Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter Report- State Conference

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Building On the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths

Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter Reynoldsburg, OH State Chapter Report Competition 2014


SIZ Serves Up Breakfast With the Artist On M arc h 22, 2014 at T he G ate way He alt h an d We lln e ss C en te r, t he C en tr al Oh io com m un ity gath er e d fo r Sigm a Io t a Ze t a Ch apt e r’ s sign at ur e p ro gr am, B re akfast with the A r t ist . Th is ye ar , th e Br e akfast fe at ur e d var io us act s such as Fir st L ady N ikki Hum ph re y s an d t he N e w Sale m B apt ist C h ur ch Pup p et M in ist ry . D on Co ult e r, a lo c al visual ar t ist,

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c on str uc te d a p ie c e live t h at was auc t io ned o ff at th e en d o f th e p ro gr am . M in ist e r David D unn , from 1580 WV KO, was th e M ast e r o f C er em on ie s. A ll went we ll as 11 p e r form e r s to o k th e st age in t he n ame o f sch o larsh ip ! In addit ion to th e se am azin g p er form e r s, a h e art y an d de lic io us b re akfast was se r ve d by “L in zy ’s C at er in g.” On disp lay was SI Z ’s M ar ch o f D im e s t ab le , en co ur agin g o ur gue st s to be co me in vo lve d with o ur lo c al ac t ivit ie s! Th is was th e 12th A nn ual Br e akfast with t he A rt ist c e leb r at ion . Th e pr oc e eds o f th e br e akfast be ne fit th e B e ssie K . J ac kson M em or ial Sc ho lar sh ip . T wo sc ho lar sh ip s wer e awar de d th is ye ar to st ude nt s fro m SI Z ’ s A dop t- A- Scho o l p art ne r , M ifflin High Sc hoo l. T he scho lar sh ip win ne r s wer e se n ior s We n dy Ky e i an d L e xx us Br adfo r d.


SIZ Partners With Ronald McDonald House Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC) has been making a difference in the lives of seriously ill children and their families for three decades. Many of the children living at RMHC are being treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital and other hospitals in the Central Ohio area. Partnering with RMHC of Central Ohio since 2011, Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter (SIZ) of Reynoldsburg, Ohio is devoted to serving these

families several times per year through a variety of volunteer opportunities. The task of caring for a sick child can be challenging and parents often have little time to take care of their own well being. Through service projects, SIZ is committed to providing the extra support these families need during their stay at RMHC. With 90% volunteer power and community donations, it is amazing to see what RMHC has accomplished! Beginning with a WISH LIST Drive for Ronald McDonald House Charities, SIZ partnered with Walgreen’s and other organizations to collect basic care and toiletry items including soap, shampoo, cleaner, and wipes. These donated items are stored in a pantry which will help children and their families residing at RMHC. This community initiative is a Meeting Basic Needs Z-HOPE program with the goal of collecting and distributing supplies for daily living to persons of need.

SIZ Breaks Record At Mid-Ohio Food Bank AGAIN! The ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Zeta chapter of Reynoldsburg, OH continued to break records while serving the community. As part of their Founders’ Day celebration, Sigma Iota Zeta members returned to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank on January 11 where they packed food boxes for senior citizens. This year, the Sorors broke a record by completing 863 boxes.

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Service SIZ Partners With AKA, Ohio Reformatory for Women for Mom and Kids Day In partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Psi Eta Omega Chapter, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta chapter in Reynoldsburg, Ohio were able to donate toys and other gift items to 65 women at ORW for their Mom and Kids Day event. The Ohio Reformatory for Women strives to promote family bonding in preparation for family reunification; with this in mind special family oriented events are scheduled throughout the year. The Mom and Kids Day Holiday event is scheduled annually in December. This event permits the inmates' families to spend a day with their incarcerated loved ones. The families are able to bond over a meal, play games and take photos with Santa Claus. In the spirit of giving, each child receives a wrapped toy/gift to open with Mom celebrating the hol-

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iday season. The day is filled with lots of fun, food and love! For many of the children of incarcerated parents, Mom and Kids Day is the first time they are able to see their mother in a positive atmosphere, healthy and making positive changes in their lives. “The inmates participating in the event were excited, grateful and extremely emotional that Isi Ikharebha (Zeta), Natasha Smith (Zeta), Afrika Alsup (AKA) and Sharma Brown (AKA) traveled to the institution to meet with them,” Warden Ronnie Burkes stated, “The presentations made by the ladies from both organizations gave the women incarcerated at the Ohio Reformatory for Women a renewed belief in second chances.” The Mom and Kids Day event took place on Saturday, December 14, 2013 and was a success!


