November 2011 - SLPKC Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community of NASPA

We need you! To share your knowledge!

technology >>>

Call for Blog Posts!

Thanks JosseyBass! The SLPKC would like to thank our 2011 sponsor, Jossey-Bass. For more information about fundraising for the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community , contact Greta Mincer

The SLP‐KC has long asked members for resource reviews of books, videos, exercises, and ar cles that have proven to be useful for leadership educators. The process included a standardized form, submission deadlines, and marke ng via emails. With the launch of the blog ( we hope to make the knowledge sharing that occurs in our knowledge community more fluid and easier to access. Our goal for this new website is to serve as a resource for leadership educators. Within the site we want our members to contribute, learn, and engage with one another. There are no deadlines. There are no forms. If you've read a book, ar cle,

( S ponsorship and

used a website, watched a video, or facilitated an exercise that you believe

Outreach ) at

other leadership educators should read, use, watch, or experience here is

the place to share it. The only requirement is that the entry be less than 700 words. Posts longer than that can be submi ed and may be highlighted once a month depending on the frequency of those submissions. Promo on of submi ed posts will be shared via our Facebook page ( and our Twi er account (@NASPAslpkc). All submissions and ques ons can be sent to Joe Ginese at in a .txt, .doc or .docx file format.

opening thoughts.. A few words from the new senior leaders of the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community within NASPA.

Jan Lloyd—University of South Florida Polytechnic


Spotlights on the Co-Chair Elects!

Adam Cebulski

Spotlight on Sherry Early, SLPKC Co‐Chair 2012‐2013

OrgSync, Inc

Gree ngs! Please allow me to introduce myself as one of your co‐chair elects for the Student Leadership Programs knowledge community (SLP KC). I am both honored and humbled to have been elected to this posi on and I look forward to serving the SLP KC to the best of my ability. To share a bit about myself, I have been a member of the leadership within the @earlyshe SLP KC for the past three years as the conference team leader. Those responsibili es have included collabora ng with the coordinators of the pre‐conven on workshop, sponsored programs, mentoring program, graduate support network, community/graduate fair, and open mee ng. I have enjoyed this immensely and it served as a catalyst for running for the co‐chair posi on.


Quincy Martin III

Triton College

Luckily, Jan and Melissa have been phenomenal leaders, friends, and role models as co‐chairs of the SLP KC. Their hard work, dedica on, and exper se have helped the KC progress immensely and Mike and I hope to keep the momentum going. As a full‐ me doctoral student at Bowling Green State University I am thrilled to serve in this capacity while pursuing my doctorate. As someone who is passionate about leadership, this is a dream come true. My leadership experiences have included serving as the academic advisor and director for an interdisciplinary minor in leadership and civic engagement, LeaderShape cluster facilitator, many presenta ons/workshops on leadership, a member of the mul ‐ ins tu onal study of leadership (MSL) summit team, research on residen al leadership, and as a student my disserta on has a leadership focus. I hope to cul vate wonderful rela onships with each of you and look forward to your contribu ons as leaders in this KC. Melissa Shehane—Texas A&M University

2011 SLP‐KC Award Recipients: Outstanding Student Leadership Program/ Ac vity Award: Leadership Development Cer ficate, Warrington College of Business at University of Florida Dr. Susan R. Komives Research Award: Mackenzie Streit, Florida State University Outstanding Service Award: Dr. Janelle Jennings Spotlight of the Year Award: Student Leader Learning Outcomes Project, Texas A&M

2010 SLP‐KC Award Recipients:
 Student Leadership Programs Research Award: Dr. John Dugan, Loyola University Chicago

 Outstanding Student Leadership Program/ Ac vity Award: Pacific Lutheran University’s Student Leadership Ins tute

 Outstanding Service Award: Dr. Amy Radford‐ Popp, Michigan State University

 Spotlight of the Year Award: Mul ‐ Ins tu onal Study of Leadership (Dr. Susan R. Komives, Dr. John P. Dugan, & Dr. Julie E. Owen)

