Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture Te Kura Waihanga ARCI 212 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTEGRATION
Activating Urban Movement
Wellington Light Rail Stations / Bus Stops
BRIEF Activating Urban Movement – Projects 2a and 2b Wellington Light Rail Stations / Bus Stops with café facilities and more…… Extending the use and versatility of key stops along the city to airport Public Transport Spine by providing cafes and ancillary associated programmes.
Introduction Since August 2011 Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington (the Regional Council) and NZTA have been collaborating on The Wellington Public Transport Spine Study. Their study looks at the feasibility of options for a future high quality, high frequency public transport spine through central Wellington between the Wellington Railway Station and Newtown. Yesterday 16 August the refined short list of 3 preferred Public Transport options was publicly released. Wellington’s options are a light-rail network, a bus-priority system (better bus lanes) or a bus rapid-transit system (better bus lanes with bigger buses).
Your aim in this assignment is to design passenger facilities at the public transport stops that will strengthen Wellington’s Public Transport Spine. The light rail stations / bus stops are envisaged as mini community hubs with ancillary programme extending the role we expect of “tram / bus stop”.
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This Arci 212 major project is designed to evolve in 2 parts: Assignment 2a: Site and context research, Design concepts and Masterplanning Chose a site and its ancillary program from the prescribed short list. Visit and research the site, analyse its current use, climatic, environmental and social conditions and its history. Define your interpretation(s) of the brief and confirm this scope with your tutor. Explore siting and design configuration options within the vicinity of your location. Develop at least 2 design concepts with masterplan configurations for the facilities. Build a 3d CAD model of your preferred concept [which is to be taken into the accompanying assignments in SARC 223, for the purposes of Daylighting and Acoustic analysis.]
Assignment 2b: Developed Design and Resolution Detail The final part of the assignment will be to continue to develop and refine your preferred tram / bus stop cafĂŠ design, and your CAD model. Integrate into your proposal the information you have learnt from Construction, Structures, and Human Environmental Science, and present a final design that is a fully worked out completed scheme. Enrich your project with reference to precedents you reasearch This in depth developed part of your work is planned to be presented to the Wellington City Council and to Greater Wellington (the Regional Council) as a submission on the Public Transport Spine. Your work is to be of professional quality. We intend to exhibit the work publicly.
C Class Tram Spencer Street Melbourne
The Project – Light Rail Stations / Bus Stops Community hub and development opportunity for the surrounding areas. Extending the use and versatility of key stops along the city to airport Public Transport Spine by providing cafes and ancillary associated programmes. The opportunity to develop additional amenity at these key points on the current network provides the community with more reasons to visit the stops and more reasons to use public transport. The new development opportunities explored could become a means by which our city might afford better public transport. Through the community use and engagement you propose, and the development opportunities you explore the class becomes an urban research unit – testing ideas for the future of Wellington city. Your finished projects will be exhibited and made available to Councilors and Council officers. Arci 212 2012 PROJECT 2 Activating Urban Movement
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Project Requirements Each scheme must include the following: • • • • •
• • • •
A mode of public transport from the recommended shortlist of light-rail network, buspriority system, or bus rapid-transit system (= better bus lanes with bigger buses). Shelter for waiting passengers Toilet facilities A café / food and drink outlet The ancillary associated programme as listed for the site [Your Masterplan Concept work can include additional development opportunities if you desire to extend the potential scope. Project2b will only develop the core programme component] Disabled access to the facility and the transport system Your design should be as vibrant and absolutely positive as possible. We are looking to invigorate the Wellington City Council and the Regional Council with great ideas. Other than that, you have freedom of expression, confined only by the size of your imagination… Your design should aim to extend the usability and profile of the key stop you select
Wellington Tram Tunnel
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The Sites with their associated programmes Select one of the 11 sites with its ancillary programme for your tram / bus stop cafe.
1. Airport - Environmental tourist information bureau 2. Kilbirnie / Lyall Bay / Evans Bay- Wind and water, a sail / surfing / kite shop 3. Zoo - Live animal exhibit, conservation and animal welfare display 4. Newtown - Community hub, performance place and School entrance 5. Hospital - Art gallery gift shop and creative exhibition space 6. Adelaide Rd - Urban horticulture, plants, flowers and garden shop 7. Basin Reserve / Cambridge – Kent Tce - Cricket and sports shop 8. Courtenay Place - Events info and ticket booking agency 9. Mid City - Mobile phone / electronic gadget shop 10. Lambton Quay - Book and magazine shop 11. Railway Station - Public transport information / ticket office and cycle hire The current public transport study stops at the Wellington Regional Hospital in Newtown. Project 2 is not so limited, we continue the Public Transport Spine on to its destination at Wellington Airport. The key stop you select is to be along this railway station to airport Public Transport Spine. For this course we are not concerning ourselves with the exact route mapping connecting all the stops. What is important is extending the use and versatility of the network with your proposed facility.
