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Anastasia Pistofidou
Anastasia is a Greek architect that has been working with Digital Fabrication technologies, design and education since 2009. She has been part of Fab Lab Barcelona (IAAC) since 2011 as a researcher, practitioner, advanced manufacturing officer and project leader in the Textiles and Materials research area. In 2013 she co-founded fabtextiles.org, a research laboratory on textiles, soft architectures, innovative materials, and sustainability. In 2017 she co-founded Fabricademy, Textile and Technology Academy, a distributed educational program and community of practitioners that promotes and researches the implications and applications of wearable technology and Digital Fabrication in Fashion, Textiles and Biology. Anastasia has participated in several European-funded projects managing topics such as artistic residencies, society and culture, circular economy and sustainability in the European Textile & Clothing sector, co-creation methodologies, science with and for society, gender inclusion, female creativity and innovation potential, among others: EASTN, Made@EU, TCBL, SISCODE and Shemakes. She promotes open knowledge and sharing practices with various available publications in biomaterial making, additive manufacturing, digital fabrication and sustainability. Moreover, Anastasia has been a curator and producer of the annual exhibition on FabTextiles Digital Fashion and Wearables Showcase since 2014. Combining digital fabrication techniques and crafts, she demonstrates how new technologies can shift the massive consumption and fast production to a customized, open-source, personal and local fabrication applied to education, everyday life and new enterprises.