 Outstanding Contribu on to Student Leadership Programs Award: No recipient

my current role at Scranton, I am responsible for programming, orienta on, leadership development, and student conduct. I Experience, passion, mo va on, and commitment believe that leadership – these are just a few of the development can and does happen in many areas of quali es that Sherry and I exemplify and look forward higher educa on, and enjoy the opportunity to display to showcasing in our year the 2012‐2013 Co‐Chairs of this directly in four func onal areas each and the SLPKC. I am excited to every day. With this in invest the me and energy mind, my philosophy is that that this posi on requires student leadership and build upon the programs are a part of every founda on that Jan and area that incorporates Melissa have set before us. leadership into their daily I currently serve as the prac ce. It is not Assistant Director of the purely for a Center for Student professional staff Engagement at The University of Scranton. I am member that works in a a 2010 graduate of the leadership Bowling Green State development University College Student Personnel program and alum office, but is an area that is u lized in the growth and of The University of development of all student Wisconsin‐Whitewater. In

Spotlight on Michael Baumhardt, SLPKC Co‐ Chair 2012‐2013

leaders. As Co‐Chairs, Sherry and I will work with our dynamic colleagues on the SLPKC to offer all func onal areas of higher educa on the resources and services to best educate both prac oners and student leaders on campus.

Within NASPA and the SLPKC, I have served as the NASPA IV‐E SLPKC Rep on the Advisory Board, NASPA IV‐E Conference Commi ee, SLPKC Coordinator of the Community Fair and Graduate Support Network, and a ended many regional and na onal NASPA Conferences. I am excited to take all of these experiences and connec ons to advance to mission and resources of our KC for our profession.

Spotlight on Molly Bechtel, Region VI SLP KC Representa ve


Molly received her Bachelor of Arts and Science in Psychology and Communica on from the University of California, Davis. Following her undergraduate years, Molly worked as a consultant for the women's fraternity, Kappa Kappa Gamma, while pursuing her Mas‐ ter of Arts in Educa onal Administra on and Leadership at the Uni‐ versity of the Pacific. Molly currently works as the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Women's Programs in the Office of Student Life at the University of California, Merced.

As a new professional, I am excited about the opportunity to get involved with and learn more about NASPA. I'm eager to contribute to the Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community through my role as a Regional Representa ve. Although I've just been appointed, I find the role both challenging and rewarding ‐‐ an over‐all great way to give back to a wonderful profession!

program spotlight >>>

The Student Leadership Institute A mission driven program focused on student learning SLI is designed, facilitated, and assessed by a In 2008, professionals at Pacific group of professional staff known as the Lutheran University debuted the Leadership Working Group, which represents Student Leadership Ins tute (SLI). professional staff from across campus who This three‐day experience was supervise or advise student leaders in the areas designed to offer student leaders a chance to learn, reflect, and prepare of: Athle cs, Career Development, the Diversity Center, Residen al Life, Student Involvement & for a meaningful year ahead. The Leadership, Student Government, Student ins tute’s focus on learning was Clubs, Development, Student Media, the guided by our recent adop on of Sustainability Office, and the Women’s Center. the Social Change Model as a guiding framework. Our Prior to grounding our work in the Social understanding of students as Change Model, SLI was focused on training learner‐leaders, rather than students for specific leadership posi ons trainees, has changed the way we through knowledge acquisi on and coordinate the event and develop resources. While these con nue to be its curriculum. SLI is highly important aspects of suppor ng our students, collabora ve, mission‐driven, and we found that bringing student leaders learner‐focused.

