anrl makes the Vlorlcl, with one Confcnt, thy lafting Praifc pro !dim. PSALM
J GOd is our Rrfu�e in Difhers; A prefent H Ip when Dangers prefa; in him, undaunted, we·11 confide; z, 3 Though Earth w rt from her Centre tofl:, And IY.Iountains in the Ocean loft, torn Pi cc-meal by th<: rna1·illg Tide.
4 A gentler Stream with Gladnefa frill The City of our Lord 01all fill, the royal Seat of Goq mofl: high: 5 God d w<:11s in Sion, \\ hofe fair Tow'rs Shall mock th' Affaults of earthly Pow'ra, while bis almighty Aid is' nigh. 6 Jo Tnmults when the Heathen rag'd, And Kingdoms War :ic:ainft 11s wag'd, he thunder'd, and clifpers'd their Pow'rs; 7 Tlie LorcJ of Hofl:s conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, our Fathers' Guardian-God, and ours. 8 Come, fee the Wonders he hath wrought, On Earth what Defolation b!ought; bow he llas calm'd the jan·ing World; 9 He hroke the warlike Spear and Bow; With them their thund'ring Chariots too into devouring flames were hurl'd. • JO Submit
Io Submit to God's almighty Sway; For him the Heathen fhall obey, and Earth her fov'reign Lord confefs; l!I The God of Holl:s conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refu�e in Alarms, as to our Fathers in Dill refs.
P S AL M XLVII. All ye People, clap your Hands, and \vitb triumphant Voices fing '• No Force the mighty Pow'r witbfl:a11ds of God, the unive.rfal King. 3 ' 4 He {hall oppofing Nations quell, and with Succefs our Battles fight; Shall fix the Place were we mull: dwell, the Pride of Jacob, his Delight. 5, 6 God is gqne up, our Lor<l and King, with Shouts of Joy, anrl Trumpets' Sound ' To him repeated Praifes fing, and Jet the cbearful Song rebound. 7, 8 Your utmofl: Skill in Praife be fhown for him, wllo all the World commanci's ' Who fits upon his righteous Throne and fpreads his Sway o'er heathrn Lands. Chiefs and Tribes, that far from hence 9 Our to ferve the God of Ahr'am came Found him their conftant fore Dc::fen'ce: How great antl glorious is his Name!
1, z
PSALM XLVlII. ·r � 3, 4
He Lord, the only God, is great, T and greatly to be prais'd; Jn Sion, on whofe happy Momit his facred Throne is rais'd. Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth ' with beauteous Profpeel: rife• On her �-ort.!1 Si�e th' Almight'y King's imperial City hes. n; God in her Pal'.1cehs is0knnw d his Prefence_ 1s er_ uar ; Confed'rate Krngs withdrew their Siege ' and of Succefs defpair'd. and fleu ' They view'd her \Vall,, aumir'd with Grief and Terror 11:r nck; Like Women, whom the fudden Pan.gs of Travail had o'ertook. G g 3
7 No
To wretched Crew of 1:Jrin rs app :ir Ii ·e them fvrlorn, When Fie t from Tarfhin.1' wealthy Coa!ts. by Eafiern \,Vinds :ire t rn. 8 In , ir n we ha\· Ii en perform'd a 'iV r • that was foretC'ld, In Pl dgc that God. for Times to come, his City will uphold. 9 -ot in our Forir f1i s :ind 'iVa\ls did we, 0 Goel confide; But on the Temple lix'd c•nr Hopes, in , •hich thou doll relide. 10 According to thy fov'reign Name, thy Praife through Earth ext nd ; Thy pow'rful Arm, as Juftice guid s, chafli!i s or d f nds. 1 l Let Sion'd Mount with Joy sefound; he't· D,rngbters all be taught In Songs his Judgments to e··t 1, who this Dc::liv'rance ·wrou ht. J:::. Comp;ifs her W:.11s in folt:'.mn Pomp; your Eyes qt ite round her call:; Count .:ii! her Tow'rs, and fr<:: if there you find one Stone difplac'd. 13 Ber Forts ,111d Palaces furn:y; Obfen-e their Ore er w 11 ; That, with Affnrancc, to yonr Heirs his vVond rs you may tell. q This Go<l is ours, and will be ours, whi 11: we in him confide; Who, as he h;is prt'ferv'd us now, till Deatb will be our Guide.
PSALM XLIX, lifl'ning vV orlcl attend, the all Et :i, '_.I and my Infiruclion hc:·1r; Let High and Low, aod Rich and Poor,. wilb ioint Confj nt give Ear . . My 1Vlo11th, with facred Wiftlom fill.'d, fh,!ll 300d Advice impart; Tht: found Refull of prudent Thoughts.,, digefted in my Heart. To Pa1·:,b t:S bf w i$llly Srnfr I will my F.ar inchnt:; Vv!lilft to my tuneful Harp I ftng dad.: 'iVurc!s o · deep Ddign.
Why (houhl my Cunragc fail in Times of Dangt:r and of Doubt, When Siuners, that would me fupplant, h:we compafs\l me about? 6 Thofe Men, that :i l tht:ir Hope an<l Truft in Heaps of Tr af11re place, And boa� in Triumph, when they (i e their ill-got \V alth increilfe, 7 Are yet unable from the Grave their de are� Frit:n to free; Nor can, b�, Force c,f Brill s,' reverfe th' almighty Lord's Decree. 8 ' 9 Their n n Endeavours they mufr quit•? the Price is held too high : No Sums Cc\11 purchafe fuch a Grant, that Man 0,01ild never dii:. 10 Not Wifdom c:�n the \Vife exempt, nor Fools th err Folly fave • But hoth mutr perifh; -and, in Death, tht:ir Wealth to oth rs leave. II For thou ,h they think their !lately Seats (hall ne'er to Ruin fall; But their Reme_mbrnncc lafl: in Lands, which hy ll!e11· N m s they call; iz Yet {hall I heir 17;,me b? foon forgot ' how great foe•c� tht:ir State• With Beans their Memory, at;d they, ihall fb:ire one common F, te,
13 How great their Folly i5, who t bus abft 1rd Conclufions make ! And yet their Cilildr�n, unr claim'd ,. repeat the grofs Mrftah. 14 They all, like SI cp to Slaughter I d, the Prey of Dc;it h arc m:ide . Their Beauty, while the Juft: r 'joicc,. within the Grave fha I fade. Soul; 15 But Go<l will yet redeem my and from the greecJy Grave r His greater Pow'r ih:i)I fet me f ee, e1v • and to himfelf rec when worldly Men thou,, not fear Then 5 1 in envy'd \Ve_a!th ayoun<l; Nor though their prolp'rous Ho11fc increaft:, with State and Honunr crown'd.
17 For when they're fummon'd hence by Death, they leave all thi behind• No Shadow of their former Pomp within the Gra\'e they find: 18 And yet they thought their tate was bkfl:, caught in the Flatt'i· r's Snare Who with_ �eir �.rnity c :r.ply' ', and prat& d th ·1r wor dly Care. 19 In their For �athers' Steps th y tread; and when, ltke them, they die, Their wrftch ti Ancefl:ors and they in ·ncllefs Darlrnds lie. zo For Man, bow great foe' r his State, uni fs he's truly wife, As like a fenfual Beafl: he lives, fo Ii ·e a Dealt he dies. PSALM
r, z THe Lord hat� fpoke, the mighty God Hath fc::nt n1s Summons ;ill ahroad, fr om da\ ·ning Light, till D�y declines; The lirl'ning Earth his Voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, ·where Beauty in Perf cl:ion !hines. 3, 4 Our God /hall come, and keep no more Mifcon{hu'd Silenc , a hdore ; but warling Flames be::fore him frnd; Around n1all Temp fls fit.rcely rage, Whilft he does Heav·n and Earth engage his ju!l Tribunal to attend. 6 Affemble all my Saints to me, (Thus rnns the great divine Decree) that in my la!ling Cov'nant live; And Off'rings bring with conn-ant Care, The Heav'ns his Juflice f11all declare ; for Goel himft:lf fhall Sentence give. 7, 8 Attend, my Pe0ple: lfr ael, hear; Thy !hong Accufer I'll appear; thy God, thy only God, am I; 'Tis not of Off'rings I complain, Vlhich, daily in my Temple !lain, my facrerl Altar did fupply. 9 Will this alone Atonement make? No Bullock from thy Stall I'll take, nor He-Goat from thy Fold accept;
10 The
to Tbe Foreft Bcafis, that range alone, The Cattle too arc all my own, that on a tboufand Hills are k pt. II I know the Powis, that build their Nefts In cr:iggy R0cks ; and favage BeaO:s, th::it loofcly haunt the open Fields ; 11, If feiz'd with Hunger I could be I need not frdc Relief from thee'· fince the \\ orltl's mine, ;i d ail it yields. 13 Think'ft than that I ha\·• any Ne d On naughter'ci Ru ls ;rnd Gnats to feed, to eat th ir Flefh, :rnd drink their Blood? 14 The Sacrifict'S J require, Are Hearts which LO\'e and Zeal infpire, and Vows with ftricl: ·ft C..ire made good. 15 In Time of Trouhle call1 on me, And I will frt thee fafr ; 11rl f r ee· and thc.u dmn of Praif.: fh;lt mal:e.._ 16 Bnt to the \iVicked thus faith Cod: Huw dH'ft thou teac;h my Laws abroad 0r in thy l\ll<'>uth my Cov'nant take?' 17 For (1:ubborn thou, confirm'd in Sin Inrtn,cl-ion been ' Bafr Proof a�ainft 7 and of my \ ord <lid ft lightly fp;ak.' fee 1g When thou a fubtle Thief didfl: Thou gladly with him ciidfi: agree,' and with Adult'rers did(t partake:
19 Vile Slander is thy c icf Delight; Thv Tongue, by EnY)' mov'. d , and Spite ' deceitful Tales <loes hourly fpread · :1,o Thou dofr with bat fol Sc:andafs woilnd Thy Bro ther, .:ind with Lies confound tbe Offspring of thy M�ther's Beu. zr Tbefe Things didfl thou, whom fiill I firove To gain with Silepce, and with Lovt: ' till thou did rt wick dly furmif� That I was fuch a'one ;is tJwu : ' But I'll reprove_ and fli:ime �hec now, and {et thy Sins before thine Eyes. ls Jell: I :7,1, Mark this, ye wicked Foo , Let a11 my Bolts of Vengeance fly, whilft none fhall dare your Caufe to own.• 23 Who praifes me, due Honour gives•' And to the Man that jufl:ly lives my £1:r ong Sakation {hall be fhown. PSALM
PS AL M r.J. :x )'"_Jf Ave Mercy, L.onl, on me, as thou w rt ever l:ind; Let me, opprd�'cl with Loads of Gnilt, thy wont cl Mercy find. z, 3 Vlafh off my foul Olfrnce, and cleanfi mt: from my in; For I confds my Crime, and fee how gr a· my Quilt h ;; b .:n. 4 Againrt thee, Lo1·d, alone, and only in thy ight, Ha\"e I tranfg-r<:f:;'d: and, though condcmn\l, 1 ufl: owu \hr Judi;ments right. 5 In Guilt each Part was fonn'd f all this Huful Fr;ime ; In Guilt I \\",1s conceiv'd, ;intl born the H ir of Sin mid SI me. 6 Yet thou, .-lwfe frarchin Eye �. do s ill ·anl' ruth rc.:q11irc.:, In fc.:crct didll: witb Wifdom's Lawa my tenl d SrJUI infpir'. , , 7 \'{ith Hyffop pnrge me, Lord, a11,l fo I ch:a11 lhall he; I {h;ill with Snow in \Vhiteaefs vie, when purify' I by thee.
1: .1.
8 IVIal:e me to .h ar with Joy thy kinrl forgiving Voic ; Th;it fo the Bones whir.h thou hart broke, m;iy \·1ith fr ·lh StrenP.th rejui(;e. 9, 10 Biut out my crying Sins, nor me i_11 Anger view; Create in me ;i lle:irt that's clean, an upright Mind renew. PAP T, If. .11 Withdraw not thou lhy Help, nor cafl: me fr om thy Sight; Nor let thy 111 ly Spirit take its everl;ifting Plight_. JZ The Joy thy Favottr gives, l t me ag:iin obtain; And thy fr e Spirit's firm Support my fainting Soul fufl:ain, 13 So I thy righteous W;:iys to Sinu rG wi!I impart;
. r
PSALM LII. \Vhilll: mr Advice {hall wicked n to thy ju11 Law conv.: r t. 14 My Guilt of Blood remov , my S.1vioU1·, ancl my God; And my gl,1c.l Tong1a: 01all loudly tell thy righteou Acts abroad. 15 Do thou unlocl: my Lips, with Sorrow clo ·'d and Sh:ime • So fhall my M,1uth thy wond'ruus Praife to :ill the '\\ urld proclaim. 16 Coulcl S;1crifice atn11e, whole flocks and H, rcis fhould die· But 011 lirch Off'rin::! · thou difu, in'lc ' to ca11 a gracious Eye. r7 A broken Spirit i, by God moll: highly priz'd.; By him . broken contrite H1t:irt lliall never be defpis'd. sll Let Sion F v ur find, 0f thy Good-will affur'd • .,An-d thy own-City flouri01 l�ng, by lofty ,�alls fecur'd. e Jufl fhall then attenci, Th n9 and pleafing Tribute pay; ,t1nd S;1crifice of choice[t -Kind. upon thy Altar l;1y.
,: IN
vain, 0 Man of lawlefo Might, thou hoafl:'ft thyfrlf in Ill; Since God, ,the God i11 whom I truCI:, vouchfafes his Favour ftill. i Thy wicked 'f.on�ue <loft 0and'rous Tale3 maliciou0y dev1fe; And, lliarper than a Razor fet, it wounds with ti-each'rou Lies. Thy Thoughts are more on Ill than Good • 3, 4 on Lie s than Truth, employ'cl · ongu e delig hts in Wor ds,' T by which Thy the Guiltlefs are deftroy'<l. es Ho thy blafl: ever S God 0iall for p , and foatch the� foon away; Nor in thy Dwelltng-pla.ce permit, n'O'r in the Vvorld, to fray. 6 The Jufl:, with pious Fear, .!hall fee the Do�vnfall of thy Pride;
Anti ;it th fu ,kn Ruin lr111gh, and thu3 thy F-111 deride: 7 " ec there the M,111 that h;rnghty was, " , h pro11dlr God def)"cl, " Wlio trulled in his Wt:-:ilth, and fiill ' on wick d Art rdy'd.'' 8 Dut I am 1i, thofe liv . PJ:tnt�, that !hade od's Tempi • rou11d; And hope with his indulgent Gra<.:e t,) be: for ever er wr,'d. 9 So (hall my Snul with Praife, O God, ext I thy wo11d'ro11s Love; And on thy N,11nc with Patience wait; for this thy Sai11ts appr ve. PSALM L[If. :r THe wicked Foolli mufl: fore fuppofe, th,tt God is b11t a ame; This grofs Mirt:ike th ir Practice 01ows, fi11ce Virtue all lifclaim. z The Lord lc,ok'd down from Heav'n's high Tow'r, the Sons of M�n to view; To f..:e if any own'd his Pow'r, or Truth or Juftice knew. 3 Bnt ;ill, he faw, were backwards gone, degcn'ratc grown and bafe; None for R ligion c;ir'd, not one of ;ill the linful R:ice. 4 But arc thofe Workers of Deceit fo dnll and fenfelefs grown, That they like Bread my People eat, and God'$ juft Pow'1• difown? . · S Their caufelefs Fe;irs 01all fl:raogely grow; and they, defpis'd of God, Sh;il I foon be foil 'd; his Hand {hall throw their fhatter'd Dones abroad. 6 vVould he his faving Pow'r employ to bre<ik our fervile B,111cl, Lone\ Shouts of univerfal Joy Ihoulcl echo through th.: Land. PSALM LIV. I, 2 LOrd, fave me, for thy glorious Name; and in thy Strength appear, Tojnclg my Caule; accept my Pray'r, and to my Words give Ear. 3 Mer 1
·.g Merc·Straagers,· whom I never wrong�cl, to ruin me delign'<l•; And cruel Men, that fon no God, againft my Soul combin'd. •·4, 5 But God,take� Patt with_ all my Fr-iends,; and he's the fureft Gnard; The God_ (i)f .'Jlrnth fl1:;1ll give my Foes their 'Faliliood's rlue0 Reward; (i While I my. gra!eJul, Off:rings bring, and facri ce with Jpy; And in his Praife my Time to come delightfully employ. 7 From dreadful Danger and· Difirefs the Lorcl hath fet me free; Through hi� ili,ill 1 of. all my.Foes the jufi:'l)elt' uaion foe. •
P s·'A L M LV. . I
1L ; Ture:£ ar.; thou· Judge· of all·tlre Earth, G an.d liften when I pray; Nor from thy.bumble Suppliant tum thy glorious Face atvay. "":l Attend to this .�Y. .fad S::omplaint, and h'ear my gn�vP.us M�al/s; While I my �o�rnf4l ,Cafe declare, witb-artlcfs Signs and Groans.' how ene F.oe infu\ts aloud 1 ark H 3 how fiercef Oppreffors rage ! 1 • • •. 1 , Whok A;anc rous·Tongue-s, with-wratbfu\·Hate,, ngate· yame· . my againll: � ., 4 5 My Heart 1s rack d with Pam• my Soul ' with deadly �rights_-drfirefs'.d; With Fear !!"4 -i;'r_e �!ing con\i>af f d· rou9t), · with Hortor ·quit�. G,Pprefs'd, · ' 6 How ofte ·wJfh;H then, that;I the pove•s fwift Wing� could get. That 1 migh� !ake my fpeedy -Flight'1 and feek a fafe.Ret�eat. . <!,11•would I wander far from hence 7 8 Th , . ,• � ' and in ·wilcl �efarts llray Till all this f�n?us �torm were fpenf, d awa y. : , r1 this Ternpe!l:-pafs . ,I ., .. ;'P•A·R 'P /, - 9 Defl:r?-Y, '9 Lor.�l •. h�ir, i�l Deligtjs, r ), their Countel-s oon d1V1de • j
:n.-h' ' ..
• J
PSALM ' , .,._L�.' For through the ity my griev'd,'.Eyc:s· have Strife and Rapind'py''d. 10 By Day and f\Jight on ev'ry Wall they walk their cen!\:ant RoUhcl • And in the Mitlfl: of all her Stren-gth, are Grief and Mifcbitf•fonn<l: q • _ f 1r. II ho 'er th,,ough \·'ry Part !Will r arh, will frdh Diforder m ; • • Deceit and Guile thdr conh:ant Pofts, •. J '•: maintain in ev'ry Str��t. 1 12. For 'twas 1fot a119' open Foe, I that falfe Reflettions made; For then I could ,vit'h Eafe have'bbi"ne the bitter Thini;s be faid i; 1 'Twas none wb'o ffatr ·c1 d .p/dfc::fs� 1 " • • i • ., ,,wt:, 1 l that did again fl: me:: tif<:: ; For then I had witbdra\Y n myJelf from his maliciou Eyes. · ·� 13, 14 But '(was·e• n hou,' my 6ui<lo;'i'hy ·rr�d, whom tef')d'reft Love di<l join; r 1 • r. Whofe fwcet A.:d,1 ice,J valu'tl: mo!\:, · • 1 whofe Pray'rs were mix'd with mine. r., •, 15 Sure Vengeance, �qua! t� �heir Crltn ,, fl. & , · • 1 �1 , fucb Traitors muft'fnrP,r �,11 ,i Anti fudtle11 Deat_!trei:iui�e l:baTe;llls ',,. 1 :,l) d l .·"' J •· 1.11u they wickedly devife� 16, 17 But I will.c. 11 on 0od, ;wh Cbm rt•" -l 11 H ) � , •. 11 /hall in my Aid apptrnr·; n -At Nlorn, at No.on, and N�ght, I'll p11af ;, " and he my Voice fhaJl,hear ... 1 • : .. , .1, ,,
i _.
f ,-.
P 0 h R TJ •Itlr" "{II .. J 1ft, If ' 1• ', , , _.:, ., I '.i· • 1 I l "I •,':J if j 18 God ha_s rel�as . my:_�oul f�?r:i;t th,9fe0 ,1 r'Ji · 1 that t.l1d with ,me c;:out<!n,d; , . And made a nu�'rb Hert-of F1'ie'lidt1 Ho '"u,U my·righte us �a1trR:'d frncl: i· I ,•.:,·nG .rlr 19 For he, wh'o wa-s i'y"'Help of 'olcl, '•11 1 I ii I t· ihall now his Suppliant l\ear; l r. - · I,., And puni/h'thei'h,' wl:iof!;'. p1 fy'�ous, ofate �• ' ' y, makes them no God·to ft,:ar. :>,• •1.ru 1 � 1 1,, ; "1.' r • ., ... . �o Whom can J ruft, .i ,-fa�tJ1lefs��� tr•, · j ! prc::lidiouOy devife · To ruin me, theii:1Jea_feful __ •nend, _ ,.... and break the frroogeft.� es? :u Though foft-a\i"d'trt'e;lt/J?g';fe.tf U'" Worcjs;,�· er their Ht:arts witn ·Wh .atS b , "11/ ), If JI l Their
PSALM LVI. Their Speeches are ll'(ore fmooth ban, Oil, and yet like Swprds �hey v.iound. 1,, u.. Do thoi1, -m.y Soul, on God deperrd,•· and he !l1all tht:e fufl:aia; He aids the Ju{l, whom to fupplant the Wick d !l:rive in vain. 2.3 My Foes, tl1at tr;ide in Lies and Blood, Omli ;oill untimely die; \V hil!l: I, for Healtli and Length of Days,, on thee my Go{l r Jy; f l' PSALM" LVL. I . . x thou, 0 God, in Mercy Iidp;· for Man my Life purfues; To crulh me with repeated VVrongs, he daily Striff renews._ ::. Continually my fpiteful Foes to ruin me combine; Thou frefl, whb li.tt'll enthron'd on higb, what mighty Numbers join. • · 3 But though fume.times furprls'd by Fear� ( on Dangt:r's fir ft Alarm} Yet fiill for Succour I depend on thy ;ilmigbty Arm .. God'$ fa!t hful Pr.omife I Jball praife, 4 on �, ruch I fnow rely; In God 1 trur , a·nd, truJli.ng him, .' "; the A1:rn of Flefh .ds_fy. - i· ', • 5 They wreft my \11/ords, and make them fpeak a Senfe they never meant; Their .Thoughts are all, with reftlefs Spite, on my Defiru0ion hent. 6 In cl 1 1fe A!femhltes they combine, and wicked Projects lay; They watch my Steps, and lie in wait to make my Soul their P�i:y. · I eica-pe? 7 Shall Cuch Inju!tice !till o righteous God, arife; , , , . . ' • 1 Let thy ju� Wrath (too l?ng provok'd) this impious Race cha!l:1fe. 8 Thou numb'reft all my Steps, fince firft I was compell'd to flee; My very Tears are treafur'cl up, and regi!l:t':r'd by thee. 1 • 9 When theref'or·e I invoke thy Aid, UIY Foes !hall be o'erthrow9 • . · H h z
. -
For I :mi well alfur'd that God my righteou Caufe will-own: 10, II I'll tru.fl: God's Ord, and fo dofpifc; I, rr the Force that Man can raif◄; :r:z To th e, 0 God, my Vows are due; to thet: I'll render Praife. :r 3. Thou halt retri v'd my Soul fr om Death; and thou wilt fiill fee, re The Life thC\-U haft fo oft prefrrv'd, • r:> and make my Footfteps fure,: l.<J That �lrns protected by thy Pow'r, I may this Light enj ; And in the.Service of my God my lengtben'd Days employ.
l • p A L M L VII. r. '· . extend; me to �Ji. ::J t , Lor '. Mercy, 11 THY ? ,. ' 1 • 1 • · On thy. Protection I depeod; .And to -thy Wing for Shelter hall:.e, 'I Till this outrageous Storm is pact. 2. To thy Tribunal, Lord,.1 fly,' Thou fov'reign Judge, and God moft high, Who vVonders haft foe me begun, And wilt not leave tby Work undone, 3 From Heav•n prate& me by thine Arm, 1 And 1l1ame all thofe who feek .my Harm; . • ' 1 1 t To my Relief thy Mercy lrnd, And Truth, on which m1 Hopes depend. ' -4 For I with favage Meh coover[e, . · Like hungry Lions wild and fierce: With Meri wbofe Teeth are Spears, their Worda. lnvenom'd Darts an<l h¥o-edg'd Swords. Be thou, 0 God, exalted high; And, as thy __ Glory fiJl� the Sky_,_ So let it be on,Earth d1fplay'd, Tjll thou art beret,- ;;is ther� obey'd.( il 6-To take me they tbeiJ' Net•prepar'd,. And had almnfl: my SouJ enfoa.t'd·; But fell themfelvel; ,, by jn!t Decree, · Into the Pit they ma�it: for-me. 1 0 God 1 my Heart is fix'.d,. 'tis bent, , Its thankful Tri but<:. to prefent; "And, with my Heart, my V.oice J'lL raife, ,, , 1 '.· 'ro thee, my God, in �ongs of· Pr�i(e. ·. ,1, I. 8 A wake, my Glory-; Harp and Lµte, :No longer let your. St ringJ b<: mhte;. · " .l\n
And I, my tuneful Part to take, Will with the early Dawn awake. 9 Thy Praifes, Lord, I will refound To all the lifi'ning Nations rQurid; 10 Thy Mercy highelt Heav'n tranfcends • Thy Truth beyond the Clouds·extend; •. 1 11 Be thou, 0 G11d, exalted high ; And, as thy Glory fills the Sky,. So let it be on Earth difplay'd, Till thou art here, as there obey'd. 1
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3 6
P SAL M LVIII. Peak, 0 ye Judges of the. Earth, s if juft yom: Sente:ince be; Or mull not Innocence appeal to Heav'n from your Droree? Your wickerl Hfarts anct' Judgments are .' alike by Malice fway d; Your griping Hands, by weighty Bribes, to Violence betray'd. To Virtue Strangers, from the Womb their infant Steps w,en t wrong• They prattled Slander, and in r;ies employ'd their lifping Tongue. No Serpent of _gar�ll'd Afric's Breed does ranker Poifon bear; The drow(y")\$\der will as foon unlock his fullen Ear, , l Unmov'd by good Advice, and deaf a5 Adders they remain; From whom tlie fkilful Charmer's Voice . · , can no Attention gain. Defeat, 0 God, tbdr threat,'ning Rage ' and timely bre;ik their J;>ow'r •, 1; Difarm thde grqwling Lion:;' J<1�vs ' e'er practis'd to devour.
their lnfolence, t Ifeight ' 7 Let nowbbing Tides he fpeant; like e D�tt� deceive tpeir Aim, Their fliiver'<l when th<:Y thetr Bow have.bent. 2 Like Sp'.ails.,1 le.t thell)' diffolve to Slime. •• ' like hall:y Births, hecom'e Unworthy ti> behold the:Slln, .·, . 01 and dead witbin ,t lje \Yomb. : <:r Thorns J;an n}ake .the Fle'01-pqts bo11 E ' 9 , ,¥ratb '{hall come · tempef!uous
H h a
. Es
From God, and Cnatcb tb m Lt!nM ative ,r ., U to th ir eternal ·Doom. ., 10 The R1ghteousjba Ir j9'ce t9 fie · ., J , their Crim�s w\t V , gc:�ncc, qi • ;., , 1 f,; ,T And Sai�ts•in �ed\; u r '1 IQq(,I_. f , , II •• 1' er !hall d.ip tJlcir h.ar1 I fs Fe t.,, ; • • • < T JI Tr;mfgr !for then, ith•Grief•fhall tt:e' 1• juft I n Rc::w,irtl o •ain; . And O\l'n a God, •bofi J11fti wm the guilty Earth ai> rJign • .P . A L 'I .LIX." Eli,·er m , OLord my G' , J. (I , I ,. D from all my fpit 1hfotdl;I' f11 ·1, ' lo my Defonce oppofc J:,h;; o ·v ' h 1 111 1 1) • to thcirQ, who 'm ·o oftl il n'•· ! , j • z Prcferve m from wi • 4· d•Racc, who m,1ke a Tra.de Qf 111; · · .' • Prote rnc from rcmorf. le.di :Men, ,-..,110 fl!ek my Blood to fpi I.· 3 They lie in wait, and migh�y P w'rn, againft my Li� c9mbiffi , r ·, � J,1 J11 Implacable; yet, Lo,l<l •-tllouilrnd-w filJ , "(11. -· for no Offi nc 'ofi ni nc.11' :•:• ,· I J ', ll,JIII 4 Iu Halle they,run�:ib' u , n a::watch 11.•p.?.o 1 my gu iltlefs Life to fakJ •I 1i 'J. •, i;' r, P.,ti!.l Looi rlown, O-Loru; on' l�Y Dillr · ' f:, " l ,,, ..: •, ' and to my Help awake,•• .. ) t 5·Thou, Lordof'lfoft�, midifrael l !fGpd, their heAthen Rage fup()r�fy ;,.. Relentlcfs Vt..ngt:all ' ake on thofe, . f' ••• who fiubbornly tranfgr<ifs. , , · ,1A o ' ,1 6 At Ev'ning, to b re· my-Hour.,, n like growling Do s th� m et;i<l J l 9 While others througJ1, lh City•Jilnge, ,t '· and ranfack ev'ry St1:cet. 1. , r > ·1, r • 1 • r • 7 Their·Tliroats invenom'd·Slander breathe; · . their Tongues are n1.arpen 'd Sw.ords; " Who he-arsl (tf,1 they)•or, hearing, dared I " r,prove our, la,wl fsl Worcls ?,( , ..... , r }fi 1 1 8 But fr om J:h�•1ttJ1r ne tili�udbalt; D Lord, :- Ii.I · ,.fl Y r · ::i :ii their balled Plots d(!rid : (1 1 11v111 Afld foon to Scorn antlsnM'ne exp'of�• · ' r,:>L l,11 their boafied beathen'.Fride', ., ·:· 9 01� thee''! wait;· t'is oq thy•,$tfength l O r, •� forSuccourl.dep�nd;. ', .1
, ,
, �
'Tis thou, 0 Gou; art' my Defence,J · · ,' who only-cau cL fend. JO Thy Mercy, Lo�.d, wbicq,bas fo¢t· f r om Ij),N\ger (et _m� fr�e1.,1i' .. Shall crown,ni� W1fhes, c 11n.4, y �ue , m h;!.UJJl l)f: ·� 5 to, Q'lC,. 'J,,, T •• If ,U u rlT II Deftroy thom•nQt, 1 O,t�rd, a dn'ce,•. {tlJ 1 •• 1 i r ll:rain t.h.ya�vengl'fuL,Bfow • h ➔ -� � ·f ,[;· r,,I Lelt we, ungrate: illly, ;too f! on · 'I, 0 orl riT 3 , ,, . ,'CJ forget their Qw:rthr:otv. Difpcrfe them t_hro.11gh ti e Na_t_ioqs To,µns!, , , by thy aveng ng Po,v'r; � , G D thou bri�g d9 ,:n theii; q u.ght� I?(. 1.. ,., J -• o Lord, "Al" �h1_ d, a1\d -;I; \y i i;. �,wt,. , 1 '" ,., 111 t' ow, j!1 U1 H i( t tlf:<.11 <fo ir•ili l!S 11, thd.iplt\.fJl{_Jg,m e•chllfl1re I cl lfl •J {" •.T g Whofc T 11 11ts lr,,ve lh'ln.'d,withbut eft�inq;[ and Curfr join'cl \\'it h L'i<ia. i f · j 1, ,111( ! ,,!. I. Nor 01c1lt thou, whilrt·their Race endurt:9'-i � thine_ Anger,, Lor <l, fltppfef.s; 1 1 ,,,,.:' That d1fl:11nt Lands, by tpe r Jurl: D!}om · '· , > l'�·God confefs. J(rae y ma 1: ,I .m ftill -rel·fift 114 At Ev'ffirig _lei the like gr, 1111g [?og to m.tiet i I, •,, Still vnnaeriall the Oity r�und, ·, . and trav r:fe cv'1,y Stv&t.• I l:'5 Then, ,Jii f.u;·M·1h� . o,o.w t,he d�, .. , 111 for Hung�r I thtiv, f\ray; And ye)l t.llcir vai�1 Complaints aloud, defeated-�Lthe1r, Prey.1 • i6 "\¥bilfl: earl.-y,11 thy Mer y !H1.g, thy wond'rm1.s Pow' O'.onfufs ;,1 r r, For tbOU 'h ft"lb�eo tny llll' ID fence; . l ( .. .,, IDifrr fs. > . m. �..>. ,· :., ,., mv R0fu(g with never-coafing Praife, "1"7 To'tbec O God, my.Sfreugfh.J'IJ ling-: Thou art 11;1-Y G I. the Rock fror� when.ca · my Healt?-ilOd $afety fpring.
·p·s AL M.•Lx� ..... : God· �hB• aif-bur'HJ:i-oop 1cii!per 'd ,,, 1 Forfaki11g-1liofe w.·o'li:ft thee fii'fti; ', t� l p As we thy jn'lt Dif tei}fure.11) urn,< I . � ,If • C Ta UR, in Mercy-, Lb d·, return': ,tr' Jct/ I ., � Our Strength, that> :!'irfll ;is F,11r�h\diA,,lhni:l;r ls rent by thy avengin� kl.an.cl;: J. ·, '; _:,f; • O ! heal
0 ! heal the Breac]les thou haft.made; We !hake, we fall, w1thi;,ut !hy Aid!,
3 Our Folly's fad Effects we feel;: For, drunk with Difcord's Cup' we reel.
4 But now, for,the-M ,vl·,o th err ver"'d,·'• ·
Thou haft thy Truth't1·bright Banr'i.er"re'a1•'d. Let thy Ri.gh_t-haod thy Saints protea, , Lord, bear the Pray'rs that we cl.irefr.: 6 The holy God has fpq_ke, and [,, ', ,, r O'e1joy'd, on his firm Word relf. J To theein Portions I'll divid Fair S'cbem's S )ii, Samaria's Pride; To Sichem, Succoth next l'lljoin, · · 1 And meafure out her V.1lc: by Line. 1 ManaffeJ1, ,Gikatl, 'hoth fubfcrib.: To rny Comm;inds, with EpJ1raim's Tribe;_ . 1 ., Ephra1!Tl .ti y �rms,fupports my Cauft:,. And Judah by religious Lawa.· i Moab my Slave and Drudge !hall be, Nor Edom from m_y Y: vke get fr ee; Proud Paleftine's·imperious State SJ1all humbly on our Triumph wait. 9 But who !hall qut:11 thefe mighty, P6w'rs-, And dear my Way_tu Edom·s Tu:w'rs? Or through her guarded fronticrR tread The Path that doth tu Conqueft lead 10 Ev'n thou, 0 God',' wb'o' hali difpeis'd Our Troops (for �ve forfook thee firfl: ;). · Thofe wh,HT' thou didlt in.Wrath forfake� J Aton'd, thou wilt victorious make. :u DothouourfaintingCaufefuO:aini· 'T For human Succours are'but vain.,·•·, , • 1:2. Frdh Strength .and Cou1·age God befl:ows; 'Tis he treads- . down our proudell: Fo.:s. ... ' J, ... · ... ! 1 .;· 1 , PS A .L M�· LXi.,• · ,!, 'i 1 LOrd; ·h'e'ar my Cry, regard my Pray'r• · which I, opprefs'ct. with Grief, • · • ::i, Frum Earth's remoteft Parts addrefs to thee for kindR lier. •• ;: <1 0 ! �od-ge 1me,i\1f�.1. eyoi;ig tl:e R�.1�J} of pe'L:fe<;µtil}g ·.t'<iJJV'i:; .• ·L •. : • 3 Thou, who fo ottfr o� fpitetu-1 Fo�h , 1 :, 1 � halt been my fhdfnngi;fow)·• .; ., /. · 1 , • 1 T 4 So fhallll in tn,y-rfacred C�urts. .·'t ,,'7; II ·1:=·. I 11 fr':ure from Danger lie� �· ' , .• i,
Beneath the Co�·ei-t t.•f thy Wings, · ' ·• '.l. "'O ! I r all future Storms <ldi- ' 5 In Sign my Vows art· heard, once more J o·er tliy Chof. n reig:n; 6 0 ! blc:fs ,( ) ith long and profp'1·ous Life the King t_lwu didfr ordain.
