Work Sample- Nastaran Arfaei

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Nastaran Arfaei

Harvard Graduate School of Design Masters in Architecture +1 617 9521433 32 Chatham st. Apt4 Cambridge,MA, 02139

Architecture “Blooming on the edge”................................................ Persian restaurant in Greece - Santorini studio one - spring 2010

“The Urban Wall”............................................................. Iran International Festival of university theater scene design and production

“Temporary School”........................................................ Spaceframe inspired from butterfly wing scales

“Urban Oasis”.................................................................... An ideal theater for Macbeth USITT student design competition - spring 2012

“Climatic Interiors”.......................................................... Winter Hotel In Patagonia Meteoroligical

“Calibrated Porosities”................................................... First Semester core final project-Gsd

“The Reversed Garden”.......................................................... Responsive simplexities AA summerschool - summer 2011

Products: “Frameless Frame”................................................................. Minimal frame parts

“Reverse Laptop Holder”..................................................... assemblable Laptop holder from parts

“Jetlag Manipulator”.....................................................

Set Designs:


“I can’t imagine tomorrow”................................................ Set design and production

“Public”...................................................................................... 14th international Festival of expeimental theater Set design and production/First Prize winner

Research: “Frame Effect”................................................................................... Research in progress on correlation Objective illusion size area V1 in brain


professors: Isa Hojjat Hamidreza Ansari Mohammad Farzian

Greece has the 11th longest coastline in the world. In the island of Santorini 8% of the land consists of high slope coasts which are practically un-built. There is an invisible border that separates the green area from the rest of the land. Interestingly this border is the area with most tourist facilities built around it. Tourists travel to a place like Santorini because of this coastline, so why not break this border and let people have a complete experience of this living on the edge? The building has to respond to four types of customers,visitors from the costal road , visitors from the sea lines, tourists accommodated nearby and local people. Regarding these elements the site is chosen between the coastal road and the sea lines, on a point observable both from the sea and land.

View from Teahouse to the west Connecting the dock to the restaurant

In a two dimensional platform, there are four major types of transformation to be applied to a pattern. Certain self complementary patterns can cover a full area by doing one or a combination of these transformations. Using rotation as the desired transformation in controlling permeability gives us the advantage of controlling the whole surface by rotating a single component. The components will work as separate gears, and when one is rotated the whole surface will change to the same level of porousness and thus evenly control the penetration of sunlight.

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Most basic, easiets to make module. regulated with regular classroom standards.

the Conncetor module is necessary for expansion and planning of the school.

Most basic, easiets to make module. regulated with regular classroom standards.

the Conncetor module is necessary for expansion and planning of the school.

Scale 1/100

The primary aim of this project is to control the flow of heat throughout the building by calibrating the material density of its structure. reduction of concrete density (by addition of styrofoam or the process of making it porous) will result in less resistance to tension and compression, as a result less dense slabs and walls

Iodin intake

Humidity map

Heat map

Iodin intake

rheumatoid Arthri-


The primary aim of this project is to control the flow of heat throughout the building by calibrating the material density of its structure. reduction of concrete density (by addition of styrofoam or the process of making it porous) will result in less resistance to tension and compression, as a result less dense slabs and walls tend to be thicker while denser ones are more slender. Therefore the areas which have less material density will be devided into smaller rooms with less hight and higher density in material leads to larger spaces. The logic runs through the whole building and decides for the arrangement of all plans and sections while satysfying the defined program.

The existing site is located in Patagonie, Chile, at one of the southest points of the country. This causes the site to lack sunlight during <ay to September months. The Site has already a cluster of rooms related to a central organizing and culinary unit as summer settlement of a hotel.

Spatial Proposed Organization Design: Winter Addition The Winter building should be located near the main buildings and share services if necessary. yet the interior of the winter wing is completely detached from the outside. programs are organized based on their activity and consequently daily timing.

Existing Hoterl site view

Climate Conditions

The hotel has an annual closing from may 5 th to september 15. a restriction imposed mainly by climate. as a result the existing buildings can be scatterred through the landscape and the heating costs will remain reasonable since the climate is amiable when the hotel has visitors. the timing works well for climate tourists from northern hemisphere.

Annual closing

The hotel has an annual closing from may 5 th to september 15. a restriction imposed mainly by climate. as a result

Site Plan 1:2000

Spatial Organization

Modular Living Surfaces “Living Surfaces” which build the horizontal area of the entire structure, are 120cm modules that can be divided by ratios of 2 or three or to be combined to create bigger flat areas. the curvature of surfaces corresponds to desired level of activity, consequently steeper areas have more steps and induce more physical activity.

