MA Fashion Buying: Organisation Module

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Company Report By Natalie Lord

CONTENTS 1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

19. Opportunities for the Ted Baker brand 20. Benchmarking

Quintessentially British and renowned

brands success, with stand-alone

for its perfect mix of distinctive design,

and concession stores across the

24. E-commerce

Ted Baker PLC appeals to style-

world cementing their rich brand

26. Communication Strategies

conscious men and women, with

heritage. Focusing on the 18-40 age

its quirky yet commercial fashion

demographic, Ted Baker continues

offering. As a retailer known for

to adapt in a growing luxury market,

their affordable luxury collections,

fuelled by their existing vison; to

their niche positioning in the

become a leading global lifestyle

market has been at the heart of the

brand (, n.d.).

22. Advertisement 4. Company Background 6. Aims & Objectives 7. Management Structure 9. Performance Measurement


27. Conclusion

28. Bibliography 11. Market Conditions 12. Project Development

33. Appendices

14. Global Markets 17. Aqcusitions



do not provide resolutions. To get a balanced view of company performance, external market events and internal company structure

A financial ratio is a comparison

must also be analysed to reflect a

between one bit of financial

company’s true representation. Kaplan

information and another (Peterson

and Norton (1996) created a method

and Fabozzi, 1999:75). In a financial

called the balanced scorecard, which

analysis, information is provided

measures organizational performance

concerning an organisations

across four balanced perspectives,

operating performance and financial

shown in appendix 1. The framework

condition (Peterson and Fabozzi,

provides “a strategic measurement

1999:97). This allows for companies

and management system” covering

to monitor trends over years and

all relevant aspects of the company.

compare industry norms, as well as a

Therefore, financial ratios must

competitor’s performance.

be viewed as a contributing factor to Ted Baker’s performance and

Although financial ratios are key

critical success factors; considered

performance indicators to show a

when making recommendations for

company’s weak areas, they


Table 1: Five financial ratio groups (Gowthorpe, 2005:303) Imagery: instagram. com (2016), gorgeeautiful. com (n.d.), atlondonbridge. com (n.d.)



COMPANY BACKGROUND Since its 1988 origins as a men’s

made against company founder, Ray

shirt specialist store, Ted Baker has

Kelvin, alongside the announcement

transformed into a global lifestyle

of three profit warnings up to

brand that captures the heritage

October 2019. With the pressures

of British tailoring (Tedbakerplc.

of consumer uncertainty, Ted

com, n.d.). Located in over 35

Baker’s strategies are focused on

countries, the business focuses on

driving long term growth, drawing

multi-brand and department store

focus on cost controls and driving

models, whilst retaining a collection

further efficiencies. As a result,

of single store positionings and

strategic developments have been

online channel. Over the last year,

at the centre of Ted Baker’s current

it has gained significant media

evolution, harnessing in on their

attention, with allegations of “forced

organisational structure, products and

hugging” and sexual harassment

expansion of global stores.

and s e g n e l l a h c ctural u r t s e h t e t tr y, we i s u d n i e “Desp h t ures on s s e r p bility to a l a s ’ c i r l e k a cyc B in Ted t n e lop as d e fi v n e o d c r e n i h t a r rem t and fu e k r a m fidence e n h t o c e t s a i g h i v T a . n brand e l y t s e f i l l Group’s a e h t y b a glob d e erpinn uing d n i n t u n s o c n i e a h t m re l model, e n n a h c i passion n , l l m i o k , s e l e b h i t x fle d, and n a r b e h teams t d f e t o n h e t l g a t n e r r t u s ent of o m t i m m o c ” and worldwide. ve of Ted

ecuti Chief ex

Ted Baker’s 1990 Covent Garden store (n.d.)

