Living With Reiki

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Living with Reiki


Wojciech Nathaniel Usarzewicz


Living with Reiki

Living with Reiki the story of spiritual journey through the healing art for new age

A State of Mind


Wojciech Nathaniel Usarzewicz

Copyright Š 2012 Wojciech Nathaniel Usarzewicz

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permission in writing from the author, except for brief passages in connection with a review.

Published by A State of Mind, Wroclaw 2012, Poland Design and DTP by Nathaniel Website:

ISBN: 978-83-931471-9-9

Self-publishing effort by non-native English speaker. Grammar and spelling edit with help of Grammarly software. Please report any grammar and/or spelling errors to: Additional Credit: Primary font for title and A State of Mind's Logo: Fertigo, by Exljbri. Additional font: OptimusPrinceps, by Manfred Klein. Floral elements: designed by POLICE MEDIA; floral elements by SugarBreezy: 4

Living with Reiki

Table of Contents Before the Initiation...............................................................10

My Initiation.....................................................13 My First Degree.....................................................................15 My First Attunement..............................................................18 The Cleansing Period and Self-Healing.................................21 The Changes...........................................................................25 The Five Reiki Principles.......................................................28 How Do Reiki Guidelines Work?..........................................32 Playing, Playing Around........................................................36

My Second Reiki Degree................................38 A Punch Into Third Eye.........................................................40 The Cleansing of 2nd Degree.................................................42 Negative Mind Patterns, or What Shapes Your Life, Really. 43 Time of Healing.....................................................................48 Dreams & Abundance............................................................49 Embracing Sexuality..............................................................53 Realizing Your Human Nature...............................................55 Negative Energies Around Us................................................57 Healthy Places, Positive Energies..........................................63 Real Healing Sessions for Others...........................................65 How Does Reiki Heals?.........................................................68 Project Reikowisko................................................................69 Healing Touch........................................................................70 The Book Of Reiki, and Other Books, Too...........................72 The Lessons We Learn...........................................................73 Coming Back..........................................................................74 Exploring Reiki Further ........................................................74 Beginning Reiki Business......................................................76 Flowing With Tao..................................................................78 The Dark Side of Reiki..........................................................80 Competition Within Reiki Community..................................86 Spiritual Healing and God......................................................87 5

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Can Reiki Have Negative Consequences?.............................90 Moving On, Learning More...................................................92

My Third Degree..............................................96 Spiritual Teachers On Your Path...........................................98 Esoteric Path - New Point of View......................................103 New Quality of Practice.......................................................105 Are Your Emotions Really Yours?......................................107 Another Dark Encounter......................................................109 Christianity & Wisdom of Jesus Christ................................110 Reiki as a Path to Global Community..................................112 Becoming a Teacher, One Step at the Time.........................115 An Experience With Archangel...........................................117 Teaching Reiki to Others, At Last........................................118 The Real Reiki Business & the Law of Attraction...............121 And The Path Leads On.......................................................122 Appendix 1: How to Learn Reiki.........................................125 Appendix 2: Few Recommended Reiki Resources..............126


Living with Reiki

I wish to acknowledge the following people... Maria Wolniewicz for her words; Arkadiusz Lisiecki & Agnieszka Cupak for Reiki teachings; All the Reiki teachers who I have ever learned from, either directly or indirectly! Thanks to all friends, readers and supporters of Reikowisko and A State of Mind websites!

for Justyna


Wojciech Nathaniel Usarzewicz

Before we Begin We can talk about Reiki from at least three perspectives: theory, practice and personal view. Some information about Reiki in this book are both theoretical and practical; some elements of theory never change and practical exercises look the same in most cases. But often, I talk about Reiki from my personal, subjective perspective, based on my own experiences and spiritual understanding. We all have our own spiritual path. And every Reiki practitioner has his own experiences and his own personal perception upon Reiki. In addition to spiritual truths and tips, this book contains practical tutorials that have been implemented into the content, that will teach you additional skills of meditation, the use of mala, affirmations, and spiritual safety rules including grounding and various methods of spiritual cleansing. This book has been written from my own perspective, but I hope it will inspire you and that you will learn much from it. Enjoy! "The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." - Caroline Myss


