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Problems in Helioupolis, Greece Online Meeting 2 Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Transnational Group 1 Problem: Playground needing face-lift

The problem we have spotted in the local community has to do with the playground which is close to the school building. The slides need to be painted, the swings need mending and some plants need to be planted. Unfortunately, the municipality has not included the playground in the municipal programme that targets neglected parks in Helioupolis. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 2 Problem:Torn-up patches of Pavements

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community has to do with the pavements. Some of them are torn up at places. Road paving takes too long and pavements get worse and worse with time and weather conditions (e.g. heavy rains), which might cause an accident particularly to elderly people. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 3 Problem:air & sound pollution in a big city

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community has to do with air and sound pollution. Helioupolis is very close to the Athens city center and, as a result, there is a lot noise and air pollution which affects local people’s health and behavior. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 4


Problem:Supporting Senior Citizens (photo: Project pupils visit the local Senior Citizen Center)

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community has to do with senior citizens. In Greece and in Helioupolis, there are a lot of elderly people who feel lonely. Some of them may be poor, too. We feel we should promote senior citizens’ self-sufficiency and ensure their well-being in terms of food, shelter and public service. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 5 Problem:Littering in Playground

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community has to do with littering in the playground. The bins in the playground are few and rather small. As a result, they get easily full with rubbish. In addition, trash is not collected as frequently and systematically as it should for the playground to be clean all the time. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 6 Problem: Limited Parking Spaces

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community is that there are many cars and limited parking spaces in the area. As a result, cars are often parked on pavements blocking the way to pedestrians and handicapped people. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 7 Problem:Unfinished public works

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community is that there are some unfinished public works that may cause an accident to locals and/or visitors. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 8 Problem: Stray animals

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community has to do with stray animals. There are a lot of cats in the neighborhood but the problem is really about dogs. Some of them are mongrels but most of them used to belong to a household. Due to the economic crisis, a lot of people left their dogs in parks and in the streets. Stray animals are in need of food, water and vaccination. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 9 Problem: Littering

What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community is that there is a lot of rubbish. There are blue garbage bins for recycling. There are also green garbage bins for food and other waste. The problem is that there aren’t enough bins to cover the needs of our neighborhoods. Moreover, the garbage trucks don’t collect garbage as often as they should. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

Transnational Group 10 Problem: Homeless

The problem we have identified/spotted in the local community is not very common or intense. There are a few homeless people who usually carry their belongings in the parks, outside supermarkets, churches and deserted buildings. What are your thoughts on this problem? What do you suggest we should do about this problem?

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