Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City
We are excited to welcome social workers and those in the helping professions from across New Jersey and beyond to Atlantic City for our 31st Annual Conference and Exhibition
This year’s theme is: “Life in a Traumatic World: Implications for Social Work Practice ” As Social Workers know, trauma can take many forms, from interpersonal violence, sexual assault and medical trauma to natural disasters, institutionalized oppression, war-related trauma and the sudden loss of a family member
According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, 70% of adults have experienced a traumatic event in their lifetimes.
This means more than 223 million people are living with the effects of trauma in the U.S. Over three days, we will examine how trauma affects our clients and ourselves, and also learn about cutting edge modalities to treat this pervasive and challenging subject
We hope you will join us in Atlantic City, April 14-16, 2024, however, for those unable to attend in person, we'll also have a limited virtual Conference option providing 8 5 CEUs and allowing you to livestream the conference Keynote and select Plenary sessions. See page 19 for more information.
NASW-NJ acknowledges that the conference gathers on the land of the Lenni-Lanape. We honor the Lenape and other Indigenous caretakers of these lands and waters, the elders who lived here before, the Indigenous today, and the generations to come.
KEYNOTES – The opening keynote presentation on Sunday sets the tone for the conference. The closing keynote brings us back together to reflect upon all we have learned during the event.
PLENARIES – We have added plenary sessions to the schedule so we can come together to learn and examine key issues collectively.
CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS – Each day, you’ll have the opportunity to choose a workshop on a topic of interest to you from a selection of concurrent sessions. You’ll attend one concurrent workshop session each day.
ON-DEMAND WORKSHOPS – To help keep your conference schedule manageable, while still providing the opportunity to earn up to 23 CE credits, we are offering two pre-recorded workshops that you will complete on-demand any time between April 17-May 17 If you are a member and have registered for all three days of the conference, you will also receive a third pre-recorded webinar for on-demand credit That’s 2 bonus CE credits, at no extra charge, just for members!
Browse through this registration brochure and then be sure to register today!
The National Association of Social Workers New Jersey Chapter is committed to providing a safe, affirming, and inclusive space for all our social work community, partners, volunteers, and event attendees We believe that everyone has the right to arrive at our space as their authentic self and engage in our activities without fear, intimidation, belittlement and/or harassment of any kind We believe that everyone’s authenticity should be celebrated and makes us stronger as a social work community
Our strength as an association is in our people, and we cherish your diversity We value all our members, partners and attendees equally and will not accept any treatment in any arena of association business which goes contrary to this
NASW-NJ’s conferences and meeting events are dedicated to providing this safe space for everyone, regardless of gender, identity, expression, orientation, appearance, body size, race, religion and ability. We have a zero-tolerance policy for hostile or harassing conduct of conference participants, partners and volunteers in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including sessions and networking events. Conference participants violating these rules may be expelled from the conference (without a refund) at the discretion of the conference organizers.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, identity, expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing, photography, recordings, sustained disruption of talks or events, inappropriate physical conduct, and unwelcomed attention. We have a zero-tolerance policy and anticipate that all attendees will act in accordance of our policy, and professional code of conduct
We believe that our community shares our values and while we anticipate no issues, our chapter has created safety protocols that will be available to all attendees All attendees will have access to our
Sunday, April 14
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Optional Pre-Conference Symposium. Societal Trauma: Its Threat to Democracy and the Profession of Social Work
Visit Exhibit Hall
Kickoff keynote: Shared Traumatic Stress: Challenges and Opportunities for Clinicians Living in a Traumatic World
Break/Visit Exhibits
Concurrent Sessions
Exhibit Grand Opening Reception (with light food)
Documentary “Resilience”
Monday, April 15
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Continental Breakfast/ Visit Exhibits
Keynote. Love, Laughter and Learning: A Personal and Professional Narrative on the Impact and Treatment of Childhood Trauma
Break/Visit Exhibits
Concurrent Sessions
Lunch/Visit Exhibits
Plenary Session - A New Dawn: Psychedelic Approaches To Healing Trauma
Plenary Session - Cultivating Joy and Liberation Through Trauma Informed, Anti-Oppressive Social Work
Free Time/Visit Exhibits
Party! Dress up as your favorite rock star!