SIZ Sorors Bond At Annual Retreat On August 6th, 2014, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter gathered at 9 am for the kick off of our annual Chapter Retreat. We started the day with breakfast at McDonalds where we greeted and conversed with one another before piling into our cars for a day filled with adventure! Our first exciting stop was at Old Man's Cave in Logan, Ohio. We got quite the workout in with our hike! Along the way we came across some unforgettable moments; a lake that a few Sorors were so inclined to "test the waters"; the highest point of the cave that made us feel like we were overlooking the entire world; and finally the most refreshing of them all - an actual wedding taking place! We laughed, we talked, even helped each other across the rocks at times, overall a great bonding experience for our chapter. When we finished our hike we continued on our quest for adventure heading back to Columbus, Ohio to stay the night at Fort Rapids Water park and Resort. We changed into our swimsuits and headed for the water park! We went on slides, coasted thru the "lazy river", and even raced on our rafts! After all that fun in the water it was time for food! We met at Applebee's enjoyed great food and conversation. The most disappointing moment of the night was watching the Buckeyes lose

their first game! After dinner we headed back to the hotel for games and strolling practice. We stayed up all night talking and laughing. The next morning we went to breakfast then headed back to the room to pack up and leave. This was another successful retreat for Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter.

SIZ Welcomes Two New Members SI Z kic ke d o ff t he 2014 - 2015 so r or it y ye ar str on g b y in it iat in g t wo n e w m emb er s into t he o r gan izat ion . On Sep te mb er 12, 2014, we we lc om e d ne w Sor or s Sh ar in a Ar m-

st ro n g an d Q uian a Fe w into t he c h apt e r. Up o n com p let ion o f th e ir p ro ce ss, o ur n e w m em be r s en jo ye d a ce le br ato ry wit h t h e r est o f th e ch apt e r. Sin ce b ec om in g So ro r s, b ot h Arm str on g an d Fe w h ave t aken an ac t ive int e re st in th e o r gan izat io n an d th e ch apt er . We lo o k forwar d t o furt he r in g t he ir ze al an d kee p in g t he ir Z et a light sh in in g.

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Finer Womanhood Zumba With the Zetas To kick off Finer Womanhood observance, SIZ partnered with Body Fitness Rebellion in Reynoldsburg, Ohio for a Zumba with the Zeta’s fitness event. SIZ is blessed to have two members who are certified in Zumba fitness (LaVada Washington) and Strength

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Training (Amy McGrapth). Along with the staff at Body Rebellion, SIZ guests , youth, and members received a great work out from Soror Washington and Soror McGrapth!

National Programs

SIZ Excels At Z-Hope SIZ, a chapter with fewer than 25 financial Sorors, acquired 525 Zpoints for 20132014. As a result of this accomplishment, SIZ was recognized at the 2014 Boule’ for their participation in the following Z-HOPE programs: Adopt-A-School, Eldercare, and March for Babies. Additionally, SIZ was featured in the Blue & White Unite Phamily Photos Presentation after its participation in their local March for Babies 5k Run/Walk in Columbus, Ohio on April 27, 2014. SIZ Sorors raised a grand total of $570.64 which included a corporate match of $100 from Givaudan Flavors. March for Babies is a national fundraising campaign which raised more than $300,000 for March of Dimes and prematurity research in 2014. For this fiscal year, SIZ began their Z-HOPE programming with a bang by donating basic needs items to the 2014 NATIONAL Z-HOPE PROJECT at Boule’. This community initiative was a collaboration of Zeta Phi Beta, Sorority, Inc., the Military Advisory Committee, and Social Action Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH-W) The Premier Retirement Community

for America's Veterans. Upon returning from Boule, SIZ kicked off the sorority year with a donation of backpacks and supplies to Columbus area children. Last year, SIZ received 25 Z-points for their 20 item donation.For the Ohio State Leadership Conference last year, Sorors contributed toiletries to the state-appointed Z-HOPE project at the local YWCA battered women’s shelter.