Two Way (Waffle) Wooden Structure The main structure consists of a two way wooden beam which has added heights for support of the living surfaces at noted elevations. the minimum height of each beam is calculated based on bay distance and the rest of the height transfers the weight to tha base height of the beam. This height decreases in the lower levels.

Spiral Wall/ Soil Barrier

The merging of the different environmental elements leads to creation of multiple conditions that are excitetory or inhibitory to the secretion of the specified hormones. as a result of the collision of there will be transitory areas which have the shared elements of the different condition.

Base Foundation

The merging of the different environmental elements leads to creation of multiple conditions that are excitetory or inhibitory to the secretion of the specified hormones. as a result of the collision of there will be transitory areas which have the shared elements of the different condition.

Wooden veneer, 2mm

Wooden Facade, 21mm Steel Plate

Steel embedded botlt and screw


Wooden Structural Surface

Flumroc Insulation, 120m Damp Proof Layer

Wooden 80mm beams Steel Studs Wooden Frame Damp Proof Layer 5 mm Reinforced Concrete 10mm rebar Waterproof Layer 10 mm Concrete foundation+rebars Concrete foundation Base

Section 1:50

Spatial Organization

Waffle Joinery Details

Plan organization/Analysis The merging of the different environmental elements leads to creation of multiple conditions that are excitetory or inhibitory to the secretion of the specified hormones. as a result of the collision of there will be transitory areas which have the shared elements of the different condition.

Spatial Organization

Program Organization The merging of the different environmental elements leads to creation of multiple conditions that are excitetory or inhibitory to the seSpatial Organization cretion of the specified hormones. as a result of the collision of there will be transitory areas which have the shared elements of the different condition.


Lighting Intensity lux Lighting Intensity creats specific topography based of the location of the lamps and their power. there are three light sources with same intensity strategically located in the room.





lighting Color Temprature light sources have different frequencies which decide their light spectrum the combinations of which creates emerance of mixed spectrums.



carefully putting the heat sourcein adjacency of colder walls can create pockets of different tempratures

Legend 0’






Surface Curvature/Activ-

The slope of the instant curvature of the surface visualizes the amount of activity one has to to at any certain point in the room.

Legend +55




Plan organization/Analysis The merging of the different environmental elements leads to creation of multiple conditions that are excitetory or inhibitory to the secretion of the speciďŹ ed hormones. as a result of the collision of there will be transitory areas which have the shared elements of the different condition.

Spatial Organization

Spatial Organization

Plan1 1:50 Entrance


Plan2 1:50 Sleep Area

Spatial Organization

Plan3 1:50 eating Area

Plan4 1:50 Gym Area

Plan5 1:50 Spa Area

Wellness, Climate ,Atmosphere: A Hybrid porposal for Hogdalen wa

Spring 2016, Hanif Kara and Leire Assansio Studio, Team Work with Janna Masse Many of health and psychological difficulties that people experience are environment related. In many cases exposure to the right climatic situation will mitigate symptoms of such disorders. Waste to energy facilities, create a surplus of heat in addition to their electricity output. In this project this sulplus is designed to create climates within a greenhous and


therapy center program is nested within those climates. This project is the result of a studio team project between

aste to energy facility et

Hybrid Proposal to Hogdalen waste to WEnergy Facility The Waste to Energy facility is located in hogdalen Sweden which is an industrial city at the outskirts of Stockholm. The facility is walking distance from a subway station that connects it to center of stockholm and close to many industrial centers and businesses, The Facility is adjacent to a recycling facility which receives a lot of material from the city, yet hogdalen has saved its rural quality to some extent and the natural scenery around the facility is preseved well. The aim of this project is to propose a hybrid to the waste to energy facility that increases community engagement with it, increases the productivity of the facility and plans for the future obsolecense of its functions

Program Distribution The project consists of four main layers: The Bunker which is underground and central, waste to energy buildings that are fed by the same bunker, a greenhouse structure over the designated site plan and therapy and residence programs that spread accross the greenhous as visible in the diagram at the bottom of the page.