4. (n.d.)



age (201

dsay P aker, Lin


AIMS & OBJECTIVES Ted Baker’s aim is to become a leading global

based on their specific skills and knowledge.

lifestyle brand based on three core elements;

This is suggested through the Ted Baker PLC

expansion of their collections, controlled

website (n.d.), where the brand has multiple

distribution through three main channels:

non-executive directors who specialise in

retail, wholesale and licensing, and carefully

company aspects, such as digital marketing

managed development of overseas markets.

and human resource leadership. This could be

Reflected in their business model, the company

combined with a regional structure due to the

are motivated by growing through retail and

brand’s recently appointed new role; employing

e-commerce, whilst operating a wholesale

Ari Hoffman as chief executive of the North

business and territorial and product licences.

America business. Undertaking this additional structure will allow the current top executives

Underlying the brand’s aim, is their delivery

to concentrate on growing the brand in the UK,

of Ted Baker products, focusing on a ‘Would

with an executive focusing on the stores in

Ted do it that way?’ mantra. This is used as

another region.

a communication tool between the company (2012)

and employees, in order to “protect the ethos

Author, Derek Rollinson (2008), stated a well-

and persona for which the brand has gained

executed organisational structure “…ensures

an enviable reputation” (,

that all the different sub-tasks are coordinated

n.d.). As such, their employees fall under an

and controlled in a way that results in the

organisational structure, which determines

organisation achieving what it has to achieve.’’

how the roles, power and responsibilities are

As Ted baker are focused on creating a global

assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and

brand, a regional structure allows for better

how information flows between the different

management and communication in line with

levels of management (BusinessDictionary.

strategy, whilst a functional structure means

com, n.d.). Arguably, Ted Baker compromises

greater operational efficiency, with employees

a functional and regional hybrid structure. In a

operating company tasks quickly and with

functional structure, employees are grouped



MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Ted Baker’s organisational structure

effect following Kelvin’s resignation

consists of a management team

in March. With the allegations

which implements decisions to reach

against Kelvin still in the process of

core aims. Their board of directors

being investigated, this could have

includes an Executive Chairman,

resulted in damage to Ted Baker’s

Chief Executive and non-executive

brand image, with consumers

directors. A ‘non-executive director’

less likely to buy from a brand

means they have no responsibilities

with negative moral connotations.

in relation to enforcing company

As a result, new management

operations, suggesting overall

needed to be employed. Since

decisions are enforced by chief

Page’s appointment, steps have

executive, Lindsay Page.

been taken in implementing critical success factors; variables vital for an

The retailer appointed Lindsay Page

organisation to achieve its mission,

as chief executive with immediate

in relation to strategic goals.

Imagery: (n.d.)


9. (n.d.)

PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Arrigo (2015) recognised premium

operating officer, Lindsay Page’s

quality, global reputation, style, design

promotion is a strategic choice for

and uniqueness as some attributes

the company, as he knows the brand

that define critical success factors

inside out, recognising areas for

in the luxury market. Ted Baker’s

improvement. However, the brand

strategies are relevant with these

has been heavily associated with the

factors, for example; reorganising

founder since the beginning, with

their operations in Asia, new product

most looking at Ray Kelvin as the

licence partnerships and new product

real-life Ted Baker. The uniqueness

initiatives. Identifying the company’s

behind the brands design has always

CSF’s is an important part of

been enforced by Kelvin’s influence

improving the probability of success

and involvement in the design

for the organisation, shown through

process. Besides the allegations,

the quantifiable measures in appendix

which he denies, this could pose the

2; key performance indicators.

question: without his contribution, will the brand image remain the same and

As someone who has been in the

will consumers still want to buy from

company 22 years, previously as

the brand as a result?

group finance director and chief


MARKET CONDITIONS Ted Baker attribute the uncertainty of the

Although an attributing factor, the

market as to reasons why the brand’s

3.39% decline in pre-tax profits between

turnover decreased 7.07% in the last

2018 and 2019 could have also been

year. The Office for National Statistics

directly hit by the allegations against

revealed 79,000 retail jobs were lost in

Kelvin, costing the company £17.4m in

the first quarter of 2019 compared with

investigation costs. Additionally, there

the previous quarter, as high-street chains

was an expected loss of £11.8mln

closed stores against a “backdrop of rising

for restructuring businesses in Asia

costs” and a shift to online shopping (Wood

(Bottaro, 2019). Further costs have also

and Makortoff, 2019). Competitors price

included a loss of £2.5m on foreign

reductions have also affected the brand,

exchange rates and another £2.5m of

with stockbroker Peel Hunt (Bottaro, 2019),

product costs after a systems upgrade.