Spotlight series >>>

together was a unique opportunity to effec vely engage our students in meaningful conversa ons about social jus ce, diversity, effec ve leadership skills, personal strengths, values, and team building. We believe that our con nued revisions to the SLI curriculum have created a progressive, innova ve approach to student leadership development. We have students who return to SLI year a er year, which encourages us to constantly evaluate and innovate the program. A er each SLI we take me to discuss learning and review our approach. A recent review of SLI objec ves resulted in the following shared vision for leadership development: Grounded in Pacific Lutheran University’s mission “to educate students for lives of though ul inquiry, service, leadership and care ‐ for other people, for their communi es, and for the earth” the ( c ontinued on page 7 )

Recognition and Development Get Featured! We welcome ar cles that dis‐ cuss trends, original ideas, and detail best prac ces in student leadership in higher educa‐ on. For more informa on about submi ng to our newsle er, please e‐mail your inquiry to Submission Deadline February 15, 2012

SLPKC recognizes the contribu ons of members who are transforming higher educa on through outstanding and innova ve leadership programs and services. All NASPA members are encouraged to share successes and highlight best prac ces. Individuals can nominate or self‐nominate exemplary college leadership programs for the SLPKC Spotlight Series. Selected programs will be highlighted on our website, in our quarterly newsle er and recognized at the NASPA SLPKC Annual Conference breakfast. The Spotlight Series categories include: * Research and Assessment 
* Influences on Student Learning in and out of the classroom 
* Theory to Prac ce 4th Quarter 2010 Recipient: University of Florida School of Business ‐ Leadership Development Cer ficate View the nomina on form For more informa on or if you have ques ons, please contact Steve Lerer. AWARDS Each year, the SLPKC recognizes outstanding contribu ons to the field of leadership programs through our award process. (Continued on page 5 )

Spotlight Awards SLP‐KC Awards Nomina on Process All nomina ons for SLP‐KC Awards must include the following:

1. Name of colleague or program being nominated, including their ins tu on and contact informa on (programs should have a contact person listed)
 2. Name, tle, email, phone number, and address of the nominator as well as those providing le ers of support
 3. A minimum of two le ers of support sta ng why this person/ program should receive this award Nomina ons will be accepted un l December 16, 2011. Please submit nomina ons to Steve Lerer, SLP‐KC Recogni on & Development Team Leader, at Award recipients will be recognized by the SLP‐KC during the NASPA na onal conference in Phoenix, AZ. The purpose of this award is to support the crea on of new knowledge focusing on the area of student leadership programs in higher educa on. This award is intended to support professional, doctoral, and Masters‐level scholarly research. The recipient will submit an ar cle about their research to the SLP‐KC newsle er in order to disseminate their findings to the KC membership and beyond. Recipients must be members of NASPA, and past recipients of this award are ineligible.

Outstanding Contribu on to Student Leadership Programs Award The purpose of this award is to recognize a professional staff or faculty member's work at the campus level in the area of student leadership programs. The recipient will have made contribu ons above and beyond the assigned du es of their posi on and will have had a significant impact on student leadership programs at their ins tu on. Recipients must be members of NASPA, and past recipients of this award are ineligible.

Outstanding Student Leadership Program/Ac vity Award 2011 Recipient: University of Florida School of Business ‐ Leadership Development Cer ficate The purpose of this award is to recognize a program or ac vity that significantly contributes to the area of student leadership programs. The program/ac vity must have an innova ve and crea ve design and must make an impact on student leadership ini a ves on campus. Recipient ins tu ons will submit an ar cle about their program to the SLP‐KC newsle er in order to share their knowledge and experience. Recipient ins tu ons must be members of NASPA, and past recipients of this award are ineligible.

Outstanding Service Award The purpose of this award is to recognize a professional staff or faculty member's work as a

Nominate a program >>>

Q: A:

Doing something great? Nominate your program for the spotlight series! Each issue we w will spotlight a stellar program from all the nominations we receive. Let us know if you or someone you know is doing an amazing job developing student leaders. Email your nominations to by the submission deadlines.

member of the SLP‐KC. The recipient will have made significant contribu ons to the knowledge community through their service and leadership. Recipients must be members of the SLP‐KC and past recipients of this award are ineligible.

