The Old Testament "Woman" is Israel, who fell into Sin has fallen...

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Reality Salvation is solely dependent filling your obligation in the New Covenant "Love God" "Love your Neighbor" JESUS is God in Flesh (Jn 1:14) and Holy Ghost; the New Covenant is solely based on a one on one SPIRITUAL Covenant between you and God via the Holy Ghost. You and I are going to die; when we die Jesus will Judge every Soul in the New Covenant on these precepts; He alone is the only God who came in Flesh to take the Sins of the world upon Himself. The New Covenant is a SPIRITUAL Legal Contract entered into voluntarily between (Your Name) and God, God's Covenant Name JEHOVAH "The LORD" equivalent with JAH and JESUS (Ps 68:4KJV and JESUS Mat 1:25KJV). LORD means "Master of the House, Superior or Husband". Shiloh means "He whose it is"; another title of JESUS (Gen 49:10) JESUS is GOD. All else is Satanism. When? Earth is approaching 6000 years of age: 1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 Years Pisces to Aquarius, the Age ruled by Saturn aka Satan. The Age of Aries began very shortly after the Flood (ca 2348 BC) during the reign of Sargon the Great; he reached the age of accountability at 21. It doesn't take a genius to see we are very close to 6000 years; Jesus will return when it is (Ref 2 Pet 3:8) Question: Are you a Gnostic? Most people would say no, but this Satan's greatest deception; Gnosticism is Serpent/Saturn Religion symbolized by the Six Pointed Star of Saturn, the Ensign

of Israel and likely the Mark of the Beast. Everyone on the Left side (Goats) of Jesus (no personal relationship, no recognition God led the way) will be told "Depart from me I never knew you". Left Hand Path or Black Path is defined as "Self Deification", the original lie in the Garden of Eden "Ye shall not die...but become as gods". Jesus stands at your door, but will not open it; you need to ask Him to come in. Protestants rely on TULIP, the Lie Left Hand Path Satanist John Calvin promoted; no need to open the door when you are already "Pre-destined for Heaven" eh? Catholics rely on remission of Sin via the Vicarius Christ; no need to open the door here either. Mormons fill the Levite and Melchisedek Priesthoods; once again, no need to open the door. Baptists rely on Water Baptism for re-generation; no need to open the door to a Baptism of the Holy Ghost is there? Black Path Satanism is Salvation absent JESUS; Saturnian Gnosis takes on many other forms, some fairly obvious such as Initiated Secret Societies such as Freemasons, Jesuits or Sufis; the goal here is Sovereignty (No higher rank); no need to open the door to God when you are a God eh? Black Path, Black Mass, Black Sun (SS "Schwarze Sonne" or "First Sun"), Black Star (David Bowie), Black Pope (Jesuit Superior General), Black Horse, Black Virgin (Isis), Black Ops (Ops is the consort of Saturn), Black Budget, Black Flag (Piracy), Dark Matter (Ra Material), Black Holes, Black Stone (Kaaba), Arab Manat (Goddess of Fate, Death) for example all decelptions originating with Ham (Black) and Egypt (Kemet=Black). The Goat symbol (Pan, Baphomet, Goat of Mendes, Sabbath Goat "Saturn") used in Satanism comes from Ashima, the Goat Idol of the Hamathites (2 Ki 17:30) as does the Sin of Incest; practitioners are called "Goat Riders". Other Black Paths Theosophy, Temple of Set (Sethians), Valentinians (Valentine's Day ring a Baal?), Tantrism, Khundalini, Yoga, Platonism, Druze, Ismailism, Mithraism (Mithra is born on Christmas/Saturnalia in case you thought Christmas was something Jesus promotes), Zoroastrianism (final battle of Good versus Evil is not just for Persians, most Christian Churches also teach the lie), Buddhism (Reincarnation until Nirvana? no need for a personal relationship with God here either), Taoism (The Path or Way to Immortality without God), Catharism (Female Priests/Pastors? Thank the Cathars for that Lie), Kabbalah (Christian and Jewish Kabbalah? both Black Path Satanism), Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Coptic, Assyrian etc rely on Mystical Experience and Personal Transformation; sounds like Self Deification because it is) The question is not so easy to answer and won't be until you place your trust in JESUS alone. Six Pointed Star of Saturn on the Flag of Israel; it is not Jewish in the slightest it is the Ensign of Saturn. JESUS is God the Father, God the Son, the Word and Holy Ghost. