1 minute read

The Focus

Essential to create healthy, sustainable communities and buildings and a happy, motivated workforce.

We have chosen to deliberately focus on the following six SDG goals:


ƒ SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing

ƒ SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy

ƒ SDG10: Reduced Inequalities

ƒ SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

ƒ SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production

ƒ SDG15: Life on Land

We will always consider the effect our work can have and use our skills for positive change.

Energy efficiency is of relevance, as well as increasing the proportion of renewables in the energy mix.

Important on regeneration and largescale development projects, and likely to become increasingly important in procurement of public/third sector projects. Important to create a workforce representative of wider society and bring in new perspectives to our work.

All-encompassing goal on the creation of socially inclusive, economically successful and resilient cities.

Focused on prudent use or resources, including prioritising re-use/recycling of buildings.

Fundamental importance of natural environment in the context of the ecological emergency as we enter the Anthropocene.

Our Statements

We believe in shaping environments that promote the health and wellbeing of end users and the wider community through their conception, location, design and use.

We believe in shaping settlements, developments and buildings that are at the cutting edge of energy efficiency and integrate the latest in renewable technologies from the earliest stages of design.

We believe in development that promotes inclusion and supports the local economy.

We believe in creating distinctive, vibrant and safe places that foster a good quality of life for the whole community.

We believe in the retention and creative reinvention and recycling of materials, buildings and places.

We believe in the remediation, regeneration and rewilding of existing sites and settlements, to bring people closer to nature and arrest the ecological emergency. ”

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