suggesting their “…price architecture has

A write-down in the value of its inventory

become considerably more expensive in

of around £5m also played a part, as

recent years and that collections have

the brand took a “more prudent view on

become too consistent with not enough

aged stock” in Asia and the US (Santi

newness in direction.”

and Whelan, 2019).

Japan’s first Ted Baker store tedsstoreportfolio. (n.d.)



The appointment of Lindsay Page has already seen the brand take measures to increase their revenue, developing contingency plans in their global market that would assist in minimising disruption caused by Brexit. Through both stand-alone stores and licensing deals, the company have aligned scenario planning with their long-term strategy; expanding overseas to prevent interference to

Ted Baker Beijing store (n.d.)

the company’s performance.



GLOBAL MARKETS Ted Baker has 560 stores and

of the brand’s store and concession

concessions worldwide, comprised of

portfolio in a market with high demand

201 in the UK; 122 in Europe, 130 in

for luxury goods. Department stores are

North America, 98 in the Middle East,

said to be a “dominant force” in luxury

Africa and Asia, and 9 in Australasia

goods distribution in Japan, offering

(, n.d.). In the group’s

a “fresher, brighter” range of products

latest Interim Results Announcement

and blend of established and emerging

(2019), “rest of the world” retail sales

labels (Muret, 2018). Partnering with

were down 15.2%, excluding the UK,

the retailer will mean a lower risk of

Europe and North America. Taking an

failure, as Sojitz Infinity can use local

emergent strategy approach, the brand

expertise in the department store market

focused on reorganising their market in

to drive long-term growth in Japan.

Japan, appointing Sojitz Infinity Inc. as

Other expansions have also included

its Japanese retail licence partner.

an agreement in China, assigning the rights for the company to be “wholly

Japan is the second largest luxury

owned and formed” by LongGoal and

market in the world, with approximately

Infra-Apparel Group (Singh, 2018). The

€28 billion spent on luxury goods in

joint venture gives them full control of

2017 (Nago, 2019). Licensing with Sojitz

expansion across Mainland China, Hong

Infinity gives the brand instant access

Kong and Macau.

to wider audiences, increasing the size (2019)


Inside Chicago’s Ted Baker store tedsstoreportfolio. (n.d.)

The strategy to expand in overseas

could have a positive impact on their

markets generates a wider consumer

pre-tax profit in years to come, when the

base; crucial in the event of an uncertain

strategy has had a chance to enter the

Brexit. It also indicates their current


assets are being used more effectively to generate revenue; increasing their fixed

Nonetheless, the complexities and

asset turnover. Shown in appendix 2,

challenges of the international apparel

this has improved since 2016 and further

business are still prominent. Counterfeit

increased over the last financial year,

and low-quality products pose a threat to

despite recent profit warnings. Their

the luxury market, as they extend brand

operating profit margin for 2019 stood at

penetration, hence dilutes the dream

8.83%; significantly lower than previous

of exception (Kapferer and Bastien,

years, suggesting their recent operations

2012:163). That said, counterfeiting is

are costly. However, the company is

only possible if the brand is considered

investing in areas it expects will improve

highly desirable, suggesting the

its brand and business growth. As a

existence of Ted Baker counterfeits

result, the brand’s new operating model

identifies products in demand.

Queensland, Australia Ted Baker store tedsstoreportfolio. (n.d.)

Regent Street, London Ted Baker store tedsstoreportfolio. (n.d.)



