March 2012 - SLPKC Newsletter

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20 12 Conference Edition


Welcome from THE New SLPKC CHAIRs

Farewell from outgoing chairs It is hard to believe that the past two years are coming

Just in case you missed it last time, meet the incoming 2012-2013 co-chairs of the SLPKC on the following two pages!

to a close. We have enjoyed our time serving as Cochairs for the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge

Spotlight on Sherry Early

Community and know that it will be in good hands as we

Our membership continues to serve as an inspiration in the work we do on our campuses to mold future leaders who are going to make a difference in our communities and world. Each of you bring unique gifts to the profession and have left an imprint in our lives and countless others. We hope that you continue to give your heart to this noble calling and please let us know how we can be of support. Farewell Friends & Colleagues, Jan Lloyd & Melissa Shehane


transition this upcoming March.

Greetings! Please allow me to introduce myself as one of your co-chair elects for the Student Leadership Programs knowledge community (SLP KC). I am both honored and humbled to have been elected to this position and I look forward to serving the SLP KC to the best of my ability. To share a bit about myself, I have been a member of the leadership within the SLP KC for the past three years as the conference team leader. Those responsibilities have included collaborating with the coordinators of the pre-convention workshop, sponsored programs, mentoring program, graduate support network, community/graduate fair, and open meeting. I have enjoyed this immensely and it served as a catalyst for running for the co-chair position. Luckily, Jan and Melissa have been phenomenal leaders, friends, and role models as co-chairs of the SLP KC. Their hard work, dedication, and expertise have helped the KC progress immensely and Mike and I hope to keep the momentum going. As a fulltime doctoral student at Bowling Green State

University I am thrilled to serve in this capacity while pursuing my doctorate. As someone who is passionate about leadership, this is a dream come true. My leadership experiences have included serving as the academic advisor and director for an interdisciplinary minor in leadership and civic engagement, LeaderShape cluster facilitator, many presentations/workshops on leadership, a member of the multi-institutional study of leadership (MSL) summit team, research on residential leadership, and as a student my dissertation has a leadership focus. I hope to cultivate wonderful relationships with each of you and look forward to your contributions as leaders in this KC.

Adam Cebulsk works with OrgSync and holds his MSEd degree in Higher Education Administration and Policy


(concentrating on strategic planning

Welcome from the new SLPKC chairs

and leadership development) from Northwestern University. His background has focused on strategic planning and assessment for student affairs divisions and departments at a variety of institutions.

You’ve met Sherry Early, now meet Michael Baumhardt!

SLPKC Newsletter Co-Editors

Spotlight on Michael Baumhardt Experience, passion, motivation, and commitment – these are just a few of the qualities that Sherry and I exemplify and look forward to showcasing in our year the 2012-2013 Co-Chairs of the SLPKC. I am excited to invest the time and energy that this position requires and build upon the foundation that Jan and Melissa have set before us.

Quincy Martin III serves as the Dean of Students at Triton College in Illinois. He of the SLPKC at the closing of the Annual SLPKC National Meeting during the 2012 NASPA Conference. He has done a tremendous job of revamping the SLPKC newsletter and ensuring quality pieces of writing reach the general KC Membership.


will be completing his term as Co-Editor

I currently serve as the Assistant Director of the Center for Student Engagement at The University of Scranton. I am a 2010 graduate of the Bowling Green State University College Student Personnel program and alum of The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. In my current role at Scranton, I am responsible for programming, orientation, leadership development, and student conduct. I believe that leadership development can and does happen in many areas of higher education, and enjoy the opportunity to display this directly in four functional areas each and every day. With this in mind, my philosophy is that student leadership programs are a part of every area that incorporates leadership into their daily

practice. It is not purely for a professional staff member that works in a leadership development office, but is an area that is utilized in the growth and development of all student leaders. As Co-Chairs, Sherry and I will work with our dynamic colleagues on the SLPKC to offer all functional areas of higher education the resources and services to best educate both practitioners and student leaders on campus. Within NASPA and the SLPKC, I have served as the NASPA IV-E SLPKC Rep on the Advisory Board, NASPA IV-E Conference Committee, SLPKC Coordinator of the Community Fair and Graduate Support Network, and attended many regional and national NASPA Conferences. I am excited to take all of these experiences and connections to advance to mission and resources of our KC for our profession.

