Y O U R G U I D E T O M E M B E R S H I P RESOURCE BOOK N A S W - N J S T U D E N T 100 Somerset Corporate Blvd., 2nd floor, Bridgewater, NJ, 08807

NASW and its 55 chapters are one organization legally, financially, and programmatically. Therefore, when you join NASW, you enjoy a twofor-one membership. NASW chapters offer members a wide variety of continuing education, robust state-based advocacy efforts, and professional networking opportunities.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest professional membership organization for social workers globally. The NASW works with members to enhance their professional growth and development, create and maintain professional standards of practice, and advance social policies that align with our professional values.

A B O U T U S The NASW-N within the or among the la 7,000 memb micro and m every comm The New Jer a space whe developed a outlines inte organization practices, ed collaboration membership commitmen Committee r achievemen Directors an continued w WHO IS NASW-NJ?

Advocate for policy by engaging local legislators & getting involved in policy work . Make National connections and connect with colleagues via the myNASW online community. Member exclusive scholarships and opportunities, NASW scholarships and grants, and internship and volunteer opportunities. BSW graduates qualify for up to 2 years MSW graduates qualify for up to 3 years Qualify for a transitional membership period with discounted dues; Establishing a professional network through in person or virtual events, mentorships on a local level W H Y S H O U L D Y O U J O I N N A S W ? 5 K E Y P O I N T S

NASW-NJ supports students with an understanding of professional standards through the Code of Ethics, Social Work Speaks, Encyclopedia of Social Work, and access to the NASW Research Library. Members receive access to more than 25 databases from allied organizations and government agencies.
B E N E F I T S conferences, online MyNASW Community forums, and opportunities to volunteer in chapter leadership roles.
NASW-NJ offers students financial resources via scholarships, student loan management training, and discounts on a variety of services, including professional liability insurance.
W H A T A R E T H E B E N E F I T S ? » » » » »
NASW NJ boosts career options through access to the NASW Career Center. Search job listings, attend career development webinars, learn about social work salaries, post resumes to our exclusive employer database, and connect with your local NASW network
NASW-NJ engages students in legislative advocacy through a virtual toolkit and our annual Legislative Education & Advocacy Day (LEAD)
NASW provides options for student liability insurance, which you will need as you begin your practicum you may not have enough coverage through your school, if at all.

B E C O M E A M E M B E R T O D A Y C O N N E C T @NASWNJ @naswsocial workers @NASWNJ @naswsocial workers @NASWNJ @NASW @NASW-NJ @National Association of Social Workers C O N N E C T W I T H U S NATIONAL NEW JERSEY CHAPTER Become a member and connect with a network of social workers that provide the knowledge and tools for success in the field. BSW and MSW students join for just a year! BSW and MSW students who join NASW before graduation and maintain continuous NASW membership pay reduced dues 2 3 years after graduation to help ease post graduation transition. $60 @NASWNJ1 JOINNASW.ORG

R E S O U R C E S R E S O U R C E S & L I N K S Main Student Resource Pages bit.ly/StudentCenterMain bit.ly/StudentResourcesCC bit.ly/GrowWithNASW Legislative Advocacy bit ly/AdvocacyToolkit2022 bit ly/NASWNJAdvocacyAlerts bit ly/AdvocacyPACE bit ly/AdvocacyLEAD bit ly/AdvocacyLegislativePriorities Connection Hub MyNASW Online Members Forum bit ly/myNASWStudentCommunity bit ly/myNASWAllMemberForum bit ly/myNASWMemberDirectory Employment Resource bit.ly/NASWJobLink bit.ly/NASWJobCenter bit.ly/TipsforJobSeekers Volunteer Opportunities Run for Student Representative bit ly/NASWNJ2022Elections Social Work News bit ly/SocialWorkBlog bit ly/SocialWorkersSpeak bit ly/NASWNJNews bit ly/NASWPodcast Financial Resources (Loans) bit ly/Covid19LoanTools bit.ly/NASWManageStudentLoans Financial Resources (Scholarships) bit.ly/SWScholarships bit.ly/StudentCenterMain (Harriet Bloomfield Scholarship) bit.ly/NASWFoundation Financial Resources (Membership Discounts) bit ly/NASWMemberDiscounts Academic Resources bit ly/ExploreSocialWork bit ly/AccreditedSWPrograms bit ly/OnlineMSWPrograms bit ly/SWContinuingEduInstitute bit ly/2022GraduationCords Regional Units & Shared Interest Groups bit.ly/RegionalUnits bit.ly/SharedInterestGroups Connect with Statewide Leaders bit.ly/NASWNJAboutOurTeam bit ly/NASWNJBoardofDirectors Social Media Accounts bit.ly/NASWNJFacebook bit.ly/NASWNJTwitter bit.ly/NASWNJInstagram bit.ly/NASWNJLinkedIn bit.ly/NASWNJTikTok Program & Events bit ly/NaswnjEvents bit ly/NASWEvents Licensure Resources bit ly/NJLicensingSteps bit ly/LiceningFAQs bit ly/NASWNJLicensingConsultForm bit ly/NASW-NJTestPrep bit ly/NJBoardofSocialWorkExaminers Documents & Database bit.ly/CodeofEthicsNASW bit.ly/EncyclopediaofSocialWork bit.ly/NASWResearch bit.ly/NASWJournals

100 Somerset Corporate Blvd., 2nd floor, Bridgewater, NJ, 08807 THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL WORK BEGINS WITH YOU VISIT NASWNJ.ORG TO GET STARTED