Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter Reynoldsburg, OH Mary Breaux Wright
Michelle Porter Norman
LaRita MJ Smith
Isi Ikharebha
International Grand
Great Lakes Regional Director
Ohio State Director
Chapter Basileus
Building On the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths
State Chapter Report Competition 2015 Page 1
SIZ 2015-2017 Executive Board Isi Ikharebha
Natasha Smith
1st Vice-President
Danita Taylor
Sharina Armstrong
Jennifer Fowler
Evone Pleasant
Financial Secretary
Quiana Few
Tennille Cooley
Public Relations Chair
Gwendolyn Pullins
LaVada Washington
Immediate Past President
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Scholarship Annual Breakfast With the Artist Promotes Education & Art On March 14, 2015 at Monacos’ Palace, the Central Ohio community gathered for Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter’s signature program, Breakfast with the Artist. Focusing on the youth of our community, this year, the Breakfast featured Urban Strings. Urban Strings is a Central Ohio-based community youth orchestra of serious, young, talented musicians from various public and private schools throughout the metropolitan Columbus area. Additionally, the crowd was entertained by various acts ranging from spoken word to dance to visual art. All of the performances occurred while the audience feasted on a delicious breakfast that fed the soul! This was the 13th Annual Breakfast with the Artist celebration. The proceeds of the breakfast benefit the Bessie K. Jackson Memorial Scholarship fund. This year, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter awarded 2 scholarships to Central Ohio High School seniors. One scholarship went to Claudia Owusu who is a student from SIZ’s Adopt-A-School partner, Mifflin High School. Our second scholarship recipient was our own Archonette, Janthel Davis who is a senior at Bishop Hartley High School. This year’s first recipient, Claudia Owusu, has a 3.8 grade point average, volunteers at a local homeless shelter, is a published writer, and plans to attend Oberlin College or Otterbein University in the fall of 2015. Our second recipient, Janthel Davis, has a 3.3 grade point average and is an active member of Zeta’s youth group—The Archonettes. Janthel has been an
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Archonette for four year and has volunteered at the Mid-Ohio Foodbank and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio Janthel is looking forward to attending one of three possible colleges in the fall: University of Cincinnati, Theil College, or the University of Kentucky. The concept of the Breakfast of the Artist program was originated by Soror Marian D. Hann. In her loving memory Sigma Iota Zeta chapter gives out the Distinguished Zeta award at the scholarship breakfast. This award is given to a Zeta, who like Soror Marian D. Hann exemplifies the highest aspirations of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. This year the Basileus of SIZ chapter, LaVada Washington awarded this honor to every soror in the chapter for their tireless work to uplift Zeta in the community! Soror Washington was also honored for her six years of service as the President of SIZ chapter. Shortly after she was elected as the 1 st Vice President in 2009, the President of SIZ at that time encountered a very serious health complication that would not allow her to continue in the role. Soror Washington stepped in and has since pushed SIZ to be a premier organization for service in the Central Ohio community. Thanks to the Central Ohio community, Sigma I ota Zeta chapter continues to s uppor t the educational as pir ations of the local youth and members of our chapter for their extr aor dinar y s ervice.
Service SIZ Continues Partnership With Ronald McDonald House R onald M cDonald Hous e Char ities of Centr al Ohio (RM HC - CO) has been making a differ ence in the lives of s er ious ly ill childr en and their families for thr ee decades . M any of the childr en living at RM HC -CO ar e being tr eated at Nationwide Childr en's Hos pital and other hospitals in the Centr al Ohio area. Partner ing with RM HC - CO of Centr al Ohio since 2011, Sigma I ota Zeta Chapter (SI Z) of R eynoldsbur g, Ohio is committed to s er ving thes e f amilies s ever al times per year thr ough a var iety of volunteer opportunities . One way SI Z helps families living at the RM HC- CO is by par ticipating in the 2014 Hot Chocolate R un. SI Z volunteer ed to s erve at the
r ace day activities on November 16 th for The Hot Chocolate 15/5K R un. Known as “Amer ica’s Sweetest R ace”, the Hot Chocolate R un which r ais es funds for the RM HC- CO began in 2008 and featur es two r aces , a 15K (9.3 miles) and a 5K (3.1 miles ) r uns . T his year , four teen SI Z Sorors and 1 Ar chonette as s is ted thous ands of runners and walkers as they r an “for chocolate” and Ronald M cDonald House Char ities . Additionally, Sor or Is i Ikhar ebha and Sor or Kim J ohns on wer e r egis ter ed r unner s in the 15K and 5K, r espectively. Another way SI Z Sorors and Ar chonettes made a differ ence at RM HC - CO was by s erving lunch to s ixty - five res idences on February 7, 2015 at the hous e located at 711 E. L ivings ton Avenue, Columbus , Ohio 43205. The home cooked meal that SIZ pr ovided, pr epar ed, and s er ved offer ed a fr ee hot lunch in an attempt to give families one less thing to worr y about. Ever y night, near ly 150 families heal together becaus e of the efforts , compas sion, and community at the four ar ea R onald M cDonald Hous es . Par tner ing with R onald M cDonald Hous e Char ities of Centr al Ohio, through giving char itable donations and volunteer ing time, SIZ is s teadfast about s er ving childr en and f amilies through community s ervice.
