As a designer, I like to tackle intellectually engaging and challenging work. I hold myself to a high standard of technical excellence, and value innovation and eectiveness. I feel fulďŹ lled when I get the opportunity to research and analyze human-centered problems and design solutions that beneďŹ t and improve the user's experience, the environment, and the profession itself. I like to plan things step-by-step and build conceptual frameworks. I tend to front load a project with research so I can fully familiarize myself with the topic or problem at hand in order to devise the best possible design solution. I crave new knowledge and experiences. My hunger to learn, my drive to grow and succeed, and my attention to detail mean that I will take on any task presented to me and execute it thoroughly to the best of my ability.
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us veteran's outpatient clinic prototype design SPECIALIZED FOCUS AND POPULATIONS
Universal/Gender Neutral Commercial Restroom SPECIALIZED FOCUS AND POPULATIONS
saudi scent shop pop-up retail store
motorcycle madness
NEXT co-working office [Steelcase design competition] LARGE SCALE PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION
club motor estates Garage Condominium DETAILING AND FABRICATION
AMITY project type: US Veteran's Outpatient Clinic
LOCATION: North East Ohio size: 50,000 SF project description: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs facilities are currently facing many challenges trying to adapt & change to today’s healthcare expectations. They are striving to offer a broader range of health care services to veterans & create large facilities that encompass all of these services under one roof. The goal of this project was to explore how these services can fit & work together to best serve the Veterans & the staff. The design of this facility was guided by biophilia & integrates nature throughout the space. Various types of gardens are also implemented throughout the site. The new VA outpatient PACT model (Patient Aligned Care Team) was the basis for design of the primary care & specialty services exam, proceedure, & physician work areas. The PACT design approach is a method that separates patient/ onstage services from staff/offstage services, with an emphasis on patientcentered care.
building 3d view
site plan development sensory gardens
healing Gardens
gardens that are designed not only to be accessible to people with disabilities, such as having winding paths appropriate for wheelchairs, but to “systematically & sensitively nourish the five basic senses”
green spaces in hospitals & other healthcare facilities that specifically aim to improve health outcomes
Horticultural Therapy
spending time around trees & looking at trees reduces stress, lowers blood pressure & improves mood
“the practice of gardening or other plant-based activities, conducted with the assistance of a trained therapist, in pursuit of therapeutic goals”
longitudinal DESIGN section
latitudinal DESIGN section
first floor plan
second floor plan
pact detail plan & rcp
reception & veteran's services detail plan
reception & veteran's services detail RCP
s i g n a g e & way f i n d i n g
custom reception/check-in kiosk material & furniture selections
veteran's services help desk & pharmacy material & furniture selections
veteran's services cafe & vending
2nd floor waiting & greenhouse
elevator/stairs & forest bathing seating
material & furniture selections
pact exam room
pact exam room
pact staff area
pact patient corridor
RELIEF project type: universal/gender neutral commercial restroom
location: high-end corporate setting
size: 800 SF project description: Forces of stress are constantly at work beneath the earth’s surfacetension builds as tectonic plates are stretched; tectonic plates collide & compress. The earth, in an attempt to relieve these forces, faults & folds. Out of this relief of stress, mountains are formed, causing a variation in the relief of the landscape, as well as a change in climate & precipitation. These changes are inevitable, but ultimately create an atmosphere where the environment continues to adapt & thrive regardless of the new formations & weather patterns.
restroom entry
toilets toilets
sinks changing/wellness lactation room
lactation room
Like earth’s tectonic plates, tension & pressure are building around gender neutral restroom laws & design. The current gendered restrooms are causing stress & other health problems to various user groups who may not feel safe or comfortable using the restroom. A universal restroom accessible to all would relieve the stress & fear for many individuals, but on the other hand, not everyone is comfortable sharing a restroom with those of the opposite gender. By using the natural occurrences in the earth as a model,
the goal of the design is to relieve the tension & pressure of multiple genders occupying the same restroom. This is accomplished by changing the typical restroom landscape; a central “fault line” or passageway easily visible from the areas surrounding the restrooms will slice through the public & private spaces, easing the tension of sharing those spaces with members of the opposite gender. Partitions akin to “mountainous barriers” will ensure safety & privacy to users. By creating these faults & barriers the aim is to create a climate of safety, privacy, & acceptance for all users.
