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Here we are, April 2025, Tampa Bay, and good things are happening on the West Coast of Florida. This month’s issue of Natural Awakenings healthy living magazine is here again with another eye-opening array of news and views from the forefront of the natural health movement. With Earth Day arriving on April 22nd and focusing on environmental protection, it is especially timely and fantastic that there’s a call to action for the Great Port Cleanup. See page 20 for details.
Responsible for the shape we’re in, this jam-packed issue presents brilliant ways to pare down, streamline and thrive in newfound ways. Life is lived sweeter nearer the bone. Necessity is the mother of invention. Waste not, want not. Thrift precedes prosperity. These most important balances are found in The Wisdom of a Circular Economy, an in-depth article sharing healthy pith—as in nature—where there is no waste and wealth flows.
Taking tender care with our very own being has become a fullon occupation. Relief from Fibromyalgia offers new hope as to the rapidly evolving interventions for this nerve-based condition.
Always remembering our feline friends, learn how diet, hydration and supplements can help in Treating Urinary Infections in Cats
This issue—resurrecting People, Planet and Purpose—is a keeper.
With an open Heart and mind, please enjoy.
Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 727-865-9339 or email dwilson@natampa. com. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month
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∙ BHRT including pellets
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Located in Palm Harbor, R3 Miracles is more than just a wellness center, it’s a sacred space—a sanctuary for healing and higher consciousness. Guided by Elasa Tina-Marie Tiernan and expert practitioners, they offer holistic therapies, Quantum Soul courses and cutting-edge healing technology.
At R3 Miracles, they will help you Reconnect, Remember and Realize—aligning your body, mind and soul for true healing. Experience Quantum Soul Healing, Reiki, Energy Work, Vibrational Healing, Astrology, and Herbal Wellness, along with state-of-theart tools like Theraphi Plasma MedBed, Scalar Healing, Sound Therapy, and Stem Cell Activation Patches.
Also, offering certifications, workshops and advanced training for practitioners and seekers of self-discovery. First-time visitors receive a complimentary Theraphi Plasma MedBed session (available remotely or in person).
Furthermore, clients enjoy the benefits of R3’s specialty shop offering powerful tools to support the journey and create an optimal self-healing environment. Stepping into one’s highest timeline possible, transformation starts here.
Location: 1017 Illinois Ave., Palm Harbor. For more info and to schedule, call/text 727-221-7564, 727-452-7526 and/or visit R3Miracles.com. See ad page 25.
disease is known as the “silent” disease because many patients don’t have symptoms until it’s too late. Another issue often faced until it’s too late is oral cancer. At high risk are patients 50-years of age and older who have in the past or present used tobacco or have been diagnosed with or have immediate family history of oral cancer, with signs that may include consistent sores or ulcers, difficulty or discomfort swallowing, change in voice, and lumps or swelling present in the mouth or throat.
In the past, early detection technology was limited, resulting in only 28 percent of patients receiving an early diagnosis—a significant concern, given that those diagnosed in the early stages have a 44 percent higher survival rate than those diagnosed in late stages.
VIOME™ offers a simple saliva test for patients to do at home. Studies show that patients who have done the VIOME™ CancerDetect Oral + Throat Saliva Test have a 40 percent, five-year survival rate with late-stage oral cancer and 84 percent have been diagnosed in early stages.
Location: 6700 Crosswinds Dr., Ste. 200-B, St. Petersburg. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 727-3849122 or visit tbPerio.com. See ad page 13.
TheGreen Laser is a low-level, nonthermal device which emits 532nm green lasers onto the skin to break down hypertrophic adipocytes (fat cells) without killing them; this keeps the hormonal system balanced. It has been shown to be effective in reducing the circumference of fat areas by an average of 2 to 6 inches. The treatments are typically painless and can take as little as 30 minutes. Clients can resume normal activities after treatment.
Considered safe for most patients, including children, pregnant women and people with sensitive skin, the Green Laser is painless and doesn’t require anesthesia, injections or incisions. The device has been cleared by the U.S. FDA as a noninvasive esthetic treatment for reduction of circumference of hips, waist and upper abdomen when applied to individuals with a BMI over 30.
Offered at Cryogenix Rejuvenation and Recovery, results develop between 6 to 12 weeks as fat cells shrink down into lean, healthy tissue. When fat is released from the fat cells during the course of laser lipo treatment, the body’s natural rebalancing removes it.
Location: 34282 US 19N, Palm Harbor. For more information and appointments, call 727-614-9000 and/or visit CryogenixRR. com. See ad page 8 .
Herbalists and plant lovers, celebrate the importance of plants in health with Herb Day St. Pete 2025, taking place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on May 3, at 6340 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg. Herbalists and plant lovers around the world come together this day to celebrate the importance of herbs, plants and people via Herb Day Coalition, a national group of nonprofit herbal organizations dedicated to herbal education, research, quality control, plant preservation, and the responsible use of herbs in human health. Local herbal events take place throughout the nation.
Herb Day St. Pete is hosted by Traditions School of Herbal Studies and Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, in benefit of the West Coast Chapter of the American Herbalists Guild and The Florida Herb Society. Open to the public, enjoy free lectures by local herbal experts, free samples, raffles, music and more. There will be locally grown medicinal plants for sale and all vendors will be local and related to herbs.
Anyone interested in learning more about herbs, herbal medicine and herbal safety should definitely attend!
Cost: Free. For more information, visit acuHerbals.com and TraditionsHerbSchool.com or call 727-249-1174. See ad page 23.
Creatine is a compound made by the body that is found in the muscles and brain. People may take it in supplement form to help build muscle and lower injury risk. A small, controlled study published in the journal Scientific Reports evaluated the use of creatine to clear the mental fog that may result from a bad night’s sleep. Fifteen healthy young adults stayed in a laboratory for two nights, five days apart, during which they were kept awake all night.
One night, they received a single dose of creatine, and the other, they were given a placebo. Cognitive tests were conducted before they took the creatine or placebo, and at three other times during the night. The researchers found that a single, high dose of creatine partially reversed some of the cognitive impacts of sleep deprivation. Further research is needed to determine appropriate doses for maximum effect.
The Wall Street Journal reports that scientists at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Adelaide, in Australia, are working on a novel method to fight tooth decay. Different bacteria in the mouth can cause oral disease or prevent it, and the idea is to transfer bacteria from the mouth of a healthy individual to reduce tooth decay in another.
The researchers identified an individual that brushes only once a day, never flosses and has no cavities despite having not visited the dentist in five years. This super-donor's microbiome was so healthy that poor oral hygiene habits did not seem to matter. When the scientists applied plaque from the super-donor to the teeth of rats, the animal subjects showed a significant drop in tooth decay. Clinical trials on humans will begin later this year.
While highly processed foods have been associated with an unhealthy diet, information about the degree of processing has been limited. GroceryDB, a comprehensive database of more than 50,000 food products sold by Walmart, Target and Whole Foods, is the first systematic attempt to quantify food processing. With the help of a user-friendly interface called TrueFood (True Food.tech), GroceryDB enables consumers to view the level of processing for specific foods, based on a scoring system where 0.0 to 0.2 represents minimally processed items and 0.7 to 1.0 are considered ultra-processed.
The GroceryDB system uses artificial intelligence to examine each product’s ingredient complexity and interactions; presence and quantity of industrial additives; nutritional composition and density; processing methods and techniques; presence of artificial preservatives and enhancers; chemical modifications to the original ingredients; added sugars and their forms; industrial protein sources and modifications; and synthetic micronutrients and fortification.
In January, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of Red No. 3 in food and ingested drugs. The synthetic dye has been primarily used to produce a bright, cherry color in candy, cakes, cookies, frozen desserts and certain pharmaceuticals. The ruling was prompted by a 2022 petition by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which demonstrated that the coloring agent caused cancer in male rats exposed to high levels. Manufacturers must stop using the dye in foods by January 2027 and in ingestible drugs by January 2028.
An observational study published in Nature Microbiology found that people with high levels of the beneficial Faecalibacterium bacteria were more likely to also have low levels of potentially fatal bacteria, such as E. coli. The researchers analyzed gut microbiome samples from more than 12,000 people in 45 countries.
The samples with high levels of Faecalibacterium also had high levels of beneficial short-chain fatty acids, a byproduct from the breakdown of fiber. These findings suggest that eating high-fiber foods such as vegetables, beans and grains might help protect against harmful bacteria. Additional research is needed to test whether fiber prevents the incidence of infections over a longer time span.
Approximately 12 million Americans over age 40 have vision impairment, 1 million of which are blind, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Historically, employment opportunities for blind adults have been limited by the inaccessibility or ineffective use of Braille, a system of raised dots that allows visually impaired individuals to read and write.
Scientists are developing new digital technologies to bring Braille text and tactile graphics to the blind in real time. The South Korean company Dot, for example, created an electromagnetic device that moves thousands of pins up and down on a handheld pad. Michigan-based NewHaptics is working on an apparatus that uses air pressure to move the Braille dots on a display.