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Service SIZ Volunteers With CUL’s Fishing With Dads On Saturday, June 20th, the Columbus Urban League hosted its signature “Fishing with Dads” event at Franklin Park, giving local fathers and their kids a chance to bond over a rod and reel. “Fishing with Dads” is more than lessons on water safety, knot tying, casting, catching and identifying fish. This memorable experience underscores CUL’s impactful efforts to stabilize and support individuals and families facing the crisis of poverty. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta volunteered at the annual event by leading the kid’s activities such as fishing, board games, sack races, face painting, bounce houses, and raffle drawings. Soror
Tennille Cooley who served as a sub-committee chair for the program, helped secure donations from Coca-Cola Refreshments for food and drinks. The ladies of SIZ had a great time working with the children of the event. Fishing with Dads is part of the Urban League’s main fatherhoodadvocacy initiative, Father 2 Father. The Father 2 Father Program is designed to assist Men with becoming the responsible, nurturing and instinctive Fathers they desire to be, while also, educating the general public on the essential role Fathers have in the development of their children.
SIZ Serves Up Service With Mid-Ohio Food Bank Pretend for a moment, you are sitting on the couch thinking of what you could eat for dinner. Then, you go into your pantry or refrigerator and there is no food. You are hungry and there is no meal to eat. There is no snack and no money. What would you do? Since the 1980’s, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank has been working to end hunger one meal at a time. At Mid Ohio Foodbank, they “believe it’s not acceptable for thousands of our neighbors—most of them children and seniors—to go hungry. Our aim is to provide efficient, effective ways for hungry people to meet their basic food and nutrition needs.” On Saturday, January 10, 2015, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter (SIZ) joined Mid-Ohio Foodbank to volunteer to work a 4-hour shift at their warehouse located at 3960 Brookham Drive in Grove City, Ohio. Eleven sorors and three youth sorted and packed grocery items for distribution to over 20 county service areas in Ohio. About 20 percent of the food from the MidOhio Foodbank must be cleaned, sorted, and packed for dispersal before it can be delivered to families. SIZ volunteered from 8 am to 12 pm to pack boxes of snacks, canned food, and personal care items. Page 6
Through the efforts of volunteers like SIZ and other local partners giving over 62,000 hours of their time, in 2013, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank was able to distribute 53 million pounds of food and other items to many Ohioans in need.
Sisterhood Relax, Relate, RETREAT! On August 14 and 15th, 2015, the ladies of Sigma I ota Zeta Chapter gather ed f or their annual chapter r etr eat! I n true SI Z f as hion, the weekend was filled with f un, s ister - time, fun, s ervice, fun, food, f un….and you get the point!! Firs t stop….Str aight out of Compton! Sor or gathered at the Studio Movie Grill to watch this epic movie. M any of the SI Z s or or s gr ew up in the NWA er ror . Sorors bopped their head, s napped their fingers , and laughed out loud as the movie br ought back f ond memor ies of the pas t. However , it was ver y dis appointing to all of the s isters as the grim r eality of how OUR community particular ly our black men ar e STILL victims of s ens eless police br utality.
