2017 Natalie's Studio Baby Guide

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Maternity & Baby


b y Nata l i e ’ s S t u d i o P h o t o g r a p h y


VIP and Basic Sessions A PEEK INSIDE

Our favorite products and artwork.


perfect portrait sessions


for a newborn photo session.

2017 SEASON complimentary




We are so grateful and honored that you have chosen Natalie’s Studio to capture and protect the memories of your precious baby’s first year of life. We believe there is nothing more magical than when a new baby comes into the world. We know your child will change so much throughout the year and we are delighted to help you preserve and remember all of the amazing changes and tiny details along the way. We welcome your child to the Natalie’s Studio Photography family and promise to place as much importance on the documentation of your child as if they were our very own. So welcome to the program and thank you for letting us share in this extraordinary journey. This helpful guide is loaded with tips for every session from the MATERNITY SESSION to FIRST BIRTHDAY SESSION. So, rest well knowing that you will have the finest experience in children’s portraiture in the area. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to call us at any time. We want to make your portraits special. Thanks!




Step 1: Consultation Visit Natalie’s studio at 6 Flat Rock Road Potsdam NY 13676. Come on in! Go through the center door and down the stairs. The Lounge is on the left and Camera Room on the right. At the consultation we can plan exactly what you are looking for in your photo shoot. We will iron out all the details. We will also sign paperwork and pay the session fee. We will also talk a little about products so you can start planning how you would like to display your artwork.

Set 2: Portrait Session Get ready for some fun. On the day of the photo session the only thing we have to worry about is having fun and getting amazing portraits.

Step 3: The Reveal Within 4 weeks of your session you are invited back to the studio for your “reveal”. We will look at all your original images and at this time you can pick your products and artwork. Anyone interested in buying artwork should be present at this meeting.

What if I can’t decide at the Reveal? You can choose to have a proof book printed (or online gallery uploaded) for a $200 deposit (which will get applied to your artwork.) Then you can take all the time you want to look at your proofs! The only disadvantage is you won’t get any of the special discounts and custom care that you get at the reveal.

ENJOY YOUR ARTWORK! In 4-6 weeks your artwork will be ready for pick up at the studio. (We know that is a little long but perfection takes time.) Shipping can be arranged on small orders for an additional fee.


M AT E R N I T Y P O R T R A I T S We know how important it is to capture your new bundle of joy, but it is just as important to honor the couple who brought them into this world. To be a mother is truly a wonder. Honor parenthood with a timeless maternity session. You can bare as much or as little as you want. You won’t regret having these special images in the future.

T I P : Add a little glam with a special dress and head dress. We c a n h e l p y o u f i n d o n e .


NEWBORN PORTRAITS Because this magical stage of life passes in the blink of an eye, ideally the newborn session should take place within 5-10 days, and no longer than 2 weeks after your baby’s birth. You will treasure these captured memories of those tiny toes and fingers, those little dimples, that sleepy face & squishy folds.

T I P: Send us the birth stats so we can make a custom birth announcement for you.

www.natalieWstudio.com www.natalieWstudio.com visit us on the web


SITTING UP PORTRAITS Most babies usually sit up between their 6th or 7th month. This is such a fun session & is usually the most productive! Babies are so fun at this age and so full of character. You won’t want to miss this session. Also this is a great session to invite Grandparents since there is a little less to do. (no cake to smash quite yet.)

T I P: Bring something in their theme they can hold. Babies need something in their hands.


1 ST B I R T H D AY P O R T R A I T S It’s time to celebrate! Can you believe it, your baby is one. One year old children are much more independent and mobile during this session. So get ready to have some fun! We can offer an individual photo session, a family and a cake smash as options for this milestone. We even offer custom cakes to help make your session unique.

T I P: This is a little longer in order to do the cake smash. Schedule after the morning nap.



WAT C H M E G R OW V I P S E S S I O N S These sessions are our most popular and are created to caputure your family, your new babies first year and all the amazing changes that will take place.

VIP Sessions Get the best experience and all the creativity that Natalie’s Studio has to offer with our VIP Sessions. These showcase your uniqueness and offer more flexibility than the basic sessions. Each session also has a print credit so you are sure to have amazing portraits to enjoy. Plus, you get lots of extra value with all the perks and extras in the VIP sessions. Start getting the VIP experience today! All VIP Sessions include these perks. • Your session fee decreses the more session you book • Choose in-studio, on location or both for any session. • More time & flexibility at your session. • Prime session times available. (Sunset & Golden Hour and Weekend Sessions*) • Unlimited outfit changes. • More original images to choose from. • The ultimate experience. • A featured blog post after your photo reveal for you to share with family and friends. • Plus all bonus items listed are per session. (web files, digital files, slideshows and more) *Weekend Session are available but are limited