Other researchers are exploring ways to leverage artificial intelligence to translate books and convert images into Braille more quickly and at a lower cost. American Printing House for the Blind uses Dot technology to create a laptop machine called Monarch that displays 10 lines of Braille and provides a Braille keyboard, as well as word processing, graphics and touchscreen capabilities. The new devices are expensive. Dot Pad retails for $12,000 and the Monarch is $17,900.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) known as “forever chemicals” have been linked to a number of health issues. In April 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency labeled a specific PFAS known as perfluoroctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and its salts and isomers as hazardous chemicals.
A recent study published in Science of the Total Environment reports that a bacterial strain known as Labrys portucalensis F11 consumed 96 percent of the PFOS to which it was exposed over a 194-day period at a contaminated industrial site in Portugal. Scientists hope to use F11 to remediate this form of PFAS from the environment.
Algae are one of the fastest-growing organisms on Earth, and the body weight of many forms are comprised of 30 percent oil. When they are fed sugar, algae increase in size and oil content. Taking advantage of these characteristics, Amsterdam-based manufacturer Corbion is exploring ways to produce and market algae oil as a viable alternative for cooking. The company currently operates a plant in Brazil that ferments algae from the sap of chestnut trees to increase its oil content to 80 percent. The oil is then separated and refined for human consumption.
There are multiple advantages to algae cooking oil. It has 25 percent less saturated fat than olive oil; more heart-healthy, monounsaturated fat than other cooking oils; less polyunsaturated fat than seed oils; and a higher smoke point than many other oils. Switching to algae oils could have benefits for the environment, too, by conserving water and reducing fertilizer use. Until demand increases, however, algae oils remain a high-cost product.
In 1956, researchers attached a tracking band to a 5-year-old Laysan albatross they named Wisdom that was living at the Midway Atoll, in the Pacific Ocean. Last November, this same bird laid her first egg in four years and became a mom again in late January, making her the oldest known wild bird in the world to lay and hatch an egg.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that Wisdom has outlived at least three mates and fledged as many as 30 chicks in her lifetime. Albatross mate for life but will breed with new mates if a partner dies. The next oldest albatross at Midway is 45 years old.
Archaeologists have discovered the fossil of a quail-sized bird that roamed the skies of southeastern China 150 million years ago, reports the journal Nature, leading archaeologists to estimate the origin of birds to be about 164 to 172 million years ago—much earlier than previously thought. This fossil has a short tail, an important aerodynamic feature that helped it fly better, much like modern-day birds. The only other such fossil from the Jurassic Period was a half-bird, half-reptile with a long tail that was found in Germany in 1862.
by Sandra Yeyati
April 22 marks the 55th anniversary of Earth Day, the worldwide annual event that fosters environmental awareness and champions conservation initiatives designed to curb the ravages of climate change. This year’s theme—Our Power, Our Planet—invites 1 billion supporters in 192 countries to unite behind renewable energy with the goal of tripling the global generation of clean electricity by 2030.
“For years, we have been fed the lie that only fossil fuels can power the planet. That is not true,” says Denis Hayes, organizer of the first Earth Day and board chair emeritus of EarthDay.org. “By the 2030s, the largest source of electricity generation on the planet will be solar power.”
Our reliance on fossil fuels for energy has had dire consequences, releasing greenhouse gases and toxic chemicals that drive climate change, pollute the environment
and threaten human health. According to EarthDay.org, cutting greenhouse gas emissions diminishes the risk of heatwaves, floods and the spread of infectious diseases. A reduction in air pollution is also expected to decrease respiratory and cardiovascular diseases such as asthma and strokes.
The technology already exists to meet global energy needs with clean, affordable and renewable power from solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and hydro sources—all of which can be stored in batteries and fuel cells. Wind and solar have become the most cost-effective sources of power, surpassing traditional fossil fuels in affordability. Renewable energy represents a huge economic opportunity estimated to create 14 million new jobs globally, according to the International Energy Agency, an intergovernmental organization that provides data, analysis and policy recommendations on the global energy sector.
Forty-nine countries currently generate more than half of their electricity from clean sources, including Canada, Switzerland, Austria, New Zealand, Brazil, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, while Iceland produces virtually all of its power from renewable sources.
“We need people power to support the big switch to renewable energy,” says Kathleen Rogers, president of EarthDay.org. “We encourage everyone to talk to your local mayor, boss, neighbors, community leaders, and local and national legislators to explore and to champion switching to renewables.”
There are multiple ways to get involved and celebrate Earth Day in our community.
Friday, April 11, 2025, 8:30 - 11am. Community volunteers will safely remove trash and marine debris from several sites in and around the port. This event is a call to action for the port community to support the ongoing efforts to keep Tampa Bay a beautiful place to live, work, and play. Locations:AJ Palonis Gandy Park South 5151 W Gandy Blvd, Tampa, Desoto Park - Corrine St, Tampa, Davis Island Boat Ramp & Seaplane Basin - 864 Severn Avenue, Tampa. Free (advance registration requested) https://www.keeptampabaybeautiful.org/greatportcleanup
Saturday, April 19 and Tuesday April 22 10am. Explore the natural wonders of Sunken Gardens with a self-guided scavenger hunt for all ages. 1825 4th St. N. St. Petersburg.
Tuesday April 22, 5:30 - 8pm Join us for an unforgettable Earth Day Block Party celebration on the Pinellas Trail! This community block party brings together environmental enthusiasts, local businesses, and families for an evening filled with fun, sustainability, and eco-conscious living. Foodie Labs on the Pinellas Trail. 515 22nd St S Suite 130, St. Petersburg, FL 33712.
by Dr. Spencer Enga
Vertigo is more than just occasional dizziness—it can feel like the world is spinning out of control. Many sufferers experience nausea, disorientation and difficulty performing daily activities. While traditional treatments often focus on managing symptoms, there is a natural and effective way to address vertigo at its root cause: Upper cervical chiropractic care.
Dr. Spencer Enga, at Neckwise Tampa, specializes in a precise and gentle approach to chiropractic care that has helped many individuals regain their stability and quality of life. By correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine, Dr. Enga and his team focus on restoring proper nerve function and balance, leading to lasting relief from vertigo.
Sarah, a 42-year-old mother of two, had been suffering from debilitating vertigo for years. Simple tasks like grocery shopping or playing with her kids became overwhelming as sudden dizziness would strike without warning. She had seen numerous specialists, tried medications and even undergone vestibular therapy, but nothing provided lasting relief. A friend recommended Neckwise Tampa, and though skeptical, Sarah decided to schedule a consultation with Dr. Enga.
After a thorough evaluation, including advanced Cone Beam CT (CBCT) imaging, Dr. Enga discovered a significant misalignment in her atlas vertebra. He explained how this misalignment could be interfering with her nervous system and contributing to her vertigo symptoms.
With a precise and gentle correction, Sarah began her healing journey. Unlike traditional chiropractic methods, there was no twisting or cracking—just targeted adjustments designed to restore balance. After just a few sessions, Sarah noticed a significant reduction in dizziness. Over the next few weeks, her vertigo episodes became less frequent and less intense. Now, months later, she enjoys a life free from constant spinning and uncertainty.
Upper cervical chiropractic care is highly specialized and gentle. At Neckwise Tampa, Dr. Enga utilizes advanced diagnostic tools, including CBCT imaging and thermal scans, to pinpoint the exact misalignment in the upper cervical spine. Once identified, Dr. Enga applies a precise and
gentle correction tailored to the individual’s needs. This non-invasive adjustment helps restore proper alignment, allowing the nervous system to function optimally and improving communication between the brain and body. The goal is long-term stability, reducing the need for frequent adjustments.
Healing through holding the adjustment. One unique aspect of care at Neckwise Tampa is their focus on helping patients hold their adjustments. Many people assume that frequent chiropractic visits are necessary, but Dr. Enga emphasizes stability over repeated manipulations. When the spine maintains proper alignment, the body can heal naturally, leading to sustainable improvement in vertigo symptoms.
A natural, long-term solution. For those struggling with vertigo, upper cervical chiropractic care offers a promising solution that addresses the root cause rather than just masking symptoms. Patients at Neckwise Tampa often report significant improvements, including reduced dizziness, better balance and an overall sense of well-being.
Consider exploring upper cervical chiropractic care. By restoring balance to the spine and nervous system, find the lasting relief you've been searching for—naturally and effectively.
Location: 2002 N. Lois Ave., Ste. 220, Tampa. For more information and to schedule a consultation, call 813-5496565 or visit Neckwise. com. See ad page 6.
by Carrie Jackson
Acircular economy mimics nature by keeping products and materials in circulation and regenerating their resources. According to the World Health Organization, it offers an avenue to sustainable growth, good health and
decent jobs while saving the environment and its natural resources. Although this is not a new concept, an increasing number of businesses across various industries are acknowledging our climate crisis and renewing their dedication to sustainability.