#b la ck li v e sma tt er Next s top was the UNCF Run/Walk! Sor or s ar r ived at Wolfe Par k on Saturday mor ning to walk or r un with fellow Gr eeks to s upport this wor thy caus e. After a 3.2 mile walk s or ors par ticipated in a Chicago Step demonstr ation, vis ited booths, and then headed our for a hear ty all you can eat BR EAKFAST!! Did s omebody s ay COOKOUT? T he final activity for the weekend was a good ole cookout with the br others of Phi B eta Sigma Fr ater nity, I nc, B eta Omicr on Sigma Chapter . Sorors got to par ticipate in “Signing Day,” wher e under gr aduate Sigmas tr ans itioned to the gr aduate chapter with a small ceremony. Sorors filled their bellies with gr illed and f ried chicken, macar oni and chees e, gr een beans , hot dogs , hamburgers , peach cobbler , and other goodies while continuing to fellows hip with one another . I ts always a gr eat oppor tunity to spend sis ter time together outs ide of our r egular bus iness s etting!
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National Programs S I Z R a c k s U p Z - H O P E Po i n t s W i t h S e r v i c e SI Z, a chapter with fewer than 25 financial Sor ors , acquir ed mor e than 600 Z - points for the 2014 - 2015 fis cal year . T his was an incr ease of mor e than 100 Z -points f rom the pr evious year . With a chapter focus on s er vice, this year SI Z als o donated more than 750 items towar ds other “M eeting B as ic Needs ” Community Initiatives and awarded $600 in s cholars hips . At Boule’
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in Was hington DC, SI Z was r ecognized for their par ticipation in one Z-HOPE pr ogr am —Adopt - ASchool. For the s econd cons ecutive year , SI Z par tner ed with M iff lin High School in Columbus , Ohio to pr ovide s cholars hips to des er ving s enior s . Another r eas on for the incr eas e in Z- points is the focus on national pr ogr amming. For the fir st time in SI Z histor y, the chapter par ticipated in the following pr ogr ams : M ilitary Awar eness Week, Pr ematur ity Awar eness Month in November , and Z HOPE Global Day of Ser vice —Get Engaged. T he “Get Engaged” pr oject was developed by Zeta to addr ess the under lying iss ues that ar e contr ibuting to the sens eles s killing of Afr ican Amer icans in the United States . On J anuar y 19, 2015 (M ar tin Luther King, J r . Day), SI Z pass ed out 100 pamphlets made by the NAACP to youth par ticipating in the M L K par ade in Columbus , Ohio. T o view a calendar of events including upcoming ZHOPE progr ams , visit our webs ite www.zphibs iz.or g.
National Programs
SIZ Zetas “Get Engaged” Zeta Phi B eta Sor or ity, I ncor por ated Sigma Iota Zeta joined the National Pan -Hellenic Council of Columbus - s or or ites as it hos ted the unpr ecedented Know Your R ights T ownhall M eeting, Augus t 13 th at 6:30p at J . As hburn Center . Led by the ladies of Sigma Gamma R ho Sor or ity, Inc. – Delta Omicr on Sigma Alumnae Chapter who wer e heeding their call after the s ens eless death of their s or or Sandr a B land, the so-
r orities addr es s ed s afety iss ues impacting Columbus r es idents and families . Led by the ladies of Sigma Gamma R ho Soror ity, Inc. – Delta Omicr on Sigma Alumnae Chapter, the soror ities will offer infor mation and advocacy tools to help r esiden ts with legal inter actions with police agencies while r ais ing the awar eness around mental health and voter engagement. Speakers including judges , law enfor cement officials and phys icians addr ess ed the iss ues of civil r ights and pr otection, mental health and awareness , legal inter actions & police agencies and knowing your r ights . SI Z s or or Natas ha Smith and Sor or Angela Chr istie of Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter pr es ented inf or mation to thos e attending about Zeta Phi B eta’s Get Engaged campaign. T he event als o pr ovided Sor ors with an opportunity to dis tr ibute the NAACP’s 411- on- the5- 0 pamphlets to educate community m em bers about their r ights when inter acting with law enfor cem ent off icials .
