Booklet application eb 2016 rosario

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Leading by example!

Dear applicant! When you take a challenge, it comes with many responsibilities, applying to be part of an EB is not easy, however you are not in AIESEC to do easy things. You are to challenge you, to learn, to develop new skills and above all, contribute to world peace an the fulfillment of humankind’s potential. I understand that you could be afraid, but there are two kinds of fear, the fear that drivers you to do something and the fear that paralyzes you, depends of you to decide between these fears! Don’t forget always to be excellent at whatever you do, to lead always by example and that it is better to say “I did it” than “I will do”, your actions speak for yourself. Only you know the potential that you can bring to the organization, only you know the great skills you have and only you know about what you are willing to give in order to have the best experience of your life! However, for this you have to be very brave and the first step is what you are reading now. Keep in mind we are on the shoulders of giants and as such we have the responsibility to do everything excellent, always exceed our limits, to bring up the name of AIESEC in Rosario.

You will have moments which will be difficult, which may discourage you, which can be complex to overcome, but that is the challenge and it will demonstrate your abilities. Because in AIESEC we are training leaders to make a positive impact on the world and if you are 100% aware of that, you know how important is to take a leadership role that challenges you! I trust that you will do an excellent process, because that is what characterize who you are as a person. I trust that you dare to take the challenge and start a great adventure. So don’t wait, make things happen, take your experience to the next level and above all turn to be a leader to make a positive change in the world! Enjoy the process!

Natalia Zuluaga LCP 2016

Leading by example!

Intellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC Neiva. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Colombia you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously.

Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, self- organizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English.

AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.

Other Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance - within the individuals and within the team of individuals!

Leading by example!

The nomination process will be composed by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

APP + Video Current LCP interview Elected LCP interview External Interview LCVP Interview (applying area) 6. MC Interview 7. Profile test 8. Challenge

First round: Application: Thursday 01 September to Thursday 8 October 23:59. Interviews: Friday 9 October to Thursday 14 October. Nomination: 15 October Confidence Assembly: 16 October Challenge: Sunday 17 October to Thursday 22 October Assembly: Friday 23 October

Leading by example!

Leading by example!

The application process will be composed by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Your profile (CV): Where you have to describe your AIESEC and external experience, and main achievements in each role (max. 1 page). General questionnaire: Answer all the questions (max 5 pages) Specific Questionnaire: Answer according to the role you are applying (max 3 pages) Resume: General explanation of your application (max 1 page) Video: Attach the link of a 4 minutes video where you explain the summary of your application and tell why do you want to be part of the EB 2016

The entire application (Your profile, general and specific questionnaire, resume and video link) should be maximum 10 pages, in font size 12 points. Page seize A3. 1 PDF file only! Late applications won´t be received, no exceptions. Format: “ LCVP2016_application_AIESECRosario_name surname.pdf” Example: “ LCVP2016_application_AIESECRosario_NataliaZuluaga.pdf” DDL: 8 octubre 23:59 Sent application must be sent through: and also sent the application to and

Leading by example!


Write a motivational letter inviting the global youth to be part of AIESEC


What do you think will be the three most important pillars for @Rosario in 2016. Explain why and how will be implemented this pillars.

3. Make an analysis of the current state of the LC in terms of strengths and weaknesses (in all programs) and explain in 3 strategies how to be a better LC. Remember the importance of an empowered membership and a culture of achievement.

4. Make a detailed explanation of what we need in order to move to dual core, and how you will contribute to this process. For this you must develop a timeline for your EB and VP role, and the three major focus per month of the first semester of 2016. Remember all this in order to be a dual core.

Leading by example! Leading by example!

1. Make a SOWT of TM area actual state. Taking into account the TM growth model. 2. Which will be your 3 focuses, and 3 strategies for each of them that will take TM to their level. Be aware that the three strategies have to count leadership. 3. How are you going to ensure that your productivity will be 2:1? Please make 3 specific strategies.

Leading by example!

1.The Financial basic goal is to reduce costs and increase profits. AIESEC is considered as a Global Youth Movement, what do you think should be the basic financial goal in AIESEC and how this is reflected in the impact of the organization? 2. What would be the main investment that the area should focus in order to increase operations, maintain the membership empowering and develop the leadership potential in your LC? 3. How may the LC achieve a more empowered membership in governance, finance and legality? Explain maximum 3 strategies. Remember the synergies that you need for implementation and make a timeline of implementation of this in the first semester of 2016.

Leading by example!

1. How to ensure good management of communication in the LC and stakeholders? Please make 3 specific strategies. 2. What would you do in order to incentive 50% of the membership to go on exchange? Make a 6 month plan. 3.

Make at least three strategies to leverage the operations of the LC (please keep in mind all areas you have synergy). Make a timeline per month in the first semester of 2016 for the implementation of the proposed strategies.

Leading by example!


How would you work with OGIP synergies (MKT and TM) to guarantee a growth of 100%? Considering the Experience Flow for OGX, what is the role of MKT in Attraction and what is the role of OGIP in Consideration and Value Delivery?


What strategy will you implement to grow disruptively in global start uppers. Remember explain the implementation of the strategy, the target market and the goal.


Make a segmentation of your market of Universities and make a proposition of which programs (Professional Global and Global Start uppers) and which sub products (Business, Marketing, Teaching, or IT) would you focus. Based on that, create a structure and a timeline for OGIP in your LC.

Leading by example!

1. Make a SWOT for OGCDP area in the LC 2. What strategy would you implement to grow disruptively in oGCDP, explain the implementation of the strategy, the relation with the Rosario university and the market you have and the goal. 3. Make a timeline with three main priorities of OGCDP Rosario and the IP-MA-RE per month in the first semester of 2016. Remember all synergies with other areas, the goal for oGCDP and working together with OGCDP Expansion.

Leading by example!

1. Make a SWOT for OGCDP area in the LC 2. What strategy you will be implement to grow disruptively in oGCDP expansion, explain the implementation of the strategy, how you will be manage the relation with all the universities in the segmentation and which will be the university focus for 2016 and why. 3. Make a timeline with three main priorities of OGCDP expansion, the IP-MA-RE per month in the first semester of 2016. Remember all synergies with other areas, and the goal for oGCDP Expansion.

Leading by example!


Make an analysis of the area matches in 2015 and the number of countries we matched in Colombia and the LC. How are you going to improve the position of your Local Entity inside and outside LATAM? Describe the monthly work (depend of your focus) of a person/team in charge of matching. Include the main activities and how you guarantee those activities. (For example, what is going to be your promotion plan or the weekly minimums to guarantee that you are going to match those forms, etc.)


Mention three strategies to grow disruptively in iGCDP. Remember the accounts we have and the new target markets. Also considerer the delivery (global families, buddies and delivery) and goal of iGCDP.


Make a timeline with the three main priorities, IP-MA-RE per month and the implementation of the proposed strategies in the first semester of 2016. Keep in mind the delivery products (Global families, buddies, IPS, lead, etc‌)

Leading by example!

Leaders generate leadership culture trough their actions to make positive impact on the society! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE ELECTION MANAGER

Leading by example!

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