June 2012 - SLPKC Newsletter

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SLPKC New Leadership, New GOals



With a new term comes the excitement and the opportunity to provide innovative initiatives within the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community (SLPKC).

As the strategic planning in our overall KC

Leadership Team continues, the foundation of our organization has been set. It will continue to be refined over the course of the upcoming months and year to best serve the 4,000 leadership educators in our KC. The SLPKC is proud to announce our overall goals for this upcoming year. a.

To engage our membership through short- and long-term

volunteer opportunities


Maintain cutting edge technology on the KC website and

through online resources, webinars, etc.

Continue offering a mentor/mentee program to support


graduate students & new professionals at conferences

& beyond


Solicit sponsorship to advance the KC


Provide an informative quarterly newsletter


Recognize colleagues through spotlight series and award

nominations Submitted by Sherry Early Bowling Green State University Michael Baumhardt The University of Scranton


Welcome from THE New SLPKC CHAIRs It is with great excitement that we welcome our over 4,000 SLPKC members!

We recently began our two-year term at the NASPA National Conference in Phoenix, and can honestly say that it is a tremendous honor to represent this vast group of leadership educators both within our association and as you will read later in the newsletter, in many other prominent leadership associations. We have spent the early part of this year transitioning from the strong foundation of leadership set forth by Jan Lloyd and Melissa Shehane, and have made great strides to build upon their successes. Most recently, we have been able to solicit and appoint both new and seasoned higher education professionals from around the nation as a part of our SLPKC Leadership Team. You will be able to meet many of them throughout this newsletter, as well as throughout the upcoming year. It is an exciting to have such a robust group of individuals and our Leadership Team is ready to take our KC to the next level. As you will note from our newsletter, website, Facebook, and Twitter, our KC is making it a priority to live out NASPA’s mission to gather and disseminate knowledge to our members. We encourage you

to become involved with this as well. On our website, you will find a link to provide your information and interest areas to become more involved within the SLPKC. In addition, we encourage you to contact us or other members of our Leadership Team to play a role with us. Thank you for your continued support of leadership education and the SLPKC. On behalf of each of our full Leadership Team, we are ready to transform leadership education and programming as well as continue to help our students learn, develop, and grow!

A new era in collaboration among leadership associations!


Modeling the Way: Mutually Beneficial Outcomes of Collaboration


Collaboration is a term often identified

ency, we are participating in a leadership

as essential, but far less frequently prac-

Inter-Association Collaboration initiative.

ticed. As leadership practitioners and scholars, the act of collaborating with colleagues by way of sharing best practices, resources, and knowledge is a must.

This initiative began with the purpose

to find leadership-related associations and encourage dialogue, information

sharing, and collaboration among leaders

as opposed to competing to benefit our

As a knowledge community one of our


Joshua Hiscock, Coordi-

main reasons for existence is to dissemi-

nator for the National Clearinghouse for

nate knowledge related to student leader-

Leadership Programs has launched this

ship. In order to best serve our constitu-

collaborative initiative.

The members of this Inter-Association Collaborative initiative include: • Association for Leadership Educators (ALE) • ACPA’s Commission for Student Involvement (CSI) • International Leadership Association (ILA)

• National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP) • NASPA’s Knowledge Community for Student Leadership Programs (SLP KC)

As we participate in these conversations, we plan to support one another’s programs/services, share resources

more broadly (internally and externally), engage during conferences, and bring the spirit of collaboration to life! For the leaders of these associations and for the members we serve, the outcome is sure to be a win-win.

Submitted by Sherry Early Bowling Green State University Michael Baumhardt The University of Scranton

A new year means new faces


Welcome to the new SLPKC leadership team members, and hello again for returning members!

Resources and Recognition


Denise Carl Coordinator, Student Engagement ASUI Student Engagement University of Idaho SLPKC Role: SLPKC Spotlight Series and Awards Co-Coordinator

Steven Harowitz Graduate Assistant to Carolina Productions Student Life University of South Carolina SLPKC Role: Co-Chair of NASPA SLPKC Webinar and Web Resources Tom Hurtado Communications Advisor Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) University of Utah SLPKC Role: Newsletter Co-Coordinator Christina Mastrangelo Director of Student Activities & Greek Life Student Activities Kenyon College SLPKC Role: Literature Review Co-Coordinator Gabby Mora Resident Director Residential Living Office Drexel University SLPKC Role: Graduate Support Committee Coordinator

Conference Team

Amber Flickinger Residence Director and Coordinator of Student Activities Student Development University of Mary SLPKC Role: Conference Team Leader

Conference Team (cont.)