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National Programs
SIZ Supports March of Dimes In an effort to support Zeta Phi Beta Sorority’s partnership with the March of Dimes, Sigma Iota Zeta helped spread awareness for Zeta Prematurity Awareness Program on Sunday, November 30th 2014 at New Birth Christian Ministries. New Birth had over 1000 members that were in attendance that day, which included several SIZ sorors. Pastor Kenneth E. Moore, Sr. spoke to the congregations that morning on behalf of SIZ. The main objective for this program is to (1) raise public awareness of the problem of prematurity and (2) to decrease the rate of preterm births in the United States. SIZ was very grateful to Pastor Moore for allowing us to help spread our message by reaching out to those in our community. This winter, SIZ’s March for Babies 2015 Campaign began when Soror Natasha Smith attended the March for Babies Kick-Off Event on February 15, 2015 at the Dublin Recreation Center. The reasons for participation, 15 million babies, worldwide, are born too soon each year and more than 1 in 6 Black infants are born premature when compared to 1 in 9 for all babies. Since 1972, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated and March of Dimes have been partnering to raise money to support programming and fund research to find answers to solve problems that threaten our babies. Several sorors worked diligently for weeks to help with this cause. Led by Social Media Campaign Coordinator Soror Natasha Smith and 2nd Vice President Danita Taylor, SIZ raised $200 this year for
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March of Dimes (bringing our total over the past 3 years to more than $1200). As the signature walk event for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, SIZ’s March for Babies Walk was April 26, 2015 at the Resolute Athletic Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Three sorors, Evone Pleasant, Jovanda Curry, and Danita Taylor, walked the 5k course which began at COSI, 333 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, 43215. SIZ had 4 registered participants, so our fundraising efforts will count as a Z-HOPE (Zetas Helping Other People Excel) initiative. The 35th Annual March of Dimes Night Moves 5K/5-Mile glow run and walk event was held on September 18, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. For the fifth year in a row, SIZ was there volunteering their time. Sorors Natasha Smith and Wilkister Tangasi volunteered as route assistants passing out water and Gatorade at the finish line. Soror Tangasi is new to SIZ transferring from Pi Delta Zeta Chapter in Iowa City, Iowa. Soror Isi Ikharebha was a runner in this event. All volunteers were given a T-shirt and a glow necklace. The race concluded with a block party which included free pizza and musical entertainment. Funds raised at Night Moves will support the March of Dimes’ mission of preventing infant mortality, premature births, and birth defects. Newly hired Katherine Christian, Senior Community Director of Central Ohio March of Dimes, coordinated the event through The Arena District and Downtown Columbus.
National Programs SIZ Continues to Adopt Mifflin High School SI Z chapter is bles s ed to have a chapter full of educators . T he chapter unders tands how impor tant it is to elevate International Gr and B as ileus M ar y Br eaux Wr ight’s thr us t for the Adopt A School Pr ogr am. SIZ began par tnering with Mifflin High School in 2013 to as s ist students with r esour ces par ticular ly around colleges and univer s ities . I n November 2014, SIZ Sor ors par ticipated in a college application wor k ses s ion at M ifflin High School. SI Z s or ors wor ked with s tudents
for a half day helping them to complete college applications on line. This opportunity was gr eat as s tudents leaned on sor ors and as ked impor tant questions about the r equir ed documentation colleges wer e asking for to complete their application. Our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fr aternity, Incorpor ated, B eta Omicr on Sigma Chapter. I n M ar ch 2015, SI Z pr es ented Mifflin Senior Claudia Owus u with a $300 book s cholars hip for college!
SIZ Shows Love to Elder Population in Central Ohio For the second year in a row, Sigma Iota Zeta has participated in Elder Care. Sigma Iota Zeta’s Youth supported seniors by writing them “Thinking of You” cards. The cards were delivered to 20 seniors and disabled adults within the Columbus area to express encouragement and attention to those that have little to no family or friends to care for them. The Archonettes and Amicettes of Sigma Iota Zeta chapter are leading the charge for making sure Zeta continues to be mindful about senior citizens in our community
Elder Care, an initiative outlined by Madam Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright in 2012, provides education and awareness about men and women in their senior years. It is a comprehensive program that focuses on elder abuse awareness, financial peace, supporting the caregiver, and volunteering at senior care facilities. There are four ways Zeta’s, Amicae, and Youth can get involved. Volunteers can adopt-anadult day health care center, adopt-a-home care agency, educate & inform, or care for caregivers.
SIZ Supports National Partner AARP on Local Level On Saturday, November 22, 2014, Sigma Iota Zeta attended a forum titled Because We Care, hosted by The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. in partnership with AARP. The Mistress of ceremonies for the forum was Tracy Townsend, nationally renowned TV Anchor at Channel 10, Columbus, Ohio. The forum included a very informative panel discussion on being a Caregiver to family members, with panelists from the Columbus community. The panel discussion was moderated by Soror Olivia B. Johnson, J.D. The panelists were able to share their personal experi-
ences being caregivers to family members, and advice as professionals who work with families providing guidance and counsel when they are embarking on the journey as a caregiver.