For detailed site information use:
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Site and Context Research Assess the existing site you choose for potential and for constraints in light of your planned development. Follow up on the aspects below that you expect will influence your design the most. SOCIAL, CULTURAL & BUILT HISTORY Current and past occupation, cultural significance, land use, earlier buildings (proposed & realised) Sources: Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library, National Archives, Wellington City Archives, VUW Arch Library COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS Who lives where and what are they doing: social, political, recreational and economic statistics, graphs and summary conclusions Sources:, Wellington 2040, WCC District Plan Greater Wellington Regional Council Tourism Wellington PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: WEATHER CLIMATE and GEOGRAPHY Weather data, wind, rainfall, sunshine hours, sunpath. Geological conditions and contours, site boundaries, soil conditions, terrain suitability for construction, earthquake faults and vegetation. Site inspection and observation document with photographs, observations of use, site sketches…… Sources:, ecotect program ,eyes, ears, noses….. . LEGAL FRAMEWORK: REGULATORY and PLANNING Cadastral plans, resource consent requirements and planning regulations, site boundaries and leases Sources: Wellington Town Belt Reserves Act, WCC Town Belt Management Plan, Wellington 2040, WCC District Plan VUW Arch Library Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library, National Archives, Wellington City Archives
Additional References David Adler. (ed.) Metric handbook : planning and design data. Edition: 2nd ed. / Oxford : Architectural Press, 1999. TH151 N532 2ed - Closed Reference Neufert, Ernst. Architects’ data / Ernst Neufert. Edition: 2d (international) English. Granada Pub. New York, Halsted Press, 1980. TH151 N482 A 2ed - Closed Reference The web based references listed in the Arci212 Course Outline on pages 12 - 13 Arci 212 2012 PROJECT 2 Activating Urban Movement
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Assessment criteria Designers deliberately intervene in an existing environment, typically to improve a situation and to provide a pleasant experience in the designed space or building. In this course project it is important that you engage with the criteria below and their respective representation in the architectural design response at an aesthetic, functional and experiential level. The selection of a real community urban design project reflects the continued growing importance of the role of the Architect in environmental and community initiatives and public space design around the world. Helping to activate sustainable communities is an important design attribute.
PROJECT 2a: Concept Development & Masterplanning Within the context of climate, site and the associated programme you will explore options of space and forms for your community transport station. Masterplan at a zoomed out level while exploring the expressive potential of the urban and social setting on your architecture. Make sure you present material that addresses the assessment criteria on the Project 2a Mark sheet. In your concept design submission you should demonstrate evidence of the following abilities: •
Using environmental factors to inform design: This course considers the importance of utilising the site-specific potentials of the surrounding environment in the process of design and how the findings from researching these generate design strategies and effect project planning.
Level of engagement: The conceptual stage of a complex building within a physical urban setting. The importance of site and context in the making of architecture should be understood and demonstrated.
Clarity of design strategy: Ability to adopt clear design strategies and apply this consistently at the initial stages of design concepts and options.
Design Fluency: Ability to record and test design options quickly.
Resolution & Development: The likely implications on the architectural outcome of design ideas. Be aware of the design development to come (Project 2b). Think how the provision of human comfort, and the technical detailing of the building might influence your selection of your preferred option.
Communication: Demonstrate a clear and convincing communication of design intentions and options. Various media can be used: model making, hand drawing and CAD. Ability to communicate theoretical and architectural concepts clearly is important.
Critique: Demonstrate a critical engagement with an architectural brief.
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PROJECT 2b: Final Design Along with responding to the brief as you refine and document your preferred scheme, consider the factors below. • establish appropriate spatial dimensions based upon the brief. (refer Neufert’s Architects’ Data or Metric Handbook). • add depth to your site analysis and establish your own design data based on that analysis. • hone the design ideas towards a clear design scheme for the facility, its siting and its exterior spaces in the overall setting and context (roadway, neighbouring buildings, local community….). • establish appropriate architectural language and design approach which ensures architectural quality, human health and well-being, as well as environmental and social sustainability for the building and the site. • design for efficient use of space and resources while ensuring effective functioning of the overall facility. • consider the way you link indoor and outdoor spaces and respond to the wider community of your chosen urban setting. • continue to test alternative ways of achieving the desired design objectives • document the design proposal with effective graphic methods in two - and three-dimensional computer-generated models (CAD models are required for this submission). Make sure you present material that addresses the assessment criteria on the Project 2b Mark sheet. In your developed design submission you should demonstrate evidence of the following abilities: •
Using environmental factors to inform design: Show the importance of utilising the sitespecific potentials of the surrounding environment in the process of design and how the findings from researching these generate design strategies.