Lit Reviews and Word Press Submissions


Graduate Student Mentor Program

The SLP-KC has long asked members for resource reviews of books, videos, exercises, and articles that have proven to be useful for leadership educators. The process included a standardized form, submission deadlines, and marketing via emails.

the knowledge sharing that occurs in our knowledge community more fluid and easier to access. Our goal for this new website is to serve as a resource for leadership educators. Within the site we want our members to contribute, learn, and engage with one another. There are no deadlines. There are no forms. If you’ve read a book, article, used a website, watched a video, or facilitated an exercise that you believe other leadership educators should read, use, watch, or experience here is the place to share it. The only requirement is entries must be less than 700 words. Longer posts can be submitted and may be highlighted once a month depending on the frequency. Promotion of submitted posts will be shared via our Facebook page ( and our Twitter account (@ NASPAslpkc).

All submissions and questions can be sent to Joe Ginese at jginese@ in a .txt, .doc or .docx file format.

get involved

With the launch of the blog ( we hope to make

The SLPKC Graduate Student Mentor Program is designed to connect graduate students who are interested in student leadership with current professionals in the field. Each graduate student (mentee) will be matched with a professional (mentor) during the national conference and will be encouraged to network during the course of the conference. There is an expectation that the mentor and mentee attend SLPKC and Conference social events together. It will be up to the discretion of both the mentor and mentee if they wish to continue to communicate after the conference. The purpose of the program is to connect the mentee to the SLPKC and NASPA, provide the mentee with networking opportunities during the conference, and allow the mentee to learn more about working with student leadership programs.

Mentor Requirements: Mentors must currently be working in an area of Leadership at an institution of higher education with a minimum of 2 years professional experience. You must also have a commitment to attend conference events with mentee

Mentee Requirements: You must be currently enrolled in a graduate program and have a commitment to attend conference events with mentor.

Sign Up Process: Please visit the following form: https://docs. dFlFMzMxdlZxNlRpWFdpMmdldEtpZmc6MA

Questions: If you have any questions, please contact SLPKC Mentorship Program Coordinator: Michael Baumhardt (



Dr. Susan R. Komives Research Award

The Dr. Susan R. Komives Research Award supports the creation of new knowledge focusing on the area of student leadership programs in higher education. This year, the recipient of the award is Dr. Paige Haber. Dr. Haber is currently an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator in the Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology at Texas State University, San Marcos. Prior to this position, Dr. Haber received her Ph.D. from the Department of Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego. During that time, Dr. Haber taught and researched extensively in the areas of leadership programming and leadership development. While at the University of San Diego, Dr. Haber conducted a two-year assessment on the leadership minor through online surveys, interviews, focus groups. This project resulted in program and curriculum changes, in addition to benchmarking best practices with other academic leadership programs.

Knowledge Community solicits nominations for its national awards. This year four awards were selected from fifteen extremely strong nominations. The winners will be recognized at the SLP KC membership meeting at the national conference in Phoenix. Below you will find a short description of the awards and information on the very deserving recipients.


SLPKC Award Recipients

Each year the Student Leadership Programs

Outstanding Spotlight Program of the Year The Outstanding Spotlight Program of the Year recognizes the contributions of members who are transforming higher education through best practices in the area of student leadership programs. This year, the recipient of the award is the Leadership Emory program from Emory University. The Leadership Emory program aims to unite the Emory Community in teaching common elements of leadership that emphasize the important link between ethical leadership and civic engagement. The program used the Social Change Model of Leadership and language from leadership programs already on campus as a foundation to create a set of five themes about leadership, grounded in theory that aligns with the mission and vision of the university. The end goal of the program is to integrate the five themes into all aspects of the university in a way that all students can be evaluated through a common language by supervisors, advisors, and peers at the institution.

Outstanding Contribution to Student Leadership Programs The Outstanding Contribution to Student Leadership Programs award recognizes a student affairs practitioner who has shown tremendous commitment to the area of student leadership programs. This year, the recipient of the award is Dr. Craig Slack. Dr. Slack was nominated by his colleagues for his exceptional work at the University of Maryland and for his work as director of the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs. While at Maryland, Dr. Slack chaired a committee that proposed and gained approval for a leadership minor, of which he now serves as the administrative director. He was also one of the first student affairs educators to implement a comprehensive student learning outcome model and perform assessment of those outcomes. As director of the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs, Dr. Slack was co-editor of two editions of the Handbook for Student Leadership Development and initiated the Leadership Educators Institute co-sponsored with NASPA and ACPA.

