As you are aware, Nashotah House is about to undergo a transition. Our Board is hard at work discerning who is being raised up to serve as the next Dean of Nashotah House. Join me in praying for them.
After some of our best years in recent history growing enrollment, improving finances it is still time for a change. It is time for change, not because things are not going well, but because they are. New leadership can bring new gifts, new energy and vision to this quirky yet sturdy institution that is fewer than 20 years from its bicentennial.
There is a natural tendency to watch transitions from a distance rather than to support and bless them. I’ve heard from a few people who have said they are taking a “wait and see” approach to Nashotah House. I understand why some might feel that way. However, “waiting and seeing” will not propel this treasured institution into an exciting future. The key to a strong transition is using the opportunity to renew support, to envision new possibilities, and to take the next steps forward.
That’s where you come in. If you believe that God has sanctified this special place for his purposes, now is a great opportunity to give thanks for those who have loved and served Nashotah House and to meet the new era ahead with your gifts and prayers.
Thankful for your partnership,
For the last several weeks, my thoughts have been filled with Nashotah House’s upcoming transition. With the return of Dr. Anderson to the classroom at the end of the current school year, the House faces a pivotal moment.
Throughout the pages of this Impact Report, you will read the stories and see the evidence of Dr. Anderson’s extraordinary effort in working to make our beloved House more financially sustainable. For his efforts over the last seven years, we offer our unreserved thanks. And as we look toward the future with a new dean at the helm, we trust God to provide someone who will build on Dr. Anderson’s good work and strive to advance Nashotah House’s renown and financial footing even further.
During my reflection, I have been drawn to the account of Elisha’s succession of Elijah. Following Elijah, Elisha requested a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, which he received because he did as he was instructed and worked to see his master carried into heaven.
This may be an esoteric analogy, but the point is clear. In this time of transition, the House will be successful if we all do our part. Our faithful generosity in giving, perhaps even a double portion, will both honor the efforts of Dr. Anderson and bless our new dean on the way to success.
Once again, we ask you – our mission partners – to step out in faith in generous giving, that Nashotah House may continue to be a blessing to the Church and the world.
With gratitude,
Founded in 1842 as an heir of the Oxford Movement and inspired by Jackson Kemper, the First Missionary Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Nashotah House exists to form persons for ministry in the breadth of the Catholic Tradition, for the Episcopal Church, Churches in the Anglican Tradition, the wider Anglican Communion, and our Ecumenical Partners, thus continuing to serve our historic role as “The Mission,” empowering the Church for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Recently, I had the privilege of hosting Dr. Garwood Anderson at Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Anderson was my Greek and New Testament professor while I attended Nashotah House from 2013 to 2016. I am always excited to welcome Dr. Anderson because I am always excited to hear him preach and teach. I began as Rector of Saint John’s Parish Day School and Church in February 2022. Saint John’s had not previously had a relationship with Nashotah House, as I am the first Nashotah graduate they have called as rector in a long time.
I consider it imperative for the congregation to get to know the institution that helped to form their priests. Since Fr. Dale Van Wormer, our Assistant Priest, and I are both Nashotah graduates, I was excited about the opportunity for the parish and Nashotah to get to know each other. Our event did not disappoint! Dr. Anderson preached a marvelous sermon, and we also hosted an event at the Tampa Yacht and Country Club, sponsored by a generous St. John’s parishioner. There, we honored Nashotah House; Dr. Anderson; and Fr. Fred Robinson, long-term rector of Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota, Nashotah House board member, and one of my mentors. The folks from St. John’s in attendance that evening were “ready to give and glad to distribute” to the necessities of the House, as the well-loved Nashotah House prayer puts it.
Those of us who have been formed at Nashotah House are privileged to introduce our parishioners to and encourage them to support Nashotah House, both financially and in prayer and, for some, to consider the possibility of God’s call to pursue their own further formation at Nashotah House for the sake of God’s church for future generations.
Parish partnerships play a critical role in the life of Nashotah House. Invest in our mission by hosting a fundraiser at your parish in 2024. Contact Robin Little today at rlittle@nashotah.edu to schedule an event.