7-7' [
7 Confirm his Throne. and make bis Reign . • • acctptc<l i,11 thy'Sight; An<l kt thy Truth 1111,J Mercy· both , · al in hi� Defence unite. g- So fb11ll I ever fing thy Praife, thy N;ime (or e,vtr blefs; Devote m)" .profp. r< 1 11s D,\yS to pay the ows-of my' DiO: tis. t
. 41 .,
.. ,
·.PSALM ,LX.II. 1, 1. S011! �r Help on G'od relies; IJ' f f r om him alone•my'Safet-y flows·:'· My Rock, )ny Ht!alt-h, that;Str ngth f\1pplies to bem· tJ1 Soock'Qf:alb.my Foes-_ -.- , 1 • .3 How long wiH· ye contrive my Fall, which- will but h;ifie,, on your own? You"ll totter like a bending Wall, or Fence·of uncemented Stone. ,. To make my envy"d Honnurs li:fs i ; .-, �; 1 • � •• they tlrive with;L!es1 th�ir eq_igf Pal{�bt; i" For L hey, tpough. w1lh.,the1r Mou hs ihey1):>lefs.,. in private curfe with irHva,di.Spi\e.-. ,: .. ,,:. Snul 011 Gpd rel., ,, � ,.l\ S ' 6 But tloou;•rny on him al.one thy Tru(J repnfe � , · , , My Rock a.n<l- Health will Stren_gtlL fupplf,. . to bear the S.t1ocR of alf my ,Foes.· , , difpenfe Health ? God does -hj& faving , , ,i::. and flowipg Bl_effings daily fmd; IJ 11 He is n,y Fortrefs and, Uefo,npe ·; •1 on him my S011! n,all fl:ill ,h:pend. • • ". l alw e e, , �y?, �rull: ;, .'. . , 8 In bim, y. .leop betere 111s i-;hrone pom, out yout Heartt •' iful and Ju.Jl, : ' ' For Gori, the �erc us _imparts. Aid to his timely • • • • , I I �t ,f gar ficlde are and frail; 11 · 9 The Vul , the Great diffemble ancl be-tray;· ; • And laid in T1;11.t�1,'s imBa1'1:iaJ1Scp1(j,. 0 th� lighteft "I'.'1ipgs \vii} both ·<ju -w1e�gh." . : '• Way'�;JO Then trijft-n0f, i�i' Oj>� 1 by Spoil and llapine· ro\"v nbt v!i'in -.'·0
y M
1 1,
1, "\Vbo thee coqfefs lhallf\ill rejqic.e; 1 Whilll: the falfc Tongue, a d lying Voice, fh.1lt lil net: a1 cl ddlroy •. 'l� Lord, tbott, n 1
:. 3
5 -6
7 8
·"P Sf\- L � LX,JV �: !I • _Ord, bear \he!'Voioe of' my G.ompJaint ,' J < L O • f ' ,> to ffi3 Requefi give IBar;. •I . Prefrrve my Li�e fr�m :Crud foes� , , ', �,11. u' and fr ee my So.ul f r om·:Fear. . · , Ji, IJ,1.; O ! hide ree with thy.tend'n:Ct,Care, in Corne fr::cure Retreat, From Sinners, that,againll: me rife, and all 'tileir Plots d1:Jeat. 1 See how ,' . ntent tu work my'Harm, J . , ,, they whet t�ei fFongu-eti like £words;• And bend their Bows to niout their li>art.s�I 1 O,arp Lies,,andlbitt r vVords. Lurking in private ,at ,he Jufr 1 . , ;,:; tbey· take!. their J,_ cn:.t :Aim'; And fudd nly at bun they ll1oot,' quite void of Fear and Shame. To carry on th<tir ill Il>efigns 1 · ; : they rnutuall atree; vate .S:rfares., i They fpeak of layiii.g prrL1 and think Lh 1re11e fba I fee� , ) r• With utmoft Dilige11ce and Care their wicked P its C}iey-1� ,� The dee� Dc:figns qf ,II their.Hearts.� • are· on to hetray. .' But God, tp A11ger jull:ly mqv d, bis dce,1_clful)3o,w lhall ben_d! .,.. ;_:And on his flying,A._nQ a P0Jc11t11 , 1 ii {hall f,yi:f �en_ l't! i9n,•ft,.n,q.,, , , . 1 ;}I , ... i Thofe Sl,t.l"ldo�S; w,hiuh thq1r1Mouths1,d\. d. ent,.1. up,�n_tl_ic::ml�I"� £l 1 H·.fall; ·, 1, , • _. • . Ch.ill make them pe Their en mes, <I. r,-10 f is'tl ;_1nd fl1n;i,n by all., • /. , . d c: p
r .•
he Wo.vl<\ nrn1Ubeii·µorl'.s PQ�¥)'COJJfefs,, I 9· T d Nations t r�inbliug !h1nq, • . an _ . Convioc·d•thilt_ llS tht m1g,bty ·work of his a,v,�•ng,i1i-g{Hant! :, , • 1 ,, , 1' J·1 rt• ,. 10 Whilfl rightc:ou;, _Men7 w\lomi-Ge,<I fecun!S , ) , , in hirrriliflH g4,1<.1Jy· tul1,; t'•u I l 11, •1 1 ' And all ti:c:: 1·�,, ing E¼rth pi.all 1heat· , ....... or 1 e Jhfi. , 'l ' loud T'fii:impfis' 1; I o.;.,J l• j's ALM l
.PSALM . LXV. a:
por thet',
0 Go our conftant l'raifc in Sion wait', thy chofen Seat; Our promis'd Altars there w 'll•raife, and all our ·zealuus "'Q°ows complete. :1. 0 thou, \vho td my humble Pray'r ! <lidft always bcncl thy lift'ning Ear., ,., :u To tht'e Ornll all Mankind 1· p:iir, and at thy gracious Throne .appear. ,.J11 I h:; :; Our Sins {t<hdugh nomh.:rltfs') 1 i11 vairt 1 to ftop thy flowing Mercy try.; Whilft th u 0•1:rlook ft the g'U)lty Stain, :rnd wafhdt out the crimfon Dye. r. ,4- Bleft is the I\ll.•n who, n'ear th c ,plac1d, within th y- f:t red Dwelling lives ! , . :.J "tVhilft we :tt hun,blcr Dinance tafieul ,1:.. I•,.,: the van Delights t!hy Temple.gives. •.I I rl. 5 'By wond'rous Atls, 0 G id moil: jnn�-:. I ,!I r' ! h ve we tby gr:icious Anfwer found; · • In tbee remotdt N,11ions truft, and thofe whom ftormy Waves furround, • <6, 7 God, by his Strength, fets fall: the Hills ,, and does bis matchkfs Pow'r cngagt:; WiU1 which Jhe St:a's loud Waves be flills', and angry Crowd's tumultuous Rago. ·• , ,
I IJ p AIR T IJ. I 1 'l i Thou, Lord� dolt harb'rous Lands difmn., when lbey thy dread fut �okens view; With Joy thc::y fee the Nigli.t a.nd'Day' ,,> each other's Track, Ly Turns,: purfue. 9 From nut thy unE:!x·b'aulled Store I, . 1, , • Ln thy Rain relieves the thirfiy Ground; !Ii fl Makes'-Lan<ls, that barnm were befon:, •: • 1 • with Corn and urc:a11 Fruits ahonml. II ' ·u Jo On··r.ft1l1g·1 icliei1 clo'l\'n it'j>_u�·s: ,· '. > !/,!1' '· and ev'ry furrow'd Vallt'y fill's ;1 • Tl_1011 mak'ft them fuft with gentle S1Hriw'i-s 1 " HJ wt.iich a blt:ft Increafe diflils. 1• II Thy GondneJ;; duc::s the cil·cling Y-ear · with fr i:01 l{el11rns of. Plenty cro.,9n; •1' n And wh re· t;hy' gloriom Paths appear, 1 " • the fr uitful Clouds drop Fatm:fs_clown-�•;". i !:Z They drop 'on barreh Forefts, C:harig•d' . by th�m to Paft:u'res 'frefb and''.gr,ten ; · 1-1 •�
PSALM The Hill!! about, in Order rang'd, in beauteous Rohes of Joy are feen. 13 Large Flocks with fleecy Wool adorn the chearful Downs; the Vallic:s bring A plenteous Crop of fall-c:ar'd Corn, and feem, for Joy, to {bout and ling.
r, z LEt all the Lands, with Shouts of Joy, to God their Voices rai(e; Sing Pfalms in Honour of his Name, and fpread his glorious Praife. ·3 And let them fay, How dreadful, Lord, in all thy Works, art thou ! To thy great Pow'r thy fiuhborn Foes {hall all be forc'd to bow. 4 Through all the Earth the Nations round {ball thee their Goel confefs ; And, with glad :Hymns, their awful .Orea<.l of thy great Name exprefa. 5 O I come, behold the Works of God; and then with me you'll own, of Men That be to all the Sons has wond''rous Juclg_ments 01own., 6 He made the Sea become dry Lane!, through which our Fath..ers walk'd •' Whil!t to each other of his Might with Joy his People t;i.lk'd. 7 He, hy his Pow'r, for ever rules; his Eyes the World furvey; Let no prefumptuous Man rebel again!l: his fov'reign Sway..
I •
all ye Nations, blefs our God, :s ' 9 O ! lou dly fpt:ak his Praife • and Who keeps our Soul� alive, a�d frill Ways. confirms our Lh:dfafl: � 10 For thou haft try' us, Loni, as Fire does try the �rec10:1s Ore;. 11 Thou .brought Ll: us into Straits, where we oppreffing Burdens bore. 1z Infulting Foes did ns, their Slaves, through Fire and Water chafe; But yet, at laft, thou brought'ft us forth into a wealthy Place. 1 i r3 Durnt•
PsAL 1
13 Burnt-off'rings to thy Houfe I'll bring, and th n: my Vows will p:iy: J4 Vlhich J with folemn Zeal did make i11 Troubl 's difmal D;iy. xs Then 01all the richcft Incenfe fmoke, the fatten Rams (h;ill fall, The choicdt Goats from out the Fold, and Bullocl-s from the Stall. 16 0 ! come, all ye that fear the Lord; attend with heedful Care, Whilft I what God for me bas done with grateful Joy declare. 17, 18 As I before his Aid implor'tl, fo now I praife l,is ame; Who, if lily Heart had harbour'd Sin. would all my Pray'rs diCc:laim. J9 But God to me, whene'er 1 c.ry'd, his gracious Ear did bend, And tu the Voice of my R quell: with conftant Love att nd. zo Then hlefa'd for ever be.my God, who never, when I pray, Withholds his Mercy from my Soul, nor turns his Face a,,vay. PSALM
TO blefs thy cbofrn Race,
in Mercy, Lord, incline; And canfe the Ilrightnefs of thy Face on all thy Saints to rhine: 2, That fo thy wond'rous W?.y may through tbe World be known; While di{hmt Lands their.Tribute pay. and thy Salvation own. 3 Let rliff'ring Nations join to celebrate thy Fame; Let all the World, 0 Lord, combine to praife thy glorious Name. 4 0 let them fhout a11d ling with Joy and pious Mirth ; For thou, the righteous Judge and King, ihalt govern all the Eart�. Let diff'ring,Nations join to celebrate thy Fame; Let all the World, 0 Lord, combine to pr�ife thy glorious NaJnC i
6 Then
6 Then [hall the teemini; Ground a large Increafc: difclofc:; And we with Plenty Chall be crown·d, which Gorl, our God, bdlows. 7 Then God upon our Lan,t fhall conftant Blefliogs fhow'r; And all the World in- Awe {hall frand of his refill:lefs Pow•r.
P S A L M LXVIII• J LEt Gpd, the God of Dattle, rife, and fc::1tter his prcfumptuous Foes; Let 01a111cful Rout their Hoft furprife, who fpitefully hiti Pow'r oppofe. ,_ As Smoke in Tempell's Rage is loft, or Wax into the Furnace caft; So let their facrilegious Ho(t before his wrathful Prefence wa{re,. s of his Will 3 But let the Servant his Fav�nr•s f?Cntle Beams enjoy; Their upnght Hearts kt Gl:-idnets fill, and chearful :Sc.mg? th1:i1· Tongues emp oy. him your Voice 111 A11thems raift: To 4 J ehov:il!'s_ a\';,ful Na11;e he ?�ars: ' In him rc:Jmce, extol his Prat! , who rides upon hi-gh-rolii1;g·spheres. m his Empire of thc Sk:ies, im 5 H , fro low \,Vnrld Cmnpa!_lwn draws, , to tbis Tile Orpb:m's Claim to patronize, and ju�lge the injur'd Widow's Caufe. 6 'Tis God, who from a foreign Soil rdl:orer. poor Exilc:::s to their IIume ; ?,,'lakes Captives free; and frt'.litlefo Toil their proud Oppre(fors• righteous Doom. was fo of old, when thou did/l !earl 'T 7 in Perfon, Lord, our Armies forth. Sti·ange Tc:rrorn through the D fart fj;reJd convuHi�ns !hook th'_ aftonin1•d Earth. • hn::ak1n� Cl�n,ds did Rain dirtil, he 8 T d an Heav'n s htg� A;�·ches (hook with Feat'.• How then fhc111ld Sina, s bumble Hill of Ifrad's God the Prefrnce bear?. famifh'd Earth's Complaint 9 Thy Hand, at r • relie-v'd her f om celefiial Stores• faint,' was Heritage thy And when affuag'd the Drough� with plenteous Show'rs.
1 1 2
Jo Where S:wages had rang'<l hefore, .it Eafi thou mad'ft our Trib a r fide; An<l, in tb D fart, for the Poor thy gen'ro11s Bounty <lid provi:le.
PART IT. II Thou gav'(l: the ord; we fally'd forth, and in that pow'rful "\Verd o'ercame; 1: V hile Virgin-troops, with Songs of Mirth, in State our Conquell: did proclaim. u Vall: Armi s, b, fuch Gen'rals led, as yet ha<l ne'er rereiv'd a Foil, F rfook their Camp with fudden Dread, and to our Worn n left the Spoil. :i:3 Though Egypt's Drudges you have been, your Army's Wing {hall lbine as bright' As Doves, in golden Sun01ine feen, or filver'd o'er with paler Light. J4 'Twas Ii , wl en Goel',; almighty Hahcl o'er fcatter"<l Kings the Conqudt won; Our Troops, drawn up on Jordan's Strand, high Salmo1 's glitt'ring Snow outfl10ne. Is From th nee to Jordan's farther Coall:, and Bafi1an ·s Hill we did advance ; No more her Hei ht 01,111 Bafhan hoaft, but that !he's God's foheritance. 16 But wh r fore (though the Honour's great) !11oulct tl1i , O .Mountain, fwd! your Pride t · For Siun is his chofi n S at, where he for ever will refide • .17 His Chariots numberlefs; his Pow'rs are heav'nly Ho/1:s, that wait bis Will; Bis Prefence•oow fills Sion's Tow'rs, as once it honour'd Sinai's Hill. 18 Afcending high, in Triumph thou Captivity hart Captivt: led ; And on thy People didft bellow tht: Spoil of Armies once their Dread. E'en Rebels fhall partakt: thy Grace, and humble Profclytes repair To worfhip at thy Dwelling-place, and all the:: World pay Homage:: there. 19 For Bentfits each Day he/1:ow'cl, be daily his great Name ador'd; :i.o VVho is our Saviour, and our God, of Life and Deatli the �ov'reign Lord.
:i.1 But
2,1 But Jull:ice for his harden'd Foes proportion'd Vengeance hath decreed, To wound the hoary Hend c•f thofi.:, who in prefumptuous Crimes proceed. zz The Lord hath thus in Thunder fpoke: " A I fubclu'd proud Bafhan's King, " Once more I'll break my People's Yoke, " and f rom the Deep my Servants bring. :3 " Their Feet fha\1 with a crimfon l7\ood '' of 0Jughter'd Foes be cover'd o'er; " Nor Earth receive fuch impious Blood, " but kave for Dogs th'unliallow'd Gore:� PART
!14 ·when, marching to thy ble(t Abode, the woncl'ring Multitude furvey'd The pompous State of th e, our God, in Robes of M11jefl:y array'd; ,-5 Sweet-finging Levites led the Van; loud Inftruments brought up the Rear; Between both Troops a Virgin-train, with Voice and Timbrel, charm'd the E1\r.:z6 This was the Burden of their Song: " In full A!femblie6 blefs the Lord· " All who to Hr11cl's Tribes belong, ' " of Ifrael's God the Praife record." 7-i Nor little Benjamin alone from neighb'ring Bounds ditl there attend,, Nor only Judah's nearer Throne ber Counfellors in State did fond ; B'Ut Zeb1Jlon's remot r Seat, and Napt_liali's more difl:ant Coaft, (The grand Proceffion to complete) fent up their Tribes,. a princely Hoft. ::-8 Thus G9d to Stren�tb �nd Union brought our TnbeA, a� Strife till that ble(l: Hour. , This Work,. which thou, 0 God, hall: wrought;, confirm with frelb Recruits of Pow'r. vi fit Salem, Lord, defcend, To 9 Sion, thy_ terreftria\ Throne; and :r. Where Kings with Prefents !hall attend and thee with olfer'd Crowns atone. ' , rmen's Ranks, who th n reat 30 Break dow the Spea Jike pamper'd Herds of favage Might '. Their lilver-armour'd Chiefs defeat, who in do:ftructive ·war delight. I i i 31 Egyp
31 Egypt fhall then to God fird h forth her f'-J;:nds. and Afric Homage rini;• 3 2. The f.·,ltter'd Kingdom of the E;irth' their common 'o 'reign's Prai� s ling; 33 Wlio, mo•rnted II the loftii::fi phc:re of ancient H�..i '11, fuhlimely rides: From wh n e his t.lrtadl11l , ice:, e hear, like tbat of warring VVin I and Titl s. forib the ow·'r to God mon high , 3•� Of h11mbl Ifrael he 111kc:s Care; Whofc !>tren!l'lh, from out the cl11lky Sky, .cl:trts fhi11i11g J'errors throttgh the Air. 35 H .. w ure,,clful 11re the facr d Cl'ttl'ls, ,, hat: C d h .� lix'd I.is ar hly Throne! Hi� trcngth hi� fet It: S.11111 fupports, to give Cod Praife, ant.I him alune.
sAve me, 0 God, from vVav s that roll, And µref· to m·crwhelm my S ul. :,. With painful Step in Mire I tread, And DelUf!t'!I o',rA >w my Head. 3 With n:filtf: Crils m Sµirits f.iint, My Voice i� hoarfe wi h long Complaint; Mr S:ght deC,l}' with ted:ous P:iin, �'hil(l for my CoJ r w:tit iK vain. JI
4 My l·fairs, though n1Jm'rous, are but few, Compar'd with Fnes that mt' p11rfoe ,vith groundlt:fs H:ite, grown now of Might, To execute thcdr la,·vlefs Sprtc-; They force me, gu'ltlefs, t<> relign, As Rapine, what by Right w�s mine. 5 Thou, Loni, my Innocence doll: fee, Nor are my Sins cunc al'd from thee. 6 Lort! God of H,111:s, tnk<: timely Care, Lefi:, for my Sake, thy Saints defpair; 7 Since 1 have fuffrr\Hor thy Name Reproach, anJ hid my Face in ::\hame.; 8 A Str.1nger to my C{,untry grown, Nor to my nearefl: Kin, re(! known; A Forcigne1·, expoa'd to Scorn By Drethren of my Mother born. 9 For Zeal to thy lov'd Honfe and Name Confnm<:s mt: like devouring Flame: Concern'cl at their Affronts to ,lwe, , ,More than ._it Slant! rs t.::ifl: 011 me. 20 M
PSALM LXIX. Io My very Tc.irs :rnd Ahflinence They cunflrue in a (pit fol Senfe. 1 r V\ be11 cloath',I with Sackcloth for their Sake, Tht'y me th ir common Proverb mal�c.
12 Their Judges ;;t my Wrongs do jtfr, Thofe \,Vrong tht:y ouirht t have redrefs'd Hnw fhould I thtn ex1 ='l: to be From L�hels oe lewd Drnnkarcls fr ee ! IJ Rut, Lord, t the I will repair, For Help, with huml>le, timely Pr:1y'r ;· Relieve mc fr om thy .i'i1ercy·s Store; Difpl::ly thy Truth', d fcrving Puw·r. Dangers me relieve, 14 From tiln:at'nin� And fr om the Mire my Feet retrieve; From fpiteful Fo s in Safety ke,ep, A ncl [natch me fr0m th, raging D ep. IS Contronl the Ddugc, ·er it fpread, And roll its \1/.,ves alio;, my Head• Nor dee_p D fin1ction's open Pit • ' To clofc bt:r ];\w on me prrmit. '16 Lord, heai'·the hnmble Pray'r I make For thy tr:rnf�·cnding GooJ:iefs• Sake:• Relieve thy Snppl(cant once mon: From r thy ahou_11urng Mercy's Store. thy �crvant hide thy Face; "I 7 Nur f om Make Hflfle; tor defp'rnte is my Cafe; intNpole, 1g Thy timely S11cco11r r And 01ield me f om r morfdefs Foes. 19 Th::>tl know'fl what Infamy an<I Scorn I froin my Enemies h,ave borne; Nor can their cloft: dilfemblcd Spite, Or ,larkefi PIMs. efcapc thy Sight. Grief t4a,·e broke my Heart;� s.o Reproach and I 100k'd for fome to taki: my Part, To pity or relieve my Pain· fl But look'd, alas! fo:- both in vain. With Hun�er pin'd, for Fqod I c.ill; �I Jnftead of :fo�d, th�y give me Gall;, my �pirits fiiik, And when with _Tll!rfl: V11 1 egar to drink. They gi,ve me: _ ,,_2 Their 'Iahl s, therefore, to lhc::1r Health , a , Snar their Trap a W i:alth ;c ove Shall pr _ ,.3 Perpetual Darknefs fe1:z.e their Eye::�, Jlod fu<lden Blalrs their Hopes fnrprife. a4 On them tho\1 H1a1t thy Fury pou1·, Till thy f.:crcc Wrath t!1c�r_ Race devour j �5 And
zs ::.6
27 28 z9 30
And make th ir Ho11fe a difmAI C ,JI, \Vher, none ill e' r v uchfafe t dwell. For new Affitcl-iona th y prol:nr'd For him, who h:id thy tripes endur'd; And mad the W 11nd thy Scourge had torn, To bk d afrefh, witu !harper Scorn. Sin fhall to Sin lh ir St ps h ray, Till tht:y to Trnth have lo� the \V;iy. nde Lh ir oul, From Life: thou lhalt Nor with the Juft th ir ame enroll. But me, howe' r lift-ref: 'd and poor, Thy On.>ng S1 v:ition fhall rdtore; Thy Po v'r with Song I'll then proclaim, Anet el hrate , ·i b Thanks lhy Name.
31 Our God fhall thie mor highly prize, Than 11 rds or Flocks in Sacrilitt:: ; ltich humble Sai,1ts with Joy fhall f; e, '.P. Anti hope for like R drefs with me. 33 For God regards th Poor's C mplaint; Sets P, is'n rs frc:e fr om Ioli· Renraint. 34 Let Hc::av·n, Earth, Sea, th ir Voices raili, And all the \.Vorld refound his Praife. 35 For God will Si11t1's Walls erect; Fair Judah's Cities he'll protect; Till all her fc:;1tter'd Sons repair To undiltnrb'd Poffeflion there. 36 This BleITTn9 they fhall, at their D ath, To their re1igious Heirs bl'.qu ath; And th�y to ndl fr Ages more, Of fuch as his_ bleft Name adore.
P S·A L M LXX. Lord, to my Relief draw near: for n ver was mo,·e preffing Ne rl;.' Pm· my Deliv'rance, Lord, appear, and add.to that D liv'rance Speed. !2- Confufion bn lheir Heads return, who to defl:roy my Soul com pine-; Let them, dc:feat ti, blu01 and mourn, enfrnu-'cl in their own vile Ddign. 3 Their Doom let Def0btion be; with Shame their M:ilice he repaid, Who mock'd my Confidence in thee, and Sport of my Affiiction8 made. 4 While thofe who httmbly feek thy Face, to joyful Triumphs 'fball be rais'd;
And all who prize thy faving Grace, with me {hall fing, Tbe Lord be prais'd. Thus, wretch rl though I am and poor, the mighty Lord of me takes Cue. Thou, God� wh<? on! y can!1: rell:ore, to my Relief with Speed repair.
PSALM LXXI. thee I put my !1:edfa/l: Trufl:; :r, 2, d fend me, Lord, from Shame ; Incline thine Ear, and fave nw Soul· ' for righteous is thy Name. • 3 Be thou my !1:rong Abiding-place, to whicll I may re fort; 'Tis thy Decree that keeps me fafe; thou art my Rock and Fort. Men , 4 5 From cruel and ungodly r protect and fet me f e ; For, from my earlidl Youth till now, my Hope h�s bten in thee::. 6 Thv connant Can: did fafely guard m y tender Infant Days; Thou took'll: me from my Mother's 'vVomb ,. to ling thy conftant Praife. While fome on me with Wonder gaze, 7 g ' thy Hand fupports me il:ill ; Thy Honour, therefore, a�1d thy Praife, my Mouth !ball always till. 9 Rejecl: not then thy Sen•ant, Lord, when I with Age de::cay; Forfake me not, when, worn with Years,. 1ny Vigour fades away. Io My Foes again fr my Fame and me. with cr(lfty Malice fpeak; ,Againll my Soul they lay their Snares, and mutu al Connfel take. fay fo1·fakes him now '' II " His God, ht: they, did rely; " on whom " Purfue and tal�,= �irn_, whilil no Hope " of timdy Aid 1s rngh." u But tho1�, my G0d, withdraw not far; for fpeedy Help 1 call; J3 To Shame an<l Ruin bring my Foes, that feek to work my Fall. r4 But
14 But as for me, my ltedfaft Hope !hall on thy Pow'r dep nd; And I in grat fol Son s of Praife my Time to com will fpeod.
PART Ir. 15 Thy ri�bteous Acts, anrl faving Health. my Mouth !hall !till declare ; Unable yet to count them all, though fumm'd with utmoft Care. 16 Whilt-: God vouchfafrs me his Support, I'll in hi Str ngth go on; All other ighteoufnefs diiclaim, and mention hi alone. z7 Thou, Lord, haft taui;ht me from my Youth to praife thy gl rious Name; And, ever fince, thy "ond'ro11s Works have been my co11llant Theme. 18 Then now forfakt: me not, wh n I am grey anrl feeble grown ; Till I to thefe and future Times thy Strength and Pow'r have fhown. 19 How high thy Ju:tice foars, 0 God ! how great anrl wond'rous are The mighty W rks which thou haft done L who may with thee compare ! 20 Me, whom thy Hand haa forelv prefs'd, thy G1·ace fball yd r Ii ve; And from the low rt Depth of vV oe, with tender Care rdrieve. u Through thee, my Time to come friall be with Pow',· and Gr-;itnefs crown'd; And me, who difmal Years have pafs'J, thy C,Jmfort" 01all furround. �z Then I with Pfalt ry and Harp, thy Truth, 0 Lon.I, will praife; To thet', the God of Jacob T s Race, my Voice in Anthc::ms raife. : 3 Then Joy fhall fill my Mouth, and Songs. employ my chcarful V ice; My grateful �9ul, by thee redeem'i.l, fhall in thy Strength rejoice. 24 My Tongue thy j11fl: and righteous AL'l:s lliall all the Day proclaim; Becanfe thou clidft confound my Foes, and brought'lt them an tu Shame.
Q: LOrd, Jet thy jull: Decrees the King. in all his \Vays direct; And let liis Son, throughout his Reign, thy righteous Laws r fpec:t. � So (hall he frill thy People judge with pure and upright Mind; W"hilft a!l the helptefs Poor 0.1all him their jull: Protetl:or find. 3 Then Hills and Mountains fhall bring forth the happy Fruits of Pc:ace; Which all the Land fhall own to be the Work of Righleoufnefs: 4 · Whilft he the poor aud needy Race fhall rule with gentle Sway; And fr om their humble Necks fi1all take oppreillve Yokes away. ,s In ev'ry Heart thy awful Fear f11all then he rooted fafr, As long all Sun and Moon endure, or Time itfrlf .Jhall laft. nd like Rain, that chears c6 He (hall defce the Meadow's fecond Birth• Or like warm Show'rs, whore' gentle Drops refre/b the thirfty Ea.rtb. -, In hig hlefl: J?ays the Juft and Good {ball be with Favour crown'd; The happy Land ll1all ev'ry where with endlefs Peace abound • .8 His uncontroul'd Dominion !hall from Sea to Sea extend; Begin at proud Euphrates' Streams, at Nature's Limits end,• favage Nations round .o To him the tbdr ,,, fervilc: Heads • {ball bow Foes fhall lick the Duft • uif11'd J:Iis vanq where he bis Conquell:s fpreads. of Tarfb1fh, and the Illes ' T ii 0 he King �s bring.; fllali coftly P_refen 1fts _{ball come, From fpicy Sheba G, and wealthy Saba s Kmg-. King 01; Earth 11 'To him fhall ev'ry his bumble Homage pay; ,And diff'ring Nations gladly join to own his righteous Sway.
i:. For
Jc For he fh;ill fet the eedy free, when they for uccour cry ; Shall fa,·e the Hdpldi and the. Poor, and all their Wants fupply. P RT JI. -i3 His Providence for needy Souls fhall du Supplies prepare; And on:r thc:ir defi ncckfs Lives !hall watch with tentlt:r Care. 14 He fb II prefervt: and k ep their Souls fr om Frau and R;1pine free; And, in his Sight, their guiltlefs.Dlootl of mi hty Price fl1all be. 15 Therefore fllall God his Life and Reign to many Ye;irs xtend; Whilrt Eart ern Princes Tribute pay, and golden Prefents fend. For him 01all conf1:ant Pray'rs be made throup:h all his profp'rous Days; His jurt Dominion n,all afford a lafiing Theme of P-raife. ,16 Of ufeful Grain, through all the Land, great Plenty !hall appear; A handful fowo on Mountain-tops, a mi$ hty Crop fhall bear : Its Fruits, like Cedars {hook by Winds,· a rattling Noife fl1all yield ; The City too !hall thrive and vie for Plenty with the Field. I7 The Mem'ry of his glorious Name through endlefs Years fball nm; His fptitlefR Fame fhall fhine as bright and Jafl:ing as the Sun. In him the Nations of the World fhall be completely blefs'd, And his unbounded Happinefs by ev'ry Tongue conf�fs•ct. :,;8 Then hlefs'd be God, the mighty Lord, the God whom Jfrad fears; Who only wond'rous in bis Works, beyond Compare appears. ::19 Let Earth be with his Glory fill'd; for ever blef,; his Name; Wbilfl: to his Praife·the lift'ning V.ljorld their glad Affent pro.claim, :I
T that 1 ngtb, by certain Proofs, 'tis plain kind;
God will to his Saints be That all, whofe Hearts are pure and clean, fha\1 his protecting Favour find. �, 3 Till this fnftaining Truth J knew, my ftagg'ring Feet had almoft fail'd; I griev'd the Sinners' Wealth to view, and erwy'd when the Fools prevail'd. 4, 5 They to the Grave in Peace defcend, and, whilft they live, are hale and ftrong; No Plagues or Troubles them offend, which oft-to other Men belong. 6, 7 With Pride, as with a Chain, they're held, and Rapine feems their Robe of State; Their Eyes ftand out, with Fatnefs fwell'd; they grow, beyond their Wifbcs, great. ·8, 9 With Hearts corrupt, and lofty Talk, oppreffive Methods they defend; Their Tongue through all the .Earth does walk� their Blafphemies to Heav'o afcend. are found. 10 And yet admiring Crowds who fervile Vilits duly make; :Becaufe with Plenty they abouncl, of which their tlatt'ring Slaves partake. u Their fond Opinions thefe purfue, till they with them profanely cry, " How fhould the Lord our Actions view? " Can he perceive, who dwells fo high?" u Behold the Wicked! thefe are they, who openly their Sins profefo; And yet thei: Wea_lth's i·ncreas'd each Day, and all their Actions meet Succefo. 13 14 " Then have I cleans'd my Heart, faid J ' " and waOi'cl my Hands from Guilt' in vai; • " Jf all the Day opprefs'd I lie, " and ev'ry Morning fuffer Pain.� 115 Thus did I once �o fpeak intend; hut, if fuch Thmgs I rafl1ly fay, Thy Chilclren, Lord, I mull: offend, and bafdy 01011\d their Caufe betray. PART
:i.6, 17 To fathom this my Thoughts I bent ' but found the Cafe too hard for me.'
K k
I •
Till to the Houre of Gori I went; then I their E11d tHJ plainly ft:e. i8 How high fpe'er ad\11\nc',d, they all on Oipp'ry Plac s toofi:ly fiand; Thence into Ruio headlong ,foll, can down by thy avengi11g Himd. 19, -zo H w dr adful and h v quick their Fate! d,dpi·'d by thee:, when t1wy'rc d firo}"d; As w?.king � n with com do treat the: Fancies that their Dreams employ'd. �1, 2.z Thils \ as my Heart with Grief opprelt .i my Rein wen: rnck'<I with rdl:lefs Pains; So ftupid was I like a Bt:afr. who no rtl:1.:�ing t,hought retains. lo\J, 2.4 Y t ftill thy Pr ft:ntc me fupply'd, anti thy Right-hand Affi!l;mce gave; Thou firtl 01alt with thy Council guide, ancl·then to Glory rne receive. i2,5 Whom then in .Pkav'n, but thee alone, have I, whot F wour I require? Throughout the fpacious E, rth there's noni: that I htfitles thee can ddire.
trembling FleO,, and aching Heart, may oflen fail to fucr:our me; :But God 0,all inward Stn:ngth rmpart, and m�y eternal Portion be. 2. · 7 For they that far from thee remo:9c, fl1all ir,to fudden Ruin £,ill: If after other Gods they 11ove, thy Vengeance 01all deCl:roy·tbem ,all, . ll.8 But as for me, "lis good and juft, that I fl1onld fiill to God re.pair; In _him I always put my Truft, and will bis wona·rnµs Works declar!?!l6
p S A L M
Hy haft thou cafl: 1.1s bff, 0 God w wilt 'thou no more return ? 0 ! why again ft thy chofen 'Flock does thy fierce Angerbmn ! 2- Think on thy ancient Purcbaft:, Lord, the Land that is thy own, By thee redeem'd ; and Sion's Mount 1 where once thy Glory lbo'ne� ;3 0 ! come ana vfew our ruin'd·Sta;te ! how long our Troubles Jaft
See ho�v the Foe, ·with wickc:d Rage, has laid thy Ttmple wafh! ! 4 Thy Foes blafphemt thy Name: Whtre late thy zeal .. us Servn.nts pr;,y'<l, The Heathen there, with h1ughty Pomp� their Banners havt diff) l.iy'd, 5, 6 Thofc: curious Carvin!,?S, whkh did once advance the ArtiC't's Fame, With Ax.and H.1mmer the.y rleftroy, like \;\Torl·s of v1dea1· Frnr:n.e. 1 Thy ho'y Terr.pie they have burn'd; and wh·1t efcap.'c.l tht: 1�12me. Has bec:11 profon'cl, and Qtti�e dtfac•d� though facrc:d tu thy� me. g Thy Wurfhip wholly to d fhoy malicioufly tht:y a11i1'd; And nll the l� ..:red Places· bn-i·n'd, where we thy Pra;fr proclaini•J. 9 Yet of thy Pn:!ence thou voucl faf.'ft no knder Signs to frnd: V'i'e have no Prophet nuw, that know3 when Lhis fad Stale lhali en !.
PART II. , hm. v long wilt th.o.u permit Lord 10 But, th' infulting Fo to boaft-? Shall all the Honour uf thy Name for evermore be loft ? u Vvhy hol<l'ft tho_u back thy flrong Right-hand; and on thy p:1t1tnt llrcall·, When Venge.rnce calls to 11:retcli it forlh, , fo calmly lett'll: it rdt? Thou herc::tofore, with kingly Pow.'r,, 12 in our Defence haft fought; l�or us, throughout the \\'Ond'ring Vl orld ' haft great Sah·at ion "rutrgllt.
13 'Twas thou, 0 God, that dic.!11: the Sea by thy own Stre.ugth divide; Thou brak'it tbe- wat'ry Monlten,' Head '• the \1/aves o'erwhdm'd their Pride. 1,f The greateft, fiercdl: of them alf, that feem'd the Deep to fway, Was by thy Pow'r cle(hoy'd, and made to favage lka(l;s a Prey. is Thon clav'ft ti 1: folicl Rock, and mad'ft tile ,vatc:rs l,trgely ilow; K k z
Again, thou mad'ft through parted Streams thy " and ring P ople go. 16 Thine is the cbearful D;iy, and thine th<! hlack Return of Night; Thou hall prepar'd the glorious Sun, and ev'ry feebler Light. I'/ By thee the Borders of the Earth in perfi ct Order fiand; The Summer's Warmth and Wint r's Cold attend on thy Command. PART IU. 18 Remember, Lord, how fcornful Foe have daily urg'd our Shame; And how the fooli01 People bave blafpbem'd thy holy Name. l9 0 ! free thy mourning Turtle-clove, by finfnl Crowds b fet; Nor the l\ffembly of thy Poor for ev rmore forget� cio Thy ancient Cov'nant, Lord, regard, and make thy Promife good; For now each Corner of the Land is fill'<l with M n of Blood. z1 0 ! let not the .Opprefs'd return with Sorrow cloath'd, and Shame; But let the Help! fs and the Poor for ever praife thy Name, �z Arife, 0 God, in our Behalf; thy Caufe and ours maintain: Remember how infulting Fools each Day thy Name profane. z3 Make thou• the Boarl:ings of thy Foes for evermore to ceaf<! ; Whofc:: Infolencc, if unchaftis'd, will more aud more increafe.
thee, O God, we render Praife, :r to thee with Thanks repair; · F01·, that thy Name to us is nigh, thy wond'rons Works dedare. z In Jfr ael when my Throne is fix'd, with me thall Jnll:ice 1·eign. 3 The Land with DifcorJ {hakes; but 1 the linking fran,e fu!lain,
, 4 Delud d
4 Deluded Wretches I advis'd their Errors to redrefs ; And warn'rl bold Sinners, that they fbould their fwelling Pride fupprefs. Bear not yourfeh-es fo high, as if no Pow'r could yours refl.rain; Submit your fiubborn Necks, and learn to fpeak with lefs Dif<lain.
6 For that Promotion, which to gain your vain Ambition llrives, From neither Ea!t nor Weft, nor yet from Southern Climes arrives. 7 For God the great Difpofer is, and fov'reign Judge alone, Who ca'f\s the Proud to Earth, and lifts the Humble to a Throne. Hand bolds forth a dreadful Cup•' His 8 V with purple '\, ine 'tis crown'(] : which bis \Vrath Mixtu1·e, ly dead The deals out to Nations round. Of this his Saints fometimes may ta[le ; but wicked Men fhall fqueezc The bitter Dregs, and be cond.-mn'd to drink the very Lees. Prophet, I to all tbe Worlc.l 9 His this M eflage will relate ; The Juftice then of Jacob's God, my Song fi1all celebrate. rn The Wicked's Pride I will reduce,·· their Cruelty difarm ; Exalt the Ju!\:, and feat him high. . above th1;: Reach of Harm.
:r :z 3 4
N Juda� the Almighty's known, , J (.Alm1gh 1y there by V\Touders 1how f t n ·) _ His Name rn_Jacob <loes excel: His Sanctuary m Salem fiands : The Majefty that Heav'11 commands, in Sion condefcends to dwell. He brake the Bow and Arrows there The Shield, the te!l'per'd Sword, and Spear . • there Dain the mighty Army l.1y: VV hence Sion'& Fame thr'ough Earth .is fpreatl ' Of grea-�er Glory, greater Dread, , than 1-Ii'lls where Hobbtrs lodge their Prey. K k 3 s Their
5 Their \"aliant Chit:fd, wb11 came for Spoil, Tht:r [elves met there a fbam fol Foil : Sc:curely clown to Oee{> they lay; But wak'd 110 more, th tr fioutdt Band Nt:'t:r lifced one: refilling Hand 'gainfi his, that did their Legi ns flay.
6 Wben J:icob II God b •g;in to frown, Both H rli- :ind Charin! rs. o'errhrown, to 0 etbt:r Dept in ndf�fa i i •ht. 1· Vi. heo thou, whom Earth au Ht:w'n n;v re, Dolt once with wratl ful Lo(Jl; pp ar, wbat mortal Pow'r cnn fh 11d thy Sight?