Outstanding Service to the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community

The Outstanding Service to the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community award recognizes members of the SLP KC for their service to the organization. This year, the recipients of the award are the outgoing national chairs, Dr. Jan Lloyd and Melissa Shehane. Jan and Melissa have served on the SLP KC for a number of years and during that time have been instrumental in the tremendous growth of the Knowledge Community. One colleague stated that “Through Jan and Melissa’s leadership, not only has the number of general members on the listserv grown, but more direct opportunities for members to be involved has been attained. This is not able to be accomplished by one person, but through the support and advocating of Jan and Melissa, this has excelled.” Jan and Melissa have thrived under the high pressure and expectations of what is the largest Knowledge Community and their desire to contribute to the Knowledge Community had only increased as a result.



Led by Region VI Representative Molly Bechtel of the University of California, Merced, Northern California Sub-Representative Ankita Rakhe of Santa Clara University, and Southern California Sub-Representative Dr. Joy Harkins, the KC has explored creating a leadership programs database and an opt-in listserv to allow for greater ease in communication and the sharing of resources among the KC.

Following a transition in leadership in September 2011, the Region VI SLP KC has worked to establish creative and relevant ways to share new knowledge with its constituents.

region VI

updates from the field

Region VI Updates At the NASPA Western Regional Conference in November 2011, dozens of graduate students and new professionals were introduced to the SLP KC at the Knowledge Community Fair and Round Table Session. The KC was highlighted in great detail, prompting a productive brainstorm for the group’s next steps at a presentation facilitated in collaboration with Region V Representative Charlie Varland.

We are pleased to announce the first search and selection for a regional recognition award to honor a professional staff or faculty member’s Outstanding Contribution to Student Leadership Programs. The purpose of this award is to recognize a professional staff or faculty member’s work at the campus level in the area of student leadership programs. The recipient will have made contributions above and beyond the assigned duties of

their position and will have had a significant impact on student leadership programs at their institution. The award recipient will be honored at NASPA’s Annual Conference.

If you would like to be more involved in the Region VI SLP KC, please contact Molly Bechtel at molly. Thank you, and enjoy the conference!

Volunteer at NASPA


Every year we look for awesome volunteers to help us staff our

for those attending the fair and we will be giving things away such as regional maps to locate your region and the region of other schools, a SLPKC brochure to learn about what the SLPKC does, a NASPA conference schedule, a list of other conferences that will take place throughout the year, a signup sheet for members to sign up for committees they are interested in, and lots of fun goodies!

The community fair will take place on Monday, March 12, 2012 from 7:15pm – 9:15pm in the Marriott Grand Ballroom II/III.

Helping out with our table requires no training at all! We will have everything laid out for you and I will also be present to handle questions from other members. There will also be a sheet that will guide you in what materials we have at the table and what you can tell interested folks who come to our table. The time commitment will be for an hour at a time. But, if you want to help for more than that, you are more than welcome. If you are interested in helping staff our table, please email me at

naspa schedule

table at the community fair. Our table will act as a resource

NASPA annual conference

Pre-Conference Session

SKP Sponsored Programs Continued

Leadership in the classroom: Developing a Leadership Curriculum (Pre-Con)

Building Leadership Capacity: Classroom to Life

Abstract: While institutions often engage students in leadership education outside of the classroom, a growing number are finding ways to engage students inside the classroom. This workshop will address how to develop a leadership curriculum, refine current offerings, or petition stakeholders on your campus to support a curricular leadership initiative.

Abstract: The Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies at Florida State University focuses on building student leadership capacity. In this interactive session, presenters will demonstrate how to develop leadership efficacy in a diverse group of students through thought-provoking, reflective curriculum that applies theory learned in class to real lived experiences. Using results from the Socially Responsible Leadership Scale, the presenters will share best practices to promote positive change in students’ leadership capacity.

Date: Sunday, March 11, 2012 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM- Limit 100 Participants Location: 232C – Convention Center Contacts: Benjamin Perlman Other Presenters: Joshua Hiscock, University of Maryland, College Park, Kathie Guthrie, Florida State University, Craig Slack, University of Maryland, College Park, Fred Waldstein, Wartbury College, and Daniel Jenkins, University of South Florida

SKP Sponsored Programs Students’ Understandings of Leadership: Definitions and Context Date: Monday, March 12, 2012 Time: 8:45 AM-9:45 AM Location: 128 A Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: Paige Haber Other Presenters: Rich Whitney and Dave Borgealt, DePaul University

Abstract: In this session, findings from two complementary mixed-method studies examining college students’ definitions of leadership will be presented. The presenters will also share different leadership themes, as well as significant findings by demographic variables, college environment predictors, and institutional mission. Implications for purposefully promoting leadership on campus will be shared and discussed among session participants.

