NASW Delaware Leadership Lookbook

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N A S WD E ' s G u i d e t o V o l u n t e e r L e a d e r s h i p

OneNationalAssociation. Strongertogether. MISSION TheNationalAssociationofSocialWorkers(NASW)isthelargestmembership organizationofprofessionalsocialworkersintheworldwithover120,000 members. NASWworkstoenhancetheprofessionalgrowthand developmentofitsmembers,tocreateandmaintainprofessionalstandards, andtoadvancesoundsocialpolicies.
C H A P T E R S T R U C T U R E Commi &U i L d hi Boar Staff Committeemembers, chairsandunitchairsare appointedbytheBoard ofDirectors TheNASW-DEBoardis electedbyallmembers ofthechapterandserve asprogrammaticboard ofthenational association. Chapterstaffare employedbythe nationalassociationand reporttothechapter ExecutiveDirector.


Vice President

Term: 1yeartermaspresidentelectand2year termasPresident.

Candidate Profile:

The president serves as the chair of the Board of Directors, sets the board direction and objectives and ensures they are being met.

Effective board presidents should have great organizational skills, familiarity with budgeting processes, public speaking skills and feel comfortable leading a group of peers. Most importantly, a President should have a clear vision and passion. It's also helpful to have had prior board experience (here or elsewhere!) and serve in a c-suite role.

Term: 2yearposition

Candidate Profile:

The VP sits on both the executive committee and chairs additional committees. An effective VP should be organized, familiar with budgeting, outreach, and public speaking. They should have some senior level experience professionally and have served in a leadership role, either on a board, or chair of a committee. Most importantly, they should be prepared to assume the President role if needed.

Monthly Time Commitment: 6+ hours/month

Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month





Candidate Profile:

The secretary serves on the executive committee and is the record keeper for the chapter and board. A strong secretary will have experience with Roberts Rules of Order, note-taking and senior leadership discussions. They should be organized, comfortable with technology and willing to take notes, prepare them for the board and contribute to the executive leadership discussions. Senior level experience is helpful, but not required.

Regional Reps.

Term: 2yearposition

Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month

Candidate Profile:

Regional representatives are the voice of the regions in which they are elected to serve. A strong representative is connected with members, outgoing and organized. They're responsible for connecting with members in their region, providing monthly reports and ensuring that regional activities are happening. They should have served on a committee. Most importantly, they should love being in the community with members.

Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month


Student Reps.

Term: 1yearposition

Candidate Profile:

Student representatives, both BSW and MSW, are the voice of their peers in the chapter. They should be connected and involved in their school community and other organizations. Student representatives should feel comfortable sharing the student experience with board members and a desire to learn what leadership on a board means as they embark on their career.

Monthly Time Commitment: 2+ hours/month

Chapter Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CCNLI)

Term: 2yearposition+1yearabstainingfromrunningforoffice

Candidate Profile:

CCNLI members are elected by the membership at large and serve to nominate, vet and select candidates for elected office within the chapter. They are charged with ensuring candidates are qualified and meet the chapter's diversity standards, as well as overseeing the elections. Candidates for CCNLI should be connected with the organization, understand the history and vision of the chapter and have a network of peers. They should be willing to engage in outreach, make phone calls and have conversations with potential candidates. Strong candidates will have had some experience with the chapter either at a unit, committee or board level.

Monthly Time Commitment:
QUESTIONS Allthedetailsyouneedtoknow aboutrunningforaposition intheNASW-DEchapter. HowdoIapply? That'seasy. There'sanonlineformtocomplete. We'llaskyoutouploadyourresumeandtellusalittlebit aboutyour"why." Whoselectscandidates? CCNLI. They'reelectedbythemembershipandentrustedtovetandslatemembersforelectedpositions. Whenareelections? TheballotispublicizedinJanuaryofeachyear,electionsopeninApril,andclosethefirstpartofMay. Whendotermsstart? July1 DoIneedexperience? Experiencecomesinallforms. Youdonotneedboardexperience,butshouldhaverelevantskillstobring totheroleyouseektohold. Perhapsyoulearnedthemonthejob,maybethroughworkingwitha committeeinthechapter,orwithyourchildren'sschooloryourcommunity. WhatshouldIexpectafterIapply? YourapplicationwillbereviewedbyCCNLIandyou'llbecontactedbyamemberofthecommittee. The committeedecideswhowillultimatelybeslatedforelection. Ihearboardsaresupposedtogive/get.Whatisthat? Ourboardmembersgiveoftheirtimeandtalenttohelpmakethechapterstronger. Youwillworkwith yourcolleaguestofindmeaningfulwaystocontribute. We'lllooktoyoutohelpusgrowourmembership, engagewithmembers,identifyfundingopportunitiesandbringinnewresourcestotheorganization.
THINGS TO KNOW Boardmemberscannotpersonallybenefitfromthechapter. Duringyourserviceperiod,youcannotbepaidforspeaking/teachingforthechapterorreceive compensationinanyway. You'llbeaskedtosignaconfidentialityagreement. It'sjustgoodpractice,allboardmemberssignthem. We'llaskyoutoparticipateinacommittee. Allboardmembersalsoserveonacommitteeofthechapter. We'llworkwithyoutoidentifytheneedsof thechapterandfindagoodfitforyou. IfyouareelectedtoCCNLI. YouwillhaveFUN. Youwon'tbeeligibletorunforofficefor3years;2whileyouareservingonthecommitteeandan additionalyearafteryourserviceends. Detailsthatmatterasyoumakethecommitment. Yourpeerswillbecomefriendsandyournetworkwillexpandexponentially. You'lllaugh,jokeandbringlife totheorganization. Yourresumewillbeenhanced! Leadershipandservicelookawesomeonyourresume. Thisisagreatwaytobuildyourprofessional portfolio. Youwillbechallenged&grow. Boardleaderssharethattheylearnednewskillsandwerechallengedprofessionally. Youmaypickupnew budgetingskills,learntolovepublicspeaking,securelargedonorsandmore. You'llgrow,itwillbefun.
WHAT'S NEXT? ITHINKI*MAY*beinterestedinrunning,butIhavemorequestions.WhocanIcall? Great! It'simportanttomakethisdecisionthoughtfully. We'reheretohelp. JustcallourExecutive Directorandshe'llansweryourquestions. DoIhavetobenominated,orcanIputmynameforward? Youshouldbeyourbiggestcheerleader. Goahead,tossyournamein. (butwealsotakenominations!) DoIhaveto"campaign?" Don'tworry,ifyou'reslated(chosenbyCCNLI)you'llbegivenallthedetailsonwhatyou,andcannotdo duringourelections. Somepeoplecampaign,butit'snotnecessary. HowdoIapply? Easy! There'sanonlineform. Justcompletethat,click"submit"andyou'reonyourway! h h ld f l Havequestions? Readytorun? Iapplied,what'snext? Great! You'vedonethehardpart. OurCCNLIcommitteewillbeintouchnext. Dependingonthenature andvolumeofournominations,itmaytakeafewweeks. Butrestassured,you'llbenotifiedeverystepof theway.


S Y O U R T I M E T O L E A D .


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