DEALING WITH THE CHALLENGES OF RAISING A YOUNG CHILD MEALTIMES This time of day can be super stressful, especially when you have fussy eaters at the table! To combat stubbornness, lay out extra small portions to make it a less daunting task for them. Try engaging in conversation to distract them which can also help build social skills!
NOT LISTENING Being ignored by your little ones can be very testing. A tip would be to get down to their eye level and talk to them calmly. Talking down to them from a height can be scary for them!
TAKING MEDICINES The tastes and forms medicines come in, can really cause difficulty swallowing tablets for little ones. Ask your GP for alternatives like liquid medicines or ointments to help make your little one better, easier.
BEDTIME STRUGGLES All kids hate bedtime, '5 more minutes!' is something we constantly hear! A tip here would to be reduce any screen time in the build up to bedtime and spend quality time reading or talking to your little one.
TEMPER TANTRUMS Public or private and as stressful as they are, they do help with the emotional development of a child. Here you could calm them by, again, getting down to their level, give their issue your full attention and get them involved in something else so they are distracted.