1- Waste Handeling 2- Incineration 3- Filtering


4- Super Heater 5- Economizer 6- Monitoring 7- Chimney 8- Auxilary Equipment 9- Hot Greenhouse


10- Warm Greenhouse 11- Cool Greenhouse 12- Consulting


13- UV Therapy 14 14- Blue Light Therapy 15- Warm Water 16- Dry Air

Atmospheric Systems This project is a proposal to use the extra heat created by a waste to energy facility, to create multiple indoor climates within a greenhous around the facility, to use for therapy



related health conditions. The Climatic analysis of the components of the program is depicted in the following maps. This shows how strategic placement of elements in a program leads to specific climatic, structural and experimine the most important qualities of the space

20 m

40 m

10 m

30 m

20 m

20 m

40 m

10 m

30 m

20 m

The primary aim of this project is to control the flow of heat throughout the building by calibrating the material density of its structure. reduction of concrete density (by addition of styrofoam or the process of making it porous) will result in less resistance to tension and compression, as a result less dense slabs and walls tend to be thicker while denser ones are more slender. Therefore the areas which have less material density will be devided into smaller rooms with less hight and higher density in material leads to larger spaces. The logic runs through the whole building and decides for the arrangement of all plans and sections while satysfying the defined program.

- Denser concrete - More compressive strength - Narrower, longer - Thinner Structural Elements - Faster heat transfer

- less dense concrete - Less compressive strength - Shorter thicker - Thicker Structural Elements, - Faster heat transfer - Denser Spaces

- Less dense spaces

- More conduccvity

- Less conduccvity

- Columns as load bearing elements

- Walls as load bearing elements

- Glass Parrroning K=0.96 - More Transparency

- Wall Parrroning

Lightweight Concrete K= 0.1 - 0.3 Medium Concrete K=0.4 - 0.7 Dense Concrete K=1.0 - 1.8

- Less Transparency

the less dense concrete acts as an insulator between the hot and cold

Density/ Conductivity Patterns Various patterns of density in plans can produce different thermodynamic bahaviours in eache level. Same logic is also applied in Sections. Agregation of theses micropattern decides the buildings overall thermodynamic behavior.

Buildings Vertical and Horizontal Thermal Behaviors Different Structural elements transfer heat in different directions. This gives them a layering quality that faciliates the process of design and analysis. Even though columns and walls also transfer heat vertically, the amount is negligable in contrast with their horixontal heat transfer. keeping at least one side of the slabs linear will dramatically reduce building costs and has the same effect as thickening it from both sides, in addition it makes circulation easier.

Verical Heat and light transfer

Horizontal Heat transfer

Verrcal Heat transfer

Shifting Plans As the slabs thicken to allow structure to maintain its qualities, people are subsequently moving also vertically in each level. thus to have an efficient vertical circulation, each level is attached to its upper levels. This causes the building to have a legible path even though it follows a local solution to circulation. Public and private are separated because of the density of the in-between specially dense pockets.

Heat Gain and Heat Parts of the building with more extreme condition protect the milder areas from outside conditions, even though the mild areas stil can benefit from the natural sunlight that passes through the outer labs and east and west sides of the building. This mild area is also functioning as a kind of insulation in between the hot and cold and thus the structure becomes its own insulation. The building shades its northern side by its southern side. The challenge is to control rate of heat transfer from the the two sides and ideally keep them from negating their differences. The shift of density from liwer levels to higher levels in both sides decides the type of interaction of each part of the building with its surroundings. The interaction of the building with its surroundigs is dependant mostly on sun exposure as long as the southern part is not overshadowed the thermal qualities should work in advantage of heat maintanence.

Circulation logic As the slabs thicken to allow structure to maintain its qualities, people are subsequently moving also vertically in each level. thus to have an efficient vertical circulation, each level is attached to its upper levels. This causes the building to have a legible path even though it follows a local solution to circulation. Public and private are separated because of the density of the in-between specially dense pockets.

East Elevaaon sc 1:128

South Elevaaon sc 1:128

West Elevaaon sc 1:128

North Elevaaon sc 1:128

Disruptions in time-zone cause multiple problems for frequent or non-frequent travelers. Jet lag or Flight dysrhythmia, caused by this multiple time-zone skipping, includes a collection of symptoms consisting of daytime fatigue, impaired alertness, nighttime insomnia, loss of appetite, depressed mood, poor psychomotor coordination and reduced cognitive skills. (Waterhouse et al, 2007)This condition in general is caused because of discrepancy between the inner body clock or the circadian rhythm and the external reality of the world. Circadian rhythm is an approximately 24-hour cycle that regulates key biological processes such as wakefulness, stress hormones, lipid metabolism, immune function, and the cell division cycle (Virshup, 2007). Even though it is an inner system to regulate the body functions the circadian system has great plasticity and is actively synchronized with the environment to ensure that its entrainment is not passive.(Roenneberg, 2003) The innate period of the clock is slightly longer than 24 hours, but is reset each day by environmental signals at dawn and dusk. The most notable changes that affect this resetting are light and temperature (Delvin, 2002) The mammalian eye can detect changes in environmental light irradiance and create non-image forming light responses, which in humans include synchronization of the circadian clock. (Zeiter, 2000) It is suggested that the light irradiance affects plasma melatonin that in turn controls the circadian rhythm. This suggests that use of external inputs such as light and temperature is a possible way for the effective manipulation of the circadian system towards the desired direction as a means for mitigation of Flight dysrhythmia symptoms or even its possible elimination. Especially considering the number of passengers in ights and the overall constant control over lighting in the cabin, use of lighting proves as a more efďŹ cient way than use of prescribed melatonin pills by passengers.