B Pro11011n 'd from IJeav'n, :Earth he�rd is Doorn; Grew hufh'J with Fear, wit n thou didA: com tie l\1 ek with Junicc: to rdt n:. 9 1:0 The \i 'r ,th of Man n,-,11 ykl thee Praife; Its lafl: Atte pt b11 fe1-V t: to rai c the Triun,pl.Js of 11lmighty Pow'r. n Vow to the Lord, -ye Nations; b, ing Vow'c.1 Prefr nts to th• l:.tcrnal King: Thus to his N. me <Ille Rev'rence pay, iz Who proudefl: Potentates can quell, To earthly King· mar tt'.rrib c, than to their trernbling·..:ubjc:cts t'hey, :r z
3 4
PS A L M L)(XVII. o God I cry'rl, who to my Help T c\iJ grdCioun}' rt•pair; In Trouble's difmal D;1y I fought my Corl with humble Pray'r. .All Night my frft'rii1Jr Wound did rnn; • no M d'ci ne gave Relief: My Soul no Comfort would admit; n1y::; nl indulg'd ht'r Grl<:(. 1 thought on God, :ind Fa our.s p-a!t ;. bufth;�t iiicre;is'd my·,P,a�n: · I fonnd my Spirit more opprt'ls'<l 1 the more I did complain. . Through ev'ry Wa1ch of tedious N,ght thou k ep'll: my Er s ;iw .. ke; My Grief i fwell'cl tn th t Exl:efs, l ligh, hut cannot fpeak. J call'd to Mind the Da} of o-ld, · . ,with ligru.l Mercy crown'tl; Thole fanrnus Years of aui.-knt Times--, fm- :Miracle� renowu'<l,
6 By Night Ir collt:t.t my Songs,· on formt:r Trit;01plas made.; • Then frarc!1, co11fult. and a{k my Heart ' where's now that wond'roos Aid�
7 Has God for ver c«n us off? withdrnwr\ l is FavOUl'S quite? 8 Are both his M 1·cy and bis T1 ulh retir'd to 1::ndlt:i� Nii:ht � 9 C;in hi3 long- pt ctis'<l Love forget its wonted Aids to bri11g? H, s he in \Vratb fhut up a11d C..::il'd his Mercy's ht!:iling Spring?
1o I f,1id, My Weal:nefa hints tht:fe Fears;, but I 'II my 1• 'ars <lHb:rnt!; I'll yet remernhc:r th' moit High, , and Yc::1rJ of his llight-h:\nd. Y :u I'll c;;ll to _fo:d his \, orks of old,, the Wondt:r� of his Might; u On th t:: lll my Heart {hall meditate, my Tongu� Oiall them recite.
r 13 Safe lodg'cl f om hu�:rn Search on higli•,. O God, u,y Cu111dtls arc! "\;\Tho is fo grc,1t ., God as ours? who can with him cohlpan: ? 14 Loni?: lince a God of Wunders thee tht refcu'd P,wp!e four,d; 15 Long fince haft thou thy chofui.Secr�\ with {lruog Dd1¥'ranct.: crown'd;
x6 \¥!:en thee!, O·God, the W;iters faw, the fright..:d Biilows 01runk; The troubled lkpths thtmfdves for Feiw uene;itb their Channels funk. 17 Th<: Clouds P_'Jur'l� down, :' hile rending, S1dea, did with their No1fo coufr,·,e; Thy '\'\1·ow� all aurn'.1J w':rt! ft::11t, wing d with avi:nglll0 Fire. av'n with thy Thunde,·'� Voice w�s torn ' He 1g whi,ft all the lower. vVorJd ,Vith V�h1'11in�s b _1z'J, £;1rth lhool,, and fe em ' from h�r Funndauuns hurl'd. 19 Through rolling Streams thou find'ft thy \V �y, thy P,1ths in \Vatcys lie.; Thy w, 11 l'rnus P:iif�ge, where no Sight thy Foot(\ ·ps can dcfcry,
�o Thou
:io Thou I d'lt thy People like a Flock fafl: through the dt:fart Land, By ofi s, tbcir mec-k fkilful Guide, and Aaroo' Ii cred Hand.
'J 2.
E::u-, 0 my Pe<'p t', to my Law JL1T [-A. ·vnut At tt:ntion I •rid ; Let the ln!1:ructi0-n f my Mouth d p in your I e:irts d kend. My Tongue::, by lnfpiration t ught, !hall Parables unfold, Dark Orc1cles, bu underfiood, and own'<.1 for Truths of old: hich we fr c,m facr d- R gi!l:ers of :indent Timt.> have koown, And our For<:'.fathcr 'pious Care lo u bas handed down. v\ e will not hide th m from our Sons; our Offspring fha\l be taught The Praifrs of the Lord, whofe Strength has Works of Wonder wrought. For Jacob he this·Law ordain'd, this League with lfrael made; With Charge. to be from Age to Age, from Race to Race, convey'd. That Generations yd to come fl1ould to their unborn Heirs Religi-oufiy tr;inf,nit the fame, and they again to ti i:irs.
3 ,4 5 o
,., :
7 To teach them that in God alone tht'ir Hope fecnrdy Cl;inds; That they lbonlcl ne'er his Works forget,. but keep bis juft Commands. 8 Left, like their Fathers, they might prove a fiiff rebellious Race, Falfe he;irted, ficl·k �o their Ged, un"fledfa!l: in his Grace. '9 Such were revolting Ephraim's-Sons, who, thnu!?h to Warfare bred, And fkilful Archers, :irm'd with Bows, 'fr om Field ig11ohly Aed. �o,_ I 1_ They fallify'd their League wit!� God, his Orders difolx:y'd, Forgot his Works ancl Miracles before tlleir .Ercs e:lifplay'd.
n Nor
u Nor Wonders, which their Fathers faw, did they in Mind retain; Prodigious Things in Egypt done, and Zoan·s fertile Plain. IJ He cut the Seas to let them pafs, refirain'd the premng Flood;. While pi1'd on H ap�, on either.Side ,, the folid Waters fiood. 14 A wond'rous Pillar leJ them on, compos'd of Sh;ide a11d Light · A n,elt'ring Cloud it prov'd by Day;, a lending Fire by N�ght.. 15 When Drought oppre!i 'd them, where no Stream the Wildernefs fupp y' <�, He cleft the Roct, whofe flinty Breall: <liffolv'd into a Tide. r 16 Streams f om the foli<l Rock he brought, which down i11 Rivera fell, That trav'lling with their Camp, each Day ren'ew'd the Miracle. 17 Yet there they finn'd :igainfl: bim more, provoking the moft High, In that f;tm.: Dcfort whu-e he did their fainting Souls fupply. he firft incens'<l him in their Hearts, 18 T y that did his Pow'r diftrufl:, And long'd for Meat, not urg'd by Want, but to indulge their Luf\:. J9 Then utter'd their blafpheming Doubts; " Can God (fay they) prepare " A Table in the \Vildernefs, ,, fet out with various Fare? zo " He fmote �he flinty Rock, 'tis true, " and gufl1111g Streams enfu'd; " But can he Corn and Fle(h provide " fot· fuch a Multitude?'' The Lord with J·ndignation he,1rd '. ZI from Heav•n ave::nging Flame On Jae.ob fell, confnming Wrath 011 tbanklefa Ifrael came. unhelieving Hearts. :r.z. Becaufe their in God woulrl not confide, Nor truft his Care, who had from Heav'n their Wants fo oft fnpply'd. ,3 Though he had made his Clouds difcharge Provilions down in Sbow'rs; _ , , _. _
p .
And hen E:irth f.lj�•o, r lic::v'd, th ir Ne rls, lrom his ce:eftial 'torc:s •. :?4 Though tafic::fof Manna was rain'd down� their Hunger to r ·Ii ·v ; Though fr om Lht:- tor s f I eav'n they did fuftaining 'or11 1·eCLivc. ug-.:1 ' ( cred Fbod, :r.5 Thus .3n sith in rat ful Man, w:is fed; Not fparingly, for !till thc:-y C: unu a plenteous Table: f ,·e d. , !l6 From H avcn he made an nft Wind blow, then id the S uth ommantl -7 To rain Jo n Fltlh like: Dull, and Fe I!! lik e ·s unnumbl-r'd SanJ. s:i Witl in th ir Tr nchc::s h� I t foll, the: lufc.:ions e, fy Prey, And :ill ar nud thc:ii- fpr-:adin-g Caroli>' the re.itly l.3oot. !J.,,. :::9 Th y , , •�r fill' ; c gave them Z:::eaveJ t hc:ir Appetites �o aft:;. 30, 3 1 Yet Hill ,h ir w ,ton Lnfl: crav'd on, 11or with thc:ir Hunger ce.1s'd� But whilft, in theit- 111 11nous l\1oul!:s, the) did their D, intit's chi:w, The: n · :rf Go<l fm,.ne <lown tbeir Chiefs, and Ifr ac ·:i Cho� 1 ll ·w. PART IT 3:i. Yet n:11 t c.:y Onn'd, 1:or vouh! ,rff0re : his IVl.irac i.:s ll i 33 Thi:rcfon: thrcu •l1 ft' 1i efs T.-_,·t:1s Ire· confum"c.l their Live,; in Gri f. in, the r It ret rn'<l 34 i. "hen fo ic: were to God with early Cry ; 35 Own'd him tl.e Roel; of �heir Dcfcnr:e, their S;:viour, God 1110ft high.
But this was f-dgn ! d Submirlion all ; their Heart their Tongue bcly'd; '3 7 Their Heart was ftill·perYerfc::; nor wou!u firm in his League abide. Yet full of Mercy, he forgave, nor di<l with Death cha(li!e; But turn'cl his kiudlcd Wrath afide ,. or \ovonld not iet i'l: rifr. For Ire ri:member'd they were fo'ldh, 39 that c:ou!d not long remain 1
A m11rm•�ing Win.I, that'.; qu.ickly-.p:ifl:, and ne'er returns �gain. 40 How oft did they •p1•ovoke him there, how oft his Patience griev", In that fame Def: rt. where he llid their faintini; Souls relit.Ve? 41 They temp:ed.him by turning b.icl:, and wicked!y rq,in'd, When Jfr:iel'� God rdus'rl to be by their D lirt's contii.'d. 42 Nor call'cl to"Min I the !-:::ind and Dny that their Redemption brought: 43 His Sig:1s iri Egypt, wond�ruus Vi'orks in Zuan's Valley wrought •
their •Rivers into Blood ., .,.i · 4 •He turn't\ tb:1t Man and B.:;i(t forebnre, I And r;1the.r chofe to die:: of Thir!l-, 11k the putrid Gore. d1,i th:rn 4S He:: frnt devouring Swarms of flies· boarfe Frogs ai.noy'c\ their Soil; • .4G Locults and Cattereillare reap�d the Harvell: of t.ht:ir Toil. heir-Vines with _b:1tt'1·in� H<lil were broke. • ·4 ? T with Froft the F1g-tre <lits; i h oi g and �ail made Flocks apd Herds 4g L g t' 1! one gen .r;il Sacnfice. i 1his Anger,hiofe, and fet ,:\9 He tur n'd no Time for it to ceafe,; nd with theirPla,rnes ill A:ngels ftnt ·A their Torments to irrcreafe. e clear'cl .l.°P:tffdge for his Wrath H 50 w ravage uncontroul'c\ ; Tile Murrain 01;1 their Firftlinga feiz'd 's in ev'ry Field and Fold. ' adly Peft from ·Beaft t0 Man, de The 1 5 from Field to City, came• It new :theirU.eirs, their eld;ft Hopes • through all the T-en�J of Ham. own Tribe, like folded Shee.p, -5'- �µt his he broug'ht from their Di!l-re'fs • And them conducted, like a Flock, throughout the Wilderpefs. 1 n their"Way 51 He Iecl tliem on, a d in no Caufe of Fear .they found; But marc:h d fl'.'ourely 'through tbofe '!Oeeps ' in whi�h their·Foes were drn:w�'d. 54 Nor
or ceas'cl his Care, till them he brougM fafe to his promis'd Land ; And to his holy M unt, t 1e Prize of his victonous Hand. 55 To them the out-c:in ll at hens' Land he did by Lot divide; And in their Fo�s• abandon'd Tents made lfr:iet·s Trib s rdide. S4
PART UI. 56 Yet ftill the_y tempted, Rill provok'd the Wrath of God mo!t high; Nor would LO practife bis Commands their ftuhborn He:irts apply: S'l But in their faitl�lefs Fathers' Steps perverfcly chofc:: to go; They turn'd alide, like Arrows fi1ot from fome cleceitful Bow. 58 For him to Ful'y tbey provok'd with Altars fct on high; And with their graven Images inflam'd his Jealou(y. 59 When God heard this, on 1fr ael's Tribes his \:Vrath and Hatr d frll; Go He quitted Shiloh, and tbe Tents where once he chofe to dwe-11.• 61 To vile Captivity his Ark, his Glory to Difdain, 6:z His .People to the Sword be �ave, nor would his Wrath reftram . . 63 Dellrucl:ive War their abldt Youth . untimely did confound ; No Virgin was.to th' Altar led, with nuptial Garland8 crown'd. 64 In Fight the Sacrificer frll, the Priefl: a Victim bled·: And Widows, who their Death fbould mourns themfelves of Grief were dead. 65 Then, as a Giant rous'd from Sleep, whom Wine bad throughly warm'd, Shouts out aloucl, the Lord awak'd, and his proud Foe alarm'd. 66 He fmote their Holt, that from the Field a fcatter'd Remnant came, , , With ·Wounds imprinted on.their Bae.ks .of everlafiing Shame, ,-67 With .ll
67 ,vith Conquefr crown'd, he Jofeph's Tenta and Ephraim's Tribe forfook; 68 Hut Judah chofe, and Sion's Mount for his Jov'd Dwelling took. 69 His Tc:mple he erected there, with Spires exalted high; While deep, and fix'd, as thofe of Earth, the {hong Foundations lie. 70 His faithful Servant David too he for his Choice did own, And from the Sheepfolds him advanc'd to fit on Judah's Throne, 71 From tending on the teeming Ewes, be brought him forth to feed His own Inheritance, the Tribes 'J of Ifrael's chofc::n Seed, 71, Exalted thus the Monarch prov'd a faithful Shepherd fiill; He fed them with an upright Heart, and guided them with Skill.
Ehold, 0 God, how heathen Hons B have thy PolTeffion foiz'd ! Thy facred Houfe they have defil'd ' thy holy City raz'd ! z The mangled Bodies of thy Saints abroad unbury'd lay; Their Flelh expos'd to favage Beafrs, and rav'nous Birds of Prc:y. throughJcrus'lem was their Blood uite Q 3 like common Water fhed, And none were left alive to pay Jalt Duties to the Dead. 4 The neighb'ring Lands our fmall Remains with lou<l -Reproaches wound• .And we a Laughing-ftock are m;de to all the Nations round. wilt thou be an ry, Lord? 5 How Jong for ev er �ourn.� muft we _ Shall thy devourmg Jealous Rage, burn? ever for , like Fire (j On foreign Lands, that know not thee ' thy heavy Vengeance fhow'r; Thofe finful Kingdoms let it crufh, that have not own'd thy Pow'r. L l :11
7 For
7 For their vouring Ja shave prey'd on Jacob's cho!i 11 Race· And to a barr n De fart turn'd th�ir fr uitful Dwelling-plac • 8 0 thmk 11ot on our formt:r Sin , but fpe ·�ily prcv nt The utter R\lin f thy aints, alrooft with Sorrow fpcnt. 9 Thou God of our Salv.ition, hdp, and fr ee our So\11S from Dl.1mc; So Omli our Pardon and Defence xalt thy gl rious am • xo Let Infidels that fcoffing fay, " her is the God th y boilfl- ?" In ngea11c, for thy naughter'd Saints, perceive tuee t their oft. :u Loni, he:ir the fighing Pris'nei·'s Moans, thy faving Pow•r extend ; Preli rvt: the Wr tcbes doom'd to <lie, from that untim ly End. :r-z On them, who us opprefs, let all our Snff'rings be n:paid; Make their Confufion fev'n times more tuan what on us they bid. :1 3 So, , thy P opk and thy Flock, !hall evt:r praifr thy Name; And with gla<l Hearts our g1·ateful Thanks from Age to Age proclaim. PSALM LXXX. Ifr ael' bepherd, Jofepb's Guide, Hr Pray'r:; to thee vouch fa fr to hear; Thou that dnft n the Cherubs ride, again in {i .emn State appear. :i, Behold how Benjamin expects, with Ephraim and M.1nafTeh join'd, In our Deliv'rance the Effecl:s of thy r liftlefs Strength to find. 3 Do thou convert"us, Lor<l, do thou the L�ilhe oftby Face <lifplay, A11d all the: Ills we fufler now, likt: ft.:attcr'<l Clouds, !hall pafs away. 4 0 thou, whom heav'nly H fl:s obey, bow long {hall thy fierce Anger hnrn? How long thy fuff'ri11g People pray, 51-nd to their Pray'rs h:ive no Return? I
5 When
PsALM LXXX. When hungry, we are J:; rc'd to Jreoch V our fca11ty food in Floods f V oe; hen dry, our raging Tbirll: we quench with Streams of Tc::ar,; that brgt::ly flov.r; 6 For u the be:ithen Nations round, as for a common Prey, conteO:; Our Foes with fpileful Juys abound, aod at our loft Condition jeO:. 7 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou the Lu!lre of thy Face difpl::ir, And all the Ills we futfrr now, Jikc lcatter'd Clouds, fbail pafs away.
PART II. t'll: s Thou brou�h a Vine from Egypt's Land.' and, calhng out the heathen Race, Didll: plant it with thine own Right-hand, ant.I firmly fix it in their Place. 9 Before it l:hou prepar'Jll the vVay, ;ind matl'/1: it take a l:ill:-ing Root, Which, blt:fs'J with thy indulg nt Ray ' o'er all the Land dici widely fl10ot. 10, It The Hills were c_over'cl with its Shade, it8 goodly Boughs did Cedar� r�em • Its Branches to the Sea were fpr ad, ' and reacb'd to proud Euphrates' Stream 12 "\Vhy thtn hall: thou its Hedge o'erlhruwn·, which tl!ou haclll: m;ide fo firrn and fl:rn11g? Whilfl: all its Grapes, defc:ncdefs grown are pl11ck'd by tl10fe that pafa along. '· J 3 See how the brill:ling F01-�fl: Boar with dreadful Fury lays 1t wa!lt • Hark how the favagc Monfters roa;. l·Iall:e. and to their helplefs Prey make H ' PART
I4- To thee, 0 Gou of Horts, we pr.,y; thy wonted Goodnefs, Lord, renew. From 1-leav•n, thy Throne, this Vine ftlrvcy ' and her fa(! State with Pity view. 15 Behold the Vi_neyard mat'.e by thee, which thy R1�ht-l�and did guard fo long. And keep that Branch from Danger free ' which for thyfelf thou mad'fl: lo thong. 16 To walling Flames 'tis made a Prey and all its fpreading Boughs cut d�wn. ' L l l-
At thy Rehuke they foon dec::iy, ;md pt:rifh at thy dreadful Frown, 17 Crown thou the King with good Succefs, by thy Right-hand fecur'd from Wrong; The Son of Man in Mercy hlefs, whom for thyfelf thou mad'ft fo thong. 18 So 01all we fiill continue free from whatfot:'cr deferves thy Blame; And, if once more: r viv"d by thee, will always praife thy holy Name. 19 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou the Lufire of thy Face difplay, And all the Ills we fuifi:r now, like fcalkr'd Clouds, fball pafs away. PSALM
O God, our never-failing Strength, with loud Applaufrs fing; T And jointly make :i cht:arful Noife
to Jacoh's awful King. � Compofe a Hymn of Praifr, and touch your Inflruments of Joy; Let Pfalteries and pleafant Harps your grateful Skill employ.
3 Let Trnmpets at the great New Mooa their joyful Voices raifl!, To celebrate th' appoint d Time, the folt:mn Day of Praifl!. -4 For this a Statute was of old, which Jacob's God decreed; To be with pious Care ohferv'd by Ifrael's ch'ofen Seed. l 5 This he for a l\ [emoria.l fix'd, when fr eed from E�ypt's Land; Strang<! Nations�barb rous Speech we heard, but could not u nderfl:an'd, 6 Your bur<len'd Shoulders I reliev'd, (thus feems our God to fay;) Your fervile Hands by me were freed, from lab'ring in the Clay. 7 Your Ancefl:ors, with Wrongs opprefs'd, to me for Aid di<l call; With Pity I their Suff'r.ings faw, and fet thl!m fr1:e from all.
They fought foi: me, and from t,1e Cloud in Tbnnder I rcply'd; At Meribab's contentious Stream their Faith and Duty try'd.
PART II. 8 While I my folemn Will declare, my chofen People, bear: If thou, 0 lfr al'I, tb my Words wilt lend thy lift'ning Ear, 9 Then (hall no God belides myfelf within thy Coafis be found; Nor fba\t thou wor!hip any God of all the Nations round. xo The Lord thy.God am I, who thee brought forth from Egypt's Land; 'Tis I that all thy juft Defires fupply with lib'ral Hand. :n But they, my cbofi::n Race, refus'd to hearken to my Voice; Nor would rebellious Ifrael's Sons make me tbeir happy Cboice. ll1' So J, provok'd, re!ign'd them up, to ev·ry Luft a Prey ; And in their own perverfe Ddigns permitted them to ftray. that my People wifely would JJ my juft Commandments heed! Arid Ifrael in my righteous Ways with pious Care proceed! T 14 hen !hould my heavy Judgments fall 011 all that them oppofe, And my ave?ging Hand be turn'd • againft the1� num'rou_s Foes. 'JS Their Enemies and mme !hould all hefore roy Fuot-fiool bend; But as for them, their happy State {bould never know an End. with Plenty fbould abound.' J6 All Parts Whe;it their Field : with fineft The barren Rocks, to pleafe their Taite ' fuould richeft Heney yidd.
P S A L ·M
od in the great Alfembly ftands G where his impartial Eyi;: L l 3
PsAr.1 LXXXIII. rs
In St11te fun· the artbly Gods, and does their Jud m nts try. !11 3 How d.tr ye th n unin!l:ly juclge, or lie lo inner ki111I � Dd nd the rph:111s and lht: Poor; let fuch your J flic<! find. 4 Protefr the humb t: helpk•fs Man, r duc'cl to deep Diltn:fs · Aud kt not him become a Prey to fu h as would pprdi . 5 They neither l;now, nor will tb y learn, li11t lilindly rove and firav · r,rld' Supports, Juni e and ·frulh, the through all lh Land cc;,.y.
6 vV II then mi,l!ht Goel in An <'r fay,
' I've c:i!l'd rou br my 1 m ; " I've faid r':ir God' , ::ind .tll ally'd " to the molt lli-•h in Fan1c. 7 "-But nc'erthekfs y nr uitjo:t Deeds ' to 11:ri Ac ount I 'II c:i I ; " You all fh:ill die like ommon Men, " like otht'r Tyrants t Ii." 8 Arife, and thy ju!!: Judgments, Lorci, throu1?ho11t tht: E::irth diCplay; An all the Na ious of the World {hall own thr I ightcous Sw<1y. p
-z HOld not thy Peace, 0 Lord our Cod, no long r t11ent be; Nor with cunfenting quit:l Looks our Ruin calml}' fee. z For lo! the TLL ults of thy Foes o' r all the Laud a.rt: fpr · d; And tho�·, ,vho hate thy Sa,ct. ;mtl th e, ltft up tltc:ir threat'uing Hea<l. 3 Ar;ain!l: thy zealous People ) Lord,' they craftily cuml,111<!; Ar.ti lo ddhoy thy chol'en Saints b::in: l,,itl th ir clof Dc:fig11, 0 ornc, ltt us cut them c,ff� (fay they) 4 " " their Nation q111te ch:f ce; " Th;it no Remn brance may remam ' of l r:l I'. hat ,d !bicc. ' Thm they ;i ; infl: t y Peopk'o feace cot Ju;, with unt: ,;:oufcpt; _,
And diff'ring Natiqnsjointly I agu'd their common M;ilice vent. 6 The !01maelitcs that dlV 11 in Tents, \'rilh warlike Edom joi 'I, And Moab"s Son�, our Ruin vow, witb H:ig:ir's }{,ice combin'd. ;:,
7 I'roud Ammon·s Off�riring, Gel;>al too, with Amalek confpin�; , • The Lords of Pal ll:ine. and al} the wealthy Sous of Tyre. 8 All thefe the firon, Affrri,ln King their firm Ally h,1n· got; Who with a pow'rl"ul Aro,y aids th' iucellu us Race �f Lot.• PART
9 But let fuch Vcng nnce toine to them, ;is on e to iidia. c11me; To Jabin an<l proull Sifcr.i, at Kinion's fatal Stream. xo When thy! i:•ht-h11nd their nnm'rous Hofb near End"r did confuuncl, And lt:fl th ir C;ircafi s for Dung to feed the hungrv Gronod. • r i ' J 1 Let all their mi 11t)· Men the Fate of Zeb and On:b fhare; ,., . As Zeba and Zalmnn , fo Jet all their Pri11ces far •
u Who, with the G:ne Oefign infpir'd, tht1$ vainly bo:1tfi11g fpaks•, " In firm Puff,.ffiun for ott, f.-lv�s ,, let us God·s Hou� s u1k.c.'' 13 To Ruin lt:t them halre, lik.e Whtels which dof w11�v.,rc\? ,wifely ovc; Like Ch f bet re llie 1111,1, ltt all th'-'ir f.;.1ttcr·c1 Farces prove. :r , 5 As l71:imcs. con fume dry \Voocl, or Heath , 4 1 thJt on p,trth cl M11 1.1ntainR 11n)ws, p1_i fning r tien:eW:·;ith So kt th¥ with 'I crnJ1 s fl:nke tliy Fui.:_s. 16, ,7 Loni, 01rouJ th rr l?�L"::'S Wit9 Dip 1·.1ce; : that lhey may ow11 thy N,nne; Or them confound, whofc: hard n·ct Iiearts thy gentler !Ii ,ms ifdairn.
18. So {hall the woud'ring ·vv orld confefs; that thou, who claim'ft alone Jehovah' Nami::, 'er all the Earth halt rais'd tby lofty Throue. I
Cod f Hofhl, the mighty Lord, ' how lovely i the Pia e, Wber thuu, intbron'd in Glory, fhcw'ft, th Brightnefs of thy Face ! ::. My longing Soul faints with Defire to view thy bleft Abode; My panting Heart and Pleth cry out for th e th living God. 3 The Bird , mor happy far than I, around thy T mph! throng; Securely tbetc: tbey build, and there ii curely hatch their Young. 4 0 Lord of Holts, my King and God, bow highly bleft are they, Wbo in thy Temple :ilways dwell, aud there thy Praife difplay !
Thrice happy they, wbofr Choice has thee their fure Proteclion made; Who long to tread the facred Ways that to thy Dwelling lead ! 6 Who pafs thro11gh Baca's thirfly Vale, yet no Refrt01ment want; T�heir Pools an: fill' I with Rain, which thou at their Reque!t duft grant. 7 Thus they proceed from Strength to Strength, and ftill approach more near; Till all on Sion's holy Mount, bt:fore tht:ir God appear. ll O Lord, the mighty God of Hofts, my jufl Requt:ft regard: Thou God of J ,1coh, let my Pray'r be !till with Favour heard. 9 Behold, O God, for thou alone can ft timely Aid 1lifpenfe; On thy ;inointed Servant look, be thou his fl:rong Defence. ;i:o For in thy Courts one lingle Day 'tis better to attend, Than, Lord, in any Place oefides a thoufand Days to fpend.
Much rather in God's Houfe will I the me.1nefl: Office take, Tban·in the wraltby Tents of Sin my pompous Dwelling make. II For Go�!, who is our Sun and Shield, will Grace and Glory give; And no gond Thing will he withhold from them that juftly live. a Thou God, whom heav'nly Hafts obey, how highly blefs'd is he, Whofc Hopc:: and Truft, fl:'cureJy plac'd, is !till rer,us·ct on thc::e !
Ord, thou ha!\: granted to thy Land L the Favours we implor'd, And faithful Jacob's captive Race hart graciouny renor'd. z ' 3 Thy People's Sins thou haft forgiv'n, and all thtir Guilt defac'<l; Thou ha!\: not let thy \Vr:1th flame on, nor thy fie1·ce Anser lafl:. God our S,iviour, all our Hc::arts 4 to thy Obedience turn; That, quench'd with our repenting Tears, thy Wrath no more:: may burn. For why fhould'ft thou be angry il:ill, 6 S' and Wrath fo long retain? Revive us, LorJ, and let thy Saints tby wontc::d Comfort gain. cious Favour, Lord, difplay, 7 Thy qr,i which we have long implor'd; And, for thy wo_nd'rous Mercy's Sake, thy wontc::d Air\ afford. 8 God'fi Anfwer p,ltiently I'll wait; d' for he, with glad Sm:cefs, i' (If they no J:101·e l? !·oily turn) his inourn111g Sarnts will bids. that frar �is �oly Name 9 To all hifl fure Salvation s near ; And in its former happy State onr Nation n1all appear. Io For Mercy now with Truth isjoin'd, and Righteoufnefs with Peace, Like kind Companions, abfent long, with friendly Arms embrace. Jr, 1:. Truth,
L..c XXVI.
J 1, n Truth fr om th Earlb Chall fpring, whiHtHea 'n lhall Streams of Jufiice our; An<l God, from whom .lll Goodncfs flows, flrnll ndlcfs Pienty lho 'r. 1 J Before him ight oufnc s {h:ill march, and his jurt Paths pn·pare ; Whilft we hi holr St ps purfue with confiant Z , 1 an C r .
, To
P S A L M LXXXVI. my Complaint, 0 Lord my God, thy gracioua Ear il'ldinc; Hear me, d1fin:fs'd, and dcftitute of all R Ii f but thine. :;. Do thou, 0 God, pr fi rve my Soul, that 11 es tby arne i1 ote ; Thy Servant k ep, aud him, whofe Truft n:lits on the , r fi0re. 3 To me, who da"ly thee invoke, cr<:y, Lord, ex end; thy 4 RefreO, thy Servant's oul, whofo Hopes on tht:e alone <.I pen<l. Thou, Lord, art good, nor only good, but prompt to Pardon too; Of pknteous Mercy to all thofe, , ho for thy Macy fue. G To my repeatc:d humble Pray'r, 0 Lord, att 11tive he; 7 't,Vht:n tro11bled, I on th t: will call, fur thcu wilt anf� er me. 8 Among the G ds there's none like thee, 0 Lortl, :-done divine ! To thee as much inferior they, as are their Works to thine. 9 Therefore their great Crc::::itor th<:t: the Nations !hall adu e; Their long-mifgn;ded P.-ay'ra and Praife to thy lilefs'd Name re rt ore. IO All !hall confrfs thee great, and great the Wundc:.-s thou ha(\: done; Confefs thee God, the God fupreme, confrfs thee God alo11e.
u Teach me. thy Way, O Lord, and I from Truth ihall ne·er depart;
PSALM LXXXVII. lo Rev'rcnce t thr facred Name
devoutly fix m}' Ht'art. 1:i, Th c will I prnifr, 0 Lord my God, praifr th c with Heart finccre; And to thy everlarting Name eternal Trophies rear. 13 Thy bound! fo M rcy 01ewn to me tranfcends my Pow'r to tell; For thou baft oft red m'd my Soul from lowdl: Depths of Hell. 14 O Gnd, the Sons of Pride ,me.I Strife have my Dc::ftruction fought; Regardlefs of thy Pow'r, thl\t oft bas my Deliv'i·ance wrought. 15 But thou thy conftant Goodnefs didft to my Afiiftance bring; Of Patience, Mercy, and e1f Truth, thou evtrl111ling Spring ! 16 O bounteous Lord, thy Grace and Strength to me thy St:rv:rnt fuow; Thy kind Protection, Lord, on me, thine Handmaid's Son, be!tow. 17 Some Signal give, which my proud Foes may fee with Shame and Rage, When thou, 0 Lord, for my Relief and Comfort daft c:ngage. :x
od's Tt:rnple crowns the holy Mount;
the:: Lord there condt:fcends to dwell: :z His Sion's Gates, in his Account, our I(rad'ti fairell Tents excel. • t s Th_ings ot_thee fhal! fing, 3 Fame gloriu ! almighty Kmg ! Q City of th 4 I'll mention Rahab with due Praife, in Babylon's Applaufe join, The r,am<:: of Ethiopia raife, with that of Tyre and Palell:ine; And grant that fume, amongfl: them born ' Their Age and Country did adorn. l'll aver, ,t 5 But ftill of Sion r 1 hat many fuch f orn her p1·ocee<l; Th' Almighty !hall elfablifl1 her. 6 His gen'ral Lift fiiall fhew, when read, That fuch a Perfnn there was born, ,And fuch did fuch an Age adorn. 7 Hc:'11
7 He'll Sion find with Numb rs fill'd of fuch as merit high Renown; For Hand and Voice Mulicians {kill'cl; and (her tranfcendin Fame to crown) Of fuch fhe fhall Succeffions bring, Li ·e \+\Taters from a living Spring. P S A L M
my G d and S:l\liour, I ToBythee, Day and ight addrefs my Cry:
2, Vouchfafe my mournful Voice to hear; To my Difl:refs incline thine Ear. 3 For Seas of Troubk me invade, My Soul draws nigh to Dutb's cold Shade. ,4 Like one whofe Strength and Hopes are fled, They number me among the Dead. s Like thofe who, lhroud din the Grave, From thee no more Remembrance have; 6 Caft off from thy fufl:aining Care, Down to the Confine& of Defp,1ir. 7 Thy Wrath has hard upon me lain, Afflicting me with refl:lefs Pain; Me all thy Mountain Waves have preft, Too weak, alas, to bear the !call:. 8 Remov'd from Friends, I figh alone, In a loath'd Dungeon laid, where none A Vilit will vouchfafe to me, Cor:fin'd, pafr Hopes of Liberty. 9 My Eyes from weeping never ceafe, They wafte, but fiill my Griefs increafe; Yet claily, Lord, to thee I've pray'd, With out-frretch'd Hands invok'd thy Aid. Jo Wilt thou hy Miracle revive The Dead, whom thou forfook'ft alive? From Death reftore, thy Praife to fing, Whom thou from Prifon would'fi not bring? :n Shall the mute Grave thy Love confefo? A mould'ring Tomb thy Faithfulnefs? Jz Thy Truth and Pow'r Renown obtain, Wbere Darlrnefs and Oblivion reign? :i3 To thee, O Lord, I cry, forlorn; M.y Pray'r prevents the early Morn. :14 Why haft thou, Lord, my 8oul forfook, Nor once vouchfaf'd a gracious Look? 15 Prevailing Sorrows bear me down, Which from my Youth with me havc grown;
Thy Terrors paft diltract my Mind, And Fears of blacker Days behind. 16 Thy 'Nrath bas burlc upon my Head, Thy Terrors fi(I my Soul with ��t'ad; 17 Environ'd as with Waves combm d, Ancl for a gen'ral Deluge join'd. 18 My LoverR, Friend , Familiars, all Remov'd from Sight, and out of C I; To dark Oblivion a11 retir'd, Dead, or at leaft to me expir'd. PSALM LXXXIX. 7 THy Merci s, Lord, £hall be my Sor.g; my Song 0_11 them fball ever dwell; To Ages yet unborn my Tongue thy never-failing Truth 01all tell. 2. I have :iffirm'd, anrl ftill m:ttntain, thy Mercy fbalL for ever Taft; Thy truth, that does the Heav'ns fufrain, like them Chall lland for ver fafr. 3 Thus fpak'tc th�u hy thy Propht:t'a Voice: " vVith David I a League !Jave macfe; " To bim, my Servant, aad my Cl:\oice, " by folemn Oath this Gr:mt c.orivey'd: cc While Earth, anct Seas, arrd SI.it's endure, 4 " thY Seed fba!L in my Sight 1·err.ain ; " To them thy Throne I wilt infure; " the !ball to endlefs Ages rei'gn." and :E.ove, s For fuch ftupenclous Truth both Heav'n and Earth juft Prailes owe, By Choirs of Angels fang above, and by affembkd Saints below. 6 vVh:tt Ser11ph of celeftial' Birth to vie with Ifrae\'s God '(hall dare? Qr who among·the Gods of Earth with our :ii mighty Lorri con:p:ire? 7 With Rev'rence andtoreligiouB Dread his Temple prefs • his Saints 010uld His fear throuph all their Hearts fhould fpreau, who his almighty Name confcfo. ,. 8 Lord God of Armies� who can I oafl: of Strength or Pow'r like thine n:nown'd. ' r Of fuch a nnm'rous faithf11l Hort, :13 that which.does thy Thro11 forl·.ouncl? 9 Thou c oft the lawlefs Se:t-aontroul · and change the Profpeel: of the DCc'cp �; Mm Tl101t
Thon ma ·'fl: the Oeepiog Billows roll; thou mak"it the rolling Tiillows Oecp • .10 Thou bre.lk'fl in Piec s Rabab's Pride, and did fl: oppreffing Pow'r difarm; Thy fcatter'd Fors have dearly try'd tbe Force of thy r fifl:lefs Arm. I 1 In thee the fov'r ign Right remains of Earth and Heav'n : Thee, Lord, alone: The World, and all that it contain!), their .Maker an.d Preferv r own. 1 z Tbc Poles on which the Globe does re[\; were form'd by tby creating Voice; Tabor and Hermon, Eafl: and '\:Vefl:, in thy fufl:aining Pow'r rejoice. 13 Tby Arm is mighty, fhoog thy H,,ncl, yet, Lord, thou don: with J1e1flice reign; ,:4 · Poffefs' l of a folute Command, thou Truth anq Mercy dolt maintain. IS Happy, thrice h;1ppy they, who hear thy facred Trumpet's joyful Sound; Who may �t Fefl:ivals appear, with thy molt glorious Prefence crown'd ! 16 Tby Saints fhall always be o'erjoy'd, who on thy facred Name rdy; And, in thy Righteoufoefs employ'd, above their Foes be rais'rl on high. 'I7 For in thy Strength they (hall advance,. whofe Conquefts f rom thy Favour fpnng; 118 The Lord of Holts is our Defence, and lfr ael's God ourlfratl's King. 19 Thns fpak'lt thou by thy Prophet's Voice: " A mighty Champion I w:11 fend; " From Judah',; Tribe have I made Choice " of one, wbo fhall the i·efl: clefcnu. '.1.0 " M y Servant David I have found, " with holy Oil anointed him; zr " Him fhall the Hand fupport, that crown'd, « ancl gua. r cl, that gave th<:: Diadem. :n '� No Prince from him fhall Tribute force, " no Son of Strife: fhall him annoy; �3 " His fpiteful Foes I will difperfe, " and them hefore his Face deftroy. z,i. " My Truth and Grace fball him full:ain; " his Armies in well-order'd Ranks, :1,5 " Shall con11u�r, from the Tyrian Main '' to Tigri� and Euphrates' Banks. :z6 " Me
s6 " Me for his Father he f 1all take, " his God and Roi:k of Safety call; -,.7 " Him I my firlt-born Son will mak�, " and earthly Kings his Subjects all. :i.8 " To him my Merq, I'll fecure, " my Cov'nant make f r ever faP.: :29 " His Seed for ever !hall endure; " bis Throm:, till Hcav'n diffolves, lball laft:. i
1> ART Ii. Heirs my Law forfake, But if his 30 " " and from my facred Precepts ftray; 3 t " If they my righteous Statutes break, " uor ftrictly my Commands obey· 3'1 " Their Sins I'll vifit with a Rod, ' " and for their Ff\lly .make them fmart ·' not i;eafe t•J be their God, 33 " Yet will r " nor f m my Truth, like them, depart. J n 34 " My Cov'nant I will e'er revoke, " bot In Remembrance fa!l: retain; " The Thing that once my Lips bave f•>oke 1 " !hall in eternal Force remain. fworn, but once for all, I 35 Once have " and m:ide my Holinefs the Tie, " That I my Grant will ne'er recall, " nor t9 my S rviint D:ivid.lie. 6 er '\lVhofc Tl-1rone and Race the con!bnt Sun 3 " {hall, like his Courfe, eftabli!h'<l fee• 37 " Of this my Oath, thou confci0us M�on ' " in Heav'11 my faithful Witm:fs be.'' 3g Such was thy gracious Prnmife, Lod • but thou hafl: now our Tribes forfoolJ' Thy own Anointed haft abhor'cl, ancl turn'd on him thy wrathful Look. u feemeft to have render'd void 39 Tho the Cov'nant with thy ServaAt made '• Thou haft his Dign\ty defrroy'<.I, and in tbe Duft his Honour laid. {l:rong Hold_gtllou hafl: him bereft, Of 40 and brought l11s Bulwarks to Decay. 4 1 His frontier Coafts defrncelefs left, ' a public Scorn, and common Prey. 4:r. His Ruin does glad Triumphs yield to Foes advanc'd by thee to Might; 41 Thou ha!l: hiR conqu'ring Sword unfted'd ' his Valour turn'd to iliameful Flight. M m 2, 44 His
" 44 His Glory is to Dar ,nefs Red, his Throo is lcve l'cl with the Groun<l i ,45 Hi� Youth to wretch d Bondage I cl, ,,.. th Sbamc o· rwhc::lm d and onow drown J. 46 Ho_w long Chall ,�e thy Abfence mourn? wilt thou for ev r, Lord r tir ? Sba_ll thy onfumin r Anger burn, till tt:. t and \ ·e at qnce expir 47 Conftcl r, Lor 1, how fl1ort a �pace thou dort for mortal Lif ord. in; No M thocl to prolong the Race, hut loading it wiLb Grief and Pain. 48 What Man iR he that can controul D ath'R fi:ric1 un.1ltcrable Doom? Or refcue from the Grave bis Soul, the Gravt: that mufi: Mankind iotomh? 49 Lord, wh re' hy Love, thy boundlefs 6.race, the Oa.:h Lo hich thy Truth did fi al, 1 Confign'd to D,n-;d and hie R;ice, the Gr, nt ,-., icb Ti inc fhould ne'er repeal? .so Sec ho, l1y S n:acts tre�ted :ire with Infamy Reproach, and Sp1tc; Wh'ch in my fl cnt B.rcaft [ ))car from Nations of lie ntious Might. 51 How they ,rcpnJcaching th r at N-;ime, hav made I hy Servant's Hope ,th ir Jdl:; p Yet thy ju 11: Pr.1ifes \Yt:'11 proclaim, a11d ev r ling, Th� Lord be bl fl:. Amen, Amcil. PSALM
Lorc.l, the S;ivioi;ir ;ind Defe11ce of us tb y hofen Race, From Age to Af{C thou fl:ill bnfl: heen our fure A.biding-place. -z. Before tbon brought'ft the Mourrtains forth, or th' Earth and World diclft fr_,ime, Thou always wert the mighty GoJ, and i:ver art the fame. 3 Thou turnefi: Man, 0 Lord, to Duft, of which he firft was made; And when thou fpc::;ik'ft the \¥or<l, Return, 'tis infl:antlj obc:y'd. 4· For in thy Sight a thoufand Years are l'ikc a Day that's pafi:,
Or like a Watch in Dead of Night, whofe Hours unmioded wane. Thou fweep·/\: us off as with a Flood, we vanifh hence like Dreams; At firfl: we grow like Grafs, that f els the Sun's reviving Beams: 6 But bowfoever (refu and fair its Morming Beauty fnows; 'Tis aJI cut down anti ,vitber'J quite, before the Ev'ning clofe. 7, 8 We by thine Anger are confum'd, :rnd hy _tby �Vrath difmay'd; Our public Crimes and fecret �ins before thy Sight are laid. 9 Beneath thy An�er's fad Effects our drooping Days we fpend; Our unrt!g.irded Y:e;irs break off, like Tales th:tt qu_icldy end. Jo Our Term of Time is frv'nty Year.,, an Age that few furvive; But if, with more _than common Strength ., . to eighty we arnvi:, Yet then our boafted Strength decays ' to Sorrow turt)'d and Pain; So roon the ilender Thread is cut, and we no more \·emain.
