Southernmost Flyer July 29, 2016

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FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016

Eye on the Fleet

Elizabeth River, Virginia

VOL. 27 NO. 29


SAR team called to aid fallen diver (July 23, 2016) AOAN Mervinross Ibanez stands security watch on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) as it departs Norfolk Naval Shipyard after completing a 13-month planned incremental availability. George H. W. Bush will now conduct sea trials in collaboration with NNSY to evaluate Sailors’ performance in addition to testing equipment and systems.

U.S. Navy photo by MCSN Brianna Bowens

inside: SAFETALK You can help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 TEAM BUILDING Under construction . . . . . . . 4 SKIN DEEP Cancer tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TOP OF PAGE ONE: An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the Sidewinders of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86 makes an arrested landing on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) following strike operations from the Arabian Gulf.

From NAS Key West Public Affairs


aval Air Station Key West Search and Rescue was on a routine training flight Wednesday when the crew was called to respond to an emergency involving a diver in distress. “We were notified by the Coast Guard at 10:45 (a.m.) and were on scene by 10:48,” said Lt. Cody Harris, who was piloting the MH-60 helicopter along with co-pilot Lt. Timothy Blundell. “It was a regular day training flight,” he said. “We had literally just flown by the location when we were notified.” When the SAR team arrived, the victim, later identified as William Simko, 60, of Little Torch Key, was unconscious and unresponsive on the deck of a boat. People on board were performing CPR, Harris said. In minutes crew chief AWS2 Jordan Bethune and rescue swimmer AWS3 Javier Lopez had transferred Simko onto see sar page 4

U.S. Navy photo by Jolene Scholl

Florida National Guard’s Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 151st Aviation Regiment Commanding Officer Lt. Eric Anderson, left, views a cell phone weather app while discussing a scheduled flight Thursday morning with crew members. The regiment, which arrived at Naval Air Station Key West July 18, spent the past two weeks supporting Customs and Border Protection as part of the Florida National Guard Counterdrug Program.

‘Citizen Soldiers’ here to assist in drug interdiction program By Jolene Scholl Southernmost Flyer


itizen Soldiers serving with the Florida National Guard head home Saturday after spending the past two weeks supporting the state’s counter drug program. Although not part of the planned mission, the team

also assisted the Coast Guard local with extra eyes on the water during Wednesday and Thursday’s busy lobster mini-season, which drew thousands of boaters to the Keys. Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 151st Aviation Regiment arrived at Naval Air Station Key West’s Boca Chica Field July 18 from

their base in Jacksonville, Florida, not for training but to support local federal agencies. The last time the regiment had a mission in Key West was in 2009. The crew of 38 included pilots, crew chiefs, maintenance and support staff; 26 of those are citizen Soldiers serving their two weeks a year and 12 are full-time

soldiers assigned to the Florida National Guard. The regiment’s focus is to support the Florida National Guard Counterdrug Program by assisting federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and combatant commands. “Our customer down here see guard page 3


•July 29, 2016

Dog Days

W July 29 1967 - On the flight deck of USS Forrestal (CVA 59), a Zuni 5 rocket accidentally fires from an aircraft into a parked and armed A-4E Skyhawk, setting off explosions that kill 134 and injure 161 crewmembers.

July 30 1942 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the act establishing WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service).

July 31 1874 - USS Intrepid is commissioned, the first warship equipped with torpedoes.

Aug. 1 1849 - Pope Pius IX and King Ferdinand of the Two Sicilies, visit USS Constitution.

Aug. 2 1943 - (PT 109), commanded by Lt. j.g. John F. Kennedy, is rammed by a Japanese destroyer. Abandoning ship, Kennedy and his men swim to an island and return to base Aug. 8.

Aug. 3 1942 - Mildred H. McAfee takes the oath of office to become the first female line officer.