VIP Platinum 4 S es s i o n s | $ 1 0 0 0 Web files of all ordered poses. Custom Slideshow to show full first year. 2 Full Resolution Digital files (per session) ($25 session fees and a $200 print credit per session)

VIP GOLD 3 S essi o ns | $750 Web sized files of all ordered poses. 1 Full Resolution Digital files (per session) ($50 session fees and a $200 print credit per session)

VIP SILVER 2 S es s i o n s | $ 5 5 0 Web sized files of all ordered poses. 1 Full Resolution Digital files (per session) ($75 session fees and a $200 print credit per session)

VIP BRONZE 1 S essi o n | $400 Web sized files of all ordered poses. 1 Full Resolution Digital files (per session) ($100 session fee and a $300 print credit)

Nata l i e ’ s



Basic Sessions Basic sessions are 1 or 2 hours in length and are offered as in studio, on location or both. Typically there is time for 1-2 outfits. Basic sessions are offered during regular business hours. (For a basic session on the weekend there will be a $50 weekend fee, however VIP sessions are available on weekends.) After you invest in your session you are invited back to the studio to choose any prints and products at your photo reveal. Additional time can be added to any basic session for $75 an hour. *Newborn session are excluded due to the time it takes to settle and photograph a newborn.

In-Studio 1 h our s es s ion $95

On Location 1 hour s es s i on $1 25

Combination 2 h our s e s s ion sp l i t b et we e n i n - st u di o a nd on lo cat ion $19 5


The “Zen” Effect Moms tend to stress out simply because they care so much about their children. They want to get amazing portraits and if they see their children having a difficulty getting settled *(especially for newborn sessions) they think, “This is a disaster! We aren’t going to get ANY good photos!” But trust me, we know how important these images are to you. And we promise to do EVERYTHING we can to insure you get beautiful portraits. Just remember: Babies can sense stress and anxiety. It’s super important that everyone remain calm and relaxed during this session. Keeping the environment as mellow and zen as possible will help make it a success.

H OW T O P R E PAR E F O R A N E W B O R N S E S S I O N M o n t h s b e f o r e y o u r d u e dat e :

Hopefully you are reading this when you are in your 2nd trimester or earlier. We recommend you call and schedule your newborn session as early as possible. We know that babies don’t always arrive on time but if you call ahead we can plan so your newborn photos are captured during the prime 3-7 days of life. (Also shop and prepare your outfits before you deliver. )


Day of



Ask G ra n d ma t o c o m e h e lp .

K e e p y our baby aw ak e for about 2 hours

S a fe ty is

always p ri o ri t y a n d it’s im p o r ta n t to h a ve

be fore the s e s s ion.

an ext ra h a n d n e a r b a b y wh ile we a re

re ally hard.

behind t h e c a me ra .

S o it is im p o r ta n t th a t

It w or k be s t if the baby is in a deep sl eep.

we hav e Da d o r a no th e r h elp er rea d y to

To e nc our age this , w e re c om m e nd t hat you do

stand b y f o r sa f e t y re a s o n s .

w hate v e r it tak e s to m ak e s ure baby i s ni ce

WH AT!?! That sounds

and tire d. K e e ping y our little one awake on

Birth Day YOUR BABY ARRIVES: Once y o u d e l i v e r g i v e u s a ca ll, tex t o r e-m ail a s so o n a s y ou c a n . (We lo v e it when Da d ’s g e t u s o n th e o ffic ia l “ b a b y is here ! ” l i st . J u st s a yin … ) T h e n w e ca n adjus t y o u r se ssi o n d a te a c c o rd in g ly.

top of y our ow n s le e p de pr iv ation mi ght f eel lik e tor ture , but w e think it w ill b e wort h i t i n the e nd! A he lpful tip… this is a gre at t i me f or your baby ’s fir s t bath.

You c an us e t hat t o keep

the m aw ak e . (We re c om m e nd no soap. )

DRESSING BABY Afte r that fir s t bath put y our baby i n a

1-2 DAYS BEFORE YOUR SESSION: For m o ms. Tru st me , I kn o w ! Yo u ju s t had a b a b y a n d a re n ’t fee lin g yo u r b e s t.

v e r y loos e fitting diape r, this w il l prevent diape r line s . D re s s the m in loose f i t t i ng c om for table c lothing and no s oc ks so t hey w on’t hav e any c lothing line s .

But we t h i n k t h i s i s th e p e r fe c t tim e to


pampe r y o u rse l f !

