The start of a new generation without traditional gender ideals.
ity - transgender - change - genderfluid - conformity uid - conformity - genderless - masculine - agender masculine - agender - feminine - androgyny - identity ogyny - identity - transgender - change - genderfluid agender - feminine - androgyny - identity - conformity ogyny - identity - transgender - change - genderfuid -
“The Body is a Vehicle of Expression� People are talking about gender more and more, with people like Caitlyn Jenner showing their transgender transition publicly. Famous models such as Andrej Pejic and Lea T are taking the fashion world by storm and showing us that androgyny and transgender is beautiful and yet that it is still not completely accepted in our society.
ma s ogy culi ny ne an - id - ag ge en en d t er les gend ity er s - er - tr fem ma flui ans ini sc d ge ne uli co nde - an ne nfo - a rm r - ch drog ge nd ity - ang yny er -g e- fe end gen iden de tity mi e r nin le rfl s es - uid - tra an dr masc - con nsge ogy ul for nd ny ine mi er -c - id - a ty en gen ge han tit de nde ge y - tr r - fe rles gen an min s - der sg fl m i n a en de e - an scul rd ch rog an y ge -
yy -
Andrej Pejic said in an interview that he wanted to be “treated the same as female models, rather than being a niche commodity” at the moment androgyny and transgender is being treated as a fashion trend rather than a serious issue. There is still a lot of confusion and prejudice about agender. Agender by definition is someone who moves between genders or does not want to place a name to their gender. People who define by Agender do not always conform to gender ideals, they dress, act and feel what is right for them at that time. There has been a lot of discussion about they way that Transgender and Agender people dress in public, it is not always about what they want to wear but about how safe they feel in what they are wearing, the prejudice from others is sometimes life threatening.
When wearing clothes is no longer a matter of fashion but a decision on how safe you will be on that day, it questions the moral soundness of our society. It questions why we have all become so judgemental and close minded with the way that people dress. The need to conform with gender ideals has never really been questioned before, the way we think we should dress has been inherited and it is now outdated. We need to teach our children about Agender and break these old fashioned gender ideals in order to stop inherited prejudice. Would you allow your child to express themselves however they want and allow them to dress genderless? We asked new parents whether they would dress their new child in a colour that is not associated with their gender, e.g a boy wearing pink, 90% of the parents that we asked said that they wouldn’t be comfortable doing this. This shows how it is the older generation that is imparting these prejudice and gender ideals on the new generation. If we were to teach our children to be open minded and to not feel pressured by gender conformity then we would have a safer and less prejudiced world.
In our western society, we are constantly being shown images of how we should look as a man or a woman. We are never shown how to look or act if you don’t conform to being a man or a woman. Everywhere you go there are gender ideals; for someone who doesn’t fit in these society created genders, some simple tasks can be a constant struggle. One of these being that there is a constant division when shopping, the men go towards the mens department and the women go to the womens department. What about those who do not define as a man or a woman? The simple task of shopping becomes a decision of choosing an identity, choosing a gender.
In shops we have petite, tall, plus size, maternity and yet we still do not have genderless shopping. Selfridges is the first store to have ever created an Agender shopping collection and gender neutral shopping zones. This collection raised awareness for the Genderfluid, it celebrated the clothes and products and it was completely unrestricted by traditional gender ideas. We should be following in these groundbreaking footsteps and creating departments that are for people who do not wish to define what gender they are. These clothes and shops should be genderless, they should give people the freedom and safety to dress how they feel with no judgement or constrictions.
The fashion industry is famous for being ahead of the curve, so naturally we should be acknowledging the fact that gender is being blurred and that there is a need for Gender neutral shopping. Eventually we can hope that artificial gender distinctions will no longer be constricting. We can raise our new generation and teach the current generation that gender constriction is outdated and be able to give people freedom to explore and express their true nature with safety and openmindness. By Natasha Taggar
-g fe tr c - genderless - masculine - agender - f feminine - androgyny - identity - tran transgender - change - genderfluid conformity - genderless - masculine enderless - masculine - agender - feminine - androgyny inine - androgyny - identity - transgender - change - ge ansgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - - genderl nformity - genderless - masculine - agender - feminine -g fe tr c - genderless - m feminine - andro transgender - c conformity - ge - genderless - masculine - agender - fe feminine - androgyny - identity - trans transgender - change - genderfluid - c conformity - genderless - masculine -g fe tr c - genderless - masculine feminine - androgyny - ide Photographer - Joshua Douglas Model - James Taggar Model - Natasha Taggar Hair and MUA - Teresa Wilson
- genderless - masculine - agender - feminine - androg feminine - androgyny - identity - transgender - change transgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - - gen conformity - genderless - masculine - agender - femin r - feminine - androgyny - identity - transgender - chang ransgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - genderl d - conformity - - genderless - masculine - agender - femi ine - agender - feminine - androgyny - identity - transge ny - identity - transgender - change - genderfluid - confo genderfluid - conformity - genderless - masculine - age erless - masculine - agender - feminine - androgyny - ide ne - androgyny - identity - transgender - change - gende - genderless - masculine - agender - feminine - androg feminine - androgyny - identity - transgender - change transgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - - gen conformity - genderless - masculine - agender - femin - masculine - agender - feminine - androgyny - identity drogyny - identity - transgender - change - genderfluid - change - genderfluid - conformity - - genderless - masc genderless - masculine - agender - feminine - androgyn - feminine - androgyny - identity - transgender - change ansgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - genderl - conformity - - genderless - masculine - agender - femi ne - agender - feminine - androgyny - identity - transgen - genderless - masculine - agender - feminine - androg feminine - androgyny - identity - transgender - change transgender - change - genderfluid - conformity - - gen conformity - genderless - masculine - agender - femin ne - agender - feminine - androgyny - identity - transgen identity - transgender - change - genderfluid - conformi