Southernmost Flyer May 19, 2017

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FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017

Eye on the Fleet

pacific ocean

VOL. 17  NO. 20

(MAY 11, 2017) AWS2 Christopher Stefanides, assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 6, watches as ships from the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group participate in a simulated strait transit during a group sail training exercise. U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Paul Archer

inside: INSIGHTS Self-discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BOATING SAFETY Information, please. . . . . . . 3 WHAT TO DO? MWR activities. . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 JIATF SOUTH Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TOP OF PAGE ONE: ABH3 Alex Williams, assigned to the air department of the amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6), directs an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the ‘Wildcards’ of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 23 during a vertical replenishment.


OMD receives FEOY award for excellence


It’s a different ‘island tour’ for new XO From NAS Key West Public Affairs

From NAS Key West Public Affairs



t’s a repeat performance for Naval Air Station Key West’s Operations Maintenance Division, as the South Florida Executive Board Friday recognized OMD during the 52nd Annual Federal Employee of the Year Awards Program. The 12-member OMD crew received the Team Trade and Crafts Award. This is the second time that OMD has received the award - the first time was in 2014. NAS Key West’s Environmental Division was nominated for the Scientific Award, which went to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration project.

service at 11 a.m. at the Southern Keys Cemetery on Big Coppitt Key. For information, call 305-294-7117. Installation offices are closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

rom the land of the rising sun to paradise’s setting sun, Naval Air Station Key West’s new Executive Officer Cmdr. Gregory Brotherton still finds himself assigned to an island tour - on the other side of the world. Brotherton arrived in January after serving more than two years in Yokosuka, Japan, where he was deputy director of Commander, Seventh Fleet, Commander’s Initiatives Group. The tour included a number of deployments aboard USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19). “I’m excited about the opportunity to work with such a diverse team of professionals within and outside the DOD,” said Brotherton, whose official first day was Monday. Although new to the community, he said he has heard about the Navy’s history in Key West, which dates back to 1823. “I’m proud to be a part of an organization that has such a great relation-

see Holiday page 7

see XO page 3

U.S. Navy photo by Jolene Scholl

The Operations Maintenance Division team is shown Tuesday with the South Florida Federal Executive Board plaque for ‘Federal Employee of the Year, Trades & Crafts.’ The OMD recipients are AM2 Gregory Gusse, AE1 Tomas Moore, AZ3 Chelsea Levasseur, AE1 Edward Rodriguez, LS1 Maritza Hernandez, AE1 Aldo DeJesus-Silva,

AM1 William Netherton, AD3 Michael Stoodley, ADCS Sohan Ramsingh, AD3 Javon Turner, AZ3 Christopher Browning and AM2 Matthew Madden. The Federal Executive

Board of South Florida annually sponsors the interagency awards program each year to recognize the exceptional service and see omd page 7

NAS on break Memorial Day; CO to speak at local service From NAS Key West Public Affairs


aval Air Station Key West Commanding Officer Capt. Bobby Baker will honor the nation’s military fallen Monday as speaker at the

annual Navy League Key West Council Memorial Day service May 29. The NAS Key West Honor Guard also will render honors at that service and a separate one on Big Coppitt; both services are open to the public.

The Navy League service is at 9 a.m. at the USS Maine Memorial in the Key West Cemetery. The ceremony lasts about 20 minutes; seating is available but limited. American Legion Post 28 hosts its Memorial Day


•May 19, 2017



May 19 1882 - Commodore Robert Shufeldt arrives in Korea to negotiate the first commerce treaty between Korea and a western power.

May 20 1943 - The Tenth Fleet is reactivated in 2010 as U.S. Fleet Cyber Command.

May 21 2005 - The first T-AKE ship, USNS Lewis and Clark (T-AKE 1), is launched in San Diego.

May 22 1967 - New York City reaches an agreement to purchase the New York Naval Shipyard, also known as the Brooklyn Navy Yard, after it was closed in 1966.

May 23 2009 - USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) responds to a vessel in distress in the Gulf of Aden and rescues 52 men, women and children who are adrift in a small skiff for seven days.

May 24 1939 - Vice Adm. Allan McCann’s Rescue Chamber is first used to rescue 33 men from the sunken USS Squalus (SS 192).