Tuesday, April 16
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Continental Breakfast
Closing Plenary Session - NASW and our Social Work Community Break
Concurrent Sessions
On-demand virtual sessions available April 17 – May 17
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Student Leadership Summit
Thisworkshopwilladdresscorecomponentsofthetrauma-informedlens;includinglearningtoidentify howchronicworkplacestressandparallelprocesseswithtraumatizedclientscancontributetoatraumaorganizedsystem;howtoavoidre-traumatization,andbuildingresilienceandrelationalhealthamong trauma-exposedconsumersandhelpingprofessionals;howtoidentifythesymptomsofvicarioustrauma, secondarytraumaticstress,andcompassionfatigue;andself-carestepstopreventandalleviatethese hazardsofhelpingprofessions.
Dr Pérez,anativeofNewark,NewJersey,isa licensedclinicalsocialworkerwiththree decadesofexperience.Currentlyservingasthe ChiefOperatingOfficeratSocialCurrent,an organizationbasedinWashingtonDC, specializinginaccreditationandproviding technicalassistanceandconsultation.She addressesadiversearrayofissues,including trauma-informedcare,leadership,policy, equity,diversity,andinclusionforsocialservice agenciesinboththeUSandCanada.
BeforejoiningSocialCurrent,Dr.Pérezheld thepositionofVicePresidentofDiversity, Equity,andInclusion(DEI)attheNational AssociationofSocialWork Additionally,she servedasasocialworkprofessoratthe
UniversityofNewEngland,whereshedirected thetrauma-informedcertificateprogramwithin theCollegeofHealthProfessions
From2005to2015,Dr Pérezdemonstrated herleadershipasasystemofcaredirector, overseeingthreetrauma-informedgrant projectsinMainefundedbytheSubstance AbuseandMentalHealthServices Administration(SAMSHA) Beyondher administrativeroles,shefoundedand previouslyservedastheChiefExecutive OfficerofTHRIVE,anonprofittechnical assistancecenterdedicatedtotrauma-and culturally-informedcare.
Dr.Pérezisnotonlyrecognizedforher leadershiprolesbutisalsoahighlysought-after presenter,sharingherinsightsonthe intersectionoftrauma-informedcareandEDI. Lastly,sheearnedbothherMSWandDSW degreesfromTulaneUniversitywithafocuson leadershipandtrauma,furthersolidifyingher passionforallthingssocialwork
Sunday, April 14, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
What happens when social workers live and work in communities where disasters strike? From the 9/11 attacks, to Hurricane Katrina, to COVID-19, social workers have been at the forefront of disaster and recovery efforts In these cases, social workers are exposed to the same traumatizing circumstances as their clients
To open our conference, Dr Carol Tosone discusses shared traumatic stress, a construct used to describe the experience of mental health clinicians exposed to a traumatic experience both primarily as citizens and secondarily through the trauma narratives of their clients
Along with shared traumatic stress, she will also discuss shared resilience, a term used to describe the positive experiences that clinicians derive from exposure to traumatic events, both directly and through their work with clients; the term suggests a reciprocal mutual aid that can take place between client and social worker.
Dr Tosone is a Professor at New York University Silver School of Social Work and recipient of the NYU Distinguished Teaching Award She is a Distinguished Scholar in Social Work in the National Academies of Practice in Washington, D.C. Dr. Tosone is also Co-Director of the NYU Trauma-Informed Clinical Practice Program. Previously, she served as the Founding Director of NYU’s DSW Program in Clinical Social Work. Dr. Tosone is Editor Emerita of the Clinical Social Work Journal, having served for 15 years as its Editor-in-Chief. She serves as Series Editor for the Essential Clinical Social Work Series, published by Springer. Dr. Tosone completed her psychoanalytic training at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in New York City where she was the recipient of the Postgraduate Memorial Award. She also received a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award for teaching at the Hanoi University of Education in Vietnam and served as a visiting professor at numerous universities globally, including Queens University in Belfast, Hyllum University in South Korea, Sanata Dhara University in Indonesia, Tonjgi University in Shanghai, United Arab Emirates University in Dubai, and Peking University and China University of Political Science and Law, both in Beijing. She taught as Distinguished Visiting Lydia Rappaport Professor at Smith College for Social Work, and as Visiting Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Clinical Social Work Doctoral Program. Dr. Tosone is editor of 5 books, author of over 50 professional articles and book chapters, and executive producer and writer of training and community service media. Her area of research is shared trauma, referring to the dual impact of collective trauma on the clinician. During her career, Dr. Tosone has delivered over 300 national and international presentations in various venues.