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Conferences SIZ Sorors Work, Network, Learn at GLRC Conference in Alsip Several Sigma Iota Zeta sorors attended the 81st Great Lakes Regional Conference held in Alsip, IL. Immediate past president LaVada Washington continued to serve as the regional scrapbook chair, while SIZ sorors supported her by serving on her committee. Sigma Iota Zeta members also took advantage of the workshops offered at the regional conference, attending both Be Finer and Instructional Design workshops.The chapter also placed second in the chapter report competition for chapters sizes 5-25. As our illustrious organization is continuing its countdown to our Centennial in 2020, chapter Sorors attended the Centennial Launch Party at the conference where they networked and enjoyed the company of Sorors while also filling their Passport journals with stamps from everybody from our International Grand to past regional directors and national officers. The chapter also donated various items to the region’s time capsule including a copy of our 2015 chapter report and a program for our “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You” hair symposium. SIZ sorors were also able to take advantage of the Undergraduate, Youth, and Amicae Advisor certification sessions offered during the conference. Sorors Isi Ikharebha, Jennifer Fowler, Quiana
Few and Sharina Armstrong completed the Youth Advisor Certification course! Across the hall, Sorors Marissa Mills and Natasha Smith completed their Undergraduate Advisor Certification as well while Soror LaVada Washington received her Amicae certification. As the sponsoring chapter for Gamma Epsilon undergraduate chapter, Great Lakes Regional Director Michelle Porter Norman presented the chapter with Gamma Epsilon’s reactivation charter.
SIZ Sorors Attend Ohio State Conference in Dayton October 2014 brought the Ohio State Leadership Conference held in Dayton, Ohio on the campus of University of Dayton. The hosts this year were Delta Phi Zeta (ΔΦZ) Graduate chapter, as well as, the undergraduates from University of Dayton (UD). New Sorors, Quiana Few and Sharina Armstrong were amongst the 10 SIZ sorors that attended the conference. Sorors contributed toiletries to the state-appointed Z-HOPE project at the local YWCA battered women’s shelter. The Ohio State Organization elected SIZ’s PR/Historian Natasha Smith as the States PR/Historian. Madam Regional Director Page 12
Michelle Porter Norman presented SIZ chapter with a certificate for participating in the National Finer Women Don’t Haze Campaign. Madam State Director, LaRita Smith recognized SIZ 1st Anti-Basileus and State of Ohio Grammateus Isi Ikharebha for working with her to organize the conference. In addition, the chapter received a 1st-place award for their chapter report! The community service initiative recipient for the OSO conference was The Elizabeth New Life Center Stork’s Nest of Dayton, Ohio. The Ohio Z-HOPE Coordinator, Myrtis Holder, and ΔΦZ Chapter called for each Ohio chapter, including SIZ, to donate at least 20 baby items—diapers, wipes, clothing, baby toys, nursery needs, etc. SIZ donated 25 bibs and baby wipes. This Z-HOPE project was designed to meet the basic needs for the women and infants that would be served through The Elizabeth New Life Center’s Stork’s Nest.
National Observances Natural Hair Symposium Highlights Finer Womanhood On February 28, 2015, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Iota Zeta chapter, in partnership with the African American Male Initiative of the Columbus Urban League, presented “Naturally Healthy, Naturally You”, a health and wellness symposium. During this event, Sigma Iota Zeta offered valuable information to the Central Ohio community about natural hair care. More than 50 people were in attendance for the inaugural Finer Womanhood event held at the Columbus Urban League. Workshops provided at the symposium focused on such topics as transitioning to natural hair, myth busters about natural hair, natural hair design and natural hair maintenance. Demonstrations were offered on protective styles as well as natural hair products. Representatives from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Gamma Zeta Zeta (Columbus) chapter (Chapter president (Charity Martin-Via), Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Psi Eta Omega chapter (Chapter president Afrika Alsop, Rochane Fox), and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Omicron Sigma (Chapter president Yvonne Hunnicutt sat on the lunch panel focused on natural hair in the workplace where the panelists discussed their experiences in corporate
America with their hair, moderated by event chair Tennille Cooley. The Divine Nine sisters rocked various natural styles from straight hair to locks so the Every symposium attendee walked away with a bag of natural hair products donated by over 10 sponsors including Curlisto and Shea Moisture. In addition, participants could purchase natural products from the events’ vendors as well. The women of SIZ chapter are looking forward to bringing this wellreceived event to the Central Ohio community again in 2016.
