Greek Poetry

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By Thalia and Chryssa


Year that was builtΈτος Χρονολογίας

Poet - Ποιητης

Set to music-Μελοποιημένο

Τι συμβολίζει-Μeaning

Κωνσταντινος ΚαβαφηςConstantine Cavafys

Poets from our class-Ποιηματα από την ταξη μας “The Monogram”Elytis

“Denial” Seferis

“The comrades in Hades” Seferis

“ Weight on the Sky’s tenderness” Elytis

“On the secret beach” Seferis

“The last station” Seferis

“Denial� Seferis

The comrades in Hades

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