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" Prov 9:10; Ps 111:10 A Born Again follower of JESUS fears "Sin" (behavior contrary to the New Covenant); "The wages of Sin is death" Rom 6:23 JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) aka JEHOVAH, the Old and New Covenant Name of God. JESUS the author of the Old and New Covenants. Jesus is Shiloh "He whose it is"; He is Creator, Owner, "Master of the House" and "King of the Earth" JESUS never has, nor ever will give anyone, including Satan, legal Title to anything on Earth. His Judgment is certain, swift and eternal "It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgement" Heb 9:27 Satan (Saturn/Azazel) has 1 goal: Destroy the Temple of God; Born Again followers of JESUS are the Temples of God. Destruction is accomplished by Corruption; Secret Society Initiations

(Oaths), Lies, Science, Sin etc. Ownership and Rights: JESUS is Alpha, Creator of Heaven and Earth. JESUS is Shiloh "He whose it is" Nobody on Earth has any rights or ownership (Allod Title) of anything. The claim to Heaven is solely through JESUS, the rejected Creator and Word in Flesh. Real Estate is Real Fiction. Edomites achieve Dominion, not Jacob Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth will be given to Esau not Jacob. Antichrist (Alternative Messiah) will be Edomite; Moabites, Ammonites and Edomites escape Antichrist (Dan 11:38) for his short reign, Jews have no part in this. Ref Gen 27:39-41KJV; Amos 5:2;26;7:2-3; 5-6 The New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL JAH=JESUS=JEHOVAH. The Wedding of the Lamb is SPIRITUAL. Kabbalah, Talmud, Zohar, Judaism, Rabbis, Hanukkah, Menorah, Six Pointed Star are not Jewish; they are Satanic. The Six Pointed Star is the 6000 years old Mark of Cain. After the Flood, Babel "Gate of Saturn" BabylON "Gate of Osiris/Saturn" Babilu "Gate of Allah" the Arab moon god "Sin" were revived through the "Cursed" bloodline of Canaan. Prophecy/Prophets: "The Law and prophets were until John" Lk 16:16 Anyone claiming to be a Prophet (Prophecy=Pre-written history) is a Liar. Prophesy is the ability to understand God's Word; that gift comes after Charity (Love of God) 1 Cor 13-14KJV. Unforgivable Sin: The Great Commission Mat 28 "Teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost..." "Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost" is the Unforgivable Sin; JESUS is the Holy Ghost, the entire New Covenant (Contract with God) rests on the Holy Ghost; rejecting this in Secret Society or Witchcraft Initiations, severs contact with God. Baptism is a SPIRITUAL Baptism of the Holy Ghost; Baptism of the "Living Water" is SPIRITUAL FIRE and the Holy Ghost. It has nothing to do with Water from your Priest or Pastor. Church of God is your personal and private "Prayer Closet"; Anywhere, just not a Cathedral, Basilica, Mosque, Temple or Shrine led by a Rabbi, Priest or Imam. God does not dwell in places made with hands, made of stone, or having an elevated clergy. Holy and Ekklesia mean Separate not Congregate. Born Again: Baptism of the Holy Ghost occurs when you open the door and ask JESUS to enter and take upon Himself (Scapegoat in Num 16) your Sins, redeemed by the shedding of the blood of the Creator. The world will become a far different place when you do this. Temple The 3rd Temple will house Satan's Seat (Throne of Zeus; Throne of Pergamon) and the Abomination of Desolation. Jesus will destroy the 3rd Temple at the 2nd Coming and the Temple of God will come down from Heaven 1000 years later. Born Again followers of JESUS are the Temple of God. Elevated Clergy is Nicolaitans Doctrine. Nico=Conquer + Laitane=Laity is the Elevation of Clergy; Jesus is the only Priest of God which is why He hates Nicolaitans Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15) Tithing is Only authorized in the Old Covenant to the Legitimate Levite Priesthood; anyone claiming to be Levite such as Samaritans or Mormons are Liars. Melchisedek Priesthood Jesus is "Melchisedek" "King of Jerusalem" "Priest of the Most High" Gen 14:18; Ps 110; Heb 7. The Cult of Saturn assumes this priesthood today called "Melchizedekians"