Throughout this keynote address, Dr. Deblinger will describe lessons learned through personal and professional experiences as well as research that helped to inform her career and her contributions as a codeveloper of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence-based treatment for children and their non-offending caregivers. Dr. Deblinger will share the personal and professional experiences that have informed her thinking about the critical ingredients for optimal recovery from childhood trauma She will share early and more recent research findings that have documented the efficacy of TF-CBT for children and adolescents She will also acknowledge and discuss the stressors associated with this challenging work Finally, she hopes to inspire continued dedication to the field with an emphasis on the importance of self-care for all professionals
The participant will learn about the history and development of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The participant will learn about research findings that can contribute to the individualized tailoring of TF-CBT to optimize youth outcomes
The participant will learn about skills and areas of growth that contribute to enhanced resiliency in children, adolescents and adults
Dr. Deblinger, is Co-Founder of the Child Abuse Research Education and Service (CARES) Institute and a Professor of Psychiatry at Rowan Medicine in Stratford, New Jersey. Dr. Deblinger has been engaged in clinical work and research focusing on the impact and treatment of the effects of childhood trauma for almost 35 years. Her research has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as other organizations. Treatment outcome research, conducted by Dr. Deblinger and her colleagues Judith Cohen, M.D., and Anthony Mannarino, Ph.D. led to the development of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence based treatment with documented efficacy in helping,children and adolescents overcome PTSD as well as related emotional and behavioral difficulties Dr Deblinger also collaborated with colleagues from the Medical University of South Carolina on the development of an introductory webbased TF-CBT training (www tfcbt2 musc edu) The efficacy of this model has been documented in 25 randomized trials and there has been widespread dissemination of training and consultation in this model across the nation and around the world Dr Deblinger’s work has been recognized with honors from the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the U S Department of Health and Human Services
Susan Menahem, LCSW; Ralph Cuseglio, DSW,LCSW; David Barry, JD,MSW,LSW; Juan Rios, DSW,LCSW 15ClinicalCredits
Psychedelic medicines show great promise in the healing of trauma and PTSD Unfortunately, the current best practices in the treatment of these conditions have proven only minimally effective, often leaving survivors to battle lifelong debilitating symptoms Social workers, as America’s largest group of mental health care providers, need to consider new treatment models that challenge the Treatment-As-Usual (TAU) status quo when working with this population. However, overcoming skepticism and stigma, both within our profession and amongst the public, is necessary for trauma survivors to have access to the healing benefits that these breakthrough treatments can offer.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
This presentation will discuss two psychedelic medicines (i.e., ketamine, MDMA [methylenedioxymethamphetamine]) and best practice treatment protocols for trauma. The presenters will explain 1) the effects of these medicines 2) their mechanisms of action in the brain 3) the social worker’s role in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PAT) for trauma 4) the benefits and risks of PAT for trauma, and 5) evidence-based treatment modalities that have been demonstrated to be effective and safe for social workers and their clients
Ethical and legal considerations, equitable access, and culturally sensitive practices for people of color and LGBTQIA+ clients will also be discussed An audience Q&A will follow
Crystal Bennett, LMSW; Julie Roebuck, LCSW; Rupa Khetarpal, MA,MSW,LCSW; Tiff Lanza, LCSW,M.Ed. 1.5Social/CulturalCompetence
Intersectionality has been a buzzword in the mental health arena for some time, but what does it really mean and how does it affect the treatment of trauma? Join our panelists to explore the impact of oppression, including, but not limited to racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, and classism
Using the Minority Stress Model, the panel will discuss how the intersections of identity based traumas lead to trauma experiences that differ from other forms of trauma experienced by people from dominant social identities The panel will conclude by presenting strategies to mitigate personal and organizational biases and challenging you to integrate culturally rooted approaches into your practice and begin the process of unlearning to relearning in order to decolonize your work!
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
1.5 General Credits
Enjoy the benefits of NASW Membership throughout the year:
StaffDedicatedtoMemberSupport Legal&EthicsConsultations
Unitmeetings(regionallybased):activities,networking, &CEUs
DiscountsonProfessionalLiabilityInsurance Members-onlyonlineCareerCenter
HelpStartsHere(freelistingonSocialWork directory)
LegalDefenseFund(legalandfinancial assistance/information)
Sunday, April 14
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
A documentary chronicling ”the birth of a new movement among pediatricians, therapists, educators and communities, who are using cuttingedge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction and disease.”
Dressasyourfavoriterockstarforthechancetowin prizes. Let'srocktheHardRockhotel!
Monday, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Monday, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
NASW-NJ recognizes that our student members are the next generation of leaders. We honor and value your participation. At this year’s conference, we will hold a unique program tailored to student’s issues and needs. Join Dawn Apgar, PhD, LSW, ACSW and DuWayne Battle, Ph.D., MSW and their very special guests to hear about topics that are relevant to YOU.