Living with Reiki

Preface There is a spiritual art unlike any other. An art, that lets you heal the mind and body of people around you; an art, that in all its beauty, can lead you to the darkest places of your mind, but not to harm you, yet to heal you; an art that has led to many, many miracles throughout the world; an art, that is beyond all religion and faith. This art is called Reiki – it is a method of spiritual healing, that originates from Japan. It was created in the beginning of XX century by a Buddhist, Mikao Usui. Some sources still tell that Mikao Usui was a Christian Priest working on a Christian University in Japan. This is a Reiki legend, created by Takata in order to popularize Reiki in United States after the Second World War. The difference between this method of spiritual healing and other forms available in the world, is that Reiki is available to everyone, who is willing to find a teacher, and become initiated. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing; this is what most people know. But spiritual healing shouldn't be understood as a form of healing of the physical body with spiritual energies only. Spiritual healing can heal both your physical body, and your mind, and your soul. And, while, for most people, it is the physical healing that really matters, for a Reiki practitioner, it is the emotional and mental healing, that is really beneficial. Rarely anyone is aware of the fact, that by becoming a Reiki practitioner, you're entering a path of spiritual growth – and not just an energy practice. I have walked through the gate of attunement and begun this path on 13th of November, 2010 – at the day of my 22nd birthday. Since then, I walk it and grow, and I use the power of Reiki to help myself, and help others. This book is the story of the path I walked, the darkness I faced, and the light I saw. It is not meant to scare anyone from Reiki away. On the contrary, I 9

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hope this book will attract many new practitioners to this great method of spiritual healing and development. It is not a guidebook, but a story of a spiritual journey. A journey through spiritual laws, truths and experiences, with the guidance of Reiki. I hope that you will, through reading of this book, learn a bit more about modern spirituality and that this book will brighten your own path.

Before the Initiation I become interested in the occult and esoteric practices such as psychic development in my teenage years. I wasn't born psychic, as some people imply – I am psychic now, because, with time, I have unleashed my psychic potential. Seven years ago, I was interested in psychic development only. My interest in learning psychic abilities has led me to becoming interested in other practices, as well. This time, these practices were a bit different – I've experimented with shamanism, and practical magick, mainly based on the teachings of the Order Of The Golden Dawn. First years of my esoteric development were very peaceful. I was experimenting with energy work, and psychic abilities. And I have seen results. But I wanted more. I wanted to learn things faster, and I wanted to learn things not to benefit others, but to benefit myself. It was before I understood that personal benefits are OK, but hurting others in order to achieve your goals is wrong. I became interested in Norse Runes. Runes were not dangerous on their own, yet my interest in them has led me to exploration of other practices. My energy work practices had proved to be missing some safety rules, as I had figured out soon, when my need for life energy increased dramatically. What is life energy? It's a concept that exists in almost every culture on the planet. For example, Chi in China, Ki in Japan, 10