Consumers, too, are recognizing their role in a circular economy and becoming more mindful of how they use their resources. By making conscious choices about their purchases, managing waste and cutting back on consumption, they can positively impact the planet, their wallets and communities at both a local and global scale.
Claire Potter is the founder of One Circular World, and author of Welcome to the Circular Economy: The Next Step in Sustainable Living. She notes that a circular economy is best described as a series of systems that work like nature does. “No waste is produced in nature, and everything flows,” she says. “Anything not required by one species is used by another or breaks down to provide nutrients for the earth. Nature works in balance with itself, and humans are the only species on Earth that doesn’t do that.”
A circular economy can provide this balance across multiple sectors. “By using a waste stream of material for another purpose, ensuring that the earth is nourished with organic waste, using materials for as long as possible before they are broken down to be used for another purpose, and ensuring that renewable energies are used to make and transport our products, the circular economy feeds into all elements of our lives,” explains Potter.
Consumers can start by cutting down on online shopping, which reduces packaging and prevents unwanted items ending
up in landfills. “It is very tempting to click on something and have it arrive the next day, but online shopping is notorious for having excessive amounts of packaging,” says Potter. “See if orders can be combined and packed together, or buy the same item from a physical store where you can try things on before purchasing them. Large volumes of clothing purchased online is returned, and, unfortunately, it is cheaper for the brand to ditch the item than to put it back into their supply chain.”
Although recycling is often touted as a cornerstone of environmental stewardship, Potter asserts, “Recycling won’t save us. We have had the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ mantra since around the first Earth Day in 1970, and yet our consumption-based industries have somehow encouraged us to focus on the ‘recycling’ element alone. In circularity terms, the first two are far higher up the hierarchy of desirable actions. Of course, recycling plays a part, but it is a deeply inefficient system.”
As an example, Potter points to the UK where “only around 9 percent of the plastic sent for recycling ever returns as a new item, and the rest ends up being landfilled or incinerated. In some cases, recycled material is exported to developing countries, which increases the risk of it being dumped into various ecosystems.”
Potter suggests a revamping of the old mantra to include refuse, repair, redirect,
regenerate and refill. “Recycling is often a very energy- and transport-heavy system, so in circularity terms it is far better to reduce and reuse before you get to recycling, which should be the last resort,” she explains. “Buy the best possible option for longevity, repairability and upgradability; even if it is more expensive, that initial investment can pay out multiple times.”
While it can seem overwhelming to responsibly manage waste, businesses like TerraCycle are stepping in to help by providing Zero Waste Boxes and other waste-management solutions to recycle almost everything— from everyday kitchen waste and cleaning supplies to cosmetics packaging and more. These free and paid solutions are available to individuals, offices, schools and facilities.
Established in 2001, TerraCycle developed its own platform of circularity called Loop. By partnering with retailers (Charlie Banana), brands (Coca-Cola, Evian and Nutella) and supply partners (FedEx), they enable the sale and collection of reusable and returnable versions of conventional, singleuse products, making the process convenient and accessible. People can order boxes from the company to fill with obsolete toys, small appliances, water filters, fabric, candy wrappers and other challenging items, and TerraCycle will take care of the rest.
“What makes something locally recyclable depends on whether your local recycling
company can make a profit recycling it,” says TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky. “If the cost of collecting and processing the waste is lower than the value of the resulting raw material, it will likely be locally recyclable. If the costs are higher, then it likely won’t be. Our specialty is recycling hard-to-recycle items that would typically go to landfills or incinerators—everything from cigarette butts, to beauty empties, to spent toothpaste tubes.”
Circularity has to start with production, says Mary Beth Schaye, a zero-waste consultant and vice president of the Collective Resource Compost Cooperative, in Evanston, Illinois. “When you first design something, you have to think about what’s going to happen to it in the end. It’s a very cradle-to-grave idea,” she points out.
Circularity goes against the current trend of planned obsolescence, a business strategy that encourages consumers to continually buy new products to replace those that become outdated or break down quickly. In contrast, there is a growing interest in a policy known as “extended producer responsibility”, which makes manufacturers take responsibility for their products’ entire life cycle, including the post-consumer stage.
Schaye can’t think of a better way to prevent waste than by simply reducing new purchases. “It can sometimes feel like a burden for consumers to make sure everything goes in the right place,” she says. “It’s better to not have that thing to get rid of in the first place.”
Citing transportation as a barrier, Schaye notes that circularity works best when the circle is smaller. She urges people to look for repurposing solutions within their own communities, suggesting, “If there’s something that you are throwing out habitually, like extra food, boxes or containers, see if there’s someone else who can benefit from it. We encourage people to identify their own reuse pipelines.”
Feeding America estimates that people waste 92 billion pounds of food annually in the United States, filling up landfills and taxing the environment. “When food scraps go to landfill, they create methane, which is a greenhouse gas,” Schaye attests. “Minimizing methane is more impactful than carbon dioxide on reducing the global temperature.”
Composting is an example of circularity that people can understand. “We grow food; we eat the food; and we have food waste that gets composted so that it can enrich the soil to grow more food,” Schaye explains. “It’s easy and immediate. Most people have an option for composting, but they might not know about it.”
A way to reduce food waste is to plan meals ahead of time and avoid over-shopping at the grocery store. “If you know you’re going on vacation or will be eating out several times in the next week, then don’t buy anything that will expire while you’re gone,” Schaye counsels. “If you do have extras, see
if there’s a neighbor or community fridge that can take it. When eating out, try not to order more than you need, but if you think you will have leftovers, then bring your own containers to transport them home.”
Produce doesn’t have to look perfect in order to be consumed. A bruised peach might make a delicious pie, and overripe bananas are the key ingredient to homemade banana bread. If something is getting close to its expiration date, there may be a way to save it. “If you stock up on apples at the farmers market, make sure you properly store the extras to enjoy later. We’ve lost the old-school wisdom of how to preserve food. Freezing food and using the right containers can give it new life,” says Schaye.
Consumers can also become more mindful of supporting institutions that practice circularity. Potter encourages people to look at their bank accounts, investments and pensions. “Often we do not know where our money goes after we deposit it with our bank. We could be trying our best to live as circularly as possible but have no idea that our hard-earned cash is being used to fund fossil fuel companies, for example. Do a bit of digging into where your money goes, and if you don’t like the answer, switch your money to an ethical bank investment group,” she suggests.
Other changes, such as switching to an energy provider that uses a 100 percent green tariff from renewable energy sources, will have both long- and short-term effects. “Your energy supplier will likely already have a renewable option, so switching might not be too hard and will help to invest in futureproofed systems,” says Potter. “If each of us does what we can, our strengths will overlap, eventually creating a beautiful circle of circularity.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites.com.
by Carrie Jackson
With a focus on ultra-low prices for the latest trends, fast fashion is a staple for many consumers. But those cheaper products come with a high price tag for the planet. Many are mass produced using toxic dyes and harmful synthetic materials. The garments are designed to be worn a few times and then trashed.
According to Earth.org, more than 92 million tons of textiles end up in the landfill each year. The leading companies in the fast fashion industry prioritize profit over helping the environment or providing safe conditions for workers. Here are some tips from sustainability journalist Tamara
Davison for making clothing choices that support a circular economy.
Shop sustainable clothing brands. From developing natural materials to supporting plastic offsetting initiatives, look for clothing brands like Patagonia and Pomp that prioritize environmental sustainability.
Buy secondhand. Thrifty shoppers know that resale shops can be the best place to score a fashion deal. Apps like Shopify, Vinted, Depop and eBay allow people to sell and buy secondhand clothes globally. This market is expected to grow three times faster than the regular retail market by 2026.
Don’t be fooled by greenwashing. Companies regularly promote false claims about their sustainability practices or campaigns. Known as greenwashing, this trend is on
the rise. Watch out for unsupported marketing buzzwords such as “green” and “planetfriendly”; and check whether their claims are backed up by data.
by Sandra Yeyati
For 35 years, Leslie Davenport has been a licensed marriage and family therapist, working with clients in California and Washington. About 15 years ago, a lifelong interest in ecology, combined with alarming climate change warnings, prompted her to specialize in climate psychology and the treatment of eco-anxiety—concepts she helped create.
In her 2017 book, Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change, Davenport invited mental-health professionals to focus their skills on helping environmental activists and organizations become more effective in their important work. This visionary book transformed her career to include public speaking, teaching and writing numerous articles and books, including two for youngsters commissioned by the American Psychological Association: All the Feelings Under the Sun and What To Do When Climate Change Scares You.
What is your definition of emotional resiliency as it relates to climate change?
I define it as growing the capacity to remain present, grounded and empathetic, even in the face of rising distress. Until we get a better handle on slowing or stopping the rise of carbon in the atmosphere, that’s what’s being asked of us.