Students are able to attend the 2024 NASW-NJ Annual Conference for a nominal fee. Students who attend the conference will experience a hybrid conference model, where they will attend Keynote presentations, plenary sessions and breakout workshops. This year, we will hold a special panel discussion on Monday solely for social work students.
Our student programming aims to provide students in social work a meaningful learning and professional development opportunity that provides them dedicated space to network, learn and grow as students and also gain a glimpse into the professional world of social work.
The student programming will:
Inspire students to think about their own path and journey in social work
Offer networking opportunities
Give students skills in career development including professional branding, salary negotiation and job interviewing
Create meaningful opportunities for students to present their research
Create opportunities for students to practice public speaking and leadership
Create spaces for students to explore volunteer opportunities
Sunday, April 14, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
S1: Psychodrama: Effective Trauma-Informed Perspectives for Group & Individual Psychotherapy
Scottie Urmey, MSW,LCSW,TEP 2ClinicalCredits
Psychodramaisaneffective,trauma-informedtreatmentapproachforcomplexgrief,trauma,andrelationalissues Psychodramaprovidescorrectiveemotionalexperiencesforgrouporindividualtreatment Participantswillgainan in-depthoverviewofthepsychodramaticmethod,theory,andphilosophywhichwillhelpenlivenclinicalworkand promotemeaningfulchangewithclients
S2: Unpacking Race-Based Trauma in Individual Treatment
La'Tesha Sampson, PhD,MPA,MSW,LCSW 2ClinicalCredits
Delveintothecomplexitiesofaddressingrace-basedtraumawithinindividualtreatmentsessions.Thisworkshop empowerstherapistswithculturallysensitivetoolstodeconstructtrauma'sracialdimensions.Attendeeswill enhancetheirskillsinfacilitatinghealingconversationsthatacknowledgetheintersectionofrace,power,andsocial justice.
S3: Why Dignity Matters? Parenting & Incarceration
Helena D. Lewis, DSW,LCSW,LCADC,CCS; Asa Paris, DSW,LCSW,LCDAC 2ClinicalCredits
Thispresentationexplorestheneedforanti-oppressivetrauma-informedcaretoaddressphysicalandsymbolic lossesintheageofCOVID-19.Bothclinicalandpracticaltoolsforintervention,advocacy,andthedevelopmentof griefserviceswillbeprovided.
S4: Working with Families of LGBTQ Adolescents: Coming Out, Transition, and Support
Michael C. LaSala, MSW,PhD,LCSW 2ClinicalCredits
AgrowingnumberofLGBTQ+youtharecomingoutatyoungerages,andquiteoftenthefirstpersontowhomthey comeoutisaparent,potentiallyplungingthefamilyintocrisis Inthisworkshop,participantswilllearnfamily-based interventionstoassistfamiliesstrugglingwithcomingout
S5: Pain as a Traumatic Experience: Ethical Social Work Practice with Pediatric Clients
Pier Cicerelle, DSW,LSW,MSW, Cecily O'Leary,BA 2EthicsCredits
Byunderstandingvariedtypesofpainandeffectivelyassessingclientneeds,socialworkersarecrucialforthe ethicaltreatmentofpain.Withspecialattentiontopediatricclients,thisworkshopwillfocusonbringingasocial justicelenstothetreatmentofpainbyutilizingatrauma-informed,anti-oppressive,socialworkapproach.
Sunday, April 14, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm (Cont.)
S6: Brain Science in the Workplace: Implementing Trauma-Informed Management and Supervision
Shannon Fisch, MSW,LCSW; Kiera McGillivray, MS,LMFT 2GeneralCredits
Itisbecomingincreasinglyclearorganizationshaveamoralobligationnotjusttoclientsandcommunities,butto employees Theconceptsoftrauma,adversity,andtoxicstress,longappliedtoclientsandcommunities,nowneedto beappliedtostrategiesthatwillincreasestaffwell-being,organizationalhealth,andclientimpact
S7: Harnessing the Power of Myth: Healing Trauma Through Narrative Circles
Dunia M. Garcia, DSW,LSW; Kwame Scruggs, PhD
Thisinteractiveworkshopwillhighlightnarrativecirclesasasafeplacewherewecansharetraumaticexperiences, faceourfears,andfindhealing.Thispresentationwillprovideillustrativeexamplesfordirectapplicationtoinclude groupprocessesandthetelling,discussion,andanalysisofmythologicalstories
S8: Essential Ingredients for the Next Generation Leader: The Intersection of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging with Trauma and Resiliency Informed Care Principles Workshop
Arabella Perez, DSW,MSW,LCSW
Joinusforanenlighteningandtransformativeworkshopdesignedfortheleadersof“tomorrow”,today Inthis dynamicsession,wewillexplorethevitalintersectionofDiversity,Equity,Inclusion,andBelonging(DEI+B)with TraumaandResiliencyandInformedCare(TIC)principles-thecornerstoneofleader’ssuccess-equippingyouwith theessentialingredientstobecomearesilientandimpactfulleader
S9: Teaching Advanced Trauma-Informed Strategies in Clinical Supervision
Heather Bense, DSW,LCSW; Sarah Mandel, DSW,LCSW,RN
Thisworkshopwilldiscusstheimportanceofprovidingtrauma-informedclinicalsupervisionwhileenhancingthe developmentofasupervisees’skillstointegratetrauma-informedperspectivesintotheirpractice.Thiswillbe achievedbyaddressingtheoreticalfoundations,intentionalplanning,parallelprocess,andsafetytoofferlearning strategiesthatcanfosterasupervisees’growth.
