Portfolio - Architecture

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Architect / Landscape designer



+45 71 59 54 42

Richard MortensensVej, 84, 8tv København S 2300


Re-Verso Municipal center


Tour MouNa

Amor Forum

Grand Frais stores


Broual’s house


Séminaire square

McGill College, Reinventing the Avenue

Griffintown public domain

Re-Verso 01. Public competition

Location. Lyon Confluence, Îlot D3, France.

Description. Competition for the design and development of a mixed program block in a postindustrial district. The proposal integrates a common and modular ground floor, a central garden which supports a new biodiversity and activates the heart of the plot and a set of sustainable buildings built with organic or resourced materials.

Regarding the office building, the wooden structure and floor to optimize and reduce the use of concrete and steel. The use of hemp concrete on the facade responds to the ecological challenge but also adds a very interesting and unusual aesthetic.

Status. Finalist, November 2022.

Project team. Arrow Architects, Maison Edouard François, La compagnie du paysage and Copenhagenize.

Role within project. Concept design and development of the office building and the commun grand floor, production of presentation documents, coordination and integration of the landscaped part.

COUPE A - 1:250

Faux plancher ép.150mm / textile recyclé Chape de béton coulée en place ép. 50mm

Support plancher OSB 50mm

Solive bois 120mm x 240mm

Brise soleil extérieur motorisé en bois

Poteaux bois 300 x 300 mm

Enduit de béton de chanvre 50mm

Isolant 18mm

OSB 20mm

Poutre de rive 300 x 300 mm

Menuiserie bois ouvrant 2450 x 1010 mm avec limitateur d´ouverture ouverture complète pour entretien

Faux plancher 150mm Dalle de béton bas carbone

Poutre métallique support plancher

Structure béton bas-carbone Finition béton apparent

Sol dur sur chape 150mm

Dalle de béton bas carbone

Gaine de soufflage Gaine d’extraction
±5,6m ±0,0m ±8,8m ±12,0m

Pôle municipal 01. Public competition

Localisation. Vaudreuil Dorion, Canada

Description. The competition aimed to create the future municipal center (town hall, library, aquatic complex) on a land near the central station. To facilitate the connectivity of the site, the project addresses the issue of the larger landscape: creation of a park, integration of a 1 km running track and enhancement of the site surroundings. All functions have been distributed around a central public space and an intimate garden located in an upper area above the underground car park. In the buildings, work on transparency was initiated to allow the continuity of the landscape element from the street.

Statut. Finalist.

Équipe. Evoq and Civiliti.

Role within project. Sketches and detailed design, 3D modeling, production of presentation document, coordination of the teams assigned to the project.

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MouNa 02. Office building

Location. Conakry, Guinea

Description. The client wishes to build an office tower in the city of Conakry, imagined as an urban landmark that can be seen from the land and the Atlantic Ocean. The future building has a distinctive shape whose facade incorporates elegant writing to express the richness of Guinean culture. Its shape makes it possible to integrate terraces with spectacular views of the city and recesses in the facades to protect users from sunlight. The constructive method is also adapted to the local context and in line with its environment.

Status. In development.

Project team. Arrow Architects.

Role within project. Responsible for conceptual design, 3D modeling and perspectives, production of presentation documents, and preparation of the preliminary sketch.

Perspective produced by an external office

la ville et l’océan.





Des terrasses offrant des vues uniques sur la ville et l’océan. Des retraits de facades pour se protéger de l´ensoleillement

Une nouvelle volumétrie pour façonner l’horizon urbain de Conakry. Des retraits de facades pour se protéger de l´ensoleillement

La Tour MouNa_Conakry 5

La Tour MouNa_Conakry

Arrow Architects_Juin 2022 5

Un rez-de-chaussée actif ouvert sur l’espace urbain et donnant à voir sur toute la profondeur du parcellaire

Une fenêtre panoramique sur la ville, ouverte à 360 degrés depuis le skybar.

Une écriture de façade subtile exprimant la modernité et la richesse de la culture guinéenne.

La Tour MouNa_Conakry

l’espace urbain et donnant à voir

l’espace urbain et donnant à voir

Une fenêtre panoramique sur la ville, ouverte à 360 degrés depuis le skybar.

Une fenêtre panoramique sur la ville, ouverte à 360 degrés depuis le skybar.

Une écriture de façade subtile exprimant la modernité et richesse de la culture guinéenne.

Une écriture de façade subtile exprimant la modernité et la richesse de la culture guinéenne.