Level of engagement: The importance of site and context in the making of architecture should be understood and demonstrated. Show the resolution of a complex building within a physical setting, demonstrating an urban contribution.
Clarity of design strategy: The ability to adopt a clear design strategy and apply this consistently at different stages of development and at different scales of resolution.
Design Fluency: Ability to record and test design options quickly.
Resolution & Development: Extent of design development, provision of human comfort, and the technical detailing of the building – the implications on the architectural outcome and design ideas.
Integration: The understanding of human environmental science and its incorporation in the design intentions of a complex program at a variety of scales.
Communication: A clear and convincing communication of design intentions is required. The level of representation skills needs to be more detailed and considered than in Project 2a to encapsulate the depth of design research and design critique undertaken honing the project to this point. Various media can be used: model making, hand drawing and CAD. Some CAD is required. Ability to communicate theoretical and architectural concepts clearly and concisely is important.
Critique: Demonstrate a critical engagement with an architectural brief.
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Hand In requirements
PROJECT 2a – Context & Concepts
Urban Movement
30% HAND IN: Friday 14 September 2012
20:00 R-Drive Presented in Studio on Monday 17 September – via LCD monitor Submission : 2x A1 PDFs Exhibition PDF booklet based on the A1’s SUBMIT PDF Computer files at 150dpi resolution of the A1 sheets and the reduced size exhibition PDF booklet showcasing your presentation. (Appendices of other supporting documents / design work can be submitted as a PDF) Signed copy of the Work Submitted for Assessment Declaration form
At the Review, hand in reduced size separate A3 paper print outs of Pages 1 & 2 to your tutor. FILE NAMING The project files in your R-Drive Project 2a Hand-In folder are to be labeled as follows:
= the 2 A1 Sheets as a book
Your name and project information must appear in print on each submitted A1 sheet.
212_Proj2a_SURNAME_firstname.pdf PDF BOOKLET – for Digital Exhibition = up to 6 pages Place your name in the bottom right hand corner of EVERY PAGE 1. Cover / Title Page with: ARCI 212 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTEGRATION 2012 Your Name PROJECT 2a: Urban Movement Concepts 30% Your Project Title Your Project Description “At ……………… . = 87 word max A selected image (optional) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A1 sheet number 1 A1 sheet number 2 selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PRINT the Exhibition Booklet via Adobe Printer to give a 5 – 6 MB FILE The digital exhibition robot will not include large, or incorrectly named files
SURNAME_firstname_212_Proj2a_ declaration.pdf Signed Work Submitted for Assessment Declaration form
SURNAME_firstname_212_Proj2a_ APPENDIX.pdf OPTIONAL: You can also submit copies of superseded work / scanned sketches / photos of working models / design theories that are not on your presentation or digital exhibition as an appendix.
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Hand In Content for 2a Remember the presentation should convey site & context analysis, design concepts explored, and design Masterplanning showing siting and programme layout. Show design fluency – quickly testing at least 2 possible concepts. Convey the influence of site and context on design configurations and the design effects desired. Select the likely preferred option. Include conceptual sketches, site photos and photos of any development models. Make sure you present material that addresses the assessment criteria on the Project 2a Mark sheet Your initial design concepts should be worked up into CAD models incorporating the surrounding context, and presented digitally on 2x A1 pages, with plan, section, and renders, for crit and review, on Monday September 17. This is worth 30% of your final grade. The CAD model of the preferred option should be suitable in format for analysis within SARC 223. A3 copies of each A1 sheet are to be provided for the Review discussions and for marking and moderating.
2x A1 PDFs per student with drawings, photos of physical models, CAD modeling and sketches to graphically illustrate: • multiple design concepts (at least 2) and their underlying principles and assumptions presented at appropriate scale, with plans and quick sections of the possible building(s) appropriate scales for the site and context of the project options include any material which helps convey the concepts - hand sketches, 3d renderings, photo montages….. • the key points taken from the site and context analysis • masterplan the configuration for site and buildings – selecting the design concept to be developed and underlying principles and assumptions for the relationship to context and the influence of supplementary programme
Even if your project work is not complete save it to the R-Drive at hand in time. Save any subsequent corrections or additions to the work as separate files to the late hand-in folder to minimise the amount of material that is penalised as a late submission.