Danielle Howard Assistant Director Orientation and Commuter Student Involvement Univeristy of Miami SLPKC Role: Conference Team Leader Avani Rana Assistant Director of Leadership Rutgers Student Life, Leadership Rutgers University SLPKC Role: Pre-Conference Program Co-Chair Lauren Kaplan Student Development Advisor-Intern Student Development College-Wide Valencia College SLPKC Role: Co-Coordinator NASPA Grad/Community Fair Daniel Jenkins Assistant Professor of Leadership & Organizational Studies Leadership & Organizational Studies University of Southern Maine SLPKC Role: Pre-Conference Co-Coordinator Ryan Grail Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student University of Central Florida SLPKC Role: Community/Grad Fair Co-Coordinator Brenda McKenzie Associate Director Center for Student Involvement Kent State University SLPKC Role: Leadership Educators Institute Representative

Regional Reps

Molly Bechtel, Region VI Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Women’s Programs Office of Student Life University of California, Merced Rodney Bates, Region IV-West Center Coordinator Housing and Food Services University of Oklahoma Colleen Powers highlighted on page 15.

Adam Cebulsk works with OrgSync and holds his MSEd degree in Higher Education Administration and Policy (concentrating


on strategic planning and leadership development)



University. His background has focused on strategic planning and assessment for student affairs divisions and departments

Welcome New C0Editor: Tom Hurtado During the NASPA conference in Phoenix this year, Tom realized that in order to preach the benefits of leadership and involvement to students, he should also be involved. He looks forward to working with you. As Newsletter Co-Coordinator, he will work to solicit, edit, and compile content as well as assist with the layout and design of the newsletter. He hopes that you will be willing to submit content regularly and encourage others to do so.


at a variety of institutions.

Submitted by Ross Betzel, Hall Director, Tezas Christian University

SLPKC Webinars Get ready for some exciting webinars! Through our Student Leadership

Currently we are in our process of

Programs- Knowledge Community

developing the line-up for our summer

webinars, we strive to serve as a resource

webinar offerings, including a Spotlight in

to those interested in the study of lead-

July surrounding our SLP-KC 2011-2012

ership by providing quality presenta-

award winners. If you, or someone you

tions given by talented and dedicated

would like to recommend, would be inter-

presenters. Whether the topic be related

ested in presenting a webinar through the

to current trends, leadership theories, or

SLP-KC please contact Ross Beitzel at

implemented practices, throughout each

r.beitzel@tcu.edu for more information.

webinar we aim to get SLP-KC members thinking and talking about how we can best educate and empower today’s students.

Thank you all for your support of the SLP-KC through your webinar attendance. Please keep an eye out for future SLP-KC webinars as they become available.

student leadership challenge


Leadership makes a difference. Your work with young leaders makes a big difference. For those who are already using The Student Leadership Challenge with students or for those who have just heard of The Five Practices of Exemplary Student Leadership and want to learn more,

become immersed in and learn to better teach and facilitate this simple evidence-based model. If you want to help your students learn to Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart, check out The Student Leadership Challenge Self-Paced Course, Educator Training Online, or Certified Facilitator Training (http://www.studentleadershipchallenge.com/Training). Or join your committed colleagues to share your leadership story and find new inspiration at The Leadership Challenge Forum 2012 in San Francisco this July (use promo code HEALC to receive 10% off).

To register please visit http://www.leadershipchallengeforum.com/

Submitted by: Evan Witt Univeristy of Maryland-College Park Graduate Coordinator for Co-Curricular Leadership Programs

get involved

Jossey-Bass offers three unique training programs that enable you to

Leadership Educators Institute Mark your calendars now for the 2012 Leadership Educators Institute, December 9 – 11, 2012 in Columbus, OH.

The Leadership Educators Institute will engage early and mid-level student affairs educators in active learning and dialogue. The Institute will assist you with program and leadership course development. You will be assigned to small groups for the Institute having the opportunity to network with the foremost leadership development experts in the field and obtain a wealth of material to bring back to campus. More specific information about LEI, including the Call for Programs, will be coming out the end of May. Watch this newsletter for more info. Submitted By Brenda Mckenzie Kent State University Associate Director, Center for Student Involvement

Written by Aziz Talbank, Director of Multicultural Affairs, University of South Florida

Diversity: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education


Diversity is the recognition and understanding of disparate communities, ideologies, values, lifestyles, and subcultures. Human societies are always works in progress and they are always a medley of social, political, and cultural expressions. These complex and enormous varieties of forms, colors, sounds, and relationships contest human assumptions on worldviews, values, and economic interests. Lévi-Strauss defines diversity as resulting “from the desire of each culture to resist the cultures surrounding it, to distinguish itself from them— in short to be itself” (Quoted in Geertz, 2000, 71). Humans view the “different” and the “other” negatively and have a hostile outlook toward the “other.” They create negative narratives to dissuade members from changing membership but also provide justification and an opportunity

to establish its hegemony. Clifford Geertz argues that each group communicates through symbols that they create through years of living together. However, due to specific cultural contexts, outsiders do not have access to meaning of these symbols. These symbols, and narratives created thereof, relate to their group identity and survival, assume primary significance and become sacred.