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National Observances SIZ Holds Annual Rededication With Gamma Epsilon
On Sunday, Apr il 12, the women of Sigma I ota Zeta chapter participated in our annual rededication cer emony. T his year was ver y s pecial as SI Z did a joint cer emony with our new under gr aduate chapter , Gamma Eps ilon at Wilberfor ce Univers ity! I t is customar y dur ing our National obs er vance of Finer Womanhood, for s or or s ac-
tive or inactive to r ecommit thems elves to the pr inciples of our beloved s or or ity‌Scholars hip, Ser vice, Sister hood and Finer Womanhood. Each s is ter contr ibutes her par t for the better ment of the whole.
SIZ Recognizes Military Appreciation Week In November 2014, the Sigma Iota Zeta chapter collected over 340 items in their toiletry drive to benefit the Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center, a Veterans Affairs medical center. The Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center serves approximately 2,000 veterans each day. Page 14
Occasionally, there are homeless veterans or veterans going through a hardship who need toiletries. The Sigma Iota Zeta chapter’s donation will benefit those veterans who are most in need. The chapter also recognized Sorors Angelina Vega and Jovanda Taylor Curry for their service in the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Army.
National Observances SIZ Celebrates Founders’ Day With Weekend of Activities Founders’ Day 2015 marked the beginning of the countdown to the 2020 Centennial Celebration. Following the lead of the national Centennial Committee, Sigma Iota Zeta chapter, in partnership with Gamma Zeta Zeta chapter of Columbus, OH, participated in a weekend of events that not only emphasized our core principles, but re-energized a spirit of collaboration between the two chapters. Sorors planned a weekend of events that focused on Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and the 2015 principle focus of Finer Womanhood that also included our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Beta Omicron Sigma chapter. The events kicked off with the attendance of the local Columbus Education Association Awards dinner where Soror Cora Miller was honored with an award. On January 16, Sorors celebrated our Founders’ Day by fellowshipping at Paint, Sip and Soul where Sorors were honored with a painting and poem made just for them. The next day, So-
rors had breakfast together as well as bowled together. That Sunday morning was filled with more fellowship as Sorors and frat worshipped at Southfield Community Church, then attended brunch. As we are part of a community conscious, action-oriented organization, Sigma Iota Zeta and Gamma Zeta Zeta Sorors dropped off muchneeded professional clothing at Dress for Success Columbus, and then participated in the local MLK Walk with our brothers of Beta Omicron Sigma chapter. During the walk, the Sorors passed out the NAACP’s “411-on-the- 5-0” pamphlets to youth as part of the national Get Engaged campaign in the wake of the unrest in Fergusion, Missouri. As is Sigma Iota Zeta Founders’ Day tradition, the chapter also served at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and the chapter kicked off a book donation drive for the Hilltop YMCA Teen Library. The chapter collected more than 170 books through the donation drive.
SIZ, GZZ Blast Off Towards Centennial With Celebration In January 2015, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated officially launched the five-year Centennial countdown during the National Executive Board meeting in Houston. Sigma Iota Zeta and Gamma Zeta Zeta followed suit in bringing that celebratory energy to Central Ohio through the “Journey to Centennial” Central Ohio Re-Launch party held on February 6. The event served as an opportunity to fellowship as well as inform. Sorors in attendance learned of the various contribution levels available to avoid an assessment for Centennial. For many Sorors, it was their first glance at everything that is being planned leading up to celebrating 100 years of our illustrious organization. Not only did Sorors hear the Centennial song, they also learned the Centennial stroll. Amongst themselves, Sorors anxiously gathered signatures as they
wanted to document their first Centennial event in their newly purchased Centennial Passports which were sold at the event. The same committee that brought this great display of zeal to Ohio will collaborate in the future on raising funds for chapter pledges as well as fellowship opportunities to reclaim inactive Sorors.