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Odic force in modern European research, Mana on Hawaii and in modern shamanism, Prana in Hindu culture, Ruah in Hebrew culture. It is the unseen energy that exists in every living being; it powers the life itself. Without this energy, there would be no life. Anyway, this has led me to the episode of my life that focused on psychic vampirism. Mislead by some people and books, I thought of myself as of real psychic vampire, while I was not a real psychic vampire, not at all. I was just a person with greater need for life energy. Which I decided to take from other people. Although I stick to the ethical rules of vampirism, and I fed only on ambient energies, which flow freely around us, my overall psychic vampirism didn't end well. I have caught an attachment. A nasty, negative entity linked with me, and begun to drain my life energies even more. So I needed to feed more. I suspect that some thing attached itself to me during one of my paranormal investigations, that I did in my early twenties. Anyway, feeding was probably the darkest thing I have ever done in this life. Headaches begun, and my head hurt whenever I was running out of energy. But I still thought to be psychic vampire. The dark practices always send negative and dark intentions to the Universe. And this has changed things that I was attracting, according to the law of attraction. Somehow, I became interested in Chaos Magick - we write “magick” with “k” at the end in order to distinct it from cheap magic trick that have nothing to do with spiritual arts. And further dark practices proceeded. Manipulating with others, more feeding, generally somehow creepy stuff. What happened next is something that I own to some higher beings, I guess. Or at least to some spiritual guidance. One day, the mom of my girlfriend took her to a psychic, because she was worried about our relationship. In short, she didn't approve it, 11

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and she thought I was some evil guy. What an irony, some might say. The psychic told my girlfriend's mom that I was a good person. The relationship of me and Annette was safe, but I was angry. “How dare this psychic link to me and get psychic info about me?!” I thought. I decided to pay a visit to that psychic on the next day. And I went there, supposedly to use her to gather more information about possible haunting and paranormal activities to investigate. More manipulation, yes. As I figured out quickly, the psychic was a very nice and kind lady. We talked for almost an hour, but there is only one phrase that really mattered to me at the time. The psychic said to me: “you must grow and you must develop your spiritual self further.” And so I did. In the next few days, I decided to send a wish to the Universe. I wanted to find a teacher that could help me grow, and help me develop myself. It was more a wish than a prayer. Then, I decided to launch a new project of esoteric and occult related meetings in the city of Wroclaw, where I lived at the time. The Universe guided me, I guess, because few months later, I've managed to organize the first meeting. At the meeting, I've meet a girl that used to talk about something called Reiki. I didn't know what that Reiki was at the time. I might have heard the name in the past, but consciously, the first Open House meeting in Wroclaw was the first time, when I have consciously heard the term Reiki. And on that meeting, a man came to talk about magick and esoteric arts. Someone else warned me of him, so I was a bit skeptical, at first. But I didn't pick up anything wrong from him. His name was Arkadiusz Lisiecki. And in the next few weeks, he was to become one of my spiritual teachers, and my Reiki Sensei.


Living with Reiki

My Initiation Reiki is an initiation-based system. It means that you cannot learn Reiki on your own, but you need to be initiated into the method by a teacher. Technically, you can self-initiate yourself to Reiki, in other words perform self-attunement, but it would take a lot of studies, and many, many years of difficult spiritual practice – and in the end, it would cost thousands of dollars. Reiki initiation is a tool that allows you to become attuned right away, and start working with this wonderful technique right away, as well. Reiki initiation is also known as attunement, and often, the name itself brings a lot of negative images into the reader's mind. Many people assume that initiation is something magical, and it relates to the occult practices. Most initiations to esoteric arts do have a lot in common with occult arts, but Reiki is an exception. Reiki initiation isn't invasive; it doesn't plant anything within your energy body or mind; it does not form any attachments or links with other people or masters. In reality, Reiki initiation is just an attunement to Reiki energy. It bases 13

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upon expanding your energy channels, called Nadi in Hindu beliefs, and Meridians in Chinese Medicine, so you can channel the spiritual energy once more.

Illustration 1: The Seven Chakras

What do I mean when I say “once more�? Well, because everyone is attuned to Reiki energy when he or she is born. Reiki is just a name, used by Mikao Usui, the creator of modern Reiki system. Mikao Usui, born in 1865 or in 1864 (the date varies from source to the source), has created the method of Reiki at the beginning of XX century in Japan. Since then, 14

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through his student, Hayashi, and Hayashi's student, Takata, Reiki reached the United States. From there, it expanded to many other countries. The full name of this method is Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki – The Method of Natural Healing of Usui. The real energy behind Reiki is the energy of the source – by some people called an Absolute, or God. And this energy was from the very beginning of the Universe. When we are born, we are already attuned to this energy. But later on in our life, we lose this connection. We lose it because of socialization, negative patterns, negative habits and teachings, that direct us to material instincts, aggression, negativity, and brutal world. Reiki initiation is, therefore, only a way to regain your natural connection with the energy of the source.