The idea is to not run and hide, check out with addictions or lose our footing in a
way that we lash out in reactive ways. Instead, we stay with the discomfort, but not in a way that we’re walking around in a perpetual state of unease. We have to get nimble and comfortable with things shifting and changing, opportunities opening and closing and unexpected things happening—sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. These skills can be learned.
One thing I should say about handling any climate emotion is, while coping is certainly a part of it, so is engaging in solutions because until climate change stops being on this escalating trajectory with more and more dramatic fires, floods and windstorms, there are limits to how much we can bring the level of emotional intensity down.
Why is it helpful to identify our climate-related emotions?
Humans are given this full spectrum of emotions, and in our predominantly Western culture, we aren’t very tuned in on that level. We are achievement-oriented and more in our head about things, but it doesn’t make those emotions go away. As we face climate change, we aren’t very well equipped to deal with the feelings that get triggered.
The first step is to identify those feelings
and acknowledge that my feelings are not a problem to be solved. They are messengers and allies. This feeling of fear is telling me there are safety concerns, so let me look at how I can not only attend to my safety but also look for ways to help the community or the environment.
How do you use the Climate Emotions Wheel in your work?
It’s a conversation starter. If I’m leading an interactive workshop, there might be a wheel at each table for six or eight
people to share their experiences and start to normalize the process of talking openly about their feelings.
What can you say about the fear category in the Climate Emotions Wheel, which includes worry, anxiety, panic and overwhelm?
Notice that there’s a gradient there. Worry is not nearly as strong as panic or overwhelm. If you can learn how to manage your fear, worry can actually be motivating, prompting you to say, “This isn’t right. What can I do? Let me get involved and be a part of change.” But when it gets up into panic and overwhelm, trying to cope leaves no energy to be part of larger change. There are ways to honor and validate fear so that we can get back on our feet and manage our life better.
Acknowledging it. Talking about it. Having it be witnessed. Learning mindfulness practices to lower the intensity of fear, whether it’s breath work or working with the thoughts that keep us awake at 3 a.m. and fuel the fear—not going into denial, but noticing that right at that moment, at 3 a.m., we’re in a peaceful, quiet house. There
isn’t necessarily a reason for that fear to be as high as it is in that moment. Then we can remind ourselves to tap into the feeling of peacefulness or safety that we have learned.
can we expand our positivity?
Thousands of years ago, our ancestors needed to pay attention to sources of danger for their survival, whether it was a wild animal or marauding tribes. They were always scanning for safety, and it meant that they were programmed—and we are programmed— to pay way more attention to threats and risks than to beauty and what’s going well.
That negativity bias is the reason that therapists suggest walks in nature or a gratitude practice. Enjoying all the good things in our lives and the beauty in our natural world not only fuels our well-being and sense of calm, but it also helps motivate us to know what we can do to protect the things we value.
Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings magazine.
To read a longer version of this conversation, visit TinyURL.com/DavenportWW or scan the QR code.
by Marlaina Donato
Acompromised gut can make us susceptible to a host of conditions, including depression, chronic disease and viruses such as COVID-19. To fortify us against such illnesses and generally strengthen the digestive tract, prebiotic foods like asparagus, dandelion greens, bananas, leeks and Jerusalem artichokes can be quite helpful.
“Prebiotics are like fertilizer for your gut garden, helping it flourish so your whole body can thrive,” explains Donna Schwenk, author of Cultured Food for Life “When you consume prebiotics, they pass through the digestive system undigested and become fuel for the friendly bacteria in your colon. This process helps the ‘good guys’ thrive, increasing their numbers and supporting a healthy balance of gut flora.”
A harmonious mixture of prebiotics and beneficial intestinal flora—known as synbiotics—can help ward off illnesses, lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce chronic gut inflammation, which is linked to the development of tumors and colorectal cancer. A review published last year in the journal Foods suggests that adding prebiotics to the diet could improve cognitive function, relieve symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease
and osteoporosis, and even resolve gastrointestinal disorders that plague up to 70 percent of individuals on the autism spectrum.
Adding healthful prebiotics can be as simple as dropping a few raspberries, blueberries or strawberries into unsweetened
yogurt or kefir. Dandelion greens, which are packed with inulin, can be tossed into salads, sautéed with a little garlic and olive oil, or added to smoothies. Leeks, which are mild and sweet, can be enjoyed in soups, sautés, quiches, miso broth or cream dips. Other delicious prebiotic ingredients include bananas, flax and chia seeds, cacao
nibs, lentils, oats, barley, chicory and jicama root, almonds, seaweed and avocados.
Schwenk suggests an easy gourmet dish that features roasted asparagus, apples and Jerusalem artichokes over a bed of greens tossed with a probiotic-rich salad dressing. She notes, “Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber and powerful prebiotic that ferments in the gut and feeds beneficial bacteria like Akkermansia muciniphila, which play a vital role in maintaining and strengthening the gut lining.”
According to Schwenk, refrigerated kimchi and naturally fermented sauerkraut are rich in Lactobacillus plantarum, a powerful probiotic that thrives during fermentation, breaking down sugars and promoting a healthy microbiome. Benefits include nutrient absorption, mood support and enhanced immune function.
Renee Barasch, a certified digestive specialist and owner of Digestive Health Solutions, concurs that these probiotic foods can aid in balancing blood sugar, insulin resistance and digestive woes like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux and gas. On the other hand, she cautions that fermented ingredients can be too high in histamine and thus cause uncomfortable digestive issues for some people.
“Folks need to keep in mind their unique gut microbiome,” says Barasch. “Some people will feel gassier or bloated from some of these foods, depending upon their gut health. I use the BiomeFx stool test to identify the presence of histamine, estrogen, hydrogen sulfide and other things that could cause gut issues.”
Findings published in the Journal of Advanced Research in 2020 suggest that certain types of gut flora could play a role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases. Prebiotics like garlic can become antagonists for those that have an overabundance of certain types of intestinal microbiota. Garlic can also lead to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, which can contribute to gut inflammation.
Schwenk advises, “Introducing prebiotic foods gradually is important to avoid stomach discomfort, especially if you’re new to them. Prebiotics feed your gut bacteria, which can produce gas as they ferment the fibers, so a slow and steady approach is best.”
She recommends eating prebiotics together with probiotics like yogurt, kefir or kimchi so the gut can handle the increase in fiber more effectively. Begin with one or two tablespoons per meal to slowly introduce the beneficial bacteria into the system. “Kimchi and kraut are versatile,” Schwenk remarks. “You can enjoy them as a side dish, mix them into fried rice or even stir them into soups after cooking to preserve the live probiotics.”
Marlaina Donato is an author, artist and composer. Connect at WildflowersAndWoodSmoke.com.
This smoothie is packed with gut-healthy probiotics from kefir and antioxidants from blueberries, making it a powerful tool to support urinary tract health and boost the microbiome. Kefir provides a variety of good bacteria, while blueberries and their juice contain compounds that can help prevent bacterial growth by depriving bacteria like E. coli of the iron they need to thrive.
½ small banana, frozen into chunks
¾ cup kefir
½ cup coconut milk
½ tsp vanilla
1 cup frozen blueberries
1-2 tsp honey
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately.
Optional: Add a prebiotic powder like Prebio Plus to enhance good bacteria growth. Start with small amounts to avoid discomfort as the gut adjusts.
Recipe and image courtesy of Donna Schwenk.
This easy-to-prepare salsa is bursting with flavor and health benefits. Tomatoes are an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene, while garlic and onion are prebiotics. The recipe also calls for a probiotic culture to support gut health with live probiotics. It is a perfect way to introduce cultured foods to hesitant eaters.
6 large ripe tomatoes
2 small onions
2 small, red or green peppers
2 4-oz cans chopped green chilies, with juice
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 tsp chipotle powder
1 Tbsp raw sugar or Sucanat
⅛ tsp veggie starter culture (or 2 Tbsp kefir whey)
1 tsp Celtic sea salt
Combine all ingredients, except the starter culture, in a blender or food processor until chunky or smooth, depending on preference.
Stir in the veggie starter culture or kefir whey, making sure it is well incorporated.
Transfer the salsa to jars, seal with a secure lid and ferment at room temperature. After two days, store in the refrigerator and enjoy.
Recipe and image courtesy of Donna Schwenk.
Turn any salad into a probiotic powerhouse with this creamy, tangy dressing.
½ cup kefir cheese (see below)
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
2 Tbsp kombucha or apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp apple juice
½ Tbsp honey
"Like so many families, I have been deeply affected by Alzheimer's, so I was thrilled to become a part of this film when I realized that there's hope, and it's not just a death sentence."
- Michael Bublé
To make kefir cheese, strain 2 cups of kefir through a fine-mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or a nut milk bag over a bowl. Let it strain in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours until thickened, then transfer the cheese to a container and store for up to three weeks. The liquid whey can be saved for smoothies, soups or fermenting.
Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl until smooth. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.
Recipe and image courtesy of Donna Schwenk.
February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025
by Tilvila Hurwit, Nayana Hein and Mayuri Mandel
Roberta Flack, the unparalleled singer and songwriter, passed at the age of 88. Born in rural North Carolina to musical parents, she began learning piano at the age of nine and eventually earned a full classical music scholarship to Howard University. Best known for timeless classics such as "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and "Killing Me Softly", Flack’s artistry transcended genres, blending soul, jazz, R&B, and folk with a rare emotional depth. Her extraordinary career earned her four Grammy Awards and countless accolades, yet it is the spiritual essence embedded within her music and life that remains one of her most enduring gifts to the world.
It was the rare quality of Flack’s soul that allowed her to take a song with human emotion and make listeners feel something of the divine. The heart and soul in her singing that had moved audiences for decades equaled the self-same spirituality which she and her spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy, saw in each other. In joy and music, there is also insight and universal understanding. This understanding transcends boundaries. Flack saw no conflict between her deep
Christian faith and the teachings of Sri Chinmoy for nearly 40 years.
Like so many musicians, Flack recognized pure spirit wherever she encountered it. She described Sri Chinmoy as “a creator of peace” and “a man who came to walk the talk.” In 2008 (one year after his passing), at the reception of Sri Chinmoy’s “Paintings for World Harmony” exhibition at the UN in New York, Flack explained, “It was not a struggle for him to lead us and to guide us as artists and as thinkers. Sri Chinmoy indeed gave me the opportunity to prove that art and music are the most eloquent balms for the challenging times that we live in.”
Flack received the spiritual name “Addwitiya” from Sri Chinmoy. When presenting it to her, Sri Chinmoy shared what her spiritual name, and her soul, meant to him in a song he composed in November 1988 in his native Bengali, translated as follows:
Supremely unparalleled
On February 16, 2025, Addwitiya Roberta Flack received the Sri Chinmoy CultureLight Award during an intimate ceremony at her New York residence. This award honors those who bring light to the human mind through music, art, literature, statesmanship and sport, through all aspects of culture and its creative spark to serve an evolving humanity. The award is named in honor of spiritual poet, artist, musician and humanitarian Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007). Previous recipients include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, President Mikhail Gorbachev and American composer and pianist Philip Glass.
The award certificate for the Sri Chinmoy Culture-Light Award, read out by director Ranjana Ghose, includes the following poem by Sri Chinmoy which encapsulates the spirit and work of Flack:
“God never encouraged me
To learn the world-denial-song.
On the contrary,
He inspired, encouraged
And blessed me
To sing the world-acceptance-song
And dance the world-transformation-dance.”
Sri Chinmoy’s poeticism underscores the way in which Flack’s music has served as a vessel for universal truths—love, compassion and the search for inner peace. Her songs convey a sense of reverence for life’s beauty and complexity, with each lyric and melody inviting listeners to connect with something greater than themselves.
Seated eternally at the Feet of the Lord Absolute.
Supremely unparalleled Summit-Consciousness-Bliss, Your hunger-cry from time immemorial
Embodies the Soul Sovereign.
Dancing you arise from the silence-depths of the Universe With Heaven’s Music-Soul-Vision And loving, sleeplessly, Earthheart’s purity-treasure.
As the world continues to find solace in her songs, Flack’s spiritual legacy endures. Her body of work reminds us that music can be a prayer—an offering of hope, love and transcendence that resonates across time and space. May her soul-stirring music continue to inspire humanity to dive within to discover and manifest one’s own light to the world, filling the earth with Love—and last till the end of time.
For more information: email Nayana Hein at nayana.hein@gmail, minutesofpeace.org/ robertaflack and visit www.srichinmoy.org.
by Tom Whittle
As the demand for energy continues to rise, the need for renewable, natural sources has never been clearer. Groundbreaking advancements in clean energy are poised to replace—or, at the very least, significantly diminish—our dependence on fossil fuels, offering a path toward impactful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. With broad acceptance of such innovations, a green, sustainable future is within reach.
A single hour of sunlight hitting the planet contains more energy than we use in a year, but the challenge is to harness it efficiently. One innovation stacks an ultra-thin layer of perovskite minerals atop a standard silicon solar cell to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight.
These so-called “tandem solar cells” boast an impressive efficiency of more than 34
percent, compared to 20 percent with most residential solar panels. A single tandem panel can generate significantly more electricity, offering a better return on investment while conserving roof space. In September 2024, Britain’s Oxford PV began selling these panels in the United States.
The use of floating solar panels increases opportunities for energy production, minimizes land use, reduces water evaporation
and serves as shade over a body of water. The solar panels are cooled by the water, making them more efficient. A recent study published in Solar Energy estimated that federally controlled reservoirs using floating panels could generate about half of future U.S. solar generation needs.
Ambient Photonics, in California, was inspired by photosynthesis to develop a solar cell that can generate power from low-level ambient light rather than direct sunlight. These indoor solar cells use a special dye to absorb light and create energy, making them more versatile and efficient than traditional solar panels. Because they are thin, flexible and can be applied to most surfaces, they could potentially replace batteries.
Korean scientists published the results of their work in fabricating flexible, transparent solar cells in the journal Nature in 2023. Commercialization of such technology would allow windows and skylights to bring in natural light while contributing to the building’s energy supply.
Next-generation turbine designs are setting new benchmarks for wind energy performance and efficiency. General Electric’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine with 350-foot-long blades has the capacity to generate more than 12 megawatts of power, doubling the energy of their predecessors.
Offshore wind farms, where winds are stronger and more consistent, are also moving to new frontiers. Employing floating turbines attached to buoys, the Hywind project located 87 miles off the coast of Norway is estimated to eliminate 200,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
Progress has also been made to tackle the environmental challenges of retired turbine blades that are comprised of fiberglass and carbon fiber. Researchers from the University of California, Davis, are testing biodegradable blades using eco-friendly materials
like bamboo, mycelium and agricultural waste.
Stora Enso, one of the largest private forest owners in the world, has partnered with Voodin Blade Technology of Germany to make sustainable wooden blades and has also partnered with Modvion of Sweden to make wood the material of choice for their wind turbine towers.
Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the renewable energy landscape, enabling realtime monitoring and optimization of energy generation and distribution across solar, wind and geothermal sources, optimizing energy storage solutions and detecting maintenance needs before issues arise to ensure peak performance year-round.
Even with its impressive growth, the renewable energy sector faces several challenges.
Because the efficiency of solar and wind power is dependent on weather conditions, advancements in energy storage are critical to bridge the gaps between supply and demand. This is where highcapacity batteries and pumped-storage hydroelectricity come in.
Existing energy grids and infrastructure were designed with fossil fuels in mind, whereas renewable sources are decentralized and require different setups. Investments are needed to modernize grid systems to handle these novel demands.
Public resistance, lack of awareness or misconceptions about renewable technologies can slow adoption rates. Empowering local communities to participate in renewable energy projects can foster a sense of ownership while addressing specific local needs and concerns.
Despite these obstacles, the promise of a sustainable energy future that benefits people and the planet is worthy of the effort.
Tom Whittle is the national publishing manager of Natural Awakenings magazine.
by Zak Logan
The thought that a few extra minutes of movement each day could transform our health, energy and happiness is the motivation behind the American Heart Association (AHA) promotion of April as Move More Month. For avid fitness enthusiasts, as well as those looking to take the first step toward an active lifestyle, this is the time to celebrate movement in all its forms.
Physical inactivity has become a creeping health crisis. According to guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 80 percent of adults fail to meet the recommended levels of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. The AHA reports that cardiovascular and heart disease affects nearly half of all American adults, causing direct and indirect costs that are projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2035, according to RTI International, a nonprofit research institute.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reports that a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, may prevent 80 percent of sudden heart attacks and cases of coronary artery disease, as well as 50 percent of strokes caused by blood clots. The health benefits are reason enough to hit the gym or go out for a morning jog. Move More Month inspires us to incorporate movement into a busy life and, most importantly, find joy in an active lifestyle.
There is no one-size-fits-all formula for fitness, and Move More Month is an opportunity to explore the options that best match our personality, lifestyle and fitness level.
• Fitness boot camps are high-energy workouts in an energizing environment that welcomes beginners and experienced fitness lovers alike. Accept the challenge with a local trainer, at a CrossFit gym or with the guidance of an app like BurnFit.
• Dance classes such as Zumba, salsa or hip-hop can be fun and immersive workouts that don’t feel like exercise at all.
• Yoga in the park combines mindfulness with a great stretch and a dose of natural vitamin D. Many communities offer free sessions.
• Water sports like kayaking and paddleboarding develop balance, core strength and endurance while communing with nature.
