Newborn Collections

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Natalie Mae


WHO I AM It was in high school when I first became interested in photography. Every year my school held an art show and senior year I submitted a couple pieces of work. I didn’t think that it would go anywhere, but I ended up placing 2nd in the photography category. Fast forward to college. Originally, I was a forensic psychology major. After a few semesters of that I decided psychology was not my thing. I transferred to Washtenaw Community College and switched majors to Photographic Technology. My favorite things to photograph are newborns, seniors and weddings. I love capturing memories and preserving them for a lifetime. Nothing in life is certain, but knowing that you have your special moments documented gives everyone a piece of your life to look back on. When I’m not out photographing , I dedicate a lot of my time to various charities. The two major ones are the American Cancer Society and Shoots for a Cure. Both of them benefit cancer research or cancer patients. I’ve been participating in Relay for Life for the past three years, it’s truly one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Even if you don’t participate, I recommend attending a Survivors Lap, there’s nothing more moving than hearing the survivors stories. The other charity, Shoots for a Cure, is a non-profit organization of photographers that dedicate their time and skills to photograph cancer patients and their loved ones. Lastly, in my down time, I love spending time with my two dogs, Niko and Piglet. They’re like my children and the best models I’ve ever worked with!

MILESTONES COLLECTION | 1,000 Includes 235 print credit, 12x12 hardcover photo book with images from each session, and web-ready images of the images ordered.

The Milestones Collection will capture the ever-changing growth of your little one during their first year of life. You will see them develop from a newborn baby to a toddler right before your eyes in our beautiful 12x12 hardcover book, custom designed just for your family.

Fresh | newborn Taken up to 14 days after they’re born, when they’re still sleeping a lot and easy to pose. You may need to feed and change your baby often and that’s okay, we won’t rush through your session.

Smiles and Giggles

| 3-6 months

You can look forward to possibly the sweetest you’ll ever hear — your baby’s laughter. The best part is how easily a baby laughs. Silly faces, tickling, and peek-a-boo are usually more than enough to set off lots of squeals and giggles. They’ll also be spending more time on their tummy as they absorb every aspect of their world.

Sitters and Crawlers

| 6-9 months

How different the world looks when you’re not stuck on your belly! Your baby will be able to sit up with some assistance or starting to crawl and we’ll capture the wonder in their eyes as they’re exploring the brand new world around them.

Cruisin’ | 12 months

Your baby is really moving now! They’re learning to stand on their own and maybe even take those first steps.

Add-Ons 3,000 Digital File Archives from Milestone Collection 1,500

Digital File Archives | Single Session




100 Birth Announcements


Posh Metal Ornament


Cake Smash for 12 Month Session

All prices include locations up to 30 miles away from Ypsilanti. Any location beyond that will be subject to a travel fee depending on the distance traveled.

WHAT TO EXPECT Fresh {newborn} Please know and understand that this session may be 2-3 hours in length, schedule your day accordingly. Also, babies can sense more than we give them credit for; the more stressed and unnerved mom and dad are, the more difficult it will be to keep your baby calm and relaxed. Fresh sessions can go any number of ways. Your baby will cry and your baby will probably make a mess, maybe even more than once. These things are all okay with me. Do not feel bad if your baby cries, it’s not upsetting to us. The more calm and relaxed you are as parents, the more calm and relaxed your baby will be. You will probably think at least once, “My baby is never like this, he/she is normally so calm and relaxed.” We promise that it is OKAY, we can’t stress that enough and the calmer you are the easier the session will be. Use the following as a checklist for the day of the photo shoot. It is a lot of information, but it’s all important. •

Please make sure your baby is not over stimulated on the day of the session, avoid unnecessary outings such as doctors visits and visitors.

to sleep, let them sleep. The baby and mommy’s happiness is far more important to me than a baby fully ready to start.

You need to arrive at their sleepiest time — so keep an eye on their schedule/routine so we can figure out the best time to begin the session.

The room we’re photographing in should be very warm for the session. We suggest dressing in comfortable clothing or layers.

Try to keep your baby up for at least an hour prior to the session. The sleepier the baby the smoother the session will be. With that said, if they are just too upset and need

White noise will be played throughout the session, however if you know of any specific noises or music that help to calm your baby please let us know.

Plan to feed the baby at the beginning of the session, or within thirty minutes of my arrival. This will help start the session with a happy baby. We will take multiple breaks for additional feedings or diaper changes during the session if needed.

Please try to avoid clothing that will leave marks on the baby’s skin such as socks or tight fitting clothing.

Please have all the items that you are interested in using in the shoot ready ie. baskets, blankets, hats, etc...

We may ask for your help throughout the session should we need it. Having dad nearby is helpful especially if mom is recovering from a c-section.

If you would like to be in images with your baby, make sure to look nice and wear clothing you are comfortable in. We suggest beautiful light colors or black. Please avoid wearing white or bold patterns.

Be prepared for messes of all kinds. Babies don’t care where they go to the bathroom. Anything including spit up may go flying or spraying around (we tend to get peed on a lot).