Hence, this exclusive ownership of social truths or

nizations. Diversity is not a problem to be ‘dealt

knowledge gives a sense of cultural, racial, reli-

with.’ Educational leaders should avoid judging

gious, or national superiority. This also makes

people unfavorably based on their appearances,

them resistant to change, lack of communication,

accents, cultures, sexual identities, nationalities,

less tolerant for diverse views leading to mutual

disabilities, or religions. Fair and equal treatment

mistrust and antagonism.

of all in the institution will create a positive work

The above two variables are key obstacles in institutional change for diversity. Like a person, institutions and their parts develop similar individual identity in the background of beliefs, prior knowledge, values, and culture. Even departments tend to develop less favorable narratives about other parts of the institution, to keep their distinctive role within the institution and position themselves to compete for resources. Institutions tend to push for homogenization to establish certain narratives about institutional truths. These institutional narratives ignore a diversity of ideas. A challenge for an institution is to create a balance between vision of homogenized culture vis-Ă -vis individual departmental identity.

environment. To acquire competencies to manage diversity, it is important that leaders should learn about the diverse organs of the institution that grow out in different shapes, forms, and directions. This means leaders in particular and members of the organization in general, increase their tolerance to change and difference. In addition, they ought to acquire knowledge about the changing nature of organization and routes to growth. It is true for educational institutions, with increase of knowledge capital and structural changes, organizations become increasingly complex. However, the solution to manage change and complexity is to stay abreast of change and embrace diversity as a strength and not something to combat.

Diversity encourages stakeholders to view diver-

References: Geertz, Clifford. Available light: anthropological

sity of students, faculty or staff as value for the

reflections on philosophical topics, Princeton, N.J.: Princ-

institution that infuse cultural capital in their orga-

eton University Press, c2000.


Highlights from the REGION II Blog Gabby Mora Resident Director Drexel University

blog spotlight


Students often see leadership as holding a where students feel that even when they are not position in a student organization and often members of an E-board, their participation is forget the true meaning of leadership. I read an appreciated and encouraged. By having “open article that included this quote by Robert Gyfoile, floor” time assigned in the agenda, we make it “Leadership is an action not a position,” and I clear that it is something important for the organistarted thinking how to translate this to my non- zation and it cannot be overseen by the E-board appointed student leaders on campus. As Student Affairs professionals, we hope to encourage students to become involved on campus by doing so, helping them develop leadership skills, but how often do we actually talk

because, well, it is on the agenda. Another way is to ask the members for projects, committees, or initiatives that they believe the organization should focus on and then make them the leaders in those projects.

to them about becoming involved, not through By doing this, they are not only coming up with running for a position, but by acting as leaders ideas but also, developing planning and leadon campus. This can be a difficult task as most organizations have bylaws and legislation established by a national chapter or parent organization that limit what the organization can do. However, as

ership skills in large and small group settings. Creating outside projects also allows for these students to establish connections with sources outside of the organization, whether other students, faculty, or staff.

advisors, we can work with our student leaders, both members of E-boards and general body, to create opportunities for leadership development.

*If you want to read the entire article with Robert Gyfoile http://www.slaw.ca/2009/03/25/leader-

Most basically (and I believe most important), ship-is-an-action-not-a-position/ we need to work toward creating an environment

SLPKC REgions updates from the field Take a look at all of the exciting things going on in your region. Have something you want to spotlight? Put it in the next newsletter!

region updates


Region I Updates Welcome new Regional Rep Colleen Powers!