Ted Baker’s licence development has not only been implemented overseas, but also in the UK. A collaboration with Next will see the brand’s childrenswear collections move from department store, Debenhams, to Next’s retail channels in 2020. Next already has a relationship with Ted Baker, selling its brands through its Label business; with sales up 29% in this area in 2018 and a predicted increase of 15% in the year ahead (Next’s annual results for 2018, 2019). Not only is Next performing well but partnering with the company reinforces Ted Baker as an affordable luxury brand, whilst targeting a similar demographic. The company appeals to an audience of men and women in the 18-40-year-old age bracket, similar to Next’s market of 25-45-year olds.

An acquisition which has proved successful for the brand, is their

ACQUISITIONS adoption of No Ordinary Shoes Ltd in 2018. In an agreement with Pentland Group Plc, the company’s footwear licensee since 2001, Ted Baker acquired the issued share capital of No Ordinary Shoes Limited and No Ordinary Shoes USA LLC, bringing their footwear licence in-house (Singh, 2018). At the time, the acquisition was predicated to enhance the company’s earnings and grow their global footwear business. A year on, and their wholesale sales were up 4.0%, driven by the footwear venture (Interim Results Announcement, 2019). Although year on year growth in 2019 is lower than previous years, the footwear acquisition could have been an area Ted Baker did generate revenue from.

Imagery: nextplc. (n.d.), fashionunited. uk (2018), (n.d.)





BENCHMARKING A strategy Ted Baker could adopt

established between brands (Varley et

when looking at areas for improvement

al., 2018:118). Luck et al., (2014) cited

is benchmarking. Benchmarking

by Varley et al. (2018:118) explains

is identifying competitors and

how co-branding strategies “can offer

organisations with features or skills

a viable opportunity for luxury brands

in areas that the company does not

to increase their market share, while

currently have, using them to guide

they maintain their market position.”

and influence changes (Granger,

This will also allow Ted Baker to


address new audiences and improve public perception and brand image, by

Competitor AllSaints, reported a rise

attaching positive associations from

in operating profit in the first half of

a partner brand. Designer brands are

this year, after launching a product-

often moved by a desire to expose their

focused strategy. Investments in core fashion segments and the launch of

brand name in a new generation of (n.d.) (n.d.)

new lifestyle categories contributed to the company’s 1.2% revenue growth

the fastest growing sectors in the retail

(Nazir, 2019). Diversifying innovative

industry, set to grow by over £15bn by

product categories and exploring trends

2020 (Nazir, 2019). Whilst the brand

in consumer behaviour could provide

currently offers perfume and make-up

an opportunity for Ted Baker to build

bags, venturing into make-up products

new revenue streams. One product

would complement the brands range

segment they could explore, is the

and maximise their offering whilst

beauty industry. Beauty is one of

adhering to popular trends.

potential consumers, who as a result, will increasingly aspire to owning more


To do this, the brand could explore

pieces from the high-end collection

co-branding, where two companies join

(Varley et al., 2018:118). Nevertheless,

together to release a range of products.

as collaborative collections are shared

This strategy will enable the company

with another company who have

to reduce the cost of new product

expertise in the beauty industry, there

introduction and increase its gross

is a risk of losing control over the

profit margin, due to synergies

product range.


RIESS, 2019

ADVERTISEMENT Premium brand Reiss reported a sales

experience to focus on the changing

increase of 23.7% in the first half of

consumer decision journey (Varley et

2019, due to launching a range of

al.,2018:300). This could be in the form

marketing initiatives (Bourke, 2019).

of television advertisement, billboards

Their strategy focused on investment

and even social media. The AIDA

in staffing, marketing and design to

model (Strong, 1925, cited by Varley et

improve brand awareness; leading

al., 2018:137) was devised to evaluate

to the advertisement of their AW19

the effectiveness of advertising in

collection campaign on Piccadilly lights.

relation to the consumer decisionmaking process. The model traces

As Ted baker currently do not

how the receiver is taken through four

advertise, the brand must support

stages: attention, interest, desire and

their collections through other

action, shown in appendix 3. By using

alternatives. Given the scale of

effective story-telling techniques and

planned expansion, the brand could

the repetition of messages, Ted Baker

consider investing more money into

can further cement brand positioning,

technology; integrating advertisement

meanings and associations into the

into their business model. At the

consumer psyche; ultimately with the

heart of technology adoption is the

aim to increase engagement and sales

need to embrace consumer centrality

(Varley et al.,2018:137).