Get ready to LOVE your baby even more. Watching them sleep is such a beautiful thing. However, don’t be surprised if it takes them a good while to get into “baby model mode.” They aren’t used to being handled this much! We hear a lot of, “They aren’t usually like this.” Well, they aren’t usually picked up every few minutes and posed on props. Eventually they will get so tuckered out that they don’t even notice all the handling.

More than anything, you need to know that WE LOVE BABIES! Please know that your child’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. We would never risk their safety just to get an image. Thank you for trusting us with your little one.

These pictures of my baby have made my DAY...They are awesome Natalie and I am so excited to see these hang on my wall!

Chris S.

Smiles & Giggles {3-6 months} Your new baby is learning to take in the world around them. It’s amazing how the simplest thing like rolling over can send us into fits of delight. This session captures a special time before you start chasing your baby around the house. Their first steps towards independence: lifting themselves up to look at the world. Here’s a few tips for your Smiles & Giggles and Sitters portrait sessions. •

This session should be scheduled when your baby is comfortably holding themselves up with their arms whil on their stomach. It’s a workout for your baby to push themselves up so we will be taking breaks often.

For these photos we want your baby happy and alert. Keep an eye of their schedule to see when the best time of day might be.

Make sure your baby’s clothes fit. Too baggy or too small will look even more so on camera.

As with the Fresh session, we promise we will have more patience with your child than you could imagine. We expect them to cry, fuss, and not cooperate at times. We have methods to get them to smile and be happy; and if all else fails we can reschedule. There is no point in having lots of portraits of an unhappy baby. We will gladly reschedule your session for another day.

If you would like to be in images with your baby, make sure to look nice and wear clothing you are comfortable in. Like the Fresh session, we suggest wearing light colors or black and avoid white or clothing with bold patterns.

Hats and headbands are always encouraged.

Your baby may still be eating fairly often, so if you think that will help soothe them please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Bring a favorite toy — even if we don’t take any images with the item, it will keep your little one happy.

Remember to have fun and relax!

Sitters and Crawlers {6-9 months} Your new baby is changing every day. It is truly awe-inspiring to see how quickly they learn and grow. This session is all about capturing those baby details before they quickly grow into toddlers. Here’s a few tips for your session. •

This session should be scheduled when your child is sittingup independently and starting to crawl.

We usually discourage shoes for this session as we still like to capture those little digits.

For these photos we want your baby happy and alert. Keep an eye on their schedule to see when the best time of day might be.

Bring a favorite toy — even if we don’t take any images with the item, it will keep your little one happy.

If you have any special requests of props, outfits, or poses please let us know at the consultation and we will be sure to make a note of it.

Cruisin’ {12 months} You won’t believe how fast time will fly. Before you know it you will be back for your child’s one year portraits. Your child is really showing their personality now and that is what we want to capture. This is a great time to have a family portrait taken. Here are some tips for your baby’s one year portrait session: •

This is usually scheduled around their first birthday, but every baby develops differently, so we would like them to be able to stand.

Make sure to dress appropriately if you plan to have a family portrait taken.

This session is usually the shortest as the attention span of your child can be amazingly short at this stage of life.

We like to end the first year session with a cake smashing; it will be messy, but that’s half the fun! (See add-on for pricing).

Make sure your baby’s clothes fit. Too baggy or too small will look even more so on camera.

NEWBORN COLLECTION BITS & PIECES | 500 Taken up to 14 days after they’re born, when they’re still sleeping a lot and easy to pose. This session is the perfect way to preserve all those newborn details for years to come and show off your little one to family and friends with your 8x8 hardcover book featuring all the images captured during the session. 100 Print Credit 8x8 Hardcover Book

FRESH | 150 This session is a great way to capture your new addition and still have the freedom to build your own Collection! Newborn session Prints and products sold separately

FAQ’S Can I make payments? Yes, you can! If you are unable to pay the full collection price up front, 4 payments of 250 can be arranged. How much is your travel fee? For locations that are beyond 30 miles from Ypsilanti, a $25 travel fee will be added per every additional 30 miles. How do I book the sessions? When you book the Milestones Collection we will schedule all five sessions. I will send out a reminder about each session and if something comes up and you have to switch the time and/or date of the session, you would need to contact me ahead of time. How long after the session will I get the proofs? Proofs take approximately 2 weeks, and we will schedule your ordering appointment at the time of the session. How long does it take to get my order? You can expect a 3-4 week turnaround from the time of your ordering appointment until the time your finished portraits will be ready for pick up. During peak times of the year, this turn around time may be slightly longer. If you wish to receive your items faster, you may inquire about rush charges. Please note, certain items (like albums) will take longer, but you will be advised at the time of the ordering session. What is your rescheduling/cancellation policy? Things come up and life happens so if a sessions needs to be rescheduled should do so as soon as possible, and if they can, no later than 24 hours in advance. If cancelling your session and not rescheduling, you need to cancel no less than 48 hours in advance to have your booking fee refunded. Sessions cancelled within the 48 hour window forfeit the booking fee. Am I guaranteed the same prices when I book? Clients are guaranteed to be charged the current pricing in effect at the time of booking the Milestone Collection until the fulfillment of the last session (12 months). Any orders placed following that date are subject to the current price list.

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