7 signs that you should not move into a neighbourhood

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Apartment Rental Tips: 7 Signs That You Should Not Move Into a Neighbourhood

For most people, one of the biggest driving factors in choosing apartments for rent is the surrounding neighborhood. Ideally, you want to live in a neighbourhood that isn’t too far away from your work or school, offers a good selection of local amenities, and ultimately, an area where you feel safe. And while crime can occur in any part of a city, some neighbourhoods are known to have a history of crime-related incidents. However, if you are relatively new to a city you may not know the dangerous neighbourhoods when finding an apartment/room for rent. Here are seven tell-tale signs that you should not move into a neighbourhood: There is a constant police presence Some people might feel comforted by a large number of police cars patrolling their neighbourhood as it gives them a sense of security. However, when you see an unusually large number of police cars in one neighborhood, it is an unequivocal red flag. A frequent police presence usually implies the neighbourhood has a higher crime rate, so keep an eye out for this. General conditions of neighbourhood and vehicles One of the more obvious signs that the neighbourhood might be undesirable are the general conditions of the houses and vehicles. If the other houses or apartment buildings in the area are relatively dilapidated, it could be a clear-cut sign that you should steer clear of the area. Also, take a closer look at the streets for garbage and lawns that have not been maintained well. These things are always a good indication that people living in the neighborhood are not concerned about the state of the community. A lack of people outside

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