NASW-NJ's Guide to Volunteer Leadership
honoring social work excellence throughout New Jersey
September 24, 2018 The Estate at Farrington Lake
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world with over 120,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
MISSION One National Association. Stronger together.
Members (all 6,800 +)
Committees & Unit Leadership
Board of Directors
Committee members, chairs and unit chairs are appointed by the Board of Directors The NASW-NJ Board is elected by all members of the chapter and serve as programmatic board of the national association. Chapter staff are employed by the national association and report to the chapter Executive Director.
First Vice President
Term: 1 year term as president elect and 2 year term as President.
Term: 2 year position
Candidate Profile: The president serves as the chair of the Board of Directors, sets the board direction and objectives and ensures they are being met. Effective board presidents should have great organizational skills, familiarity with budgeting processes, public speaking skills and feel comfortable leading a group of peers. Most importantly, a President should have a clear vision and passion. It's also helpful to have had prior board experience (here or elsewhere!) and serve in a c-suite role.
Candidate Profile: The 1st VP sits on both the executive committee and chairs the diversity committee, among other roles. An effective 1st VP should be organized, familiar with budgeting, outreach, and public speaking. They should have some senior level experience professionally and have served in a leadership role, either on a board, or chair of a committee. Most importantly, they should be prepared to assume the President role if needed.
Monthly Time Commitment: 6+ hours/month
Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month
Second Vice President
Term: 2 year position
Term: 2 year position
Candidate Profile: The 2nd Vice President serves on the executive committee and chairs the finance & development committee. A strong 2nd VP will have experience in finance, is comfortable with P&L statements and budgeting. They should be comfortable getting into the nuances of numbers, details and working collaboratively with the ED to ensure the chapter's financial health is strong. Senior level experience is helpful here, but not required.
Candidate Profile: The secretary serves on the executive committee and is the record keeper for the chapter and board. A strong secretary will have experience with Roberts Rules of Order, note-taking and senior leadership discussions. They should be organized, comfortable with technology and willing to take notes, prepare them for the board and contribute to the executive leadership discussions. Senior level experience is helpful, but not required.
Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month
Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month
Regional Reps.
Student Reps.
Term: 2 year position
Term: 1 year position
Candidate Profile: Regional representatives are the voice of the regions in which they are elected to serve. A strong representative will have had unit experience, is connected with members, outgoing and organized. They're responsible for connecting with units in their region, providing monthly reports and ensuring that the units are furthering the mission of the organization. They should have served on a unit level or on a committee. Most importantly, they should love being in the community with members. Monthly Time Commitment: 3+ hours/month
Candidate Profile: Student representatives, both BSW and MSW, are the voice of their peers in the chapter. They should be connected and involved in their school community and other organizations. Student representatives should feel comfortable sharing the student experience with board members and a desire to learn what leadership on a board means as they embark on their career. Monthly Time Commitment: 2+ hours/month
Chapter Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CCNLI)
Term: 2 year position + 1 year abstaining from running for office
Candidate Profile: CCNLI members are elected by the membership at large and serve to nominate, vet and select candidates for elected office within the chapter. They are charged with ensuring candidates are qualified and meet the chapter's diversity standards, as well as overseeing the elections. Candidates for CCNLI should be connected with the organization, understand the history and vision of the chapter and have a network of peers. They should be willing to engage in outreach, make phone calls and have conversations with potential candidates. Strong candidates will have had some experience with the chapter either at a unit, committee or board level. Monthly Time Commitment: 2+ hours/month
All the details you need to know about running for a position in the NASW-NJ chapter.
How do I apply? That's easy. There's an online form to complete. We'll ask you to upload your resume and tell us a little bit about your "why." Who selects candidates? CCNLI. They're elected by the membership and entrusted to vet and slate members for elected positions. When are elections? The ballot is publicized in January of each year, elections open in April, and close the first part of May. When do terms start? July 1
Do I need experience? Experience comes in all forms. You do not need board experience, but should have relevant skills to bring to the role you seek to hold. Perhaps you learned them on the job, maybe through working with a committee in the chapter, or with your children's school or your community. What should I expect after I apply? Your application will be reviewed by CCNLI and you'll be contacted by a member of the committee. The committee decides who will ultimately be slated for election.
I hear boards are supposed to give/get. What is that? Our board members give of their time and talent to help make the chapter stronger. You will work with your colleagues to find meaningful ways to contribute. We'll look to you to help us grow our membership, engage with members, identify funding opportunities and bring in new resources to the organization.
THINGS TO KNOW Details that matter as you make the commitment.
Board members cannot personally benefit from the chapter. During your service period, you cannot be paid for speaking/teaching for the chapter or receive compensation in any way. You'll be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. It's just good practice, all board members sign them.
We'll ask you to participate in a committee. All board members also serve on a committee of the chapter. We'll work with you to identify the needs of the chapter and find a good fit for you. If you are elected to CCNLI. You won't be eligible to run for office for 3 years; 2 while you are serving on the committee and an additional year after your service ends.
You will have FUN. Your peers will become friends and your network will expand exponentially. You'll laugh, joke and bring life to the organization. Your resume will be enhanced! Leadership and service look awesome on your resume. This is a great way to build your professional portfolio.
You will be challenged & grow. Board leaders share that they learned new skills and were challenged professionally. You may pick up new budgeting skills, learn to love public speaking, secure large donors and more. You'll grow, it will be fun.
WHAT'S NEXT? Have questions? Ready to run?
I THINK I *MAY* be interested in running, but I have more questions. Who can I call? Great! It's important to make this decision thoughtfully. We're here to help. Just call our Executive Director and she'll answer your questions.
Do I have to be nominated, or can I put my name forward? You should be your biggest cheerleader. Go ahead, toss your name in. (but we also take nominations!) Do I have to "campaign?" Don't worry, if you're slated (chosen by CCNLI) you'll be given all the details on what you, and can not do during our elections. Some people campaign, but it's not necessary. How do I apply? Easy! There's an online form. Just complete that, click "submit" and you're on your way!
I applied, what's next? Great! You've done the hard part. Our CCNLI committee will be in touch next. Depending on the nature and volume of our nominations, it may take a few weeks. But rest assured, you'll be notified every step of the way.