and to redesign the omni-channel


Ted Baker’s business model doesn’t have to be new to identify an effective business strategy. Instead, it can be altered to reach


new audiences or discarded. The luxury

and loss (Kapferer and Bastien, 2012:163).

retailer sells produce through third party

Personalisation offers consumers

websites, for example Selfridges and

personalized experiences according to their

Bloomingdales; just some of the places

past actions and preferences. This can be in

they have concessions in. This pushed

the form of size or product recommendations

their e-commerce sales down 2.4% for the

tailored specifically to each person who visits

six months to August 2019, whilst there

the online store. Improving the customer

was growth on the core Ted Baker website

experience on Ted Baker’s website would

(Dines, 2019). This could suggest the brand

connect the luxury of their brick and mortar

needs to focus on making improvements to

stores with their online presence.

unique s r e ff o a r e l T he digita ies to enhance opportunit rsonalization: pe ser vice and lationships, thus re it is about ofit and loss. about pr (Kapfere



stien, 2 r and Ba

their own omnichannel experience. There is also an opportunity for the brand Where the brand targets the 18-40

to incorporate a mobile app to reach their

demographic, they appeal to consumers who

younger demographic. However, although

are becoming more tech-savvy, especially

the online world is a strategic source of

with their online shopping. Recently, Ted

brand building and differentiation within the

Baker invested money into their online

luxury business model, if used as all other

platform, opening a new sales channel

sectors do, it could potentially endanger

for the brand. Nevertheless, this has the

the fragile equilibrium of a luxury brand.

potential to be leveraged, through meeting

Simply, it should connect all the departments

changing customer expectations. The digital

of the company, as they pay attention to

era offers unique opportunities to enhance

digital service enhancement and the digital

service and personalization: it is about

sensory experience (Kapferer and Bastien,

relationships, thus about profit


Imagery: (n.d.), ted baker instagram (n.d.)




COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Ray Kelvin’s departure came shortly

The appointment of a designated

after the allegations (of “forced

non-executive director to oversight

hugging” and sexual harassment)

the company’s culture and revamp

were made against him by current

to their HR policies has already

and former employees. Although

been set in place. In exchange, by

the allegations are still under

focusing on a better environment

investigation, this implies a poor

for employees to feel respected and

corporate culture, which could

valued, it will encourage productivity

indicate the company needs to focus

and employees more likely to stay in

on the welfare of the workforce and

the company longer. Externally, it will

build up their ‘enviable reputation’ that

add to Ted Baker’s brand name and

may have been hindered.


It is evident Ted Baker needs to look

light’ (Varley et al. 2018:120). This

at new strategies for growth, when

coincides with the brands strategies

reflecting on both their company

for expansion, and as well, the

structure and key performance

recommendations for product

indicators. Evidently, their rich

innovation and keeping up with

brand heritage provides a key

today’s technology. Although their

differentiation factor. Part of The

financial ratios reflect no significant

Anatomy of Brand Positioning model

improvements in terms of sales

by Jobber (2010), suggests tradition

growth, the year ahead will measure

and heritage are dimensions that

Page’s strategies set in place this

help ‘define these brands today and

year, and hopefully reveal a better

add value, especially when they are

performing company.

re-interpreted in a contemporary



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APPENDICES Appendix 1: The Balanced Scorecard

Sun, L. (n.d.). Which Organizational Structure is Right for Your Business?. [online] Available at:

FINANCIAL (n.d.). [image] Available at: womens.

CUSTOMER (n.d.). CHELSYY Buttoned wrap coat. [image] Available at: https://www.tedbaker. com/uk/Womens/Clothing/Jackets-and-Coats/CHELSYY-Buttoned-wrap-coat-Dark-Green/ p/158658-DK-GREEN.



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Appendix 3: AIDA Model




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