Monday, April 15, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
M1: Confronting Educational Trauma: Social Workers Combating Racism and Oppression in K-12 Education
Tiffany Timberman, DSW,LSW 2ClinicalCredits
ParticipantswillexploreeducationaltraumaandtheprofoundeffectsracismandoppressioninK-12educationhave onstudents.Throughcriticalanalysisofproceduresandpolicies,participantswillexaminehoweducationaltrauma influencesstudentbehaviorandsocietaloutcomes.
M2: Dialectical Behavior Therapy-PTSD (DBT-PTSD): Treating Complex Trauma
ThisworkshopwillprovideanoverviewofDBT-PTSD,anevidence-basedtreatmentforadolescentsandadults withcomplextrauma. Throughlecture,discussionandexperientialpractice,participantswilllearnthestagesofthe modelincludingcommitment;skillbuilding;exposure;grievingandradicalacceptance.
M3: Empowering Social Workers: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and Support
Discoveressentialstrategiesforsocialworkerstoprovideinclusive,empatheticsupporttoLGBTQ+individualsand communities JoinustoexplorevitaltoolsandinsightsforsocialworkerstochampionLGBTQ+inclusivityand provideunwaveringsupport
M4: Enhancing Therapeutic Engagement with Caregivers and Youth in the Aftermath of Trauma
Stephanie Cruthirds, LCSW; Esther Deblinger, PhD; Aimee Sirois, LCSW,PhD
2ClinicalCreditsTheworkshopwillbeginwithabriefpresentationabouttheimportanceofearly,effectiveengagementinthe therapeuticprocesswithclientsexposedtochildhoodtrauma.Thepresenterswillthenfocusmorespecificallyon engagingcaregivers,childrenandadolescentsusingcasedescriptions,roleplaysandsuggestionsforenhancingthe initialengagementwiththegoalofincreasingthelikelihoodoftreatmentcompletion. Trauma-focusedCognitive BehavioralTherapy(TF-CBT)willbethemodelusedfordemonstrationpurposes.
M5: Unloading the Mother-Load: Supporting Mothers in the Age of Intensive Mothering
Nicole Bolognini, MSW,LCSW,PMH-C2ClinicalCredits
Thisworkshopwillexploretheunattainablesocio-culturaldemandsonmodernmothersandtheimpactoftheseon theirmentalhealth Thepresentationwillexploretheintersectionofthesesocio-culturaldimensionswithraceand gender Variousmethodsofinterventionwillbediscussedtohelpsocialworkerseffectivelydelivercaretomothers andtheirfamilies
Amy Hoch, PsyD; Colette McLean, MSW,LCSW 2ClinicalCredits Shannon Whittington, DNP,MSN,RN,CCM,LGBTQ+HealthCertification 2ClinicalCreditsMonday, April 15, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (Cont.)
M6: Virtual Brief Treatment for Individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Weili Lu, PhD,LicensedPsychologist,CRC; Janice Oursler, MSW,PhD,LCSW,ACSW 2ClinicalCredits
IndividualswithPTSDoftenexperiencepoorwell-being. Socialworkersareincreasinglyprovidingtreatment virtually,eitherfromclientpreferenceornecessity. Thisworkshopwillpresentuseofabriefthree-session interventionforPTSDinavirtualenvironment. Comparisonandcontrastwithin-persontreatmentandwithlonger PTSDtreatmentwillbediscussed
M7: Connections Beyond Borders: Working with Refugee and Unaccompanied Youth from Latin America
Stephanie Cedeño, DSW,LCSW 2Social/CulturalCompetenceCredits
Eachyear,unaccompaniedyouthembarkonatreacherousjourneyfromLatinAmericatotheUnitedStates This presentationwillfollowthejourneyofunaccompaniedyouthbydiscussingthethreestagesofmigration,therisks, andprotectivefactorsthroughoutallstages.Inaddition,theuniquemigratorygriefandlossexperiencesofrefugee andunaccompaniedyouthwillbediscussed.Culturalbrokeringwillbeintroducedasanecessaryframeworkfor schoolsocialworkersandotherschoolmentalhealthpractitionerstoincorporateintheirworktoreducethe isolationunaccompaniedyouthexperienceandhelprepairrupturedrelationshipscausedbymigration.
