NASPA SLPKC March 2014 Conference Edition!

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WELCOME from new the co-chairs Welcome to the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community! Whether this is the first newsletter you’ve opened from the KC or you helped create it, we are so grateful that you are part of this vibrant community of student affairs professionals. As co-chairs , we are excited to begin our term at the annual conference in Baltimore. This issue has a lot of great information about what’s happening with the SLPKC at the conference and beyond. The SLPKC is the largest knowledge community in NASPA. It is our vision that we can harness the collective wisdom of our membership to make the SLPKC the exemplar of what a knowledge community can do in NASPA. It is perhaps no coincidence that our term commences with the conference that challenges us to Lead, Transform, and Innovate. We hope to transform how knowledge communities interact with members by encouraging innovation in our practices. Goals 

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Scholarly research opportunities for leadership educators in faculty, administrative, and student roles related to contemporary theoretical frameworks, gaps in literature, co-curricular leadership programs/services, and assessment. Expand our work with the Graduate Student Support Network by creating a more meaningful relationship with the Graduate Associate Program in the NASPA office. Utilize our regional representatives to not only provide updates on the KC participation in regional conferences but also in best practices used at institutions within the region. Create a publication including stories of leadership programs across the NASPA membership. This tool could be used to read examples of curricular and co-curricular best practices. Seek innovative methods to provide involvement opportunities for a larger membership constituency, including undergraduate and graduate students. Continue to maintain relationships with other association leaders and leadership entities (ILA, CSI, ALE, NCLP, etc.) to seek multidimensional perspectives on leadership and benefit members of our associations.

We are incredibly indebted to the leadership of Sherry Early and Mike Baumhardt. As many of you know, Mike and Sherry have served the SLPKC incredibly for many years, and are leaving the KC well-positioned to excel. We are grateful for their mentorship and leadership. As leaders of the KC, we will conduct ourselves with purpose and commitment. We hope to be as transparent as possible in our style, and encourage open dialogue, feedback, and contributions from all members. Please reach out to us! If you plan to be in Baltimore, we can’t wait to meet you at the SLPKC Think Tank on March 18.


I am excited to start my role as SLPKC co-chair! Currently, I serve as the Director of Residence Life at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in English from Davidson College, a Master of Education in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of South Carolina, and a Doctor of Education in


Education from the University of North Florida. Within the KC, I have previously served as the Team Leader for Resources and




touches every aspect of student affairs, and I hope we can bring the collective efforts of our membership to advance what we know, improve our practices, and celebrate our successes.

Matt Clifford

I am very grateful for this opportunity to serve our KC! Currently, I am the Director of Orientation and Commuter Student Involvement at the University of Miami. Prior to UM, I worked in the NASPA office in DC, which will prove useful to our KC. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences focusing on Sociology and Psychology, from Central Washington University and a Master of Education in Higher Education Administration from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Our KC has the potential to grow and impact every member within NASPA. I am very passionate about student leadership because I truly believe it can be applied to every aspect of student affairs. I look forward to leading this KC with Matt, meeting additional members, and continuing the success of the SLPKC.

Danielle Howard 3

Ashley Spicer-Runnels is the Leadership Institute Coordinator in the Dean of

Students Office at Texas State

from the co-chairs

University. She obtained a B.S. in Family Studies from Lamar University, an M.B.A. from

University of Houston-Victoria,

and a Doctorate of Education in

Educational Leadership

from Lamar University. Her research was broadly based on multiracial student persistence as well as the implications of social and academic integration. Prior to her existing role as Coordinator, she was responsible for the following areas: multicultural programming, new student programming, student government, Greek life, and parent and family programming.

meet the

EDITORS Amanda Horton is the Assistant Director for Campus Life and Student Programs at Wake Forest University. She received a B.A. in Communication from N.C. State University and a M.S. Ed. from Baylor University. In her current role she oversees the My Journey Initiative which seeks to develop and promote innovative programs designed to

intentionally challenge

and support students through the distinct developmental transitions that occur throughout a four -year college experience. Prior to her work at Wake Forest, Amanda worked in the Office of the Chaplain at Baylor University. 4

SLPKC Leadership Team

SLPKC Leadership Team members come together from all over to share best practices, provide critical evaluation of the field, examine standards for leadership programs, support national and regional efforts to develop student leadership programs, make contributions to the literature, recognize exemplary programs, and cultivate a forum for the presentation of new ideas. Meet the Leadership Team and find more ways to connect with the SLPKC via our WEBSITE.



a word of‌


SLPKC Resource Review The Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community (SLPKC) is looking for 1) individuals to review leadership books, articles, websites, online journals, blogs, case studies, presentations, videos (TED Talks, Ignite Talks, YouTube Videos, etc.) and submit a brief review to be posted online, and 2) to organize and identify web resources for the SLPKC Resources webpage. SLPKC members can select a resource they have and write a brief review, which will be loaded to the online web resources for the SLPKC. Once this form is completed the Resource Review co-chairs will appraise the review and post it to the SLPKC Resources page and SLPKC blog or otherwise contact you with suggested revisions.

