S.B.N. Issue #3

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S.B.N Issue #3

S.B.N. Issue issue three

Cover: Porter Hogan Oceanside, CA. Inside Cover: Laguna Beach, CA.

Beach Cities dana, laguna, san clemente

This Issue of S.B.N. is all about my experiences in Southern California. I learned how to shoot here, I learned how to see life from a different perspective. The friends I met along the way made the largest impact on who I am now, the way I view boardsports, how I see life, the way I shoot. “Something New Every Day” - Brandon Phillips. It wasn’t always the easiest thing for me to be so far from everyone I knew and the people I trusted. All the fear of doing something abnormal soon left me, however, as I delved deeper and deeper into the alternative lifestyle that my friends introduced me too. I am an amature surf photographer at best. Two years into seeing the lifestyle of a surfer and the grace they carry throughout their whole life is not anywhere near understanding what they do or why they do it. I am excited to continue shooting surf at every chance I get, and even more excited to continue catching waves myself. I hope that this issue shows a glimpse of what I see when I watch surfing, I hope it shares even a portion of the wonder that surfing is.

And Just like B&W, the second part of this Issue is skating. Surfing is the backbone for skating and snowboarding. We would have neither if it wasn’t for the creativity of surfers. One thing that stands out to me more than anyother is the influence that board sports carry in Southern California. Growing up in the Midwest makes me really appreciate going to a place where a major part of the population is stoked on getting at least a few carves in to make their day better. To me, that was the push that really got me to dedicate my time and efforts into what I love, shooting photos. To my friends in this issue that can skate. I’ve never been more impressed than when I first saw you all skate street. Growing up on a farm I had never realized what skating was really about. You all live a rad life, one I’m so grateful to have been intoduced to. Going hand in hand with each other skating and surfing make up a way of life that can be compared to no other in our times. The only way to really explore a new world these days is to push the limits of everything already discoverd. So whether you skate, surf, snowboard, or kill it at all three, don’t ever tell yourself that you have made it, there’s further places to go. This is my privilege to show you the past two years of my life and all the amazing works my friends do on a daily basis. -Nathaniel Harrington

People, Places, and Things, all mixed together. Most of this was shot in Beach Cities; Dana Point, Laguna Beach, San Clemente. Additional cities are Newport, Huntington Beach, Oceanside, Venice and Hollywood. I found myself never needing to go far to find awesome surf, sick skate spots, amazing people, and great times.

Salt Creek, CA.

Thalia ST.

Jack Morrissey

Soul Surfing Studio Is the best ever..

Adam Mejia

Zach Williams

Chris Williams, the Soul Surfer. I met Chris about two years ago in his surf studio off Oak St in Laguna Beach. My good friend Brandon Phillips took me there for the Thursday night Bible study held weekly in that little studio. I was very unfamiliar with California and even less familiar about surfing. My life was about to change forever.

For a few weeks it seemed like everyday we were heading down to Trestles to get some of California’s best waves. I’ve watched him unleash some huge backside hacks as the entire line-up hoots and hollers him in. He’ll be the first one to let you know that your wave was good when you get back out, and if you look like you could use a pointer he’s always willing to let a few pass to give you his help. Chris has a heart as large as his wingspan, and that is pretty huge!

I would like to know a bit more about you and Soul Surfing. Lets get it going from the beginning, Chris. (n) When and where was your first wave? I know that you are a Huntington/Newport guy, but where did you first surf? How was that experience? (cw) First wave was at El Moro in Laguna Beach. My dad pushed me in on one of his surfboards. I went flying in straight to shore. I remember the smile on my face, my older sister laughing and feeling like my dad was proud of me for going out into the surf with him- I was probably the ripe old age of 4 at the time. (n) If there was a moment when you thought to yourself that you were going to be a surfer for the rest of your life, could you tell me a bit about that? (cw) When I was 10 or so I started to feel pretty good about my surfing. Living at the beach I practiced most days. I was intrigued by the thought of a sport that you could probably never master- no matter how skilled you became. somehow that made sense to me- that if I was going to invest into a sport it should probably be one with no quantifiable glass ceiling. Obviously KS could argue this point.