May 25 1973 - Skylab 2, the first U.S. manned orbiting space station, launches with all-Navy crew: Capt. Charles Conrad, Jr., Cmdr. Paul Weitz and Cmdr. Joseph Kerwin.

ran across an excerpt from a book by John F. Macarthur “The Pillars of Christian Character” that I think is appropriate for this time of year with our students who are graduating, and for all of us as well. Get yourself organized. Make a schedule, however detailed or general you are comfortable with, and stick to it. Have a to-do list of things you need to accomplish. Using a daily planning book or a personal information manager program on your computer is helpful. Work at being organized, even if all you do is jot down appointments and to-do items on a piece of scrap paper. The simple reality is that if you don’t control your time, everything (and everyone) else will. Don’t constantly seek to be entertained. When you have free time, do things that are productive instead of merely entertaining. Read a good book, listen to classical music, take a walk or have a conversation with someone. In other words, learn to entertain yourself with things that are challenging, stimulating and creative. Things that are of no value except to entertain you make a very small contribution to your well-being. Be on time. If you’re supposed to be somewhere at a specific time, be there on time. The apostle Paul listed proper use of time as a mark of true spiritual wisdom: “Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil,” (Ephesians 5:15-16). Being punctual marks a life that is organized. It reveals a person whose d.sires, activities, and responsibilities are under control. Being on time also acknowledges the importance of other

people and the value of their time. Keep your word. “Undertake not what you cannot perform,” a young George Washington exhorted himself, “but be careful to keep your promise.” If you say you’re going to do something, do it CHAPLAIN'S - when you said CORNER you would do it and how you said you would do it. When you make commitments, see them through. That NAS Key West calls for the disciCommand Chaplain pline to properly Lt. evaluate whethScott Mason er you have the time and capability to do something. And once you’ve made the commitment, self-discipline will enable you to keep it. Do the most difficult tasks first. Most people do just the opposite, spending their time doing the easier, low priority tasks. But when they run out of time (and energy), the difficult, high-priority tasks are left undone. Finish what you start. Some people’s lives are a sad litany of unfinished projects. In the words of poet John Greenleaf Whittier, “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’ “ If you start something, finish it. Therein lays an important key to developing self-discipline. Accept correction. Correction helps you develop self-discipline by showing you what you need to avoid. Thus, it shouldn’t be rejected, but accepted gladly. Solomon wrote “Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days.” (Proverbs 19:20); and “He whose ear listens to the life giving reproof will dwell among the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.” (Proverbs 15:31-32).

Practice self-denial. Learn to say no to your feelings and impulses. Occasionally deny yourself pleasures that are perfectly legitimate for you to enjoy. Skip dessert after a meal. Drink a glass of iced tea instead of having that banana split that you love. Don’t eat that doughnut that caught your eye. Refraining from those things will remind your body who is in charge. Welcome responsibility. Volunteer to do things that need to be done. That will force you to have your life organized enough to have the time for such projects. I hope your time reading this article has encouraged you. Please come and join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at Truman Annex Chapel for worship service with our praise band and children’s church. Please visit our Facebook page (Truman Chapel) for upcoming events. If you are in need of chaplain care, please call your chaplains at 305-293-2318, Naval Air Station Key West, or 305-2928788, Coast Guard Sector Key West.

Commanding Officer Capt. Bobby J. Baker Executive Officer Cmdr. Gregory Brotherton PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Trice Denny EDITOR Jolene Scholl STAFF MC2 Cody Babin This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military service and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. Additional copy and photographs provided by the readers of the Southernmost Flyer should be addressed to: Editor, Southernmost Flyer, Public Affairs Office, Naval Air Station, Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001. Copy can also be e-mailed to jolene.scholl@ Telephone (305) 293-2425/2434. DSN 4832425/2434. Deadline for all editorial copy is 4 p.m. the Friday preceding publication. All articles must be submitted on disk in text format, written in upper/lower case style.


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May 19, 2017 •

Power squadron open house focuses on safe boating From NAS Key West Public Affairs


aturday marks the beginning of National Safe Boating Week and the Key West Sail and Power Squadron is hosting a day dedicated to the promotion of safe boating practices and hurricane prepartion. Activities run from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the squadron’s building, 5205 College Road. Activities are open to the public and are free. Chip Kasper, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, will give the presentation “Hurricane Season: Be Prepared” at 10 a.m. From noon - 2 p.m., the squadron will have hot dogs

a sodas for sale, for $2 and $1 respectively. Throughout the day experienced boating instructors will discuss boating education opportunities offered by the Squadron as well as to explain the benefits of membership and what we do as a non-profit organization. Vessel safety examiners will also be available throughout the day to perform vessel safety checks to assure that boats meet U.S. Coast Guard and Florida State Safety requirements. Boat owners can trailer boats to the facility or pull up to the dock for a free vessel safety check. Owners also can make an appointment for a VSC examiner to come to them. This is a free public service.