Aug. 4 1943 - The first Navy Expert Pistol Shot Medal is awarded to a woman, Ensign Rosalie Thorne, U.S. Navy Reserve.

elcome, my friends, to the “dog days of summer.” We’ve tipped over into the latter half of the year, into the muggiest days of the hottest months that we tend to experience. So, congratulations! You’re sitting somewhere within seconds of 24°33’ N, and the heat and humidity that we experience here can be nothing short of sapping. Air conditioning and cold drinks are the order of the day. Get out on the water. Get in the water. Embrace the relative cool of the evening with that sea breeze that takes the edge off. Or it’s rainy and muggy. That, too. Dog days. They’re not just about the heat. I get curious about origins of words and phrases, and this one set me on a search. It was the Greeks. Ancients like Homer looked up and saw that the heat of the late summer always showed up in the months when Orion’s dog, Sirius (the Dog Star), began to be visible on the eastern horizon just before sunrise. It brought the heat and all manner of ills that came with

it, from spoiled food to illness. While they may have been off on causality, they apparently had a knack for naming things, and so we’re still talking about dog days more than three millennia later. The Greeks were right: Our lives are cyclical. The earth revolves around the sun once CHAPLAIN'S every 365 days CORNER or so, rotating on its axis approximately once every 24 hours, the cycles marked by calendars and clocks. Coast Guard Sector Key West And upon these Command we impose other Chaplain cycles, cycles Lt. within and on Jason Dart top of cycles: a tour of duty, perhaps, or a watch schedule, or a menu rotation. There’s a flow. We tend to start a cycle with energy and optimism. Things are new and fresh. Then they become routine and well-managed. If we’re not careful, though, routine can become drudgery. But as cycles go, this often gives way to excitement again, as we approach the end of whatever cycle it is, anticipating the end of the old and the beginning of the next. Rinse, repeat. So here we are, in the middle of the year: The dog days. So how

are you doing? Many of us started this year with hopefulness, resolving to do things different or better this time. Are you on those goals like a pit bull on a porterhouse, or are they dogging you about? Are you happy as a dog with two tails, or are you dog tired? Are you as sick of dog idioms as I am by now? It’s easy to fall into a slump. It’s not hard to get complacent and lose focus. There are plenty of things around us each day that can really check our motivation. We all know this, but as I was reminded growing up, “Knowing is half the battle.” Stand up. Stretch. Reach out to someone. Find that small spark of motivation. Bring someone in who can help to fan that spark back into the flame it was - and can be again. You can try and white-knuckle it on your own, but chances are good that’s how it got away in the first place. Dog days don’t have to be sapping. They can be reinvigorating, opportunities to refocus. Shameless plug: Your chaplains are standing by to help in any way we can. Reach us at (305) 293-2318, Naval Air Station Key West, or (305) 2928788, Coast Guard Sector Key West.

Commanding Officer Capt. Bobby J. Baker Executive Officer Cmdr. Pornchai Davidson PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Trice Denny EDITOR Jolene Scholl STAFF MC2 Cody Babin This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military service and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. Additional copy and photographs provided by the readers of the Southernmost Flyer should be addressed to: Editor, Southernmost Flyer, Public Affairs Office, Naval Air Station, Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001. Copy can also be e-mailed to jolene.scholl@ Telephone (305) 293-2425/2434. DSN 4832425/2434. Deadline for all editorial copy is 4 p.m. the Friday preceding publication. All articles must be submitted on disk in text format, written in upper/lower case style.

Be the life ring: register for safeTALK training From NAS Key West Public Affairs


aval Air Station Key West’s Religious Ministries Department is conducting a three-hour safeTALK training session from 8:30 a.m. - noon Thursday at Bldg. A-515, Boca Chica Field. The training is a half-day alertness workshop that prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience

or training, to become a suicidealert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. SafeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources, such as caregivers trained in Applied Suicide

Intervention Skills Training. lain’s office by calling (305) The workshop features pre- 293-2318, or (305) 797-4416, or sentations and guidance from a email LivingWorks registered trainer, access to support from a local community resource person, powerful audiovisual learning aids, simple - yet effective TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe), and hands-on skills practice and development. The workshop is open to all hands. Register with the chap-

July 29, 2016 •

This Just In… Meet a hero or princess Be our guest at this year’s Character Meet and Greet, from noon - 2 p.m. Saturday at Trumbo Palms, on the ground floor of the Navy Gateway Inns and Suites. Enjoy a light lunch along with photo opportunities with your favorite princesses and superheroes. We encourage children to dress up and get his or her face painted at the event. Admission: infants and toddlers up to 3 years old are free; ages 4 - 12 are $5; teens 13 and older and adults are $10. Tickets are available at the Sigsbee Park Community Recreation Center ticket office on Sigsbee Park. Tickets may be purchased at the door the day of the event but prices will increase by $2 each. For more information call (305) 293-2783.