Greetings from the Northeast! I am very excited to start my term as the Region I Representative for the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community. Recently, I reached out to all Region I membership soliciting interest in being part of the leadership team to guide and steer the KC as well as set goals for the upcoming year. Working together, we will work to provide opportunities for our members in the Region to learn, develop and make contributions in the area of Student Leadership Programs. If you are interested in being part of the Leadership Team within the Region I SLP KC, or have ideas or suggestions, please contact me at cpowers@ccsu.edu. In the meantime, we are encouraging all members to submit leadership themed program proposals for the Region I Conference, due June 30th. The four I’s of NASPA: Inquiry, Inclusion, Integrity, and Innovation, should be included in proposals. Please visit the following link for the submission details: http:// www.naspa.org/programs/cfp/evt_frm_user.cfm?event_id=22 Thanks! And I look forward to sharing more as we move forward developing the KC in Region I! Colleen Powers Assistant Director Student Activities/Leadership Development Central Connecticut State University

Region Rep: Charlie Varland, Assoc Dir, Student Involv. & Leadership, Boise State University

Region V Confab


Sponsored by NASPA Region V, the NASPA Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community, and Boise State University

The What As student affairs professionals, we are responsible for helping students learn to work in high-performing teams, deal with change and chaos, practice ethical decision-making, clarify personal values, and respect the unique contributions of others. But how often do we meet in person to talk about how we do our work better? This summer, Boise State University is hosting an old-school style conversation. A confab. This is a call for us to get together, get real, and ask the tough questions of ourselves and of one another: How do we innovate? How do we continue to be relevant? What must we do differently to make an impact? Let’s answer these questions together. Let’s talk.

The Special Guest Eric Stoller is our featured speaker, facilitator, and guide. He’ll speak on innovation, relevancy, and what it means to be a radical student affairs practitioner. Eric Stoller is a thought-leader, speaker and consultant on using social media in higher education to create connections and enhance communication. Eric likes technology, but he also likes people too. Eric is a tad bit radical in that regard. As the Student Affairs and Technology blogger for InsideHigherEd.com, Eric writes about ways in which we can use technology to communicate, educate, and enrich the lives of our students. He holds a BA in Communications/Public Relations from the University of Northern Iowa and an Ed.M. in College Student Services Administration from Oregon State University. Eric can be found online at http://ericstoller.com/ and tweeting at http://twitter. com/ericstoller/

The Where and When Friday, July 20, 2012 from 9:00am – 5:00pm Jordan Ballroom, Student Union Building Boise State University in Boise, Idaho

The Schedule

Eric Stoller

Friday, July 20, 2012 from 9:00am – 5:00pm. Eric Stoller will kick-start the day by asking the question, “Are We Ready to be Radical?” From there, breakout conversation topics will be introduced and we’ll see where the discussions take us. Potential topics include: Innovative ideas in student leadership development Being relevant to students Doing things differently to make an impact Using social media the right way Building the right team and being on the right team Staying alive and avoiding burnout Topics you can’t afford to avoid as a student affairs practitioner Understanding your purpose The Let-Us-Know-You’re-Coming

Register for the Confab by visiting: https://orgsync.com/23254/forms/47991/ The Confab is free, thanks to generous support and sponsorship from NASPA Region V and the Boise State University Division of Student Affairs.

Region Rep: Molly Bechtel, Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life & Women’s Programs, University of California @ Merced 20

Region VI Award Greetings from the Region VI Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community!

In the pre-conference newsletter

“Outstanding Contribution to

published in March, we shared our

Student Leadership Programs”

excitement about the search and selec-

Region VI Recognition Awards

tion process for our very first regional

goes to…

recognition award - Outstanding Contribution to Student Leadership Programs. This award recognizes a professional staff or faculty member for contributions above and beyond the assigned duties of his/her position and the resulting significant impact on student leadership programs at the campus level.

Garret Westlake!

The recipient of the Region VI Recogni-

based contributions to student leadership,

tion Award is Garret Westlake, Director

Garret also founded STEM Technology, a

of Disability Resources at Arizona State

national social impact company to serve

University Polytechnic. With over 10 years

the needs of college students with autism

of experience working in support of college

and Asperger’s. The Region VI SLP KC is

students with disabilities, Westlake leads by

ecstatic was recognize Garret and honor his

example to inspire, motivate, and foster a

incredible contributions with the Regional

culture of student empowerment and lead-

Recognition Award at the NASPA Annual

ership. In addition to his contributions to

Conference in March.

student leadership programs on the professional front, including the implementation of a student leadership course titled “Disability

Want to get involved in the Region VI SLP KC? Volunteer today!

as Catalyst” which aims to empower students

Region VI Knowledge Communities have

with disabilities to identify and leverage their

recently transitioned from a Sub-Repre-

strengths to fulfill leadership objectives,

sentative model to a committee model.