• Social sports, including golf, pickleball and tennis, not only burn calories but also offer camaraderie and fun.
• Daily walks are the cornerstone of an active lifestyle. Try to reach 10,000 steps with walks around the neighborhood or local park, remembering to compound the benefits by using this time outdoors to calm the mind and invigorate the spirit.
like soccer, basketball or
Making the shift from a sedentary lifestyle can feel daunting, but every huge transformation starts with a single step. Try these practical tips to ease into an active lifestyle.
• Set achievable goals. Start with 10 minutes of movement a day and gradually extend the time.
• Integrate movement throughout the day. Stretch while watching TV, park the car farther from work or stores to take extra steps, or choose the stairs instead of the elevator whenever practical.
• Use technology. Fitness trackers by Fitbit, Apple, Samsung and Garmin help monitor progress, set challenges and offer that extra motivational nudge.
• Applaud everyday wins. Even tiny changes matter. Try a new dance move each day. Stretch in the mornings or set reminders to get up and move during long work hours.
• Avoid perfectionism. What matters is consistency. All movement is progress, so celebrate it.
We often think of exercise as a solo endeavor, but getting others involved can be a great tool for staying motivated. Local communities are brimming with opportunities to connect with others, offering interactive activities such as running clubs, group fitness classes, sports leagues and cycling tours. Many neighborhoods have online groups or bulletin boards that promote meetups, classes and fitness events.
Movement isn’t just about physical health; it’s about the joy of discovering what the body can do, the pride in building a healthier routine and the sense of belonging to a group of like-minded individuals. Don’t wait for tomorrow to get started. Lace up, stretch out and start moving today.
Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to getting back to basics.
by Madiha Saeed, M.D.
According to the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue, accompanied by sleep, memory and mood problems. It affects about 4 million Americans and is most often diagnosed between the ages of 35 and 45. Adult women are twice as likely as men to suffer from this chronic, debilitating condition.
“Although the exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known, many researchers have come to believe that it results from an overactive nervous system that misfires, making pain signals stronger and more persistent. It appears that the brain and nerves are not processing pain messages correctly, leading to heightened sensitivity and discomfort. Traditionally, treatments have been focused on managing symptoms rather than addressing the root causes, but exciting advances in medical research and treatment are on the horizon,” says Jane Hogan, a functional medicine certified health coach, founder of the Wellness by Design podcast and host of the Becoming Pain-Free 2.0 Summit last November.
Dr. Evan Hirsch, a functional medicine practitioner and CEO of EnergyMD, states, “Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease, or at least inflammation, and all inflammation is essentially autoimmune. If that autoimmunity ends up attacking the muscles, you get fibromyalgia. Essentially, the immune system is reacting to something that is in the body. When that something is in the muscles, the immune system is attacking that thing in the muscles.”
Hirsch suggests that the offenders might be a combination of heavy metals, chemicals, molds, infections and nervous system dysfunction. He stresses that if symptoms began after COVID, then it is important to address that infection. Bartonella bacteria, which are spread to humans by fleas, body lice or sand flies, can live in the muscles, stasique/Shutterstock
causing inflammation—and pain—in the tendons and ligaments.
Stress is a major risk factor for many chronic health conditions. According to Hogan, “A key player in calming fibromyalgia pain is the vagus nerve, which activates the nervous system’s parasympathetic state, or relaxation response. A promising area of research is investigating non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation as a safe and effective mode of pain management for fibromyalgia patients. Methods of self-stimulation of the vagus nerve include deep diaphragmatic (or belly) breathing, body movement, reflexology, gargling, humming and cold-water immersion. Trauma can also contribute to chronic pain, so incorporating more mind-body techniques can improve overall health and wellness.”
Traditionally used for opioid addiction, naltrexone has been studied for its potential to reduce pain and inflammation in fibromyalgia. A 2023 systematic review published in the Journal of Pain Research reported that low-dose naltrexone appears to be effective and safe in the symptomatic management of fibromyalgia. The researchers noted that additional studies were needed to determine dosage, frequency and duration recommendations.
The gut microbiome houses 70 to 80 percent of the body’s immune cells. “Anything that is in the gut that is not supposed to be there, including foods, can cause inflammation, and inflammation in the gut leads to inflammation in other parts of the body, which can cause pain in the muscles and fibromyalgia,” says Hirsch. “Gut health and the health of the microbiome is critical for lowering chronic inflammation and pain.”
Herecommendsfocusingprimarilyonfiberrich foods, healthy fats and lean protein,
as well as prebiotic, probiotic and postbiotic foods. Removing ultra-processed foods and common food sensitivities can also help to lower inflammation in the gut.
A fecal transplant from a healthy donor may be beneficial to replace vital gut bacteria; however, the transplant may have to be repeated multiple times over extended periods, says Hirsch. In his experience, patients are unable to keep up the treatments for a variety of reasons. “If they don’t keep doing it, they aren’t going to continue to get the benefits,” he points out.
The world of fibromyalgia treatment is rapidly evolving with new therapies, from regenerative medicine and targeted drug therapies to integrative mind-body treatments. It is exciting to see this new shift toward personalized, effective care that addresses physical, mental and emotional aspects of fibromyalgia, bringing new possibilities for pain relief and an improved quality of life.
Madiha Saeed is a holistic, functional and integrative doctor in Naperville, Illinois, and director of education for Documenting Hope and KnoWEwell.
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by Ruth Roberts, DVM, CVA, CVH, CVFT, NAN
Ahealthy urinary system in cats depends on a balanced diet to prevent issues like feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), which affects the urethra and bladder of cats, creating major health risks and causing discomfort. Affected cats may scream in pain, pass very tiny amounts or strain to urinate. Some start urinating outside the litter box, usually on cool places like bathtubs or tile floors, or have blood in their urine.
Poor food choices, especially dry food, can disrupt urinary function, leading to pain, frequent urination and dangerous blockages. The right diet can help manage inflammation, support the bladder and speed up recovery, so proper food selection is needed for prevention and healing.
A study in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery noted that FLUTD can lead to painful urination and blockages caused by struvite crystals that become wedged within the urethra. Researchers suggested that dry food can worsen the condition because the lower intake of water causes urine to be more concentrated, thereby increasing the risk of crystal formation.
“Commercial dry cat food frequently lacks the necessary moisture and contains preservatives, fillers and incomplete nutrients,” says Marketa Jefferson, a holistic pet health coach. “A moisture-rich diet, such as homemade or raw food, is essential for preventing dehydration and reducing the risk of urinary issues like urinary blockages and FLUTD, as cats have a naturally low thirst drive.”
She recommends a diet with high-quality, species-appropriate ingredients tailored to support a cat’s urinary health. “A homemade diet gives pet owners full control over what goes into their cat’s food, ensuring it is fresh, balanced and
free from unnecessary additives,” she explains. “Proper hydration is one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy urinary system, and fresh food provides muchneeded moisture that kibble lacks.”
“Urinary diets for cats should include high-quality animal proteins, such as deboned meat and organ meats, along with essential fatty acids like fish oil,” says Jefferson. “Adding the right vitamins and minerals is crucial, and small amounts of vegetables can also be beneficial.”
Maddie Hatfield, from Palm Harbor, shares her all-male Easter buddies lineup. From left to right, meet Winston, 14-years-young, who loves to boss his brothers around; Murphy, 13-years-old, who loves to cuddle and do floaties in the pool; as to Mochi, 5-years new, he loves to sit on humans and pretend he’s a lap dog. Precious!
Email your favorite pet picture to Debbey at dwilson@natampa.com for inclusion in the magazine.
It may take some time and patience to convince cats that are used to eating kibble to switch to a homemade FLUTD diet. “In my experience with three cats, they all eventually switched to homemade food and love it now, but one of them took over a month to fully adapt,” Jefferson points out, adding that one of her cats lost five pounds after switching to a healthier homemade diet, which was a huge health improvement.
Certain natural supplements can be beneficial for feline urinary health. “Rather than relying on antibiotics for urinary tract infections, I use natural remedies to support bladder health, as well as PEA [palmitoylethanolamide], a medicine that can ease discomfort and support the urinary tract,” says Jefferson. “Chinese herbs can help maintain kidney and bladder function, while cranberry extract may prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract. Marshmallow root is another excellent remedy because it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe bladder irritation, while vitamin C supports immune function and omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation.”
Jefferson emphasizes that prevention starts with proper hydration and environmental management. “Eating moisture-rich
FLUTD cat food is crucial for staying hydrated and flushing bacteria from the body. Keeping several water bowls around the house or using a water fountain can encourage drinking,” she explains.
Additionally, maintaining a clean litter box is essential because it promotes proper usage and allows for better urinary health monitoring. “I personally use Pretty Litter because its crystals change color in response to urine acidity and alkalinity, providing an early indication of potential health issues,” Jefferson points out.
