Barcelona mini-guide

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Barcelona is an old industrial city that is the capital of

El Raval

At the top of la Rambla is Placa

Catalonia (Catalunya in Catalan). The official language

Catalunya, a public square that is

is Catalan, so you will see it on most signs, but don’t

also a major bus and metro inter

worry as all the locals speak Spanish and many people change (you can get the airport bus speak English.

here). Going away from Placa Catalunya the area off La Rambla to the right towards the sea is El Raval, an ethnically diverse neighbourhood with a high Asian population (and thus lots of yummy Indian sweetshops, including my favourite, on Carrer de l'Hospi tal, pictured on the right). It is also quite bohemian  there are lots of small bars and cafes (especially on Carrer Joaquin Costa), small art galleries and record shops and vintage shops. There are many, many 99 cent stores. There is a large modern art gallery called MACBA in a modern white cube building

Barcelona’s most famous street is La Rambla, which leads down to the har

outside which lots of skaters congregate (Barcelona is very famous for skateboard ers!).

bour (pictured seen from a cable car).

La Ramba is extremely crowded and touristy and lined with mime artists, flower stalls and

Most of the streets are very, very narrow. This heart decoration is suspended

pet stalls. Be aware of pickpockets and prosti

between two houses in one street. It has been there for years, gently flicker



Barcelona’s famous Bouqeuria mar ket, which sells lots of cheese,


sausages and hams, vegetables,

People in Barcelona eat late, go out late, go home late and sleep late. Many bars

seafood, etc is on La Rambla backing

are underground (ie, illegal/unlicensed/unofficial, sometimes selling homebrewed

onto El Raval.

alcohol, sometimes literally underground and sometimes hidden in people’s houses).

Born/Barri Gotic Going

away from

There are many nightclubs and drug fuelled dance raves in squats (okupas in Cata lan/Spanish).


Sidecar, An indie club, Placa



towards the sea the area off

Moog, Carrer Arc Del Teatre, El

to the left is Barri Gotic and Born. Barri Gotic is the Gothic

Raval. Alternative/electronic club.

area, housing the old cathe

Razzmatazz, Carrer Pam

dral as well as small, pictur

plona, Massive club with lots of

esque squares and churches.

different rooms, from dance to

Closer to Placa Catalunya is

indie. Main gig venue for Ameri

an area with lots of high

can/English indie bands.

street shops, whereas further down towards the sea, Born is like a slightly more upmarket version of El Raval with nice cafes and bars and small boutiques.

Eixample and Passeig de Gracia Directly above Placa Catalunya at the top of La Rambla is Eixample. Unlike the hig gledy piggledy streets below Placa


Carrer Nou de La Rambla. Another big club and gig venue, just outside

El Raval.

La Pastis, La Ramba (just off to the right further down towards the sea). Tiny, at mospheric French themed bar playing Edith Piaf etc, sells port etc. Sometimes has acoustic live music.

Catalunya, it is laid out on a grid system

El Mariatchi, Carrer Dels Codols, Barri Gotic. Owned by famous FrenchSpanish

with very long, wide streets, the main

singer Manu Chao. Tiny, very colourfully decorated bar tucked down a very small

street being Passeig de Gracia, which is

street in Barri Gotic (about 5 mins from La Rambla off to the left further down towards

lined with exlusive designer clothes

the sea). Sells its own range of olive oils, honey etc. It’s just off meeting place Placa

shops. The famous architect Gaudi de

George Orwell  more commonly known as Placa Tripi (the Spanish name for LSD).

signed the paving stones, which have


an elaborate interlocking pattern. If you want a free souvenir, buy some cheap paper and crayons from a 99 cent store and do a rubbing. Two of Gaudi’s most famous buildings are on Passeig de Gracia. Although they are very expensive to enter, you can look from the outside.

Carrer de Milans, Barri Gotic, and Carrer Valldonzella, El Raval.

Chain of Manchester themed and decorated indie bars  I think there may be a third somewhere.

Eating and drinking

Juicy Jones, Carrer de l'Hospital, El Raval. An amazing vegan smoothie bar and cafe which is decorated with brightly painted murals. The curry and smoothies are a must, and reasonably priced.

Maoz, La Rambla. A falafel chain (there is also one in Born). Often give out free

Must see/do

Look out for graffiti  Barcelona is famous for it (although the authorities are clamping down)! Climb the steps to Parc Guell, a colourful, mad park designed by Gaudi on a hill overlooking

falafel at closing time (around 3am).

the city featuring his sculpture and mosaics on

In my opinion, the best falafel is from small Asian takewaways, and it is far

a lage scale.

cheaper. The best I have ever had is on Carrer Joaquin Costa in El Raval although be warned, it’s very messy  expect to get covered in mayonnaise!

Visit the big park Parc de la Ciutadella in Born

BarcelonaReykjavik, Carrer de Dr Dou 12, Raval. My favourite ever bak

which also contains the zoo. It’s also near the

ers. If the weather’s warm enough, buy some bread here, get some cheese and fruit from the market and have a picnic in a quiet spot such as the gardens outside the old library on Carrer de l'Hospital

to Catalonia: “A modern cathedral, and one of the

 a Catalan speciality  potatoes with a spicy, creamy sauce.

Churros (Xurros in Catalan). A must  especially from a van parked out side a nightclub on you way home at 7am. Batter funneled then deep fried. Can be purchased with a cup of melted chocolate for dipping (churros con chocolate).


 hot chocolate. Very thick and rich rather than milky, served in a

most hideous buildings in the world... I think the Anar chists showed bad taste in not blowing it up when they had the chance.” Take in the atmosphere in Placa Reial, a popular meeting place just off La Rambla, a square with lam posts designed by Gaudi.



Go and take a look at Gaudi’s famous unfinished cathedral Sagrada Familia (George Owell, Homage

Backlava from Asian sweetshops in El Raval. Patatas bravas

impressive monument Arc de Triomphe.

Needs no introduction. I used to go to a Catalan cafe on Carrer San An

toni that sold it for 3 euros a bottle.

Absinthe. There are a couple of absinthe bars in El Raval.

Basic vocabulary

Go to Placa d’Espyana in the daytime

uno  one

for Catalonia’s big museum of national

dos  two

art and at night time for a light show

tres  three

where the big fountain changes colour.

cerveza  beer

agua  water

cuatro  four

naranja  orange

queso  cheese

cinco  five

manzana  apple

la cuenta por favor  the bill please

See the city from a cable car at Mon

seis  six

vino tinto  red wine

de nada  it’s nothing

tjuic mountain.

siete  seven

vino blanco  white wine derecho  right

ocho  eight

pequena/o  small

izquierda  left

Browse the vintage shops in El Raval

neuve  nine

grande  big

cuanta cuesta?  how much does it cost? diez  ten

around Carrer de Tallers/Carrer de la Riera Baxia.

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