-PART IT. n ger•s dread Effects A thy :n But who does, as he ougbt, revert::? And yet thy Wrath does fall or rife, as more or lefs we fear. 12, So teach us, Lord, th' uncertain Sum, of our fu9rt Daya to mind, That to true Wifdom all our Hearts may ever be inclin•d. to tllY Servants, Lord, return •· 13 and fpee<l-ily relent ! As we forfake our_ Sins, tdo thou revoke our Pumfi1men . 14 To fatisfy and chear our So.uls, thy early Mercy frnd; That we may all our I;>ays to come in Joy and Comfort fpen<l. JS Let happy Time�, with large .Amenc'; dry up our fonner Tears, ' ' •: M m 3
Or equal at the leafl: the T rm of our ;iffiictecl Years. J6 To all thy Servants, Lord, 1 t this thy wond'rous \.\T ork be known And to our Offspring yet unborn ' thy glorious P J\v'r b fhow11• 17 Let thy bright Rays upon us 01inC' ' give I bou our V. orli Succcfs • The glorious Wnrk we h;l\·e in'H:ind do thou vouchfafr to blefs. 1
'HE thiit lrns God hia Guardian m;ide,
Shall, under the Almighty's Sha�1e; • fecure and un lifiurb\.l ;ii ide. ::. Thus to my Soul of him I II fay, He is my Fortrefs antt my Stay, my God, in whom I will confide. · '· • 3 His tender Love and watchful C;ire Shall free thct: from the fowlt:r's Snare, and from the noifome Pdtilence.. 4 He over thee his Wings 1llall fpread, 1 And cover thy unguarded Di:arl ; . ' ' his Truth !hall h-: lh>• �efcncc.,
5 No Terrors that furprifr by Ni ht Shall thy undauntnl Courage fright, nor deadly Shafts that ny by D;iy; 6 Nor Plague, of unknown Rife, that kills 1 • • ln Darknl"fs, nor infe li<111s Ills, ., ·that in the,hotte!l: Seafon flay. · 7 A thoufand at thy Sicle niall die . At thy Right'-hand ten thoufonrl Ii� ,' ': 1 • Health untouch'd remains •. while thy firm , ' · I ' 8 Thou only fl\alt lnol� on antL fee . •Tht: Wicked'� difmal Tragedy, and count the Sinner's mournful G.iin$: ,> 9 Decaufe (with wc.-11-elac'd Confidenct)'· Thou mak'fl: tb Lord thy fur.e Defence,, '' ' ;inJ on the Highert cloth rely; . l:O Thert:fore no Ill (hall thee bcfall 1 Nor to thy healthful Dwe.lllfrg n,all' Y 1 � •1 • any inft:ctio\1s Plagues.rlr.aw nigh .' ' • ·.- ,,.. 0 l! I For he thrqughout thy h�ppy D;ys,'' ' < � • '• . vyays,·, }l_Jl'th To l�eep the..: fafe in _y �hall give his Angels 'flncl' C::-cmmancli.; • '
:u And:
XCII. ·.,
123 111 And they, leC\:•thoh fboulll'll: chance lo meft With fom<:: rough Stone to woun<l thv Feet ' {hall bt:ar tht'e fafely in their I-Janos·. I 3 Dragons and A fps, that thirll: for Illooci ' ·1 And Lions roaring for theit: Foot! . ,'' , ,- L beneath his conqu'ring Fe �'IJ!iaU lie i .J 14 Becaufe kc lov'd an bonour· t· me, . :1 )l Therefore, f,ay God· I'll let him firee and fix his glorious Tbron un high: •i: • • • 15 He'tt catt; 1'11 anfwcr when lie c;ills, And refcue him when Ill IJ fall�• increafe his Honour and his Wealth:-· i6 And when, with undit't•Jrb'd C61 tent, His long ;ind.happy Lit i& fpent, J · :, his End l'l-l crown with favii1g Heallhh •
P A M• good an(,} plc?,fant 11)1:lll: it be. X' to thank the Lord molt high.; 1 And with repeated Hymns of P\"aifi:: · · bis Name to magnif)' l 2 V\ ith ev'ry I\1orning's early Dawn his Goo<lne.fs to .relate;· ,Anrl· of his con£1:ant Tr'ut hs each Night,\ the gla<d• I:ffec\s i• peat! -ftring'd Inftruments �ve:11 fing, o 3 T ten j with tuneful Pfalt':ies oin'd;, And to the H�ru, with fol mn Sounds, for facrerl Ufe defign'd, through thy wond'rou� ��orks, O Lord� or F 4 wou snak'/t 111)'. He:irt rc:-Joict:; The Th6ugh�s ol' th<:'.1T1 !hall make me glad ' and f11011t with chearful Voico.J How wond'rous are l1'y '\Vorks, d Lord!. 6 5, • , · bow de.el,) :ire:: thy Decn:e,• ! , Whofe winding Ti·;itks 111 ::iLcret laid ' no {tup1d Sinner lees. think$, when wicked Men, 7 He little l'ke Grafs, look frefh and gay, l·fo�v [oon their thort-liv'd Splendor mu(t: fur e\ltr pafs away. •. 8 ' 9 But thou, my G'od, art $till more high., · ' ' · ' and all thy lofty Foc.:s, '\Vho thought they might fecnrely fin,. · fuall l>e o'trwh lm'd wilh VV01:s.:
-cnr. XCIV.
10 '\; hil!t lho I txal 'ft my fov'r ig11 Pow·r, and mak'fl: it lar ly fpr ad; And with fr fhing Oil anoint'ft my conf◄ crat d Head, 11 I foon fhall ft:· my rtuhborn Fo s , 1 to utt r l uin br ugh1; , ,, ,. ARd h ar l 1e difm I �nd of �hof◄ , who havi: .ag ioj1: 01 fo\1 bt. r -i:. But righte u� I'll 11, Ii' e f ui rul Palmo, l11all make a glcrious Sho A.s Cedars that on L' b non in fla ely Order grow.' • ., 13, 14 Thefe, planted in t.1e Houfe of God, within hi:; Cqi1r1s 01all thrive; Their igour and their LuOrc: botb. !hall in old Ag<:: 1·eviv 15 Tl us will the Lord his Ju!l:ice fhow ; and God, my Clrong Detc::nce, Shall due Rewards to aU the World impartially difpt:nfe,
XCIII, y Tith Glor clad, with Stren�tl} a�ray'd,. V the Lord, that o'er all Na�ure reigns,, The World'., Foundation,firongly laid, and the:: vaft Fabric ftill fufl-ains. 2 How furely '(l:ablifh'd is thy Throne?• which fhall 110 Change or Pt:rio,I fee; For thou, 0 Lord, and tnou al01:ie, art Got! from all Eternity. 3, 4 Tbc Floods, 0 Lord, . lift up their.Voice ,. ::inti tofs the tr.ouhle<l Waves on high; But God above can fiill th ir Noife, and make the angry Sea comply . .5 Thy Promife, Lord, i1l evc:r fure; and they that in.thy Houfe would dwell, That happy St:ition to frcure, m uft frill in Holinefs excel. J. '\,
ll, z
P S A. L M
God, to whom Revenge bclon6s-, thy Ve1Pe;ince now difclofe; Arife, thou Jndge of all tie E,ll"th,. and cru{h tby h;.ughty Foeg. 3, 4 How long:, O Lon,l, fhall finfu] Men LJ1ei_r f1Jlemn Triumph� make?
l How long their wicked Actions boa.fr, and infolently fp oh? 5, 6 Not only they thy Saint a opprefa, but, unprovok'd, they fpill The V/idow's and the tnnger·s Blood, and hdplefs Orphans kilJ. 7 " And yet the Lord fball ne' r perceive, (profanely thus th.ey fpeak) " Nor any Foticc of nur De0 s " the God of Jacoh take.." 8 At length, y� 1pid Fool:;, your Vt .:iots endeilvour to difi:ern ; Io Folly will you £till rocc<'d, and Wifdom never learn? 9, 10 C:in he be cleaf, who form·d the :Ci?r? or blind, "ho fram'J.1be Eye? Shall Earth's gr at Jtn!J; 11ot phni-fb thofe ' ri • r who bis kno'lrn \i\ iii d-trfy? 11 He f:itl.ioms all lbe Thongh·s of Men; to him their Hearts lie bare; H"s Eye furveys them all, �n • f es how v,1i11 their Counfe!o are.
I2. n1efs'd i3 the Man, wh m•tboti, 0 Lord, in I{indncfi dull: chaftif; • Alld by thy focred Ru Its to walk <1o{l; tovin�ly aclvife. 13 This Man ihall Rdl and S 1fety find in Seafons of Di11rcfs; Whil/l: God prepares a I'it for thofe, t!Jat flubuonily trnnfgrefs. 14 For God will ncYer from his Sniuts his Favour wt1olly take-; llis ow1i Pofft'!Jit-io and his Lothe will nrJt quite forf.1ke. JS The Wnr!d lhal.i lheu confrfa thee ju/l: in all that lh(lt1 hal1 dnn�; .And thofe that choofe thy upright Wayi,·., . fh.111 in tbofe P-aths go on. x6 Who will appear in 1_11y Behalf, when wicked IVIen rnvade? Or wllo, when Sinners would opprefa., my righteous Canfe fr1all ple,1<!? ' 17, 18, 19 Long !ince had 1 in Silencll!-fl pt,, but that the Lorcl was uear,
To ftay me when I Oipl; when fad, mr troubl d Heart to cl ur. �o V\ ilt thou, who art a God moftjurt, their finful Throne fufiain, Who ma· the Law a , ir Pr ence their wi d Ends to gain? ::-.1 Again ft ti Lives of righteous Men tliey form their clofc Defi:n · A11 Bloo of Jnnoc nts to fpifl, in folcmn League combine. ,_� But my D fence is firmly pl.K'd in Go the Lord mofl h"gh: He is my Rock, to which I m:iy for Il fuge a way1; Oy. ::-.3 Tb Lord fball c.iufe tb ir ill Dcfii;ns OH their own l: eads to fall: He in their inti Oiall cut them off; our God !hall Ilay them all.
Come, loud Anthems,let ua ling, Loud Thanks to our almighty Kin3;; I-'or we our Voices high fhould raife, When our Salvation's Rock we praifc::. 2. Into his Pn:fence let u h::i.!l:e, To thank him for his !favours part; To him addrefs, in joyful Songs, The Praife that to his N, me bdongs. 3 For God the Lord, enlhron'd in State,. Is, with unrival'<l Glory, great� A King fuperior far to all, Whom Gods the Heathen falfdy call. 4 The Depths of Earth are in his Hand, Her fecret Wealth at bis Command; The Strength of HillR, ti.lat 1·cach the Skies, Subjdl:ed to liis Empire lies. l The rolling Ocean's v.if\: Abyfs, Ily tlle fame fov'rcign Right, is his; 'Tis mov'd by his ;itmighty Hand, That form'd and fix'd the folid Land. 6 0 kt us to his Courts repair, And bow with Adoration there: D0wn on onr Kn.:es dc::voutly ali B�fore the Lord . om Maker fall. 7 For he's our God, our Shepherd he, His Flock aud Pafture Sheep arc we.
If then you'll (Ii te his Flock) dra\,. near, To-uay if you his Voice will hear, 8 Let not your harden'd H arts renew Your Fathers' Crimes and Judgmentij too; Nor here provoke my Wrath, as they In defart Plains of Mnibah. 9 "When thr(!ug� the Wilaernefs they mov'd, And me w1tti fren1 Temptations prov'd, They fl:ill, through Unhelief, reheli'd, Whilll: tbl!y my wonr\'rous Works beheld. xo, 11 They forty Years my Patience griev'u, Though daily 1 their vVants reliev'd. Tben-'Tis a foitblefs Race, I faid, Whofe Heart from me has always ftray'd. They ne'er will tread my righteous Path; Therefore to them, in fettled \X/rath, Since they defpis'd my Rell:, I fware, That they iliould never enter there,
· ,P A L M a new-made S ong; the �ord to Ing I . Let Earth in one: affembled Throng her common Patron's Praife refound. z Sing to tqe Lord, anrl hlefo his Name, From Day to D�y his-Praife proclaim, who us has with Salvation crown'd. heathen Lands bis Fame rehearfe, To 3 His Wonders to the Univerfe. and greatly to be prais'd; 4 He's great, In Majdly and Glor, rais'd above all other Deitilc's. r Pageantry and Idols all Fo 5 Are they, whom Gods the Heathen call; be only r)Jles, who made the Skies. � 6 With 1.Vh1jefty and Honour crown'd, Strength his Throne fnrroun<l. Beauty and therefore hoth to him refl:or'd 7 Be By you, who h,ave falfe G?ds ador'd; afcribe �u.e honou: to bis Name; 8 Peace· Off rings on his Altar lay, Before hi-s Thror-Ie yom Hom�ge pay, which he, and he alone can claim. 9 To wor-fhip,at Iii, facred Court, Let all �he tre01bling \i\ oriel refort.
IO Pro-
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Pro aim aloud, Jeho ab r igHs, \ hofe Pow'r the Uoi-vcrfc: fofrains, and bani01'd Jurtice , ill r fil>re. Let therefore Hcav'o n w Joys confefs, And heav'nly Mirth et Earth ci.prefs, its loud Applaur� the Oc an roar; It· mute [nhabitaota rejoice, An<l for thi Triumph tind a Voice. "F< r Joy kt fertil air es fin•, The ch ar 111 Groves th"ir Trihnte bring; the tuneful hoir of Birds awake, The Lord's Approach to celebrate,· V 'l:o now fc s ont with awful State, bis Circuit through the Earth to take. From Heav'11 toju<l�e th World he'll com , \,'i ith Juft1c� to rcw nl :rnd doom.
Ehovah reigns, let all the Earth J in his ju fl Governfl)ent n:j ic ; Let a�I the l nes ,,; h f. cred J.\,fi rtb, in hia Applauf� unite- their Voice. e Darkn fs and Ctoods of awful Sb:\flc his dazzliog GI cy fhroud in State; Ju!tice and T.ruth is Guardi; are made, and fix'tl by bjs .Pqvilion. wait. , 3 Devouring F1ie before his F:ice, his Foes 11rm:tnd ,vith Ver.seance ll:ruck; 4 His Lightnings fet the World on Bia 1:; Earth faw it, ·and with Terror !book. The proudefl: Hills his Prefence fdt, their Height nor Stren hh could Help afford; The proudefl: Hills like Wax did me.Lt in Prefeni;:e ef th' almighty: L.ord. 6 The He,w·ns, hill l"ighteoufoc('11 to fbow, with Storma, of F�re our Foes purfu'd', And all tile �1emblrng World below .,. have his ddcending Glory view'<l. 7 Confounderl be their impious I-loft, who mal{e the Gods to whom they-pray; All whe of Pageant Idols boa!\:, to him, ye Gods, yo11r \¥orfhip.pay. S Glatl Sion of t:hy Triumph hearcl, and Judah's Da.ughte.rs were o'erjoi<f; · neca11fe thy righteous. Jnd;;ments, Il.orcl, have Pagan Pride and Pow'r de!troy'd. ' :z 9 For
9 For thou, 0 God, art feated high, ahovl! Earth'a Potentates enthron'd; Thou, Lord, nnrivail'd in the S1:y, fupreme by all tbe Gods art own'd. 10 You \vho to ferve this Lord afpire, abhor what's ill, and Trnth eCl:eem: He'll keep his -Servants' Souls entire, and them from wicked Hands redeem. u For Seeds are fown of glorious Light, a future HarveCl: for the Jufl:; Ancl Gladncfs for the Heart tbat't1 right, to recompence its pious Truft. 1, Rejoice, ye Righteous, in the Lord: Memorials of bis Holinefs Deep in your faithful_ BreaCl:s record, and with your thankful Tongues confefo,
P s A L M xcvnr. -. 51ng to the Lord a new-made Song, w�o \�ond'rous Things has done; With his Right-hand and holy Arm the Conquefi lie has won. through th' aftonifh'd World· �- The Lord has <lifplay'd his_faving Might, ., And made his righteous Acts apµe�r in all the He2thens' Sight. Of Ifrael's Houfe his Love and Truth 3 have ever mindful been; Wide Earth's remoteft Parts the Pow'r of Jfrael's God have feen. L t therefore Earth's Ir.habitants 4 etheir chearful Voices raife • And all, with_ univerfa! Joy,' refound their Maker s Praife. h Harp and Hymns foft Melody., Wit 5 into the Confort bring (j The Trumret an_d fhrill Cornet's Sound ,. before th Almighty King. t the lou<l Ocean roar her Joy, L e 7 with all the Seas c?ntain; The Earth, and her mhahitants, join ·con fort with the Main. 8 With Joy let Riv'lets fwell to St.,·eams, to fpreading Torrents they; And t'.choing Vale� from Hill to Hill redoubled Shouts col)vey; Nn
PSALM XCIX. 9 To welcome down th orld's great Judg , who doea with Jufti e com , And with impartial Equity, both to r ward and doom.
PSALM XCIX. :r JEbovah reigns; let therefore all the guilty N.ttions quake• On Cherubs' Wings he fits enthron'd: let Earth's Foundation fbal e. � On Sion·s Hill he keep his Court, his Palace makes her Tow'rs · Yet thence his Sov r ignty exte�d fupreme o'er earthly Pow'rfl. 3 Let therefore all with Pr:iife adclrefs his great and dreadful ame, And, with his unrelifted Might, his Holinefi prod im. 4 For Truth and Jueticc, in his R igo, of Strength and Pow'r take Pince; His Judgments are with Rightcoufncf:t difpens'd to Jacob's Race. 5 Therefore exalt the Lord our God; before bis Foot-ftool fall; And, with his unr lifted Might, bis Holinefa extol. 6 Mofes and Aaron thus of old among his Prieets ador'd; Among his Prophtts Samuel thus bis facred Name implor'd. Difirefs'd, upon the Lord they call'd, who ne'er their Suit deny'd; • But, as with Rev'rence they implor'd, he graciou�y reply'd. . 'J For with their Camp, to gmde theu- March, the cloudy Pillar mov'd: They kept his Law, and to bis Will obedient Servants prov'd. 8 He ;infwer'd them, forgiving oft his People for their Sake; And thofe who rafbly them oppos'd, did fad Examples make. 9 With Worlhip at his facred Courts exalt our God and Lord; For he, who only: holy is, alone fhould be· ador'd, PSALM
l 3 I:
PSALM C. ith one Conf�nt, let all the _Earth �, :t w to God their chearful Voices raifr; Glad Homage pay, with awful Mirth, and ling before him Sougs of Praife, 3 Convinc'd that he is God alone, from whom both we and all proceed·• We, whom he:: choofes for his own, the Flock thnt he vouchfafes to f ed. O enter then his Tempi Gate, 4 thence to his Courts devoutly p·refs; And fiill your grateful Hymns repeat, and fl:ill his Name: with Praifrs hlc::fs. s For bt:'s the �ord, fupremely good, his Mercy ts for ever fure; His Truth, which always firmly ftood 1 to endlefo Ages fhall endure, PS.AL.1\1 CL i11g Sprir.g, never-fail Mercy's 1 And ftedfaft Judgml.'.nt l will ling; And liuce they both to thee belong, tn}' Song. To thee, 0 Lord, addrcfs l with me _re fide, r�, thou f11:lt 2 When, L<;>1phne my l{e1gn fhall guide•. Wilt: Difc •with blamelefs Life myfelf l'll make ' A pattern, for my Court to take. Ddign will I pnrfue, N 3 o ill ofe my Fav'rites make thiit do, th or N oof ha:i no Regard, 4 Who to Repr Him will I totally <lifcard. The private Sl,rndercr 01all be 5 In ublic Ju/1:ice doom'd by me: • p From haughty Looks I'll turn afidc, And mortify tht Heart of Pride. 6 But I-Ionefty, call'd from her Ce 11, In Sp!t: �dor ;1t my <:;ourt {hall dwell: WllO Virtue ti Pracl;ict: make their Care have the fir(}: Prefrrments there, • Shall ics f!1all recommend Polit No 1 His country s Foe tq he my Fmmd: None e'er {hall ton!)'. f:avour rife, By flatt'ring or mahc1ous Lies. 8 All thofe who wicked Courfes take, An early Sacrifice l'll make; Cut off, deftroy, till none remain God's holy City to prophanc. N n :r. PSALM
CII. s ALM en.
PsAL 1
p l '7\TH n I ponr out my Soul in Pray'r• do thou, 0 Lord attend ; To thy eternal Thr ne of Gt·ace .let rr,y fad Cry afcend. 'A O hide not thou th)' glorious Face in Tin1es of eep Dilh fs: Incline thine! Ear, and, when I call. my So�rows foon nzdrefs.
3 Each dourly Portion of my Life, like f, atter'd Smoke expirt'S; My !hriv I'd Houes are like a Hearth parch'd with cootin11al Fires. 4 My Heart, like Grafs that f, els the Bl.ift of fome infe ioua \ iud, Does langui01 fo with Gri f, that fcarce my needful l•ood I mind. s By reafon of m f.1d ECl:ate I fpend my B.rc:cath in Groans; My Fl 01 is wcrn :n\>ay, my kin fcarce hides my fl:arting Bones, 6 I'm lil·e a Pdica11 hecome, that does in Defarts mourn ; Or like an Owl, that lits all Day on barren Trt'es forlorn. 7 !n �'atchings, or in refilefs Dreams, the Night hy me is fpent, As by thofe folitary Birds, tbat lonefome Roofs frequt'nt. 8 All Day by railing Foes l'm made the Suhjecl: of tht:ir Scorn; Who all, poifefs'd with forion Rage, have my Denrucl:ion fworn. 9 When grov'ling on the Ground I lie, opprefs'd. with Grief an<l Fears, My Bread is Jtrew'd with Allies o'er, my Drink is mix'cl with Tears. 10 Becaufe on me with double Weight thy l1eavy Wrath doth lie; For thou, to make my Fall more great, diclfi: lift me up on high. JI. My Days, jufl: ba!t'ning to their End, are like an Ev'ning Shade; My Beauty does, like wither'd Grafs, with waning Lu!lre_fade.
u But
PSALM CII. Iz Dut thy eternal State, 0 l;ord, no Length of Time fhall wafk ; The Mem'ry of thy wond'rous Vlorks from Age to Age !hall !all:. 13 Thon fhalt arife, and Sion vic:w with an unclouded Face; For now her Time is come, thy own appointed Day of Grace. 14 Her fcatter'<l Ruins by thy Saints with Pity ;ire fmvey'd; They grieve to fee h_er lo'.1y Spires in Duft and Rubb1fh latd. -is, 16 The Name and Glory of the Lord all heat hen Kings fhall fear; Whc:n he {hall Sion build again, anc.l in full Stnte appear. '17, 18 When ht: regards the Poor's Requeft, nor flights their earncll Pray·r· Our Sons, for their recorded G;ace, {hall his ju!t Praife declare. r :i:� For God, f om his Abode on high, Beams difplay'cl: his gr:icions The Lord, fr om Heav·n, his lofty Throne, hath all the Earth furvey'cl. Mo:ins, �o He liClen'd to tlie Captiv Cry, he hc:ard their mournful ! And freed, by his rt: Htlcfs P1nv'1·, the Wretches doom'd to die. :i,I That they in Sion, wher he dwells,. might celebrate bis Fam , And thrnugh the holy City ling Joud Praifes to his Name. 2.� vVhen all the Tribes afli.!mbling there·' their folemn Vows adc\refs, And neighb'ring Lands, with gla<l Con fent, the Lord their God conft:fo. ut e'er m)'. Race is run, my Strength B :z-3 through his fitrce '\Vrath decays. He has, when all n,y Wi01es bloon;'d, cut n1ort my hopeful Days. !24 Lord end not thou my Life, faid T ' whe; 1 half is fcarcely pdA:; r Thy Ye;i.rs, f om worldly Ch::inges fre�, to endlefs Ages lall. 'J.S The fl:rong Foundations of tht: Earth of old by th�e were laid; N n 3
. ..
Thy Hands the beauteou Arch of Heav'n with won 'rous S ill ha e mnd . :i.6, '1>7 Whil(t thou for c ·er fbu t endure, thry foon n,all pafa away• And, like a Garment often 'worn, lli.111 t:irni01 and deca Lil.:e that, wb n thou ordain'ft t eir Change, to thy Con1manu they bend; But thou continu'ft fiill the fJLnt:, nor have thy Yt::lrS an End. :a8 Thou to the Children of thy S ints fhalt lafliug �ii!t give ; Whofe happy Race, fecundy fix.'d, i.b:ill in thy Preii:oce live.
A. L M cm. infpir'd with facred Love, God's holy Name for ver blefs; Of all his Favour mindful prove, anu !till thy gr tEful Thanks cxprefs. 3, 4 'Tis ht: that all thy Sins forgives, and after Sicknef: makes thee found; From Da11ger he thy" Life retrieves, by him with Grace -and Mercy crown'd. s, 6 He with good Things thy Month fuppli s_ ,. thy Vigour, Eagle-like, renews; 1-le, when the guiltlc:fs Suff'rc:r cries, bis Foe with jtrft Revenge purfueij. 7 God made of old his righteous Ways to Moft:s and om· Fathers l ne>wn ; His V/orks, to his et rnal Praifr, were to tht: Sons of Jacob illown. 8 Tht: Lord abounds with tender Love, and un,:xampled Acts of Crace; His •1:iken'd Wrath dotll lluwly movr, IJis willing M rcy flies apace. 9, 10 God will not always har(hly chide, but with his Anger quickly part; And lov<:s his PuniOunents tu guide more by his Love:: than ol1r Dc:fcrt. 11 As bigh as rkav'n its Arch extends : bove this little Spot of Cl.1y, So r:r.nch his boundlefa Love tranfce11cls. the frnaH Retpdl:s that we can pay. / l.l, 13 I\� far as 'tis from Eat1: to Wdl:, fo far hao .bt: onr Sins rt:mov·d, P
1, :z
y So:.il,
1 35
Who with a 'Father's tender Drtart has fuch a' fra. bim always lov'd. 14, 15 For Got!, who all ur Frame furve s, confideri. that we :1n: but Clay; How frelh fo-:'c::r we feem, ou1· Days like Grafa or Flow'rs mufr fade away. 16, 17 Wbil!t they an: nipt with fudden Blafts, nor can we find tbtir formtr Place; God's faithful trey ever !alls, to thofe thc1t ft:Jr him, and their Race. 18 This niall attend on filch as llill proceed in bis appointed �lay; And who not only knuw bi� Will, but to it jufl: Obedience pay. J9, 1,0 Tht: Lord, the univerfal Kin�, i.,1 Ile:iv'n has fix'd hi lofly Throne; To him, ye Angels, l'raifrs fing, in whult: grc,1t Stn:11gth hi� Pow'r is lhowoYe tbat his juf't Commands obey, and htar and d hi� r1crcd Will; u Ye Hofts of his, this Tribute µay,. who frill wh,1t hct ordains fulfil. j :i.1i Let ev·ry Creal ure oi11tly bldi.; the mighty Lord: And thou, my Heart,. With grateful Joy thy Thanks exprefs, and in this Co11fort bear thy P.ut.
1 BLefs G d, my Soni ; thou Lord, alon polfdfdl: Empire without Bounds, With r Honour thnu art crown\!, thy Throne t:tc: nal l\-lojdl:y furi·onnds. z V/ith Light thou Joft thyfolf e11robt: and G1cry for a G;u-ment take; Hc:av•n·s Curtai i, ft retch beyond the Globe> thy Canopy of Sfatc tu make. God builds on liquid Air, and forms 3 his Palace Chambers in tbc Skies· The Clouds his Chariots are, and Storms the rvlift-w�ng'd Steed_s �vith wh!ch he mes •. 4 As 1.n+rht as [•lame, as lw1ft as Wrnd, his t1inifters lkav�n•� P;il?.ce fill, To have their fll11dt y Talks ::iflign'd; all prr:ud to ferve their Sov'reign'o Will:. 6 Earth on her Centre fix'cl, he fi t, her Face with \Vaters ovcrf11read ;,
or proudcft Mountains dar'd 2s y t to lift above tbe Wavc:s their Hc::ad. 7 But when thy awful Face appear'tl, th' infulting Waves clifpers'd; th y Aed, Vvhen once thy Thun er's oice they heard, and by their Haft confrfa"d lht'ir Dread. Thence up hy fi·cret Tracks they ere p, :md, gu01ing from the Mountain's Side. Thron�h allc::ys trav I to the De:: p, appomtc::d to receive their Tidt. 9 There han thou fi,Cd th Oc ;m's Bounde, the threat'ning urnes to repel; Th.it thc::y 110 mor o'erpafs their Mounds, uor to a fecond Dc::luge fw II.
PART II. 10 Yet th nee in fmai r Parties drawn, the ea recovers her Ion Hills; And frarting Spring from c::v'ry I.awn furprife the V,1ks with plenteous Rills. !U The Fic::lds' tame Beall's are th.ither ltd, w ary with Labour, faint with Drought i And A{fc:s on wild Mountains bred han• Seufc:: to fin l ;.b�fe Currents out. :u Th re fhad'y Trec::s, fr om fcor hi11g Beams, yield Shelter t the f..:ath r'd Throng; They drink, and to the:: hounteoHs Streams return the Tnbutc of their S01)�. , 3 His Rains from Heav'n parch'd H1lls recruit, that foon tranfm-it the liquid Store; Till Earth is burden'cl with her Fruit, and Natur 's Lap c· n hold no more. 14 Grafs, for om· Cnttle to devour, lte mak 5 the Growth of cv'ry Field ; Herbs, for Man's Ufe, of various Pow'r, th;it either Foo<l or Phyfic yield. l5 With clufier'tl Grapes he crowns the Vine, to chcar Mau·u Heart opprefa'd with Cares; Gives Oil, tlut mak s bis Face to 01ine, and Corn, that wa�ed Stn:ngth repairs. PART
.16 The Trees of God, without the Care or Art of Man, with Sap are fed; The Mo11ntain Cedar looks ;is fair a� thofr in Ruy;il Gardens bred.
17 Safe
afe in the lofty Cedar's Arms the , and'rers of the Air may rell; The hofpitable Pine from Harms proteas the Stork, h r pious Gueft. ild Goats the craggy Rock afcend, 8 its tow'riu� Heights their Forlr Is m· h, ,vhofe Cells in L::byrinth · exterid, wfiere fe ·bier Creatnres R fuge take. 'l9 The Mour;'s inconftant Afpect rhow:i th' appointed 'eafon. vf th-: c::ii·; Th' i11!lruclcd Sun his Duty !:nows, his Hours to rife and difappear.. z.o, zt Darkn fs he makes the Earth to fhroud, when Foreft l3earts ft:curely {hay; Young Lions roar th ir" an s aloud to Providenc , that fends them P:·ey. _:1. Th y rang<: ;ill 'ight, rn1 Sl;:11 ,., hter ln:nt, till fumrno11'd by the 1 :ting l\loni To fkulk in Den·,.,dth one unfi:rnt, the co11fcio11s Ravagers return. to the Tillage of I is Soil Forth 23 tbe Hufb:rndma11 frc rely f$Oes, Commencing with. the Sun 111� Toil, with him n:turns to bis Repofe. How various, Lord, thy \Vorks.are found . ; _4 for which thy v,·i1; lorn we ,,dore ! The ,Earth is with thy Treafure crown'c.l, till Nature's Hand can grt1fp 110 more. PART
::z.s But (lill the vafl: unf.,tbom'cl Main of �Te11ders a new Scene fupplies, Whofe Depths Inhabitants contain of cv'ry Form an<l ev'ry Size. - �6 Full-freighted Ships from ,:,v'ry Port there cut their unmol,dlc.:d Vv.,y; Leviathan; whom there to !'port thou matl'fr, has Compafo there to play. us Troops of Sea and Land ,,� 7 Thefr vario in Senft: of Go�mon "\Vant agree: All wait on thy d1fpcnflng I-hind, r and have their daily A1ms f om thee. ::18 They gather _what thy Stores cti_fperfe, without their Trouble to provide; Thou op'fi thy Hand, the Univerfc, the er.wing V/orld is.all fupply'd,. :i9 Thou
�9 Thou for a Moment hi 'ft tby Face, the num'rous l aoks of Creatures mourn; Thou t;i ·'ft their Breath, all Nr:turc's I ace forthwith to Mother .Earth return. 30 Again thou reud'O: thy pirit forth t' infpire the Mafs with vital Seed; Natur ·u refior'd, and Parent Earth fm1ks on her new-created Breed. 3 r Thus thrnu -fucccffi ve fl. qes !lands firm fix'd thy prO\'i-dential Care; Pleas'd with the vVN of thy o m l'iands, thou doft the Walle: of Time rc:pair. 3� One Look of lhinc, one wrathful Look, Earth's panting Brea 11: with Te,·ror fills; One Touch fron th e, ith Cloud of Smo ·e _, in Darkncfa 01ruudc the prouddl: Hill�. 33 In pr:iifini; God, while h� prolong _ my l3renth, _ will that Breath niploy; 34 And join Devotion to my Sones, fine re. as i11 him iG my Joy. 35 vVhilc: Sinners fr om £arth't1 Face are hurl'd, my Soul, praife thou his holy N.ime, Till with my S011g tbe lift'ning \Vurkl join Confort, and his Praife proclaim.