SIZ and the Affordable Care Act In th e wor ds o f o ur gr e at le ader , “ A go od Z e t a is a we ll in fo rm ed Z e t a.” Wh en Z e t a c alls, SI Z an swe r s! On M arc h 27, 2014, SI Z p art ic ip ate d in t he 10T V A ffo rdab le C ar e A ct T e le th on , e duc at -

in g 667 pe op le abo ut th e He alt h In sur an ce M ar ke tp lac e. He alth c ar e as we kn o w it is c h an gin g in o ur co un tr y. L e ss th an 5% o f o ur p op ulat ion sp en d $0.45 on th e do llar wh en it c om e s to h e alt h c ar e . Th e se in dividual ar e t he mo st vuln e r ab le an d fr ail in o ur co mmun it ie s an d lac k acc e ss to affor dab le h e alth c ar e se r vice s. For so me it is th e ir fir st t ime e ve r h avin g in sur an c e and it was a joy to in fo rm n ee dy re siden t s o f h o w th e AC A would im p act th em .

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National Programs

SIZ Shows Phamily Love At March for Babies S I Z ’ s M ar ch for B ab ie s 2014 C am p aign be gan wh en So ror I si I kh are bh a and So ro r N aT ash a S m ith att en de d t he M arc h for B ab ie s Kic k- Off E ven t Feb r uary 19, 2014 at t h e D ub lin Rec r e at ion Ce nt er . Th e r e aso n s fo r p art ic ip at io n, 15 m illio n b ab ie s, wo r ldwide , ar e b or n too so on e ach ye ar an d mo r e th an 1 in 6 B lac k in fan t s ar e bo rn pr e m at ur e wh en c om p ar e d to 1 in 9 for all b ab ie s. S in c e 1972, Z e t a Ph i Be t a So ror it y, In c ., an d M ar ch o f D ime s h ave b ee n p ar tn er ing t o r aise m on e y t o supp or t p ro gr am m in g an d fun d re se arc h to fin d an swer s t o so lve pro ble m s th at th re at en o ur b ab ie s. Se ver al sor or s wo r ke d dilige nt ly for mor e th an e igh t wee ks t o he lp wit h th is c ause . L ed b y Sor or D an it a T ay lo r an d so c ial m e dia c am p aign c oor din at or So ro r N aT ash a Sm it h , SI Z r aise d $570.64 wh ic h in c lude d a co rpo r at e m at ch , sub m it te d b y So ro r De om i Sm it h , o f $100 fr o m G ivaudan Flavor s. A s t h e sign at ur e walk e ve n t for Z et a Ph i B e t a So ror it y , I nc ., SI Z ’s M ar ch for B ab ie s Walk was A p r il 27, 201 4 at t h e Re so lut e A th le t ic C on fer en c e, C o lumb us, Oh io. Sor or s E vo ne Ple asan t , M ar issa M ills, and Te nn ille C oo le y le d o ur t e am , Ze t a Ph i Be t a - Sigm a I o-

t a Z et a Ch apt er , o n r ace day . Sor or s all wo r e t he o ffic ial M ar ch fo r B ab ie s T - sh ir t s, sub m itt e d by So ror I kh are bh a, or der e d from T h e E x c lusive T o uch , L LC ; a Gr e e k App ar e l Sh op c o- o wn e d by Sor or J ac que lin e Remm e r. SI Z was fe at ure d in th e B lue & Wh it e Un it e Ph am ily Phot o s Pr e sent at ion at t he 2014 B o ule ’, in c e leb r at ion o f Ph i B et a S igm a’ s C e nt enn ial, fo r th e ir p ar t ic ip at ion in th e lo c al walk. T h e ph am ily pho to also fe at ur e d so r or s fro m G amm a Z et a Z et a Ch apt er fr om C o lumb us, Oh io.