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Greek Unity SIZ Supports Divine Nine in Central Ohio Sigma Iota Zeta could often be seen throughout the Metropolitan Columbus community showing love for our brothers and sisters of the Divine Nine. Throughout the year, SIZ Sorors Amy McGrapth and Jennifer Fowler attended regular meetings of the Columbus Alumni NPHC as representatives as well as attended Greek mixers. The local NPHC held a monthly social event where canned goods and donations were accepted for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and chapter members have contributed to this cause. The 2014 Centennial celebration of our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated reenergized the bond between Zeta and Sigma in the local community. Over the past year, Blue & White has joined together for the March of Dimes Walk, the United Negro College Fund Walk, Founders’ Day activities, and the Martin Luther King Walk, Sigma Iota Zeta members have also contributed to Beta Omicron Sigma’s efforts as they breathe new life into their chapter with the introduction of a new Web site and new programming. Plans are underway for joint programming for the upcoming sorority year. In 2015, SIZ Soror Tennille Cooley took the helm as chair of the NPHC Columbus Alumni Chapter’s Greek Unity Weekend held in June. For the first time, the weekend featured a an All-White Jazz Affair on June 6, held on the rooftop of the local Renais-
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sance Hotel. The sophisticated function featured live music performances and ballroom stepping. During the celebration, SIZ’s own Soror Cooley received the President’s Award for Outstanding Committee Chair. Great fun was had at the local NPHC Unity Weekend picnic, where the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated (Sigma Iota Zeta nd Gamma Zeta Zeta chapters) served as the host organizations. The 2015 NPHC Greek Unity weekend should be an exciting one for SIZ as Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated will serve as the host organization. The Greek Unity weekend also featured a happy hour and a brunch. On March 20, 2015, SIZ members attended the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, 75th (Diamond) Regional Conference in Columbus, OH. SIZ president LaVada Washington presented gifts to Central Region Syntaktes Tiffany Hightower and Yvonne Hunnicutt, president of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Omicron Sigma (Columbus) chapter. While in attendance, Sorors were informed of Sigma Gamma Rho’s activities throughout the region involving U.S. Swimming and Girl Scouts. The months of September and October brought a focus on civic engagement as the ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta participated in the local #SayHerName Town Hall with their local sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated. In October, the Sigma Iota Zeta Sorors attended a candidates’ forum held by Alpha Sigma Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Delta Omicron Sigma Alumnae Chapter. The ladies of SIZ also attended several social and civic functions presented by NPHC organizations this sorority year including the 52 nd anniversary celebration for the local Iota Phi Theta graduate chapter, the Alpha Phi Alpha Mistletoe Party, the Kappa Alpha Psi Wine Sip, and Omega Psi Phi’s Talent Hunt.
Undergraduates WE’RE BAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK………….!!!!!! After a 3 year hiatus, The GLAMAROUZ Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Wilberforce University is BACK!!! At the end of 2014, the SIZzling women of Sigma Iota Zeta Chapter were approached by the Great Lakes Regional Director and Ohio State Director and asked to be the new sponsoring graduate chapter of Gamma Epsilon. The chapter had been suspended since 2012 and had only one remaining undergraduate. In accordance with our new sorority guidelines with sponsoring undergraduate chapters and MIP, SIZ had sorors trained and ready to take on this task. In December of 2014, SIZ accepted this assignment and got right to work!!! In September of 2014, Wilberforce had just named a new President who is a Zeta! Soror Algeania Warren Freeman is Wilberforce University’s 20th President. In December of 2014 SIZ and Gamma Epsilon partnered with the State of Ohio, Xi Beta Zeta, and Delta Phi Zeta chapters to host a reception for Soror Freeman. The reception was attended by the Mayor of Xenia and Wilberforce, Ohio. All welcomed Soror Freeman to Wilberforce! With the daunting task of building chapter membership, SIZ President Isi Ikharebha and now Gamma Epsilon Undergraduate Advisor began the MIP process with Undergraduate Soror Ayana Jones. At the beginning of February an Informational meeting was held for Zeta on the historic campus of Wilberforce University. Sorors were able to share with a captive audience the exciting work that Zeta was doing nationally, regionally, and on a local level that would soon involve eager undergraduates interested in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. at Wilberforce University. By the end of February, four young ladies were selected and began the MIP process. As the young interests began to learn about Zeta, SIZ invited the young ladies to participate in their two signature programs, Breakfast with the Artist and the Naturally Healthy, Naturally You Hair Symposium so that they could view programming in ACTION!. Not wasting any time and emulating their sponsoring chapter, Gamma Epsilon is making their mark on Wilberforce University, participating in a Campus Clean Up, NPHC Volleyball Game (in which they won!!!), visiting a senior home to do activities with their elders, and in the Adopt A Park program through their campus NPHC!!! We are so proud of these young women! the Wilberforce University Campus! YEAR OF THE UNDERGRADUATES