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ship with the surrounding community and I’m eager to work in continuing and growing that relationship,” he said. “Key West is a great change of pace from living in the fast-paced culture of the greater Tokyo area.” Brotherton hails from Santa Fe, Texas, and is a graduate of the University of Houston. He was commissioned through Officer Candidate School in 1996. He started flight training in Corpus Christi, Texas, and earned his “Wings of Gold” in 1997 and reported to Marine Helicopter Training Squadron (HMT) 302 in New River, North Carolina, for qualification in the MH-53E helicopter. His first operational tour assignment was with Helicopter Mine Countermeasures

Squadron (HM) 15 where he served as the tactics/ mine warfare officer while deploying twice aboard USS Inchon (MCS 12) in support of Operation Shining Hope and INCHON Task Group 01. Brotherton then reported to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1 where he served as operational test director for five Organic Airborne Mine Countermeasure Systems onboard the MH-60S. Upon completion of his VX-1 tour, he reported to Helicopter Combat Support Squadron (HC) 6 and Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 26 as the OAMCM lead in preparation of the first OAMCM deployment aboard USS Freedom (LCS 1). During this tour, he earned his officer of the


He reported to Helicopter deck qualification while deploying twice aboard the Mine Countermeasures USS Saipan (LHA 2) as the Squadron (HM) 15 in Corpus Christi as department head in October 2008, serving twice as forward deployed Detachment Two officer-in-charge in the Kingdom of Bahrain as well as the head of the Safety/ NATOPS and Operations Department. Brotherton was selected to serve as the integration lead for helicopter weapon systems at Unmanned Maritime Systems (PMS) 495 within the Program Executive Office Littoral Combat Ships, Washington brotherton D.C., from June 2010 search and rescue detach- - September 2012 and ment’s assistant officer in earned Defense Acquisition University certifications in charge. Following his tour program management and at HSC-26, Brotherton systems engineering. He also served as execattended Command General and Staff College utive officer at Naval in Fort Leavenworth, Surface Warfare Center Kansas, and also earned Panama City Division a master’s degree from from September 2012 November 2014. Kansas State University.

Armed Forces Day recognizes unified forces It was President Harry S. Truman who led the effort to establish a sinhis year marks the gle holiday for citizens to 68th anniversary of come together and thank Armed Forces Day, established to recognize and honor all members of the armed forces. The day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May - this Saturday. At Naval Air military members for their Station Key West, active patriotic service in support duty military represent- of our country. On Aug. 31, ing all branches of service 1949, Secretary of Defense from Naval Air Station Key Louis Johnson announced West and its tenants com- the creation of an Armed pete in the Armed Forces Forces Day to replace sepaCommand Challenge at rate Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Days. Sigsbee Field. From NAS Key West Public Affairs


Job Title: Helicopter maintenance Hometown: Chicago Prior Duty Stations: USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), Yokosuka, Japan Hobbies: Lifting, sports and being social. Most Interesting Experience: Skydiving. Future Plans: Open up my own gym.

AZ3 Michael Benson

The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.

At the first observation of Armed Forces Day, President Harry S. Truman praised the work of the military services at home and across the seas. “It is vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of a desir-

able peace,” Truman is quoted as saying.. “Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America’s defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality,” Truman said. “It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense.” The recognition continues today and DOD officials continue to offer praise to the nation’s Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen.


•May 19, 2017

MWR Update Daddy daughter dance Enjoy an enchanted evening with the little girl in your life June 9 for the first “Daddy-Daughter Dance.” Grandfathers, uncles and father-figures are also welcome. The event at Trumbo Palms starts with a dinner from 5 -6 p.m. with dancing from 6 - 8 p.m. Walk with your daughter down the red carpet; enjoy the photo booth and princess gifts for every daughter. Tickets are $10 per couple; $2 for each additional daughter. Dinner is included in the ticket price. Semi-formal attire requested. Purchase tickets by June 7 at the Community Recreation Ticket office on Sigsbee Park. Tickets are limited; tickets will NOT be sold at the event. This dance is open only to MWRauthorized patrons/military ID cardholders. Call 305-563-0364 for additional information.

Missoula Theater Camp This year’s Missoula Theater Camp is open to military and civilian DOD dependents, and it’s free. The camp is for ages 5 (post-kindergarten) - 18 and runs from June 26 - 30. It is hosted by the Sigsbee Youth Center at the Sigsbee Recreation Center. For more information,, or to register, email or call 305-293-4437.

2-on-2 b-ball tourney Register for the 2-on-2 basketball tournament set for June 10. Rosters are due Wednesday. The tournament is a one-day event open to all-hands. The tournament is double-elimination with prizes for first and second place. For more information, email or call 305-797-7791.