“Minimizing household stressors can also greatly support both urinary and overall well-being,” says Jefferson. “Mental stimulation is just as important—interactive toys, scratching posts and enrichment activities help keep cats engaged and active, reducing stress levels.”
Jefferson also points out the importance of monitoring urine acidity, noting, “Keeping an eye on your cat’s urine pH is crucial, especially if they are prone to urinary issues. The ideal range is between 6.5 and 7. If it reaches 8 or higher, that may signal an infection or underlying issue that needs veterinary attention.”
Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
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Tuesday, April 1
FREE (No Foolin’ !) Holistic Health Gathering - 6-7pm. Join us for an informal hour where you will meet and interact with several practitioners of natural health, including Patricia V. Scott, PhD, Board Certified Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapist. Dr. Lisa Marsh, Chiropractor, hosts these gatherings on the 1st Tuesday monthly. Holistic Center for Vibrant Health, Oldsmar. More info: 727-943-5003 or UPHypnosis@yahoo.com
Saturday, April 5
Basic Hypnosis & NLP 2-Day Training Online - 2-6pm. April 5-6. Fun interactive class gives you basic knowledge and skills of Hypnosis & NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) principles & techniques. Learn by experiencing. Help yourself and others achieve goals and make positive, permanent changes. Includes Workbook, Video replay, Hypnosis MP3, Certificate of Completion. $65 or $55 (UPHI Mbr). Register: UPHypnosis.com/hypnosis-nlp-2-day.
Wednesday, April 16
FREE Hypnosis-NLP Webinar “Quickie Pain Relief!” - 7:30-8:30pm. Interactive webinar hosted by Board Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer & NLP Master Practitioner, Patricia V. Scott PhD. Patti shares 33 years of experience with practical, easy to use concepts & techniques with Q&A. All welcome 3rd Weds. monthly w/various topics. May include a hypnotic experience. Register for log-in details: UPHypnosis@yahoo.com, UPHypnosis.com.
Saturday, April 26
Edgar Cayce on Experiencing Your Intuitive Self
Join A.R.E. speaker Kevin Todeschi in person, book & product sales.
Sat., April 26th, 9:30am -4:30pm Unity of Tampa, 2610 Silver Lake Ave., Tampa Register at:
A.R.E. Members: $109, Non-members: $119
Saturday, June 14
bare RV Resort 3rd Anniversary Pool Party & BBQ - 1-4pm. Help bare RV Resort celebrate our 3rd anniversary! A clothing optional pool party with live music, a BBQ and lots of fun. $15/Ladies; $30/Gentlemen; $35/Couples. 6901 Caliente Blvd., Land O Lakes, 813-996-6008, bareRVResort.com
Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader Training - 14-20 June, train in Louise Hay’s philosophy, personally approved by her. Six nights/seven days training in Orlando takes you on a deep dive into Louise’s techniques and provides you with complete materials to lead up to 15 different workshops. Call Master Trainer Patricia Crane, 760-539-2227. HealYourLifeTraining.com/florida
Friday, August 8
Wisdom of Light Conference - Aug. 8-10, 3pm Fri through 3pm Sun. A weekend gathering of leaders in the fields of Science, Spirit, Ancient Civilizations, Health and more. Conference Fee: $444. Charlotte Harbor Event Center in Punta Gorda. Details and a full list of speakers and events are posted at WisdomOfLightConference.com.
Free Dianetics Film - 10am-10pm, Mon-Fri. 9am-6pm, SatSun. What Happens When We are Unconscious? In this 30-minute film, Dianetics explains the discovery of the Reactive Mind for the source of your fears, insecurity, phobias and nightmares. 1300 E 8th Ave., Tampa, 813-872-0723.
“Rich & Righteous” Spiritual & Material Wealth Class11am-noon. Join Elasa for a transformational weekly journey through Rich and Righteous RICHuals, where we’ll explore Quantum Soul Wealth and master Spiritual Wealth to manifest Heaven on Earth. This group is designed to help you magnetize and circulate abundance by aligning with your highest path, using your gifts to generate financial flow for visionary projects, and amassing wealth with integrity. R3 Miracles, 1017 Illinois Ave., Palm Harbor. 727-221-7564, 727-452-7526, R3Miracles.com.
Meacham Urban Farm - 3-7pm Mon. & Fri. Homegrown and high quality, all-organic produce onsite. What they do not produce themselves, they source from other local farmers, ranchers, bakers and artisans, including a variety of vegetables, fruits, breads, meats, eggs, honey, ferments, raw dairy, soaps, flowers, plants and more. The Farm Store is open to the public every weekend, no membership needed! 1108 E Scott St. (downtown), Tampa. Learn more, MeachamFarm.com.
Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 5:45pm, Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes - movement lessons w/replays. More info, 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com. Register with Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/Sarasota-ClassesFeldenkrais/
Restorative Yoga with Collette - 5-6:30pm. Unwind and let go with a calm and recharged flow. A gentle practice with fully supportive postures, mindfulness and breath. This beginner’s session will help reduce stress, ease physical and mental tension, increase balance, strength and flexibility. Boosting overall health and energy levels. Space limited. $15/per class. Six Oaks Wellness, Garden Suite, 607 1st Ave. SW, Largo. RSVP 727-250-9688.
Feldenkrais with Bonnie K - 11am, Online! Awareness Through Movement classes: Lessons (in chairs/on floor) are designed to quiet non-working habitual patterns, invite you into a process for learning and offer experiences for more efficient movement. Ongoing classes - movement lessons w/ replays. More info, 941-360-2248. FeldenkraisInSarasota.com Register with Bonnie at: FeldenkraisinSarasota.com/SarasotaClasses-Feldenkrais/
Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself.
—Nicola Yoon
Yoga Session: Hatha Yoga with a Therapist -6:30-7:30ish pm. Join Elizabeth Rice, LCSW ACE CFI, for a yoga session that will not only strengthen your mind-body connection, but will help you to get in deeper touch with your inner calm. Space is limited, reserve now. $15/per session. 6251 Park Blvd., Ste. 9, Pinellas Park. 727-346-5875.
Shamanic Sound Healing Journeys - 7-8:30pm. Using our multidimensional soundscapes and psychedelic videos will take you on a deep dive within Self, where knowledge, guidance and wisdom are abundant. Event takes place in virtual reality which can be accessed via computer or with VR headsets (ideal). Free. Host: JoAnn Shivanti | VRchat.com VITAL.3731 | World: Psychedelic Caverns. Info, 3rdeyeguidance.com/events, 727-4347433, shivanti@3rdeyeguidance.com
Restorative Yoga with Collette - 9-10:30am. Unwind and let go with a calm and recharged flow. A gentle practice with fully supportive postures, mindfulness and breath. This beginner’s session will help reduce stress, ease physical and mental tension, increase balance, strength and flexibility. Boosting overall health and energy levels. Space limited. $15/per class. Six Oaks Wellness, Garden Suite, 607 1st Ave. SW, Largo. RSVP 727-250-9688.
Quantum Soul School Class with Elasa - 1-2:22pm. Join drop-in session ($20/donation per strong-week) or commit to 3-month Quantum Soul Practitioner Program. Each week, we explore ascension topics, from Quantum Healing, Clair Senses and Reality Creation to Eternal Soul Abilities, Light Language and much more. Sessions featuring guided meditations and practices are tailored to each group’s needs. Classes build progressively; designed for both beginners and adepts ready to deepen their mastery. R3 Miracles, 1017 Illinois Ave., Palm Harbor. 727-221-7564, 727-452-7526, R3Miracles.com.
Meacham Urban Farm - 9am-1pm Sat. 10am-1pm Sun. Homegrown and high quality, all-organic produce onsite. What they do not produce themselves, they source from other local farmers, ranchers, bakers and artisans, including a variety of vegetables, fruits, breads, meats, eggs, honey, ferments, raw dairy, soaps, flowers, plants and more. The Farm Store is open to the public every weekend, no membership needed! 1108 E Scott St. (downtown), Tampa. Learn more, MeachamFarm.com.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community.
Chris Dziubinski, DOM, AP, L. Ac 12952 N Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa 813-935-CARE (2273) MindBodySpiritCare.com
Florida Board Certified Acupuncture Physician offering acupuncture therapies for the whole family. Established, comfortable, caring and professional integrative medicine clinics in South & North Tampa. Innetwork with most medical insurances; accept payments from HRA, HSA and FSA.
Dr. David Minkoff, M.D.
Dr. Griselle Figueredo, M.D.
Dr. Neena Iyer, M.D., Dr. Dawn Frankwick M.D. Sue Morgan, APRN, Karima Redouan, APRN Rose Tyler, APRN
301 Turner St., Clearwater 727-466-6789
Specializing in Ozone Therapy, IV Therapy, Heavy Metal Detoxification, Neurological Issues, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Gut Issues, Thyroid Issues and IPT for Cancer treatment. See ad inside front cover.