MWR now hiring Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Navy Gateway Inns and Suites have the following full-time positions open: NGIS accounting clerk - application deadline is Aug. 9 MWR fitness recreational specialist - application deadline is Friday. Flex positions with up to 29 hours per week - jobs see this just in page 4

Job Title: Aviation electrician technician Hometown: Grand Rapids, Minnesota Prior Duty Stations: North Island Hobbies: Gym, water sports. Most Interesting Experience: Joining the Navy. Future Plans: Undecided.

ATAA Kahli Lelonek



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is Customs and Border Protection,” said 151st Commanding Officer Capt. Eric Anderson. While here, crews were busy patrolling the waters off the Florida Keys on the lookout for drug smugglers and other illicit activity occurring on the water. The regiment also supports Customs and Border Protection in its effort to interdict illegal immigrants attempting to make their way to Florida. “We did see a homemade float with eight people aboard,” Anderson said. That information was relayed to the agency. “We are a force multiplier,” he added, while discussing the regiment’s role in supporting other agencies. “We provide additional visibility … we see from up there what’s going down on the water.” The regiment flies the UH-72 Lakota helicopter, a utility helicopter than can carry a crew of three or four. It carries a camera pod and the crew chief runs the console and camera. “This is outfitted to support the mission,” said Anderson, who added that flights typically last about three hours. Florida’s National Guard has other aircraft, like the Chinook helicopter and UH-60 helicopter, which support other aspects of the guard’s overall mission, Anderson said. Once home, the citizen Soldiers will return to their day jobs, which for Anderson is as an aviation maintenance manager for a private company.

Photo courtesy Florida National Guard

A view from above, top photo, of the 151st on a mission over the Keys. Soldiers, below, check weather radar Thursday morning before a flight. An UH-72 Lakota helicopter, bottom photo, stands ready on Boca Chica Field.

U.S. Navy photos by Jolene Scholl

One weekend a month, two weeks a year, they will be back in the air supporting the mission to assist local, state and federal agencies to defeat illegal drug smuggling into Florida


•July 29, 2016

This Just In

team building

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include, but are not limited to maintenance, recreation aid, bartender and food service. For a list of available positions visit the MWR personnel office at Bldg. A-711, email or call (305) 293-2518. Visit the MWR website,, and click on JOBS to see listings.

Get active with MCHC The Multicultural Heritage Committee is looking for more people - Sailors and DOD civilians - to join the organization. The MCHC meets every Thursday at noon in Bldg. A-324 conference room, Boca Chica Field.

Feds Feed Families

U.S. Navy photo by Jolene Scholl


t. John Tarr leads a Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation Southeast Team Building Workshop for Naval Air Station Key West’s Information Technology department Thursday on Boca Chica Field. The workshop focuses on stress and coping, communication, personality preferences and problem solving.


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a rescue basket and into the helicopter, where medical technician HM2 Patrick Shea continued resuscitation efforts. “The total evolution from

notification to the hospital was about 15 minutes,” Harris said. Unfortunately, Simko never regained coconsciousness. The SAR team had decided to keep their training flight close to home, “in light of it being mini-sea-

son,” Harris said. Law enforcement officials noted thousands of visitors flocked to the Keys for mini-season and were on the water in search of lobster, he said. NAS Key West’s SAR team has made a number of civilian rescues at sea,

most recently last fall. While training near the Tortugas in 2013, the team spotted more than a dozen Cuban migrants stranded on a sand spit. The crew dropped water to them and notified the Coast Guard of their location.

The annual Feds Feed Families campaign runs through Aug. 31. Donations to the program are giving to local food banks. Donation boxes are set up at the command building, A-324 Boca Chica Field, at Boca Chica Field Pass and ID office, the Religious Ministries Office, Bldg. A-718 Boca Chica Field, and the Sigsbee Park Commissary. For more information, call the Religious Ministries Office, (305) 293-2318.