Calvinism "TULIP" (Total Depravity; Unconditional Election to Salvation; Limited Atonement; Irresistible Grace; Fixed Predestination) is a Lie; Jesus is at the door, but we need to open it. Papal Infallibility; Immaculate Conception (Mary was/is not Sinless or Co-Redemptrix), Trans-substantiated Sacrament; Indestructibility of the Soul are all Lies Private Interpretation of Scripture. God means exactly what is Written; eg "70 Weeks" (Dan 9:23-27) is 490 Days. The Authorized Bible (KJV) is the Inspired Received Text translated to English. Charity is the Love of God not the Love of Man or Mammon (Possessions). Prophesy is not Prophecy "Pre-written history". Prophesy is the God given ability to understand the Word of God was written in the Beginning and will be intact at the End (1 Cor 13KJV). JESUS is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word made Flesh. 7 Church Warnings: Revelation is the Testimony of JESUS 66 years after the Crucifixion via the Holy Ghost. Everyone in the New Covenant fits into one of the 7 Warnings Ephesus (Apostles were created by Jesus and the laying of hands; everyone claiming Apostolic succession such as Catholic Popes or Mormon Prophets are Liars; Nicolaitans Doctrine ie Elevated Clergy); Smyrna (Synagogue of Satan; Those who claim to be Jewish but are not); Pergamos (Satan's Seat; Templarism; Nicolaitane Doctrine; Doctrine of Balaam ie worthless teachings); Thyatira (Mass; Works eg Catholicism); Sardis (Protestant Churches; Lutheran, Calvinism "TULIP", pre-Trib Rapture); Philadelphia (Zionism); Laodicea (Lukewarm). Laodicea is the most widespread today "Spue thee out of my mouth" is the same as "Depart from me I never knew you"; absent a personal relationship with JESUS, Hell for Eternity is certain. Conversion Crypto, Marrano or Donmeh (Turkish false converts) "To Convert" are the "Wolves in Sheep's Clothes" Jesus warned of. Jesus is God; Jesus is the Holy Ghost; Jesus is the Word. Anything short of that is Satanism Judgment "All liars shall have their place in the lake of Fire"- Rev 21:8 This occurs after the Millennium at the Judgment Seat when Creation is exactly 7000 years old. Every Liar on Earth will spend eternity in Hell unless JESUS forgives the Sin. America is the eponymous name of the people, land and god of the Amorites. Druids called the western land Amorica. America is NOT "Babylon" (Rev 18) America is the Scapegoat for "Babylon". The Arch of Triumph (Arch of Isis) at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria was "Amurru", now its America. Amurru is the land, name and god of the Amorites, transported to Amaruca (Americas), land of the Serpents. Do not be fooled, the Messiah rising from America's Holocaust (Yes it's coming) will not be Jesus Christ, but rather the Antichrist (Alternative Messiah). Nobody battles Jesus and wins anything other than a one way ticket to Hell for Eternity. Amurru The Eagle is the symbol of Esau, it stands atop the US Flag and carries the Serpent in its talons on the $US as the Amorite-Edomite Shepherd. Edom is the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 and Kingdom of Brass in Dan 2:39 which obtains the promised "Dominion" in Gen 27:40KJV. The founding fathers were not followers of Jesus, they were Rosicrucians, and Freemasons creating a Scapegoat "Babylon". America is now 239 years old, and about to be sacrificed. America is Amurru Canaanites (Babylonian Amorites) named America 1000 years before Columbus arrived and worship Amurru; Amurru is the god of Satanism and human sacrifice.