(n) Who are some of the people that most influenced you to learn to shred and keep you shredding today? (cw) I’m a bible thumping Christian guy so I give all props to Jesus Christ who is my creator and redeemer. Life has peaks and valleys, JC has been with me through them all. The lineup is a great place to think and pray aka talk to God. As far as humans- my dad, Dan Williams is all time surfer and hero. He’s in heaven now but I reflect on so much of the journey we shared. Not all roses, some thorns- but all part of the ride. Also my wife always pushes me to stay stoked. My spiritual surf mentor is Bryan Jennings- the guys loves JC and lives to share the gospel. Also every surf drenched grom that I have coached, surfed with, against in the last 35 years. (n) You coordinate a lot of surf comps from what I’ve seen. Which ones have been the best in your opinion? (cw) Funny how we end up doing what was a good experience for us as kids- in reflecting on my childhood it was one big crazy surf camp style of growing up- I think I’m emulating that with groms now. I’m just adding the good news of the Gospel to most of them.

(n) When did you start Soul Surfing and how did that all come about?

(n) Where would you like to see Soul Surfing go in near future and long term goals?

(cw) Started in 2003- God said surf camps- I listened, met Bryan Jennings at a Walking on Water movie premier, came home after and told my wife I wanted to quit my corpo job and do Christian surf camps. She smiled and said great.

(cw) Reach more folks with the message that if you are Stoked on God and His ways and plan for your life, then Jesus will bring out and then grant you the desires of your heart. Good desires, rad desires, loving and serving others in the way that we are created specifically to do. For me it’s through surfingand for you Nate it might be photography. But either way when we trust that God has the best plan then we can stop striving and let Him work.

(n) I met you in the studio at a Thursday night Bible study. There’s been nights when it’s been packed in there! It seems like the more chairs put out the more chairs you can fill. How did that come about and when? Any Thursdays stand out from others? (cw) I share what I know about life and Jesus. People, typically surfers can relate with my delivery. Life can get heavy at times- the Surf studio has become a place over the years as a place to talk, pray and accept God into your life. I didn’t plan it that way- I feel like the Peanut cartoon where Linus(?) puts out a sign and acts as a kind of therapist for the groms in the ‘hood. I’m just sharing the good stuff from the bible and how it’s been huge in transforming my life with peace even in storms. (n) Haha, It’s lucy, Chris. Today you head up some really neat ministries in and around your community. What are some of the programs where Soul Surfing makes a daily impact? (cw) Bible studies, mentoring some cast off type kids, prayer, surf clubs, speaking to kids at area schools about ocean safety and Jesus.

(n) Cool. You always kept me in the water pushing myself to learn how to surf, I wouldn’t know how to surf if it wasn’t for you. How about kids like Adam Mejia? I’ve been able to go to a lot of comps with you guys and I’ve also seen you fill up the van bringing kids to wherever the waves are. Who are some of the up-comers that you’ve been able to teach or have played a role in their lives? (cw) Every kid who gets bitten by the surf bug. People busy being active usually are having more fun- ripping is a state of mind. I love watching someone who snags a good wave and is beaming as they ride glide down the face. Whether they shred or not is almost unimportant. (n) Who do you expect to be this summers ping-pong champ? (cw) Probably Karen.

I definatley look forward to that! I know Karen has some skills and if she’s been practicing at all this winter it will be a really tough match. I’m excited to be working with Chris, Karen, and the rest of the Soul Surfing crew this summer. I can’t wait to see where it takes all of us and how God plans on working through this ministry. Thanks to Chris for the time he put into the interview. -Nathaniel.

Zach Williams

Adam Mejia

The kid next door.

Porter Hogan

It was raining all morning and Porter kept checking in on me seeing if I was still down to shoot... I grabbed an already soaking wet beach towel, threw it over my head and camera and gave the thumbs up. Porter was on fire that morning, there was no way I was about to walk off the beach. Every waves he caught, he destroyed.


ate Boarding.

In 2009.

Dan Hanson

We skated around for days on end. Bombing hills in downtown parts of laguna was the best. If there was ever a fun way to go about a day,these guys had it dialed. “we’re going to the top of the hill”

Madison Goodman

Brandon Phillips

Ross Level


Brandon, Madison.


In 2010.

Madison Goodman, Dana Point, CA.

Venice Beach

Madison Goodman

Mike Mcmillin

Cory Mcmillin

Nine Star Ramps

p. Chantal Cloo

Brandon Phillips

Max Walker


Brandon Phillips

Aaron Gomez



Brandon Phillips. Something New Every Day.

After the best winter I have ever experienced here in MN, my next Issue will be on January-February of 2011, snowboarding’s season. Thanks for supporting!

For More Information about Soul Surfing School lessons, camps; pricing and packages,please visit.


Thanks Riders. Christian Williams Adam Mejia Brandon Phillips Madison Goodman Mike McMillan Ross Levell

Zach Williams Porter Hogan Aaron Gomez Dan Hanson Cory McMillan Max Walker

You guys are the best. Nathaniel Harrington Photography www.nathanielharrington.blogspot.com


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