M8: Navigating Trauma's Crossroads: Empowering Social Workers for Change with Unaccompanied Minor, Asylum, and Refugee Children
Alexandra Paez Ferreira, MSW,LMSW,LSW 2Social/CulturalCompetenceCredits
Exploretrauma-informedcare,culturalcompetence,andtheimpactofvicarioustraumainservingunaccompanied minor,asylum,andrefugeechildren Thistransformativeworkshopequipssocialworkerswithessentialskillsto providecompassionatesupportwhilesafeguardingtheirownwell-being Joinustoempowerchangeinan interconnectedworld
Tuesday, April 16, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
T1: Creating a Trauma Informed Practice for Older Adults
Robin C. Wiley, LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsThisworkshopwillfocusontheimportanceofincorporatingatraumainformedapproachinourworkwitholder adults Usingcaseexamples,participantswillleavethisworkshopwithenhancedknowledgeoftheimportanceof recognizingthepotentialtraumaticeventsfacedbytheagingclient
T2: Addressing Racial Trauma Among Black Men: Clinical Strategies for Social Work Practice
Kara Beckett, DSW,LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsEquippingsocialworkprofessionalstoaddressthementalhealthimpactsofracialtraumaonBlackmenis imperative Thisworkshopwillcoverrecognizingandrespondingtoracializedtraumaandpromotingcultural humilityinclinicalpractice ParticipantswilllearnpracticalclinicalstrategiesforworkingwithBlackmento effectivelysupportandheal
T3: Affirming the “T” in LGBT+: Supporting Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals
Kim Keyes, LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsAnti-transgenderrhetoricandpolicychangesprovide“around-the-clock”attacksonanyonewhodoesnotidentify accordingtothegendertheywereassignedatbirth.Asasanctuarystate,NJishavinganincreasedneedfor providersinallsettingstobesensitiveandequippedtoprovidedignifiedcarefortransgenderindividuals.
T4: Promoting Healing from Trauma with Sandtray Therapy
Julie Ferdas, LCSW; Kim Finnie, LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsPromotingHealingfromTraumawithSandtrayTherapy,offersacomprehensiveexplorationofthetransformative powerofSandtrayTherapyinaddressingandhealingthedeep-seatedwoundsoftrauma Thisseminarisdesigned toprovideinsightintotheeffectsoftraumaaswellasprovidethefoundationsandprinciplessupportingSandtray therapyanditseffectivenessinpromotinghealingandresilience
T5: Understanding Adoption Trauma in Clinical Practice with Adoptees
Jean Provance, MSW,LCSW,CCTP,RPT™ 2ClinicalCreditsThisworkshopwillprovideaframeworkforworkingwithadoptedpersonsthatcentersadopteeexperiencesand interventions.Componentsoftheadoptionexperiencethatcancausetraumaresponsesincluding separation/relinquishment,mis-attunement,andattachmentissueswithinadoptivefamilieswillbeexplored.There willbediscussionofthecompoundingoftraumawhenculturalandracialmirrorsareabsent.Interactiveelements willhelpprovideadeeperunderstandingofadoptiontraumatoparticipants.
T6: The Opioid Crisis: How to Improve Our Response in Communities of Color
Since2017,opioidusehasbeendeclaredapublichealthemergency(HHS,n.d.).DatafromtheCDCindicatesa significantincreaseinoverdosedeathsamongcommunitiesofcolor(CDC,2022) Giventhenewdata,arewe addressingtheopioidcrisisinaculturallyappropriateandresponsiblemanner?
Allison Dickens, LPC,LCADC,ACS; Lisa Ellis Gavin, LPC,LCADC,ACS 2OpioidorSocial/CulturalCreditsTuesday, April 16, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (Cont.)