My First Degree That name, Reiki, somehow drilled my mind. What a perfect way of improving my psychic skills further, I thought. After all, within days after the Open House meeting, I've read what I could about Reiki, or at least, what I wanted to read. And I have learned that Reiki opens chakras, the energetic centers within our energy body. If you haven't heard of chakras before, they're unseen energy centers within our body. They originate from Hindu esoteric tradition, and they can be seen by use of clairvoyance. There are about seven primary chakras, and thousands of minor chakras within our energy bodies. And opened chakras lead to mastering psychic abilities. But there was something about healing that I've read. After all, Reiki is a method of spiritual healing. "Healing? I don't need healing, I just want to develop my psychic abilities further!" This is what I thought. Little did I know at the time, that Reiki does not work according to our will, but according to the greatest good. And even if I didn't know it back then, I've stumbled upon one of the 15

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greatest spiritual powers available to every Joe Doe. A power that I was going to embrace and appreciate. A power, that was going to change my life forever. What is healing, anyway? Do I need it? Does the world needs healing? What is an illness? An illness is a state of things – physical body, emotions or community – in which there's lack of harmony. I was full of anger, full of negative emotions and fears – and yes, I needed healing. The world today needs healing, as well – wars, failed capitalism, ecological problems, religious conflicts – the world needs healing, indeed. Soon, I was about to learn that Reiki might be the key for healing the world. It's ironic the very thing that was fueling my path to the dark side was to become my fuel towards the light side again. The hunger to become a better psychic, a hunger negative in its nature, was to become my greatest salvation. I've contacted Arkadiusz Lisiecki, and we've scheduled a meeting. I planned to learn more about Reiki than I already knew. I didn't know much, and I didn't have any interested in learning anything spiritual or God-related. Actually, I was a bit selfish, I wanted to become initiated just to improve my psychic skills. Fortunately, my approach changed with time. It's interesting, because after the psychic had told me that I must grow, I decided that I want to grow. Even if I still practiced some dark, esoteric arts, I wanted to get beyond that, and explore my own spiritual self. So I've made a wish – just like that I told the Universe that I want lessons, teachers and advices. And the Universe provided me with lesson and teacher – Arek, and the art of Reiki. I've met with Arkadiusz in a place called Nalanda in Wroclaw, on Kosciuski Square. Lot of cool esoteric books, and a good vegetarian and vegan food, yummy! We didn't talk for long - I guess it was no more than 30 minutes. I've learned that Reiki 16

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shouldn't be mixed with other practices. I mean, you can practice Reiki, and use Norse Runes at the same time, but you shouldn't mix Reiki with Runes, to create a new system of Reiki practice. This is a common problem of a Reiki community these days. We have all these fancy Reiki techniques and versions like Gold Reiki, Angel Reiki, Runic Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and such. At some point, with another Reiki practitioner, Agnieszka Cupak, we joked about creating Cash Reiki, a Reiki meant to attract money. The first degree was to be initiated by pressing a coin onto your third eye area, while the third degree initiation was to be complete by pulling your credit card through a cards terminal. Well, that didn't work out, fortunately – after all, it was a joke. The problem with most additional Reiki versions is simple – they weren't created in a deep, meditative, Satori-like state of mind - Satori is a Japanese term that describes illumination, enlightenment. It is an event experienced on the path of spiritual growth, when you achieve understanding and clarity of mind. It should not be understand as final enlightenment, like the one historical Buddha had. These other “new lineages” were created by little experienced “masters” with a big ego, who just wanted to make something on their own, just to become famous. In result, different Reiki versions are just proofs for one's big ego, and lack of understanding of Reiki. Mikao Usui has created a complete system of spiritual healing and spiritual growth. There is no need to improve it, because with the 4 symbols and 3 degrees you can achieve anything. The only thing that limits you is your imagination. I guess some masters has replaced their imagination with their negative ego. So I was asking questions, and Arkadiusz was answering them. Most of the basics – knowledge of energies, chakras and many additional spiritual techniques, I already knew. So I decided to take the first degree course and become a Reiki practitioner. 17

