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At NASW-NJ, we strive to make our Annual Conference accessible and worthwhile for social work students. Participation in the NASW-NJ Annual Conference offers students a chance to network with social work professionals, experience professional environments, meet potential mentors and employers, and learn how the social work profession continually grows and evolves through practice, research, and education.

Students are able to attend the 2023 NASW-NJ Annual Conference for a nominal fee. Students who attend the conference will experience a hybrid conference model, where they will attend Keynote presentations and plenary sessions with social work professionals and special Student Summit sessions the rest of the conference.

The Student Summit aims to provide students in social work a meaningful learning and professional development opportunity that provides them dedicated space to network, learn and grow as students and also gain a glimpse into the professional world of social work

The Student Summit will:







Conference/Student Summit Program

Sunday, April 30

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Kick-off Keynote: Social Workers Should Be In the “Room Where It Happens”

Monday, May 1

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 8:00 am – 9:00 am day May 2

Introduction to Student Summit and Speed Networking

Your Social Work Brand and Identity

Breakfast with Social Work Leaders

What’s In a Title? Exploring Social Work Pathways & Careers

Career Development Bootcamp

Plenary: Reproductive Justice: What Social Workers Need to Know

Plenary: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies: Cutting-Edge Interventions

Closing Plenary: Social Work Leadership for the Future

Conference Room Reservations

Enjoy our conference rate of $79 / night for a King bed or Two

Queen bed room from April 30 through May 2

Book by April 15 to ensure these rates.

ONLINE: https://tinyurl.com/2023NASWNJHotel

PHONE: 609-340-6760, GROUP ID: VNASW23

Excludes taxes and fees

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