�o :i.
. 4
RenJer Thanks, :i:1tl h!efs tlie Lord; 'invoke his facrell Name; Acquaint the Nations with his Deeds, !11s matchlefs Deeds proclaim. Sing to his i'>raife, in I fty Hymns his wond'rons W rks rt:bearfe: Make them the Theme of your Difcourfc, and Subjea of your Vcrk. Rc::joicc in his almighty Name, alone to be ador'd ; And let their Hearts o'er0ow with Joy, that humbly frd, the Lortl . Seek ye the Lord, his faving Strength devoutly ftill implore:; An<l, where he's t:ver prefent, feek his Face for evermore, The Wonders tha! his !{ands have: wroui;ht keep thar.kfully rn Mind; The righteous.Statutes of his Mouth, and Laws to u1,; afiign'd, 6 Know
6 Know ye his Serva t Abra'm·s Seed, anrl Jacob's t..'h,,fen Race, 7 Ht's (till our God, his Ju<lrrments fcill throughout the Earth Lake Place. 8 His Cov'n:int he hath k pt.in Mind for num'i·ous Ages pall:, Wbicb yet for thoufand Agt'S more in equal Force Iha\\ la!\:. 9 Fidt lign'd to Abr·arn, ne:.:t, by Oath, to Ifaac mad!'. fi cur ; xo To J:.icoh anci his Ii irs a Law, for ever lo end111 e : 1 x That Canaan's Land fhould be their Lot, when yet but few they were ; 17, Bnt few in Number, and thofe few all fr iendlefs Stranicrs there. 13 In Pilgrimage from Re:ilm to Re,1\m fecurely they remov'd; :r,c. Whi\lt,prouddt M narchs, for their Sa1::e�, frverely he l'eprov'd. -s.5 '' Thefe mine Anointed ;ire (faid he) " let none my Servants wrong; " Nor treat the poorctl: Prophet ill, " that does to me belong." 15 A Dearth at lafr, ·by his Command, did through tbe Land pn:vail; Till Corn, the chief Support of Li(e, fufi:aining Corn diU fail. 1.7 But his ind1:1lgent Providence had .pious Jole ph fent, Sold into Egypt, but their Death who fold him to prevent. IS His Feet with IJeavy Ch-ains were crulh:'d 1 � with Calumny -his Fame; J9 Till God"s appointe,I T.ime and �Vord to his Deliv'rancc c:.1me. ,_0 THe l{ing hi£ (ov'reign Order fent ' and refen'd him witb Speed; Whom private Malice had confin'd; the Peopks' Ruler frec<l. :.x His Court, Revennes, Realms, were ::ill fuhjccl:ed t0 h_is '\i\Till ; :z� His greateCt Princes to -controul, and teach b-is Statef�en Skill.
•Z-3 To .Egypt then, in,•it d Guens, half fumifh'd Hrael came; And Jaco h It.I, by Rora! Gr,1nt, the f< rtile Soil of Ham. 24 Tb' lmii;hty there with fuch Increafc his P ople multiply'J, Till with their pr ud O;,preffors th y in Streni;tb and Number vy'd. -:z.5 Their vaft Iner ::ife th' Egyptians' Heart with jealous Anger fir'd, Till th y hi Servants to rlc:n-ro ;ir11·rn1i;, Ar 'J '1nlpir •7.. by ,.i; 1-l.,s Serv nt Mofcs th n lie cnl-, his choC n AarOII l l mp<HVer·ct with SiRni! an<l Miraclc-o,. 7 to prove their Miffion true .
arkn ·fs C/lm , .28 He cnll'<l for Dnrl·ncfe, Natur his Summ nt1 knew; 29 Each Stream and Lake, transform'd to Bloo tbe ,vand'ring Fifhe� flew. 30 In putrid floods, throughout the Laod the Pefi: of·Frogs was br�d; From noifome Fens fent U[> to croak at Pbaroah's Board and Bed. 31 He gave the Sig.n, and Swarms of Fliea came down in cloudy Hafts, Whil!l: Earth's enliven'd Duft below bred Lice through all their Coafl:s. 31., He fent them [?att'ring Hail for Rain, and Fire for cooling Dew. 33 He fmote their Vines, and For--ell: Plants" and Garden's Pride o·erthrew. 34 He fpake the Word, and Locufts came , and Catterpillars joirr'd ; They prcy'cl upon the poor Remains the Storm had left behind. 35 From Trees to Herbage thtiy de[cend& no verdant Tbing,tJ1c:y fpare; But, like the naked fallow Field, le:ive.all-the-Pafl:ures bare. -36 Frnni Fields to Villages and Towns, commiffion'd Vengc:ance flew; One fatal Stroke ,their eldeO: Hopes � and Strength of Egypt flew.• .l 'J7 He
37 He brought his Servants forth, enrich'a with Egypt's borrow'd ·wealth; And, what tr:mfcends all Treafures elfe, enrich'd with vig'rous Health. 38 Egypt rejoic'd, in Hopes to find her Plagues with them remov'd ; Taught dearly now to fear ,,·orfe Ills by thofe already prov'd. 39 Their fhr0uding Canopy by Day a journeying Cloud was fpread '• A fiery Pillar all the Night their defart Marches led. 0 They Jong'd for Flen1 ; with Ev'ning Q!.!ails 6 he f11rnin1'd ev'ry Tent:· From Iic11�·n'1> hlsi.. CPi\Hnt'Y. .ich Morn, the Bread of Angels fi ot. C frnol th Rocle, wllnf'c !linty Ure dt ."[ prur'd fo�·th n gufhlng 'l'ide � Who(e Rowing Slt· am, whcre·cr th y march"u, the Defarl's Drought fupply'<l. 4-ll> For (lill he did on Ab,•'am ',a Failb and ancient League r fleet; P�ople forth with Joy, 43 He broug_ht his h1s Elecl:. with Triumph 44 �ite rooting out their heathen Foe� .. from Canaan's fertile Soil, ., , lT 1:. TQ" them in cheap Poifefficrn gave · the Fruit of others' Toil : ,. 1 - J 45 That they his Statutes might obferve, his facred Laws obey. for Benefits Io vall:, let us our Songs of Praife n:pay.
Render Thanks to God above, :a . The F<;nrntain of eternal Le·ve. Whofe Mercy firm th rough Ages pall: Has (tood, �nd !ball for ev�r Jail:. h mighty Deeds exprefs, :z. Who can is Not only vafi, but numberlefs? What mortal El_o quence can raife His Tribute of immortal Praife? 3 Happy are they, aRd only they, Who from thy Judgments never fl:r ay: Who know what's right; nor only (o put always pract.ife what-they know.' 0 G . , ·4 Extend
.4 Extend to me that Favour, Lorcf, Thou to thy Chofcn doft afford : When thou return'ft to fet them free� Let tby S.1lvation vilit me. 5 0 ma,y I worthy prove to ft:e Thr Saints in full Profperity; That I the joyful Chofr may join, And count thy Peopl e' Triumph minC'"r 6 But ah ! can w xp cl: fuch Grace, Of Parents vile, the viler Race; Who their Mifdeeds have acted o'er, And "ith new Crimes increas'd the Score. 7 Ingratt:fol, they no longer thought On all his Works in Egypt wrought; The ,Red S a they no fooner view'd, Bnt th y thei1· bafc Dietnift n:new:<l. 8 Yet he, to indicate his Name, Once more to tbeir Deliv'rance came,; To make_ his fov'reign Pow'r be known That he is God, and he alone. 9 To right and left, at his Command, The parting Deep difclos'd her Sand; Where firm and .dry the Paffage Jay, As through fome parch'd and defart w·ay-· Io Thns refcu'd fr om their Foes they were, VVho clofi 1.y prefo'd pon their Rear; JI Whofe R..1gc purfu'd them to thofe Waves-,. That prov'd the rafi1 Enrfue::rs' Graves. p The wat'ry Mountains' fudclen Fall O'crwhelm'rl proud Pharaoh., Huft and all. This Proof did ftupid lfrael move Tu own God's Truth, and praife his ;Love. PART ·JI. :13 But foon tbefe Won<le.rs they forgot ,, r And fo1· his Couufd waited not; 14 But lufting in he Wildernefs, Did him with. _frtfh Temptations prers.• 15 Strong Food at their R.t:queft he fent, But made their Sin their Pu11in1ment; 16 Yet tlill his Sa:nts they did oppofe, The Priell: and Prophet whom he chof� .. ;. 7 But Earth, the QEarrel to decide, Her vengeful Jaws exte11ding wide, R.ifh D�than to her Centre drew, With _proud Abirnm's factious Cr,ew._
�8 The
-.8 The rell: of thofe who d\d confpire To •indle wild Sedition's Fire, With all thdr impious Train, became· A Prey to Heav'n's devouring Flame. 119 Near Horeb's ·Mount a Calf they made, And to the molten Image pray'd; '-O Adoring wh,lt their Hands did frame, They ch'lng'd their Gl ry to their Shame. 11.x Thell· God and Saviour they forgot, And all his Works in Egypt wrought; l ,-2, His Signs in Ham's aO:onilb'd Coaf :, And where proud Pharaoh's Troops ,.,,ere loft •. �3 Thus urg'd, his vengeful Hand he rear'tl, But Mofes in the Breach appear'cl; The ·saint die,\ for the Rebels pray, And turn'd Heav'n's kindled Wrath away. �4 Yet they bis pleafant Land d fpis'd, Nor his repeated Promife priz'd, ltS Nor did th' Almighty's Voice obey; But when God faid, Go up, would ftay •. �6 This feal�d their Doom, without Redrefs To perifh in the Wilclernefs.; '!J. 7 Or elfe to he -hy Heathens' Hands· O'erthrown,, and fcatter'd through the Lands •.. P- ART III. laim'd, this fiubborn Race unrec t, -,,s Ye Ba:.l Peor'. s W:orfhi"p did embrace ; Became his impious Guefts, and fed On Sacrifices to the Dead. �9 Thus they perfi£led to provoke Go<l's Vengeance to the final Stroke. 'Tis come-the deacily P.::!t is come, , To execute their gen'ral Doom. 30 But PhinE'.as, fir'ci'wit-h holy RRge, (Th• Almighty Vengeance to alTuage) Did, by, two bold Offendt:rs' Fall, Th' Attoneme�t make, that ranfom'd all • As hill) a heav nly Zeal had mov'<l, ..3 I So Heav'n the z�alous Act approv'd ; To him confirmmg, and his Race, The Priefthood be fo well did grace. 31, At Meribah God's Wrath they mov'd · '\Vho Mofes, for their Sakes, 1·eprov'd. 33 '\-Vhofe patient Soul they did provoke , Till rafi1ly the meek Prophet fpoke. ' 0 o :z 34 Nor,
34 Nor, when -poffefs'd of Canaari'8 Land, Did they perform th ir Lord's Command ; Nor bis _commiffion'd Sword .employ The guilty Nations to dt:ftroy. ot only fpar' the Pagan Crew, SS But, mingling, learnt th ir Vic s too; 36 And vVor01ip to thofc: Idols paia, Wl1ich them to fatal Snares betray'd. S?, 38 To D vils they did facrifice Their Children with r lentlefs Eyes; Ap roach'd th ir Altars through a Flood Of th ir own Sons· and Daughters' Blood. No chea er Victims would appeafe Canaan's remorfd fs Deities; o Blood her Idols reconcile, But that which did the Land defile.
PART IV. 39 Nor did thefe C vage Crnelti R The hard•11'c.l eprohate.s fuffice; For after th ir Hearts' Lufr thc::y went, And daily rlid new Crimes ir,ve11t. ,10 But Sins of fuch infernal Hue God's Wrath ngainrt his P ople drew, Till ht:, thdr once indulgent Cord, His o\yn Inheritance abhor'd. ,41 He them defencelef: did expofe To their infolting h athen Foes; And mad them on the Triumph wait Of thofe, who bore th<::m greateft Hatt:, 42 Nor this his Indignation ct:as'd; Their Lill: of Tyrants fl:ill increas'd, Till they, who God's mild Sway declin'd, iVere made the Vaffals of .Mankind. ◄3 Yet when, clifuefi 'd, they did repent, His Anger did as oft rt:lent: But fr eed, they did his Wrath provok,e, Renew'd their Sins, and he their Yoke. 44 Nor yet implacable he prov'd, Nor he.,rd their wretched Cries unqiov'd 1 45 Bnt did to Mind bis Promife bring, And Mercy's inexhau!l:ed Spring. 46 Compaffion too he did impart Ev'n to their Foe!>' obdurate Heart; And Pity for their Suff'rings bred In &hofe, who them to Bondage led.
41 Stiti
47 Still fave Ud, Lor<l, and Ifr ael's Bands Togdber bring rrom heathen Lands; So to thy Name our Thanks we'll raife, And ever triumph in thy Praife. 48 L t Jfrael's God be ever blefs'<l, His Name eternally confefs'd: L<!t all his Saints, with full Accord, Sing loud Am ns--Praift: ye the Lord.-
P S A I, M CVII. gratc.:ful Voic s raife, your God l who does your uaily Patron prcwe; And kt your never-ceafing Praife attend on his eternal Love. ::z, 3 Let thofe give Thanks, whom hf. from Banda• of proud oppreffing Foes re1eas'd; And brought them back from dill:ant Lands, from Nort0 h and South, and Well: and Ean:: q. > 5 Through lonely defart Ways they went, nor could a peopled City find ; Till quite_ w\th Thirll: a1:d _Hunger feent, theu- fainting Souls w1thrn them pm'd •. � Then foon to God's indulgent Ear did they their mournful Cry addrefs ; Who graciouOy vouchfaf'<l to hear, and freed them from their deep Difl:refs •. m crooked Paths lie led them forth, Fro 7 and in the certain Way did guide. To wealtlly Towns, of great Refort, where all their Wants were well fupply'd,. ; o then that all the Earth with me would God, for this his Goodnefs, praifc:,. ,And for the mighty Works which he throughout the wond'ring World difplays,.1! :2' For be from lleav'il the fad Efiate of longing Souls with Pity views • To hungry Souls, _tliat pant for Me�t,. bis .Goodnefs daily. Food renews •.
PART IL. lO Some lie, with Darknefs compafa'd round:. in Death's uncomfortable Sha<le, And with unwieldy Fetters bound, by preffing Cares more ht:avy made. J.IJ., u. Becaufe God's Connftls they defy'cl ' and lightly pri7-'d his holy Word, 0 o lJ 'W it.ii
'\ ith thefe Affiictiona they were try'd • they f, 11, and none could Hdp afford. J3 Then foon to Gncl's indulgent Ear did they their mournful Cry addrefs • ' Who g-racion0y vouch[af'd to hear, and fr ed them from their deep Dillrefs. _ :i-4 From d1fmal Dungeons, dark as Night, and hades, as bla k as Death's Abo-de, He brought them forth to ch arful Light, and welcome Liberty bdlow'd. 15 0 then that all tbe Earth with me would God, for this his Goodnefs, praife, And for the mithty Works which he throughout the wond'ring World difplays ! 16 'For he, with his almighty Hand, the Gates of Brafs in Piect'S hrnke; Nor could the maJfy Bars withfl:and·, or temper'd Steel refift bis Stroke.
P A-R. T
:x7 RemorfeJef;, vV1:etches, void of Senfe;
with bold Tranfgrefiions God defy; And, for their multiply'd Offence, opprefs'd with fore Difeafes lie. :a8 Their Soul, a Prey to Pain and Fear,. ahhors to ta/le the choiceft Meats; And they by faint Degrees draw nt:ai: to D ath's inhofpit11ble Gates. :19 Then fl:1'aig:ht to God's indulgent Ear do they their mournfu.1· Cry a4c.lrefs; Who graciou0y vouchf.ifes to hear, and fr ees them from their de p Diftrefs. ::.o He all their fad Di(kmpers he.ils, his Word both Health and Safety gives·; And, wht:n all human Succour fails, from near Defiruction t4em retrieves. z1 0 then that all the Earth with me would God ,' for tbis his Gooc.lnefs, praife, And for the mighty- �orks which he_ throughout the wond'ring World d1fplays ! :,, 2 "\Vith Off'rings let his Altar Aame, whilft they their grateful Thanks expref6, And with loud Joy hia holy Name, for all his Acts of Wonda, blefs •
. . BART
PART JV. 2-3, :,,4 They the! in Ships. with· Cou'r.age bold' o'er fwd ling . av s their' Trade pur(uc, ' Do God's ama1.111g Works behold, and in the Dt: p h's vVon<l'ers ,iew. ::.5 N fooner hi· t;ornmand is pall:, but forth the pr :1dful Tempe!t Aies, Whid1 [wet'pS tch Sea· with rapid Ha!te, and makc:s the fl:ormy Billows rifr. '11-6 Sometimes the- RhipJ, t�fs'cl 11p lo Hea v'n 11 Tops of 1lounWin Waves appear• ' Then down l 1e fieep Abyfs art' driv'n ' whilfr ev'ry S0 1Jl di{folvc::s wi'tli Fear: • -:,.1 They reel an_d fiagger to and_ fro, \ikt' Men with fumes of Wine opprefs'u;: . Nor do the fkilfnl Seamen know .1y to fte.er, what Courfe is bell:; • which g t �8 Then ·fl:rai ht' o God's indulgent Ear ·· · they do tht" r mburnfttl Cry addt:efs; Who graciouny vouchfafe& to hear, and fr ees tbein fron1 their deep DiCl:refo. :z. 9 JP He does the raging Storm appeafe ' and makes the Billows calm and frill';. "With Joy they fee their Fury ceafr, and their intendt'd Courft: fuffil •. 0
tben that all the Earth with •me· would God, for tl\is his Goodnefs, p1:aife,. And for th�· _mighty \Vorks which he throughot1t the wond'ring World difpl:iys.! 'Jl- Let them, where all hthe Tribes refort, advance to Heav'n is glorious Name And in the· Elders' fo�•reign_ Court . ' with one Conf-:nt his Pra1fe proclaim ! 31
PA U. T" V. A f'�uitful L �d, \�·here Streams ab�tmd 4 , 33 3 d's JUft Revt:nge, 1f People Cin, Go , ' barren Ground, \Viii turn to-dry and to punifh tho(e that dwell thtfein. ' e a�ch'5_1 and defart H�at� he makes '3S, 36 fhw pwith :Streams and fprmgmg \Velis ' to flo Wliich for bis Lot the Hungry takes, and in {lrung Citiea fafely dwells.
3 i, 3 8 He fows tli.e Field, the Vineyard plants ' which gratefully bis Toil repay; Nur
Nor can, whilrt God his Bleffing-grants, hi:s fruitful ::ieed or S ck decay. 39 Btrt when his ins Heav n's Wrath provoke-, his Health and Subrtance fade away; He fe Is th' Oppre0or's galling Yoke, and is of Grief the wretcht:d Pr y. 4� The Prince-that nights what God commands, :,;.pos'c.l to corn, mull: quit his Throne; And v r wild nnc.l d<!fart Lands, where no Path offers, firay alone. r 41 Whilrt God, f om all affiitling Car s, fcts up tht' humble M,in on hi i; h, And make in Time _hi num'rous H irswith hie incr afing Flocks to vie. 41,, 43 Tben Sinnae 01all bave nought to fay,, the Jurt a <l c nt Joy fl all fhow; The Wili theft: ll:rang Events fhall weigh, and th nc God's G9oc!nefs fully know •. :r
s 6
P s ALM cvm. God, my Heart is folly bent to m:igt1ify thy Name; My Tongue with che;irful Songs of Praife !hall celebrate thy Fame. Awake, my Lute; nor thou, my Harp, thy warbling Notes delay; Whilll: I with early Hymns bf Joy prevent the d wning Day. To all the lill'ning Tribes, 0 Lord, thy Wonders I will tell, And to thofe Nations fing thy Praife, that round about us dwell; Becaufe tby Mercy's boundlefs Height the higheft Heav'n tranfcends, And far beyond th' afpiring Clouds thy faithful Truth extends. Be thon, 0 God, exalted high above tbe /l:arry Fr;ime; And let the World, with bne Confent,, confds thy glorious Name. That. all tl�y chofen People thee their Saviour m;iy declare; Let thy Right- hand protect me fiill, and anfw er thou my Pray'r. Since Gorl himf<::lf has faid the Word,, whoft: Promife cannot.fail,
With Joy I Sechem will divide, and n1eafure Succoth's Vale. g Gilead is mine, Manafleh too, and Ephraim owns my Caufe; Their Strength my regal Pow'r fupports, and J11dc1h gives my Laws.
• I
9 Moab I'll m.ake m5, fervile Drudge, on vanquiCh'd Edom tre;id; And through the prond Phililline Lan s my congu'ring Banuer fpr ad. 10 B y whofe Support and Aid £hall I their well-frnc"d City gain? Who will my Troops frcurely lead through Edom's guarded Plain? J 1 Lord, wilt not thou aflifr our Arms, which late thon didft forfake? And wilt not thon of lhcfe our Hollo once more the Guidance t:tl,t'? u O to thv S rvant in Diftrefo thy fp edy Succour f. 11d; For vain it is on hnm:ir\ Aid for Saf. ty to clepeou.
nt Acl:s flr I! we perform, 3 Then valiathy Puw'r difdofe • if thou Fur God it is, and God alon�, that treads down all ou1· Foes.
0 God, whofe former Mercies make my conf1:ant Praife thy Due,
Hold not thy peace, but my fad State with wonted Favour view: 1, For finful Men, with lying Lips, deceitful Speeches frame, ,And with their ftudy'd Slanders fcek to wound my fpotlefs Fame, Their refi:lefs _Hatred prompts them fiill malicioua Lies to fpread ; And all againft my Life combine, by caufelefs Fury led. Thofe whom with tend'reft Love I us'd, 4 my chief Oppofers are ; Whilft I, of other Friends bereft, refort to thee by Pray'r. Since s . Mifc�1ief, for the Good I did, their ftrange Reward does prove,
PsALM -6
And Hatred's the Return they make for undiffernbl d Lo,·c::, Their guilty L ·a,lc-rs Oiall be made to fome ill J\.I,111 a Slav ; And, when he's try'd, his mortal Foe for I is Accuft:r h,vt:. His Guilt, when S ntence is pronounc'd .,. fhall meet a tlr .utful Fate, hillt bi rc·j a LI Pray'r but frn-es his C imes t ggraval . He. fnatch'cl by fame untimely Fate, Iha n't live 1,11t half hi� Days; Anotht'r, by ivi11e D ere , fl1all on bia Otficc fdzc •. 10 His Seed (hall Orphans b<', I is \.Vife a idow plung'd in Grief; His vagrant Children heg their Bread, where n nc c. n give l eli f. His. iii-got I iches !hall be made to. U furers a Prl:y ; The· Fruit nf all his Toil {hall be by S�r:ingers borne away.
1,1, None f11all be fonnd that to his vVants tht:ir M rcy will extend, Or to I is helplefs 01·phan Seeu the leafl: A. 1/brnc-e lend. '.i-3 A fwift D /lrutlion foon fl1all feize on hi unlHl"flPY R,ic ; And the n xt A!!e his hat d Name f11all utterly deface. :r4 The Ve��eance of his Father's Sins upon his Head fhall fall; God on his Mother's Crimes iliall thiA?:: .. and ptinifh him for :lll. J:5 All thc:fe, in horrid Order rank'd, hef'ore the Lord {hall ftand; f Till his fierce Anger quite cuts of r their Mem'ry f om tlle Land.
i6 Beca11fe he never Mercy fl1ow'd, but fl:ill the Poor opprefs'cl; And fought t0 !lay the helplefs Man, with heavy \Jl/9e� diftrefs:J. 1-7 Thc:rcfore,the Curle he lov d to vent £hall his own Portion prove;
CIX ..
And Bleffing, which he fiill abhorr'd ,. fhall far fr om him remo_ve. 18 Since he in curring took fuch Pride, like Water it /hall fpreatl Through all bis Veins, and fl-ick like Oil., with which his Bones a1� fed. 19 This, like a poifon'd Robe, !ball fiill bis confl:ant Cov'ring be, Or an envenom'd B It, from whic,h he never {ball be fr e. :z.o Thus l11all the Lor I reward all thofe, that Ill to me <lc:fign, That witl.J malicious falfe Reports ;igain!l: my Life combine. :z,r But for thy glorious Name, 0 Gqd ., do thou del-.iver me; r", And fbr thy plen�eo11s Mercy's Sake, preferve and fet me free. :z.1, For f, to utmoll -Straits rcd.uc'd, am void of all Relief; My Heart is wounded with 'Difirefs, and quite pierc'd through with Grie� :Z.J J, lil,e an f:v'ning Shade, decline, which vamlhes apace; Like Locufis, ,up and Qown 1�m tofs'd, and have· no .certain Place. My Knees with Fafiing are grown we"al:: 0 :z�, rnv Body lank and lean; All that �)ehold me {hake their Heads, and treat me with Difdain. :z.6 z7 But for thy Mercy's Sake, 0 Lord,, ' do thou my Foes withftand; ';['hat all may fee 'tis thy own Act, .the Wo.rli of thy Riglit-han<l. i.,8 Then.Jet them curf�, fo thon but blefq·, Jet Shame the Portion be .Of,all., that .":Y -J?t-ftrucl:i0n fce'k, . . while I reJoice 10 t bee. F e Difgrace be cloath'd•" 29 My o flnll ('with an<l., Spite o all hi� Pride, His own Confu.fion, like, a Cloak, the gtii' lty Wretch fball hide. I to God, i t: grat�ful r-hanks, . But 0 3 my chearfol Voice will 1·aife; ,A.nd where the great Affembl-y meets> fet f<;>rth hi� I)oble Praife.
3_x For
PsAL. iS
3, For him the Poor fl1all always find
their f11rc: ;ind onftant Friend; And he 01::111 from unrighteou DoomQ thei1· guilt! f,i Soul dc:fi nd.
P AL :I J"He L r unto my Lord thus fj)ake, " Till I thy Fo s thy Fo t-llool make, " fit thou, in t:ite, at my Right-hand: ::. " Supreme in Sion thon fhalt be, " And ;ill thy proud Oppofers fee " fubjected to thy jurt Command. 3 " T,bee, in thy Pow'r's triumph:i11t Day, " The willing Nntions 01aH oh y: " And, when thy rifing Deams they vie, , " Shall all (redeem'd from :Error's Night) " App ar as numherl fs and bright " as cryftal Drops of Moi·ning Dew." ,4 The Lord hath fworn, nor fworn in vain, Tbiit, like Mdchifcd ch's, thy Reign and Prieirhood fhall no Period know : s No proud Competitor ·to fit At thy Right-hand "ill be permit, but in his Wrc\th crown'd Heads o'erthro,lf. -6 The fentenc'd Heathen he fhall flay, An.cl fill with Carcafes bis Way. till he hath £truck Earth's Tyrants .dead; 7 But in the High-way Brooks {ball firfi:, Like a poor Pilgrim, flake his Thirft, and tben ,in Triumph raife his Head.
J pRaife ye the Lord ; our God to praife My S9ul her utmoft Pow'rs f11all raife • With 'priva-te F-riencis, and in the Throng ' Of Saints, his Praife {hall be my Song. 2, His '\iVorks, for G,·e1ttnefs tbough�renown'd, · His wond'rous Works with Eafe are found By thofe, who frek for them aright, And in the pious Search delight. 3 His Works are all of matcblefs Fame, An·d univerfal Glory claim· His Truth, contirm'd throt;gh Ages pa!l: 1 Shall to eternal· Agea !aft. 4 By Precept's b.e ·J;ias �s enjoin·'d, ,, To keep his woncl'rous Works' in Mind; I Antl ;
P.s AL
And to'Polterily record-, That good and graci us is
1 53
our Lord,
wing Tide, s Hie Bounty, like ,l 1 Has all his Servants' Wants fupply d; And he will ev r k ep in Mind His Cov'nant with our Fathers !ign'd, 6 At once aftonifl1'd and o'erjofd, They faw his matchle�s Pow r employ'd; Whereby the Heathen ·were fupprefs'd, And we their-Heritage po1Tefs'd. ·7 Ju!l: arc the Dealings of his Han<ls, Immutable are his Commands; 8 By Truth and Equity fuftain'd, 1 And for eternal Ruh:a ordain d. 9 He fet his' .Saints from Bonclage'free, And then eftablifh'd his Decree, For ever to remain the fame; Holy and rev'rend is his Name. llO Who Wifdorn•s facred Prize would-win, Mufi: witt1 the Fear of God begin • Immortal Praife and heav'nly Skill' Have they, who koow and do his Will.
PS A L,M CXU. •:;r z
· 3
"4 5
.A H. H J.1. L 7,' 'E L U Hat 1\•1an is blcfs'd,. who ftands in Awe T Of God, .and loves his facred Law; His Seed on Earth fhall be renown'd, And with fucceffivt: Honours crown'd. His Houfe, the Seat of Wealth, 1l1a1I ·be ·An inexhaufied Treafury; His Jnftict:, free from all Decay, Shall Bldiings to his Heirs convey. The Soul_·thaC's '�Jl•d 1.�itl� Virtue•s Light, Shinei: bnghteft 1q Affi1ct1on"s Night.• To pity the Diftre:(s'd inclin'd, As well as jufi: to all Mankind. His Jih'ral Favours he e:Ktends, To fome be gives, to others lt:IJds; Yet what his Charity impairs, He faves by Prude_nce in Affairs.
·6 Befet with threat'ning Dangers round Unmov'd Oiall he maintain his Gr-ounct: The fweet Rernembranct: of the Ju(l; -Shall .flourilb, ,when he fleeps in -Duft. P .P
7 Bl
I 54
7 Ill Tidings never can furprife His Heart that, fix'd, on God relies: 8 Qn Safety's Rock he fits and fees The Shipwreck of bis Enemies. 9 His Hands, while they hi, Alms beftow'cl, His Glory' future Harvdt fow'd, Whence be Omli reap Wealth, Fame, Renown, A temp·ral and eternal Crown. 10 The VVicked 01all his Triumph fee, And gnafh their Teeth in Agony; While th ir unrighteous Hopes decay, And vanifh with themfelves away. J
P s ALM cxm.
EThe Saints and Servants of the Lord; Triumphs of his Name record·;
z his facred Name for ever blefs. 3 "\Vhere'er the circling Sun difplays His rifing Beams or letting Rays, due •Praife to IJis gn:at Name aJdrefs •
.J God through the World extends bis Sway:: The Regions of eternal Day, but Shadows of his·Glory are. s With him, whofe Majefty excels, Who made the Hcav'n in which he dwells, let no created Pow'r compare. � Though 'tis beneath his State to view In bighet\: Heav'n what Angels do, yet he to Earth vouclµafes his Care.: He takes the Needy from his Cell, Advancing liim in Courts to dwell, Companion to the Greatelt there, 7 When childlefo Families de{j,air Ile:: fends the Bleffing of an Heir, to rc:fcue their expiring Name; Makes her that barren was to bear, And joyfully her Fruit to rear. _Q tht:n extol his matchlefs Fame ! -P S A L M CXIV. 1 wHen Ifr:u:I, by th' Almighty:led, (enrich'd •with their Opprel'rors' Spoil) C From Egypt marcl: d, and Jacob's Seed from Bondage in a foreign S9il; ..2, Jehovah, fur his -Refidence, chufe outJ�perial Judah's Tent.,.
His Man!ion Royal, an<l from ·thence through Ifrael·s Camp his Ordi!rti fent. 3 The di'ftant Sea with Terror faw, and from th' Almighty's Prefence fled, Old Jordan's Streams, fu1·pris'd with Awe, retreated to tbei-r Fountain's Head. 4 The taller Mountains ikipp'd like Rams, when Danger near the Fold they hear•· Tbe Hills fk.ipp'd after tht:m like Lambs: Affrigbtt:tl by their Leader's Fear. s O Sea ! what made your Tide withdraw, :-ind naked leave your tiozy Bed ? Why, Jordan, againrt Nature', Law, recoild'Cl: thou to thy Fountain's Head'? 6 Why, Mountains, did ye fkip like Rams, wben Danger d es approach the Fold? Wby after you the Hills like Lambs, when they their Le11der'6 Flight behold r tremble on ;- well may'(t thou fear Earth, 7 thy Lord and Maker's Face to fee : When Jacob's awful God draws near. 'tis Tim� for Earth and Seas to ne:. r 8 To,fl.ee £ um God, who Nature's Law confirms and r cancels at his Will; Who Springs f om flinty Rocks can draw• and thirfty Vales with Water fill. 1 2,
3 4 5
7 I
PSALM 'CXV. e>rd, not •to us, w.e daim no Share, L hut to thy facred Name Give Glory, for thy M<:rcy's Sake, and Truth's eternal Fame. Why fhould the Heathen cry, Where's now the�God whom we adore? Convince them that in I-leav'n thou art ' and uncontroul'd thy Pow'r. Their Gods but Gold anrl Silver are • the Works of mortal Han<ls; With fpeechlefs JYlouth and fightlefs Eyeg - the molten Idol fia11ds. The Pageant has both Ears and Nofe ' but neither hears nor fmells; Its Hands and Feet nor feel nor move ' no Life within it dwells. Such fcnfelefs Stocks they arc, tihat we can nothing like them finrl,
1 55
But thofc:: who on their H Ip rQI}', and tbt:m for G ds delign'd. 9 0 Jfra I, make the Lorrl your Trufl-, �ho is your Help and Shield; JO Priens, L vites, tru n in him alone, ,vbo only Help can yield. JI Let all, who truly fear the Lord, on him tbey fear rely; Who tb�m in D, nger c:in defend, and all their Wants fupply. n, 13 Of us be oft bas mindful been, aad Ifrael's Houft: will blefs; Pridts, Levites, Profelytt:s, ev'n all who his great Name confefs. 14 On you, ;ind on your Heirs, he will Increafe of Btdnngs bring ; 15 Tb rice happy you, who Fav'rites arc of this almighty King ! 16 H av'n's highen Orb of Glory he his Empire's Seat defign'd; And gave thjs lower Globe of Earth a Portion to Mankind. J7 They who in Death and Silence lleep, to him no Praife afford; 18 But we will blefs for evermore our ever-living Lord.
Soul with grateful Thoughts of.Love entirely is poffell, Becaufe the Lord vouchfaf'd to hear tht Voice of my Requefl. :r. Since he has now his Ear inclin'd, I never will defpair; But fl:ill in all the StraitR of Life to him addrefs my Pray'r. V 3 v ith deadly Sorrows compafs'd round, with Pains of Hell opprefs'd; When Trouble feiz'd my aching Heart, and Angui01 rack'd n,y Bre;ift; 4 On God's almighty Name I call'd, and thus to him I pray'd; " Lord, I befeech thee, fave my Soul, " with Sorrow quite difmay'd." s, 6 How juft and merciful is God l how gracious is the Lord! x
Ps!ALM ·cxv11.
Who faves the 1-Jarmlefs, a(ld to me ' .. , does timely Help afford. • • r ,. 7 Then, free from penlive Cares, mr. Soul,. refume thy wonted Rel\:;. For God bas woncrro·uny to thee bis bountc:0_4s Lc;n:e e},,i,reft.
8 When Death-alarm'd me, he remov'd•. , my Dangers anc\ my Fears: " My Feet fr om filling be fecur'd, and rlry'd my Eyes from Tears. 9 Therefore my Life's rc:maining Years, .t 1 : • which·God to me. fl,iall 1end, ' .h Will I in Praifes to bis Name,, -. Ji .. J t •.11\ and in his-Service fHend. ro, II In God I.trn[.\ed; an9 pf,qim· in greate(t Stratts did boall:; . • (For in my Flight all Hopes of· Aid from faitblefb Men vert lq�.f · u, 13 Then wha.t Return to him fhal,I for all his Goodnefs make?. I'll praife his -Name-, and ,vith glad Zeal, the Cup of Bleffing take. 'I4, x s I 11 pay my_ Vows amongll: h1s Saints; ... whofe Blood (ho,ve'e1· defpis'd , By wicked M_en) in -�<?d's A.c-::ount, .I °( • I is always highly pnz d;. , . , .;, 11 6 By various Ties, 0 Lot:d,.mnft I•• to thy Dominion oo,v-;; · Thy humble: Handmaid's Son before, thy ranfom'd Captive.now!
? 17 18 To thee.1 11 Off'rings bring of P1·aife,; ·. ;, •• ' and, whill\: I•blefs thy Name, The ju£t Performance. of•my V-0ws,rl. ;:_ .• •·.d, • • to all thy Sain-ts -pfocl im, ! . 1 19 They in• Jerhfalem O,all meet,• ; · .. .• , and in thy Houfe fl1all,joi11, To blefs thy Name·w.ith �me Conf,mt,. and mix their Song with mLne. · , •. 1, ii p, S A L M · CXVII�
I .