Child Care

care to avoid paying for reserved time. For more information or to register call, 305293-4498 or visit the Child Development Center on Sigsbee Park. June 16: 5:30 -11:30 p.m., supporting of Naval Branch Health Clinic Ball. Register by June 14. July 15: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. August 26: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Self Defense Seminar Don’t be a victim. Learn how to fight back in one of the self-defense seminars listed below. The instructor is Richard Thomas. Athletic attire recommended. Cost is $5 per person and there is a 20-person limit. To secure a spot in the class provide full payment at the Sigsbee Ticket Office. Classes are at the Sigsbee Community Center. Girl’s (10-14): June 6, with an overflow class on June 20 Boy’s (10-14): July 11, with an overflow class on July 18

Liberty activities The Liberty Single Sailor Program is open to all single or unaccompanied active duty military personnel E-6 and below. Visit us on Facebook at “MWR Liberty Key West” and request to be added to the closed Liberty Group. For additional information email Sunday: Salt Ponds Kayak Tour with Lazy Dog [$16] - 10 a.m. - noon May 27: Tortugas 1/2 Day Fishing [the cost is $30] text/call to register. May 27: Dolphin Derby Fishing Tournament at the Sigsbee Marina, 6 a.m. - 4 p.m. Volunteers needed! May 28: Intro to Snorkeling at Beach Patio Recreation Center, 9 a.m. Gear provided. May 29: Memorial Day BBQ at Beach Patio Volleyball Courts, noon - 3 p.m.

New MWR website

The Child & Youth Programs is offering additional child care through the “Give MWR has a new website and application Parents a Break” program. The cost is that provide our patrons with a full list of $4 per child, per hour and each child facilities, programs, services and current must be pre-registered, including immu- employment opportunities. nization records. Cancellations must be made before 8 a.m. on the day of child see MWR page 5

May 19, 2017 •


This week at FFSC Parenting class Thursday, 2 - 3:30 p.m., FFSC Parenting workshops are interactive. Topics include, but are not limited to, soothing your baby, child safety, non-violent discipline and parental selfcare. Fleet and Family Support Center’s hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. FFSC offers many services including deployment support, relocation assistance, family employment readiness, life skills education, notary service, personal financial management, crisis incident response and training, sexual assault prevention and response, ombudsman support, transition assistance management, family advocacy and professional counseling. For more information or to request services, call (305) 293-4408 or visit the center at 804 Sigsbee Rd., Sigsbee Park.


continued from page 5

Visit to find out what MWR has to offer: Restaurants and bars, sports and fitness, child care, leisure recreation, pool and splash parks, special events, gear rentals, marinas, lodging, discounted attraction tickets and more. Visit your Apple or Android application store and search for NavyMWR Key West. Other ways to find out more about MWR, activities and events are through Facebook and Twitter “NAS Key West MWR” and the Weekly Activities Sheet. Email your questions to

Sunset Lounge Enjoy the Magnolia Band performing LIVE at the Sunset Lounge on Sigsbee Park every Wednesday and Karaoke every Thursday from 6 – 9 p.m. See special performance dates below. Visit www. for the restaurant menu and call 305-293-4435 for information.


•May 19, 2017

POY recognition

Briefly… Vacation Bible school set

Naval Air Station Key West Religious Ministries Department has opened registration for its Vacation Bible School, scheduled for June 12 - 15 at the Sigsbee Community Center. To register, go to https://kideventpro. Call 864-616-7349 or email chapmasonfamily@ for additional information.

Marriage enrichment Commander Navy Region Southeast’s Chaplains Enrichment Development Operation is offering a free marriage enrichment retreat to active duty and active reserve couples from July 28 - 30 at the DoubleTree Resort, Key West. The room and meals are included, although couples are responsible for transportation. Marriage Enrichment Retreats can assist married couples in developing and strengthening a healthy marriage. Conflict is inevitable in life and marriage. How couples resolve conflict can determine marital satisfaction - couples who effectively resolve conflicts can have lasting and loving relationships.

Couples must be legally married when registering. Retreat date is subject to change or cancellation/postponement due to contract and/or attendance requirements. To register, or for more info, call CREDO Southeast Chaplain’s Office, 904-542-3923, or email

Get active with MCHC The Multicultural Heritage Committee is looking for more people - Sailors and DOD civilians - to join the organization. The MCHC meets every Thursday at noon in Bldg. A-324 conference room, Boca Chica Field. For more information, email PRC Michael Dees at

CSADD seeks members The Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions is currently looking for new members. Meetings are every Tuesday from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the Air Ops Conference Room. For more information, email PRC Michael Dees at michael.