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Three Degrees The Reiki method is divided into three degrees. First one is called Shoden; second is called Okuden, and third is called Shinpiden. These names originate from Japanese language since the whole system is Japanese in origin. Every degree is a different attunement. The first attunement during first degree is the basic attunement it opens you for the Reiki energy. Second attunement, beside opening you even further for the energy flow, gives you three symbols, three tools to work with - these are the famous Reiki signs. Third attunement opens you further, and with proper training, allows you to initiate others into the Reiki practice. From that moment on, you can initiate others into Reiki method, and you can improve your own skill even further.

My First Attunement I started my journey with the first degree, Shoden, at the day of my 22nd birthday. It was 13th of November, 2010. I remember few days earlier Arkadiusz Lisiecki called me, and said that he has a gap in his schedule, so he can initiate me into Reiki method at 13th of November. We talked on the phone, and I thought aloud, “13th, 13th, I think I have something scheduled then... Oh, I remember, it's my birthday!� Arkadiusz (Arek) wanted to move the course, I didn't agree to this, and I agreed to visit Arek at his home at 13th of November. I don't really remember the day when it comes to weather, but because it was November, I can speculate that it was pretty cold. Normal breakfast, normal coffee, check email, and head for a bus. The journey has begun. It was a little over 10 o'clock when I arrived at Arek's home. We talked for a while with Arek and Jola, his life partner, and then, at 11 o'clock, my course has begun. I guess it took about 8 hours to share knowledge, and then make an attunement. Most 18

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of the things I've learned, I already knew from all these years of exploration of esoteric arts. The most important thing I have learned during the course was the true history of Reiki. Hours (and dinner) passed, and finally, I have received my attunement. When I think about all of this now, I see myself as a typical person, who spent too much time with Left Hand practices. Manipulative and aggressive, with the negativity flowing in the air. Yet, thanks the higher guidance for these bits and pieces of the light side of the Force that was still in me. The attunement wasn't very spectacular, as some Reiki wannabes would like to think. Arek asked me to remove any metal rings or closed circuits, for example, the dog tags. It is better for a Reiki practitioner and a person who wish to receive Reiki, to remove any metallic objects, if he or she is about to give or receive a longer Reiki treatment. I sat down on a chair, and Arek started the attunement process. He spoke some words in Japanese, and then he placed his hands on my head. The whole process of initiation took few minutes. No fireworks, beside some flashes of light in front of my closed eyes, occurred. After the attunement was complete, I barely move. I felt so heavy, so grounded, that I decided to remain in the chair for few minutes. An attumenent to Reiki is quite simple - you sit down on a chair in full clothes, and the teacher places his or hers hand on your shoulders, head, kneck, heart, hands and feet. He sends Reiki and uses Reiki symbols to attune your energy body and your chakras so you can channel Reiki energy. The whole attunement process last from 10 to 30 minutes – it's very individual, and the length varies from person to person, but in most cases, it doesn't last for longer than 15 minutes per attunement. In the end, I have learned few techniques of using Reiki to heal others, by placing my hands on their body. Finally, I've received a certificate of completing my first Reiki initiation, and 19

