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Nota bene

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Nota bene is the National Library of Norway’s channel for disseminating research findings built on its collections, and research of relevance to these collections. All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Nota bene has a wide thematic profile. In order to mirror the full breadth of our collection, the publications, which include monographs, critical editions and edited collections, may be based on manuscripts, printed material, film, photography, music, broadcasting, and digital media.

Nota beNe 1

Det nasjonale i Nasjonalbiblioteket | Marianne Takle | 2009

Nota beNe 2

The Archive in Motion. New Conceptions of the Archive in Contemporary Thought and New Media Practices | Eivind Røssaak (ed.) | 2009

Nota beNe 3

Axel Charlot Drolsum. Brev 1875–1926 | Bjørg Dale Spørck | 2011

Nota beNe 4

Opplysning, vitenskap og nasjon. Bidrag til norsk bibliotekhistorie Ruth Hemstad (ed.) | 2011

Nota beNe 5

Latin Manuscripts of Medieval Norway. Studies in Memory of Lilli Gjerløw Espen Karlsen (ed.) | 2013

Nota beNe 6

Den engasjerte kosmopolitt. Nye Bjørnson-studier Liv Bliksrud, Giuliano D’Amico, Marius Wulfsberg and Arnfinn Åslund (eds.) | 2013

Nota beNe 7

Naturen og eventyret. Dokumentarfilmskaperen Per Høst Gunnar Iversen | 2014

Nota beNe 8

Å bli en stemme. Nye studier i Camilla Colletts forfatterskap Trond Haugen (ed.) | 2014

Nota beNe 9

Propagandakrig. Kampen om Norge i Norden og Europa 1812–1814 Ruth Hemstad | 2014

Nota beNe 10

Small Country, Long Journeys. Norwegian Expedition Films Eirik Frisvold Hanssen and Maria Fosheim Lund (eds.) | 2017

Nota beNe 11

Reformasjonstidens religiøse bokkultur cirka 1400–1700: tekst, visualitet og materialitet | Bente Lavold and John Ødemark (eds.) | 2017

Nota beNe 12

I dørtrekken fra Europa. Festskrift til Knut Sprauten. I anledning 70-årsdagen 22. juni 2018 | Ola Alsvik, Hans P. Hosar and Marianne Wiig (eds.) | 2018

Nota beNe 13

Litterære verdensborgere. Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519–1850 | Aasta M.B. Bjørkøy, Ruth Hemstad, Aina Nøding and Anne Birgitte Rønning (eds.) | 2019

Nota beNe 14

Lov og lovgivning i middelalderen. Nye studier av Magnus Lagabøtes landslov Anna Catharina Horn and Karen Arup Seip (eds.) | 2020

Nota beNe 15

Notated Music in the Digital Sphere: Possibilities and Limitations Margrethe Støkken Bue and Annika Rockenberger (eds.) | 2021

Nota beNe 16

Språk i arkivet. Historier om hvordan språk reflekterer samfunnet Johanne Ostad and Elise Kleivane (eds.) | 2021

Nota beNe 17

Silent Ibsen. Transnational Film Adaptation in the 1910s and 1920s Eirik Frisvold Hanssen and Maria Fosheim Lund (eds.) | 2022

© National Library of Norway, Oslo 2022

ISBN 978-82-7965-527-5 (printed) ISBN 978-82-7965-528-2 (e-book) ISSN 1891-4829 (printed) ISSN 2535-4337 (e-book)

Design: Superultraplus Designstudio AS, www.superultraplus.com

Print: Erik Tanche Nilssen AS

This material is protected by copyright law. Without explicit authorisation, reproduction is only allowed in so far as it is permitted by law or by agreement with a collecting society.

NOT A BENE The silent era represents the height of Henrik Ibsen’s popularity as a source for film adaptations and as a reference in debates on cinema.

About thirty known silent film adaptations of Ibsen’s works were made in several countries. In this book, leading international Ibsen scholars and film historians examine the nine silent Ibsen films that are known to be extant, made in the period 1911–1926 in the United

States, Sweden, Germany, and Italy. The films are placed in their specific film historical and industrial settings, as well as within broader sociopolitical frameworks and with reference to Ibsen’s various and Reformasjonsshifting positions within these different national and cultural contexts. The book also includes a filmography of silent Ibsen film adaptations.

Nota bene tidens religiøse is the National Library of Norway’s channel for dissemibokkultur nating research findings built on its collections, and research of relevance to these collections. All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Nota cirka 1400–1700: bene has a wide thematic profile. In order to mirror the full breadth of our collection, the publications, which include monographs, critical tekst, visualitet og materialitet editions and edited collections, may be based on manuscripts, printed material, film, photography, music, broadcasting, and digital media.

Bente Lavold og John Ødemark (red.)


ISBN: 978-82-7965-527-5

9 788279 655275


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