Garret shares his talents and passion far

There are now more opportunities to get

beyond his job description. He was influ-

involved in diverse and meaningful ways.

ential in establishing a bicycle coopera-

Interested in Student Leadership Programs

tive at ASU, advises two student organiza-

and want to make your mark in the region

tions and serves as a board member for the

as a member of the Region VI SLP KC

Phoenix-based Bridgeway Academy, a not-

Committee? Please contact Region VI

for-profit student support center that offers

SLP KC Representative Molly Bechtel at

tutoring, coaching, and leadership training

mbechtel2@ucmerced.edu. Thank you, and

to pre-college and college students with

enjoy the summer!

learning challenges. Beyond his campus-


Rudy Greg Trejo Assistant Director of Student Activities for Associated Student Government The University of Arkansas

THE SEC STUDENT GOVERNMENt EXCHANGE A bright sunny weekend in January brought together nearly 100 of the top student government leaders across the Southeastern Conference (SEC) to Fayetteville, Arkansas. The University of Arkansas’ Associated Student Government played host to its 11 current counterpart institutions and also welcomed the two newest additions to the SEC.



The SEC Exchange is an annual

State University, Ole Miss, Texas A&M

conference that gives leaders the

and the University of Missouri, spent

opportunity to engage in dialogue,

the weekend networking, learning

learn about relevant issues regarding

about each other’s student govern-

campus life, and take new ideas,

ments, developing leadership skills,

programs, and initiatives back home

and socializing.

to their campuses. Institutions are given the opportunity to present their student government structure as well as cornerstone projects and initiatives that they are currently undertaking.

In addition, student leaders had the opportunity to discuss issues that were not only prevalent on their home campuses, but, across the conference. These included rising tuition costs, parking issues and state budget cuts and deficits. Delegates also had the opportunity to tour campus, hear from Congressman Steve Womack (R-AR), and were

Students and advisors from the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky, the University of South Carolina, the

treated to a welcome reception by University of Arkansas Chancellor Dr. G. David Gearhart, as well as enjoy the nightlife of Fayetteville.

University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt

Texas A&M University will play host to

University, the University of Alabama,

the 2013 SEC Exchange in College

Auburn University, LSU, Mississippi

Station, Texas.

Situated across two campuses in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, U.A.E., Zayed University (ZU), is a federally funded 4-year institution that holds U.S. accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.


Though Arabic is the national language in the U.A.E., English is the language of instruction at ZU. Much of the K-12 schooling system is conducted in Arabic, and thus many students come to ZU unprepared for a college-level education instructed in English. Students that do not meet English proficiency requirements are enrolled in the Academic Bridge Program (ABP), an intensive English instruction program that may last up to 2 years before they begin baccalaureate study. Nearly 90% of incoming students begin their studies at ZU in the ABP, which suffers from an

developing service oriented students in the united arab emirates Allison Fox Senior Student Leadership & Development Coordinator Zeyed University David Ribbott Student Success Specialist Zeyed University


attrition rate of more than 35%.

The profile at left lays the foundation for

ings that prepare them to speak publicly,

ZU’s “Ma’an Nata’alam” Leaders Program

motivate their peers, and meet the needs

(MNLP). Arabic for “together we learn,”

of faculty. In order to build further student

MNLP was born of a collaboration of

leadership development and sustainability,

two Student Life units on the Abu Dhabi

“ma’an nata’alam” leaders will be cycled

campus, Leadership and Student Success.

into the LEAD program, a co-curricular

The program stemmed from ABP students’ leadership development program focused desire for greater connection to the univer-

on communication, collaboration, and

sity, and ABP faculty, who expressed that

community and service. This latter element

their students may benefit from hearing

of service-based learning has been a chal-

peer perspectives on success in ABP and

lenge due to the lack of authentic and

beyond. Within ZU’s baccalaureate popu-

sustainable opportunities for students that

lation, student leaders required greater

fit within cultural expectations.

service-oriented leadership opportunities and practical experiential leadership roles that accommodate local norms.

Faculty and student feedback for the MNLP has been overwhelmingly positive. One ABP faculty member shared, “I think

The MNLP brings student leaders to ABP this initiative is very useful to give ABP classrooms to speak about their personal

students some push to keep on track…

experiences as well as issues identified

it’s worth considering ways to make these

by ABP faculty. To join the MNLP, poten-

visits mandatory for all ABP students. It will

tial student leaders must have spent time

help them realize they are really working

in the ABP and demonstrate a genuine

towards something.” A student leader

passion to empower this student popula-

said, “It was amazing and exciting and

tion. Student leaders self-select to partici-

the [ABP] students were very nice. I wish

pate in small group or individualized train-

that I could spend more time with them.”

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