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a CD disk with some tutorial videos and a digital version of first degree manual, prepared by Arek. My initiation was done, and I have made the first step on my Reiki path. Gee, if I would know what I'm getting myself into at the time! Don't understand me wrong, I love Reiki. But as I said, it is not just a method of healing physical illnesses, it's more than that. A form of spiritual growth path. And spiritual growth is not as pleasant as most New Age believers would like to think. Spiritual growth is very simple - face your fears, worries and concerns, and all negative patterns that you have stored within your subconscious mind, remove the attachements, heal your emotions, and achieve Satori - quite simple. Some people think that spiritual growth is all about meditation and religion. No, it's not. It's about working with your mind, and with your very being on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Reiki allows you to do so, because Reiki, as spiritual energy, cleanses and heals some negative patterns and blockages you may have, and re-emerges others. These re-emerged fears, worries, bad experiences and memories, need to be healed. There are different methods of healing your negative patterns. Affirmations are the simplest method. I'm also using my personal technique of Psychonaut, also known as the Core Images work. The Core Images work technique, along with expanded Psychonaut method, can be learned from my website, A State of Mind, they will be described later on, too. It was already late evening when I was going back to my home from Arek's house. And I remember one specific thing the amazing peace of mind. I had never been so calm in my entire life, really! That peace did not last forever - as in few days the period of cleansing and healing has begun. And it was here to stay for many months to come. The coolest part of this whole initiation was that the headaches I have suffered from, disappeared at last. I am unsure 20

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still, how this happened. It may had something to do with the fact that Arkadiusz balanced the primary energy channel, or maybe the general Reiki attunement helped me. In either way, I greatly enjoyed weeks and months without a headache.

The Cleansing Period and Self-Healing Now, that I had already been attuned to the first degree of Reiki, my cleansing period started. Cleansing or interval period, as I call it, should take at least three months between first and second degree initiation. There is a reason behind this - during the three months, the energy that you have been just attuned to, can gently settle in your body and within your energetic system. And you, of course, can too get used to the new energy flowing through you. For this reason, there is this period of 21 days, during which a fresh first degree Reiki practitioner should practice intensive self-healing work. During that period, the practitioner should not practice Reiki on others, as this is a cleansing period - your own problems are being cleansed, and you don't want others to be "implanted" with your own problems and stuff. Reiki self-healing, or self-treatment, is a process in which you channel Reiki for yourself. Reiki is a technique, in which you channel the healing, spiritual energy by laying on of hands. In self-healing, you place hands on your own body, and you send the energy there. The energy then heals you in many different ways, as Reiki usually does. Self-healing is the basis of Reiki practice. There are additional forms of meditations and practice for Reiki practitioners, but self-healing is the very fundamental practice. Every Reiki practitioner should practice self-healing at least two or three times a week, and preferable each day – it takes from 30 to 60 minutes per session, but it's


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very, very beneficial! It heals your physical illnesses, but also your entire life! The more self-healing with Reiki you perform, the easier your life becomes. You will still experience problems and hard time, but your approach towards problems will change with time. Thing will look easier than they used to; you will be more relaxed when facing problems than in the past; you will find more and more fresh, creative ways to solve your problems than before attunement. All of this because Reiki, as it flows, heals you. The more you send Reiki to yourself, the more healed you become. From where do we channel Reiki? Well, from the Source, of course! And it's not really about imagining Reiki as an energy flowing from the sky. Personally, I imagine a small “portal” opening above me that connects me with the Source, and from which portal the Reiki energy flow into me, and then through me. But that's just the way I imagine it. In reality, it doesn't matter how all of this looks like or how you should imagine it. The basic concept that you are connected to the Source, from which Reiki flows, is enough. And the Source – God, Allah, Great Spirit, whatever its name is – is something, from which everything that is originates. The 21-days period of cleansing has more in common with tradition than a real requirement. It is said that Mikao Usui had spent 21 days on the Mount Kuri Yama before he achieved his Satori, and was blessed with understanding of the spiritual energy that he made into Reiki method. In reality, most modern teachers suggest the period of 21 days of intensive work, and 3 months of pause between first and second initiation. During that time, different patterns, worries and concerns can re-emerge from your subconscious mind. Some can be healed by Reiki itself; other might require additional work - but they will appear sooner or later. 22

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Some people do not receive much of healing during the 3 months after initiation - the basic step on the Reiki path isn't very difficult, and that is why I suggest everyone I know to take the first degree. It won't hurt you, but it can benefit you. In my case, the self-healing period wasn't very impressive. There were no fireworks, actually. What I've experienced, really, was the lack of headaches, better mood, and greater need for selfimprovement.