3. TX'Tlth cbearful.Notes let all the Earth VV to Heav'n tl\eirVoices raife; - .• Let all, infpi'r'd with godl}' 'J\tlirth, · ' • fing folcmn 11 vnins of Prailt'. . . • • '. . � God· P P. 3 'I ¥
:I �
I 58
:::. God's tender Mercy knows no BounJ, his Truth fball ne'er decay· Then kt the willing Nations ;ound their grateful Tribute pay. P S A L M
x, :l QPraif"C the Lord, for he is good, bis Mercies ne'er decay; That his kind Favours ever laft, let thankful Ifrael fay. 3, 4 Their Senfe of.bis eternal Love let Aaroo"ll Houfe exprefs; And that it never fails, let all that fear the Lord confefs. s To God I mad<! my humble Moan, with Troubles quite oppreft; And he releas'd m� from my Straits, and granted my Requeft. 6 Since therefore God does on my Sid" fo graciouny appear, Why lhould-the vain Attempt& of Men polfefs my Soul with Fear? 7 Since Go"d wiU1 tbofe that aid my Caufe vouchfafes my Part to take, To all my Foes I need not doubt a jufr Return to make.' 8, 9 For bettCJ· 'tis to truft in God, and have the Lord our Friend, Than on the greateft human Pow'r for Safety to depend. 10, 11 Tl;ougl\ many Nations, clofd y. leagu.'<.1 , did oft befet me round ; Yet, by his bouodlefs Pow•r fufrain'd, I did their Strength confound. u They fw.irm'd like Bees,. and yet their Rage was hut a•fhort-liv.'d Blaze; For wbilft on God Idlill rely'd, I vanq_uilh'd them with Eafe. 13 When all united prefs'd me hard,. in Hopes to make me fall, The Lorfl vouchfaf'd to take my Part and fave me from them all. ll.f The Honour of my ftrange Efcape to him alone belongs ; }l'e is my Saviour and my Strength� }le only.·claims my. Son�:S•
1 59
15 Jov fills the Dwelling of the Jult, whom God bas fav'd from Harm ; For wond'rous Things arc brought to pafa by his almighty Arm. 16 He, by hiii own reliftlefs Pow'r1 has endlefs Honour won J The foving Strength of his Right-hand amazing vyorks has done. · , ., • 17 God will not fuffer me to faH, rol hut ftill p ongs my Days; That, by <leclaring all his Works, I may ;ir\vance hif; Praife. '!8 When God had forely me chaetis'd, till qnite of Hopes bereav'd, His Mercy from the Gates of Death my fainting Life repriev'd, 1 9 Then open wide the Temple Gates· to which the Juft repair, That I may enter in and praife my great Deliv'rer there. 20, 2.1 Within thofe Gates of God's Abode to which the Righteous prefs, Since thou halt heard, and fet me fafe, thy holy Name I'll blefs, 2,::1,, :7. That which the Builders once refas'd·, , l is now the Corner-ft.one; This is the. wond'rous Work of God, the Work of God alone. 24, 25 This Day is God'tl; let all the Land exalt their chearful Voice; Lord, we befeech thee, favc us now., and make us nm rejoice. 1,6 Him that approaches in G0d's Name let all th' Alfembly blefs ;. " We that belong to God�s own Houfe " have wiJh'd you good Succefs."· 217 God is the Lord, through whom we all both Light and Comfort find · Faft to the Altar's Horn, with Cords, the chofen Victim bind. :z.8 Thou art my Lore\, 0 God, and ftill I'll praife 'thy holy Name; . Becaufe thou only art my God, I'll celebrate thy Fame. ,-9 O then with me give Thanks to God, who ftill does gracious prove; /}.nd let the Tribute of our Prnife be endkfs as his Love. p S AL M
C I ,, ALEPH. l HO\vblefs'd are they wb always ke p, the pun: an Rerfeet Way ! cred Paths Wbo neva fr m th of God's Commaridm nt:s flray ! 2 How blefd"d ! who to bis rigute us I:awi. have fiill obetlient b en ! And IJ;we ,vitb ferv�nt humble Zeal his Favour foagbt to. in !
3 · Such Men th ir ntm ll: Caution uf. • to fhun each wi.: ed Deed; But in tbe P�th hicb he directs with conR-ant CarE: proceed. 4 Thou firictly !•aft enjuin'd us, Lord;, to learn tbY facred Will; And all our Diligence employ: thy Statutes to fol I. 5 0 then that thy mort holy Will might o'er my Ways pre fide ! · Anrl I tbe courfc: uf all my Life• by tby Diret1ion guide ! 6 Then with Alfurance fhouldJ walk from 1111 confufion free;, Coovioc'd,,,.lfith Joy, that all my Way.s with thy comn ands agree. '7 My upright }fe11rt O�an my glad Mbuth with cbearful Pra1fc:s fill; When, by tbY righteous Judgments taught;. I fhall have karnt thy Will •. 8- So to tby facrc::d Laws !ball I· a11 due .Ob(c::rv;mcc:: pay ; O then forfal• me:: not, my God; nor q1ft me q_�ite away�
B'E TH. 9-.How {hall the Young prefei:ve their Wayo,, from all :PQJ!ulion free.? By making fl:ill thc:ir.Courfe of Lifo with thy Coinl}1ands .a gree. llO Witb he�rty Zeal for thte.I frelt, to thee or Succoqr pray; . 0 fuffer not my,careltfs Steps fi:om thy rig!it Patks to .ftrily�. .r !·,;
11 Safe in :ny <:art, and clofdy hid, thy r , my Tr nfore, lies; To fucc ur me.: with fm ly Ai�I, when linful Thou hl11 arife. n S cur'd by that my grateful Soul fh.ill ve1· hlc:fs tby ame ; tea h I e then hy thy juCt La s my future: Life to frame. 13 My Lips, unloc • l,y pious Zeal ,. t other have de l rd, How w II th Judgm nts of thy fouth kfer•e our b ft R :ml. 14 hilfl: in the ay f thy Co mand more folid J y I foun , Than bad I bel'n , ilh ,·aft lncreafo f en y"<l l iches crown"d. JS Ther fore thy jurt an upri ht Law ind; 01;ill alw:1y fill my And thofc: found Rules which thou pr Ci rib'ft all due R fj1 cl: fhall fin 16 T keep thy St:itut s undefac <l {hall be my confinnt Joy· The flria Rem mhni11 e of thy \Vord 1hall all my Thoughts mploy.
GI 1
17 De gracious to thy Servllnt, Lord, do than my Life dtfcnd, '.rbat I ace rding to thy \Vord my future Time may fp n<l. 118 E11lightc:n both my .Ey sand Mind, that fo I m, y di fceru The wond'rous Things which th y behold, who thy jull: Precepts h:arn. 19 Though like a Stranger in the Land, fro[!l Place to 1 la c I firny, Thy nght�ous Judgments fr om my Sight remove not thuu a,.vay. 20 My fainting Soul is_ almoft pin'u, with earneft Longing fp nt, Whilft always on the eag�r Search of thy jnCt Will intent.
:i. 1 'J;hy 01arp Rebuke !hall crulh the Proud ' whom (lilJ thy Cur[e purfues; •, Sinct they to walk in thy right Waya pr fumptuouOy refufe.
:u But
:i, But far from me do thou, O Lord, Contempt and Shame remove, For I thy f. er d L:iw affc: with undi{fc:mbled Love. s3 Thou�h Princes oft, in Council met, againrt thy Savant fpal e; Yet I thy Statutes to obferve my co11fl:ant Bus·nef: m:1 e. 24 For th)' Command h.,N: always been my Comfort ;wd D light; By them I I arn with prudent Care to guide rny Steps a igbt.
25 My S0111 opprefs'd wi b dc:adly Care, clofe to the Duet do s ckave; Revive: me, Lord, and kt me no\V thy promis'd Aid receive. ;-iys, thee I rtill Jeclar'd my :i6 who didft incline thine Ear; O t,;:;ich me then my future Life by thy jult L:iws to fleer. r
- :
"7 If thou wilt m;ike me know thy Laws, and by their Goid;-ince walk, The wond'rous W rks which thou haft <lone fhal! he my conftant Talk. :z8 But fee, my Soul within me finks, pr fs'd down ,�ith w i �hty Care; Do tlwu, accord1og to thy Word, my warted Strength repair. :19 Far, far from me be all falfe Ways and lying Arts remov'<l ! Dnt kin�ly grant l ftill may keep the Path by thee approv·cJ ! 30 T ,y faithful Ways, tt,ou God of Truth, my happy Choice I've made; Thy Judgments, as my Rule of Life, before me always laid. JI My Care has been to mak� my Life with thy Commando agrc:e ; , 0 thc:n pn:ferve thy Servant, Lord ' from Shame and Ruin free. 31, So in the W;iy of thy Commands fhall l with Plc:afure run, And, with a Heart enlarg'd with Joy, fuccefsfully go on.
H E. 13 Infrrucl: me in thy tatutes, Lord, thy righ eous Paths rtifplay; And J from th m, thr ugh all my Life, will never go :ifir:iy. 34 If thou tru Wifrlom.from above wilt gr ci u0y impart, T kl'.ep tby pcrf Laws l will devote my zealou eart. W ys 35 Dir a me in the facr to which thy Prt-Cl'.pl kad; B c,1ufe my Chief <:light has been thy righteous Paths t tre;id. :,6 D thou to thy mof\: juf\: Commands incline my willing Heart; Let no D fire of worldly ,vealth fr om tbet:: my Thoughts divert. ¡37 From thofe vain Objects turn my Eyes, which this falfe World difplnys; But give me livdy Puw ! r and Strength to ke p thy righteous W:i.ys. 38 Confirm tht: Promife which thou mad'fr, and give thy Servant A-id, Who to tranfgrefs tliy facr d Laws is awfully afraid. 39 The foul Uifgrace I jufl:ly fear, in Mercy, Lord, remove ; For all the Judgments thou ordain'fr an! full of Gr;ice and Love. 40 Thou know'll: how after thy Commanc.ls, my longing Heart does pant; ¡O then makt: Hane to raife me up, and promis'<l Succour grant. P-
,41 Thy conftant Bl ffing, Lord, beftow-, to chear my drooping Heart; To me, according to thy Word, thy fav;ng Health impart. 42 So O,all I, when my Foes upbraid, thi6 ready Anfwe.r make ; '' Tn God I trufl:, who never will " his faithful Pro.mifi break." ,43 Then kt not quite the Wore! of Tnit-n. be from my Movth remov'd;
Since Aili my Ground of ft dfaft Hope thy juft De-er e have prov'd. 44 S l to keep th righteous Laws will all my tudy bend· From A e o Age, my Time to come in th ir Obfc:rvance fpcnd. 4 5 E'er long T trnft walk at larg , from ;ill Incumbrance fr ; Since I refolve to m;ike my Life with tby mmands agree. 46 Thy Laws {hall l>e my conftant Talk� and Princes 01:111 attend, Wbilft I the J ftice of thy Ways with Confhknce <iefend. 47 My I nging I art and ravifh'd"Soul <hall both , 1 now with J y, When in thy lov'd Commandments I my happy Hours employ. 48 Then will J to tby juCt: Decrees lift up my willing Hands; lYly Care and Bus·n fs then £hall be to ftudy thy Commands.
Z ..11. I N. ,;9 According to thy promis'd· Gr.ace, thy Favour, Lord, extend;· Make good to me the '\iVord, on ·which thy Serv:rnt 's Hopes depend . .so That 011ly Cc-m"fort in Dillrefs did all my Griefs controul; Thy Word, when Trouhles bemm'd me round, reviv'd my fainting Soul. 51 Jnfultiog Foes did proudly moc1c, and all my Hopes dc:ride ; Yet from thy Law not all their Scoffs could make me turn afide. 52, Thy Judgments t!Jen of anci"ent Date, _I quickly call'd to Mind, Till, ravilh'd with fuch Thoughts, my Soul did fpeedy Comfort find. 53 Sometimes I {l-ancl'amaz'd; like one with deadly Horror {truck, To think how :ill my rinful Foes have thy ju{l: Laws forfook:. 54 But I thy Statutes and Decrees .1:IY ch earful Anthems made;
1iHl: through firang L nds and defart ilds I Ii• a Pilgrim ftray d. 55 Th · Name, that che.1r'd my H art QY Do , has fill'd my Thou(thl by ight; I then refol '<l y thy juft La s to uide my·Steps aright. s6 That Pence of Mind, which has my Soul in deep DiCtrefs fuftain d Dy ftria b di nee to thy Will l happily obtain'd.
T H.
57 0 Lord, my God, my P rtion thou ffion :irt; allfl fure P Thy Words I ne fanly r Ii lve to tre;ifurc in my Heart. 58 With all the Str ngth of wnrm Defire J did thy_ GraC:e implore; Difclofe, according to th ord, thy Mercy's bouodl rs tore •.
S9 ..With du ReA aion nn<l fl:rict Care I thou ht; . on ,ill rny vV And fo, recl:iim'd to thy Jllfi Patbs, my w,rnd'ring Step I brought. 60 I loft no Time, but made great H fl:e, n:folv'd, without Delny, To watch, that I might never mar from thy Commanc:!ments '!l:ray. 6I Though num'rous Troops of finful Men to rob me have combin'<l, Yet I thy pure :ind righteous Laws have vt'r kept in Mind. (i:t In Dead of Night I will arife to fing thy folemn Praife; Convinc'd hO\y much f always ouglrt to love thy•rightc:011s W.-i.ys. �63 To filch as fear thy holy Name myfelf I clofdy join ; To all who their obedient Wills to thy Commands relign. 1 ·64 O er all the Earth thy Mercy, Lord, abundantly is fht'd; 0 make me theu exacl:ly learn th facre'd ,J?aths to tread. ' Q._q
166 65
ith me, thy Servant, tbou bail dealt mort graciouny, O Lorrl; Repeated Benefit b ftow'd, according to thy ord. 66 TC:! acb me the facced ill, by v bicfi right Jud�rnent is altnin'd, Who in Belief f thy Comm nde have ftedfafily r niain"d. 6 7 Before Affiiclion ftopt my Courr'e, my Foot-fteps-went afiray; But I have Cince beeu difc:iplin'cl thy Precepts to obey. 68 Tbou ;irt, 0 Lord, fuprem ly good, . and all thou dort is li ; On me, th_y l tutes to d.iR erri, thy favioS" Still n· ffow. 69 The Proud have forg;d maiici'ous Li s. my fpotlefs F me to rtain � But my fix d Heart, without Referve, . thy Pr cepts fli'afl ·retiin. , . 70 While pamper'd they, with prbfp•rous life, in fenfual Pl ;i'fures :i�e, My Soul can relifh n Dc!light, but what thy Pr c pts give. 71 'Tis f �nod for me that' I have felt Af hcl:ion's ha 'ning Rod, , That l mis!)� duly �earn and keep _ the St lutes of my Gad. 7z The Law that fr o�, thy Mouth proc eds, of more Efl:e't'tn [ hold Than untouch'd Mines, than tho'ufand Mi1 ee of Silver and of Gold. :f
O· D.
73 To me, w\10 ;im th \for'kru�nfhip , J of thy almighty Hands, , The heav'nly Unclt'ffl:an·ding giVe to learn thy juft Cpmi:na"n-ds. 74 My Preferv.1tion to thy Saints {hong Comfort will·afford, To fee:: Succefs atteri<l my Hopes, who trufied in thy W_or�l, 75 That right thy Judg.ment.s are, no\V �1y fure ;Experience t'e; ,,. , l;ord, .An<l that 111 Faithfol11ef.s, 0 76 Ol t thou haft afflicted me.
76 0 let thy t n er· y now affi rd men c:dful ·J; Acer rding to thy "r mife, Lor.cl, to me, thy Servant, made. 77 T me thy f;iving Gr ce r.dtore, Lhat I aga·n may liv ; u an relifh no Delight, , hofi but what hy Pr.ece-pts give. 78 Defeat the Pr u , who, unprovok'<.l", to ruiu me have I dlt, Wh Illy II thy f.ic.re La,,y 0 cmpl y my h r. I f:I fl 1:1 ht. 79 Let thofe. th'at f r th}• me fpouf◄ my Canfc, and thofe alone, "\IVho h vt:, by firitt anc.l p· u Seard1, · · · thy facrecl Pr cepts known.' Sta ut s let my Heart so In thy bl contin1_1e :llw,,ys fi und; Th 1t G ilt ;rnc.l "b me, the Sinn r's L may n· ·me coofoll;l d.• '
Br My Soul with I og Expe.cl nee fuiot:� to fr thy faving Grae ; Yet fl:ill on thy uo·erring \Vord my Confi encc: I pl h My very Eyi::s con.fume an ii with waiting for tby'Word· 0 ! when wil� tl:];ou t�y kind elje anrl promis'd Aid atfon;l? 33 My Skin like fi1rivd'd•P ..robmq1t fu.ow.s, tlut long in Smoke is fet; Yet no Affiiclioo me can force thy Statutes to forget. · :l4 How many Days muft 1 endur,e of Sorrow ::ind Diftrefo? When wilt thou Judgment execute on them, wbo n!e o_pprefo.? 25 The Proud have <ligg'd a i.P�t for me, that have no other Foes, But fuch as are averfe t-0 thee, and thy juft Laws oppofe. 86 With facred Truth's etc::rnal Laws all thy Commands ·agree ; Men perfecute me without Caufe; thc,u, Lord, my Helper RJ:• , Q.... q 'l.' s; With
87 , ith c ofe Defigns a infi: my Life th y had al�oft pn:v it'd; But, m Ob d, nee t:o.tby Will, my Du y II ver f; il'd. 88 Thy wonted l indnefs, Lord refior my droopin Hc:art to cb a;• That by · by righteou t:nnt 'I my Lif. ·' , hol our e ay fi er.
L 11. U ED� 89 For ever ancl for ever, Lord, unchang'd thou clofl: rem:1in • Thy \,Vnr , ft bllni <l in the: H�av·11.s, doe al, th ir Orbs fofiain. 90 Through circling Ag , LoTd, thy Truth, immoveable: 111:ill n.,nJ, As doth the E;irth ,. , hicl.1 thou uphold"Jl: by thy almighty Hand. 91 All 'I hings th C urft: l,�, thee ord io•d cv•n to this D, y fulfi I ; They art: thy faithful uhjeth1 all, and Servants of thy v' ill. 9:. Unlefs thy facred Law had been my Comfort an<.l Delight, I mufi have faint J, and cxpir'd in dark Afflicli o's Night. 93 Thy Precepts th refore from my Thought11 fhall never, Lorct, depart; For thou by them haft to new Life ·1 reftor'd my dying Heart. 94 As I am thine, entirely thine, pr tecl me, Lord, from Harm, Who have thy Precepts fought to know, and carefully perform. 95 The Wicked have their Ambufh laid my guiltlefs Lifr to take; But in the Midft of Danger I thy Word my Study make. 96 I've feen an End of what we call Perfection here below; But thy Commandments, like thyfelf, no Change or Period know. ME M.
')7 The Love that to thy Laws I beat· no Language can difplay;
They with fr fh Wonders entertain my raviCh'd Tbooghts all Day. 98 Through thy Commands I wifer grow tban all my fubtle Fo a; For tby fure Word doth me direct, and all my Ways difpofe. 99 From me my t rmer Teachers now may abler Counfel Lake; Becaufe thy facr d Preceµts 1 my conftant lttdy make. cl 100 In Under!l:andin I. the ages of our D ys · Becaufe by thy un rring flul s I order all my Ways. ,01 My feet with Car I have refr ain"d ay, from ev'ry linful That to thy facrt:,l ord I might entire Oberlience pay. 102. I have not from thy Judgments ctray"d, by vain Delires miOed; For, Lord, thou hall: inftruc\-ed me· thy rigbte us Path to tr ad. ro3 How fweet are all thy VV rds to me ! O what divine Rep<1fl: ! How much more- gr;itc-ful to my Soul, than Honey·to my T3fle ! 1o4 Taught by thy facrc::d Precepts, I with heav'nly Skill am bleft, Through which the treach'rous Ways of Si utter I Y. detefr ••
N' U N.
:.-05 Thy Word 1s to my feet a Lamp; the Way of Truth to fhow ; A Watth-li�ht, to point out the Path in which I ought t go. 106 I fware (and f�om my fol mn Oath will never ft art afidt:) That in thy righteau Judgments I will fl:edfafl:l y abide::. 107 Since} with Griefs am .fo oppr ft, that I can bear no more, According to thy Word do thou my fainting Soul reftore. 108 Let frill my Sacrifice of Prairc: · with thee .l}cceptance find; Q_q 3
And in tby righteous Ju g111erits, Lord, inftruct my illiog Mind. 109 Thou h ghalt:ly Dangt'rs me furroun(), my ou_t th y cannot awe, Tor with cootiriual T rrors • p from thinking on lhy La v. 1.10 Iy wic ·ed and im"'<:t'ratt: ): es for me their Sn;irc ha e laid� Yet I havt: kept the U{'lri t .Patil, nor fr om thy Prect:p 0:r;iy'cl. u I Thy Tdtimonies I bave mad my Hcrit,,ge and Choice; For they, when otbc:r Comforts fail ._ m}' drooping H .irt r ·oic.e. u:z My Hear with e1rly Z ·al b gan thy Statutes to obey And till my Courfe of Life is done., £hall 1-tc:cp thy upright Way.
:i:,3 Deceitful Thoughts a.od PraBices I utterly cleteft ;, But to thy Law Affection bear too gr at to be exprelt. I.14 My Hiding-pJac;e, roy Refuge-tow�r and Shield art thou, 0 Lord; I firmly �nchor �H my Hopes on thy unerring Word. 115 Ht:ncc ye that trade in Wickednefs,. approach nc,t my Abode; For firmly I refolve to keep the Precepts of my God. II6 According to thy gracious VVort:I ,, from Daoger fd rne free;, Nor make mt: of thofe Hopes afbam'd 1, that I repofe in thee.
:u7· Uphold me, fo 01all I be fafe,
and refcu'd from Di fir fs; .. To thy Decrees continually .my juft Refpecl- nc.hJrefs. us The Wicked thou hall: trod to Earth,_ who fr om thy Statutes ftray'd; Their vile Deceit the juft Reward of their own Fatn1ood made.JIJ9 The Wicked from -thy holy Land thou do(t like Drafs remove; •
I therefore with fuc/l Jµ.(fa:e cbarm·u, thy T nimonics love. 1 a.o Yt:t , ith th t Lo e �bey ma c JDC dr ilP.,. I n I 01 uld fo offi 11d, h on Tranfgr ffurs I behold thy Judgmeuts thus qcfcenµ. A I N. :121 Judgment and Jufl:ice I have lov•d; ther.:fore, Lord, ngage In my Defence, 11-0r give me up t my ppi:e-ffor • Jl;i c. 11.-:. Do thou be Surety, '.Lurd, for me, and f., 01all this Di(h; f1 Prove good f,,r me ; nor Chall the Pr-0u my guilt:efs oul oppr rs. 1'2.J My · ala ! begin to fail, in Ion� Exp .,nc.e beld ; Till thy S, lvation they beh Id, and righteous Worn fulfill'd. 124 To me, thy :Ser,·ant, in Diflrefs, thy wonted Gr cc difplay, And difciplin.: my willi1\g Ilc.:irt thy St. tult:S to b y n.5 On me, cl voted to thy Fca-r, thy f.icr d Skill h ·ftow, That of thy Tenimonies I the full Extent may know. X?.6 'Tis Tim , high Time f r t_hee, 9 Lord, thy Venge,rncc to mploy; When Men with op,w Violence tby facxcJ Law d ftroy. 12.7 Yet their Contempt of thy Command.• hut makes th.tir Value rife In my Efl:eem, who purtil: Gold, comfar'd with tht111, <lefpifr. 1 :i.8 Thy l rec.:pts lb r f< rt: I 11ccouot • in all R fpecls, <livin ; · They teach me· to difcern the rig,ht, and all falfe Ways decline:.
ye ,
p E.
lil.9 The Wonders which thy Laws contain no Wortls can reprefent; Th�rc:fore to !tarn and praclife them • my z�alous Heart js bent. 130 The very Entrance to thy Word ' celeftial Light d fplays;
And Knowledge of trne Happinef& to fimpleft Min Is conveys. I .5 r With eag r Hopes I wailing flood, and fainting with D £ire• That of thy wife Commands I might t�e facred Skill acq11ir 1.5:z With F,1,•our, Lord, look down oo me ,. who thy Rdief implore; As thou art wont to vifit tbofe, who thy hleft Name adore •. 1;33 Diretled hy thy heav'nly Word let ;ill my Foot- ftc:ps he ; Nor Wickednefs of ;my Kind Dominion have o'er me. 134 Releafe, entir ly ft:t me free from perfc:cuting Hands, That, unmolefted, I may learn and pratlife thy Commands'. a35 On me, de oted to thy Fear, Lord, make thy F:icc to !bine; Tby Statutes both to know.and keep, my Heart with Zeal incline. 136 My Eyes to weeping Fountains turn,. t\rhence brinv Rivers Aow, To fee Mankin'd againfl thy Laws. in bold Defiance o •.
13? Thou art the righteous Judgt:, in whom wrong'<l Innocence may truft; And, like thyfc:if, thy Judgments, Lord, in all Refpetls are j1Lft. 138 MoA:jufl: and true: thofe Statutes were, which thou cliclft firO:: decree; And all with Pai.t:hfnlm:fs p rfor.m'd fncceeding Times fl1all fee.
1�9 With Zeal my flefh confumes away, my Soul with Anguifl1 frc:ts, To fee my Foes contemn at once thy Promifes ;ind Threats. :r40 Yet each n,!glech-c.l Word of thine• (howe'er by.th<::Jn defpis'd) Is pure, and for eternal Truth by me, thy Sc!rvant, priz'd. !4I Brought, for thy Sake, to low Eftate,., Contempt-from all I find;
C. IX.
Y t no Affronts or �rongs c.1n drive thy Pr c pts f m my Mind. :r41. Tl y Right ou �uers fuall th n ndure, when Time itfelf i ptlll:; Thy Law is Truth itfi If, tbat Truth, which fball for ev r la(t.
1 73
143 Though Trouble, Angui01, Doubts;_and Dread,. to compaf:. me unit Befi t with D nger, fiilf I make thy Precrpt my D light. 144 Eternal and un rring Rules thy Teetimonies givt:; Te:ich me:: the Wifdom that will makl': my Soul for ever liv K.. 0 P H. :i45 Witt;' my whole !·kart t G d I call'd; Lord, h ar my earnefl: ry; And I thy Statutes to p rform will all ,my Cdre apply. 146 Again more frrv rttl}' I pray'd, O fave me, that I may Thy Teftimonies throughly know; and Ctedfafily ohey. l47 My earli r Pray'r the dawning Day pr vented, while I cry'd To him, on whofe en aging Word my Hope alone rely d. 1 48 \¥ith Zeal h:ive I awak'd before the Midnight Watch was fet, That I of tby myfl:erious Word might perfect Knowledge get.
149 Lord, hear my fupplicati11g Voice, and wonted Fa our fi1ew; O quicken me, and fo approve thy Judgment ever true. y p rfecuting"Foe::s advance, 5 M 1 0 and hourly nearer draw; What Treatment-can I hope from them, wh _ o violate thy Law� 5 they draw nigh, my-Comfort is Though 1 1 thou, Lord, art yc:t more near; Thm1, whofe Co'mmands an: righteous all, 1 • thy Promifes fincere. · 15-z Con-
IJz. Concernin thy dh·ine er s, my Soni has kno n of qld, Tb;it they w re true anp Illa.II their T{Ul}j ' . to endl r As s bo <l.
R .p S C JJ. r53 Confi er my ffiic\ion ,Lor<4 t and me: r m .Bundage dr, w; l Think on thy , rv n 111 iftrds, wh ne' r forgets hy L,.1w. r54 Pl ad thou my Caufe; to that arid me thy timely Aid affor I· ith B s of M rcy fJUick.GQ me, according to thy -rord. r55 From h:11·d1:n• inn rs thou re01ov Cl: Sa a i n far aw;1y ; 'Tis jun- thou fhould'lt withdraw fr om them, ' ···- - 1 wf10 rorr. U1y Statu s ftray: al" \'-' r M r ten� J 56 Since gre, t th <:, ad0r, ; h<> th to all, • r: • s, Locd Judgment ., I , I ., According to thy "' • ?. , my fainting Hop s n:llore. ) 157 A 1111 1'rous H<;>O of fpit<:fol .Foe,s ag:iinrt my Life combint'; But all too few to force my Soul thy Statutes to·d cline. T 58 Thofe bold Trnnfl;f reffurs I b h lJ, and was wjth .Gntf oppn�fs'd, To fee with what au acipu� Pride : •·. thy Cov'nant they franfisr-:wi'd. 159 Yet while thc:y flight, confi er, �ord,. h w I thy Precepts lov ; 0 lherdore quicken me with Beams of Mercy from abov imc tJ,y Truth 160 As fr om the Hirth of has held through Agei; p:tfr, So O]all thy righteou Judgm��1ts fir.m, to> n<ll fa .A.g_es !aft.
SC 1J IN• . 16r Though mighty Ty.rant,1, wjtho1,1t Caufe, confpire my Blood to fued·, Thy facred Word bas Pow'r �Jone lt? fill my Heart with Drei;\cl. J(h. An_d yet Lhat Word 'iny joJful Drea� � with heav'nly Rapture warms;
Nor Conquert, n :r tbe Spoils of War, have.: fucb tranfportin� Charms. 163 P�rfidious Practice: and Li s I utterly dctt.ft; Dut to 'thy Laws ff, c\:i n bear, too v:ifl to be xpr 164 S v·n Time a D. y, wilh grateful Voicc:-J thy Praifcs I r�fonnd, B ca11fe I find thy Jnrigm nts all with Tru hand Jul ice cro\ n'd. 165 Secur • (uufbrntial P ace have tb y who tru ly love th.y L w ; No fmiling Mifi.:hi f tht"m can tempt, nor f,owning Dilnger awe. 166 For thy Salvation I have hop'd, and thOt11?h ft, long del y·1\, ith. chearful Z .al ;md ftrictdt Care all thy Coriimnnd obey· • 167 Thy Tt.-il:imoni . I h;tve kept, and conft,,ntly obey d ; Becaufe th. Lo\'e l bore to them thy S rvi e e, fy made. 168 From rtricl: Obfc:rvance f thy La\ I never yet withdr<:'w; Co11vinc'd th:it my mofl fecr t Ways are open to thy Vi'e
Jtl9 To my Re tell' and arneft 'Cry attend, O graciocrs Lord; Infpire my Henrf. with ht:av'nly Skill, according "to thy Word. 170 Li::t rn y n;pc::ated Pr::iy•r :it I aft � , b fore thy Throne appear; Accor'ding to thy pli btlc!d Word, fur my Reli�f drnw n ar. 17 I Then n,al my grateful Lips rettlm tne Tribute of tli ir Praife, When thou thy Counfi Is hnfi: reveal'..:l ' aml taught me by juft W:iys. 17l My Tongue the P111ifes of thy Word !hall th:inlcfully refonnd, Becaufe thy Promifes ".re·af! with Truth ,rnd.Ju:!bce crl:lwn'tl. 173 Let thy alir,i&hly Arm· a.ppe'ar, .and b1·ing me timdy Aid;
For I the Laws thoa haft ordai11'd my Heart s free hoice have made. x74 My Soul has waitc::d Ion to fee thy f. ving Grace r fiord; or omfort knew, but what thy Laws, thy h av nly L s afford. '15 Prolon · my Lif. thnt I may fing my great Hertorer' Prai e, hofe Jufti e, fr ,m the: D pths of Woe, my fuinting oul fhall raifi . 376 Like fome loft She p I'v ray•J, till l dt:fpair my ,.1/ay to find ; Thou, tbcref re, Lord, thy S rvant feek, who ke ps tl�y.L ws in Mind. AL NI C X. deep Diftn:fo I on. have cry'd To God, who never yet dcny'd to refcue me opprcfs'd with vVronss; � Once more, 0 Lord, Ddiv'rnnce frnd, From lying Lips my Soul de� nd, and from the Rage of fland'ring Tof1gues •
.3 What little Profit can accrue, And yet what heavy Wrath is due, O tbou prefidiou Tongue, to thee? . .4 Thy fiing upon thyfelf fhall turn.; Of tarting Flames, that fiercely burn, the conftant Fnel thou fhalr be. "5 But O ! ·how wretched is m1/ Doorn, Who am a Sojourner bt'come in barren Mefech's dc:fart Soil ! 'With Kcdar's wicked Tents inclos·a, Tv lawl fo·Savages expos'd, who live on nought but Theft ;rnd Spoil. 6 My haplt:fa Dwelling is with thofe, "\Vho Pe·1ce and Am·ty oppofe, and Pleafure t;tke in others Harms;· 1 : 7 Sweet Peace is ;ill I court an,! fcek; . But when to them of Pe;ice I fper1k, tht:y ftraight cry out, To Arms, To Arms.
·s ·ALM
Sior:i's Hill I lift my Eyes, To from thence e:xpc:cting Aid;
� From Sion's Hill .:ind Sion's Goel, whQ ;I-Ieav'n and Earth bas . made. -
'3 ·-then
l 77
• 3 Then th u, Soni, in S, Ii ty rdt, thy uardian will not Oc:ep; His watchful Care, that Jfrael guard , will Jfra l's M narch k p. s Sheltc:r'd b neath th' Almighty's Wings thou !halt ft:curely n:ct, 6 h re neith r un nor Moon !ball thee by Day or Night mold\:.
7 From'common Accidents of Life flill; his C;11:e fhall guard lh 8 From the blind Strokes of Chance, and Foes, that lie in wait to kill. 9 At Home, Abroad, in Peace, in 1Var, thy God ·fhall thee defend; Conduct thee through Life's Pilgrimage fafe to thy _Journey's End.' P S A L M
'Twas a joyful Sound to hear our Tribes devoutly fay, Up, Ifrael, to the Temple hafte, and keep your feflal Day. 2, At Salem's « Courts we mu!t appear with our a!fembled Pow'rs, 3 In flrong and beauteou 0J"der raog'd, . like her united Tow'rs.
4 'Tis thither, by, divine°Command, the Tribes of Gori repair, Before hig Ark to celebrate his Name with Praife and Pray•r• .s Trib�inala ft:md ert'cted there, where Equity takes Place; There ll:and the Courte and Palacei; of Royal Daviu's Race. 6 0, pr,»v we tHcn· foi- S�lem's Peace, i; ·.- they {ball profp•rous lie, (Thou holy Ci!Y 0f our Qo? ! ) who bear tr-ue Lo e to thee.: 7 May teace within ·thy facred Walls a conctant Guell be found, ViTith Plenty and P�ofperity thy Palaces bt: crown'�. 8 For my dear Brefhren's Sake, and Friends · , , no lefs than Brethren dear·, I'll pray--.-·.May Pea·ce in Salem's Tow'rs • a cor.iftant Gueft appear. R r
9 But
(hy Goud ' 9 But morl: of all ]'II fe and ev r wi01 tht.'e wdl For Sion and the Tt:mple.' Saki:, wh re God uuchl: fe; to uwcll. ;J,
N th e, wn6 dwt:11'ft aho1·e th'e�kiea, O For Mer y wait my lonJ?ing' Eyes• As ervants z
11·,nch then- M.:ill • Han s, And Maids the:r"MiOrefle ·•· ornmands. 3, 4 0 then have Mercy nn·11s. Lord, Thy gracious A id tn 11 .rlford · To u,, wh m crm·l ·oe. ,ipp;ef,; · Grown rich and proud l1y onr Difirtfs.
·P S A L M CXXIV. · Ad not the Lord (m:iy Ift·,1el frly) H ht"en pltas'd to int ·rpofe, 2, H:id he nnt the,·1 el'pou 'd·our·enufe, when Men againfl: us roft:, 3, 4, 5 Tht:ir Wrath had fwallow'd us'alic·r 0 and r;ig'd ,1 ithout Controul; Their Spite ar,d Pridt's unittd Floods bad quite o'erwhelm'tl our Soul. (i But µra:s•d he our ·eternal Lord, who refcu'd us lh;iL ,D;iy, Nor tu their f:,va�e Jaw !?ll'V·e up our threat n'd Lives a Pre,.. 1 Our Soul is like a Bird tfc;ip'd f r om out the Fowler's Net? The Snare is broke, their 1 Hdpea are;crofe'd, and we at Freedom fet.• ;3 Secure in his almighl y Name our Confidence ren,ains, Who, as he ma de· 'loth Heilv'n and·£-artb, of botb fok Monarch r i'gns. J
A L M CXXV. p ! wHo p lac:'e on· Sion's'.Gocl theirTr--1:m, . Sion's Rock fhall•fl'autl; like Like her immoveable oe fix'd by his almighty Hand. ,._ Look how the Hills on tv'ry Side Jerufalem iRclofe; So fran<ls the. Lord around• his Saints, to 3,uard U1em from their,;Fo,es.
a 'Tbe
S The Wicke may aOlict lbe Juft, hut ne'er too Inn oppr fa, or fore him by D. fp 1ir t f, k b1fe Mt'v1s ,.r hi R.eclrt:fs. 4 Bt: goncl, 0 ri l! htl' u. G Jd. t thofei, who rig',t us.D <ls affi �: The Heart th, t l•in••Ct!II e retains, let [ nnuc nee protect. s All thofe whn walk in er okcd Paths,,, the L rel fha l l 0011 ckflroy, Cut off th' Unjult, but crO\ n th,e S:tinta with I, fting Peace anJ Juy.
p $ALM ex 1
X T en Sion's God her Soos reca\l'd VV fr m Ion aplLvit?, It f, em'd at firf t a plealing Drenm of what we win1'd to fre: � But foon, in unaccuftom'1l 1lirth. we 1. .li1\ our Voice emi:loy, And fung onr n:at Rel'tor r' Prai!c · in lhanltful llymns o Joy. "'{
Our heathen Foes repining fl: o 1, yet wt'n� compcll'd lo own, That great and wond'rous \•as Lh V..f orh: our God for us had dnn.:. :; 'Tw;is great� fay th y, 'twas wond'rous great, much more 01011ld we c nfefs; The Lord ha done gre. t Things, whereof we reap the glad Succ fa. _ 4 To U!\ bring hack the Remnant, Lord, of Tfr.1el's captive Bands, More welcome th;rn refre01ing Show'rs to parch'd and thirll:y Land:i: s That WI!, whoft: Work commc:nc'd in Tear9 ' may fee our Labours -thrive, , Till finifh:d with Succefs, to'm ke our drooping Hearts, rcviv • 6 Though he defponcls that fows his Grain ' yet d.oubtlefa he l11all come To bind his full-ear'd Sheaves, and bring the joyful Harvefl: home. Rr�
-L p
Supplies of Life:, with Eafi to them, he on h Saints b flows· H crowns thc.:ir Labours ,;ith S11ccefs, their ights ith found Repofe. · 3 Ch.ldren, tho(; Co forts of our Life, are Preli nts from the Lord; He gives a num'rous Race of Heirs, as Pi ty's R ward.
4 As Arrows in a Gi,,nl's H.,nd, wh n marching forth to ar, Ev'n fo the Sons of fprightly Youth th ir Par rit 'Safeguard are. S Happy the Man, "1:1 bufe Q!Jiver•� fill'd wuh thcfe prev, iling Arms; He need not fear t mt:ct his Foe, at Law, r ar's Alarms. P S A L M
1 THe Man is bl fl: that fears the Lord, nor oily ar01ip pars, . Dut ke ps his Steps confin'd \.v1th Care to his appoinkd Ways. z He 01all upon the fweet Returns of bi,; nwn Labour feed ; 1Vithout :Qep,ndance live, and fee his ifhes all fucceed.