CSADD seeks members The Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions is currently looking for new members. Meetings are every Tuesday from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the Air Ops Conference Room. CSADD a peer-to-peer mentorship program focusing on volunteerism and educating our young Sailors on the importance of good decision making. If you have any questions, please email the CSADD president, MA2 Daliese Steele, at daliese.steele@navy. mil.

July 29, 2016 •

Learn the ABCs of detecting skin cancer From Naval Hospital Jacksonville


his week’s “Ask the Doc” column answers questions about skin cancer, which is a concern for anyone living in the Keys who spends time outdoors and on the water. Question: How common is skin cancer? Answer: One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. Question: How do I know if I have skin cancer? Answer: It’s important to conduct annual selfcheckups to identify any concerning moles or growths (sometimes referred to as

“lesions”). Early identification and treatment of skin cancer can lead to better outcomes. When conducting self-checks, remember to check non-common areas such as the hairline, armpits, back, bathing suit areas, and soles of the feet. If necessary, use a mirror to see those hard to reach areas, or simply ask a friend to help. A simple way of identifying potentially malignant (cancerous) lesions is to remember the A-B-C-D-E model: Asymmetry: identify the shape of the skin lesion. A perfect circle is a symmetric shape; an irregular shape would be abnormal. Border: determine the border of the skin lesion. Normal is smooth; abnormal is jagged or uneven. Color: uniform is normal;

multi-colored within the same skin lesion is abnormal. Diameter: over six millimeters, or a quarter of an inch wide (about the size of a pencil eraser), is considered abnormal. Evolution: skin lesions that grow or change colors over time are abnormal. Bottom line, if you show any signs of the A-B-C-DEs, or you are unsure if a skin lesion is abnormal or not, schedule an appoint-

ment with your primary care provider for further evaluation. “Ask the Doc” is written by providers from Naval Hospital Jacksonville’s hospital and five branch health clinics in Florida and Georgia. If you have a question for a physician, dentist, pharmacist, or optometrist that you’d like to see published, please send it to usn. jacksonville.navhospjaxfl.


Upcoming at FFSC TAP Workshop Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bldg. A-515, Boca Chica Field This five-day workshop provides the most current information and referral services to exiting military members and their spouse. Topics offered include individual skills assessment, career research, understanding the civilian workplace, the job search, interviewing techniques and veteran benefits. Contact your career counselor to register.

IA Family Workshop Aug. 10, 5:30 - 7 p.m., FFSC Meet and catch up with other families of individual augmentees in the area. Explore some of the unique challenges faced by IA and deployment families. This time together is an opportunity to make connections with other families facing similar issues. Fleet and Family Support Center’s hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. FFSC offers many services including deployment support, relocation assistance, family employment readiness, life skills education, notary service, personal financial management, crisis incident response and training, sexual assault prevention and response, ombudsman support, transition assistance management, family advocacy and professional counseling. For info, call (305) 293-4408.


•July 29, 2016

MWR Update MWR website Morale, Welfare and Recreation has a new website and cellphone/computer application that lists facilities, programs, services and current employment opportunities. Visit www. to find out what MWR has to offer. Visit the Apple or Android app stores and search for: NavyMWR Key West. Have information at your fingertips and make the most of what MWR has to offer. Other websites include Facebook and Twitter “NAS Key West MWR.” Patrons can request to be added to the Weekly Activities Sheet email distribution list. For more information or questions, email with questions:

Now hiring Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Navy Gateway Inns and Suites a have a number of opportunities for full time with benefits and flex part-time employment. For a list of available positions visit the MWR personnel office at Bldg. A-711, email or call (305) 293-2518. Visit the MWR website, www. and click on JOBS to see listings.

Summer bash MWR wants to help summer end with a bang! Come and celebrate the end of summer with one last bash on Aug. 13 at the Sigsbee

Splash Park from 11 a.m. 2 p.m. MWR will be serving free lunch and there will be music, water toys, inflatables and games for children of all ages. For more information call (305) 293-2783.