We are pleased to celebrate another SLP KC baby! Congrats newsletter editor, Amanda Horton and her family on their newest member. Whittaker William Horton. Whittaker made his debut on November 2nd at 6:56am. He weighed 7lbs. 15oz.

Rich Whitney, PhD Asst Professor, College Student Development Counseling & Special Education, College of Education 6

SLPKC Leadership Drive Join the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community (SLP-KC) for our first Leadership Drive. Submit Videos (TED Talk, Ignite Talk, YouTube Videos), Blogs, Websites, Online Journals, Articles, Book Recommendations, Photos (with or without captions), Presentations, and More! Click here to submit! Your contribution will help us to Lead, Innovate, and Transform our Knowledge Community and leadership programming nationwide. Take a few minutes and find something great to share and help build the one-stop resource for all leadership educators. We will collect submissions until March 15th.

Kim Kushner, M.S. Coordinator for Student Development and Leadership Residence Hall Association (RHA) Advisor Stampede Leadership Camp Advisor Residence Life, Housing & Dining Services P 303.492.5675 | E

Calling Region V Are you in Region V? Do you want to get more involved with NASPA? Contact your Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community Rep soon! Belinda S. Han, SLP KC Rep, Region V 7

Opportunities for Partnership I am excited to write to share that NASPA has partnered with the National Consortium for Athletics & Sports to connect NASPA members with nationally recognized programs regarding violence prevention and leadership. NASPA Institutional Members can bring trainers to campus at a reduced rate to train their staff and students through these programs. In addition, we will host two pre-conference train-the-trainer events just prior to the NASPA Annual Conference in Baltimore:

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) - Mentors in Violence Prevention is a gender violence, bullying and gay-bashing prevention program that was the first large-scale attempt to apply the bystander approach to issues of sexual and domestic violence.


Branded a Leader - Branded a Leader teaches critical decision-making skills while challenging participants to be responsible for their decisions, and those of their peers.

Lindsey Hammond Assistant Director of Educational Programs NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Direct Line: 202.719.1180 Email:


Winter Spotlight Award Winner Profiles On a quarterly basis SLP KC recognizes the contributions of members who are transforming higher education through outstanding and innovative leadership programs and services. All NASPA members are encouraged to share successes and highlight good or promising practices in research and assessment, influences on student learning in and outside the classroom and theory to practice.

Texas State University Spotlight Award for Theory to Practice The Texas State Leadership Capstone Program: Step Forward, Give Back explores the complexities of leadership with a focus on formation of self-identification and self-awareness as a leader, development of applied knowledge and skill, and real-world application of good leadership and followership. Topics for this program include: Authentic Networking, Visionary Leadership, Communication, Ethics and Integrity, Leadership Theory, Maintaining Wellness and Balance, Managing Change, SelfAwareness, Social Excellence, Social Justice, Social Responsibility and Teambuilding. The Capstone Program accepts up to 25 established or advanced student leaders who have demonstrated effective leadership role, qualities/abilities, and are interested in refining those skills in order to assume greater leadership roles, continued service to others, and positive social change at Texas State and beyond. Meetings are once a week on Fridays for 3 hours in an informal setting and the program is FREE with the expectation that selected students make the commitment to attend all eight sessions.


Ohio State University Spotlight Award for Theory to Practice The Ohio State University Department of Sorority and Fraternity Life in conjunction with the Harbor Institute, an educational consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, created a unique educational course for students interested in National PanHellenic Council (NPHC) organizations. This 3-unit educational policy and leadership course is offered each semester at OSU and is required for all students interested in joining a NPHC organization. Leadership roles and responsibilities are explored by encouraging the identification and development of leadership concepts and techniques consistent with the principles of components of social change model of leadership development. These social change components are intertwined with a basic history of Greek life with a specific emphasis on African-American Collegiate Fraternities and Sororities. Upon completion of the course, students are able to apply their understanding of the NPHC community and their own leadership development in understanding who they are, who they want to be and how they can impact the community as a leader. This program is a proactive way to engage NPHC members by having contact with them before they become members. It also serves as a proactive and preventive measure to address and educate students on risk management issues, such as hazing. The program also creates an opportunity for students to develop a working relationship with one another prior to joining a NPHC chapter and/or other campus-based organization, which greatly aids in intra-fraternalism and cross collaboration among student organizations. The NPHC Leadership Course at OSU is part of a larger effort to engage, educate and empower students in the Greek community who are often under-represented and overlook, but benefit greatly from sound support, understanding and involvement from student affairs professional. This program challenges students in their personal development giving them the tools that will greatly aid in the future leadership endeavors.