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Hand In requirements
Urban Movement
40% HAND IN: Monday 29 October 2012
13:00 R-Drive Presented during review week on Tuesday October 30 – via LCD monitor Submission : Up to 5x A1 PDFs Exhibition PDF booklet based on the A1’s Design Synopsis 650 word max SUBMIT PDF Computer files at 150dpi resolution of the A1 sheets and the written design synopsis, and the reduced size exhibition PDF booklet showcasing your presentation. (Appendices of other supporting documents / design work can be submitted as a PDF) Signed copy of the Work Submitted for Assessment Declaration form
At the Review, hand in reduced size separate A3 paper print outs of Pages 1 - 5 to your tutor. FILE NAMING The project files in your R-Drive Project 2a Hand-In folder are to be labeled as follows:
= the 5 A1 Sheets as a book
Your name and project information must appear in print on each submitted A1 sheet.
212_Proj2b_SURNAME_firstname.pdf PDF BOOKLET – for Digital Exhibition = up to 15 pages Place your name in the bottom right hand corner of EVERY PAGE 7. Cover / Title Page with: ARCI 212 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INTEGRATION 2012 Your Name PROJECT 2b: Urban Movement – Developed Design Your Project Title Your Project Description “At ……………… . = 87 word max A selected image (optional) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
A1 sheet number 1 A1 sheet number 2 A1 sheet number 3 A1 sheet number 4 A1 sheet number 5 selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice selected image / zoom-in / combined montage/ comment of your choice
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PRINT the Exhibition Booklet via Adobe Printer to give a 5 – 6 MB FILE The digital exhibition robot will not include large, or incorrectly named files
SURNAME_firstname_212_Proj2b_Synopsis.pdf Maximum 650 word Design Synopsis
SURNAME_firstname_212_Proj2b_declaration.pdf Signed Work Submitted for Assessment Declaration form
SURNAME_firstname_212_Proj2b_ APPENDIX.pdf OPTIONAL: You can also submit copies of superseded work / scanned sketches / photos of working models / design theories that are not on your presentation or digital exhibition as an appendix.
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Hand In Content for 2b 2b Remember the presentation should convey the architectural outcome, the design effects desired, and the associated programme catered for. Show the influence of detail, occupancy, structure and environmental factors and their integration within the design outcome. Include conceptual sketches and significant material derived from Project 2a and photos of any models. Make sure you present material that addresses the assessment criteria on the Project 2b Mark sheet. Your completed design submission should incorporate work undertaken in SARC 223, include work drawn and rendered from a CAD model, and show evidence of Daylighting and Acoustic analysis. It will include plans at ground level showing realistic positioning within its setting. You must also produce 2 sections, including one Cross section, and one (part) long section. You must also produce a minimum of 4 renders of the design in context, including people and the relevant Wellington urban context. It is required that your plans and sections be accurate indications of the construction necessary: incorporate and integrate your Structural and Construction knowledge into these plans and sections. You should also incorporate information learnt from SARC 223 in relation to both Thermal and Aerodynamic design, wherever possible / appropriate. Describe how your design provides human comfort. The finished project should be presented on no more than 5x A1 colour pages digitally for crit and review, in review week on October 30. This is worth 40% of your mark. The A3 copies of each A1 sheet are to be provided for circulating at the Review and for marking and moderating purposes. Up to 5 A1 PDFs per student which use fully developed CAD drawings and models and sketches to graphically illustrate • the selected design concept and its underlying principles and assumptions presented at appropriate scale, with plans and sections of the possible building(s) appropriate scales for the site and context of the project include any material which helps convey the concepts - hand sketches, 3d renderings, photo montages….. • focus on the design concept developed and underlying principles and assumptions for context, site and building • the refined masterplan with key points taken from the site and context analysis • the developed design at 1:100 or other appropriate scale for plans and sections of the building itself and other appropriate scales for the site and context of the project • show developed detail of a key selected part of the proposal, relate this detail to use and the provision of human comfort. • show detailed provision for public use and inhabitation. Including, one A1 PDF which is to include graphically presented environmental performance information on • the daylighting / zoning of the building • the wind shelter, natural ventilation and solar shading strategies for the building • thermal comfort • evidence of the environmental performance of one space in the building with solar penetration & solar shading strategies ecotect daylight factor etc
Even if your project work is not complete save it to the R-Drive at hand in time. Save any subsequent corrections or additions to the work as separate files to the late hand-in folder to minimise the amount of material that is penalised as a late submission.
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