floor plan
reflected ceiling plan
this page: top left: lounge top right: stalls bottom: sink
opposite: top: lounge elevation middle: stall elevation bottom: sink elevation
SAUDI SCENT SHOP project type: Shipping Container retail store
Product: perfume size: 240 SF project description: The goal of this project was to design a pop-up/ mobile retail store with the intent of it being a part of a cultural fair or special retail market event. The design of the shop & the product oerings are directly based on or inuenced by a cultural group or region. Construction & design of the unit required consideration for how it and the products/ furniture contained within would be transported from location to location, as well as how the unit would function while stationary. Logo and graphic design were also custom components of the project.
Sales floor
floor plan Collapsed
floor plan Extended
The History/Culture: Arabian perfumes are steeped in exotic & local traditions with a history of religious, medical & scientific uses spanning more than 5,000 years. Today it is one of the most popular ways for Arabs - men & women alike - to express their individuality. Saudi consumers have a sharp nose & they can differentiate types of oud (a perfume ingredient which comes from the dark, fragrant resin produced by the Agar tree) just by smelling them. Often they will create their own perfumes by mixing three layers of fragrances- head notes, heart notes, and body notes. The most common fragrance for men is rose flower oil. Damask roses (pink roses with 30 petals) have been cultivated in the Valley of Taif in Saudi Arabia since the Ottoman times & are used in the most exquisite Arabian perfumes, oils, & water.
interactive mixing station
EDGE project type: CoWorking office location: Atlanta, GA size: 11,500 SF project description: NEXT is a forward-thinking coworking organization that is pioneering changes in today’s US workforce. The number of freelancers, remote workers, & small business owners is growing, & NEXT is a place designed to attract these workers by providing them with the space, resources, & community to run and grow their businesses. The driving concept for the NEXT project is the idea of EDGE. EDGE can be a competitive advantage or the point immediately preceding a significant occurrence, just as NEXT strives to provide a space for workers- or “Nexters”- that gives them a competitive advantage over other businesses, & where significant occurrences & collaborations take place.
Workstations level 2
workcafe level 2 Material & Finish Selections
In the design of the spaces for NEXT, the concept of EDGE is carried throughout the floorplan design; just as an edge is the line formed where two surfaces coincide, the first level is the “line” along which the community & “Nexters” converge. It houses the Reception Area, Ideation Zone (a place for Nexters to share products/services they want to introduce to the market) Forum Space (active/distance learning environment) Studio, & Project Room, which are all areas that encourage community interaction with the Nexters. Remaining spaces are located on the second level. Situated at the top of the stairs is the Workcafe. The transparency of the glass & the proximity to the patio allows the space & function of the Workcafe to spill over the boundary of the window wall to the exterior. Private Enclaves define the borders of the patio, with 2 at either end. The offices & workspaces are encompassed with clearly defined circulation paths lining the perimeter window walls. Private Offices & Project Rooms are also situated edge to edge within the border of the circulation path.
reception area & furniture selections level 1
RCP & Fixture selections level 1
furniture plan level 1
furniture selections & plan level 2
fixture selections & RCP level 2
MOTOR CYCLE M A D N E S S project type: Garage Condominium location: Broadview Heights, OH size: 1,800 SF project description: This project was completed for Je Badger, president of Club Motor Estates. Club Motor Estates is part country club, part garage condos for motor-enthusiasts. The garage condos vary in length and width, but all variations boast tall ceilings & a second story mezzanine. This particular unit is 30' wide x 60' long & was designed to be the ultimate motorcycle mechanic's dream workshop. The ground level houses all the state-of-the-art tools & equipment needed to fabricate & repair motorcycles. The loft area houses the perfect man-cave, equipped with kitchenette, lounge area, & pool table.
Sections & Custom Stair Detail
LOFT furniture & material selections
w o r k s h o p l ayo u t
l o f t l ayo u t
Workshop material selections