On the beautiful evening of Friday, March 27, 2015, four new doves were inducted into our illustrious organization. Together with the Ohio State Director LaRita Smith, past Gamma Epsilon Alumni, Xi Beta Zeta Chapter President Alforetta Hughes, and Madam President Algeania Freeman, SIZ presented the 2015 Membership Intake Group B.L.U.E Beginnings (Soror Asia Moss, Soror Emani Lewis, Soror Deedee Brown, Soror Mija Martin) to the Wilberforce University campus!. Page 17
Youth Auxiliaries SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles
The goal of the youth this year was to take a deeper look at the principles of Zeta. There were 2 months spent on each of the principles in hopes that we could have an educational session and interactive session for all youth to participate in. All the lessons were geared toward engaging all the youth in the same activity regardless of age. In December, the youth focused on service. The youth gathered to make Holiday cards for sick children at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and for local senior living facilities. The focus of the activity was to celebrate a new day of life and enjoyment for the season and not the status of their current situation. During the months of January and February, the youth aimed their attention towards scholarship. The youth gathered for a facilitated (conversation about education in America. With a foundation of scholarship being connected to education the youth discussed how education was perceived in their communities in the country as a whole. We also looked at the U.S. constitution to determine what it states about the importance or laws around education – as it is the law of the land. We were sad to discover that education is not mentioned at all in the U.S. Constitution. The ladies then learned if something is not mentioned in the constitution it is then left up to the states to determine what they feel is best. We then looked at what the Ohio Constitution says about education and we were all discouraged. The ladies were then given an opportunity (and they all did) to write letters to the Governor of Ohio stating how they feel education should be changed in Ohio. All letters were mailed that day and we were excited that on January 16th Governor Kasich responded to each student’s letter individually. In addition, the youth gathered to play games that all had an educational undertone. They participated in vocabulary Pictionary. This required the ladies to pick a word out of a hat and draw it for the group. The youth who was able to determine the word had to provide the definition of the word and use it in a sentence. The first Page 18
youth to correctly identify, define, and put 5 words in a sentence won the game. The ladies also learned about different types of poetry on Zeta’s principles. The ladies wrote poems in the form of a Limerick, Acrostic, and Haiku. There were also games around math that required the ladies to find the answers to mental math problems that were posted on the walls of the room. Like the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, our youth auxiliaries took an in-depth look at Finer Womanhood in March and April. The ladies attended and served at our annual Breakfast with the Artist and Natural Hair Symposium events. These events were chapter events for Finer Womanhood month. At the Breakfast with the Artist event the youth were able to perform the poems they wrote during the interactive scholarship session for all the attendees. In an effort to encourage their own future Finer Womanhood, the ladies gathered to discuss branding. After determining how business market and what their logos and brands look like. The topic transitioned into personal brand to determine what they hope to represent to others. The ladies were given an opportunity to create a logo for what they wanted their personal brand to exhibit. That logo was then transferred to a t-shirt that they were able to wear out as an opportunity to begin to market their brand and remain reminded of what they want to stand for. On April 17 and April 18, Sigma Iota Zeta supported two of our Amicettes Jada Johnson and J’Anna Rogers as they participated in the YMCA Youth in Government mock legislation sessionwhere they presented legislation they created on topics of importance to them. Jada’s legislation focused on acquiring a license to drink while J’Anna’s focused on developing an online learning system for when children are unable to attend school As the 2014-2015 sorority year came to an end it was time for a celebration. Archonette Janthel Davis daughter of
Youth Auxiliaries SIZ’s Youth Have Busy Year, Focus on Principles (cont.)
Soror Faith Miller who had been a member of the ZYA for years graduated from high school and was accepted into Thiel College for the Fall of 2015. In an effort to celebrate her commitment to the ZYA and her new journey to college the ladies of SIZ and the youth of the ZYA hosted a Graduation Shower and flooded her with gifts and encouragement for the future before her. The ladies of Sigma Iota Zeta kicked off the 20152016 youth auxiliary group programming year strong with inducting new members into all 3 of our youth auxiliary groups. On September 19, 2015, there were 8 youth inducted into the Zeta Youth Auxiliary, which includes one Pearlette,
two Amicettes, and five Archonettes officially inducted. These ladies range a variety of schools and are excited to learn and work from and with each other and are ready to positively impact the community. Parents and members of the chapter attended this event in addition the ceremony was attended by the men of Phi Beta Sigma and their youth auxiliary the Sigma Beta Club came out to join in the celebration. The newly inducted young ladies received pins and certificates during the ceremony. We look forward to a great programming year with Cultural Awareness and Social Skill Enhancement activities, Education Enrichment, Leadership Development and Community Service opportunities. Page 19