3 His Wife, like a fair fertile Vine,
her bvtly Fro it {hall bring; Bis Children, like young O ive-plants, about bis Table fpriog. ,4 Who fi ars the Lord 01all profper thus; him Sion's God 01all blefs; 5 And grant him all h:s Days to ice J erufalcm 's Succefs,
6 He
6 I·k n1all live on, till Heirs fr m him def.·end with v;ift Iner afi ; Much blef: 'd in hi wn profp'rous State, and more in Ifrael's Peace. P S·A L M
1 FRom my Youth up, may Ifrael f;.iy,
they oft have me affiLi\''d,
:z. Reduc'd me oft to heavy Straits, but never quite pr vail'<l. 3 They oft have plow'd my patient Ba with F11rrows d ep and long; 4 But our juft God has broke thi:ir Chains, and refcn'd us frotr) Wrong.
s Defeat, Confufion, n1amefol Rout he ftill the Doom of thofe, Their ri�bteoi1s Doom, who Sion hate, and S1on's God oppofe. 6 Llke Corn npon our Houfes Tops, untimely let them fade, Which too mucb Heat, anci Want of Root, bas blafted in the Blade : 7 Wbich in his Armij !'JO Reaper takes, but unregarcle<l leaves; No Binder thinks it worth his Pains to fold it into ,Sheaves. 8 No Traveller, that p !fes b y-, vouchfaft-s a Miotite's Stop-, To give it one kind L.ook, or crave1-kav'n's. Blemng on the Crop. PSALM
I pRom lowefl: Depths �f Woe to God I fent ¥1Y Cry i :z Lord, he;ir my fupplicating Voice> and gracioHOv -rt:ply. 3 Should'ft thou, teverely judge, who can the Trial bear ? 4 But thou forgiv'ft, left we defponcf,. ancl quite rfnollnce tny Feal'.
s My Soul with Patience w:iits for thee, tht' livi'ng Lord; My Hopes are c;m th }' Promife buil-f,, tb.y nevi:r-failins Word. R r 3.
182 -pSAL 1S CXXXI. 6 My longing E e lo k out
for thy nliv'ning Ray, More duly thnn tbc M,,rnini; Watctr to fpy the daw11i11g Day. 7 Let lfrael trut1 in GCld, no Bounds hi M r ·no\ ;' The pient us our ee and Spring, from whenc eternnl Succ ur n ws; 8 Who(i fr i ndlv trc::-ams-to us Supplie2 in W:111t contey · A hC!<lli11g 'prini, a Sprin • to cleanfe, and wa(h our Guilt aw,1y. J
A L 1
, I am n t proud f Jka_rt> O Lord nor ca!l' a li·ornful Eyc:.;
Nor my afpiri11g Tuoughts employ. in Things for me too higb. :i. With Infant Innocenc.: th u k'bo\v'tt. I have myfclf dcmean'd; Compos'd to �iet, li�c: a Ba�e that fr,.m the .Breall 1s wean d. 3 Like m. let lfrael hope in God, his Aid alone implore; Both now and ever trull in ltim, who lives for evermore�. , � ; 1; F ALM· 1 3 LEt David, Lord, a.confl ant Plac· , in thy Remembrance fin I 3. Lc:t all the Sorrows-he e11dur'd · · · be c:vc::-r in thy Mind. 2 Rt'mcmber what a folcmn �ath to tnt'e, his Lord, he fworc:; H w to the niigbty. God h� vow'tl, • whom Jacub'i; SonJ; adore; , , ! • 3, 4 I will n�,t go ·1�u, m!f Huufe�. ' · r:or to my Ui.:rl afceod ; No foft Rc.-p ,fe n1all c!nfc my Eyi·s;., _nor S'ecp my .Ey.e-lrds brnd; 5 Till fort he.- L, rd's delign'd Abode I, mark the cJefl-in'd G1·ou1nl'• Till I a clcct:nt P.lac� of. Rdt . .' 1· f,>r Jacub'i God haVI:'. fuu,ad·,. · � Th' appo:nted Place, witii.Shouts. of Jay.} . • · • at. Ephrata we· fowid .,
·cxxxrr..• �· I
CXXXIII. And made the W ti and nl!ig(1b'ring Fields our )'.?l,,d A pplaurc r.efi 1.md. 'J O with , 11e R--ev'rence let us then t<' liis Al ode repa·r; A11 , prollratc at h;s Footfto< 1 f.tll"n, pour out our humble: Pray'r,
8 Arife, 0 Lonl. anrl,ho, 1wflefo hy \:Onfbnt Pl::tl'.e f H �; Be tl,:it, llOC, or \\ ith lh }' rk, hleQ. but with I hy P, fen 9, IO Clothe tlwu thy Pridhi with Rightcoufnen,, make thnn thy S,1int rt·j .. i t'; And, for thy ervc1nt David's Sc1k , hear thy Anointtd V ice. 1
11 Goel 1\van: to m·icl in his Truth, • (nor tlt,ill his 0ath'he vain) One of•lhy 'ff:,pri1\, .1f1er th<! , upnn Lh y Thron .fh,111 r ig11: . 1z. And if thy See In, Cov'nant h�ep,. ancl to my Laws fubmit, Their Children too llf'l<lO thy Throne for evermore flt all fit. 13, 14 For Sion oe , in God's Erteem,. ail 01 her Seat� X-<'t:I ; I is Place of i-v ailing I r., when: he: dcfirc-s t·• tlwe I. 1 15, 16 Her Stnr-e; fa's lh:, I wil1inqeafe, her Poor wi h Pl nty bleTs; Her S.1i11ts 0-1-1II Oiout for Joy, herPriefi my f.tving He;ilth confefs. 1 7 Then! Davin•� PO\ 'r lbc1ll long remain· in his fuccdli9e Line, And my,:rn1i i i1t d Savant thei· · 01all wilh freth L11fhe ·o,ine, � 8 The Faces of h ··s v.11,9urfh 'd FO'es, Confulio11 01all ,,•.,,rfp1'eau; • • :. Whilt1, with l.l mnn\ \I Sl1Ct:lfa, his Cro\vb fhall flourifh on his liead. , P S A L M CXXXIII. :a·
O\� va'ft mull: tfn:il· Aclvantage he! how great their Ple;ifor prove ! H \V.io live ldce Brethren, and confe
ni · in Offkts of L• Vt ! . . :;.. Trur.-: Lt1Vt! jg like that prrcibu:; Oir' • • which, 11 ·ur'<l• on Aaron's li�a'd;
s c.L XXIV: V.
R _n • en n his Burd, an o'er bis R be& its coftly oiOure 01ed.
v, which does · 3 'Tis like refre0li-n on H rm n's T p diftil; Or like the early r,,� that fall on Sion's fru"tful Htll. 4 For Sion is the: ch()fc;n eat, whc:re the almighty Kin Tbe promi 'd B d1iog has ordaio'd ,and Li� 's ctern;1I Spring
J BLefs God, ye erv nt , that attend up1m his fo!c:mn State, That in his Tempe, Nighr by Night, with hum bl Hxv'rent:e wa,t: z, 3 Within hi Hour◄ lift up your Hands�· and blefi his holy Name; From Sion bl fs thy Ifrael, Lonl, "'ho Earth and Heav·n didl1 frame. 1
Praife the Lore.I with one Confent,
Q and magnify his ame; Let all the Sc:-rvants If the Lord
.· his worthy Praife proclaim. Praile him all ye that in his Houfe. attend with conftaot Care; With thofi.>•th-at to hrs outmoft Courts. with humble Zeal repair.
g For this our truelt Jnt'rect is, glad Hymns of Praife to ling•; And with loud Song: to blefa his Nam ,. a mofl: delightful Thing. 4 For God his own.peculiar Gboice the S011s of Jacob makes; Anll lfrael's Offspring for his own. , moll: vatu'd Treafure takes. S That'Gocl is great, we often have by glad Experienct' fo1:1nd; And frt'.n hnw be, with woml'rous Pow.':r-,. . above all Gods is er n-v11'd. . · · 6 ·For he, ·wit� _unrefi(I:.�q, �tr�pgth, , • perf, rms his fo-v're1gn \Viii; ,1 Ju Heav'n and· Earth, ancl:wat'ry Store_s. that Earth's deep <::avern.5 /111,,, 111 · ·._�;, 1 1
7. He
r 7 He r,ifr.s Vapaur f om the Grouud, which, po,s'cl in liquid Ai1·, fall (town at 1; 0: in, how'rs, through ,vbicll his dr ac�ful Light'11i11gs-�lar : r 8 He f om 111s Store houfe brings tbe Wind·s; ancl he, with veng ful H1nd, The Pirlt-born flt'w f M.111 and Beaft, through Egypt's I ourning Lar.d.
He drea ful isns and ncl rs 01ew'd thrnugh fiub orn S)'Pl's u, cts, Nor Pharaoh could his L'lasuc� efcape, , nur ;ill hi num'rou:i Holts. I I Twil he that various t tions fmote ,. O I ' and mi�hty Ki11gs fuppr fs'<l; Sihon and Og, and all b fid s, ho Can;i n'-e Land pofiefs'd. u, 13 Thc.-ir Land upon bis hofrn Race he.: firmly did t'nta'ii; for which his fame {nail alway:1 _]aft, his Praife fh.1ll ne,·er fail. 14 Fur Goel !hall foon his'P·ople's Cau'fc witu p'tying Ey:t fun•t:r; Repent him ut' his \Vrath, and turn hio kindled H.a, 11way.
15 Thoft' hi ls, whofc: falfe �•or01ip fpreads o'er all the heat 1c:oo LRnds, Are made of ilv r ;ind of Gold, tht' W rk of Im ,an Hands. 16 17 They move not their fi8itio11s Tongue� ' nor fee with poli01'J Eyes; Tbt:ir counterf-eitc:d E,11'S are dr;if, no Breath \h ir M_outh fupplic..:s. 1g As ftnfrlefs as lhemfdves are they, that all their Skill apply To make them, or in dang'rous Times on them•for Aid rely. x9 Their ju(t'Returns of Thanks to God Jct grateful lfrael p;iy; Nor let the Priefl:s of Aaron·s Race to l>lefs the Lord delay. :zo Their Senfe of his pnbounded Love Id Levi's Houfe exprefs; And let all thofe who ft:ar the Lord, bis Name for �•ver blefs.
u Let
:.1 LJt all with Th,rnk h" wonJ•rou.s Wor in Shl1,'s C urt prm:1.aim ; L t lhern in Sitl 111, wber he dw Us, exa t bis huly• , m
p J
VT •.
O Go the m;gh. y LorJ Y< \Jr ·oyful Th:tnl. ,. pc:it; To him due;iif. afforir, J\.s soutl ,IS hi! . gre;it; Fur O d <l 'I pnn� Our c nO:,mt Friend, I is hound fir L , Shall n ver nd.
r, 3 To him, whofc wond'rous,Pow'.11 All othc:r Gods ohey, vVhom e;rnh-1y Kings adore, This grat ful H mage pay. Fur God, &�. "' s· By his al ni-�ht1 Hand Amazing '"'orks ;ire wrought; The Heav'ns by his Cor.nmand Were to Perfi tiun brought •. For G1,d, &c. fj 6 He ,rearl l hie' Oce:i n round Ahont the fp.iciou Land; Ancl made the riling Gr iund Above the Waters fl:a.nd. For God, &G. 7, 8, 9 Through Heav•n he did difplay Hi num'rous H fl:s of Lir:ht; The Sun to rule hy Day, The:: Moon and Stars by Night. For GoJ, &c.
r, 11, He ftruck the Firlt- born dead• Of Egypt's finbborn· Land ; And thence his People kd With his re(Hl:left. Hand. For God, &c.
1.0, 1
13, 14 By him the rnging Sea, As if in Pieces rent, Difclos·ct a middle Way, Through which his P�ople went·. ,For Cod, 6 c. .
rs Wher-e
s Where fuon he ovcTthrew p, uud Phar;toh r,d hi lioft, ho, tlanng- to purine, W rt: i11 the Billows oit. Fur G,1c.l, &c. 16, 17, r8 Thr,,ugh D f: r�s v:ifl: and·,vild I·k.lcrl tile cholen Seed ; And famn11:1 Prine tuil'd, A11d marle gn·dl Mun n.:hs hleed. For God, &c. 19 10 Sihon, whofe pnlent 1-Iin Gre:it Amm,h1'11 :ccptre fway rl; A ntl g whofe fl rn Cornm;rncl Rich B,dlrnn' Laud ob y'J. Fur Got, 6,c.
g.I, 21. And of h1s woncl'r 11s Grace Their.Lands, whom he udlroy·lt• He g;we to lfrad'� R, ce ., Tll he hy tl,em tnjoy'd. For Gud, t;c. �3. �4 He, in our D plh of Woeo, 011 us with F vonr thought, And from 011r crut'I Ftles In Pe.ice ;ind .Safety brought.
Fqr Cod, .&c.
,,_ 5, 26 He ,does l ht l•ood ft!P.P'Yi On which all Ct-e;itur-es live:• To•G ti, ,who reigns n •brg·h, .Eternal Prai frs ,give. For Got! will' prove Our conflant Frie,n{{ 9 His boundlt-fo.I:.ove ;Shall never end.
P s'A L·M •CX�Vll. wHen w_e, -our weary Limbs-to r.eft, fat down by proud Euphrates' Str.eam p We wept, ;vith doleful TJ10ughts opp,:�ft, and Sion was 0l}r mournful Ttremt', a Our HarpA, t�at _when ,with Joy we fung, were wont their tu11eful Parts lio hear ' With Ii lent-Strings ne.gl.ecl:ed •h�rng on Willow-tret:s,. that wither'd the,,e. 3 Mean while our Foes, rwho atl' con..fpir'd to triumph in eur 4lavifu Wton.g&., :Mufie
L i
VIII . .
Mufic and irth of u rrqtfr' I, • " rn , fin. u on -0r ion's Sonss," 4 How fhall we t11ne ur uic-e to fing? or touch our Harps with fkilful Han<l'l? Sh II Hymns of Joy to Goel, our Kinit, be fung by Slav s in foreign Land
O Salem, ·our once happ at ! forgetfol pro , when I of th Let th n my tr mblin 1-1 nd forg t th fpeakrn Strings , i Art tu move! 6 If 1 to mention tbee forbear, eternal ii ce fi ize y Tongue; Or if 1 fing one chearful ir, till thy Deliv'rance i my Song! ? Rememb r, Lord, how •dom's Race, in thy own City's,fatal Day, Cry' I out, " H r ftat ly Walls clefact:, " and with the.Ground quite level lay.•• 8 Proud Babel's Daught r doorr,'d to be of Gr"ef and Woe the ;vr tched Prey; Bkf1 'd is the Man who Chall to th e the Wrongs t_hou laid'ft on us repay. � Thrice blefs'd, who ;vith j11fl Rag-e polfeft, and deaf to all the Pan:nts' Mn ns, Shall fnatch thy J11fa11ts from th-: Brt:aft, and d;i{h their Heads againft the Stones. .
A t..M
. ....
1 , ""{"XTJth my wh0Je Heart, my Go<l ;.nd King, VV thy Pr;iift: J will proclaim; Before the Gocls with Joy I'll fing, and blefs thy holy Name. z I'll worfhip at thy facred -Seat; and, with thy Lnve infpir'd, The Praife$ of thy Trull! nq2_ea.t, o'er all thy Works admir'd. 3 Thou gracioufly inclind'lt thine Ear, when I to thee < l id c,·y; And "''hen my Soul"'was prefs'd with Fear, di<lCt inw:ird Strength fopply. 4 Therefore 01all ev'ry t•arthly Prince thy Name with Pr:iife purfne, Whom thefe aclmir"<l Events convir,:ce , that all thy Works art: tnit::. ·• Lord; · , 5 They all .thy wund'rous vV.ays, with chearfuJ Songs !hall blefs; . . • Ant:l l
And all thy g rious Atl:s record, thy awfol P , ·r con fs. G For God, alth u h enrhron'd on high, rlo s thence the P or r fpdt; The Proud far off his fcornful Eye beholds with juft Negletl:.
7 Though I with Troubles am opprefs'6, he fhall my Foes difarm, Relieve my' oul when mort c.liftr Ci d, and keep me fafe from Harm. Lord, whofe M rcies ever !aft, The 8 !hall fix-my happy St. te ; And, mindful of his Favouro pact, {hall his own �'ork compleat.
cxxxrx .
P ALM .-, z THou, ·Lord, by lhictert Search ball: known My rilh1g up and lying down-; My fecr t Thoughts art' known to thee, Known long·be� re conceiv'd by me. '"3 Thine Eye my Bed and P,1tb furveys, My public Haunts and private Ways; 4 Thou know'fi what 'tis my Lips would vent, My yet unutter'd Words' Intc::nt. s Surrounded by thy Pow·r I ll:and, · On ev'ry Side I find thy Hand. 6 0 Skill, for human Rc:ach too high ! Too dazzling bright'for mortal '.Eye! 7 0 could I fo pe�fidions be:, To think of once deferting thee, Where, Lord, could I thy Influence ihun? Or whither from thy Prefence run ?
\l If up to Heav'n I take my Flight, 'Tis there thou dwell'fi enthron'd in Light� · ' If down to Hell's infernal Plains, 'Tis there Almighty Veng�ance reigns • . 9 If I the Morning's Wings could gain, And fly beyo_nd the wefiern Main, �o Thy fwifter Hand would firll: arrive, And there arreft thy·Fugitive.
u Or, n1ould·I try to nrnn thy'Siglrt Beneath the fable Wings of Night; One Glance from thee, one piercing Ray, -Would kindle Darkoefs into !Jay. -S s iu Tbe
x;, The Vcil of ight is no Difguifi o Screen from thy all-fearcbing Eyes·1 Through midnight Shades thou fiod'Jt tby As in the blazing oon of Day.
, y,
IJ Thou know·n tbe T ·ture of my Heart, iy Reins and ev'ry vit.tl Part· Each ringle Thread, in ature' Loom, y tbee , .-ts cov r'd in tbe W mb. 14 1'11 pr.1ife thee, from whofe Hands I came, A Work of fuch a curious Frame; The\ nders thou io me haft 01own, My out �vilb grateful Joy mun own. J s Thine Eyes my Subnance did furvey, Wbilfl: yet a lifdefs Mafs it lay, In fi cr<!t how exactly wrought, Ere from its dark Inclofure br ught. 16 Thou didfi: the lhapelefs Embryo fee, Its Parts were regilt r'd by thee; Thou faw'fl: the daily Growth they too� Form'J by the Modd of tby Book. x7 Let me acknowtedge too, 0 God, That, fince this Maze of Life I trod, Thy Thoughts of Love to me furmount The P w'r of Numbt:rs to recount. 18 Far Cooner could I reckon o'er The Sands upon the Ocean's Shore; Each Morn reviling what l'v done, I find th' Account but new beg1;n. 19 The V ickecl thou /halt Oay, 0 God; Depart from me, ye Men of Blood, 2:, Whofr Tongues fkav'n'a MajeO.y profane, And take th' Almip;hty's Name in vain. 21 Lord, hate n0t I their impious Cr- w, Who thee wil h Enmity ptirfue? And does not Grief my Heart opp ·efs, When Reprob tes thy Laws tranfgrefa? :.::. Who pracrife Enmity to thee Shall utmo{l: Hatred have from me; Such Men I utt<::rly deteft, As if they were my Foes profrft. 23, 24 Search, try, O God, my Thoughts and Heart, If Mifl:hief lurks in any Part; Correcl: me where J go afrray, And guide me in thy perfect Way. PSALM
pRofferv me, Lord, from crafty foe treacherous Int nt ·
And from the Suns of Vio encc, on open JV!ifchi.ef bent. • . 3 Their lland'nng Tongue the Serp nt s Sltn in Sharpn fs does cced � Bctwe n their Lips the Call of Afps an \.tlders' Y 0-om bre d. 4 Prd, rvc me, Lord, from , ,jc d Hands, nor leav my Soul " rl rn, A Prey to Sons of Viol nee, who have my uin f, 'Orn. s The Proud for me hav l,,i tb ir Snare, an fpr ad their v i y N t; Vlith Traps :rnd Gins, wh re' r I mov I find my Steps ll fi, • 6 But thns environ'd with Dill:refs, thou art my Go I, I faid; Lord, hear my fupplic ting V ica, lhat c:ills to thee 6 r Aid. 7 0 Loni, the Gorl ,vhofe faving S't-:-ength 1:ind Succour tlid convey, And O\'Cr'd my atlvenl'rous H ad in Datt! 's dqubtful D y. 8 Pl!rrnit nol their unjull: D figns to anfwcr their D lire; Le[l: they. encourag'd by Succefs, to bolder Crimes afpi1· 9 Let firet th ir Chiefs the fad Effec]:3 of their Inj11flicc mourn; The Blafl: of their en\fenom'd Breath upon themfelves return. 10 Let them who kindle firfi the Flame,. its Sacrifice become; The Pit they c.ligg'<l for me he made their own untimely Tomb. 11 Thou�h Slander's Breath may raife a Storm it qu1cldy will decay; ·Their Rage does but the T0rrent [well, that bears tbemfelves away. 1z God will a!fert the poor Man's Caufe ' and fpeedy Succour give; The Jufl: {hall celebrate his Praife, and in his Prefence live. Ssz PSALM
192 :r
. o thee, 0 Lord, rr.y ri s ;ifcend, T _O bafle to my R h f; nrl with a cun m'd Pity
bear the Accents f my Gri f. In ad of Off'rings I t my Pray r !ike Morning Jm; nfe rjfc · y l.ift d l ands fupply th Place f Ev'ninl; Snc..ri6ce.
3 From hafly Language curb my Tongue, and c:t a c nfl-ant Guard Still ke p the Portal of my Lips with wary ii nee barr'd. 4 From wick d Mens· Defigns and D d my Heart and Hands rellrain; or let me io the Booty £hare of their unrighteous Gain.
5 Let upri�ht Men reprove my Faults, an1l I Chall thi.nk them kind ; Like B lm that heals a wounded Hea I their Reproof fball find; And, in Return, my fervent Pray'r 1 fhall for them addrefs, When they are tempted and reduc'tl; like me, to fore Di!trefs.
6 When fculki11g in Engedi's Rock, I to their Cbi fs ;ippeal, If one reproachful Word I fpoke, when I had Pow'r to kill. 7 Yet us they perfecute to Death; our fcatter'd Rujns lie As thick as f rom the Hewer's Axe· the ft:ver'd Splinters fly. 8 But, Lord, to thc:e I fti11 <lire cl:• my fupplicating Eyes, 0 leave not dell:itule my Soul, whofe Trull: on thee relies. 9 Do thou preferve me from the Snares, that wicked Hands have laid; Let them in their own Nets he caught, while my Efcape is made. P S A L M CXLII. I God, with• mournful Voice, in deep Difl:refa I pray'd; 1, Made him the Umpire of my Caufe,. my Wrongs before him laid.
3 Thou.
3 Thou didlt my Steps direct, when my griev'd Soul defpair'd ; For where I thought to walk fe::cure they had their Traps prepar'd. 4 I look'd, but founc.l no Friend to own me in Din refs; All Refuge fail'd, no Man vouchfaf'd his Pity or Redrefs. s To God at laft I pray\l; thou, Lord, my Refuge :irt, My P rti n in the Land of Life, till Life itfelf d part.
6 Reduc'd to greaten: Straits,
to thee I make my Moan ; 0 fave me frorn'.oppreffing Foes,. for me too pow'rful grown. 1, That I may praife thy Name, my Soul from Prifon bring; Whilfl: of thy kind Regard to me: .affembled Saints !ball fing.
P s A L M cxurr:
1i LOrd, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry thy wonted Audience lend ; In thy accull:om'd Faith and Truth a gracious Anfa er fend. 2. Nor at thy fl:ri& Tribunal bring. thy Servant to be try'd; For in thy Sight no living ,Man• can e'er be jultify'd., 3 Tbe fpiteful Foe purfues my Life,. whofe Comforts all are fled; He drives me into Caves as dark as Manfion-s·of the Dead. 4 My Spirit therefore is o'erwhelm'<l, and finks within ·my Brean: ; My mournful Heart grows defolate,. with heavy- Woeo oppr n-. s I call to Mind the Days of old, and Wonders thou hafl wrought;· My former Dangers and Efcapes employ -my muring Thought. 6 To thee my Hands in humble Pray'r I fel'ventl y firetch out ; My Soul for thy Refrefhment thirn-s,. !ik.c L:ind 01iprefo'd with Drought,. 5 s 3.
1 94
7 H ar rne itb Sp ed; my pirit fails; thy Fnc no lon,.er hiJt: L It T becom forlor Ii c that in the Grave re[id 8 Thy Kindnefs arly I t me hear, whofc Tr n on tht'c depends; T ach me. tbe \ ay wher I llauulcl go;, my oul o the af◄ n s. Lord, from all my f s 9 Do thou, prefi ne and fc:t me fr e · A fafe Retr 'at again ft th ir Rage my oul implores fr om thee. 1.0 Thou art my God, thy righteous Wili infi:ru8: me to ey; Let thy good Spirit I ad :rnd kc p m 'oul in th right ay. ll O ! for the al·e of thy gr t Name, revive my dr oping cart; For thy Truth's :ikc tom , diCtr rs• I;. thy promis'd Ai imp t. 11, In Pity to my Suff'ringv, Lord, r uce my Fot'S to Sb:ime; Slay them that p fecute a Soul devoted to thy Nam 1
3 4
PSALM CXLIV. r b ef6' be Gnd the LC1rd, who does his n edful Aid impart,_ At once hoth Strength and Skill afford, to wield my Arms, ith arlike A rt. His Goodnefs ill my Fort and Tow'�• my !hong Deliv'rance and my Shield; In him I trun, whoft: match! fs Pow'r rnak s to my S ay fierce ations yield. Loni, what's in Man, that thou fi10uld'ft love of him fuch tender Care to t;:1ke? What in his Offspring could thee move fuch great Account of him to make? . The Life of Man does quickly fiade, his Thoughts but mpty are and vain, His Days are like a flying Sbade, of whofc fhort Stay no Signs remain. In folemn State, O God, defceml, whilft: Hcav'n its loftv Head inclines; The fmoaking Hills afn.nd r rend, of thy Approach th.e awful Signs. 6 Difi.:harge
por ev
6 Difcharge thy awful L"ght'ning.; round, and make thy fcatter'<l Fo s retreat; Them with thy point d Arrows wound, and their Dcflruction foon compleat.
19. ,.
7, 8 Do thou, 0 L rd, from Heav'n engage thy bound! fs Pow'r my Fo s to quell, And fnatch me from the ft'ormy Rage f threat'ning Wave11, that proudly fwell .. Fight thou ag. inf\' my foreign Foe , who utter pee he fair. aod vain; Who, thongh in folemn Leagues they clofe� their fworn Eng.igemente ne' r maintain. 9 S I to thee, 0 King of Kings, in n w-mad Hymns my Voice fhaH raife, And [nfl:rnmcnts of many Strings fhall help me thu to fing thy 1'1·aife: 10 " God do· to Ying bTS Aid afford, " to them his fure alvation fcndo; " 'Tis he that from the inurd'ring Sword: " his Servant David O.i\l defends. 1i Fight thou ·againfl: myforeiqn Foes, who utter Speccues falfe aud vain; Who, though io folemn Le gues they clofe-, their [worn Engagements ne'er main.tnin. 12. Th n our young ons like Tree {ball grow,. well planted in fo ne fr uitful Place; Our Dau hters !hall like Pillars fhow, clelign'd fome Royal Court to grac • 13 Our Garners, fill'd with various Store,. fhall us and ours with Plenty feed; Our Sheep, i-ncre'afing more and mo1·e, {ball thoufands a1Jd ten thoufands breed:., 14 Strong fhnll our lab'ring Oxen grow, nor in their confbn · Labour faint; vVhilO:_ we n \,Var nor SJ. v'ry know, and in our Streets hear no Complaint •. �5 Thrice happy is that Peoples' C fe, whole various BlefTings thus ;ibound ;. Who G.o<l s true vVorfi1ip fiill embrace:: anrl are with his Protection crown'd.' 1,
PSALM CXLV. Hee I will bh:fs, my Go<l and Ki'1 g, T thy e::n1llefs Praifr proclaim; This Tribute daily I will bring, and.ever blefs tl,y N.1me .. 1,
s Thou,
3 Thou, Lord, beyond Compare art grea and bighl)' to be: prais'd; Thy M11jdly, with boundlefs Height,. above ur K.no\ •ledge rais'd. ,i Renown'd for mighty Acts, thy Fame to future Time itends; From Age t Age thy glorious Name fuccefiivdy d fc nds. s, 6 bil!\: I thy Glory and Renown, and wond'rous Works exprefs, The .orld witb me thy Might !hall owa,, and thy great Pow'r confc::fs. 7 Tbe Praife that to thy Love belongs, they fball with Joy proclaim; Thy Truth of :111 th ir rat fol Songs !hall be tbe conlhnt Th me. 8 The Lord is-�ood; f r eR·1 Acts of. Grace his Pity �ill fupplies ;, His Anger moves with fiowell Pace; his willing Mercy flies. 9, to Thy Lov through Earth extends its Fame;� to all thy Works exprefl:; Th re. fuew tby Praift:, wh�lft th.y gr at Name is by thy Servants blelt. u They, with a glorious Profpelt fir'd, fhall of thy Kingdom fpeak; Anrl thy great Pow'r, by all admir'd, their lofty Subject make. a God'o glorious Works of ancient Date. fhall ttl 1s to all be k:oown;. And thus bis Kiflgdom's royal State ,_ wit\) public Splendor fbown. 13 His fiedfa!l: Throne, f r om .Changes free,, fl1a\l !l:and for ever faft ; His boundlefs Sway no End lhall fee 1, but Tirue itfdf out-lafr •. PART'
r4, 15 The Lord does the en fopport that' fol ; and makes the Profirate rife;. For his kind Aid all Creatures call; who timely.Food fupplies. 16 ,vhate' r their various War,ts require,. with· open Hanrl he gives; And fo fulfils the ju Ct Deli re of ev'ry Thing t·hat liv<'S,·.
CXL vr_
J?, 1 g How holy is the Lord, how juft, bow righteous all bis Ways ! How nigh to him, who with tirm Truft for uis Affiftance prays! 19 H grants the full D (hes of tbofe,. who him with Fear adore;. And will their Troubles foon compofe, , 1 n tht:y his Aid implore. The Lord preferve all thofe with Care '.:.O whom grateful Lo\le employs; But inners, ho bis V ngeance d:ire, with urious Rag deftroys. :ax My Time to come, in Praifes fpent,.. lhall !WI advance his Fame;. And a11 Mankind, with one Confent,. for ever blefs bis Name,. P S A L M CXLVI. Praifc: the L0rd, and thou, my Soul; I, 2, for ever blefs his Name: His wond'rou l-.ov�. while Life {hall la{l: mv connant Praifc: n1all claim. 3 On i(ings, the: greaten: Soos of Men, let none for Aid rely ; They cannot fave in dang'rous Times, nor timely Help apply. 4 Depriv'<l of Breath, to Duft they turn:, and there neglected lie; And all their Thoughts and vain Defigns together with them die. 5 Then happy be, who Jacob's God for his Protector takes; Vvho fiill, with· well- plac'd Hope, the Lord his con{bnt Refuge makes •. 6 The Lord, who made both Heav'n and·Earth, and all that they contain• Will never quit his ltedfafi Truth, nor make his Promife vain. 7 The Poor, opprell:, from all their Wronga are eas'd by his Decree;· He gives the Hungry needful Food, and fets the Pris'ners frt'.e, 8 By him the Blind receive their-Sight, the Weak and Fall'n he rears; With kind Regard and tender Love he for the Rii;bt.eous- cares.
9 The
9 The Strangers lie pr Ci rves from Har , the Orphan kindly trea i;; idow, an Lbe \Vil s Defend the of wic e::d Men defeats.
o The- God that rloes in ion dwc:11 is our c::ternal King : ·gn e durcs: From ge o Age hi L t all l1is Pr. :frs ling.
CXL II. AL p Praife the Lord with Ilymns of Joy, and c I b:-at his Fame ! ly 'tis, For pleafan , good, ;ind co to praifc: bis holy nm•. z Hi holy ity ,otl will build thou Ii level'd with th Ground; Bring bac • his People-, t 011gh difpcrs'd at io11s round. t rough all Lh 3, 4 He kindly h . I the brok n Hearts ., cloG ; and all their �, ..:,u nds d He tells the umner of the Stars, their fev'ral amc he knows. a1dgreathiePow'r,. 6 Gri::atistheLord, 0 his ifdom h as no Bouncl ; eek he raifes, and throws <lown 'Fhi:: tht: , icked to the GrounJ. 1
7 T God, the Lord,. a I ymn of Praife
with grateful Voic s fing; To Songs of Triumph tune tile Harp, and {lrike each warbling String. 3 He covers Heav'n with Clouds, and thence refr efhin� Rain b fl:ows: Thrn1Jgh l11m, on r-..1:ountain-tops, the Grafs with wond•rous l'I nty grows. 9 He f.wage Beafl:s, that loofdy range; ,.,ith timely Food (upplies ; He feeds the Raven's tend r Hrootl, :ind Ctops their hungry Cr�s. 10 He values not the warlike Steed, but does his Strength difdain; The nimble Foot that fwiftly runs;. no Prize from him can gain. l'I Ilut he to );Jim that fearr. his Name his tender Lo¥e extends; To him that on his boundlefs Grace with ftedfaft Hopes depends.
n, rs Let
1 99
r:, 13 Let Sion and J rufal m to God their Pr, ire addrdi "' ho fcnc'd th ir Gat s with maffy B:irs, ancl doeti their Children blefs. 1 s Through all their Borders h gi-v s P ace� 1-4 ,·:ith findt Wheat they're fi rt; ord, and what he will He fpeak the is done a foon as faid. ow, like fl ecy Wool. 1:6 Larg Flakes f d {i·end at his C mmand; And hoa1·y Froft, like Afhe fpread, is ii·attcr'd o' r tbt: Land. hen, join'<l to thc:fi , he does hi6 H, il 17 in little Vlorfi ls hr ak, Wh can againfi is pit:rcing Cold re ure Dt:f nces ma ·e? 18 He fend hi. \i\7 rd, which melts tb Ice; he makes his \ ind to blow; And on the Str ans, congeal'd before_, in plenteous Currents flow. 19 By him his Statutes :tnd D er es t J;!coh's Sons were fl1own; Aorl ft:1II to Jfrael's cbufi n Seed his righteons t:.:iws are known. :o No other Nation this can hoafi: '• nor <lirl he e'er afford To heathen Lauds his Oracles, anu Knowle<lge of his Word. Hallelujah • . P S A L M CXL VIII. E bouncllefs Realms of Joy, Ex;.ilt your Maker's Fame; His Pr11ife your Song employ Above the fiarry Fr me: Your Voices raife ' Ye Cherubim And Sernphiru, ., To fiug his Praift:. S, 4 Thou Moon, that rul'fr the Ni,.h.t And Sun, th11t guid'ft the Day� ' Ye glitt'ring Stars of Light, TQ him your �om;ige pay. His Prade declare, Ye I·kav'ns bove, And Clouds that move ln liquid Air.
'(; Let
S, 6 Let them adore the Lord, Anrt praife his holy ame, By w.hofe almighty ord Tl y all frorn .nothing came.: And all Oiall Ian, From Chang s free ; Ris firm D crec St ods ÂŤver faft.
7, 8 Let-Earth h r Tribute pay; Pr�ife him ye dreadful \ hales, And Fifh tbat lhrough the Sea Glide fw"ft with glitt'ring Scales: .F,r , Hail, aoc.l Soo\v, And milly Air, And inds that, where He b:ds tbt:m, blow. 9, ro By Hills and Mountains (all In grateful Con fort join\J) By Cedars ftately tall, And Tre s for Fruit defign' By ev'ry Beart, And creeping Thing, And Fowl of Wing, His Name be ble!t. ,l!I, u. Let all of royal"Birth, With thofe of humbler Frame, And Judges of the Earth, His matchlefs Praife proclaim. In this Deugn, Let Youths with Maids, And hoary Heads With Children join. 3 United Zeal be fl1ow11, .
His wond'rous Fame to raifr, Whofe glorious Name alone Deferves our endlefs Praife. Earth's utmo!t Eric.ls His Pow'r obey : His glorious Sway The Sk-y tranfcends.
:ll4 His chofen Saint:; to grace, He fets them up on high, And favours Jfrael's Race, Who ftill to him ,...-e n\gh.. 'O tkre-
0 therefore. raife Your grateful oice, And fiill rt:joice The Lord to praiJe. PSALM ::r, z
Praife y the Lord, repan: your glad oicc:, Hi Praife in the gr at Alli mbly to fing. In our great Cr ator let Jfr ael r joice; And Children of Sion be glad in th ir King.
3, 4 Let th�m·his great Name extol in the Dane ; \ ith Tir br I aod Harp his Prnifi s expre!i, Who :ilways take:s Pleafllre his S-aints to advanc , And \'11th his alv ti n the Humble to hlefs. "ith Glory aclorn'd, S, 6 hi· People {hall fing To God, who th ir Beds with Safely does f11ield • Their Mouths fill'd with Praifes of him, their great King; \Vhiln a two-edg d Sword their Right-hand !ball wield, '7, 8 Juft ·enge;ince to take for Injurie · 1>aft; To punifh thofe Lands for Ruin defign d ; With Chains, 'as their Captives, ' to tie their Kings foet, With Fetters of Iron their Nobles to bind. 9 Thus Omli they make good, , when them they defiroy, The dreadful Decree which Goel does proch1im: SU<:h Honour and Triumph his Saints fhall enjoy·: 0 therefore for ever exalt his great Name.
p. P
CL. CL .
Praife t e Lord in tbat bleft PIJce, from wbc:nc bis Goodn fs larg ly flows; Praife him in Heav'n, wb r he his face, unv il'd, in perfect Glory fhows. z Praifc him for all the mighty Acts,· whi h he in our Behal bas done; tur1 a, Hi Kinduefs thi with , •I ich our Praife fhoultl equ.iL run. .1
:; Let the fhrill Trumpet' arlike Voice ma e Ro ·ks and Hills hi& Praifc r bou 9; Pr.iife him with Harp's melodious oife, and g ntle Pfaltry's uh· r Sound. 4 Let irgin Troops foft Ti brels bring. arid ome with grac ful Motion dance; Let Tnrtruments of various Strings, \\ ith Org ns joi11'd, his Praifc adv;inc • 5 Let then. , ·ho joyful Hymns compofc, to Cymbals ft:t their Songs of Praifi ; Cymbals of common Ufe, and thofc that loudly found on folemn Days. 6 Let all that vital Breath njoy, the Breath he doe:i to th m afford, In jurt Returns of Praife employ: Ld ev'ry Creature praife th&Lord.
G L O .R I A
P A T R I.
CommoN Meafure. O F.1tbcr, Son, .and Holy Ghoft, the Gotl whom we ntlon:, Be Glory, as it w:is, is now, a11d !hall be evermor
As Pfalm XXV. To Gotl the Father, Son :, and Spirit, Glory be ; As 'twas. and is, and !hall be fo., .to all Eternity.