America will be the Scapegoat to be sacrificed by fire (Holocaust=Burnt Offering) as a Phoenix; the New Age of Lucifer will rise from the ashes. Amorite King Hammurabi worshipped Amurru "High One", the Edomite Shepherd god aka America's namesake and symbol "Uncle Sam" (Goatee); hence Amorites were called "Amar" the Canaanite god of the West aka America. West is the "Land of the Dead"; the Setting Sun Logo Prince Hall Masons designed for Obama is identical to the Carbon Fund Logo and Pope Francis' call to eliminate 6+Billion Carbon producers sinning against "Mother Earth" Amurru was the original home of Black Magick; Amurru (MAR.TU) is the Edomite Serpent; hence the US Eagle (Eagle symbolizes Esau) carries the Serpent (Ameru means Serpent) in its talons on the "Great Seal". Hammurabi received his seal from Shamash (Sun); hence Shamash is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah. MAR.TU aka Marduk is "Son of the Sun". GOAT (God Of All Things) is Pan, the seducing Goat of Pantheism; the androgynous "Baphomet" (Baph + Metis = Union of Spirit and Wisdom); CERN's "God Particle" giving Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe as the Horned god "Cernunnos"; ISIS the CIA homegrown "Domestic Terrorist" organization aka "Black Virgin" and "Mother Nature"worshipped by Jesuit Pope Francis who called for the elimination of 6.3B people sinning against "Mother Earth". "The triumph of Science is finally realizing the carrying capacity of Earth is under 1 Billion people" Pope Francis' Earth Worship Encyclical "Laudato Si" (Be Praised) Satan requires a lot of death, and plenty of world leaders are ready to provide the sacrifices. America is Amurru the Eponymous name of the Amorites; worshippers of Marduk use the symbol of the 6 Pointed Star; Zionism is their creation. Amorites created Islam as well; Allah is the 4000 yr old Arab moon God "Sin". WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam. Amorites will be on both sides of WWIII; the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick and final Dialectic: Thesis (Zionism) + Antithesis (Islam)=Synthesis (Lucifer) the 4th Beast in Dan 7:7. The Americas: land of the Amorites and Amurru; Mayans call it "Amerrique"; Peru "Amaru"; Incan "Amaruca; Brazil=Amorica; Druids Amorica. The people God told Israel to utterly destroy in Deut 20:17 came to America slaughtering, raping and pillaging. The land of the Serpent is China "Land of the Hittites" (Cathay=Cathar=Sina=Sin; Cath=Heth=Hittites), the original settlers of the Americas were Chinese. Cainites, Canaanites, Ishmaelites and the Edomites who married Hivite (Mormon "Beehive"=Chaldean/Hivite; Mormon "Palmyra NY"=Amorite "Palmyra" in Syria); Amorite women (Gen 36), sold and violated their Contract, and are encouraging you to do the same. Amalekites are at war with God from generation to generation (Gen 36:12; Ex 17:1) Deceptions Born Again followers of JESUS are the New Covenant Israel (Ones who wrestle with God); the Nation of Israel is a Canaanite-Edomite (Rothschild=Red Shield) forgery. Jacob lost the right to be called Israel (Amos 5:2) for adopting the Six Pointed Star of Molech (Amos 5:26) aka Hexagram, Star of Chiun, Saturn, El, STUR, Molech, Remphan, Milcom, or Sikkuth. Jacob/Israel shall no more rise (Amos 2-3;5-6); modern Israel is a mix of Ashkenazi (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz), Sephardic (Babylonian, Medean, Canaanite) and Mizrahi (Ham-Mizraim) not Jewish or Semitic. Plumbline Amalekites are "Ephraim" (Judges 5:14; Ex 17:16) and are at war with God from generation to generation who will die with no remembrance of them for eternity; followers of Jesus are "Judah" who refuse worship at the altar of Antichrist and the 3rd Temple (Rev 11:2)