In 2023, Nashotah House received $984,172 in unrestricted gifts to the annual fund. This represents an 78% increase from 2019 and continues an upward trend over the past five years.
Thanks to the generosity of our faithful supporters and a growing number of first-time donors, 2023 was another record-breaking year of fundraising at Nashotah House.
111 former donors renewed their generosity in 2023
107 new donors in 2023
196 of our 691 donors were alumni
We hope to grow that number by 10% in 2024.
22% increase in donor retention from 2022 to 2023
Our new donors gave a total of $202,633, for an average gift of $1,228
Our donors continued to show unprecedented generosity in 2023, breaking giving records month after month. Praise God!
But we stand at a critical juncture. Now more than ever, we are counting on the continued investment of our existing supporters and invite new partners in our mission. In 2024, we aim to raise an additional $300,000 for our annual fund to strengthen our financial position and help ensure the sustainability of our mission for generations to come.
The great beauty of the Catholic faith is its resistance to novelty. It asks us to keep the course, not to blaze the trail. Rather, it is the steady progression in the way already marked by the Master and worn deep by the feet of all his saints after him. For a new priest stepping outside of academia into parochial ministry, this has been an immense comfort. It means that there is no burden placed upon me to create the church, but merely to live it. Nevertheless, it does not mean there is no room for creativity, ingenuity, or imagination. In fact, it is what assures me of their possibility and provides me with the energy to engage them—what Fr. Thornton called “holy experimentation.” By not “reinventing the wheel,” one can see just how far the wheel can take them. It’s like the old collect says: “to serve you is perfect freedom;” it is precisely the constraint which opens up the horizon. This and much more I have found to be true in the day-to-day activities of parish life.
When I came to St. Mark’s in Loomis, California, I was informed that my contract expected me to double the average Sunday attendance—thirty regulars—by the end of my first year. For context, our church building is small. Until recently, the fire department only allowed us to have sixty bodies in the nave at any given time. In effect, I was being asked to pack the building. Sure, thirty people is not a large number. But as a priest I had been tasked with saving thirty souls–each infinite in their worth. Can I ascertain thirty infinities? Thirty come-to-Jesus moments? Could I acquire and maintain thirty regular tithes? Thirty volunteers? Thirty new commitments to Christ? The answer is no, I cannot, but Christ’s church easily can—through the banalities of priestly life.
Daily singing the Office and weekly catechism. House blessings, chalking doors, sprinkling water, and pardoning sins. Celebrating the lives of saints with all of their silly peculiarities and trifling rituals. Preaching the Word of God and administering his blessed sacrament. Through each of these, and in concert one with the other, the parish has not just doubled but tripled. Now the church is full every week. Now we are preparing for two services on Sundays. Now we are drawing up plans to renovate. Now there are young men discerning Holy Orders, children baptized, and marriages solemnized. All of this not in twelve months, but in just six. Thanks be to God.
THE REV. BRANDON LETOURNEAU MASTER OF SACRED THEOLOGYPlease contact Robin Little to schedule an event in your city today. rlittle@nashotah.edu
One of our top priorities is to deepen partnerships and engagement with our alumni. Thanks to the work of our Alumni Associate, the Rev. Deacon Rebecca Terhune (MTS, ‘15), we’ve enjoyed increased and improved communication with sons and daughters of the House. This includes ongoing Chapter posts, regular webinars designed to support alumni in their ministries, a Facebook group to help former classmates stay in touch, the Founders’ Day Giving Challenge, and in-person alumni gatherings in cities across the country–we connected with many of you at these gatherings in 2023 and can’t wait to continue this in the months ahead.
We know how fond our alumni are of their time at Nashotah House and want others to enjoy the same opportunity. We hear it all the time! The best way to ensure this is by supporting the House with a monthly recurring gift. Well on our way to achieving an alumni giving rate of 35% by fiscal year 2026, we hope you’ll help us achieve this goal by signing up today.
In 2023, we saw a
increase in the number of alumni who give to Nashotah House.
alumni giving rate by FY 2026
On April 11, 2022, we hosted the inaugural Founders’ Day Giving Challenge, a special one-day fundraising effort in support of our buildings. Giving exceeded expectations that year, so we set our sights higher for 2023. You all blew past last year’s goal of $60,000, to raise $114,993 toward our general fund.