La Tour MouNa_Conakry 6

La Tour MouNa_Conakry 6

Arrow Architects_Juin 2022
0 1 5 10m Parking 1200 m2 Activités 665 m2 Grand Compte 990 m2 Bureaux 2365 m2 Logement 310 m2 Skybar 320 m2 Étages techniques 290 m2 59,40m
option espaces de ces
Arrow Architects_Juin 2022 6

02. Office building

Armor Forum

Location. Nantes, France.

Description. In addition to the design of the head office, the order requires the conservation of a very large public parking lot (700 spaces) dedicated to the concert hall near the plot and the construction of a new parking for the new offices. The new E-shaped building sits on a public base which incorporates parking and activities on the ground floor. Its shape allows easy division of offices while providing sunshine and optimal ventilation for users.

Status. In development.

Project team. Arrow Architects.

Role within project. Analysis of the directives and regulations in force, development of an overall plan, sketches.

02. Office building

Grand Frais stores

Location. France.

Description. Grand Frais stores wish to adopt new specifications for future stores, meeting new regulatory requirements and changing consumption patterns.Two parts were processed to develop the standard model: the architectural & landscape design, then the technical & environmental design. While preserving the identity of the brand, a new volume with semi-buried parking is proposed. In order to limit energy consumption and the carbon footprint, a complete review of the construction system was carried out.

Status. Completed in March 2022.

Project team. Arrow Architects and Elioth.

Role within project. Analysis of existing conditions, concept design, budget estimates, coordination of teams assigned to the project, production management, presentation to the client.

Maison Broual 03. Housing

Localisation. Rue Théodore, Montréal, Canada.

Description. Extension of of a typical veteran’s house in Montreal by adding a one-story volume on the rear facade.

Statut. Completed in 2019.

Équipe de projet. In collaboration with Pascal Forget Architecte.

Role within project. Analysis of existing conditions, analysis of the regulations in force, concept design and 3D modeling, production of visual documents, presentation to the client, coordination with the structural engineer, construction drawings and details for submission of the building permit.





04. Park and public space

Séminaire square

Location. Rue du Séminaire, Montréal, Canada.

Description. Following the public development guidelines of the area, the Séminaire square was built in 2019 and offers a break space along the Lachine Canal. A specific design of furniture has been developed to mark the public domain as a place for socialization.

Status. Completed in 2019. Project team. Civiliti with Fnx-innov.

Role within project. Responsible for design, preparation of preliminary sketch, detailed design, estimates, production of construction drawings and specifications.

Photo by Ulysse Lemerise
SENTIER RUE BASIN CANAL-DE-LACHINE PISTE CYCLABLE 10000 RUE OLIER RUE DU SÉMINAIRE UA 06 UA 04 MS 01 AL 01 PU 01 PU 01 PC 01 PC 01 PU 01 OV 01 CC 01 GD 03 Clé Nom botanique Nom français Quantité AL Amelanchier laevis Amélanchier glabre 1 Tableau de plantation

04. Park and public space

McGill College, Reinventing the Avenue

Location. Avenue McGill College, Montréal, Canada.

Description. The project aims to develop a new public square by transforming McGill College avenue for pedestrian use. To constitute a diversified landscape and promote an enrichment of biodiversity, a linear park extends continuously along this historic axis. It is bordered by a long winding bench and a generous esplanade. To retain rainwater, a channel takes shape in the roadway. It evolves between the pebbles, a collection of furniture, which offer spaces for intimacy and pause.

Status. Award winner. In development.

Project team. Civiliti with Mandaworks, SNC Lavalin, Udo design and Evoq Architecture.

Role within project. Analysis of existing conditions, concept development, preparation of preliminary sketch, 3D modeling, production of visual documents, budget estimate, coordination of internal team assigned to the project, production management, verification and coordination of documents.

Sections by Mandaworks as part of the competition

04. Park and public space

Griffintown public domain

Location. Quartier de Griffintown, Montréal, Canada.

Description. The guidelines illustrate the developtment concept of the public domain and the preliminary geometry for all the streets in the neighborhood. Over the next ten years, it will help supervise the various designers involved in the creation of the public domain The establishment of good practices in terms of sustainable development (integration of cycle paths, tree planting and better management of rainwater) guided the design of the future public domain. Several street typologies accompanied by a specific design of furniture have been developed to meet all the criteria.

Status. Completed in 2019.

Project team. Civiliti with Fnx-Innov.

Role within project. Development of different street typologies, development of the overall plan and drafting of guidelines, study of geometry options and realization of a final geometry, feasibility study of cycle paths, overall budget estimate of the project.

Large caliber tree

Planting grasses, perennials

Cast iron tree grate

Granite street edging

Rooting cell

Contribution of cultivated soil


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