John Jay College Spotlight Award for Research & Assessment

The Peer Advisor Program is a vital component of the Advisement Center at John Jay College. The program serves a dual




development of leadership skills among Peer Advisors and they in turn become inspirational support figures for the students they work with. Peer Advisors are carefully selected and participate in intensive on-going training. They represent a wide array of academic majors, class standings and ethnic/cultural backgrounds. In addition to the guidance and support provided by Senior Academic Advisors, Peer Advisors offer students helpful information and insight from their perspective as students themselves. Students appreciate and value the perspective offered by their fellow Peers. Our Peer Advisor’s responsibilities include: assisting students understand the college’s curriculum,








involvement and appropriate student referral. Peers are also assigned a cohort of entering freshmen every semester. Through their periodic contact via email, in person, and phone, Peers have built meaningful relationships with their assigned students. Through their diligent work and commitment to student success, Peers have made a difference in the academic careers of many of the students they have worked with.


In the Advisement Center, mentorship is also a strong and important part of our Peer Advising Program. It is through this mentorship that we can properly assess and evaluate the performance of our Peer Advisors. Senior Academic Advisors are assigned a Peer Advisor to mentor. Throughout the year the pair will meet to discuss their job performance through a series of self-reflection questions and discussions. Senior Advisors also assist their Peer Advisors with their resumes; provide specialized academic advising services, and life experience advice. In addition, each Peer Advisor must complete an official evaluation with their supervisor that discusses what they feel they can improve on and what they’ve personally excelled at. The mission of the SLPKC is to serve as a resource for higher education professionals who have a professional interest in young-adult training, education and development. Our Peer Advisor Program at John Jay College exemplifies the SLPKC mission by fostering leadership skills that serve them while their still students and beyond. Through their academic aptitude and involvement in the Academic Advisement Peer Program many of the Peer Advisors have pursued post graduate studies, received prestigious awards, scholarships, and internships, and some have secured full time employment in higher education. .In the five years that the Advisement Center at John Jay College has been in existence we have worked with a total of 40 Peer Advisors and 18% of them are employed full






We’re honored to have received the Spotlight Award for Research and Assessment and we are committed to continue assessing the effectiveness of our Peer Advisor Program.


University of Arkansas Influences on Student Learning In & Outside the Classroom

As the premier freshmen leadership development program on the University of Arkansas campus, Fresh HOGS is central to preparing future ASG leaders, sustaining ASG programs and initiatives, and developing leadership skills for new students. Fresh HOGS provides a year-long, comprehensive program involving some of the University’s most promising freshmen student leaders. Through a competitive selection process consisting of applications, essays, and interviews, 40 students are chosen. Each student is challenged to become the best leader possible and gains exposure to the various branches of ASG. Fresh HOGS are full agents of ASG, volunteering at events, serving office hours in the ASG offices and meeting bi-weekly. At meetings, Fresh HOGS learn shared governance and ASG through Senate and Campaign simulations, work with small groups on leadership development, and participate in discussions and presentations on service, involvement, and personal growth. Fresh HOGS is led by seven upperclassmen—the Coordinator, two Deputy Coordinators responsible for budgeting, participation, and marketing, and four Assistant Coordinators 14

responsible for meeting and event planning. Each Assistant Coordinator also leads a small group of 10 students. The impact of Fresh HOGS is seen not only through the freshmen students but also the program’s upperclassmen leaders. “This program has made me a better leader and individual,” Hallie Waddell said. “In leading this program, I have learned the importance of teamwork. This program has refined me as a leader. These students have motivated me to turn my aspirations into actions simply through their hard work and ambition. They have taught me more than I would have ever imagined.”


Student Leadership Programs KC Events Monday, March 17, 2014 SLPKC Community Leadership Team Meeting (Closed) Location: Ruth - Hilton Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Awards Tuesday, March 18, 2014 SLPKC Community Think Tank and Awards Reception Location: Paca – Hilton Time: 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM


SLPKC Sponsored Conference Programs For the 2014 Annual Conference Program Review we recruited approximately 48 reviewers for 38 complete sessions attempting to gain sponsorship by the KC. Three programs were identified for sponsorship by the SLPKC. The decision was made based on ratings by reviewers and then ensuring the KC offered a diverse selection of topics related to: target population, session topics, and current trends in leadership education. The sessions are:

Transformational Leadership, the Leadership Style of the Future Monday, March 17 3:40 PM - 4:30 PM 332 – Convention Center Leading with a Learning Difference Tuesday, March 18 1:15 PM — 2:05 PM 332 — Convention Center Following is Leading Tuesday, March 18 2:20 PM — 3:10 PM 317– Convention Center


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