11 minute read
Finding Your Zone of Genius: Using Human Design to Thrive!
By Robin Wynn
Inherent in our beings is a deep sense that we are special.
We know that we’re here to do something that matters. We want to operate from that place of knowing, of ease, of being on the right track. We want to trust ourselves, and have the outer world reflect our value.
You may feel that rightness in your parenting, and trust yourself (for the most part!), to tap into your deep wisdom at home. But when stepping out into the world of your career or business, old fears and self-doubt can hijack that internal knowing. It’s as if there is a collective program with an invisible box that is designed to keep women shackled.
Too often, as women entering the work world, we find ourselves back in the pattern of looking outside ourselves for the answers. Distrusting our inner knowing. We look to experts to show us “the right way. ” How do I market? What is a good niche? What will make me successful? Too often the road to meaningful work is fraught with distress, doubt, disbelief. This is exacerbated when we watch others garner success with what looks like ease. They can do it - why can’t I? We compare and judge ourselves. We strive even harder to reach the goals we so long for.
What if there was a way to step out of that invisible box, to rest in your knowing, to trust your unique path, to go forward into the world of business following your inner guidance system? What if there was a way to help you understand what works best for you?
I say there is, and it’s called Human Design.
Knowing your Human Design maps your Zone of Genius. It offers a way to see, understand, and validate yourself from the inside out. Human Design presents a new vantage. A vantage that recognizes your unique genius, and calls you to step back into yourself as you step out into the world.
Editor's Note: I was first introduced to human design in 2020 by Robin Winn. It was a very low time in my life as I had no self-esteem, little confidence & felt like I was floundering. I was mind blown at what I learned about myself. Human design has given me confidence & direction- a roadmap for success in all areas of my life. ~Natalie
What Is Human Design? And Why Is It So Powerful?
Some of you may have heard of Human Design - it seems to have caught fire in the coaching world. For others this may be your first foray into the Human Design waters…
A brief overview Human Design:
Human Design was downloaded to a Canadian fellow (Ra) who was on retreat off the Coast of Spain. It was 1987, The Harmonic Convergence. He came back to his room to discover it was full of Light Beings. These Light Beings spent days transmitting Human Design to him. They explained that Human Design was for everyone. It was for the evolution of humanity. But it was particularly for parents to help in parenting their children. (Cool, huh!)
The understanding was that we are each a piece of the giant puzzle of humanity. Each puzzle piece (around 8 billion humans at this point) is unique. Each puzzle piece is perfectly designed. When you live your puzzle piece you bring what you are here to bring to the world. You live your dharma, so to speak. When you try to live someone else’s puzzle piece, not only do you suffer, but humanity misses out on what you are here to bring.
From a Human Design perspective, we are not broken in need of fixing. We are not problems to be solved. When we know our Design, our unique blueprint, we can skillfully use the energies particular to us for transformation and actualization. As I said in my first book Understanding Your Clients in Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology, “When we know and live our Human Design, we can walk in the world unabashedly, embracing our gifts and having compassion for our foibles. ”
Are you starting to see how this might relate to you, your Zone of Genius, your parenting?
Human Design offers us the possibility of differentiating who we are as we are. Free from judgements. Free from hierarchies.
It offers the possibility of seeing our inherent strengths (reclaiming them if they ’ ve been put away in the closet), and understanding our vulnerabilities. It shows where we are prone to conditioning and may have attached to beliefs that are not in alignment with who we actually are.
I like to speak about Human Design in terms of Entelechy. Entelechy is a Greek word meaning the realization of potential.
It is the entelechy of the acorn to become the oak tree. Your entelechy, the realization of your potential, is your unique puzzle piece, and is mapped in your Human Design chart.
When you are aligned with your entelechy (your Human Design blueprint) you are in your Zone of Genius.
So how do you get your Human Design blueprint?
Many systems are subjective, dependent on tests. Answers can change over time.
Your puzzle piece, your Human Design blueprint is determined by the time and place of your birth. Your Bodygraph does not change.
We could say it is the hand you were dealt at birth. If you think about the bones in your body - they don’t change. And yet they are alive and always changing. They can be strengthened or depleted (as in osteoporosis) depending on how you are in relationship to your body.
Your chart is like that. It is alive. It is at once stable and also in flux. Your chart/bodygraph/blueprint is impacted by the transiting planets, who you are around, and how you are in relation to your blueprint. But I get ahead of myself…
A little more about the fundamentals of Human Design:
Using your birth time, date and place, Human Design synthesizes astrology, the Judaic Kabbalah, the Chinese I Ching, the Hindu chakra system, and quantum physics to determine your blue print, your Bodygraph. It is your holographic quantum puzzle piece.
The task at hand is to a) get your bodygraph, b) understand your unique puzzle piece, and c) align with it.
In other words, the ultimate task is to live your design. To embody your puzzle piece. To embrace your entelechy.
(And if you’re managing or coaching others….to support them to live their entelechy!)
How Does Human Design Reveal Your Zone of Genius?
There are many layers of knowledge available as a resource in your Human Design chart. Remember, we’re talking about differentiation. Who are you? How do you access your strengths? How do you best operate?
