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Nota bene

Nota bene


The Silent Ibsen project and this book would not have been possible without the collaboration of several film archives, cultural heritage institutions, and other partners. We want to thank the George Eastman Museum, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Jared Case, and Daniella Currò; the Thanhouser Company Film Preservation, Inc., and Ned Thanhouser; the Library of Congress, Gerald Hatfield and Rosemary Hanes; the Swedish Film Institute and Jon Wengström; the EYE Filmmuseum, Leenke Ripmeester, and Annike Kross; the Cineteca del Friuli, Elena Beltrami and Livio Jacob; the Deutsche Kinemathek, Martin Koerber, Elisa Jochum, Anke Hahn, Daniel Meiller, Franz Frank, Cordula Döhrer and Christin Meyer. Numerous scholars, archivists, and other film professionals have shared their knowledge in various ways over the years. In addition to our colleagues at the National Library of Norway, both in Oslo and Mo i Rana, we especially want to thank Peter Bagrov, Cesare Ballardini, Roberta Basano, Oleg Bochkov, Elena Boux, Judith Buchanan, Anna Dobringer, Victoria Duckett, Pål Gengenbach, Thilo Gottschling, Kristina Höch, Anna Kovalova, Thomas Leitch, Armin Loacker, Susan Potter, Arina Ranneva, Laurence Raw, Anna Sofia Rossholm, Anna Sperone, Peter Stens, Réka Zsuzsanna Szalkai, Fabio Pezzetti Tonion, Yuri Tsivian, Patrick Vonderau, and Tami Williams, as well as the authors and peer reviewers of the individual chapters of this book for their invaluable contributions.

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