Mapping the Journey: Self-directed Leadership Development Date: Monday, March 12, 2012 Time: 11:45 AM – 12:45 AM Location: 231 B Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: Joshua Funderburke Other Presenters: Horace Tucker and Christina Wan, University of Florida

Abstract: This presentation examines the Leadership Development Certificate program offered by the Warrington College of Business Administration at the University of Florida (2011 SLP-KC Outstanding Student Leadership Program Award). Participants will gain insight into the formation of a program that allows students to build a unique leadership experience on the foundations of focused academic preparation, civic engagement, leadership development, and self-reflection. It will examine theoretical founda-

Date: Monday, March 12, 2012 Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Location: 131 C Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: Mackenzie Streit Other Presenters: Kathy Guthrie, Florida State University

SKP Sponsored Program- Applying Principles of Improvisation to Ignite Leadership Date: Monday, March 12, 2012 Time: 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Location: 225 A Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: Mark Salisbury

Abstract: Despite numerous models of leadership development, the challenge of producing effective leaders persists. This highly interactive session will introduce a series of training games borrowed from improvisational theatre to model a uniquely applied means of cultivating collaborative leadership among both students and student affairs professionals. Participants will learn to celebrate failure, embrace change, and discover the power of “yes, and.” Moreover, attendees will learn a surprisingly simple yet profound tool for developing leaders.

NASPA Communities Fair Date: Monday, March 12, 2012 Time: 7:15 - 9:15 PM Location: Curtis - (B) - Hyatt Contacts: Amber Flickinger (

To volunteer see previous page.

SKP Sponsored Programs Continued

General information including a full conference schedule for the NASPA Annual Conference can be found at

Igniting Activism: Refocusing the Millennial Student Government Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Location: 132 B Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: David Stockton Other Presenters: Emily Wyatt, University of British Columbia

Abstract: The history and foundational characteristics of student government are grounded in the concept of activism. As the millennial generation has emerged, the motivations of student government leaders have begun to change. This presentation will help advisors understand the activist nature of student government systems, as told by the history of their formation, and provide opportunities to discuss methods for refocusing and restructuring millennial student governments towards an ethos of activism and representation.

NASPA SLPKC Special EVENTS Come out and join us for some highlighted special events this year!

Experiences of College Student Women in Top Leadership Roles Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2012 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: 131 B Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: Paige Haber

Abstract: The history and foundational characteristics of student government are grounded in the concept of activism. As the millennial generation has emerged, the motivations of student government leaders have begun to change. This presentation will help advisors understand the activist nature of student government systems, as told by the history of their formation, and provide opportunities to discuss methods for refocusing and restructuring millennial student governments towards an ethos of activism and representation.

EInspiring a Greek Community to Lead and “Do the Right Thing!” Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2012 Time: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Location: 232 A Convention Center Coordinating Presenter: La Tanya Cobb

Other Presenters: Brandon Common and G. Andrew Hohn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Abstract: As student affairs professionals, we work with students daily as they consider the decisionmaking process in programs they implement. This presentation will share how two units at the University of Illinois, the Leadership Center and Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, have collaborated to teach effective ethical decision-making capacities. Using a daylong interactive leadership program, both units have challenged the Greek community with ways to address ethical decision making and the moral temptations associated with their roles on campus.

Knowledge Community Meeting (By Invitation Only) Date: 3/12/12 Start Time: 2:00 PM End Time: 3:00 PM Location: Ahwatukee - (B) - Sheraton

Joint Knowledge Community Reception Joint with Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs KC & Sustainability KC Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Student Leadership Programs KC Membership Meeting (open to all) Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Time: 4:00 - 5:00pm Location: Sundance - Hyatt Contacts: Sherry Early (, Jan Lloyd (, and Melissa Shehane (

Time: 7:15 – 9:15 PM Location: 1130 Restaurant (off-site) 455 North 3rd St # 1130 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Contacts: Sherry Early (searly@bgsu) and Mike Baumhardt (

Any newsletter questions can be addressed to

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