GLORIA PATRI. s Pfalm C. 'Fo F.:it er, on, and Holy Ghofr, the God whom Earth and Ik:iv n adore, Dt: Glory, as it was of old, i now, and fhall be.: ev rmore .
IL and I if/ Part of Pfalm CXUT. • To Fathc:r, on, :in Holy Ghon. The: od \ ·born Heav'n's triumphant Holl:, :rnd foff'rin$' S, i11 • n E, rth, adore, B · G ory, .is 1n Ages part, now it is, and r0 fhall lafi:, when Time itfdf mun be no more •
..fs Pfalm XXX
.As Pfa m CXL \TlIJ •.
To God the Frither, on, And pirit ver bh:f� d, Et rnal Thrt:e in ue, All "\Vor01ip be :i<ldrefs'cl, As h.ct· tofore It waR, i now, Anct thall ht: C: For evermore •. '.As Pfa-lm
Ily Angels in H av·n, of 1:v'ry Degre • And Saints npon Earth, all Praifr lie acldrds'd To Got! in Three PerfonA,· One G H.l ever blefs'd • As it has been, now is,.' and ahv:iys !hall ue ..
T t :z,
Th For the
C of
,G LS:
oJ our h.'<'.ffe,1 LORD
Lulu II. -ver. 8-15.
1 ""( X THile Shepherd� :itch'd their Flocks l.,y 1ight, VV all feat d on th Ground The Angel o tbe Lord c::ime wn, anJ Glory fbone around. Fear not fRid h�, (for mighty Dread 2. • " had feiz'd their troubled lind •) " Glad Tid.ings of gr at Jny I bring to you, anu all Mankind. :; " To you, in David's Town, this Dily " is born of Davi l's Line, " The Saviour, who is Chrilt the Lord•' " and thi fhall b the Sign : 4 " The heav'nly Bahe you there fhall find, " to human View difplay'd, cc II me.tnly wrap'd in fw tbiog B;rnd , " and in a Manger laid.·• the Straph and forthwitli 5 Thn:i fpa appear'd a fhining Throng Of Angels, prai!ing God, who thus a<ldrefs'd tbeir joyful Song: 6 " All Glory be to God 011 high, " anJ to the Earth be Pe ce ; " Good-will, henceforth, f.rom Heav'n to Mea " begin, and never ceafc," HYMN
The SONG of MEN, n:fpon!ive to the SONG of ANGELS. l WHile Angels thus, 0 Lord, r�jo'ice ! 01 11 Mi:n no Anthem raife � O may we lore thcfc ufc lefo Tongues, wheu we forget to praife !
z Then
H Y M N S.
� Then I t us fwcll rerponlive Notes, and join the heav'nly Throng; For ng<:ls 110 fuch Love h, vc knowu as we, to wake their ong. 3 Good-will to finful Dult is 01t:wn, and Peace on Earth is qiv'n; For lo! th' incarnate Saviour comes, with News of Joy from H av'n ! 'I- Mercy and Trutb, with fw t Accord, his rifing Beam adorn ; Let Heav'n and Earth in Confort !ing---C. " Th promis'd Child is born!" s Glory to God, in high It O:rains, b higheft \",\ orhls is p:iid ! .. De lory, then, b)' us proclaim'd, and b}' ur Lives difpla> 7 'd; Ci Till we attain thofe blif..iful R<:alms, where now our aviour re:gns; To rival the celellial Choirs in their immortal.Strains !
'HYMN l!I.
For G O O D On the Sujj'"r:ringJ of our
F R I D A Y. bl1Jed Lord and Sa iour•. r FR.om whence th fr dirtful Omens round, which .Heav'n and Earth amaze? Wher f re do Earthquak s I ave th Grou� d.? why hide the S1111 his R y11? 2, Well may the Earth, a£1:oni01'd, 01:ike, and Natur fympathife ! The Sun as darkdl: Night be bhck � tb<::ir M ker,. Jefus, dies ! J Behold f fl: fl:reaming fr om the Tn!c his all atoning Blood ! Is this the Infinite? 'tis he, my Saviour a11d my God! ,4 For me thefe Pangs his Soul a!Tail, fur me this Death is borne.; My Sins gave Sharp11efs to the N, il, anc! pointed ev'ry Thorn. ·s Let Sin no more my Soul enn,,\:C, bre,tk, Lord, its T11 rant Chain, O f.1ve me, whom thou carn'fl to f.ive, JJor blc d, n.or die in v.tin ! Tor T t 3,
H Y 1\II For
On tc,1 RifurrrlliM. rnce Chrin our P.,ffr)\'Cr is Oain, J s a acrifice f; r all : Lct all wi h tba 1l;fl I H n ts, agree t c p the F Ct.ivJI : ot with th�· I.ca ·en, ns of o cl, z f Sin anJ :i!ice f; d; Ilut with unf; ign\J inccritr. and T,uth'li unlca\·'11 ti .Hread. 3 Chrill: b..:ing raia' by Pow'r di in , an I rcfcu'd fr om the Gr:wc, Shall ie no more; D ath ill ll on him 110 more Dominion bave.
4 For that he di..-J. 'twas for our Sins he once oucbf. f'd to clie: Bu that he li,·ea, h� li s l Go for all Eternity. S count yourf,�lvts as de:id to Si 1, but i;raciounr reflor'J Ancl mad•, hcn·c.:forth, ali,·c to Gt>d, hroug!i Jefus Chrill: ur Lord.
I .i:
For the fnm,.
rift fr om the D1.·atl i 1·;ii 'd, an m Jc the fir/1: Fruit_s of lhc Tomb; ·o:·, a byMancameDeath, by.M,an f did Rt: urre-.'tivn come. as in Adam :tll .IVIa11kincl 7, For lid Gnil• aml cath derive: So, 1,y he Rii;ht ufnt!fs of Cilrif'I:, fhall all be m:icle :ilive. 3 Jf then y ri;en .1re with Chrifr, frt � n1 :y hc11·.1 to get The ThingG which are a ove, wbc.:re Chrill: at Gcd's Risht-h,1nJ is fet.
H Y .M N VI. For W H I T S U N D A Y. l come, Holy Ghcfl: ! Cr 11tor, come, 1 infpire the S. ulo uf thine; Till ev'ry He;1rt v,bich thou haft made is fill'd with Grace d"vine.
:z Thou·
I- Y M N S. � Thou art t c Comfort 'r, the Gift of G,,d, and Fir� f Love; Tin: v rlitl\iug Spring of Joy, and Un ion f om aho\'e. 3 Thr Gifts are manifold, thou \"rit'fi G 1d'R Law in i:ach ru Heart, The Promif-: of ti Jth r, tl ou do� n:av'nly S h im rt. IJ Enlighten our dnr Souls till th y thy facr cl Lovt' embr,1c(', Aflill: our _in<ls (by- ature frail) with thy c h:fiiJI Grae
s Driv far fro us the mortal Foe, and give u Pc.ice� ·thi , Tbat, by thy Guitlance bleft, we nay ·fc pc the 11,11· s of Sin. 6 Teach us the Fat her to onf; fr., anti Son, fron, De th r viv'cl, And th e with both O Holy Ghofi: !' who rt frnrn both ·iv'd.
For the
fl 111e.
Hoy Spirit, he:w'n!y Dove,. with :-tll thy q11ick'niug P ,,·rs;. Kindle a flame f facr <l Lov , in thefc cohl H arts of ours. :i. See how we grovel here hclow, fond of thde earthly Toys; Our Souls, how il ;wily they go, to reach eternal Joys ! 3 In vain we lune our lifelefs Songs, in vain 'v\"e !hive to rife! Hofann, s hrnguifh on our T0ngues, and onr Devotion di ·s. 4- Come, Holy Spir!t. h�.w'nly Dove, with all thy q1J1ck'n1ng Po, 'rs, Come n,t:<l a iro cl a S,1vio11r's Love, and tbcit !hall kindlt: onrs ! H Y M N
For the fame.
vm ..
>· HE's come! let cv'ry Knee be bent, all Hearts new Joy refu,ne; � Sing, ye Redn:m'd, ,�·ith on.: Con( nt, " The: Comfo�ter 1s come.''
2 What
:. 'What great r Gift, what gr ater I.ov , £ould God on fan bcftow? Angels for this rt:joice above, I t Man rejoice below ! 3 Hail, blefft!d pirit ! may each Soul thy facrcct InBucnct! � el· Do thou each fin 11I Thought controul, and fii. oar vav'ring Zeal ! 4 Thou o the Confcienet: doll: convey thuf. Ch cks which we fhould know; Thy lotions point to us lht '\ ay, thou gi ·n us trength to go.
C O M M U N I O N. From the Revelation of St. John. X Hou G d, :ill Glory, Honour, Pow'r, art worthy to receive, Since .rll Things hy thy Pow'r were made and by thy Bounty !iv . nd worthy is the Lamb all Pow'r, Honour and e.ilth, to g:iin, Glory and Strt!ngth ; who, for our Sin�, a Sacrifice was flain ! 3"+ All worthy thou who haft redet:m' , and ranfom'd us to God, From ev'ry Nation, ev'ry CoJft, by thy mofl: precious mood. 4-§ Bleffing :inti Honour, Glory, Pow'r, by all in E;irth and l-ka 'n, To him that fit,; upon the Th·rone, and to the Lamb, b giv'11. Chap. v. 9. § Jrer. 1 3� Chap. v. n. � Chap. iv. For
H Y M- N
For the fame.
God, �nd is thy Tahle fpre;id? My anc.i does thy Cup with Lov<: o'trfiow?
Thither e all thy Children led, anrl kt lhem tliy fw c::l Mercies 1 now .. z Hail facrec\ Fea!l·, which Jccfos makes! rich R111qt1et of his l:lefh and Blood ! Thrice h,1ppy Ire, who here partrtkes that facrecl Stre�m, that heav'nly Fuocl !
3 Why
3 "\ by ar its Dainties all in voclin b fore unwillin, Hearts difplay'd? Was not for yo th ic\"im Oain, are you forbid the Childrens' nread? 4 0 I t thy Table honour'd he, and furniO,'d well with j yful Gu fl:s; And may each Soul alvation fee, that h re its holy Pl dges tafies ! s Dr,\\vn by thy ic ·• ins Grae , 0 Lord! in coun I ·fo 11m ers I t t11em come, And g:ath r fr om h ir Fath r's Board the Breau that !iv s }'Ond the Tomi>! 6 Nor Jct thy fpr adinl! Gofp I reft, till throu�b the oriel thy Truth has run, Till with this Br arl '\\l M n be bl ll:, who fee the Light, r feel the Sun !
Eor /be Jame, l ANJ ;ire we now hrought near to crod,. wlio once nt Dill:.-wc 11ood? And to effrct thi gloriou Cbangc, did J efus n1ed his Blood? 1t O for a Song of ar lent Prnife, to bear our Souls above ! What O,oul1l allay our !iv ly Hop , or tlamp our Oamir.g love � 3 Then let us join the heav'nly Choirs, to prai!i · our ��eav'nly King! 0 may th, t Loy which fprcad tlus Board, infpire us while. we fing-4 " Glory to God in highell: Strains, " ;rnd to the Earth be Peac ; " Goo<l-will from Heav'n to Men ia come " Andktitnev rceafel" M N xrr. E W - Y E A "'R. 1· THe God of Lif; , whofc confl:ant Care VJ'ith Bleffings crowns each 'op'ning Year, My fcanty Span doth frill prolong, ' And wakes anew •mine annual Song. 2, How many precious Souls are Ae(l :ro t.he vale Regions of the Dead, On
. H
the . N
H Y M N S.
incc to his ay the ch:mg"inj! Sun Through h·s lafi ·carlr Period run. 3 1, c yet fur\'i,·e ; hut who can fa , 1tr or ontli, or D:ir, r hrough this C I n,all retain tbis •ital n atb, " Thus far at lea ft, in LeJgu with Death ?0 4 Tha Breath ill him: eternal God ; 'Tis thine to fi · y ·ont·s, I Jt hol , i s L'fr. from thee alone rid unlrnown. On E, rth or in the s To thee our Spirits we rdign akc them and own them fl ill as thine; o fh.,11 th r li,•e frcure from Fc:ir, Tb ugh Death n,oul<l ulaft the rifing car. hy ChildrC'n. pan int t b gone, 1:1 y bid the ' ick of Ti me roll on, T l,111d them on that h:ippr Sbo, c, \\, here: Year£ nd D atb ;ire known no more! o more P:i iguc, no more i!tr Ji, 7 •l•· Sin n r Hdl fl1all rt::ich that l>l.icc ;. ongs, T1.� Gro:ins to minglt: wi b the Refo11ndi11; fr m immortal Toni;ucs: more AlarmR fr om gbortly Po<."s; 8 art's to brc,ilc the Ion.; Repof; ; N . o mid11 i ght Sh:itlc, fl cluu e<l Sun, l311 t facr d hish eternal · on, 9 long cxpecled YLar ! hcgin · D; \'II on this World of ,vol: and Sin; Fain wo11kl · k.w this we:irr J oad, To 11,ep in Death, and re(l: with G d.
II Y MN XIII. CHR1snAs'.s u o r B. r l wflen, r;.finir f om the Bed of Death, o'crwbelm'rl with Guilt ant! 1-e r, I fee my Mak r Face to Face, 0 how Jhall I appear ! :z.. If yet, while P.1rdon m:iy be found, aurl. Mc::rcy may be fonght, My Heart with inward Horror lhrinks, and trernbl<!s at the Thought: 3 When thou, 0 Lord, llialt fraud difclos'd in Majdty fcvc;re, crh:
H Y M N S.
And fit in J ti ment on my 0 ho Chall I appear !
i2 I I
s Then r. e the Sorrow of my Heart, ' r yet it be too late; And hear my Saviour· dying Groan , t give th re IT \17& \..Y igbt. 6 For never fhall my oul d fpair ber Pard n to procur(:, Who knows th}" only Son has died, to make her Pardon Cnn.!. 7 Gre11t od, with V ond rand with Praife on :ill thy '\ ort· l look: ifdorn, Pow'r and Grace, But fiill thy fhinc bri hter in thy Book. •8 Tile Stars, that in their Courfes roll, hav� much fn .-11 i n s,-i-v'n; But thy good v.Vord inf. rm my Soul how I m,1y fo:ir to H av'n. '9 The Fi ·leis provide me Food, and fi1cw th Goodnt'fs of the Lord; Bnt fruits of Li t: ,rnd Glory grow in thy moll: holy Word. t10 Here :ire my choic ft 'l'reafnres hid ., ht:re my I.it'll: Comfort lies · ,Ht.re my Defires are fatisfy'd, and here my Hopes arife • .H Lord, make mt: underftand thy Law:, fl1ew what my Faults have been; And from thy Gofpd let me draw Pardun for <1ll tn}' Sin. �:t
Here woul I learn how Chrifi: bas died to favc my Soul from Hdl; Not all tht· Hooks on Earth bdide fuch heav'nly Wonders tt:11 •
.,3 Tben kt mt: love my Bible more, and take a frefb Delight, J3y Day to rc,H.l thefe Wonders o�er, and meditate by Ni_ght.
011 Gratitud� to G O D. all thy Tcrci s, 0 my God, n H w my riling oul furveys; Tranfported with the\ i w, I'm loft ond r, Love, and Praifo ! in ord wit ·qunl 0 how Chall nrm h th Gralitude.jiecl re, That glows wi hin my raviflil'd Heart? hut thou canrt re;id it there. Th Providence my Lifo fuftain'd, and all my "'ants redreft, v'V hen in th li'ent � omb I lay, r n. and bung upon·th To :lll m w a· Complaint and Crie thy Mercy lent an Ea , E er y t m fe ble Ttioughts b:ld Je.3rnt to form tbemfdves in Pray'r. Unnumbcr'd Comforts to my Soul thy t nder Care beftow d, Before my infant He;irt conceiv'd from whom thofe Comforts flow'd. When in the flipp'ry Paths of Yonth " ith heedlefs teps I ran, , , Thine Arm, u11fi en, com· y'd me f.ifc, and led m up to Man. Through hidd n D;ingers, Toils, and Deafh -D it gently clear'd my \Vay, And thro1�3h the pk;ilin Snares of ·Vice, more to be fear'd than they. When worn with Sickners oft haft thou with Health renew'd y Face; And when in Sins ,111d Son'uws funl- ' n:viv'd my Soul \ ith Grace. Thy bounteou Hand wit worldly Blifa has m;ide my Cup run o'er, And in a kind•;ihd faithful Friend has doubled all my Store.
Io Ten thoufancl thou.fan precious Gifts my <laily Thanks employ; Nor is the leafl: a chearful Heart, that taftes thofe Gifts with Joy. J.I Through
H Y M N S.
11 Through t!\'ery Period of my Life thy Goot.lnefJ I'll por'fut!; And after D 1th, in di!tant Worlds, tbe •lorious Theme h.!new.
n Wllen aturt: ra·ts, and D:iy and Night divide thy Works no more, Mr, ever grat�ful Heart, 0 Lord, thy Mercy ihall adore. 13 Throu h all Ete:nit>:·to t11ee . j yful Son� I II r,11(; ; F r oh ! Etern 1ty's too fbort to utter all thy Pra,fe.
On tle G Lo R Y of G O D in the Starry Heavens: being a -Tra11jlatior, of Part <if the i.9th l'falm .cf I
He fpaciou Firmament on high, T With all tht: blue etheria\ Sky, A11J_ fpanglerl f:Ie:'"'na, >t fhining Frame, Their gr-eat Or1g111al proclaim.
Th' unw aric::d Sun. fr om D,y to Day, D�es. his �reator's Power c.lifplay, AnJ publl01es to all the Land The Work of an Almighty Hand,
3 Soon as Hit E\r'nin;; Shades prevail, Tl,e M n takes up the wond'rous Tale 5 And nightly, to the lift'nin� Earth, Reptats the Story of her Birth:
:4 Whilft all the St.us· that round her burn, Anrl all the Pl�n�ts in their Tnrn, Confrim the T:d111gs·aR they_ roll_; And fpr·.:ad tfk Trutb from Pole to Pole:, s What tho-ugh in folemn Silence. all Move rou1i<l the dark terreltrial Ball• What thuugh'no·real Voice nor Sou�d Amidft•their radiant Orbs ht: found; 6 In Reafon•s E.1r they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious -Voice, For ever finging, as tliey thine, ·G• The Hand that made us is Divine."
·s .
X .I.
On the PrO'IJidenu of GOD: Taken chi,:/iy j'rom tbt , 23d Pfalm of Da'Vid. � THe Lord my Paflure fh ll pr p r , �\ nd feed me , ith a Sbepher 's Car His Prc:fc:n c: lliall m)' ants fupply, And guar me , ith a watchful Eye. alka he {hall att 11d, � My noon-day And all my midni ·ht Hours d � nd. Wh n in the: fultry Gkbc: I faint, Or n the thirfly Mountain pant, "3 To � rtilc ales and dewy M .tds My we·1ry , ;1nd'ring teps he leads, h n: reac fol Rivers. fnft anrl now, Ami the v rd nt l,:indf'kip Row. 4 Though in the Paths f De;itb J tread, ith gloomy H rrors overfpre.1d; My lledfaft H ·a,·t Chall fc1r no 111, For thou, 0 Lord, art, ith me ftill • .s Thy friendly Crook 01:tll gi"e me Aicl, And guide me throui;h the dreadful $bade. Th u�h in ab, e and rugged Way, Th1 ou h devious lonc::ly W1lus I firay> 6 Thy flounty f11all my P;iins btguil<!, The barren v ilrlc:rn fs !hall fmil , Wi h fudJen Gree11s and Hub· gc c1·own'd, And Streams fhall murmur all around, I-I Y MN XVII. For rbe Mercies of Rede1�ptio11. J ALI-glorious God, what Hymns of Praife . S11:ill our tra11fport{'<I Voices raife; What :irdent Lov<: :rnd Z al ;ire due, While Htav'o ftands 0pen to our View?
g, Once we were: faWn, ;rnJ O t10w low ! Juft on the Brink of odlefs \Voe; V{heu Jefus, fr om the l{e.alms above; Borne on tne Jin gs of boundleis �ove. 3 Scatter'd the Sh:ic!es of Denth and Night, And fpread :iroo11d his heav'uly :i;,i ht!· By him, what wood rous Gr:ic1c: is fhown To $.ouls impovc:rin1·d a11:.l 1rndu11.e !
4 He
H Y M N S. 4 He Che . , hcrond thcfi m rtal Shores, A bri ht I nhcritancc as ours; Where S.lir ta in Li •ht our coming wait, To n,ar tht:ir holy, happy State !
For public Aiercics and D lv1:era1xn •
SAivation doih to God belong-; Hi Power :rnd Gr:ice fhall be otlr Song;. From him alone all 11t'rcies Aow, His Arm alone fubdues the Foe !
� Then l?raife this God, who UO\\'S bis Ear PropitrC"us to his Peoplc'r. Prc1y'r; And th ugh D liv'rance he may {l:ay, Yet :iofwers [till io his own Day. 3 0 may this Goocln fs lead our Land, ( "LiH fav' I by th·n ·· Alm�g. bty Hand): The Tribute:: of its Love to bring To thee, our Saviour and our King;.
4 Till ev'ry public Temple raife A Song of Tri:umph to thy Praifi�; And ev'ry pc::acefol private Hom!: To thee a Templ_e lhall become-.
Still be it our fuprcme D light,. To waFk. as in t h:y g1ori6us SigM; Still in thy Precepts and thy Fear, Till Life::';; !aft ·Hour to perfevere.
On G OD' s :[)01Jiihi'oh over t/Jc Sea,
,i QOd of the Seas ! thine awful Voice Bids :ill the rolling Waves rejoice ! • And one foft Word of thy Command Can fink them filent in the Sand. , The fmallell: Fifh that fwims the Seas,, Sportful, to thee a Tril1ute pays; And largell: Monfters of the Deep, At thy Command, or rage or fieep. U u �
3 Thus-·
H y M N
3 Thus is U1y glorious Pow'r ador'd Amo11g th wat'ry ations, Lord ! Yet M�o, who trac the ciang'rous Wav forg t tbe migbty God who favcs !
H Y M XX. lf'hich may bt: r,ftd al Sm or o,r la,rd. ll LOrd ! for the Juft 11,ou d 11 provide• ' thou art their fu:·t: Defence !· Eternal \.Vifdom is their Guitlt:, th ir Hdp Omnipotenc •
: Though they thrc-ugh t'. rt: iij n Lands iliould ro1rn, and breathe the tninteu Air In burning Climates, far fr om Home, Yet thou, their God, art there. ! Thy Goounefs fweetcns ev'ry Soil, makes ev ry Country plt:afc; Thou on the fnowy Hills doft fmile, and fmooth'ft the n1gg u Seas! 4 When Waves on Waves, to H av'n 11prear'd, defy'd the Pilot's Art; When Tt:rror in each Face appear'd, and SonTow in each H art;
.s To thee I rais'd my humble Pra ·r r to fnatch me from the Grave. I found '' thine Ear not Oow to hear, " Nor 01ort thine Arm to fav !"
IS Thon gav'ft the Word,-the Winds did ceafe, the Storms obey'd thy Will, The raginp; Sea was hufh'd in Peace, and ev'ry Wave was frill ! 7 For this, my Life (in ev'1·y State) a Life of Praife !hall be;, And De.:ith (-when Death iliall be my Fate) 1hall join my Soul to thee,
Hy MN xxr.
/ 1
Prap:r and-Hope of V I C T O R Y.
ow may the God of Grace and Pow'r attend his Peoplt's humble Cry; N Defend them -in the needful Hour, and fend Deliv'rance from on· high.
. :- In
H Y M N S;
� In his Salvation is our Hope, and in the Name of Ifrael's God Our Troops fhall lift their .Fanners up; our Navies fprearl their Flags abroad.
3 Some trut'I: in Horfes train'd for \Var, and fome of Chariots make tneir Boafts; · ·r Our fureet Expeaations are '· from thee, the Lord of heav'nly Hoil!.-! I r f Lord, us, favc n Fear, Oavin.1 om The 4 ftroog, and firm be nnJ let our TruCt Till thy Salvation fhall appear, and Hymns of Beacc conclude our Song.
• t
For th, Ufi: of t/Je Sic,:;.
Hen·Dangers, \Voes, or De�th arc n i gh, w Paet Mercit:s teach me where to f fy ; Thine Arm, Almighty God, can aid, When Sicko fs grieves, and Pains invade. r.· To all the various Helps of ArrI{indly thy healing Pow·r impart;. Bc:thefda's Bath "" refus'd to fave, Unlefs ,rn Angel bkfs'cl· the Wave •. 3 All M d'cines ;:icf hy. thy Decree, Receive Commiffion ·all from thee; And not a Plant which fpread� the Pl:iins, But teems with Health, when Heav'n ordains •. P •ol we find, 4--Clay -nnd Siloam·s At Heav'n's Cnmmand, refl:vr'd the Blind; ' • 1 And Jordan's \V ters hence Wl:re f2en •. clean Lep�r Synana wan1 To
5 But grant m-e nobler Favours !till,
Grant me to know and do thy \.Viii;. Purge my ·foul Soul fr 11m v'ry St:iin,AnJ fave me from ·eternal Pain.· 6 Can f.uch a Wretch for Pardnn fu�? · My Crimes, my Crime�, arile in view,' Arrefl my· trembli11g TongtH� in Pray'r, And pour the Hon·ors of Defpair. ? ·But thou, regard my contrit 'SigJ1h,. �1y tortnr'd Brealt, my flreaming Eyes; U u 3
* ·'John v. 4•
t_J'ohn ix. 7.
t Kings v. 10•.
'. 'il
• To
H Y M N S.
To me thy bouodlt!fs Lo,e e tend, My God, my Father, and my Friend. 8 Th ft: lon:ly amcs I nt:' r could pl ad, n voucbf. f'd t hie d; Ha not tby His Blood procurea for burnan Race Admiltanc to tb Tbron f Grace.
in has 010t its poifon'd Dart, And confi ious Guilt co rod s the J:fo�rt, His Blood is all l'flfficicnt round 1 o ra, tht: haft, arid h al the Wound .. 10 V. hat Arrow pi rce fo deep as Sin? hat Venom gi es foch P,1in within? Thou great Phyfician of the Soul, Rebu c my Pangs, an makc me whole. 1 0 ! if I trufl:° thy fov'reign Skill, AnJ bow f\lbmiffiv � to ti y Will ; ic�n f: and Death 01all both agree To b1·ing me, Lord, at la fr to tuc:e.
9 '\ hen
On Ruovery from Sick,uf.s.
H n .,.,-e are. rais'd from deep Dillrcf , w our God defervt:s our Song ; We take the Pattern of our Praife from Hezekiah's • Tongue. :,, The Gates of the dcvouring Grave arc ope1/d wide in vaiu, Ii he that holds the Keys of Death cemmancls them fart again. 3 When he but ipeal.;:s the healing Wor<l, thc:n no Difeafe withfiands; Fevers and Pla-gues ob�y the Lord, and fly, as he comman.<ls.
4 If half the Strings of Life fhould break, he can our Frame refiore, And cal\: our Sit1s behind his Dack, and they are found no more. him I cry'd-'' Thy Servant fave, T o 5 " Thou ever Good and Ju(t; " Thy Pow'r · can refcue from the Grave;. �• Thy Pow'r is all my Tru.ft !" ·
� Ifaiah xxxix. 9, &c. ('
H Y l'v1 N S.
6 He be:m.l, and fav'rl my Soul from Deatb, and dry'd my falling Tertrs; Now to his Praift: 111 fpend my Bn::.ath through my remaiofog Years.
On tb6 f<upe. Go<l, fince thou bafr rais'd me up; thee l'll ex.tol with that \!{u\ Voicl! • RcC\:or'd by• thine almighty Pow'r, with Fear before thee: I'll rejoice. �· With Trot1hles worn, with Pain oppreft to thee I cry'd,. and thou did'Cl: fave; Thou did'ft fupp rt my finking Hopes, my Lffe di 'ft refcue from the: Grave •• 3 Wherefore, ye S;iints ! rejoice with. me., with me fio Prnifes to tbe Lordi Call all his Goodnefs to your Mind, anu all hi Faithfulnefs l.'ecord. 4. His Anger is but {hort; his Love
(which is onr .Cifi ·) hath certain Stay,
Grief may continue for a Ni�ht, but Joy returns with riling Day! .s Then wh;it I vow'<l in my Difuefs, in happier H-ours I now will give, .h nd · fl rive, that in my grateful Verfe. his Pr:iifcs may for ever live. 6 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, tl�e blefs'd ,rnd undivi<lt!d Three, Th<i' One fole Giver of all Life, Glory, and Praife for ever bt: .• H Y
M� N
Ear, what the Voice from Heav'n declarea, H to tbofe in Chrill: who die ! " Rekas'd from all thdr earthly Cares, " they rdgn with· him on high.·, :- Then, why lament <leparted Friends.,. or fhake at Death's Alarms? Death's but the Servant Jefus fends. to call us to his Arms. Sin be pardon'd we're fecure, 3 ' If Death The hath no Sting befi.de_; .
H Y M N S.
The Law �ave Sin its Strength and Pow'r ;_; but Cbnlt, our Rarlfom, di d ! The Graves of .lll bis Saints be blefs'd, when in tb Grave he lay; .And rifing thence: their Hope be r�fa'd to everl.tltio Day Then, j yfully, while Life we bave, t Ch rift, ur Life, , c'II tn " ht'r is thy Viaory, 0 rave? '' and where, 0 Death, th}1 fiing?••
HYMN XXL CHRIST '.r Commiffion to prench Sr. Mallh. Chap. x.
the GosrEL.
O forth, .ye Heralds, in my Name, G fwectly. the Garpel Trumpet found;,
T e gt rious Jub· c proclaim whcrev<'.r Human R·1ce is found. ::. The joyful News tn i\ll impart, amt tc:: .. ch �btm where Salvation lie5'1 · ith Care brncl up the:: rl,k n Heart. d wipe Lhc .Tt"a rs from weeping .Eyes •. wife as Srr_pents where you go, but h;irrulels RS the peact'ful Dove And I t your Hei\v·�·tau�ht Conuutl fhow, that you're comm·ffi;.,n't1 from above. Freely fr om me ye .have recdv'd 4 fr eely, in Love to other� iv;. g Tbus fl1all y our Dochi1,cs b beli;v'd, e and, by y!) ur Labours, Sinn ers live •. HY "MN· �XVJI: roN, f r rJn, 4rss r,1r 'The Jame Co , St. M;irk xvi.�15, &c . and from .St. Matth. x.xviii. i8, &c. J " p r � ilCh my Gofptl faith th-e L orri, · "· hid the whole Ea r th m Grace rectiv e1 y " Explain to the17:1 my facred Word, " hid them h hevt:, ob�y, and- live ! �:" I'll make my grt:at. Coinmiffion· known,. " and yt: Omli prove my. Gofpel true, . '-' By all the Works that I hav� done; u and; aH the Wonders you ilia.JI do, . 3.- u Ge
o G
1-I Y MN
221 3
' Go heal the Sick, go raife the Dead, '• �o cafi: out Devils in my Name; " N<•r le my Pr pb ts .be <.1fraid, " tb ugb Gu s r proach, and Jews hlafpheme .. 4 " While thu y u follow my Co·rmands, '".. I'm with you ill u e World f11all <;n.d; " All P,,w·r ii; 1rull r1 in my l:hn<ls, " I can dcftn•y ;,n, c11n t'frnd." s He fpake, nnd 'i_.:ht 011e round his Head;_ on a brignt 1 u, 10 I'lc-av•ii he rude! They to t,hc:: f.trth n N.itioros fprt'.ad thr.: Gr et: of th ir. akended God l
.. End of lbe. _PRAYER BooK ...
•t )
·, An Al pb:i betical T A B L E,. Shewing where to find ach P 111:M or by it's Beginning. P A
Cai if/ ell thofa .AJ p11nts tl,e Hc.ut AJ length, by a, tain
lJe old, 0 God Blifs God, Soul B(c.fs Ced, J' cn 1anlJ
Defend, r:e Lord Dclit•er me O Lard, Do thou, 0 God
For cl'tr bl,fs'd For thee, 0 God, From /owe/I DcftliI From my 'i'outh
A L M $_ Page, I 43 NI cdtlnct, t� 55
,05 1:l5 184
37 74 jl
1 c;
Give £or, thou Judge God in the l{reat God is our Refuge God's Temple crowns
Had r.ot the Lord Happy the Ma11 Have \Jcrcy , lord "' Hear, 0 m • Prop!, He's blrjl, r,:!tofa Sins He that has Cod Hold not thy l'cace How blejl_ are they How bltjl is he How good and How long wilt How many, Lord, How vq.fl mrifl
Jc!1ouah reilJ nS Jclicva/i r.e1g1u
178 54 66 100
11"0 160
In dctp Dijlrcjs In 7udah the In ihcc I pw In ,·ain, 0 Man, ]udgr, e, 0 Lord, ],!fl lutfgc nf..Heav'n I aited m"'J.lj £ct all the lufl Lrt all the Lands Ltt all the lijl'ning Lrt D.nid . Lord Let G"d, the Cod Lord, hNr my C:ry LorJ, ltc.2r my l'ray'r I lord, hrar the / nire Lord, !tear ''" Voi , Lord, let tl,yjufl lord. not to Lori J..uc me, for Lord. thou /u1fl lord, who's the hapjJy
40 8, 6�
8 76 1 93
79 91 155 68 113
Mi• crafty Foe, with Al)• God, my God Mv oul fvr Help !,y oul, i,,jpir'd . My Soul wit/, No Change
N ·
0 oil J'' PcojJlt 0 romr., loud Anthern.r Of Mercy's ncuer 0 God, my gracious 0 God, my Heart f O_God o lltjls
1.9· 61 lll6 131 78
148 11� 0 God
The TABLE. 0
Page 124
0 Ced, to whom 0 God, u:ho hajl 15 1.19 0 God, w/11,fa Jormtr 106 O l{rad'J Stuphtrd 1811 0 Lord, I am not 0 Lord, r.iy Cod 8 Q Lord, r11y Roclt 0 Lord, our Fatlicrs �� 0 Lord, th, Satiour • .120 m art (} Lord, that y 5 0 Lord, tony 88 011•tlJu, w!w 178· 158 0 praif: ti,, Lord for O.pra, e the Lord in �02 0 , the Lord, a11d 1 97 0 praifa the Ld. with li1nm.i 198 0 l!raiJ: tltt Lord with.one 18 -1, 0 prai{e ye Ult Lord, 201 O rtndu Th nlu 138 .O rendtr ThanAs lo 14t •O thou, to who111 all 9 .1 77 ,O.'twaJ a jo>.ful .J>raifa y, the Lord Pnfarv, mt, Lord, Prot,El mt from my R .R?jolu' d to watc/i
Sat•t mt, 0 Cod, Sin�t.godly Mm Sir.ct J l,aue plac'd Si.rig to the Lord Sit11J to tht 1 ord Spct1h, 0 y, 1udgeJ Sur, wiclt.cd 'f:ools T Thnt Man is bl:fl "nu: I will blr(s Tlit He ·u'11s ,1.-clare Tiu /{i11g, 0 Lord, TM Lor.l hat/, /JJolu Tl,e lord himfilj Tl,, Lord, the only :nu Lord .to •thy
Th, Lord unto ,� Tiu Man is blrjl•tliat wi,Atd Fools · This J-pacious Earth n�gliwiclt,d M,n Tl.oa, Lord, by Th) cJ,aj/'ninJ(. WraJh .Thy dr.a,/ful ;Jnger Thy Mucus, Lord Thy Ale •• Lord Thy Pre�,nre wl,y Tl >-ou� all th, To lltjs thy chofin To r:,l(bratt thy To Cod I cry'd To Cod, i11 t<•l1om To Cod, our nrou To Cod the mighty To Cod with To Cod your grateful To "' • o,11_/'1'1 fr. t To my j1yl Plea To<thte, my Cod Tothu, 0 God To the,, 0 Lord To Sion'J /Jill•
We biu/d i 'ith When � pour·out When l_/rad, by 11'/:en :f,fon'J Cod ,,v/Jen "''• our 1Vliih J th, King's Wlro111 /J,ould 1 jear Who p 7mon Sion's /,Jilly l1.1� ou ca/1 ff'YrI, ,.,,ij-i,h (l(M H'fth Glory clad With my w/10I� With one Co,,ji nt ll'ith rtjllrfs and 3't boundltfi Realms Ye Princes t/.11t Ye SaiutJ and Sen1anlu
Page 15�
'68· 29 47 189 50 7 l 17.
11 41
98 3 0·
186 19 2 1 45 114
17 216 96
� :3% 1.54
58 33 178
94 JS7
. 188 ;131 3 �99 35 1 54
:l:lY ,MNS
The T A· B. L E. H Y M s. ef Pr-aifi
.'-lf-;:lorious Cod, wh:,t JI) ns .And are we now /Jro .,ht near to
is rJis'd, and njl from the Dr G, Holl' Gh'!f/. ! rrJ/ll , co e, Car»c llol)' prrit, I, u'JJ/7 .,.,.,
F Fror.1 :,:henu tl,ofa direful Omens rour.d,
!:ll 4 1109
206 ib. 207 205
Ct>d the S•aJ .1 ,�.-,-e awful Voiee Goforth. ·c H,, ,/Js. ;nm\ .1me, Go pr,.,ch..the C'Jffd, J ith. the Lor ,
Hwr. wh,zt the rro;ufrom Ffcav'rr dcdarv He'J come! let n·ery }(nu be bent,
!!I ll!!O
Jrifl thou dcifl provide,
.Ml' God and i1 th_y Table Jprcod? My Ced, jnu thou hojl rJ.1s'd me up,
,,ow m 'Y the God of Croce and I'ow'r
S,iloaiion doth to Cod l,clong; Since. rijl our P.aj/ovcr is jltri'n
lH5 206
;Lord I for the
T ' The r:od of Life. whofa conjlont C,arc :fhe lord m" A,j111re J11all prepare, The ffJJcious FiN1 1ament on high, Thou God, all Glory , Honour, Pow'r, w • Wh ..., all thy M,rciu, ,,.-;,,. Co«, 1f'hen Dangers, Wncs, or DeJ.th are nigh, Whrn rifi"g from the f•cd <r/ Death, When we arc riiiJ 'd from deep, J?fflrf, iVhile Angels 11,u.,. 0 Lord, re101u. W-llile S!up!,erds watch'd their Floe/ls-by Nig/1.t.,
214 21,9 208 21�
217 210
,jl,, .
----·- -····· -r
,,,. .-•
..·.� . -""