SIZ Supports March of Dimes At Night Moves The 34th Annual March of Dimes Night Moves 5K/5-Mile glow run and walk event was held on September 19, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio. For the fourth year in a row, SIZ was there volunteering their time. Sorors and Archonettes, led by team captain Soror Faith Miller, volunteered as route assistants passing out water and Gatorade at the finish line. Soror Isi Ikharebha was a runner in this event. All volunteers were given a T-shirt and a glow necklace. The race concluded with a block party which included free pizza and musical Page 8

entertainment. March of Dimes and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., have a long-standing partnership devoted to making sure all babies have a healthy start in life. Funds raised at Night Moves will support the March of Dimes’ mission of preventing infant mortality, premature births, and birth defects. Craig Schneider, Senior Community Director of Central Ohio March of Dimes, coordinated the event through The Arena District and Downtown Columbus.

National Programs

SIZ Adopts Mifflin High School As a former educator, International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright has displayed an unparalleled dedication to the needs of students. To this end, one of her key focuses during her administration is assisting schools in need of resources. SIZ has jumped on board and partnered with Mifflin

High School for the 2013 -2014 sorority year. In November 2013, SIZ Sorors participated in a college fair and stepping presentation at the high school. Sorors from the chapter spoke to students about the importance of a college education and the variety of undergraduate experiences available. Sorors, along with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Beta Omicron Sigma chapter, performed a step for the high school students. Sigma Iota Zeta continued to build on the relationship with Mifflin High School in March 2014 when it presented two of its seniors, Wendy Kyei and Lexxus Radford, with book scholarships for $300 and $150, respectively.

SIZ, Regency Manor Partner for Elder Care SIZ partnered with Regency Manor Rehabilitation and Subacute Center to initiate the chapter’s Elder Care project. In December, seniors at the center were celebrated through a fellowship-friendly program. For more than two hours SIZ Sorors and Youth, paraded through the halls singing Christmas carols and delivering handmade holiday cards to more than 250 residents. During the procession, many of the residents joined in cheerfully singing songs such as Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland, and Deck the Halls. In addition Sorors, Archonettes, and Amicettes visited with residents and exchanged kind words to boost their morale during the festive season. Youth Advisor, Soror Victoria Alexander, will continue the

program annually, as well as, send out birthday cards and other mailing to seniors at the center. Regency Manor provides comprehensive health services, long-term nursing care, retirement, and assisted living to seniors in the surrounding Columbus area. Page 9

National Programs

SIZ Zetas Have Heart SIZ Sorors take fitness seriously! In the last year, SIZ sorors have participated in numerous 5K races, included the March of Dimes Night Moves, March of Dimes March for Babies, and Susan Komen run for Breast Cancer. Soror Tennille Cooley completed a 50 mile bike ride during the 2014 Pelatonia to raise money for cancer research. Soror Amy McGrapth competed in a fit-

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ness competition showing off her beautiful physique! Soror Marcia Dixon ran in the Capital City Half Marathon. Soror Isi Ikharebha completed two half marathons this year. Soror Danita Taylor completed on half marathon and finished her first FULL marathon at the Nationwide Childrens Columbus Marathon. This chapter is not just active financially, but physically as well!!!

National Observances

SIZ Celebrates Activity-Packed Founders’ Day This year, Sigma Iota Zeta embraced Founders’ Day as a time of service, fellowship, and celebration. The chapter kicked off its Founders’ Day acknowledgment by volunteering at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank where they packed food boxes for senior citizens. Later on in the week, the chapter joined activities sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. , Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter and our sisters of Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter. On Friday, Janu-

ary 17, the chapter held a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings, with bowling to follow on Saturday. No celebration would be complete without worship. Sorors gathered at New Salem Baptist Church for service on Sunday, followed by brunch at 94th Aero Squadron in Columbus. Founders’ Day activities were concluded with participation in the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. march.