Temple Veil sets followers of Jesus (real Israel) apart from everyone else (Amos 7:7). Living under the "Law" is an eternal death sentence Israel's Priests There are no legitimate Levite Priests or legitimate Tekhelet Blue; Israel's Tekhelet Blue Flag is a Canaanite forgery. Jesus, the Testator of the Old and New Covenants will gather the remnant of Jacob at the 2nd Coming as Shiloh (Gen 49:10). Jesus (God) hates Esau and Nicolaitans Doctrine (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13; Rev 2:6;15); the elevation of Clergy. The New Covenant is One on One between you and JESUS, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. There are no God ordained Priests except JESUS and no Churches except your personal "Prayer Closet" (Mat 6:6) War with God is led by Amalekites. Armageddon (Rev 19:19) and Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39;Rev 20:-8) are separated by 1000 years. Both rebellions against God are instant slaughters comparable in speed with Noah's Flood , the Exodus or Sodom and Gomorrah. No man can battle God; you are either in Covenant with God or Free of God. The result of Freedom and Liberty is "Depart from me I never knew you" Contract (Covenant) There are 8 Contracts/Covenants between God and Man: Eden, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Palestine, Moses, David, New Covenant. The latter is purely SPIRITUAL, the previous 7 have been dissolved through non-compliance and are now impossible to fulfill. There is one NAME by which Salvation is offered in the New Covenant "JESUS" (Mat 1:25), the same as JAH/JEHOVAH (Ps 68:4) in the Old Covenant. JESUS is the Testator of the New Covenant, the 8th and final Covenant (Contract/Agreement) between God and Man; acceptance of the Mark of the Beast will end it. Assets The Sovereign Territory of the City of London Corporation guarded by the Red Dragon (Satan/Devil) illegally lays claim to every asset on Earth including the Bodies of everyone on Earth and denies access to the Courts to all Debtors. Laws Amorite King of Babylon Hammurabi put his name to the "Code of Hammurabi" a manual for Revenge which followed previous Law of Lipit-Ishtar and Naram-Sin. Cathars are the Amorite Church of Amor; Amorite Law was then codified in 1215 as the Magna Carta enforced at the Temple Bar (Bar=Gate) and Temple Church (Knights Templar=International Bankers "Money Changers") in the City of London Corporation (The Red Dragon stands guard out front). The forgery called the Donation of Constantine gives legitimacy to the claim through a laying of hands from Peter to Constantine; Peter was never in Rome, nor was there a laying of hands to create Apostles outside of Jesus; everyone has the Keys to Heaven, not just Peter (Ref Mat 16:18) Amorite Law then became the Declaration of Independence and Constitution for the United States which was changed to the CORPORATE CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES. SPIRITUAL Vatican (Vatis=Divine + Serpent) City is the Sovereign Territory of the Catholic (Universal Church) which lays claim to the Spirits of every person on Earth through the Apostleship of the Pope; a Lie based on a mis-understanding of Mat 16:18. Military Washington DC is the Sovereign Military arm of the City of London Corporation and Temple Bar. The US arms Russia (Stalin), China (Mao Tse Tung) and North Korea (Kim Il Sun); they are not our enemies. Amorite Law is now called Sharia and Noahide Law, both administered by Israel through Chabad Lubavitch (Kabbalists) and ISIS/DAESH (Nation of Islam in Levant).

