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Hi ,I ’ m Na t a l i e ! Wel c ome!I appr ec i at ey out aki ng t i met og ett oknowmeandmy pas s i onf orphot og r aphy ! Somef unt i dbi t saboutme: Myf av or i t ec ol ori s wat er mel onpi nk. I eatt oomanySourPat c hKi ds ! I c an’ ts l eepwi t hs oc kson. I mayormaynothav ean obs es s i onwi t hPi nt er es t .

Be a u t i f u l .Fu n .Yo u .

Thr eewor dst hatspeakt omyst yl eofphot ogr aphy.Wi t hl ai dback,f un, andcr eat i vephot osessi ons,Il ovecust omi zi ngsessi onsf ormycl i ent s. Youwon’ tf i ndanycl i chepr opsorover usedt r endsher e-j ustr aw emot i ons,l ove,r el at i onshi ps,snapshot s-ofyouandt hoseyoul ove.I t el lyourst or y-t hosef l eet i ngnewbor ndet ai l s,t hesmi l eonyourf i ance’ s f acewhenhel ooksatyou,yourchi l d’ st oot hl essgr i n.You’ l lenj oy beaut i f ulf i near tpr i nt s,di gi t alopt i ons,met alpr i nt s,andsomanyot her br eat ht aki nghei r l oomsf r om yoursessi onwi t h Nat al i eAnnePhot ogr aphy.

TheEx pe r i e nc e

Fi n eAr tP r i n t s Pr i nt edonpr of es s i onal phot og r aphi cpaper , f i near t pr i nt sar eg uar ant eedt onev erf ade, di s c ol or , or wr i nkl e. Coat edt opr ot ec tag ai ns tf i ng er pr i nt s , s c r at c hi ng , andUVdamag e, andmount edt oar c hi v al bac ki ngf ordur abi l i t y . Fi ni shi ngopt i ons( i ncl uded) :Li nen,Pebbl e, DeepMat t e,orMet al l i c Cust om si zesavai l abl e. * unmount ed













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Gi c l e eFi n eAr tP r i n t s

Notmyi mage,butanexampl e f r om t hel ab.

Per f ec ti namat t edf r ame-



uni quet or nedg es .Ec of r i endl y



c ot t onbas edpaper .



UVf i ni s ht opr ot ec tag ai ns tl i g ht ,



wat er ,moi s t ur e,ai r bor ne



c ont ami nent s ,andf i ng er pr i nt s .



TheDi g i t a lAr c hi v e THEDI GI TALARCHI VEi ncl udeshi ghr esol ut i onf i l es andapr i ntr el ease,al l owi ngyout opr i ntanduseyour di gi t ali magest oyourdesi r e.


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Po l i c i e s

Sessi onFee:$125. Vi ew&ChooseAppoi nt ment sar eschedul edwi t hi nt hr eeweeksoft he sessi on.Pr i nt / di gi t alor der sar emadeatt hatt i me. Pr i cesdonotr ef l ectsal est ax. Pr i cessubj ectt ochange.Ful lpol i cyl i st edi nCont r act .

R e a dyt ob o o ky o urs e s s i o n ?

262. 349. 7750 nat al i e@nat al i eannephot og . c om www. nat al i eannephot og . c om

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