9225 Ulmerton Rd., Ste. 312, Largo 727-518-9808
We address the underlying root cause of disease by using a variety of modalities such as Nutrient IV’s, Chelation, Weight loss, HRT, PEMF, Ozone Therapy and more. To see if you qualify for Medical Marijuana go to OrthoMMJ.com.
Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies
2520 Central Ave., St. Petersburg 727-551-0857
The 2-year program meets one weekend each month for class and Wednesday nights for our hands-on student clinic. This program is designed to create clinical herbalists in a combination of Chinese and western herbalism. Designed to meet American Herbalists Guild standards. See ad page 23.
Andreas Grossgold, MD
Salome Masghati, MD
Jim Hughes, MD
Dennis Eroh, PA-C
Susan Budgis, Integrative Aesthetician
Valentina Escobar, Integrative Aesthetician
609 Lakeview Rd., Clearwater
Dr. Grossgold practices internal medicine and pediatrics with an integrative approach to detoxification, anti-aging medicine, functional medicine and nutrition. His clinic offers Integrative Cancer Treatment, Cryotherapy, Hyperbaric, EBOO, MHA, UVBI, Theta Chamber and more! See ad page 7.
Carolyn Zinober, LMT, Esthetician, Clinical Herbalist, Aromatherapist
607 1st. Ave. SW, Largo 727-501-1700
Clinical herbalist and massage therapist offering consultations, extensive line of Eastern/Western Herbs, Teas, Essential oils, CBD, Supplements, and learning workshops. Visit your neighborhood apothecary today! See ad page 29.
Aluna Michaels, M.A., Esoteric Astrologer Dunedin 248-583-1663
Second-generation astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. Over 25 years of experience. Insightful, unique perspective on goals and issues. “Together we will unveil your soul’s purpose.”
Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D. 760-539-2227
HealYourLifeTraining.com/florida Master Louise Hay’s proven methods for helping others heal and transform their lives. This comprehensive certification training equips you with complete workshop materials, licensing, and skills to launch your teaching practice.
Bonnie Barrett
28469 US Hwy 19 N. #402, Clearwater 727-461-7227
RenewLifeFla.com, Lic# MA14802, MM35406 30 years experience. Expert in colon hydrotherapy using pressure points, abdominal massage, essential oils, and lymphatic drainage. All disposable tubing used. Very comfortable and relaxing room with private bathroom. See ad page 8.
Laura M. Turley, LMT and Owner 9371 US 19N, Suite B, Pinellas Park 727-492-0060
ProfessionalLymphaticTherapy.com MM39888, MA88928
Complementing detoxification via “Lymphatic Therapy” (see listing), now offering Gravity Method colonics (closed system method), known to be gentler and more effective than other methods. See ad page 25.
Lisa Harris-Dalton
609 Lakeview Rd., Clearwater 727-330-3844
TheGClinic.or, #MA27502, #MM43949
Compassionate therapist with 26+ years’ experience in massage therapy and open and closed colon hydrotherapy systems. Skilled in collaborating with clients/physicians to optimize wellness goals. See ad page 7.
1825 Sunset Point Rd, Clearwater 727-888-6523
Natural, Holistic, Aesthetic Dentistry. Careful Silver filling removal. Non-metal crowns and bridges. Be pampered in our Spalike atmosphere. See ad back cover.
Natural Smiles of Tampa Bay
132 Mirror Lake Dr., Suite 101, St. Petersburg 727-300-0044, Natural-Smiles.com
Offering Holistic/Biological dentistry. Swiss dental protocols, ceramic implants, safe mercury removal, ozone cleaning and on site sedation. See ad page 4.
Clearwater Family Dental
215 S Myrtle Ave., Clearwater 727-442-3363
We are a full service family dental practice that stresses metal free restorations, safe mercury removal, ozone and laser dentistry. We welcome patients of all ages and can handle any concern that you may have. See ad pages 3 and 9.
Tampa Bay Dental Implants & Periodontics
6700 Crosswinds Dr., Ste. 200-B, St. Pete 727-384-9122
The only board certified periodontist and implant surgeon in Tampa Bay offering ceramic/zirconia nonmetal implants. State-of-the-art treatments include CBT imaging, LANAP and digital intraoral scanner, eliminating messy impressions. See ad page 13.
Patricia V. Scott, President 727-943-5003
UPHypnosis@yahoo.com, UPHypnosis.com
Professional Hypnosis & NLP
Certification Training, Weekly classes & Private sessions (Smoking, Weight, Stress, Sports, Habits), Clinical/Medical Hypnotherapy available w/referral. Speaking Services & Corporate Programs. See ad page 27.
Dr. Salome Masghati, MD 609 Lakeview Rd., Clearwater 727-330-3844
Renowned, board-certified gynecologist focusing on a diverse range of women’s health issues. Commitment to holistic well-being coupled with an extensive medical background ensures exceptional care. See ad page 7.
Dr. Prudhvi Karumanchi 8320 Stone Run Ct., Tampa 33615 813-322-6171
Committed to finding the root cause, Holistic MD offers: IV Nutrition, Regenerative Treatments, Functional Medicine, Heavy Metal Detox, Energy Healing, Weight Loss, Anti-aging and more. Out-of-Network Provider.
Ron N. Shemesh, M.D.
12952 N Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa 813-935-CARE (2273)
Integrative & holistic medicine for women & men: Natural Hormone Therapy, Anti-Aging, IV Chelation, Nutritional Vitamin Therapy, Fatigue & Stress Management, Weight Loss, Yoga, Nutritional Counseling. Affiliated with St. Joseph Hospital. Most insurance accepted.
Tracie Leonhardt, DO 1120 Belcher Rd. S., Ste. 2, Largo 727-826-0838
Dr. Leonhardt is Board Certified & Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. Offers a personalized program for each individual patient. Hormone replacement therapy, weight loss, thyroid, GI issues, Diabetes, infrared sauna, IV nutrition, Anti-aging, Chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, and toxicities. See ad page 11.
9095 Belcher Road North, Pinellas Park 727-548-0001
A Wellness Center for Age-Management, Functional Medicine and Medical Weight Loss. Specializing in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement including Pellet Therapy, Gut Health/Food Allergies, Detoxification, Nutritional Evaluations, Acupuncture, Massage therapy and more. See ad page 17.
Laura M. Turley, LMT and Owner 9371 US 19N, Suite B, Pinellas Park 727-492-0060
ProfessionalLymphaticTherapy.com MM39888, MA88928
Specializing in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and lymphatic enhancement therapy (LET). Professional Lymphatic helps those with challenging conditions including inflammation, mold toxicity; auto-immune conditions, post chemo healing, etc. See ad page 25.
Jill Gonzalez-Cass 609 Lakeview Rd., Clearwater 727-330-3844
TheGClinic.org #MA32561, #MM43949
CManual and Assisted Lymphatic Therapy & Colon Hydrotherapy with I-ACT Training. Longtime health and wellness advocate with 24+ years’ experience in massage and colonic therapies. See ad page 7.
esLifeCoach.com, License SW15178
Heal the whole being including body, mind, spirit and emotions. Increase your quality of life; facilitate emotional healing. Specializing in Anxiety, Mood, Behavior, Trauma, Family. See ad page 25.
Certified Reflexologist and LMT 727-543-3048 by appointment Clearwater, MA0028171
6901 Caliente Blvd. Land O’Lakes 34637
Whether you need deep therapy, a tuneup or just a relaxing treatment, I can help you. Just call me.
John D. Bartone MD 7901 4th Street North, Suite 316 St. Petersburg, FL 33702
The only physician owned and operated thermography practice in Tampa Bay – serving Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pasco counties. Accredited by the American College of Clinical Thermology. See ad page 10.
June Drennon, CCT 2008
A clothing optional oasis, resort and campground perfect for first-time nudists. Women owned/operated, offering a welcoming and relaxing environment to be at one with nature.
Rev. Amanda Segovia, Reiki Master Certified SRT Personal Consultant
Private sessions using various healing, clearing & spiritual modalities. Akashic Records, Intuitive Medium, Astrologer, Personalized Astrology Reports, Numerologist, Meditation, Chakra-Balancing, Tarot/Oracles, Candles, EOL Transition, Teacher/ Mentor & more.
Certified Clinical Thermographer 2008. Mindful Wellness with Thermography! Knowledge is power: Know your risk factors to make corrections and avoid developing pathology. Call for location convenient for you. See ad page 35.
Dr. Cathy Alinovi, DVM 2189 Cleveland St., Clearwater, FL 33765 727-510-3665
Offering only holistic health options. Nutrition, herbal support, body balancing, canine fitness, reiki and more. See ad page 41.
Shawna L. Green, DVM 11125 Park Blvd., Ste 108, Seminole 727-299-9029
Compassionate health care catered toward the needs of your pet, offering preventative medicine, surgery, dentistry, senior wellness, and more. See ad page 41.
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