Government Politics is the science of bringing many under the rule of one; God puts the basest (Morally corrupt) of men in charge (Dan 4:17). There are no "Christian" (Nations following the dictates of JESUS) Nations or "Christian" Politicians. To become a Politician of any stature requires committing Treason. Science "Vain and profane babblings" opposing the Word of God (1 Ti 6:12), the "Tongue of the Chaldeans" (Dan 1:4); most Science is easily provable Bullshit (Well crafted Lies) Eg Evolution, Big Bang, Gravity, Atomic Theory, Heliocentrism, Global Warning. God's Holy Days Jesus was not born on Christmas nor did He rise on Easter. The New Covenant as well as the Law given to Moses occurred on Pentecost, 50 days after Passover, not Easter. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei) and Circumcised in accordance with Old Testament Law on the 8th Day of Tabernacles (22 Tishrei) in 6 BC; He was Crucified on Passover (14 Abib), laid in the Sepulchre on Feast of Unleavened Bread (15 Abib) and rose on Feast of First Fruits (17 Abib). All other Festivals and Holidays are Satanic Crucifixion The purpose of the Crucifixion was to destroy the Testator of the Old Covenants (all 7 Covenants); death of the Testator results in the end of the Covenant (Contract); so it is today. The 8th Covenant is administered through the Holy Ghost; Jesus is the Holy Ghost (1Jn 5:7KJV; Jn 1:1;14); rejection of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgivable Sin. The New Covenant ends with the death of the Testator, and acceptance of the Mark of the Beast. Authorized Bible JESUS is the Word of God, there is only 1. The 1611 Authorized Bible fills the promise in Ps 12:6; the Word purified 7 times as Silver in the furnace. Silver is the money of the people; Gold the money of Kings. The Authorized Bible has little to do with King James I; he only financed it to bring Inspired Texts (Word delivered to men moved by the Holy Ghost) into modern English. All New Bible Versions are man's creation of the Bible Revision Committee of 1887 led by non-believers and Apostles Club Initiates BF Westcott and FJA Hort Goats and Sheep JESUS separates Goats from Sheep spiritually (Mat 25:31-34); Scapegoats lead Sheep to slaughter using familiar terms and signs. Israel, the Six Pointed Star, Hanukkah, the Menorah, Zionism and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Talmud, Zohar, Kabbalah, Synagogues and Rabbis are not Jewish or Semitic; they are Satanic. The Cross, Crusaders, Cathedrals, Basilicas, Temples, Christmas, Santa, Easter, the Rabbit, Masons, Jesuits and the Pope have nothing to do with God. The Crescent, Allah, Assassins, Sufis, Nation of Islam and ISIS have nothing to do with Islam. ISIS "Black Virgin" wife of Saturn/Osiris means "Throne"; aka Satan's Seat or Throne of Pergamon (currently in the Berlin Museum). ISIS=DAESH "Nation of Islam in the Levant" is not Muslim, it is Satanic ie Amalekite origin; Horites "Worshippers of Horus" are symbolized by the All Seeing Eye of Horus on the $US next to the Edomite Eagle. ISIS is funded by the confederacy in Ps 83 including Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Russia, US, NATO, China and Israel (Star of Molech is the symbol of the Amalekites at "War with God from Generation to Generation" Ex 17:1. Nobody battles God and wins. JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV)=JAH (Ps 68:4KJV)=JEHOVAH, the only Covenant Name of God. The SPIRITUAL Covenant NAME; Jah/Jesus/Jehovah are physical names of the coming Antichrist aka al-Mahdi, Krishna, or Christ. You need the KJV aka Authorized Bible to know this. Christ means "Messiah"; not all "Christians" are followers of JESUS eg Messianic Jews and Messianic Islam. Only one type of "Christian" will be Saved; followers of JESUS, Born Again through the

Baptism Fire and the Holy Spirit. You don't need a Priest, Imam, Rabbi or Pastor (Mat 23:8-10) for this, only One on One prayer in your "Prayer Closet" with the Creator of the Universe. Time Father Time is Saturn "Grim Reaper" Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 years old (Ref 2 Pet 3:8). Time is not Relative as Einstein claimed. Time is measured by the apparent movement of the Sun, Moon and Stars, not by man-made clocks and calendars; Radio-carbon and Radio-metric dating are accurate only as far back as the Flood. Jesus' real Birth was on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas (Lk 1). During the Millennium, observance of Feast of Tabernacles is the only requirement (Zech 14:18); therefore I expect the end of WWIII and beginning of Great Tribulation to be timed with Passover in a Jubilee Year and Jesus to return on Feast of Tabernacles 1260 days later, after the Great Tribulation. Satan will copy this event. Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8) is after the Millennium (1000 year reign of Jesus); Russia is not part of it. "Gog and Magog" is at the end of the Millennium, over 1000 years from now. The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce channeled "Familiar Spirits" in a trance to predict "Russia will die and be reborn the savior of the world" The Satanic script is coming along nicely and Putin is playing his part. Esau obtains worldwide Dominion (Gen 27:39-41KJV) living as Priests (Dew of Heaven), Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) and by War (Live by the Sword); Esau, the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) then hands rule over to Satan (Dan 7:7). Great Tribulation 2016-17 is a Jubilee Year; Passover 2016 aligns with Earth Day; Feast of Trumpets 2017 features the Celestial Alignment recorded in Rev 12. This is not the 2nd Coming, rather the posible arrival of Antichrist. St Sulpice Cathedral The Rose Line is Brass (3rd Kingdom "Dominion" is Brass; Dan 2:39) The Sun will rise up the Obelisk (Baal's Shaft) to the "76" symbol (3rd Beast "Edomite Dominion" is the Leopard; Dan 7:6) and down to the Aquarius Symbol on Jan 21, 2017. America's Inauguration (Augury) Day. The Sun will contact the Altar Sept 22, 2017 "Feast of Trumpets" as the celestial alignment written in Rev 12 unfolds,_2017 People who don't believe interpret Signs, not Born Again followers of JESUS. 2nd Coming at 6000 Years Earth is just under 6000 years old There are 1656 years from Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 years for Sargon the Great to be declared "Legitimate King". Astronomically, the Age of Aquarius is dawning now. Regulus "Law Giver" and west boundary of Leo is 150 degrees ecliptic longitude west of the eastern boundary of Aquarius. 1966 was "Year One" (Anno Satanae) + 50 years 2016-17 is a Jubilee Year. Esau assumes "Dominion" over the Earth as the Great Tribulation begins. The 2nd Coming will be timed with Feast of Tabernacles (15-22 Tishrei) This final week is Daniel's 70th Week (Covenant with Many) followed by the Day of Wrath. During the Millennium Jesus' Birthday is the only required holiday (Zech 14:18) Creation, Jesus' Birth, the 2nd Coming and end of Millennium are all timed with Feast of Tabernacles. The 3rd Beast (Leopard-Brass Kingdom-Edomite Dominion (Dan 2:39; Dan 7:6; Gen 27:40KJV)presents Antichrist, the 4th Beast "Little Horn" (Dan 2:40; Dan 7:7) 1260 days advanced of the 2nd Coming. WWIII is pre-planned to pit Zionism versus Islam; Christians and Jews join Zionism as often as Muslims join ISIS but make no mistake, both sides are Satanic. Israel is not Jewish; Israel flies the Star of Molech/Saturn in Canaanite Tekhelet Blue;

Ashkenazis descend from Japheth and live in the tents of Shem with Canaan as their servants; nothing Jewish in any sense of the word (Gen 9:27) Sephardics descend from Arabs married into Canaan (Gen 9:30; 2 Ki 17:30) they are Cryptos; practicing Kabbalists and Talmudists, again not Jewish in any sense. Mizrahis descend from Ham; again not Jewish in any sense. Jesus gathers the remnant on God's Jubilee as Shiloh (He whose it is; Ref Gen 49:10); Israel of today is a Rothschild (Edomite-Canaanite) fake. ISIS is not Muslim; ISIS is Amalekite, the Nation of Islam ie Canaanite. DAESH means Dawlat=Nation + al=Islamiyya + fil=Iraq +wa'as=Sham aka Levant/Greater Syria and or Greater Israel; ISIS is the Nation of Islam in the land God promised Abraham and his descendants who are in covenant with God ie Isaac and Jacob (Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite women violating the Covenant) Nation of Islam refers to Shabazz or First Race "Glorious People" ie Cainites and Canaanites. Shabazz means Royal Falcon "Horus" the Christ-King; no this is not Jesus. Scapegoat JESUS is the only real Scapegoat Azazel/Saturn is the false Scapegoat Edomite Scapegoats lead sheep to slaughter physically, but Spiritually the Lambs won from the start. Jesus hates Esau for selling his Birthright; Scapegoats have Red Painted legs because Lambs are Color Blind; Christians have the same trouble identifying Edomite (Red) Wolves, the Whores riding the Scarlett colored Beast. Rome is not the City on 7 Hills nor is Mecca; Jerusalem is the City on 7 Hills and the Whores who support modern Israel. Jesus hates Nicolaitans Doctrine (Conquering Laity by false teachings or Rabbis, Priests, Imams, Professors). False teachings (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, fake Jewish, Islam) all derive from the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of St John Lateran Basilica; Lateran means "Hidden Frogs" of Dragon/Lucifer/Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet. ~Remove the veil

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