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NATALIE KWEE a i a n y s . p o r t f o l i o

s e l e c t e d . w o r k s w w w . n a t a l i e k w e e . c o m

library extension spRIng 2011 - sTUdIo 3102 pRof. VAL k. wARkE

This library extension in Stockholm, Sweden was a study in combining complex forms with architectural intent working mainly with 3D digital modeling programs and digital fabrication. The extension deals with conditions of the site, the city’s urban fabric, as well as the processional experience from the exterior to the interior, all while complying with the requirements of the competition brief. Formally, the building is influenced by the relationship with the existing library, other surrounding buildings, NS orientation, and variations in the city’s scale in order to engage the urban fabric.

Programatically, the library is a physical manifestation of the individual’s infinite quest for knowledge. Procession through the library is choreographed to induce a sense of being overwhelmed by the unattainable amount of information available.

Featured In - Cornell AAP Student Works Website - Cornell AAP Annual Newsletter 2011

Relationship with existing library + hill

Continuation of library facade & maintenance of urban scale

Nesting & radial movement from interior to exterior

CONTEXT + CONCEPT The extension derives much of its form from preexisting site conditions. It ultimately aims to serve as a counterpart to the existing library, while simultaneously contrasting & complementing it in form and function. Incorporating the several axes of the site, cuts are made in the building, drawing people in from the city. The building aims to continue the facade of the street and maintain the urban scale of the city fabric. The form is derived from the basic notion of nesting which results in the creation of a hierarchy for programmatic organization. The innermost circular structure provides a visual and experiential link to the existing library, and draws from its processional choreography.

circulation + program Applying the concept of nesting, the visitor enters the building and arrives in the central core where public program (auditorium, cafe)

is located. This is nestled within a ring of stacks where the books are located. Moving to the periphery, shifts in scale create more intimate spaces for reading rooms and depositories.

4th level plan

“THE LIBRARY IS UNENDING & CYCLICAL” Initial precedents included the Libary of Babel, a short story which conceived the universe in the form of a vast library containing all possible books.

Using the idea of the “ab aeterno”; the eternal and labyrinthian library, all the books wihthin the extension are encased in a transparent curved wall. Dividing the central core of public program from the more private reading rooms, a boundary condition is created through which visitors must pass.

The wall of books is embedded within their processional route through the library, forcing the visitor to encounter it multiple times. Because of its curvature, one can never see the wall’s end, a visual metaphor for man’s never-ending quest for knowledge.

Street level view: Inner courtyard condition creating an intimate public space within the city

Library stacks in relation to reading rooms & depository

NW/SE section: interior courtyard, spatial hierarchy & nesting condition

“The Library will endure: illuminated, solitary, infinite, perfectly motionless, equipped with precious volumes, useless, incorruptible, secret ... ... The Library is unlimited and cyclical. If an eternal traveler were to cross it in any direction, after centuries he would see that the same volumes were repeated in the same disorder (which, thus repeated, would be an order: the Order). My solitude is gladdened by this elegant hope. “

- The Library of Babel, Jorge Luis Borges

NATALIE KWEE c u r r i c u l u m . v i ta e

work experience UN Studio, Intern, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010) Worked with a team on the Dance Palace project in St. Petersburg. Collected research, built a structural model of the auditorium and conducted various facade studies on fenestration and treatment. AAP Student Representative, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2011) Liaised with administration and the student body to implement improvements (library facilities etc.) and introduce activities (lecture screenings etc.) for the architecture department. Getty images, photographer, International (2011 - present) Invited by to photograph and supply stock images. CUSD, Graphics & Outreach team, Ithaca, NY (2011) Designed t-shirts and handled advertising campaigns through various forms of social media for student-run organization on campus: Cornell University Sustainable Design - Schoolhouse South Africa. Webstore maintainer, freelance, Singapore (2010 - present) Created, maintained and headed the graphics team for an online webstore. Designed, created and manufactured wallets, t-shirts and notebooks available for sale. Photographer, Freelance, (2007 - Present) Member of the Cornell Daily Sun student newspaper in 2007, Head photographer of ACS International. Directed and photographed several photoshoots for online webstores and hired events. Graphic designer, Freelance, Singapore (2007 - Present) Designed logos and letterheads for several companies including Treasurette (Melbourne, Australia) and KettlebellHIT (Singapore). Designed graphic layout for online bloggers and various webstores.

education Cornell University, Ithaca NY (2008 - 2013) Bachelor of Architecture, College of Architecture, Art + Planning ACS international, Singapore (2005 - 2007) GCSE Advanced Level Examination Singapore Chinese Girls School, (2002 - 2004) GCSE Ordinary Level Examination

Technical skills AutoCAD, Rhinocerous, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Ecotect, MS Office, iLife, iWork, HTML, CSS Lasercutting, 3D printing, CNC Milling, model making, metalwork, SLR photography, darkroom photography

awards AIANYS Student Award / Nomination - 2012 Baird Competition / Honorable Mention - 2010 Cornell / Dean’s List Honor Roll - 2008, 2009, 2010 ACS Int’l / Certificate of Merit - 2005, 2006, 2007

publications Elemental / Instrumental - 2011 Cornell AAP ‘11 Newsletter Student Work Feature ( Cornell AAP Student Profile Feature ( Featured Photographer - 2012

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311 Dryden Droad Ithaca, NY +1 607 220 4271 +65 9139 2524



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