SIZ Helps Beta Omicron Sigma Celebrate 100 Years Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. celebrated turning100 this year and SIZ sorors supported our local brothers in marking this significant milestone. On March 22, 2014 at SIZ’s Breakfast with the Artist celebration, SIZ Sorors paid tribute to our brothers with a stepping presentation, spoken word tribute, commemoration plaque, and presentation of carnations. SIZ sorors also attended the chapter’s Centennial Gala in January.

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SIZ Attends Ohio State Conference October 2013 brought the Ohio State Leadership Conference held in Cincinnati which was attended by several SIZ Sorors. Sorors contributed toiletries to the state-appointed Z-HOPE project at the local YWCA battered women’s shelter. Sorors also participated in workshops on protocol and attended the Executive Board Meeting. The Ohio State Organization (OSO) re-elected SIZ 1 st Vice President Isi Ikharebha as OSO Grammateus. In addition, the chapter received a 2 nd place award for the scrapbook, and a 3 rd place award for chapter report.

80th Great Lakes Regional Conference The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta and chapter and their youth attended the 80th Great Lakes Regional Conference in Cleveland, Ohio! Sorors listened intensely as our International Grand Basileus shared an update on the status of National Headquarters. SIZ sorors also chaired and served on conference committees. Basileus, Soror LaVada Washington serves as the Regional Scrapbook Committee Chair and her committee worked hard during the conference judging the plethora of scrapbooks submitted by chapters in the region. The chapter was also recognized for its participation in both the Adopt-A-School Initiative and the Elder Care Initiative. SIZ sorors were also able to take advantage of the Undergraduate, Youth, and Amicae Advisor certification sessions offered during the conference. Soror Isi Ikharebha completed the Undergraduate Advisor Certification course! To top of the conference SIZ won 3 rd place in the Chapter Report competition! The winning chapter report served as the chapter’s contribution to the Great Lakes Region’s 2020 time capsule.

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Finer Womanhood Sisterhood


Boule 2014 As the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma were celebrating their centennial weekend, SIZ Sorors showed up in Washington, DC for Boule ready to work…and work they did as sorors got through 121 amendments to the sorority’s constitution! SIZ donated items for the Boule Z-Hope Project. Soror Isi Ikharebha and Soror Dantia Taylor hosted a round table at Boule to share information about SIZ’s signature program, “Breakfast with the Artist.” Soror Natasha Smith served as the Great Lakes representative on the national scrapbook committee. A highlight of the conference was the joint Zeta/Sigma rededication session led by the daughter of Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful and the son of Founder Leonard F. Morse. SIZ Soror Isi Ikharebha was one of over 400 sorors who received their ZOL certification at the conference. Our International Grand Basileus shared the news that OUR HOUSE was paid for in FULL and we celebrated by burning the mortgage!! We were entertained by the soulful sounds of Yolanda Adams at our Prayer Breakfast and got to boogie with the Men of Soul during the evening concert. After Zeta business ended, we joined our brothers at Howard University to witness the unveiling of the new Sigma monument. The week in DC was truly a time to remember!

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Awards & Recognitions SIZ Receives Accolades On State, Regional, National Level Sigma Iota Zeta continues to prove that hard work and a commitment to our founding principles yields not only results, but acknowledgement. During the Ohio State Organization conference last year, the chapter won 2nd place in the state scrapbook competition and 3rd place in state chapter report competition. SIZ member Isi Ikharebha, who serves as the state secretary, also was re-elected to her state position during the conference. SIZ did it again in April when sorors attended the Great Lakes Regional Conference in Cleveland. The chapter placed 3rd in the region’s chapter report competition.

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Boule also proved to be a fruitful time for the chapter. SIZ was acknowledged as one of the Ohio chapters to participate in the March for Babies and the Blue & White Family Photo campaign. Furthermore, SIZ Soror Isi Ikharebha received her ZOL certification during the conference. Soror Ikharebha was one of more than 1,000 sorors who trekked to Indianapolis in July 2013 to earn the newly revamped certification. Her newly garnered certification also led to her presenting a workshop, along with fellow SIZ Soror Danita Taylor, at Boule on the chapter’s successful Breakfast With the Artist. Boule also saw SIZ Soror Natasha Smith serving as the regional representative to the conference’s scrapbook committee.