Photo courtesy JIATF South

oint Interagency Task Force South’s Air Force Tech Sgt. Allison Encarnacion, center, was awarded the ‘Master Sgt. Martin Gonzales Sergeant/Petty Officer of the Year for 2016’ by Navy Adm. Kurt Tidd, commander U.S. Southern Command, and Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Bryan Zickefoose, command senior enlisted leader, during SOCOM’s Component Commanders Conference Gala May 5.

May 19, 2017 •


continued from page 1

accomplishment of civilian and military service members who have dedicated their careers to public service. The FEOY awards are presented to federal employees representing Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties. President John F.

Kennedy introduced the first 10 Federal Executive Boards in 1961 for the principle purpose of strengthening and coordinating the activities of government operations outside the Washington, D.C. area. Today’s FEB network includes 28 FEBs, located in areas of significant federal populations. The annual awards complement Public Service Recognition Week, which was May 7 - 13. The FEOY

covers 11 categories, including administrative, clerical/ administrative support, innovation, law enforcement, management, organizational partnership, professional, scientific, service to community, technical/ information technology and Trades and Crafts. Employees are nominated by their employers; the nominations are then reviewed by an FEB Blue Ribbon Panel, which selects the awardees.

NAS Classifieds FOR RENT Old Town Key West 1BR/1BA first-floor apartment in Historic Harbor neighborhood near boardwalk and Duval Street. Renovated 1850s home; one of four units. Private deck, access to pool, WIFI and satellite TV package. $2,250 per month. F/L/$2000 deposit. Call 305-294-9677. HELP WANTED Joint Interagency Task Force South has several civilian job vacancies for temporary and permanent positions in program administration and information technology fields. Information on each position will be posted on the JIATF South web page. In order to apply for the positions, all external applicants must access the announcement through: http://www.jiatfs.southcom. mil/Join-Us/Work-With-Us/ Womankind - seeking a bilingual (Spanish/English) front-desk employee to join our mission-driven team. The right candidate is highly motivated to provide the best in customer service, even on those days when nothing goes right. We need an outgoing selfstarter with excellent organizational, communication, and computer skills. Duties include patient welcome, check-in and check-out, chart preparation, answer phone calls, make copies, send faxes, and normal office tasks. Busy yet happy office environment. Call 305-320-0608 for more information. Sloppy Joe’s Bar - Retail sales. Qualified candidates should possess strong customer service skills and

be computer literate; prior retail sales experience is a plus. Contact Marian Kershenbaum, 305-2962388, ext. 123, or e-mail to EOE. Summerland Wines and Spirits (located at MM25) has a part-time position available; flexible hours. Positive, upbeat environment. Respond to steve@ or call 480-8885910. Baypoint Market is seeking part-time employees to work day and evening shifts. A deli and convenience store, Baypoint Market is located on U.S. 1, at MM 15. Anyone interested in the position should apply in person after 2 p.m. No phone calls please. Hemingway Company is

Rum hiring.

Opening May 20, HRC seeks professional, personable and enthusiastic individuals to join the team. Stop by the distillery, at the corner of Greene and Simonton streets, to complete an application or send your resume to jleap@ Real estate marketing assistant - must have strong technical abilities. Experience with Facebook, Publisher, Word and Excel a must. Some knowledge of making simple videos or Google AdWords would be beneficial. Flexible business hours, Monday - Friday. Approximately six hours/week. $18/hour. Email joanne1kw@gmail. com. For more information, call 305-304-2012. First State Bank of the Florida Keys has positions available for the following: Assistant branch opera-

tions manager, customer service representative, human resources representative, tell and VP/regulatory compliance/BSA officer. Apply online at www. NAS KEY WEST CLASSIFIEDS are free for activeduty and retired personnel, their families and civilian base employees only. Deadline for submissions is noon the Tuesday prior to that Friday’s issue. Make submissions to the NAS Key West Public Affairs Office by email, jolene.; mail, P.O. Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001; or fax submissions to 305-293-2627. Unless otherwise directed, ads will run for four issues. Name and phone number must accompany all requests in order for them to be considered for publication. For more information, call 305-293-2425.


Fly Away Café at Boca Chica Marina: 7 a.m. - 7 continued from page 1 p.m. Navigator’s Bar: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Morale, Welfare and NGIS Front Desk: 24 hours Recreation facilities also Sigsbee Marina: 7:45 a.m. are closed except for the - 5 p.m. following: Trumbo Pool: noon - 5 p.m.

•7 Vacation Rentals: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Navy Exchange on Sigsbee Park and NEX mini-marts on Trumbo Point and Boca Chica Field are open Memorial Day from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Commissary is closed.

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