Mini Mart. Runway Grill is located within the facility and provides a full menu and bar. The center is open 3 - 10:30 p.m. Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays Fridays, and 11 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. On weekends, it is open noon Summer Camp - 6 on Saturdays and closed The Youth Center on on Sundays. For more inforSigsbee Park has open mation or to book a party, registration for School Age call (305) 293-2976. Summer Camp from until Aug. 12. Registration is Babysitting break open to children who have completed kindergarten up The Child & Youth to 12 years old. Fee based Programs is offering addion total family income. tional child care through For more information or to the Give Parents a Break enroll your child, call (305) program. The cost is $4 per 293-4437 or email Emmy child, per hour and each Niemczyk at emily.niemc- child must be or Amanda tered, including immunizaLynch at amanda.j.lynch@ tion records. Cancellations must be made before 8 a.m. on the day of scheduled child care to avoid paying Free movies for reserved time. For more Beach Patio Recreation Center offers free movies each Saturday at 1 and 6 p.m. on the big screen. Recliners are available and snacks may be purchased. Note: Facility use is limited to patrons aged 18 and older after 4 p.m. daily. For more information, call (305) 293-5282. Saturday: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. Saturday: “Barbershop: The Next Cut” (PG-13) at 6 p.m.

Bowling Center Did you know that NAS Key West has the only bowling center in the Florida Keys? Located on Boca Chica Field, Air Lanes Bowling Center is next to the NEX

information or to register, call (305) 293-4498 or visit the Child Development Center on Sigsbee Park. Aug. 12: 6:30 - 11:30 p.m. Register by Aug. 10 Aug. 20: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Register by Aug. 18 Aug. 26: 6:30 - 11:30 p.m. Register by Aug. 24

Splash Park The Sigsbee Park Splash Park is open from 8 a.m. - sunset daily. The splash park is free and open to MWR-eligible patrons of all ages. It is an unmanned facility, so those using the park should follow safe practices. Noting the park is a “family facility” the following rules are posted: • No running (wet surfaces) • Children under 12 must be accompanied by some-

one 16 or older • Infants and toddlers must wear swim diapers • Proper attire is required The following are not allowed: Pets, alcohol, smoking, glass containers, bicycles, skateboard, hover boards, scooters, roller blades and roller skates.

Liberty activities The Liberty Single Sailor Program is open to all single or unaccompanied active duty military personnel E-6 and below. Visit us on Facebook at “MWR Liberty Key West” and request to be added to the closed Liberty

Group. For additional information, email or call (305) 293-6282 or (305) 797-4468. Saturday: Be a Character Meet & Greet volunteer! Noon - 2 p.m.

Fly Away Café The Fly Away Café, operating at Navigator’s Bar & Grill, Boca Chica Marina, offers breakfast and lunch, as well as dinner specials. The cafe has changed to off-season hours until Nov. 1. Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday; 10 a.m. - 3 see MWR page 7

July 29, 2016 •


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p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Grab and go food is available until Navigator’s closing time, seven days a week. Order ahead or call for specials at (305) 293-2468.

Open pickleball Open pickleball is scheduled from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays at the Sigsbee Park tennis courts. Players of all levels welcome. For more information, call (305) 797-7791.

Child Care Need an extra hour or two of child care? The School Age Care program and the Child Development Center

offer hourly care. Families may not exceed 10 hours of care per child per week during SAC Before and After School program. Children must have an active registration on file. Make reservations in person or by calling the Youth Center at (305) 293-4437. For hourly care, call (305) 293-4498.

their families. For more 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. - TRX (Boca information, or to book a Chica Fitness Center) party, call (305) 293-4324. 6 - 6:45 p.m. - Cycling (Boca Chica Cycling Studio)

SAS memorabilia

Southernmost Air Spectacular air show T-shirts, coins, posters and more may be purchased at the Landing Zone, Bldg. A-711, Boca Chica Field. For information, call (305) Trumbo Pool 293-2884 or email mwrThe Trumbo Pool is open Wednesday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Sunday, Fitness schedule noon - 5 p.m. The pool, on Trumbo Point, offers laps Monday swimming, water slides, lily 7 - 7:45 a.m. - Cycling (Boca pads, climbing wall and kid- Chica Cycling Studio) die splash pad. The pavil- 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. - Skillz ion is available for parties (Boca Chica Fitness Center) and a playground is on site. Admission is $1 a day for Tuesday retirees and DOD civilians 10 - 10:45 a.m. - HIIT (Boca and free to active duty and Chica Fitness Center)