As human circadian clock can be effectively manipulated by tweaking lighting conditions. Some of the important factors in this type of manipulation would be temperature, intensity, abruptness, number of cycles etc… Even though overall exposure of human body to different types of light (extra-ocular exposure) also has the potential of affecting human circadian rhythm (Campbell, 1998), the ocular effects of such exposure have been reported to be greater in intensity(Khalsa, 2003). As a result manipulation of lights sources that are directly looked at can have greater behavioral effects than the general lighting condition. Introduction of artificial lighting to human lifestyles has created a condition where natural regulator cues for the body are weakened. (Roenneberg, 2003) Many people work in workspaces that are entirely artificially lit or spend extended hours on their computers staring into a direct source of light (File, 2014) which is usually cool in temperature. This introduces an intense and long ocular exposure that can potentially affect the human behavioral patterns. (Khalsa, 2003) A laboratory study done by Khalsa et al. shows that ocular exposure to a bright light pulse has lasting effects in shifting participants’ circadian rhythm patterns later into the day. Even a single 6 hour sitting of exposure to bright light from 12 to 6am could shift the pattern by about an hour for three days (Khalsa, 2003). In addition to intensity, spectral composition of light also has capacity to shift the internal day of people who exposed to it. Studies show that changing the color temperature of lighting in office spaces from the regular 4000 k to blue enriched 8000k can affect the sleep and activity pattern of the subjects. Participants became more active during the later office hours (1-5 pm) in contrast to test group and their weekend sleeping patterns shifted later into the day as well. (Vetter, 2011) The effect of regular exposure to bluer light kept the circadian clock constant even though the natural dawn and dusk time (and control group’s clock) had changed gradually with season. (Vetter, 2011)

Phase1: research The core purpose of the research period is to test impact of designed sequences on the actual circadian rhythm. This period consists of two sub-periods: In the first period the focus of the research is on investigating the effects of different combination of light qualities on the rhythm in general. In this stage the experiments are more or less open ended and the results can be rough. The aim is to understand the overall effect of many sequences and combinations of lighting. For convenience and acceleration of the tests the initial investigation should be performed on insects which have similar circadian genomes to that of mammals (such as honey bees) since Physiological circadian rhythms in insects have been well- documented in relation to hormone production and they are well adapted to predict changes in the environment due to their high surface to volume ratio and inability to see at night (Lazzari, 2008) it is possible to test the proposed sequences with faster results on insects than on humans. The product of the first research phase would be a set of lighting sequence proposals that have the potential of creating specific changes to circadian rhythms in humans. The changes should include: delay- advancemake active- make dormant- startle (possibly reset) The second part would consist of testing the proposed sequences in laboratory condition on human subjects. Each of the sequences should be tested separately and multiple versions should be tried for better effectiveness. Participants should be in completely controlled conditions and the duration of the experiments can last from 3 hours (single effects) to 15:30 hours (longest length of flight) for the test of an entire sequence in the later stages of research.

Phase 2: software design The software will combine described packages in order to create an overall sequence for the duration of the flight which is applicable through the lighting fixtures proposed for the cabin. The process should consist of a simple calculation of the time-zones, flight duration and the necessary adjustment either way of the clock. The result though is more complex based on timing in the destination. Required alertness at time of arrival and desired body activity condition based on the arrival time. This can suggest two different strategies that would either propose rest during the flight time or a designed depletion of energy so that sleep can happen upon arrival, or a combination of both for longer flights (with either rest phase or active phase happening in the end) Since it is easier to push the rhythm further one of the critical items would be to discover the longest amount of time that the rhythm could be pushed later before pulling back the rhythm becomes a more efficient way. Based on this primary analysis the software can combine the predefined effect blocks in order to deliver the change. The “effect blocks”, according to the duration assigned to them can be translated into spectral composition and intensity and can be shown as a factor of time. The resulting shift in the rhythm (for average user with normal circadian clock) can then be predicted and depicted by the software as well as the resulting shift in the rhythm through the upcoming days. As a result the airline can inform passengers on what sort of sleep and behavioral pattern to predict after flight if complete elimination of symptoms was not possible.

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