The Easiest Method of Healing? After first weeks of practice, I've understood something that I have only read about previously. That Reiki doesn't require struggle and much effort from you. In case of many energy healing techniques, one must put himself in an altered state of consciousness and direct the energy with his mind. In case of Reiki, there's no such struggle – all you need is an intention to channel the energy, and Reiki will flow. It's quite surprising for people who visit me, who had taken other forms of energy therapy previously, to notice I can channel the energy while talking to them, laughing and ignoring the flow of energy completely. Because Reiki practitioners are channels for energy, all that is required is their presence. Of course, the calmer and focused you are, the better the energy flows, but you don't need to struggle with complete peace of mind and focus. This also results in fact, that after Reiki treatment, the practitioner is not tired, because he is not using his own energy. On the contrary, after a treatment, the practitioner feels better than before the treatment, because Reiki, as it flows through the practitioner, charge him with energy, as well. It's also interesting that Reiki is an intelligent energy – you don't need to direct it with your mind, because it will find its way, it will flow when it's most needed at the time, and it will heal according to higher good. 23

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When I was initiated into Reiki, I was already a psychic – I was doing psychic readings on a regular basis. But after initiation, I've noticed that things got easier. As a psychic, I can perceive things through clairvoyance. This is a different thing than spiritual healing through Reiki. It's much easier, because the second degree attunement opens your third eye more and you can perceive more. But mainly, it's easier because every time you perceive something through clairvoyance, you burn your own psychic energies, your own Chi. Chi (or Ki) is like a fuel. The more you use psychic abilities the more fuel you burn. And with Reiki, you can recharge yourself quite quickly, through proper technique of directing Reiki into your lower Tan T'ien, an area below your belly button, as this Tan T'ien is an energy center responsible for transformation of energies into life force – pure, life Chi. That's a reason why I recommend Reiki for psychics and spiritual workers of different type – even if you're not a person interested in doing healing work, you can use Reiki for your own gain, for example, to recharge your psychic batteries, literally. Few words of explanation - the Tan T'iens are energy centers, recognized by Taoist energy medicine. There are 3 Tan T'iens – one below your belly button, one near your heart, and one within your head. It's important to remember to direct energy only to your lower Tan T'ien, because it's much safer this way. At the end of every kind of spiritual practice, it's safe to focus on the first Tan T'ien area and intend all energies that aren't needed elsewhere, to return to this Tan T'ien area. There's no need to understand this, because energy follow thoughts, as Chinese energy masters used to say a long time ago. The spiritual energy that isn't directed to Tan T'ien at the end of spiritual practice, remains in upper chakras and in spine energy channel (meridian), and in result, with time, it might lead to


Living with Reiki

serious emotional and mental problems. So, just focus on your Tan T'ien for a minute or two, and it'll be enough. Reiki is simple – it's very Zen. After almost two years of practice, I've noticed that a lot of people focus on reading about Reiki and analyzing the theory. Actually, they care more about historial truths and traditions than about practice. And Reiki is all about practice. It's like with Zen or Tao. If you talk about Zen or about Tao, then there's no longer Zen or Tao. The same thing applies to Reiki. If you talk about Reiki too much, there's no more Reiki. Reiki is all about practice – you can become initiate into this practice, and right away, you can start channeling Reiki. You don't have to read books about Reiki, analyze the theory, argue about historical dates and worry about traditional practices – because Reiki will flow, and as long as it will flow, you'll be fine. And what's interesting is that once you're attuned to Reiki for the first time, you remain attuned for your entire life.

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