If we’re looking at a puzzle, we might see that there are major puzzle piece types. Say, the sky, the ocean, the land. Those might then be differentiated into the clouds in the sky, the moon in the sky. Or there might be a boat on the water, a mountain on the land. There might be trees, flowers, and animals etc.
In Human Design we start with 5 major puzzle pieces which we call Types. Each of these Types has a different Strategy, or operating system. The largest swath of the puzzle of Humanity covers two Types: Generators and Manifesting Generators.
If you are one of those two Types you are in the 70 percent of humanity. You are here to master life. You are here to find your right work. You are blessed with sustainable energy. You have the gift of an inner GPS that responds with a yes or a no when life presents something to you. If you listen to those uh huh’s or uh un’s you can trust your path. You will have the energy and resources for what you say Yes to. If instead, you look to your mind as your guidance system, overriding you inner GPS, you can get caught in dead end eddy ’s and veer off your potential. In this scenario you are vulnerable to frustration and
Typically, we are not taught to look within for our guidance, but are indoctrinated to prioritize our left brain rational thinking mind. What makes logical sense? If you are a Generator or a Manifesting Generator, in order to align with your entelechy and step into your Zone of Genius you must first reconnect to your Sacral Center’s inner GPS. Learning to trust your Sacral guidance sets you on a magical journey in a dance with life.
If you are one of the other three Types: The Manifestor (8%), The Projector (21%), or the Reflector (1%), you have a different journey. You are not here to work in the same way as the Generators and Manifesting Generators.
You do not have the gift of sustainable energy nor an inner GPS. To align with your entelechy most likely will involve deconditioning the belief system that you should be like the Generators and Manifesting Generators. You might believe that your life should be about finding the right work. You might be sure that the way to success is through doing. After all, the Generator and Manifesting Generator energy is flooding the field and influencing the cultural norm.
For you, it will mean understanding you puzzle piece and how you best operate. It will entail embracing your difference from the cultural norm, and claiming your rightful place. It may mean shifting your patterns of rest. Allowing yourself to take a different role.
For example, if you are a Manifestor you are designed to impact the people around you. You are not here to do all the follow through work. It can be challenging for you to know what direction to go. You’ll have to look to other aspects of your puzzle piece to get more information. (Your Authority will help you know how you best make decisions. Your Profile, will give you guidance on your learning style.) Sometimes you may have to throw the spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks in order to know what direction to go. You have a non-verbal style of processing, and need time to get all your thoughts out.
Meanwhile, you have the gift of being a leader, of speaking and being heard, of making things happen - that is if you haven’t been conditioned out of your powerful entelechy.
A colleague and I were in a marketing coaching program, She was following the guidance faithfully, trying to get it right. But her marketing wasn’t working.…Turns out, the coach of the program was a Generator. In looking outward for direction my colleague was squelching her voice, holding back. When she learned she was a Manifestor she shifted her style. She spoke out. She let herself impact people. It worked. She’s thriving.
Projectors, on the other hand, are the wise guides of humanity. They are here not to be the doers, but rather to guide the Generator energy. If you are a Projector you may feel like you have failed at every turn as your attempt to be other than who you are falls short. Or perhaps, thinking you were a Generator, you’ ve worked so hard that you built something that wasn’t energetically sustainable.
It’s not uncommon for Projectors to struggle to be seen and recognized. It’s not uncommon for Projectors to burn out. Truth be told, Projectors are the hidden jewels of humanity. They flourish when they are following what feels good to them. They become magnetic when they are enjoying themselves, attracting others to them. Their power is activated when they are invited or recognized, rather than when they assert themselves. For most projectors this is a radically different perspective! One that at once feels totally right and yet may feel impossible to actually live…
Finally, the rare Reflectors are different beings all together. They are wildly open and receptive. They are here to reflect the health and well-being of humanity. They live their entelechy as they understand and respect their fluidity.
What Type are you? And what thoughts arise as you consider what Type you might be. Are you living your Design? Are you trying to be a puzzle piece that you think you should be?
If you are not thriving, if you are not accessing your Zone of Genius, perhaps it’s time to pause and learn more about yourself.
What is your Human Design? What is your unique entelechy?
We’ ve just touched on one aspect of the Human Design puzzle. The rest awaits you.
To get your free chart: https://clientsandhumandesign.com/free-chart/
Note: Natalie Ryan is a 1/4 Splenic Projector. She is a wise guide, here to use her intuition in some shocking, as in heart-opening, way. She is grounded by starting new businesses, & helping others to find their authentic path. A powerful story teller, she has a deep & penetrating nature, she values mindset & presence, & bring blessings through her stillness & leadership. She is designed to learn through investigating, then bringing what she’s learned to her community. Discovering she was a Projector was a game changer for her… Witchy Moms is in full alignment with her bodygraph! She is in her Zone of Genius….
Robin Winn, MFT, is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapists turned Human Design coach & trainer. She is the founder of the Human Design Certification Training for Professionals & the author of three bestselling books. www.clientsandhumandesign.com