Everybody’s Free (to wear sunscreen) Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97 Wear sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now (Artist: Baz Luhrmann ,Voice actor Lee Perry, Songwriters: Nigel Andrew Swanston / Tim Cox)
e often talk about the “Old Warrior” and attribute a little respect by saying they have one good punch left in them so you should give them the distance they deserve. Is this really true or just wishful thinking…is it a given that when the need arises we still have what it takes to get out of a tight spot. Surviving conflict has so many variables and a good amount of luck. This article is not going to be about old man fighting techniques or the secret old man punch. It is going to start with a story of a very interesting man that I came across in my travels. Then I will tell you about my ever changing approach to my training as I turn 56. I believe that we can challenge “Time” and be useful well into our twilight years but you have to pay the price. The price may include a hard look at your diet and alcohol consumption along with an intelligent approach to physical training. In the end none of us get out alive but we can have a good crack at walking a path of our own choosing. Let’s start the story of an “Old Warrior” that I happened to met by chance…a man we will call Bob. I met Bob during a podiatry home visit to his wife. There he was in his late 70’s sitting cross-legged on the couch, spine erect just relaxing as you do. His wife was running late so we had some time to sit and have a chat. Coming into the house I had passed a few photos on the wall, a younger man in military attire and another of an older man with Mount Everest in the background so I asked Bob to explain the photos. He said his wife was always late so we would have time. He then preceded to tell me the short version of his life… He had grown up rough in the Yorkshire countryside (if I remember correctly) with no parents to speak of from an early age he would sleep in barns and get in trouble more than not. This led him to the military when he was of age and later selection to the British SAS, the first photo was taken in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). At this point he told me that he was not going to tell me any stories about his time in the SAS… not like the young ones these days that where breaking the rules and writing books, he was old school. Anyway he must have been good at his job because he was later brought to Australia to improve the training of the Australian SAS … he served in both the British and Australian SAS, not too shabby.