T7: Anti-Oppressive Advocacy: Working with Marginalized Groups in Violence Prevention
Deborah Hamani, MSW,LCSW; Dana Hicks, MSW,LSW 2Social/CulturalCompetenceCredits
Socialworkhashistoricallyaimedtosupportindividuals/communitiesachieveimprovedsocialfunctioning,butare wecausingtraumathroughtheuseofmethodsandpracticesthataresteepedinsupremacyideology? This presentationwillfocusonanti-oppressiveadvocacyasaninterventiontoaddressingoppressiveideologiesthat haveinfluencedsocialworkpractices
T8: Revolutionary Love and Healing Resistance: From the Cycle of Socialization to Liberation
Anthony Nicotera, JD,DSW,LCSW 2Social/CulturalCompetenceCredits
Thisinteractive,multimediaworkshopwillintroducenotionsofrevolutionaryloveandhealingresistance,cyclesof socializationandliberation,andtheCircleofInsightprocessastoolsforhelpingsocialworkandmentalhealth professionalsandadvocatesactualizetheircommitmenttowell-beingandsocialjustice.Inthemidstofracialand economicinjustice,environmentalandhealthcrises,growingpolarizationandviolence,andindividualandcollective trauma,thisworkshopwillprovideparticipantswithinsights,stories,andstrategiestohelpdeepentheirpersonal andprofessionalcommitmenttohealingandjustpractice.
Sessions will be available April 17 - May 17
D1: Abusive Traumatic Bonding™: Hell in a Relationship
Karen Landmann, LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsWhydotheystay?VictimsofIntimatePartnerViolence(IPV)arecommonlyfaultedforbeingintheirsituation If theyleaveandthenreturn,theybecomethesubjectsofyetmoresocietaldisdain IPVcanhappentoanyone, anywhere ThemechanismsofIPVareintricateandcomplex,butallarerelatedtoaphenomenoncalledAbusive TraumaticBonding™(ATB™)
D2: Birth Trauma: Responsive & Culturally Humble Interventions
Kara Kushnir, MSW,LCSW,PMH-C 2ClinicalCreditsExploringbirthtrauma'simpactonnewparents,thispresentationofferseffectiveclinicalinterventionsforclinicians. Prioritizingculturalhumility,we'lldelveintopersonalizedcarethatrespectsdiversebackgrounds,prioritizingsafety andsupportinthehealingjourneymanynewparentsexperiencefollowingatraumaticbirthexperience.
Sessions will be available April 17 - May 17
D3: Innovative Clinical Interventions to Alleviate Trauma with Service Members and Their Families
Lisa E. Cox, MSW,PhD,LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsThisworkshopinformsparticipantsaboutinnovativeclinicalinterventionsfortrauma,withveterans,service members,andtheirfamilies Contentcovers:militarycultureandterminology,diversityissuesinmilitarysocialwork, andtrauma/behavioralhealthconcerns Learningactivitieswillhighlightclinicaltoolsandmodalitiessuchasmilitary genograms,Photovoice,andcognitiveprocessingtherapy
D4: Lived Experiences Matter: An Intersectionality Approach When Working with Black Women
Kismyth Shuler, DSW,LCSW 2ClinicalCreditsHistorically,Blackwomenhavebeenmarginalizedsocially,culturally,andwithinsystems.Anintersectionality frameworkcanbringproviderawarenessofsocialidentitiesthroughasocialjusticelens.Theuseofan intersectionalityframeworkbyclinicianscanincreasemoreculturallyawareandculturallyresponsivecarewhen providingbehavioralhealthservices.
D5: Animal-assisted Intervention in Social Work: Non-Traditional Clinical and NonClinical Approaches
Michele Pich, MA,MS,CAIS,CPTT; Mary Kay Tuohy, DSW,LSW 2GeneralCreditsThisworkshoppresentstheintegrationoftrauma-informed,culturallyresponsiveframeworksforanimal-assisted interventions(AAI)thatcanbeusedinclinicalandnon-clinicaltherapeuticapplicationsinsocialwork Itincludes discussionoftheories,examplesofinnovativeapproachestoanimal-assistedtherapyandanimal-assistedactivities thatcanbeincorporatedintosocialworkpractice
Guest Breakfast Monday = $30
Guest Lunch Monday = $50
Guest Breakfast Tuesday = $30
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Spa:
Discount of 10% off all regularly priced services.
Guests may make reservations by calling 609-449-5380 and identifying themselves as an attendee of the National Association of Social Workers – New Jersey.
Link to the guide of services: 07-22-hard-rock-ac-spa-brochure.pdf (hardrockhotelatlanticcity.com)
General Hotel Perks: Wi-fi and use of the indoor pool are complimentary.