The Outstanding Leadership Spotlight Program of the Year Award The purpose of this award is to recognize the contribu ons of members who are transforming higher educa on through best prac ces that have been recognized by the SLP‐KC. Spotlight Award categories include Research and Assessment, Influences on Student Learning, and Theory to Prac ce, and winners are announced in the SLP‐KC newsle er. The Outstanding Leadership Spotlight Program of the Year Award will consider all previous Spotlight winners in addi on to separately received nomina ons and will choose the one that represents the program or service that has the best overall contribu on to the field and best represents the founda onal principals of the SLP‐ KC. Recipient ins tu ons will submit an ar cle about their program to the SLP‐KC newsle er in order to share their knowledge and experience. Recipient ins tu ons must be members of NASPA, and past recipients of this award are ineligible.:

Student Leadership Institute (Continued from page 5)

Professional Development How are you developing your staff to be better leadership educators?

Learn something great at a conference or workshop?

We want to hear about it!

Authors: Amber Dehne Baillon Assistant Director, Stu‐ dent Involvement & Leadership Pacific Lutheran Univer‐ sity 253.535.8260 Nicole Scheer Resident Director, Resi‐ den al Life Pacific Lutheran Univer‐ sity 253.535.8600

Student Leadership Ins tute provides students with opportuni es to develop and enhance a personal philosophy of leadership. The Student Leadership Ins tute seeks to develop student leaders who are effec ve agents of change with a deeper understanding of personal strengths and an acceptance of the responsibility inherent in community membership and leadership. This vision provided us a founda on to develop learning objec ves. We inten onally aligned our objec ves with PLU’s Integra ve Learning Objec ves (ILOs), which were adopted by the PLU faculty in 1999. The Leadership Working Group iden fied a number of poten al learning outcomes and then used the ILO framework to focus them around values the PLU community had already iden fied as cri cal to our mission. Student leaders par cipa ng in SLI will:  Cri cally reflect on the concept of leadership as both a process and set of effec ve behaviors to further develop essen al leadership skills including communica on, collabora on, and construc ve conflict management;  Be able to ar culate a team vision as well as individual personal philosophies regarding voca on as a student leader and leadership;  Interact with others in such a way that develops community among student leaders and develops a greater understanding of the diverse roles and missions of student leadership opportuni es on campus;  Reflect on and ar culate the role of values in leadership within the PLU community par cularly related to ethical behavior, social jus ce & ac vism, and the expression of values within the community; Be able to recognize and appreciate the way diverse strengths, challenges, backgrounds, and interests shape a team and apply this knowledge to advocate for others and to work effec vely within a team & community se ng. By developing meaningful, mission‐driven learning outcomes at the beginning of our planning, we were able to develop a more inten onal, learning‐centered ins tute. Throughout the planning process, we revisited these learning outcomes to ensure we addressed our group’s agreed upon needs and goals. We also grounded our assessment tool in the learning outcomes to generate meaningful data around student learning. Learning must strike a balance between objec ves and mee ng our students where they are, so flexibility is a true asset for our learner‐focused ins tute. Addi onally, the Leadership Working Group iden fied essen al SLI components. Included were exposure to effec ve leadership behaviors related to communica on, collabora on, conflict management, and care for self; me and guidance to consider team and personal visions; interac on with student leaders across campus; dialogue around the roles ethics, social jus ce, ac vism, and expression play in leadership; and considera on of how a team’s diverse strengths can work together. We reviewed these components during the planning process to ensure SLI sessions honored the needs of campus supervisors. Since 2008, we have reflected on our progress, gathered feedback from students, and con nued our commitment to upli ing social jus ce and leadership development among our students. We have witnessed a welcome shi in how our students engage in leadership on campus. They are discussing programming from the perspec ve of privilege and oppression, thinking beyond themselves to include our community, and challenging us as prac oners to engage them as partners and teachers in new and exci ng ways. By grounding our approach in our university mission and focusing on the overarching value of leadership as a lifelong endeavor in learning, we have come together from across campus to demonstrate just how transforma ve a collabora ve, outcome ‐based approach to leadership development can be.

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