In 2024, all funds raised during our Founders’ Day Challenge will support student scholarships. We are blessed by two generous donors who have already committed to kick off a strong campaign in support of our students. Please join them in giving generously toward the formation of the next generation of leaders for the church.
My life was changed by my time at Nashotah House, which is exactly why I will be participating again in the Founders’ Day Challenge. With 100% of this year’s contributions being directed toward student scholarships, this is an easy decision. The combination of rigorous curriculum, daily prayer tradition, and vibrant community life at Nashotah House changes lives, forms leaders, and prepares ministers for the work God is calling them to do. Please join us in giving generously.”
The Rev. Canon Edward R. Monk, SSC, DD Chairman Corsicana, TX
Mr. Andrew Bradford Vice-Chairman Dallas, TX
The Rev. Canon R. Brien Koehler, SSC, DD Secretary San Antonio, TX
Mr. Keith A. Ackerman Arlington, TX
The Rev. Michael Cover, PhD Wauwatosa, WI
The Rev. Deacon Tara Jernigan, DMin Sewickley, PA
The Rt. Rev. Derek L. S. Jones Montevallo, AL
The Rev. Fred Robinson, DD Convener of the Board of Visitors Savoy, IL
Mr. Keith A. Ackerman Arlington, TX
Mr. Richard C. Baker Wheaton, IL
The Rev. William Barto Fairfax, VA
Mr. Chad Bates Sr. Arlington, TX
Mr. Andrew Bradford Richardson, TX
The Rt. Rev. Brian K. Burgess Springfield, IL
The Rev. Michael Cover, PhD Wauwatosa, WI
Mr. David Demirbilek Milwaukee, WI
The Rt. Rev. Charles Francis Edgar III Charleston, SC
The Rev. Canon James Stewart Fosdick, SSC Eagle River, WI
Mr. G. Thomas Graves III Dallas, TX
Canon Carrie Boren Headington Dallas, TX
Mrs. Gayle Heatherington Libertyville, IL
The Rev. Canon H. W. Herrmann, SSC, DD Spring Hill, TN
The Rev. Charlie Holt Jacksonville, FL
The Rev. Deacon Tara Jernigan, DMin Sewickley, PA
The Rt. Rev. Derek L. S. Jones Montevallo, AL
The Very Rev. John W Jordan, SSC Southlake, TX
The Rev. Canon R. Brien Koehler, SSC, DD Secretary San Antonio, TX
The Rev. Dr. James B. Lemler Indianapolis, IN
Mrs. Jody Maxwell, CPA Sarasota, FL
The Rev. Dr. John McCard, DMin Richmond, VA
The Rev. Mark Michael Potomac, MD
The Rev. Canon Edward Roland Monk, SSC, DD Corsicana, TX
Mrs. Karen B. Moore Tallahassee, FL
Mrs. Beth Morphis Winston-Salem, NC
The Rt. Rev. Ryan S. Reed, SSC, DD Fort Worth, TX
The Rev. Joe Saloom
The Very Rev. John W. Jordan, SSC Southlake, TX
Mrs. Jody Maxwell, CPA Sarasota, FL
The Rev. John McCard, DMin Richmond, VA
Mrs. Beth Morphis Winston-Salem, NC
Auburn, AL
The Rev. Dr. R. Leigh Spruill Houston, TX
The Rev. Doran B. Stambaugh, SSC Carlsbad, CA
Mr. Myron Steeves Newport Beach, CA
The Rev. James Francis Sweeney Holly Springs, GA
Mr. Walter Virden III, DHL Arlington, TX
The Rev. Burke W. Whitman Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Charleston Wilson Sarasota, FL
The Rt. Rev. Keith L. Ackerman, DD
Mrs. Frances K. Barr, DHL
The Most Rev. Robert W. Duncan, DD
Mr. Allan E. Iding, Esq., DHL
The Rt. Rev. Jack L. Iker, DD
The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, DD
The Rev. Andrew C. Mead, DD
The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
The Very Rev. Marshall Vang
The Rt. Rev. William Wantland, JD, DCL