Pleaseusetheonlineregistrationtoregisterwitha creditcard.It’squick,secureandyou’llreceiveinstant confirmationandreceiptofpaymentandcourses!
CurrentNASWmembersmustprovidetheirNASW MemberIDnumber(startingwith88)inorderto receivediscountedpricing.Mailedorfaxed registrationsmustbefilledoutcompletely,legiblyand beaccompaniedbypayment.Confirmationemailswill besentonceregistrationisentered.
Spaceinworkshopsatconferenceisnotguaranteed. Weencourageyoutopre-registertosecureaspaceat theconference
Consent to Use Photographic Images: Attendance at, or participation in, NASW-NJ conferences constitutes an agreement by the attendee to the use and distribution of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproductions by NASW-NJ
ByPurchaseOrders-Ifpayingforyourregistration withapurchaseorder,youmustprovideacopyof thecompletedPOwithyourcompletedregistration
form.RegistrationswithPurchaseOrdersmustbe mailedorfaxed,theycannotbeenteredonline
NOTE:POsmustbemadeouttoNASW-NJ,100 SomersetCorporateBoulevard,2ndFloor, Bridgewater,NJ08007 FAXESSTRONGLY PREFERREDandcanbesentto:732-993-7311
ByCreditCard-Registrationspaidbycreditcardmust be received by April 5, 2024 byfax,mailoronline (preferred).Registrationsreceivedafterthisdatemay notbeprocessed.
Refundrequestsreceivedbytwoweeksbeforethe AnnualConferencewillbesubjecttoa$100.00 processingfee.Norefundswillbegrantedfor cancellationsafterthattimeperiod.
Refundswillbemadeinthesameformthepayments werereceived.Ifpaymentwasmadebycheck,refund willbeissuedviacheck;ifpaymentwasmadebycredit card,refundwillbeissuedtothecreditcardusedto payforthecourse Yourrefundwillarrivebycheckor backtoyourcardwithin3-4weeksafterreceiving yourrequest
WhilewearethrilledtobeabletoreturntoAtlanticCityforanin-personconferenceexperiencewithoursocial workcommunity,werecognizethatnoteveryoneiscomfortablereturningtoin-personevents.Ormaybeyour schedulejustdoesn’tallowthetimeaway.Butthatdoesn’tmeanyouhavetomissoutonthisyear’sconference.
OurVirtualConferenceoptionwillallowyoutoearn 8.5 CE credits whileparticipatingremotelyinthehighlightsof theconference,includingkeynotesandselectplenaries.You’llalsobeabletotakeadvantageoftheon-demand workshopoptionsavailabletoconferenceattendees.
CheckouttheVirtualConferenceschedule-at-a-glancebelow.Pleasenote,keynotesandplenarieswillonlybe availabletostreamliveduringtheirscheduledconferenceslots;theywillnotbeavailabletoaccessafterthe livestream TheOn-Demandworkshopswillbeavailableforyoutoaccessbetween April 17 – May 17
Sunday, April 14
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM OpeningKeynotePanel-SharedTraumaticStress:ChallengesandOpportunitiesfor CliniciansLivinginaTraumaticWorld.
Monday, April 15
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Plenary Session - A New Dawn: Psychedelic Approaches To Healing Trauma
PlenarySession:CultivatingJoyandLiberationThroughTraumaInformed, Anti-oppressiveSocialWork
The 2024 NASW-NJ Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City. Special room rates of plus fees and taxes have been reserved for conference attendees. Rooms must be booked by March 24, 2024 to receive the special rate.
Click here to reserve online.
Or call 609-449-6860 and mention Group Code: GNAS24Z.
NASW Member Non-Member 1 DAY NASW Member Non-Member
NASW Member Non-Member 2 DAYS
NASW Member Non-Member
Student Non-Member
NASW Student Member
□Personal Check # □PO# □Business Check #
your registration fee) PLUS gain all the benefits of membership! Join NASW now!
Not an NASW Member? Join now to gain access to member pricing (you’ll save $236 on
License: N/A CSW LSW
NASW Member ID (starts w/ 88):
Email (for certificate):
Make all checks and POs payable to NASW-NJ.
NASW-NJ members who register for 3 days of conference can choose a third
On Demand session choice (i.e. D1 or D2 etc).Choose two. #1 #2
All registrations must be received by April 5, 2024.
Concurrent Workshop Choice (i.e. T1 or T2 etc)
Concurrent Workshop Choice (i.e. M1 or M2 etc)
Movie: Resilience (1.5 CEU s )
Concurrent Workshop Choice (i.e. S1 or S2 etc)