NAS Classifieds FOR RENT Flagler Avenue 2BR/2BA, 1,000 sq.ft. townhouse, W/D, furnished, covered parking, no smoking. $2,700 per month includes utilities. Call Keith at (305) 8496556. View on Craigslist: apa/5609559283.html. Ramrod Key - Available now. Recently renovated, large 2BD/2BA home, new A/C, all tile and ceiling fans, located on large corner lot. $2,000 a month; discount for military $1,800 month. F/L/S. Call Danny at (305) 296-1385. Downtown Key West Large 2BR/2BA two-story townhome, includes W/D, furnished or unfurnished. $2,800/month (all utilities included). Military personnel preferred. Call or text (preferred) - (305) 8797352. Las Salinas - 3/2 unfurnished condo available immediately for 12-month lease. Updated bathrooms and kitchen, tiled living room and kitchen, and pool views from the balcony. $3,100 per month. F/L and $2,000 security due at signing. Email

Summerland Key 2BR/1.5BA stilt home, quiet neighborhood, recently remolded, great porch. Available July 15 - March 1, 2017, month-to-month thereafter. $2,300/month plus utilities. No pets or smoking. F/L/S. Call (603) 498-0630 Baypoint - very clean, private, 1BR/1BA with dock and beach. A/C, W/D. One person only. No smoking, no pets. Prefer military member. $1,500 F/L/S. Call (305) 745-1462. FOR SALE Mercury Sable LS 2002 Wagon $2,300. One owner, no accidents. 169K miles. Beige, auto, new brakes, belt and compressor, all tires replaced 2015, leather seats. Key West. Moving Aug. 5. Call (703)618-1652 Moving - washer/dryer, $150 each, $225 both. Kenmore/front load. One user, one owner. Key West. Available for pick up Aug. 1 - reserve now. Call (703) 618-1652. GE 30” gas range - $230. Almost new condition; includes gas line. Delivery possible. Call (248) 9318133.

LOST AND FOUND Updated - the following items have been turned into the Security Department: Black pouch found July 11 at Trumbo Point Navy Gateway Inns and Suites; hammer drill with drill set turned into on Dec. 17, 2015; and a toy motorized plane found at the Seminole battery (goat enclosure area) on Truman Annex June 8, 2016. To claim or for more information, call MA1 Everett Kalgren at (305) 293-2506. HELP WANTED Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Navy Gateway Inns and Suites have the following fulltime positions open: NGIS accounting clerk - application deadline is Aug. 9; and flex positions for up to 29 hours per week jobs include, but are not limited to maintenance, recreation aid, bartender and food service. For a list of available positions visit the MWR personnel office at Bldg. A-711, email or call (305) 293-2518. Visit the MWR website, www., and click on JOBS to see listings.

Mechanic/mechanic assistant - perform routine preventative maintenance on vehicles, assist mechanics with repairs as needed. Must be able to read, write and speak fluent English. Available to work evenings, weekends and holidays. Must be able to work in cramped spaces and under a vehicle while lying on back, lift, lower and carry items up to 50 pounds without assistance. Qualifications - high school graduate preferred, CDL preferred. Garage located on Stock Island. Apply at 105 Whitehead Street. NAS KEY WEST CLASSIFIEDS are free for activeduty and retired personnel, their families and civilian base employees only. Deadline for submissions is noon the Tuesday prior to that Friday’s issue. Make submissions to the NAS Key West Public Affairs Office by email, jolene.; mail, P.O. Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001; or fax submissions to (305) 293-2627. Unless otherwise directed, ads will run for four issues. Name and phone number must accompany requests. For more information, call (305) 293-2425.

Wednesday 5:15 - 6 p.m. - HIIT (Boca Chica Fitness Center) Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Gentle Yoga (Sigsbee Community Center) 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. - Cylcing (Boca Chica Cycling Studio) Saturday 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. - Circuit (Boca Chica Fitness Center)


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