You c an e ithe r fe e d y our baby ju st bef ore y ou le av e if y ou hav e a s hor t c ar ri de or

If possi b l e sc h e d u l e a m a s s a g e o r

fe e d the m r ight w he n y ou ge t to t he st udi o.

manicu re . ( Or b e t t er ye t h a ve fr ien d s /

Again, tr y to k e e p the m aw ak e in t he car. I

fam ily c o me a n d d o it fo r yo u . ) L o o kin g

k now it is hard but it is w or th it.

relaxed a n d a t y o u r b e s t will m a ke yo u feel m o re c o mf o rt a b le d u r in g th e s es s io n . This is a n e x c i t i n g t i m e in yo u r life … s o take ca re o f y o u rse l f fir s t! (A n d fe e l fre e to tell y o u r h u sb a n d s th a t w e’re m a kin g you if t h e y n e e d a l i ttle co n v in cin g !)

SIBLING If y ou hav e olde r brothe r s or s ist ers we wi l l plan on photogr aphing the w hole f ami l y and s iblings fir s t and the n s e nding s ibl i ngs “out to ic e c re am ” w ith D ad or G r and ma. Thi s w ay it c an be c alm and quie t for baby.


At your consultation we will discuss your preferences and a color scheme you would like to use in your portraits. We find it works best if you choose 3 colors and use them throughout all of your photo sessions. This helps your album and wall collage coordinate at the end of the first year.


Newborn: Let’s face it, clothes don’t really fit newborns very well. So for the newborn session we will mostly be using wraps and accessories like headbands and hats. Feel free to bring any accessories, props or handmade knitted outfits you would like. Plus we have lots at the studio to use also. Sitting Up: Plan 1 to 2 outfits that fit in your color theme. Keep it free of any text or logos. We want the attention to be on your baby and not the clothes. 1st Birthday: You should have about 3 outfits for a Birthday session; one for family photos, one for individual and something for the cake smash. Tutus, diaper covers and little bow ties work great for cake smashes. We are happy to help you plan your sessions look. Just give us a call.


Plan layers and things you can mix and match throughout your sessions in your chosen 3 colors. It is great to have cardigans, scarves and hats you can mix and match to change the look of your outfit. Simple is best. Stay away from busy patterns, really bright colors, logos and text. We’re also big fans of skin-on-skin portraits with you holding your baby against you. They’re so simple and timeless! So if you want some portraits like this with your newborn, consider a strapless top or tank or something you can pull the straps down on. I love the dresses and outfits from https://www. sewtrendyaccessories.com/ for maternity and more. They are just amazing. (If you are interested I can get you a photographers discount for any of the products there also.)


Your hands, and possibly even your feet, will play a major role in these sessions, so it’s important that you tend to them too! So it’s a good idea to trim and tidy your nails and apply lotion to any dry skin. (It also never hurts to dab a little moisturizer on your face to help you look more refreshed. Those late nights can take a toll on your skin!) A little clothing advice, long or short sleeved knits are best. (Make sure there isn’t too much bagginess in the sleeve.) *Wrinkles do show up in photos, so please make sure all clothing is ironed or steamed. The retouching involved is extensive and will incur an extra fee.

Products & ArtWork


OUR MOST POPULAR PODUCTS 1) Because your babies first year is so important and so full of changes we recommend an album to show off all of the amazing growth your little one experienced. 2) We offer custom collages to showcase more than one pose or adorable little outfit for your little one. Check out our tiny pieces collage to show all those cute details. 3) What better way to decorate your precious nursary beautifyl custom artwork.

than with

A wall collage can make a beautiful

statement that you are sure to enjoy as you rock your baby to sleep. 4. All our artwork and products are a la carte so you can create your own collection.

Prices range from $45 to $3250 so we can

accomodate any budget. Ask for a product guide today.

What if my baby cries? I am very patient, don’t worry. We schedule in extra time when working with little ones to accommodate some moodiness.

Patience is Key! Newborn sessions can last anywhere from 2-4 hours. So be prepared to hang out for a while. It all depends on baby’s mood and willingness to sleep. Unfortunately…this isn’t something we can predict! Getting them to sleep before posing takes time and they may need to be fed or cuddled a few times. In fact, we’d say that a good 50% of your session will involve feeding, diaper changes, and cuddling to get baby comfortable. If that doesn’t work, we’ll take a break or we’ll work with what baby is giving us.

How do I get those cool poses, like a baby hanging from a tree? Safety is always first. I LOVE unique and creative shots. If you have ideas please share. But we must also consider the safest way to photograph your baby. Also consider not all babies are willing to do every pose or sit in every prop.

STUDIO HOURS Sundays Mondays Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturdays

closed 10am-3pm & 5pm-7:30pm 5pm-7:30pm 10am-3pm by appointment by appointment by appointment

Photography by: Natalie Wendig www.natalieWstudio.com natalie@natalieWstudio.com 315-212-3679

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