Greek Unity

SIZ Shows Love To The Divine Nine Sigma Iota Zeta could often be seen throughout the Metropolitan Columbus community showing love for our brothers and sisters of the Divine Nine. Throughout the year, SIZ Sorors Amy McGrapth and Jennifer Fowler attended regular meetings of the Columbus Alumni NPHC as representatives as well as attended Greek mixers. The local NPHC held a monthly social event where canned goods and donations are accepted for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and chapter members have contributed to this cause. In 2014, SIZ Soror Tennille Cooley took the helm as chair of the NPHC Columbus Alumni Chapter’s Greek Unity Weekend held in June. For the first time, the weekend featured a Black & White Gala on June 27 where awards were distributed to members of the Divine Nine making a difference in the Columbus community. During the celebration, SIZ’s own Soror Cooley received the President’s Award for Outstanding Committee Chair. That Saturday, June 28, the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta joined forces with our sorors of Gamma Zeta Zeta to present the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Beta Omicron Sigma chapter, with a cake at the Greek Unity weekend picnic in honor of their Centennial. Two scholarships were given to area high school students and presented by SIZ Soror Fowler who served as scholarship committee chair. The 2015 NPHC Greek Unity weekend should be an exciting one for SIZ as Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated will serve as the host organization. On April 17, 2014, SIZ sorors attended the 26th House District Primary and Voter Education Forum presented by the NPHC of Columbus along with the CHANGE Agency, a local nonprofit dedicated to voter education among minority citizens.

On Saturday, October 11, 2014 the ladies of the Sigma Iota Zeta chapter participated in the 3rd Annual Sisterhood Luncheon presented by Psi Eta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. This event was open to the members of the four National Pan-Hellenic Sororities—Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho—and was well attended by members of all four organizations. For the third year, the Sigma Iota Zeta chapter represented well with a lovely display table and slide show. Our First VicePresident, Isi Ikharebha gave a presentation detailing the highlights of our activities of the past year as well as information about our upcoming events. Being a health services professional, Soror Ikharebha gave an impassioned plea to the sorority members present to focus on infant mortality in the metropolitan Columbus area. The presidents of the other sororities present gave presentations as well. The sisterhood luncheon provided a wonderful opportunity for us all to remember that, while we have some differences, we all have similar goals to uplift and support women through college and throughout life. The ladies of SIZ also attended several social and civic functions presented by NPHC organizations this sorority year including the 50th anniversary celebration for the local Iota Phi Theta graduate chapter, the Alpha Phi Alpha Mistletoe Party, the Kappa Alpha Psi Wine Sip, Omega Psi Phi’s Talent Hunt and Sigma Gamma Rho, Delta Omicron Sigma’s Skating Party.

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SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year The focus for the 2013-2014 year was to explore real world situations and discuss helpful tips on how to be prepared for those life events. Topics covered included leadership, leadership positions, the importance of service, and career investigation. Since October 2013 the SIZ youth have been invested in becoming fine young women. The youth were involved in community service and group strengthening. Their extracurricular activities brought new concepts and ideas onto a diverse group. October ended on a high note with the attendance of the State Conference. Two youth were in attendance and covered topics such as being beautiful within. We continued on to community service with our visit to Regency Manor. There, we sung holiday carols, bringing join to the residents and nurses. The youth were moved by our visit and wished to continue this service the follow-

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ing year. Our second holiday service event was a donation of 15 stuffed teddy bears to the families at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. The year ended with a celebration at Bucca Di Beppo where parents and youth were recognized for their service throughout the year. Each youth received a t-shirt and certificate that celebrated the personality each girl brought to our group. This year began with the Zeta Round-Up. Over 10 youth were in attendance. Soror Fowler led the group in a karaoke word challenge and a mentally/physically fit challenge. Both games were well received and began our year with a bang. The young ladies also joined the sorors of SIZ while we participate in the March of Dimes Night Moves. We look forward to a prosperous year in 2015.

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